Births From Sumter County Newspapers 1920 -1999 A thru K (2024)




1920 - 1999

A - K

Compiled by:

William T Poupard

Aaron, Cody Ray - Mr and Mrs Ray Aaron of Americus announcethe birth of a son, Cody Ray, born Thursday, March 3. The infant weighed 9 pounds, 10 ounces atbirth. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs JimBowen and Mr and Mrs John Oliver of Americus and Mr and Mrs Earl Aaron ofPanama City, Fla. Great-grandparents areMr and Mrs U E Bowen of Americus and Mr and Mrs Emerson Calhoun of Lyons. Cody has a sister, Lindsey, 2 ½. TR, Fri 18 Mar 1988

Abbett, Christopher William - Mr and Mrs Ronnie L Abbett, of805 Piedmont Avenue NE, Atlanta, are the parents of a 6 pound 7 ½ ounce son,born Sunday, October 14, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who hasbeen named Christopher William. MrsAbbett is the former Miss Betty Walters of Americus. The baby’s grandparents are Mr and MrsWilliam M Walters and Mr and Mrs Ad Abbett of this city. TR, Mon 15 Oct 1962

Abbett, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs Ad Abbett announce thebirth of twin daughters, Wednesday, October 17, at city hospital, who have beennamed Faye and Gaye. TR, Fri 19 Oct1945

Abbott, Aubrey Alan - Mr and Mrs Buddy Abbot announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce son, Friday, January 10 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named Aubrey Alan. TR, Sat 11 Jan 1958

Abbott, Rebecca Ann - Mr and Mrs A M Abbott, of 505 ValleyDrive, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ½ ounce daughter, July 8, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Shehas been named Rebecca Ann. TR, Mon10 Jul 1961

Abel, Angela Amedee - Is the name of the little daughterof Mr and Mrs Robert Abel Jr who was born Saturday, March 10 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The infant,who weighed 6 pounds, 13 ½ ounces will be called “Angie”. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs RobertAbel and Mr and Mrs Ernest Amadee of Belle Glade, Florida. TR, Wed 14 Mar 1973

Abel, David Patrick - Mr and Mrs Don Abel, Franklin NC,announce the birth of a son born Wednesday, Jun 23. The infant, who weighed 7 pounds, 13 ½ ounceshas been named David Patrick.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Barnard Dewey, of Palm Beach, Fla and Mr andMrs Robert C Abel, Americus. TR, Wed27 Jun 1979

Abel, Robert Chapman III - Mr and Mrs Robert Abel Jrannounce the birth of a son Monday, July 15 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital who has been given the name of Robert Chapman III.The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Robert C Abel of Americus and Mrand Mrs Ernest Amedee of Belle Glade, Fla.TR, Thu 18 Jul 1968

Abell, Caleb Sanford - Hamer and Ellen Abell of Leslieannounce the birth of a son, Caleb Sanford, born Nov 20 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 2ounces. Grandparents are Mr and MrsClifford Pilcher Jr and Mr and Mrs Leonard Abell, all of Americus. Great-grandmother is Mrs L D Abell ofAmericus. He has a sister Emily, 2. TR, Thu 17 Dec 1998

Abell, Emily Marie - Mr and Mrs Hamer Abell of Leslieannounce the birth of a daughter, Emily Marie, born May 14 at Sumter RegionalHospital. Maternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs Clifford Pilcher Jr of Americus.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Leonard Abell of Americus. Great-grandparents are Sanford Edwards ofIdeal and Mary Abell of Americus. TR,Fri 31 May 1996

Abell, Gary Alan - Mr and Mrs L H Abell, of 130 E HillStreet, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce son, in the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of Gary Alan. TR, Mon 5 Feb 1962

Abell, Leonard Homer Jr - Mr and Mrs Leonard Abell, of 130E Hill Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ½ ounce son, Sunday,February 21, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedLeonard Homer Jr. TR, Mon 22 Feb 1960

Abell, Mary Alice - Mr and Mrs L D Abell announce the birthof a daughter, Mary Alice, who was born this morning, October 5, at their home,419 East Hill Street. TR, Wed 5 Oct1938

Abell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Glover Abell announce thebirth of a son, born Friday, October 29, at a hospital in Rome, Ga. Mrs Abell was formerly Miss Leola Pouncey, ofthis city. TR, Mon 1 Nov 1937

Abercrombie, Mandy Lynn - Mr and Mrs Carl Abercrombie announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce daughter born October 22 who has been giventhe name of Mandy Lynn. The baby wasborn at the Houston County Hospital in Warner Robins. Mrs Abercrombie is the former SandyHeath. Grandparents of the infant are Mrand Mrs W A Heath of Smithville and Mr and Mrs W H Abercrombie of Bridgeton,NJ. TR, Wed 27 Oct 1976

Abercrombie, Ronald Pierce - Mr and Mrs Ronald R Abercrombie ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Ronald Pierce, born Thursday, March 18 atSumter Regional Hospital. Pierce, as theinfant is called, weighed 5 pounds, 15 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are William D Greshamand the late Mrs Gresham of Byron and paternal grandparents are Mrs LaverneOwens of Montezuma and the late Mr Pierce Doyle Abercrombie of Jonesboro. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ollie MHerndon of Byron, Mrs Nolie Belle Smith Gresham of Knoxville, Tenn, RichardLockerman of Montezuma and Mrs Eve Woodard of Stockbridge. Mrs Abercrombie is the former Twila AnnGresham of Byron. TR, Fri 2 Apr 1993

Abercrombie, William Gresham - Mr and Mrs Ronald R Abercrombie ofMontezuma announce the birth of a son, William Gresham, born January 20 atSumter Regional Hospital. MrsAbercrombie is the former Twila Ann Gresham of Byron. Paternal grandparents are Laverne LockermanOwens of Montezuma and the late Pierce Doyle Abercrombie of Jonesboro. Maternal grandparents are Twila HerndonGresham and the late William Douglas Gresham Sr of Byron. Maternal great-grandmother is Eva JamesWoodard of Stockbridge. The baby has abrother, Pierce, 2 ½. TR, Sat 10 Feb1996

Able, Losie Ann - Mr and Mrs Robert Able Jr, of Leslie,announce the birth of a daughter Losie Ann, born Tuesday, September 22 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces. She isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Ernest Amedel of Belle Glade, Fla and Mr andMrs Robert Able Sr of Route 1, Americus.TR, Fri 25 Sep 1970

Ables, Jennifer Dawn - Dr and Mrs Michael B Ables, ofLittle Rock AFB, Jacksonville, Arkansas announce the birth of a daughter,Jennifer Dawn, who was born Monday, January 17.Mrs Ables is the former Judith Wright of Americus. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsKemp Carpenter of Americus, the late C B Wright of Jacksonville, Fla and Mr andMrs C N Ables Jr of Sanford, Fla. TR,Tue 18 Jan 1972

Ables, Michael Jeremy - Dr and Mrs Michael B Ables, ofOrmond Beach, Fla announce the birth of a son, Michael Jeremy, who weighed 6pounds, 14 ½ ounces. The infant was bornThursday, August 28. Mrs Ables is theformer Judith Wright of this city. Thebaby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Kemp Carpenter of Americus. TR, Fri 5 Sep 1975

Abrams, Emory Pierce - Mr and Mrs Elton D Abrams announcethe birth of a 7 ½ pound son January 25, who has been named Emory Pierce. Mrs Abrams was before her marriage MissLorene Coogle. TR, Mon 6 Feb 1939

Abrams, Not named - Mr and Mrs E P Abrams announce the birthof a daughter, Gloria Marie, who was born Saturday, September 6, at their homenear Americus. TR, Tue 9 Sep 1941

Abrams, Not named - Mr and Mrs Emory Abrams, of Route 1Leslie, are the parents of a 5 pound, 13 ounce daughter, born May 17, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 18 May 1964

Achey, Carley Wetherill - Mr and Mrs Wayne Achey ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Carley Wetherill, born July 23 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces at birth.She has a brother, Christopher, age four. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs WadeAlbritton of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mrs Elizabeth Achey and thelate Mr Ken Achey of Columbus. TR,Sat 8 Aug 1987

Achey, Christopher Wade - Mr and Mrs Wayne Achey ofAmericus announce the birth of a son who has been given the name ChristopherWade. The infant, who was born Sunday,October 17 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, weighed 8 pounds, 15 ½ounces. He is the grandson of Mr and MrsWade Albritton, Americus and the late Ken Achey of Columbus. His great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs J HCarlton, Thomaston. TR, Fri 29 Oct1982

Adair, Hannah Camille - Mr and Mrs Harry Adair of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Hannah Camille, born August 4 at PhoebePutney Hospital, Albany. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces. Maternalgrandparents are Dr and Mrs Edward Tarretus of Dublin and paternal grandparentsare Harold Adair of Cummings and Mrs Charles Oxford of Savannah. Great-grandparents are Bee Davis ofJacksonville, Fla, Mrs John Parker of Ashburn, Pearlie Adair of Sycamore, andGrace Harvey of Dublin. The baby has abrother, Chad, age two. TR, Fri 6 Aug1993

Adair, Noah Stephens - Mr and Mrs Tommy Adair announce thebirth of a son, Noah Stephens, born Monday, January 8 at the Medical Center,Valdosta. Noah weighed 8 pounds, 12ounces. Grandparents are Louise Adair ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Bobby Lloyd of Seale, Ala. Noah has a sister, Rebekah Ruth, 4. TR, Wed 17 Jan 1996

Adair, Rebecca Ruth - Mr and Mrs Tommy Adair of Valdostaannounce the birth of a daughter, Rebecca Ruth, born January 14 at SouthGeorgia Medical Center, Valdosta. Theinfant weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mrs Tommy Adair Sr and the late Mr Tommy AdairSr of Americus and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Bobby Lloyd of Seale,Ala. TR, Thu 16 Jan 1992

Adair, Thomas Jesse Jr - Mr and Mrs Tommy Adair announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce son at city hospital, Friday, March 18, whohas been named Thomas Jesse Jr. TR,Tue 22 Mar 1949

Adams, Angela Leigh - Mr and Mrs Mike Adams of Leslieannounce the birth of a daughter on Saturday, December 31, 1983 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital who has been named Angela Leigh. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Howard Adams ofLeslie and Mrs Mary Ann Dozier of Americus and the late Edward Dozier. Her great-grandparents are Wilson Ryals ofAmericus and Mrs James Dozier, Tampa, Fla.She has a brother, Edward. TR,Wed 4 Jan 1984

Adams, Camilla Jo - Mr and Mrs Joe Winston Adams, ofNewport News, Va, announce the birth of a daughter, Camilla Jo, on Thursday,December 16. Mrs Adams was before hermarriage Miss Sara Stephens, of Americus.TR, Tue 21 Dec 1943

Adams, Christopher Wade - Mr and Mrs Harold Wayne Adams, ofBodsford Road, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ½ ounce son born Wednesday,November 15 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named Christopher WadeAdams. He is the grandson of Mrs MarieAdams and the late Lloyd Harold Adams of Tullahoma, Tennessee and Mr and Mrs WT Watson of Twin City, Ga. TR, Tue 21Nov 1972

Adams, Emmett Mathew IV - Mr and Mrs Emmett Matthew AdamsIII, 1020 Hanco*ck Drive, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce baby boy onWednesday, January 30 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been given the name of EmmettMatthew Adams IV. The maternalgrandparents are Mrs William N King and the late Mr King of Homerville andpaternal grandparents Mrs Emmett M Adams Jr and the late Mr Adams,Americus. The baby is the grandson of Mrand Mrs A A Beaumont, London, England and Mrs and Mrs G W Wright Sr, Memphis,Tenn. TR, Fri 1 Feb 1974

Adams, George Talmadge Jr - Mr and Mrs George T Adams, ofAtlanta, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son Saturday, March 31,at the St Joseph’s infirmary, who has been given the name of George TalmadgeJr. TR, Mon 2 Apr 1923

Adams, Glenn Tracy - Mr and Mrs Albert C Adams announce thebirth of a son at the City Hospital Sunday.He weighed eight pounds at birth and has been named Glenn TracyAdams. TR, Thu 17 Aug 1950

Adams, John Stanford - Mr and Mrs Stan Adams, of Macon,announce the birth of a 7 pound son, born February 3 at the Macon Hospital. The baby, who has been named John Stanford,is the grandson of Mrs Willis Holman and the late Mr Holman of Leslie and MrsPaul Adams and the late Mr Adams of Thomaston.The baby’s mother is the former Sandra Holman of Leslie. TR, Mon 13 Feb 1967

Adams, Joyce Dean - Mr and Mrs W H Adams announce the birthof a daughter, Joyce Dean, born January 31, at Baton Rouge General Hospital,Baton Rouge, La. Mrs Adams was beforeher marriage Miss Genie Holman, of Leslie.TR, Sat 5 Feb 1938

Adams, Madison Sherie - Chris and Twila Adams of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Madison Sherie on April 20 at Sumter RegionalHospital. Grandparents are Loretta andMickey Taylor, Genelle Adams and Wayne Adams, all of Americus and Johnny andKathy McGlamory of Vienna.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs James H Brantley of Cordele, Mr andMrs Joe McGlamory of Vienna and Alma Watson of Plains. She is the sister of Cassie Taylor and TaylaTaylor, both of Butler. TR, Thu 18Jun 1998

Adams, Marvin Rodney Jr - Mr and Mrs M Rodney Adams, ofMontgomery, Ala, announce the birth of a son on November 21, at St Margaret’sHospital, whom they have named Marvin Rodney Jr. Mrs Adams will be remembered as Miss FrancesMay Castleberry, formerly of this city. TR,Tue 6 Dec 1927

Adams, Michael Edward - Was born Sunday, July 24 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Hisweight was 8 pounds. He is the son of Mrand Mrs Mike Adams of Leslie.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Howard Adams and Mrs Mary Ann Dozier and thelate Edward Dozier, all of Leslie. He isthe great-grandson of Wilson Ryals, Americus and Mrs Maggie Hamlin ofDawson. TR, Wed 27 Jul 1977

Adams, Nancy Jean - Mr and Mrs George Adams announce thebirth of a daughter Sunday, June 24, at home, who has been given the name ofNancy Jean. TR, Mon 25 Jun 1934

Adams, Not named - Dr and Mrs Sam Adams, of Monroe, Ga arethe parents of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter born Monday, October 4 at St Mary’sHospital in Athens. The baby has a fouryear old brother, Rob. The infant is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Adams of the Ellaville Road, Americus and Mrand Mrs P G Pheifer of Seaside Park, NY.TR, Wed 6 Oct 1976

Adams, Not named - Mr and Mrs A C Adams, of Route 1,Americus announce the birth of a boy.The baby, who weighed 9 pounds, 4 ounces, was born Tuesday, April 3, atAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 8 Apr 1954

Adams, Not named - Mr and Mrs Carl Adams, of 121 SouthHampton Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Thursday,October 27 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 27 Oct 1955

Adams, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Adams, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son at city hospital, Monday, January 13. TR, Thu 16 Jan 1947

Adams, Not named - Mr and Mrs E Adams announce the birth ofa daughter March 28, at their home on Mayo Street. TR, Tue 29 Mar 1921

Adams, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Walker Adams, ofPreston, announce the birth of a son, Monday, July 14. TR, Wed, 16 Jul 1941

Adams, Robert Darvin - Mr and Mrs C O Adams, of Winnsboro,La, announce the birth of a son March 8 who has been named Robert Darvin. Mrs Adams is the former Sandra Bryan ofAmericus. The baby is the grandson of Mrand Mrs Denver Bryan of Eufaula, Ala, formerly of Americus and Mr and MrsMarchant of Tifton. TR, Fri 14 Mar1969

Adams, Robert Taylor Jr - Mr and Mrs Robert Taylor Adams,of Macon, announce the birth of a son, Robert Taylor Adams Jr, who was bornFriday, May 5, at the city hospital. MrsAdams is the former Naldi Sutton, daughter of Mr and Mrs Warren J Sutton, ofthis city. The baby is the grandson ofMrs Mitt Edwards and the late Mr Edwards of Americus. TR, Tue 9 May 1950

Adams, Samuel Robert III - Mr and Mrs Sam Adams Jr, ofAthens, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce son born Tuesday, May 2 whohas been given the name of Samuel Robert Adams III. Rob, as he will be called, is the grandson ofMr and Mrs Robert Adams of the Ellaville Road, Americus. TR, Sat 6 May 1972

Adams, Samuel Robert Jr - Mr and Mrs Robert Adams, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a 7 ½-pound son, Monday, September 8. The baby has been named Samuel Robert AdamsJr. Mrs Adams was before her marriageMiss Mary Lee Daniel, of Ellaville. TR,Wed 10 Sep 1941

Adams, Sara Kathryn - Mr and Mrs Joe W Adams, of Hartwell,announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday November 11, who has been named SaraKathryn. Mrs Adams is the former MissSara Stephens, of Americus. TR, Wed 1Dec 1954

Adams, William Hadley III - Mr and Mrs W H Adams, Jr, ofLeslie, announce the birth of a son, William Hadley III, at City Hospital,Friday, March 16. TR, Fri 23 Mar 1945

Addison, Garrett William - Tom and Cheryl Addison of Atlantaannounce the birth of a son, Garrett William, born Sep 27 at NorthsideHospital, Atlanta. The infant weighed 8pounds, 11 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Dr Jim Russell of Americus and the late Joy Russell andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Anthony Addison of Columbia, SC. Mrs Addison is the former Cheryl Russell ofAmericus. TR, Mon 3 Oct 1994

Addison, Nicholas Rushing - Mr and Mrs Larry Addison ofAmericus announce the birth of a 9 pound, 11 ounce son, Nicholas Rushing, bornSunday, June 3 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Walter PageDixon Addison of Loranger, La. TR,Mon 4 Jun 1984

Addison, Russell Thomas - Mr and Mrs Tom Addison announce thebirth of a son, Russell Thomas, born Monday, March 4 at Humana Hospital,Gwinnett. The infant weighed 6 pounds,15 ounces at birth. Mrs Addison is theformer Miss Cheryl Russell of Americus.Maternal grandparents are Dr James Russell and the late Mrs Joy Russellof Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Tony Addison of Cole,SC. Great-grandmother is Mrs ElizabethNeal Smith of Americus. TR, Fri 8 Mar1991

Addison, Stephen Dixon - Mr and Mrs Larry Addison of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Stephen Dixon, born Monday, February 16 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 9pounds, 8 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Walter Page Dixon of Americus and paternalgrandparents are Mrs Carrie Addison of Hattisburg, Miss and Herman Addison ofLagranger, La. The infant has a brother,Nicholas, age 2. Mrs Addison is theformer Miss Page Dixon of Americus. TR,Wed 18 Feb 1987

Addy, Deanne Diane - Mr and Mrs G R Addy, of Providence, RI, announce the birth of a daughter, November 12, who has been named JeanneDiane. Mrs Addy is the former Miss JaneLansford, of Americus. TR, Tue 25 Nov1947

Addy, Norma Kathryn - Mr and Mrs Zimori Addy, of Preston,announce the birth of a daughter on August 25 at the City Hospital. She weighed seven pounds, one ounce, and hasbeen given the name of Norma Kathryn.Her mother is the former Christine Harbuck. TR, Sat 26 Aug 1950

Addy, William Phillip III - Mr and Mrs W P Addy, ofPreston, announce the birth of a son, August, 16, at the city hospital. The baby has been named William PhillipIII. TR, Wed 21 Aug 1940

Aderhold, Angela - Mr and Mrs Lester Aderhold announce thebirth of an 8 pound daughter Sunday, May 23, at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Angela. TR,Tue 25 May 1954

Aderhold, Not named - Mr and Mrs Clyde Aderhold, of 208 HorneStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce son, May 21, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Wed22 May 1963

Aderhold, Richard Keith - Mr and Mrs Lester Aderhold, ofConyngham, Pa, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 3 ounce son, March 14, who hasbeen named Richard Keith. Mrs Aderholdis the former Miss Raye Jean Dixon. Thebaby is the grandson of Mrs L R Lawhorn, of this city. TR, Tue 19 Mar 1963

Aderhold, Virginia Rae - Mr and Mrs Lester Aderhold announcethe birth of a daughter Monday, April 21, at city hospital. The baby, who weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces hasbeen named Virginia Rae. Mrs Aderholdwas before marriage Miss Rae Jean Dixon.TR, Tue 22 Apr 1952

Adkins, Betty Lou - Mr and Mrs J H Adkins announce the birthof a daughter, Sunday, January 28, at Prather Clinic, who has been named BettyLou. TR, Thu 1 Feb 1945

Adkins, Bradley Kyle - Mr and Mrs Ronnie Adkins announce thebirth of a son born Monday, December 18 at Hinds Hospital in Jackson,Miss. The baby, who weighed 9 pounds, 3ounces has been named Bradley Kyle. Theinfant is the grandson of Mr and Mrs V R Adkins and Mr and Mrs F L Herringtonof Americus.. His great-grandparents areMr and Mrs R C Heath of Smithville, Mr and Mrs V P Adkins of Cordele; Mrs F LHerrington Sr of Bronwood and Sim Kitchens of Americus. TR, Tue 19 Dec 1978

Adkins, Dana Grace - Mr and Mrs Ronnie Adkins announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce daughter at the Americus and Sumter County HospitalFriday, October 14, who has been named Dana Grace. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs FloydHerrington and Mr and Mrs Virgil Adkins of Americus. TR, Fri 14 Oct 1966

Adkins, Deborah Bea - Mr and Mrs A H Adkins announce thebirth of a baby girl, Deborah Bea, born March 30 and weighing 6 pounds, 12ounces. TCN, Thu 3 Apr 1952

Adkins, Deborah Grace - Mr and Mrs V R Adkins announce thebirth of a daughter at Americus and Sumter County Hospital Friday, September11, who has been named Deborah Grace. TR,Mon 14 Sep 1953

Adkins, Jonathan Daniel - Danny and Lisa Adkins of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Jonathan Daniel, born January 24 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 14 ounces. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Eugene Forehand of Cordele.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs B T Braswell Sr of Cordele, Mrs C MForehand of Vienna and Mrs R L Adkins of Cordele. Jonathan has a sister, Hollie, 3. TR, Sat 27 Jan 1996

Adkins, Joyce Thornton - Mr and Mrs J L Adkins Jr, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a daughter, January 3 at the Piedmont hospital,Atlanta. The baby has been given thenane of Joyce Thornton. TR, Mon 11Jan 1932

Adkins, Michael Paul - Mr and Mrs Ron Adkins, of Athens,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son Oct 28 at the St Mary’sHospital. The baby, who has been namedMichael Paul is the grandson of Mr and Mrs F L Herrington and Mr and Mrs V RAdkins, all of Americus. TR, Fri 29Oct 1971

Adkins, Taylor Holland - Don and Ellen Adkins of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Taylor Holland, born Nov 16 at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces atbirth. Paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Travis Adkins of Cordele and maternal grandparents are Mrs Jody Monts andthe late Mr Monts. Great-grandmother isLillie Wages of Americus. Tr, Thu 18Nov 1993

Adkins, Tiffany Elise - Don and Ellen Adkins of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Tiffany Elise, born Friday, December 1 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 5 pounds, 15 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mrs Jody Monts and the late Mr Monts ofAmericus. Paternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs Travis Adkins of Cordele.Great-grandparents are Mrs Raymond Wages of Americus and Edna Adkins ofCordele. The baby has a sister, Taylor,2. TR, Tue 5 Dec 1995

Aenchbacher, Allan Phillip - Mr and Mrs Alan P Aenchbacher, ofLake Blackshear announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ½ ounce son Allan Phillip,born Sunday, November 7. Grandparentsare Mrs T L Wilson and the late Mr Wilson and Mrs A P Aenchbacher and the lateMr Aenchbacher, Americus. TR, Mon 8 Nov 1976

Aenchbacher, Allen Phillip - Mr and Mrs A P Aenchbacher announcethe birth of a son, Monday, March 18, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedAllen Phillip. TR, Thu 21 Mar 1946

Aenchbacher, Edna Christine - Mr and Mrs Lewis E Aenchbacher Jrannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce daughter, Tuesday, January 25, at cityhospital, who has been named Edna Christine.Mrs Aenchbacher was before marriage Miss Martha Wade, of Dixie, Ga. TR, Thu 27 Jan 1949

Aenchbacher, Lewis Edgar III - Mr and Mrs “Dickie” Aenchbacher, ofSavannah, formerly of Americus, announce the brith of a son, Tuesday, November27, who has been named Lewis Edgar III. TR,Tue 4 Dec 1951

Aenchbacher, Not named - Mr and Mrs L R Aenchbacher announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, February 8, at City Hospital. TR, Thu 9 Feb 1950

Ahearn, Sara Frances - Mr and Mrs H F Ahearn announce thebirth of a daughter February 11, who has been given the name of SaraFrances. TR, Mon 13 Feb 1922

Akin, Not named - Mr and Mrs J S Akin announce the birthof a son, Tuesday, September 28 , at city hospital. TR, Wed 29 Sep 1943

Akins, Ethan Datus - Paul and Jessica Akins of Statesboroannounce the birth of a son, Ethan Datus, born January 26 at Bulloch MemorialHospital, Statesboro. The infant weighed10 pounds, 7 ounces. Maternalgrandparents are Gordon Duff of Tifton and Fran Deriso of Marietta. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs PaulAkins of Statesboro. Great-grandparentsare Jack Deriso of Americus, Mr and Mrs Tommy Smith of Leslie and Mr and MrsMaurice Duff of Morgan.Great-grandmother is Elizabeth Duff of Edison. TR, Mon 5 Feb 1996

Albirton, Not named - Mr and Mrs J W Albirton announce thebirth of an 11 pound daughter at their home on Ellaville Road near Americus,Monday. WTR, Thu 21 Mar 1921

Albright, Eudora - Mr and Mrs E S Albright, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a daughter, Oct 16, at the home of Mrs Albright’s mother,Mrs Essie Smith, on Jackson Avenue who will be called Eudora. Mrs Albright was Maybel Smith before hermarriage. TR, Sat 18 Oct 1924

Albritton, Angela - Mr and Mrs Larry Albritton, of Smyrna,announce the birth of an 8 pound daughter on September 26 at Crawford W LongHospital in Atlanta. The baby has beennamed Angela. She is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs Byron Cleveland, of Smyrna and Mr and Mrs J W Albritton Jr ofAmericus. TR, Thu 27 Sep 1962

Albritton, Angie Christina - Mr and Mrs Dale L Albrittonannounce the birth of a daughter born Thursday, May 1 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. Angie Christina,is the name given the infant who weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces. Angie has two sisters, Gina and Mitzi. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Luther Albrittonof Americus and Mr and Mrs Roy Thompson of Plains. TR, Tue 6 May 1980

Albritton, Brandy Michelle - Mr and Mrs Robert W Albrittonannounce the birth of a daughter born Friday, March 28 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been named Brandy Michelle weighed 6 pounds, 12 ½ ounces. The infant’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs BillDeVane and Mr and Mrs Quention Albritton, all of Americus. TR, Wed 2 Apr 1975

Albritton, Brooke Suzanne - Mr and Mrs Robert W Albritton ofAmericus announce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce baby girl, Brooke SuzanneAlbritton, who was born Monday, July 9 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. She is the granddaughter of Mrand Mrs Bill Devane of Americus and Mr and Mrs R Q Albritton, Ellaville. She is also the great-granddaughter of MrsEdith Williams of Ellaville. TR, Fri13 Jul 1979

Albritton, Cecil Edmond III - Mr and Mrs Cecil Albritton Jr ofEllaville announce the birth of a son, Cecil Edmond III, born December 4, 1995at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Jet Grantham of Preston. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs DannyCook III and Mr and Mrs Cecil Albritton Sr, all of Ellaville. Great-grandparents are the late Freida Luftof Germany; the late Mr and Mrs Lee Grantham of Lumber City; Bessie Yarbroughand the late Rufus Yarbrough Sr of Ellaville; Lucile Albritton of Americus andCecil Young of Alabama. TR, Thu 15Feb 1996

Albritton, Deborah Sue - Mr and Mrs Henry Albritton, of 520 WChurch Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce daughter, Wednesday,August 15, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedDeborah Sue. TR, Thu 16 Aug 1956

Albritton, Gina Alane - Mr and Mrs Dale Albritton are theparents of a 7 pound, 9 3/4 ounce daughter born Monday, January 8 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Gina Alane. She isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Luther Albritton of Americus and Mr and Mrs RayThompson of Plains. TR, Tue 9 Jan1973

Albritton, Jeffrey Blaine - Mr and Mrs G A Albritton, of 234Taylor Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound son, Tuesday, July 29, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Jeffrey Blaine. Mrs Albriton is the former Miss GloriaStevens of Ft Valley. TR, Wed 30 Jul1958

Albritton, Jim Aubrey - Mr and Gwynn Albritton announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce son Thursday, December 30 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Jim Aubrey. The baby is the grandson of Mr and MrsHubbard Stephens, of Ft Valley, and Mr and Mrs J W Albritton of Americus. TR, Sat 31 Dec 1960

Albritton, Joseph Aubry - Mr and Mrs J W Albritton Jr announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son Friday, October 30 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Joseph Aubry. Heis the grandson of Mr and Mrs Tuskin Nelson and the late Mr and Mrs JosephWestbrook Albritton, all of Americus. TR,Tue 3 Nov 1970

Albritton, Joseph Ryan - Mr and Mrs Ronnie Albritton ofAmericus announce the birth of a baby boy born Monday, July 13 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces. He has beengiven the name of Joseph Ryan and is to be called Joey. He has a brother, Jason and a sister BeckyAlbritton. Grandparents are Mr and MrsBill Kobs of Americus and Mr and Mrs Quinton Albritton of Ellaville. Mrs Edith Williams of Ellaville is the baby’sgreat-grandmother. TR, Thu 16 Jul1981

Albritton, Lauren Nicole - Robbie and Pam Albritton of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Lauren Nicole, born March 7 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 1 ounce. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Lewis Bray Jr of Americus.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Cecil Albritton and Mr and MrsDanny Cook, all of Ellaville.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harvey Lamberth, Jessie Bray and thelate Lewis Bray Sr of Americus, Bessie Yarbrough and the late Rufus Yarbroughof Ellaville and Lucile Albritton of Americus.Laruen has a brother, Robert 2. TR,Fri 7 Mar 1997

Albritton, Luther Jr - Mr and Mrs Luther L Albritton announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 14 ½ ounce son Tuesday, September 25, who has been namedLuther Jr. TR, Tue 9 Oct 1951

Albritton, Melissa Sue - Mr and Mrs Ray Albritton announce thebirth of daughter, Melissa Sue, who was born Tuesday, April 24 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The babyweighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces. The infant isthe granddaughter of Mrs Jo Anne Pettis and Mrs Lucille Albritton and the lateJ W Albritton, all of Americus. TR,Thu 25 Apr 1979

Albritton, Millie Jo - Mr and Mrs W W Albritton announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce daughter, Wednesday, May 22 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Millie Jo. TR, Fri 24 May 1957

Albritton, Mitzi Dawn - Mr and Mrs Dale L Albaritton announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce daughter born Friday, July 19 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Mitzi Dawn. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Luther L Albritton Sr of Americus and Mr and MrsRoy Thompson of Plains. Thegreat-grandparents are Mrs Mae Wise and Mrs Grace Thompson of Plains and Mr andMrs Carlton Wall of Americus. TR, Mon22 July 1974

Albritton, Not named - Mr and Mrs Cecil Edmond Albritton, ofEllaville, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce son born on December 22 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby’s mother is the former Sandra Yarbrough. The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs RufusYarbrough of Ellaville and Mrs J W Albritton of Americus and Cecil Young ofThomaston. The great-grandparents are MrsBeulah Bivins and Mrs Vera Yarbrough and Tuskin Nelson. TR, Fri 29 Dec 1972

Albritton, Not named - Mr and Mrs J W Albritton announce thebirth of a 11-pound boy on Wednesday, February 17. TR, Thu 18 Feb 1926

Albritton, Not named - Mr and Mrs J W Albritton announce thebirth of a 13 ½ pound boy at their home on the Ellaville highway. TR, Mon 8 July 1929

Albritton, Not named - Mr and Mrs J W Albritton Jr announce thebirth of an 8 ½ pound son, born Wednesday, December 14, at their home nearShiloh. Before marriage Mrs Albrittonwas Miss Leila Grace Allmon, of Ellaville.TR, Fri 16 Dec 1938

Albritton, Not named - Mr and Mrs J W Albritton Jr announce thebirth of a seven pound son, Tuesday, May 14 at their home on the Ellavilleroad. Mrs Albritton was formerly MissSallie Grace Allman. TR, Tue 14 May1940

Albritton, Not named - Mr and Mrs Luther Albritton announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce son Monday, March 30, at Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Tue 31 Mar 1953

Albritton, Not named - Mr and Mrs Richard Albritton, ofMontezuma, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 15 ounce son, May 12, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 12 May 1961

Albritton, Not named - Mr and Mrs Wade Albritton announce thebirth of a son, Tuesday, August 26, at city hospital. TR, Tue 26 Aug 1947

Albritton, Page - Mr and Mrs Larry Albritton, of Smyrna,announce the birth of a daughter, September 17 who has been given the name ofPage. The baby is the granddaughter ofMr and Mrs J W Albritton Jr of Americus and Mr and Mrs W B Cleveland ofSmyrna. TR, Thu 19 Sep 1963

Albritton, Pamela - Mr and Mrs Clinton Albritton, of Rupert,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 2 ounce daughter, Aug 7, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Pamela. TR, Thu 8 Aug 1957

Albritton, Raymond Phillip Jr - Mr and Mrs Raymond Albrittonannounce the birth of a son born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onWednesday, January 22. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 10 3/4 ounces and has been given the name of Raymond PhillipJr. The baby’s grandparents are Mr andMrs J W Albritton, Americus and Mr and Mrs Cecil Young of Thomasville and MrsJoan Tyler of this city and Boyd Fowler of Sylvester. TR, Fri 24 Jan 1975

Albritton, Rebecca Ann - Mr and Mrs Ronald W Albritton announcethe birth of a daughter at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Saturday,January 24. The baby, who has been giventhe name of Rebecca Ann weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces. Rebecca Ann has one brother, Ronald Jason. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs R QAlbritton and Mr and Mrs William Kobs of Americus. TR, Sat 24 Jan 1976

Albritton, Robert Gaston Jr - Mr and Mrs Robbie Albritton ofEllaville announce the birth of a son, Robert Gaston Jr, born December 31 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 5 pounds, 14 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Lewis Bray Jr of Americus andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Danny Cook and Mr and Mrs Cecil Albritton,all of Ellaville. Great-grandparents areMr and Mrs Harvey Lamberth of Americus, Jessie Bray and the late Lewis Bray Srof Americus, Bessie Yarbrough, the late Rufus Yarbrough of Ellaville andLucille Albritton of Americus. TR,Wed 4 Jan 1995

Albritton, Robert Gaston - Mr and Mrs Cecil Albritton, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a son born Monday, November 11 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Robert Gaston and will be called Robbie. He has one brother, Cecil Albritton Jr. The baby weighed 5 pounds, 1 ½ ounces. His grandparents are Mr and Mrs Rufus Yarbroughof Ellaville and Mr and Mrs J W Albritton of Americus and Mrs Cecil Young ofThomasville. He is the great-grandson ofMrs Beulah Bivins and Tuskin Nelson, both of Americus and Mrs Vera Yarbrough ofEllaville. TR, Thu 14 Nov 1974

Albritton, Ronald Jason - Mr and Mrs Ronald Westbrook Albrittonannounce the birth of a son, Ronald Jason, born Tuesday, November 6 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 7 pounds, 4 1/4 ounces. Hisgrandparents are Mr and Mr R Q Albritton and Mr and Mrs William Kobs, all ofAmericus. TR, Thu 8 Nov 1973

Albritton, Tiffany Nicole - Joseph and Crystal Albritton ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Tiffany Nicole, born Friday, Mar 18at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 14 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Lucille Albritton and the late J W Albrittonof Americus and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert Freeman ofPreston. Tiffany Nicole has a sister,Jessica, 3. TR, Sat 19 Mar 1994

Albritton, Victoria Ashley - Mr and Mrs John Albritton announcethe birth of a daughter, Victoria Ashley, born September 5 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 9ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Paul and Brinda Blackston and Lamar Bailey, all of Ellaville. Paternal grandparents are Bobby and MarthaCastleberry and Julius Albritton, all of Americus. Great-grandparents are Myrtice Denton ofOglethorpe, Mable Albritton of Butler and Annie Julia Potter of Americus. TR, Mon 18 Sep 1995

Alderman, Frank III - Mr and Mrs Frank Alderman Jr, of FortMyers, Fla, announce the birth of a son, Thursday, September 7, who has beennamed Frank III. Mrs Alderman wasformerly Miss Elizabeth Sheppard of Americus.TR, Thu 14 Sep 1939

Aldrich, Donna Fay - Mr and Mrs James L Aldrich, ofWashington, Ga, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ounce daughter, Tuesday,July 9, who has been named Donna Fay.Mrs Aldrich is the former Miss Caroline Crutchfield and the baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Dudley Crutchfield and Mr and Mrs ThereonAldridge. TR, Wed 11 Jul 1957

Aldridge, Austin Jeffrey - Susan and Jeff Aldridge of Bufordannounce the birth of a son, Austin Jeffrey, born May 13. Grandparents are Robert and Alice Downer ofRichland and John and Joyce Aldridge of Americus. TR, Mon 20 May 1996

Aldridge, Bradley Shy - Mr and Mrs John H Aldridge announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 13 1/4 ounce son born Wednesday, November 24 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who has been named Bradley Shy, has an older brother, Scott. The infant is the grandson of Mr and MrsJames Mills and Mr and Mrs John D Aldridge, all of Americus. His great-grandparents are Mrs Roy Daniel andMr and Mrs Harry Shy, Americus and Mrs Lillian Aldridge of Chattanooga and MrsWilliam DuBose. TR, Wed 1 Dec 1976

Aldridge, Claudia Geraldine - Mr and Mrs Frank Aldridge, ofVienna, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce daughter on November 5 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Shehas been named Claudia Geraldine. TR,Mon 7 Nov 1960

Aldridge, Franklin Allen - Mr and Mrs Frank Aldridge Jr, ofMontezuma, are the parents of a 9 pound, 14 ounce son, born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on August 17. Thebaby has been named Franklin Allen. TR,Tue 20 Aug 1963

Aldridge, Gregory James - Mr and Mrs James Aldridge, ofMontezuma, announce the birth of a 7 ½ pound son, September 24, who has beennamed Gregory James. Mrs Aldridge is theformer Miss Carolyn Crutchfield, of Americus.TR, Thu 1 Oct 1959

Aldridge, Harriet Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs John Aldridgeannounce the birth of a 7 pound, two and one-half ounce daughter, Tuesday,November 26, at Prather Clinic, who has been named Harriet Elizabeth. Mrs Aldridge was before marriage Miss JoyceShy, daughter of Mr and Mrs Harry Shy. TR,Wed 27 Nov 1946

Aldridge, James Scott - Mr and Mrs John H Aldridge announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce son born Thursday, December 7 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who has been named James Scott is the grandson of Mr and Mrs James Mills and Mrand Mrs John Aldridge. Hisgreat-grandparents are Mrs Fred Cordell, Mr and Mrs Roy Daniel and Mr and MrsHarry Shy, all of Americus and Mrs John Aldridge of Chattanooga, Tennessee. TR, Thu 7 Dec 1972

Aldridge, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Aldridge announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 9 ounce son, Wednesday, August 4, at Prather Clinic. Mrs Aldridge was before marriage Miss JoyceShy. Mrs Aldridge and baby have beenremoved from the clinic to their home on Washington Street. TR, Sat 7 Aug 1948

Aldridge, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Aldridge, of 201Lorraine Avenue, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce son, December 15 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Thu 16 Dec 1965

Aldridge, Not named - Mr and Mrs William M Aldridge, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce daughter at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital on December 30.TR, Thu 30 Dec 1965

Alexander, Barry Felton - Mr and Mrs Emory Alexander, ofZebulon, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 12 ounce son, Monday, November21. The baby has been named BarryFelton. TR, Mon 21 Nov 1955

Alexander, Carolyn Virginia - Mr and Mrs Larry Alexander ofWest Palm Beach, Fla announce the adoption of an infant daughter, CarolynVirginia. Carolyn is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs Jack Murr of Americus and Mr and Mrs L B Alexander ofJacksonville, Fla. She has a sister,Catherine, 9 and a brother, Ben, 8.. TR,Sat 4 Jan 1985

Alexander, Catherine Susan - Mr and Mrs Larry Alexander, ofWest Palm Beach, Fla announce the birth of an 8 pound daughter, CatherineSusan, born Saturday, March 22 at the Good Samaritan Hospital in West PalmBeach. The baby’s mother is the formerSusan Murr of this city. The infant’sgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Jack Murr of Americus and Mr and Mrs L B Alexanderof Jacksonville. TR, Tue 1 Apr 1975

Alexander, Frank McLain Jr - Mr and Mrs Frank M Alexanderannounce the birth of a son on September 28, who will be given the name ofFrank McLain Jr. Mrs Alexander has anumber of friends in Americus who knew her as Miss Ella Smith, of Cordele,before her marriage. TR, Thu 30 Sep1920

Alexander, Helen Joyce - Mr and Mrs Frank Alexander, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a daughter at Boyette Clinic, Thursdaymorning, June 27. The little girl hasbeen given the name Helen Joyce. Bothbaby and mother are doing fine and expect to be removed from the clinic totheir home on Oglethorpe Street. TR,Wed 3 Jul 1940

Alexander, Katherine Claire - Mr and Mrs John Alexander ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Katherine Claire, born January 7 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Frank Brysch of Cordele and Mr and MrsHerbert Boyles of Meridian, Miss. TR,Sat 15 Jan 1988

Alexander, Katheryn Janelle - Mr and Mrs J H Alexander ofDawson, announce the birth of an 8 pound daughter, Wednesday, October 18, atcity hospital, who has been named Katheryn Janelle. Mrs Alexander wss formerly Miss Mary LouBowen, of Sumter. TR, Fri, 20 Oct1944

Alexander, Larry Benton Jr - Mr and Mrs Larry Benton Alexanderof West Palm Beach, Fla announce the birth of an 8 pound, 15 ounce son born atthe Good Samaritan Hospital in West Palm on Monday, Sepbemter 27. The baby has been named Larry Benton Jr. His mother is the former Susan Murr ofAmericus. Grandparents of the infant areMr and Mrs Jack Murr of this city and Mr and Mrs L B Alexander ofJacksonville. TR, Thu 30 Sep 1976

Alexander, Martin Wade Jr - Mr and Mrs Martin Alexander ofSmithville announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ounce son on June 7 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital who has been named Martin Wade Jr. The infant’s grandparents are Mr and MrsBilly Bates of Atlanta and Mr and Mrs Royce Alexander of Atlanta. He has a sister, Angie, who is two years old. TR, Mon 13 Jun 1983

Alexander, Not named - Mr and Mrs J F Alexander, of Talbotton,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, October 11, at city hospital. TR, Wed 13 Oct 1943

Alford, Courtney Danielle - Warren and Shannon Alford ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Courtney Danielle, born February 17at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Willie and Janice McLean of Americus and Rachel McLeanof Cocoa, Fla and Mr and Mrs John Alford of Americus. The baby has a sister, Jessica, age five anda brother Justin, 17 months. TR, Tue25 Feb 1992

Alford, Courtney Michelle - Mr and Mrs Greg Alford ofDecatur announce the birth of a daughter born at the Decatur General Hospitalin Decatur on Monday, November 6. Thebaby weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces. She hasbeen named Courtney Michelle. The infantis the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Medlock of Decatur and Mrs MarthaAlford of Conyers. Mrs Grace Medlock ofPlains is the baby’s great-grandmother. TR,Fri 17 Nov 1978

Alford, Heather Renee - Mr and Mrs Darren Alford announcethe birth of a daughter, Heather Renee, born December 27 at Sumter RegionalHospital. Heather weighed 6 pounds, 12ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs John Linneman and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs JohnAlford; and Mrs Alice Alford, all of Americus; Mrs June Linneman of Bradenton,Fla and Mrs Faye Holmes of Ft Gaines, Ga.Mrs Clyde Hensler of Atlanta is great-great-grandmother. TR, Thu 11 Jan 1990

Alford, James Daren - Mr and Mrs John W Alford announce thebirth of a 7 ½ pound son Thursday, August 31 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been given the name of James Daren. The baby is the grandson of Mrs W L Alfordand the late Rev W L Alford and Mr and Mrs Elgin Farr of Americus. TR, Mon 4 Sep 1967

Alford, Jessica Lauren - Mr and Mrs Warren Alford ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Jessica Lauren, born Wednesday,September 17. The infant weighed 7pounds at birth. Paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs John Alford of Americus and maternal grandparents are WillieMcLean and Rachel McLean, both of Americus.TR, Tue 27 Sep 1986

Alford, John Andrew - Darren and Jenny Alford of Americusannounce the birth of a son, John Andrew, born Sunday, September 1 at SumterRegional Hospital. Andrew weighed 7pounds, 11 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are John and Connie Linneman and paternal grandparents are Johnand Emily Alford, all of Americus; June Linneman of Bradenton, Fla and FayeHolmes of Eufaula, Ala. Mrs ClydeHensler of Atlanta is great-great-grandmother.Andrew has a sister, Heather, age 20 months. TR, Sat 7 Sep 1991

Alford, Justin Warren - Warren and Shannon Alford of LakeBlackshear announce the birth of a son, Justin Warren, born Sunday, September23 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Theinfant weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mrs Rachel McLean of Cocoa Beach, Fla; Mr and MrsWillie McLean of Americus and Mr and Mrs John Alford of Americus. The baby has a sister, Jessica, agefour. TR, Fri 5 Oct 1990

Alford, Lindsey Faith - Darren and Jenny Alford of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Lindsey Faith, Oct 18 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,14 ounces. Grandparents are John andConnie Linneman of Americus and John and Emily Alford of Plains. She has a sister, Heather, 10 and a brother,Andrew, 8. TR, Thu 4 Nov 1999

Alford, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Alford, of 1502Oglethorpe Avenue, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ½ ounce son, September1, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Thu 2 Sep 1965

Alford, Nykoles Scottrell - Spec Jeffery Scott and PFCLaShonda Patrick Alford, US Army, announce the birth of a son NykolesScottrell, born August 17 at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant weighed 4 pounds, 6 ounces atbirth. Grandparents are Ms Addie Patrickof Americus; Willie Hinton of Montezuma; Mrs Helen Holmes and Willie Scarboughof Meridian, Miss. Great-grandparentsare Ms Lucile Arnett and Mathis Patrick of Americus and Mr and Mrs Luther DHinton Sr of Montezuma. TR, Sat 26Aug 1989

Alford, Terri Diane - Mr and Mrs Terry Alford announce thebirth of a daughter born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital July23. She weighed 7 pounds, 9 ½ ounces andhas been given the name Terri Diane. Sheis the granddaughter of Mrs Maude Jackson and the late Roy Jackson of Americusand Mr and Mrs Jo Alford of Warner Robins.She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs Annie Mae Edge Alford ofBloomingdale. TR, Tue 26 Jul 1983

Alford, Vickie Marie - Mr and Mrs Terry Alford of Americusannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ounce daughter, Vickie Marie, bornSaturday, May 18 at Sumter Regional Hospital.She is the granddaughter of Mrs Maude Jackson and the late Roy Jacksonof Americus and Mr and Mrs J Oscar Alford of Warner Robins. She has a sister Diane. TR, Thu 23 May 1985

Algood, Elizabeth Wynn - Mr and Mrs Cecil Thomas Algood Jr,of Monroe, Ga announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce daughter born Sunday,June 13 at the Northside Hospital in Atlanta.The infant, who has been named Elizabeth Wynn, has a brother CecilThomas Algood III. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs C T Algood Sr of Oxford, Ga and Mr and Mrs E G Tiddof Plains. TR, Tue 15 Jun 1976

Allbright, Edward Sheridan Jr - Mr and Mrs E S Allbrightannounce the birth of a son Nov 16, who has been named Edward Sheridan Jr. Mrs Allbright was Miss Mary Belle Smith andnow resides in Atlanta. TR, Fri 17Nov 1922

Allcorn, Carson Irwin - Lt (jg) and Mrs Frank Walter AllcornIV, of Honolulu, Hawaii announce the birth of a daughter born Sunday, September10. The baby has been named CarsonIrwin. She is the granddaughter of Drand Mrs Thomas Melbourne Irwin and Mr and Mrs Frank W Allcorn III ofJacksonville and the great-granddaughter of the late Mrs Ruth Martin Walter ofAmericus. TR, Tue 12 Sep 1972

Allcorn, Daneyse Martin - Lt and Mrs Frank Allcorn III,announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, July 27, at the Piedmont hospitalin Atlanta. The baby has been namedDaneyse Martin for her mother, the former Miss Daneyse Walters ofAmericus. Lt Allcorn, of the U S Navy,is on submarine duty in the Pacific. TR,Thur 22 Jul 1944

Allcorn, Frank Allcorn IV - Mr and Mrs Frank Allcorn III, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a son, Saturday, May 31, at Piedmont hospital,who has been named Frank Allcorn IV. MrsAllcorn is the former Miss Dancey Walter, of Americus. TR, Mon 2 Jun 1947

Allegood, Brenton Shayne - Shayne and Gail Allegood ofEllaville announce the birth of a son, Brenton Shayne, born Feb 23 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds.Grandparents are Brenda Tidd of Ellaville and Boze and Betty Godwin ofPlains. Great-grandparents are MarthaThiers of Americus and Pete and Dot Godwin of Plains. TR Tue 16 Mar 1999

Allegood, Daniel Shayne - Mr and Mrs Johnny Allegood, ofEllaville, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 15 ½ ounce son born Tuesday, March30 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby, who has been named Daniel Shayne is the grandson of Mr and MrsDavid W Allegood of Zephyr Hills, Fla and the late Mr and Mrs J L Barney Usryof Ellaville. TR, Wed 31 Mar 1971

Allen, Brenda Joy - Mr and Mrs Haven Allen announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce daughter September 17 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been given the name of Brenda Joy. Mrs Allen is the former Linda Crook and thebaby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs B F Crook and Gordon Allen and the lateMrs Allen. TR, Tue 20 Sep 1966

Allen, Cody Aron - Mr and Mrs Donnie Allen of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a son, Cody Aron, born May 10 at Houston Medical Center,Warner Robins. The infant weighed 7pounds, 2 ½ ounce at birth. Cody has abrother Eric, 2. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs George L Royal of Ellaville and paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Eric L Allen of Pine Mountain. TR,Wed 1 Jun 1994

Allen, Deborah Louise - Pvt and Mrs Max Allen, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a daughter, Deborah Louise, at the Prather Clinic,August 5. Mrs Allen is the former MissMabel McMichael of Buena Vista. PvtAllen is now stationed at Camp Bowie, Texas.TR, Wed 9 Aug 1944

Allen, Eric Lynwood - Mr and Mrs Donnie Allen of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a son, Eric Lynwood, born April 1 at Houston CountyMedical Center, Warner Robins. Theinfant weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs George Lynwood Royal of Ellavilleand paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Eric Allen of Pine Mountain. TR, Thu 16 Apr 1992

Allen, Ferrye Lou - Mr and Mrs Carl Allen, of Lenox, Ga,announce the birth of a daughter, Oct 3, who has been given the name FerryeLou. Mrs Allen will be remembered asMiss Tera Kinard, of Leslie, Ga. TR,Sat 8 Oct 1932

Allen, Frederick Vertram IV - Mr and Mrs Fred Allen, ofRoute 1, Smithville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son on July 20at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named FrederickVertram IV. TR, Mon 21 Jul 1958

Allen, Griffin Isaac - Dr and Mrs Ron Allen of Salt LakeCity, Utah announce the birth of a son, Griffin Isaac, born Tuesday, Apr 12 ata Salt lake City hospital. The infantweighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Charles Sanderlin of Americus andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ronald Allen of Valdosta. Mrs Allen is the former Miss JenniferSanderlin of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs M E DeVane of Ellaville, Mrs L GSanderlin of Cuthbert, Mrs V E Branch of Lakeland and Mrs Bill Frendenberger ofValdosta. TR, Fri 29 Apr 1994

Allen, Jacob Eugene - Gene and Deborah Allen announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son, Jacob Eugene, born Wednesday, January 30 atSumter Regional Hospital. Jake is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs E P Bass of Americus and Mr and Mrs John H Allen ofVienna. TR, Tue 5 Feb 1985

Allen, James Aubrey - Mr and Mrs James B Allen, ofCuthbert, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce sonborn Monday, June 14 at the Patterson Hospital in Cuthbert. The baby has been named James Aubrey. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Edgar Allenof Americus and Mr and Mrs L B Cox of Milledgeville. TR, Tue 15 Jun 1971

Allen, James Edgar - Mr and Mrs Edgar Allen announce thebirth of a son, Thursday, April 22, at Prather Clinic. The baby weighed 9 lbs, 3 ounces at birth,has been named James Edgar. Mrs Allenwas formerly Miss Alma Toms. TR, Mon26 Apr 1943

Allen, Jonathan Ashley - Mr and Mrs Sam Y Allen Jr, ofStone Mountain, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce son born Friday,February 9 at the DeKalb General Hospital.The baby has been given the name of Jonathan Ashley and is to be called“Jon”.. He is the grandson of Mrs HelenAllen and the late Sam Allen Sr of Americus and Mrs Joseph B Neighbors and thelate Mr Neighbors of Atlanta. TR, Thu15 Feb 1973

Allen, Judson Taylor III - Mr and Mrs Judson T Allen Jr, ofMontezuma, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ½ ounce son, Saturday, November21, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named JudsonTaylor III. TR, Tue 24 Nov 1959

Allen, Kelly Louise - Mr and Mrs Martin Allen of Plainsannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce daughter. The infant, who has been given the name KellyLouise was born at Phoebe Putney Hospital in Albany on Wednesday, January19. She is the granddaughter of Mr andMrs Robert Jones of Falls Church, Va; Marie Allen, New York, NY and Mr and MrsJoe Allen, Tyler, Texas. Hergreat-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Angelo Mazzocchi, Washington, DC; Mrs VernaJones, Reston, Va and Mrs Joe C Allen, Tyler, Texas. Brian Allen is her older brother. TR, Tue 1 Feb 1983

Allen, Kenneth Dwayne - Mr and Mrs J W Allen, of Ellaville,announce the birth of an 8 pound son, April 22, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named Kenneth Dwayne. TR, Mon 24 Apr 1961

Allen, Lana Sheree - Trooper and Mrs Jimmy Allen announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 12 ounce daughter Thursday, December 29 at thePatterson Hospital in Cuthbert who has been given the name of Lana Sheree. Mrs Allen is the former Lanelle Cox ofMilledgeville. TR, Fri 30 Dec 1966

Allen, Laura Bennett - Mr and Mrs Kim Allen of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Laura Bennett, born September 15 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 9pounds, 7 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert W Wilaux of Decatur. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Morris WAllen of Covington. Great-grandmothersare Mrs T I Hutcheson of Tallapoosa and Mrs W W Allen of Covington. The baby, who will be called Laura has abrother, Kim, age eight. TR, Wed 5Sep 1991

Allen, Lee Herbert - Mr and Mrs Robrt Eugene Allen announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 11 ½ ounce son born Thursday, May 4 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Lee Herbert. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs R C Mobley Jr of this city and Mr and Mrs J H Allen ofVienna. TR, Fri 5 May 1972

Allen, Lindsey Brooke - Mr and Mrs Charles Allen announcethe birth of a daughter born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The 6 pound, 4 ounce little girl arrivedMonday, February 23. She has been namedLindsey Brooke. Brooke, as she will becalled, is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs John M Smith, Americus and Mrs GraceBurdett, of Carrollton. TR, Wed 25Feb 1981

Allen, Loren Fox - Mr and Mrs J T Allen Jr, of Montezuma,are the parents of a 7 pound, 1 ounce daughter , born June 21 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Loren Fox. TR, Fri 22 Jun 1962

Allen, Mary Sue - Is the name given Mr and Mrs Sam Allen’slittle daughter, which was born at the Prather Clinic this morning and weighed5 pounds and 8 ounces. Both mother andbaby are “doing nicely.” TR, Thu 14Sep 1933

Allen, Nelle Ann - Mr and Mrs H D Allen, of Live Oak, Fla,announce the birth of an 8-pound daughter, Saturday, January 24, who has beennamed Nelle Ann. Mrs Allen was beforemarriage Verna Smith, of Americus. TR,Tue 27 Jan 1948

Allen, Not named - Mr and Mrs Carl Allen, of Shelby, NC, announcethe birth of a daughter, Tuesday, June 21 who weighed 7 ½ pounds. Mrs Allen is the former Miss Martha Smith,daughter of Mr and Mrs A W Smith. TR,Thu 23 Jun 1949

Allen, Not named - Mr and Mrs Elliott T Allen, of Leslie,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 11 ½ ounce son, Mar 7 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 8 Mar1965

Allen, Not named - Mr and Mrs Haven Allen, of Route 3Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ½ ounce daughter, January 25 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Tue 26 Jan 1965

Allen, Not named - Mr and Mrs Joe Allen, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 9 ounce daughter, July 22, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 22Jul 1965

Allen, Not named - Mr and Mrs Joe W Allen, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a 5 pound, 2 ½ ounce son, September 16 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon17 Sep 1962

Allen, Not named - Mr and Mrs M J Allen announce the birthof an eight pound daughter, Wednesday, July 9, at Piedmont Hospital,Atlanta. Mrs Allen was formerly MissRuth Snipes. TR, Sat 12 Jul 1941

Allen, Not named - Mr and Mrs R E Allen, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a son, June 4, at Prather Clinic. TR, Sat 9 Jun 1951

Allen, Patricia Ann - Mr and Mrs C C Allen announce thebirth of a daughter, Monday, June 14, at city hospital, who will be calledPatricia Ann. TR, Tue 15 Jun 1943

Allen, Samuel Young Jr - Mr and Mrs Sam Allen announce thebirth of a son Sunday, December 21, at Prather clinic, who has been namedSamuel Young Jr. TR, Mon 22 Dec 1941

Allen, Teressa Kay - Mr and Mrs Haven Allen, of Route 3Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce daughter, born June 25 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Teressa Kay.TR, Wed 26 Jun 1963

Allen, Wesley Nathaniel - Mr and Mrs Sam Allen Jr, of StoneMountain, announce the birth of a son, Wesley Nathaniel, on Thursday, July 10at DeKalb General Hospital. The babyweighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces. He has anolder brother, Jonathan, who is 2 ½ years old.The infant has two grandmothers, Mrs J B Nabors of Lake Sinclair nearMilledgeville and Ms Sam Allen of Americus.TR, Wed 16 Jul 1975

Allen, William Vann - Dr and Mrs Ronald Vann Allen ofValdosta announce the birth of a son, William Vann, born December 16, 1996 atthe South Georgia Medical Center, Valdosta.The infant weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Charles W Sanderlin of Americus. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ronald FAllen of Valdosta. Great-grandparentsare Mrs Bill Fredenberger of Lake Park, Mrs Etheridge Branch of Lakeland andMrs Marvin DeVane Sr of Ellaville. Will,as the baby is called, has a brother, Griffin, 2 ½. TR, Fri 10 Jan 1997

Allgood, Cecil Thomas III - Mr and Mrs Cecil Thomas AllgoodJr, of Monroe, Ga announce the birth of an 8 pound son born Monday, June 18 atNorthside Hospital in Atlanta. MrsAllgood is the former Myrtice Ann Tidd of Plains. The infant, who has been named Cecil ThomasIII is the grandson of Mr and Mrs C T Allgood of Oxford, Ga and Mr and Mrs E GTidd of Plains. TR, Tue 19 Jun 1973

Allison, Ann - Mr and Mrs R M Allison, of Hawkinsville,announce the birth of a daughter on Wednesday, November 28, who has been giventhe name Ann. Mrs Allison is the formerMiss Erline Ferguson, only daughter of Senator and Mrs John Ferguson, of DeSoto. Mr Allison is the son of Mrs Rosa Allison, ofAmericus. TR, Tue 2 Dec 1947

Allison, Arthur Stephen - Mr and Mrs Arthur Allison announcethe birth of a 9 pound, 4 ½ ounce son Tuesday, April 9 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Arthur Stephen. TR, Thu 11Apr 1968

Allison, Dorothy - Mr and Mrs Lester M Allison, of New Era,announce the birth of a daughter, June 12, who has been named Dorothy. TR, Tue 12 Jun 1928

Allison, Jeffery Lee - Mr and Mrs C L Allison, of Leslie, arethe parents of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son, born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital August 26. The baby has beennamed Jeffery Lee. TR, Tue 27 Aug1963

Allison, Lester Jr - Mr and Mrs Lester Allison announce thebirth of a son, Thursday, May 22, at their home in the 27thdistrict, who has been given the name Lester Jr. TR, Tue 27 May 1930

Allison, Mary Catherine - Mr and Mrs Arthur Allison, of Route3, Americus, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 10 ounce daughter at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, April 16, who has been named Mary Catherine. TR, Thu 17 Apr 1958

Allison, Not named - Mr and Mrs C L Allison, Leslie, announcethe birth of a baby girl born September 23 at Prather Clinic. TCN, Thu 25 Sep 1952

Allison, Not named - Mr and Mrs Edward Allison, of ForrestStreet, are the parents of a son, who was born January 28 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby weighed8 pounds, 11 ½ ounces. TR, Mon 29 Jan1962

Allison, Not named - Mr and Mrs William L Allison of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter born Wednesday, July 26 at PratherClinic. TCN, Thu 27 Jul 1950

Allison, Penelope Jean - Mr and Mrs Arthur B Allison announcethe birth of a daughter, Monday, August 25, at Prather Clinic, who has beennamed Penelope Jean. The baby weighed 8lbs, 7 ounces. Mrs Allison was beforemarriage Miss Martha Holloway. TR,Sat 30 Aug 1947

Allison, Richard Manson Jr - Mr and Mrs R M Allison, ofAlbuquerque, N Mex, formerly of DeSoto, announce the birth of a seven and ahalf pound son at the Americus and Sumter County hospital Thursday, December31, 1936, who has been given the name Richard Manson Jr. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. TR, Mon 4 Jan 1937

Allison, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs Lewis Allison announcethe birth of twin daughters Tuesday, May 9, at their home on the Sheffield farmin the 28th district. One of the babiesweighed six pounds and the other 4 1/4 pounds.They have not been named as yet. TR,Wed 10 May 1939

Allmon, Abbott Russell - Mr and Mrs Abbott Allmon announcethe birth of a son, Abbott Russell, born January 29 weighing 9 pounds. TCN, Thu 5 Feb 1953

Allmon, Clay Lamar - Mr and Mrs Finis Allmon announce thebirth of a son, Monday, May 28, at city hospital, who weighed 5 pounds, 4 ½ounces. The baby has been named ClayLamar. TR, Mon 11 Jun 1951

Allmon, Linwood - Mr and Mrs Abbott Allmon announce thebirth of a son Friday, August 6, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital,who has been named Linwood. The babyweighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces. TR, Tue17 Aug 1954

Allmon, William Alan - Alan and Dawn Allmon of Americusannounce the birth of a son, William Alan, born Tuesday, February 14 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital.Grandparents are L A Allmon and Mr and Mrs B L Gaultney ofAmericus. Great-grandmother is MrsFlorrie Moore of Norfolk, Virginia and his great-great-grandmother is Mrs L AWyche of Macon. TR, Thu 1 Mar 1984

Almand, Betty Bowers - Mr and Mrs E L Almand, of Monroe, Ga,announce the birth of a daughter, at the Athens Sanitarium, Tuesday November20th, who has been given the name Betty Bowers.Mrs Almand will be pleasantly remembered as Miss Mary Bowers ofAmericus. TR, Fri 23 Nov 1928

Almon, Ann Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs James E Almon announcethe birth of a daughter today, March 15, at the City hospital, who has beennamed Ann Elizabeth. Mrs Almon wasformerly Miss Mary Walker. TR, Sat 15Mar 1941

Almon, Daniel Grady - Mr and Mrs Dave Almon of LakeBlackshear announce the birth of a son born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital Monday, September 7. The baby,who has been named Daniel Grady has a brother, Vince. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Vincent Munoz ofSantiago, Chile and Mrs Claude Almon of Dawson.TR, Mon 14 Sep 1981

Almon, Edgar Henry - Mr and Mrs C B Almon, of Richland,announce the birth of a son, at city hospital, Tuesday, July 18, who has beennamed Edgar Henry. TR, Wed 26 Jul1944

Almon, Evelyn Lamar - Mr and Mrs Robert H Almon, of 145Taylor Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ½ ounce daughter, September12 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named EvelynLamar. TR, Thu 13 Sep 1962

Almon, Not named - Mr and Mrs Finis Almon announce thebirth of a son, Tuesday, April 2, at city hospital. TR, Wed 3 Apr 1946

Almon, Not named - Mr and Mrs James E Almon, of Dawson,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, June 23, atthe city hospital. Mrs Almon was beforeher marriage Miss Mary Walker, of this city.TR, Mon 28 Jun 1943

Almond, Not named - Mr and Mrs Claude Almond, of Kimbrough,announce the birth of a son, Sunday, March 7, at city hospital. TR, Thu 11 Mar 1943

Alperin, Jeffery - Dr and Mrs Herbert Alperin, of New York,announce the birth of a 7 pound son, Monday, April 20, who has been namedJeffery. Mrs Alperin is the former MissAnn Stein, of Americus. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Frank Stein, of this city and Mr and Mrs CharlesAlperin, of Atlanta. TR, Fri 1 May1959

Alperin, Melissa - Dr and Mrs Herbert Alperin, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a daughter, Melissa, on December 21, 1965, at GeorgiaBaptist Hospital. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Frank Stein of Americus and Mr and Mrs Charles Alperin of Atlanta. TR, Fri 14 Jan 1966

Alperin, Stephen - Dr and Mrs Herbert Alperin announce thebirth of a son, Stephen, February 19, at Turner Air Base where Dr Alperin isChief of Pediatrics. Mrs Alperin is theformer Ann Stein of Americus and Mr and Mrs Frank Stein are the maternalgrandparents. The paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Charles Alperin of Atlanta.TR, Tue 7 Mar 1961

Alston, Carmen Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Tony Alston of Prestonannounce the birth of a daughter, Carmen Elizabeth, born Wednesday, August 31at the Medical Center in Columbus. Theinfant weighed 7 pounds, 7 1/4 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Russell Fryer of Warm Springs andpaternal grandmother is Mrs Idell Alston of Americus. The infant has a brother, Travis, agefour. TR, Sat 3 Sep 1988

Alston, Gordon - Mr and Mrs George Baker Alston, of Preston,are the parents of a 9 pound, 2 ounce son, born January 5 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Gordon. TR, Tue 5 Jan 1965

Alston, John Scott - Mr and Mrs John B Alston Jr, of Butler,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ½ ounce son Friday, July 4th atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named John Scott.He is the grandson of Mrs John B Alston and the late Mr Alston, ofPreston and Mrs W V Medlock and the late Mrs Medlock of Plains. TR, Tue 8 Jul 1969

Alston, Kaitlyn Marie - Mr and Mrs Gordon B Alston Jr ofPreston announce the birth of a daughter, Kaitlyn Marie, born February 4 atPhoebe Putney Hospital, Albany. The babyweighed 8 pounds at birth. Mrs Alston isthe former Miss Sandy Lynn Sutherland.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Gene Sutherland of Plains and Mr and MrsBaker Alston of Preston.Great-grandmothers are Mrs Grace Sutherland of Plains, Mrs VirginiaDenson of Marietta and Mrs Nellie Alston of Preston. TR, Thu 19 Mar 1992

Alston, Lyndsey Ellen - Sandy and Gordon Alston of Prestonannounce the birth of a daughter, Lyndsey Ellen, born Jun 9. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces atbirth. Mrs Alston is the former SandySutherland of Plains. Maternalgrandparents are Gene and Ginger Sutherland of Plains and paternal grandparentsare Baker and Ellen Alston of Weston.Great-grandparents are Grace Sutherland of Plains, Virginia Denson ofMarietta and Nellie Alston of Weston.The baby has a sister, Kaitlyn Marie, 2.TR, Fri 17 Jun 1994

Alston, Mary Rebecca - Mr and Mrs John D Alston announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce daughter at the Americus and Sumter County HospitalSunday, February 4. The baby has beennamed Mary Rebecca. TR, Tue 6 Feb1968

Alston, Not named - Mr and Mrs E B Alston, of Preston, announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce daughter, Thursday, February 20 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 21 Feb 1958

Alston, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Alston, of Richland,announce the birth of a son, Monday, September 13, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 16 Sep 1948

Alston, Shonna Marie - Mr and Mrs Robert B Alston announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 13 ½ ounce daughter at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Shonna Marie.The infant was born August 19.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs James Marvin Griggs Sr of Plains and MrsSarah D Alston of Americus and the late George Robert Alston. The infant is the great-granddaughter of MrsMyrtle Alston of Americus and Mrs R R Griggs of Spotsylvania, Va. TR, Thu 21 Aug 1980

Alvi, Shazia Lynn - Is the name given the infant daughterof Mr and Mrs Tanvir Alvi who was born Monday, November 10 in Houston,Texas. The baby’s mother is the formerShery Glassco*ck of Americus. Both motherand baby are presently visiting in Americus with Mrs Martha Grace Glassco*ck andfamily. TR, Mon 1 Dec 1980

Amaral, James Steven - Mr and Mrs James P Amaral announcethe birth of a son, Thursday, July 11, at Phoebe Putney Hospital, in Albany,who has been named James Steven. MrsAmaral was before marriage Miss Floy Durham.TR, Tue 16 Jul 1946

Ambrose, Not named - Mr and Mrs Larue Ambrose, of Vienna,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 3 ounce son, Sunday, January 2, at cityhospital. TR, Wed 5 Jan 1949

Ames, Brian Patrick - Mr and Mrs John F Ames of Louisville,Ky announce the birth of an 8 pound son born Thursday, August 7. The baby, who has been given the name ofBrian Patrick, has a brother, Jay.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Clarence W Ames of Americus. TR, Sat 9 Aug 1980

Ames, Christopher Albert - Mr and Mrs Clarence W Ames Jr,of the Trust Territory, West Carolines, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4ounce son Tuesday, April 16, who has been named Christopher Albert. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs ClarenceAmes Sr of Americus. TR, Sat 20 Apr1968

Ames, Clarence Whitten Jr - Mr and Mrs Clarence Amesannounce the birth of a son born Sunday, January 15, at the city hospital, whohas been named Clarence Whitten Jr.Before marriage Mrs Ames was Miss Margie Felts, of Preston. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. TR, Mon 16 Jan 1939

Ames, Gemma Lucila - Mr and Mrs Clarence W Ames Jr, YapIsland, Western Carolines Islands, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ouncedaughter on October 12 who has been named Gemma Lucila. The grandparents are Mr and Mrs Clarence WAmes of Americus and Mr and Mrs Conrado Brianes of the Philippines. TR, Mon 20 Oct 1969

Ames, Genevieve Marie - Mr and Mrs Clarence Ames Jr, of303 E Dodson Street, are the parents of a 7 pound, 2 ounce daughter, bornDecember 2 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named Genevieve Marie. TR, Thu 3 Dec 1964

Ames, John Frederick Jr - Mr and Mrs John F Ames announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 8 ½ ounce son born Monday, October 19 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who has been named John Frederick Ames Jr is the grandson of Mr and MrsClarence W Ames and Mrs Robert T Quinennelly of Erie, Penn and the late RoyRoyal Jr of Americus. The baby’s fatheris currently serving with the US Marines in Memphis, Tenn. TR, Tue 20 Oct 1970

Ames, John Frederick - Mr and Mrs Clarence Ames announcethe birth of a son, Sunday, July 20, at city hospital, who has been named JohnFrederick. TR, Tue 22 Jul 1947

Ames, Not named - Mr and Mrs Clarence Ames announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, June 14, at city hospital. TR, Thu 15 Jun 1944

Ames, Not named - Mr and Mrs Milan L Ames, of 213 ColumbiaAvenue, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce daughter, November 9, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 9 Nov 1962

Ames, Not named - Mr and Mrs R W (Bill) Ames, of Macon,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ½ounce son on July 11 at the Columbus Medical Center. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs E D Minter ofWashington, D C and Mr and Mrs Clarence Ames of Americus. TR, Tue 13 Jul 1965

Ames, Ralph William - Mr and Mrs Clarence Ames announcethe birth of a son, Friday, January 2, at City Hospital. The baby has been named Ralph William. TR, Tue 6 Jan 1942

Ammons, Andrea Lyn - SSgt and Mrs Jerry W Ammons, of 18Kaliko Drive, Wahiawe, Hawaii announce the birth of a six pound, 9 ouncedaughter born March 13 at U S Army Tripler General Hospital, Honolulu,Hawaii. Sgt Ammons is stationed atHickam AFB, Honolulu. The baby who hasbeen named Andrea Lyn is the granddaughter of Mrs Otis E Ammons and the late MrAmmons of Albany and Mrs and Mrs Robert H Dorminy of Route 1, Smithville. TR, Wed 22 Mar 1967

Ammons, Brian Eugene - Mr and Mrs O E Ammons of 509 SouthLee Street announce the birth of an 8 pound, 13 ounce son June 10, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital who has been named Brian Eugene. TR, Mon 12 Jun 1961

Ammons, Donalyn - Mr and Mrs John R Ammons announce theadoption of a chosen daughter who was born November 9, 1967. The baby has been given the name ofDonalyn. TR, Tue 6 Feb 1968

Ammons, John Christopher - Mr and Mrs John R Ammons, 602Walter Way, announce the birth of a son, John Christopher, Jan 10 in theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital.Chris, as he is to be called, weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces at birth. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs ClydeWhitley of Mauk, Ga and Mrs O E Ammons and the late Mr Ammons of BuenaVista. Chris joins his big sisterDonalyn. TR, Wed 12 Jan 1972

Ammons, Not named - Mr and Mrs Otis Eugene Ammons, of 603Walter Way, are the parents of a 7 pound, 12 ounce son, born April 23 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 26 Apr 1965

Anderson, Alexander William - Mr and Mrs David A Anderson, ofSt Petersburg, Fla announce the birth of a son, Alexander William, who was bornat Bay Front Hospital in St Petersburg Tuesday, May 9. The baby weighed 6 pounds, 8 ½ ounces. The infant is the grandson of Mr and MrsWilliam Davies of St Petersburg and Mrs Edna Purvis Anderson and the late SgtMajor A M Anderson of Americus. TR,Wed 10 May 1978

Anderson, Andrew William - Mr and Mrs William Anderson, of1206 Hanco*ck Drive, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 1 ounce son, Tuesday,August 23, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedAndrew William. The baby is the grandsonof Mrs Gust Anderson, of this city. TR,Wed 24 Aug 1955

Anderson, Ann Shirley - Rev and Mrs Frank Anderson, of FortSmith, Ark, announce the birth of a daughter on March 18th, who has been giventhe name of Ann Shirley. Rev and MrsAnderson are well known in Americus, where Rev Anderson was in charge of thePresbyterian Church several years ago. TR,Wed 16 Mar 1927

Anderson, Benjamin Edwin - Mr and Mrs Bill Anderson, ofNorfolk, Va, announce the birth of a son, Benjamin Edwin, on Septembr 17th.. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs T R Loweryof Columbus, Ohio and Mrs Gus Anderson of Americus. TR, Sat 23 Sep 1967

Anderson, Betty Josephine - Mr and Mrs T D Anderson, ofPlains, announce the birth of a daughter Monday, August 11 at cityhospital. The baby has been named BettyJosephine. TR, Mon 18 Aug 1952

Anderson, Bryan Robert - Mr and Mrs Leonard F Anderson ofMacon, formerly of Albany, announce the birth of a son, Bryan Robert, born Sep2 at the Medical Center of Macon. Theinfant weighed 9 pounds, 6 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Nathan Goodin of Smithville and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Grady Anderson of Macon. Mrs Anderson is the former Vicki Goodin ofSmithville. The baby has a brother,Matthew William, 3. TR, Tue 20 Sep1994

Anderson, Charles Elliott - Mr and Mrs Durelle Anderson, ofPlains, announce the birth of a son, Saturday, March 18, who weighed 6 pounds,14 ounces. The baby has been namedCharles Elliott. Mrs Anderson is theformer Miss Dorothy Whiteley, of Potterhill, Rhode Island. TR, Wed 22 Mar 1950

Anderson, David Andrew Jr - Mr and Mrs David A Anderson of StPetersburg, Fla announce the birth of a son, David Andrew Anderson Jr Tuesday,July 31. He has a brother, Andy, age 1½.. The infant is the grandson of MrsEdna Anderson of Americus and the late SgtMajor A M Anderson of this city onhis paternal side and his maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs William Daviesof St Petersburg. TR, Wed 1 Aug 1979

Anderson, Edgar Alan - Sgt and Mrs Andy Anderson announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce son, Wednesday, May 2, at the Fort Benninghospital, who has been named Edgar Alan.Mrs Anderson is the former Miss Edna Purvis, of Americus. TR, Thu 2 May 1951

Anderson, Emily - Mr and Mrs Gust Anderson announce the birthof a daughter on Friday, October 6, at their home, Pines Dairy, who has beengiven the name of Emily. TR, Tue 10Oct 1922

Anderson, Garrett Blair - Dr and Mrs Douglas C Anderson III ofMartinez announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce son, Garrett Blair, bornThursday, September 12 at Dwight David Eisenhower Army Hospital inAugusta. He is the grandson of Mr andMrs William E Blair of Americus and Mr and Mrs Douglas C Anderson Jr ofGaffney, SC. TR, Tue 24 Sep 1985

Anderson, James Robert - Mr and Mrs W S (Andy) Anderson Jr,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce son, Saturday, June 21, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named James Robert and will be called Bobby. Mrs Anderson is the former Miss BettyHamilton. TR, Mon 23 Jun 1958

Anderson, Jay Michael - Dr and Mrs William R Anderson announcethe birth of a son, Jay Michael, born Monday, October 3 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces. Mrs Andersonis the former Sharon Johnston of Anchorage, Alaska. Maternal grandparents are Major and Mrs AdamJohnston, also of Anchorage. Paternalgrandparents are the late Mr and Mrs James P Anderson of Atlanta. Mrs Jean McCorvey of Reynolds is the baby’sgreat-grandmother. Honorary grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Clovis Johnson of Americus.TR, Wed 5 Oct 1977

Anderson, Jeffory DeWitt - Mr and Mrs George Anderson announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son, Friday, August 19, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Jeffory DeWitt. TR, Sat 20 Aug 1955

Anderson, Jeffrey Chad - Mr and Mrs Bobby Anderson, 809 ParkRow, announce the birth of a son, Jeffrey Chad, on Tuesday, Januray 29 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 7 pounds, 1/4 ounce at birth.Chad, as he will be called, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs RobertAnderson, Americus and Mr and Mrs Roy Holloway, Ellaville. TR, Thu 31 Jan 1974

Anderson, Jessica Nichole - Mr and Mrs Victor Anderson ofEllaville announce the birth of a daughter, Jessica Nichole, born March10. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 13ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Harrel Poole of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs Steve Owens of Orlando, Fla. Great-grandmother is Mrs Ruth Poole ofEllaville. TR, Thu 14 Mar 1991

Anderson, Jill - Mr and Mrs Elliott Anderson, of Plains,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 13 ½ ounce daughter Friday, September 2 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name ofJill. The baby is the granddaughter ofMrs George Mims and Mr and Mrs G D Anderson, all of Plains. TR, Fri 2 Sep 1966

Anderson, John Grady - Mr and Mrs L L Anderson, of 816 CopperHill, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 12 ounce son, July 23, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named John Grady. TR, Fri 24 Jul 1959

Anderson, Karon Amelia - Mr and Mrs Andy Anderson, ofJacksonville, announce the birth of a daughter Sunday, February 26, who weighs7 pounds, 10 ounces. The baby has beennamed Karon Amelia. Mrs Anderson is theformer Miss Sarah Mobley, of Americus. TR,Thu 2 May 1950

Anderson, Kathy Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Tinley Anderson Jrannounce the birth of an 8 pound daughter Friday, September 9, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Kathy Elizabeth. Mrs Anderson was the former Miss Jo AnneHolland, of Americus and Leslie. TR,Fri 9 Sep 1955

Anderson, Katlin Brice - Terry and Marlene Anderson ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Katlin Brice, born Monday, Jun 13 atthe Medical Center of Columbus. Theinfant weighed 4 pounds, 14 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Betty Anderson of Americus and Andy andAnnelle of Cobb and maternal grandparents are Richard and Beverly Wills ofAmericus. TR, Sat 18 Jun 1994

Anderson, Lauren Layne - Dr and Mrs Wayne Anderson of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Lauren Layne, born Tuesday, July 18. The infant weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces atbirth. Maternal grandparents are BrigGen, U S Army (ret) and Mrs Wayne E Schramm of Largo, Fla. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs JimmyWayne Anderson of Atlanta. Great-grandparentsare Goldie Schramm of Coolidge, Ariz, Adele DellaDonna of Macon, Mr and MrsJessie Anderson of Macon and Ethel Silcox of Newport News, Va. TR, Fri 21 Jul 1995

Anderson, Leland Blake - Mr and Mrs Roy Leland Anderson ofAmericus announce the birth of a son Leland Blake who was born Thursday, June 24 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Theinfant weighed 6 pounds, 11 ½ ounces. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Raymond Anderson, Reidsville and Mr and Mrs L C Hicks,Americus. Great-grandmother is Mrs C WGroover, East Point. The infant has abrother, Kevin Anderson, age 5. TR,Mon 28 Jun 1982

Anderson, Mary Ann - Mr and Mrs Thomas Anderson, of WestMinster, SC, announce the birth of a daughter, on May 25, who has been giventhe name Mary Ann. Mrs Anderson wasbefore her marriage Miss Myrtle Poole, of this city. TR, Sat 1 Jun 1935

Anderson, Mary Jo - SMaj and Mrs A M Anderson, of FtRichardson, Alaska, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 5 ounce daughter, MaryJo. Mrs Anderson will be remembered asEdna Purvis and is the sister of Mrs Jimmie Bass. TR, Sat 20 Mar 1965

Anderson, Megan DeAnn - Kelley D and Truman E Anderson Jr ofMontezuma announce the birth of a daughter, Megan DeAnn, born January 4 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Leslie Ross of Jacksonville, Fla and paternalgrandparents are Veradine H Donnelly of Palatka, Fla and Dorothy Anderson ofMendes, Ga. The infant has a brother,Tray, 3 ½ years old. TR, Wed 11 Jan 1989

Anderson, Michael George - Mr and Mrs George D Anderson, of111 Woodland Avenue, are the parents of a 6 pound, 4 ounce son, born February15, in the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name ofMichael George. TR, Fri 16 Feb 1962

Anderson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Bobby Anderson, of 701 ParkRow, are the parents of a 7 pound, 3/4 ounce son, born October 4, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 5 Oct 1964

Anderson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Gust Anderson announce thebirth of a baby girl, August 1, at their home on Felder Street. The baby has not been named as yet. TR, Thu 3 Aug 1933

Anderson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Hugh Anderson, of Americus,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, January 12, at the Boyette Clinic inEllaville. Mr Anderson is located herewith the state patrol. TR, Sat 13 Jan1940

Anderson, Not named - Mr and Mrs R E Anderson, of 1520 RenaStreet, Albany, announce the birth of 9 pound, 9 ounce daughter, May 9, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 10 May 1960

Anderson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert Neil Anderson, ofGriffin, announce the birth of an 8 pound daughter born Sunday, October11. Mr Anderson is a former Americusresident. TR Mon 12 Oct 1970

Anderson, Not named - Mr and Mrs W F Anderson announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter, Monday, July 14 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Tue 15Jul 1958

Anderson, Not named - Mr and Mrs W T Anderson Jr, of Leslie,announce the birth of a daughter, August 17 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Fri 18 Aug 1961

Anderson, Not named - Pfc and Mrs Andy Anderson, of Columbus,announce the birth of a son, Saturday, January 30, who weighed 7 pounds, 4ounces. Mrs Anderson is the former MissEdna Purvis, of Americus. TR, Mon 2Feb 1948

Anderson, Parker William - Dr and Mrs Douglas Andersonannounce the birth of a son, Parker William, born Thursday, January 17. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 14 ounces atbirth. Mrs Anderson is the former MissWiffie Blair. Maternal grandparents areMr and Mrs Billy Blair of Americus and the paternal grandparents are Mr and MrsDouglas C Anderson Jr of Gaffney, SC.Mrs Roy Hendricks of Metter is great-grandmother. Parker has a brother, Garrett, age five. TR, Thu 24 Jan 1991

Anderson, Peggy Jacqueline - Mr and Mrs Jack Anderson, ofOchlocknee, announce the birth of a daughter August 7, who has been given thename of Peggy Jacqueline. Mr Anderson iswell known in Americus where he made his headquarters for some time. TR, Tue 11 Aug 1925

Anderson, Sarah Elizabeth - Dr and Mrs Wayne Anderson,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Sarah Elizabeth, onJuly 28 at Bay Front Hospital in St Petersburg, FL. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces. Grandparents are Wayne and Jean Schramm ofLargo, FL and Jimmy and Rita Anderson of Atlanta. Great-grandparents are Adele DellaDonna,Jesse and Jean Anderson, all of Macon, and Goldie Schramm of Coolidge,Arizona. She has a brother, Matthew 5 andand sister Lauren, 2. TR, Thu 31 Jul1997

Anderson, Sharon Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Roger Anderson, ofAlbany, announce the birth of a daughter Monday, September 2 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Sharon Elizabeth. Mr Anderson is the former Miss Martha GeneBooker, of Americus. TR, Thu 5 Sep1957

Anderson, Susan - Mr and Mrs Elliot Anderson, of Plains,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter, September 8, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Susan. Mrs Anderson was formerly Miss CarolMims. TR, Wed 10 Sep 1958

Anderson, Terry Hamilton - Mr and Mrs W F Anderson, of theVienna Road, are the parents of a 7 pound, 5 ounce son, born August 7 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Terry Hamilton. TR, Thu 8 Aug 1963

Anderson, Timothy Ray - Mr and Mrs W F Anderson, of 330Jackson Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son, Friday, December14, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named TimothyRay. TR, Mon 17 Dec 1956

Anderson, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs Neil Anderson, ofGriffin, announce the birth of twin daughters Thursday, September 14, who arenamed Karen Marie and Jennifer Lynn. Thebabies’ grandparents are Mr and Mrs J C Hill of Stone Mountain and Mrs GustAnderson of Americus. TR, Mon 18 Sep1967

Anderson, Tyler Blake - Mr and Mrs Perry Anderson of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Tyler Blake, born January 11 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds atbirth. Paternal grandparents are MrsBetty Anderson of Americus and Mr and Mrs Andy Anderson of Lake Blackshear andmaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Richard Wills of Americus. TR, Wed 25 Jan 1989

Anderson, Walter Tinley III - Mr and Mrs Tinley W Anderson Jr,of Leslie, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ½ ounce son, born ThursdayJanuary 3 at 7:30 pm at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named Walter TinleyIII. TR, Fri 3 Jan 1964

Andrews, Benjamin Charles III - Dr and Mrs Benjamin C AndrewsJr of Jacksonville, NC announce the birth of a son, Benjamin Charles III, whowas born Friday, August 22 at Camp Lejuene Naval Hospital. The infant weighed 9 pounds, 9 ounces atbirth. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs RoyGatian and Mr and Mrs Bill Wages, all of Americus and the late Benjamin CAndrews Sr. TR, Sat 23 Aug 1986

Andrews, Betty Jane - Mr and Mrs Robert L Andrews Jr, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 6 ounce daughter, May 4, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Betty Jane. TR, Tue 7 May 1963

Andrews, David Malcolm - Mr and Mrs Malcolm Andrews announcethe birth of a son, Saturday, March 27, at city hospital, who has been namedDavid Malcolm. Mrs Andrews was beforeher marriage Miss Edna Thornton, of Athens.TR, Tue 30 Mar 1943

Andrews, Frances Carolyn - Mr and Mrs Harold Andrews, of 1908Nassau Boulevard, Charlotte, N C, announce the birth of a daughter Wednesday,June 2, who has been named Frances Carolyn, who weighed 7 pounds, 11ounces. Mrs Andrews is the former MissMildred Scruggs, of Americus. TR, Fri7 Jul 1950

Andrews, Joe Louis Jr - Mr and Mrs J L Andrews, of Montrose,announce the birth of a son, born Sunday, February 20, at Prather Clinic, whohas been named Joe Louis Jr. Mrs Andrewswas before marriage Miss Sarah Dupree, of Americus. TR, Mon 21 Feb 1938

