Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jul 1972, p. 2 (2024)

2 The. Champion, Milton, Ont., Wednesdsay, Juiy 19, 1972¶e 1?6McCuaig's holdedge on f irstMilton Minor Basebait Mîllar f:21, Ted Wilson. TracyA ege Murray and Con Bell.Ateagn Wicen Maria's were edged icylegcon 7-5, don Cartwight lcdLaul wee in A-beague miri Bhe icallmg aitB a grand stem andicasebail action four games were a singlentor Maria's. Adoublemwastdaynd au McCuaig tosrance inca lut by tlandy Creaican. Aceusbed Cirmeetu Wfallpaper 12- icamerain cra. also smasiced icy2, île Legian club detaalled Bob'r Rcck la Clements 9-t, and standincgsMaci'ýs were nippdicby Legion 7- Team W L T FTS5, and MrCuaig lnuance again MeCuag 7 2 - 14deiealud Cleorenfa Wattpaper 15- ýcl tss 5 I t il7. Bnte fan aierMCig Letion 2 4 t 5deteated Clemenls 12-2 bitters for Ctcwenls 2 - 4McCuaig nome usingles) DwayneRcddel, Wayne Meougal, MiceVanorsrchol, Faul Vaoorsrchol, THE CANADIANMible Toibens, Alfred Hiles, Oay CHAMPIONMarsicall, Cicnis Nortand andDoHaiciirk wcticree. Adoubltewas bneclcriaed as Secondins u biciy Jay Norland. Cioss MiiHillers tan Cînorenîs oere Postal Reostration(singles) Peler Cannoon, Slese Sam ber--0913 jr,Ail truck, route mayanswer quarry problemAn *aU trach" rondmay hoti B e trouble i, notaitdone wcans for Bheor. froor hom*o rcpped apart by quarry -lnuammLUd. mowre weasng ograsettrucks icotroucks traselling lu and tram caliclamedtforlthe driingaits thce17 Sideroadltamvidutlesbhquarrissandgravei pits, Reeve oilice icuckes. oeu.onhpCekD'fai Hil aid a doiegatias of -1 ondersluiid tadasmîn isili rec j, infre as.Tai ici lcClosabout 10 people wh appeared tire aoy truccer wico is ruicI and Roads Superailordecl Bbeotre Cooncil o Mooday nigicl. breabing Iraltir c " sluled 3Mw icad fnttomed accd stoppesMmlt of Bhe memhorc ofthBe Cauncdtor Len Cane. "Sa maybe truck driver mica mons recocià aelegal on byve on Bne 17 Sideroad me sicaald plush Bhe poaice,' ice masing lu Bhe aBher aide oftand are spsel by Bhe ccumber af added. raidieo avoid hitting poBtoe.Sgraselîrcks using the rad iBe Wrlte off1 "SIo ld hlm Bhac mme ice-OPEN AIR MUStC masfeatured aI Hatn CentenioaManor on Tborsday evengaihen lice Georgeto-Clinguacoasy Concert Bondplayed an ouldoor concert infront of Martin Homse. Paonmeaticer treatened la faiteBhe concert inside, and keptBhe allendunce tam, bol il mason enjayabte ouling for lice100 or su residents mica didattend. Many more enjoyelilice muesic on nearbybatconiec. Direclur Ray Ellesis piclared above mitb cameof lice àili bandomen. Betoor,Manorite David Nicicat keepsbore la Bhe stirring lieat 0f licemusic icy ctapping bis bonds.Mar afficiais repart acovered icundstand oray sonc errected uithlie Munar andiiiey hope la buse fortcerauldoor enterlainfments forresîdente. Concerte are atmoopeo la senior citioens andrescdenîs af Milton anddistrict. (FPhotos bp R.Oownsi'd'ien enlering Bhe fremay, doo uithlie spmed uftIra/tic.ococof cfrom, accd goacg co acluarey on lice Focolb Lino. Thcequarry is eperalud by tndascioUd.Camptoorîs morte o"s voicedabout the sioe ond spmed 0f liceveicles. The