1. Mykhailo Mohylianskyi - The Movie Database
Mykhailo Mykhailovych Mohylianskyi was a Ukrainian literary critic and publicist, a literary scholar, a researcher at the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and the ...
Mykhailo Mykhailovych Mohylianskyi was a Ukrainian literary critic and publicist, a literary scholar, a researcher at the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and the head of the Commission for compiling a biographical dictionary. In 1933, the commission for compiling the Biographical Dictionary of Ukrainian Figures was liquidated, and its head was dismissed. Unable to live in Kyiv, he went to live with his eldest daughter Lidia, who was in exile. Despite his age, serious illness, and deep moral trauma caused by the loss of Lidia and Dmytro, he continued to write memoirs, tried his hand at poetry, and studied English. Before the war, M. M. Mohylianskyi moved to Dnipropetrovsk with his younger daughter Iryna. She, the only one of all the children, was not affected by the wave of repressions. Despite the hard times, he continued to work. In Dnipropetrovsk, Mykhailo Mykhailovych wrote two novels in Russian, "Everywhere Passions Are Dangerous" and "Gilda". However, it was not possible to publish these works either. The main work of his life – the novel "Honour" – remained in manuscript. With the beginning of the war, the writer and Iryna were evacuated to the Krasnodar region. He died on March 22, 1942 in the village of Velika Murta. The grave was not preserved. For the first time, the novel "Honour" appeared on the pages of the "Motherland" magazine only in 1990.

2. Михайло Могилянський - Profile Images — The Movie Database ...
Mykhailo Mykhailovych Mohylianskyi was a Ukrainian literary critic and publicist, a literary scholar, a researcher at the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and ...
Mykhailo Mykhailovych Mohylianskyi was a Ukrainian literary critic and publicist, a literary scholar, a researcher at the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and the head of the Commission for compiling a biographical dictionary. In 1933, the commission for compiling the Biographical Dictionary of Ukrainian Figures was liquidated, and its head was dismissed. Unable to live in Kyiv, he went to live with his eldest daughter Lidia, who was in exile. Despite his age, serious illness, and deep moral trauma caused by the loss of Lidia and Dmytro, he continued to write memoirs, tried his hand at poetry, and studied English. Before the war, M. M. Mohylianskyi moved to Dnipropetrovsk with his younger daughter Iryna. She, the only one of all the children, was not affected by the wave of repressions. Despite the hard times, he continued to work. In Dnipropetrovsk, Mykhailo Mykhailovych wrote two novels in Russian, "Everywhere Passions Are Dangerous" and "Gilda". However, it was not possible to publish these works either. The main work of his life – the novel "Honour" – remained in manuscript. With the beginning of the war, the writer and Iryna were evacuated to the Krasnodar region. He died on March 22, 1942 in the village of Velika Murta. The grave was not preserved. For the first time, the novel "Honour" appeared on the pages of the "Motherland" magazine only in 1990.

3. Khvedir Vovk's Archive Description – Digital Memory Storage
Hostomskyi Mykhailo, 1886, Ukranian and russian в 1 letterі, 1 letter;, NA IA ... Mohylianskyi M., 1894-1917, 98 letters, NA IA NANU, f.1, op. 3. 526 ...
NA IA NANU, f.1, op. 1, spr. 33-а/1
4. [PDF] From rhetorical communication to a situation of real dialogue - Liha-Pres
In the 1920s, the creative endorsement of the slogan “honesty with oneself” was embodied in the novels of Mohylianskyi “Honor” and Brasiuk “Donna Anna”. Written ...
5. [PDF] The Ukrainian Review - Diasporiana
NEWS FROM UKRAINE. — Church Brotherhood Formed At Kyiv Meeting Of UAOC Representatives .
6. Cast & Crew for Ostriv lyubovi 1x09 "Episode 9" - Trakt
Stanislav Moskvin · Marina Mogilevskaya · Kostiantyn Stepankov · Yuri Krytenko · Mikhail Golubovich · Viktor Stepanenko. Crew. Writing. 1. Mykhailo Mohylianskyi.
See AlsoDREAMERS LPI PYT - @dreampytCast & Crew for Ostriv lyubovi 1x09 "Episode 9"

7. [PDF] Association for Slavic, East European, & Eurasian Studies - aseees
"Mykhailo Mohylianskyi: A Ukrainophile or a Kyiv Liberal?" Oleksandr ... “Soft Power of the Balkans (TV Series: Black Sun/Shadows Over the Balkans) ...
8. Scientific schools, scientific circles and directions of the department ...
Mohylianskyi, Mykhailo, Oleksandrovich. Moskalyuk, Edward, Vasylovich. Nastradin, Vasyl, Vasylovich. Sidletska, Anna, Andriivna. Hay house, Ivan, Vitaliyovych.
Scientific research and areas of scientific activity of the department are headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences., Professor Chagarovsky O.P. you d.t.n., Professor N.A. Tkachenko.
9. [PDF] Thursday – 1:00-2:45 pm - ASEEES
"Mykhailo Mohylianskyi: A Ukrainophile or a Kyiv Liberal?" Oleksandr ... "Soft Power of the Balkans (TV Series: Black Sun/Shadows Over the Balkans) ...
10. Person search results for Keeping My Man - Trakt
Person search results for movies, TV shows, episodes, lists, and people ... Mykhailo Mohylianskyi. Person. Mysskin. Person ... Import your tv show ...
Person search results for movies, TV shows, episodes, lists, and people.