Andrews, Lane Millard - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Andrews, of Eastman,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 3 ½ ounce son on Friday, August 18 at theDodge County Hospital. The baby has beennamed Lane Millard. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Julian I Bonner, of Ellaville and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs D O Andrews of Eastman. TR, Tue 29 Aug 1967

Andrews, Nina Carroll - Mr and Mrs Merritt Andrews, of Macon,announce the birth of a six and a quarter pound daughter, Tuesday morning, July21, at Middle Georgia hospital, who has been named Nina Carroll. Mrs Andrews was before her marriage MissAgnes Gammage, of this city. TR, Fri24 Jul 1936

Andrews, Not named - Mr and Mrs Edward Andrews, of Wrens,announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, May 27. Mr Andrews is a former resident ofAmericus. TR, Wed 31 May 1939

Andrews, Not named - Mr and Mrs J Lonnie Andrews, of Pelham,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, December 17, at cityhospital. Mrs Andrews was before hermarriage Mrs Elizabeth Worthey. TR,Thu 18 Dec 1941

Andrews, Not named - Mr and Mrs J Lonnie Andrews, of Pelham,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, September 10, at city hospital. Mrs Andrews is the former Miss ElizabethWorthy, of Americus. TR, Tue 11 Sep1945

Andrews, Not named - Mr and Mrs J Louie Andrews, of Eastman,announce the birth of a son, Saturday, January 11. Mrs Andrews was formerly Miss Sara Dupree ofAmericus. TR, Sat 11 Jan 1941

Andrews, Not named - Mr and Mrs Merritt Andrews, of Macon,announce the birth of a daughter Tuesday morning July 21st at the MiddleGeorgia hospital. Mrs Andrews is theformer Miss Agnes Gammage, daughter of Mr and Mrs Ernest Gammage of BarlowStreet here. Both mother and baby aredoing nicely. TCN, Fri 24 Jul 1936

Andrews, Not named - Mr and Mrs R L Andrews Jr announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce daughter, Saturday, March 22 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 24Mar 1958

Andrews, Not named - Mr and Mrs W S Andrews announce thebirth of a daughter, August 3, at their home on College Street. TR, Wed 3 Aug 1921

Andrews, Patricia Aileen - Mr and Mrs Harold Andrews, ofPonte Vedra, Florida, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce daughter,Wednesday, December 22, who has been named Patricia Aileen. Mrs Andrews is the former Miss MildredScruggs, of Americus. TR, Tue 4 Jan1949

Andrews, Sara Frances - Mr and Mrs J Louis Andrews, ofEastman, announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, Feb 17, at the hospital inHawkinsville, who has been named Sara Frances.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs W L Dupree. TR, Fri 22 Feb 1946

Andrews, Taylor Michelle - Dr and Mrs Ben Andrews Jr announcethe birth of a daughter, Taylor Michelle, born Thursday, December 7 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 7 ounces. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Ben Gatian Jr; Mr and Mrs Bill Wages, all of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mrs Dorothy Rebanek ofNew Smyrna Beach, Fla and Mrs Millie Yon of Cottondale, Fla. The baby has a brother, Benjamin, agethree. TR, Tue 12 Dec 1989

Andrews, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs Jim Andrews announce thebirth of twin daughters, born November 10 at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infants have been named Kelley Michelle,who weighed 5 pounds, 12 ½ ounces and Katie Elizabeth who weighed 7pounds. Maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Charles Allen of Americus and the late Patricia Allen of Americus andpaternal grandparents are N W Andrews of Montezuma and the late Nell KAndrews. TR, Fri 21 Nov 1986

Andrews, Twins - Mr and Mrs R L Andrews, of Route 1,Smithville, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 3 ounce son, Robert Riley and a 6pound, 12 ounce daughter Rosalind June.The babies were born June 30 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Thu 21 Jul 1960

Angel, Susan - Mr and Mrs James Robertson Angel, of 2640Peachtree Road, Atlanta, announce the birth of a daughter, Susan, December25. Mrs Angel is the former Miss EdithAndrews, daughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Andrews of Smithville. The baby’s paternal grandparents are MrsGeorgianna Pitcher Angel and the late Captain Lawrence Angel of Port Chester, NY. TR, Mon 25 Jan 1943

Anglin, Brandi Gennell - Mr and Mrs Christopher Anglin ofAmericus announce the birth of their daughter, Brandi Gennell, born Saturday,February 12 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. Brandi weighed 8 pounds. Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs Hyndall Peavyof Perry and Mr and Mrs Chesterfield Anglin of Camilla. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs E N Fowlerof Perry, Mrs Myrtle Peavy, Unadilla and Mrs Jessie Anglin of Pelham. TR, Fri 11 Mar 1983

Anglin, Cathy Lee - Mr and Mrs John M Anglin, of Lumpkin,announce the birth of a daughter, Cathy Lee Tuesday, December 5, at cityhospital. TR, Thu 7 Dec 1950

Anglin, Not named - Mr and Mrs Adrian L Anglin, of Lumpkin,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Sunday, March 6, at cityhospital. Mrs Anglin was before marriageMiss Sara Margaret Hobbs. TR, Mon 7Mar 1949

Anglin, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Anglin Jr, of Lumpkin,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, May 21, at City Hospital. TR, Wed 22 May 1946

Angry, Rontae Bernard Jr - Teresa Johnson and Rontae BAngry of Americus announce the birth of a son, Rontae Bernard Jr on March 18 atSumter Regional Hospital. The baby, whoweighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces is the grandson of Lovie Johnson and Mary AnnAnderson, both of Americus, LeRoy Johnson of Jersey City, NJ and Leonard Angryof Preston. Great-grandmothers are LucyMae Anderson of Smithville and Annie Ruth Harris of Bronx, NY. Lula L Harris of Smithville is hisgreat-great-grandmother. TR, Tue 31Mar 1998

Ansley, Ben Fred Jr - Mr and Mrs Ben Ansley of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Ben Fred Jr, born Monday, September 11 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 2 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Emory Ansley and Mr and Mrs James Farr, all of Americus andgreat-grandparents are Mrs B Fred Statham and Mrs J M Ansley, both ofAmericus. Mrs Ansley is the formerLaurie Farr Gambrell. TR, Mon 16 Oct1989

Ansley, Ben Fred - Mr and Mrs Emory Ansley, of 301 JudyLane, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 14 ounce son, Monday, May 5, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Ben Fred. Mrs Ansleyis the former Miss Kay Statham, of this city and the baby is the grandson of Mrand Mrs Fred Statham and Mr and Mrs Mack Ansley. TR, Tue 6 May 1958

Ansley, Brenda Anne - Mr and Mrs John Ansley announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, October 13, at City Hospital, who has been namedBrenda Anne. Mrs Ansley was beforemarriage Miss Mary Evelyn Chalkley. TR,Tue 15 Oct 1946

Ansley, Dorothy Caroline - Mr and Mrs Carroll (Tye) Ansley,of Fort Gaines, announce the birth of a daughter, at the city hospital,Thursday September 28, who has been given the name Dorothy Caroline. Mr Ansley is a former resident ofAmericus. TR Thu 28 Sep 1933

Ansley, Emory Council Jr - Mr and Mrs Emory Ansley announcethe birth of a 9 pound, 5 ounce son, Monday, December 3, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Emory Council Jr. Mrs Ansley is the former Miss Kay Statham andthe baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Fred Statham and Mr and Mrs Mack Ansley,of this city and the great-grandson of Mr and Mrs Barlow Council. TR, Thu 6 Dec 1956

Ansley, Joe McKay Jr - Mr and Mrs Mack Ansley announce thebirth of a son, Sunday, May 22 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named Joe McKay Jr. TR, Mon 23 May 1932

Ansley, John B II - Mr and Mrs George Earl Ansley announcethe birth on Sunday, October 23, of a son who has been named John B II. WTR, Sat 29 Oct 1921

Ansley, Lynn - Mr and Mrs Emory Ansley announce the birth ofa 9 pound, 5 ounce daughter Tuesday, April 2 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been given the name of Lynn.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Fred Statham and Mr and MrsMack Ansley. TR, Wed 3 Apr 1968

Ansley, Martha Rylander - Is the name given to the daughterof Mr and Mrs Ray B Ansley, who was born Friday, April 1, at the cityhospital. Mrs Ansley was before marriageMiss Harriet Rylander. TR, Sat 2 Apr1938

Ansley, Not named - Mr and Mrs Emory C Ansley, of EcklesDrive, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 15 ounce son, Saturday, November 17, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Fred Statham and Mr and Mrs MackAnsley of this city. TR, Mon 19 Nov1962

Ansley, Not named - Mr and Mrs Emory C Ansley, of 120 EGlessner Street, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 9 ounce daughter, Monday, May17, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Fred Statham and Mr and MrsMack Ansley. TR, Tue 18 May 1965

Ansley, Not named - Mr and Mrs Mack Ansley announce thebirth of a son this morning September 30, at their home on Brown Street. Both mother and baby are “doing nicely.” TR, Sat 30 Sep 1933

Ansley, Ray Bruce III - Mr and Mrs Ray Ansley Jr, of Albany,announce the birth of a son on September 11.He has been given the name of Ray Bruce Ansley III. TR, Fri 15 Sep 1950

Ansley, Sally McKay - Lt and Mrs Joe M Ansley Jr, of SanJuan, Puerto Rico, announce the birth of an 8 pound daughter Thursday, June 23,who has been named Sally McKay. MrsAnsley is the former Miss Barbara Donahoo, of Houston, Texas and Mr Ansley is aformer Americus resident. The baby isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Mack Ansley, of this city. TR, Thu 30 Jun 1955

Ansley, Susan Harriett - Mr and Mrs Ray Ansley Jr announcethe birth of a daughter Wednesday, August 25 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been named SusanHarriett. TR, Fri 27 Aug 1954

Anthony, Catherine Jill - Mr and Mrs Charles Lamar Anthonyannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 3/4 ounce daughter, Catherine Jill, who wasborn Monday, June 5 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. Jill is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs W HDixon of Columbus and Mr and Mrs J T Anthony of Midland, Ga. She has an older brother, Brett. TR, Mon 12 Jun 1978

Anthony, Charles Bret - Mr and Mrs Charles Lamar Anthonyannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ½ ounce son, born Friday, May 7 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who has been named Charles Bret is the grandson of Mr and Mrs W H Dixonof Columbus and Mr and Mrs J T Anthony of Midland, GA. His great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs A JAnthony, also of Midland. TR, Tue 18May 1971

Anthony, Edd Parker - Mr and Mrs Edd Anthony of Americusannounce the birth of a son Edd Parker, born Monday, August 27 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 7 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Max L Parker of Americus and paternal grandparents are thelate Mrs Dorris Anthony of Columbus and the late Mrs Herburt Anthony ofColumbus. TR, Thu 6 Sep 1990

Anthony, Fred Dickerson Jr - Mr and Mrs Fred Anthony, ofShellman, announce the birth of a 10-pound son, born Friday, July 1, who hasbeen named Fred Dickerson Jr. MrsAnthony was before marriage Miss Melva Faust of Americus. TR, Wed 6 Jul 1938

Anthony, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jim Anthony, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a son, Friday, April 11.Mr and Mrs Anthony resided in Americus when Mr Anthony was an employeeof Graham Aviation School during the war.TR, Sat 12 Apr 1947

Anthony, Not named - Mr and Mrs Paul Anthony announce thebirth of a daughter, Monday, October 31, at City Hospital. TR, Thu 3 Nov 1949

Anthony, Not named - Mr and Mrs Paul Anthony, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, April 18, at city hospital. TR, Thu 22 Apr 1948

Anthony, Not named - Mr and Mrs Sherman O Anthony, ofAndersonville, are the parents of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son, born August 30, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Tue 31 Aug 1965

Aquavella, Anna Christina - Mr and Mrs Charles Aquavellaannounce the birth of a six pound, 6 ounce daughter Thursday, October 5 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been given the name of Anna Christina.She is the granddaughter of Mrs Irene Andrews and the late Oscar BAndrews of Flintestone, Ga and Mrs Loretta Aquavella and the late Dr CharlesAquavella of Brooklyn, N Y. TR, Mon 9Oct 1967

Arant, Not named - Mr and Mrs H K Arant, of Pitts, announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce son, October 30 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Thu 31 Oct 1957

Archer, Thomas Joel -Mr and Mrs Joel Linton Archer Jr, of Warner Robins, announce the birth of a sonon Tuesday, January 7 at the Coliseum Hospital in Macon, Ga. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces and hasbeen named Thomas Joel Archer. MrsArcher was the former Iris Miller of Ellaville.The paternal grandparents of the baby are Mr and Mrs Joe Linton ArcherSr of Masella. The maternal grandparentsare Mrs James Miller of Ellaville and the late Mr Miller. TR, Tue 28 Jan 1975

Arenz, Ami Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Allen Arenz announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter born Sunday, April 16 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Ami Elizabeth.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Vicktor Jones of Leslie and Mrand Mrs Kenneth Warren of South Bay, Fla.TR, Thu 20 Apr 1972

Arenz, Ruth Bagley - Mr and Mrs Bill Arenz of Leslie,announce the birth of an eight pound daughter on September 10, at the PratherClinic who has been given the name of Ruth Bagley Arenz. TR, Wed 13 Sep 1950

Argo, Christine Kathryn - Mr and Mrs John Thomas Argo Jrof Miami Lakes, Florida announce the birth of an 8 pound daughter Saturday,August 16 who has been named Christine Kathryn and will be called Chrissy. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsThomas Argo, Macon Road, Americus. TR,Tue 19 Aug 1980

Argo, Elizabeth Blue - Mr and Mrs Thomas Argo announce thebirth of a daughter Tuesday, May 20, at city hospital, who has been given thename of Elizabeth Blue. The baby will becalled Bonnie Blue. TR, Thu 22 May1952

Argo, James Council - Mr and Mrs Malcolm Argo, ofJacksonville, formerly of Americus, announce the adoption of a son, born April15, 1963, who has been given the name of James Council Argo. TR, Tue 9 Jul 1963

Argo, John Malcolm - Mr and Mrs M B Argo announce thebirth of a boy baby which was born Friday, August 9, at the city hospital. The baby weighed 6 pounds and 14 ounces andhas been named John Malcolm. TR, Sat10 Aug 1935

Argo, John Thomas Jr - Mr and Mrs Thomas Argo announce thebirth of a son born Saturday, April 9, at city hospital, who has been namedJohn Thomas Jr. Mrs Argo was formerlyMiss Iris Stewart, of Leslie. TR, Mon11 Apr 1938

Argo, Lewis Malcolm - Mr and Mrs Malcolm Argo announce thebirth of a 9 pound, 4 ounce son, November 9 at the Florida Baptist Hospital inJacksonville, Florida. He has been namedLewis Malcolm. The baby is the grandsonof Mr and Mrs Lewis Merritt, of Ameriucs.TR, Fri 11 Nov 1960

Argo, Stewart Malcomb - Mr and Mrs J Thomas Argo announcethe birth of a son, Friday, August 22, at city hospital, who has been namedStewart Malcomb. TR, Mon 25 Aug 1941

Argo, Wesley Breeden - Mr and Mrs Herschel C Argo announcethe birth on Wednesday, August 18, of a son, who has been named WesleyBreeden. TR, Thu 19 Aug 1920

Argo, Wesley Breedon Jr - Mr and Mrs W B Argo, ofLafayette, Ind, announce the birth of a son, Friday, November 4, who weighed 7pounds, 10 ounces. The baby has beennamed Wesley Breedon Argo Jr. Mr Argo isa former resident of Americus. TR,Mon 14 Nov 1949

Ariail, Gayla Marie - Mr and Mrs E M Ariail Jr, of 135Sharon Circle, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ½ ounce daughter, October 11at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital who has been named Gayla Marie. TR, Mon 14 Oct 1963

Ariail, Hannah Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Daniel G Ariail Jr ofHawkinsville announce the birth of a daughter, Hannah Elizabeth, born Oct 28 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs David Tietjen of Plains andpaternal grandparents are Rev and Mrs Daniel G Ariail Sr of Plains. TR, Tue 8 Nov 1988

Ariail, Nicholas William - Was born Oct 28 at SumterRegional Hospital to Danny and Christie Ariail of Plains. At birth, he weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces. Grandparents include Rev Dan and Nelle Ariailof Plains, Cherry Tietjin of Plains and the late David Tietjin. Great-grandparents are Kate Holloway ofMonticello, Alma Wood of Athens and Mirian Airail of Toccoa. Nicholas was born on the birthday of his onlysister, Hannah, who is six. TR, Fri11 Nov 1994

Ariail, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ervan Ariail Jr announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 10 3/4 ounce daughter Monday, September 12, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby isthe granddaughter of Mrs Myrtle Glawson and Mrs and Mrs Ervan Ariail Sr, all ofthis city. TR, Tue 13 Sep 1966

Ariail, Timothy Paul - Mr and Mrs E M Ariail, of the Maconroad, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ounce son, Monday, December 19, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Timothy Paul. TR, Fri 23 Dec 1955

Armstead, Angela Ann - Mr and Mrs Jim Armstead, of Mobile,Ala, formerly of Americus announce the birth of a daughter Friday, December3. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 15ounces. Angela Ann, as she has beennamed, joins an older sister, Jude. TR,Sat 18 Dec 1976

Armstrong, Hugh Humphrey Jr - Lt and Mrs Hugh H Armstrongannounce the birth of a son, Tuesday, September 5, at city hospital, who hasbeen named Hugh Humphrey Jr. MrsArmstrong is the former Miss Charlene Burke, of this city. Lt Armstrong is stationed at Camp Wood, FtMommoth, NJ. The baby is the grandson ofMr and Mrs C H Burke, of this city and Mr and Mrs Ben Kay Armstrong, ofSavannah. TR, Wed 6 Sep 1944

Armstrong, Not named - Mr and Mrs Hugh Armstrong, of Savannah,announce the birth of a daughter Friday, September 26. Mrs Armstrong is the former Miss CharleneBurke, of Americus. TR, Wed, 8 Oct1952

Arnesen, Rhonda Joan - Mr and Mrs Dankard Arnesen IIIannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 9 ounce daughter born September 2 in anAtlanta hospital. The baby has beengiven the name of Rhonda Joan Arnesen.Rhonda has an older brother, Dankard A IV. Mrs Arnesen is the former Norene JoanLaramore of Leesburg. She is thedaughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas Laramore of Lyons, Ga. The baby is the great-granddaughter of MrsLeila Tissue Laramore and the late Charles Laramore of Leslie. TR, Tue 25 Sep 1979

Arnold, Alex Holden - Vestal and Kathy Arnold of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Alex Holden, born March 29 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 3ounces. Maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Max L Parker of Americus. Paternalgrandparents are Polly Arnold of Thomaston and the late A W Arnold ofAmericus. The baby has a brother, Andrew,3 ½. TR, Sat 19 Apr 1997

Arnold, Andrew Vestal III - Kathy and Vestal Arnold Jrannounce the birth of a son, Andrew Vestal III, born August 4 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Max L Parker of Americus and paternal grandparentsare Polly Arnold of Thomaston, LeNoir Arnold and the late A V Arnold ofAmericus. TR, Thu 19 Aug 1993

Arnold, Andrew Vestal Jr - Mr and Mrs A V Arnold, of PlainsRoad, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 12 ½ ounce son, Friday, September 13, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital who has been named Andrew VestalJr. The baby is the grandson of Mr andMrs E E Arnold, Americus and Mr and Mrs A E Perdue, Thomaston. TR, Mon 16 Sep 1963

Arnold, Benjamin Dallas - Mr and Mrs Bob Arnold announce thebirth of a a son, Benjamin Dallas, born May 15 at Phoebe Putney Hospital inAlbany. The infant weighed 9 pounds, 2 ½ounces. Maternal grandparents are CarolCartwright and the late Keith Cartwright of Americus. Paternal grandparents are Polly Arnold ofThomaston and the late Vestal Arnold Sr .Great-grandparents are Thelma Cartwright and Mr and Mrs Raymond Whitmanof Americus. TR, Sat 8 Jun 1996

Arnold, Frank Wendell Jr - Mr and Mrs Frank Arnold announcethe birth of a son Friday, January 22, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who weighed seven pounds, three ounces. The baby has been named Frank WendellJr. Mrs Arnold was before marriage MissMartha Lee, of Savannah. TR, Tue 25Jan 1954

Arnold, John Brian - Mr and Mrs Tommy Arnold, of Riverdale,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son on Friday, March 12, whom theyhave named John Brian. Mrs Arnold is theformer Mary Jane Carpenter from Ellaville and the baby’s grandparents are Mrand Mrs Oscar Carpenter and Mrs T L Arnold of Ellaville. TR, Tue 23 Mar 1965

Arnold, Justin Richard - Mr and Mrs Ricky Arnold announcethe birth of a son born Sunday, August 17 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The infant, who weighed 7pounds, 2 ½ ounces has been named Justin Richard and will be calledJustin. Grandparents are Mrs FrankBroadhurst and the late Emmett J Arnold and the late Kathryn W Arnold, all ofAmericus. Mrs June Arnold of this cityis the baby’s step-grandmother. He isthe great-grandson of Mrs Walker Carter of this city. TR, Tue 19 Aug 1980

Arnold, Mary Helen - Mr and Mrs T L Arnold Jr announce thebirth of a daughter, Thursday, October 8 at their home on the Ellaville road,who has been given the name Mary Helen. TR,Sun 11 Oct 1931

Arnold, Not named - Mr and Mrs H B Arnold announce the birthof a daughter Friday, December 5 at city hospital, who weighed 7 1/4pounds. TR, Sat 6 Dec 1952

Arnold, Not named - Mr and Mrs Heys Arnold, of Thomaston,announce the birth of an 8 ½ pound son, Sunday, October 2. Mr Arnold is a former resident ofAmericus. TR, Mon 3 Oct 1938

Arnold, Not named - Mr and Mrs Heys Arnold, of Thomaston,announce the birth of a baby girl on November 1st. The baby’s weight was 8 ½ pounds atbirth. Mr Arnold is a son of Mr and MrsL Y Arnold of this city. TR, Thu 2Nov 1933

Arnold, Robert Earl - Mr and Mrs A V Arnold of the PlainsRoad announce the birth of a six pound son, August 14 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who hasbeen given the name of Robert Earl. Thebaby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs E E Arnold, of Americus and Mrs EstellePerdue of Silvertown, Ga, and the late A E Perdue. TR, Wed 18 Aug 1965

Arnold, Thelma Nell - Mr and Mrs E G Arnold announce the birthof a daughter, Thelma Nell on March 9th. TR, Mon 25 Mar 1929

Arnold, Wesley Stanford - Mr and Mrs W H Arnold, ofShellman, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son, Friday, December 2, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Wesley Stanford.TR, Tue 6 Dec 1955

Arnold, William Gilchrist - Mr and Mrs E J Arnold III, ofJonesboro, announce the birth of a son Wednesday, May 14th atGeorgia Baptist Hospital in Atlanta. Heweighed eight pounds, four ounces and has been given the name WilliamGilchrist. Mrs Arnold is the former Miss“Sissy” Gilchrist, daughter of Mrs Minnie Drane Gilchrist and granddaughter ofMrs E B Hornaday. TR, Mon 26 May 1958

Arrington, Amber Serena - Mr and Mrs Travis Arrington, ofTifton announce the birth of a daughter July 21 at Tift General Hospital. She weighed 7 pounds, 11 ½ ounces and hasbeen given the name of Amber Serena. MrsArrington is the former Janice Holloway.Her grandparents are Mrs Gwen Arrington and L A Arrington of Tifton andMrs Lois Holloway of Thomaston and D L Holloway of Albany. Mr and Mrs Leroy Holloway of Leslie are amongthe infant’s great-grandparents. TR,Mon 1 Aug 1977

Arrington, Cawood Hill - Mr and Mrs J C Arrington announce thebirth of a son, Cawood Hill, who was born Monday, May 19, at cityhospital. Mrs Arrington was formerlyMiss Janice Hill. TR, Tue 20 May 1941

Arrington, Courtney Jane - Mr and Mrs Steve Arrington announcethe arrival of a baby girl who was born Wednesday, January 1. She weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces and has beengiven the name Courtney Jane. TheArringtons have another daughter, Stephanie, who is 2 ½ years old. The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs MyronTedder of West Palm Beach, Fla and Mrs H B Arrington and the late Mr Arringtonof Ellaville. TR, Tue 7 Jan 1975

Arrington, Cynthia Kay - Mr and Mrs S C Arrington of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Cynthia Kay, born Sunday, August 13 atPrather Clinic. TCN, Thu 17 Aug 1950

Arrington, Edward Alonzo - Mr and Mrs A A Arrington Jr, ofThomaston, announce the birth of a son Tuesday, March 24th , who hasbeen given the name Edward Alonzo. MrsArrington will be remembered here as Miss Eddie Mae Morgan before hermarriage. TR, Wed 25 Mar 1931

Arrington, Ermalene - Mr and Mrs Everette Arrington announcethe birth of an eight and a half pound daughter, Saturday, January 11, who hasbeen named Ermalene. Both mother andbaby are doing nicely. TR, Sat 11 Jan1936

Arrington, Heather Brooke - Mr and Mrs Rickey Arringtonannounce the birth of a daughter Saturday, November 5 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been named Heather Brooke has a sister, Nikki. She weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces. Heather’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs J LMelton and Mr and Mrs Bill Arrington, all of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mrs Guy Tallent andthe late Rev Guy Tallent. Mrs LenaMelton and the late LeRoy Melton of this city and Mrs Alpha Pike and the late PS Pike of Montezuma. TR, Tue 8 Nov1977

Arrington, James Davis - Mr and Mrs M E Arrington announce thebirth of a 8 1/4 pound son, Thursday, Nov 7, at their home on Elmo Street, whohas been named James Davis. Both motherand baby are doing nicely. TR, Fri 8Nov 1940

Arrington, Janet Leigh - Mr and Mrs Marvin E Arrington Jr, ofAmericus, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ½ ounce daughter, Janet Leigh,born October 6 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. Mrs Arrington is the former Miss JeanetteSeabolt of Alamo, Ga. The baby’sgrandparents are Mr and Mrs M E Arrington of Montezuma, Ga and Mr and Mrs L SSeabolt of Alamo. TR, Tue 8 Oct 1968

Arrington, Joel Crawford III - Mr and Mrs J C Arrington Jrannounce the birth of an eight pound son, at their home on Dodson Street,Sunday, Oct 22, who has been named Joel Crawford III. Mrs Arrington was before her marriage MissJanis Hill. TR, Mon 23 Oct 1939

Arrington, Judy Ann - Mr and Mrs Billy Arrington, of 2207 JerryJones Road, Valdosta, announce the birth of an 8 pound daughter, Friday,February 12, who has been named Judy Ann.Mrs Arrington was before her marriage Miss Eloise Tallent, ofAmericus. The baby is the granddaughterof the Rev and Mrs Guy Tallent. TR,Mon 15 Feb 1960

Arrington, Larry Wayne - Mr and Mrs M E Arrington announce thebirth of a 6 ½ pound son, Sunday, August 8, at city hospital, who has beennamed Larry Wayne. Mrs Arrington is theformer Miss Jewel Benford. TR, Wed 11Aug 1948

Arrington, Nathaniel Stevens - Mr and Mrs Steve Arrington ofEllaville announce the birth of a son, Nathaniel Stevens, born Monday, December3 at the Medical Center in Columbus.Nathan weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces.The infant is the grandson of Mrs H B Arrington and the late MrArrington of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs J Myron Tedder of West Palm Beach,Florida. He has two older sisters,Stephanie and Courtney. TR, Mon 17Dec 1979

Arrington, Nichole Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Ricky Arrington, ofthe Ellaville Road, announce the birth of a 7 ½ pound daughter who was bornSunday, March 10 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. Nichole Elizabeth is the name of the infant. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs BillyArrington and Mr and Mrs J L Melton, all of Americus. TR, Tue 12 Mar 1974

Arrington, Not named - Dr and Mrs A A Arrington Jr, ofThomaston, announce the birth of a daughter January 25. Mrs Arrington will be remembered here as MissEtta Mae Morgan. TR, Sat 27 Jan 1934

Arrington, Not named - Mr and Mrs Briggs Arrington, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, November 14, at cityhospital. TR, Wed 15 Nov 1945

Arrington, Not named - Mr and Mrs J C Arrington announce thebirth of a son, Saturday, September 3rd, at their home. TR, Mon 5 Sep 1927

Arrington, Not named - Mr and Mrs S C Arrington, of 713 SunsetDrive, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son, Wednesday, November 7, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 12 Nov 1956

Arrington, Richard Dennis - Mr and Mrs Billy Arrington announcethe birth of a son Richard Dennis, Saturday, August 7 at the Phoebe PutneyMemorial Hospital, in Albany. Mrs Arringtonis the former Miss Eloise Tallent, of Americus and the baby is the grandson ofMr and Mrs Guy Tallent, of this city. TR,Thu 12 Aug 1954

Arrington, Stephanie Marie - Mr and Mrs Steve Arringtonannounce the arrival of a baby girl who was born Monday, July 3. She weighed 7 pounds, 6 3/4 ounces and hasbeen given the name of Stephanie Marie.The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs Myron Tedder of West Palm Beach,Florida and Mr and Mrs A B Arrington of Ellaville and the late MrArrington. TR, Tue 11 Jul 1972

Arrington, Virginia Faye - Mr and Mrs Billy Arrington, ofAlbany, announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, January 27 at Prather Clinic,who has been named Virginia Faye. MrsArrington was before marriage Miss Eloise Tallent. TR, Fri 3 Feb 1950

Arthur, Catherine Elizabeth - Is the name given the infantdaughter of Mr and Mrs John Arthur III who was born Monday, November 17 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 6 pounds, 6 ounces. She hasa brother, Lee, who will be two in February.Grandparents of the baby are Mr and Mrs John Arthur Jr and Mr and MrsJoe Thiers. Great-grandparents are Mrand Mrs John Arthur Sr, Mr and Mrs E H Hayes, Mrs Howell Harris, Mrs HenryGold, all of Americus. TR, Tue 18 Nov1975

Arthur, Celeste - Mr and Mrs Hugh Riley Arthur, of Macon,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ½ ounce daughter, July 2, who has beennamed Celeste. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Arthur, of Macon, formerly of Americus. TR, Tue 9 Jul 1957

Arthur, John L IV - Mr and Mrs John Arthur III announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 1 ½ ounce son born Monday, February 4 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of John L IV. Hisgrandparents are Mr and Mrs John L Arthur Jr and Mr and Mrs Joe Thiers, all ofAmericus. He is the great-grandson of Mrand Mrs John L Arthur Sr, of Smithville, Mr and Mrs E H Hayes, Albany, MrsHowell Harris of Leslie and Mrs Henry Gold of this city. TR, Tue 5 Feb 1974

Artz, Allen Spencer - Mr and Mrs Artz, of Winnemsaca,Nevada, announce the birth of a son, Thursday, June 9, who has been named AllenSpencer. Mrs Artz is the former MissMary Elizabeth McArthur, of Americus and the baby is the grandson of Mr and MrsC W McArthur, of this city. TR, Fri10 Jun 1955

Artz, Martha Melinda - Mr and Mrs John L Artz, ofMissoula, Montana, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce daughter, Thursday,August 4. Mrs Artz is the former MissMary Elizabeth McArthur, of this city.The baby has been named Martha Melinda for her maternalgreat-grandmother, the late Mrs W P McArthur.TR, Fri 5 Aug 1949

Asberry, Ja/Braa Laapeasha - Willie and Latrenda Asberryannounce the birth of a daughter, Ja’Braa Lapeasha, born Sep 26 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 3 ounces. Her grandparents areLewis and Katherine Mack and Rena Asberry, all of Americus. Great-grandparents are Corine Johnson andMarrice Mack and Rena Paul, all of Americus and Albert Mack of Leslie. TR, Thu 3 Dec 1998

Asbury, Kristopher Blake - Mr and Mrs Ken Asbury announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital Thursday, February 25. Thebaby, who was named Kristopher Blake, has a brother, Kas. Grandparents are Harold Asbury of Ukiah,Calif and Mrs Violet McTavish of Ripon, Calif and Mrs Herschel Herrin ofNahunta, Ga. TR, Tue 9 Mar 1982

Ashburn, Dorothy Hope - Mr and Mrs Tim Ashburn of Etowah, Tnannounce the birth of a 7 ½ pound daughter.The infant, who was born Tuesday, February 8 at Athens, Tn has beennamed Dorothy Hope. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Wallace Hines of Americus and Mr and Mrs MarkAshburn of Smithville, Tn. The infant’smother is the former Elaine Hines of Americus.TR, Tue 8 Feb 1983

Ashburn, Paige - Mr and Mrs Tim Ashburn of Athens, Tennannounce the birth of a daughter born on Sunday, February 12. The infant, who weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces,has been given the name Paige. She isjoined at home by a sister, Hope.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Mark Ashburn, Smithville, Tenn and Mr andMrs Wallace Hines of Americus. MrsAshburn is the former Elaine Hines of Americus.TR, Tue 14 Feb 1984

Asher, Michael Paul II - Mr and Mrs Michael Asher ofLithonia announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son, Michael Paul II, bornWednesday, December 26 at DeKalb General Hospital in Atlanta. He is the grandson of Mrs Teresa Asher ofAtlanta and Hugh R Asher of San Antonio, Texas and Mr and Mrs Carlton Harbuckof Americus. Mrs Asher is the formerSharon Harbuck of Americus and Atlanta. TR,Thu 3 Jan 1985

Askew, Daniel Ricky - Mr and Mrs Hollis Askew, of JeffersonStreet, announce the birth of a son, who weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces, Saturday,Ocotber 22, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named Daniel Ricky. TR, Wed 26 Oct 1955

Askew, Peggy Susan - Mr and Mrs H A Askew, of 1105 SchleyAvenue, Albany, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 14 ½ ounce daughter, February27, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named PeggySusan. TR, Mon 29 Feb 1960

Aspinwall, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs John R Aspinwall Jrannounce the birth of twin daughters, Dorothy Melinda, who weighed 6 pounds, 9½ ounces and Rachael Michelle whose weight was 4 pounds. The babies were born Saturday, September 9 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.They are the granddaughters of Mrs John Aspinwall Sr of Waycross and MrsJ A Jacobs and the late Mr Jacobs of Patterson, Ga. Mrs Hazel English of Oglethorpe is theirgreat-grandmother. TR, Fri 15 Sep1972

Athon, Brian Howard - Mr and Mrs Fred Athon are the parentsof a son born Monday, December 19 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospitalwho weighed 7 pounds, 9 ½ ounces. Thebaby has been named Brian Howard. He isthe grandson of Mrs Arthur Carter and the late Mr Carter and Mrs Howard Athonand the late Mr Athon. TR, Wed 21 Dec1977

Athon, George Terrell - Mr and Mrs Tom Athon, ofEnglishville, announce the birth of a baby boy, Thursday, February 23rd,who now bears the name of George Terrell.TR, Wed 29 Feb 1928

Athon, Kenneth Oliver Jr - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Athon, ofPine Mountain, formerly of Americus announce the birth of a son January 20 atthe Medical Center in Columbus. The babyweighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces and has been named Kenneth Oliver Jr. Paternal grandmother is Mrs Mary Athon ofAmericus and the late Millard Athon.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs L C Baker of Ashburn, formerly ofAmericus. TR, Wed 23 Jan 1980

Athon, Not named - Airman and Mrs Kenneth Athon, ofGoldsboro, NC announce the birth of a 6 pound, 4 ounce daughter born Saturday,December 5 at Stewart Air Force Base Hospital.The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs Mary Athon and the late E N Athonand Mr and Mrs L C Baker, all of Americus.Mrs J N Oliver of Americus is her great-grandmother. TR, Mon 7 Dec 1970

Athon, Not named - Mr and Mrs E M Athon, of Andersonville,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, July 1, at city hospital. TR, Thu 3 Jul 1947

Athon, Not named - Mr and Mrs Terrell Athon announce thebirth of a son, Sunday, July 8, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 12 Jul 1951

Athon, Not named - Mr and Mrs Terrell Athon of Americus,announce the birth of a daughter born July 7 at Prather Clinic. TCN, Thu 10 Jul 1952

Athon, Tana Dawn - Mr and Mrs Ronnie Athon announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 15 ½ ounce daughter, Tana Dawn on Monday, June 8 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital.Tana has a brother, Josh.Grandparents are Mrs Jimmy Mims and the late Mr Mims and Mr and MrsTerrell Athon. Great-grandparents areMrs Jessie Rigsby and Mrs E E Musselwhite, all of Americus, Mrs Jack Mims,Boston, Ga and Homer Rigsby, Lakeland, Fla.TR, Tue 16 Jun 1981

Atkins, James Edward IV - Golda and James Edward Atkins IIIof Americus announce the birth of a son, James Edward IV, born November 27 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 9 pounds, 1 ounce at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs James W Atkins and maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs James E Manning.All are of Americus. TR, Wed 2Dec 1992

Atkins, Not named - Mr and Mrs J T Atkins announce the birthof a daughter Mar 16 at their home on Elm Avenue. TR, Wed 21 Mar 1923

Atkins, Patti Leigh - Mr and Mrs James E Atkins announce thebirth of a six pound, 12 ounce daughter, born Wednesday, Jun 17 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Patti Leigh. TR, Wed 19Jun 1970

Atkinson, Not named - Mr and W K Atkinson announce the birthof a son, August 29, at their home on West Church Street. TR, Mon 31 Aug 1931

Atmakuri, Vishal - Vasu and Vijay Atmakuri of Vizag, Indiaannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce son, Vishal, born Saturday, March 15at Sumter Regional Hospital in Americus.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs A S Raja of Vizag and Mr and Mrs K G S Settyof Bangalore, India. Vishal has abrother, Bikas 1 ½. Mrs Atmakuri’ssister and brother-in-law live in Americus.They are Indu and Siva Soora. TR,Sat 22 Mar 1986

Attyah, Doris - Mr and Mrs Elias Attyah announce the birthof a daughter, Thursday March 21 at the city hospital, who has been namedDoris. TR, Fri 22 Mar 1940

Attyah, Rachel Ann - Mr and Mrs Fred Attyah announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce daughter born Saturday, March 13 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who has been given the name of Rachel Ann is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsElias Attyah of Americus and Mr and Mrs Robert Anglin Jr of Moultrie. TR, Mon 15 Mar 1971

Aultman, Ashley Brooke - Mr and Mrs Wayne Aultman announcethe birth of a daughter, Ashley Brooke, born Friday, May 18. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces atbirth. Paternal grandparent is MrsMarlene Bivins of Vienna and maternal grandparents are Rev and Mrs Gerald Brownof Cordele. Great-grandparents are MrsBessie Clark and the late Mr Isaac Clark of Cordele; Mrs Gene Brown of Cordele;and Mrs Rooney McKenzie of Vienna. Thebaby has a brother, Joshua, age two. TR,Wed 23 May 1990

Aultman, Brian Kenneth - Mr and Mrs W K Aultman, of 109 SunValley Drive, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ½ ounce son, September 15 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby, who has been named Brian Kenneth is the grandson of Mr and MrsW C Aultman and Mr and Mrs Ralph Chitwood.TR, Sat 17 Sep 1966

Austin, Allison Hill - Mr and Mrs Harold Stephen Austinannounce the birth of a 5 pound, 14 ounce daughter born at the Medical Centerin Columbus on Sunday, March 23. The infanthas been given the name of Allison Hill.Her mother is the former Cheney Hill of Ellaville. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs RB Hill of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs W Harold Austin of Americus. Her great-grandparents are Mrs Clyde C Hilland the late Mr Hill of Ellaville and Charlie C Callaway of Point, Texas andMrs Carl Austin of Fletcher, NC and Frank L Allmon and the late Mrs Allison ofthis city. TR, Wed 2 Apr 1980

Austin, Andrew Parker - Mr and Mrs Greg Austin of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Andrew Parker, born Thursday, August 13 atColumbus Medical Center. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 6 ½ ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold Austin of Americus and thematernal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Jim Brown of Montezuma. The infant has a brother, Taylor, age 21months. TR, Wed 19 Aug 1987

Austin, Charles Michael - Mr and Mrs Charles Austin, ofBuena Vista, are the parents of a 9 pound, 4 ounce son, born September 5, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named CharlesMichael. TR, Tue 8 Sep 1964

Austin, Chealsea Turner - Mr and Mrs David Austin ofAmericus announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce daughter, Chealsea Turner,born Saturday, May 4. She is thegranddaughter of Mrs Janie T Cromer and the late Pat R Turner of Americus andMrs Margie Austin and the late Dorman T Austin, also of Americus. She has a sister, Brittney. TR, Sat 11 May 1985

Austin, Christina Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs W H Austin announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 8 ½ ounce daughter, August 21, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Christina Elizabeth. TR, Wed 22 Aug 1962

Austin, Cullen Dane - Mr and Mrs Davis Austin of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Cullen Dane, born Sunday, July 15 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 13 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mrs Janie Turner and the late Mr Pat Turner and paternalgrandparents are Mrs Margie Austin and the late Mr Dorman Austin, all ofAmericus. The baby has two sisters,Brittney, 12 and Chealsey, age five. TR,Fri 27 Jul 1990

Austin, David Cullen - Mr and Mrs B T Austin, of 1618McGarrah Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce son, December 5, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named David Cullen. TR, Mon 8 Dec 1958

Austin, Erron Keith - Keith Austin and Denise Davis ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Erron Keith, born September 16 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 10 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mrs Joyce Dunn of Leesburg and Mr and Mrs George Austin of Americus. Great-grandparents ar Mrs Myrtle Davis ofNewton; Mr and Mrs Leroy Newburn of Tifton; Mrs Martha Baldwin of Lumpkin andMr and Mrs C B Austin of Buena Vista. TR,Thu 22 Sep 1988

Austin, Gregory Allmon - Mr and Mrs Harold Austin announcethe birth of a son, Gregory Allmon Monday April 5 at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces.Mrs Austin is the former Miss Christine Allmon, of Ellaville. TR, Wed 7 Apr 1954

Austin, Gregory Taylor - Mr and Mrs Greg Austin of Americusannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son, Gregory Taylor, born Wednesday,Nov 13 at Columbus Medical Center. He isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs Howard Austin of Americus and Mr and Mrs James PBrown of Montezuma. Great-grandparentsare Frank L Allmon and Mrs Marvin Brown, both of Americus. TR, Thu 21 Nov 1985

Austin, Harold Stephen - Mr and Mrs Harold Austin announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce son at Prather Clinic, Monday, November 14, atPrather Clinic, who has been named Harold Stephen. Mrs Austin is the former Miss ChristineAllmon. TR, Thu 17 Nov 1949

Austin, Jessie Ann - Mr and Mrs Jack Austin announce thebirth of a daughter, Tuesday, September 25 at the Medical Center inColumbus. The baby has been given the nameof Jessie Ann. She weighed 8pounds. Grandparents are Mr and MrsCarroll Austin and Mr and Mrs Max Nessamer.TR, Fri 28 Sep 1979

Austin, Stephen Callaway - Mr and Mrs Harold Stephen Austinannounce the birth of a son who has been named Stephen Callaway Austin. The infant, who was born July 11 at theMedical Center in Columbus weighed 8 pounds, 3 ½ ounces. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs R B Hill,Ellaville and Mr and Mrs William Harold Austin, Americus. His great-grandmother is Mrs Clyde Hill, Ellavilleand his great-grandfather is Frank Allmon, Americus. TR, Tue 26 Jul 1983

Austin, Stuart Griffin - Mr and Mrs Jack Austin of Americusannounce the birth of a 7 pound son born Wednesday, October 7 at the MedicalCenter in Columbus. The baby has beengiven the name of Stuart Griffin. Theinfant’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs Max Nessamer and Mr and Mrs CarrollAustin, all of Americus. TR, Thu 8Oct 1981

Austin, Thomas Michael - Mr and Mrs D F Austin, of Route 2,Americus, announce the birth of a son Tuesday, September 22, at Americus andSumter County Hospital, who weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces. The baby has been named Thomas Michael. TR, Wed 23 Sep 1953

Autrey, Caroline Marie - Mr and Mrs D E Autrey announce thebirth of a daughter, October 26, who has been given the name of CarolineMarie. Mrs Autrey was formerly MissNellie Braswell. TR, Sat 31 Oct 1936

Autry, A H Jr - Mr and Mrs A H Autry, of Montgomery, Ala,announce the birth of a son, January 15, who has been named A H Jr. Mrs Autry is the former Miss Martha Glover,of Americus. TR, Mon 26 Jan 1959

Autry, Allen Jackson - Mr and Mrs Lee Autry announce thebirth of a son, weight nine pounds, at Prather Clinic October 22. The child had been given the name AllenJackson. TR, Sun 25 Oct 1931

Autry, Andrew Lee Jr - Mr and Mrs Andrew L Autry, ofOxford, Ga, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce son, December 5, who hasbeen named Andrew Lee Jr. The baby isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs D E Autry, of Andersonville and Mr and Mrs W HLloyd, of Covington, Ga. TR, Tue 12Dec 1961

Autry, Clara Yvonne - Mr and Mrs A H Autry, of Gulf Shores,Ala, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, February 3, who has been namedClara Yvonne. Mrs Autry is the formerMiss Martha Glover, of Americus. TR,Mon 7 Feb 1955

Autry, Jackson Russell - Mr and Mrs J R Autry announce thebirth of a son at City Hospital, Thursday, November 25, who weighed 6 pounds, 4½ ounces. The baby has been namedJackson Russell. Mrs Autry was formerlyMiss Lillian Johnson. TR, Mon 29 Nov1948

Autry, Pamela Ashley - Mr and Mrs J R Autry Jr of Cordele,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce daughter, PamelaAshley, born Saturday, May 26 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J RAutry Sr of Americus and Mr and Mrs Sam Farrow of Cordele. Ashley has a brother, Travis 3. TR, Mon 4 Jun 1984

Autry, Travis Russell - Mr and Mrs Rusty Autry Jr are theparents of a 7 pound son born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onEaster Sunday, April 19. The infant hasbeen named Travis Russell. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs J R Autry Sr of Americus and Mr and Mrs Sammy N Farrow Sr ofCordele. TR, Tue 21 Apr 1981

Avant, Emily Catherine - Mr and Mrs Bobby S Avant, of 216Glenwood Road, Americus, announce the birth of a seven pound, 7 ounce daughterWednesday, June 6, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Emily Catherine. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Howard Shelton, of Coila, Miss and Mrs Wynata CraigAvant and Robert Avant, both of Greenwood, Miss. Mrs G W Gober Sr of Coila, Miss is thegreat-grandmother. TR, Thu 9 June1966

Avera, Donald Westley - Mr and Mrs Paden Avera, of Oglethorpe,are the parents of a 7 pound son, Donald Westley, born August 24, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 27 Aug 1962

Avera, Douglas Paden - Mr and Mrs Paden Avera, ofOglethorpe, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce son, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Douglas Paden. TR, Fri 9 Dec 1960

Avera, William Randall - Mr and Mrs Billy Avera, of Route 3Americus, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ½ ounce son, born Friday, August1 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.He has been given the name of William Randall. His grandparents are Mr and Mrs John R Battleof Route 3 Americus and Mrs Odessa B Collins and the late H C Avera ofOglethorpe. TR, Mon 4 Aug 1969

Averett, Brandi Michelle - Mr and Mrs Joe Averett announcethe birth of a daughter, Brandi Michelle Averett who was born Wednesday, August10. The baby weighed 5 pounds, 13 3/4ounces. She has an older brother, Christopher, age 3. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Paul Wynn and Mrand Mrs Douglas Averett, all of Americus.She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs Lena Wynn of Montezuma and Joe BenWest of Dawson. TR, Thu 11 Aug 1977

Averett, Brittany Leigh - Mr and Mrs Jeffrey Averett announcethe birth of a daughter, Brittany Leigh, born December 27 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 6ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Wallace Woodham of Cordele and paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Bob Averett of Americus. TR, Wed9 Jan 1991

Averett, Christopher Joe - Mr and Mrs Joe Averett announcethe birth of a a 5 pound, 9 ½ ounce son born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital Wednesday, August 7. The babyhas been given the name of Christopher Joe.Mrs Averett is the former Sue Wynn.The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs Paul Wynn and Mr and Mrs DouglasAverett, all of Route 3 Americus. TR,Thu 8 Aug 1974

Averett, Jeffrey Kinney - Mr and Mrs A L Averett, of Preston,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce son, November 22, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Jeffrey Kinney. TR, Fri 23Nov 1962

Averett, Kelly Cristina - Mr and Mrs Jeff Averett of Americusannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce daughter, Kelly Cristina, bornSunday, June 23 at Sumter Regional Hospital.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J D Barry and Mr and Mrs RobertAverett, all of Americus. She has asister, Amanda, 5. TR, Mon 1 Jul 1985

Averette, Betty Jane - Betty Jane is the name given to the 9pound daughter of Mr and Mrs J H Averette Jr, who was born Monday, January 6,at their home near Preston. Both motherand baby are doing nicely. TR, Fri 10Jan 1941

Averette, Not named - Mr and Mrs J A Averette, of Plains,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, December 14, at Prather Clinic. TR, Fri 17 Dec 1943

Averill, Not named - Mr and Mrs George Averill, of Montezuma,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, Feb 28, at a hospital in Macon. Mrs Averill was before marriage Miss AughtryOliver, of Plains. TR, Mon 2 Mar 1936

Averitt, Not named - Mr and Mrs George Averitt, of Montezuma,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, February 18, at the Middle GeorgiaHospital, in Macon . Mrs Averitt wasformerly Miss Aughtry Oliver, of Plains.TR, Thu 20 Feb 1941

Avery, Andrew Lee - Mr and Mrs Thomas J Avery, of Albany,announce the birth of a son Monday, November 30 at Phoebe Putney Hospital, whohas been named Andrew Lee. Mrs Avery isthe former Miss Chloetilde Littlejohn, of Americus. TR, Thu 3 Dec 1953

Avery, Blakely Claire - Mr and Mrs Edwin Avery of Rentz, Gaannounce the birth of their daughter, Blakely Claire, on Thursday, July 2 atFairview Park Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces at birth. Sheis the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Roger Pollock of Leslie and Mr and Mrs HughAvery of Augusta, Ga. She is thegreat-granddaughter of Mrs W B Perry of Leslie and Mrs E L Avery Sr of MountVernon, Ga. Her mother is the formerCindi Claire Pollock of Leslie. TR,Fri 10 Jul 1987

Avery, Clay Wheeler - Mr and Mrs Charles Avery, 199 ReeseStreet, announce the birth of a 10 pound, 2 ½ ounce son born October 11 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital who has been named Clay Wheeler and will becalled Clay. The paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Chuck Avery, Route 1, Silver Hills Estates and maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert Hightower, 430 West Furlow Street. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs W D Collinsof Oglethorpe and Mrs Mamie C Hightower of Americus. TR, Fri 12 Oct 1979

Avery, Clotilde Littlejohn - Mr and Mrs T J Avery, ofAlbany, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter, Saturday, April 28,at Prather Clinic. The baby has beennamed Clotilde Littlejohn Avery for her mother, the former, Miss ClotildeLittlejohn, of this city. TR, Mon 30Apr 1951

Avery, John Steven Jr - Mr and Mrs Steve Avery are theparents of a 9 pound, 10 ounce son born Thursday, February 9 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The infant,who has been named John Steven Jr, has a brother Kevin Lamar. The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs J WAlbritton and Mr and Mrs Chuck Avery, Americus and Mrs Dorothy Campbell ofOlathe, Kansas. TR, Fri 10 Feb 1978

Avery, Lisa Marie - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Avery of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Lisa Marie, born May 27 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 3ounces at birth. Paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Charles E Avery of Americus and maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Basil Roberts of Americus. Great-grandparentsare Mrs Odessie Collins of Oglethorpe and Tuskin Nelson of Americus. TR, Thu 2 Jun 1988

Avery, Not named - Mr and Mrs Billy Avery, of Route 3Americus, announce the birth of a six pound, 1 ounce daughter, October 24, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 25 Oct 1965

Avery, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles E Avery, ofOglethorpe, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 7 ½ ounce son, Sunday, September20 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 21 Sep 1959

Avery, Not named - Mr and Mrs G W Avery, of Cordele,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ½ ounce daughter, Tuesday, December 7, atcity hospital. TR, Wed 8 Dec 1948

Avery, Not named - Mr and Mrs T J Avery, of Albany,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce son Saturday, September 20. Mrs Avery is the former Miss CholtildeLittlejohn, of Americus. TR, Mon 22Sep 1952

Avery, Tracey Lane - Mr and Mrs Eugene Avery, of 209 SumterCircle, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter at Americus andSumter County Hospital, on July 20th. The baby has been given the name of TraceyLane. TR, Fri 22 Jul 1966

Awtrey, Rita Sue - Mr and Mrs R L Awtrey Jr, of Birmingham,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, December 4, who weighed sixpounds, 14 ounces. The baby has beennamed Rita Sue. Mrs Awtrey was beforemarriage Miss Dorothy Suggs, of Americus.TR, Fri 6 Dec 1946

Ayco*ck, Bryan Gregory - Mr and Mrs Jack Ayco*ck of Sunnyvale,California announce the birth of a son born Friday, November 21 who has beengiven the name of Bryan Gregory. Theinfant weighed 10 pounds, 3 ounces. Thebaby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Roy Ayco*ck of Americus and Mr and Mrs JimCole of San Jose, Calif. TR Tue 25Nov 1980

Ayco*ck, Edward Lee Jr - Mr and Mrs Ed Ayco*ck, of theEllaville Road announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ½ ounce son born Saturday,October 14 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named Edward Lee Jr. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs E T Ayco*ckof Americus and Mr and Mrs Horace Johnson of the Ellaville Road. He is the great-grandson of Mrs P L Joiner ofthis city and Mrs Carrie Johnson and W T Kenmore of the Ellaville Road. TR, Tue 17 Oct 1972

Ayco*ck, James Franklin - Mr and R E Ayco*ck announce thebirth of a son, in Hollywood, Florida, Nov 24.He will be called James Franklin.Mrs Ayco*ck will be remembered as Miss Lena May Burwell. TR, Wed 30 Nov 1927

Ayco*ck, Not named - Mr and Mrs Roy Ayco*ck, of Route 3,Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce daughter, January 30, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Fri 30 Jan 1959

Ayco*ck, Not named - Mr and Mrs Roy F Ayco*ck, of Route 3,Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ½ ounce son, April 21, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 21 Apr 1960

Ayco*ck, Roy Franklin - Mr and Mrs Roy Ayco*ck, ofMilledgeville, announce the birth of a son Wednesday, December 3, who has beennamed Roy Franklin. Mrs Ayco*ck was theformer Miss Jeanette Dupree. TR, Wed10 Dec 1952

Ayco*ck, Wanda Fay - Mr and Mrs Roy Ayco*ck announce the birthof a 6 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Saturday, July 20 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named Wanda Fay.TR, Tue 23 Jul 1957

Ayers, Clayton Allen - Mr and Mrs Samuel C Ayers Jr ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Clayton Allen, born Tuesday, March 17 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 14 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs George A Easom of Americus and Mrs Marylou BAyers of Preston and the late Samuel C Ayers Sr of Atlanta. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs James AEasom of Americus, Mrs R L Pilcher Sr of Americus, Mr and Mrs Aubry Smith,Forest Park and Mr and Mrs Frank Kitcher of Richland. TR, Wed 25 Mar 1987

Ayers, Twin Daughers - Mr and Mrs Sam Ayers announce thebirth of twin daughters, Nicole Ryan and Lauren Brooke, born Saturday, September16. Nicole weighed 6 pounds, 4 ouncesand Lauren weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs George Easom of Americus and Mrs Marylon BAyers of Richland and the late Mr Samuel Ayers Sr of Atlanta. Great-grandparents are Mrs James A Easom ofAmericus; Mrs R L Pilcher Sr; Mr and Mrs Frank Kutcher of Richland and MrsAubrey Smith of Forest Park. The twinshave a brother, Clayton, 2 ½. TR, Fri22 Sep 1989

Ayres, William Jr - A son was born to Naval Lieutenant andMrs William Ayres at a hospital in New Orleans on Saturday, November 11. Mrs Ayres is the former Ruth Rees, whoattended Georgia Southwestern here in 1933.Lieutenant Ayres, who is serving in the Medical Corps of the Navy is onduty in the South Pacific. The baby hasbeen named William Jr. TR, Wed 22 Nov1944.. NOTE: The many friends of MrJames S Rees, of New Orleans, who formerly lived in Americus, will learn withmuch interest that they became grandparents twice in one day. (See VOORHIES, Mary Rees)

Babbs, Not named - Mr and Mrs Chester Babbs announce thebirth of a daughter, Thursday, August 15, at City Hospital. TR, Mon 19 Aug 1946

Bacon, Chelsea Saramanda - Yolanda Stevens and Stanley GBacon, both of Americus announce the birth of a daughter, Chelsea Saramanda,born Nov 21. The infant weighed 3pounds, 7 ounces. Her grandparents areCharles and Rosetta Stevens of Brunwick and Edith Bacon of Jones. Great-grandparents are Spaniel and MaryMincey of Brunswick and Amanda Bacon of Jones.She has a brother, Timothy Mangram Jr, 12. TR, Tue 1 Dec 1998

Bacon, David Eugene - Mr and Mrs Gene Bacon, of Plainsannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounces son born Saturday, November 13 atthe Medical Center in Columbus. The babyhas been named David Eugene Bacon. He isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs George M Mincey of Richland and Mr and Mrs Joe ABacon of Plains. TR, Wed 1 Dec 1971

Bacon, Not named - Mr and Mrs J A Bacon Jr, of Plains,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce son, Sunday, September 14 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 15 Sep 1958

Bacon, Not named - Mr and Mrs J A Bacon, of Plains,announce the birth of a son, Thursday, November 10, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who weighed 6 pounds, 1 ounce.TR, Thu 10 Nov 1955

Bage, Not named - Lt and Mrs C A Bage Jr announce thebirth of a son, Friday, April 16, at city hospital. TR Fri 16 Apr 1943

Baggett, Cynthia - Mr and Mrs A P Baggett, of Macon, formerlyof Americus, announce the birth of a daughter Sunday, September 19, who hasbeen named Cynthia. TR, Tue 28 Sep1943

Baggett, Not named - Mr and Mrs A P Baggett, of Knoxville,Tenn, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son, Friday, January17. TR, Fri 24 Jan 1947

Baggs, Not named - Mr and Mrs R M Baggs, of 312 South LeeStreet, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 6 ounce son, Tuesday, July 26, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed, 22 Jul 1960

Bagley, Frances Penelope - Dr and Mrs George Bagley, ofDeSoto, announce the birth of a daughter, October 29, who has been given thename of Frances Penelope. TR, Fri 5Nov 1920

Bagley, George Washington IV- Dr and Mrs George Bagleyannonce the birth of a son, Thursday, June 21, at Prather Clinic, who has beennamed George Washington, the fourth. TR,Thu 21 Jun 1951

Bagley, George Washington V - Dr and Mrs George W Bagley IVannounce the birth of a 10 pound, 11 ounce son born Friday, February 6 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named George Washington Bagley V.The infant is the grandson of Dr and Mrs George W Bagley III of thiscity and Mr and Mrs Roland Asa Sapp of Brunswick, Ga. Mrs James Luke Andrews of Brunswick is thebaby’s great-grandmother. TR, Mon 9Feb 1981

Bagley, Josephine - Dr and Mrs D A Bagley, of Americus,announce the birth on April 24 of a daughter Josephine. TR, Tue 27 Apr 1920

Bagley, Mary Elizabeth - Dr and Mrs George Bagley, ofLeslie, announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Elizabeth, Friday, December 4,at city hospital. TR, Tue 8 Dec 1942

Bagley, Mary Martha Maud - Dr and Mrs George W Bagley IVannounce the birth of a daughter who has been given the name Mary MarthaMaud. Mimi, as the infant will becalled, was born Thursday, October 13 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital and weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces.Mimi has a brother, George, and her grandparents are Dr and Mrs George WBagley III, Americus and Mrs Robert A Sapp and the late Mr Sapp of Brunswick. Her great-grandmother is Mrs J L Andrews,Brunswick. TR, Tue 25 Oct 1983

Bagley, Not named - Mr and Mrs Henry Bagley, of Leesburg,announce the birth of a son at the City Hospital Sunday 30 Apr. TR, Wed 3 May 1922

Bagwell, Amanda Lindsey - Mr and Mrs Tommy Bagwell, ofMission Viejo, Ca, announce the birth of their daughter, Amanda Lindsey, whowas born Friday, January 11. Mrs Bagwellis the former Kathy Jordan of Americus.Mandy, as the infant will be called, is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsRussell Campbell of Americus and Mr and Mrs J W Bagwell of Albany, Mr and Mrs JE Cordell Sr of this city are the baby’s great-grandparents. TR, Thu 14 Feb 1980

Bagwell, Anthony Freeman - Mr and Mrs Jack Wayne Bagwell, ofMaryville, Tenn, announce the birth of a 6 ½ pound son born Wednesday, August 4at the Patterson Hospital in Cuthbert.The baby, who has been named Anthony Freeman Bagwell is the grandson ofMr and Mrs W C Bennett, of Georgetown, and Mr and Mrs O F Bagwell of Americus. TR, Thu 5 Aug 1971

Bagwell, Bradford - Dr and Mrs James E Bagwell of Plainsannounce the birth of their son, Bradford, who was born Tuesday, May 19 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who will be called Brad, weighed 9 pounds, 1 ounce. The infant is the grandson of Mr and MrsWilliam M Baker of Hawkinsville and Mrs Floy H Bagwell of Plains. His maternal great grandparents include MrsMarvin Baker Sr and Mrs James R McLevry, both of Abbeville, Ga. TR, Thu 28 May 1981

Bagwell, Jack Wayne - Mr and Mrs Jack Wayne Bagwell announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce son Sunday, March 30 at the Patterson Hospitalin Cuthbert. The baby has been namedJack Wayne Jr. He is the grandson of Mrand Mrs W C Bennett of Georgetown, Ga and Mr and Mrs O F Bagwell ofAmericus. TR, Mon 31 Mar 1969

Bagwell, John Christopher - Mr and Mrs Billy Bagwell, ofMiami, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce son, Sunday, February 10, whohas been named John Christopher. MrsBagwell is the former Miss June Methvin.The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs John Methvin, of Miami, and Mrand Mrs O F Bagwell,of Plains. TR,Tue 12 Feb 1957

Bagwell, Mark Ephyrm - Mr and Mrs E P Bagwell, of Auburn,Ala, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ½ ounce son, Mark Ephyrm, June 24 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 25 Jun 1962

Bagwell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Freeman Bagwell, of Plains,announce the birth of a son, Thursday, March 14, at Plains. TR, Mon 18 Mar 1946

Bagwell, Patsy Ann - Mr and Mrs Freeman Bagwell, of Plains,announce the birth of a daughter, Patsy Ann, December 29, at the PratherClinic. TR, Tue 6 Jan 1948

Bagwell, Stephanie Brooks - Mr and Mrs E P Bagwell, ofColumbus, announce the birth of a daughter at the Medical Center who was bornSunday, September 17. The baby, who hasbeen named Stephanie Brooks weighed 7 pounds, 2 ½ ounces. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs F WCrane Sr of Columbus and Mr and Mrs O F Bagwell of Americus. TR, Wed 20 Sep 1972

Bagwell, Tara Lynn - Mr and Mrs E T Bagwell, of 4287, WarmSprings Road, Columbus, are the parents of a daughter, born February 20, at theMedical Center in Columbus. The baby,who has been named Tara Lynn, is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs R L Cordelland Mr and Mrs O F Bagwell, all of Americus.TR, Thu 27 Feb 1964

Bagwell, Victoria Floy - Dr and Mrs James Bagwell of Plainsannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce daughter, Victoria Floy, born Friday,Jan 11 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Sheis the granddaughter of Mrs Floy Bagwell of Plains and Mr and Mrs William M Bakerof Hawkinsville. Great-grandparents areMrs Myrtice Baker and Mrs Nettie McLeroy, both of Abbeville. TR, Wed 16 Jan 1985

Bagwell, William Harrison - Mr and Mrs Freeman Bagwellannounce the birth of a son Wednesday, September 9, who has been given the nameWilliam Harrison. Mrs Bagwell will beremembered as Miss Katie Mae Smith before her marriage. TR, Sun 13 Sep 1931

Bahnsen, Jon Christian - Lt and Mrs John C Bahnsen, of FtBenning, announce the birth of a son, Friday, November 22, who has been namedJon Christian. The baby is thegreat-grandson of Dr P F Bahnsen, of Americus.TR, Mon 25 Nov 1957

Bailey, Andrew Dylan - Mr and Mrs Jeffrey Bailey ofEllaville announce the birth of a son, Andrew Dylan, born September 15 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs James E Battle and paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Jack Bailey. Great-grandparents areMrs Floyde Bailey and Mr and Mrs Nathan Sullivan. All are of Ellaville. TR, Wed 18 Sep 1991

Bailey, Angela Kay - Mr and Mrs Byron Bailey announce thebirth of a daughter at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Wendesday,January 15. The baby, who weighed 7pounds, 15 ounces has been given the name of Angela Kay. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs WillieFrank Halstead of Americus and Mr and Mrs Joe Bailey of Magnolia,Deleware. TR, Fri 17 Jan 1969

Bailey, Angela Kay - Mr and Mrs John Thomas Bailey announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 7 ounce daughter, Wednesday, May 8 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Angela Kay. TR, Thu 9 May 1957

Bailey, Arthur James - Jerry and Lynn Bailey of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Arthur James, born September 25 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant, who is called A J,weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs A P Bailey of Americus and maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Jack Smith of Smithville. A J has a sister, Page, age six. TR, Thu 4 Oct 1990

Bailey, Billy Joe Jr - Mr and Mrs Billy Joe Bailey, of 133Taylor Street are the parents of a 7 ½ pound son, born May 4, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Billy Joe Jr. TR, Mon 7 May 1962

Bailey, Brandan Allen - Mr and Mrs Jeffery Bailey ofEllaville announce the birth of a son, Brandan Allen, born Saturday, January 14at Sumter Regional Hospital.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Jack Bailey and the late Clyde Bailey, allof Ellaville. Great-grandparents areFloyde Bailey and the late Clyde Bailey and Mr and Mrs Nathan Sullivan ofEllaville. Brandan has a brother, Dylan,3. TR, Fri 20 Jan 1995

Bailey, Carlus Nelson Jr - Mr and Mrs Carlus N Bailey, of314 Judy Lane, announce the birth of a son, Carlus Nelson Jr Tuesday, June 23at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby, who weighed 6 pounds 12 ½ ounces is the grandson of Mrs M CBouldin and the late Mr Bouldin and Mrs C R Bailey and the late Rev Bailey, allof Fyffe, Ala. TR, Fri 26 Jun 1970

Bailey, Donna Kay - Mr and Mrs E M Bailey, of Route 2,Ellaville, announce the birth of a daughter, Donna Kay, July 14 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The babyweighed 7 pounds, 14 3/4 ounces. TR,Mon 16 Jul 1962

Bailey, Douglas Taylor - Douglas and Tracy Bailey of Albanyannounce the birth of a son, Douglas Taylor on October 23 at Phoebe Putney,Albany. The baby, who weighed 7 pounds,14 ounces is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Jack Bailey of Albany, the late LindaAnderson of Americus and Mr and Mrs Wayne Watson of Cuthbert. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs W R Parkerof Americus and Virgil Moore of Americus.Crystal Wellons, 10 years old, is his sister. TR, Fri 21 Nov 1997

Bailey, Frances Williford - Mr and Mrs W A Bailey announcethe birth of a daughter born Monday, October 15 at their home on HarroldAvenue. She will be called FrancesWilliford. TR, Sat 20 Oct 1923

Bailey, Gene Nathan Jr - Mr and Mrs Gene Bailey, ofMontezuma, announce the birth of a son, Gene Nathan Jr, Saturday, February 18,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces.TR, Tue 21 Feb 1956

Bailey, George Michael - Mr and Mrs George Bailey, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 4 ounce son, May 27, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named George Michael. TR, Tue 29 May 1962

Bailey, Georgia Anne - Mr and Mrs Ray Bailey Jr, of SanDiego, Cal, announce the birth of a daughter, on Wednesday, Jan 15. She weighed seven pounds and nine ounces, andhas been given the name Georgia Anne.Mrs Bailey is the former Miss Dorothy Lowry of Ellaville and Americus. TR, Fri 31 Jan 1947

Bailey, James Arthur - Mr and Mrs Arthur Page Bailey Jrannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce son Saturday, June 28, at cityhospital, who has been named James Arthur.TR, Mon 30 Jun 1952

Bailey, Jennifer Renee - Mr and Mrs Carlos Bailey, of JudyLane, announce the birth of a daughter, who was born Saturday, November 4 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby, who weighed 5 pounds, has been given the name of JenniferRenee. TR, Mon 6 Nov 1967

Bailey, Jerry Page - Mr and Mrs A P Bailey Jr announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce son Friday, November 6 at Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named Jerry Page.TR, Tue 10 Nov 1953

Bailey, John Clark Jr - Mr and Mrs J C Bailey, of Dawson,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital July 10, who has been named John Clark Jr. TR, Mon 12 Jul 1965

Bailey, John Edward - Mr and Mrs E N Bailey, of Cobb, arethe parents of a 10 pound, 4 ½ ounce son, born September 2 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named John Edward. TR, Tue 4 Sep1962

Bailey, Kathy Diane - Mr and Mrs O C Bailey, of 705 DouglasDrive, announce the birth of a daughter at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on August 14. The baby, whoweighed 5 pounds, 14 1/4 ounce has been named Kathy Diane. TR, Mon 16 Aug 1965

Bailey, Kerri Michelle - Mr and Mrs Steve Bailey of Americusannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce daughter, Kerri Michelle, bornWednesday, August 29 at Sumter Regional Hospital. She is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsClarence Davis and Mr and Mrs O C Bailey and the great-granddaughter of MrsJack Wilson, all of Americus. TR, Wed5 Sep 1984

Bailey, Lisa Cornelia - Mr and Mrs Ed Bailey, of Cobb,announce the birth of a 7 pound, ½ ounce daughter Monday, August 22, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of LisaCornelia. The baby is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs Vance Hawks, of Atlanta and Mrs C E Bailey, of Cobb. TR, Tue 23 Aug 1966

Bailey, Margaret Carol - Mr and Mrs Edward Bailey, ofGillsville, announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, December 17, who hasbeen named Margaret Carol. The baby isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs C E Bailey, of Cobb. TR, Friday 26 Dec 1952

Bailey, Mart III - Capt and Mrs Mart Bailey, of Fort Bragg,N C announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, November 10, who has been named MartBailey III. The baby is thegreat-great-grandson of Mrs Florence D Hollis, of Americus. TR, Wednesday 11 Nov 1942

Bailey, Meagan Nichole - Brian and Julie Bailey of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a daughter, Meagan Nichole, born February 8. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces atbirth. Grandparents are Brenda Hollon,Lamar Bailey, and Joyce Owen, all of Ellaville.TR, Fri 27 Mar 1992

Bailey, Michael Alan - Mr and Mrs Walter Bailey announce thebirth of a 9 pound son, Michael Alan, who was born Monday, July 30 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Theinfant is the grandson of Mr and Mrs P E Bailey of Arcadia, Fla and Mr and MrsCarl Hornsby of Flagler Beach, Fla. TR,Thu 2 Aug 1973

Bailey, Not named - Mr and Mrs A P Bailey of Americusannounce the birth of a baby girl at the City Hospital on Ocotber 13. TCN, Thu 14 Oct 1948

Bailey, Not named - Mr and Mrs Arthur Page Bailey Jrannounce the birth of a daughter, who was born Wednesday morning, November 27,at City Hospital. Mrs Bailey wasformerly Miss Florine Anderson, of Plains.TR, Wed 27 Nov 1946

Bailey, Not named - Mr and Mrs Billy Bailey, of McMath’sMill Road, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ½ ounce son at the Americus andSumter County Hospital March 26. TR,Mon 28 Mar 1966

Bailey, Not named - Mr and Mrs George Lee Bailey, of Route 2Ellaville, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ½ ounce son, July 29, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 29 Jul 1964

Bailey, Not named - Mr and Mrs J S Bailey, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son, Monday, November 28, at City Hospital. TR, Wed 28 Nov 1945

Bailey, Not named - Mr and Mrs J T Bailey, of Cobb, areparents of a boy baby which was born Monday, July 15, at the CityHospital. TR, Thu 28 Jul 1949

Bailey, Not named - Mr and Mrs Murrell Bailey, of Route 2,Ellaville, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ½ ounce son, April 20, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 20 Apr 1961

Bailey, Not named - Mr and Mrs Neil Bailey, of Preston,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ½ ounce daughter, March 31, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Wed 1Apr 1964

Bailey, Not named - Mr and Mrs O C Bailey, Americus,announce the birth of a boy, born October 3 at Prather Clinic. TCN, Thu 9 Oct 1952

Bailey, Not named - Mr and Mrs O C Bailey, of 705 DouglasDrive in Americus announce the birth of a 6 pound daughter on November 27 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Tue 29 Nov 1960

Bailey, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ralph Bailey, of 121 HamptonStreet, are the parents of a 7 pound, 7 ounce son, born December 31, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 4 Jan 1965

Bailey, Not named - Mr and Mrs W J Bailey, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, September 25, at CityHospital. TR, Thu 26 Sep 1946

Bailey, Not named - Rev and Mrs Donald Bailey ofSpringfield, Mo announce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ½ ounce son, bornWednesday, August 14 at Cox Memorial Hospital.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Lawrence Bailey of Siloam, Ark andLonnie and Catherine Downs of Americus.Mrs Bailey is the former Jean Doggett.TR, Wed 21 Aug 1985

Bailey, Pamela Robin - Mr and Mrs John T Bailey, of 311South Lee Street, are the parents of a 6 pound 5 ounce daughter, born March 28in the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named PamelaRobin. TR, Thu 29 Mar 1962

Bailey, Patrick Lee - Mr and Mrs Billy Joe Bailey Jr ofEllaville announce the birth of a son, Patrick Lee, who was born Friday,November 26 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital and weighed 7 pounds, 6ounces. The infant is the brother ofTabitha Nicole Bailey and the grandson of Mrs Sandra Harbuck, James OscarCarpenter and Mr and Mrs Billy Joe Bailey Sr, all of Ellaville. His great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs MarvinBell, Mrs Clyde Bailey and Mr and Mrs Nathan Sullivan, all of Ellaville and Mrand Mrs Oscar Carpenter, Americus. TR,Tue 20 Nov 1982

Bailey, Richard Anthony - Mr and Mrs Carlos Bailey, ofPatton Drive, announce the birth of a son Saturday, March 30 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The babyweighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce and has been given the name of Richard Anthony. Grandparents of the baby are Mrs C H Baileyand the late Mr Bailey and Mrs M C Bouldin and the late Mr Bouldin, all ofFyffe, Ala. TR, Mon 1 Apr 1974

Bailey, Ronald Byron - Mr and Mrs Byron Bailey announce thebirth of a 5 pound, 8 ½ ounce son Friday, May 19 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital who has been named Ronald Byron. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs W FHalstead of Americus and Mr and Mrs Joe P Bailey of Mississippi, formerly ofthis city. TR, Tue 23 May 1967

Bailey, Scott Franklin - Mr and Mrs Byron Bailey announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 14 ½ ounce son Tuesday, September 8 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Scott Franklin.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs W F Halstead of Americus and Mr and MrsJoe P Bailey of Magnolia, Delaware. TR,Thu 10 Sep 1970

Bailey, Sherrell Ann - Mr and Mrs Arthur P Bailey Jrannounce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, October 13, at city hospital, whohas been given the name Sherrell Ann.Mrs Bailey was before marriage Miss Florence Anderson, of Plains. TR, Fri 15 Oct 1948

Bailey, Tabetha Nicole - Mr and Mrs Billy Joe Bailey Jr arethe parents of a 7 pound, 3 ounce daughter born Friday, September 11 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been given the name of Tabetha Nicole.Grandparents are Mrs Sandra Harbuck and James Oscar Carpenter and Mr andMrs Billy Joe Bailey Sr. TR, Thu 17Sep 1981

Bailey, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs James L Bailey,of Route1, announce the birth of twin daughters, born March 20, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. Mrs Bailey isthe former Karen Taylor, of this city. TR,Mon 21 Mar 1966

Bailey, Twin Sons - Darrell and Donna Bailey of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a twin sons, Ernest Tyler, who weighed 2 pounds, 15ounces and Alexander James, who weighed 2 pounds, 7 ½ ounces on November 25 atPhoebe Putney Hospital, Albanay. MrsBailey is the former Donna Harrod.Grandparents are Donna Harrod and Mr and Mrs Bud Harrod, all of Americusand Mr and Mrs Merrell Bailey of Ellaville.TR, Fri 5 Dec 1997

Bailey, Valerie Lynn - Mr and Mrs Johnny F Bailey, ofEllaville, are the parents of a 6 pound, 6 ounce daughter, born December 14, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Valerie Lynn. TR, Fri 15 Dec 1961

Bailey, William Austin - Brian and Julie Bailey of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a son, William Austin, born June 6 at Sumter RegionalHospital. Austin, as the baby is called,weighed 5 pounds, 13 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Paul Blackston of Ellaville andpaternal grandparents are Joyce Owen and Lamar Bailey of Ellaville. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs JohnWilliams of Dawson, Floyde Bailey of Ellaville and Myrtice Dentin ofMontezuma. TR, Wed 14 Jun 1995

Bailey, William Bowers - Mr and Mrs Johnny Bailey, ofPlains, announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, November 21, at Prather Clinic,who has been named William Bowers. TR,Tue 28 Nov 1944

Baisden, Denessia Kenyetta - Octavia Mercer and DedrickBaisden of Americus announce the birth or a daughter, Denessia Kenyetta, bornMay 16 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Theinfant weighed 1 pound, 7 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Annie Mercer of DeSoto and Eddie James Mercerof Connecticut. Paternal grandparentsare Mary Baisden and Jimmy Smith, both of Albany. Great-grandparents are Rosie Williams ofDeSoto and D C Mercer of DeSoto. TR,Fri 20 May 1994

Baker, Andrew Forrest - Mr and Mrs C Michael Baker ofBainbridge, Ga announce the birth of a son, Andrew Forrest, on September 5 atthe Bainbridge Memorial Hospital. Thebaby weighed 7 pounds, 15 1/4 ounces. Hewill be called Andy. The baby’s motheris the former Melissa Moore.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Mac Moore of Americus and Mr and Mrs CullenBaker of Bainbridge. Great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Harold Booher and Mrs Lula Mae Moore and the late Harry ForrestMoore, all of Muncie, Indiana. TR,Wed 17 Sep 1980

Baker, Barbara Ann - Mr and Mrs R M Baker, of 512 ChurchStreet, announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, July 22, who has beennamed Barbara Ann. TR, Fri 24 Jul1936

Baker, Clara Vivian - Mr and Mrs L B Baker announce thebirth of a daughter Tuesday, April 20 at their home on Oak Avenue, who has beengiven the name Clara Vivian. TR, Fri23 Apr 1937

Baker, Eugene Kevin - Mr and Mrs Fred Baker, of 1005Douglas Circle, are the parents of an 8 pound, 5 ½ ounce son, born January 23,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named EugeneKevin. TR, Thu 25 Jan 1962

Baker, Ginger Ann - Mr and Mrs G Robert Baker, of ClaraDrive, announce the birth of a daughter, born Wednesday, June 11 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital who has been named Ginger Ann. Mrs Baker is the former Melissa McEntire, ofAtlanta. The baby is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs Jones McEntire and Mrs Frederick Ulrey and the late Mr Baker of Atlanta. TR, Fri 13 Jun 1969

Baker, Kebresha Danielle - George and Kim Baker of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Kebresha Danielle, at Perry Hospital. The infant weighed 6 pounds, 1 ounce. She is the granddaughter of Carolyn Hatton ofAmericus. Grandparents are Willie andAbbie Weaver of Oglethorpe. She has abrother, Jaqazeus, 5. TR, Tue 8 Sep1998

Baker, Lena Faye - Mr and Mrs Jimmie Baker, ofJacksonville, announce the birth of a daughter July 6, who has been named LenaFaye. Mr and Mrs Baker are formerresidents of Americus. TR, Thu 13 Jul1939

Baker, Martha Diana - Mr and Mrs R M Baker announce thebirth of a daughter, Friday, September 27, at City Hospital, who has been namedMartha Diana. TR, Mon 30 Sep 1946

Baker, Michael David - Mr and Mrs Fred Baker announce thebirth of a a son Saturday, October 12, weighing 7 pounds, 5 ounces. He has been named Michael David. Mrs Baker is the former Janean Chambers,daughter of J K Chambers, 455 Forest Street.TR, Mon 14 Oct 1957

Baker, Not named - Mr and Mrs David E Baker, ofJacksonville, announce the birth of an eight pound son, Wednesday, September25. The baby is the grandson of Mr andMrs Jimmie Baker, of Americus. TR,Mon 30 Sep 1946

Baker, Not named - Mr and Mrs David E Baker, ofJacksonville, Fla, announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, October 9, in Jacksonville. Mrs Baker was before marriage Miss EvelynPowers, of Jacksonville. TR, Thu 11Oct 1945

Baker, Not named - Mr and Mrs L C Baker announce the birthof a daughter, Tuesday, December 6, at city hospital. TR, Wed 7 Dec 1949

Baker, Not named - Mr and Mrs William O Baker, of 704Sunset Drive, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ½ ounce son, August 14, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 15 Aug 1962

Baker, Not named - Mr and Mrs William O Baker, ofManchester, Ga, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce daughter, April 18,at the Medical Center in Columbus. Mrand Mrs C D Stevens of Americus are the grandparents. TR, Fri 30 Apr 1965

Baker, Peggy - Mr and Mrs Loyd C Baker announce the birthof an eight pound daughter, Sunday, January 18, at their home on Brady Road,who has been named Peggy. TR, Mon 19Jan 1942

Baker, Shana Aliah - Mr and Mrs Alphonson Baker announcethe birth of a daughter, Shana Aliah, born Friday, May 17 at Sumter RegionalHospital. She is the granddaughter ofMrs Mattie Sanders and the late Robert B Sanders Sr and Mr and Mrs Lynn Baker,all of Americus. Shana has a sister,April and a brother, Marcell. TR, Thu23 May 1985

Baker, Tanya Mila - Mr and Mrs Patrick H Baker, of 803 ElmoStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce daughter, April 13, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Tanya Mila. TR,Wed 15 Apr 1964

Baker, Virginia Maxine - Mr and Mrs Jimmie Baker, of 704Spring Street, announce the birth of an eight-pound daughter Mon, April 30, whohas been given the name of Virginia Maxine.Both mother and baby are doing nicely.TR, Tue 1 May 1934

Bald, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs Jack Bald, of Pittsburgh,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of twin daughters, Tuesday, September18, who weighed 6 ½ pounds and 5 pounds.Mrs Bald was before her marriage Miss Gladys Deriso, of Leslie. TR, Fri 21 Sep 1951

Baldwin, George Ray - Mr and Mrs Theo Baldwin announce thebirth of a nine-pound son born Sunday, November 7. The baby has been named George Ray. TR, Wed 10 Nov 1937

Baldwin, Harry Neal Jr - Mr and Mrs H N Baldwin, of Bristol,Va, formerly of Americus announce the birth of a son on July 28th.. It has been named Harry Neal Jr. TR, Mon 8 Aug 1927

Baldwin, Jennifer Kay - Mr and Mrs Ray Baldwin announce thebirth of a daughter Tuesday, August 21 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 7pounds, 11 ½ ounces had been given the name of Jennifer Kay. The infant is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsJames Dixon and Mr and Mrs Theo Baldwin, all of Americus. The baby has a brother, Raymond. TR, Tue 21 Aug 1973

Baldwin, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ray Baldwin announce thebirth of a son early this morning at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. He weighed 7 pounds, 13ounces. The grandparents are Mr and MrsJames Dixon and Mr and Mrs Theo Baldwin, all of Americus. TR, Sat 21 Jan 1967

Baldwin, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ted Baldwin of 102 BurkeStreet, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 7 ounce son at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, on August 30. MrsBaldwin is the former Miss Norma Biggs, daughter of Mr and Mrs Clyde Biggs, ofPensacola, Fla. The paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Theo Baldwin of Americus. TR, Mon 31 Aug 1964

Baldwin, Pamela Jean - Mr and Mrs Ted Baldwin announce thebirth of a 7 ½ pound daughter, born Tuesday, October 29 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been named Pamela Jean, is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Clyde Biggs ofPensacola, Florida and Mr and Mrs Theo Baldwin of Americus. TR, Thu 31 Oct 1968

Baldwin, Rachel Angela - Rev and Mrs Mark Baldwin of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Rachel Angela, born February 9 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 4 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mrs Helen Baldwin and the late Mr John Baldwin and maternalgrandparents are Pat Dorley of Houston, Texas and the late Mrs MaryDorley. The baby has seven brothers andsisters, they are, Marc 15; Elyse, 13; John, 10; Emily, 8; Sara, 6; LeighEllen, 3; and Rebekah, age one. TR,Thu 14 Feb 1991

Baldwin, Rebekah Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Mark Baldwin ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Rebekah Elizabeth, born June 17 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Patrick Dorley of Houston, Texas and the lateMrs Mary Dorley, and paternal grandparents are Mrs Helen Baldwin of Americusand the late Mr John Baldwin. TR, Wed28 Jun 1989

Baldwin, Triplets - Mr and Mrs William David Baldwin ofAmericus announce the birth of triplets, born Monday, March 1 at the MedicalCenter of Middle Georgia, Macon. KaylaRenee weighed 3 pounds, 7 ounces, Matthew Oneal weighed 3 pounds, 10 ½ ounces,and Jared Edwin weighed 3 pounds, 10 ounces at birth. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs WilliamT Baldwin of Americus and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Max Baker ofWetumpka, Ala. TR, Wed 3 Mar 1993

Baldwin, William David - Mr and Mrs W T (Ted) Baldwin Jr, ofthe Macon road, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 2 ½ ounce son, December 31, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital who has been named William David. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs TheoBaldwin, of Americus. TR, Wed 2 Jan1963

Baldwin, William Theodore III - Mr and Mrs David Baldwin ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, William Theodore III, born Wednesday,June 21 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Theinfant, who will be called Theo, weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces at birth. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs TedBaldwin of Americus and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Max Baker ofWetumpka, Ala. TR, Sat 24 Jun 1989

Baldwin, William Theodore Jr - Mr and Mrs Theo Baldwinannounce the birth of a nine-pound son, Tuesday, Mary 14, at their home onFurlow Street. The baby has been namedWilliam Theodore Badlwin Jr. TR, Thu16 May 1935

Bales, Dwight David Jr - Mr and Mrs David Bales announcethe birth of a son, Dwight David Jr, whowas born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital Sunday, August 26. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 10 ½ ounces. Heis the grandson of Mr and Mrs George Bales of Alpharetta and Mr and Mrs RalphEnnis of Macon. TR, Tue 28 Aug 1973

Balkcom, Ichabod LaFayette V - Mr and Mrs I L Balkcom are theparents of a 6 pound, 11 3/4 ounce son born Saturday, September 3 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Ichabod LaFayette V and is to be called Quint. The infant is the grandson of Mr and Mrs I LBalkcom III of Morris, Ga and Mrs J G Guest, Americus and D F Hungerford ofAnapolis, Md. TR, Thu 8 Sep 1977

Ball, Ella Jean - Mr and Mrs H V Ball announce the birthof a daughter Thursday, Jan 23, at their home, 524 Barlow Street. The baby has been named Ella Jean. TR, Fri 24 Jan 1936

Ball, Mellisa Lynn - Mr and Mrs Robert Benjamin Ball ofCuthbert announce the birth of a 6 pound, 3 3/4 ounce daughter, Mellisa Lynn,born Saturday, August 17 at the Medical Center in Columbus. Mrs Ball is the former Allison James ofEllaville. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs WB James Jr of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs Robert Ball of Cuthbert. Great-grandparents are Mrs Joseph E Johnsonof Ellaville, Mrs Ruby James of Oglethorpe, Mrs Ruby James of Cuthbert and MrsHugh Tye of Macon. TR, Wed 28 Aug1985

Ball, Not named - Mr and Mrs J E Ball, of Route 1,Tazewell, announce the birth of an 8 pound, one ounce daughter, May 6 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 6 May 1959

Ball, Not named - Mr and Mrs J T Ball, of 216 LorrianeAvenue, announce the birth of a 7 pound daughter, born Tuesday, July 20, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 21 Jul 1965

Ball, Not named - Mr and Mrs Larry Ball announce the birthof a son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Tuesday, September 6,who weighed 6 pounds, 7 ½ ounces. Thebaby is the grandson of Mrs Mary Burnett and Mrs Faye Storey and the great-grandsonof Mrs Beulah Bivins. TR, Thu 8 Sep1966

Ballard, Not named - Mr and Mrs Claude Ballard announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, Oct 15, at their home on Forrest Street. Mrs Ballard was Miss Cecil Purvis before hermarriage. TR, Fri 17 Oct 1924

Ballew, Janice Irene - Mr and Mrs Wesley Jackson Ballewannounce the birth of a daughter, Monday, September 23, at Crawford W LongHospital, Atlanta. The baby, who is thegranddaughter of Mrs W J Ballew, of this city and Mr and Mrs David B Barron, ofMarietta, has been named Janice Irene.Mrs Ballew was the former Miss Florence Barron. TR, Tue 1 Oct 1946.