lrockerc moreiorocked for meavccg seaso liceroad bo avoid polboteo.A spokecmoma or uelie groceMes. Edoa Mary Marbicam =adtial somelbiog mont be dore"about lice trock volumce, "and oti1973 or 1975," cice qoipped.Mec. Markicam told cocrcil Balare laordly had taicoo a cotait oflihe numicer uftcruchs using liherond or are day; "tbey mourleduser 270 veicicles."Uce Foanlh LinoThe lady asked couaicitmeoriers ta Bîin aicout sndioggranl brucks op lice Fourtc Line10 Hcghmay 7 and lu gise camteBhougclto banccigitrucks Iruor 17Sideroad. 'Wicy sboutd me haseil,' sice qoeried.Renne Tom Hill and CourccillorRichcard HumilI pomlted out BhalBoere mere nu easy mtuutiors luBhe's no goal bo cit truckroutec. Tis ics a long range 20year peubleor", explainedHomîit.Reese Hclt suggested licolpericaps Bhe occly orsaier b Bhepeoicleor mas lu creale a roulesleiclly for trcksi. He brochedBhe provscem tur nul gisire Bhetownsip Bhe muoey for Bhecrealuon af sucb a roule.Has propoatHill said ic mould be propocmnga sperdîrc trock route aI meetingufthBe Couny Roads Commilleeon Wednecday llodayi. TiceReese mas a licîle vague aboutBhe exact locaion of Bhic roule,bal be did mention tinal pericapstond tror Bhe 22 Sîderoad luigicway 7 oîcgic lai purcbased.Stomeser Hill esprecsedconcern about lice counly'sabiiy la bicucd Bhecoad. "'thtey'reor thce saine position me are-Bccir oroney's iceen cul."Seseral memicers ufthliedeloga tion aslced t bal a tijicterpolnciceck bcen mrced along 17Scderoad, "Ecpecially fruor sixa.m. tu noan bouc-Bhals micenCaocel decided lu mrile BheOFF onbing licer lu, ctoc uppatrolo in lice area and la send acopy ufthlie leller lu, ludusinofticials.Reese Hill prooiiedl thedetegalion be wauld secorecopies ufthlie Coonly's RoadsComcccillee reportlon truckc routenmusctheccgadbelathedoliso mamI' rigct, bal ho waun'lsery co-operaline. 00e reporledi o lu lumin and la Bheoperalars af lice truch-Arcmstroccg BroBhrc. t intieveBhey base done comelluot aboutBhe trueber," clulod Frecch.Ward BoundarieswiII notWardaone or NorBh Oakvilie mdllreluin Bhe saine represenuliuoon Oebvdile Cauncdl as i bas inBhepaul, ward une cansicittor DonGordon luld The Cicampion atlerMonday's caunici meeting.On a la-t recorded sale Oak-sille Courcl voted o lu arcept achaonge recmmended by a ram-oritlee ai mcdi tu lamer Bheicoaodary froor Upper Middte Rd.changelu lice Qnenn Elizabetc Higbmay.'Me muse waatd base added onaddciunal 5,000 voterc a toWordOnre and reduced more of Bhepolilicat camer enjoyed nom incarBh Oakicsîte.On second recorded salecoancîl saîrd 9-2 passîg arecalucun Bhal caid Bhey meresalîstîrd wîlb curreol mord<Cî,î,îîeîîed an Page 2'hree)GOLDENHORSESHOE SOCIETYCaiedonie, Ont.CIVIC HOLIDAY WEEKENDAug. 5 -6 -7Atqe& ifa#i CorsOId- Tvym igeSteam Engines, Sawmills"OId McDonalds Farm"Coaf ributing to the HalimandAssocietion for theMentally etardednow being accepted forMILTON DAY CARECENTREwhich wîii re-open in Septembereit ifs new location corner ofHesiop and Commercial St.MiltonFor turticer informationcontact: Mrs. K. Sonne427 Highside Dr.878-3151- 1 IVILU~N -878-3272 or 878-3208wd.