How to find secret channels on Telegram? ›
Private groups and channels do not appear in Telegram's search results. You can only join a group or channel if you have an invitation link. Group administrators or existing members often share these links. Once you have the link, you can click on it, and it will open Telegram.
How to enable sensitive content on iPhone? ›- In Settings, tap Privacy & Security.
- Scroll down and tap Sensitive Content Warning.
- Turn on Sensitive Content Warning.
- All supported apps and services are turned on automatically. If you choose, you can turn access off for some apps and services.
Photos and videos can be sent with a shimmering spoiler effect in any chat – hiding the contents until your recipient taps to view it. To apply spoiler effects, select your media in the 📎 attachment menu, tap ➕ or ➕ and Hide With Spoiler. You can also apply the same spoiler effect to text in messages or captions.
What is secret mode in Telegram? ›Telegram's special secret chats use end-to-end encryption, leave no trace on our servers, support self-destructing messages and don't allow forwarding. On top of this, secret chats are not part of the Telegram cloud and can only be accessed on their devices of origin.
Where are Telegram secret chats? ›Open the Telegram app and tap the pencil icon in the top right corner to start a new chat. Select "New Secret Chat" and choose the contact you wish to engage with discreetly.