Ballew, Martha Lynn - Lt Commander and Mrs James R Ballew,of Long Island, NY, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, June 1, who hasbeen named Martha Lynn. Commander Ballewis a former resident and the baby is the granddaugter of Mrs W J Ballew, ofthis city. TR, Wed 7 Jun 1944

Ballinger, Not named - Mr and Mrs B R Ballinger announce thebirth of a daughter, Friday, November 11 at their home. TR, Sat 12 Nov 1921

Bankhead, William Greer Jr - Mr and Mrs W G Bankhead announcethe birth of a son, William Greer, Jr, who was born Wednesday, January 15, atthe city hospital. TR, Wed 15 Jan1941

Banks, Gavin Wade - Mr and Mrs Dennis Banks announce the birthof an 8 pound son Wednesday, April 29.The baby, who was born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital hasbeen named Gavin Wade. He has a brother,Brian, age 4. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Marvin Davis of Unadilla and Mr and Mrs Leonard Banks of Americus. TR, Fri 1 May 1981

Banks, Jade Nichole - Teresa M Banks of Americus and TorreyC Chatmon of Travis AFB, Ca announce the birth of a daughter, Jade Nichole,born February 1 at Sumter Regional Hospital.The infant weighed 5 pounds, 13 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs CurtisBanks Sr and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Stanley Harden. Great-grandmothers are Mrs Annie L Roberts ofMiami, Fla, Mrs Ruby M Banks, Americus and Mrs Jessica Harden of Houston,TX. TR, Wed 10 Feb 1993

Banks, Kendric - Kenneth Davis and Tanzy Banks, both ofAmericus, announce the birth of a son, Kendric, born Jan 23 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds,12 ounces. Grandparents are Wilma Banksand Nadine Pickett, both of Americus.Great-grandparents are Etta Mae and Eddie Banks of Americus. He has a brother, Kenneth Jr, 5 and twosisters, Coretta, 10 and Kanisha, 3. TR,Thu 28 Jan 1999

Banks, Keondria Justice - Kenneth and Mary Banks announcethe birth of a daughter, Keondria Justice, born January 1 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 5 pounds, 7ounces. Maternal grandparents are thelate William Fields and Mary K Lanier of Americus. Paternal grandparents are Curtis and AnnieBanks of Americus. Keondria has asister, Shalandria,7. TR, Sat 20 Jan1996

Banks, Lindsay Nicole - Mr and Mrs Leonard C Banks ofSavannah announce the birth of a 9 pound, 2 ounce daughter, Lindsay Nicole,born Sunday, October 13 at Candler Memorial Hospital in Savannah. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Preston White ofAlamo and Mr and Mrs Leonard Banks of Americus.She has a brother, Nichols, 3. TR,Tue 15 Oct 1985

Banks, Mark Anthony - Mr and Mrs Leonard W Banks, WandaWay, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ½ ounce son on February 13 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Hehas been named Mark Anthony. TR, Fri14 Feb 1969

Banks, Meredith Lynn - Mr and Mrs Larry Banks, of Macon,formerly of Americus are the parents of a six pound daughter born Wednesday,November 16 at the Coliseum Park Hospital, Macon. The infant has been named Meredith Lynn. Meredith is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs LW Banks of Americus and Mrs Betty Smith of Houston, Texas. TR, Sat 19 Nov 1977

Banks, Michael Travis - Mr and Mrs Larry Banks announce thebirth of a 5 pound, 5 ounce son. Thebaby was born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital Wednesday, March28. He has been given the name ofMichael Travis. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Leonard Banks of Americus and Mrs Betty Goodwin of Freeport, Texas. TR, Wed 4 Apr 1979

Banks, Nicholas Brian - Mr and Mrs Leonard C Banks ofSavannah announce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce son born Thursday, January14 at Candler General Hospital in Savannah.The infant has been given the name of Nicholas Brian. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs PrestonWhite of Alamo, Ga and his paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Leonard W Banksof Americus. TR, Fri 15 Jan 1982

Banks, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lester Banks, of Preston,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, February 28, at city hospital, whoweighed 6 pounds, 12 ½ ounces. TR,Thu 3 Mar 1949

Banks, Not named - Mr and Mrs W S Banks, of Preston,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, December 18, at city hospital. TR, Tue 22 Dec 1942

Banks, Rachael - Mr and Mrs E B Banks, of 612 ForrestStreet, announce the birth of a little girl October 3rd. She has been given the name, Rachael. TR, Sun 6 Oct 1929

Bankston, James Harold Jr - Mr and Mrs Bill Bankston, ofPreston, announce the birth of a boy born March 15 weighing 7 pounds, 14ounces. He has been given the name ofJames Harold Jr. TCN, Thu 20 Mar 1952

Bankston, Leslie Suzanne - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Bankston, ofPreston, are the parents of a 7 pound, 7 ½ ounce daughter born Tuesday, May 15at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Leslie Suzanne.She is the granddaughter of Mrs Dorothy McGlaun of Richland and Mr andMrs Harold Bankston of Preston. TR,Thu 17 May 1973

Bankston, Michael LaDon - Mr and Mrs J H Bankston, of Route 1,Preston, anounce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce son Wednesday, March 14, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Michael LaDon. TR, Thu 15 Mar 1956

Bankston, Not named - Mr and Mrs Terrell H Bankston, ofCovington, Ga, formerly of Hawkinsville and Americus, announce the birth of ason weighing 7 pounds, 9 ounces on January 26 at DeKalb General Hospital inDecatur. TR, Mon 28 Jan 1980

Bankston, Rebecca Joanne - Mr and Mrs David Bankston announcethe birth of a daughter born Tuesday, June 11 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 8pounds, ½ ounce, has been named Rebecca Joanne.The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs W A Bankston Sr and Mr and MrsRalph Freeman, all of Barnesville. TR,Tue 18 Jun 1974

Banner, J Lewis III - Mr and Mrs J Lewis Banner announce thebirth of a son Feb 10th at the city hospital. He has been given the name of J Lewis BannerIII. TR, Sat 12 Feb 1927

Bannister, Annelle Elaine - Mr and Mrs Frank Bannister, ofMoultrie, announce the birth of a daughter, Annelle Elaine, at the VereenMemorial Hospital, Monday, September 16.Mrs Bannister is the former Miss Queenelle Allen, of Americus, and thebaby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J F Allen, of near Americus. TR, Fri 27 Sep 1946

Barbaree, David Blair - Mr and Mrs Earl S Barbaree announcethe birth of a son Thursday, April 13 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 8pounds, 1 ounce, has been given the name of David Blair. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs A D Barbareeof Richland and Mr and Mrs W L Kidd of Elmodel.TR, Sat 15 Apr 1972

Barbaree, Karri Danielle - Mr and Mrs Mark Barbaree, ofAtlanta, formerly of Ellaville, announce the birth of a baby girl bornWednesday, September 13 who weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces. The infant has been named KarriDanielle. Grandparents are Mrs MarlynShumake of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs John Matthews of Ellaville. She is the great-granddaughter of Mr and MrsRaiford Barbaree of Richland, Mr and Mrs J P Matthews of Ellaville and MrsMyrtle Alston of Americus. TR, Tue 3Oct 1978

Barbaree, Not named - Mr and Mrs H A Barbaree announce thebirth of a son, Saturday, August 28, at city hospital, who weighed 7 pounds, 3ounces. TR, Tue 31 Aug 1948

Barbary, William Brooks - Mr and Mrs Bill Barbary, ofGainesville, Ga, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounceson born Saturday, December 11. The babyhas been given the name of William Brooks.TR, Sat 11 Dec 1971

Barber, Not named - Mr and Mrs Turner Barber, of McRae,announce the birth of an eight pound, 6 ounce daughter Thursday, November19. Mr Barber was formerly districtforester here. TR, Fri 20 Nov 1953

Barefield, James Pierce - Mr and Mrs R James Barefield, ofJacksonville, Fla, announce the birth of a son on Thursday, August 23, who hasbeen named James Pierce. Mr Barefield isa former resident of Americus and is the son of Mr and Mrs R U Barefield. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. TR, Fri 24 Aug 1934

Barefield, Not named - Mr and Mrs Wonzie Barefield announce thebirth of a son, Tuesday, August 17, at Prather Clinic. TR, Fri Aug 20 1943

Barefield, Sandra Irene - Mr and Mrs William C Barefieldannounce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, August 26, at Prather Clinic, whohas been named Sandra Irene. MrsBarefield was formerly Miss Lucy Poole. TR,Mon 28 Aug 1939

Barefield, Theodore Barry Jr - Mr and Mrs Ted Barefield, of4742 Chrysler Street, New Orleans, La, announce the birth of a 7 pound 13 ounceson on Oct 13, who has been named Theodore Barry Jr. Mrs Barefield is the former Bonnie Arrington,who was a secretary at Georgia Southwestern College. TR, Sat 1 May 1958

Barefield, Thomas William - Mr and Mrs R J Barefield, ofJacksonville, Fla, announce the birth of a son, Friday, January 31, who hasbeen named Thomas William, for both his grandfathers. Mrs Barefield is a former resident of Americus. TR, Fri 31 Jan 1941

Barefield, William Carter Jr - Mr and Mrs W C Barefieldannounce the birth of a son, Tuesday, May 21, at Prather clinic, who has beennamed William Carter Jr. Mrs Barefieldis the former Miss Lucy Poole. TR,Wed 27 May 1942

Baretee, Betty Jean - Mr and Mrs R L Baretee announce thebirth of a daughter, Tuesday, March 20, at city hospital, who has been giventhe name Betty Jean. TR, Fri 23 Mar1945

Barfield, Amber Leigh - Mr and Mrs Rusty Barfield of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Amber Leigh, born Friday, February 19 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 9 pounds at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mrs Patsy Miller of Americus and the late Mrs Jake Miller andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Russell Halliwill of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ned Miller,Americus and Mr and Mrs George Crawley of Leesburg. TR, Wed 2 Mar 1988

Barfield, Arthur Carswell - Mr and Mrs Henry Barfield, ofDawson, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 9 1/4 ounce son, Tuesday, August9. The baby has been named ArthurCarswell. TR, Thu 11 Aug 1966

Barfield, Brandy Leigh - Mr and Mrs James R Barfield ofAmericus announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce daughter who was bornThursday, April 24 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The infant was named Brandy Leigh. The infant has a brother, James Richard II,eight years old. TR, Wed 30 Apr 1980

Barfield, Donna Lynn - Mr and Mrs Donald G Barfield, of 1302South Lee Street, are the parents of a 6 pound, 9 ounce daughter, born April15, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Donna Lynn.TR, Thu 16 Apr 1964

Barfield, Henry Grady - Henry and Bonnie Barfield announce thebirth of a son, Henry Grady, born Jul 24 at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces atbirth. Maternal grandparents are BettyScott and the late Grady Scott and paternal grandparents are the late RubyRyals and Paul Barfield. All are of Americus. Grady, as the infant is called, has twobrothers, Greg, Art and Liza B Hernandez.TR, Fri 5 Aug 1994

Barfield, Illa Bee - Mr and Mrs H L Barfield, of Route 3,Buena Vista, announce the birth of a 9 pound, daughter, December 1, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namded Illa Bee. TR, Wed 3 Dec 1958

Barfield, Jacob A - Mr and Mrs James R Barfield II of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Jacob A, born Aug 1 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 6 pounds, 8ounces. Grandparents are Helen Cason andAl and Jewell Swearingen, all of Americus and Mr and Mrs Joe Chesser ofBranford, FL. TR, Tue 7 Sep 1999

Barfield, James Richard II - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Barfieldannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce son on Wednesday, April 5 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Hehas been named James Richard II and is the grandson of Mrs Amon Helms and thelate Mr Helms of Americus and Mrs Russell Holliwell of Columbus and EarlBarfield, also of this city. TR, Mon10 Apr 1972

Barfield, Jason Kyle - Ann and Daniel Barfield of Americusannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce son, Jason Kyle, born Sunday, March30 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Kyle isthe grandson of Jesse and Frances Lewis of Warwick, Wilson Ryles of Americusand the late Ruby Ryles, and Paul Barfield, both of Americus. Great-grandmother is Mrs C E Cox of Warwick. Kyle has a brother, Jeff, 16 and two sisters,Melissa, 7 and Tracy, 19. TR, Thu 10Apr 1986

Barfield, Jessica Nichole - Jody and Phyllis Barfield ofAmericus announce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce daughter, Jessica Nichole,born Saturday, Nov 30 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Jerry Barfield ofAmericus, Mr and Mrs Phillip Adcox of Opelika, Ala and Mrs Ernie White ofOpelika. Great-grandparents are George CCrawley of Leesburg, Mr and Mrs Russell Halliwill of Americus, Mrs Arnold Adcoxof Opelika and Isaac Turner of Opelika. TR,Sat 14 Dec 1985

Barfield, John Douglas - Mr and Mrs Paul William Barfield, ofEllaville, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce son born December 9 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who has been given the name of John Douglas, is the grandson of Mr andMrs H L Holton and Mr and Mrs Auburn Barfield.TR, Wed 12 Dec 1973

Barfield, Linda Ann - Mr and Mrs Ralph Barfield , of 109 ReeseStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ½ ounce daughter, Saturday, December19, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named LindaAnn. TR, Mon 21 Dec 1959

Barfield, Lisa Louise - Mr and Mrs Henry Barfield, of Plains,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ½ ounce daughter, July 23 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Lisa Louise. TR, Wed 28 Jul 1965

Barfield, Melody Cherie - Mr and Mrs O K Barfield, of ElmAvenue, announce the birth of an 8 pound, one ounce daughter, Thursday,December 15, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named Melody Cherie. TR, Thu 15 Dec 1955

Barfield, Noland Kyle - Jody and Phyllis Barfield of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Noland Kyle, born Wednesday, April 24 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 14 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Jerry Noland Barfield of Americus; Mrs Ernie White ofShreveport, La; and Mr and Mrs Phillip Adcox of Opelika, Ala. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs RussellHalliwill of Americus and Mr and Mrs George H Crawley of Leesburg. Kyle has a sister, Jessica Nichole, agefive. TR, Fri 10 May 1991

Barfield, Not named - Mr and Mrs Donald Gray Barfield, of 236Mitchell Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce son January 15. TR, Mon 17 Jan 1966

Barfield, Not named - Mr and Mrs Everett Barfield, ofOglethorpe, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce son, Monday, January 28,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Tue 29 Jan 1957

Barfield, Not named - Mr and Mrs Grover E Barfield, ofMontezuma, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ½ ounce daughter, Friday,January 22, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Fri 22 Jan 1960

Barfield, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jerry Barfield, of 309 TaylorStreet, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son, born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, January 18. TR,Wed 19 Jan 1966

Barfield, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jerry N Barfield announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce son, born August 14 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Thu 15 Aug 1963

Barfield, Ralph Allen Jr - Mr and Mrs R A Barfield, of 109Reese Street, announce the birth of an 8 ½ pound son, March 22, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Ralph Allen Jr. TR Thu 23 Mar 1961

Barfield, Robert Stanhope - Mr and Mrs W N Barfield announcethe birth of a little son, Wednesday, March 10, who has been given the name ofRobert Stanhope. TR, Fri 12 Mar 1926

Barfield, Sharon Jane - Mr and Mrs Ralph Barfield, ofThomaston, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a six pound, 13 3/4ounce daughter, March 30. The baby, whohas been named Sharon Jane, is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs W A Barfield, ofthis city and Mr and Mrs Rufus Sawyer of Huntsville, Alabama, formerly ofAmericus. TR, Fri 10 Apr 1964

Barfield, Sheila Morrell - Mr and Mrs Earl T Barfield, of 509South Lee Street, are the parents of a 7 pound, 11 ounce daughter, born August16, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Sheila Morrell.TR, Wed 19 Aug 1964

Barfield, Spencer Kyle - Tony and Tracy Barfield of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Spencer Kyle, born Saturday, November 24 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 13 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mrs Katlynn Saunders of Americus and Harold Robertson ofDeSoto and paternal grandparents are Donna and Ace Pierce of Kathleen, Ga. The baby has two brothers, Anthony, 8 andChristopher, age six. TR, Fri 30 Nov1990

Barfield, Tara Michelle - Mr and Mrs Virgil Barfield announcethe birth of a daughter, Thursday, November 13 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been namedTara Michelle. She weighed 7 pounds, 12ounces at birth. Her mother is theformer Charlotte Peterson. The maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs L S Peterson of Stockbridge and the paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs J B Barfield of Oglethorpe. Mr and Mrs Barfield have two sons, Michaeland Christopher, ages 9 and 5 respectively.TR, Wed 19 Nov 1975

Barfield, Twins - Mr and Mrs H L Barfield, of Route 3, BuenaVista, announce the birth of twins, January 8, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital who have been named Esther Mae and Lester Lynn. TR, Sat 9 Jan 1960

Barfoot, Not named - Mr and Mrs C W Barfoot, of 1318 Hanco*ckDrive, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 14 ounce son, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on Monday, December 7.TR, Tue 8 Dec 1959

Barge, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Barge, of Cordele,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce son, Monday, December 5. TR, Tue 6 Dec 1949

Barge, Not named - Mr and Mrs Joseph Barge, of Weston,announce the birth of a daughter at City hospital, Thursday, June 19. TR, Mon 23 Jun 1947

Barimo, Sophia Kelsay - Mr and Mrs Stephen Edward Barimo ofCharlotte, NC announce the birth of a daughter, Sophia Kelsay, Nov 5 atPresbyterian Hospital in Charlotte. Theinfant weighed 6 pounds, 2 ounces.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Basil Joseph Barimo of Dalton and Dr and MrsJames Glenn Herron of Americus. TR,Thu 11 Nov 1999

Barkalow, Dora Nell - Mr and Mrs Frank A Barkalow, of Alcolu,S C announce the birth of a daughter, November 2, who has been given the nameof Dora Nell. Mrs Barkalow is rememberedin Americus as Miss Eva Lindley, having lived here before her marriage. TR, Sun 7 Nov 1920

Barker, Jimmy Randall - Mr and Mrs L D Barker announce thebirth of a son at the city hospital on Monday, February 20, who has been namedJimmy Randall. TR, Thu 1 Mar 1945

Barker, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jackson Barker announce thebirth of a daughter January 25, at Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Wed 28 Jan 1953

Barker, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ned Barker, of Route 1,DeSoto, are the parents of a 5 pound, 9 ½ ounce daughter, born January 15 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Tue 16 Jan 1962

Barker, Olivia Inez - Mr and Mrs L B Barker, of 704 EastChurch Street, announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, July 16, who hasbeen named Olivia Inez. TR, Mon 21Jul 1941

Barksdale, Ellen Claire - Mr and Mrs John Gordon Barksdale, ofMacon, announce the birth of a daughter Monday, August 22, at the MaconHospital. The baby has been named EllenClaire for her two grandmothers. She isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J F McDuffie and Mr and Mrs John Barksdale Jrof Americus. TR, Fri 26 Aug 1966

Barksdale, Jeffery Gordon - Mr and Mrs Gordon Barksdale ofStone Mountain announce the birth of a son who has been named JefferyGordon. The infant, who was bornSaturday, August 27 at DeKalb General Hospital weighed 6 pounds, 14ounces. His grandparents are Mr and MrsGrady Boynton of Pelham and Mr and Mrs John Barksdale, Americus. TR, Mon 29 Aug 1983

Barksdale, John Gordon III - Mr and Mrs J G Barksdale Jrannounce the birth of a son, Sunday, January 4, at city hospital, who has beennamed John Gordon III. Mrs Barksdale wasformerly Miss Annie Claire Slappey. TR,Tue 6 Jan 1942

Barksdale, Jonathan William - Bill and Patti Barksdale ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Jonathan William, born March 16 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 8 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Victor Peel of Dothan, Ala and Mr and Mrs JohnMoncus of Georgetown, Ga. Paternalgrandparents are Billy Barksdale and Mrs Jackie Barksdale, both ofAmericus. Great-grandmother is Mrs AnnieClaire Barksdale of Americus. Josh, asthe baby is called, has a sister Katelyn, age two. TR, Wed 18 Mar 1992

Barksdale, Lucien William Jr - Mr and Mrs Billy Barksdaleannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce son Tuesday, July 18 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Lucien William Jr. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs E DBigham of Lake Blackshear and Mr and Mrs John Barksdale of Americus. TR, Wed 19 Jul 1967

Barksdale, Lucien Williams - Pvt and Mrs John Barksdale Jrannounce the birth of a son, Tuesday, November 21, who has been named LucienWilliams for his grandfather. MrsBarksdale was Miss Annie Claire Slappey before marriage. Pvt Barksdale is enroute overseas. TR, Thu 23 Nov 1944

Barksdale, Tracie Anne - Mr and Mrs Billy Barksdale announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 12 ½ ounce daughter born Saturday, November 20 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital who has been named Tracie Anne. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsErnest Bigham of Lake Blachshear and Mr and Mrs John Barksdale, all ofAmericus. TR, Mon 22 Nov 1971

Barlett, Angela Ellen - Mr and Mrs W L Bartlett announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, July 29, at city hospital, who has been namedAngela Ellen. TR, Wed 1 Aug 1945

Barnes, Barbara Ellen - Mr and Mrs Robert M Barnes, ofMemphis, Tenn, announce the birth of a daughter, Barbara Ellen, on September 10th.. Mrs Barnes was Miss Sarah Hightower beforeher marriage. TR, Mon 14 Sep 1925

Barnes, Bettie Lou - Mr and Mrs Dewey Barnes, of 247 WestKnight Street, St Augustine, Florida, announce the birth of a daughter, June14, who weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces. Thebaby has been named Bettie Lou. MrsBarnes is the daughter of Mrs A B Law, of 115 Jefferson Street, Americus. TR, Mon 19 Jun 1944

Barnes, Britton Hagin - Mr and Mrs Tommy Barnes, of Atlanta,are the happy parents of a seven pound, one ounce son who arrived on Saturday,October 26 at the Piedmont Hospital. Hehas been named Britton Hagin for his two great-grandfathers, E M Hagin, ofDouglasville and the late Britton Barnes of Ellaville. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs S TBarnes of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs C E Heidt of Winter Gardens, Fla. TR, Tue 29 Oct 1968

Barnes, Cecil Albert - Mr and Mrs Joe Barnes, of Macon, formerlyof Americus, announce the birth of a son, born September 19 at the MaconHospital. The baby has been named CecilAlbert and weighed 7 lbs, 2 ounces. MrsBarnes is the former Miss Allene McGarrah and the have two other children,Kathy and Frank. The baby’s grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Horace Barnes and J A McGarrah of this city. TR, Tue 24 Sep 1963

Barnes, David Anthony - Mr and Mrs David E Barnes, ofPortsmouth, Va announce the birth of an 8 pound son Tuesday, November 29, whohas been named Davis Anthony. The babyis the grandson of Mrs J A Barnes, of this city. TR, Fri 9 Dec 1955

Barnes, Doris Mae - Mr and Mrs Horace Barnes, of DeSoto,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, Aug 23, who has been given the nameDoris Mae. Both mother and baby aredoing nicely. TR, Sat 24 Aug 1935

Barnes, Dorothy Paulette - Mr and Mrs Paul Edward Barnesannounce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, September 1, who has been namedDorothy Paulette. TR, Mon 2 Sep 1940

Barnes, Emory Otis - Mr and Mrs D O Barnes announce thebirth of a 5 ½ pound son, Tuesday, October 21, at their home on Oak avenue, whohas been named Emory Otis. Mrs Barneswas formerly Miss Lucile Law. TR, Fri24 Oct 1941

Barnes, Heather Suzanne - Mr and Mrs Jerry Barnes, ofTallahassee, Florida, formerly of Americus, are the parents of an 8 pound, 4 ½ounce daughter born Tuesday, October 4 at the Tallahassee MemorialHospital. The baby has been given thename of Heather Suzanne. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs A J White and Mr and Mrs Frank Morris, all of Americus. TR, Fri 7 Oct 1977

Barnes, James Matthew - Mr and Mrs James Barnes announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 3 ½ ounce son born Saturday, July 25 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby has beennamed James Matthew and is to be called Matt.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Fred Poplin and George B Barnes and the lateMrs Barnes, all of Augusta. TR, Tue28 Jul 1981

Barnes, Joey Mac - Mr and Mrs Mac Barnes, of 21B BowenDrive, announce the birth of a son November 15 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who weighed 6pounds, 11 ounces has been named Joey Mac.The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs Howard Barnes and Mr and Mrs RoyHarden, all of Americus. He has twograndmothers, Mrs Mattie Harden and Mrs Jim Stewart and a great-grandfather, JR Coogle, also of Americus. TR, Wed16 Nov 1966

Barnes, John Wilson Jr - Mr and Mrs John W Barnes announcethe birth of a 6 ½ pound son Tuesday, October 27, who has been named JohnWilson Jr. Mrs Barnes was before hermarriage Miss Eudelle Swearington. TR,Wed 28 Oct 1936

Barnes, Johnnie Alton - Mr and Mrs J W Barnes, of Athens,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, December 23, at the city hospital, whohas been given the name Johnnie Alton.Mrs Barnes was formerly Miss Ollie Adams, of Dothan, Ala. TR, Tue 29 Dec 1942

Barnes, Joseph Franklin - Mr and Mrs Joe Barnes, of Macon,announce the birth of a son April 22, at the Macon Hospital. The baby has been named Joseph Franklin. Mrs Barnes is the former Miss AlleneMcGarrah, of Americus. The baby’sgrandparents are J A McGarrah and Mr and Mrs Horace F Barnes of this city. TR, Thu 24 Apr 1958

Barnes, Judith Marie - Mr and Mrs L M Barnes announce thebirth of an 8 lb, 7 oz daughter, Tuesday, August 17 at the city hospital, whohas been named Judith Marie. Mrs Barneswas before her marriage Miss Frances Short, daughter of Mr and Mrs AlbertShort, of Concord. TR, Fri Aug 201943

Barnes, Katherine Yvonne - Mr and Mrs Albert Barnes, of 804Copperhill Circle, are the parents of a 10 pound daughter born Saturday,December 10 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been given the name of KatherineYvonne. Grandparents are Mr and MrsHoward Barnes and Mr and Mrs Elton Roebuck, all of Americus. TR, Tue 13 Dec 1977

Barnes, Kathleen Frances - Mr and Mrs Joe Barnes, of Macon,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, December 14, at the Macon Hospital,who weighed 6 pounds, 7 ounces and has been named Kathleen Frances. Mrs Barnes is the former Miss AlleneMcGarrah, of this city. The baby’sgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Horace Barnes and J A McGarrah of Americus. TR, Wed 19 Dec 1956

Barnes, Michael Curtis - Mr and Mrs Curtis S Barnes announcethe birth of a son, Michael Curtis, Tuesday, May 1, at city hospital. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce. TR, Thu 2 May 1951

Barnes, Nicole Raye - Mr and Mrs Foy S Barnes, ofMilledgeville, Ga announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce baby girl, bornSeptember 7 at Baldwin County Hospital.She has been given the name of Nicole Raye. The baby will be called Niki. She’s the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs O W Rayof Americus and Mrs Nettie Barnes of Atlanta.TR, Tue 22 Sep 1970

Barnes, Not named - Mr and Mrs A F Barnes, of 702 SunnydaleCircle, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce son, Tuesday, July 26, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed, 22 Jul 1960

Barnes, Not named - Mr and Mrs D O Barnes announce the birthof a daughter, Saturday, October 19, at City Hospital. TR, Wed 23 Oct 1946

Barnes, Not named - Mr and Mrs J R Barnes announce the birthof a 7 pound, 2 ounce daughter at City Hospital, Wednesday, October 26. TR, Thu 27 Oct 1949

Barnes, Not named -Mr and Mrs James Barnes Jr, of 102 Lorraine Avenue, announce the birth of a 7pound, 14 ounce daughter at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on January14. TR, Fri 15 Jan 1965

Barnes, Rebecca - Mr and Mrs S T Barnes announce the birthof a 6 pound, 1 ounce daughter October 13, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Rebecca. TR,Tue 14 Oct 1958

Barnes, William Heidt - Mr and Mrs Thoma E Barnes, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce son, born Wednesday, November18 at the Piedmont Hospital. He has beengiven the name of William Heidt. MrsBarnes is the former Kay Heidt of Winter Garden, Florida and Mrs Barnes is fromEllaville. The baby is the grandson ofMr and Mrs S T Barnes of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs C E Heidt of Winter Garden,Florida. TR, Thu 3 Dec 1970

Barnett, Laura Virginia - Mr and Mrs Donald Barnett, ofGreenville, S C announce the birth of a 9 pound, 3 ounce daughter, November 25,who has been named Laura Virginia. Mrs Barnettwas the former Miss Dorothy Cox, of Americus and the baby is the granddaughterof Mrs T M Cox, of Elm Avenue, this city.TR, Mon 2 Dec 1957

Barnette, Melanie Anne - Sgt and Mrs Donald Barnette announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce daughter Wednesday, August 25 at Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Melanie Anne. Mrs Barnette is the former Miss DorothyCox. Sgt Barnette is stationed withHeadquarters Company in Tokyo. TR,Thu 26 Aug 1954

Barnhill, Brian Wayne - Mr and Mrs Wayne Barnhill, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a son at the Medical Center in Columbus onSaturday, October 30. The baby weighed 9pounds, 4 3/4 ounce and has been named Brian Wayne. Mrs Barnhill is the former Donna Fripp, ofEllaville. The baby’s grandparents areMr and Mrs C C Barnhill of Pensacola, Fla and Mrs C F Fripp Jr ofEllaville. Great-grandparents are Mrs OC Miles of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs C F Fripp of Columbus. TR, Wed 10 Nov 1971

Barnhill, Janet Denise - Mr and Mrs Wayne Barnhill, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a daughter on May 27 at the Medical Center inColumbus. The baby weighed 8 pounds, 14ounces and has been named Janet Denise.Mrs Barnhill was formerly Donna Fripp.Grandparents of the baby are Mrs Elois Fripp of Ellaville and Mr and MrsC C Barnhill of Pensacola, Fla. TR,Tue 4 Jun 1974

Barnum, Bobby Dewyane - Mr and Mrs C J Barnum, of 923 ParkRow, announce the birthday of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son, April 2, who has been namedBobby Dewyane. TR, Mon, 3 Apr 1961

Barr, Charles Robinson - Mr and Mrs Wade Barr of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Charles Robinson, born Wednesday, October 15 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 11 ½ ounce at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Charlie Robinson of Montezuma andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs C R Barr of Savannah. He has a brother, Christopher, age 3. TR, Fri 17 Oct 1986

Barr, Christopher Wade - Mr and Mrs Wade Barr of Americusannounce the birth of a son on January 31, Christopher Wade Barr, born at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces. Christopher’s grandparents are Mr and MrsCharlie Robinson of Montezuma and Mr and Mrs Richard Barr of Savannah. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs JimmySinclair of Tifton and Mrs R E Barr of Magnolia Manor, Americus. TR, Tue 8 Feb 1983

Barr, Not named - Mr and Mrs Thomas A Barr, of Montezuma,announce the birth of a daughter, January 10 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who weighed 6 pounds, 2 ounces.Mrs Barr is the former Stella Weil, of Cuthbert. TR, Mon 11 Jan 1965

Barrett, Audrey Lee - Mr and Mrs Billy Barrett of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter who has been named Audrey Lee Barrett. The infant, who weighed 7 pounds, 7 ½ ounces,was born Monday, December 13 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs BillBarrett and Mr and Mrs Hollis White, all of Americus and her grandparents areMrs O E Booth and Mrs Mae Willis, Americus.TR, Thu 16 Dec 1982

Barrett, Christopher Adam - Mr and Mrs Johnny Barrett ofTazewell, Ga announce the birth of a son, Christopher Adam, born January 10 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces at birth. MrsBarrett is the former Miss Renee Mallichek.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Thomas Mallichek of Ellaville andpaternal grandparents are Ms Hazel Barrett of Warner Robins and James Barrettof Tazewell. Great-grandparents are MrsIrene King of Ellaville and Mrs Charlie Barrett of Tazewell. TR, Fri 26 Jan 1990

Barrett, David Albert - Mr and Mrs Albert Barrett, ofMontezuma, announce the birth of a son Sunday, December 19, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named David Albert. Mrs Barrett is the former Miss Evelyn Kisor ofAmericus. TR, Thu 23 Dec 1954

Barrett, David Robin - Mr and Mrs William Barrett, of 138 ECollege Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound 11 ounce son at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named David Robin. TR, Mon 8 Apr1963

Barrett, Diane Lynn - Mr and Mrs Albert Barrett, of Preston,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter, Saturday, February 16, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Diane Lynn. TR, Mon 18 Feb 1957

Barrett, Gustave Beauregard Sisson - Mr and Mrs Mark SissonBarrett of Americus announce the birth of a son, Gustave Beauregard Sisson,born Wednesday, May 15 at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant, who is called Beau, weighed 9 pounds,9 ounces at birth. Mrs Barrett is theformer Miss Anne Zabadah of Albany.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Richard Zabadah of Albany andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Clarence A Barrett III of Americus. Maternal great-grandmother is Mrs W E Baab ofAlbany. TR, Thu 16 May 1991

Barrett, John Richard Larendon - Mark and Anne Barrettannounce the birth of a son, John Richard Larendon, born Thursday, June 22 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infant,who is called John, weighed 10 pounds, 1 ounce at birth. Paternal grandparents are Leila Barrett andthe late Buddy Barrett and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs RichardZahadah, all of Americus.Great-grandmother is Ethel Baab of Albany. John has a brother, Beau, 4. TR, Fri 23 Jun 1995

Barrett, Judy Kay - Mr and Mrs James Barrett, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a six pound, daughter, April 22 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Judy Kay. TR, Tue 23 Apr 1957

Barrett, Not named - Mr and Mrs Bill Barrett announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 14 ounce son Friday, August 12. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs O EBooth of Americus and Mr and Mrs R H Barrett of Moultrie. TR, Thu 18 Aug 1966

Barrett, Not named - Mr and Mrs Floyd Barrett of 22 N HudsonStreet, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 2 ounce daughter, July 5 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 6 Jul 1960

Barrett, Not named - Mr and Mrs Homer Barrett, of Route 4Buena Vista, are the parents of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital on September 5.TR, Mon 6 Sep 1965

Barrett, Rita Kay - Mr and Mrs B C Barrett, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter, July 28, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Rita Kay. TR, Mon 30 Jul 1962

Barrett, Shirley Lynne - Mr and Mrs James Barrett, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce daughter, born May 1, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Shirley Lynne. TR, Wed 2 May 1962

Barrett, Taylor Austin - Mr and Mrs Johnny Barrett ofTazewell announce the birth of a son, Taylor Austin, born Dec 16 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 3ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Thomas Mallicheck of Ellaville and paternal grandparents are MrsDon Hunley of Warner Robins and James Barrett of Tazewell. Great-grandparents are Irene King ofEllaville and Mrs Charles Barrett of Tazewell.Taylor has a brother, Christopher, 4.TR, Tue 27 Dec 1994

Barrett, William Elijah Jr - Mr and Mrs William Barrett, of619 Felder Street, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 10 ounce son, March 1, who hasbeen named William Elijah Jr. TR,Mon, 3 Apr 1961

Barrett, William Tyler - Mr and Mrs Billy Barrett of Americusannounce the birth of a son, William Tyler, born June 28 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 9 pounds, 7ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Bill Barrett and Mr and Mrs Hollis White, all of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mrs Mae Willis ofAmericus and Mrs Claudie White of Poulan, Ga.The baby has a sister, Audrey, age seven. TR, Wed 11 Jul 1990

Barron, Betty Ann - Mr and Mrs Francis Barron announce thebirth of a daughter Betty Ann, Tuesday, August 19, at city hospital. TR, Fri 18 Aug 1943

Barron, Not named - A 2c and Mrs Joe Barron Jr, of WichitaFalls, Texas announce the birth of a son Monday, December 29 at the SheppardAir Force Base hospital. Mrs Barron isthe former Miss Margaret Johnson, of this city.The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs R K Johnson, of 538 Oak Avenueand Mr and Mrs Joseph Barron Sr, of Columbus.TR, Tue 30 Dec 1952

Barrow, Harley Ann - Johnny and Lisa Tyler Barrow of Butlerannounce the birth of a daughter, Harley Ann, born July 14 at the MedicalCenter of Columbus. The infant weighed 7½ pounds. Maternal grandparents areWaymon and Mariann Tyler of Buena Vista.Paternal grandparents are Bo and Anne Barrow of Butler. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs MorrisRobbins of Americus, Mr and Mrs C W Tyler of Buena Vista and Bertha Gordon ofButler. TR, Mon 29 Jul 1996

Barrow, Martha Irene - Mr and Mrs P L Barrow, of Leslie,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, February 7 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Martha Irene for her maternal aunt and her paternalgrandmother. TR, Wed 8 Feb 1956

Barrow, Megan Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Thomas Lawson Barrow Jrof DeSoto announce the birth of a daughter, Megan Elizabeth, born June 6 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs John C Hargrove of Americus andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Thomas Lawson Barrow Sr of Leslie. TR, Tue 16 Jun 1992

Barrow, Thomas Lawson Jr - Mr and Mrs T L Barrow, of Leslie,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce son at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Thomas Lawson Jr.TR, Wed 14 Aug 1957

Barry, April Lynn - Mr and Mrs J D Barry announce the birthof a 9 pound, 15 ounce daughter, Wednesday, April 3 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named April Lynn.TR, Thu 4 Apr 1957

Barry, Brian McLane - Mr and Mrs Benny Barry announce thebirth of a 9 pound, 5 ½ ounce son born Friday, November 15 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The infant hasbeen given the name of Brian McLane. Hehas one brother, Michael Lee Barry.Grandparents of the baby are Mr and Mrs G L Hutchens Jr of Leslie andMrs B M Barry of Americus and the late Mr Barry of Tifton. TR, Wed 20 Nov 1974

Barry, Christopher Todd - Mr and Mrs Billy Barry announcethe birth of a 7 pound son Tuesday, July 16 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital who has been given the name of Christopher Todd. The baby is the grandson of Mrs B M Barry andthe late Mr Barry and Mr and Mrs Marvin Smith , all of Americus. TR, Fri 19 Jul 1968

Barry, Daniel Charles - Mr and Mrs Donald W Barry, of 102Burke Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce son, born Monday,January 26 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital who has been given thename of Daniel Charles. The baby is thegrandson of Mrs Mary Barry of Cordele and the late T G Barry and Mr and Mrs C LBelcher of Miami, Florida. He is thegreat-grandson of Mrs Ruby Bearden of Albany, Mrs Ruth Barry of Cordele, MrsOssie Belcher of Arlington and Mrs C E Dunaway of this city. TR, Wed 28 Jan 1970

Barry, Donald Claude Jr - Mr and Mrs Donald C Barry, of 412Sampson Street, are the parents of a 4 pound, 9 ounce son, born May 8, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Donald Claude Jr. TR,Mon 11 May 1964

Barry, Faye Anne - Mr and Mrs J D Barry, of Route 2,Americus, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 2 ounce daughter named Faye Anne,who was born April 30 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 2 May 1960

Barry, Julie Renee - Mr and Mrs Billy Barry announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 1 ounce daughter Friday, April 23 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been named Julia Renee, is the granddaughter of Mrs B M Barry and the lateMrs Barry, Mr and Mrs Marvin Smith, all of Americus. TR, Mon 26 Apr 1971

Barry, Laura Kaye - Mr and Mrs Jerry Barry of Double EMobile Home Ranch, Riverdale, Georgia announce the birth of an 8 pound, 15ounce daughter Thursday, August 3 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital,who has been given the name of Laura Kaye.Mrs Barry is the former Margaret Price of Americus. The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs B MBarry and the late Mr Barry and Mrs Charlie Roach and the late James Price allof this city. TR, Fri 4 Aug 1967

Barry, Linda Carleen - Mr and Mrs Carlton Barry, of 954 ½Felder Street, are the parents of an 8 pound, 3 ½ ounce daughter, born August18, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Linda Carleen.TR, Tue 20 Aug 1963

Barry, Nancy Jill - Mr and Mrs James D Barry, of 1306 RidgeStreet, announce the birth of an 8 pound daughter, January 18, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Nancy Jill. TR, Mon 21 Jan 1963

Barry, Not named - Mr and Mrs J D Barry, of Route 2,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 3 ounce son, August 25, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Tue 25Aug 1964

Barry, Not named - Mr and Mrs J R Barry, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son, Saturday, June 26, at city hospital. TR, Wed 30 Jun 1943

Barry, Virginia Jane - Is the name of the little daughterof Lt and Mrs G H Barry, who was born Tuesday, August 24, at the cityhospital. The baby weighed 6 pounds and9 ounces at birth. TR, Thu 26 Aug1943

Barry, William Claxton - Chris and Karen Barry ofAndersonville announce the birth of a son, William Claxton, born Oct 4 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces.Grandparents are Billy And Betty Barry of Americus, Gene and ElizabethKitchens of Allentown and Jimmy and Barber Claxton of Lake Blackshear. Great-grandparents are Thelma SmithSatterfield of Andersonville and Juanita Claxton of Kite. He has a brother, Benjamin, 5. TR, Fri 9 Oct 1998

Bartlett, Adam Lee - Mr and Mrs Johnny Bartlett, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a son born Friday, January 8 at the Macon County Hospitalwho has been named Adam Lee. The baby isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs Robert Buchanan and Mrs Horace Bartlett of Montezumaand the great-grandson of Mr and Mrs H B Countryman of Americus and Mrs BrooksBuchanan of Plains. TR, Fri 8 Jan1971

Bartlett, Charlene - Mr and Mrs Leon D Bartlett, of Green CoveSprings, Fla, announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, November 13, who hasbeen named Charlene. Mr Bartlett is aformer Americus resident, who is now stationed with the Navy in GreenCove. TR, Tue 20 Nov 1956

Bartlett, Dusty Angela - Mr and Mrs Johnny Bartlett, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a daughter, Dusty Angela, at the MontezumaHospital on Wednesday, Jun 19. The baby,who weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs RobertBuchanan of Plains and Mr and Mrs Horace Bartlett of Montezuma. TR, Fri 11 Jul 1969

Bartlett, Homer Franklin Jr - Mr and Mrs H F Bartlett announcethe birth of a son, August 26, who has been named Homer Franklin Jr. Mrs Bartlett was before marriage MissKathleen Arrington. TR, Sat 27 Aug1938

Bartlett, Johnny Warren Jr - Mr and Mrs Johnny Bartlett, ofMontezuma, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce son, August 17, who hasbeen named Johnny Warren Bartlett Jr.Mrs Bartlett is the former Sarah Buchanan, daughter of Mr and Mrs RobertBuchanan of Plains. TR, Fri 19 Aug1966

Bartlett, Josephine - Mr and Mrs Homer Bartlett announce thebirth of a daughter, Tuesday, July 25, at city hospital, who has been namedJosephine. Mrs Bartlett was beforemarriage Miss Kathleen Arrington. TR,Tue 25 Jul 1944

Bartlett, Nancy Ruth - Mr and Mrs H F Bartlett announce thebirth of a 6 pound, one ounce daughter, Tuesday, January 11 at City Hospital,who has been named Nancy Ruth. TR,Mon 17 Jan 1949

Bartlett, Not named - Mr and Mrs Gerald Bartlett, of 905 AngusDrive, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 5 ounce daughter, October 27 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 28 Oct 1965

Bartlett, Not named - Mr and Mrs H N Bartlett, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son at the City Hospital on Feb 9. TR, Thu 12 Feb 1948

Bartlett, Rix - Mr and Mrs H F Bartlett announce the birth ofa son, Monday, October 13, at the city hospital, who has been named Rix. TR, Mon 28 Oct 1946

Bartlett, Sheryl Marie - Mr and Mrs Wade Bartlett, ofOglethorpe, are the parents of a 9 pound, 5 3/4 ounce daughter, born at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, March 16.The baby has been named Sheryl Marie.TR, Mon 18 Mar 1963

Bartok, Not named - Mr and Mrs Francis Bartok, of MathersonDrive, Macon, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce son, Wednesday, January18. TR, Thu 19 Jan 1950

Barton, Cheryl - Mr and Mrs Cecil Barton announce the birthof a daughter, Friday, October 29, at Prather Clinic, who has been given thename of Cheryl. TR, Mon 1 Nov 1943

Barton, John Lee - Mrs Mary Barton announces the birth of ason, Saturday, October 8, who has been named John Lee. Both mother and son are doing nicely. TR, Tue 18 Oct 1955

Barton, Thomas Latimer - Mr and Mrs F B Barton announce thebirth of a son, Sunday, June 28, at Prather clinic, who has been named ThomasLatimer. TR, Mon 29 Jun 1942

Barwick, Benjamin David - Angie and David Barwick of Maconannounce the birth of a son, Benjamin David, born Sep 2 at Columbia ColiseumMedical Center, Macon. TR, Wed 22 Sep1999

Barwick, Brandi Nichole - Mr and Mrs Willie Barwick are theparents of a 6 pound, 3 1/4 ounce daughter born at the Medical Center inColumbus on Monday, August 7. The infanthas been given the name of Brandi Nichole.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Marvin Poole of Ideal and Mrs ElizabethBarwick Brown and the late Turner Barwick.TR, Fri 11 Aug 1978

Barwick, Cheryl Diane - Mr and Mrs Turner H Barwick announcethe birth of a daughter at Prather Clinic, Friday October 15. She has been named Cheryl Diane. TR Mon 25 Oct 1948

Barwick, David Allen - Is the name given the son of Mr andMrs Allen Barwick, of Ellaville. Thebaby, who was born February 7 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospitalweighed 8 pounds, 10 ½ ounces. TR,Fri 8 Feb 1963

Barwick, Not named - Mr and Mrs T H Barwick, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, March 26 at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 23 Mar 1950

Bass, Arthur Theron - Mr and Mrs Theron Bass announce thebirth of a son August 10 at their home, 138 Brannon Avenue, who has been namedArthur Theron. TR, Sat 11 Aug 1923

Bass, Christina - Mr and Mrs Earl Bass, of Leslie,announce the birth of a daughter born Thursday, September 19 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Christina. Sheweighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces. Grandparentsof the infant are Mr and Mrs Pat Crumpton of Americus and Mr and Mrs Neon Bassof Leslie. TR, Fri 20 Sep 1974

Bass, Clark Lawson - Mr and Mrs Clark Bass of Leslieannounce the birth of a son, Clark Lawson, born June 8 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 6 pounds, 4ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Ray Bass of Leslie and Mr and Mrs Hudson Hall of Griffin. TR, Wed 22 Jun 1988

Bass, Cooper Ray Jr - Mr and Mrs Ray Bass, of Leslie,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce son, Wednesday, April 29, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Cooper Ray Jr. TR, Wed 29 Apr 1959

Bass, Deborah Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Thomas W Bass Jr, ofAmericus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce daughter May 28 at theMedical Center in Columbus, who has been given the name of DeborahElizabeth. The baby is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs Thomas W Bass Sr and Mr and Mrs W H Fountain, all of Cordele. TR, Fri 31 May 1968

Bass, Emory Cook - Mr and Mrs Evan Bass, of Macon,announce the birth of a son Sunday, October 24, at the Macon Hospital, who hasbeen named Emory Cook. Mrs Bass is theformer Miss Ann Bradford, of Milledgeville.Mr Bass is a former resident of Americus and the baby is the grandson ofMrs Eugene Bailey, of the city. TR,Wed 27 Oct 1954

Bass, Gayle Eugenia - Mr and Mrs Carroll Bass, of Albany,announce the birth of a daughter, November 25 at Phoebe Putney hospital inAlbany, who has been named Gayle Eugenia.The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs Eugene Bailey of Americus. TR, Tue 3 Dec 1963

Bass, Glenn Claxton - Mr and Mrs Zelton Bass, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a 7 ½ pound son, born Saturday, October15. The baby has been given the nameGlenn Claxton. Mrs Bass was before hermarriage Miss Christine Crutchfield. TR,Mon 24 Oct 1938

Bass, Horace Theo Jr - Mr and Mrs Theo Bass announce thebirth of a son born this morning, November 18, at city hospital, who has beennamed Horace Theo Jr. Mrs Bass wasbefore her marriage Miss Ruth Wilson. TR,Thu 18 Nov 1937

Bass, James Allen - Staff Sgt and Mrs Gilbert Bass, ofMerced, California, formerly of Americus announce the birth of a 5 pound, 15ounce son April 6, who has been named James Allen. Mrs Bass is the former Miss Caroline Salter,of Americus. The baby is the grandson ofMr and Mrs H D Bradley, of this city. TR,Tue 15 Apr 1958

Bass, James Frank Jr - Mr and Mrs James F Bass, 1753Arlington Road, Macon, announce the birth of a son, December 21, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named James Frank Jr. TR, Fri 23 Dec 1960

Bass, James Thomas Jr - Mr and Mrs Thomas Bass announcethe birth of a son, Saturday, July 8, at city hospital, who has been namedJames Thomas Jr. TR, Mon 10 Jul 1944

Bass, Jamie Ann - Airman 1st Class and MrsBobby Bass announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ounce daughter, born July 24 inDarmstadt, Germany, who has been named Jamie Ann. He is the son of Mr and Mrs Jimmy Bass ofAmericus. She is the former Ann Ratliffof Haskell, Texas. TR, Wed 26 Jul1961

Bass, Jan Marie - Mr and Mrs Neon Bass, of Leslie,announce the birth of a daughter at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onMay 16 who has been named Jan Marie. TCN,Thu 21 May 1953

Bass, Jeremy Ezekiel - Mr and Mrs Kiel Bass announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son on Friday, June 23 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been giventhe name of Jeremy Ezekiel. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Broadus Willoughby of Americus and Mr and Mrs E P Bass Jr ofCobb. TR, Mon 26 Jun 1978

Bass, Justin Craig - Mr and Mrs Fred Bass Jr of Leslieannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 14 ounce son, Justin Craig, born Tuesday,July 9 at Phoebe Putney Hospital in Albany.He is the grandson of Mrs Robert G Pace Sr and the late Mr Pace of Leslieand Mrs John D Jones of Talbotton and the late Fred Bass Sr. Great-grandparents are Mrs F T Poupard ofAmericus, J C Pace of Leslie and Mrs John R Battle of Ellaville. TR, Thu 25 Jul 1985

Bass, Karen - The birth of a six-pound, 12-ounce daughter isannounced by Mr and Mrs Fred Bass, of Leslie, who was born Wednesday, March 17,at Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Karen.Mrs Bass and baby have been removed to their home. TR, Fri 19 Mar 1954

Bass, Linda Ruth - Mr and Mrs Earl Bass, of Leslie,announce the birth of a little daughter, Sept 19th, who has beengiven the name Linda Ruth. TR, Tue 25Sep 1928

Bass, Marilyn Denise - Mr and Mrs Russell A Bass, of 121Cesar, Kingsport, Tenn are the parents of a 7 pound, 15 ounce daughter bornMarch 8 at the Kingsport Hospital. Thebaby has been given the name of Marilyn Denise.Mrs Bass is the former Inez Matney of Grundy, Va. The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs WalterE Matney of Castlewood, Va and Mr and Mrs Louie DeVane and the late Robert JBass of this city. TR, Fri 12 Mar1971

Bass, Mary Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs O S (Spud) Bass IIIannounce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, October 5, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Mary Elizabeth. Mrs Bass is the former Miss June Mundy. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs WMundy and Mr and Mrs O S Bass Jr, and was named for her two grandmothers. TR, Thu 6 Oct 1955

Bass, Nancy Lou - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Bass announce the birthof a 6 pound, 4 ounce daughter, Monday, April 14, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named Nancy Lou.TR, Thu 17 Apr 1958

Bass, Neon Earl III - Mr and Mrs Earl Bass Jr, of theVienna Rd, announce the birth of a son, Thursday, April 2 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. Neon Earl BassIII is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Neon Bass of Leslie and Mr and Mrs PatCrumpton of Americus. NOTE: The baby was named Patrick Earl Bass TR, Fri 3 Apr 1970

Bass, Not named - Airman 1-c and Mrs Lonny R Bass, ofKelly Air Force Base, San Antonio, Texas, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 8ounce son, November 8. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Jimmy Bass, of Americus.TR, Fri 9 Nov 1962

Bass, Not named - Mr and Mrs Fred Bass, of Leslie,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 13 ounce daughter at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on July 25. TR, Sat27 Jul 1963

Bass, Not named - Mr and Mrs J T Bass, of Leslie, announcethe birth of a daughter, Monday, January 4, at city hospital. TR, Mon 4 Jan 1943

Bass, Not named - Mr and Mrs Neon Bass, of Leslie,announce the birth of a son, Thursday, June 13, at Prather Clinic. TR, Fri 21 Jun 1946

Bass, Not named - Mr and Mrs R J Bass, of near Americus,announce the birth of a son, November 29, at city hospital. TR, Thu 3 Dec 1936

Bass, Not named - Mr and Mrs R L Bass, of Leslie, announcethe birth of a son, Monday, January 28, at city hospital. TR, Thu 31 Jan 1946

Bass, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ray Bass, of Leslie, announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce son, September 4, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Tue 5 Sep 1961

Bass, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ray Bass, of Leslie, are theparents of a 6 pound, 6 ounce daughter, born August 16 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, TR, Fri16 Aug 1963

Bass, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ray Bass, of Leslie, are theparents of a 7 pound, 14 ½ ounce son, born Friday June 18 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Fri 18Jun 1965

Bass, Not named - Mr and Mrs Theron Bass announce thebirth of a son at their home on Brannon Avenue Friday, June 12. The child has not been given a name. TR, Sun 14 Jun 1931

Bass, Not named - Mr and Mrs W L Bass, of Cordele,announce the birth of a 7-pound, one-ounce daughter Thursday, May 14, atAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 14 May 1953

Bass, Not named - Mr and Mrs William Bass announce thebirth of a son, Friday, May 26, at Prather Clinic. TR, Fri 26 May 1944

Bass, Not named - Mr and Mrs Zelton Bass, of Smithville,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, December 22, at Prather clinic. TR, Tue 23 Dec 1941

Bass, O S Bass 3rd - Mr and Mrs O S Bassannounce the birth of a son on February 14, at the Americus and Sumter countyhospital, who has been given the name of O S Bass 3rd. TR, Fri 17 Feb 1933.

Bass, Omar Stephenson IV - Mr and Mrs O S Bass III, of4581 Fairview Drive, Columbus, Ga, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounceson, Omar Stephenson IV, August 7th, at St Francis Hospital. TR, Fri 10 Aug 1962

Bass, Pamela Ann - Mr and Mrs Buddie Bass, of Leslie,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter Friday, February 22 atPrather Clinic. The baby has been namedPamela Ann. Mrs Bass is the former MissJoanne Battle, of Ellaville. TR, Mon25 Feb 1952

Bass, Robert Gilbert - Mr and Mrs Robert Bass, of Leslie,announce the birth of a baby boy, Feb 22, who has been given the name of RobertGilbert. TR, Fri 1 Mar 1935

Bass, Robert Gregory - Mr and Mrs Morris Bass, of 120 WestChurch Street, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 10 ½ ounce son, February 1, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been given the name of Robert Gregory. TR, Mon 1 Feb 1965

Bass, Roy Arthur - Mr and Mrs Zelton Bass announce thebirth of an eight and a quarter pound son, Monday, February 5 at their homenear Sumter City, who has been named Roy Arthur. TR, Wed 7 Feb 1934

Bass, Sarah Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs O S Bass, of 213 EarleStreet, announce the birth of a daughter, July 22, who has been given the nameof Sarah Elizabeth. TR, Wed 22 Jul1925

Bass, Shannon Willoughby - Mr and Mrs Kiel Bass announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce daughter, Shannon Willoughby, born May 8 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital.Shannon has a two-year old brother, Jeremy. The grandparents are Mr and Mrs Zeke Bass andMr and Mrs Broadus Willoughby of Americus.Great-grandparents are Broadus Willoughby of Madison, Fla and Mrs OlgaWilloughby of Waycross. TR, Mon 11May 1981

Bass, Tara Nicole - Mr and Mrs Norman Bass, 306 RigasRoad, announce the birth of a daughter December 21 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who weighed 6pounds, 2 ounces has been named Tara Nicole.Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs L O Perryman and Rev and Mrs JulianBass, all of Hartsfield, Ga. TR, Thu4 Jan 1979

Bass, Taylor Wilson - Mr and Mrs Jim Bass Jr of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Taylor Wilson, born Saturday, June 17. The infant weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces. Maternal grandparents are Mrs Clark Reid ofAmericus and the late Mr Reid and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs James FBass Jr and Mr and Mrs Vestal Arnold, all of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mrs Judy Devane andMrs Rosa Lee Wilson, both of Americus. TR,Thu 22 Jun 1989

Bass, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs Lee Bass of Leslieannounce the birth of twin girls born Monday, November 29 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. One of the girlsweighed 4 pounds, 10 ½ ounces and has been given the name of KimberlyDawn. She is to be called Dawn. The other who weighed 4 pounds 7 ounces wasnamed Kelley Denise and is to be called Dee.Grandparents of the twin are Mr and Mrs Robert Lee Bass of Leslie; andCol C A Thompson of Leslie and Mrs Ruth Anne Thompson of Phoenix, Arizona. Mrs Susie Fletcher of Parrott and Mrs EdnaThompson of Petersburg, Va are the great-grandmothers. TR, Mon 6 Dec 1976

Bass, Twin Girls - Twins were born near hereyesterday. They are the daughters of Mrand Mrs Robert James Bass and weighed 6 and 6 ½ pounds respectively. The babies have not been named. Mrs Bass was Miss Eula Belle Bradley beforemarriage. TR, Thu 4 Aug 1938

Bass, Twins - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Bass announce the birth ofa twins, a son and daughter, born this morning, January 25, at the PratherClinic. The little boy weighed 3 pounds,? ounces, and the girl weighed ? pounds, 7 ounces. Mrs Bass was formerly Miss RosaliePurvis. TR, Wed 25 Jan 1939

Bass, Virginia Carol - Is the name of the infant daughterof Mr and Mrs James A Bass, who was born Wednesday, April 18 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who weighed 8 pounds, 13 ½ ounces will be called Cari. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs James L Davis Srand Mr and Mrs Robert G Bass, all of Americus.TR, Tue 24 Apr 1979

Bateman, Jana Nicole - Mr and Mrs Jeff Bateman, of Augusta,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce baby girl January 15 in Augusta. She will be called Jana Nicole. Mrs Bateman is the former Vicky Stevenson ofAmericus. Maternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs John T Stevenson of Americus and the paternal grandmother is MrsFrances Bateman, Americus. TR, Wed 16Jan 1980

Bateman, Sara Frances - Mr and Mrs Jeff Bateman of Mariettaannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Sara Frances, born Thursday,October 17 at Kennestone Hospital. Sarais the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs John T Stevenson of Americus and Mrs FrancesBateman of Warner Robins. Hergreat-grandmother is Mrs Mable Stevenson of Americus. She has a sister Jane 5. TR, Mon 21 Oct 1985

Bates, Cindi Ann - Dr and Mrs R E Bates Jr, of 110 WestChurch Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 14 ounce daughter, April 3, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Cindi Ann.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs M A Bindewald Sr, of Davenport,Iowa and Mr and Mrs R E Bates Sr, of Waycross.TR, Mon 5 Apr 1965

Bates, Lori Lynn - Dr and Mrs R E Bates Jr, of 119 WestChurch Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ½ ounce daughter, December11 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby, who has been named Lori Lynn is the granddaughter of Mr andMrs M A Bindewald, of Davenport, Iowa and Mrs and Mrs R E Bates Sr, ofWaycross. TR, Wed 12 Dec 1962

Bates, Not named - Mr and Mrs C E Bates, of Tampa, Fla,announce the birth of a baby boy, October 10, at the home of her parents, Mrand Mrs W T Mackey, of Ellaville. MrsBates was before marriage Miss Mildred Mackey and formerly lived here. Mr Clyde Mackey of this city is herbrother. TR, Thu 13 Oct 1932

Bates, Richard Eugene III - Mr and Mrs R E Bates Jrannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 1/4 ounce son Tuesday, July 23 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital who has been given the name of RichardEugene III. The baby, who will be called“Richie” is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Malcolm Bindewald of Davenport, Iowa onhis maternal side and Mr and Mrs R E Bates Sr of Waycross are his paternalgrandparents. TR, Wed 24 Jul 1968

Batte, Not named - Mr and Mrs C T Batte, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce daughter, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, Monday, July 13. TR,Tue 14 Jul 1959

Battin, Deborah Alice - The Rev and Mrs Robert D Battin, of142 Columbia Avenue, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ounce daughter, May 14at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named DeborahAlice. TR, Mon 16 May 1960

Battle, Andrea Jelane - Mr and Mrs Arthur Battle, of Guyton,announce the birth of a daughter on Wednesday, July 15 at the Candler-TelfairHospital in Savannah. The baby has beennamed Andrea Jelane. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs J L Pevey of Guyton and the paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs John Battle of Ellaville.TR, Tue 21 Jul 1970

Battle, Angela Ann - Staff Sgt and Mrs Donald Battle, ofPanama City, Fla announce the birth of a daughter on Monday, June 25 at atPanama City Hospital. The baby weighed 5pounds, 10 ounces and has been named Angela Ann. Mr and Mrs Cullen Battle of Ellaville are thebaby’s paternal grandparents. TR, Fri29 Jun 1973

Battle, Charles Robert - Mr and Mrs Judson Clark Battle, ofHouston, Texas, announce the birth of a son Friday, February 27, who has beennamed Charles Robert. Mr Battle is aformer Americus resident and the baby is the grandson of Mrs W R Battle, ofthis city. TR, Sat 28 Feb 1953

Battle, Emmitt Jr - Mr and Mrs Emmitt Battle, of this city,announce the birth of a son Emmitt Jr, September 19 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. Emmitt Jr weighed 7pounds, 1 ounce. Mrs Willie Mae Wilsonis the proud maternal grandparent. TR,Sat 23 Sep 1967

Battle, James Marvin - Mr and Mrs L A Battle announce thebirth of a son, August 26th, at their home on Brooklyn Heights, whohas been given the name James Marvin Battle.TR, Fri 29 Aug 1924

Battle, Jerry Wayne Jr - Mr and Mrs Jerry Battle announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 7 3/4 ounce son born Sunday, June 20 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby, who has been named Jerry Wayne Jr is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs H A Johnson and Mr and Mrs Cullen Battle, all ofEllaville. TR, Wed 30 Jun 1971

Battle, Judson Clark Jr - Mr and Mrs Judson Clark Battle, ofOrlando, Fla, announce the birth of a son on August 23 in Orlando. The baby, who is the grandson of Mrs W RBattle, of Americus, has been named Judson Clark Jr. The mother is the former Miss Patricia Senn ,of Winter Haven, Fla. The father who is mastersergeant in the Army Air Force Reserves, was called to report for active dutytoday, but was given a 20-day deferment.TR, Thu 24 Aug 1950

Battle, Judson Clark - Mr and Mrs W R Battle announce thebirth of a son February 28 at their home on Prince Street who has been giventhe name of Judson Clark. TR, Mon 3Mar 1924

Battle, Kaskasius Montez - Mr and Mrs Emmett Battle announcethe birth of a son born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital Monday,March 14 who weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces.The baby has been given the name of Kaskasius Montez. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert A Battleand Mrs Willie Mae Miles, all of Americus.TR, Wed 16 Mar 1977

Battle, Margaret Ann - Mr and Mrs James Battle, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a daughter on Monday, Jan 27, 1969 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed six pounds, eleven ounces and has been named Margaret Ann. Grandparents are Mrs Annie Battle ofEllaville and Mr and Mrs R T Andrews of Hogansville. TR, Tue 4 Feb 1969

Battle, Nancy Jo - Mr and Mrs C T Battle, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter, October 8 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital who has been named Nancy Jo. TR, Wed 9 Oct 1963

Battle, Not named -, Mr and Mrs Cull Tom Battle, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a sonTuesday, Mar 6, 1934. TCN, Fri 9 Mar1934

Battle, Not named - Mr and Mrs C T (Buddy) Battle, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 9 ounce daughter, Wednesday, April20, at city hospital. TR, Fri 22 Apr1949

Battle, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Battle, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, November 19, at city hospital. TR, Thu 20 Nov 1947

Battle, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles L Battle, of Route 1Ellaville, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 1 ounce son at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on March 7. TR,Tue 8 Mar 1966

Battle, Not named - Mr and Mrs Cullen Battle, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, November 13, at city hospital. TR, Wed 13 Nov 1946

Battle, Not named - Mr and Mrs L A Battle announce the birthof a daughter Saturday, November 10, at their home near Shiloh. TR, Wed 14 Nov 1928

Battle, Not named - Mr and Mrs L W Battle of Hartwell,announce the birth of a son Wednesday, June 20th.. Mr Battle is a former resident ofEllaville. TCN, Fri 29 Jun 1934

Battle, Tammie LaShawn - Mr and Mrs Clinton Battle of Plainsannounce the birth of a daughter on September 12 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. She weighed 4 poundsand six ounces and has been named Tammie LaShawn. She is the granddaughter of Claude Edge ofPlains and Mr and Mrs Arthur Robinson, Americus, also the great-granddaughterof Mrs Jimmie Battle, Leslie. TR, Fri19 Sep 1969

Battle, Terri Ann - Mr and Mrs Jerry Battle announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce daughter, born Sunday, April 21 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who has been named Terri Ann, is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Horace Johnsonof Americus and Mr and Mrs Cullen Battle of Ellaville. TR, Tue 23 April 1968

Battle, Timothy Edward - Mr and Mrs Charles Battle, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a son on Wednesday, July 16, 1969 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed seven pounds, 5 ½ ounces and has been named Timothy Edward. The grandparents are Mr and Mrs Powell ofEllaville and Mrs Nora Lee Battle of Virginia.TR, Wed 30 Jul 1969

Battle, Willie Joanne - Mr and Mrs John Robert Battleannounce the birth of a daughter, at their home near Americus, February 17, whohas been given the name Willie Joanne.Mrs Battle was before her marriage Miss Ruth Highnote, of BuenaVista. TR, Fri 6 Mar 1931

Baugh, Charles Alexander - Mr and Mrs Marvin Baugh, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a son on Wednesday, September 26 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces and has been named Charles Alexander. Mrs Baugh was the former Betty Herndon ofWinfield, Alabama. The baby’sgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Herbert S Baugh of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs W I Miles,of Winfield. TR, Wed 27 Sep 1967

Baugh, Herbert Stevens III - Mr and Mrs Steve Baugh, ofDawson, announce the birth of a son on Saturday, July 20 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby weighed7 pounds, 4 ½ ounces and has been named Herbert Stevens III. Mrs Baugh is the former Barbara Marsh ofDawson. Grandparents of the baby are Mrand Mrs A F Marsh of Dawson and Mrs Herbert S Baugh Sr and the late Mr Baugh ofEllaville. TR, Tue 23 Jul 1974

Baugh, Marian Alexander - Mr and Mrs Herbert Baugh announcethe birth of a son, July 31, who has been given the name, Marian Alexander, forhis paternal grandfather. TR, Thu 9Aug 1934

Baugh, Not named - Mr and Mrs Bill Baugh, of Wichita,Kansas, announce the birth of a son, November 10. Mr Baugh is a former Americus resident and isthe brother of Mrs Frank Stevenson, of this city. TR, Wed 23 Nov 1932

Baugh, Not named - Mr and Mrs Herbert Baugh announce thebirth of an eight-pound son, Wednesday, August 5, at home, 132 JacksonStreet. TR, Thu 6 Aug 1936

Baxter, Clifton Andrew - Mr and Mrs Cary Stephen Baxter ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Clifton Andrew, born Tuesday, February 16at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces at birth.Mrs Baxter is the former Miss Carol Mercer of Americus. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Paul Mercer andDr and Mrs Clifton Baxter of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mrs Walter Johnson and the late Mr Johnson ofAmericus; the late Mr and Mrs J P Mercer of Wrightsville; Mrs Johnnie O’Quinnand the late Mr Leonard Johnson of McRae; Mrs Carlton H Baxter and the late MrBaxter of Ludowici. Clifton has twobrothers, Stephen, five and Walter, age three.TR, Thu 18 Feb 1988

Baxter, Jessica Marie - Dr and Mrs Gary S Baxter ofMartinez, Ga became the proud parents of an 8 pound, 1 ½ ounce daughter born onDecember 29, 1983. She has been giventhe name Jessica Marie. Grandparents areDr and Mrs Clifton Baxter and Mr and Mrs Jack Matkowsky, all of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mrs Carlton Baxter andthe late Mr Baxter of Ludowici, Ga; Mrs Johnnie O’Quinn and the late LeonardJohnson of McRae, Ga; Mrs Catherine Matowsky and the late Nicholas Matkowsky ofFranklinville, NJ; and the late Mr and Mrs William M Tollett of Pikeville,Tenn. TR, Wed 4 Jan 1984

Baxter, John Fort - Rev and Mrs William C Baxter, ofAugusta, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce son Wednesday, October 21,who has been named John Fort. Mrs Baxteris the former Miss Sally Fort, of Americus, and Rev Baxter, who is rector of StAlbans Episcopal Church in Augusta, was formerly rector of Calvary EpiscopalChurch here. TR, Sat 24 Oct 1953

Baxter, Sarah Hanna - Rev and Mrs W C Baxter announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, October 27, at city hospital, who has beennamed Sarah Hanna. Mrs Baxter is theformer Sarah Fort. TR, Wed 27 Oct1948

Baxter, Shelley Elizabeth - Dr and Mrs Gary S Baxter of SanAntonio, Texas announce the birth of a daughter, Shelley Elizabeth, bornFriday, April 24 at Brooke Army Medical Center, Fort Sam Houston, Tx. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces atbirth. Shelley, as she will be called,has a sister, Jessica Marie.Grandparents are Dr and Mrs Clifton Baxter and Mr and Mrs JackMatkowsky, all of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mrs Johnnie O’Quinn and the late Leonard Johnsonof McRae, Ga; Mrs Carlton Baxter and the late Mr Baxter of Ludowici, Ga; MrsCatherine Matkowsky and the late Nicholas Matkowsky of Franklin, NJ and thelate Mr and Mrs William M Tollett of Pikeville, Tenn. TR, Fri 1 May 1987

Baxter, Stephen Mercer - Mr and Mrs Cary Stephen Baxter ofAlbany announce the birth of an 8 pound son born Monday, March 8 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Stephen Mercer and will be called Stephen. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Paul Mercer andDr and Mrs Clifton Baxter, all of Americus.The infant is the great-grandson of Mrs Walter Johnson and the later MrJohnson of this city and the late Mr and Mrs J P Mercer of Wrightsville and MrsJohnnie O’Quinn and the late Leonard Johnson of McRae and Mrs Carlton Baxterand the late Mr Baxter of Ludowici. TR,Mon 8 Mar 1982

Baxter, Walter Hampton - Mr and Mrs Cary Stephen Baxter ofAmericus announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ½ ounce son, Walter Hampton, bornMonday, Jan 21 at Sumter Regional Hospital.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Paul Mercer and Dr and Mrs Johnson ofAmericus; Mrs Johnnie O’Quinn of McRae and Mrs Carlton H Baxter ofLudowici. Walter has a brother,Stephen. TR, Wed 23 Jan 1985

Baxter, William Charles - Rev and Mrs W C Baxter announcethe birth of a son Thursday, October 26 at city hospital, who weighed 7 pounds,10 ounces. The baby has been namedWilliam Charles. Mrs Baxter is theformer Miss Salley Fort. TR, Thu 26Oct 1950

Bazemore, Sara Elizabeth- Mr and Mrs Bobby Bazemore of Butler announce the birth of a daughter,Sara Elizabeth, born Nov 28 at the Medical Center of Columbus. Maternal grandparents are Jean Bradley ofAugusta and Mr and Mrs Douglas Cheek of Americus. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs JohnnyBazemore of Butler. Great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs C K Cheek of Leslie, Louise Scoggins and the late W O Scogginsof Americus and Louise Bazemore of Butler.TR, Thu 9 Dec 1993

Beach, Loretta Irene - Mr and Mrs W W Beach announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, November 28, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedLoretta Irene. Mrs Beach is the formerMiss Gladys Crutchfield. TR, Thu 2Dec 1943

Beacham, Elizabeth Blayne - Mr and Mrs Richard L Beachamannounce the birth of a daughter who has been given the name ElizabethBlayne. The infant, who was born Friday,October 14 at Northside Hospital in Atlanta weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces atbirth. She is the granddaughter of Mrand Mrs Walter Beacham of Athens, Ga, Mrs Virginia E Costos, Oglethorpe and DrR A Collins of Lake Blackshear. MrsSadie B Collins of Unadilla is the baby’s great-grandmother. TR, Mon 7 Nov 1983

Beacham, Not named - Mr and Mrs P A Beacham, of MaddoxStation, announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, December 26. TR, Thu 29 Dec 1921

Beacham, Richard Bennett - Mr and Mrs Richard L Beacham ofAtlanta announce the birth of a son, Richard Bennett, who was born Saturday,April 11 at Northside Hospital in Atlanta.The infant weighed 7 pounds, 7 ½ ounces at birth. Ben, as the baby will be called, has asister, Blayne, age three. Maternalgrandparents are Mrs Virginia E Costas of Oglethorpe and Dr R A Collins ofAmericus. Paternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs Walter Beacham of Athens. TR,Mon 4 May 1987

Beaird, Jennifer Leigh - Robert and Linda Beaird announcethe birth of a daughter, Jennifer Leigh, born January 7 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. Jennifer weighed7 pounds, 14 ½ ounces and has a sister, Kimberly Whittington. Maternal grandparents are Mrs Louise Ray ofOglethorpe and Luther Street Sr of Phenix City, Ala. Maternal great-grandparents are Mrs Berta Benfordof Americus and Mr and Mrs Johnny Street of Millbrook, Ala. Paternal grandparents are Mrs ShelbaArmstrong of Eutau, Ala and Robert Beaird Sr of Hokes Bluff, Ala. Paternal great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs EdBarnard of Leeds, Ala and Mrs Lena Beaird of Hokes Bluff, Ala. TR, Fri 27 Jan 1984

Beall, Mary Ann - Mr and Mrs Harvey Beall announce thebirth of a daughter, Thursday, February 9, who has been given the name of MaryAnn. TR, Fri 10 Feb 1928

Beam, Matthew Yan - Mr and Mrs Richard Beam, ofHuntsville, Ala announce the birth of a son, Matthew Yan, born Thursday,December 7. The child is the grandson ofMr and Mrs Y C Beam of Americus and Mr and Mrs Gerald Willett ofMontgomery. TR, Thu 14 Dec 1972

Beam, Melinda McDade - Mr and Mrs Richard Beam, ofHuntsville, Ala announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce daughter whose nameis Melinda McDade. She was born November25. Her mother is the former Miss JoanWillett of Montgomery, Ala. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Gerald Willett of Montgomery and Mr and Mrs Y C Beam ofAmericus. TR, Mon 1 Dec 1975

Beaman, Not named - Lt and Mrs C D Beaman announce the birthof a daughter, Wednesday, December 29, at city hospital. Mrs Beaman was formerly Miss DorothyPurvis. TR, Thu 30 Dec 1943

Beamon, Alicia Darlene - Mr and Mrs Cecil Beamon, ofDecatur, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 6 ounce daughter, Thursday, March 24,who has been given the name of Alicia Darlene.Mrs Beamon was the formere Alice Ryder, of Decatur. TR, Tue 5 Apr 1960

Beamon, Barbara Alethia - Mr and Mrs Ross Beamon announcethe birth of a daughter, Saturday, October 11, at their home on the Leslieroad, who has been named Barbara Alethia.The baby is the grandaughter of Mr and Mrs W C Williams, of East FurlowStreet, and is the first girl born in the Williams family in 18 ½ yers. Mrs Beamon was Miss Annie Laurie Williamsbefore her marriage. TR, Wed 15 Oct1941

Beamon, Casey Allen - Mr and Mrs Craig Beamon of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Casey Allen, on May 20 at Sumter RegionalHospital. Mrs Beamon is the former AprilGiddings. Grandparents are Mr and MrsEldridge Giddings, Brenda Beamon and Allen Beamon, all of Americus. Mr and Mrs Johnny Morgan and Mrs Henry Smith,all of Americus, are his great-grandparents.TR, Wed 28 May 1998

Beamon, Craig Allen - Mr and Mrs Allen W Beamon announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce son born Thursday, April 12 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been named Craig Allen is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Ross D Beamon of thiscity and Mr and Mrs Henry C Smith of Lake Blackshear. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs A E Letlowof Salem, Alabama and Mrs O E Smith of Phenix City, Ala. TR, Sat 14 Apr 1973

Beamon, Heather Nicole - Mr and Mrs Donald Beamon ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Heather Nicole, born Thursday,August 14 at Sumter Regional Hospital.The infant weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mrs Annie L Beamon and MrsLeona Cahoon, both of Americus. TR,Thu 21 Aug 1986

Beamon, Henry Clayton Jr - Mr and Mrs Clayton Beamon, ofAmericus, announce the birth of a son, September 19, at Terrell CountyHospital, who has been named Henry Clayton Jr.The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs J D Oglesby of this city and Mrand Mrs R D Beamon, of Leesburg. TR,Wed 24 Sep 1958

Beamon, Jane Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Jack Beamon, ofSmithville, are the parents of a 6 pound, 3 ounce daughter, born at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital on October 11. The baby has been given the name of JaneElizabeth. TR, Mon 11 Oct 1965

Beamon, Jeanine Carol - Mr and Mrs Fred Beamon, of 407 WChurch, announce the birth of a daughter, Jeanine Carol, Saturday, September17, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospsital. The baby weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces. TR, Mon 19 Sep 1955

Beamon, Kari Lynn - Mr and Mrs Ralph Dean Beamon Jr ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on Tuesday, May 27. Theinfant, who has been named Kari Lynn weighed 6 pounds, 1 ounce. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsRalph Dean Beamon Jr of this city and Mrs Jeanette Kelly of Mississippi and Mrand Mrs Rufus Marion Dowdy Sr of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mrs Floyd T McDaniel and the late Mr McDaniel,Mrs Clyde Bailey and the late Mr Bailey and Mrs Ross Beamon and the late MrBeamon and Mr and Mrs W N Dowdy and Mr and Mrs Thomas E Ward, all ofAmericus. TR, Wed 4 Jun 1980

Beamon, Not named - Mr and Mrs Bon Beamon of the Thompsoncommunity, announce the birth of a son, Saturday Aug 29th at theirhome.. Both mother and baby are doingnicely. TCN, Fri 4 Sep 1936

Beamon, Not named - Mr and Mrs Fred Beamon, of Smithville,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ounce daughter, July 8, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Tue 9 Jul1963

Beamon, Not named - Mr and Mrs M L Beamon, of Route 1,Smithville, announce the birth of a son, Sunday at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who weighed 6 pounds, 3 ounces. TR, Mon 28 Nov 1955

Beamon, Not named - Mr and Mrs R D Beamon announce the birthof a son, Saturday, Feb 10, at City Hospital.TR, Wed 20 Feb 1946

Beamon, Not named - Mr and Mrs R D Beamon announce the birthof a son, Wednesday, February 18, at city hospital. TR, Thu 19 Feb 1948

Beamon, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ross Beamon announce thebirth of a son, Monday, June 6th..Mrs Beamon was Miss Annie Laurie Williams before her marriage. TR, Thu 16 Jun 1932

Beamon, Patricia Lee - Mr and Mrs Donald Beamon announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce daughter Monday, January 20 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Patricia Lee. “Pattie” as the baby will be called, is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs H G Tison Jr and Mr and Mrs Ross Beamon. TR, Mon 27 Jan 1969

Beamon, Todd Bradley - Mr and Mrs Allen Beamon announce thebirth of a son who has been given the name Todd Bradley Beamon. The infant, who was born June 12 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces. He has two brothers, Craig and Wesley. His grandparents are Mrs Annie L Beamon and thelate Ross Beamon, Americus and Mr and Mrs Henry C Smith, Lake Blackshear. TR, Mon 20 Jun 1983

Beamon, Twins - Mr and Mrs Cecil Beamon, of 226 West HillStreet, Decatur, Ga, announce the birth of a boy and girl, born July 17th.. The have been given the names of Cecil Jr andCynthia Denise. TR,Fri 28 Jul 1961

Beamon, Walter Donald Jr - Mr and Mrs Donald Beamon, of 112West Church Street, are the parents at 4 pm Tuesday, June 28 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who has been given the name of Walter Donald Jr, is the grandson of Mr and MrsHenry Grady Tison and Mr and Mrs Ross Beamon.The baby’s mother is the former Patsy Tison. TR, Thu 30 Jun 1966

Beamon, Walter Donald - Mr and Mrs Ross D Beamon announcethe birth of a son, who was born Wednesday, November 24, at their home on theLeslie road. The baby has been namedWalter Donald. TR, Wed 1 Dec 1943

Beamon, Wesley Brian - Mr and Mrs Allen Beamon are theparents of a son born Wednesday, February 2 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 53/4 ounces and has been given the name of Wesley Brian. Grandparents are Mrs Annie Laurie Beamon ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Henry Smith of Lake Blackshear. TR, Mon 7 Feb 1977

Bean, Casey Michael - Michael and Valarie Bean ofLawrenceville, Ga announce the birth of their daughter, Casey Michael, bornJune 27 at Gwinnett County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold Jones of Americus and the late Mr andMrs Lawrence Bean of Colebrook, NH.Great-grandmother is Mrs Helen Lyons of Colebrook. Casey has a brother, Chase, age seven. TR, Wed 3 Jul 1991

Bean, Jordan Bradley - Lt Bradley W and Cereto Jones Beanof Semmes, Ala announce the birth of a son, Jordan Bradley, born January 11 atProvidence Hospital in Mobile, Ala. Theinfant weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces at birth.Grandparents are the late Mr and Mrs Lawrence Bean of Colebrook, NH andMr and Mrs Harold H Jones of Americus.Great-grandparents are Helen Jordan Lyons and the late Archie Lyons ofColebrook, the late Ira and Inez Bean of Colebrook, the late Robert and LeahEvans Jones of Sumter, SC and the late Wheeler and Lucile Hanniford of Olanta,SC. TR, Wed 27 Jan 1993

Beard, Charles Duncan Jr - Mr and Mrs Duncan Beard ofAtlanta announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son born Monday, August 31 atPiedmont Hospital in Atlanta. The infanthas been given the name of Charles Duncan Jr.Grandparents are Judge and Mrs Tom Marshall of Americus and Atlanta andMr and Mrs T V Beard of Moultrie. Thebaby has two great-grandmothers, Mrs T O Marshall Sr and Mrs James W Fitts,both of Americus. TR, Wed 9 Sep 1981

Beard, Not named - Mr and Mrs Marvin Beard, of Montezuma,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce daughter, January 4, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 5Jan 1961

Bearden, Kelly Barnes - Mr and Mrs O R (Bud) Bearden, of 149Taylor Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Wednesday,June 3, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named KellyBarnes. Mrs Bearden is the former MissDot Demaree. TR, Wed 2 Jun 1959

Bearden, Not named - Mr and Mrs B L Bearden, of Richland,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, August 11, at city hospital. TR, Thu 12 Aug 1943

Bearden, Raymond Scott - Mr and Mrs Gus R Bearden, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a son, November 30, at the Macon Hospital, whohas been given the name of Raymond Scott.Mrs Bearden is the former Miss Dot Demaree and the baby is the grandsonof Mr and Mrs H S Demaree, of Americus. TR,Fri 7 Dec 1962

Bearden, Sue Lynn - Mr and Mrs Clifford Bearden, of 718 JeffersonStreet, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Thursday, December18, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named SueLynn. TR, Fri 19 Dec 1958

Bearden, Thomas Demaree - Mr and Mrs O R Bearden, of 149Taylor Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ½ ounce son on February 11at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named ThomasDemaree. TR, Mon 13 Feb 1961

Beardon, Not named - Mr and Mrs C E Beardon, of Draneville,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, November 21, at Prather Clinic. TR, Sat 22 Nov 1947

Beardon, Not named - Mr and Mrs C N Beardon, of Parrott,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, November 7, at City Hospital. TR, Thu 10 Nov 1949

Beardon, Shelley Leigh - Mr and Mrs Ricky Lee Beardenannounce the birth of a daughter born Monday, April 17 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital who weighed 6 pounds, 1 ounce. The infant has been named Shelley Leigh. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Hugh Phillips,Americus and Mr and Mrs Bobby Beardon of Brunswick. Mrs E P Jones of this city is the infant’sgreat-grandmother. TR, Tue 18 Apr1978

Beasley, Devon Austin - Stanley and Tonya Beasley of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Devon Austin, born January 1 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 5 pounds, 9ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Jack Watson of Plains, Mr and Mrs Gladus Rowe of Jasper, Ala. Great-grandparents are Mrs Lorraine Watson ofAmericus, Mrs L D Morris of Plains and Mrs Ellen Scott of Jasper, Ala. TR, Wed 13 Jan 1993

Beasley, Kenneth Michael Jr - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Beasley ofAmericus announce the birth of a son who has been given the name KennethMichael Jr. The infant, who was bornNovember 22 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital weighed 8 pounds atbirth. His grandparents are Mrs ColenMcDonald of Warner Robins, Ned Davidson of Bonaire, Mrs Mary Beasley, Americusand the late Quinn Beasley of Appling. TR,Fri 25 Nov 1983

Beasley, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lowell Beasley, of 1303 RidgeStreet, are the parents of a son, born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on November 23. The babyweighed 10 pounds, 6 ounces. TR, Tue24 Nov 1964

Beasley, Not named - Mr and Mrs Q A Beasley announce thebirth of a son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Sunday, April5. TCN, Thu 9 Apr 1953

Beason, Jennifer Nicole - Mr and Mrs Steve A Beason ofThomasville announce the birth of a daughter, Jennifer Nicole, born December 26at Archbold Memorial Hospital, Thomasville, weighing 6 pounds, 12 ounces. Maternal grandparents are Wayne Phillips ofThomasville and Mrs Sandra Peed of Sylvester.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Clyde Beason of Thomasville. Maternal great-grandparents are Mrs FredPhillips of Thomasville, Mr and Mrs Elmer Keller, Sebring, Fla and paternalgreat-grandmother is Mrs Alma Pyles of Thomasville. Mrs Beason is the former Wendy Phillips ofThomasville and Americus. TR, Thu 8Jan 1987

Beaty, Brandi Ayers - Mr and Mrs Cummins Beaty, 1908 11thPlace, Birmingham, Ala announce the birth of a seven pound daughter, BrandiAyers, born May 11. The grandparents ofthe baby are Mrs Doris Beaty, Manchester and Mrs W M Steed, Andersonville. Mrs Beaty is the former Brenda Steed ofAndersonville. TR, Sat 22 May 1976

Beaty, David Chandler - Mr and Mrs Watson Cumming Beaty, ofAnniston, Alabama announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce son who was bornWednesday, April 28. The baby has beennamed David Chandler. His grandparentsare Mrs W M Steed, of Andersonville, and Mrs Doris Smith of Manchester. TR, Thu 29 Apr 1971

Beauchamp, Ashley - Mr and Mrs Tommy Beauchamp, of Marietta,announce the birth of a five pound, 14 ounce daughter at the Cobb GeneralHospital in Marietta. The baby has beennamed Ashley. She is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs W T Beauchamp and the late Mr and Mrs Ira Lee Hines all ofAmericus. TR, Mon 15 Jun 1970

Beauchamp, Christopher Lee - Mr and Mrs Tommy Beauchamp, ofForsyth, announce the birth of a six pound son, August 16 at the Monroe CountyHospital. The baby, who has been namedChristopher Lee is the grandson of Mr and Mrs W T Beauchamp Sr of Americus andthe late Mr and Mrs Ira Lee Hines, also of this city. TR, Wed 17 Aug 1966

Beauchamp, Ernest David - Mr and Mrs W T Beauchamp announce thebirth of a son, Thursday, September 26, at City Hospital, who has been namedErnest David. TR, Sat 28 Sep 1946

Beauchamp, George William II - Mr and Mrs Bob Beauchamp, ofTifton, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ½ ounce son born Wednesday,September 28. The baby has been namedGeorge William II. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs George W Beauchamp of Americus and Mr and Mrs John Warner ofPerry. TR, Fri 30 Sep 1977