~19 nccc2O ra.2l s«2Showlcme ap.m.0s23 m..24 ré.25wuct26 m.ce27 &1.28 .a.29Showtimes8p.m. 26 &27. l 79Pn Sa$t.Als at. o 2m.ABerraarmeeting on-Reeeod a letton frnm AnnaSampcoof thlie Horoby Women'olostitule voicing concero oser ticeconditionof oi cemelery or lardlocaled at Sleetms Ave. aod liceEigcli Uin. Couecl said il matldrdo ony tile about lthe sitaionodiooril f lice tond mas-Received a ltier froin G. F.Moore seho cnitlclzod ltheTowncship for toavicg troe limbeatoog lice oide of hie propontyaller a rond marks oporallon.Cooici dOcidetecl asc lthe rondenccpernoludent tu roctlfy licesituaionc.-Lared lice. Northc HallanOPP hadl cnalalained anc ecclireday'o nceek on a bridge over liceC.N.R. trache on lice Flfth Lloe ait.imehoace. Cooocit buit eartleresked lice OFF lu match lthebridge liecouse gravel trouckswere aamng il despile posîcofsresrcling vehicte traille lacertain tonnage. No truckts landcned lice bridge dccng lice OFFasday tong chech, cooiscllors moretltd by Clerc Detscar F'rceh.-Rceined notliiation ofapprova fror lice Mlnlstry ofNtalt Resoca-ces fer resomatbicocces ton Anoeroog Brotcers,Sandotone Quarrios ancdtodcon LMd.-Agroed to ioctroel CoccoclisiCOninced or Paon Ttcee)TAXNOTICERATIPAYERS of the Town of Miltonore RemInded ThotFOURTH INSTALMENT0F TAXES IS DUEAUGUST 1, 1972Pealty of 1% Per MAonth or any partin ereof, nullSbe charedn each overdue lestimoet ueti Dec.31sf, 1 972, alter which date, interest et thce rate of2/33t 1% Fer Month null be added on the tirst dayof each mont h.Audrey B. BRUSHTreasurerFOOD AT ITSPFI-BS'Now Open>MIKE'S DELICATESSENand RESTAURANT192 Main StreetA New House Special EverydayComplete s1.2ALSOlPIZZA to tickle your tastelAND FEATURINGSpaghetti, SteaksChops andDelicious BarbecuesPLUSa complote lino of delicatessenproducts including SmokedMeats and PastramiTRY US ...192 MAain St., Milton 878-2690Owo Oaiiy 6 a.rn. . 12 - Sonday 12.0090o 12.001~(fBrtelHaCal foirOfesetcisuncartJ!mitolgoeskgbcfaislSc]ouat,lics,perkPUBLIC NOTICEThe office of the Court ot CanadianCitizenshîp wii be opened in the Town Hall,Commiftee Room, 2nd Fioor, Milton, Ontario torthe monfh of Juiy on the foiiowing dates: Friday,Juiy 7, Friday, Juiy 21, 1972 (and aiternateFridays thereatteri.A citizeniship otticer wiii be in affondance folsappiy information about Canadlien Citizenshipand to take applicat ions for Canadien Cifizenshipirom 0:30 arn. to 3:45 p.m. (lunch hour 12:00Noon ta 12:30 p.m.)A mo qumEVEuSTOCKSAVE2O0 »5O%BE A SMART SHOPPER -SAVE ON A COMPLETE WARDROBE*Pant Suifs sBafhing Soifs .Spring and Feul Coats -Sports SiipperseShorts and Tops -Sun Hafs *Groups of Co-ordinated *Summer Purses.Mod Sungiasses *Biouses e prserRglradFuit Lengfh DressesSPECIAL RACK IJ > SPECIAL RACKOf z0 M / ~ WALF PUIClbE1BIG SAVINGS ANO LESSBstlncoIG cWdcsa -AIG TtcaSda e F1-78396 oeboîccpmoepmrs&YandFrda«d"Y 23 Commercial St. Milton 878-39611. mummilM à À e M i



Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 19 Jul 1972, p. 2 (2024)


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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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