Beauchamp, Holly - Mr and Mrs Tommy Beauchamp, of Marietta,announce the birth of a 5 pound, 9 ounce daughter on Friday, July 23 at theCobb Memorial Hospital there. The baby,who has been named Holly is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs WilloughbyBeauchamp and the late Mr and Mrs Ira Lee Hines. TR, Wed 28 Jul 1971

Beauchamp, Kelly - Dr and Mrs David Beauchamp of Manassas, Vaannounce the birth of an 8 pound daughter born Thursday, August 7 at PrinceWilliam Hospital in Manassas. The baby,who has been given the name of Kelly has a sister, Polly, who is 4 ½.. She is the granddaughter of Mrs WilloughbyBeauchamp of Americus. TR, Tue 12 Aug1980

Beauchamp, Mason Jr - Mr and Mrs Mason Beauchamp, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a son, Mason Jr Sunday, December 17, atPrather Clinic. TR, Fri 22 Dec 1939

Beauchamp, Pauline Leigh - Dr and Mrs David Beauchamp, ofAugusta, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 9 ounce daughter born Monday, March15. The baby has been given the name ofPauline Leigh and will be called Polly.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Willoughby Beauchamp of Americusand Mr and Mrs John Swart of Oakton, Virginia.TR, Wed 17 Mar 1976

Beauchamp, Robert William - Mr and Mrs G W Beauchamp announcethe birth of a son Wednesday, February 3, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who weighed eight pounds, 13 ounces.The baby has been named Robert William.TR, Thu 4 Feb 1954

Beauchamp, Whitley Joanne - Mr and Mrs Bob Beauchamp ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Whitley Joanne, born Tuesday, June27 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Theinfant weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mrs G W Beauchamp and the late Capt G WBeauchamp of Americus and maternal grandparents are R W Walters of Madison andMs Beverly Walters of Adele. The infantwas born on the 16th birthday of her sister, Pamela Dionne Moss andshe also has a brother, George, 11. TR,Mon 3 Jul 1989

Beauchamp, Willoughby Thomas III - Mr and Mrs Tommy Beauchamp,of Forsyth, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ounce son, Tuesday, July 20, atthe General Hospital in Forsyth.. Thebaby has been given the name of Willoughby Thomas III. “Trey” is the grandson of Mr and Mrs W TBeauchamp of Americus and the late Mr and Mrs Ira Lee Hines, of this city. TR, Wed 21 Jul 1965

Beauchamp, Willoughby Thomas Jr - Mr and Mrs W T Beauchampannounce the birth of a son, Saturday, May 10, at city hospital, who has beennamed Willoughby Thomas Jr. TR,Saturday 10 May 1941

Beaver, Kerry Jay - Mr and Mrs John Beaver, of Route 1Vienna announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce daughter born Friday,September 12 at Crisp County Hospital.The infant has been given the name of Kerry Jay. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs LoganPrice and Mr and Mrs J W Beaver of Screven, Ga.Grandparents of the baby are Mr and Mrs John Hilton and Mrs E O Beaverof Screven and the late Mrs Beulah Bivins of Americus. TR, Fri 19 Sep 1975

Beavers, Brian Scott - Mr and Mrs Scott Beavers of Viennaannounce the birth of a son, Brian Scott, born January 2 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 9ounces at birth. Paternal grandparentsare Doris Beavers of Vienna and Allen Beavers of Bonaire. Maternal grandparents are Mrs Clara Brown ofVienna and the late Mr Alfred Lang.Great-grandparents are Mrs Ida Beavers, Vienna; Mrs Effie Lang, Cordeleand Leonard Bodrey of Cordele. TR,Fri 13 Jan 1989

Beavers, Not named - Mr and Mrs George Beavers, of Dawson,announce the birth of a son at Prather clinic on July 3rd . TCN, Thu 4 Jul 1946

Beavers, Not named - Mr and Mrs Paul G Beavers announce thebirth of a daughter Wednesday, March 3, at city hospital. Mrs Beavers was before marriage MissJosephine Gantt, of Tallassee, Ala. TR,Thu 4 Mar 1948

Beavers, Sandra Kay - Mr and Mrs J W Beavers, of Dawson,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, November 1, at city hospital, whohas been named Sandra Kay. TR, Thu 9Nov 1944

Beck, Judy Kathleen - Mr and Mrs Roy E Beck, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a daughter, Judy Kathleen, Sunday, May 18, atPrather Clinic. TR, Tue 20 May 1947

Becker, Karl Eugene - Mr and Mrs Alfred W Becker, ofBranchville, Maryland, announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, September 18, whohas been named Karl Eugene. Mrs Beckeris the former Eileen Sutton, and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs H ESutton, of this city. TR, Tue 25 Sep1951

Beckwith, Debra Janiece - Mr and Mrs A C Beckwith of Ft Valleyannounce the birth of a daughter yesterday at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby weighed 7 pounds and4 ounces and has been named Debra Janiece.TR, Fri 12 Aug 1955

Beckwith, Gerald Thomas - Mr and Mrs C L Beckwith announce thebirth of a 7 ½ pound son, Sunday, December 28, at Prather clinic, who has beengiven the name Gerald Thomas. TR, Tue30 Dec 1941

Beckwith, Gordon Jr - Mr and Mrs G A Beckwith, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a son Tuesday, August 19, at Crawford W Long hospital,who has been named Gordon Jr. MrsBeckwith is the former Miss Eliene Poole, of this city. TR, Wed 20 Aug 1952

Beckwith, James Wisham - Mr and Mrs C A Beckwith, of Augusta,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ounce son, Wednesday, February 4, who hasbeen named James Wisham. Mrs Beckwith isthe former Miss Eliene Poole, of Americus.The baby is the grandson of Mrs Hattie Graham and Mrs J Poole, of thiscity. TR, Fri 6 Feb 1959

Beckwith, Not named - Mr and Mrs Gordon A Beckwith, ofWilmngton, N C, announce the birth of a daughter Monday, December 28, atPrather Clinic. Mrs Beckwith is theformer Miss Eliene Poole, of this city. TR,Mon 28 Dec 1942

Beckwith, Not named - Mr and Mrs Gordon Beckwith, of Atlanta,annunce the birth of a daughter, Friday, November 29, at Prather Clinic. Mrs Beckwith was formerly Miss EileenPoole. TR, Sat 30 Nov 1946

Beckwith, Thomas Joseph - Mr and Mrs William H (Bill)Beckwith, of Auburn, Ala, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce son,Friday, January 28, who has been named Thomas Joseph. Mr Beckwith is a former Americusresident. TR, Mon 7 Feb 1955

Beckwith, William Herbert Jr - Mr and Mrs Bill Beckwith, ofAuburn, Ala, announce the birth of a son Christmas day, who weighed 8 pounds, 8ounces. The baby, who has been namedWilliam Herbert Jr, is the grandson of Mrs H W Graham, of Americus. TR, Mon 29 Dec 1952

Becton, Amy Virginia - Mr and Mrs David Becton announce thebirth of a daughter Wednesday, September 1 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The infant, who weighed 9pounds at birth has been given the name Amy Virginia. She is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsGarland Mears, Americus and Mrs Mary Virginia Ferrill of Modesto, Calif andMarion Ross Becton, Savannah. Hergreat-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Frank Young of Perry and Frank Mears ofColquitt. TR, Fri 10 Sep 1982

Becton, Steven Joshua - Douglas and Renee Becton of Plainsannounce the birth of a son, Steven Joshua, born November 17 at Sumter RegionalHospital. Joshua, as the infant iscalled, weighed 6 pounds, 3 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs John Dickerson of Americus andpaternal grandparents are Mark Becton of Savannah and Mary Ferrill ofAlbany. Great-grandparents are LeonaCahoon of Plains and Folds Wright of Warwick.Joshua has a brother, Jordan, 8. TR,Sat 25 Nov 1995

Bedenbaugh, Flora Edna - Mr and Mrs C C Bedenbaugh announce thebirth of a daughter August 9 who has been called Flora Edna. TR, Sat 11 Aug 1923

Bedenbaugh, Gloria Dean - Mr and Mrs J H Bedenbaugh, of Leslie,announce the birth of a 9 ½ pound daughter, Thursday, January 7, who has beengiven the name Gloria Dean. TR, Sat 9Jan 1937

Bedenbaugh, James William - Mr and Mrs J H Bedenbaugh, of R F D,Americus, announce the birth of a seven and one-half pound son, Wednesday,December 6, at city hospital, who has been given the name James William. TR, Thu 7 Dec 1944

Bedenbaugh, Karen Renee - Mr and Mrs James W Bedenbaugh, ofAlbany, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 14 ounce daughter, born Tuesday, March26 at the Phoebe Putney Hospital. Thebaby, who has been named Karen Renee, is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsClifton D Scott and Mr and Mrs J H Bedenbaugh, all of Americus. TR, Fri 29 Mar 1968

Bedenbaugh, Not named - Mr and Mrs James W Bedenbaugh, of 949Felder Street, are the parents of a 6 pound daughter, born July 26, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 26 Jul 1965

Bedenbaugh, Robert Eugene - Mr and Mrs C C Bedenbaugh announcethe birth of a son, June 22, who has been given the name of Robert Eugene. TR, Tue 26 Jun 1921

Beisel, George Edward III - Mr and Mrs G E Beisel Jr, ofColumbia, S C, announce the birth of a son Tuesday, July 28, at the ColumbiaHospital, who has been named George Edward III.Mrs Beisel is the former Miss Bert Lewis, of Americus. TR, Tue 28 Jul 1953

Beisel, Thomas Houston - Mr and Mrs George E Beisel Jr, ofMarietta, announce the birth of a son, Saturday, November 21, who has beengiven the name of Thomas Houston. Thebaby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs R S Law, of Americus. TR, Mon 23 Nov 1964

Belcher, Alex Temples - Mr and Mrs Frank A Belcher announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce son, Thursday, November 13, at city hospital,who has been named Alex Temples. TR,Mon 17 Nov 1952

Belcher, Alice Jane - Mr and Mrs A T Belcher announce thebirth of a daughter, February 29, who has been given the name of AliceJane. TR, Fri 2 Mar 1928

Belcher, Amy Patricia - Mr and Mrs Charles L Belcher announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 9 ounce daughter, Monday, March 10 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Amy Patricia. Mrs Belcher is the former Mollie JoFreeman. The baby is the granddaughterof Mrs C E Dunaway of Americus and Mrs Ossie Belcher of Arlington. TR, Tue 11 Mar 1958

Belcher, Charles Leland Jr - Mr and Mrs Charles L Belcherannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 5 ounce son at city hospital, Saturday,February 17, who has been named Charles Leland Jr. TR, Mon 19 Feb 1951

Belcher, Chelsea Brooke - Mr and Mrs Lonnie Belcher ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Chelsea Brooke, born Monday, February23 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Theinfant weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Gilbert Vaughn Jr, Mr and Mrs Milton Storeyand Mr and Mrs Jimmy Belcher.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Auther Hogg Sr, Mr and Mrs J L Waters,Mr and Mrs Gilbert Books Vaughn Sr, Mr and Mrs R S Belcher and Mrs SamEspy. Chelsea has a brother, Chad, agesix. TR, Tue 2 Mar 1993

Belcher, Cheslea Grace - Joe and Christy Belcher of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Cheslea Grace, born Sep 7 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,12 ounces. Grandparents are BonnieMcClung and Cheryl and Grace Russell and the late William Russell of Byromville,Martha Crenshaw and the late William Crenshaw of Americus, Mildred Hart and thelate Thomas C Hart of Dublin and Marguerite Belcher Ethridge, Edward Ethridgeand the late Abner Belcher, all of Americus.Great-great-grandmother is Grace Martin.She has a sister, Katie, 7. TR,Thu 30 Sep 1999

Belcher, Diana Lynn - Mr and Mrs James A Belcher, of Route 1,Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Diana Lynn, Tuesday, May 1, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 2 May 1956

Belcher, Frank Allen Jr - Mr and Mrs Frank Belcher, of 204Furlow Street, announce the birth of a son Thursday, December 7, at cityhospital, who has been named Frank Allen Jr.Mrs Belcher is the former Miss Evelyn Temples, of Blakey. TR, Thu 7 Dec 1950

Belcher, Heather Ann - Mr and Mrs Alex Belcher announce thebirth of a daughter born Friday, January 11 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who has been giventhe name of Heather Ann weighed 9 pounds, 2 ounces. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs FrankBelcher and Mr and Mrs Paul Player of this city. Her great-grandparents are H T Temples ofAmericus and Mrs John Still of Blakely and Mr and Mrs Ralph Cole of Placida,Fla. Her great-great-grandmother is MrsMaude Gooche of Blakely. TR, Thu 15Jan 1974

Belcher, James Martin - Mr and Mrs James W Belcher, of Route1, Americus, are the parents of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son, born March 31 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named James Martin. TR, Tue 3 Apr 1962

Belcher, Joe Anne - Mr and Mrs Charles L Belcher announce thebirth of a daughter, Joe Anne, who was born June 19, at city hospital. TR, 23 Jun 1948

Belcher, John Thomas - Mr and Mrs Abner Belcher announce thebirth of a son, Sunday, August 5, at the home of her parents Mr and Mrs J MPollock, in Leslie, who has been given the name John Thomas. TR, Wed 8 Aug 1934

Belcher, Larry Reeves - Mr and Mrs R S Belcher announce thebirth of a son, Tue, March 14, at the city hospital, who has been named LarryReeves. TR, Sat 15 Jan 1944

Belcher, Michael Reeves - Mr and Mrs Larry Belcher announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce son named Michael Reeves Belcher, born August14 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs J T McGrotha of Dawson and Mr and Mrs RS Belcher of Americus. TR, Mon 18 Aug1969

Belcher, Mitzi Kaye - Mr and Mrs Frank Belcher, of 1402Oglethorpe Avenue, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce daughter, March 24,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Mitzi Kaye. TR, Wed 25 Mar 1964

Belcher, Nancy Steight - Mr and Mrs Abner Belcher announcethe birth of a daughter, Nancy Steight, who was born Thursday, May 4, at theirhome on Brannon Avenue. TR, Tue 9 May1939

Belcher, Not named - Mr and Mrs A M Belcher, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a son, Thursday, August 28, at Prather Clinic. TR, Fri 29 Aug 1947

Belcher, Not named - Mr and Mrs A T Belcher announce thebirth of a son, Tuesday, July 9, at city hospital. TR, Wed 10 Jul 1946

Belcher, Not Named - Mr and Mrs Abner Belcher of Americusannounce the birth or a son Sunday afternoon at the home of Mrs Belcher’sparents, Mr and Mrs J M Pollock. Thebaby weighs 8 pounds, eight ounces. TCN,Fri 10 Aug 1934

Belcher, Not named - Mr and Mrs Frank A Belcher Jr are theparents of a 6 pound, 5 ounce son born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital Monday, August 23. The infantis the grandson of Mr and Mrs Thomas Odom and Mr and Mrs Frank Allen Belcher Srof Americus and the great-grandson of Mr and Mrs Leroy Odom, Mr and Mrs GeorgeLittle and Mr and Mrs Jim Driggers, all of Jesup and Mr and Mrs H T Temples ofthis city and Mrs John Still of Blakely.He is the great-great-grandson of J R Arnett of Thelman. TR, Thu 28 Aug 1976

Belcher, Not named - Mr and Mrs Melvin Belcher, ofMontgomery, NY and Americus, announce the birth of a son, Friday, June 9, inMontgomery. Mrs Belcher is the formerMiss Irma Marie Rosenberg. TR, Sat 10Jun 1944

Belcher, Not named - Mr and Mrs R S Belcher announce thebirth of a daughter, at city hospital, Monday, May 3, who weighed 7 pounds, 8ounces. TR, Mon 3 May 1948

Belcher, Randall Abner - Greg and Christy Belcher of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Randall Abner, born Oct 24 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 1ounce at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Randall Hanley of Commerce.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Abner Belcher of Americus. TR, Wed 7 Dec 1994

Belcher, Savannah Darlene - Brian and Brooke Belcher ofEllaville announce the birth of a daughter, Savannah Darlene, born Jan 18 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 5 pounds, 10 ounces.Grandparents are Larry J and Mary Belcher and Darlene Taylor, all ofEllaville and Mr and Mrs Mickey Taylor of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mary E Belcher, Mr andMrs Jesse Cromer and Lenore Taylor, all of Ellville. TR, Tue 16 Feb 1999

Belcher, Tiffany Lane - Mr and Mrs Thomas Belcher Jr, ofLeslie, announce the birth of a daughter, Tiffany Lane, who was born Monday,December 1 at Phoebe Putney Hospital in Albany.The baby, who weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces is the granddaughter of Mr andMrs Thomas Lamar Belcher of Albany and Mr and Mrs D N Taylor of Leslie. TR, Fri 5 Dec 1969

Belcher, Twin Sons - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Belcher announce thebirth of twin sons, September 3, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. One weighed 6 pounds 1 ounceand the other 5 pounds, 8 ounces. TR,Thu 5 Sep 1957

Belding, Grove Eugene Jr - Mr and Mrs Grove Eugene Belding,of Boston, Mass, announce the birth of a little son, January 26, who has beengiven the name of Grove Eugene Jr. MrsBelding will be remembered in Americus and Miss Ruth Christian. TR, Sat 30 Jan 1926

Belflower, Cynthia Ann - Mr and Mrs George Kenneth Belflower,of Bartow, Florida, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce daughter, April24, in Lakeland, who has been named Cynthia Ann. Mrs Belflower is the former Miss Mary ClaireDuncan, daughter of Mrs Bessie L Duncan, of Leslie. TR, Fri 5 May 1961

Belflower, George Kenneth Jr - Mr and Mrs George KennethBelflower announce the birth of a son, George Kenneth Jr February 24 at theMerrell Memorial Hospital in Lakeland, Florida.Mrs Belflower is the former Miss Mary Claire Duncan, of Leslie. TR, Mon 8 Mar 1954

Belflower, Mary Elspeth - Mr and Mrs George Kenneth Belflowerannounce the birth of a daughter Sunday, April 26, at Little Griffin Hospital,at Valdosta, who has been named Mary Elspeth.Mrs Belflower was formerly Mary Claire Duncan, of Leslie. TR, Wed 29 Apr 1953

Bell, Alex Thomas - Mr and Mrs Martin Bell of McRae, Gaannounce the birth of a son, Alex Thomas, born Sunday, February 18. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces atbirth. Paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Earl Bell of Americus and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Joe Cannonof DeSoto. The baby has two sisters,Melissa, 8 and Kristin, age four. TR,Tue 27 Feb 1990

Bell, Alfred Josephus Jr - Mr and Mrs A J Bell announcethe birth of a son Friday, October 23, at the city hospital, who has been giventhe name Alfred Josephus Jr. Mrs Bellwas before her marriage Miss Edith Creighton, of this city. TR, Tue 27 Oct 1936

Bell, Amanda Kay - Mr and Mrs Todd Bell are the parents ofa daughter born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Saturday, October21 who has been given the name of Amanda Kay.Mandy, as she will be called, weighed 7 pounds, 11 1/4 ounces. The infant is the granddaughter of Mrs JudyDeVane and Mr and Mrs Dick Bell of Bridger, Montana and Mr and Mrs JohnnyBrietbach of Bloomington, Ill. Mrs H DBradley of Americus is the baby’s great-grandmother. TR, Wed 25 Oct 1978

Bell, Amelia Anne - Mr and Mrs Alfred J Bell Jr, ofDouglas Circle, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ½ ounce daughter, Saturday,February 17 in the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedAmelia Anne. Mrs Bell is the former MissMarie Hurst, daughter of Mr and Mrs W M Hurst, of Ellaville. The baby’s paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs A J Bell, of this city. TR, Mon19 Feb 1962

Bell, Andrea Lee - Mr and Mrs Woody Bell, of Fort Collins,Colorado announce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce daughter born Monday,October 31. The baby has been given thename of Andrea Lee. The infant is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Earl Bell of Americus and Mr and Mrs E A Touchtonof Barney, Ga. Mrs H C Carswell of thiscity is the baby’s great-grandmother. TR,Tue 1 Nov 1977

Bell, Angela Denise - Mr and Mrs Randy Bell, of Boaz,Alabama, announce the birth of a 3 pound, 7 ½ ounce daughter at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital on April 23.The baby, who has been named Angela Denise is the granddaughter of Mrand Mrs E H Bell of Ellaville and Mrs E F Wells of Buena Vista. TR, Tue 9 May 1967

Bell, Ashley - Mr and Mrs William Bell Jr, of Gainesville,Ga, announce the birth of a daughter on Thursday, May 3. The baby, who has been given the name of Ashley,weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces. The infantis the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs William W Bell of Americus and Mr and MrsCharles Flatt of Rising Fawn, Ga. TR,Fri 4 May 1979

Bell, Austin Wallace - Janie and Wally Bell of LakeAlfred, Fla announce the birth of a son, Austin Wallace, born Monday, December14. The infant weighed 6 pounds, 10ounces at birth. Paternal grandparentsare Jackie and Herman Bell of Americus and maternal grandparents are Ed andGinger Bush of Winter Haven, Fla.Great-grandparents are Cecil and Christine Faust of Preston, LillianBell and the late Mr Wallace Bell of Americus and Roselie White of WinterHaven. TR, Thu 17 Dec 1992

Bell, Betty Lee - Mr and Mrs Luther Bell announce thebirth of a daughter Saturday, June 23, at City Hospital, who has been given thename of Betty Lee. TR, Mon 25 Jun1951

Bell, Christy Faye - Mr and Mrs Herman Bell announce thebirth of a daughter born Wednesday, November 17 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who has beennamed Christy Faye weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Wallace Bell of Americus and Mrand Mrs Cecil Faust of Preston. Hergreat-grandmother is Mrs Eva Cooper also of Preston. TR, Tue 23 Nov 1971

Bell, David Alexander - Dr and Mrs Robert E Bell, ofColumbia, SC, announce the birth of a son, who was born at the ProvidenceHospital in Columbia on August 24. Thebaby, who has been given the name of David Alexander is the grandson of Dr andMrs R B Strickland of Americus and Mrs Ruth Bell of Jacksonville. TR, Sat 31 Aug 1968

Bell, David Earl - Mr and Mrs Earl Bell Jr, of Newbern,Tennessee announce the birth of a 7 pound son born Wednesday, August 8, who hasbeen given the name of David Earl. Thebaby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Earl Bell of Americus and Mr and Mrs E ATouchton of Barney, Ga. TR, Wed 8 Aug1973

Bell, David Rodwell - Mr and Mrs Luther Bell Jr ofLaHabra, California announce the birth of a son born Tuesday, October 5. The infant who weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces hasbeen named David Rodwell. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs J Backstrom of Portland, Oregon and Mr and Mrs LutherBell of Americus. TR, Th;u 7 Oct 1982

Bell, Diane Lockerman - Mr and Mrs William W Bell Jr, of211 Peachtree Battle, N E, Atlanta announce the birth of a daughter Tuesday,February 4 at the Piedmont Hospital. Thebaby, who has been named Diane Lockerman is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsCharles Flatt of Rising Fawn, Ga and Mr and Mrs William Bell Sr ofAmericus. TR, Fri 7 Feb 1969

Bell, Donna Gail - Mr and Mrs W C Bell, of 1302 LaFayetteStreet, announce the birth of a daughter Sunday, March 28, at Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Donna Gail. TR, Tue 30 Mar 1954

Bell, Donna Jane - Mr and Mrs Jerry E Bell, of 1303 ElmAvenue announce the birth of a 7 pound 9 ½ ounce daughter April 7 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Donna Jane. TR, Mon 10 Apr 1961

Bell, Earl Woodrow Jr - Mr and Mrs Earl W Bell announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 1 1/4 ounce son, Friday, February 11, at Prather Clinicwho has been named Earl Woodrow Jr. MrsBell is the former Miss Grace Caswell. TR,Sat 12 Feb 1949

Bell, Elizabeth Jordan - Mr and Mrs Luther Bell Jr ofPortland, Oregon announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce daughter who wasborn Sunday, August 1. The infant hasbeen named Elizabeth Jordan. The baby isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Luther Bell Sr of Americus. TR Mon 2 Aug 1976

Bell, Elmer Buchanan 3rd - Mr and Mrs E L BellJr announce the birth of a daughter, February 18th, at the CityHospital, who will be called Elmer Buchanan 3rd. TR Sat 19 Feb 1927

Bell, Eniya Ty’Quria - Tomeka Lassiter and Trevis Bellannounce the birth of a daughter, Eniya Ty’Quria, on October 3 at SumterRegional Hospital. The baby, who weighed5 pounds, 3 ounces is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Walter Lassiter Jr ofLeslie and Angela Butler of Ellaville. TR,Fri 31 Oct 1997

Bell, Ernest Lynwood - Mr and Mrs Jack Bell announce the birthof a son, Wednesday, June 17, at city hospital, who has been named ErnestLynwood, for his paternal grandfather, E L Bell, of Neyami. Mrs Bell was before her marriage Miss AmeliaJones. TR, Fri 19 Jun1942

Bell, Frances Pauline - Mr and Mrs R F Bell, of Concord,announce the birth of a daughter, January 2, who has been named FrancesPauline. TR, Tue 10 Jan 1922

Bell, Griffin Boyette III - Mr and Mrs Griffin B Bell Jr,of Atlanta, announce the birth of a son Saturday, September 14 at EmoryUniversity Hospital, who has been given the name of Griffin Boyette III. The baby is the grandson of Judge and MrsGriffin Bell of Atlanta and Mr and Mrs Tom Maxwell of Macon. The baby is the grandson of Mrs A C Bell ofAmericus. TR, Mon 16 Sep 1968

Bell, Griffin Jr - Capt and Mrs Griffin Bell announce thebirth of a son, Wednesday, February 16, at the Medical College Hospital inRichmond, Va, who has been named Griffin, Jr.Mrs Bell was before marriage Miss Mary Powell, of Richmond. Capt Bell, a former Americus resident, isstationed in San Francisco. TR, Th 17Feb 1944

Bell, Iona Graham - Mr and Mrs Luther Bell announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce daughter, Saturday, January 9, at the cityhospital, who has been given the name Iona Graham for her mother, the formerMiss Iona Graham. TR, Mon 11 Jan 1943

Bell, Jack Jr - Mr and Mrs Jack Bell, of Neyami, announcethe birth of a son, Jack Jr, Thursday, July 27, at city hospital. Mrs Bell is the former Miss AmeliaJones. TR, Fri 28 Jul 1944

Bell, James Albert - Mr and Mrs Elder Bell who reside nearBrown’s mill announce the birth of an eight pound son, Sunday morning, August19, who has been named James Albert. TR,Mon 20 Aug 1934

Bell, James Daniel - Mr and Mrs James Bell announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce son, Friday, April 25 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named James Daniel. TR, Mon 28 Apr 1958

Bell, Jerrilynn - Mr and Mrs J E Bell, of Route 4,Americus, are the parents of a 7 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter, born August 25, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Jerrilynn.TR, Mon 27 Aug 1962

Bell, John Gerald - Mr and Mrs Alf Bell Jr announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce son Saturday, August 29 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital who has been named John Gerald.The baby is the grandson of Mrs A J Bell, Americus and Mr and Mrs J HHurst of Ellaville. TR, Mon 1 Sep1969

Bell, Karen Alexandria - Mr and Mrs John Bell, of Atlanta,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 15 ½ ounce daughter, Thursday, September 4,at the Piedmont Hospital, Atlanta. Thebaby has been named Karen Alexandria.Mrs Bell is the former Ann Gunnels, of Decatur and Mr Bell, who isFreshman coach at Georgia Tech, was formerly a coach at Americus High. TR, Thu 6 Sep 1956

Bell, Kristin Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Martin C Bell ofAmericus announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce daughter Kristin Elizabeth,born Wednesday, March 27 at Sumter Regional Hospital. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs EarlBell of Ameicus and Mr and Mrs Joe Cannon of DeSoto. Great-grandmother is Mrs C H Carswell Sr ofAmericus. She has a sister, Melissa 3. TR, Mon 1 Apr 1985

Bell, Leonard Wallis - Mr and Mrs Walter Lee Bell announcethe birth of a son Monday, November 22, who has been given the name LeonardWallis Bell. TR, Wed 24 Nov 1926

Bell, Luther III - Mr and Mrs Luther Bell Jr announce thebirth of a son, September 28, at the Watts Memorial Hospital in Durham, NC, whohas been named Luther III. Mr Bell, whohas graduated from Duke University, Durham, recently accepted a position withthe American Hospital Supply Company and is making his headquarters here. His wife and son will join him heresoon. TR, Wed 3 Oct 1962

Bell, Marci Sue - Mr and Mrs Todd Bell announce the birthof a 4 pound, 13 ounce daughter who was born at the McKenzie County Hospital inWattford City, North Dakota on October 24.The infant has been named Marci Sue and is called Marci. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs DickBell of Montana, Mr and Mrs Breightbach of Illinois, Mrs Judy Devane and thelate Louie Devane of Americus. Marci hasa 4 year old sister named Mandy. TR,Mon 1 Nov 1982

Bell, Margaret Ellen - Chief Petty Officer and Mrs Earl WBell announce the birth of a seven-pound daughter, Tuesday, December 24, at theLakeshore Hospital, Lake City, Fla, who has been named Margaret Ellen. Mrs Bell is the former Miss Grace Carswell ofthis city and Mr Bell is also a former Americus resident. TR, Tue 26 Dec 1944

Bell, Martin Carswell - Mr and Mrs Earl Bell, 306 WGlessner Street, are parents of an 8 lb, 7 oz baby boy, which was born July 22at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Martin Carswell.TR, Mon 23 Jul 1956

Bell, Melanie Elaine - Mr and Mrs Leland Bell Jr announcethe birth of a daughter Friday, October 18, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, whoweighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces. The baby isthe granddaughter of Mrs E W Morgan and Leland Bell Sr, both of Americus. She has been named Melanie Elaine. TR, Tue 22 Oct 1968

Bell, Melissa Leigh - Mr and Mrs Martin Bell ofGlennville, Ga are the parents of a 6 pound, 15 ½ ounce daughter bornWednesday, October 21. The baby has beengiven the name of Melissa Leigh.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Joe Cannon of DeSoto and Mr and Mrs EarlBell of Americus. TR, Fri 23 Oct 1981

Bell, Mitchell Deyrl - Mr and Mrs Mitchell A Bell, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 10 pound, 7 ounce son July 17 who has beennamed Mitchell Deyrl. The baby was bornat the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Thu 18 Jul 1963

Bell, Mitzi Gay - Mr and Mrs Samuel L Bell, of 531 HarroldAvenue, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce daughter, Thursday, October27 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Mitzi Gay.TR, Fri 28 Oct 1955

Bell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Alf Bell announce the birthof a 6 pound, 8 ½ ounce son born Wednesday, December 29 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby is thegrandson of Mrs A J Bell and the late Mr Bell of this city and Mr and Mrs H JHurst of Lake Blackshear. TR, Thu 30Dec 1971

Bell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Claude Bell, ofAndersonville, announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, May 19, at PratherClinic. TR, Wed 19 May 1943

Bell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Claude Bell, ofAndersonville, announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, October 21, atPrather Clinic. TR, Thu 23 Oct 1947

Bell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Dickey Bell, of Terrell,Texas announce the birth of a 7 pound son on Wednesday June 27. Maternal grandparents of the baby are Mr andMrs W S Greene, Camilla. Mrs HoraceBell, of Ellaville, is the paternal grandmother. TR, Thu 5 Jul 1973

Bell, Not named - Mr and Mrs E H Bell announce the birthof a daughter at Prather Clinic, Wednesday, September 24. TR, Thu 28 Sep 1947

Bell, Not named - Mr and Mrs E W Bell announce the birthof a son, Friday, February 11, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 17 Feb 1949

Bell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Harold Jean Bell, of KansasCity, Mo, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ounce daughter, at Independencehospital. Mrs Bell was before marriageMiss Carolyn Parker, of Americus. TR,Wed 26 Jul 1957

Bell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Herman Bell, of 612 WalterWay, are the parents of a 9 pound, 12 ounce son, born April 28, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Tue28 Apr 1964

Bell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jack Bell of Neyami, announcethe birth of a son, Saturday, June 12 at city hospital, who weighed 6 pounds, 9ounces. Mrs Bell is the former MissAmelia Jones. TR, Mon 14 Jun 1948

Bell, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Bell, of Cuthbert,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce son, Sunday,June 10 at the hospital in Cuthbert. MrsBell is the former Miss Mary Ann Daniel, daughter of Mrs L B Bryant and thelate Carey Daniel of Americus. TR,Thu 14 Jun 1962

Bell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jesse Bell, of Preston,announce the birth of a seven-pound daughter at City hospital , Americus,Saturday night, June 29th.Mother and baby are said to be doing nicely. TCN, Thu 4 Jul 1946

Bell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Leland Bell Jr, of 406 WestHill Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce daughter at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, on Friday, April 10. TR, Fri 10 Apr 1964

Bell, Not named - Mr and Mrs M H Bell, of BrooklynHeights, announce the birth on Sun, March 7, of a daughter. TR, Mon 8 Mar 1920

Bell, Not named - Mr and Mrs S L Bell, of Arlington,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 15 ounce son, bornSeptember 17. The baby is the grandsonof Mr and Mrs Horace Bell, of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs S J Riley ofAmericus. TR, Wed 18 Sep 1963

Bell, Not named - Mr and Mrs W C Bell announce the birthof a daughter Thursday, October 15, at city hospital. TR, 16 Oct 1942

Bell, Not named - Mr and Mrs William W Bell announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, June 16, at the City hospital. Mrs Bell was before her marriage Miss JeanLockerman, of Montezuma. TR, Wed 16Jun 1943

Bell, Prioleau Jr - Mr and Mrs T P Bell, of Charleston,SC, announce the birth of a son, who has been named Prioleau Jr. Mrs Bell will be remembered here as MissTeresa Daniel before her marriage. TR,Fri 12 Feb 1932

Bell, Rebecca Kathleen - Capt and Mrs B H (Dick) Bellannounce the birth of a daughter Tuesday, August 28, in Knoxville. The baby has been named Rebecca Kathleen, andis to be called “Becky”.. Capt Bell whohas been in the Pacific Theater of War is expected home soon. Before entering the service he was SumterCounty Health Engineer. TR, Thu 30Aug 1945

Bell, Richard Gregory - Mr and Mrs Dickey Bell, ofEllaville announce the birth of a son September 29 at Phoebe Puney Hospital inAlbany who has been named Richard Gregory.The baby weighed 8 pounds, 11 ½ ounces.He is the grandson of William S Green of Camilla and Mr and Mrs E H Bellof Ellaville. TR, Tue 7 Oct 1969

Bell, Richard Harrison - Chad and Angie Bell of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Richard Harrison, born Sep 17 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds,10 ounces. Grandparents are Mr and MrsMarty Sellars and Mr and Mrs A J Bell, Jr, all of Americus. TR, Wed 22 Sep 1999

Bell, Richard Herman III - Mr and Mrs Richard H Bell Jrannounce the birth of a son, Richard Herman III, born July 4 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,13 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Herman Bell Sr, Mr and Mrs Bobby Castleberry, all of Americus andJulious Albritton of NC.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Cecil Faust of Preston, Lillian Bell,the late Wallace Bell, Annie Julia Potter, all of Americus and Mable Albrittonof Rupert. Rich has one brother, Colby,two. TR, Fri 9 Jul 1993

Bell, Richard Herman Jr - Mr and Mrs Herman Bell, of 612Walter Way, are the parents of a 9 pound, 1 ounce son, born May 18 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Richard Herman Jr. TR, Mon 21 May 1962

Bell, Ricky - Dr and Mrs L W Bell, of Perry, announce thebirth of a 7 ½ pound son Tuesday, May 24, who has been named Ricky. The baby is the grandson of Dr and Mrs WalterLee Bell Sr, of Americus. TR, Wed 25May 1955

Bell, Robert Erik - Dr and Mrs Robert Edgar Bell, ofColumbia, SC announce the birth of a 9 pound, 11 ½ ounce son born Thursday,January 6. The baby, who has been namedRobert Erik is the grandson of Dr and Mrs R B Strickland of Americus and MrsRuth Bell of Jacksonville. TR, Fri 7Jan 1972

Bell, Robert M? - Mr and Mrs Edwin Bell announce the birthof a son Oct ?, at the City Hospital, who has been given the name RobertM?. TR, Tue 22 Oct 1929

Bell, Samuel Scott - Mr and Mrs S L Bell, of Greenville,Ga, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son,November 10 at the Meriwether Memorial Hospital in Warm Springs, who has beennamed Samuel Scott. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs S J Riley, of this city.TR, Tue 11 Nov 1958

Bell, Susan Cynthia - Mr and Mrs Marvin Bell, of CherryPoint, N C announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, April 24, at Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of Susan Cynthia. Mrs Bell is the former Miss Emily JoJohnson. TR, Thu 29 Apr 1954

Bell, Twins - Mr and Mrs A J Bell Jr, of 1101 DouglasCircle, announce the birth of twins, born Tuesday, January 28, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The little girlweighed 4 pounds, 11 ounces and the son 6 pounds, 4 ounces. The babies are the grandchildren of Mr andMrs H J Hurst, of Ellaville, and Mr and Mrs A J Bell Sr, of Americus. TR, Tue 28 Jan 1964

Bell, Walter L III - Dr and Mrs Walter L Bell Jr, of Macon,announce the birth of a 7 pound son, Monday, June 6, who has been named WalterL Bell III. The baby is the grandson ofDr and Mrs Walter Lee Bell Sr, of Americus.TR, Tue 7 Jun 1955

Bell, Walter Lee Jr - Mr and Mrs Walter L Bell announcethe birth of a son, Oct 1st, who has been named Walter Lee BellJr. TR, Fri 3 Oct 1924

Bell, William Wallis III - Mr and Mrs William Wallis BellJr, of Gainesville, Ga announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son bornTuesday, April 2. The infant has beengiven the name of William Wallis III. Heis the grandson of Mr and Mrs Charles Flatt of Rising Fawn, Ga and Mr and MrsWilliam Bell of Americus. TR, Fri 19Apr 1974

Bellew, Terri Michelle - Mr and Mrs Alvin T Bellew, of 1021Harrold Avenue, announce the birth of a 3 pound, 15 ounce daughter, Saturday,June 18, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named TerriMichelle. TR, Mon 20 Jun 1966

Bellinger, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert Bellinger, ofSavannah, announce the birth of a daughter, born July 26. Mrs Bellinger is the former Sandra Morris, ofAmericus. TR, Thu 27 Jul 1961

Bellisle, Walter Norwood Jr - Mr and Mrs Walter Bellisle, ofNewman, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son, Wednesday, March 20, whohas been named Walter Norwood Jr. MrsBellisle is the former Miss Willa Jean Griffen, of Americus. TR, Mon 31 Mar 1958

Belser, Twin Daughters - Dr and Mrs Tom Belser, of Auburn,Ala, announce the birth of twin daughters, December 6th, who havebeen given the names of Elizabeth Rose and Katherine Margaret. They are the granddaughters of Dr and Mrs W SLittlejohn, of Birmingham, Ala, and are the great-granddaughters of Mrs Z ALittlejohn of Cobb, Ga. TR, Sat 13Dec 1958

Benedict, Jeania Susann - Mr and Mrs Damon W Benedict announcethe birth of a daughter, Jeania Susann, who was born Saturday, July 8 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby is the granddaughter of Mrs J E Teate and the late Mr Teate of Route 1Vienna on her maternal side and Mr and Mrs Keigh Benedict of Paola, Kansas onher paternal side. TR, Sat 15 Jul1972

Benedict, Tina Maria - Mr and Mrs Robert Benedict, of BeaverDams, New York, announce the birth of a daughter, December 24, who weighed 9pounds, 9 ounces. The baby has beengiven the name of Tina Maria. MrsBenedict is the former Barbara Beamon.The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Ross Beamon of Leesburg. TR, Fri 30 Dec 1960

Benefield, Not named - Mr and Mrs John B Benefield, of 210Hanson Drive, are the parents of a six pound daughter, born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on May 30. TR,Mon 31 May 1965

Benford, Morgan Louise - Wiley and Brenda Benford ofEllaville announce the birth of a daughter, Morgan Louise, on March 5 at SumterRegional Hospital. Grandparents areMarie Strickland of Douglas and Willie and Avie Ann Benford of Ellaville. TR, Fri 13 Mar 1998

Benn, Not named - Mr and Mrs Nelson Benn, of 151A CherokeeStreet, are the parents of a 9 pound, 13 ounce daughter, born at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital August 25. TR,Wed 25 Aug 1965

Bennamon, Johnnie Robert - Is the name of the six pound sonborn Friday, April 6 to Mr and Mrs John L Bennamon at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Fri 6 Apr 1956

Benneman, Katie Ann - John and Ann Benneman of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Katie Ann, born Sunday, January 5 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 2 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Nan B Beall and the late Mr A M Beall, Shirley Williamson, and John LBenneman. TR, Thu 16 Jan 1992

Bennett, Abigail Radney - Dwight and Penny Radney Bennett ofDuluth announce the birth of a daughter, Abigail Radney, born Sep 20 atNorthside Hospital, Atlanta. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Skip and Myrt Radney of Americus. Paternal grandparents are Newman and MildredBennett of Lilburn. Great-grandmothersare Maxie Knight of Americus and Bertie Deal of Lilburn. TR, Thu 6 Oct 1994

Bennett, Bradley Wayne - Mr and Mrs Phil W Bennett announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 9 ½ ounce son, Bradley Wayne, born Sunday, September 23at Doctors Memorial Hospital in Perry, Fla.Mrs Bennett is the former Renee Littlejohn of Americus. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Z A LittlejohnIII of Americus and Mr and Mrs Paul Bennett of Pensacola, Fla. TR, Mon 24 Apr 1984

Bennett, Elizabeth Haley - Mr and Mrs James E Bennett ofGainesville announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ½ ounce daughter, ElizabethHaley, born Dec 18. Grandparents are MrsBetty C Bennett of Columbus and Mr and Mrs T D Warren of Americus and the lateMrs Haley Warren. She has a brother,Warren, 3. Mrs Bennett is the formerMarie Warren of Americus. TR, Wed 16Jan 1985

Bennett, Elizabeth Nicole - Mr and Mrs Robert H Bennett ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Elizabeth Nicole, born Monday,August 11 at Sumter Regional Hospital.She weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Ms Mae Stanford andW R Stanford, both of Americus. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold Bennett of Fitzgerald and the late ExaBennett. Great-grandparents are MrsClyde Bennett of Americus and Mr and Mrs Johnny Walker of Abbeville. TR, Fri 15 Aug 1986

Bennett, Jerry Allen - Mr and Mrs Jerry H Bennett, of 1215Prince Street, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 7 ½ ounce son, Sunday,September 3rd, at the Vereen Memorial Hospital in Moultrie, Ga, whohas been named Jerry Allen. TR, Thu 7Sep 1961

Bennett, Jim - Mr and Mrs Joe Bennett, of Greenville,Alabama, formerly of Americus announce the birth of a son Thursday, February 1,who has been given the name of Jim. TR,Mon 5 Feb 1968

Bennett, Joseph Warren - Mr and Mrs James E Bennett ofLaGrange announce the birth of an 8 pound, 11 ounce son born at West GeorgiaMedical Center in LaGrange Sunday, August 30.The baby has been given the name of Joseph Warren and is to be calledWarren. Mrs Bennett is the former MarieWarren of Americus. Grandparents are MrsBuddy Bennett of Columbus, Mr and Mrs Thomas D Warren and Mrs Haley Warren, allof Americus. Mrs J T Warren of this cityis the baby’s great-grandmother. TR,Mon 31 Aug 1981

Bennett, Justin Price - Mr and Mrs Jerry Bennett, of RockyFace, Ga announce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce son on Tuesday, February 4at 7 a m at Hamilton Memorial Hospital in Dalton, Ga. He has been named Justin Price. The maternal grandmother is Mrs Ethel Bennettof Eufaula, Ala and the paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Oscar Bennett ofGeorgetown, Ga. Mr and Mrs Bennett areformer residents of Americus, having moved to Rocky Face last year. TR, Wed 5 Feb 1975

Bennett, Katherine Hilary - Mr and Mrs James E Bennett ofGainesville, Ga announce the birth of a daughter, Katherine Hilary, bornNovember 4. The infant, who is to becalled Kate, weighed 9 pounds, 11 ounces.She has a brother, Warren, age 5 and a sister, Haley, 2. Grandparents are Mrs Betty Bennett ofColumbus, Mrs T D Warren of Americus, the late T D Warren and the late MarieHaley Warren. Great-grandmother is Mrs JT Warren of Americus. Mrs Bennett is theformer Miss Marie Warren of Americus. TR,Thu 11 Dec 1986

Bennett, Keith Alexander - Mr and Mrs J R Bennett, FriedaLane, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce son on August 4 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. He has beennamed Keith Alexander. TR, Mon 7 Aug 1961

Bennett, Luke Jay - Mr and Mrs Jim Bennett announce the birthof an 8 pound, 6 ounce son born at the Americus and Sumter County HospitalTuesday, February 27. He has been giventhe name of Luke Jay. His mother is theformer Wanda Ayco*ck. Luke, as the infantwill be called, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Roy Ayco*ck of Americus and MrsJosephine Bennett and the late Howard Bennett of Mt Airy, NC. TR, Mon 5 Mar 1979

Bennett, Not named - Mr and Mrs G A Bennett announce thebirth of a little daughter at their home on Earle Street this morning. Mr Bennett has been connected with TheTimes-Recorder for several months. TR,Mon 23 Aug 1926

Bennett, Not named - Mr and Mrs Roy Bennett, of Jacksonville,Fla, announce the birth of a daughter on Wednesday, November 14th... Mrs Bennett was before her marriage Miss AdelEthridge of near Huntington. TR, Thu15 Nov 1928

Bennett, Wendy Leigh - Mr and Mrs Jim Bennett announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce daughter, Wendy Leigh, born Monday, April 27 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.Grandparents are Mrs Joseph Brown and the late Howard Bennett of MtAiry, NC and Mr and Mrs Roy Ayco*ck of Americus.TR, Wed 20 May 1981

Benson, Not named - Mr and Mrs H S Benson of Columbia, S C,announce the birth of a daughter, this morning.Mrs Benson is pleasantly remembered in Americus as Miss Louellen Bragg,the daughter of Lieut and Mrs John Bragg.TR, Thu 19 Jun 1924

Benson, Robert Dale - Major and Mrs Robert R Benson, ofJacksonville, announce the birth of a son, Robert Dale, who was born on April17, at St Vincent’s Hospital. Mrs Bensonwas before marriage Miss Frances Herrington, of Americus. TR, Tue 24 Apr 1951

Bentley, Charles Harrison - Mr and Mrs Matthew J Bentley ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Charles Harrison, Oct 16 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 9 ounces. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs W Charles Bentley of Montgomery, AL and Mr and Mrs J Howard Hoch ofSafety Harbor, FL. TR, Thu 29 Oct1998

Bentley, John Edward Jr - Mr and Mrs J E Bentley, of 215 EFurlow Street in Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce son onNovember 14 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. He has been named John Edward Jr. TR, Wed 16 Nov 1960

Bentley, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Bentley, of Ellaville,are the parents of a son, born May 10 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Fri 11 May 1962

Bentley, Stacey Renea - Mr and Mrs John Bentley, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a daughter born Sunday, December 22 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who has been given the name of Stacey Renea weighed 9 pounds, 2ounces. She is the granddaughter of Mrand Mrs R L Taylor of Ellaville and the late Mr and Mrs R W Bentley ofBirmingham. TR, Sat 4 Jan 1975

Bentley, Thomas Eugene - Mr and Mrs Thomas Cecil Bentley IIIannounce the birth of a son, Thomas Eugene, who was born February 5 at TerrellCommunity Medical Center, Dawson. Theinfant weighed 7 pounds, 1 ½ ounces at birth.Mrs Bentley is the former Miss Mechelle Flournoy of Dawson. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Marvin E Flournoyof Dawson and Mr and Mrs Thomas C Bentley Jr of Shellman. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs E G Dillardof DeSoto and the late Otis Tripp. Mrand Mrs Cecil Bently of Shellman and Mrs Argie Etherton of Columbus. His great-great-grandmother is Mrs MaryBlackmon of DeSoto. TR, Wed 18 Feb1987

Benton, Not named - Mr and Mrs John E Benton, of Route 1Ellaville, are the parents of a 7 pound, 7 ounce daughter, born at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital on October 22.TR, Fri 23 Oct 1964

Benton, Not named - Mr and Mrs Nathan H Benton, ofAndersonville, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce son at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, Thursday, January 28. TR, Fri 29 Jan 1960

Berger, Andrew Raymond - Mr and Mrs Robert Berger ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Andrew Raymond, born January 5 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 6 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Ken Berger of Brooksville, Fla and Mr and Mrs Ray Lehner ofRacine, Wis. The baby has two sisters,Nichole, age five and Christine, age one.TR, Thu 18 Jan 1990

Berger, Christine Ann - Mr and Mrs Robert Berger of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Christine Ann, born November 4 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Raymond Lehner of Racine, Wis and Mr and Mrs Kenneth Berger ofBrookville, Fla. TR, Fri 25 Nov 1988

Bergman, Daniel James - Beverly and James Bergman announcethe birth of a son, Daniel James, born April 22 at Coliesum Park Hospital,Macon. The infant weighed 6 pounds, 12ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Sylvia and Charles Hogg of Oglethorpe and paternal grandparents are Caroleand Orvin Bergman of Fort Valley. Great-grandparentsare Frances and Woodrow Hobbs of Oglethorpe and Mae Mercer of Williston,Fla. TR, Thu 18 May 1995

Bergquist, Not named - Mr and Mrs K E Bergquist, of FortAngeles, Washington, announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, August30. Mrs Bergquist was before marriageMiss Frances Freeman, of Americus. TR,Thu 4 Sep 1947

Bergquist, Not named - Mr and Mrs Kenneth E Bergquist, of PortAngeles, Washington, announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, September25. Mrs Bergquist is the former MissFrances Freeman, of Americus. TR, Thu26 Sep 1946

Bergquist, Twin Sons - Mr and Mrs Kenneth E Bergquist, ofArcata, Calif, announce the birth of twin sons, January 13, who have been namedGregory Allen and Craig Elfred. MrsBergquist is the former Miss Frances Freeman, daughter of Mr and Mrs DouglasFreeman, of Americus. TR, Thu 21 Jan1960

Berman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Merrill Berman, of Augusta,announce the birth of a 6 pound son on November 20. The baby is the grandson of Mrs SaulWaitsman, of Americus. TR, Fri 23 Nov1962

Bernier, Nicholas Caron - Ashley and Jeff Bernier of Roswellannounce the birth of a son, Nicholas Caron, on May 27. The baby’s grandparents are Gail and ErvanAriail of Americus and Beverly and Walt Bernier of Pelham. TR, Tue 1 Jul 1997

Berry, Aaron Joshua - Mr and Mrs Scott Berry ofAndersonville announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce son, Aaron Joshua, bornFriday, June 7 at City Hospital.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Leon Holloway of Andersonville and Mr andMrs James Berry of Durham, NC.Great-grandmothers are Mrs L B Holloway and Mrs W H Gatewood, both ofAmericus. TR, Fri 14 Jun 1985

Berry, Bobby Dwight Jr - Mr and Mrs Bobby Berry, of Route 3Americus, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 11 ounce son, born December 27 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been given the name of Bobby Dwight Berry Jr. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs IkeMasters and Mr and Mrs W R Berry, all of Americus. TR, Tue 30 Dec 1969

Berry, Casey Scott - Mr and Mrs Scott Perry ofAndersonville announce the birth of a son, Casey Scott, born October 31 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Leon Holloway, Andersonville and Mr and Mrs Jim Berry, Durham,NC. Great-grandparents are Mrs W HGatewood and Mrs L B Holloway, both of Americus. He has a brother, Joshua, 17 months. TR, Sat 15 Nov 1986

Berry, Cathryn Renee - Mr and Mrs Bobby Berry of Route 3Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce daughter Saturday, August 5at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby, who has been given the name of Cathryn Renee is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Ike Masters of Route 2 Plains and Mr and Mrs W RBerry of Route 3 Americus. TR, Tue 8Aug 1967

Berry, Chezleigh Lauren - Don and Sandra Berry of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Chezleigh Lauren, born April 30 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Kenneth Franks of Smithville and Dianah Franks ofAmericus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Donnie Berry ofAmericus. TR, Wed 13 May 1992

Berry, Donna Ann - Mr and Mrs Mack Arthur Berry, of NewBending Road, Americus, are the parents of a 9 pound, 4 ounce daughter, January29, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Donna Ann.TR, Tue 30 Jan 1962

Berry, Lauren Kendal - Mike and Iris Berry of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a daughter, Lauren Kendal, born April 10 at the MedicalCenter of Columbus. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Jimmy Storey and paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Donnie C Berry of Americus. TR,Fri 12 Apr 1996

Berry, Lisa Diana - Mr and Mrs Bobby Berry, of Route 3Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ½ ounce daughter born Sunday,February 13 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been given the name of LisaDiana. She is the granddaughter of Mrand Mrs Ike Masters of Route 2 Americus and Mr and Mrs W R Berry of Route 3Americus. TR, Fri 15 Feb 1974

Berry, Marion Ellis - Mr and Mrs William Berry III ofNewnan announce the birth of a daughter on December 29, 1983 at PiedmontHospital in Atlanta. The infant weighed8 pounds, 2 ounces and is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Jarrell ofAtlanta. The baby is named Marion Ellisfor her grandmother, the former Marion Ellis of Americus, and will be calledEllis. Paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs William Berry Jr of Newnan. She isthe great-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs George Ellis Sr of Americus. TR, Mon 9 Jan 1984

Berry, Mark Anthony - Mr and Mrs Marvin Berry announce thebirth of a son born Saturday, August 12 at the Medical Center in Columbus. The baby has been given the name of MarkAnthony. He is the grandson of Mr andMrs Roy Holley of Americus and Mrs Gerald Laing and the late Mr Laing of BattleCreek, Michigan. TR, Mon 14 Aug 1972

Berry, Matthew Thomas - Mr and Mrs Marvin Berry announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 12 ½ ounce son born Monday, September 30 at the MedicalCenter in Columbus. The baby has beengiven the name of Matthew Thomas. Hismother is the former Martha Grace Laing.The infant’s grandparents are Mrs Nell C Laing and the late Gerald Laingof Battle Creek, Michigan and Mr and Mrs Roy Holley of Americus. TR, Fri 4 Oct 1974

Berry, Michael Edward - Mr and Mrs Donnie Berry, ofAmericus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ½ ounce son, Michael Edward, bornOctober 1st.. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Thomas Ward and Mr and Mrs W R Berry, all of thiscity. TR, Mon 7 Oct 1968

Berry, Not named - Mr and Mrs Donnie Berry, of 103 ClaraDrive, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 9 ½ ounce daughter, June 7, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 10 Jun 1963

Berry, Not named - Mr and Mrs J H Berry, of Bronwood,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, June 30, at city hospital. TR, Wed 1 Jul 1942

Berry, Not named - Mr and Mrs Mack A Berry, of Route 3,Americus, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 5 ounce son, born May 14, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 14 May 1963

Berry, Not named - Mr and Mrs W R Berry of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter on November 15 at Prather Clinic. TCN, Thu 18 Nov 1948

Berry, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs Ned Berry, of Cataula,announce the birth of twin daughters on Monday April 13 at St Francis Hospitalin Columbus. They each weighed 3 pounds,14 ounces and have been named Kimberly Ann and Kristie Machell. Mrs Berry is the former Pat Phillips ofEllaville. The babies’ grandparents areMr and Mrs Lewis Phillips of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs C Ed Berry of HardingDrive of Columbus. The dainty little girlswere born on the 30th anniversery of St Francis Hospital. TR, Wed 22 Apr 1970

Betamore, Not named - Mr and Mrs C R Betamore, of Americus,are the parents of a son born August 7, at the city hospital. TR, Thu 14 Aug 1947

Betancourt, David Thomas - Mr and Mrs Bob Betancourt announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospitalon Wednesday, September 17. The infanthas been given the name of David Thomas.David has a brother, Bobby. He isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs Rene Elias and Mr and Mrs Roy Betancourt of Tampa,Fla and his great-grandmother is Mrs Elvira Fernandez, also of Tampa. TR, Fri 26 Sep 1975

Biard, Eugene Jr - Mr and Mrs Eugene Biard, of Macon,announce the birth of a son on Tuesday, February 8. He weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces and has beennamed Eugene Jr. Mrs Biard is the formerAddie Rie McKellar, daughter of Mrs C R McCrory of Ellaville. TCN Thu, 17 Feb 1949

Bickers, Todd DeWayne - Mr and Mrs Rudy Bickers announce thebirth of a son born March 28 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital who hasbeen given the name of Todd DeWayne. Thebaby weighed 8 pounds, 14 ½ ounces. Heis the grandson of Mrs Marie Burke of Albany and Mr and Mrs Arthur Bickers ofSparks, Ga. TR, Thu 6 Apr 1972

Bickley, Alton Murray III - Mr and Mrs Al Bickley Jr, ofMarshallville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce son born Friday, August10 at the Medical Center of Central Georgia in Macon. The baby has been given the name of AltonMurray III and will be called Murray.Grandparents of the infant are M C Morrison Jr and the late Mrs Morrisonof Americus and Mr and Mrs A M Bickley Sr of Marshallville. TR, Sat 11 Aug 1973

Bickley, Amy Robin - Mr and Mrs Al Bickley Jr, ofMarshallville announce the birth of a daughter, Amy Robin, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on Wednesday, December 30th . Mrs Bickley is the former Zoe Morrison ofthis city. The baby is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs Alton Murray Bickley of Marshallville and Mr and Mrs M C Morrisonof Americus. She was born on hermaternal grandmother’s birthday. TR,Thu 31 Dec 1970

Biege, Charles Richard - Ensign and Mrs Ray R Biegeannounce the birth of a son, Dec 5, who has been named Charles Richard. Mrs Biege was the former Miss JeanSummerford, of Leslie. TR, Tue 11 Dec1945

Bihm, Not named - Mr and Mrs C Bihm, of Parrott, announcethe birth of a daughter, Monday, June 5 at city hospital. TR, Thu 8 Jun 1944

Billings, Barbara Ann - Mr and Mrs Ray M Billings announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce daughter, Tuesday, January 5 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been named Barbara Ann, is the granddaughter of Mrs Mary W Billings, ofAmericus and Atlanta and Mr and Mrs B G Carter of Fort Worth, Texas. TR, Tue 5 Jan 1965

Billings, Charlotte Lee - Mr and Mrs Ray Billings, 206 WGlessner St, Americus, announce the birth of a 6 lb, 9 oz daughter on November26 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital who has been named CharlotteLee. TR, Mon 28 Nov 1960

Billings, Martha Jane - Mr and Mrs Ray Billings Jr announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce daughter Sunday, November 24 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of Martha Jane. The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs Mary WBillings, of Americus and Mr and Mrs B G Carter, of Ft Worth, Texas. TR, Tue 25 Nov 1968

Billings, Raymond Jr - Mr and Mrs Raymond McKay Billings, ofMiami, Florida, announce the birth of a son Raymond Jr, on Saturday, May the 15th.. Mrs Billings will be pleasantly remembered asMiss Mary Walker. TR, Thu 20 May 1926

Binney, Alice Anne - Dr and Mrs George A Binney Jr, ofCrystal Bay, Nevada announce the birth of a daughter born Sunday, January 22who weighed 5 3/4 pounds. The baby hasbeen given the name of Alice Anne. Hermother is the former Jo Anne Buchanan of Americus. Grandparents are Mrs A J Buchanan of thiscity and George A Binney Sr of Switzerland.TR, Tue 24 Jan 1978

Binns, John G Jr - Mr and Mrs J G Binns of HuntingdonValley, Penn announce the birth of a son Friday, January 24. He has been named John G Binns Jr. Mrs Binns is the former Jacquelyn Wellons ofPlains. TR, Wed 29 Jan 1947

Binny, Amy Buchanan Corcoran - Mr and Mrs George Binny ofTumacacon, Arizona announce the birth of a 6 ½ pound daughter born Saturday,June 5 at a hospital in Tuscon, Arizona.The baby has been named Amy Buchanan Corcoran. She has a sister, Alison. The infant’s mother is the former Jo Ann Buchananof Americus and the baby’s grandmother is Mrs A J Buchanan of this city. TR, Tue 8 Jun 1982

Bird, Christopher Michael - Mr and Mrs Mike Bird ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Christopher Michael, born Friday,December 29 at Sumter Regional Hospital.The infant weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs A LColston Jr of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs J H Bird of Albany. The baby has a sister, Kelly Ann, agethree. TR, Wed 3 Jan 1990

Bird, Kelly Ann - Mr and Mrs John Michael Bird of Americusannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce daughter, Kelly Ann, born Saturday,January 18 at Sumter Regional Hospital.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs A L Colston Jr of Americus and Mrand Mrs J H Bird of Albany.Great-grandmothers are Mrs J E Miller of Americus and Mrs A L Colston Srof Wrightsville. TR, Tue 21 Jan 1986

Bishop, Alexandrea Nicole - Greg and Wanda Bishop ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Alexandrea Nicole, born October 20at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 10 oucnes at birth.Grandparents are Don and Betty Young of Americus, Sally and John Breedinof Ft Valley and Billy Bishop of Americus.The baby has three sisters, Jennifer, 10, Mandy, 8 and Teresa, 4. TR, Sat 13 Nov 1993

Bishop, Charity Lyn - Sgt and Mrs William C Bishop announcethe birth of a daughter Wednesday, June 30 at the General Eisenhower Hospital,Ft Gordon, Ga who weighed 8 pounds, 9 ½ ounces.The infant has been given the name of Charity Lyn. Charity Lyn is the granddaughter of Mr andMrs Charlie Wiggins of Plains and Mr and Mrs Clayton Bishop of Emmokalee, Fla. Mrs Paul Wiggins of Plains is the infant’sgreat-grandmother. TR, Fri 9 Jul 1976

Bishop, Jeremy Dustin - Sgt and Mrs William Bishop announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 5 ½ ounce son born at the Gen Eisenhower Hospital, FtGordon, Ga on Friday, June 16.. The babyhas been given the name of Jeremy Dustin.Jeremy is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Charley Wiggins, his mother beingthe former Cynthia Wiggins, and Mr and Mrs Clayton Bishop of Immokalee,Fla. The baby has a sister, CharlityLynn Bishop. TR, Tue 11 Jul 1978

Bishop, Jessica Louise - Teresa Hulmes and Greg Bishopannounce the birth of a daughter, Jessica Louise, born September 9 at HoustonCounty Hospital, Perry. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mrs Florence Hulmes of Ellaville and the late Mr JamesHulmes and Billy Bishop of Americus and Mr and Mrs John Breeden of FtValley. TR, Thu 28 Sep 1989

Bishop, Joyce - Mr and Mrs Joe Bishop, of near Plains,announce the birth of a six pound daughter, Monday, January 12, who has beennamed Joyce. Mrs Bishop was formerlyMiss Lillian Countryman. TR, Wed 14Jan 1942

Bishop, Kelsey Averett - Sharon and Keith Bishop of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Kelsey Averett, born January 26 at PhoebePutney Hospital, Albany. The infantweighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Bob Averett of Americus. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs JohnBreeden of Ft Valley and Billy Bishop of Americus. The baby has a brother, Ben. TR, Wed 14 Feb 1996

Bishop, Kristine Kohlhase - Mr and Mrs Archie Bishop Jr, ofKnoxville, Tenn announce the birth of a daughter Thursday, May 2 inMemphis. The baby, who has been namedKristine Kohlhase, is the granddaughter of Mr Charlie Kohlhase ofAmericus. TR, Tue 7 May 1968

Bishop, Not named - Mr and Mrs William H Bishop announce thebirth of a son born Thursday, July 6 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby weighed 6 pounds, 8 ½ ounces. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs V M Hoffmanof Apalachicola, Fla and Mrs Opal Bishop of Andersonville. TR, Thu 13 Jul 1972

Bishop, Not named - Mr and Mrs William H Bishop Jr, ofAndersonville, are the parents of a 6 pound, 10 ½ ounce son, born October 9 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 9 Oct 1963

Bishop, Patricia Gail - Mr and Mrs William H Bishop Jr,Route 2, Americus, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 4 ½ ounce daughter, August17, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named PatriciaGail. TR, Thu 17 Aug 1961

Bishop, Thelma Sarah - Mr and Mrs W H Bishop announce thebirth of a daughter February 7, who has been given the name of ThelmaSarah. Mrs Bishop is pleasantly rememberedas Miss Opal Freeman. TR, Mon 18 Feb1924

Bishop, William Henry IV - Mr and Mrs William H Bishop IIIannounce the birth of a 9 pound, 1 ½ ounce son born Thursday, May 10 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital who has been given the name of WilliamHenry IV. The infant is the grandson ofMr and Mrs William H Bishop Jr and Mrs Sally Breeden of Ft Valley and MrsBeatrice Countryman and the late Charles Countryman. He is the great-grandson of Mrs OpalDavenport of Americus. TR, Wed 23 May1979

Bivins, Chamera Nicole - Mr and Mrs Bruce Gregory Bivins ofAmericus announce the birth of their daughter, Chamera Nicole. Nikki, as she will be called, was born at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital on November 30, weighing 7 pounds, 4ounces. Maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Alvin Wellons Jr and Mr and Mrs Butch Pugh.Maternal great-grandparents are Mrs Charlie Robinson and Mrs Jack PughSr. The maternal great-great-grandmotheris Mrs Vera Grantham. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Stanley C Bivins.Paternal great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Walter Jones, all of whom arefrom Americus. TR, Fri 16 Dec 1983

Bivins, Donna Jacquelyn - Mr and Mrs Frank Bivins are theparents of a 7 pound, 9 ounce daughter, Donna Jacquelyn. She is the granddaughter of Mrs Ann Gilbreathof Plains and Mrs Beulah Bivins of Americus.The infant has a brother Tye. TR,Tue 28 Aug 1973

Bivins, Elizabeth Ann - Mr and Mrs Frank Bivins of Plainsannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 9 ounce daughter born April 20 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital named Elizabeth Ann.Ann has a older brother Tye and an older sister Lyn and she is thegranddaughter of Mrs Ann Gilbreath of Plains and the late Beulah Bivins ofAmericus. TR, Mon 25 Apr 1977

Bivins, Frank Tyre - Mr and Mrs Frank Bivins announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 11 ounce son, born Monday, January 26 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been given the name of Frank Tyre, is the grandson of Mrs Ann WiseGilbreath of Plains and Mrs Beulah Bivins of Americus. TR, Fri 30 Jan 1970

Bivins, Jake Landon - Mr and Mrs Bruce B Bivins ofFayetteville, NC announce the birth of a son, Jake Landon, born July 17 atWomack Army Hospital. Jake, as theinfant is called, weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces at birth. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs StanleyBivins and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Alvin Wellons and Mr and MrsButch Pugh. Great-grandparents are MrsJack Pugh and Mr and Mrs Walter Jones and maternal great-great-grandmother isMrs Vera Grantham. Jake has a sister,Mikki, five and a half. TR, Sat 29Jul 1989

Bivins, Justin Cody - Tye and Angie Bivins announce thebirth of a son, Justin Cody, born Sunday, September 30. The baby, who is called Cody, weighed 7pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Frank and Pat Bivins of Plains; Dot and Gasten Sutton of Athens, Tenn;Alice and Bob Chadwick of Atlanta and the late Mr Charles W Nash. TR, Fri 12 Oct 1990

Bivins, Madison Alana - Roger and Sheila Bivins of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a daughter, Madison Alana on July 20 at the MedicalCenter of Columbus.. Grandparents areWarren and Pearl Grimsley of Ellaville and Stanley and Sue Bivins ofAmericus. Great-grandparents are AddieRean Jones of Americus, Rosa Grimsley of Buena Vista, Herman and Addie MaeLayfield of Montezuma. TR, Wed 17 Aug1997

Bivins, Not named - Mr and Mrs S C Bivins announce the birthof a son, Thursday, September 5 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, whoweighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces. TR, Mon 9Sep 1957

Bivins, Not named - Mr and Mrs Stanley C Bivins, of 1008Felder Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 6 ½ ounce son, December 8 atthe Phoebe Putney Hospital in Albany.The baby is the grandson of Mrs Beulah Bivins and Mr and Mrs WalterJones of Americus. TR, Tue 11 Dec1962

Bivins, Roger Alan - Mr and Mrs S C Bivins, of 810 South LeeStreet, are the parents of a 7 pound, 12 ounce son, born Sunday, July 28,1968. The baby, who has been given thename of Roger Alan, is the grandson of Mrs Beulah Bivins and Mr and Mrs WalterJones, all of Americus. TR, Fri 2 Aug1968

Bivins, Walter Clark - Mr and Mrs Stanley C Bivins, of 810Fairfield Street, announce the birth of a son, Saturday, October 16, at thePhoebe Putney Hospital in Albany. Thebaby is the grandson of Mrs Beulah Bivins and Mr and Mrs Walter Jones ofAmericus. He has been named WalterClark. TR, Mon 18 Oct 1965

Bivins, Willie Stanley - Mr and Mrs Reuben Bivins, of 106North Prince Street, announce the birth of a son Thursday, July 28, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Willie Stanley. TR, Thu 28 Jul 1955

Bivins, Zachary Logan - Tye and Richelle Bivins of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Zachary Logan, born July 24 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 9pounds. Paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Frank Bivins of Plains. Maternalgrandparents are Mildred Luvin of Americus and the later George Luvin. Great-grandparents are Ann Gilbreath ofDalton, formerly of Americus, and Mr and Mrs Morris Acree of Independence,Mo. Zachary has a brother, Cody. TR, Fri 9 Aug 1996

Bjerkebek, Not named - Mr and Mrs H B Bjerkebek announce thebirth of a daughter, Monday, July 28, at the city hospital. TR, Wed, 30 Jul1941

Black, Abigail Lynn - George Black and Christy Nelson ofSmithville announce the birth of a daughter, Abigail Lynn, born November 19 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ronnie Nelson of Smithville and Mr and MrsTommy Masters of Preston. TR, Fri 24Nov 1995

Black, Allison - Mr and Mrs Tony Black announce the birthof a 6 pound, 9 ounce daughter, born December 29 at Patterson Hospital inCuthbert. The baby has been namedAllison. She is the granddaughter of Mrand Mrs Lewis Walker and Mr and Mrs J Lucius Black, all of Preston. TR, Wed 5 Jan 1972

Black, Andrew Neal - Mr and Mrs Neal Black announce thebirth of a son born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital Wednesday,February 10. The infant, who weighed 8pounds, 2 1/4 ounces has been named Andrew Neal and will be called Andy. Grandparents are Rev and Mrs W B Windham andMr and Mrs J H Black, all of Americus.The baby’s mother is the former Carolyn Windham of this city. TR, Mon 19 Feb 1979

Black, Jeffrey Evans - Mr and Mrs Hollis J Black, ofSpringfield, Ga announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce son born Saturday,March 23 at the Candler Telfair Hospital in Savannah. The baby, who has been named Jeffrey Evanswill be called “Jeff.” His mother is theformer Nelda Bevill of Springfield.Grandparents of the infant are Mr and Mrs Watson E Bevill of Springfieldand Mr and Mrs John H Black of this city.TR, Mon 1 Apr 1974

Black, Mr and Mrs L W Black, announce the birth of a son,Wednesday, March 10, at city hospital.Mrs Black formerly was Miss Dorothy Wall. TR, Thu 11 Mar 1943

Black, Not named - Mr and Mrs J R Black announce the birthof 9 pound daughter, July 25, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 26 Jul 1962

Black, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lloyd Black, of Clarkesville,announce the birth of an 8-pound, 2 ounce son, Wednesday, March 10, at cityhospital. TR, Thu 11 Mar 1948

Black, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lucius Black, of Preston,announce the birth of a son, Sunday, November 11, at Prather Clinic. TR, Mon 12 Nov 1945.

Black, Not named - Mr and Mrs Roy Black announce the birthof an eight pound son, Tuesday, March 9, at Prather Clinic. TR, Wed 10 Mar 1937

Black, Roy Edward Jr - Mr and Mrs Roy E Black announce thebirth of a son Sunday, September 14, who will be called Roy Edward Jr. TR, Tue 26 Sep 1922.

Blackmon, Helen Frances - Is the name of the daughter of Mrand Mrs W H Blackmon, who was born Thursday, July 21, at the cityhospital. Both mother and baby are doingnicely. TR, Fri 22 Jul 1938.

Blackmon, James Andrew Jr - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Blackmon announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce son, October 14 at the Macon County Clinic,Montezuma, who has been named James Andrew Jr.Mrs Blackmon is the former Miss Judy Steed. The baby is the grandson of Mrs Bill Steed,of Andersonville and Mr and Mrs Hollis Blackmon of Americus. TR, Mon 15 Oct 1962

Blackmon, James Andrew - Mr and Mrs H W Blackmon announce thebirth of a son, Sunday, July 30, at Prather Clinic, who has been named JamesAndrew for his paternal and maternal grandfathers. TR, Thu 3 Aug 1944

Blackmon, Not named - Mr and Mrs Harvey Blackmon announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, February 18, at city hospital. TR Tue 20 Feb 1940

Blackmon, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Blackmon, ofAndersonville, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 6 ½ ounce son at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital on December 4.TR, Fri 4 Dec 1964

Blackshear, Not named - Leslie: Mr and Mrs H G Blackshearannounce the birth of a daughter at their home Wednesday morning. TR, Fri 9 Jan 1920

Blackston, Michael Paul - Mr and Mrs Paul Blackston announcethe birth of a son born Friday, March 1 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been namedMichael Paul. TR, Sat 2 Mar 1974

Blackwell, James Eugene - Mr and Mrs Eugene Blackwell, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 12 ounce son, born December 23 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named James Eugene. TR, Tue 26 Dec 1961

Blackwell, Not named - Mr and Mrs William Blackwell, of 320Judy Lane, are the parents of a 9 pound, 5 ounce daughter, born April 7, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 8 Apr 1963

Blackwell, Not named - Mr and Mrs William C Blackwell, of 715Pine Avenue, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ½ ounce son, Friday, August20, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Fri 20 Aug 1965

Blaine, Not named - Mr and Mrs Carl Blaine, of Route 2Americus, are the parents of a 7 pound, 8 ounce son, born March 23, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 24 Mar 1964

Blair, Dana Futrelia - Mr and Mrs William E Blair announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Wednesday, October 17, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Dana Futrelia for her mother, the former Miss DanaHendricks, of Metter. Little Dana is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs James R Blair, of Americus and Mr and Mrs Roy AHendricks, of Metter. The baby arrived onher mother’s birthday. TR, Wed 17 Oct1956

Blair, Not named - Mr and Mrs Billy Blair, of 22 LaudigLane, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce daughter, born Friday, September6, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs James R Blair of this cityand Mr and Mrs Roy Hendricks, of Metter.TR, Fri 6 Sep 1963

Blakenship, Jenny Suzanne - Mr and Mrs Donnie Wayne Blakenshipannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ½ ounce daughter born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital Thursday, April 13.The baby’s parents have named her Jenny Suzanne and plan to call herJenny. Her grandparents are Mr and MrsHerbert Blakenship of Preston and Mr and Mrs Harvey Thaxton of Americus. The Blakenships live in Briar PatchEstates. TR, Mon 17 Apr 1972

Blakeslee, Anne Lewis - Mr and Mrs H G Blakeslee, of 85 MaddoxDrive, Atlanta, GA, announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, September 29, whowill be called Anne Lewis. Mrs Blakesleeis pleasantly remembered in Americus, as Miss Mary Hawkes. TR, Tue 30 Sep 1924

Blakeslee, Theron Warren - Mr and Mrs Herbert Blakeslee annuncethe birth of a son, Theron Warren August 2, at the Piedmont Sanitarium inAtlanta. Mrs Blakeslee will beremembered here as Miss Mary Hawkes prior to her marriage two years ago. TR, Sat 5 Aug 1922

Blalock, Janice Marie - Mr and Mrs Paul Blalock, of Parrott,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, October 27, at city hospital, whohas been named Janice Marie. TR, Sat31 Oct 1942

Blalock, Not named - Mr and Mrs Bufore Blalock announce thebirth of a son Nov 12 at their home in Albany.Mrs Blalock is pleasantly remembered in Americus as Miss MargaretGranberry. TR, Mon 12 Nov 1923

Blalock, Not named - Mr and Mrs Paul J Blalock, of Albany,announce the birth of a son Tuesday, June 13.Mr and Mrs Blalock formerly lived in Americus. Before her marriage Mrs Blalock was MissSusie May Ranew of near Leslie. TR,Sat 17 Jun 1922

Blan, Madison Layne - Garry and Lori Blan announce thebirth of a daughter, Madison Layne, born Friday, August 7 at Sumter RegionalHospital. Madison, as the baby iscalled, weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Von Blan of Americus and Mr and Mrs DickBates of Lakeland, Fla. Madison has ssister, Whitney, age four and a half. TR,Thu 13 Aug 1992

Blan, Whitney Lauren - Mr and Mrs Garry Blan of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Whitney Lauren, born December 29 at SumterRegional Hospital. Whitney weighed 8pounds, 2 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Von Blan of Americus and Mr and Mrs R E Bates Jr of Lakeland,Fla. Great-grandparents are Mrs RubyBlan and Mrs Opan Arnold of Arkansas; R E Bates Sr of Waycross and Mrs AlmaBindewald of Iowa. Great-great-grandmotheris Mrs Florence Boatman of Arkansas. TR,Tue 5 Jan 1988

Blankenship, Lora Lee - Mr and Mrs Donnie Blankenship announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce daughter born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on Wednesday, May 4. Thebaby has been named Lora Lee. The infantis the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Harvey Thaxton, Americus and Mr and MrsHerbert Blankenship of Preston. MrsDella Blankenship, Plains; Mrs Minnie Jamison, Richland and the late Mrs AnnieCox, Americus are her great-grandmothers.TR, Thu 2 Jun 1977

Blankenship, Not named - Mr and Mrs J A Blankenship, of Richland,announce the birth of a son, Monday, June 28 , at the city hospital. TR, Wed 30 Jun 1943

Blankinship - Not named - Mr and Mrs Aaron Blankinship, ofPreston, announce the birth of a 7 pound son, born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, July 21. TR, Thu 22Jul 1965

Blankinship, Paul David - Mr and Mrs Henry Blankinship, ofRichland, R F D announce the birth of a son on July 25, at their home. The little fellow weighed 9 1/4 pounds andhas been given the name Paul David.Mother and baby are doing nicely.TR, Thu 5 Aug 1943

Blanks, Not named - Mr and Mrs W F Blanks, of Montezuma,announce the birth of a daughter Friday, June 20, at city hospital. Mrs Blanks is the former Miss LouiseRobinson, of Americus. TR, Fri 27 Jun1952

Blanton, Ashley Kristin - Rev and Mrs Jimmy Blanton announcethe birth of a daughter on January 12 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. She has been named AshleyKristin and weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Lawrence Liveoak of Montgomery,Alabama and the paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ed Blanton of Opalika,Ala. TR, Wed 16 Jan 1980

Blanton, James NeSmith - Mr and Mrs J N Blanton, of Preston,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, November 28, at city hospital, who hasbeen named James NeSmith. TR, Wed 1Dec 1943

Blanton, Lisa Michelle - Mr and Mrs James N Blanton, of 413Pecan Drive, announce the birth of a 4 pound, 10 ounce daughter, Sunday, April20, at the St Francis hospital in Columbus, who has been named LisaMichelle. Mrs Blanton is the former MissAnnette Weathers, of Preston. TR, Thu1 May 1958

Blanton, Not named - Mr and Mrs C M Blanton, of Waycross,announce the birth of a daughter born this morning, February 15, inWaycross. Mrs Blanton was beforemarriage Miss Nannie Claire Speer, daughter of Mr and Mrs J C Speer, ofAmericus. TR, Tue 15 Feb 1938

Blanton, Not named - Mr and Mrs James N Blanton, of 413 PecanDrive, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Thursday, May 21, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Fri 22 May 1959

Blantz, Meghan Elaina - Mr and Mrs Michael Blantz ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Meghan Elaina, born October 2 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Bob Elanson of Lake Worth, Fla, Mr and MrsRonnie Ethridge of Bethesda, Md.Great-grandparents are Mary Chappell of Americus, Mr and Mrs EdwardEthridge of Americus and Katie Blantz of Kirkwood, Pa. TR, Mon 11 Oct 1993

Blantz, Sgt and Mrs Michael Blantz of Americus announce thebirth of a daughter, Nichole Ivonna, born February 1 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,11 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mrs Betty Etheridge of Boynton Beach, Fla and Ronald Etheridgeof Americus and paternal grandmother is Mrs Julia Blantz of Washington,DC. Great-grandparents are Mrs MaryChappell and Edward Etheridge of Americus and Mrs Kathleen Blantz of Lancaster,Pa. TR, Fri 8 Feb 1991

Blazek, Not named - Mr and Mrs J L Blazek announce the birthof a daughter, Wednesday, August 4, at city hospital. TR, Thu 12 Aug 1943

Bledsoe, Charles Phillip - Mr and Mrs Sammy Bledsoe ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Charles Phillip, born Sunday, June 14 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 5 pounds, 3 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Hugh Phillips of Americus and Mr and MrsBuford Bledsoe of Pineview. He has asister, Pamela, age four. TR, Tue 16Jun 1987

Bledsoe, Pamela Sibyl - Mr and Mrs Sammy Bledsoe of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter who has been given the named PamelaSibyl. The infant, who was bornSaturday, May 21 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, weighed 6 pounds,14 ounces. She is the granddaughter ofMr and Mrs Hugh Phillips, Americus and Mr and Mrs Buford Bledsoe, Vienna. TR, Tue 24 May 1983

Bliss, Dwight T III - Mr and Mrs Dwight Bliss Jr, of 215Sun Valley Drive, announce the birth of a six pound 12 ounce son Monday,February 6 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given thename of Dwight T III. The baby’smaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs J A Pollock of Albany and the paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Dwight L Bliss Sr of Savannah.TR, Wed 8 Feb 1967

Bliss, John Edward Francis Jr - John Edward Francis Blissand Debbie Walton of Americus announce the birth of a 9 pound, 8 ounce son,John Edward Francis Jr, born Saturday, February 1 at Sumter RegionalHospital. Grandparents are Mr and MrsAlfred Bliss and Carol Alvarez, all of Americus. He has a brother, Justin Walton 2. TR, Fri 7 Feb 1986

Bliss, Not named - Mr and Mrs C H Bliss announce the birthof a son, Sunday afternoon weighing ten pounds, at their home on OglethorpeStreet in Ellaville. The little fellowhas not yet been given a name. TR,Mon 11 Apr 1938

Blizzard, Adam Christopher - Mr and Mrs Joel Blizzard are theparents of a son born Tuesday, May 11 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 8pounds, 5 ounces has been named Adam Christopher. He has a sister, Leslie. The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs CecilCrutchfield of Americus and Mr and Mrs O L Blizzard of Swainsboro. TR, Wed 12 May 1982

Blizzard, Benjamin Kevin - Mr and Mrs O L Blizzard, of 512Sharon Drive, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ½ ounce son Thursday,September 28 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named Benjamin Kevin. TR, Fri 29 Sep 1967

Blizzard, Leslie Caren - Mr and Mrs Joel Blizzard announce thebirth of a daughter on Sunday, October 26 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The infant, who has been giventhe name of Leslie Caren weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs CecilCrutchfield, Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs O L Blizzard ofFlorence, S C. TR, Mon 27 Oct 1980

Blizzard, Lisa Kay - Mr and Mrs O L Blizzard, of 512 SharonCircle, announce the birth of a daughter Monday, March 10 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital who has been given the name Lisa Kay. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs BH Lawrence and Mrs Buddy Blizzard, all of Johnson Co, Ga. TR, Sat 15 Mar 1969

Blount, Carley Michelle - Mr and Mrs Barry Blount ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Carley Michelle, born Wednesday,January 21 at Sumter Regional Hospital.The infant weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs EdCarson and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs John Blount, all ofAmericus. Great-grandmother is Mrs H HCook Sr of Leesburg. Mrs Blount is theformer Miss Carol Carson of Americus. TR,Wed 28 Jan 1987

Blount, Not named - Mr and Mrs Kelly Blount announce thebirth of a daughter Sunday, April 26, at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Mon 27 Apr 1953

Blount, Sara Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Robert Blount announcethe birth of a daughter, Sara Elizabeth, born November 5 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant, who is to becalled Sadie, weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs John Blount andMr and Mrs Shaw Fletcher, all of Americus.TR, Fri 10 Nov 1989

Blume, William Patrick - Mr and Mrs Arthur William Blumeannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce son born Sunday, April 11 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named William Patrick. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Doc Gillespie and Mr and Mrs Al Elkhart, all ofAmericus. TR, Tue 20 Apr 1971

Boatwright, Mary Edna - Mr and Mrs George A Boatwright announce thebirth of a daughter on September 1st, who has been given the name ofMary Edna. TR, Sat 10 Sep 1927

Boatwright, Milton Rodgers - Mr and Mrs George Boatwrightannounce the birth of a daughter, September 20, who has been given the name ofMilton Rodgers. TR, Sat 8 Oct 1921

Bobbitt, Brittany Alexandria - Mr and Mrs Cameron Bobbittannounce the birth of a daughter, Brittany Alexandria, born Tuesday, March 1 atKennestone Hospital, Marietta, Ga. Theinfant weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Eddie Howard of Americus andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ralph Bobbitt of Marietta. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs AlfredGoolsby and Mrs Edwin Howard of Dawson and Mr and Mrs Ralph Bobbitt Sr, RockyMount, NC. Mrs Bobbitt is the formerMiss Lisa Howard. TR, Tue 8 Mar 1988

Bobbitt, Jennifer Michelle - Tony and Becky Bobbitt ofEllaville announce the birth of a daughter, Jennifer Michelle, born October 9at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 9 pounds, 15 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Joe Allen of Ellaville and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Gene Bobbitt of Springdale, Ark. Jennifer has a brother, Michael Anthony, agetwo. TR, Sat 12 Oct 1991

Boddorf, Eleanor Carol - Mr and Mrs N E Boddorf announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce daughter Tuesday, Aug 1, at Prather Clinic, whohas been named Eleanor Carol. MrsBoddorf is the former Miss Ruth Toms. TR,Wed 2 Aug 1944

Bodrey, Mikaela Jayne - Mr and Mrs Douglas M Bodrey, ofCordele, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ½ ounce daughter born Tuesday,March 12 at the Crisp County Hospital.The baby has been given the name of Mikaela Jayne. Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs J R Bodrey,of North Hudson Street, Americus and Mr and Mrs Loran Nipper of Cordele. TR, Thu 14 Mar 1974

Bodrey, Not named - Mr and Mrs Leonard Bodrey, of Cordele,announce the birth of an 8-pound, 4-ounce daughter Sunday, July 19, at Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Tue21 Jul 1953

Boger, Virginia Tunstall - Mr and Mrs R T Boger, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a daughter Sunday, May 4, who has been namedVirginia Tunstall. Mrs Boger was beforeher marriage Miss Virginia Hodges, daughter of Mr and Mrs E Paul Hodges, ofAmericus. TR, Mon 12 May 1952

Boggs, Not named - Mr and Mrs Irvin P Boggs announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, July 7, at city hospital. TR, Wed 10 Jul 1946

Boggs-True, Justine Jennifer - Deborah S Boggs and Robert A Trueannounce the birth of a daughter born Wednesday May 28 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby weighed6 pounds, 4 ½ ounces. She has been namedJustine Jennifer. TR, Fri 30 May 1975

Bohn, Casey Lee - Mr and Mrs Don L Bohn announce the birthof an 8 pound, 2 ounce son born Sunday, May 27 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been namedCasey Lee. He has a brother, Chad and asister, Tara. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Bill Bohn and Mr and Mrs Howard Holloway, all of Americus. The baby’s great-grandparents are Mrs ThelmaPittman and Bill Pittman, Mrs Frank Allmon and the late Mr Allmon, Mrs HarriettHolloway and Mrs W P Bohn. He has onegreat-great-grandmother, Mrs Asa Pittman, all of Americus. TR, Fri 1 Jun 1979

Bohn, Not named - Mr and Mrs William T Bohn, ofPittsburgh, announce the birth of a six-pound son, Saturday, September 13. Mrs Bohn is the former Miss Kathleen Allmon,of Americus. TR, Tue 16 Sep 1947

Bohn, Shea Marie - Mr and Mrs Don Bohn of Lakeland, Flaannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce daughter, Shea Marie, born Tuesday,January 1 at Lakeland Regional Hospital.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Howard Holloway of Andersonville and Mr andMrs Bill Bohn of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mrs Harriett Holloway and Frank Allmon, both ofAmericus. She has a sister, Tara and twobrothers, Chad and Casey. TR, Tue 8Jana 1985

Bohn, Twins - Mrand Mrs Don Bohn announce the birth of twins, William Chad and Tara Kaye whowere born Tuesday, February 22 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. Chad weighed 3 pounds, 3 ounces and Tara’sweight was 3 pounds, 6 ounces.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs William Bohn and Mr and Mrs Howard Holloway,all of Americus. The great-grandparentsare Bill Pittman and Mrs Thelma Pittman and F L Allmon, all of Americus and MrsHattie Holloway, Andersonville and Mrs W P Bohn of Ohio. Mr and Mrs Asa Pittman of this city are thebabies great-great-grandparents. TR,Thu 24 Feb 1977

Bohn, William Patrick - Mr and Mrs Bill Bohn announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 9 ounce son Sunday, June 1 at city hospital, who has beennamed William Patrick. Mrs Bohn is theformer Miss Kathleen Allman. TR, Tue10 Jun 1952

Bolden, Ashley Clarisa - Mr and Mrs Dave Bolden of OrangePark, Fla announce the birth of a daughter, Ashley Clarisa, born Friday, July 5at St Vincent’s Hospital, Jacksonville, Fla.The infant weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces at birth. Mrs Bolden is the former Miss Pamela Payne ofAmericus. Paternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs C E Bolden of Dalton and maternal grandparents are Charles Payne andMrs Joe Mauk of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs S T Barnes of Ellaville; Mrs JessieBolden of Atlanta and Mrs Leola C Payne of Leslie. TR, Tue 9 Jul 1991

Bolden, Jacob Cress - Mr and Mrs E S Bolden Jr of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ½ ounce son born April 18 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital who has been named Jacob Cress. His grandparents are Mrs Mary Surface,Valdosta; and Mr and Mrs C E Bolden Sr of Dalton and his great-grandparents areMr and Mrs S T Barnes, Ellaville; Mrs L D Bolden, Atlanta; and Mrs R C Surface,Oklahoma City, Okla. Tr, Mon 25 Apr1983

Bolden, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs Charles Edwin Bolden, ofTunnel Hill, Ga, announce the birth of twin daughters on Saturday, October 23at Hamilton Memorial Hospital in Dalton, who have been named Linda Susan andJulie Elizabeth. Mrs Bolden is the formerPatsy Barnes of Ellaville. Mr and MrsBolden also have three sons, Ed, Dave and Bob.The babies are the grandaughters of Mr and Mrs S T Barnes of Ellavilleand Mrs Lott D Bolden and the late Mr Bolden of Gainesville. Mr and Mrs E M Hagin of Douglasville are thematernal great-grandparents. TR 28Oct 1971

Bolin, John Harrison - Mr and Mrs Sam Bolin announce thebirth of a son Saturday, May 31 at city hospital, who weighed 9 pounds, 8 ½ounces. The baby has been named JohnHarrison. TR, Mon 2 Jun 1952

Bolin, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lucius Bolin, of Cordele,announce the birth of an 8 pound son on June 9, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Thu 10 Jun 1965

Bolin, Thomas Coody - Mr and Mrs Sam Bolin, of 503 ReesPark, announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, April 22, who has been named ThomasCoody. Mrs Bolin is the former MissCorinne Coody, of Eastman. TR, Wed 23Apr 1947

Bolt, Jennifer Rose - Mr and Mrs John B Bolt Jr ofAttapulgus, Ga announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce daughter born atTallahassee Memorial Medical Center on Thursday, February 11. The infant has been named Jennifer Rose. Jennifer, as she will be called, is thegranddaughter of Mrs Joyce H Crandall and the late Neil Crandall of Americusand Mr and Mrs John Bolt Sr of Warner Robins.Great-grandparents are Mrs E Y Hamilton and the late Mr Hamilton of thiscity and Mr and Mrs Alvah Crandall of Gainesville, NY. TR, Mon 15 Feb 1982

Bolt, Melanie Neille - Mr and Mrs John B Bolt, ofAttapulgus, Ga announce the arrival of Melanie Neillet. Melanie was born at 7:52 p m Monday, April 21at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital and weighed 9 pounds, 4 ounces. Her maternal grandmother is Mrs Joyce HCrandell, Americus. Maternal great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs E Y Hamilton, Americus and Mr and Mrs A B Crandell, Gainesville,NY. Paternal great-grandparents are Mrand Mrs John Bolt Jr of Warner Robins.Mrs Bolt is the former Donna Crandell.TR, Thu 24 Apr 1980

Bolton, James Frederick Jr - Mr and Mrs Frederick Bolton ofOcala, Florida announce the birth of a son, James Frederick Jr, who was bornMonday, February 23. The baby weighed 9pounds at birth. Mr and Mrs CharlesWanstall of Americus and Mrs Bernice Bolton and the late Harold Bolton, also ofthis city are the infant’s grandparents.TR, Fri 27 Feb 1981

Bolton, Not named - Mr and Mrs Bobby Bolton, of Cordele,announce the birth of a six pound, 13 ½ ounce daughter, July 1, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 2Jul 1964

Bolton, Not named - Mr and Mrs J H Bolton, of 327 South LeeStreet, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Wednesday, August22 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Thu 23 Aug 1956

Bonar, James Hilliard - Mr and Mrs David Bonar of NewOrleans, La announce the birth of a son, James Hilliard, born August 18. The infant, who is called Jim, weighed 5pounds, 9 ounces at birth. Mrs Bonar isthe former Miss Kimberly Adams. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Jimmy Adams of Richland and paternal grandparentsare Henry B Bonar of Tampa, Fla and the late Mrs Wilma Dorsey Bonar. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs JosephHilliard Veal of Deepstep, Ga and Mrs James W Adams and the late Mr Adams ofWeston. TR, Wed 14 Sep 1988

Bonds, Not named - Mr and Mrs C F Bonds, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a daughter, April 27.Mrs Bonds was formerly Miss Thelma Hines, of this city. TR, Fri 28 Apr 1933

Bone, Alan Shepard - Alan and Jan Bone announce the birthof a son, Alan Shepard, on July 7 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Mrs Bone is the former Janet Bulter Leary ofSt Simons Island. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Barney David Bone of Americus, Howard Leary III of Sea Island and SudyLeary of Doerun. Great-grandparents areMr and Mrs James Barney Bone and Mildred Reeves and the late J H Reeves ofAmericus and Ruby Vance and the late Champ Shepard Vance of Griffin. TR, Tue 15 Jul 1997

Bone, Bonnie David - Mr and Mrs J B Bone announce thebirth of a son, Bonnie David, 7 lbs, 11 ozs, August 9, at the PratherClinic. Mrs Bone is the former HelenHowell. TR, Thu 10 Aug 1944

Bone, David Alan - Mr and Mrs David Bone of Leslie,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce son November 29 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of David Alan. The baby is the grandson of Mrs J H Reevesand the late Mrs Reeves of Americus and Mr and Mrs Barney Bone of Leslie. His great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs C WDavis and Mr and Mrs J N Reeves, all of Americus and Gordon Howell of Americusand Mr and Mrs O A Bone of Leslie. TR,Thu 1 Dec 1966

Bone, Gregory Simpson - Mr and Mrs Harold Lee Bone, ofRichland, announce the birth of a six pound, 2 ounce son Sunday, February 18 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.Mrs Bone is the former Miss Nancy Copeland of this city. The baby, who has been named Gregory Simpsonis the grandson of Mrs Clenon Nevil of Americus and Mrs Nettie Simpson ofRichland. TR, Mon 19 Feb 1968

Bone, James Barney - Mr and Mrs O A Bone announce thebirth of a son July 30 at their home here who has been given the name of JamesBarney. TR, Mon 1 Aug 1921

Bone, James Trenton - Mr and Mrs David Bone, of DeSoto,announce the birth of a son, James Trenton Bone, Friday, January 25 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital.Trent, as he will be called, weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces at birth. His maternal grandparents are Mrs J H Reevesand the late Mr Reeves of Americus and paternal grandparents , Mr and MrsBarney Bone of Leslie. He is thegreat-grandson of Mr and Mrs C W Davis, Americus, Mr and Mrs J N Reeves,Americus and Mr and Mrs O A Bone, Leslie.TR, Mon 28 Jan 1974

Bone, John Chadwick - Mr and Mrs David Bone, of Leslie,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son Tuesday, April 21 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of John Chadwick.His grandparents are Mrs J H Reeves and the late Mr Reeves of Americusand Mr and Mrs Barney Bone of Leslie.The baby is the great-grandson of Mr and Mrs J N Reeves, Mr and Mrs C WDavis and Mr and Mrs O A Bone. TR,Thu 23 Apr 1970

Bone, Not named - Mr and Mrs J B Bone, of Leslie, announcethe birth of a son, Tuesday, October 22 at City Hospital. TR, Wed 23 Oct 1946

Bonner, Not named - Mr and Mrs George Bonner, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a daughter. MrsBonner is the former Miss Sarah Turnipseed, of this city. TR, Sat 18 Dec 1943

Booker, Betty Ann - Mr and Mrs Joe A Booker, of Savannah,announce the birth of a daughter, Nov 25, who has been given the name BettyAnn. Mr Booker is the son of Mr and MrsW R Booker of this city. TR, Wed 5Dec 1928

Booker, Kenneth L Jr - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Booker, of Leslie,announce the birth of a son, Thursday, May 9, who has been named Kenneth LJr. Mrs Booker was before her marriageMiss Leila Mae Stanford. TR, Fri 10May 1935

Booker, Lindsy Renee - Mr and Mrs Karl Booker of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Lindsey Renee, born Thursday, April 25 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs John L Johnson and Lynwood McClungSr, all of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Wylie Booker ofAmericus. Mrs Booker is the former MissSherri McClung of Americus. TR, Sat 4May 1991

Booker, Not named - Mr and Mrs Julian Booker announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, Oct 1, at city hospital. TR, Thu 2 Oct 1941

Booker, Ruth Ellen - Mr and Mrs J R Booker announce thebirth of a daughter Friday, February 22 at the City Hospital. The little girl has been given the name RuthEllen. TR, Mon 25 Feb 1929

Booker, Wiley Randall III - Mr and Mrs W R Booker Jr,announce the birth of a son, Wiley Randall, III, born this morning, November30, at city hospital. TR, Tue 30 Nov1937

Booker, William Davis Jr - Mr and Mrs William Bookerannounce the birth of a son, William Davis Jr, on Saturday, June 17, at PratherClinic. Mrs Booker is the former MissBerta Mae Pritchard. TR, Tue 20 Jun1944

Boor, Angela Karmie - Mr and Mrs Stan N Boor announce thebirth of a daughter, Angela Karmie, who was born Wednesday, June 25 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounce. She isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Stan S Boor and Mrs Opal Stephens, all ofWarner Robins. TR, Sat 28 Jun 1969

Boor, Stan Kevin - Mr and Mrs Stanley Boor, of 87 GlendaleEstates, announce the birth of a son at the Americus and Sumter County HospitalSeptember 1, who has been named Stan Kevin.The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Stanley F Boor, of Warner Robinsand Mrs Opal Lamey of Warner Robins and George T Stephens of Nashville, Tenn. TR, Sat 3 Sep 1966

Booth, James Roger - Mr and Mrs Eddie Booth announce thebirth of a 5 pound, 12 ½ ounce son born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Wednesday, July 23. Theinfant has been named James Roger.Grandparents on his maternal side are Mr and Mrs Roger Milner of Dawsonand his paternal grandparents are Mrs Betty Booth and the late James Booth ofAmericus. He is the great-grandson of Mrand Mrs Fred Milner of Dawson and Mrs Maude Johnson of Macon and Mrs O E Boothof this city. TR, Fri 25 Jul 1980

Booth, Leigh Anne - Mr and Mrs Eddie Booth are the parentsof a daughter born Friday, March 13 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 7pounds, 12 ounces has been named Leigh Anne.She has a brother, J R. Paternalgrandparents are Mrs Betty Booth and the late James Booth of Americus and thematernal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Roger Milner of Dawson. Mrs O E Booth of Americus and Mrs MaudeJohnson of Macon are the baby’s great-grandmothers. TR, Tue 16 Mar 1982

Booth, Opal Virginia - Mr and Mrs A J Booth, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, December 31, at city hospital whohas been named Opal Virginia. TR, Tue2 Jan 1945

Bordeis, Dennis Steven - Mr and Mrs Dennis Bordeis, ofPowersville, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce son Thursday, August 31,at the Macon Hospital in Macon. Thebaby, who has been named Dennis Steven is the grandson of Mr and Mrs HowardToms of Americus and Mr and Mrs Marshall Bordeis of Powersville. TR, Fri 1 Sep 1967

Borders, Cynthia Michelle - Mr and Mrs Dennis Borders, ofPowersville, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ounce daughter September 13 atthe Macon Hospital, in Macon. The baby,who has been given the name of Cynthia Michelle is the granddaughter of Mr andMrs Howard Toms of Americus and Mr and Mrs Marshall Borders ofPowersville. TR, Wed 14 Sep 1966

Bortscheller, Brittney Nicole - Mr and Mrs Karl Bortscheller arethe parents of a 6 pound, 12 ½ ounce daughter born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on Friday, March 6. Thebaby has been given the name of Brittney Nicole and is to be called Nikki. Her mother is the former Kay Satterfield ofAmericus. Grandparents are Mrs Agnes MGoolsby of Americus and Mr and Mrs Jake Bortscheller of New York, NY. Mrs Virgil B Moore of this city is the baby’sgreat-grandmother. TR, Tue 10 Mar1981

Bosco, Brooke John - Mr and Mrs Lewis Bosco, of 1316Crawford Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital May 19, who has been named Brooke John. TR, Fri 20 May 1960

Bosco, Not named - Mr and Mrs Louis Bosco, of 206 ShirleyRoad, announce the birth of an 8 pound, one ounce daughter, September 24, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Fri 25 Sep 1964

Bostwick, Betty - Mr and Mrs C L Bostwick announce the birthof a daughter Monday, January 7, at the City Hospital, who will be calledBetty. TR, Thu 10 Jan 1924

Boswell, Bryce Mabry - Mr and Mrs John W Boswell announce thebirth of a daughter, born January 13, at the Medical Center in Columbus. The baby has been named Bryce Mabry. Mrs Boswell was the former Martha MabryThayer of Americus. TR, Fri 20 Jan1961

Bowden, Kristopher Lee - Mr and Mrs Harry Bowden, of Albany,announce the birth of a son, Kristopher Lee, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Sunday, September 25. Thebaby weighed 7 pounds, 10 ½ ounces. MrsBowden was the former Debbie Wilson of Leslie.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Willard L Wilson, Leslie andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs H G Bowden Jr, Warm Springs. TR, Tue 27 Sep 1977

Bowden, Marcelle Floyd - Mr and Mrs Floyd Bowden are theparents of a 7 pound, 1 ½ ounce son born Tuesday, November 14 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital who has been given the name of Marcelle Floyd. He has a brother, James. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs F D Norton of Americusand Mr and Mrs Raymond Millwood of Alexander City, Ala. He is the great-grandson of Mrs Mattie WillMcLeod of Americus and Mr and Mrs A V Norton of Cordele. TR, Fri 17 Nov 1978

Bowen, Abby Marlowe - Mr and Mrs Johnny Bowen of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Abby Marlowe, born September 16 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs James C Beavers of Manchester and paternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs A W Bowen of Poulan. Great-grandparentsare Mrs Erma Beavers of St Petersburgh, Fla; John Dorminy of Albany; and MrsGertrude Culpepper of Sylvester. Theinfant has a sister, Meredith, age three.TR, Wed 4 Oct 1989

Bowen, Belinda Callie - Mr and Mrs Walker Bowen, ofEvanston, Ill, announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, July 11, at theEvanston Hospital, who weighed 6 pounds, 9 ½ ounces. The baby has been named Belinda Callie forher maternal aunt and her paternal grandmother, Mrs George Oliver ofAmericus. The baby is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs C A DuPre, of this city. TR,Sat 12 Jul 1958

Bowen, Beverly Elaine - Mr and Mrs William Bowen, of Route2 Americus, are the parents of a 7 pound, 11 ½ ounce daughter, born November 19at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Beverly Elaine.TR, Wed 29 Nov 1963

Bowen, Bonnie Sue - Mr and Mrs W U Bowen, of Rt 2 Americus,announce the birth of an 8 pound 9 ounce daughter Saturday, March 12 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital who has been given the name of BonnieSue. The baby is the granddaughter of Mrand Mrs B T Avers of Cuthbert and Mr and Mrs U E Bowen of Americus. TR, Mon 20 Mar 1967

Bowen, Carolyn Joyce - Mr and Mrs F P Bowen announce thebirth of a daughter November 9, at Prather Clinic, who has been given the nameCarolyn Joyce. Mrs Bowen will beremembered as Miss Willie Parker before her marriage. TR, Thu 12 Nov 1931

Bowen, Carroll Franklin - Mr and Mrs S F Bowen, of Vienna,announce the birth of a son Sunday, July 19, at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been namedCarroll Franklin. TR, Tue 21 Jul 1953

Bowen, Claudia Ruth - Mr and Mrs Randy Bowen announce thebirth of an 8 pound daughter born Thursday, March 16 at the Marion MemorialHospital in Buena Vista. The baby, whohas been given the name of Claudia Ruth is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs JackSpivey of Moultrie and Mr and Mrs Fred Bowen of this city. Mrs Bowen and baby were removed today totheir home on Shirley Road. TR, Mon20 Mar 1972

Bowen, Craig Randolph - Lt and Mrs Frank Randolph Bowen, ofJacksonville, NC, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 13 ½ ounce son, on June 28,at the Camp LeJeune Naval Hospital, NC.The baby, who has been named Craig Randolph, is the grandson of Mr andMrs Fred Bowen of Americus. TR, Thu11 Jul 1963

Bowen, David Winfield - Mr and Mrs Barry W Bowen, ofLeslie, announce the birth of a son born Friday, November 17 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named David Winfield. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Carl E Hart and Mr and Mrs H W Bowen, all ofLaGrange. TR, Sat 25 Nov 1972

Bowen, Edgar Andrew - Mr and Mrs Dewey Bowen of Viennaannounce the birth of a son, Edgar Andrew, born Monday, July 31 at CityHospital. TCN, Thu 3 Aug 1950

Bowen, Frances Davenport - Mr and Mrs James L Bowen Jr, ofTifton, announce the birth of a daughter Thursday, February 21 at the Tiftonhospital, who has been named Frances Davenport for her maternal grandmother,Mrs Lee Hudson. Mrs Bowen is the formerMiss Frances Rylander, of this city. TR,Sat 23 Feb 1952

Bowen, Fred Pasco II - Mr and Mrs Harold Bowen, of 910Hanco*ck Drive, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 13 ounce son, Saturday,September 27 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedFred Pasco II. Mrs Bowen was beforemarriage Miss Ann Farr. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Don Farr and Mayor and Mrs Fred Bowen, of Americus. TR, Mon 29 Sep 1958

Bowen, Harrold Lee - Mr and Mrs Harrold Bowen, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a son, Harrold Lee, at Piedmont Hospital, Atlanta,Wednesday morning, May 24. The baby, whoweighed 9 pounds at birth, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Don Farr and Mr andMrs Fred P Bowen, of Americus. TR,Fri 26 May 1961

Bowen, Harrold Pasco - Mr and Mrs Fred Bowen announce thebirth of a 10-pound, 4 ounce son, Sunday night, January 7 at the city hospital,who has been named Harrold Pasco. MrsBowen was before her marriage Miss Willie Parker. TR, Mon 8 Jan 1934

Bowen, Harry Baylor - Mr and Mrs James L Bowen Jr, ofTifton, announce the birth of an eight pound, 2 ounce son Saturday, December26, who has been named Harry Baylor. MrsBowen is the former Miss Frances Rylander.TR, Wed 30 Dec 1953

Bowen, Hugh Walker III - Mr and Mrs H Walker Bowen Jr, ofElk Grove Village, Illinois, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 3/4 ounce sonDecember 1, at Lutheran General Hospital, in Park Ridge, Illinois. He has been named Hugh Walker III. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs C A DuPreand the great-grandson of Mrs George Oliver, of Americus. TR, Mon 5 Dec 1960

Bowen, Hugh Walker Jr - Mr and Mrs Walker Bowen, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of Hugh Walker Jr Wednesday, August 18th,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.Mrs Bowen will be pleasantly remembered in Americus as Miss SarahOliver. TR, Sat 21 Aug 1926

Bowen, James Edward - Mr and Mrs Edward Bowen announce thebirthof an eight pound son, Monday morning, December 17, who has been given thename James Edward. Mrs Bowen was beforeher marriage Miss Sue Thomas. TR, Tue18 Dec 1934

Bowen, James Eric - Mr and Mrs James E Bowen, of 130 FriedaLane, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 14 ounce son, February 5 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named James Eric. TR, Wed 6 Feb 1963

Bowen, Kelley Grey - Mr and Mrs Fred P Bowen II of Americusannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ½ ounce daughter, Kelley Grey, born Monday,March 3 at Sumter Regional Hospital.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harrold Bowen of Americus and Mr and MrsMillard Whitten of Atlanta.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Fred Bowen of Americus, Mr and Mrs DonFarr of West Palm Beach, Fla and Mrs C W Hudson of Springhill, Louisiana. TR, Wed 5 Mar 1986

Bowen, Linda Carol - Mr and Mrs Vernon Bowen announce thebirth of a daughter, born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on July15. The baby weighed 7 pounds and 1ounce and has been given the name Linda Carol.TR, Fri 18 Jul 1958

Bowen, Meredith Taylor - Mr and Mrs Johnny Bowen ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Meredith Taylor, born November 19 atSumter Regional Hospital, weighing 6 pounds, 12 ½ ounces. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs James CBeavers of Manchester and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs A W Bowen ofPoulan, Ga. Great-grandparents are MrsPaul J Beavers of St Petersburg, Fla, Mrs Cecil Culpepper of Sylvester and JohnDorminey of Albany. TR, Tue 2 Dec1986

Bowen, Nanci Rylander - Mr and Mrs James L Bowen Jr, ofTifton, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ½ ounce daughter Friday, March 31at the Tifton Hospital who has been named Nanci Rylander. The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs LeeHudson of Americus and Mr and Mrs James L Bowen Sr, of Tifton. TR, Mon 3 Apr 1967

Bowen, Not named - Dr and Mrs John M Bowen, of Ithaca, N Y,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 7 ounce son, Wednesday, November 18. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs A WSchmidt, of Americus and Mr and Mrs Loy J Bowen, of Atlanta. TR, Fri 20 Nov 1959

Bowen, Not named - Lt and Mrs Jack Bowen announce the birthof a six pound son, October 20 in Raleigh, N C.The baby is the great-grandson of Mr and Mrs A F Fanning, ofAmericus. Lt Bowen is a fromer residentof Americus. TR, Mon 22 Oct 1946

Bowen, Not named - Mayor and Mrs Bowen announce the birthof an eight pound daughter Tuesday, December 14 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Tue 14 Dec 1954

Bowen, Not named - Mr and Mrs Allison (Buddy) Bowen, ofTifton, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce son, Wednesday, January 14,at the Tifton hospital. Mrs Bowen is theformer Miss Mary Ann Beall, of Americus.TR, Wed 14 Jan 1953

Bowen, Not named - Mr and Mrs Allison Bowen, of Tifton,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter Sunday, January 23. Mrs Bowen is the former Miss Mary Ann Beallof this city. TR, Mon 24 Jan 1955

Bowen, Not named - Mr and Mrs Fred Bowen announce the birthof a son, who was born this morning, November 30, at city hospital. TR, Tue 30 Nov 1937

Bowen, Not named - Mr and Mrs James L Bowen Jr, of Tifton,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, February 15, at the Tiftonhospital. Mrs Bowen was before marriageMiss Frances Rylander, of Americus. TR,Tue 15 Feb 1949

Bowen, Not named - Mr and Mrs L W Bowen, of 155 TaylorStreet, announce the birth of a son Friday, December 14 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Fri 14Dec 1956

Bowen, Not named - Mr and Mrs R A Bowen announce the birthof an 8-pound, 8-ounce daughter, Wednesday, July 22, at Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Thu 23 Jul 1953

Bowen, Not named - Mr and Mrs Sam Bowen, of Seville,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, November 21, at City Hospital. TR, Wed 28 Nov 1945

Bowen, Not named - Mr and Mrs T L Bowen, of Leslie,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce son, December 13 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 15Dec 1960

Bowen, Not named - Mr and Mrs Vernon Bowen, of 321 BarlowStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, ½ ounce son, born July 20. TR, Tue 20 Jul 1965

Bowen, Richard Kelly - Mr and Mrs John M Bowen, ofManhattan, Kansas, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce son, April 4, whohas been named Richard Kelly. Mrs Bowenis the former Miss Jean Schmidt. Thebaby is the grandson, of Mr and Mrs A W Schmidt, of Americus and Mr and Mrs LoyBowen, of Atlanta. TR, Sat 7 Apr 1962

Bowen, Sandra Lee - Mr and Mrs James V Bowen, of 49A HarrisStreet, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 6 ½ ounce daughter, Saturday, February13, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named SandraLee. TR, Mon 15 Feb 1960

Bowen, Sara Katherine - Mr and Mrs Hugh Walker Bowen Jr, ofElk Grove Village, Illinois, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ½ ouncedaughter, born January 10 at the General Hospital in Park Ridge, Illinois. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs CA DuPre, of Americus and Mr and Mrs Jack Gerondale, of Detriot and thegreat-granddaughter of Mrs George Oliver, of this city. The baby has been named Sara Katherine for hertwo grandmothers. TR, Sat 13 Jan 1962

Bowen, Thomas James - Mr and Mrs Steve Bowen of Americusannounce the birth of a 10 pound, 12 ounce son, Thomas James, born Wednesday,May 28 at Sumter Regional Hospital. T Jis the grandson of Mr and Mrs Tom Usry and Mr and Mrs Jim Bowen, all ofAmericus. His great-grandparents are W WFerguson and the late Rachel Ferguson of DeSoto; the late Mr and Mrs MarvinUsry of Lee County; Mr and Mrs Ed Bowen of Americus and the late Mr and Mrs J WGloss of Buena Vista. TR, Tue 3 Jun1986

Bowen, Walter Neil - Mr and Mrs Walter R Bowen announce thebirth of a son, Wednesday, June 19, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedWalter Neil. Mrs Bowen is the formerMiss Estelle James. TR, Fri 21 Jun1946

Bowen, William Urben - Mr and Mrs Edward Bowen announce thebirth of a son, William Urben, born Wednesday, December 28. Mrs Bowen was formerly Miss Sue Thomas. TR, Mon 2 Jan 1939

Bowers, Charles Richard III - Mr and Mrs Charles R Bowers Jrof Lake Blackshear, Ga announce the birth of a 7 pound 5 ounce baby boy born Feb 23 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The infanthas been named Charles Richard III and will be called Chaz. Grandparents are C R Bowers Sr and Era Bowersof Americus and Jon and Jean Shockey of Sanibel Island, Fla. TR, Mon 5 Apr 1982

Bowers, Courtney Lynn - Wayne and Judy Bowers and theirdaughter Shelly announce the arrival of a new addition to their family,Courtney Lynn, who was born Friday, July 15 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby weighed 9 pounds, 7ounces at birth. Her grandparents are Mrand Mrs Charles Brooks Sr, Morrow; Mr and Mrs Obie Bowers, Hampton; and Mr andMrs Roy Odum, Morrow. She is thegreat-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Gene Holloway, Ellijay. TR, Mon 18 Jul 1983

Bowers, Edward Rowe - Mr and Mrs David Edward Bowers, of 101Powell Drive, Crestview, Fla announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son,born Sunday, May 10 at the Okaloosa Memorial Hospital in Crestview, Fla. He has been given the name of Edward Rowe andis the grandson of Mrs George Ross and Mrs E R Bowers and the late Mr EdwardRowe Bowers of Americus. TR, Wed 20May 1970

Bowers, Not named - Mr and Mrs Snow Bowers announce thebirth of a son Friday, January 5. He hasnot yet received his baptismal name. TR,Fri 11 Jan 1924

Bowers, Not named - Mr and Mrs W H Bowers Jr, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a daughter Sunday at the Piedmont hospital inAtlanta. Mrs Bowers was before hermarriage Miss Ann Clay, well known in Americus where she has visitedrelatives. Mr Bowers is the son of Mrand Mrs W H Bowers, of Jackson Street, Americus. TCN, Fri 28 Aug 1936

Bowers, Shelly Brooke - Mr and Mrs Wayne Bowers announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter born Sunday, July 5 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The little girlhas been given the name of Shelly Brooke.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Charles Edward Brooks and Mr and Mrs RoyOdum, all of Marrow, Ga and Obie Bowers of Hampton, Ga. TR, Sat 11 Jul 1981

Bowers, William H III - Mr and Mrs W H Bowers Jr, of 76Huntington Road, Atlanta, announce the birth of a son, born February 9, whowill be called William H III. Mr Bowersis a former resident of Americus and Mrs Bowers was before marriage Miss AnnClay, of Atlanta, granddaughter of Mrs Mary B Clay of this city. TR, Thu 10 Feb 1938

Bowie, Brenda Joyce - Mr and Mrs Robert L Bowie, of BuenaVista, are the parents of a 7 pound, 3 ounce daughter, born Saturday, October14 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named BrendaJoyce. TR, Mon 16 Oct 1961

Bowman, Not named - Cpl and Mrs G T Bowman, of Plains,announce the birth of a son, Sunday, December 31, at Prather Clinic. Cpl Bowman is overseas. TR, Fri 5 Jan 1945

Boychuck, Sherri Denise - Mr and Mrs Alex Boychuck, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 6 pound, one ounce daughter, October 17, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Sherri Denise. TR, Thu 18 Oct 1962

Boychuck, Steven Dale - Mr and Mrs Alex Boychuck, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 15 ounce son, Steven Dale, June 24at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 27 Jun 1960

Boyd, Janet - Mr and Mrs Frank Harrold Boyd, ofJacksonville, Florida, announce the birth of a little daughter Thursday,October the 7th, who has been given the name of Janet. Mrs Boyd will be most pleasantly rememberedin Americus as Miss Kathleen Denham. TR,Sat 9 Oct 1926

Boyd, Jonathan Geeslin - Mr and Mrs Rich Boyd are theparents of a son born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital Tuesday,February 23. The infant weighed 6pounds, 2 ounces and has been given the name of Jonathan Geeslin. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Thomas Lee Boydof Brunswick and the late Mrs James Welch Geeslin of Atlanta. TR, Wed 10 Mar 1982

Boyd, Michael Thompson - Mr and Mrs Dan Boyd of Shellmanannounce the birth of a son on January 5 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital who has been named Michael Thompson.Grandparents are Rev and Mrs James Mallard of Dawson and Mr and Mrs J HBoyd of Shellman. Great-grandparents areMrs W F Mallard and Mrs Y T Sheffield of Plains and Mrs Howard Green ofClayton, Alabama. TR, Wed 21 Jan 1981

Boyd, Not named - Lt and Mrs W G (Billy) Boyd announce thebirth of a daughter Friday, Jan 1, at the hospital in Quitman. Mrs Boyd is the former Miss Mary Lee Yates,of Quitman. Lt Boyd, whose home is inAmericus, is stationed in Panama. He isvisiting his wife and baby in Quitman, having made the trip by plane andexpects to come to Americus to see his mother, Mrs B R Boyd, while in thestates. TR, Mon 4 Jan 1943

Boyd, Pamela Jo - Mr and Mrs Oscar Boyd, of Valdosta,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, September 7th, who hasbeen given the name of Pamela Jo. Thebaby weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces and was born at Pineview Hospital atValdosta. Mrs Boyd is the former KayFerguson, daughter of Mr and Mrs John Ed Ferguson, of DeSoto. TR, Wed 12 Sep 1956

Boyd, William G Jr - Major and Mrs William G (Billy) Boydannounce the birth of a son, Sunday, February 18, in Quitman, who has beennamed William G Jr. Major Boyd is withthe Army Air Force in the Pacific theatre of war. TR, Wed 21 Feb 1945

Boyett, Charlotte - Mr and Mrs W D Boyett, of Portsmouth,Va, announce the birth of a daughter, June 26, who will be calledCharlotte. Mrs Boyette is pleasantlyremembered in Americus as Miss Laney, daughter of Mr and Mrs T M Laney. TR, Sat 28 Jun 1924

Boys, Cyril Theodore - Mr and Mrs C T Boys announce thebirth of a son, Monday, February 3, at city hospital. The baby has been named Cyril TheodoreJr. Mrs Boys was before marriage MissBetty Crabb. TR, Thu 6 Feb 1947

Boys, Deanne Rebecca - Bill and Debbie Boys of StoneMountain announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ½ ounce daughter, Deanne Rebecca,born Thursday, May 1 at Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta. Grandparents are Ret Col and Mrs Cyril T Boysand Dr and Mrs Lynn H Frisbie, all of Americus.Great-grandmothers are Mrs Robert T Crabb Sr of Americus and Mrs A EFrisbie of Belton, Mo. TR, Fri 9 May1986

Boys, Gena Marie - Mr and Mrs C T Boys Jr, of LakeBlackshear, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce daughter born Saturday,September 4 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby, who has been named Gena Marie isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs A M Gainey of Cairo and Lt Col and Mrs C T Boysof Tuscon, Arizona. Mr and Mrs R T Crabbof Americus are the baby’s great-grandparents.TR, Tue 14 Sep 1971

Boys, Laura Gabriel - Mr and Mrs W Tucker Boys, ofFayetteville, Ark announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter bornMonday, February 25 at the Washington Regional Memorial Center. The baby has been named Laura Gabriel andwill be called Gay.. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs C T Boys of Americus and Mr and Mrs F B Maloney of Arvada,Colorado. Mrs R T Crabb Sr of this cityis the infant’s great-grandmother. TR,Mon 3 Mar 1980

Boys, Not named - Capt and Mrs C T Boys, of Hunter AirForce Base, Savannah, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son Saturday,November 6, at the base hospital. MrsBoys is the former Miss Betty Crabb of Americus and the baby is the grandson ofMr and Mrs R T Crabb, of this city. TR,Tue 16 Nov 1954

Boys, Not named - Mr and Mrs C T Boys announce the birthof a son, Saturday, May 1, at city hospital, who weighed 8 pounds, 7ounces. Mrs Boys is the former BettyCrabb. TR, Mon 3 May 1948

Boys, William Talmadge - Capt and Mrs C T Boys, ofSavannah, announce the birth of a son, Thursday, December 31, who has been namedWilliam Talmadge. Mrs Boys is the formerMiss Betty Crabb, of Americus and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs RCrabb, of this city. TR, Sat 2 Jan1960

Bozeman, Carol Lynn - Mr and Mrs David E Bozeman,Springfield, announce the birth of an 8 lb, 5 oz daughter on December 5 atWarren Candler Hospital in Savannah, who has been named Carol Lynn. Mrs Bozeman is the former Sara Helen Mims ofPlains. Her maternal grandmother is MrsGeorge Mims of Plains. TR, Thu 6 Dec1956

Bozeman, Hiram Stephens - Mr and Mrs T A Bozeman announce thebirth of a son Sunday, May 29, who has been named Hiram Stephens. Mrs Bozeman is the former Miss Ann Dozier, ofPlains. TR, Sat 4 Jun 1955

Bozeman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Bobby Bozeman, of the DawsonRoad, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 6 ½ ounce daughter, March 30 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 1 Apr 1966

Bozeman, Not named - Mr and Mrs R R Bozeman, of 1435 KinneyDrive, are the parents of a 10 pound, 1 ½ ounce son, born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, Monday, October 15.TR, Mon 15 Oct 1962

Bozeman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert R Bozeman, of Route 2Americus, are the parents of a 10 pound, 4 ounce son, born April 14 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 15 Apr 1964

Bozeman, Thomas Alvin Jr - Mr and Mrs Thomas A Bozemanannounce the birth of a son Wednesday, October 17, at city hospital, who hasbeen named Thomas Alvin Jr. Mrs Bozemanis the former Miss Ann Dozier. TR,Tue 23 Oct 1951

Brabson, Andrew Kelly - Mr and Mrs J C Brabson, ofTallahassee, announce the birth of a son, November 19, at the Memorial Hospitalin Tallahassee, who has been named Andrew Kelly. Mrs Brabson is the former Miss Julia Kelly,of Americus. TR, Fri 27 Nov 1959

Brabson, Jerry Ann - Mr and Mrs Conrad Brabson, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a daughter, Jerry Ann, Saturday, June 9, at the GeorgiaBaptist hospital, Atlanta. Mrs Brabsonis the former Miss Julia Kelly, of Americus.TR, Tue 12 Jun 1956

Braddock, Herman Jackson Jr - Mr and Mrs Herman JacksonBraddock, of Jacksonville, Fla, announce the birth of a son July 18th,who has been given the name of Herman Jackson Jr. Mrs Braddock will be remembered in Americusas Miss Mary Bedenbaugh. TR, Wed 4Aug 1926

Braddock, Kristopher Robert - Mr and Mrs Bob Braddock are theparents of a 6 pound, 8 ½ ounce son born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Thursday, April 3. The babyhas been given the name of Kristopher Robert.The infant is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Jack Clark of Montezuma on hismaternal side and his paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Holmes Braddock ofMiami, Florida. TR, Fri 4 Apr 1980

Braddy, Jimmy Jose - Mr and Mrs Lloyd Braddy, of Orlando,Florida, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son on May 21, who has beennamed Jimmy Jose. Mr Braddy is a formercoach and teacher at Union High School in Leslie. TR, Sat 3 Jun 1961

Bradford, Billie Rene - Mr and Mrs W M Bradford announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, October 23, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedBillie Rene. TR, Mon 24 Oct 1949

Bradford, Eugenia Lucile - Mr and Mrs William Bradfordannounce the birth of a daughter, Friday, November 21, at Prather Clinic, whohas been named Eugenia Lucile. MrsBradford was before marriage Miss Jean Dorman.TR, Sat 22 Nov 1947

Bradford, Not named - Mr and Mrs W M Bradford announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, October 26, at Prather Clinic. Mrs Bradford is the former Miss JeanDorminy. TR, Thu 27 Oct 1949

Bradford, Sylvia Ann - Mr and Mrs Bill Bradford announce thebirth of a daughter, Sylvia Ann, born September 23. TR, Sat 25 Sep 1937

Bradford, William Madison Jr - Mr and Mrs W M Bradfordannounce the birth of a son March 19th, at their home on South LeeStreet, who has been given the name William Madison Jr. Mrs Bradford will be remembered as MissLillian Cannon before her marriage. TR,Wed 20 Mar 1929

Bradley, Betty Sue - Mr and Mrs R Lester Bradley, of the NewEra district, announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, February 21st,, who has been given the name Betty Sue.TCN, Fri 2 Mar 1934

Bradley, Carol Ellen - Mr and Mrs Lester Bradley Jr, ofTallahassee, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter, born November 6at the Tallahassee Memorial Hospital, who has been named Carol Ellen. Mrs Bradley is the former Virginia Owens, ofLeslie. The baby is the granddaughter ofMr and Mrs D L Owens of Leslie and Mrs and Mrs Lester Bradley Sr of BarlowStreet. TR, Wed 7 Nov 1962

Bradley, Charles James Jr - Dr and Mrs Charles Bradley, ofParker Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound son, Saturday, May 12, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Charles James Jr. TR, Mon 14 May 1956

Bradley, Charles James - Mr and Mrs T A Bradley announce thebirth of a son, Wednesday, Oct 15, at their home in the 28thdistrict, who will be called Charles James.Mrs Bradley was before her marriage Miss Bessie Veal. TR, Wed 15 Oct 1924

Bradley, Donna Leigh - Mr and Mrs Wayne Bradley announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 12 ½ ounce daughter Tuesday, July 31 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Donna Leigh. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs JohnD McGill, of Tifton and Mrs Neita Bush of Americus and Charley Bradley, ofAtlanta. TR, Fri 2 Aug 1968

Bradley, Doris Allene Montez - Mr and Mrs H D Bradleyannounce the birth of a daughter April 15, at their home near Leslie, who willbe called Doris Allene Montez. TR,Thu 28 Apr 1927

Bradley, Glenn Lester - Mr and Mrs Lester Bradley Jr, ofTallahassee, announce the birth of a 9 pound son July 15 in the TallahasseeMemorial Hospital, who has been named Glenn Lester. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs LesterBradley Sr of Americus and D L Owens of Leslie.TR, Tue 18 Jul 1967

Bradley, Leslie Jr - Mr and Mrs R L Bradley announce thebirth of a son, November 6, who has been given the name of Leslie Jr. TR, Mon 9 Nov 1931

Bradley, Martha Antoinette - Mr and Mrs W C Bradley announcethe birth of a seven pound daughter Thursday, March 19. The baby has been named MarthaAntoinette. TR, Fri 20 Mar 1936

Bradley, Not named - Mr and Mrs C J Bradley, of Route 1,Americus, announce the birth of a daughter at 3:10 a m, January 1, at city hospital,who weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces. TR,Tue 2 Jan 1951

Bradley, Not named - Mr and Mrs Carson Bradley announce thebirth of a daughter at Prather Clinic, Saturday, November 6. TR, Wed 10 Nov 1948

Bradley, Not named - Mr and Mrs Pat Bradley Jr, of Leslie,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, July 17, Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 18 Jul 1946

Bradley, Not named - Mr and Mrs Wade Bradley announce thebirth of a daughter, Saturday, December 5, at city hospital. TR, Tue 8 Dec 1942

Bradley, Not named - Mr and Mrs Wade Bradley announce thebirth of a daughter Tuesday, February 25, at city hospital. TR, Thu 27 Feb 1947

Bradley, Priscilla Ann - Mr and Mrs J Kenneth Bradleyannounce the birth of a 7 ½ pound daughter at Prather Clinic, Thursday, April10, who has been named Priscilla Ann.Mrs Bradley is the former Miss Ann Wise, of Plains. Mother and baby hasve been removed to theirhome near Plains. TR, Thu 17 Apr 1947

Bradley, Ralph Jr - Mr and Mrs Ralph H Bradley, of nearLeslie, announce the birth of a son, July 28, who has been named Ralph Jr. Mrs Bradley was before marriage Miss JanisPouncey, of Americus. TR, Wed 4 Aug1937

Bradley, Robert Eugene III - Mr and Mrs Robert Eugene BradleyJr announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ½ ounce boy at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital Friday, November 17. Hehas been given the name of Robert Eugene III and will be called “Tra”.. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs W O Scoggins andMrs Elsie Bradley and the late R E Bradley, all of Americus. His great-grandmother is Mrs H DBradley. TR, Sat 18 Nov 1972

Bradley, Robert Eugene Jr - Mr and Mrs Robert E Bradleyannounce the birth of a son, who was born Thursday, October 12, at their homein the Concord community. The baby hasbeen named Robert Eugene Jr. Mrs Bradleywas formerly Miss Elsie Price. TR,Fri 20 Oct 1939

Bradley, Ruell - Mr and Mrs James Gordon Bradley, ofColumbus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son Friday, April 19 at StFrancis Hospital. Ruell Bradley is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Lester Bradley of Americus and Mr and Mrs Bill Beckhamof Columbus. TR, Sat 20 Apr 1968

Bradley, Stephen Wayne - Mr and Mrs Wayne Bradley, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a son, Stephen Wayne, born Sunday, August 2 atthe South Fulton Hospital in East Point.The baby weighed 9 pounds, 9 ounces.He is the grandson of Mrs Neita Bradley of Americus and Mr and Mrs JohnD McGill of Tifton. TR, Thu 6 Aug1970

Bradley, Wade Harrold - Mr and Mrs W B Bradley, who live inthe 28th district, announce the birth Saturday of an 8-pound boy whohas been named Wade Harrold. TR, Sun26 Sep 1920

Bradley, Willie Marjorie - Mr and Mrs W B Bradley announcethe birth of a little daughter Sunday, February seventh, and she has been namedWillie Marjorie. TR, Thu 11 Feb 1926

Bradshaw, Joseph Bowman - Mr and Mrs D M Bradshaw announce thebirth of a 12 pound boy Saturday April 23, who will be called JosephBowman. TR, Mon 25 Apr 1932

Bradson, Sherryl Elaine - Mr and Mrs Conrad Bradson, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a daughter, Sherryl Elaine, on October 30, atEmory University Hospital. The babyweighed in at 7 and ½ pounds. MrsBradson is the former Miss Julia Kelley, of Americus. TR, Mon 1 Nov 1954

Brady, Frank John Jr - Frank and Cheryl Brady of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a son, Frank John Jr, born October 25 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 5 pounds,14 ounces. Frankie, as the baby iscalled, has a sister, Paula M, 5.Paternal grandparents are Jean Brady of Barnesville and the late FrancisBrady. Maternal grandparents areFlorence Holmes of Ellaville and Sherwood Holmes of Mount Olive, NC. Great-grandparents are Sally Fredman; thelate Mickey Fredman; Arthur and Agnes Brady of New York; Ruth Kelley; the lateW D Kelley of Ellaville; Minnie Lee Holmes; the late Drifty Holmes of MountOlive. TR, Fri 8 Nov 1996

Bragg, Not named - Mr and Mrs E W Bragg announce the birthof a son, Thursday, March 28, at city hospital.TR, Thu 28 Mar 1946

Brakes, John Arthur Jr - Mr and Mrs John Arthur Brakesannounce the birth of a son Dec 19, at their home on Lee Street, who will becalled John Arthur Jr. TR, Sat 20 Dec1924

Bramlett, Wendy Irene - Lt and Mrs W T Bramlett ofPhiladelphia, Pa announce the birth of a daughter born Friday, July 14 who hasbeen named Wendy Irene. Mrs Bramlett isthe former Melinda Horne of Americus.The infant is the granddaughter of Mrs Lois Bramlett of Greer, SC and Mrand Mrs Billy Horne of this city. TR,Mon 17 Jul 1978

Branam, Shaun Michael - Mr and Mrs Michael Branam ofLawrenceville announce the birth of a son, Shaun Michael, born March 9 at theGwinnett County Medical Center, Lawrenceville.Mrs Branam is the former Miss Melinda Foster of Alpharetta. Maternal grandparents are Mrs Shirley Fosterof Alpharetta and the late Mr Gene D Foster and paternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs Theo Branam of Americus. TR,Thu 24 Mar 1988

Branch, Harriet Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs H R Branch announcethe birth of a daughter August 7, who will be called Harriet Elizabeth. TR, Wed 8 Aug 1923

Branch, Nancy - Mr and Mrs D H Branch, of 316 South JacksonStreet, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, December 3, at cityhospital, who has been named Nancy. Thebaby weighed 4 pounds, 15 ½ ounces at birth.TR, Fri 11 Dec 1942

Brand, Not named - Mr and Mrs Sidney W Brand, of Route 2,announce the birth of an 8 pound son Wednesday, April 22 at Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Wed 22 Apr 1953

Brandt, Not named - Dr and Mrs Paul L Brandt Jr, of Phoenix,Arizona announce the birth of a daughter born Friday, January 25. Mrs Brandt is the former Nancy Powell ofAmericus. The infant is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs John D Powell of this city and Dr and Mrs Paul LBrandt of Houston, Texas. TR, Fri 25Jan 1974

Brandt, Paul Lewis III - Mr and Mrs Paul L Brandt Jr, ofDallas, Texas, announce the birth of a son December 16 who has been given thename of Paul Lewis III. Mrs Brandt isthe former Nancy Powell. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs John Powell of Americus and Dr and Mrs Paul L Brandt Srof Houston. TR, Wed 17 Dec 1969

Branham, Louis Daryl - Mr and Mrs Ralph Lee Branham, ofGlendale Estates, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 6 ounce son, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital on December 22.The baby has been named Louis Daryl. TR, Wed 29 Dec 1965

Brannen, Brian Owen - Mr and Mrs Larry Brannen announce thebirth of a son, Brian Owen, Monday, May 7 at the Crisp County Hospital inCordele. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 8ounces. He is the grandson of Mr and MrsO H Owens and Mr and Mrs John D Brannen of Unadilla. TR, Tue 8 May 1973

Brannen, Nancy Ann - Mr and Mrs Gray Brannen, of 1315 ElmAvenue, announce the birth of a daughter Wednesday, July 27, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces. The baby has been named Nancy Ann. TR, Wed 27 Jul 1955

Brannen, Sarah Averill - Bishop and Jill Brennen ofByromville announce the birth of a daughter, Sarah Averill, on May 28 at SumterRegional Hospital. The baby, who weighed8 pounds, 2 ounces is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs John Averill Sr ofByromville and Mr and Mrs Clint Brannen Jr of Unadilla. She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs HerbertSaliba of Byromville, Mr and Mrs Clint Brannon Sr of Unadilla and Mrs HarryByus of Macon. She has a brother,Clinton IV, 5. TR, Wed 22 Jul 1998

Brannon, Not named - Mr and Mrs Earl Brannon, of 1118 LawtonPlace SW, Atlanta, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce son, May 27, atSouth Fulton Hospital, East Point. Thebaby is the grandson of Mrs H S Cook, of Americus, and Mr and Mrs Oscar Brannon, of Buena Vista. TR, Thu 30 May 1963

Braselton, Not named - Rev and Mrs Emmett Braselton, ofStearnville, Ky, announce the birth of a son, Thursday, July 17, at the cityhospital. Mrs Braselton was before hermarriage Miss Doris Jacobs, daughter of Mr and Mrs Peyton Jacobs, ofAmericus. TR, Thu, 17 Jul 1941

Braswell, Allena Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Ronnie Braswell ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Allena Elizabeth, born May 21 atMedical Center in Columbus. She is thegranddaughter of Mrs Foy Braswell and the late Mr Braswell of Eufaula, Ala andW C McClenny Jr of Millbrook, Ala and the late Mrs Marguerite McClenny ofEufaula. Maternal great-grandmother isMrs Mary Kate Lawrence of Selma, Ala. TR,Fri 26 Jul 1985

Braswell, Beau Matthew - Mr and Mrs Matt Braswell of Athensannounce the arrival of Beau Matthew Braswell on August 2 at Athens GeneralHospital. Beau weighed 8 pounds, 11ounces. He is the grandson of Mr and MrsPaul Halastra of Athens and Mr and Mrs Tom Braswell of Americus. TR, Thu 4 Aug 1983

Braswell, Dora Pearl - Mr and Mrs George Braswell announce thebirth of a daughter, August 14th, at their home on Route A,Americus, who has been given the name Dora Pearl. TR, Tue 16 Aug 1927

Braswell, Ginny - Mr and Mrs Steve Braswell of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter who has been given the name Ginny. She was born Thursday, November 11 at theMedical Center in Columbus and weighed 9 pounds, 10 ounces. Ginny is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsBenny Braswell of Juniper and Mr and Mrs Holt Beaver of Pratt, WestVirginia. Her great-grandparents are Mrand Mrs Louis Kenny, Pratt; Mrs Hilda Beaver, Pratt; and Mrs Mellie Wyrick,Columbus. Ginny is the sister of Beckyand Ben Braswell. TR, Tue 16 Nov 1982

Braswell, James Patrick III - Mr and Mrs J P Braswell Jrannounce the birth of a son Friday, April 3 at the Americus and Sumter countyhospital, who has been given the name James Patrick III. TR,Sun 5 Apr 1931

Braswell, Keith Cannon - Mr and Mrs T H Braswell announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce son Wednesday, February 6 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been named Keith Cannon is the grandson of Mr and Mrs R H Braswell ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs J H Hayes of Dothan, Ala. TR, Thu 6 Feb 1969

Braswell, Laci Ann - Mr and Mrs Matt Braswell announce thebirth of a daughter, Laci Ann, on August 23 at the Swedish Medical Center inDenver, Colorado who weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces. Mrs Braswell is the former Marilou Halastraof Athens, Georgia. The baby’s maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Paul Halastra of Athens and her paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Tom Braswell of Americus. Mr and Mrs Herman Braswell of Americus areher great-grandparents. TR, Wed 26Aug 1981

Braswell, Linda Dawn - Mr and Mrs Robert Braswell, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a baby girl, Linda Dawn, born Saturday atPrather Clinic weighing 6 pounds, 8 ounces.TCN, Thu 24 Jul 1952

Braswell, Lois Frances - Mr and Mrs J B Braswell, of SalemChurch Community, announce the birth of a little daughter, February 13, who hasbeen given the name of Lois Frances. TR,Fri 19 Feb 1926

Braswell, Mary Ellen - Mr and Mrs Clyde S Braswell Jr, ofLinesville, Penn, announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, December 3, whohas been named Mary Ellen. Mrs Braswellwas formerly Miss Betty Long, of Greenville, Penn. TR, Thu 11 Dec 1947

Braswell, Michael Perry - Mr and Mrs Joe P Braswell, of 207Wildwood Circle, are the parents of an 8 pound, 11 ounce son, born August 29 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby, who has been named Michael Perry, is the grandson of Mr andMrs J D Braswell of this city. TR,Thu 30 Aug 1962,

Braswell, Nathan Christopher - Mr and Mrs Bob Braswell ofMarietta announce the birth of a son, Nathan Christopher, born Dec 11. Nathan, as the infant is called, weighed 7pounds, 8 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Bob Atwater of Pittsburgh, Pa and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Tom Braswell of Americus. TR, Thu 16 Dec 1993

Braswell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Marvin C Braswell, of SanJuan, Puerto Rico, announce the birth of a son, Monday, October 13 at San JuanHospital. The baby is the grandson of Mrand Mrs Clyde Braswell, of the Chambliss Connumity. TR, Thu 16 Oct 1947

Braswell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Thomas H Braswell, of 602Valley Drive, announce the birth of a 10 pound, 3 ½ ounce son, July 21 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 23 Jul 1962

Braswell, Steve - Mr and Mrs J P Braswell Jr announce thebirth of a nine-pound son, Friday, March 23, who has been named Steve. TR, Wed 28 Mar 1934

Braswell, Thomas Mathews - Mr and Mrs Thomas Braswell announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son, Friday, June 6, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Thomas Mathews. TR, Mon 9 Jun 1958

Bray, Gordon Jr - Mr and Mrs Gordon Bray, of Brunswick,announce the birth of an 8 3/4 pound son, Monday, April 26, who has been namedGordon Jr. Mrs Bray was before hermarriage Miss Mary Hatcher. TR, Fri30 Apr 1943

Bray, Ivey Lee - Mr and Mrs L M Bray announce the birth ofa daughter, Wednesday, July 10 at the city hospital, who has been named IveyLee. TR, Fri 12 Jul 1940

Bray, Lewis Morrow Jr - Mr and Mrs L M Bray announce thebirth of a son, Saturday, October 3, at city hospital, who has been named LewisMorrow Jr. TR, Wed 7 Oct 1942

Bray, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lee Bray, of Ellaville Road,Americus, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 2 ounce daughter at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, Thursday 17 Jun 1956.TR, Fri 18 Jun 1965

Bray, Opal Virginia - Mr and Mrs L M Bray announce thebirth of a daughter, December 30, at city hospital, who will be called OpalVirginia. TR, Tue 2 Jan 1945

Braziel, Not named - Mr and Mrs D R Braziel, of Pitts,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce daughter, Wednesday, July 1, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 1 Jul 1959

Braziel, Not named - Mr and Mrs D R Braziel, of Pitts, arethe parents of a 9 pound, 1 ounce son, born October 23, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Tue 23Oct 1962

Brazil, Callie Ann - Mr and Mrs Eric Brazil of Eatonton, Gaannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce daughter born Tuesday, April at thehospital in Milledgeville. The infanthas been given the name of Callie Ann.Her mother is the former Linn Downs of Americus. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsFred Downs of Macon, formerly of Americus; and the late Mr and Mrs W VBrazil. Great-grandparents are MrsMartha W Wright and the late Melvin Tye and the late Mr and Mrs Pete Downs, allof Americus. TR, Mon 7 Apr 1980

Brazil, Kalen Andrew - Mr and Mrs Eric Brazil of Eatontonannounce the birth of a son born September 20.The infant, who has been given the name Kalen Andrew weighed 10 pounds,2 ½ ounces. He has one sister, CallieAnn. He is the grandson of Mr and MrsFred Downs of Macon and the late Mr and Mrs W V Brazil, Americus. His great-grandmother is Mrs Martha A Wright,Americus. TR, Mon 3 Oct 1983

Breck, Rebakah Lynn - Mr and Mrs Lloyd Breck of Snellvilleannounce the birth of a daughter, Rebekah Lynn, born June 7 at PiedmontHospital, Atlanta. The infant weighed 11pounds, 3 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs C Ralph Ellis of Americus and paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Fred Breck of Stone Mountain.Great-grandparents are Mrs Edith P Ellis of Americus and Mrs LesleyCoffee of Atlanta. Mrs Breck is the formerMiss Lynn Ellis of Americus. TR, Wed14 Jun 1989

Breckchel, Kenneth Lee - Mr and Mrs Melvin Breckchel announcethe birth of a son, Sunday, December 29, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedKenneth Lee. Mrs Breckchel is the formerMiss Grace Montgomery. TR, Tue 31 Dec1943

Breeden, Andrew Joseph - Mr and Mrs Steve Breeden ofBillings, Montana, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son, AndrewJoseph, born Monday, August 24 in Billings.The infant weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs RoyJohnston of Albany and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Norman Breeden ofSmithville. Andrew has a brother, Josh,3 ½. TR, Wed 26 Aug 1992

Breeden, Not named - Mr and Mrs L Breeden announce the birthof a daughter, Sunday, May 16, at the Prather Clinic. TR, Tue 18 May 1948

Breland, Ashley Paige - Mr and Mrs Sam Breland of Cussetaannounce the birth of a daughter, Ashley Paige, born November 9 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Wiley Holbrook of Richland and Mr and Mrs HowardBreland of Cusseta. TR, Wed 18 Nov1992

Brenner, Rhett Griffin - Mr and Mrs Richard M Brennerannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce son, Rhett Griffin, born Tuesday,April 18 at Sumter Regional Hospital.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Henry A Griffin of Tifton and Mr and MrsJulius Brenner of Hudson, NY. TR, Fri26 Apr 1985

Brenner, Sean Tyler - Mr and Mrs Richard M Brenner announcethe birth of a son, Sean Tyler, born Wednesday, December 9 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 1ounce at birth. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Henry A Griffin of Tifton and Mr and Mrs Julius Brenner of Hudson, NY. Tyler has a brother, Rhett, age two. TR, Sat 12 Dec 1987

Brents, Christopher Ashley - Mr and Mrs Fred Brents announcethe birth of a son born Tuesday, December 20 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been namedChristopher Ashley. He is the grandsonof Mr and Mrs John Hickox of Blakely, Ga and Mrs Alice Brents of Colquitt, Gaand the late M L Brents.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs J C Albritton and Mrs Annie Hickox,all of Cordele. TR, Wed 4 Jan 1978

Brewer, Brandi Leigh - Mr and Mrs H G Brewer Jr announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce daughter, Brandi Leigh, born Sunday, April 29 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Cecil Crutchfield and Mrs Sue R Brewer, bothof Americus and H G Brewer Sr of Lake Blackshear. She is the granddaughter of Mrs J H Reevesand Mrs J M Brewer and the great-great-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J N Reevesand Mrs Gladys Davis Auger, all of Americus.TR, Mon 30 Apr 1984

Brewer, Cynthia Ann - Is the name of a six pound, 9 ½ ouncedaughter born to Mr and Mrs Willard Brewer of Ellaville, August 7 at theMedical Center in Columbus. The baby’sgrandparents are the late Mr and Mrs Flem Brewer of Ellaville and Mr and MrsCharles Willis of Ellaville. TR, Thu10 Aug 1967

Brewer, Donna Susan - Mr and Mrs Fred Brewer, of Rupert,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce daughter Saturday, August 15, atAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Donna Susan. TR,Tue 18 Aug 1953

Brewer, Harold Gary Jr - Mr and Mrs Harold Gary Brewer, of710 Pine Avenue, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ½ ounce son, July 19, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Harold Gary Jr.TR, Fri 19 Jul 1963

Brewer, Joshau Trenton - Mr and Mrs H G (Chip) Brewer Jrannounce the birth of a son, Joshua Trenton, born Tuesday, June 9 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 14 ounces at birth. Josh is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Cecil Crutchfield, Sue R Brewer and H G Brewer Sr. Great-grandmothers are Mrs J H Reeves and MrsJ M Brewer. Great-great-grandmothers areMrs J N Reeves and Mrs Gladys Auger.Josh has a sister, Brandi, age three.TR, Fri 12 Jun 1987

Brewer, Michael Thomas - Mr and Mrs Leon Brewer ofSmithville announce the birth of their son, Michael Thomas Brewer, on April 21at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.His grandparents are Mrs J M Brewer of Americus and Mr and Mrs J AWorthy of Smithville. His brother is BenBrewer of Smithville. TR, Mon 28 Apr1980

Brewer, Not named - Mr and Mrs Floyd A Brewer, of Rupert,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce daughter, November 14, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Wed15 Nov 1961

Brewer, Not named - Mr and Mrs Floyd A Brewer, of Rupert,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter, September 6 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Tue17 Sep 1963

Brewer, Not named - Mr and Mrs J G Brewer announce the birthof a 9 pound, 4 ounce daughter, Thursday, February 23, at Riverside Hospital inMontezuma. Mrs Brewer is the former MissLaler Mae Walker, of Americus. TR,Tue 28 Feb 1956

Brewer, Not named - Mr and Mrs J M Brewer announce the birthof an 8 ½ pound son at Prather Clinic, Sunday afternoon, May 13. TR, Tue 15 May 1951

Brewer, Not named - Mr and Mrs Steve Brewer, of Route 3Americus, are the parents of an 8 pound, 7 ½ ounce son, born August 4, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 5 Aug 1964

Brewer, Twin Sons - Mr and Mrs James B Brewer, of WarnerRobins, announce the birth of twin sons, Thursday, February 28, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. One weighed5 pounds, 10 ounces and the other 5 pounds, 9 ounces. TR, Thu 28 Feb 1957

Bridges, Ann Betts - Mr and Mrs Ed Bridges, of Atlanta,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, born Saturday, February18, at St Joseph’s hospital in Atlanta.The baby has been named Ann Betts.Before marriage Mrs Bridges was Miss Josephine Betts. TR, Mon 20 Feb 1939

Bridges, Barbara Sue - Mr and Mrs Lewis Bridges announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter Wednesday, December 20 at city hospital,who has been named Barbara Sue. MrsBridges is the former Miss Stella Turpin.TR, Thu 21 Dec 1950

Bridges, Bert Lamont - Mr and Mrs C C Bridges of 302 WestChurch Street announce the birth of a son, November 25, who has been given thename of Bert Lamont. TR, Sun 29 Nov1931

Bridges, Brandon Garrett - Randy and Aris Bridges of Cordeleannounce the birth of a son who has been named Brandon Garrett. The infant was born Sunday, September 18 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital and weighed 7 pounds, 6 ½ ounces atbirth. He has a sister, SaraKristi. Grandparents are Robert andChristine Troxwell and Raymond and Ruth Bridges, all of Cordele. He is the great-grandson of Mr and Mrs C DWilliamson, Americus; Leonard Troxwell, Warwick; Mrs Lena Bridges, Cordele; MrsRuby Massey Sr and E F Garrett, both of Newton.TR, Wed 5 Oct 1983

Bridges, Charlotte Anne - Mr and Mrs Lint Birdges Jr, ofColumbia, SC, announce the birth of a daughter, born Tuesday, August 11 who wasnamed Charlotte Anne. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Lint Bridges of Camden, SC and thegreat-granddaughter of Mrs F M Coone and Mr and Mrs Clyde Bridges ofAmericus. TR, Fri 21 Aug 1970

Bridges, Debbra Jo - Mr and Mrs Palmer Bridges, of Bainbridge,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 7 ½ pound daughter, Monday,August 20, who has been named Debbra Jo.Mrs Bridges is the former Miss Arbie Ann Strange, of Ellaville. The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs WalterStrange, of Americus and Ellaville. TR,Tue 21 Aug 1956

Bridges, Edd Lynn Jr - Mr and Mrs Edd Lynn Bridges, ofLaGrange, announce the birth of an eight-pound son, Monday, June 3, who hasbeen given the name Eddy Lynn Jr. Mr andMrs Bridges are former residents of Americus and Mrs Bridges was before hermarriage Miss Josephine Betts, of this City.TR, Mon 3 Jun 1935

Bridges, Edward Rayford - Mr and Mrs Lewis Bridges, of 302Burke Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce son, Thursday, April 5,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Edward Rayford.Mrs Bridges is the former Miss Stella Turpin. TR, Fri 6 Apr 1956

Bridges, Elizabeth Newell - Mr and Mrs Burt L Bridges, ofDallas, Texas, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce daughter, January 31,who has been given the named Elizabeth Newell.Mrs Bridges is the former Miss Mary Newell Rainey, of Americus, and thebaby is the granddaughter of Mrs Earl Rainey and Mr and Mrs O C Bridges, ofthis city. TR, Fri 1 Feb 1963

Bridges, Grant Clyde - Mr and Mrs Clyde R Bridges announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce son, on Thursday, January 23 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Grant Clyde. Mrs Bridges was the former Miss EvaGrant. She is employed at Sears, Roebuckand Co. TR, Thu 23 Jan 1958

Bridges, Jeff Lewis - Sp4 and Mrs Oliver Bridges formerly ofAmericus, presently stationed in Germany, announce the birth of a son JeffLewis born Wednesday, September 28. Jeffweighed 8 pounds at birth. The infant isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs Othel Stanfield, Americus and Mrs Herrington ofEllaville and Mr Bridges of Americus.Mrs Mary Stanfield of Americus is the baby’s great-grandmother. TR, Mon 3 Oct 1977

Bridges, John Baldwin - John and Beth Bridges of Atlantaannounce the birth of a son, John Baldwin, born March 8 at PiedmontHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,15 ½ ounces. Maternal grandparents areBurt and Mary Newell Bridges of Atlanta, formerly of Americus. Paternal grandparents are Jesse and EvelynSpencer of Rockingham, NC.Great-grandmother is Olyra Rainey of Americus. TR, Wed 19 Mar 1997

Bridges, John Pate Jr - Mr and Mrs J P Bridges announce thebirth of a baby boy at the city hospital, July 8, who has been given the nameof John Pate Jr. TR, Sat 8 Jul 1939

Bridges, Jonathan Clyde - Mr and Mrs C Clyde Bridges Jr, ofDrexel Hills, Pa, announce the birth of a son January 2 who has been namedJonathan Clyde. The baby is the grandsonof Mr and Mrs C C Bridges Sr, of Americus.TR, Mon 7 Jan 1963

Bridges, Kim Marie - Mr and Mrs Clyde C Bridges Jr, ofDallas, Texas, announce the birth of a 7 pound daughter, Monday, Sep 2, who hasbeen named Kim Marie. Mrs Bridges wasbefore marriage Miss Dell Land, of Columbus.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs C C Bridges, of thiscity. TR, Fri 6 Sep 1957

Bridges, Lakenya Shenice - Mr and Mrs Tommy Bridges of Plainsannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on Friday, September 21.The baby has been given the name of Lakenya Shenice and will be calledKenya. She has an older sister,Bianca. The baby is the granddaughter ofMr and Mrs Governor Wilson and Mr and Mrs Walter Bridges of Plains. TR, Thu 27 Sep 1979

Bridges, Lewis Steve - Mr and Mrs Lewis Bridges announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce son, Friday March 20, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named Lewis Steve. Mrs Bridges is the former Miss Stella Turpin. TR, Mon 23 Mar 1953

Bridges, Linda Carol - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Bridges announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, June 1, at city hospital, who has been namedLinda Carol. Mrs Bridges is the formerMiss Rachel DeVane. TR, Thu 9 Jun1949

Bridges, Mae - Mr and Mrs J M Bridges, of Dawson, announcethe birth of a daughter, Tuesday, May 2, at city hospital, who has been namedMae. TR, Thu 4 May 1944

Bridges, Marion Cooner - Mr and Mrs Lint Bridges, ofMartinsville, Va, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 2ounce son Monday, February 23, who has been named Marion Cooner. Mrs Bridges is the former Miss CarolCooner. TR, Tue 24 Feb 1953

Bridges, Marion - Mr and Mrs Lint Bridges, of Martinsville,Va, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 4 ounce son, Monday,April 16, who has been named Marion. MrsBridges is the former Miss Carol Cooner, of this city. TR, Mon 16 Apr 1951

Bridges, Mary Kathleen - Dr and Mrs Benton Bridges, ofAugusta, announce the birth of a 7 ½ pound daughter, Wednesday, November4. The baby, who has been named MaryKathleen, is the granddaughter of Mrs John Pate Bridges, of Americus. TR, Mon 9 Nov 1964

Bridges, Mary Thomas - Mr and Mrs Burt Bridges, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce daughter, Tuesday, May 18, at thePiedmont Hospital. The baby, who hasbeen named Mary Thomas, is the granddaughter of Mrs Earl Ridney and Mr and MrsC C Bridges, of this city. TR, Wed 19May 1965

Bridges, Not named - Dr and Mrs Benton Bridges, of Augusta,announce the birth of a daughter, August 29.The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs John Pate Bridges, ofAmericus. TR, Thu 30 Aug 1962

Bridges, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ben Bridges announce thebirth of a son, Saturday, May 1, at city hospital. TR, Mon 3 May 1948

Bridges, Not named - Mr and Mrs C B Bridges, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, May 31, at city hospital. TR, Wed 2 Jun 1948

Bridges, Not named - Mr and Mrs C C Bridges announce thebirth of a baby girl February 27, at their home on Oglethorpe avenue. The baby has not yet been named. TR, Tue 28 Feb 1933

Bridges, Not named - Mr and Mrs Carl Bridges announce thebirth of a son, Wednesday, February 11, at city hospital. TR, Thu 12 Feb 1942

Bridges, Not named - Mr and Mrs George Bridges announce thebirth of a daughter at city hospital, Thursday, May 10. TR, Thu 17 May 1945

Bridges, Not named - Mr and Mrs J C Bridges announce thebirth of a ten-pound baby boy on February 20.The baby has not yet been named. TR,Tue 21 Feb 1933

Bridges, Not named - Mr and Mrs J R Bridges announce thebirth of a 9 pound, 9 ounce daughter, Friday, July 1, at city hospital. TR, Wed 6 Jul 1949

Bridges, Not named - Mr and Mrs J R Bridges announce thebirth of a son, Tuesday, Feb 19, at city hospital. TR, Thu 21 Feb 1946

Bridges, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Pate Bridges announcethe birthday of a son, Thursday, May 8, at the Cordele hospital. Mrs Bridges is the former Miss Lillain(Little Sister) Denham, of Americus. TR,Fri 9 May 1947

Bridges, Not named - Mr and Mrs L A Bridges, of Parrott,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, November 9, at PratherClinic. TR, Thu 10 Nov 1949

Bridges, Not named - Mr and Mrs Palmer Bridges announce thebirth of a son Monday, January 28 at city hospital. Mrs Bridges was before marriage Miss ArbieAnn Strange, of Ellaville. TR, Fri 1Feb 1952

Bridges, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ralph Bridges, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 2 ounce son at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, Monday, July 18. The baby isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs Burin Jones, of Weston, and Mr and Mrs BernardBridges, of Richland. TR, Tue 19 Jul1966

Bridges, Not named - Mr and Mrs W M Bridges announce thebirth of a son, Sunday, February 15, at the Prather clinic. TR, Mon 16 Feb 1942

Bridges, Robert Allen - Mr and Mrs Boyd Bridges, of Anderson,S C, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce son, who has been named RobertAllen. The baby is the grandson of Mrand Mrs R H Bridges of 202 Ridgeway Drive, Americus and the baby’s father wasformerly associated with the Time Recorder.TR, Tue 24 Apr 1962

Bridges, Sara Kristi - Mr and Mrs James Randy Bridges ofCordele announce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce daughter born April 10 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thelittle Miss is named Sara Kristi. MrsBridges is the former Sara Aras Troxell of Cordele. Sara Kristi is the granddaughter of Mr andMrs James H Troxell of Cordele, formerly of Americus. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs C DWilliamson, Americus and Leonard Troxell of Warwick. Her paternal grandparents are Mrs J CBridges, Cordele and Mrs Ruby Massey Sr and E T Garrett Sr, both ofNewnan. TR, Tue 21 Apr 1981

Bridges, Sarah Vivian - Mr and Mrs Hugo Bridges announce thebirth of a daughter, Monday, Sept 20, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedSarah Vivian. TR, Tue 28 Sep 1943

Bridges, Travis Jay - Sp5 and Mrs Roy Bridges, of Ft Stewart,Ga, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce son born Sunday, August 13 who hasbeen named Travis Jay. The baby’sgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Francis Pate and Henry A Bridges and Mrs FrancesHarrington , all of Americus. TR, Wed23 Aug 1972

Bridges, Twin Daughters - Sp5 and Mrs Roy J Bridges, of FtLeonard Wood, Missouri are the parents of twin girls born Monday, July 25. One weighed 5 pounds, 10 3/4 ounces and theother 5 pounds 6 3/4 ounces. They wereborn on the 88th birthday of their great-grandmother, Mrs J B Pateof Cordele. Mrs Bridges is the formerSue Pate of Americus. The babies’grandparents are Mr and Mrs Francis Pate and Henry Bridges and Mrs FrancesHerrington, both of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Whitley Oliver and Mrs Frances Lewis,all of Americus. TR, Tue 26 Jul 1977

Bridges, Twins - Dr and Mrs H Benton Bridges, of Augusta, arethe proud parents of twins, who were born January 12 at the University Hospitalin Augusta. The babies, who have beennamed Douglas Wade, who tipped the scales at six pounds and ½ ounce and JanetDenham at five pounds and ½ ounce. MrsJohn Pate Bridges of this city is the paternal grandmothere of the newcomers. TR, Thu Jan 20 1966

Bridges, Valerie Faith - Mr and Mrs J D Bridges, of Albany,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter, June 4, at Turner Air ForceBase Hospital, who has been named Valerie Faith. Mrs Bridges is the former Sandra Moore ofAmericus and the baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs E L Moore. TR, Tue 6 Jun 1961

Bridges, William Michael Jr - Mr and Mrs W M Bridges announcethe birth of a son, William Michael Jr, Tuesday, February 13 at their home, 126South Lee Street. TR, Wed 14 Feb 1940

Bridges, Wynelle - Mr and Mrs J C Bridges announce the birthof a daughter, November 9th, at their home on Mayo Street, who hasbeen given the name Wynelle. TR, Mon14 Nov 1927

Brightwell, Dana Kay - Mr and Mrs Wade Brightwell, of 1023 AliceStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter, Saturday, March 6,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby, who has been given the name of Dana Kay, is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs Alfred Goolsby, of Dawson, and Mrs J S Brightwell of thiscity. TR, Mon 8 Mar 1965

Brightwell, Stacie - Mr and Mrs Wade Brightwell announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 11 ½ ounce daughter Monday, May 13 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital who has been given the name of Stacie. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsAlfred Goolsby of Dawson on her maternal side and Mrs Annabell Brightwell ofAmericus on her paternal side. TR,Mon 13 May 1968

Brinson, Betty - Mr and Mrs D K Brinson announce the birth ofa baby girl Wednesday, May 2, who has been given the name of BettyBrinson. TR, Thu 3 May 1923

Brinson, Frederick Casey - Mr and Mrs Freddy H Brinson ofEllaville announce the birth of a son, Frederick Casey, born September 9 at theMedical Center of Columbus. The infant,who is called Casey, weighed 9 pounds, 7 ½ ounces at birth. Paternal grandparents are Mrs Ann Brinson andthe late Mr Fred H Brinson of Americus and maternal grandparents are Mr and MrsLarry Dillard of Ellaville.Great-grandparents are Mrs Lura Hogg of Americus, Mr and Mrs RileyDillard of Ellaville. Casey has twosisters, Sharon, 6, and Kelli, age two. TR,Fri 2 Oct 1992

Brinson, Kelli Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Freddy H Brinson ofEllaville announce the birth of a daughter, Kelli Elizabeth, born May 30 at theColumbus Medical Center. Kelli weighed 9pounds, 5 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Larry R Dillard of Ellaville and Mrs Ann Brinson and the late MrFred H Brinson of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mrs Lura Hogg of Americus and Mr and Mrs RileyDillard of Ellaville. Kelli has asister, Sharon, age four. TR, Thu 14Jun 1990

Brinson, Not named - Mr and Mrs J E Brinson, of Oglethorpe,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce daughter at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, on February 28. TR,Mon 2 Mar 1964

Brinson, Sharon Ann - Mr and Mrs Freddy Brinson of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter, Sharon Ann, born Saturday,April 5 at Columbus Medical Center.Sharon is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Larry Dillard of Ellaville andMrs Ann Brinson of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Riley Dillard of Ellaville and Mrs Lura Hogg ofAmericus. TR, Tue 8 Apr 1986

Britt, Charles Avener Jr - Mr and Mrs Charles Avener Britt,of Tifton announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounces son born Wednesday, July27 at the Coffee County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Charles Avener Jr.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Charles R Cagle Sr of Americus and J B Brittof Pitts. Mr and Mrs Whitley Oliver arethe baby’s great-grandparents. TR,Fri 29 Jul 1977

Britt, John Russell - Mr and Mrs Charles A Britt of Tiftonare the parents of a son born at the Coffee County Hospital at Douglas Friday,November 17. The baby, who has beennamed John Russell will be called Russell.He weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Charles K Cagle of Americus and Mr and Mrs John B Britt ofPitts. The baby’s mother is the formerKay Cagle of this city. TR, Tue 21Nov 1978

Brittingham, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jerry Brittingham of Winderannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ½ ounce daughter Tuesday, October 25, atthe Winder-Barrow Hospital in Winder.Mrs Brittingham is the former Joann Reeves of Americus. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs CE Reeves of the Macon road. TR, Wed26 Oct 1966

Broadhurst, Iris Annette - Capt and Mrs Walker CarterBroadhurst, of Monterey, Calif announce the birth of a daughter born Wednesday,April 23. The baby has been given thename of Iris Annette. The infant is thegranddaughter of Mrs Frank Broadhurst and the great-granddaughter of Mrs WalkerCarter, all of Americus. TR, Mon 5May 1980

Broadhurst, Jane - Mr and Mrs Frank Broadhurst announce thebirth of a daughter Tuesday, May 10 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been named Janefor her mother, the former Miss Jane Carter.TR, Mon, 16 May 1954

Broadhurst, Lisa Jan - Mr and Mrs Steve Broadhurst announce thebirth of a daughter born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onSaturday, August 18. The baby, who hasbeen named Lisa Jan, weighed 8 pounds, ½ ounce.The infant is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Theron Hobgood and MrsFrank Broadhurst and the late Mr Broadhurst, all of Americus.. She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs WalkerCarter and Mrs L C Hobgood Sr of Americus and Ruric Slocumb of Preston. TR, Wed 22 Aug 1979

Broadhurst, Michael Sloan - Mr and Mrs Steve Broadhurst announcethe birth of a son, Michael Sloan, born Tuesday, April 14 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The infantweighed 9 pounds, 9 ounces. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Theron Hobgood and Mrs Frank Broadhurst and the late MrBroadhurst of Americus. He is thegreat-grandson of Mrs L C Hobgood and Mrs Walker Carter of Americus and R NSlocumb of Preston. TR, Mon 20 Apr1981

Broadhurst, Stephanie Karen - Mr and Mrs Steve Broadhurst arethe parents of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter born Tuesday, October 22 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been given the name of Stephanie Karen. Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs TheronHobgood and Mr and Mrs Frank Broadhurst.She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs Walker Carter and Mrs L C HobgoodSr of Americus and R N Slocumb of Preston.TR, Wed 23 Oct 1974

Broadhurst, Walker Carter - Mr and Mrs Frank Broadhurst announcethe birth of a son Wednesday, June 21, at city hospital, who has been namedWalker Carter for his maternal grandfather.Mrs Broadhurst is the former Miss Jane Carter. TR, Mon 26 Jun 1950

Broadwell, Amelia Ann - Mr and Mrs John Broadwell, of Belton,SC announce the birth of a daughter born Saturday, Mar 16. The little girl has been given the name ofAmelia Ann. Her grandparents are Mr andMrs James White of Americus and Mr and Mrs Walter Broadwell of Hartwell,Ga. TR, Wed 20 Mar 1974

Broanan, Not named - Dr and Mrs J F Broanan, of New London,Conn, announce the birth of a son, Monday, Feb 3. Mrs Broanan was formerly Miss DorothyHilsman, of Americus and Preston. TR,14 Feb 1941

Broawer, Matthew Jay - Sgt and Mrs Jeffrey A Broawer announcethe birth of a son, Matthew Jay, born December 24 at Winn Army Hospital, FtStewart, Ga. The infant weighed 7pounds, 5 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Ms Jo Ann Pulse and Donald Pulse of Lincoln, Neb. Sgt Broawer is a former resident of Americusand Mrs Broawer is formerly of Lincoln, Neb.The infant has a brother, Jeffrey II.TR, Tue 31 Jan 1989

Brock, Jennifer Christine - Mr and Mrs Perry Brock ofPreston announce the birth of a 4 pound, 13 ½ ounce daughter, JenniferChristine, born Monday, July 8 at Terrell County Hospital. She is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsRaymond Lee and Roberta Brock, all of Americus and Thomas Brock of Mississippi. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Nathanieland Mrs W A Lee, all of Americus, Agnes Marshall and Clarence Rine, borth ofPennsylvania and Mr and Mrs George Washington Brock of Mississippi. TR, Fri 12 Jul 1985

Brock, Katie Diane - Mr and Mrs Dale Brock of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Katie Diane, born Monday, August 29 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 10 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mrs W N Dowdey of Americus and the late Mr W N Dowdey andpaternal grandparents are Mrs Roberta Brock of Americus and T C Brock ofMississippi. The infant has a sisterKristi, age five. TR, Wed 7 Sep 1988

Brock, Not named - Mr and Mrs Bill Brock, of 908 ParkerStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Tuesday, January 14at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Thu 16 Jan 1958

Brock, Not named - Mr and Mrs Claude Brock, of Plains, arethe parents of a 9 pound, 9 ounce son, born November 1 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 2 Nov1964

Brock, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ralph Brock, of Route 4,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce daughter at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, September 10. TR,Fri 11 Sep 1959

Brock, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ryals Brock, of Route 4,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter, Tuesday, June 5 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 6 Jun 1956

Brock, Polly Ann - Mr and Mrs Jessie Brock, of Route 4,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ounce daughter, July 24 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of Polly Ann. TR, Mon 27 Jul 1964

Brodie, Meredith Shane - Mr and Mrs Perera Athel Brodie III,of Augusta, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ½ ounce daughter born Saturday,February 2 at the St Joseph’s Hospital in that city. The baby has been given the name of MeredithShane and will be called Shane. MrsBrodie is the former Sara Logan, daughter of Mr and Mrs Howard Logan of Plains. Paternal grandparents are Mrs June Powell andP A Brodie II, both of Augusta. TR,Fri 22 Feb 1974

Broks, Bonnie Olivia - Mr and Mrs Felton Broks announce thebirth of a daughter Monday, September 10 at the city hospital, who has beennamed Bonnie Olivia. TR, Thu 20 Sep1951

Bronson, David Iverson - Mr and Mrs Elbert Bronson announcethe birth of a seven pound, 12 ounce son of September yesterday at the CityHospital. The baby has been named DavidIverson. His mother is the former NellChapman of Bronwood. TR, Thu 14 Sep1950

Brooks, Christie Lynn - Mr and Mrs C L Brooks, of 119Highland Drive, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 14 ounce daughter, September23, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name ofChristie Lynn. TR, Sat 24 Sep 1966

Brooks, Dale Stephen Jr - Mr and Mrs Dale Stephen Brooksannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce son born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on Tuesday, September 1.The baby has been named Dale Stephen Jr and is the be called D J. He has two sisters, Lisa and Ginny. D J is the grandson of Mrs Bronie Brooks ofAlbany and Mr and Mrs Joseph Bridges of Shingler, Ga. Mrs Ada Brandon of Greensboro, Ga is thebaby’s great-grandmother. TR, Tue 8Sep 1981

Brooks, Derry Lynn - Mr and Mrs Lee Johnson Brooks, of Albany,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, October 20, atPhoebe Putney hospital, who has been named Derry Lynn. TR, Fri 23 Oct 1942

Brooks, Florrie Allene - Mr and Mrs Henry W Brooks, ofPhenix City, Ala, are the parents of a 6 pound, 15 ounce daughter, born March8, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named FlorrieAllene. TR, Thu 8 Mar 1962

Brooks, Harry Charles II - SFC and Mrs Charles Brooksannounce the birth of a son born Saturday, April 2 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been giventhe name of Harry Charles II. Chuckie,as he will be called has a sister, Mia Segne.The baby weighed 6 pounds, 12 ½ ounces.Grandparents are Mrs Emma Brooks and Mrs Willie Peak Fuse. His great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs WillieLinder and Mr and Mrs LeAnders Fuse of Americus. TR, Thu 14 Apr 1977

Brooks, Hylton Henry Jr - Mr and Mrs Hylton Brooks of DeSotoannounce the birth of a son Monday, September 14, who has been given the nameHylton Henry Jr. TR, Sun 20 Sep 1931

Brooks, Janice Lee - Mr and Mrs J L Brooks announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce girl on Tuesday, July 15 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named Janice Lee.TR, Thu 17 Jul 1958

Brooks, Nicholas Fokes - Mr and Mrs Ron Brooks of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Nicholas Fokes, born Friday, July 20 at HoustonCounty Hospital, Perry. The infantweighed 9 pounds, 12 ounces at birth.Mrs Brooks is the former Miss Lillian Fokes of Montezuma. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs JackFokes of Montezuma and paternal grandparents are Mrs Shirley Brooks of Albanyand the late Mr Bill Brooks. TR, Fri27 Jul 1990

Brooks, Not named - Mr and Mrs C D Brooks, of 126 HighlandDrive, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce daughter, May 9, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 10 May 1962

Brooks, Not named - Mr and Mrs Clayton Brooks announce thebirth of a daughter, Friday, March 26, at Prather Clinic, who weighed 8 pounds,8 ounces at birth. Mrs Brooks is theformer Nora Claire Brooks. TR, Mon 29Mar 1948

Brooks, Not named - Mr and Mrs Gordon Brooks announce thebirth of a son February 27, at their home, 701 Elmore Street. TR, Mon 27 Feb 1922

Brooks, Not named - Mr and Mrs Gordon Brooks Jr, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a son, Friday, October 4, at Emory UniversityHospital. TR, Sat 5 Oct 1946

Brooks, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Brooks, of 1705 CircleDrive, Americus, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce son, June 7, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Wed 8Jun 1960

Brooks, Not named - Mr and Mrs O A Brooks, of Route 2,Americus, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ½ ounce son, June 22, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 25 Jun 1962

Brooks, Not named - Pvt and Mrs H H Brooks, of DeSoto,announce the birth of a son, Monday, July 9 at city hospital. TR, Sat 14 Jul 1945

Brosman, Not named - Dr and Mrs John F Brosman announce thebirth of a daughter, Thursday, August 12.Mrs Brosman was formerly Miss Dorothy Hilsman, of this city. TR, Mon 23 Aug 1943

Broughton, Joshua Charles - Mr and Mrs Paul Broughton announcethe birth of a son born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Saturday,February 28 who has been given the name of Joshua Charles. The baby weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs W O Childs ofIdeal, Ga and Mr and Mrs J H Broughton, also of Ideal. TR, Tue 17 Mar 1981

Broughton, Not named - Mr and Mrs J B Broughton Jr, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, January 14, at City Hospital. TR, Thu 17 Jan 1946

Broun, Charlotte Anne - Dr and Mrs Paul Broun announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 13 1/4 ounce daughter born Sunday, August 19 at the MedicalCenter in Columbus. The baby has beengiven the name of Charlotte Anne. Carly,as the infant will be called, is the granddaughter of Senator and Mrs PaulBroun of Athens and Mr and Mrs Tommy Owen of Edison. TR, Fri 24 Aug 1979

Broun, Margaret Lucile - Dr and Mrs Paul Broun Jr ofAmericus are the parents of a daughter born Monday, September 22 at the MedicalCenter in Columbus. The baby has beengiven the name of Margaret Lucile and is to called Lucy. She weighed 7 pounds, 4 ½ ounces. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsTommy Owens of Edison, Ga and State Senator Paul Broun of Athens and the lateMrs Broun. TR, Mon 29 Sep 1980

Broun, Paul Collins III - Dr and Mrs Paul Broun announcethe birth of a son, Paul Collins III, born Thursday, December 20 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 10pounds, 8 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Senator Paul Collins Broun of Athens and the late MargaretBroun and maternal grandparents are Dr and Mrs Roy Bronson of West Lafayette,Ind. The infant, who shall be calledCollins, has two sisters, Carly, 11 and Lucy, age ten. TR, Sat 22 Dec 1990

Brouwer, Jeffrey Allen - Sgt and Mrs Jeffrey A Brouwer ofNuremberg, West Germany announce the birth a son, Jeffrey Allen, who was bornAugust 7. The infant weighed 7 pound, 2ounces at birth. Mrs Brouwer is formerlyof Lincoln, Nebraska and Sgt Brouwer is formerly of Americus. TR, Mon 11 Aug 1986

Brown, Andrew Thomas - Steve and Monica Brown of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Andrew Thomas, born December 22 at Sumter RegionalHospital. Andrew, as the infant iscalled, weighed 8 pounds at birth.Grandparents are Mel and Martha Brown of Allenton, WI, formerly ofAmericus, and Romie and Char Brever of Allenton. Great-grandmothers are Mrs Harriett Ansleyand Mrs Gladys Brown, both of Americus. TR,Thu 5 Jan 1989

Brown, Annie Lacey - Mr and Mrs Bill Brown of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Annie Lacey, born November 19 at Phoebe Putneyin Albany. The infant weighed 8 pounds,3 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Howard Brown Jr of Dawson and Mr and Mrs James Stewart of Claxton. Lacey has two sisters, Shauna, seven andMisty, age three. TR, Fri 27 Nov 1987

Brown, Anthony Lee - Kaye and Doyle Brown of Americusannounce the birth of a 5 pound, 11 ounce son, Anthony Lee, born Tuesday, April15 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Tony isthe grandson of Mrs Glenda Jeffcoat of Americus and Cleve Brown of Ellavilleand Raymond Whitman of Americus and the late Billie Whitman. Great-grandmother is Mrs Otha Allmon ofVidalia. He has a brother, Jonathan,2. TR, Thu 24 Apr 1986

Brown, Benjamin Daniel - Steve and Monica Brown of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Benjamin Daniel, born September 25 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 11 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mell Martha Brown of Americus and Roman and Charleen Brauer of Allenton,Wisconsin. Great-grandmother is Mrs JMelvin Brown of Americus. Ben has abrother, Andy, age two and a foster sister, Brandy Haskew, 16. TR, Mon 30 Sep 1991

Brown, Bethany Anne - Mr and Mrs William L Brown announcethe birth of a daughter, Bethany Anne on Sunday, September 14 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The babyweighed 7 pounds. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Jack D Morrison of Andersonville and Mr and Mrs Thurmon Brown ofPreston. The infant is thegreat-granddaughter of the late James Marvin Morrison and Mrs Lucile Clark ofCordele and the late Ellis Alfred Allison and Mrs Jewell Allison of Long Beach,California. TR, Mon 29 Sep 1980

Brown, Brenda Fay - Mr and Mrs D N Brown, of 308 WildwoodCircle, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 11 ounce daughter, who was bornNovemer 29 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named Brenda Fay. TR, Mon 1 Dec 1958

Brown, Charles David - Mr and Mrs Edgar Brown, ofWashington, D C, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son Friday,August 8, who has been named Charles David.TR, Mon, 11 Aug 1941

Brown, Charles Eric - Mr and Mrs Kernwood Brown announcethe birth of a son, Tuesday, November 15, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedCharles Eric. TR, Wed 16 Nov 1949

Brown, Charles Eugene III - Mr and Mrs Charles Brown Jr, ofMarianna, Fla, announce the birth of a 9 ½ pound son, Thursday, October 27, whohas been named Charles Eugene III. Thebaby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs C E Brown Sr, of Americus. TR, Sat 5 Nov 1955

Brown, Christine DeLange - Mr and Mrs Kernwood C Brownannounce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, Dec 16 at Prather Clinic, who hasbeen named Christine DeLange. Mrs Brownwas before marrige Miss Dorothy Gray, of Seattle. TR, Mon 17 Dec 1945

Brown, Christopher Jack - Mr and Mrs Jack Brown, of 1914Rose Avenue, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 1 ounce son Thursday, September8, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name ofChristopher Jack. The baby is the grandsonof Mr and Mrs R M Story of Plains and Mr and Mrs A J Brown of Phenix City,Ala. TR, Fri 9 Sep 1966

Brown, Christopher Jason - Steve and Monica Brown announcethe birth of a son, Christopher Jason, born April 15 at Sumter RegionalHospital.. The infant, who is called CJ, weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mel and Martha Brown of Americus and maternalgrandparents are Charleen Brever of Allentown, Wisc and the late Roman FBrever. Great-grandmother is GladyBrown. C J has two brothers, Andy, 6 andBen, 3. TR, Wed 26 Apr 1995

Brown, D’erica Mu’quisha - Anitra and Eric Brown of Plainsannounce the birth of a daughter, D’erica Mu’quisha, at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 6 pounds, 4ounces. Maternal grandparents are AliceGordon of Smithville and James Fordon of Americus. Paternal grandparents are Delores Brown ofAmericus and Alex Brown Sr. TR, Thu 9May 1996

Brown, David Russell - Mr and Mrs J L Brown, of Dawson,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 6 ounce son, Thursday, September 17 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named David Russell. TR, Thu 17 Sep 1959

Brown, Debra Jane - Pvt and Mrs R E (Bobby) Brown announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 12 ounce daughter at the Turner Air Force Hospital inAlbany Friday, October 29, who has been given the name of Debra Jane. Mrs Brown is the former Miss Mary AliceHolley, of Americus. TR, Sat 6 Nov1954

Brown, Dennis Jamey - Mr and Mrs Dennis Brown announce thebirth of a 5 pound, 13 ½ ounce son, Dennis Jamey, June 25 at Phoebe PutneyHospital in Albany. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs C D Brown, Hiawassee, Ga and maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Dillard Bryan of Hawkinsville, Ga. Great-grandparents are Mrs Fannie BellParadise and Mrs Clinton Bryan Sr, Americus.The baby arrived on his mother’s birthday and his maternal grandparents26th wedding anniversary. MrsBrown is the former Gale Brian of Americus.TR, Tue 29 Jun 1971

Brown, Dennis Nelson - Mr and Mrs A L Brown announce thebirth of a son, Friday, October 25, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedDennis Nelson. Mrs Brown was the formerMiss Claire Guest. TR, Sat 26 Oct1946

Brown, Doyle Glenn - Mr and Mrs Cleve L Brown, of 29 A,Tripp Street, announce the birth of a son on January 23, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby weighed9 pounds and has been named Doyle Glenn.TR, Tue 24 Jan 1961

Brown, Edward Thomas - Mr and Mrs Clarence Don Brown ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Edward Thomas, born August 4 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 11 ounce at birth. Grandparentsare Mrs Ruth Briggs of Oakdale, La and the late Edward Briggs of Vermont andthe late Mr and Mrs Clarence A Brown of Kingsland, Ga. The infant has s sister, Jessice, agenine. TR, Thu 6 Aug 1987

Brown, Emma Ann - Mr and Mrs W E Brown, of Smithville,announce the birth of a daughter, January 16, at the city hospital, who hasbeen named Emma Ann. TR, Wed 16 Jan1935

Brown, Ginger Ann - Mr and Mrs Donald Brown of Prestonannounce the birth of a daughter, Ginger Ann, born Monday, April 23 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds at birth. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Donald Eubanks of Dawson and Mr and Mrs Thurman Brown of Preston. The baby has a brother Justin, 3 ½. TR, Sat 28 Apr 1990

Brown, Gregory Sollers - Mr and Mrs Ed Brown, of Albany,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 1/4 ounce son, Friday, February 21 at thePhoebe Putney hospital. The baby hasbeen named Gregory Sollers. Mrs Brown isthe former Miss Alice Sollers, of Americus.TR, Sat 22 Feb 1958

Brown, Harold Chappell - Mr and Mrs Harold Brown, of LakeWorth, Florida, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce son, Wednesday,September 5, who has been given the name of Harold Chappell Jr. Mrs Brown was before marriage Frances Sewell,of Palm Beach, Fla. Mr Brown is a formerAmericus resident and the baby is the grandson of Mrs Walter Brown Sr, of thiscity. TR, Thu 6 Sep 1956

Brown, Henry Lee Jr - Mr and Mrs H L Brown, of Columbus,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, May 7, who has been named Henry LeeJr. TR, Mon 12 May 1947

Brown, James Christopher - Mr and Mrs Chris Brown, ofColumbus, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 9 ounce son, James Christopher, June3. Mrs Brown is the former Lane Cornwellof Plains. The baby is the grandson ofAubrey Brown and the late Mrs Brown of LaGrange, Ga and of Mrs Hardy Cornwelland the late Mr Cornwell of Plains, Ga.The baby has a sister, Lindsay Brown of Columbus. TR, Tue 24 Jun 1980

Brown, James Laney - Mr and Mrs Jule Brown announce thebirth of a son, weighing 8 pounds, 2 ounces on Sunday, Dec 29 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named James Laney. He is a grandsonof Mr and Mrs James Eason, of Americus and Mr and Mrs Howard Brown Sr, ofDawson. TR, Tue 31 Dec 1957

Brown, Jeffery Thomas - Mr and Mrs R L Brown are theparents of a son, Jeffery Thomas, who was born Friday, June 23 at Phoebe PutneyHospital, Albany. Jeff, as the infant isto be called, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs R L Dudley and Mrs Erni Scarbroughof Albany and H L Brown of Tennessee. Mrand Mrs E F Lowery of Americus are the baby’s great-grandparents. TR, Tue 27 Jun 1978

Brown, Jessalyn Shay - Mr and Mrs Charlie M Brown, ofAlbany are the parents of a 7 pound, 7 ounces born Friday, February 10 Feb 1910at Phoebe Putney Hospital in Albany. Thebaby has been named Jessalyn Shay. Theinfant is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Cecil Bailey of Perry and Mrs MrsErni Scarborough of Albany. Hergreat-grandparents are Mr and Mrs A E Fletcher of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs E FLowery of Americus. TR, Mon 13 Feb1978

Brown, Jessica Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Don Brown announcethe birth of a daughter born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onMonday, March 20. The baby weighed 7pounds, 3 ½ ounces. She has been namedJessica Elizabeth. TR, Thu 23 Mar1978

Brown, John Melvin Jr - Mr and Mrs J Melvin Brown announcethe birth of a son, Saturday, July 13, at the Prather Clinic, who has beengiven the name John Melvin Jr. Mrs Brownwas before her marriage Miss Gladys Vestes.TR, Mon 15 Jul 1935

Brown, John Robert - Mr and Mrs John S Brown, of Shelby,NC, announce the birth of a son, Sunday, June 3, who weighs 7 ½ pounds. The baby has been named John Robert. TR, Wed 17 Jul 1946

Brown, Jonathan Glenn - Mr and Mrs Doyle Brown of Americusannounce the birth of a son who has been given the name Jonathan Glenn. The infant, who weighed 6 pounds, 7 ounceswas born August 8 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. He is the grandson of Cleve I Brown Jr,Ellaville; Mrs Glenda Jeffcoat, Port St Joe, Fla and Mr and Mrs RaymondWhitman, Americus. His great-grandmotheris Mrs Otha Allmond of Vidalia. TR, Mon15 Aug 1983

Brown, Julian Alexander III - Mr and Mrs Lex Brown, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a son Thursday, October 18 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital who weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces. The baby, who has been given the name ofJulian Alexander III, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Joe Warren, of Panama City,Fla and Mr and Mrs Julian Brown of Griffin.Dr and Mrs R B Strickland of Americus are the infant’sgreat-grandparents. TR, Sat 20 Oct1973

Brown, Keith Eric - Rev and Mrs H E Brown, of Smithville,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce son Monday, May 16, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Keith Eric. TR,Mon, 16 May 1954

Brown, Kelly Amanda - Mr and Mrs David Brown, of Meriden,Conn, announce the birth of a daughter born Sunday, March 19 who weighed 8pounds, 12 ounces. The baby has beennamed Kelly Amanda. Her mother is theformer Amzie Sullivan. The baby is thegranddaughter of Lt Col and Mrs Frank Sullivan of Satellite Beach, Fla. Her grandmother, Mrs Sullivan, is the formerAmzie Matthews of Americus. TR, Fri21 Apr 1978

Brown, Kenneth Wayne - Mr and Mrs Harold W Brown, of 909Elizabeth Street, are the parents of a six pound, 15 ½ ounce son, born at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital on September 25. The baby has been named Kenneth Wayne. TR, Mon 28 Sep 1964

Brown, Laura Harriett - Mr and Mrs Roy Brown, ofBirmingham, announce the birth of a daughter, Laura Harriett, Wednesday, Sept11. Mr Brown is a former resident ofAmericus. TR, Sat 5 Oct 1940

Brown, Lawrence Beverly - Mr and Mrs Lawrence B Brown Jr,of 131A Cherokee, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce son, August 17, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital who has been named LawrenceBeverly. TR, Tue 20 Aug 1963

Brown, Lawrence Gray - Mr and Mrs Kernwood Brown announcethe birth of a son Friday, December 14, at Prather Clinic, who has been giventhe name of Lawrence Gray. TR, Mon,17 Dec 1951

Brown, Lindsay Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Chris Brown announcethe birth of their daughter, Lindsay Elizabeth, on December 21. She is the granddaughter of Mrs Allie MaeCornwell of Plains, Ga and Mr and Mrs Aubrey Brown of LaGrange. She is the great-granddaughter of Mr John CWise Sr of Plains. Mrs Brown is theformer Lane Cornwell. TR, Fri 31 Dec1976

Brown, Luther Jean - Mr and Mrs H R Brown, of Rees Street,announce the birth of a son, Thursday, March 5, who has been given the nameLuther Jean. TR, Thu 5 Mar 1931

Brown, Lyda Kathleen - Mr and Mrs Harold C Brown, of LakeWorth, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 2 ounce daughter, Tuesday, October 21,who has been named Lyda Kathleen. MrBrown is a former Americus resident and the baby is the granddaughter of MrsWalter Brown of this city. TR, Fri 24Oct 1958

Brown, Madison Claire - Jody and Chandrea Brown announcethe birth of a daughter, Madison Claire, born Sep 25 at the Crisp CountyHospital, Cordele. The baby weighed 6pounds, 6 ounces. Grandparents areWinston and June Mixon and Nancy and Clarence Brown. Great-grandparents are Hazel Hairston, MaryPadgett and M C Brown. She has a brotherand sister, Rush and Savannah. TR,Sun 29 Nov 1998

Brown, Madison Nicole - Jim and Sharon Brown of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Madison Nicole, born June 30 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 5pounds, 12 ounces. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Morton Duke of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and MrsLee Brown of Clearwater.Great-grandparents are Mrs W F Walthall of Americus and Sara Duke ofFlorille. TR, Wed 10 Jul 1996

Brown, Mallory Rose - Mr and Mrs Dennis Brown of WarnerRobins, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Mallory Rose,born August 10 at Sumter Regional Hospital.Grandparents are Don and Lola Brown of Americus and Billy and LindaFountain of Kathleen. Great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Johnnie F Wright, Eastman; Mrs Vera Fountain of Cochran and thelate Mr Rufus Fountain and Mrs Willie Brown of Tallapoosa and the late CarltonBrown. TR, Fri 21 Aug 1987

Brown, Mark Loring - Mr and Mrs G K Brown, of 811 FairfieldAvenue, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 2 ounce son, November 28, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Mark Loring. TR, Tue 1 Dec 1959

Brown, Mary Ann - Mr and Mrs Walter Brown of Birmingham,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, July 8, who has been named MaryAnn. The baby is the granddaughter ofMrs Walter Brown Sr, of this city. TR,Wed 10 Jul 1957

Brown, Melisa Faye - Mr and Mrs Dennis Brown of Americusannounce the birth of a 5 pound, 5 ounce daughter July 21, who has been namedMelisa Faye. Mrs Brown is the formerConnie Hutchens. The baby’s grandparentsare Mr and Mrs G L Hutchens of Leslie and Mr and Mrs David Brown ofThomasville. TR, Wed 26 Jul 1967

Brown, Mimi - Mr and Mrs Morton Brown Jr, of Nashville,Tenn announce the birth of a daughter Friday, April 17 who has been given thename of Mimi. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Ervan Lee Jr of Nashville and Mr and Mrs MortonBrown Sr of Johnson City, Tenn. Mrs E ELee of Americus is her great-grandmother.TR Mon 20 Apr 1970

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs Boyd Brown, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a nine-pound son, on September 1 at the PiedmontHospital. Mrs Brown is the former MissNellie Toms of Americus. TR, Wed 13Sep 1950

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Brown, of 702 VarsityDrive, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce son, Monday, September 7, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 9 Sep 1959

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charlie S Brown are the proudparents of a boy baby, which was born July 2.The Brown family formerly resided in Americus, but have moved to theBrown’s Mill vicinity. TR, Wed 8 Jul1931

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs Cleve Brown announce thebirth of a son, Saturday, May 15, at Prather Clinic. TR, Wed 19 May 1943

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs Edgar G Brown announce thebirth of a daughter September 29, at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital inAlbany. Mrs Brown is the former MissAlice Sollers, of Americus. TR, Thu28 Sep 1961

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs Griff Brown announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, September 4, at city hospital. TR, Tue 6 Sep 1949

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs Howard Brown announce thebirth of a daughter, Thursday, October 15, at city hospital. TR, Fri 16 Oct 1942

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs Howard Brown, of Dawson,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, September 11, at city hospital. TR, Fri 13 Sep 1940

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs I M Brown, of DeSoto,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter, July 6, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 8 Jul1963

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs J E Brown, of DeSoto, are theparents of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter, born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, on January 27. TR, Mon 29Jan 1962

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs J M Brown, of 1330 South LeeStreet, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce son, Sunday, March 3, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 4 Mar 1963

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs J M Brown, of 1330 South LeeStreet, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ½ ounce son, February 9, atthe Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Wed 10 Feb 1965

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs J P Brown of Montezumaannounce the birth of a 9 pound, 3 ounce son born May 12 at City Hospital. TCN, Thu 19 May 1949

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs J W Brown, of Ellaville,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ½ ounce son December 10, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon12 Dec 1960

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs James E Brown, of 111 WestChurch Street, are the parents of a 7 pound, 7 ounce daughter, born April 20 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Tue 20 Apr 1965

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs James S Brown Jr announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce son, September 11, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Mon 12 Sep 1960

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs Johnny Brown of Smithvilleare the parents of a 7 pound, 1 ounce son who was born Tuesday, October 13 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The infant is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Banks Brown of Smithville andMr and Mrs James Hall of Bronwood. TR,Wed 14 Oct 1981

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Brown, of Route 1, Leslie,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 4 ounce daughter, July 2, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, 5 Jul1960

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Brown, of Route 4Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce son, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on July 1. TR,Thu 1 Jul 1965

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs Kernwood Brown announce thebirth of a son Monday, April 21, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 24 Apr 1947

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs Kernwood Brown announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 2 ounce daughter Tuesday, August 17, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 19Aug 1954

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs Marvin Brown, of Route 5,Dawson, are the parents of a 7 pound, 2 ½ oz son, born November 24, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 25 Nov 1960

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs N S Brown of Americusannounce the birth of a son on December 16 at City Hospital. TCN, Thu 16 Dec 1948

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs R S Brown announce the birthof a daughter on July 21, at their home near Americus. TR, Fri 23 Jul 1920

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs W A Brown announce the birthof a 6 ½ pound daughter, Sunday, March 31 at their home in the 28thDistrict. TR, Mon 1 Apr 1940

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs W A Brown announce the birthof a daughter, Tuesday, September 20, at city hospital. TR, Sat 24 Sep 1949

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs W A Brown announce the birthof a 7 pound son, Friday,

October 23, at their homenear Americus. TR, Sat 24 Oct 1936

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs Wats Paul Brown, ofMontezuma, announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, April 1 at the Americusand Sumter County hospital. The baby hasnot been named. Mrs Brown was before hermarriage Miss Susie Greer of Montezuma. TR,Thu 2 Apr 1931

Brown, Not named - Mr and Mrs Watt P Brown, of Montezuma,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ½ ounce daughter, Tuesday, February 16, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 17 Feb 1960

Brown, Patrick Michael - Mr and Mrs Dwight T Brown ofMarietta, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son born on Thursday,January 26 at Northside Hospital in Marietta.The infant, who weighed 6 pounds, 8 ½ ounces has been named PatrickMichael and is joined at home by a brother Drew. TR, Tue 31 Jan 1984

Brown, Peter Coffin - Dr and Mrs Virgil Brown, of La Jolla,California announce the birth of a son on Saturday, January 30. The baby weighed 8 pounds and has been namedPeter Coffin. Mrs Brown is the formerAlice Coffin of Ellaville. Mr and MrsPaul McGill of Ellaville are grandparents.The baby was welcomed home by one little brother, Matthew, who is sixyears old. TR , Tue 2 Feb 1971

Brown, Ramona Kim - Mr and Mrs James Earl Brown, ofAmericus, Ga, announce the birth of a daughter, born Tuesday April 20 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Shehas been named Ramona Kim. Mrs Brown isthe former Miss Janice Davenport of Lumpkin, Ga. The maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs C LDavenport of Lumpkin and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs R G Brown, ofPlains. TR, Thu 22 Apr 1965

Brown, Raymond Linden - Mr and Mrs Jule Brown, of Dawson,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ½ ounce son on November 24 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Raymond Linden. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs James Easonof Americus and Mr and Mrs W Howard Brown Sr, of Dawson. TR, Thu 1 Dec 1960

Brown, Rita Ann - Sgt and Mrs Henry L Brown announce thebirth of a daughter, Rita Ann, Saturday, June 12, at the city hospital inColumbus. TR, Fri 18 Jun 1943

Brown, Robert Chad - Robert and Kay Brown of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a son, Robert Chad, born January 29 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. Chad, as he willbe called, weighed 6 pounds, ½ ounce.Grandparents are the late Viola Byrd of Ellaville; J C Byrd of Newnam;Mrs Neil Brown and the late Bobby Brown Sr of Ellaville. Great-grandmother is Mrs Annie J Stewart ofEllaville. TR, Tue 7 Feb 1984

Brown, Robert Christopher - Mr and Mrs Charles Robert Brownof Oglethorpe announce the birth of a 5 pound, 3 1/4 ounce son, RobertChristopher, who was born Tuesday, May 22 at the hospital in Perry. The baby has two older sisters, Gwen andMelissa. Grandparents are Mr and MrsCharles W Brown of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs J B Harris of Oglethorpe. His great-grandparents are Mrs Jenny Brown ofEllaville, Mrs Carrie Bell Cain of Americus and Mrs Fannie Cromer ofOglethorpe. He is thegreat-great-grandson of Mr and Mrs C W Holmes of Americus. TR, Fri 25 May 1979

Brown, Robert Enoch Jr - Mr and Mrs R E Brown announce thebirh of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son, September 18 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Robert Enoch Jr.TR, Tue 20 Sep 1960

Brown, Robert Michael - Mr and Mrs Melvin Brown Jr, ofFayetteville, NC, announce the birth of a son, October 15, who has been namedRobert Michael. Mrs Brown is the formerMartha Ansley, daughter of William Ray Ansley, of Americus. The baby’s paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Melvin Brown Sr, also of this city. TR,Mon 16 Oct 1962

Brown, Ronald Chuck - Mr and Mrs Norman Brown, of BarlowStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce son, Saturday, June 2, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Ronald Chuck. TR, Tue 5 Jun 1956

Brown, Roy Andrew - Mr and Mrs Dwight Brown announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce son born Monday, March 29 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Roy Andrew. Hisgrandparents are Mr and Mrs A G Shepherd of Birmingham and the late Mr and MrsRoy Brown. TR, Tue 30 Mar 1976

Brown, Roy Michael - Mr and Mrs W A Brown, of Smithville,announce the birth of a 5 pound, 12 ounce son, Monday;, February 20, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Roy Michael. TR, Wed 22 Feb 1956

Brown, Ryan Scott - Kay and Robbie Brown of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a son, Ryan Scott, born Monday, March 28 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 12 ounces at birth. He has abrother, Robert Chad, age four.Grandparents are J C Byrd of Newnan and the late Mrs Viola Byrd ofEllaville; and Mrs Nell Cromer of Ellaville and the late Mr Bobby Brown ofEllaville. TR, Mon 4 Apr 1988

Brown, Sallie Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Charles Brown Jr, ofMarianna, Fla, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 12 ounce daughter Saturday,July 10, at Jackson Hospital. The baby,who has been named Sallie Elizabeth, is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs C EBrown Sr, of Americus. TR, Tue 11 Jul1954

Brown, Shelia Gwen - Mr and Mrs Charles Robert Brown, ofOglethorpe, announce the birth of a daugher on Thursday, April 24 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 5 pounds, 5 ½ ounces and has been named Shelia Gwen. Grandparents of the baby are Mr and Mrs J RHarris of Oglethorpe and Mr and Mrs Charles Brown of Ellaville. TR, Tue 29 Apr 1975

Brown, Sherri Lee - Mr and Mrs Kenneth F Brown, of Leslie,are the parents of a 7 pound, 1 ½ ounce daughter, born September 12 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of SherriLee. TR, Fri 14 Sep 1962

Brown, Steven Melvin - Mr and Mrs Melvin Brown Jr, of 1215Hanco*ck Drive, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ½ ounce son, Sunday, February28, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named StevenMelvin. Mrs Brown is the former MissMartha Ansley, of this city. The baby isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs Melvin Brown Sr and Mr and Mrs Ray Ansley ofAmericus. TR, Mon 29 Feb 1960

Brown, Suzanne - Mr and Mrs Jack Brown, of 104 PinecrestDrive, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter, May 6, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Suzanne. TR, Thu7 May 1964

Brown, Tara Ann - Mr and Mrs Donald N Brown, of Americus,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ½ ounce daughter, Tara Ann, born at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital Tuesday, January 23. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs D WEdenfield and paternal grandparents are Mrs Georgia Brown and the late J ABrown, all of Columbus. The baby’smother is the former Carol Edenfield of Columbus. TR, Wed 24 Jan 1973

Brown, Tatum Cecile - Mr and Mrs Doug Brown of Bacontonannounce the birth of a daughter, Tatum Cecile, on October 21 at Phoebe Putney,Albany. Mrs Brown is the former AngieDavis of Americus. The baby, who weighed9 pounds, 9 ½ ounces is the granddaughter of Junior and Sue Davis of Americusand Etheridge and Cecile Brown of Baconton.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Cecil Eaton of Pelham and Effie Brownof Sale City. Her brother is 3 ½ yearsold Trent. TR, Fri 7 Nov 1997

Brown, Trenton Edwin - Mr and Mrs Doug Brown of Bacontonannounce the birth of a son, Trenton Edwin, born Thursday, Mar 17 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 7 ounces at birth. Mrs Brown isthe former Angie Davis of Americus.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs James A Davis Jr of Americus andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ethridge Edwin Brown of Baconton. TR, Thu 24 Mar 1994

Brown, Twins - Mr and Mrs Marvin T Brown, of Montezuma,announce the birth of twins at the Wise Sanitarium in Plains, October 10th. TR, Tue 11 Oct 1932

Brown, Virginia Lynn - Mr and Mrs Jack Brown of Dawson,announce the birth of a six pound, 7 ounce daughter, October 14 at the TerrellCounty Hospital, who has been named Virginia Lynn. TR, Tue 23 Oct 1962

Brown, Walter Hamil Jr - Mr and Mrs Walter Brown, ofBirmingham, Ala, announce the birth of a son, Friday, March 14, at St Vincent’shospital. The baby has been named WalterHamil Jr. Mrs Brown is the formerresident of Americus. TR, Mon 17 Mar1952

Brown, William Edward Jr - Rev and Mrs W E Brown, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a seven pound, five ounce son this morning atthe city hospital who has been named William Edward Jr. TR, Tue 8 Aug 1933

Brown, William Harry - Mr and Mrs L A Brown, of the 28thdistrict, announce the birth of a son, November 14, who has been given the nameof William Harry. TR, Mon 16 Nov 1931

Brown, William Mathew - Dr and Mrs William Virgil Brown, ofBaltimore, Md, announce the birth of a 9 pound son on December 25 whom theyhave named William Mathew.. The baby isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs Paul Gill, of Ellaville. TR, Tue 5 Jan 1965

Brown, William Richard - Mr and Mrs Edgar Brown, ofTallahassee, Fla, announce the birth of a son, Monday, Dec 23, who has beennamed William Richard. TR, Thu 2 Jan1947

Brown, William Spencer - Mr and Mrs Richard Brown ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, William Spencer, on January 5 at PhoebePutney Hospital, Albany. The baby, whoweighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Jule Brown of Dawsonand Dan Sandlin of Albany and the late Linda Sandlin. Mrs Brown is the former Terri Sandlin ofAlbany. TR, Wed 14 Jan 1998

Brown, William Thomas - Mr and Mrs William Dale Brown Jr ofGlenrose, Texas announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce son, William Thomas,born Saturday, July 28 at Johnson County Hospital in Cleburne, Texas. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs James Springer ofSpringerville, Ariz; Mr and Mrs L J Tison of Americus and William Dale Brown Srof Panama City, Fla. TR, Fri 31 Aug1984

Brown, Wyonna Lynn - Mr and Mrs Sam A Brown, of Preston,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter born Tuesday, May 16 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital who has been named Wyonna Lynn. She is the granddaughter of Mrs JaunitaJackson of Americus, Jimmy Jackson of Oglethorpe and Mr and Mrs R G Brown ofPreston. TR, Wed 17 May 1972

Browning, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ernest Browning, of 137Hampton Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 6 ounce daughter, November 5,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Thu 6 Nov 1958

Brownlee, Kelly - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Brownlee announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce daughter Tuesday, December 27 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Kelly. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs CarlBrownlee of Americus and Mr and Mrs Tooney Spurlin of DeSoto. TR, Mon 1 Jan 1968

Brownlee, Pleamon K Jr - Mr and Mrs Pleamon K Brownleeannounce the birth of a son, who was born Thursday, October 26. The baby has been named Pleamon K Jr. TR, Fri 27 Oct 1939

Bruce, Carla Melissa - Mr and Mrs Robert Lee Bruce announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter born Wednesday, March 24 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Carla Melissa. Sheis the granddaughter of W C Tyler and the late Mrs Tyler of Americus and Mr andMrs M L Bruce of Preston. TR, Tue 30Mar 1971

Bruce, Jennie Frances - Mr and Mrs Weldon Bruce, of FtValley, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter on August 1st.. Mrs Bruce will be remembered as Miss VirginiaMorrell, a former resident of this city.The baby has been named Jennie Frances, for its great-grandmother, MrsJennie Morrell. TR, Sat 9 Aug 1947

Bruce, Samuel Lawrence Jr - Mr and Mrs S L Bruce, of theFriendship Road, announce the birth of a son, Saturday, May 13, at the home ofMr and Mrs F A Smith near Dawson. Thebaby has been named Samuel Lawrence Jr and is to be called Larry. Before marriage Mrs Bruce was Miss SarahSmith. TR, Tue 16 May 1939

Bruder, Not named - Lt and Mrs Matthew Bruder, of New York,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, February 23. Lt Bruder, a bombardier, who was formerlystationed at Souther Field has been missing in action since October 23. TR, Mon 26 Feb 1945

Brumback, Mary Christine - Mr and Mrs W H Brumback, ofBirmingham, Ala, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, February 1, atcity hospital. The baby has been namedMary Christine for her paternal grandmother and her aunt, Mrs Buddy Bell, ofthis city. Mrs Brumback is the formerMisss Frances Hines, of Americus. TR,Fri 2 Feb 1951

Bruner, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert Bruner, of 606 SouthJackson Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 5 ounce son, Sunday, November6, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Tue 8 Nov 1955

Brunson, Brandi Michelle - Mr and Mrs Michael Shelbon Brunsonannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce daughter born Monday, March 3 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Theinfant has been named Brandi Michelle.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Charles J Varnum and Mr and Mrs ShelbonBrunson, all of Americus. TR, Fri 4Apr 1980

Brunson, Halli Nicole - Mr and Mrs Michael Brunson ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Halli Nicole, born May 26 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6 pounds,2 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Shelbon Brunson of Americus and Mr and Mrs John Herring ofMarietta. The infant has a sister,Brandi, eight and brother, Jake, age three.TR, Fri 24 Jun 1988

Bruton, Not named - Mr and Mrs J B Bruton announce the birthof a daughter, Saturday, August 2, at the city hospital. TR, Tue 5 Aug 1941

Bryan, Donna Sue - Mr and Mrs Ronnie Bryan announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce daughter, born Thursday, July 24, 1969 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Donna Sue. She isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Fred Buchanan and Mr and Mrs Dillard Bryan ofAmericus. Her maternal grandparents areMr and Mrs Cecil Cosby of Dawson and her paternal grandparents are Mrs ClintonBryan Sr and Mrs Fannie Belle Paradise, both of Americus. TR, Tue 29 Jul 1969

Bryan, Donnie Roy - Mr and Mrs Maud Bryan, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a son Wednesday, January 2 at 6:30 a m at city hospital, whohas been named Donnie Roy. TR, Thu 3Jan 1952

Bryan, Hugh Thomas Jr - Mr and Mrs Hugh Bryan announce thebirth of a son, Tuesday, August 1, at Prather Clinic. The baby has been named Hugh Thomas, Jr. TR, Thu 3 Aug 1944

Bryan, Luke Thomas - Mr and Mrs Mickey Bryan of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Luke Thomas, born December 5 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,12 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Johnny C Smith Sr of Americus and Mr and Mrs Burl Bryan of Cussetta. The infant has two brothers, Michael, 15 andRobbie, 13. TR, Fri 6 Jan 1989

Bryan, Martha Glennyce - Mr and Mrs Denver Bryan announcethe birth of a daughter, Tuesday, February 26, at Prather Clinic. The baby has been named Martha Glennyce for hermother, the former Miss Glennyce Draughon and her grandmother, Mrs Martha DovieDraughon. TR, Thu 28 Feb 1946

Bryan, Nathan Edward - Capt and Mrs Oscar Bryan Jr ofWarner Robins are the parents of a son born Thursday, November 4 at the BaseHospital at Warner Robins. The baby hasbeen named Nathan Edward. His weight was10 pounds, 4 ounces. The infant is thegrandson of Mrs Margaret Bryan and the late O V Bryan Sr of Americus and Mr andMrs Hugh Styon of Jacksonville. TR,Tue 9 Nov 1976

Bryan, Not named - Mr and Mrs Hugh Bryan, of Savannah,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, July 22, atthe Telfair hospital in Savannah. TR,Fri 24 Jul 1942

Bryan, Not named - Mr and Mrs O V Bryan announce the birthof a daughter, Sunday, October 27, at Prather Clinic. TR, Wed 30 Oct 1946

Bryan, Oscar Virgil - Mr and Mrs O V Bryan, of Dawson,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son, Saturday, August 25, atPrather Clinic, who has been named Oscar Virgil. Mrs Bryan was before marriage Miss MargaretLee. TR, Tue 28 Aug 1945

Bryan, Paul - Mr and Mrs Clinton Bryan, 607 BlackshearStreet, Thomasville announce the birth of a son on January 20 at ArchibaldMemorial Hospital. He has been given thename of Paul. Mrs Bryan is the formerRuth King, of Americus. TCN, Thu 22Jan 1948

Bryan, Paula Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Clinton Bryan Jr, of607 Blackshear Street, Thomasville, announce the birth of a seven-pounddaughter, January 17, at Archibald Memorial Hospital, Thomasville, who has beennamed Paula Elizabeth. Mrs Bryan is theformer Miss Ruth King, of Thomasville. TR,Thu 22 Jan 1948

Bryan, Sandra Kate - Mr and Mrs Denver Bryan announce thebirth of a daughter, Sandra Kate, who was born Thursday July 20 at the PratherClinic. Mrs Bryan was before marriageMiss Glennyce Draughton. TR, Mon 2Aug 1937

Bryant, Angela Lynn - Mr and Mrs Harold Bryant, of 2708 TipTop Drive, Columbus, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 12 ounce daughter, AngelaLynn, who was born May 20 at the St Francis Hospital in Columbus. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsJames Bryant of Columbus and Mr and Mrs Maurice Williams of Americus. TR, Tue 24 May 1966

Bryant, Artis Howard - Mr and Mrs Charles E Bryant, of 31119th Street, Cordele, announce the birth of a son Tuesday, March 17,at Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Artis Howard. Mrs Bryant is the former Miss Helen Snider,daughter of Mr and Mrs A C Snider, of Americus.TR, Wed 18 Mar 1953

Bryant, Charles Lamar - Mr and Mrs Stan Bryant, of Albany,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 3/4 ounce son born at 2:44 a m January 1 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Charles Lamar. Charles has a sister, Beth, who is 2 yearsold. TR, Fri 2 Jan 1976

Bryant, Cynthia Dawn - Mr and Mrs Harold Bryant, of 1509Wildwood Avenue, Columbus, announce the birth of a daughter, September 1, at StFrancis Hospital, who has been named Cynthia Dawn. Mrs Bryant was formerly Cynthia Williams, daughterof Mr and Mrs Maurice Williams, of Americus.TR, Mon 4 Sep 1961

Bryant, Donna - Mr and Mrs James Bryant announce the birthof a seven pound daughter, Donna, on August 31 at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The mother was formerly MissBetty Mercer. TR, Tue 1 Sep 1953

Bryant, Elizabeth Kay - Mr and Mrs Stan Bryant announce thebirth of a daughter, Elizabeth Kay, born Thursday, June 21 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby weighed7 pounds, 13 ounces. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs E E Bryant of North Augusta, SC and Mr and Mrs C OConnelly of Hampton, SC. TR, Sat 23Jun 1973

Bryant, James Eddie - Mr and Mrs James Bryant of 15 WestChurch Street announce the birth of a son on September 8. He weighed five pounds, nine ounces, and hasbeen given the name of James Eddie. TR, Wed 13 Sep 1950

Bryant, Jason Quinn - Mr and Mrs Gerald Wayne Bryant are theparents of a son born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Sunday,October 29. The infant weighed 7 pounds,11 ounces. He has been named JasonQuinn. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs JohnE Waters of Macon and Mrs Mary Elizabeth Bryant of Fitzgerald and the lateJames William Bryant of Ocilla. TR,Fri 3 No;v 1978

Bryant, Lisa Allene - Mr and Mrs Hugh Bryant, of Bessemer,Ala, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, who weighed 7pounds, 12 ½ ounces, February 1. Thebaby has been named Lisa Allene. TR,Mon 9 Feb 1959

Bryant, Mary Jane - Mrs Bill Bryant announces the birth of adaughter, Thursday, June 7, at city hospital, who has been named MaryJane. Mrs Bryant was before marriageMiss Martha McArthur. The baby’s father,Lt Bryant of the Army Air Forces was killed in action in China inDecember. TR, Fri 8 Jun 1945

Bryant, Not named - Mr and Mrs Alton Bryant announce thebirth of a son, Monday, December 2, at City Hospital. TR, Wed 4 Dec 1946

Bryant, Not named - Mr and Mrs Herbert Bryant, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son, Sunday, June 22, at City hospital. TR, Mon 23 Jun 1947

Bryant, Not named - Mr and Mrs S Cady Bryant announce thebirth of a daughter Sunday, November 13, at their home in Unadilla. Mrs Bryant is pleasantly remembered inAmericus as Miss Berta Melton, and formerly a member of the Times-Recorderclerical department. TR, Tue 15 Nov1921

Bryant, Not named - Mr and Mrs Vernon Bryant, of Macon,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Tuesday, November 4. Mrs Bryant is the former Miss Lucile Dunmonof Americus. TR, Wed 5 Nov 1958

Bryant, Not named - Mr and Mrs W B Bryant, of Smithville,are parents of a girl baby born Saturday, Jan 6, at the City Hospital. TR, Thu 10 Jan 1946

Bryant, Robin Kay - Mr and Mrs James F Bryant, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a daughter at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onWednesday, September 20. She weighed 7pounds, 11 ounces and has been named Robin Kay.TR, Sat 30 Sep 1972

Bryce, Julie Anne - George and Jackie Bryce announce thebirth of a daughter, Julie Anne, on July 13 at Sumter Regional Hospital. She weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces. Grandparents are John and Corrine Grewco*ck ofAmericus and she is the great-granddaughter of Elsie Blockley of Leicaster,England and Mrs Theron Davis of Darlington, SC.TR, Thu 24 Jul 1997

Bryson, John Francis - Mr and Mrs C E Bryson, of Parrott,announce the birth of a son Saturday morning, January 9 at the Wise Sanitariumhere. The child has been given the nameJohn Francis. TR, Mon 11 Jan 1932

Bryson, Mary Eunice - Mr and Mrs Emerson Bryson announcedthe birth of a daughter Sunday night, March 16 at Stewart-WebsterHospital. The baby weighed 6 pounds, 81/4 ounces and will be called Mary Eunice.Mrs Bryson is the former Miss Eunice Holton of Sale City. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs LeeHolton. Mrs C E Bryson of Preston is thepaternal grandmother. TCN, Thu 20 Mar1952

Buchanan, Alice Pauline - Mr and Mrs A J (Seph) Buchananannounce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, November 7, at Prather Clinic, whohas been given the name Alice Pauline.Mrs Buchanan is the former Miss Alice Wheeler. TR Tue 9 Nov 1943

Buchanan, Benjamin Scott - Mr and Mrs Newt Buchanan are theparents of a 9 pound son born Sunday, October 16 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been namedBenjamin Scott. Ben, as the infant willbe called, has an older sister, Cathy Lee.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Easter Smith and Mr and Mrs FredBuchanan and the great-grandson of Mrs Cecil Cosby of Dawson and Mrs VeraHagerson and Mrs Annette Smith of Americus.TR, Wed 19 Oct 1977

Buchanan, Brandy Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Steve Buchananannounce the birth of a 9 pound, 2 ½ ounce daughter Friday, May 5 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been given the name of Brandy Elizabeth. Brandy, as she will be called has an oldersister Tiffany Lynn. The maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs E L Rogers of Plains and the paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Joseph C Buchanan of the Concord Community. TR, Thu 11 May 1978

Buchanan, Cathy Lee - Mr and Mrs Newt Buchanan announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 10 ½ ounce daughter, Cathy Lee Buchanan, who was bornTuesday, May 14 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby’s mother is the former JenniferSmith. The infant is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs Fred Buchanan and Mr and Mrs Easter Smith, all of Americus. TR, Wed 15 May 1974

Buchanan, Charmane - Mr and Mrs Logan Buchanan, of Plainsannounce the birth of a 7 pound daughter, born Sun, November 22 at the PhoebePutney Hospital in Albany. The baby, whohas been given the name of Charmane, is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs BufordH Reese and Mr and Mrs Brooks E Buchanan, all of Plains. TR, Mon 23 Nov 1970

Buchanan, Cindy Yvonne - Mr and Mrs David Buchanan, of Plains,announce the birth of a daughter Friday, February 15 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 8 ½ ounces and has been given the name of Cindy Yvonne. Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs Charles RRobinson of this city and Mr and Mrs Clay Buchanan of Plains. TR, Tue 19 Feb 1974

Buchanan, Cory Brooks - Kelly and Jenny Buchanan of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Cory Brooks, Feb 15 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,15 ounces. Grandparents are Brooks andBeverly Buchanan of Plains and Martha Glassco*ck and Sam Glassco*ck, both ofAmericus. Great-grandparents are Brooksand Susie Buchanan and Irma Wise, all of Plains. He has a brother Cody, 4. TR, Tue 9 Mar 1999

Buchanan, Donna Lynn - Mr and Mrs J M Buchanan announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce daughter Saturday, August 10 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been named Donna Lynn is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs C A Toms ofAmericus and Mrs Ruby Buchanan of Plains.TR, Tue 20 Aug 1968

Buchanan, Dorothy Ann - Mr and Mrs Robert Buchanan, of Plains,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, Sept 16, who has been named DorothyAnn. TR, Mon 23 Sep 1940

Buchanan, Elizabeth Ann - Mr and Mrs Frank Buchanan announcethe birth of a daughter, Saturday, March 9, at City hospital, who has beennamed Elizabeth Ann. TR, Mon 11 Mar1946

Buchanan, George Eshton III - Mr and Mrs Eshton Buchanan Jrannounce the birth of a son Oct 14, at their home on South Lee Street, who willbe called George Eshton Buchanan III. TR,Thu 16 Oct 1924

Buchanan, James Rodgers IV - Mr and Mrs Jim Buchanan ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, James Rodgers IV at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 9 pounds, 4ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Johnny Sheffield and the late Mrs Nell Page Sheffield andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Jimmy Buchanan, all of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs John WestSheffield and Mrs James R Buchanan and the late Mr Buchanan, all of Americus. The baby has a sister, Pagie, age four. TR, Fri 31 Jan 1992

Buchanan, James Rogers III - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Buchananannounce the birth of a 7 ½ pound son, Thursday, June 13 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named James Rogers III. Mrs Buchanan was before marriage Miss JoyceZimmerman, of Salina, Kansas. TR, Thu13 Jun 1957

Buchanan, James Rogers - Mr and Mrs James R Buchanan announcethe birth of a son March 11 at the Americus and Sumter County hospital, who hasbeen named James Rogers Jr. TR, Sat12 Mar 1932

Buchanan, Jeffrey Michael Jr - Jeff and Kathy Buchanan ofTampa, Fla announce the birth of a son, Jeffrey Michael Jr, born Monday,October 8 at the Humana Women’s Hospital in Tampa. The infant, who weighed 7 pounds, 14 ouncesat birth, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Jimmie Buchanan of Americus and Mr andMrs Robert Kolnicky of Marietta. MrsJames Buchanan Sr of Americus and Mrs Karl Zimmerman of Colwich, Kansas are hisgreat-grandmothers. TR, Tue 16 Oct1990

Buchanan, Jo Anne - Mr and Mrs A J Buchanan announce the birthof a daughter Sunday, September 8 , at City Hospital, who has been named JoAnne. TR, Wed 11 Sep 1946

Buchanan, Joseph Colquitt - Mr and Mrs J M Buchanan, ofConcord Community, announce the birth of a son, Monday, April 20, who has beennamed Joseph Colquitt. TR, Tue 21 Apr1942

Buchanan, Julia Lee - Mr and Mrs G E Buchanan III, of York,Penn, announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, February 7, who has been giventhe name Julia Lee for her maternal grandmother, Mrs Buchanan is the formerMiss Margaret Schaeffer, of York and Mrs Buchanan is the son of Mr and Mrs G EBuchanan Jr, of this city. TR, Mon 10Feb 1947

Buchanan, Kandice Denise - Mr and Mrs Nathan Buchanan announcethe birth of a 6 pound daughter born Wednesday, April 26 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Kandice Denise.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Marion Buchanan and Mrs Maude Jackson andRoy Jackson, all of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mrs Ethel Buchanan and the late Brooks Buchananand Mrs Emma Hall and the late Otis Hall, also of Americus. TR, Fri 5 May 1978

Buchanan, Kevin Scott - Is the name of the infant son of Mrand Mrs David A Buchanan Jr of Plains who was born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on Wednesday, November 26.The baby, who weighed 7 pounds, 7 ½ ounces has a sister Cindy, who is 6years old. TR, Tue 2 Dec 1980

Buchanan, Kole Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Jeff Buchanan of Tampa,Fla announce the birth of a daughter, Kole Elizabeth, born Mar 23 at UniversityCommunity Hospital, Tampa. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Jimmie Buchanan of Americus andmaternal grandparents are Robert Kolnicky of Tampa. Mrs James R Buchanan of Americus isgreat-grandmother. The baby has abrother Jeffrey, 3. TR, Fri 25 Mar1994

Buchanan, Not named - Mr and Mrs Brooks Buchanan III, ofPlains, announce the birth of a son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital,who weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces. TR,Thu 18 Jul 1963

Buchanan, Not named - Mr and Mrs Brooks Buchanan, of Plains,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ½ ounce son, born October 7, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 7 Oct 1965

Buchanan, Not named - Mr and Mrs Frank Buchanan announce thebirth of an eight pound daughter, born this morning, February 19, at the cityhospital. Mrs Buchanan was before hermarriage Miss Maybelle Simpson, of Smithville.Both mother and baby are doing nicely.TR, Fri 19 Feb 1937

Buchanan, Not named - Mr and Mrs Frank Buchanan announce thebirth of a daughter, Monday, January 12, at city hospital. TR, Wed 14 Jan 1942

Buchanan, Not named - Mr and Mrs J C Buchanan, Plains,announce the birth of a baby girl born September 23 at Prather Clinic. TCN, Thu 25 Sep 1952

Buchanan, Not named - Mr and Mrs J M Buchanan announce thebirth of a daughter Sunday, March 5, at their home north of Plains. TR, Tue 6 Apr 1937

Buchanan, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jimmie Buchanan announce thebirth of a 6 ½ pound daughter, born January 10 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs James R Buchanan of this city. TR, Fri 11 Jan 1963

Buchanan, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Buchanan announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 1 ½ ounce daughter born Monday, April 10 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The littlegirl is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs H E Cain of Birmingham and Mr and MrsBrooks Buchanan Jr of Plains. TR, Wed11 Apr 1973

Buchanan, Not named - Mr and Mrs M S Buchanan, of Plains, announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital,May 5. TR, Thu 7 May 1953

Buchanan, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert Lee Buchanan announcethe birth of a baby girl at the Prather Clinic on October 11. TCN, Thu 14 Oct 1948

Buchanan, Patricia - Mr and Mrs Robert Buchanan, of theConcord community, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, April 30, whohas been named Patricia. TR, Wed 6May 1942

Buchanan, Rebecca Paige - Mr and Mrs Robert Buchanan Jrannounce the birth of a daughter at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onSaturday, December 15. The infant hasbeen given the name of Rebecca Paige.She weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces.Grandparents of the baby are Mr and Mrs Robert Buchanan Sr of Plains andMr and Mrs Lewis Bray of Americus. Sheis the great-granddaughter of Mrs Brooke Buchanan Sr and the late Mr Buchananof Plains and the late Mr and Mrs H R Countryman of Americus. TR, Wed 19 Dec 1973

Buchanan, Reuben Davis Jr - Mr and Mrs Reuben Davis Buchanan,of Plains, announce the birth of a son born Saturday, September 22 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Theinfant has been given the name of Reuben Davis Jr. His weight was 8 pounds, 14 ounces. Grandparents of the baby are Mr and MrsRobert Buchanan, Plains and Mrs Julia Cravey and the late Gus Cravey ofMilan. He is the great-grandson of MrsBrooks Buchanan Sr and the late Mr Buchanan of Plains and the late Mr and Mrs HB Countryman of Americus. TR, Wed 26Sep 1973

Buchanan, Samuel Sidney Jr - Chief S S Buchanan of the U SNavy and Mrs Samuel Sidney Buchanan announce the birth of a son, at the CityHospital, August 1st. ChiefBuchanan is the son of the pastor of the Americus Circuit. His wife is the former Miss ShirleyMiddlebrooks of Griffin, Georgia. Thebaby, born on his father’s birthday, has been named Samuel Sidney Jr. Both mother and baby are doing fine. TR, Tue 7 Aug 1945

Buchanan, Shelby Jean - Mr and Mrs Brooks Buchanan, of theConcord Community, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 3/4 ounce daughter at12:40 o’clock January 1, at Prather Clinic.The baby has been named Shelby Jean.TR, Tue 2 Jan 1951

Buchanan, Tiffany Lynn - Mr and Mrs Steve Buchanan announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 2 3/4 ounce daughter on Thursday, September 25 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been given the name of Tiffany Lynn.Mrs Buchanan is the former Hope Rogers of Plains. The maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs E LRogers of Plains and the paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Joseph Buchananof the Concord Community. TR, Mon 29Sep 1975

Buchanan, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs J C Buchanan, of Route 1Plains, announce the birth of twin daughters on February 20 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 21Feb 1963

Buchanan, Valerie Dawn - Mr and Mrs Reuben David Buchananannounce the birth of a daughter born Friday, October 24 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby, who has been named Valeria Dawn,weighed 9 pounds, 9 ounces. The infantis the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Robert L Buchanan Sr of Plains and Mrs JuliaCravey and the late Gus Cravey of Milan.Her great-grandparents are Mrs Brooks Buchanan and the late Mr Buchananand the late Mr and Mrs H B Countryman, all of Americus. TR, Sat 25 Oct 1975

Buchanan, William Louden - Dr and Mrs William Buchanan ofClarion, PA announce the birth of a son, William Louden, born August 22 at theClarion Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 4 ounces. Buchanan is a formerresident of Americus and the grandson of the late Rev and Mrs James E Buchananof Americus. TR, Thu 5 Sep 1996

Buckley, Julie Cardwell - Mr and Mrs Forrest Buckley III, ofLilburn, Ga announce the birth of a daughter born Easter Sunday, April 15. The baby has been given the name of Julie Cardwell. Mrs Buckley is the former Beth Hays ofCamilla and Americus. Grandparents areMrs Tom Hays of Camilla and Mrs Forrest Buckely II of Tampa, Fla. TR, Mon 16 Apr 1979

Bucknell, Charlotte Wright - Mr and Mrs John Bucknell announcethe birth of a nine-pound, 4-ounce daughter on Okinawa, where Mr Bucknell isdoing special work for the government, on Saturday, February 27. The baby, who has been named Charlotte Wrightfor her maternal grandmother, is the great-granddaughter of Mrs N B Stewart, ofAmericus and Arlington, Virginia. TR,Fri 5 Mar 1954

Bucknell, Nathaniel Stewart - Lt and Mrs Howard Bucknell, ofCoronado, Calif announce the birth of a son, Nathaniel Stewart, Sunday,December 26. The baby is thegreat-grandson of Mrs N B Stewart of Americus and Virginia, and the g-greatnephew of Misses Sarah, Elizabeth, and Martha Cobb and George Cobb, of thiscity. TR, Tue 28 Dec 1954

Buffaloe, James Todd - Mr and Mrs James J Buffaloe announcethe birth of a son, James Todd, who was born Friday, May 7. The baby weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces. He has two sisters, Lisa and Jenny. TR, Fri 14 May 1971

Buford, Ashley Michelle - Mr and Mrs Mike Buford of Cordeleannounce the birth of a daughter, Ashley Michelle, born March 9 at Crisp CountyHospital. Mrs Buford is the former MissJennifer Perry of Americus. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Bill Perry of Americus and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Clark Buford of Cordele. TR, Wed 16 Mar 1988

Buford, Kathryn Leigh - Mike and Jennifer Buford of Cordeleannounce the birth of a daughter, Kathryn Leigh, born Sunday, July 28. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces atbirth. Kathryn has a sister, Ashley, agethree. Maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs William S Perry of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs ClarkBuford of Cordele. TR, Fri 2 Aug 1991

Bullard, Cecilia Diane - Cecil and Stacey Bullard announcethe birth of a daughter, Cecilia Diane, born December 22 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 3ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Dan and Diane Renois of Midland, Ga and paternal grandparents are Haroldand Marjorie Bullard of Leesburg. Thebaby has a brother, Michael Springer, 2 and a half. TR, Mon 6 Jan 1992

Bullard, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Bullard, of Topeka,Kansas, are the parents of an 8 pound, 2 ounce daughter, born Monday, January17 at Stormont Vale Hospital in Topeka.Mrs Bullard will be remembered here as Miss Sandra Schwarz, havingattended the local shcools in the fifth grade through her Junior year in HighSchool. Mr and Mrs Schwarz, now livingin Wilmington, NC, are the grandparents of the new arrivals. TR, Fri 21 Jan 1966

Bullington, Alton Jr - Mr and Mrs Alton Bullington, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son at Americus and Sumter County Hospital Friday,April 17, who has been named Alton Jr. TR,Sat 18 Apr 1953

Bullington, Kelly Lynn - Mr and Mrs Mike Bullington announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce daughter born Friday Jul 20 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Kelly Lynn Bullington.The infant has a brother, Richard.She is the granddaughter of Dr and Mrs Avrom Roobin of Macon and Mr andMrs Dennis Bullington of Albany. She isthe great-granddaughter of Mrs Lena Kemper of Macon and Mr and Mrs Collin Smithof Arabi. TR, Mon 2 Aug 1982

Bullington, Lauren Michelle - Mr and Mrs Mike Bullington ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Lauren Michelle, born Tuesday, June7 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Theinfant weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Dr and Mrs Aurom Roobin of Macon and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Dennis Bullington of Albany. The infant has a sister, Kelly, five, and abrother, Richard, eight. TR, Sat 11Jun 1988

Bullington, Richard Herschel - Mr and Mrs Mike Bullingtonannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce son born Thursday, August 23 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been given the name of Richard Herschel. The infant is the grandson of Dr and MrsAvrom Roobin of Macon and Mr and Mrs Dennis Bullington of Albany. He is the great-grandson of Mrs Lena Kemperof Macon, Mrs Herbert Bullington of Albany and Mr and Mrs Collin Smith ofArabi. TR, Fri 24 Aug 1979

Bullock, Richard Gary - Mr and Mrs Maxie Bullock, ofAmericus, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 2 ounce son, Sunday, July 5 at theMeriwether Memorial Hospital in Warm Springs.The baby has been named Richard Gary.TR, Tue 7 Jul 1959

Bunch, Not named - Mr and Mrs Edgar Bunch announce thebirth of an eight pound daughter this morning, Feb 12, at the PratherClinic. TR, Fri 12 Feb 1937

Bunch, Not named - Mr and Mrs Edgar Bunch, of Richland,announce the birth of a daughter born Friday, April 1, at Prather Clinic. TR, Mon 4 Apr 1938

Bunmon, Thomas Ellis - Mr and Mrs C W Bunmon announce thebirth of a son, September 9th, at their home on Jackson Street,named Thomas Ellis. The child is thegrandson of Judge J M Shy. TR, Fri 9Sep 1932

Burch, Jeffrey Donald - Mr and Mrs Richard Thomas Burch ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Jeffrey Donald, born Thursday, December18 at Sumter Regional Hospital, weighing 5 pounds, 11 ounces. He has a brother, Kevin Thomas, age 5. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs DonaldNeal Brown of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Clarence ThomasBurch of Eastman. TR, Sat 3 Jan 1987

Burch, Kevin Thomas - Mr and Mrs Richard Thomas Burch ofAmericus announce the birth of a boy born Friday, July 17 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The infantweighed 5 pounds, 3 ½ ounces. He hasbeen named Kevin Thomas. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Dan N Brown of Americus and Mr and Mrs Clarence T Burch ofEastman, Ga. Great-grandparents are Mrand Mrs D W Edenfield and Mrs Georgia Brown of Columbus, Ga. The baby’s great-great-grandmother is MrsClara Sullivan. Paternalgreat-grandmothers are Mrs Mae Sheffield and Mrs Melinda Burch of Eastman,Ga. TR, Thu 26 Jul 1981

Burchfield, John Bryant - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Burchfield, ofAndersonville, are the parents of a 5 pound son, born at the Riverdale Hospitalin Montezuma on September 10. The babyhas been given the name of John Bryant.He is the grandson of Mrs John Harden and the late Mr Harden ofAndersonville and Mr and Mrs James Burchfield Sr of Montezuma. TR, Friday 19 Sep 1969

Burden, Not named - Mr and Mrs J S Burden are receivingcongratulations upon the birth of a baby boy.TR, Mon 6 Nov 1922

Burdett, Bonnie - Lt and Mrs Lee H Burdett, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a daughter, Bonnie, Sunday, April 8, at cityhospital. Mrs Burdett is the former MissEvangeline Tinsley. Lt Burdett is nowserving with the Armed Froces in Korea. TR,Wed 18 Apr 1951

Burdette, Amy Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs James G Burdette announcethe birth of a daughter at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Monday,February 8. The baby, who weighed 8pounds, 5 ounces has been named Amy Elizabeth.Amy joins brothers Kris and Kyle.The infant is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Coleman Scott and MrsFloyd Burdette of Opalika, Ala. TR, Tue9 Feb 1982

Burditt, Kevin Noel - Mr and Mrs Dykes Burditt, of Americusannounce the birth of a son at 12:30 a m today at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. He weighed 7 ½ poundsand has been named Kevin Noel. Thegrandparents are Mr and Mrs H C Hicks of Americus, Mrs Juanita Krews ofPaducah, Ky and Phelis Burditt of Opp, Ala.TR, Thu 12 Aug 1976

Burford, Not named - Capt and Mrs R W Burford, of Great Neck,L I, announce the birth of a 7 1/4 pound daughter, Friday, June 25, at CornellMedical Center, N Y. Mrs Burford will beremembered as Miss Lucile McDowell, of this city. TR, Mon 28 Jun 1943

Burford, Not named - Mr and Mrs I W Burford, of New York,announce the birth of a son, Friday, January 24, at the New York hospital. Mrs Burford was before her marrige MissLucille McDowell of this city. TR,Sat 25 Jan 1941

Burgamy, Charles Edwards Jr - Mr and Mrs Charles Burgamy ofAlbany announce the birth of a son, Charles Edwards Jr, born Firday, June 20 atPhoebe Putney. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Gene Jordan of Americus and Mr and Mrs Robert Sanders of Yelm,Washington. Great-grandparents are Mrand Mrs O S Edwards of Ellaville and Mrs Thelma Griffin of Salem, Oregon. TR, Thu 26 Jun 1986

Burgamy, Charles Edwards - Mr and Mrs Charlie Burgamyannounce the birth of a son at Americus and Sumter County Hospital Sunday,September 13, who weighed 9 ½ pounds.The baby has been named Charles Edwards.Mrs Burgamy is the former Miss Gwen Edwards of Ellaville. TR, Mon 14 Sep 1953

Burgamy, Jane Pernell - Cpl and Mrs John Burgamy announce thebirth of a daughter, Saturday, September 4, at city hospital, who has beennamed Jane Pernell. Mrs Burgamy is theformer Miss Eula Fuller. TR, Tue 7Sep 1943

Burgamy, Michael Sanford - Mr and Mrs Charles Burgamyannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son, Friday, May 18, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Michael Sanford. Mrs Burgamy is the former Miss Gwen Edwards,of Ellaville. TR, Fri 18 May 1956

Burgamy, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charlie Burgamy announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce son, Tuesday, September 9 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Wed 10Sep 1958

Burgamy, Scarlett Ann - Mr and Mrs Charles Edward Burgamy ofAlbany announce the birth of a daughter, Scarlett Ann, born January 5 at PhoebePutney in Albany. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Gene Jordan of Americus and Mr and Mrs Robert Sanders of Yelm,Washington. Great-grandparents are Mrand Mrs O S Edwards of Ellaville and Mrs Thelma Griffin of Salem, Oregon. Scarlett has a brother, Charles Jr. TR, Fri 15 Jan 1988

Burgess, Heather Lynn - Ricky and Denise Burgess of Americusanounce the birth of an 8 pound, 13 ounce daughter, Heather Lynn, born Friday,June 27 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Heatheris the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Richard L Burgess of Americus and Dr and MrsClinton Holloway of Plains.Great-grandparents are Mrs Alice Holloway and Mr and Mrs Floyd Crumley,all of Americus. TR, Wed 2 Jul 1986

Burgess, Jeffrey Neal - Mr and Mrs F L Burgess, of 317 WestCollege Street, announce the birth of a son Wednedsay, November 16 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 8 pounds, 11 ½ ounce and has been named Jeffrey Neal. TR, Wed 16 Nov 1966

Burgess, Laurie Lee - Mr and Mrs Bob Burgess, of JacksonvilleBeach, Fla announce the birth of a daughter on Monday, November 22 at theMemorial Hospital in Jacksonville. Thebaby weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces and has been named Laurie Lee. Mrs Burgess was formerly Miss Judy Israel ofBronwood. The baby’s grandparents are Mrand Mrs Alva Israel of Bronwood and Mr and Mrs W C Burgess of Shelby, NC. Great-grandparents are Mrs Lucy Israel ofBronwood and Mr and Mrs D W Driver of Ellaville. TR, Tue 14 Dec 1971

Burgess, Margaret Lisa - Mr and Mrs Richard Burgess, of 909Angus Drive, announce the adoption of a five months old daughter, who has beennamed Margaret Lisa. TR, Mon 6 Nov1961

Burgess, Not named - Mr and Mrs F L Burgess, of 537 OakAvenue, announce the birth of a son, October 15 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby weighed 8pounds, 14 ½ ounces. TR, Thu 15 Oct1964

Burgess, Not named - Mr and Mrs Fred Lee Burgess, of 537 OakAvenue, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son, November 7, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 8Nov 1962

Burgess, Richard Scott - Mr and Mrs Ricky Burgess of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Richard Scott, born Wednesday, August 1 at SumterRegional Hospital. Scott, as the infantis called, weighed 10 pounds, 6 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Dr Clinton Hollowayof Plains and Mrs Marianne Holloway of Americus and paternal grandparents areMr and Mrs Richard L Burgess of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mrs Alice Holloway and Mrs Annie Lee Crumbley,both of Americus. Scott has a sister,Heather, age four. TR, Tu 7 Aug 1990

Burgess, Shannan Lynn - Mr and Mrs Ralph Burgess, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 13 ounce daughter, September 24, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of ShannanLynn. TR, Mon 26 Sep 1960

Burgin, Joe Carter Jr - Mr and Mrs J C Burgin, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a son on Sunday June 23, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. He has beengiven the name Joe Carter Jr. TR, Mon24 Jun 1929

Burgin, Not named - Mr and Mrs A M Burgin, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, October 22 at City Hospital. TR, Wed 23 Oct 1946

Burk, Beverly Kay - Mr and Mrs Bill Burk announce theadoption of a two months old daughter, who has been named Beverly Kay. TR, Sat 2 Dec 1961

Burk, Leigh Ann - Mr and Mrs D C Burk Jr announce thebirth of a daughter, Leigh Ann, born Sunday, June 17 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 14 ½ ounces. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs D C Burk Sr and Mrs Bernice McGlamry, all ofAmericus. TR, Sat 23 Jun 1973

Burk, Not named - Mr and Mrs R L Burk announce the birthof a daughter, born this morning, October 27, at city hospital. TR, Wed 27 Oct 1937

Burke, Kiley Nicole - Mr and Mrs T Gordon Burke of Denmark,SC announce the birth of a 7 ½ pound daughter born Saturday, June 17 inOrangeburg, SC. The baby has been namedKiley Nicole. Grandparens are Mrs AnnBurrum and Thomas Burke, both of Augusta and Mr and Mrs A W Smith Jr ofAmericus. TR, Tue 27 Jun 1978

Burke, Morgan Elise - Wanda and Stephen Burke of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Morgan Elise, on April 13 at Phoebe PutneyHospital, Albany.. The baby, who weighed6 pounds, 8 ounces is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs M B Lamb of Plains and Mrand Mrs Bill Burke of Lawrenceville. TR,Wed 22 Apr 1998

Burke, Not named - Mr and Mrs Thomas Burke announce thebirth of a son, Monday, February 16, at city hospital. TR, Thu 19 Feb 1942

Burke, Samantha Suzanne - Mr and Mrs Gordon Burke, ofMoultrie announce the birth of a daughter born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital Wednesday March 31. Theinfant, who has been named Samantha Suzanne weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces. Samantha, as she is called, is thegreat-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs A W Smith Jr of Americus and Thomas Burke ofWrens and Mrs C W Burram of Augusta. Hergreat-grandfanter is R Alius Rigsby of this city. TR, Fri 2 Apr 1976

Burkett, Cameron McLain - Dale and Jana Burkett of Plainsannounce the birth of a daughter, Cameron McLain, born Monday, September 25 atSumter Regional Hospital. Mrs Burkett isthe former Jana Carter. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 15 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparens are Mr and Mrs Woody Burkett of Birmingham,Ala. Maternal grandparents are SybilCarter and the late Billy Carter of Plains.Cameron has a brother, Billy, 14 and a sister Cassie, 3. TR, Sat 30 Sep 1995

Burkett, Cassis Morgan - Dale and Jana Burkett of Plainsannounce the birth of a daugher, Cassie Morgan, born Friday, February 28 atSumter Regional Hospital. Cassie, as thebaby is called, weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Woody and Lois Burkett ofBirmingham, Ala and Sybil Carter and the late Billy Carter of Plains. Great-grandmother is Mrs Ethel Burkett ofProvidence, Ala. Cassie has a brother,Billy, age 11. TR, Mon 2 Mar 1992

Burks, Cecil Eugene Jr - Mr and Mrs Cecil Burks, ofColumbus, formerly of Preston, announce the birth of a son, at Boyette Clinicin Ellaville, Monday, September 11 who has been given the name Cecil EugeneJr. Mr Burks is a former resident ofEllaville. TR, Thu 21 Sep 1939

Burks, Marsha Wree - Mr and Mrs Thomas Burks, of Weston,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, February 21, at City Hospital, whohas been named Marsha Wree. TR, Thu24 Feb 1944

Burks, Not named - Mr and Mrs B P Burks, of Americus, Ga,Route B, announce the birth of a little daughter June 15th. TR, Tue 17 Jun 1924

Burks, Not named - Mr and Mrs Cecil Burks, of Preston,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, December 29, at city hospital. TR, Tue 29 Dec 1942

Burks, Robert Lawrence - Mr and Mrs L D Burks, of Preston,announce the birth of a son, Robert Lawrence, Friday, November 3, at cityhospital. TR, Thu 9 Nov 1944

Burks, Wendy Suzanne - Mr and Mrs Reginald Anthony Burks ofPreston announce the birth of a daughter, Wendy Suzanne, born June 24 at PhoebePutney Hospital, Albany. The infantweighed 9 pounds, 6 ½ ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Clayton Ollis Spann of Preston andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Thomas Burks of Weston. Maternal grandmother is Mrs Nettie Fussell ofPreston. Wendy has a brother, Matthew,age 3. Mrs Burks is the former MissJanet Spann. TR, Wed 1 Jul 1987

Burleson, Michael DeWayne - Mr and Mrs Bob Burleson, of Route4, are the parents of a 6 pound, 8 ounce son, born November 28 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Michael DeWayne. TR, Mon 29 Nov 1965

Burleson, Not named - Mr and Mrs J L Burleson, of Putnam,announce the birth of a son at city hospital, Tuesday, February 25. TR, Thu 27 Feb 1947

Burlingame, Elizabeth Ann - Mr and Mrs Dave Burlingame announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 7 ½ ounce daughter Sunday, February 18 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of Elizabeth Ann. The baby, who is to be called “Liz” is thegranddaughter of Mrs Frank Buchanan of this city and Mr and Mrs StanleyBurlingame of Delray Beach, Fla. TR,Tue 20 Feb 1968

Burlingame, Lynn Marie - Mr and Mrs Dave Burlingame, of StoneMountain, announce the birth of a daughter born Easter Sunday, April 22 at theDeKalb General Hospital. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mrs Frank Buchanan and the late Mr Buchanan of Americus and Mrand Mrs S L Burlingame of Delray Beach, Fla.The infant has been named Lynn Marie for her maternalgreat-grandmother. TR, Tue 1 May 1973

Burlington, Not named - Mr and Mrs Reuben Burlington, of Pitts,announce the birth of a 5-pound, 8-ounce daughter Thursday, June 11, atAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 11 Jun 1953

Burnam, Not named - Mr and Mrs J H L Burnam announce thebirth of a 5 3/4 pound girl this morning, October 11, at the PratherClinic. Both mother and baby are “doingnicely.” TR, Wed, 11 Oct 1933

Burnam, Not named - Mr and Mrs Joe E Burnam, of Cordele,announce the birth of an eight pound daughter Tuesday, June 4 at the cityhospital in Cordele. Mrs Burnam wasformerly Miss Estelle Warren. TR, Wed5 Jun 1940

Burnett, Chelsea Alyssa - Mr and Mrs Tommy Burnett ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Chelsea Alyssa, born Thursday, June11 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Theinfant weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harry Entrekin of Americus and Mr and MrsHugh Burnett of Manchester.Great-grandparents are Mrs E H Entrekin of Americus and Mrs CarrolAustin of Americus. The infant has asister Lindsey, age three. TR, Sat 13Jun 1987

Burnette, Joni Ann Gayla - Mr and Mrs Johnny Burnette of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Joni Ann Gayla, born Wednesday, July 15 atSumter Regional Hospital. Joni, as thebaby is called, weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs HarryEntrekin of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Hugh Burnette ofManchester. Great-grandmother is MrsThelma Entrekin of Americus. Joni hasthree sisters, Lindsey, 8; Chelsea, 5; and Jordan, 22 months. TR, Mon 20 Jul 1992

Burnette, Jordan Kaitlin - Mr and Mrs Johnny Burnette ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Jordan Kaitlin, born Thursday,September 13 at Sumter Regional Hospital.The infant weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces at birth. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs HughBurnette of Manchester and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harry Entrekinof Americus. Great-grandparents are MrsW H Entrekin and Mrs C B Austin. Thebaby has two sisters, Lindsey, 6 and Chelsea, age three. TR, Wed 19 Sep 1990

Burnette, Lindsey Austin - Mr and Mrs Johnny Burnette announcethe birth of a daughter on Tuesday, December 6 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital who weighed 7 pounds.The infant has been named Lindsey Austin. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harry Entrekin ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Hugh Barnette of Manchester. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs CarrollAustin and Mr and Mrs W H Entrekin of Americus.TR, Wed 7 Dec 1983

Burns, John Milton Jr - Mr and Mrs J M Burns announce thebirth of a son this morning at the Prather Clinic, who has been given the nameJohn Milton Jr. Both mother and baby aregoing nicely. TR, Mon 12 Aug 1935

Burns, Not named - Mr and Mrs Emerson Burns announce thebirth of a son, Tuesday, June 25, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital,who weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces. TR,Wed 26 Jun 1957

Burrell, Donna Kay - Mr and Mrs M D Burrell, of 1313 ElmAvenue, announce the birth of a daughter, Donna Kay, born November 12, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 7 pounds, 10 ½ ounces. TR,Tue 13 Nov 1962

Burrell, Michael Arthur - Mr and Mrs Adrian Burrell, ofPreston, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 11 ½ ounce son on July 23 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Michael Arthur. TR, Wed 24 Jul 1963

Burrell, Teressa Gail - Mr and Mrs M D Burrell, of 810 CopperHill, Americus, announce the birth of an 8 lb, 14 oz daughter on November 14,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named TeressaGail. TR, Tue 15 Nov 1960

Burris, Brenda Kaye - Mr and Mrs R A Burris, of FortLauderdale, Fla, announce the birth of a daughter, Brenda Kaye, January31. Mrs Burris is the former MissKathryn Shirley and the baby is the granddaughter of Rev and Mrs Hoke Shirley,of Panokee, Florida, formerly of Americus.TR, Tue 7 Mar 1940

Burt, John Elmore Jr - Mr and Mrs J E Burt, of Macon,announce the birth of a son February 26.The little son has been given the name John Elmore Jr. Mrs Burt will be remembered as Miss Mary Beechambefore her marriage. TR, Thu 1 Mar1928

Burton, Evelyn Jacqueline - Mr and Mrs T S Burton Jr, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a daughter this morning, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who will be called Evelyn Jacqueline Burton. TR, Sat 5 Sep 1925

Burton, George Jr - Mr and Mrs George Burton, of Smithville,announce the birth of a son, April 15, at the Americus Hospital, who will becalled George Jr. TR, Wed 16 Apr 1924

Burton, Jacqueline - Mr and Mrs A F Burton, of Baltimore,Md, announce the birth of a girl, born March 14, weight seven pounds, who hasbeen given the name of Jacqueline. MrsBurton will be remembered here by her many friends as Miss Ethel Barrow. TR, Fri 24 Mar 1933

Burton, Joseph Craig - Mr and Mrs Terry Burton, ofBarnesville, announce the birth of a son on Friday, May 10 at the SpaldingCounty Hospital in Griffin. The babyweighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces and has been named Joseph Craig and will be calledCraig. Mrs Burton is the former DeborahBeckwith. Grandparents of the baby areMr and Mrs A C Beckwith of Brooks, formerly of Ellaville and Mrs Burton ofBarnesville. Mr and Mrs Oscar Carpenterof Ellaville are the baby’s great-grandparents.TR, Wed 15 May 1974

Burton, Pamela Lynn - Mr and Mrs Edgar Burton, of 1023 AliceAvenue announce the birth of a 5 pound, 10 ounce daughter February 28 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who has been given the name of Pamela Lynn is the granddaughter of Mr andMrs Tom H Gatewood of Americus and Miss Marjorie Burton of Yanceyville, NC. TR, Thu 2 Mar 1967

Burton, Perry Fernandez III - Lashonda Floyd and Perry FBurton II announce announce the birth of a son, Perry Fernandez III, born June15 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Theinfant weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Sherlan Drain, Tommy Floyd and Henry Drain,all of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mildred and Perry Burton ofAmericus. TR, Mon 26 Jun 1995

Burton, Sherry Ann - Mr and Mrs Thomas Burton Jr, of Denver,Colorado, announce the birth of a daughter, who weighed 8 ½ pounds, Monday,February 12, at a Denver hospital. Thebaby has been named Sherry Ann. MrBurton is a former resident of Smithville, and the baby is the granddaughter ofMr and Mrs Tom Burton Sr, of Smithville and the great-granddaughter of G MBragg, of Americus. TR, Tue 20 Feb1951

Burton, T S 3rd - Mr and Mrs T S Burton Jr, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a son Saturday, August 19, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who will be called T S Burton 3rd. Mrs Burton was Miss Evelyn Bragg before hermarriage two years ago. TR Sat 19 Aug1922

Burtz, Not named - Mr and Mrs V C Burtz, of Americus,announce the birthof a daughter at the city hospital. She weighed six pounds, 12 ounces. TR, Thu 21 Jul 1949

Busbee, Aerial Paige - Bobby and Angela M Busbee of Butlerannounce the birth of a daughter, Aerial Paige, born Tuesday, September29. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 4ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare John E and Marie Mathis of Americus and paternal grandparents are Paul andMartha Ann Busbee of Potterville.Great-grandparents are Mrs Mary Countryman of Americus and the late MrAldean Countryman, Mrs Myrtle Mathis of Americus and the late Mr James EMathis, Mrs Glanice Duncan of Potterville, Mrs Lilliam Busbee of Pottervilleand the late Mr Halley Ross Busbee. TR,Fri 2 Oct 1992

Busbee, Chadwick Ross - Ronald and Dawn Busbee ofPotterville announce the birth of a son, Chadwick Ross, born Wednesday, October23. The baby, who is called Chad,weighed 8 pounds, 15 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs David W Summerlin of Americus andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Paul Busbee of Potterville. Great-grandparents are Mrs Mary Countryman ofAmericus and the late Mr Aldean Countryman; Mrs Addie Rene Jones of Americusand the late Mr Walter Jones; Mrs Glanice Duncan of Potterville and the lateMrs Lewis Duncan; Mrs Lillian Busbee of Potterville and the late Mr HalleyBusbee. TR, Wed 13 Nov 1991

Busbee, Crystal Nicole - Ronald and Dawn Busbee of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Crystal Nicole, born July 3 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 3 ounces. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs David Summerlin of Americus.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Paul Busbee of Potterville. Great-grandparents are Mary Countryman andAddie Rene Jones, both of Americus, Glenice Duncan and Lillian Busbee, both ofPotterville. TR, Wed 10 Jul 1996

Busbee, Kevin Daniel - Bobby and Angela M Busbee ofPotterville announce the birth of a son, Kevin Daniel, born April 11 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 12 ounces. Maternal grandparentsare John E and Marie Mathis of Americus.Paternal grandparents are Paul and Martha Ann Busbee ofPotterville. Great-grandparents are MaryCountryman, Myrtle Mathis, both of Americus; Glanice Duncan and Lillian Busbee,both of Potterville. Kevin has a sister,Aerial 3 and a brother Cody, 7. TR,Tue 16 Apr 1996

Busbee, Raymond Leroy - Mr and Mrs L R Busbee announce thebirth of a son, Monday, Sept 2, at their home on Church Street. The baby has been given the name of RaymondLeroy. TR, Thu 5 Sep 1935

Busbee, Walter Lucius - Mr and Mrs L R Busbee announce thebirth of a 9-pound son, who was born Saturday, April 30, at their home on WestChurch Street. The baby has been namedWalter Lucius. TR, Tue 2 May 1939

Busby, Julia - Mr and Mrs Jack Busby, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a daughter on Saturday, December 9 at the Marion CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed sevenpounds has been named Julia. TR, Wed27 Dec 1967

Busby, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jack Busby announce the birthof a son, Thursday, January 19, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Tue 24 Jan 1956

Busby, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jack Busby, of Buena Vista,are the parents of an 8 pound, 10 ounce daughter, born June 28 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Thu27 Jun 1963

Busby, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Phillip Busby, of Route4, Buena Vista, announce the birth of a 10 pound, 6 ounce son, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, Wednesday, March 2.TR, Wed 2 Mar 1960

Busenleher, Paula Marie - Mr and Mrs P R Busenleher, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a 9 pound daughter Wednesday, September 22 at St Joseph’sHospital, who has been named Paula Marie.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs L V Eubanks, ofAmericus. TR, Wed 22 Sep 1954

Busenlehner, Leandra - Mr and Mrs P A Busenlehner announce thebirth of a son Friday, November 29, at their home on the River road, who hasbeen named Leandra. Mrs Busenlehner wasbefore her marriage Miss Dorothy McCrea.TR, Sat 30 Nov 1940

Busenlehner, Mary Leonita - Mr and Mrs P A Busenlehner, ofShreveport, La, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, June 22, at thehome of Mr and Mrs L V Eubanks, 127 Prince Street. The baby has been named Mary Leonita. TR, Fri 23 Jun 1939

Bush, Barbara Ann - Dr and Mrs Tom Bush, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter Thursday, November 30, at the city hospital,who has been given the name Barbara Ann.Mrs Bush is the former Miss Pat Primrose, of Americus, and the baby isthe granddaughter of Dr and Mrs A C Primrose, of this city and Mr and Mrs TomBush Sr, of Cobb. TR, Thu 30 Nov 1950

Bush, Chester Alec Jr - PFC and Mrs Chester A Bush, ofKitzigen, Germany, announce the birth of a 10 pound, 14 ounce son, August 29,who has been named Chester Alec Jr. MrsBush is the former Miss Gloria Downs, of Americus. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs P FDowns, of this city, and the late Mr and Mrs Alec Bush, of Columbus,Indiana. TR, Tue 6 Sep 1960

Bush, Davis Thomas - Dr and Mrs T C Bush Jr, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son Friday, May 30, at city hospital, who has beengiven the name of David Thomas. Mrs Bushis the former Miss Pat Primrose. TR,Mon 2 Jun 1952

Bush, Douglas Wayne - Sgt 1st Class and MrsChester A Bush, of Ft Hood, Texas, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 8 ounceson, who has been named Douglas Wayne.Mrs Bush is the former Gloria Downs, daughter of Mr and Mrs P F Downs,of 102 Burke Street. TR, Sat 1 Sep1962

Bush, Frank Mitchell - Mr and Mrs Silas Bush, ofEllaville, are the parents of a son, born February 1, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Frank Mitchell. TR, Mon 4Feb 1963

Bush, Johnna - Mr and Mrs Paul Bush announce the birth ofan 8 pound daughter, April 27, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, whohas been named Johnna. TR, Fri 28 Apr1961

Bush, Julie Michelle - Mr and Mrs John B Bush (EllenMaloy) of Millbrook, Ala announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter,Julie Michelle, born Tuesday, May 8 in Montgomery, Ala. Her local grandparents are Mr and Mrs J IMaloy of Americus. TR, Wed 9 May 1984

Bush, Kathryn Elaine - Sp 3 and Mrs Oscar C Bush, ofGonsheim, Germany announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 1/4 ounce daughter,Tuesday, November 12, who has been named Kathryn Elaine. Mrs Bush was formerly Miss Gloria Bowen, ofAmericus. TR, Sat 15 Nov 1957

Bush, Mariwil - Mr and Mrs Lucius Harvey announce thebirth of a great-granddaughter, Mariwil, Sunday, September 13, 1931. She is the daughter of Mr and Mrs M B Bush,of Tampa, Fla, and the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs W D Jordan, of Leary. TR, Wed 16 Sep 1931

Bush, Not named - Mr and Mrs D C Bush, 124 Forrest Street,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter, October 30 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Tue 1Nov 1960

Bush, Not named - Mr and Mrs J S Bush announce the birthof a son, Tuesday, May 4, at city hospital.TR, Thu 4 May 1948

Bush, Oscar Coleman - Mr and Mrs J F Bush announce thebirth of a son, Saturday, Dec 26, at their home on Mayo Street. The baby has been named Oscar Coleman. TR, Mon 28 Dec 1936

Bush, Richard Primrose - Dr and Mrs T C Bush, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son Tuesday, October 19, at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Richard Primrose.Mrs Bush is the former Miss Pat Primrose, of Americus. TR, Wed 20 Oct 1954

Bush, Sharon Laine - Mr and Mrs Earl Bush, of the DawsonRoad, announce the birth of a daughter, Sharon Laine, August 4, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces. TR, Mon 6 Aug 1962

Bush, Shelia Leigh - Mr and Mrs Earl Bush, of Route 2,Americus, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter March 18, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Shelia Leigh. TR, Mon 20 Mar 1961

Bush, Sheryl Lynn - Mr and Mrs Earl Bush, of Route 2,Americus, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 15 ounce daughter, Friday, February5, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Sheryl Lynn.TR, Tue 9 Feb 1960

Bush, Shirley Gordene - Sgt F-C and Mrs Chester A Bushannounce the birth of a 9 pound, 8 ounce daughter at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, Tuesday, April 21. Thebaby has been named Shirley Gordene. MrsBush is the former Miss Gloria Downs, daughter of Mr and Mrs P F Downs. TR, Wed 22 Apr 1959

Bush, Virginia Marie - Mr and Mrs J P Bush announce thebirth of an 8 ½ pound daughter at their home on Forrest Street April 18, whohas been named Virginia Marie. TR,Wed 24 Apr 1935

Bushey, Suzanne Therese - Mr and Mrs Scott Bushey ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Suzanne Therese, born March 5 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs James Bushey of Burke, Va andmaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Joe Miller of Montgomery, Ala. The infant has a sister, Rachel, 2 ½. TR, Wed 7 Mar 1990

Butcher, Holly Margaret - Mr and Mrs Glen Butcher of Americusproudly announce the birth of a daughter, Holly Margaret, born on Tuesday,January 24 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The infant, who weighed 8 pounds, 15 ounceshas a sister, Angela, and a brother, Frank.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs James Womack and Mr and Mrs Frank Butcher,all of Americus. Great-grandparents areMr and Mrs J T Knight, Americus and the late Mrs Bessie Knight and Mrs EstelleSimmons and the later Mr Roy Simmons of Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada. TR, Wed 25 Jan 1984

Butcher Makayla Alexis - Jennifer Oglesby of Montezuma andFrank Butcher of Americus announce the birth of a daughter, Makayla Alexis, Sep27 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Theinfant weighed 6 pounds, 6 ounces.Grandparents are Terry and Brenda Oglesby of Montezuma, Susan and ClydeBurkhalter of Americus and Glen Butcher of Camilla. Great-grandparents are Jean Oglesby and thelate Earnest Oglesby of Cordele, the late Pierce and Alpha Pike of Montezuma,Frank and Lorene Butcher of Camilla and James and Pat Reckner of Spencer,Wis. TR, Thu 18 Nov 1999

Butler, Abby Katherine - Mr and Mrs William Butler Jr ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Abby Katherine, born June 5 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 10 pounds, 2 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Champ Chester of Milledgeville andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs William R Butler Sr of Macon. The infant has six brothers and sisters. They are: Lance, 20; Lainie, 19; Courtney,12; Casey, 9; Becky, 7; Seth, 2 ½. TR,Fri 9 Jun 1989

Butler, Anne Bailey - Mr and Mrs Frank Butler Jr, of NewOrleans, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday,March 19, who has been named Anne Bailey for Mrs Butler’s mother, Mrs Ben LeeWood, of this city. The baby weighed 8pounds , 5 3/4 ounces. Mrs Butler is theformer Miss Gene Bailey Wood, of Americus.TR, Fri 20 Mar 1953

Butler, Carol Lu Ann - Mr and Mrs Nathan Butler, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a daughter at Crawford Long hospital. The baby has been named Carol Lu Ann. Mrs Butler is the former Miss Bernice Brazilland the baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs W V Brazill, of Americus. TR, Wed 15 May 1957

Butler, Elizabeth Cornelia - Mr and Mrs Charles Randy ButlerJr, of Leslie, announce the birth of a daughter born Thursday, June 7 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital who weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces. The infant has been named ElizabethCornelia. She has an older sister, Dawn,age 4. Grandparents are Dr and Mrs FrankWilson III of Leslie and Mr and Mrs Charles R Butler of Charleston, SC. Mrs F A Wilson Jr of Leslie is the baby’sgreat-grandmother. TR, Tue 12 Jun1979

Butler, Frank Logan III - Mr and Mrs Frank Butler Jrannounce the birth of a son, Sunday, May 26, at city hospital, who has beengiven the name of Frank Logan Butler III.Mrs Butler is the former Miss Gene Bailey Wood. TR, Thu 30 May 1950

Butler, Katherine Wood - Mr and Mrs Frank Butler Jr, ofJacksonville, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ouncedaughter, Wednesday, February 29, who has been named Katherine Wood. Mrs Butler is the former Miss Gene BaileyWood and the baby is the granddaughter of Mrs Ben Lee Wood and Mr and Mrs F LButler, of this city. TR, Wed 29 Feb1956

Butler, Mark Edward - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Butler, of 1009Felder Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 3/4 ounce son, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, on January 26. The baby has been named Mark Edward. TR, Mon 27 Jan 1964

Butler, Not named - Mr and Mrs Dick Butler, of Roanoke, Va,announce the birth of a daughter Thursday, January 20, who weighed 6 ½ pounds. Mrs Butler is a former Americus resident andthe baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs F L Butler, of this city. TR, Fri 21 Jan 1955

Butler, Not named - Mr and Mrs Nathan Butler announce thebirth of a son Monday, February 18 at city hospital. Mrs Butler was before her marriage MissBernice Brazil. TR, Tue 4 Mar 1952

Butler, Not named - Mr and Mrs Randy Butler, of Mt Pleasant,SC announce the birth of an 8 pound daughter on Thursday, July24 in MtPleasant. Mrs Butler is the former JaneWilson of Leslie. The baby’sgrandparents are Dr and Mrs Frank A Wilson of Leslie and Mr and Mrs C R ButlerSr of Mt Pleasant, SC. Hergreat-grandparents are Mrs F A Wilson Jr of Leslie, Mr John S Johnson ofAshburn, Mr and Mrs R L Watts, Charleston, SC and Mr and Mrs John Constable,Toledo, Ohio. TR, Sat 26 Jul 1975

Butler, Richard Dinsmore - Mr and Mrs F L Butler, 133 BellStreet, announce the birth of a son on May 16, who will be called RichardDinsmore. TR, Tue 25 May 1926

Butler, Sara Margaret - Mr and Mrs Dick Butler, ofGreenville, S C, announce the birth of a 6 ½ pound daughter, Tuesday, September17. The baby has been named SaraMargaret for her paternal grandmother, Mrs E L Butler, of this city and hermaternal grandmother, Mrs C N Cain, of Rome.Mr Butler is a former Americus resident.TR, Wed 18 Sep 1957

Butler, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs Allen Butler of Americusannounce the birth of twin daughters, born March 10. They are Rachel Louise, 7 pounds, 5 ouncesand Rebekah Lynn, 7 pounds, 12 ounces at birth.The babies have a brother, Hamp, age ten. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs HaroldButler and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Russell Strickland, all ofThomasville. TR, Thu 12 Apr 1990

Butler, William Seth - Mr and Mrs Billy Butler of Americusannounce the birth of a son, William Seth, born January 3 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 9 pounds,10 ½ ounces at birth. Grandparents areMr and Mrs Bill Butler, Macon and Mr and Champ Chester, Milledgeville. He has two brothers, Lance and Casey and 3sisters, Lainie, Courtney and Becky. TR,Fri 9 Jan 1987

Butt, Caroline - Mr and Mrs Edgar Butt announce the birthof a daughter Saturday, October 13, who has been given the name of CarolineButt. TR, Tue 16 Oct 1923

Butt, Edgar M Jr - Mr and Mrs Edgar M Butt announce thebirth of a son Wednesday, December 25th , who has been given thename Edgar M Butt Jr. TR, Sun 29 Dec1929

Butts, Judy Kay - Mr and Mrs R C Butts announce the birthof a daughter, Sunday, July 21, at Prather Clinic. The baby has been named Judy Kay. TR, Wed 24 Jul 1946

Butts, Not named - Mr and Mrs Clyde Butts announce thebirth of a son, Thursday, October 19, at Prather Clinic. Mrs Butts was formerly Miss Vera Domineck, ofPlains. TR, Fri, 20 Oct 1944

Butts, Twins - Mr and Mrs Edgar Butts announce the birth ofa son and daughter, born Friday, November 29 at their home on SpringStreet. Both mother and babies are doingnicely. TR, Mon 2 Dec 1935

Byars, Twin Sons - Mr and Mrs J H Byars, of Atlanta,announce the birth of nine-pound twin sons Sunday, July 6, at the AtlantaHospital. Mrs Byars was before hermarriage Miss Sara Eva Murray, of Plains.TR, Mon 7 Jul 1941

Bynum, Elizabeth Langhorne - Mr and Mrs Pat Bynum announcethe birth of a six pound, one ounce daughter, Monday, February 3, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named ElizabethLanghorne. TR, Mon 3 Feb 1958

Bynum, Frances Lee - Mr and Mrs Pat Bynum are the parentsof a girl baby which was born Monday morning, July 25 at the CityHospital. The baby weighed 7 lbs, 3 oz,and has been named Frances Lee. TR,Thu 28 Jul 1949

Bynum, James Colclough III - Major and Mrs Henry W (P T)Bynum, of Los Angeles, announce the birth of a 7 pound son, Friday, August 17,who has been named James Colclough III, for his paternal grandfather, J CBynum. TR, Mon 20 Aug 1951

Bynum, Mary Jesse - Mr and Mrs Pat Bynum Jr, of Ashland, Vaannounce the birth of a daughter born Tuesday, December 21 who has been giventhe name of Mary Jesse. The baby’sgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Pat Bynum of Americus and Mr and Mrs James Edwardsof Salem, NC and Mr and Mrs Sterling Nicholson of Bethesda, Md. TR, Wed 22 Dec 1976

Bynum, Not named - Lt and Mrs Patrick R Bynum announce thebirth of a son, Tuesday, September 12, in Ashland, Va, who weighed 7 pounds, 7½ ounces. Lt Bynum, of the U S Navy, isformerly of Americus. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs J C Bynum, of this city.TR, Wed 13 Sep 1944

Bynum, Not named - Major and Mrs Henry Bynum announce thebirth of a son Sunday, May 24, at West Liberty, Ky. Major Bynum, a former Americus resident iswith the armed forces in Formosa. Thebaby is the grandson of J C Bynum, of this city. TR, Fri 29 May 1953

Bynum, Not named - Mr and Mrs Pat Bynum Jr, of Leesburg, Vaannounce the birth of a daughter born Wednesday, July 3. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsPat Bynum Sr of this city. TR, Thu 5Jul 1973

Bynum, Patrick Ross III - Mr and Mrs Patrick R Bynum Jr, ofAshland, Va announce the birth of a son born Monday, August 20 who has beengiven the name of Patrick Ross III. Theinfant is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Pat Bynum of Americus and Dr and Mrs JimEdwards of Salem, NC and Mr and Mrs Sterling Nicholson of Washington, D C. TR, Mon 27 Aug 1979

Byrd, Amity Gail - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Byrd of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a daughter, Amity Gail, born Saturday, March 17 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital.Amity weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Leonard Stubbs of Buena Vista and J C Byrdof Newnan and the later Mrs Viola Byrd of Ellaville. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs MurrayWelch of Buena Vista and Mrs Willie Stewart of Ellaville and Mrs Bessie Stubbsof Mauk. TR, Tue 4 May 1982

Byrd, Brittany Lynn - Mr and Mrs David Byrd Sr ofEllaville announce the birth of a daughter, Brittany Lynn, born Saturday, July18 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Theinfant weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Billy Blythe of Buena Vista andpaternal grandparents are J C Byrd of Newnan and the late Mrs Viola Byrd ofEllaville. Brittany has a brother, DavidJr, age 2 ½. TR, Mon 27 Jul 1992

Byrd, David Lee Jr - Mr and Mrs David Lee Byrd ofEllaville announce the birth of a son, David Lee Jr, born Sunday, November 26at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Billy Blythe of Buena Vista andpaternal grandparents are J C Byrd of Newman and the late Mrs Viola Byrd ofEllaville. TR, Mon 11 Dec 1989

Byrd, Gloria Lauren - Mr and Mrs Charles W Byrd ofReynolds announce the birth of an 8 pound baby girl born November 29 at theColiseum Memorial Hospital in Macon.They have named their daughter Gloria Lauren. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Henry AHart Jr. The maternal great-grandparentsare Mrs H A Hart Sr of Americus and A F Allen of Cordele. Her paternal grandparents are Mr and MrsGarland T Byrd. The paternalgreat-grandparens are Mrs Dozier Eugene Byrd and Mrs W T Whatley, both ofReynolds. TR, Mon 1 Dec 1980

Byrd, Levi Tyler - Cpl and Mrs William J Byrd of TwentyNine Palms, Ca announce the birth of a son, Levi Tyler, born February 27 at theTwenty Nine Palms Marine Base Hospital. The infant weighed 10 pounds atbirth. Grandparents are Larry Kobs andAnne Warren of Americus and Ronnie and Pat Byrd of Polk City, Fla. Tyler, as the infant is called has twobrothers, Ryan, 7 and Billy, age three. TR,Fri 12 Mar 1993

Byrd, Not named - Mr and Mrs J C Byrd, of Ellaville,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son, Tuesday, January 27, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 28 Jan 1959

Byrd, Not named - Mr and Mrs Julian Byrd, of Ellaville,are the parents of an 8 pound, 3 ounce son, born August 22, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 24Aug 1964

Byrd, Not named - Mr and Mrs Julius Byrd, of Ellaville,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 15 ounce daughter at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, March 17. TR, Mon 19Mar 1962

Byrd, Not named - Mr and Mrs Sidney Byrd, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a six pound, 8 ounce daughter, May 4, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Tue 5 May1964

Byrd, Sandra Gail - Mr and Mrs Julius C Byrd, ofEllaville, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce daughter, November 28, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been given the name of Sandra Gail. TR, Mon 29 Nov 1965

Byrd, Susan Myra - Mr and Mrs Madison Byrd, of Calhoun,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, October 23,at the Hamilton Memorial Hospital, Dalton, who has been named Susan Myra. TR, Wed 29 Oct 1947

Byrd, Vivian Marilyn - Mr and Mrs J Madison Byrd Jrannounce the birth of a daughter, Vivian Marilyn, Saturday, June 26 , at cityhospital. Mrs Byrd is the former MissVivian Logan, of Fitzgerald. TR, Mon28 Jun 1943

Cagle, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Russell Cagleannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Tuesday, May 8, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. MrsCagle is the former Miss Sophie Oliver, of this city. TR, Wed 9 May 1956

Cagle, Not named - Mr and Mrs George Cagle, of Parrott,announce the birth of a son, Thursday, November 14, at Prather Clinic. TR, Fri 15 Nov 1946

Cagle, Not named - Mr and Mrs R H Cagle, of Parrott,announce the birth of a son, Thursday, June 28, at Prather Clinic. TR, Fri 29 Jun 1945

Cagle, Twin Sons - Angela and Billy Cagle Jr of Prestonannounce the birth of twin sons, Ashton Tanner and Aaron Taylor, on June 4 atthe Medical Center of Columbus. Ashtonweighed 5 pounds, 3 ounces and Aaron weighed 6 pounds, 6 ounces. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Billy Cagle Sr ofPreston and Mr and Mrs Donald Whitley of Buena Vista. Austin Tyler of Preston is theirbrother. TR, Tue 23 Jun 1998

Cahall, Lori - Mr and Mrs Tom Cahall announce the birth ofan 8 pound, 1 ounce daughter who was born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Friday, March 4. The littletot has been given the name of Lori.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Chester Holladay, of Delmar, Del and Mr andMrs Thomas Cahall Sr of Hemphill, Pa. TR,Mon 7 Mar 1977

Cahill, Heidi Michelle - Mr and Mrs Adrian Cahill IIannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 12 ½ ounce daughter born Monday, March 14, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby, who has been named Heidi Michelle is the granddaughter on hermaternal side of Mrs Fred Miles of Americus and her paternal grandparents areMr and Mrs Adrian Cahill of Wetumpka, Ala.She is the great-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Fred Culver ofWetumpka. TR, Fri 16 Mar 1973

Cail, Cason Shawn - Heather and Schawn Cail of Columbusannounce the birth of a son, Cason Schawn, born May 20 at Doctor’s Hospital,Columbus. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 8ounces. Grandparents are Mr and MrsMarvin DeVane, Jr of Ellaville and Marty Slaughter and Danny Cail, both ofColumbus. Great-grandparents are Mr andMrs S C Thompson Jr of Americus, Virginia DeVane of Ellaville and Mr and MrsBernard Cail and James Jernigan, all of Columbus. TR, Wed 30 Jun 1999

Cain, Calvin Eugene Jr - Mr and Mrs Calvin E Cain, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of an eight pound, 5 ½ ounce son, October 29, atthe Piedmont hospital, Atlanta. The babyhas been named Calvin Eugene Jr. MrsCain is the former Miss Carol Mask of Plains.TR, Sat 1 May 1958

Cain, David John - Mr and Mrs Calvin Cain, of Atlanta,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 11 ounce son, David John, at the PiedmontHospital, March 29. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs John Mask, of Plains.TR, Mon 2 Apr 1962

Cain, Deborah Susan - Mr and Mrs O L Cain announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Saturday, May 19, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Deborah Susan. TR, Tue 22 May 1956

Cain, Not named - Tech Sgt and Mrs George L Cain, of FtMeade, announce the birth of a son, Tueday, June 23, at the Coleman Sanitoriumin Eastman, GA, Mrs Cain’s former home. TR,Thu 25 Jun 1942

Caldwell, Bonnie Samatha - Mr and Mrs Charles A Caldwell, of924 Barlow Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce daughter, December4, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Bonnie Samatha.TR, Thu 5 Dec 1963

Caldwell, Harris B Jr - Is the name given to the infant son ofMr and Mrs Harris B Caldwell, which was born Sunday morning at the PratherClinic. The babe weighed six pounds andsix ounces. Both mother and baby aregetting along nicely. TR, Mon 9 Nov1931

Caldwell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Edward Caldwell, of the SouthGeorgia Trade School, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce girl, Monday,May 28, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Tue 29 May 1956

Calhoun, Alana Madalyn - Shep and Stacy Calhoun of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Alana Madalyn, born November 26 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 5 ounces. Grandparents are Dutchand Edith Calhoun of Cordele and Ray and Linda Pent of Greenville, SC. Great-grandmother is Ruth Pent of DaytonaBeach, Fla. She has two brothers, Ian 6and Noah 2 ½. TR, Mon 2 Dec 1996

Calhoun, Darby Ruth - Bill and Laura Calhoun of Atlantaannounce the birth of a daughter, Darby Ruth, born December 31 at NorthsideHospital, Atlanta. The infant weighed 7pounds, 13 ½ ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert Calhoun and maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Jim Calder of Charlotte, NC.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold Still of Americus. TR, Thu 6 Jan 1994

Calhoun, Inez Morgan - Capt and Mrs John Wesley Calhoun, ofColumbia, S C, announce the birth of a daughter Sunday, February 7, who hasbeen named Inez Morgan, for her mother, the former Miss Inez Morgan, of Americus. TR, Tue 9 Feb 1943

Calhoun, John Wesley Jr - Mr and Mrs John Wesley Calhoun, ofFort Valley, announce the birth of a 9 pound son, Tuesday, October 24, at thecity hospital, who has been named John Wesley Jr. Before her marriage Mrs Calhoun was Miss InezMorgan, of Americus. TR, Wed 25 Oct1939

Calhoun, Michael Lee - Mr and Mrs Gerald Calhoun, of 721 PineAvenue, announce the birth of a son on July 30, who has been named MichaelLee. His grandparents are Mr and MrsOscar Harbuck, of Preston and Mr and Mrs T O Calhoun, of Americus. TR, Wed 3 Aug 1966

Calhoun, Michael Sean - Mr and Mrs Robert Calhoun announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce son on Sunday, September 27 at the MemorialHospital in Buena Vista. The baby, whohas been named Michael Sean, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Harold Still ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Edgar Tompkins of Albany. Mr and Mrs Asa Pittman andMrs D M Still, all of this city, are the grandparents. TR, Mon 28 Sep 1970

Calhoun, Noah Patrick - Shep and Stacy Calhoun announce thebirth of a son, Noah Patrick, born Apr 22 at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces atbirth. Paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Walter Calhoun of Cordele and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ray Pentof Greenville, SC. Great-grandmother isRuth Pent of Daytona Beach, Fla. Thebaby has a brother, Ian, 3 ½. TR, Thu28 Apr 1994

Calhoun, Not named - Dr and Mrs McCall Calhoun, of Blakely,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 1/4 ounce daughter on July 12. TR, Tue 13 Jul 1965

Calhoun, Not named - Dr and Mrs McCall Calhoun, of Blakely,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce daughter, August 4, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. Mrs Calhounis the former Miss Joanne LeSueur, of Americus.TR, Wed 5 Aug 1964

Calhoun, Not named - Mr and Mrs Paul Calhoun, of Vienna,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, September 11, at City Hospital. TR, Wed 11 Sep 1946

Calhoun, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert W Calhoun, of JudyLane, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ½ ounce son, December 16, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Harold Still and Mr and Mrs E C Veal ofAmericus. TR, Mon 17 Dec 1962

Calhoun, Not named - Mr and Mrs W R Calhoun, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son at city hospital, Tueday, April 15. TR, Thu 17 Apr 1947

Calhoun, Not named - Mr and Mrs W R Calhoun, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son, Tueday, January 4, at city hospital. TR, Wed 5 Jan 1949

Calhoun, Virginia Persons - Dr and Mrs W McCall Calhoun, ofBuena Vista, announce the birth of a daughter at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Tuesday, May 27. The baby,who weighed 7 pounds, ½ ounce has been given the name of Virginia Persons. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs LawtonLeSueur of Americus and Mrs Edgar Tompkins of Albany and the late WilliamCalhoun of Arlington. TR, Fri 30 May1969

Calhoun, William McCall Jr - Dr and Mrs W McCall Calhoun, ofBuena Vista, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son, Friday, May 17, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital , who has been named William McCallJr. Mrs Calhoun is the former Miss JoAnn LeSueur, of this city. The baby isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs Lawton LeSueur and Mrs E C Veal of Americus. TR, Mon 20 May 1963

Calhoun, William Wright - Mr and Mrs Bill Calhoun of Dunwoodyannounce the birth of a son, William Wright, born August 27 at NorthsideHospital, Atlanta. The infant, who iscalled Will, weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert Calhoun of Americus. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs JimCalder of Charlotte, NC.Great-grandparents are Harold Still of Americus and Elsa Calder ofCharlotte. Will has a sister, Darby, 2½. TR, Thu 12 Sep 1996

Calhoun, William Wright - Mr and Mrs Robert Calhoun, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, March 18, St Joseph’sHospital, who has been named William Wright.Mrs Calhoun is the former Miss Gail Still. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs HaroldStill and Mrs E C Veal, of Americus. TR,Wed 23 Mar 1960

Calies, Kristin Michelle - Mr and Mrs Michael J Calies Sr ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Kristin Michelle, on November 1 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The infant weighed 8 pounds at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Richard Burgess of Americus and Mr and MrsWilliam Calies, Monticello.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Floyd Crumley of Americus and Mr andMrs Walter Jones of Americus. LittleKristin has a brother, Jamey, who is 9 years old. TR, Wed 4 Nov 1981

Calitine, Jonathan Shane - Pvt and Mrs Wayne Calitine, ofAmericus, announce the birth of a son born on Thursday, February 21 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 7 pounds, ½ ounce and has been given the name of JonathanShane. His grandparents are Mr and Mrs HB Smith of Americus and Mr and Mrs Frank Calitine of Eastman. His great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs G CSullivan of Perry. TR, Thu 7 Mar 1974

Call, Christopher Henry - Mr and Mrs Carroll Call Jr ofCochran announce the birth of a son, Christopher Henry, born Monday, March 20at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 9 pounds, 5 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert Rushing and Mr and Mrs Carroll CallSr, all of Americus. The infant has twosisters, Tiffany, age six and Jennifer, age three. TR, Sat 25 Mar 1989

Call, Not named - Mr and Mrs Carroll H Call Jr of Americusannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter born Saturday, August 24at Sumter Regional Hospital. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Robert C Rushing and Mr and Mrs Carroll Call Sr,all of Americus. Great-grandparents areMrs John H Pritchard and Autie Rushing, both of Americus and Mr and Mrs HiltonGoff of Tifton. She has a sister,Tiffany 2. TR, Wed 28 Aug 1985

Call, Tiffany Ann - Mr and Mrs Carroll H Call Jr ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter Saturday, October 9 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The infant,who weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces has been given the name Tiffany Ann. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs RobertC Rushing and Mr and Mrs Carroll Call, all of Americus. Her great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs HiltonGoff of Tifton and Mrs John H Pritchard and Mrs Autie Rushing, Americus. TR, Fri 15 Oct 1982

Callaghan , Thomas Alford - Mr and Mrs A W Callaghan of Maconannounce the birth of a son, Thomas Alford, born Sunday, September 17 at CityHospital. TCN, Thu 21 Sep 1950

Callahan, Edward Jerome Jr - Lieut and Mrs Edward JeromeCallahan announce the birth of a son at Prather clinic on Sunday, August 27th.. He has been named Edward Jerome Jr. Mrs Callahan, who is the former Miss MattieKeith Simmons, daughter of Mr and Mrs Troy Simmons, of Americus, formerly heldthe rank of Lieutenant in the United States Nurses Corps and saw service inEngland. Her officer-husband is a memberof the airborne troops and is now in active service in the Pacific. TCN, Thu, 24 Aug 1944

Callaway, Craig Franklin - Mr and Mrs B W Callaway, of Albany,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 10 ounce son, April 19, at the Phoebe Putneyhospital in Albany. The baby, who hasbeen named Craig Franklin, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs B F Callaway ofAmericus and Mrs Ruth Burr, of Nashville, Tenn.TR, Wed 22 Apr 1959

Callaway, Fay - Mr and Mrs G M Callaway, of Smithville,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, January 9, at city hospital, who hasbeen named Fay. Mrs Callaway was beforeher marriage Miss Florence Walters of this city. TR, Sat 10 Jan 1942

Callaway, George M III - Dr and Mrs George Callaway Jr, onMinot, North Dakota, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 4 ounce son, January 15,who has been named George M III. Thebaby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs George (Red) Callaway Sr, ofSmithville. TR, Tue 16 Jan 1962

Callaway, Karen Elizabeth - Dr and Mrs George M Callaway Jr,of Atlanta, announce the birth of a daughter, Karen Elizabeth, who was bornTuesday, July 20 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs G MCallaway of Smithville and Mrs Josh Sanderson of Albertville, Ala and the lateMr Sanderson. TR, Mon 26 Jul 1971

Callaway, Kimerly Jon - Mr and Mrs Bobby Walter Callawayannounce the birth of a daughter, Friday, June 28, at Phoebe Putney hospital,who has been named Kimerly Jon. MrsCallaway is the former Miss Betty Rose Burr, of Nashville, Tenn. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs BF Callaway, of Americus and Mrs Ruth Burr, of Nashville. TR, Mon 1 Jul 1957

Callis, William Garey III - Mr and Mrs William Garey CallisJr, of Atlanta announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce son on Thursday,December 18 at Emory University Hospital, Atlanta. The baby has been given the name of WilliamGarey III. Mrs Callis is the formerGinny Williams of Plains. Bill, as thebaby will be called is the grandson of Mr and Mrs G Frank Williams of Plainsand Mr and Mrs W G Callis of Sasser. O AWilliams Sr and Ernest W Harris of Plains and Mrs Fred Lee Mobley of Sylvaniaare his great-grandparents. TR, Tue 6Jan 1976

Calloway, Carol - Mr and Mrs G M Calloway, of Smithville,announce the birth of a daughter, born Wednesday, March 23 at the city hospital. The baby has been given the name ofCarol. Mrs Calloway was formerly MissFlorence Walters, of Americus. TR,Wed 23 Mar 1938

Calloway, George Muller Jr - Mr and Mrs G M Calloway announcethe birth of a seven-pound, eight ounce son, Thursday afternoon, January 31, atthe city hospital, who has been named George Muller Jr. Mrs Calloway was before her marriage MissFlorence Walters. TR, Fri 1 Feb 1935

Cameron, James T Jr - Mr and Mrs James T Cameron announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 13 ounce son Thursday, August 12, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named James T Jr. Mrs Cameron was the former Miss MarieCrumpton. TR, Thu 12 Aug 1954

Cameron, James Thomas - Mr and Mrs J F Cameron, of 709Forsyth Street, announce the birth of a baby boy, on March 10, who has beengiven the name of James Thomas. TR,Thu 16 Mar 1933

Cameron, Loraine Pearl - Mr and Mrs Sid Cameron announce thebirth of a daughter, Loraine Pearl, born Jun 3 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 6ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Garland Mears of Americus and paternal grandparents are the lateErnest Cameron and Loraine Cameron. Lorihas two sisters, Amy, 11 and Selby, 5. TR,Mon 13 Jun 1994

Cameron, Marvin Keith - Mr and Mrs James T Cameron announcethe birth of a 9 pound, one ounce son, Tuesday, March 13, who has been namedMarvin Keith. The baby was born at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 15 Mar 1956

Cameron, Not named - Mr and Mrs J F Cameron announce thebirth of a daughter on Sunday, October 1.Mrs Cameron was Miss Susie Law before her marriage two years ago. TR, Thu 5 Oct 1922

Cameron, Not named - Mr and Mrs J F Cameron announce thebirth Sunday of a girl at their home on Forsyth Street. TR, Wed 6 Apr 1921

Cameron, Walter Frances - Mr and Mrs W G Cameron announce thebirth of a daughter 22 May, at their home on Forsyth Street. The little girl has been given the nameWalter Frances. TR, Thu 31 May 1928

Cammons, Rosalind Doreen - Mr and Mrs James Cammons, of 522Grantham, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter, June 11, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Rosalind Doreen. TR, Mon 11 Jun 1960

Camp, Ashley Paul - Mr and Mrs George K Camp announce thebirth of a 4 pound, 6 ounce son, Sunday, November 14, at city hospital, who hasbeen named Ashley Paul. Mrs Camp wasbefore marriage Miss Alma Cox. TR,Wed 17 Nov 1948

Camp, Aubrey K - Mr and Mrs Lindley Mason Camp, ofPensacola, Fla announce the birth of a daughter Sunday, May 17, who has beencalled Aubrey K. Mrs Camp is the formerMiss Edith Anne Ellis, of Americus. TR,Mon 18 May 1953

Camp, Cynthia Marie - Mr and Mrs C E Camp, of Route 4,Americus, are the parents of a 7 pound, 12 ½ ounce daughter, Cynthia Marie,born September 23 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 24 Sep 1962

Camp, George Kenneth - Mr and Mrs George Camp announce thebirth of a son, January 11, who has been named George Kenneth. Mrs Camp was before her marriage Miss AlmaCox. TR, Tue 11 Feb 1947

Camp, J T Jr - Mr and Mrs J T Camp, of Jonesboro, announcethe birth of a 9 pound son, Wednesday, August 23, who has been given hisfather’s name J T Camp Jr. Mrs Camp wasbefore her marriage Miss Frances Reeves, of Americus. TR, Thu 24 Aug 1944

Camp, Lindley Weyland - Mr and Mrs L M Camp, of Pensacola,Fla, announce the birth of a son, Sunday, February 26 at the Florida Baptisthospital. The baby has been named LindleyWeyland. Mrs Camp is the former MissEdith Anne Ellis, of Americus and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs GeorgeEllis of this city. TR, Mon 27 Feb1956

Camp, Luke Weldon Jr - Mr and Mrs L W Camp, of Leslie,announce the birth of a son, Monday, March 19, at city hospital, the baby hasbeen named Luke Weldon Jr. Pvt Camp isoverseas. TR, Fri 23 Mar 1945

Camp, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ellis Camp, of Route 4, arethe parents of a 7 pound, 9 ounce daughter, born August 19, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Wed 19Aug 1964

Camp, Not named - Mr and Mrs J V Camp announce the birthof a 7 ½ pound son, Thursday, March 21 at their home on the Lee Streetroad. Mrs Camp was formerly Miss LilyYoung. TR, Fri 22 Mar 1940

Camp, Not named - Mr and Mrs James E Camp, of DeSoto, arethe parents of a daughter, born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onDecember 2. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 4ounces. TR, Thu 3 Dec 1964

Camp, Not named - Mr and W M Camp, of Americus, are theparents of a 7 pound, 3 ounce daughter, born September 7 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 9 Sep1963

Camp, Terry Allen - Mr and Mrs W M Camp, Route 1,Americus, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 7 ½ ounce son, born July 12 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital and has been named Terry Allen. TR, Thu 13 Jul 1961

Campbell, Brian Edward - Dr and Mrs R David Campbell ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Brian Edward, born Tuesday, October23. Mrs Campbell is the former Denise Meeksof Macon. TR, Sat 5 Nov 1984

Campbell, Cheryl Delorous - Mr and Mrs T W Campbell, 201 EChurch Street, announce the birth of a daughter, Cheryl Delorous, Thursday,January 9. Mrs Campbell is the formerMiss Myra Brooks, of Ellaville. TR,Wed 15 Jan 1947

Campbell, Kenneth Bernard Jr - Mr and Mrs Kenneth BernardCampbell Sr of Macon announce the birth of a son who has been named KennethBernard Jr. The infant was born June 17at the Coliesum Park Hospital in Macon.He is the grandson of Rev and Mrs W A Jacobs, Atlanta, Mrs Mamie L Davisand Chambliss R Wiggins. Hisgreat-grandmother is Mrs Mamie Wilkerson of Americus. TR, Wed 22 Jun 1983

Campbell, Martha Ann - Mr and Mrs Russell Campbell, ofJohnston City, Tennessee announce the birth of a daughter Thursday, October 15,who has been named Martha Ann. MrsCampbell is the former Martha McArthur, of this city, and the baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs C W McArthur, of Americus. TR, Sat 17 Oct 1953

Campbell, Nancy Kim - Mr and Mrs Russell Campbell, of JohnsonCity, Tenn, announce the birth of a daughter Wednesday, May 18;, who has beennamed Nancy Kim. Mrs Campbell is theformer Miss Martha McArthur, of Americus and the baby is the granddaughter ofMr and Mrs C W McArthur of this city. TR,Thu 26 May 1955

Campbell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Carl Campbell, of West PalmBeach, Fla, announce the birth of a daughter, this morning, at the home of MrCampbell’s mother, Mrs Mary H Campbell, of Plains. TR, Mon 7 Sep 1936

Campbell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Karl Campbell, of BelleGlade, Florida, announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, March 16. The baby is the grandaughter of Mrs Mary HCampbell, of Plains. TR, Wed 22 Mar1950

Campbell, Russell Matthews Jr - Mr and Mrs Russell MatthewsCampbell, of Orlanda, announce the birth of a son, Tueday, November 8, atOrange General Hospital, Orlando, who has been named Russell Matthews Jr. Mrs Campbell was the former Miss MarthaMcArthur. TR, Tue 8 Nov 1949

Cannady, Jerry Malcolm Jr - Mr and Mrs Jerry M Cannady, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce son, October 8 at Crawford WLong Hospital in Atlanta. The baby hasbeen named Jerry Malcolm Jr. Mrs Cannadyis the former Judy Bankston of Americus.The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs T J Bankston and Mr and Mrs W ECannady, all of Americus. TR, Thu 10Oct 1963

Cannady, John - Mr and Mrs John Cannady announce the birth ofa 7 pound, 11 ounce son, John, born Thursday, August 29 at Northside Hospitalin Atlanta. The infant is the grandsonof Mr and Mrs Jasper Grover of Brunswick, formerly of Americus, and Mr and MrsW E Cannady of this city. Little Johnhas two older sisters, Fran and Patty. TR,Tue 3 Sep 1974

Cannady, Katherine Denice - Mr and Mrs Jerry Cannady, ofNorcross, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce daughter at Crawford W LongHospital Atlanta. The baby, who has beengiven the name of Katherine Denice, is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs T GBankston and Mr and Mrs W E Cannady, of this city. TR, Wed 18 Aug 1965

Cannady, Martha Frances - Mr and Mrs John W Cannady, of Dublin,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce daughter,Martha Frances, on Monday, September 9.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs W E Cannady of this city andMr and Mrs Jasper Grover of Brunswick, also formerly of Americus. TR, Wed 18 Sep 1968

Cannady, Michael Thomas - Mr and Mrs Jerry Cannady, ofNorcross, Ga, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son on February 13 atthe Crawford W Long Hospital in Atlanta.The baby has been named Michael Thomas.The grandparents are Mr and Mrs T G Bankston and Mr and Mrs W E Cannadyof Americus. TR, Sat 15 Feb 1969

Cannady, Patricia Lynn - Sp5 and Mrs Walter Cannady announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce daughter born Wednesday, March 17 who has beengiven the name of Patricia Lynn. She wasborn at the military hospital in Stuttgart, Germany near Schwabish Gmund,Germany where her father is stationed.Mrs Cannady is the former Rebecca Grover of Americus. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs WE Cannady of this city and Mr and Mrs Jasper Grover of Brunswick, formerly ofAmericus. Charles Grover of Big Rapids,Michigan is the baby’s great-grandfather.TR, Wed 17 Mar 1971

Cannady, Sarah Rebecca - Mr and Mrs John Cannady ofRiverdale, Ga announce the birth of a daughter, Sarah Rebecca, born June 12 atClayton General Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Jasper Grover of Albany and Mrs W E Cannadyand the late Mr Cannady of Americus. Thebaby has two sisters, Fran and Patty, and a brother John. TR, Thu 21 Jun 1990

Cannady, Stephen Charles - Mr and Mrs John Cannady announcethe birth of a son, Stephen Charles, born April 18 at a Riverdalehospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,11 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mrs Violet Grover of Magnolia Manor and the late Mrs Jasper Grover andpaternal grandparents are Mrs Alva Lois Cannady of Americus and the late Mr W ECannady. Stephen has three sister, Fran,23, Patty, 21, and Sarah, 22 months and a brother, John, age 17. TR, Mon 4 May 1992

Cannon, Amelia Danell - Mr and Mrs Quincy Cannon announcethe birth of a seven-pound daughter, born Wednesday, February 23, at their homeon the Albany road. The baby has beennamed Amelia Danell. TR, Thu 24 Feb1938

Cannon, Bernie L III - Mr and Mrs Bernie L Cannon Jr ofAmericus announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ½ ounce son born Wednesday,January 26 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named Bernie L III. Grandparents of the infant are B L Cannon Srof Columbus and Mrs Doris Bryant of this city and Owen Hayes Sr and the lateRosa Lee Hayes of Smithville. TR, Fri28 Jan 1977

Cannon, Bettie Ruth - Mr and Mrs Q A Cannon announce thebirth of a daughter, Bettie Ruth, Monday, August 13, at Prather Clinic. Mrs Cannon was formerly Miss Bessie PauleneWhitlock. TR, Thu 16 Aug 1945

Cannon, Christopher Michael - Mr and Mrs John Cannon, ofDeSoto announce the birth of a 7 pound son Christopher Michael born October 6at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.He will be called Chris. Hismaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Wilburn Edge of Alamo, Ga. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs JoeCannon of DeSoto. TR, Mon 10 Oct 1977

Cannon, Dorothy Beatrice - Mr and Mrs W M Cannon announcethe birth of a daughter, July 5, at their home at 115 Prince Street, who willbe called Dorothy Beatrice. TR, Sat12 Jul 1924

Cannon, Frank Brown Jr - Mr and Mrs F B Cannon announce thebirth of a son, Monday, April 20, at City Hospital, who has ben named FrankBrown Jr. TR, Tue 21 Apr 1942

Cannon, Genevieve Crawford - Mr and Mrs Frank Cannon of 203Burke Street, announce the birth of a daughter on September 23, at the CityHospital. She weighed seven pounds, 11 ½ounces, and has been named Genevieve Crawford.TR, Mon 25 Sep 1950

Cannon, Jane Kelli - Mr and Mrs Ralph Cannon, of Smithville,announce the birth of a daughter at the Americus and Sumter County HospitalThursday, October 2 who has been given the name of Jane Kelli. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs RC McRee of Smithville and Mr and Mrs R T Cannon of Leesburg. TR, Thu 9 Oct 1969

Cannon, Livie Delaney - Mr and Mrs Hubert C Cannon, of 310South Jackson Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ½ ounce daughter,December 7, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby, who has been named Livie Delaney,weighed 8 pounds, 6 ½ ounces. TR, Mon9 Dec 1963

Cannon, Millicent Gail - Mr and Mrs H B Cannon, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a daughter, Millicent Gail, who was bornSaturday, December 30, at city hospital.TR, Tue 2 Jan 1945

Cannon, Not named - Mr and Mrs George Cannon, of Hamlet, NC, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of an 8 ½ pound son, Sunday, August31. TR, Wed 3 Sep 1958

Cannon, Not named - Mr and Mrs H B Cannon, of Smithville,announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, October 20, at City Hospital. TR, Wed 23 Oct 1946

Cannon, Not named - Mr and Mrs H R Cannon, of Ideal, are theparents of a 9 pound, 8 ounce son, born July 30, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Fri 30 Jul 1965

Cannon, Not named - Mr and Mrs Hubert Cannon of Americusannounce the birth of a son on November 11 at City Hospital. TCN Thu 21 Oct 1948

Cannon, Not named - Mr and Mrs Quincey Cannon announce thebirth of a son, Sunday, November 19, at the city hospital. TR, Mon 20 Nov 1939

Cannon, Not named - Mr and Mrs Quincy Cannon announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, March 22, at city hospital. TR, Fri 24 Mar 1944

Cannon, Not named - Mr and Mrs Reuben A Cannon, of 708Kingsway, announce the birth of a daughter who weighed 9 pound, 12 ½ounces. The baby was born January 10 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 11 Jan 1965

Cannon, Not named - Mr and Mrs W L Cannon, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a son, Monday, January 20, at city hospital. TR, Thu 23 Jan 1947

Cannon, Peggy Renee - Mr and Mrs John R Cannon, of 714Jefferson Street, announce the birth of a daughter, March 7, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces has been named Peggy Renee. TR, Mon 9 Mar 1964

Cannon, Sarah Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Roy James Cannonannounce the birth of a 5 pound daughter, Friday, June 7 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Sarah Elizabeth. Mrs Cannon is the former Miss VivianButler. TR, Sat 8 Jun 1957

Cannon, Spencer Ray - Mr and Mrs John Cannon of DeSotoannounce the birth of an 8 pound son Friday, January 5 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital who has been given the name of Spencer Ray. The baby has a brother, Chris. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs WilburnEdge of Alamo, Ga. Paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Joe Cannon of DeSoto, Ga.TR, Sat 13 Jan 1979

Cannon, Terry Lynn - Mr and Mrs R A Cannon, of 708 KingswayDrive, are the parents of a 7 pound, 8 3/4 ounce daughter, February 10, who wasborn at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named Terry Lynn. TR, Mon 11 Feb 1963

Canter, Alexia Marie - William and Gigi Canter of Newburgh,Ind announce the birth of a daughter, Alexia Marie, born August 26 at aNewburgh hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 11 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Lilian and Werner Simon of Bremerton, Wash and Bev and TomCanter of Americus. Great-grandmother isHelen Bass of Berlin Heights, Ohio. TR,Tue 7 Sep 1993

Canter, Ariana Simon - Bill and Gigi Canter of Port Orchard,Washington announce the birth of a daughter, Ariana Simon, born November 17 atHarrison Memorial Hospital, Bremerton, Wash.The infant weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Werner and LilianSimon of Bremerton. Paternalgrandparents are Tom and Bev Canter of Americus. The baby has a brother, Ian 5 and a sisterAlexia, 2. TR, Sat 2 Dec 1995

Canterbury, James Brandon - Mr and Mrs Ricky Canterbury ofAmericus announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ½ ounce son, James Brandon, bornThursday, July 25 at Sumter Regional Hospital.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Billy Davis of Americus and Mrs SueCanterbury of Cordele. TR, Mon 12 Aug1985

Cantrell, Benjamin Fletcher - Mr and Mrs Larry Cantrell of Statesboroannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 12 ½ ounce son, Benjamin Fletcher, bornFriday, September 21 at Bulloch Memorial Hospital. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs CharlesRoyal of Americus and Mr and Mrs B B Cantrell of Cordele. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs C J Royalof Americus and Mr and Mrs F A Cantrell of Cordele. He has two brothers, Robby and Will and asister, Laura. TR, Mon 24 Sep 1984

Cantrell, Dana Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs C R Cantrell, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 13 ounce daughter, Monday, May 4, atEmory University Hospital, who has been given the name of Dana Elizabeth. Mrs Cantrell is the former Beth Williamson,of Americus and the baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Guyton Williamson,of this city. TR, Wed 6 May 1964

Cantrell, Douglas Robert - Mr and Mrs C R Cantrell, of PowderSprings, Ga, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son, Tuesday, July 12,at Emory University Hospital, who has been named Douglas Robert. Mrs Cantrell is the former Miss Beth Williamson,of this city and the baby is the grandson of Guyton Williamson and the late MrsWilliamson of Americus. TR, Wed 13Jul 1966

Cantrell, Laura Leigh - Mr and Mrs Larry Cantrell, of Tampa,Fla announce the birth of a 9 pound, 9 ounce daughter, Laura Leigh, bornTuesday, July 2. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Royal of Americus and Mr and Mrs B BCantrell of Cordele. TR, Wed 3 Jul1974

Cantrell, Robert Larry Jr - Mr and Mrs Robert Larry Cantrellare the parents of a son born Thursday, September 15 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been namedRobert Larry Jr. His weight was 9pounds, 14 ½ ounces. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Charles T Royal, Americus and Mr and Mrs B B Cantrell of Cordele. Mrs and Mrs Charles J Royal of this city arethe baby’s grand-grandparents. TR,Sat 17 Sep 1977

Cantrell, William Jason - Mr and Mrs Larry Cantrell ofStatesboro, Ga announce the birth of a 5 pound, 4 ½ ounce son, William Jason,on August 5. He has a sister, Laura anda brother, Robby. His great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Charles T Royal of Americus and Mr and Mrs B B Cantrell ofCordele. TR, Wed 11 Aug 1982

Cape, Crystal Suzzane - Mr and Mrs Len Cape of Americusannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 2 ounce daughter, Crystal Suzzane, bornWednesday, October 3 at Sumter Regional Hospital. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs GlennCox and Minnie Cox of Americus and Mr and Mrs Harrold Cape of Cordele. TR, Sat 13 Oct 1984

Cape, Not named - Mr and Mrs J E Cape, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, December 4, at City Hospital. TR, Wed 4 Dec 1946

Caraway, Joseph Hunter - Mr and Mrs Joseph Hunter Caraway ofMeansville announce the birth of a son, Joseph Hunter, who was born Dec 12 atUpson Regional Hospital. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Steve Harden of Americus. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs NeilCaraway of Hollonsville.Great-grandparents are Gladys Howard of Moultrie, Mr and Mrs WilmerCaraway of Meansville, Mr and Mrs Roy Harden of Americus and Mr and Mrs L LPryor of Hollonsville. TR, Thu 22 Dec1994

Card, Cynthia Denise - Mr and Mrs W K Card, of 1025 AliceStreet, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ounce daughter, Monday, September15, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named CynthiaDenise. TR, Wed 17 Sep 1958

Card, Not named - Mr and Mrs Donald M Card, of Route 1,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce son, Sunday, August 17, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 18 Aug 1958

Card, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs D M Card, of Leslie,announce the birth of twin daughters on May 30 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Wed 31 May 1961

Card, Wanda Laverne - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Card, ofAmericus, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 6 ounce daughter, Saturday, November12, at the Riverside Sanitarium in Montezuma, who has been named WandaLaverne. Mrs Card is the former MissLaverne Lashley, of Oglethorpe. TR,Mon 14 Nov 1955

Card. Not named - Mr and Mrs W K Card, of Warner Robins,announce the birth of a 5 pound, 15 ounce daughter at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, born September 23. TR,Mon 24 Sep 1962

Cardamone, Georgia Dale - Mr and Mrs F J Cardamone announce thebirth of a daughter, Georgia Dale, Monday, November 12, at city hospital. Mrs Cardamone is the former Miss AnneSaliba. TR, Fri 17 Nov 1944

Cardamone, Maria Antoinette - Mr and Mrs F J Cardamone announcethe birth of a daughter, Wednesday, April 21, at city hospital, who has beennamed Maria Antoinette. Mrs Cardamonewas before her marriage Miss Annie Saliba.TR, Fri 23 Apr 1943

Cardamone, Not named - Mr and Mrs F J Cardamone announce thebirth of a son, Sunday, January 19, at city hospital. Mrs Cardamone was before marriage Miss AnnieSaliba. TR, Thu 23 Jan 1947

Carden, Albert Medara - Mr and Mrs Thomas M Carden, ofSmithville, announce the birth of an 8 pound son, November 21 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Albert Medara. TR, Fri 23 Nov 1962

Carden, Albert Wayne - Mr and Mrs A M Carden announce thebirth of a son, Albert Wayne, Sunday, Aug 11, at their home on thePlains-Smithville road. TR, Wed 14Aug 1935

Carden, Bently Lane - Dr and Mrs Sammy L Carden are theparents of a daughter born Tuesday, September 13 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been giventhe name of Bently Lane. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Joe W Wright of Gainesville, Ga and Mr and Mrs Sam T Carden ofCordele. TR, Thu 29 Sep 1977

Carden, Carol Jean - Mr and Mrs Farris Carden, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 1 ½ ounce daughter, Wednesday, February 23, atcity hospital. TCN, Thu 3 Mar 1949

Carden, Carolyn Ruth - Mr and Mrs A M Carden, of Smithville,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, July 18, at city hospital, who hasbeen named Carolyn Ruth. TR Sat, 19Jul 1941

Carden, Deborah Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Wayne Carden, of 909Elizabeth Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 2 ounce daughter, September2, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named DeborahElizabeth. TR, Mon 4 Sep 1961

Carden, Keith Leon - Mr and Mrs Thomas M Carden, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son Wednesday, September3 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby, who has been given the name of KeithLeon, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Raymond Cross of Vienna and the late Mr andMrs A M Carden of Smithville. TR, Mon8 Sep 1969

Carden, Kendell Laine - Charlene and Thomas Carden of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Kendell Laine, born Aug 24 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 9 pounds, 2ounces. Grandparents are Charles andLauraleen Easom and Marjorie Carden, all of Americus. Great-grandparents are Gertrude and D CDeVane of Americus. TR, Thu 23 Sep1999

Carden, Not named - Mr and Mrs A M Carden announce the birthof a son, born Saturday, March 18, at their home near Smithville. TR, Mon 21 Mar 1938

Carden, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ferris Carden announce the birthof a son Monday, August 20, at Prather Clinic.TR, Fri 24 Aug 1951

Carden, Not named - Mr and Mrs Finis Carden, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a son, Monday, May 20 at City Hospital. TR, Wed 22 May 1946

Carden, Thomas McCoy Jr - Mr and Mrs Thomas M Carden, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a son, born Monday, April 22, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who has been named Thomas McCoy Jr weighed 9 pounds, 11 ½ ounces. He is the grandson of Mrs Albert M Carden andthe late Mr Carden of Smithville and Mr and Mrs Raymond Cross of Vienna. TR, Thu 25 Apr 1968

Carey, Lisa Ann - Mr and Mrs D J Carey Jr, of Okinawa,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 3/4 ounce daughter Tuesday, June 24 who hasbeen given the name of Lisa Ann. Thebaby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Cecil B Moore of Americus and Mrs D JCarey and the late Mr Carey of Wilson, NC.TR, Wed 2 Jul 1969

Carlan, Arthur Buell III - Mr and Mrs Arthur Carlan Jr ofAthens announce the birth of a son born Thursday, May 5 at St Mary’s Hospitalin Athens. The baby weighed 8 pounds, 3½ ounces and has been given the name of Arthur Buell III. The infant is the grandson of Mr and Mrs W AGregory of Cobb and Mr and Mrs A B Carlan Sr of DeSoto. TR, Wed 11 May 1977

Carlan, Hannah Addieline - Mr and Mrs William Carlan ofDawsonville announce the birth of a daughter, Hannah Addieline, born Sunday,January 28 at Northeast Georgia Medical Center, Gainesville, Ga. The infant weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces atbirth. Paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs A B Carlan of DeSoto and maternal grandparents are Mrs Henry Sanders ofAtlanta and the late Mr Sanders. TR,Wed 31 Jan 1990

Carlen, Not named - Mr and Mrs A B Carlen, of DeSoto,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 6 ounce son, Sunday, January 26, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 27 Jan 1958

Carlin, Jake Cobb - William and Susan Carlin of Dawsonvilleannounce the birth of a son, Jake Cobb, born March 29 at the Northeast MedicalCenter, Gainesville. The infant weighed5 pounds at birth. Paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Buell Carlin of DeSoto and maternal grandparents are Mrs HenrySanders and the late Mr Sanders of Atlanta.The baby has a sister, Hannah, age two.TR, Thu 7 May 1992

Carlock, Dustin Che - Mr and Mrs John Carlock, of Richardson,Texas announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ounce son born Sunday, May 28 atGarland Memorial Hospital, Garland, Texas.The baby has been given the name of Dustin Che. Mrs Carlock is the former Patricia Womack ofAmericus. Grandparents are Mr and MrsJohnny Womack of this city and Mr and Mrs June Johnson of Dallas. Mrs B F Head is the baby’s great-grandmother. TR, Mon 29 May 1978

Carlson, Olivia Anne - Dr and Mrs Andy Carlson of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Olivia Anne, born Nov 1 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,15 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Henry and Eva Perles of North Dartmouth, Mass and paternalgrandparents are Alice and Marlow Carlson of Bradenton, Fla. Olivia Anne has a brother, Ian, 8 and sister,Erika, 7. TR, Sat 5 Nov 1994

Carlson, Twin Sons - Mr and Mrs James B Carlson of Atlantaannounce the birth of twin sons, William Blake and Barton Price, born Octoberat Northside Hospital, Atlanta. WilliamBlake weighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces and Barton Price weighed 4 pounds, 12ounces. Mrs Carlson is the former MissLisa Williams of Americus. Maternalgrandparents are Mrs Daisy Williams of Ocala, Fla and the late Mr DeweyWilliams and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Marvin Carlson ofAtlanta. TR, Tue 8 Nov 1988

Carlton, Jacob Caughman - Mr and Mrs Hewlitt Carlton announcethe birth of a seven and one-half pound son who was born at the Americushospital Saturday May 16. The young sonhas been given the name of Jacob Caughman.Both mother and son are doing nicely.Mrs Carlton was the former Miss Laura Caughman. TCN, Fri 22 May 1936

Carlton, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Henry Carlton, ofMontezuma, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce daughter, October 14, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Fri 14 Oct 1960

Carmack, Janice - Mr and Mrs L B Carmack, of Miami, Fla,announce the birth of a daughter at the Sumter County Hospital on January 17th,who has been given the name of Janice.Mrs Carmack was formerly Miss Robie Martin of this city. TR, Sat 22 Jan 1927

Carmichael, Catherine - Mr and Mrs Pat Carmichael, of Cuthbert,announce the birth of a daughter, August 7, at the Patterson Hospital inCuthbert, who has been named Catherine.Mrs Carmichael is the former Linda Cummings, of Leslie. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsCarl Cummings, of Leslie and Mrs Alma Carmichael, of Rochelle. TR, Tue 1 Sep 1959

Carmichael, Patrick Neel Jr - Mr and Mrs P N Carmichael announcethe birth of a son, November 9 at Patterson Hospital, Cuthbert, weighing 7pounds, 4 ounces. He has been namedPatrick Neel Jr. TR, Sat 19 Nov 1960

Carmichael, Robert Lyons III - Mr and Mrs Robert LyonsCarmichael Jr announce the arrival of a 7 pound, 6 ounce son born Wednesday,April 4. The infant has been given thename of Robert Lyons III. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Sherrod Garland McCall of Moultrie and Mr and Mrs Robert L CarmichaelSr of Columbus. TR, Mon 9 Apr 1979

Carmichael, Sherrod McCall - Mr and Mrs Robert L Carmichael Jrof Americus announce the birth of a son who has been named Sherrod McCallCarmichael. He was born on Friday,February 4 and weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces.The infant has a brother Rob Carmichael and his grandparents are Mr andMrs Sherrod McCall of Moultrie and Mr and Mrs Pearl L Carmichael,Columbus. He is the great-grandson ofMrs Sylvia Carmichael, Atlanta. TR,Wed 9 Feb 1983

Carnes, Jason Al - Mr and Mrs Steve Carnes of Lexington, SCannounce the birth of an 8 pound son born Tuesday, July 29 at the LexingtonHospital. The baby has been named JasonAl. The infant is the grandson of Mr andMrs Jasper Jones of Leslie and the late Phillip T Storey, also Mr and Mrs JackE Carnes of Belton, SC. Mrs Carnes isthe former Cindy Storey of Americus. Ga. TR, Thu 31 Jul 1980

Carnes, Joseph Milton - Mr and Mrs Barney Carnes announcethe birth of a son this morning, September 17, at the city hospital, who hasbeen given the name Joseph Milton. Bothmother and baby are doing nicely. TR,Tue 17 Sep 1935

Carnes, Martha Eleanor - Mr and Mrs B C Carnes announce thebirth of a baby girl Saturday, December 1, at the City Hospital, who has beengiven the name of Martha Eleanor. TR,Mon 3 Dec 1923

Carnes, Martha Frances - Mr and Mrs J H Carnes Jr announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce daughter, Saturday, July 9, who has been giventhe named of Martha Frances. The baby,who is to be called Marsha is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J H Carnes ofAtlanta and Mr and Mrs Wingate Dykes of Americus. Mrs T O Marshall and Mrs W W Dykes of thiscity and Mrs Sarah Carnes of Atlanta are the baby’s great-grandparents. TR, Mon 11 Jul 1966

Carnes, Shelby Glenn - Mason and Joy Carnes of Buena Vistaannounce the birth of a daughter, Shelby Glenn, born Saturday, June 29 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Charles Carnes of Andersonville. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs RichardSmith of Tazewell. Great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs C H Carnes, Leslie; Charles Smith, Tazewell and Pauline Curtisof Mt Sterling, KY. TR, Fri 9 Aug1996

Carpenter, Angela Arrie - Mr and Mrs James Oscar Carpenter, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a daughter on Thursday, July 26 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces and has been named Angela Arrie. Grandparents of the baby are Mr and Mrs OscarCarpenter of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs Paul Durham of Americus. TR, Wed 8 Aug 1973

Carpenter, Carol Bruce - Mr and Mrs Kemp Carpenter announce thebirth of a daughter Monday, December 20, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital,who has been named Carol Bruce. TR,Thu 23 Dec 1954

Carpenter, Nancy Denise - Mr and Mrs John M Carpenter, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a baby girl Wednesday morning at PratherClinic. The baby has been named NancyDenise. TCN, Thu 12 Jun 1952

Carpenter, Not named - Mr and Mrs Don Carpenter, of 210 HudsonStreet, are the parents of a 7 pound, 5 ½ ounce son, born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on October 15. TRFri 15 Oct 1965

Carpenter, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Oscar Carpenter, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a daughter on Wednesday, November 24 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 1 Dec 1965

Carpenter, Yancey Todd - Mr and Mrs James C Carpenter, ofEllaville, are the parents of a 7 pound, 8 ½ ounce son, born December 8, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Yancey Todd. TR,Mon 9 Dec 1963

Carr, Kathleen Marie - Lt and Mrs F J Carr, of Alliance,Neb, announce the birth of a daughter, June 11, who has been named KathleenMarie. Mrs Carr was the former MissJanet Williams, of Americus. TR, Mon14 Jun 1943

Carr, Not named - Mr and Mrs J C Carr, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter at Americus and Sumter County Hospital Monday,January 4, who weighed six pounds, 2 ounces.TR, Mon 4 Jan 1954

Carr, Not named - Mr and Mrs J H Carr, of Route 1, Leslie,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce son at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, Monday, September 16. TR,Wed 17 Sep 1958

Carr, Not named - Mr and Mrs John F Carr, of Ellaville,are the parents of a 9 pound, 5 ½ ounce son, born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, June 27. TR, Mon 28Jun 1965

Carrison, Alice Bernice - Mr and Mrs Don Carrison announce thebirth of a 8 pound, 14 ounce daughter Friday, December 22 at city hospital, whohas been given the name Alice Bernice. TR,Fri 22 Dec 1950

Carroll, Caroline Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs John Carroll ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Caroline Elizabeth, born February 13at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces. Maternalgrandparents are Mrs Frank Morgan and the late Mr Morgan of Vienna. Paternal grandparents are Rev and Mrs JohnCarroll of Macon. Caroline has twobrothers, Beau, 6 and Andrew 3. TR,Tue 27 Feb 1996

Carroll, John B IV - Mr and Mrs John B Carroll III ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, John B IV, born Tuesday, December 19 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Frank Morgan of Vienna and paternal grandparentsare Rev and Mrs John B Carroll Jr of Macon.TR, Mon 1 Jan 1990

Carroll, Not named - Mr and Mrs B Carroll, of Cuthbert,announce the birth of a daughter, born Tuesday, January 25, at PratherClinic. TR, Wed 26 Jan 1938

Carroll, Not named - Mr and Mrs B G Carroll, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 9 ounce daughter, Sunday, August 24, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 25 Aug 1958

Carroll, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jack C Carroll, of Route 1Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce daughter, November 8, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 9 Nov 1965

Carruth, John Orson - Rev and Mrs Edward H Carruth announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 11 ounce son Tuesday, May 24, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named John Orson. Rev Carruth ispastor of Lee Street Methodist Church. TR,Thu 26 May 1955

Carruth, Mary Katherine - Rev and Mrs Edward Carruth announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce daughter, Saturday, January 5 and the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Mary Katherine. TR, Tue, 8Jan 1957

Carson, Carol Edna - Mr and Mrs James Carson, of Route 4,Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter, May 3, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Carol Edna. TR, Thu 5 May 1960

Carson, Charles Henry - Mr and Mrs Todd Carson are theparents of a son, Charles Henry, who was born Wednesday, March 18 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces at birth.The infant is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Charles Baysinger of Macon andMr and Mrs George H Carson of Americus.He has a great-grandmother, Mrs Bab Callaway of this city. TR, Thur 19 Mar 1981

Carson, James Michael - Mr and Mrs Jim Carson, of Oceana,Virginia, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 11 ounce son Wednesday, September30, who has been named James Michael.Mrs Carson is the former Miss Joyce Kuenzi, of Siverton, Oregon. TR, Wed 30 Sep 1953

Carson, Jessica Mason - Mr and Mrs Todd C Carson of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Jessica Mason, born Sunday, June 3 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 13 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs James Preston Powell and paternal grandparents areMr and Mrs George H Carson Sr, all of Americus.TR, Thu 14 Jun 1990

Carson, Jonathan Wright - Mr and Mrs Jeffrey Alan Carson ofThomaston announce the birth of a son, Jonathan Wright, born at Upson CountyHospital, Thomaston November 6. Theinfant weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs John Carson of Thomaston and Mr and Mrs J LWright of Americus. Great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs E W Legg and Mrs Jessie Carson, Thomaston and Mr and Mrs WalterC Grove, Cincinnati, Ohio and Mr and Mrs John Wright of Lexington. Mr and Mrs Jess Grove of Brooksville, Ky aregreat-great-grandparents. TR, Thu 19Nov 1987

Carson, Mary Cookie - Mr and Mrs J Edward Carson, of Route4, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce daughter, Saturdan, March 24, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Mary Cookie. TR, Tue 27 Mar 1956

Carson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ed Carson, of Route 4,Americus, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ½ ounce daughter at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, Thursday December 13. TR, Fri 14 Dec 1962

Carson, Not named - Mr and Mrs George Carson of Americus arethe parents of a baby boy born at the City Hospital October 20, weighing 8pounds, 10 ounces at birth. TCN, Thu21 Oct 1948

Carson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Steve Carson, ofJacksonville, announce the birth of a son Friday, February 11. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs J MCarson, of Leslie. TR, Mon 14 Feb1955

Carson Paul Andrew - Mr and Mrs Alan Carson are the parentsof a son born Friday, June 18 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby, who weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces hasbeen given the name of Paul Andrew. Hehas an older brother, Bill. Grandparentsof the infant are Mrs Carl Bearden and the late Mr Bearden of Parrott and Mrand Mrs W A Carson of Americus. TR,Mon 21 Jun 1976

Carson, Shelby Elizabeth- Mr and Mrs Todd Carson announce the birth of a daughter, ShelbyElizabeth, born November 13 at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant, who is called Shelby, weighed 6pounds, 10 ounces. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Preston Powell of Americus.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs George Carson Sr of Americus. Shelby has s brother Chuck, 15 and a sisterJessica, 6. TR, Tue 10 Dec 1996

Carson, William Alan Jr - Mr and Mrs Alan Carson announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce son born Wednesday, July 14 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who has been named William Alan Jr will be called “Little Bill”.. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Carl NBearden of Parrott and Mr and Mrs W A Carson of Americus and the great-grandsonof P M Carson and the late Mrs Carson, also of Americus. TR, Fri 16 Jul 1971

Carswell, Carol - Mr and Mrs Cliff Carswell announce the birthof a nine pound girl, Sunday, September 19th, who has been given thename of Carol. TR, Tue 21 Sep 1926

Carswell, Cliff H Jr - Mr and Mrs Cliff Carswell announce thebirth of a son weighing 9 ½ pounds, which was born July 16, at the PratherClinic. The baby has been named Cliff HJr. TR, Sat 26 Jul 1932

Carswell, Ernest C Jr - Mr and Mrs Ernest Carswell, ofLouisville, Ky announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce son Wednesday, June17 , at the Kentucky Baptist Hospital in Louisville. The baby has been named Ernest C Jr. Mrs Carswell is the former Miss Jerry Whiteand the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs W D White, of this city. TR, Thu 18 Jun 1959

Carswell, Ernest Leon Jr - Mr and Mrs E L Carswell announcethe birth of a son today, July 27, at their home on South Lee Street. The baby has been named Ernest Leon Jr. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. TR, Sat 27 Jul 1935

Carswell, Frederick Lamar Jr - Mr and Mrs F L Carswell, of 131½ E Hill Street, announce the birth of a son, Monday, February 5 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Frederick LamarJr. TR, Mon 5 Feb 1962

Carswell, George Frank Jr - Dr and Mrs Frank Carswell announcethe birth of a son today, January 19, at a local hospital, who has been giventhe name George Frank Jr. TR, Mon 19Jan 1931

Carswell, Jack H Jr - Word has been received by friends hereannouncing the birth of a baby boy on August 8, to Mr and Mrs J H Carswell ofWilmington, NC. The baby weighed 7 lbsand 11 ounces, and has been named Jack H Jr.Mr and Mrs Carswell and daughter formerly resided in this city. Mr Carswell having been manager of S H Kressand Co store here. TR, Sat 12 Aug1944

Carswell, Michael Jeffery - Mr and Mrs Randy Carswell, of 703Park Row, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce son, born Sunday, October16 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name ofMichael Jeffery. Mrs Carswell is theformer Nancy Felts. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Coy Carswell and Tom Felts of this city and Mrs MarionFelts of Atlanta. TR, Tue 17 Oct 1967

Carswell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Coy Carswell announce thebirth of a son at Prather Clinic, Monday, March 29. TR, Tue 30 Mar 1948

Carswell, Not named - Mr and Mrs W B Carswell announce thebirth of a daughter, August 22, at the city hospital. Both mother and baby are “doing nicely.” Mrs Carswell was before her marriage MissAlice Hill. TR, Wed 23 Aug 1933

Carswell, Shanna Lee - Is the name of the infant daughter ofMr and Mrs Ricky Carswell who was born Monday, April 16 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby weighed8 pounds, 9 ounces. Mrs Carswell is theformer Brenda Barry of this city.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Charles Barry, Mrs Ruby Yawn and Mrs ClaraRichards, all of Americus. The baby hastwo great-grandmothers, Mrs Estelle Barry and Mrs R T Walker, also of thiscity. TR, Thu 19 Apr 1979

Carswell, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs William B Carswell, ofQuitman, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of twin daughters, Tuesday,June 15. Mrs Carswell was before hermarriage Miss Alice Hill, of this city. TR,Wed 16 Jun 1948

Carswell, William B Jr - Mr and Mrs William B Carswell, ofQuitman, announce the birth of a son Saturday, January 27, who has been namedWilliam B Carswell Jr. Mr and MrsCarswell are former Americus residents and Mrs Carswell was before marriageMiss Alice Hill. TR, Wed 31 Jan 1945

Carter, Alan Gary - Mr and Mrs Thomas A Carter, 209 GlenwoodRoad, announce the birth of a son on Tuesday, November 25 at 2:21pm at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Heweighed 8 pounds, 7 ounce and has been named Alan Gary. The maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs T IJockish and the paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs A C Carter, all of Auburn,Alabama. TR, Fri 28 Nov 1969

Carter, Amy Rebecca - Lt and Mrs Thomas H Carter, ofKissingen, Germany announce the birth of a daughter born December 22 who hasbeen named Amy Rebecca. Mrs Carter isthe former Ginny Davis of Americus. Thebaby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Davis of this city and Mrs SueCarter of Leslie. TR, Mon 17 Jan 1972

Carter, Blanche Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs George Carter, ofSelma, Ala, announce the birth of a baby girl, October 9, who has been giventhe name of Blanche Elizabeth. MrsCarter is pleasantly remembered in Americus as Miss Blanche Schneider. TR, Tue 23 Oct 1923

Carter, Bonnie Jean - Mr and Mrs Joel W Carter, of WestDundee, Illinois, announce the birth of a daughter, April 8, who has been namedBonnie Jean. The baby’s father is aformer Americus resident and she is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs X B Carter,of this city. TR, Wed 18 Apr 1962

Carter, Brenton Emerson - Mr and Mrs Richard Douglas Carterannounce the birth of a son born Sunday, October 10 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The infant, who hasbeen given the name Brenton Emerson Carter weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces and willbe called Brent.. He was welcomed homeby two brothers, Chad, 4 and Hall, 22 months.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold Collins of Cordele andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs I F Carter of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Rufus Collinsand Mrs Frankie Johnson, all of Cordele and Mr Wilber Avant of Lakeland,Florida. TR, Thu 14 Oct 1982

Carter, Chadwick Collins - Mr and Mrs Richard Douglas Carterannounce the birth of a son, Chadwick Collins Carter, born March 7 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital.Chad, as the infant will be called weighed 8 pounds, 5 1/4 ounces. Mr and Mrs Harold Collins of Cordele are thebaby’s maternal grandparents and Mr and Mrs I F Carter are the baby’s paternalgrandparents. TR, Mon 13 Mar 1978

Carter, Clyde Johnson Jr - Mr and Mrs Peter Carter announcethe birth of an 8 pound son, Friday, December 3, at Prather Clinic, who hasbeen named Clyde Johnson Jr. TR, Mon6 Dec 1948

Carter, Connie - Mr and Mrs Hugh Alton Carter, of Plains,announce the birth of a daughter Sunday, December 28, at city hospital, whoweighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces. The baby hasbeen named Connie. TR, Wed 31 Dec1952

Carter, Corbitt Michelle - Mr and Mrs Arthur Thomas Carterare the parents of a daughter born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospitalon Tuesday, July 13. The baby, whoweighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces has been given the name of Corbitt Michelle. She is the granddaughter of Mrs Arthur Carterof Americus and Mr and Mrs J H Corbitt of Pikeville, Ky. TR, Thu 15 Jul 1976

Carter, Courtney Holland - Mr and Mrs Ray Carter announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 10 ½ ounce daughter born Friday, May 16 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby wasborn on the birth date of her mother, the former Cathy Simpson. She has been given the name of CourtneyHolland. Grandparents of the baby are Drand Mrs Thomas R Simpson and Mr and Mrs J H Monts Jr. She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs RaymondWages and Mrs J H Monts Sr. TR, Sat17 May 1975

Carter, Dana - Mr and Mrs Neil Carter of Maracaibo,Venezuela, S A announce the birth of a daughter, Dana, born Friday, November9. The baby is the granddaughter of Mrand Mrs James Musselwhite of Warner Robins and Mr and Mrs X R Carter ofAmericus. TR, Mon 12 Nov 1973

Carter, Debra Gay - Mr and Mrs Dewey Carter Jr, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ounce daughter, October 3, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Debra Gay. TR, Tue 4 Oct 1960

Carter, Dorothy Lee - Mr and Mrs W J Carter announce thebirth of a daughter September 13, at the City Hospital, who has been given thename of Dorothy Lee. Mrs Carter ispleasantly remembered here as Miss Annie Lee.TR, Tue 13 Sep 1921

Carter, Earl Gordy - Mr and Mrs Billy Carter of Plainsannounce the birth of a son born Sunday, October 3 at the the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The 6 pound, 12ounce boy has been given the name of Earl Gordy. The infant is the grandson of Mrs Earl Carterof Plains and William Spires and the late Mrs Spires, also of Plains. TR, Mon 4 Oct 1976

Carter, Erskine Lee IV - Mr and Mrs Erskine Carter IIIannounce the birth of a son, Monday, July 2, at city hospital, who has beennamed Erskine Lee IV. Mrs Carter wasbefore marriage Miss Martha Virginia Eldridge.Mr Carter is stationed in Norfolk with the U S Navy. TR, Mon 2 Jul 1945

Carter, Fred Wayne Jr - Mr and Mrs Fred Carter, of Cairo,announce the birth of a 7 ½ pound son at the Cairo hospital, who has been namedFred Wayne Jr. Mrs Carter is the formerMiss Bobbie Ann Oates, of this city. TR,Fri 7 Nov 1952

Carter, George Michael - Mr and Mrs Artie Carter are theparents of a son born Saturday, October 25 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named George Michael. His weight was 7 pounds, 11 ounces. Grandparents of the infant are Mr and Mrs H ACarter of Albany and Mr and Mrs N C Wainwright of Gainesville, Fla. TR, Mon 27 Oct 1975

Carter, J C Jr - Mr and Mrs J C Carter, of Jacksonville,Fla, announce the birth of a son Saturday, June 26, who has been given the nameof J C Carter Jr. Mrs Carter will bepleasantly remembered in Americus as Miss Eula Lee Sawyer. TR, Friday 2 Jul 1926

Carter, James William - Mr and Mrs Charles Carter, ofCamilla, announce the birth of a son, Saturday, February 25, who weighed 8 1/4pounds. The baby has been named JamesWilliam. Mrs Carter was before marriageMiss Betty Cranford, of Plains and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs L JCranford, of Plains. TR, Mon 23 Feb1950

Carter, Jenny Marie - Mr and Mrs Artie Carter are theparents of an 8 pound, 13 ounce daughter born Tuesday, March 28 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who has been named Jenny Marie has an older brother, George. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs H A Carter ofAlbany and Mr and Mrs N C Wainwright. TR,Tue 28 Mar 1978

Carter, Katherine Kim - Mr and Mrs Billy Carter, of Plains,announce the birth of a seven pound four ounces girl born July 25 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Shehas been named Katherine Kim. TR, Thu26 Jul 1956

Carter, Kimble Tyson - Mr and Mrs V R Carter, of Ideal,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 4 ounce son, Thursday, December 15, at theAmericus and Sumter County hospital. Thebaby has been named Kimble Tyson. TR,Thu 15 Dec 1955

Carter, Mary Ann - Mr and Mrs Arthur Carter announce thebirth of a daughter, Monday, January 31, at Prather Clinic, who has been giventhe name Mary Ann. TR, Wed 2 Feb 1944

Carter, Michael Scott - Mr and Mrs Graham Carter, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce son Monday, January 7, whohas been named Michael Scott. Mrs Carterwas before marriage Miss Georgia Hollister.TR, Mon 21 Jan 1952

Carter, Not named - Mr and Mrs Arthur Carter announce thebirth of a daughter Sunday, August 16, at Americus and Sumter County Hospital,who weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces. TR,Tue 18 Aug 1953

Carter, Not named - Mr and Mrs Arthur Carter announce thebirth of a son, Saturday, August 17, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 22 Aug 1946

Carter, Not named - Mr and Mrs Bernell Carter announce thebirth of a daughter at the city hospsital, Wednesday, August 3. TR, Thu 4 Aug 1949

Carter, Not named - Mr and Mrs C J Carter announce the birthof a son at Prather Clinic, Friday, December 3.TR, Thu 9 Dec 1948

Carter, Not named - Mr and Mrs Clark Carter announce thebirth of a son at City Hospital, Sunday, October 30. TR, Thu 3 Nov 1949

Carter, Not named - Mr and Mrs Dewey Carter Jr, of 714 ½Jefferson Street, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 1 ounce son, August 10 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Fri 11 Aug 1961

Carter, Not named - Mr and Mrs Dewey Carter, of 311 E ChurchStreet, are the parents of a 7 pound, 7 ½ ounce daughter, born February 19, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Thu 20 Feb 1964

Carter, Not named - Mr and Mrs Earl Carter announce thebirth of a daughter April 7, at their home in Ellaville. TR, Sat 9 Apr 1921

Carter, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ernest Carter of Richlandannounce the birth of a son at Prather Clinic on September 29. TCN, Thu 30 Sep 1948

Carter, Not named - Mr and Mrs Hugh Carter, of Plains,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, October 23, at City Hosptial. TR, Wed 23 Oct 1946

Carter, Not named - Mr and Mrs J T Carter, of 405 EastChurch Street, announce the birth of a daughter, January 20. Both mother and baby are getting alongfine. TR, Thu 21 Jan 1932

Carter, Not named - Mr and Mrs V R Carter, of Ideal,announce the birth of a son Tuesday, March 20, at city hospital. TR, Sat 24 Mar 1951

Carter, Not named - Mr and Mrs Willis Carter, of Dawson,announce the birth of a son, Saturday, December 5, at city hospital. TR, Tue 8 Dec 1942

Carter, Not named - Mr and Mrs Willis Carter, of Dawson,announce the birth of a son, Monday, June 21, at Prather Clinic. TR, 23 Jun 1948

Carter, Not named - Mr and Mrs X B Carter announce the birthof a son Saturday, November 26, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. Mrs Carter was before her marriage MissLizzie Mae Gammage. TR, Mon 28 Nov1932

Carter, Not named - Sgt and Mrs Billy Carter, of Plains,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce daughter at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, Thursday, November 6. TR,Fri 7 Nov 1958

Carter, Richard Harold - Mr and Mrs Richard Douglas Carterof Cordele announce the birth of a son Saturday, November 22 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The infant,who has been named Richard Harold weighed 9 pounds, 1 ounce. He was welcomed home by an older brother,Chad aged 2 ½ years. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold Collins of Cordele and paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs I F Carter of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Rufus Collins and Mrs Frankie Johnson,all of Cordele and Mr and Mrs Wilber Avant of Lakeland, Florida. TR, Wed 26 Nov 1980

Carter, Robert Scott - Mrs Fran E Carter and Ricky Carterannounce the birth of a son born Tuesday, December 10 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Robert Scott. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs R H Easterlin and Mr and Mrs I F “Bud” Carter. TR, Wed 11 Dec 1974

Carter, Ruth - Mr and Mrs Earl Carter announce the birth ofa daughter Wednesday, August 7, at their home near Plains. She has been named Ruth. TR, Tue 13 Aug 1929

Carter, Sandra - Mr and Mrs X B Carter, of Norris, Tenn,announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, Sept 29, at the city hospital, whohas been named Sandra. Mrs Carter wasbefore her marriage Miss Lizzie Mae Gammage of this city. TR, Wed 2 Oct 1935

Carter, Tommie Ray - Mr and Mrs Ray Carter, of Knoxville,Tenn announce the birth of a daughter Saturday, November 27 a the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whoweighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce has been named Tommie Ray. She is the granddaughter of Dr and Mrs ThomasB Simpson and Mr and Mrs Jody Monts and the great-granddaughter of Mrs RaymondWages and Mrs Will Horne, all of this city.TR, Mon 29 Nov 1971

Carter, Vicky Kay - Mr and Mrs A C Carter, of Americus,announce the birth of a 9 pound daughter, on January 27 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. She has beennamed Vicky Kay. TR, Mon 30 Jan 1956

Carter, Wendy Dannelle - Mr and Mrs Dewey Carter, 521Jackson Avenue, are the parents of a 7 pound, 6 ounce daughter, born May 4, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named WendyDannelle. TR, Tue 4 May 1965

Carter, William Alton III - Mr and Mrs W A Carter Jr, ofPlains, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce son, October 16, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named William Alton III. TR, Tue 18 Oct 1960

Carter, William Alton - Mr and Mrs Earle Carter, of Plains,announce the birth of a son Monday, March 29, at the city hospital, who hasbeen named William Alton. TR, Mon 29Mar 1937

Carter, William Patrick - Mr and Mrs Erskine Carter IIIannounce the birth of a son Tuesday, July 14, at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been namedWilliam Patrick and will be called “Billy”.Mrs Carter is the former Miss Martha Virginia Eldridge. TR, Tue 14 Jul 1953

Carter. Cynthia - Mr and Mrs Neil Carter, of Cherry Hill,NJ, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 1 ounce daughter, Cynthia, born Wednesday,September 16. The baby is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs James Musselwhite of Warner Robins and Mr and Mrs X B Carter ofAmericus. TR, Thu 17 Sep 1970

Cartwright, Brian Keith - Mr and Mrs Keith Cartwright announcethe birth of a 5 pound, 11 ounce son Friday, June 6 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby who has beengiven the name of Brian Keith, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Raymond Whitman ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Carson Cartwright of McRae. TR, Tue 10 Jun 1969

Cartwright, Bryan Andrew - Mr and Mrs Marion Cartwright, ofAthens, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce son, born Saturday, July 11at the St Mary’s Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Bryan Andrew. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Kenneth C Hart of Americus and Mrs Lucille Cartwrightand Mr Homer C Cartwright of Albany. TR,Tue 14 Jul 1970

Cartwright, Cory Joseph - Mr and Mrs Joe Cartwright of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Cory Joseph, born May 21 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 3 pounds, 9ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Philip Smith of Shellman and paternal grandparents are MrsLavine Cartwright and the late Mr Howard Cartwright of McRae. TR, Tue 2 Jun 1989

Cartwright, Dean Lindsley - Mr and Mrs Marion Cartwright, ofAthens, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ½ ounce son born Wednesday, October17. Mrs Cartwright is the former MissMartha Hart. The infant is the grandsonof Mr and Mrs Kenneth C Hart, of Kingsport, Tennessee, formerly of Americus andMrs Lucille Cartwright of Athens. Thebaby, who has been named Dean Lindsley, has an older brother, Brian. TR, Thu 18 Oct 1973

Cartwright, Not named - Mr and Mrs Keith Cartwright, of 807 ParkRow, are the parents of a 6 pound 6 ounce daughter, born March 7, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 8 Mar 1966

Cartwright, Tyler Scott - Mr and Mrs Charles Cartwright ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Tyler Scott, born Friday, April 6 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infant,who is called Tye, weighed 6 pounds, 6 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Grady Scott andMrs Thelma Cartwright of Americus. Thebaby has a brother, Matt, age nine. TR,Fri 13 Apr 1990

Carver, Ashly Carol - Mr and Mrs Scott Edwin Carver ofBrunswick announce the birth of a daughter, Ashly Carol, born Saturday,February 23 at Glenn-Brunswick Memorial Hospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces at birth. Mrs Carver is the former Miss Melissa Shortof Americus. Paternal grandparents areMr and Mrs Terry Carver of Brunswick and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs AC Short of Gainesville, Fla, formerly of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs MadisonDill of Americus. TR, Wed 17 Feb 1991

Carver, Becky Denetra - Mr and Mrs Carroll W Carver, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a daughter Wednesday, August 18 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who weighed 5 pounds, 13 ounces has been named Becky Denetra. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs VinceCarver of Willachoochee and Mrs Hallie Williams of Nicholls, Ga. TR, Sat 21 Aug 1971

Carver, Denise Lynn - Mr and Mrs Carroll Carver, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a daughter on Wednesday, June 5 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces and has been named Denise Lynn. Mr and Mrs Vincent Carver of Willacoochee arethe paternal grandparents. TR, Tues11 Jun 1974

Carver, Krystal Elaine - Mr and Mrs Jack Carver, ofColumbus, have announced the arrival of a 6 pound, 7 ounce baby daughter at theMedical Center on December 10, who has been named Krystal Elaine. The baby’s mother is the former Miss CarolynBurke, of Preston and Columbus. The babyis the first great-grandchild of Mrs Georgia Burke of Preston. TR, Sat 31 Dec 1960

Casey, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Casey, of Hogansville,announce the birth of a son, Monday, July 21.Mrs Casey was before marriage Miss Jane Justice and formerly taught atFurlow school. TR, Thu 31 Jul 1947

Cash, Elizabeth Margo - Mr and Mrs Joe G Cash announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce daughter, Thursday, March 22, at city hospital,who has been named Elizabeth Margo. MrsCash is the former Miss Mary O’Barr, of Anniston, S C. TR, Thu 29 Mar 1951

Cash, Eva Marie - Mr and Mrs Joe Cash announce the birthof an 8 pound, 15 ounce daughter, Sunday, June 30, who has been named EvaMarie. TR, Tue 2 Jul 1957

Cash, Mary Jo - Mr and Mrs Joe G Cash, Patton Drive,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter on December 23, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Mary Jo. TR, Tue 27 Dec 1960

Cashwell, Chelsey Marie - Mr and Mrs David Cashwell ofFairburn, Ohio announce the birth of a daughter, Chelsey Marie, born August 3at Wright Patterson AFB Hospital. Theinfant weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Earl Stinson of Americus and Mr andMrs Jerry Kicklighter of Americus.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Milton Cashwell of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mrs Mary Abell ofAmericus, Mrs H C Cashwell of Cedar Springs, Ga, Mrs Thelma Virginia Gill ofGainesville, Fla and Mrs Hazel Kicklighter, Glennville, Ga. The baby has a sister Sarah Elizabeth, agethree. TR, Tue 11 Aug 1992

Cashwell, Milton Hugh Jr - Mr and Mrs Milton H Cashwellannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce son, Tuesday, January 14 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Milton Hugh Jr. TR, Sat 18 Jan 1958

Cashwell, Nathen Andrew - Mr and Mrs Andy Cashwell of FtWorth, Texas announce the birth of a son, Nathen Andrew, born May 7 at AllSaint’s City View Hospital. The infantweighed 10 pounds, 5 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Milton Cashwell of Americus andmaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Dan Farmer of Eufaula, Ala. Great-grandparents are Mrs L D Abell ofAmericus; Mrs H C Cashwell Sr of Cedar Springs, Ga; and Mr and Mrs Henry Farmerof Headland, Ala. The baby has abrother, Stuart, age two. TR, Wed 16May 1990

Cashwell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Milton Cashwell, of 1004Douglas Circle, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce son, July 22, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 25 Jul 1960

Cashwell, Stuart Abell - Mr and Mrs Andy Cashwell of Albanyannounce the birth of a son, Stuart Abell, born March 20 at Phoebe Putney inAlbany. Maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Dan Farmer of Eufaula, Ala and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs MiltonCashwell of Americus. Great-grandparentsare Mrs L D Abell, Americus; Mrs H C Cashwell, Cedar Springs, Ga; Mr and MrsVictor Bruce Potts, Dothan, Ala; and Mr and Mrs Henry Farmer of Headland, Ala. TR,Tue 12 Apr 1988

Cason, Austin Chad - Chad Cason and April Swain of Rochelleannounce the birth of a son, Austin Chad, born December 11 at Taylor RegionalHospital, Hawkinsville. The baby weighed7 pounds, 11 ounces. Grandparents areGlenda Cason of Americus; Ed (Jimbo) Cason of Rochelle; Mr and Mrs W A Swain ofRochelle. Great-grandparents are Mr andMrs Marvin Dix of Abbeville; Mrs E L Cason of Rochelle; Mrs Jason Hall and Mrand Mrs Noah Swain of Ashburn. TR,Fri 12 Dec 1996

Cason, Chad Edward - Mr and Mrs Ed (Jimbo) Cason announcethe birth of a son born Wednesday, August 10 who has been given the name ofChad Edward. The baby weighed 8 pounds,12 ounces. The infant is the grandson ofMr and Mrs Marvin C Dix of Abbeville and Mr and Mrs E L Cason of Rochelle. TR, Thu 11 Aug 1977

Cason, Katie Delane - Mr and Mrs Ed Cason announce thebirth of a daughter, Katie Delane, who was born Monday, July 29 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. Her weightwas 8 pounds, 12 ounces. Little Katiehas a brother, Chad, 3. Her maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Marvin Dix, Abbeville, Ga. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs E LCason, Rochelle and a paternal great-grandmother is Mrs Ida Mae Sangster,Rochelle. TR, Thu 23 Jul 1981

Cason, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Cason, of Seville,announce the birth of a son, Saturday, November 15, at the city hospital. TR, Thu 20 Nov 1947

Cason, Not named - Mr and Mrs Otis Cason announce the birthof a daughter, March 3, at City Hospital.TR, Tue 7 Mar 1940

Cason, Not named - Mr and Mrs Roy Cason announce the birthof a daughter, Sunday, February 24, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Mon 25 Feb 1957

Cason, Not named - Mr and Mrs Roy H Cason of Grafton, Vaare the parents of a 7 pound daughter born Sunday, May 2. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs CE Halstead of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs Roy Cason of Americus. She has an older sister, Charlotte MarieCason. TR, Wed 12 May 1976

Cassell, Michael Maury Jr - Mr and Mrs Michael Maury Cassell,of NY City, announce the birth of a 7 ½ pound son Saturday, May 18, who hasbeen named Michael Maury Jr. Mrs Cassellis the former Dancey Allcorn of Jacksonville.The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Frank Allcorn III of Jacksonvilleand Mr and Mrs Hugh K Cassell of Staunton, Virginia. Mrs Ruth Walter of Americus and Frank WAllcorn Jr of Warm Springs are great-grandparents. TR Thu 23 May 1968

Castellow, Bryant Thomas II - Dr and Mrs W F Castellow announcethe birth of a son, born Sunday, November 14, at city hospital. The baby has been given the name BryantThomas II. TR, Mon 15 Nov 1937

Castellow, Bryant Thomas III - Mr and Mrs Bryant Castellow II,of Jacksonville, announce the birth of an 8 pound son, Saturday November 17,who has been named Bryant Thomas III.The baby is the grandson of Dr and Mrs Frank Castellow, ofAmericus. TR, Mon 19 Nov 1962

Castellow, Kevin James - Mr and Mrs James T Castellow, ofDecatur, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son on January 28 atPiedmont Hospital. The infant has beennamed Kevin James and is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Robert Jensen of Memphis,Tenn and Dr and Mrs Frank Castellow of Americus. TR, Fri 31 Jan 1975

Castellow, Not named - Dr and Mrs William Franklin Castellowannounce the birth of a son, Saturday, November 9, at their home of WestCollege Street. TR, Mon 11 Nov 1940

Castellow, Not named - Word has been reeived here that Capt andMrs W F Castellow, former Americus residents, have a little daughter, who wasborn January 30, in Honolulu, Hawaii. TR,Tue 3 Feb 1942

Castellow, Robert Franklin - Mr and Mrs James T Castellow, ofDecatur, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 2 ounce son Wednesday, August 5 atthe Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta. Thebaby, who is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Robert Jensen of Germantown, Tennesseeand Dr and Mrs W Franklin of Americus has been named Robert Franklin for histwo grandfathers. TR, Thu 6 Aug 1970

Castellow, Warren Mitchell - Dr and Mrs Millard S Castellow, ofCarrolton, Miss, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 2 ounce son, Monday, March 7,who has been named Warren Mitchell. MrsCastellow is the former Miss Bunny Bunch, of Americus. TR, Fri 11 Mar 1960

Castleberry, Ashley Amanda - Mr and Mrs Thomas (Huck) Castleberryannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ½ ounce daughter born Tuesday, December 23at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been given the name of Ashley Amanda. “Mandy” as she will be called, has a brother,Matt, who is 6 years old. Thegrandparents are Mr and Mrs Paul Preskitt and Mrs Maude Castleberry and thelate K W Castleberry. Mrs Cora Law isthe great-grandmother and Mrs Edna Ward is the great-great-grandmother. TR, Sat 27 Dec 1975

Castleberry, Henry Lester - Mr and Mrs Robert E Castleberryannounce the birth of a son, December 26, who has been named Henry Lester. TR, Tue 29 Dec 1925

Castleberry, James Clark - Mr and Mrs Gordon Castleberry Jr -announce the birth of a son Friday, February 20th, who has beengiven the name James Clark Castleberry.Mrs Castleberry was before her marriage Miss Edna Turner of Albany. TR, Wed 25 Feb 1931

Castleberry, James Samuel Jr - Mr and Mrs James SamuelCastleberry, of Route 4, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ½ ounce son,February 13, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named James Samuel Jr. TR, Mon 14 Feb 1966

Castleberry, Jennifer Brooke - Mr and Mrs Frank Walker of Prestonannounce the birth of a granddaughter, Jennifer Brooke, born to their children,Leon and Lucinda Castleberry of Port Charlotte, Fla on August 21 at St Joseph’sHospital there. Jenni weighed 6 pounds,13 1/4 ounces at birth. Mr and Mrs EllisCastleberry of Moultrie are the paternal grandparents and thegreat-grandparents are Mrs Ruby Wiggins, Columbus and the late Mr Luther GuyWiggins, Mrs Lucile Walker of Preston and the late Ulys Walker, the late Mr andMrs Emory C Jones and the late Mr and Mrs J B Castleberry of Moultrie. TR, Fri 27 Aug 1982

Castleberry, Katie Leanne - Mr and Mrs Leon Castleberry ofCuthbert announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter, Katie Leanne, bornSunday, August 18. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Ellis Castleberry of Moultrie and Mr and Mrs FrankWalker of Preston. Hergreat-grandparents are Mrs Ruby Wiggins of Columbus, Mrs Lucile Walker ofPreston and Mr and Mrs J B Castleberry of Moultrie. TR, Wed 28 Aug 1985

Castleberry, Keith Alan - Mr and Mrs Wallace Castleberry of theBrady Road announce the birth of a 9 pound, 10 ounce son born Sunday, June 27at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby, who has been named Keith Alan, has a sister, Donna. Grandparents of the infant are Mr K WCastleberry and Mr and Mrs R Motogawa of Sumter, SC. TR, Mon 28 Jun 1976

Castleberry, Not named - Mr and Mrs A W Castleberry, of Americus,announce the birth of a girl at the City Hospital on Fri 12, weighing 8 pounds,3 ounces. TR, Thu 12 Feb 1948

Castleberry, Not named - Mr and Mrs Clarence Castleberry announcethe birth of an eight-pound boy this morning at their home four miles east ofAmericus on the upper river road. TR,Mon 15 Jul 1929

Castleberry, Not named - Mr and Mrs K W Castleberry announce thebirth of a son, Sunday, April 2, at Prather Clinic. TR, Wed 5 Apr 1944

Castleberry, Not named - Mr and Mrs K W Castleberry of Americusannounce the birth of a son on January 4 at Prather Clinic. TCN, Thu 6 Jan 1949

Castleberry, Not named - Mr and Mrs Wardlow Castleberry announcethe birth of an eight pound son at their home on Brannon Avenue, Wednesday,October 4. Mrs Castleberry will beremembered as Miss Maud Murray. TR,Wed 4 Oct 1939

Castleberry, Patricia - Mr and Mrs M M Castleberry, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter Patricia, Saturday, June 3, at Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 15Jun 1953

Castleberry, Robert Thomas - Mr and Mrs Robert Castleberryannounce the birth of a son Saturday, who will be called Robert Thomas. TR Mon 16 Oct 1922

Castleberry, Samantha Jean - Mr and Mrs Sam Castleberry ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Samantha Jean, on Wednesday, August11 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The infant weighed 7 pounds and 11 ounces at birth. Paternal grandparents are Mrs K W Castleberryand the late K W Castleberry and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs DonShellhouse. TR, Thu 12 Aug 1976

Castleberry, Thomas Matthew - Mr and Mrs Thomas EdwardCastleberry, of Route 4 Brady Road, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ½ ounceson Monday, October 13. The baby hasbeen given the name of Thomas Matthew.Mrs Castleberry is the former Vikki Preskitt. The grandparents are Mr and Mrs K WCastleberry and Paul E Preskitt. Thebaby’s great-grandmother is Mrs Cora Law.TR, Wed 15 Oct 1969

Castongia, Anne Marie - Lisa and Joe Castongia of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Anne Marie, on July 29 at Sumter RegionalHospital. Grandparents are Jim AndBarbara Harris and Joe and Rory Castongia, all of Americus. Three years old Emily Ann is her sister. TR, Tue 26 Aug 1997

Castongia, Emily Anne - Mr and Mrs Joseph Castongia of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Emily Anne, born September 26 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 1 ounce at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Jim Harris of Americus and paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Joseph Castongia of Americus.Great-grandparents are Louise Goodin, Dorothy Harris, both of Americus,Mr and Mrs Nail Fahrow of Kankakee, Illinois and Mr and Mrs Erza F Castongia ofBourbonnais, Ill. Tr, Thu 21 Oct 1993

Caswell, Van Erwin - Mr and Mrs Stanley Erwin Caswell, of 99Inman Circle, Atlanta announce the birth of a son, Thursday April 7, atPiedmont Hospital, who has been named Van Erwin. Mrs Caswell is a former Americusresident. TR, Fri 8 Apr 1949

Cato, Frank III - Dr and Mrs Frank Cato Jr, formerly ofAmericus, now of New Orleans, announce the birth of a son September 14, who hasbeen named Frank III. TR, Sat 23 Sep1933

Cato, James Robert - Dr and Mrs R E Cato, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a son Tuesday, Marcy 24, at St Joseph Infirmary inAtlanta. The baby weighed in at 9 poundsand has been named James Robert. MrsCato was the former Miss Marguerite Wise, of Plains. TR, Wed 25 Mar 1953

Cato, John Baldwin - Dr and Mrs R E Cato, of Macon,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son, Tuesday, June 24, at the Maconhospital, who has been named John Baldwin.The baby is the grandson of Mrs Eugene Cato, of this city and Mrs BowmanWise, of Plains. TR, Mon 30 Jun 1958

Cato, Kay - Mr and Mrs Elbert Cato announce the birth of a6 3/4 pound daughter, Kay, Thursday, September 16, at Prather Clinic. TR, Tue 28 Sep 1943

Cato, Linda Ann - Mr and Mrs Elbert Cato announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, September 28, at Prather clinic, who has beennamed Linda Ann. TR, Thu 2 Oct 1941

Cato, Nancy - Dr and Mrs Robert Cato, of Baltimore, Md,formerly of Americus announce the birth of a daughter Tuesday, September 18 atthe hospital in Baltimore, who has been named Nancy. Mrs Cato is the former Miss Marguerite Wiseof Plains. The baby is the granddaughterof Mrs Eugene Cato, of this city and Dr and Mrs Bowman Wise of Plains. TR, Wed 19 Sep 1951

Cato, Not named - Dr and Mrs Bob Cato, of Savannah,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of an 8 pound daughter ThanksgivingDay, November 25. Mrs Cato was beforeher marriage Miss Marguerite Wise of Plains.TR, Wed 26 Nov 1954

Cato, Not named - Mr and Mrs Elbert Cato of Americusannounce the birth of a girl at Prather Clinic.TCN, Thu 21 Oct 1948

Cato, Not named - Mr and Mrs Eugene Cato announce thebirth of a little son, Saturday, August the 7th, at the CityHospital. TR, Wed 11 Aug 1926

Cato, Not named - Mr and Mrs Johnny Cato, of Bainbridge,announce the birth of a 6 pound daughter, Sunday, June 30. The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs EugeneCato, of Americus. TR, Mon 1 Jul 1963

Caudill, Jane - Mr and Mrs Herbert Caudill, of Ragle, Cuba,announce the birth of a daughter, Jane, born this morning, at CityHospital. The baby is the granddaughterof Dr and Mrs Peyton Jacob, of this city.TR, Tue 15 Jun 1937

Caudill, Not named - Mr and Mrs Herbert Caudill announce thebirth of a son, Sunday, Octorber 28, at City Hospital. The baby is the grandson of Peyton Jacob,president of Georgia Southwestern College. TR, Wed 31 Oct 1945

Causey, Catherine Lorriane - Mr and Mrs Edd Causey, ofCairo, Ill, formerly of Americus announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ouncedaughter, Friday, January 27, who has been named Catherine Lorriane. TR, Mon 6 Feb 1950

Causey, Not named - Mr and Mrs J E Causey, of Parrott,announce the birth of a daughter, September 19, at city hospital. TR Wed 22 Sep 1948

Cavender, April Reneta - Mr and Mrs Gary Cavender, of Ft Hood,Texas announce the birth of a daughter Wednesday, September 18 at Ft LeonardWood Hospital in Missouri. The littlegirl weighed 7 pounds, 5 3/4 ounces and has been given the name of AprilReneta. She is the granddaughter of Mrand Mrs W H Cavender of Americus. MrsIda Cavender of Lake Blackshear is her great-grandmother. TR, Wed 25 Sep 1974

Cavender, Bianca Nicole - Lt and Mrs Gary H Cavender, of Fayetteville,NC announce the birth of a daughter born Thursday, April 12. The baby, who weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce hasbeen given the name of Bianca Nicole.The infant is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Cavender of Americus andMr and Mrs R L Richardson of Newberry, Missouri. TR, Thu 19 Apr 1979

Cavender, Carol Delaine - Mr and Mrs Jeff Cavender announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 12 ½ ounce daughter Sunday, July 25 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been named Carol Delaine is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs W H Cavender ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Dan A Smith, all of Americus. She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs BradySmith of Thomaston, Mr and Mrs Leonard Etheridge of Oglethorpe and Mrs IdaCavender of this city. TR, Mon 26 Jul1971

Cavender, Dustis Chadwick - Chad and Kimberly Cavender ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Dustin Chadwick, born June 5 at PhoebePutney Hospital, Albany. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert Cavender Jr of Americus and maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Earl West of Meigs.Great-grandmother is Ruby Cavender of Cobb. TR, Fri 10 Jun 1994

Cavender, Gary Henry - Mr and Mrs W H Cavender announce thebirth of a son at the city hospital Wednesday, May 28, who has been given thename of Gary Henry. Before her marriageMrs Cavender was Miss Pauline Wilson, of this city. TR, Thu 29 May 1952

Cavender, Kimberly Lynn - Mr and Mrs Robert Lee Cavender Jr,of Apt 8K, Thornton Circle, Smyrna, Ga, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1ounce daughter, Monday, September 6, who has been given the name of KimberlyLynn. The baby, who will be called “Kim”is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs H A McDonald, of this city and Mr and MrsRobert Lee Cavender Sr of Cordele. TR,Wed 8 Sep 1965

Cavender, Mary Frances - Mr and Mrs T A Cavender, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter, on Friday 23.The baby has been named Mary Frances.Mrs Cavender was formerly a teacher in the Junior High School. The baby was born in the Cordele hospital andweighed in at 9 pounds. TR, Thu 3 Mar1955

Cavender, Not named - Mr and Mrs R L Cavender announce thebirth of a seven-pound daughter, born Saturday, December 3, at their home onEast Lamar Street. Mrs Cavender wasbefore marriage Miss Ruby Forsyth. TR,Thu 8 Dec 1938

Cavender, Not named - Mr and Mrs R L Cavender announce thebirth of a son, Thursday, February 4, at city hospital. TR, Sat 6 Feb 1943

Cavender, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert Cavender announce thebirth of a son, Tuesday, April 22, at city hospital. TR, Thu 24 Apr 1941

Cavender, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert L Cavender, ofAndersonville, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son December 1, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 2 Dec 1959

Cavender, Not named - Mr and Mrs W H Cavender announce thebirth of a son at city hospital, Sunday August 24. TR, Tue 26 Aug 1947

Cavender, Shelia Ann - Mr and Mrs W H Cavender announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce daughter Tuesday, June 7, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Shelia Ann. Mrs Cavender isthe former Miss Pauline Wilson. TR,Wed 8 Jun 1955

Cavender, Steve Doyle - Mr and Mrs R L Cavender announce thebirth of a son, Steve Doyle, Monday, July 2, at city hospital. TR, Fri 6 Jul 1945

Cavender, William Jeffery Jr - Mr and Mrs Jeff Cavenderannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ½ ounce son January 16 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been named William Jeffery Jr is the grandson of Mr and Mrs W H Cavender andMr and Mrs Dan A Smith of Americus. TR,Mon 20 Jan 1969

Caye, William III - Mr and Mrs W C Caye Jr announce thebirth of a 10-pound son Sunday, July 10, at the home of Dr and Mrs Charles GGiddings, Ansley Park, Atlanta, Ga, who has been given the name of WilliamIII. Mrs Caye was Miss CatherineGiddings before her marriage, and was one of the most beautiful girls of theAtlanta social set. Since making herhome in Americus she has been widely popular socially. TR, Wed 13 Jul 1921

Cazenave, Daniel Lewis - Chief and Mrs Lewis E Cazenave ofMontezuma announce the birth of a son, Daniel Lewis, born September 4 atPerry-Houston County Hospital , Perry.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Henry S Lee of Jonesboro and Mr and MrsEugene J Cazenave of Sandy Springs. Theinfant has a sister, Christi Anne. TR,Mon 15 Sep 1986

Cazenave - Matthew Wayne - Montezuma Police Chief and MrsLewis Cazenave announce the birth of a son, Matthew Wayne, born Friday,November 11 at Perry Hospital, Perry, Ga.The infant weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Henry S Lee ofJonesboro and Mr and Mrs Eugene J Cazenave of Atlanta. The infant has a sister, Christi 5, and abrother, Daniel, age two. TR, Sat 19Nov 1988

Center, Mark Lewis - Rev and Mrs Hayden Center announce thebirth of a son born Friday, December 28 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The infant, who weighed 9pounds, 1 ounce has been given the name of Mark Lewis. He is the grandson of Mrs Geneva Center ofAmericus and the late J H Center of Chattanooga, Tenn and Mr and Mrs NathanSands of Linville, Tenn. TR, Sat 29Dec 1973

Centerfitt, Joe - Mr and Mrs James Centerfitt, of Leesburg, arethe parents of a 4 pound, 14 3/4 ounce son, born May 3 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Joe.TR, Tue 4 May 1965

Cephas, Christy Lynn - Rev and Mrs Cephas D Williamson, ofWaverly Hall, Ga, announce the birth of a seven pound daughter, born Saturday,July 16, at St Francis Hospital, Columbus, who has been named ChristyLynn. The baby is the granddaughter ofMr and Mrs C D Williamson, of Americus. TR,Tue 19 Jul 1966

Chadwick, Brett Andrew - Mr and Mrs Jeffrey A Chadwick ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Brett Andrew, who was born Monday, June 8at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 10 pounds, 12 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs E A Chadwick of Americus and Mr and MrsEdgar B Dalton of DeSoto. He has abrother, Alan, age four. TR, Fri 12Jun 1987

Chadwick, Jeffrey Alan Jr - Mr and Mrs Jeff Chadwick ofSylvester announce the birth of a son who has been named Jeffrey Alan Jr. The infant, who weighed 8 pounds 10 ½ ounceswas born on Tuesday, December 7 at Phoebe Putney Hospital in Albany. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs E AChadwick, Americus; Mr and Mrs Edgar B Dalton, DeSoto; and Mr and Mrs JohnMotley, Huntersville, NC. Hisgreat-grandmothers are Mrs W C Dalton, DeSoto and Mrs T E Ward, Columbus. TR, Tue 21 Dec 1982

Chadwick, Jonah Anthony - Mr and Mrs Jeff Chadwick announcethe birth of a son, Jonah Anthony, born Oct 11 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 9 pounds, 1ounce at birth. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Edgar Dalton of DeSoto and Mr and Mrs E A Chadwick of Americus. Jonah has two brothers, Alan, 11 and Brett,7. TR, Fri 21 Oct 1994

Chalberg, Not named - Mr and Mrs J R Chalberg announce thebirth of a daughter, Monday, May 17, at city hospital. Mr Chalberg is in the Armed Forces. TR, Wed 19 May 1943

Chalkely, Evelyn - Mr and Mrs J W Chalkely announce the birthof a baby girl January 17th, at their home on Bell Street, who hasbeen given the name of Evelyn. TR,Fri 22 Jan 1926

Chalkley, Larry Joel - Mr and Mrs J W Chalkley announce thebirth of a baby boy on March 18 at their home on Bell Street. The baby has been given the name LarryJoel. TR, Fri 24 Mar 1933

Chalkley, Mildred Hazel - Mr and Mrs J W Chalkley announce thebirth of a daughter August 7, at their home on Jackson Avenue, who will becalled Mildred Hazel. TR, Thu 9 Aug1923

Chalkley, Pamela Lynn - Mr and Mrs Wayne Chalkley, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a 7 pound daughter, Pamela Lynn, on July 31 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Hergrandparents are Mr and Mrs Andrew Chalkley, of Buena Vista and Mr and MrsDeroy Elder of Richland. TR, Wed 3Aug 1966

Chalkley, Shirley Anne - Mr and Mrs J W Chalkley announce thebirth of a seven pound eight ounce daughter Monday, March 23, who has beennamed Shirley Anne. Both baby and motherare doing nicely. TR, Wed 25 Mar 1936

Chalkley, Walter Ray - Mr and Mrs J W Chalkley announce thebirth of a son July 19, who has been given the name Walter Ray. TR, Fri 27 Jul 1928

Chambers, Elizabeth Arlene - Mr and Mrs John M Chambers, ofAkron, Ohio, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce daughter, Friday, March15, who has been named Elizabeth Arlene.The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs I K Chambers, of Americus. TR, Mon 18 Mar 1963

Chambers, Judith Raye - Cpl and Mrs Chambers announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 11 ounces daughter, Wednesday, August 25, at cityhospital. The baby has been named JudithRaye. TR, Thu 26 Aug 1943

Chambers, Julia Linda - Mr and Mrs T H Chambers, of Leslie,announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, September 10, at the city hospital,who has been named Julia Linda. TR,Mon 11 Sep 1939

Chambers, Not named - Mr and Mrs E H Chambers announce thebirth of a daughter, at city hospital, Tuesday, June 1. TR, Wed 2 Jun 1948

Chambers, Not named - Mr and Mrs F C Chambers of 326 SouthJackson Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce daughter, Monday,October 10, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Wed 12 Oct 1955

Chambers, Not named - Mr and Mrs J L Chambers Jr, of ColumbiaDrive, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce daughter, Thursday, June 19,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Thu 19 Jun 1958

Chambers, Not named - Mr and Mrs John M Chambers, of Akron,Ohio, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter, Thursday, August20. Mrs Chambers is the former MissMignon Shell, of Americus and the baby is the granddaughter of Mrs I K Chambersand Mrs John Shell, of this city. TR,Fri 21 Aug 1959

Chambless, Ralph Proctor Jr - Mr and Mrs R Proctor Chamblessannounce the birth of an eight pound son, Friday, September 16, at cityhospital, who has been named Ralph Proctor Jr.Mrs Chambless is the former Miss Betty Homes, of Dublin. TR, Wed 21 Sep 1949

Chambliss, Ashley Jean Nichole - Mr and Mrs Ross Chambliss IIIof Kennesaw, Ga announce the birth of a daughter, Ashley Jean Nichole, bornFriday, February 24 at Kennestone Hospital, Marietta. The infant weighed 6 pounds, 7 ounces atbirth. Paternal grandaprents are Mr andMrs Ross Chambliss Jr of Americus and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs RonCompanion of Phenix City, Ala. Great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Ross Chambliss Sr of Cobb; Mr and Mrs Fred Young of Leslie; andRev and Mrs J U Little of Barnesville. TR,Tue 3 Mar 1992

Chambliss, Cason Turner - Mr and Mrs Hunter Chambliss are theparents of a son born Thursday, November 14 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital and weighed 9 pounds, 1 ounce.He has been given the name of Cason Turner. His grandparents are Mr and Mrs B W Jordan ofLaGrange and the late J C Turner of Americus and Mr and Mrs V H Chambliss ofPlains. TR, Fri 15 Nov 1974

Chambliss, Catherine Elaine - Mr and Mrs Ross Chambliss Jrannounce the birth of a daughter, October 27, at the Baptist Hospital inKnoxville, Tennessee, who has been named Catherine Elaine. Mrs Chambliss is the former Miss Charlotte Simpson,of Leslie. The baby is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs Fred Young, of Leslie, and Mr and Mrs Ross Chambliss Sr, ofAmericus. TR, Fri 23 Nov 1962

Chambliss, Charles Wade - Mr and Mrs Ross Chambliss announcethe birth of a seven-pound son Monday, July 14, at the Prather clinic, who hasbeen named Charles Wade. Mrs Chamblisswas formerly Miss Pearla Poole. TR,Mon 14 Jul 1941

Chambliss, Clyde Jr - Mr and Mrs C C Chambliss announce thebirth of an eight pound son Saturday, Oct 17, who has been given the name ClydeJr. Mrs Chambliss was before hermarriage Miss Lillie Braswell. TR,Mon 19 Oct 1936

Chambliss, Everet Lunsford Jr - Mr and Mrs E L Chambliss, of StPaul, Minn, formerly of Americus and Plains announce the birth of a son Sunday,April 25, who has been named Everet Lunsford Jr. Mrs Chambliss is the former Miss WynelleHinson, of this city. TR, Tue 27 Apr1954

Chambliss, Jennifer Lane - Mr and Mrs John P Chambliss announcethe birth of a daughter who has been named Jennifer Lane. The infant was born Tuesday, July 12 atBaldwin County Hospital in Milledgeville and weighed 9 pounds, 4 ounces. She has a sister, Miranda and hergrandparents are Mr and Mrs Ross Chambliss, Americus and Mrs P N Lenkerd, Statesboro. She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs CharliePoole, Americus. TR, Mon 25 Jul 1983

Chambliss, Jessica Charlotte - Mr and Mrs Ross Chambliss III ofColumbus announce the birth of a daughter, Jessica Charlotte, born Friday, Apr1 at the Medical Center of Columbus. Theinfant weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ron Companion of Phenix City, Alaand paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ross Chambliss Jr of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Fred Youngof Leslie, Mr and Mrs Ross Chambliss Sr of Cobb and Rev and Mrs J U Little ofBarnesville. The baby has a sisterAshley 2. TR, Fri 8 Apr 1994

Chambliss, John Frederick - Mr and Mrs Ross M Chambliss Jr, ofKnoxville, Tenn, announce the birth of a 10 pound, 14 ounce son Friday,September 15, who has been named John Frederick. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs FredYoung, of Leslie and Mr and Mrs Ross Chambliss Sr of Americus. TR, Fri 22 Sep 1967

Chambliss, John Paul Jr - Mr and Mrs John Chambliss ofMilledgeville announce the birth of a 10 pound, 4 ounce son, John Paul Jr, bornFriday, July 11 at Baldwin County Hospital.Jake is the grandson of Mrs Patty Lenkard of Macon and Mr and Mrs RossChambliss of Lake Blackshear. He has twosisters, Miranda, 10 and Jennifer, 3. TR,Fri 18 Jul 1986

Chambliss, John Paul - Mr and Mrs Ross Chambliss announce thebirth of a son, Monday, March 26, at city hospital, who has been named JohnPaul. Mrs Chambliss is the former MissPearla Poole. TR, Wed 28 Mar 1945

Chambliss, John Wendell - Mr and Mrs Everette L (Bubber)Chambliss, of Hastings, Minn, announce the birth of a son born yesterday. He has been named John Wendell. His mother is the former Wynelle Hinson,daughter of Mr and Mrs G W Hinson, of this city. TR, Sat 9 Sep 1950

Chambliss, Kitty Sandra - Mr and Mrs J W Chambliss Jr announcethe birth of a six pound daughter, Wednesday June 5, at the Prather clinic, whohas been named Kitty Sandra. MrsChambliss was before marriage Miss Sarah McGarrah of Leary. TR, Thu 6 Jun 1940

Chambliss, Leila Faye - Mr and Mrs V H Chambliss announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday July 14 who has been given the name LeilaFaye. TR, Tue 16 Jul 1935

Chambliss, Linda Mae - Mr and Mrs C C Chambliss announce thebirth of a daughter, Monday, July 31 at their home in the 28thdistrict, who has been named Linda Mae. TR,Tue 1 Aug 1939

Chambliss, Mark Allan - Mr and Mrs Everett L Chambliss, of StPaul, Minn, announce the birth of a 9 pound son Monday, June 16, at cityhospital, who has been given the name of Mark Allan. Mrs Chambliss was before her marriage MissWynelle Hinson of this city. TR, Tue17 Jun 1952

Chambliss, Miranda Lynn - Mr and Mrs John Chambliss are theparents of a daughter born Tuesday, July 20 at the Medical Center in Tupelo,Miss. The baby, who weighed 10 pounds,12 ounces has been given the name of Miranda Lynn. The infant is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsRoss Chambliss of Americus and Mrs Charles A Lenkard of Cochran and the lateWilliam A Gossett of this city. She isthe great-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Poole, also of Americus. TR, Mon 26 Jul 1976

Chambliss, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ross Chambliss Jr, ofKnoxville, Tenn, announce the birth of a son at the Baptist hospital inKnoxville, September 28. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Fred Young of Leslie and Mr and Mrs Ross Chambliss Sr ofAmericus. TR, Fri 30 Sep 1960

Chambliss, Ross Merritt - Mr and Mrs Ross Chambliss announcethe birth of a seven-pound son, born Saturday night, September 10, at theirhome near McMath’s Mill. The baby hasbeen named Ross Merritt Jr. Beforemarriage Mrs Chambliss was Miss Pearla Poole.TR, Mon 12 Sep 1938

Chambliss, Sara Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Homer Chambliss announcethe birth of a daughter, Sara Elizabeth, who was born Tuesday, January 26 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby weighed 7 pounds, 12 ½ ounces.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Virgil H Chambliss and the RevHarry Smith and the late Elizabeth R Smith, all of Plains. Mrs Chambliss is the former Nancy Smith alsoof Plains. TR, Thu 28 Jan 1971

Chambliss, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs Cliff A Chamblissannounce the birth of twin daughters, Sept 18th, at the residence ofMrs W P Persons, on Jackson Street, who has been given the names Loraine andFloraine. TR, Mon 24 Sep 1928

Chambliss, William Floyd - Mr and Mrs Ross M Chambliss announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce son, Tuesday, September 13, at city hospital,who has been named William Floyd. MrsChambliss is the former Miss Pearla Poole.The baby is the fourth son of Mr and Mrs Chambliss. TR, Wed 14 Sep 1949

Chambliss, Woods Fielding - Mr and Mrs Bill Chambliss ofAtlanta announce the birth of a son, Woods Fielding, born November 7 atPiedmont Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Ross Chambliss Sr of Lake Blackshear and maternalgrandparents are Ellery Spickle of Albany.TR, Tue 18 Nov 1986

Champion, Elizabeth Hollis - Capt and Mrs James Championannounce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, April 29, at City Hospital, who hasbeen given the name Elizabeth Hollis for her aunt, Mrs Tom Vereen. Capt Champion is stationed in Hawaii. TR, Mon 30 Apr 1945

Champion, James Perry Jr - Lt and Mrs James Champion, of FortBenning, announce the birth of a son, Thursday, November 11, at city hospital,who has been named James Perry Jr. MrsChampion is the former Miss Jane Luthy, of this city. TR, Fri 12 Nov 1943

Champion, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Champion, of Albany,announce the birth of a 6 ½ pound daughter, Friday, November 14, at the PhoebePutney hospital. Mrs Champion is theformer Miss Jane Luthy. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mrs Kenneth Luthy, of this city. TR, Fri 14 Nov 1958

Chandler, Iva Jean - Mr and Mrs O W Chandler announce thebirth of a 7 ½ pound daughter, born Monday, February 6, at Prather Clinic. The baby has been named Iva Jean. TR, Fri 10 Feb 1939

Channell, Benjamin Grant - Mr and Mrs Larry Channell ofMarietta announce the birth of a son, Benjamin Grant, born Saturday, December17 at West Paces Ferry Hospital, Atlanta.The infant weighed 10 pounds, 7 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs AltonBruce of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert Channell ofBatavia, Ohio. He has a sister, LauraJeanine, age three. TR, Thu 5 Jan1989

Channell, Laura Jeanine - Mr and Mrs Larry Channell ofColumbus, Ohio announce the birth of a daughter, Laura Jeanine, born Tuesday,December 24. She is the granddaughter ofMr and Mrs Alton Bruce of Americus and Mr and Mrs Robert Channell ofCincinnati, Ohio. TR, Wed 8 Jan 1986

Chapman, Amy Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs J L Chapman, of 705Felder Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ½ ounce daughter, January 19,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named AmyElizabeth. TR, Mon 20 Jan 1964

Chapman, Bonnie Lynn - Mr and Mrs Larry Chapman, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter, born March 20 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Bonnie Lynn. TR, Thu 21 Mar 1963

Chapman, Candice Nichole - Rev and Mrs David Chapman of BuenaVista announce the birth of a daughter, Candice Nichole, born December 20 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 9 pounds, 1 ounce at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Fred Chapman of Buena Vista andmaternal grandparents are Rev and Mrs David McLemore of Plains. Maternal great-grandmother is Mrs Eve LottieMcLemore III of Leesburg. TR, Fri 13Jan 1989

Chapman, Chess Ann - Mrs James Chesterfield Chapman, ofAshburn, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter November 10, at theTurner County Hospital, who has been named Chess Ann. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs W BRoberts Sr of Ashburn and Rev and Mrs L J Cheves and the late J C Chapman ofEllaville. The baby’s father was thelate James Chesterfield Chapman Jr of Ellaville. TR, Tue 12 Nov 1968

Chapman, David Lewis - Mr and Mrs Fred Chapman, of Route 3,Buena Vista, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 12 ounce son, David Lewis, July2, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Tue 5 Jul 1960

Chapman, James Chesterfield Jr - Mr and Mrs J C Chapman, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a son, Friday night, June 10, at the BoyetteClinic. The baby has been given the nameJames Chesterfield Jr. He weighed sixand three quarter pounds. Both motherand baby are doing nicely. TR, Wed 15Jun 1938

Chapman, Joseph Lee - Mr and Mrs Fred Chapman, of Route 3Buena Vista, announce the birth of a 8 pound, 10 ounce son, November 28 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Joseph Lee. TR, Mon 29 Nov 1965

Chapman, Nancy Jane - Mr and Mrs E N Chapman, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a daughter born Monday, Nov 1. The baby has been given the name of NancyJane. Mrs Chapman was formerly MissLucile Reid. TR, Wed 3 Nov 1937

Chapman, Not named - Mr and Mrs C J Chapman announce thebirth of a daughter, Thursday, November 9, at city hospital. TR, Sat 11 Nov 1939

Chapman, Not named - Mr and Mrs R P Chapman announce thebirth of a daughter March 1 at their home near Americus. TR, Thu 1 Mar 1923

Chapman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Tommy Chapman, of Route 4Buena Vista, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter, born Saturday,July 17. TR, Mon 19 Jul 1965

Chapman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Wayne Chapman, of Preston,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 6 ounce daughter, Thursday, September 8, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Fri 9 Sep 1955

Chapman, Not named - Mrs Calvin Chapman, of Ideal, announcesthe birth of a daughter, born Tuesday, November 9, at city hospital. Mr Chapman died several months ago. TR, Wed 10 Nov 1937

Chapman, Phyllis - Mr and Mrs E N Chapman, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a daughter, Phyllis, Tuesday, Sept 24. Mrs Chapman was formerly Miss LucileReid. TR Sat 28 Sep 1940

Chapman, Thomas Albert Jr - Mr and Mrs Al Chapman announcethe birth of a son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital who has beengiven the name of Thomas Albert Jr. Thebaby, who was born Monday, June 30 weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Joseph A Chapmanof Albany and Mrs Donald Wightman, also of Albany. TR, Fri 18 Jul 1980

Chappell, Allen King - Mr and Mrs Allen Bradd Chappellannounce the birth of a son, Monday, March 10, at city hospital, who has beennamed Allen King. Mrs Chappell wasbefore her marriage Miss Martha King, of Milledgeville. TR, Wed 12 Mar 1952

Chappell, Amber Joel - Mr and Mrs Joel Hart Chappell announcethe birth of a 9 pound, 12 ounce daughter born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on Sunday, September 23.The baby, who has been given the name of Amber Joel has two sisters,Candace and Misty. Grandparents areFrank Chappell Jr and the late Carolyn Hart Chappell and Mr and Mrs Almer KLivingston of Smithville. She is thegreat-granddaughter of Mrs Frank Chappell Sr and Mrs Henry Hart Sr, Americusand Mrs H H Enzor of Smithville. TR,Wed, 3 Oct 1979

Chappell, Amelia Carolyn - Mr and Mrs Frank Chappell III ofPlains announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ½ ounce daughter, Amelia Carolyn,born Tuesday, February 12 at Sumter Regional Hospital. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs PaulPlayer and Frank Chappell Jr and the late Carolyn Hart Chappell, all ofAmericus. She is the great-granddaughterof Mrs Frank Chappell Sr of Americus and Mr and Mrs Ralph Cole of Placida, Fla. TR, Wed 13 Mar 1985

Chappell, Armstid Carl - Mr and Mrs W A Chappell are receivingcongratulations on the arrival of a fine young son at their home on Hanco*ckAvenue on Thursday, May 2. The name ofArmstid Carl has been given him. TR,Mon 6 May 1929

Chappell, Camilee - Mr and Mrs Charles Chappell announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce daughter at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on July 3. The baby, who hasbeen named Camilee, is the granddaughter of Sheriff and Mrs Fred Chappell ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs P C Ryle of Petersburg, Ky. TR, Wed 7 Jul 1965

Chappell, Candice Dawn - Mr and Mrs Joel Chappell announce thebirth of a daughter born Monday, November 24 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The infant has been namedCandice Dawn. She weighed 7 pounds, 7ounces. The baby is the granddaughter ofMrs Carolyn H Chappell and Frank Chappell Jr, both of Americus and Mr and Mrs AK Livingston of Smithville. TR, Sat 6Dec 1975

Chappell, Carolyn Anne - Mr and Mrs Ernest Chappell Jr, ofCairo, announce the birth of a 6 ½ pound daughter Sunday, June 1, who has beennamed Carolyn, Anne. Mrs Chappell is theformer Miss Helen Jones, of Cairo. Thebaby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Ernest Chappell Sr, of this city. TR, Mon 16 Jun 1952

Chappell, Christes Cole - Mr and Mrs Frank Chappell III ofPlains announce the birth of a daughter, Christes Cole, born Thursday, March 3at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 9 pounds, 7 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Paul Player, Americus and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Frank Chappell Jr and the late Mrs Carolyn HartChappell. Maternal great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Ralph Cole of Placidia, Fla and Mrs Frank Chappell Sr is thepaternal great-grandmother. TR, Tue 8Mar 1988

Chappell, Cornelia Anne - Mr and Mrs E R Chappell Jr, ofSumter, announce the birth of a daughter, March 24th, who has beengiven the name Cornelia Anne. TR Wed2 Apr 1930

Chappell, Courtney Glynn - Mr and Mrs Fred B Chappell Jr, ofAtlanta announce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce daughter born Friday, January20. The baby has been given the name ofCourtney Glynn. The infant’s mother isthe former Agnes Allbright of Columbus.She is the granddaughter of Mrs Agnes Allbright and the late GlynnAllbright of Columbus and Mr and Mrs Fred Chappell Sr and Mrs Wille M Whatleyof Americus. TR, Fri 27 Jan 1978

Chappell, Danielle Melissa - Mr and Mrs Dan Chappell, ofColumbia, SC, announce the birth of a daughter April 19, who weighed 6 pounds,12 ounces. The baby, who has been namedDanielle Melissa, is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Chappell Sr ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Eady Copeland of Rossville. TR, Fri 21 Apr 1967

Chappell, Dorothy Cuthbert - Mr and Mrs Dan Chappell, ofMiami, Fla, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, who hasbeen given the name Dorothy Cuthbert.Mrs Chappell will be pleasantly remembered as Miss Dorothy Dekle, ofCordele. TR, Mon 28 Jan 1929

Chappell, Eara Frances - Mr and Mrs W L Chappell announce thebirth of a daughter December 31. She hasbeen named Eara Frances. TR, Wed 4Jan 1922

Chappell, Ellaoise - Mrand Mrs Frank Chappell, of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter Saturday,April 15, at the hospital here who has been named Ellaoise. TR, Wed 19 Apr 1922

Chappell, Flora McDonald - Mr and Mrs L P Chappell, ofRichland, announce the birth of a daughter at the Plains hospital, Monday May1, who has been given the name Flora McDonald.Mrs Chappell was Miss Ethel Markette before her marriage several yearsago, and visited friends in Americus at frequent intervals. TR, Tue 2 May 1922

Chappell, Fred D Jr - Mr and Mrs Fred Chappell announce thebirth of a son, Wednesday, February 25, at city hospital, who weighed 10 ½pounds. The baby has been given the nameFred D Jr. TR, Thu 26 Feb 1942

Chappell, Gayle Leigh - Mr and Mrs Walter B Chappell, of Route3 Americus, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 4 ounce daughter, born December 28at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been given the name of Gayle Leigh. TR, Mon 31 Dec 1962

Chappell, Gordon - Lt and Mrs A W Chappell Jr announce thebirth of a son, Gordon, August 12, at the hospital in Canton, Georgia. Lt Chappell is stationed in Clovis, NewMexico, at a B-29 training field. TR,Fri 17 Aug 1945

Chappell, Grigsby Thomas - Mr and Mrs J D Chappell, ofMarshallville, announce the birth of a son, Monday, August 7, at the cityhospital, who has been named Grigsby Thomas.TR, Wed 9 Aug 1939

Chappell, Jack Talley - Mr and Mrs Jack Chappell announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son born Wednesday, November 13 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Jack Talley. Hisgrandparents are Mr and Mrs E P Dillard and Mrs W A Chappell and the late MrChappell, all of Americus. TR,Saturday 16 Nov 1974

Chappell, Jo Ann - Mr and Mrs Murray Chappell, of Dublin,announce the birth of a daughter, Jo Ann, Sunday, December 19. Mrs Chappell is the former Miss Margaret Hodges,of Dublin and Mr Chappell is a former Americus resident. The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs and MrsFrank Chappell, of this city. TR, Thu23 Dec 1954

Chappell, Kathryn Virginia - Mr and Mrs Dan Chappell II, ofNew Orleans, announce the birth of a daughter born Friday, March 22. The baby has been named KathrynVirginia. She is the granddaughter ofMrs Frank Chappell and the late Mr Chappell of Americus and Mr and Mrs EadyCopeland of Ft Oglethorpe, formerly of this city. TR, Tue 26 Mar 1974

Chappell, Kellene - Mr and Mrs Billy Chappell, of Rome,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughterTuesday, July 20, who has been named Kellene.Mrs Chappell was before her marriage Miss Joyce Roquemore, of thiscity. TR, Thu 22 Jul 1954

Chappell, Kerry Wynne - Mr and Mrs G T Chappell, of Route 1,Smithville, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ½ ounce daughter December 1 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Kerry Wynne.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Green of Jesup and Mr andMrs J D Chappell, all of Marshallville. TR,Tue 13 Dec 1966

Chappell, Linda Kay - Mr and Mrs A C Chappell, of 1710 CircleDrive, announce the birth of a 7 pound daughter, Monday, December 14, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Linda Kay. TR, Tue 15 Dec 1959

Chappell, Misty Lee - Mr and Mrs Joel Chappell announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 6 ½ ounce daughter born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Thursday, June 22. The babyhas been given the name of Misty Lee.The infant is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs A K Livingston ofSmithville and Mr and Mrs Frank Chappell Jr and the late Carolyn H Chappell ofAmericus. TR, Thu 6 Jul 1978

Chappell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Frank Chappell announce thebirth of a son, Monday, August 25, at Prather clinic. TR, Tue 26 Aug 1941

Chappell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Frank Chappell Jr announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 9 ½ ounce son Monday, March 19, at City Hospital. Mrs Chappell is the former Miss CarolynHart. TR, Tue 20 Mar 1951

Chappell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Frank Chappell Jr, of Plains,announce the birth of a six pound, 4 ounce daughter, Tuesday, June 17, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. MrsChappell is the former Miss Carolyn Hart.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Hart and Mr and MrsFrank Chappell Sr. TR, Tue 17 Jun1958

Chappell, Not named - Mr and Mrs G T Chappell, of Smithville,are the parents of a 6 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter, born July 24 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Wed25 Jul 1962

Chappell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Murray Chappell, of Dublin,announce the birth of a daughter Tuesday, June 24. Mrs Chappell is the former Miss MargaretHodges, of Dublin. The baby is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs Frank Chappell, of this city.TR, Wed 25 Jun 1952

Chappell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Murray Chappell, of Dublin,announce the birth of a son , Sunday, May 5.He weighed eight pounds and six ounces.Local grandparents are Mr and Mrs Frank Chappell Sr. TR, Mon 6 May 1957

Chappell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Murray Chappell, of Dublin,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 5 ounce daughter, Wednesday, October 22. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsFrank Chappell, of Americus. TR, Wed22 Oct 1958

Chappell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Rufus Chappell announce thebirth of a daughter September 9, at the Wise Sanitarium in Plains. Mrs Chappell was before her marriage MissBertha Israel. TR, Mon 10 Sep 1934

Chappell, Not named - Mr and Mrs William B (Billy) Chappell,of Rome, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday,April 28. Mrs Chappell was beforemarriage Miss Joyce Roquemore, of this city.TR, Mon 30 Apr 1951

Chappell, Rex Edward - Mr and Mrs Ross Chappell of Smithvilleannounce the birth of a son, Rex Edward, born August 1 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 9 pounds atbirth. Paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs A W Chappell of Smithville. TR,Sat 8 Aug 1987

Chappell, Sandra Bertha - Mr and Mrs Rufus Chappell announcethe birth of a daughter, Tuesday afternoon, April 25, at the city hospital, whohas been named Sandra Bertha. Beforemarriage Mrs Chappell was Miss Bertha Israel.TR, Wed 26 Apr 1939

Chappell, Stacie Dianne - Mr and Mrs Gordon Chappell, ofAthens are the parents of a 6 pound, 10 ounce daughter born Friday, November5. The baby has been given the name ofStacie Dianne. The infant is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs W A Chappell, Americus and Mr and Mrs W W Hollandof Powder Springs, Ga. TR, Mon 8 Nov1976

Chappell, Tia - Mr and Mrs Ernest Chappell Jr, of Cairo,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 3 ounce daughter born Sunday, October 13, whohas been given the name of Tia. The babyis the granddaughter of Mrs Ernest Chappell Sr, of Sumter. TR, Fri 1 Nov 1957

Chappell, William Eric - Mr and Mrs Dan Chappell, of NewOrleans, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce son Sunday, January 4 whohas been given the name of William Eric.The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Frank Chappell of Americus and Mrand Mrs Eady Copeland of Ft Oglethorpe. TR,Mon 5 Jan 1970

Chappell, William Scott - Mr and Mrs Walter B Chappellannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 2 ounce son, born Sunday, January 25 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been given the name of William Scott.Mrs Chappell is the former Betty Jane Harbuck of Marshallville. The baby’s grandparents are the late Mr andMrs W T Harbuck of Marshallville and Mrs W A Chappell and the late Mr Chappellof Route 2 Americus. TR, Thu 29 Jan1970

Charles, Lindsey Christina - Les and Carol Charles of Albany,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Lindsey Christina, bornOctober 18 at Sumter Regional Hospital.The infant weighed 9 pounds, 11 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs HermanLindsey of Valdosta. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs G M Charles Jr of Savannah. Christina has a sister Mary Margaret, 2½. TR, Thu 2 Nov 1995

Charles, Marion Margaret - Les and Carol Charles of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Marion Margaret, born May 12 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant, who iscalled Mary Margaret, weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs HermanLindsey of Valdosta and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Melvin Charles ofSavannah. Great-grandparents are Mr andMrs L K Lewis of Troy, Ala, the late Mr and Mrs R E Lindsey, Mr and Mrs R ALowe of Grey, Mrs G M Charles Sr of Greensboro and the late Mr Charles. TR, Sat 29 May 1993

Charrington, Judith Louise - Cadet and Mrs H W Charringtonannounce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, January 31, at city hospital, who hasbeen named Judith Louise. TR, Wed 3Feb 1943

Chase, Daniel Scott - Rev and Mrs Edwin Chase, 903 DouglasCircle, announce the birth of an 8 ½ pound son on June 3 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. He has beennamed Daniel Scott. Mrs Chase is theformer Carole Ann Hoelle of Atlanta. Thematernal grandparents are Mr and Mrs William Hoelle of Key Biscayne, Fla andthe maternal grandmother is Mrs Bessie T Chase of Macon. TR, Sat 14 Jun 1975

Chase, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert A Chase, of Decatur,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 2 ounce son Tuesday, February 28 at theGeorgia Baptist Hospital in Atlanta. MrsChase is the former Wynelle Fulghum of Leslie.The baby is the grandson of Mrs Elsie Fulghum of Leslie, CliffordFulghum of Americus and Mr and Mrs Leland Chase of Salt Lakes City, Utah. TR, Tue 28 Feb 1967

Chase, Tami Lynn - Mr and Mrs Robert A Chase, of Salt LakeCity, Utah announce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ounce daughter born ThanksgivingDay, Thursday, November 25. The baby,who has been named Tami Lynn is the granddaughter of Mrs Elsie Fulghum ofLeslie and Clifford Fulghum of Americus and Mr and Mrs Leland Chase of SaltLake City, Utah. TR, Fri 26 Nov 1971

Chavers, Beverly Sue - Mr and Mrs Fred Chavers, of 117 PrinceStreet, announce the birth of a daughter Tuesday, April 27, at Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Beverly Sue. TR, Thu 29 Apr 1954

Chavers, Billy Lamar Jr - Mr and Mrs Billy Chavers announcethe birth of a son, Billy Lamar Jr atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital April 28. Billy, as he will be called, weighed 6pounds, 6 ounces. He is the grandson ofMr and Mrs Al Spence of Americus and Mr and Mrs Oscar Chavers of Plains. TR, Wed 29 Apr 1970

Chavers, Bobbie Jo - Mr and Mrs Wesley Chavers announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 15 ½ ounce daughter Sunday, May 10 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who has beennamed Bobbie Jo, is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Oscar Chavers of Plains andMr and Mrs George Erwin of Americus. TR, Tue 12 May 1970

Chavers, Brook Nichole - Mr and Mrs Tim Chavers announce thebirth of a daughter, Brook Nichole, born July 18 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 5 pounds, 7ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs L M Slappey of Americus and the late A J Allmon and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Fain Sutherland of Plains and the late HenryChavers. Brook has a brother, Timmy, agefour. TR, Thu 29 Jul 1993

Chavers, Deborah Ann - Mr and Mrs Henry Chavers announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce daughter Thursday, January 20, who has been namedDeborah Ann. Mrs Chavers was before hermarriage Miss Barbara Tinker. TR, Thu20 Jan 1955

Chavers, Faith Evaughn - Mr and Mrs Michael James Chavers, ofEufaula, Ala announce the birth of a daughter born Saturday, July 30 at theMedical Center. The baby, who weighed 6pounds, 8 ounces has been given the name of Faith Evaughn. The infant is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsPaul Shockley of Americus and J O Chavers of Prattville, Ala and Mr and Mrslu*ther Hutto of Clayton, Ala. TR, Mon1 Aug 1977

Chavers, Harold Arthur - Mr and Mrs Clyde Chavers, of Plains,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 3 ounce son Wednesday, October 1, at PratherClinic, who has been named Harold Arthur.Mrs Chavers is the former Miss Louise Toms, of Plains. TR, Mon 6 Oct 1952

Chavers, Harry Wesley Jr - Mr and Mrs Wesley Chavers, of 1306Ridge Street, are the parents of an 8 pound, 13 ounce son, born June 19, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Harry Wesley Jr. TR,Wed 30 Jun 1965

Chavers, Joseph Chandler - Mr and Mrs Harold Chavers, ofPlains, announce the birth of a son Tuesday, September 3 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been given the name of Joseph Chandler weighed 9 pounds 1 ½ ounces. Chan, as he is to be called, is the grandsonof Mr and Mrs A C Chavers of Plains and Mr and Mrs James Jordan ofAmericus. He has a sister, Ginger. TR, Thu 5 Sep 1974

Chavers, Karen Lee - Mr and Mrs H W Chavers, of 621 Park Row,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter July 25, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Karen Lee. TR, Tue 26 Jul1960

Chavers, Martha Diane - Mr and Mrs Clyde Chavers announce thebirth of a daughter Wednesday, September 12, at Prather Clinic, who has beennamed Martha Diane. Mrs Chavers wasbefore marriage Miss Louise Toms. TR,Thu 13 Sep 1945

Chavers, Not named - Mr and Mrs A C Chavers, Plains, announcethe birth of a son born October 1 at Prather Clinic. TCN, Thu 9 Oct 1952

Chavers, Not named - Mr and Mrs Fred M Chavers, of Plains,are the parents of a girl baby, which was born Nov 20 at City Hospital. TR, Tue 22 Nov 1949

Chavers, Not named - Mr and Mrs Henry Chavers, of Plains,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son, born September 26 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 27 Sep 1963

Chavers, Not named - Mr and Mrs Wesley Chavers, of 621 ParkRow, are the parents of a 7 pound, 11 ounce daughter, born November 26 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 26 Nov 1962

Chavers, Timothy Roy - Mr and Mrs Henry Chavers, of Plains,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 1/4 ounce son November 15 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who has been named Timothy Roy, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs S A Tinker, ofAmericus. TR, Thu 17 Nov 1966

Chavers, Timothy Warren - Mr and Mrs Tim Chavers of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Timothy Warren, born January 14 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 8ounces at birth. Paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Fain Sutherland of Plains and the late Mr Henry Chavers andmaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs L M Slappey of Americus and the late Mr AJ Allmon. TR, Wed 25 Jan 1989

Cheatham, Glenda Ruth - Mr and Mrs E H Cheatham, of Columbus,announce the birth of a 10 pound, 6 ounce daughter, July 14. The baby has been named Glenda Ruth. Mrs Cheatham is the former Miss Ruth Kidd, ofAmericus. TR, Sat 4 Aug 1956

Cheatham, Harvey Mathis - Mr and Mrs Mack Cheatham, ofGriffin, announce the birth of a son, Saturday, January 25, at Emory UniversityHospital, who has been named Harvey Mathis.Mrs Cheatham is the former Miss Elizabeth Mathis, of this city. TR, Mon 27 Jan 1947

Cheatham, John McGee Jr - Mr and Mrs John McGee Cheatham, ofGriffin, announce the birth of a son, Friday morning, November 29, who has beennamed John McGee Jr. Mrs Cheatham wasbefore her marriage Miss Elizabeth Mathis, of Americus. TR, Fri 29 Nov 1940

Cheatham, Not named - Mr and Mrs Mac Cheatham, of Griffin,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, May 25. Mrs Cheatham is the former Miss ElizabethMathis, of Americus. TR, Tue 26 May1942

Cheatham, Not named - Mr and Mrs Mack Cheatham, of Griffin,announce the birth of a son, Saturday, October 1, at Emory University Hospital,Atlanta. Mrs Cheatham is the former MissElizabeth Mathis, of Americus. TR,Thu 6 Oct 1949

Cheek, Charles Douglas - Mr and Mrs Douglas Cheek, ofAmericus, announce the birth of a son Charles Douglas on Friday, August 18 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.Chuck, as he is to be called weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces at birth. His grandparents are Mrs J E Teate, Viennaand the late Mr Teate and Mr and Mrs C K Cheek, Leslie. Great-grandparents are Mrs R M Dowdy, Leslieand Mrs L N Teate, Cordele. TR, Thu31 Aug 1972

Cheek, James Arthur - Mr and Mrs C R Cheek, of Route 1,Leslie, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce son, Wednesday, February 25,at the Americus and Sumter County Hosptial, who has been named JamesArthur. TR, Thu 26 Feb 1959

Cheek, James Thomas - Mr and Mrs James Arthur Cheek ofGainesville, Ga announce the birth of a son, James Thomas, born November 26 atDeKalb General Hospital, Decatur, weighing 10 pounds, 3 ounces. Mrs Cheek is the former Beth Thomas ofAmericus. Maternal grandparents areMayor Russell Thomas Jr and Mrs Harnell Thomas of Americus and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Roland Cheek of Leslie. Maternal great-grandparents are Mrs Russell ThomasSr of Americus, Willis Bruxton Warnell of Brevard, NC and Maitland, Fla andpaternal great-grandmother is Mrs Thelma Louise Flournoy of Baker County. TR, Fri 28 Nov 1986

Cheek, John Travis - Mr and Mrs Douglas Cheek announce thebirth of a son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Saturday, May15. The infant has been given the nameof John Travis. His weight was 8 pounds,7 ounces. Travis, as he will be called,is the grandson of Mrs J E Teate and the late Mr Teate of Vienna and Mr and MrsC K Cheek of Leslie. He has a sister,Patti and a brother, Chuck. TR, Thu20 May 1976

Cheek, Judy Elaine - Mr and Mrs Arthur O Cheek, of Leslie,announce the birth of a daughter Friday, May 29, at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Judy Elaine.TR, Wed 3 Jun 1953

Cheek, Margaret Louise - Mr and Mrs James Cheek of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Margaret Louise, born Saturday, July 8 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Roland Cheek of Leslie, andmaternal grandparents are Russell Thomas Jr and Mrs Warnell Thomas ofAmericus. Great-grandparents are WillisBraxton Warnell of Winter Park, Fla and Brevard, NC; Mrs Russell Thomas Sr ofAmericus; and Mrs Louise Flournoy of Elmodle, Ga. The infant is named for her great-grandmotherMargaret Thomas and Louise Flournoy. TR,Tue 11 Jul 1989

Cheek, Mirian Laverne - Mr and Mrs W F Cheek announce thebirth of a nine pound daughter Sunday, April 3rd, at their home nearAmericus, who has been given the name of Miriam Laverne. Mrs Cheek was Miss Louise Arrington beforeher marriage. TR, Wed 6 Apr 1927

Cheek, Nancy Ruth - Mr and Mrs Arthur O Cheek, of Leslie,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 14 3/4 ounce daughter, May 10, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Nancy Ruth. TR, Fri 11 May 1962

Cheek, Not named - Mr and Mrs C K Cheek, of Leslie,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, December 30, at city hospital. TR, Tue 30 Dec 1941

Cheek, Not named - Mr and Mrs C K Cheek, of Leslie,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ½ ounce daughter at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, August 2. TR, Fri 2Aug 1963

Cheek, Not named - Mr and Mrs D M Cheek, of Leslie,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on August 24. TR, Wed25 Aug 1965.

Cheek, Russell Aaron - Patti, Chuck and Travis announce thebirth of a brother, Russell Aaron, born Friday, December 16. Rusty is the son of Mr and Mrs Douglas Cheekof Leslie. His maternal grandmother ifMrs J E Teate of Drayton. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs C K Cheek of Leslie. His maternal great-grandmother is Mrs L NTeate of Cordele. TR, Tue 20 Dec 1977

Cheokas, Anna Alexandra - Mr and Mrs Michael Cheokas announcethe birth of a daughter, Anna Alexandra, born Sunday, June 11 at SumterRegional Hospital. Lexie, as the baby iscalled, weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Arthur Cheokas of Americus andmaternal grandparents are Sue Gillis of Americus and the late Scott Gillis ofColumbus. Great-grandmother is MrsWalter Gillis of Columbus. Lexie has abrother, Athan 3 and a sister Birttany 13.TR, Fri 16 Jun 1995

Cheokas, Apostle Arthur - Mr and Mrs Arthur Cheokas announcethe birth of a son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on May 27weighing 10 pounds. He has been namedApostle Arthur. TCN, Thu 28 May 1953

Cheokas, Arthur Apostle Michael - Mr and Mrs Michael Cheokasof Americus announce the birth of a son, Arthur Apostle Michael, born Monday,July 8 at the Medical Center of Columbus.The infant weighed 9 pounds, 3 ounces at birth. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Arthur ACheokas of Americus and maternal grandparents are Mrs Sue Gillis of Columbusand the late Mr Scott Gillis.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Walter Gillis of Columbus. The baby has a sister, Brittany, age nine. TR, Wed 10 Jul 1991

Cherry, Amanda Jill - Mr and Mrs Clark Cherry announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter born Monday, May 26 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been given the name of Amanda Jill will be called Mandy. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs John VCherry and Mr and Mrs a W Hogg Sr, all of Americus. TR, Fri 6 Jun 1975

Cherry, Clark Wesley - Mr and Mrs John Clark Cherry announcethe birth of a 9 ½ pound son born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onSunday, August 24. The infant has beengiven the name of Clark Wesley and will be called Wes. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs A W Hogg and Mr and Mrs John V Cherry, all ofAmericus. TR, Tue 26 Aug 1980

Cherry, Jacquelyn Blake - Airman 1c and Mrs Hal Cherryannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 9 ounce daughter born Saturday, April 3 at thePhoebe Putney Hospital in Albany. Thebaby has been given the name of Jacquelyn Blake and will be called Blake. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs L MKendall of Albany and Mr and Mrs John V Cherry of this city. The baby’s mother is the former JackieKendall of Albany. TR, Wed 7 Apr 1971

Chesnut, Charles Haile IV - Mr and Mrs Charles Haile ChesnutIII, of Gainesville, Fla, announce the birth of a son, Charles Haile IV, onAugust 23 in the J Hill Miller Health Center.Grandparents are Mrs Walters Chesnut of Jacksonville; C H Chesnut ofWashington, D C; Mrs Eugene Clift of Huntsville, Ala and the late Mr Clift. The baby’s father lived with the late Mr andMrs Wallace Carter in Americus during his childhood. TR, Sat 28 Aug 1965

Chestnut, Charles H Chestnut III - Mr and Mrs Charles HChestnut Jr, of Jacksonville, announce the birth of a seven-pound son, Monday,August 3, who has been named Charles H Chestnut III. Mrs Chestnut was formerly Miss VirginiaWalters, of near Americus. TR, Sat 8Aug 1936

Childers, Not named - Mr and Mrs Marvin Childers announce thebirth of a baby girl at City Hospital in Americus Monday, January 11. TCN, Thu 14 Feb 1952

Childers, Not named - Mr and Mrs Marvin Childers, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, March 18, at cityhospital. Mrs Childers is the formerMiss Margie Hurst, of Climax, Ga. TR,Mon 20 Mar 1950

Childers, Not named - Mr and Mrs Marvin E Childers, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce daughter, born February 25at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 26 Feb 1962

Childers, Not named - Mr and Mrs O D Childers, of theFriendship community, announce the birth of an eight pound son this morning,October 19, at home. TR, Fri 19 Oct1934

Childers, Sheryl Ruth - Mr and Mrs Leonard Childers announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce daughter Saturday, August 21, at Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Sheryll Ruth. TR, Tue 24 Aug 1954

Childers, William Wallis - Mr and Mrs Marvin Childers, ofRoute 2, Smithville, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce son, Tuesday,December 11 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedWilliam Wallis. TR, Wed 12 Dec 1956

Childree, Dewayne Alton Jr - Dewayne and Teresa Childreeannounce the birth of a son, Dewayne Alton Jr, born Friday, March 17 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant, who willbe called D J, weighed 8 pounds atbirth. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs BobbySmith of Americus and Mr and Mrs Alton Childree of Reynolds. He has a brother, Jonathan, age two. TR, Thu 23 Mar 1989

Childres, Dustin Ferrell - Donna and Ferrell Childres ofAmericus announce the birth of a 7 pound son, Dustin Ferrell, born Tuesday,March 11 at Sumter Regional Hospital.Dustin is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Ernest Smith of Cordele and thelate Rev W F Childres of Americus, Mrs Margaret Kent of Americus and Mr and MrsWilliam Kent of Madison. TR, Thu 13Mar 1986

Childres, Hampton Kent - Mr and Mrs Ferrell Childres ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Hampton Kent, born November 6 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 14 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Ernest Smith of Cordele and the late Rev William FChildres and maternal grandparents are Mrs Margaret Kent of Americus andWilliam H Kent of Madison, Ga. The babyhas a brother, Dustin, age five. TR,Wed 13 Nov 1991

Childs, Allen Dural - Mr and Mrs T D Childs, of Griffin,announce the birth of a 7-pound son Wednesday at Griffin hospital, who has beennamed Allen Dural. Mrs Childs wasformerly Miss Vera Battle, of near Americus.TR, Sat 6 Sep 1941

Childs, Elizabeth Laverne - Mr and Mrs Lavell Childs, ofGriffin, announce the birth of a 6 ½ pound daughter Sunday, October 16, at theGriffin Hospital, who has been named Elizabeth Laverne. Mrs Childs was formerly Miss Elizabeth Furlowof Americus. TR, Mon 17 Oct 1938

Childs, Sylvia Marie - Mr and Mrs T D Childs, of Griffin,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, June 6, who has been given the nameSylvia Marie. Mrs Childs was before hermarriage Miss Vera Battle. TR, Fri 10Jun 1938

Chitwood, James Heath - Mr and Mrs James Chitwood, of Fyffe,Ala, announce the birth of a son Saturday, October 4. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces and hasbeen named James Heath. Mrs Chitwood isthe former Wanda Stallings, of Ellaville.The baby’s grandparents are Mrs J R Chitwood and the late Mr Chitwood ofFyffe, Ala and Rev and Mrs W G Stallings of Ellaville. TR, Tue 14 Oct 1969

Christensen, Jacob Darden - Mr and Mrs Robert Christensen ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Jacob Darden, born April 19 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 14 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Eloise Dowdy of Americus and the late William Arrington andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs H R Christensen of Hertsford, NC. Great-grandmother is Marguerite Tallent ofAmericus. TR, Sat 29 Apr 1995

Christensen, Kyle Douglas - Mr and Mrs Robert Christensen ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Kyle Douglas, born March 15 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 12 ounces. Maternal grandparentsare Eloise Dowdy of Americus and the late William Arrington. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs H RChristensen of Hertsford, NC. Kyle has abrother Jacob, 2. TR, Sat 22 Mar 1997

Christian, Collins Hoke - Mr and Mrs Cary Collins Christian Jrof Fayetteville announce the birth of a son, Collins Hoke, born Thursday,November 23 at Georgia Baptist Hospital, Atlanta. Collins weighed 7 pounds, 11ounces at birth. Maternal grandmother isBetty Bailey of Fayetteville. Paternalgrandparents are Rosalind Christian of Americus and Cary Christian ofCobb. Great-grandparents are Mrs CarlRyals and Mr and Mrs Hubert Christian of Americus. TR, Mon 4 Dec 1995

Christian, Cynthia Lynn - Mr and Mrs Cary Christian, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a six pound, 6 ounce daughter Jan 14 at thePiedmont Hospital who has been given the name of Cynthia Lynn. The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs CarlRyals of Atlanta and Americus and Mr and Mrs Hubert Christian of thiscity. TR, Wed 1 Feb 1967

Christian, Maxine - Mr and Mrs Maz Christian, of Cornelia,announce the birth of a daughter Thursday, May 31st, who has beengiven the name Maxine. Mrs Christianwill be remembered here as Miss Katheyn Feagle, a former resident ofAmericus. TCN, Fri 8 Jun 1934

Christian, Not named - Mr and Mrs Hubert Christian announce thebirth of a son, Wednesday, June 3, at city hospital. Mrs Christian was before her marriage MissDoris Phillip, of Plains. TR, Sat 6Jun 1942

Christian, Robert Gipson Jr - Mr and Mrs R G Christian announcethe birth of a son, this morning, August 1st at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who will be called Robert Gipson Jr. TR, Sat 1 Aug 1925

Christie, Alice Gayl - Mr and Mrs Pierce Christie, of Dawson,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter on September 25, at theTerrell County Hospital. The baby, whoweighed 8 pounds, 2 ½ ounces has been named Alice Gayl. Mrs Christie was formerly Pilot Extension ofSumter County. TR, Fri 11 Oct 1957

Christie, Charles Bryan - Mr and Mrs H V Christie, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a son, Monday, February 18, who has been named CharlesBryan. Mrs Christie was before hermarriage Miss Louise Edwards, of this city.TR, Tue 19 Feb 1935

Christie, Not named - Mr and Mrs H W Christie, of Dawson,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, January 12, at city hospital. TR, Thu 15 Jan 1948

Christmas, Anna Marie - Mr and Mrs Gary Christmas announce thebirth of a daughter, Anna Marie, who was born Sunday, May 17. The infant weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces atbirth. Grandparents are Mrs CharlotteHerbert Christmas of Cordele.Great-grandparents are Mrs Alex Davis of Americus, Mrs Howard Greene,Ellaville and Mrs Henry Christmas of Pitts.She has a sister Natalie, age six.TR, Fri 29 May 1987

Christmas, Natalie Lynn - Mr and Mrs Gary Christmas of Americusannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce baby girl Tuesday, April 14 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Natalie Lynn.Natalie is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Lamar Greene of Ellaville andMr and Mrs Herbert Christmas of Cordele.TR, Tue 21 Apr 1981

Christopher, Julia Faith - Mr and Mrs E E Christopher, of Route4, Buena Vista, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce daughter, October 5,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named JuliaFaith. TR, Tue 6 Oct 1959

Church, Katlind Milisa - Mr and Mrs Greg Church of Maukannounce the birth of a daughter, Katlind Milisa, born Apr 20 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 14 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Robert McLeod of Mauk, Mr and Mrs Larry Heath of Ellaville andCarl Church of Haines City, Fla. Tr,Fri 29 Apr 1994

Churchill, Lawrence Sprague Jr - Beautifully engraved cardshave been received by friends of Major and Mrs Lawrence S Churchill, announcingthe birth today of a son, Lawrence Sprague Jr.TR, Sat 10 Jun 1922

Cindrick, Linda Maureen - Mr and Mrs Albert L Cindrick, ofLaGrange, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 7 ½ pound daughter,Linda Maureen, Friday, April 14, at city hospital in LaGrange. Mrs Cindrick was before marriage DorisBryant, of Cuthbert. TR, Tue 8 Apr1947

Cindrick, Not named - Mr and Mrs Thomas Cindrick announce thebirth of a daughter on Saturday, January 19th, at their home onMuckalee Hill. TR, Mon 21 Jan 1929

Clanton, Bonnie Elsie - Mr and Mrs H L Clanton announce thebirth of a daughter, born 28 April, who is named Bonnie Elsie. TR, Thu 29 Sep 1960

Clanton, Ralph Lorin Jr - Mr and Mrs Ralph Clanton announcethe adoption of a 4 ½ month old son, January 22, who has been given the name ofRalph Lorin Jr. Mrs Clanton is theformer Miss Alice Weeks. TR, Fri 24Jan 1958

Clanton, Robert Doyle - Mr and Mrs R D Clanton, of 215 EFurlow Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son, January 12 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Robert Doyle. TR, Tue 13 Jan 1959

Clark, April Dawn - Mr and Mrs Steve Clark announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 3 ½ ounce daughter Thursday, August 22 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital who has been given the name of April Dawn. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsGeorge Clark and Mr and Mrs Howard Toms, all of Americus. TR, Thu 29 Aug 1968

Clark, Bruce Jr - Mr and Mrs Bruce Clark announce the birthof a son at their home in Atlanta who will be called Bruce Jr. Mr Clark formerly resided in Americus beforehis service in the army overseas. Hisparents, Mr and Mrs J H Clark, reside on Jackson Avenue. His father is connected with the SouthernBell Telephone Co, of Americus. TR,Sun 29 Feb 1920

Clark, Catherin Layne - Ray and Allison Clark of Plainsannounce the birth of a daughter, Catherin Layne, born Sep 17 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds. Grandparents are Ken and BonnieDalrymple of Hartford City, Ind, John and Pam Tilton of Sterrett, Ala, and R Aand Sandra Clark of Portal.Great-grandparents are Ruby Tilton of Norcross, John and Myrtice Hinkleof Conyers, Raymond and Mary Clark of Statesboro and Adelia Jennings ofDawson. TR, Tue 6 Oct 1998

Clark, Cynthia Gail -Mr and Mrs Larry Clark announce thebirth of an 8 lb, 4 oz daughter, Cynthia Gail, at the Jordan Hospital inEatonton. Mrs Clark is the former MissEunavie Tate, of Schley county and is a graduate of Ellaville ConsolidatedSchool and of Georgia Southwestern College, Americus. TR, Sat 22 Apr 1950

Clark, Deborah - Mr and Mrs William Clark, of Route 4,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce daughter, August 5 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Deborah. TR, Mon 8 Aug 1960

Clark, Edwin Michael - Mr and Mrs James Clark announce thebirth of a son, Saturday, April 15, at city hospital, who has been given thename Edwin Michael. Mrs Clark and babyhave been removed to their home. TR,Wed 19 Apr 1944

Clark, Elizabeth Kaye - Mr and Mrs Billy Clark, of FtValley, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 12 ounce daughter Saturday, April 29at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby, who has been given the name of Elizabeth Kaye, is the granddaughterof G W McCollum of this city and Mr and Mrs W D Clark of Ft Valley. TR, Wed 3 May 1967

Clark, Emily Katheryn - Mr and Mrs Darryl Clark announcethe birth of a daughter, Emily Katheryn, born December 21 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,15 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Randy Halstead of Americus and paternal grandmotheris Mrs Mary Ellen Mann of Americus.Great-grandmothers are Mrs Arlene Hilton of Madison, Me, Mrs BarbaraPeterson of Lakeland, Fla and Mrs Ureva Clark of Cordele. The baby has a sister, Halee, 3 ½. TR, Wed 6 Jan 1993

Clark, Gail - Mr and Mrs Billy Clark announce the birth ofa daughter Friday, May 16 at Prather Clinic, who weighed 8 pounds, 4ounces. The baby has been given the nameof Gail. TR, Tue 20 May 1952

Clark, Gary Edmond - Mr and Mrs Walter T Clark, of 1429 EForsyth Street, are the parents of a 6 pound, 13 ounce son, born February 2 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Gary Edmond. TR, Mon 5 Feb 1962

Clark, Halee Nicole - Mr and Mrs Darryl Clark of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Halee Nicole, born Sunday, May 14 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Randy Halstead of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Bobby Mann of Cordele.Great-grandmothers are Mrs Ureva Clark of Cordele and Mrs Alene Hiltonof Madison, Maine.Great-great-grandmother is Mrs Lessie Collins of Lakeland, Fla. TR, Sat 27 May 1989

Clark, India - Mr and Mrs Sam M Clark announce the birth ofa daughter, Saturday, February 6, at the city hospital, who has been namedIndia. TR, Wed 10 Feb 1937

Clark, Jacqueline - Mr and Mrs Henry Clark, of Oakland,California, announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, August 28, at PratherClinic, who has been named Jacqueline.Mrs Clark is the former Miss Martha Poole, of Americus and the baby isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J I Poole.TR, Sat 2 Sep 1944

Clark, James Larry - Mr and Mrs Henry Clark announce thebirth of a son Wednesday, May 28 at Prather Clinic, who has been named JamesLarry. Mrs Clark is the former MissMartha Poole. TR, Thu 29 May 1952

Clark, Janet Marie - Mr and Mrs Jack Clark, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a 7 pound daughter, Tuesday, January 28, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Janet Marie. TR, Wed 29 Jan 1958

Clark, Judith Lynn - Mr and Mrs W H Clark announce thebirth of a daughter, Monday, March 13, at city hospital. The baby has been named Judith Lynn. TR, Sat 15 Jan 1944

Clark, Kimberly Ann - Lance Cpl and Mrs Larry Clarkannounce the birth of a a daughter at the Americus and Sumter County HospitalThursday, September 23. The baby, whoweighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces has been named Kimberly Ann. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs WadeAlbritton and Mrs Henry Clark and the late Mr Clark. TR, Fri 24 Sep 1971

Clark, Kimberly Denise - Mr and Mrs William Clark announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce daughter born Sunday, June 20 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Kimberly Denise. The infantis the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Henry Jones of Ellaville and Mrs Fannie MJosey of Americus. TR, Wed 23 Jun1982

Clark, Lawrence Henry - Mr and Mrs Frank Clark of Plainsannounce the birth of a son, Lawrence Henry, born August 28 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 2ounces at birth. Grandparents are MrsEdith Clark of Oglethorpe and Henry and Mary Jo Phillips of Box Springs,Ga. TR, Sat 8 Sep 1990

Clark, Mary Jane - Mr and Mrs F E Clark, of 113 9thAvenue, Dawson, announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Jane, Saturday, August20, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces.TR, Tue, 23 Aug 1955

Clark, Mathew Thomas - Mr and Mrs Tom Clark, of Monroe,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 6 ounce son, October 24,who has been named Mathew Thomas. Thebaby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs L C Baker and Mrs W T Clark Sr, ofAmericus. TR, Wed 28 Oct 1964

Clark, Maxine - Mr and Mrs S M Clark announce the birth ofa daughter, Monday, November 17, at city hospital, who has been named Maxine. TR,Thu 20 Nov 1941

Clark, Michael Allen - Mr and Mrs W D Clark, of Ft Valley,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ½ ounce son, September 21 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Michael Allen. TR, Fri 21 Sep 1962

Clark, Michael Patrick II - Mr and Mrs Michael PatrickClark announce the birth of a son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onWednesday, October 2. The baby, whoweighed 5 pounds, 10 ounces has been given the name of Michael Patrick II. He is the grandson of Mrs Mary Ann Dozier andthe late Edward Dozier and Mr and Mrs Jack J Clark, all of Leslie. Great-grandparents of the infant ar Mr andMrs W C Ryals Americus, Mr and Mrs James Dozier, Tampa, Fla and Mr and MrsRalph W Lamb of Greentown, Indiana. TR,Wed 9 Oct 1974

Clark, Not named - Mr and Mrs C L Clark Jr, of 214 TaylorStreet announce the birth of a son, March 29, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Mon 30 Mar 1959

Clark, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles R Clark, of 104BForsyth Street, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 14 ounce daughter, September23, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 24 Sep 1962

Clark, Not named - Mr and Mrs Curtis Clark, of Cordele,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce son on February 19 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Wed20 Feb 1963

Clark, Not named - Mr and Mrs Egbert Clark announce thebirth of a daughter Saturday, Sept 1st at the Wise Sanitarium,Plains. TR, Tue 4 Sep 1928

Clark, Not named - Mr and Mrs Egbert Clark, of Macon,formerly of Americus announce the birth of a daughter Saturday night, September23, 1933, at the Wise Sanitarium, in Plains.Both mother and baby are “doing nicely.”TR, Mon 25 Sep 1933

Clark, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ennis Clark, of Columbus,announce the birth of a son Thursday, January 16, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 16 Jan 1947

Clark, Not named - Mr and Mrs F E Clark, of 509 MoultrieRoad, Albany, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce daughter, April 3, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Tue 4 Apr 1961

Clark, Not named - Mr and Mrs George Clark announce thebirth of a son September 19, at city hospital.TR Wed 22 Sep 1948

Clark, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jack Clark, of Montezuma,announce the birth of a 7-pound, 12-ounce son Wed, April 7, at Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 8 Apr1954

Clark, Not named - Mr and Mrs Roy Clark, of Parrott,announce the birth of a son, Thursday, Dec 11, at city hospital, Thursday,December 11. TR, Fri 12 Dec 1947

Clark, Not named - Mr and Mrs W D Clark, of 716 JacksonAvenue, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce son, Thursday, October 9, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Fri 10 Oct 1958

Clark, Not named - Mr and Mrs W H Clark, of Cobb, announcethe birth of a son, Thursday, February 28, at city hospital. TR, Thu 28 Feb 1946

Clark, Raymond Allen Jr - Lt and Mrs Raymond Allen Clark,of Smithville, announce the birth of a son, Thursday, August 24, at PratherClinic, who has been named Raymond Allen Jr.Lt Clark is serving with a parachute division in New Guinea. TR, Tue 5 Sep 1944

Clark, Rebecca Pauline - Mr and Mrs W T Clark announce thebirth of a daughter Tuesday, Sept 3, at the city hospital, who has been giventhe name Rebecca Pauline. The babyweighed 7 pounds and 3 3/4 ounces at birth.Mrs Clark was before her marriage Miss Pauline Brophy and formerly wassuperintendent of the Americus and Sumter County hospital. TR, Thu 5 Sep 1935

Clark, Sharron Lee - Mr and Mrs Henry Clark, of Leslie,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, March 14, at Prather Clinic, who hasbeen named Sharron Lee. Mrs Clark is theformer Miss Martha Poole. TR, Wed 15Mar 1950

Clark, Thomas Stephen - Mr and Mrs Steve Clark announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce son, born Friday April 10 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been named Thomas Stephen, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Howard Toms and Mrand Mrs George Clark, all of Americus. TR,Tue 21 Apr 1970

Clark, Wade Lewis - Brian and Melissa Clark of Americus announcethe birth of a son, Wade Lewis, born Aug 24.He is the grandson of John and Ann Brown and Larry and Becky Clark, allof Americus, Edna Blalock of Fayetteville and Ross and Gail Blalock of Cadwell. He is the great-grandson of MildredAlbritton, the late Wade Albritton, Martha Clark and the late Henry Clark, allof Americus, Dennis Jackson, the late Ann Jackson and the late Harry andBlanche Blalock, all of Rome. He has abrother, Colton, 6. TR, Wed 1 Sep1999

Clark, Walter Thomas Jr - Mr and Mrs W T Clark announce thebirth of a son, born this morning, October 22, at the city hospital. The baby has been named Walter ThomasJr. TR, Sat 22 Oct 1938

Clark, Wanda - Mr and Mrs W N Clark, of Route 4, Americus,announce the birth of a daughter, Wanda, Wednesday, August 15 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The babyweighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces. TR, Thu16 Aug 1956

Clark, William Gregory - Mr and Mrs W T Clark, of 706 OakAvenue, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ½ ounce, son at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on July 20, who has been named William Gregory. TR, Mon 22 Jul 1963

Clarke, Albert Hatcher - Mr and Mrs G A Clarke, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a son, Monday, February 9, at a localhospital, who has been given the name Albert Hatcher Clarke. TR, Thu, 12 Feb 1931

Clarke, Not named - Mr and Mrs Henry Clarke announce thebirth of a baby girl at Prather clinic on Monday, August 28th.. Mrs Clarke will be remembered as Miss MarthaPoole. TCN, Thu, 24 Aug 1944

Clary, Jean Carolyn - Mr and Mrs R M Clary, of Columbus,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, April 4, whohas been named Jean Carolyn. Mrs Clarywas formerly Miss Kathleen Colbert. TR,Sat 6 Apr 1940

Clary, Not named - Mr and Mrs S J Clary, of Arabi, announcethe birth of a 7 pound daughter, at city hospital, Wednesday, April 20. TR, Fri 22 Apr 1949

Clary, Rufus Kirven - Mr and Mrs R M Clary, of Columbus,announce the birth of a son at city hospital, Sunday, October 29. The baby has been named Rufus Kirven. Mrs Clary was formerly Miss Kathleen Colbert,of Americus. TR, Tue Oct 31 1944

Clawson, Emma Nicole - Mr and Mrs Walter C Clawson III ofEllaville announce the birth of a daughter, Emma Nicole, Dec 20, 1998 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 2 ounces. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Robert Bryan of Key West, FL, Walter C Clawson Jr and Betty Anthony, bothof Ellaville and Mr and Mrs Harry Cahn of Reigelsville, PA. Great-grandparents are Catherine Lee of LongBoat Key, FL; Mary Vrabel of Bethlehem, PA and Oscar Carpenter of Ellaville. She has s sister, Brianna of Toledo,Ohio. TR, Tue 5 Jan 1999

Clay, Not named - Mr and Mrs R A Clay, DeSoto, announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 7 ½ ounce daughter, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Tue 4 Apr 1961

Clay, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert A Clay, of DeSoto,announce the birth of a 5 pound, 4 ounce daughter, Tuesday, March 19, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 20 Mar 1957

Clay, Not named - Mrs R A Clay, of DeSoto, announces thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, February 11, at city hospital. Mr Clay died last fall. TR, Wed 11 Feb 1942

Clayton, Dennis James - Dr and Mrs Harold Clayton announcethe birth of a son Sunday, May 15, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital,who has been named Dennis James. TR,Mon, 17 May 1954

Clayton, Harold Wayne - Dr and Mrs Harold Clayton announcethe birth of a six pound, 12 ½ ounce son, Saturday, July 31, at city hospital,who has been named Harold Wayne. TR,Tue 3 Aug 1948

Clayton, Michel Tyler - Mr and Mrs Mike Clayton, ofOrangeburg, S C announce the birth of a son who has been given the name MickelTyler. The infant, who was bornThursday, July 14 in Orangeburg, weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces at birth. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs ThomasClayton, Ocilla and Mr and Mrs James R Dorsey, Oglethorpe. His great-grandmothers are Mrs Damon Little,Ocilla; Mrs Lena Kelley, Oglethorpe and Mrs John Dorsey, Americus. TR, Mon 18 Jul 1983

Clayton, Not named - Mr and Mrs Bill Clayton announce thebirth of a son at city hospital Monday, April 21. They were removed to their home on ElmoStreet today. TR, Thu 24 Apr 1952

Clayton, Not named - Mr and Mrs P H Clayton, of Cordele,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter, Tuesday, June 14, at cityhospital. TR, Thu 16 Jun 1949

Clayton, Susan Margaret - Dr and Mrs Harold Clayton announcethe birth of a daughter on September 22 at City Hospital. She has been named Susan Margaret. TR, Thu 28 Sep 1950

Clemens, Micah Will - Micah Will was born to Steve andChristine Clemens of Americus on Saturday, January 29 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces at birth.His grandparents are Lester and Katherine Clemens of Souderton, Pa andGretchen Haas and the late Benton Haas, New Kensington, Pa. TR, Tue 1 Feb 1983

Clemens, Zackary Benton - Steve and Christine Clemens ofAmericus announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce son, Zackary Benton, bornTuesday, January 29. He is the grandsonof Gretchen Haas of New Kensington, Pa and the late Benton Haas and Lester andKathryn Clements of Souderton, Pa. Hehas a brother, Micah Will 3. TR, Fri31 Jan 1986

Clement, Nancy - Mr and Mrs Sam Clement, of Atlanta, announcethe birth of a baby daughter this morning.The baby has been given the name of Nancy. Mrs Clement will be remembered here as MissHelen Daniel. TR, Sat 24 Nov 1934

Clements, Carl Eston - Mr and Mrs S E Clements announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 2 3/4 ounce son Monday, November 20, who has been namedCarl Eston. Mrs Clements was beforemarriage Miss Ina Lane of Americus. TR,Tue 21 Nov 1950

Clements, Caron Nicole - Mr and Mrs David Clements IIIannounce the birth of a daughter born Saturday, February 19 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital who weighed 6 pounds, 10 ½ ounces. The baby has been given the name of CaronNicole. Caron, as the infant will becalled, is the granddaughter of Frank Chappell Jr of Plains and the late MrsCarolyn H Chappell and Mr and Mrs J D Clements Jr of Americus. The baby’s great-grandparents are Mrs Henry AHart Sr and the late Mr Hart and Mrs Frank Chappell Sr and the late MrChappell, all of Americus and Mr and Mrs Frank Spann of Plains and Mr and Mrs JD Clements Sr of Eustis, Fla. TR, Mon28 Feb 1977

Clements, Erin Suzanne - Mr and Mrs Randy Clements of Americusare the parents of a daughter born Thursday, December 11 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been named Erin Suzanne, weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces at birth. TR, Wed 31 Dec 1980

Clements, Flanders Frank - Mr and Mrs Frank Clements ofMoultrie announce the birth of an 8 pound 1 ½ ounce son born Friday, May19. He has been given the name ofFlanders Frank. Mrs Clements is theformer Sharon Flanders. Grandparents areMr and Mrs Ray Flandres of Valdosta, formerly of Ellaville. Mrs Alene McCall of Ellaville is the baby’sgreat-grandmother. TR, Mon 29 May1978

Clements, Hunter Carl - Mr and Mrs Carl Clements, of Albanyannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce boy born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital Sunday,August 2. The infant has been given thename of Hunter Carl. He is the firstchild of Mr and Mrs Clements. Hunter isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs Eston Clements of Americus and Mr and Mrs Billy MHunter of Eupora, Mississippi. TR,Thu 6 Aug 1981

Clements, Jeffery Samuel - Mr and Mrs Carl Clements ofAmericus announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son, Jeffery Samuel, bornFriday, January 24 at Sumter Regional Hospital. He is the grandson of Mr andMrs Samuel Eston Clements of Americus and Mrs Jessie Faye Hunter and the lateBilly M Hunter of Eupora, Mississippi.He has a brother, Hunter Carl 4. TR,Tue 4 Feb 1986

Clements, Julie Moore - The Rev and Mrs Lamar Clements, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce daughter, June 30, at theGeorgia Baptist Hospital, who has been named Julie Moore. Mrs Clements is the former Miss Marilyn Witt,of this city and the baby is the granddaugher of Mrs L N Witt, of Americus andMr and Mrs J D Clements, of Plains. TR,Wed 10 Jul 1957

Clements, Mary Liza - Rev and Mrs Lamar Clements announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce daughter Friday, April 15 at Georgia BaptistHospital, in Atlanta, who has been named Mary Liza. Mrs Clements is the former Miss Marilyn Witt,of Americus. The baby is the granddaughterof Mrs L N Witt, of this city, and Mr and Mrs Clements Sr, of Plains and thegreat-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs G J Witt, of Americus. TR, Mon 18 Apr 1955

Clements, Not named - Mr and Mrs E B Clements, of Orangeburg,S C, announce the birth of a son at their home in that city. Mrs Clements has many friends in Americus whoknew her as Miss Winnie Beth Jossey. TR,Mon 28 Nov 1921

Clements, Not named - Mr and Mrs J D Clements Jr announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onTuesday, May 14. TR, Wed 15 May 1957

Clements, Not named - Mr and Mrs Samuel Malcolm Clements, ofWarner Robins, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce son, born at theHouston County Hospital on Monday, November 10.The baby is the grandson of Mrs Josephine Thomas of Warner Robins andTom Lee Thomas of Pelham and Mr and Mrs Woodrow Clements of Americus. The baby’s father is a former resident ofAmericus and presently a coach at Rumble High School in Warner Robins. TR, Tue 11 Nov 1969

Clements, Not named - Mr and Mrs W W Clements announce thebirth of a son Wednesday, June 12 at city hospital. TR, Thu 13 Jun 1940

Clements, Not named - Mr and Mrs Woodrow Clements announce thebirth of a daughter, Tuesday, July 9, at city hospital. TR, Wed 10 Jul 1946

Clements, Not named - Pvt and Mrs M C Clements announce thebirth of a daughter, who was born at city hospital, October 10. TR Thu 12 Oct 1944

Clements, Not named - Rev and Mrs Lamar Clements, ofDoraville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce boy, Friday, May 29, atCrawford W Long hospital in Atlanta. Thebaby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs J D Clements Sr of Plains and Mrs L N Witt,of Americus and is the great-grandson of Mr and Mrs G J Witt, of thiscity. TR, Tue 2 Jun 1959

Clements, Twins - Mr and Mrs Billy Clements are the parents oftwins, a boy and a girl who were born Thursday, June 9 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The boy, who hasbeen given the name of Matthew Kelley weighed 4 pounds, 5 ½ ounces. The little girl weighed 3 pounds, 14 ouncesand has been named Billie Jo. The babiesare the grandchildren of Mrs Mary Wilson of Troy, Ala and Mrs Roscan Clements,Americus. TR, Mon 13 Jun 1977

Clemons, Minkah Ade - Saverne and John H Clemons Sr announcethe birth of a son, Minkah Ade, born Mar 12 at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant weighed 5 pounds, 15 ounces atbirth. Maternal grandparents are MarionFuller and Johnny Fuller of Americus and paternal grandparents are Rosa MaeClemons and the late John Clemons, all of Americus. Great-grandmother is Rosa Lee Kleckley. TR, On 28 Mar 1993

Clemons, Taylor Shea - Buddy and Ronda Clemons of Plainsannounce the birth of a daughter, Taylor Shea, born April 29 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 6ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs George Dominick Jr of Plains and paternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs Glen Clemons of Jordyce, Ark and Mr and Mrs Carlee Hurst of Bald Knob,Ark. The baby has a brother, Justin, age3 ½. TR, Mon 11 May 1992

Cleveland, Not named - Mr and Mrs J C Cleveland, of Columbus,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, April 30, at city hospital. Mrs Cleveland is Dr Schley Gatewood’ssister. TR, Thu 6 May 1943

Cliatt, Charles Frank - Mr and Mrs Frank Cliatt, ofColumbus, announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, June 16, at the Columbus cityhospital, who has been named Charles Frank.Mrs Cliatt was formerly Miss Mary Lou Abbett, of Americus. TR, Wed 17 Jun 1942

Cliatt, Not named - Mr and Mrs Frank Cliatt announce thebirth of a son, Wednesday, January 29, at city hospital. Mrs Cliatt is the former Miss MaryAbbett. TR, Wed 29 Jan 1947

Cliett, Not named - Mr and Mrs Alex Cliett of Jacksonvilleannounce the birth of a son Friday, May 13 at the Riverside Hospital. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs EWhite of Jacksonville and Mr and Mrs H A Cliett of Americus. TCN, Thu 19 May 1949

Cliett, Ryan Jackson - Dr and Mrs Jay Cliett are the parentsof a son born Wednesday, June 30 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The infant has been given thename of Ryan Jackson. He weighed 7pounds, 12 3/4 ounces. Grandparents ofthe baby are Mr and Mrs O J Cliett Jr of Elberton and Mr and Mrs Paul Hobbs ofMacon. TR, Fri 2 Jul 1976

Cliett, Travis Lyndon - Dr and Mrs O Jay Cliett announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 9 ½ ounce son born April 24 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital who has been given the name of Travis Lyndon. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs P L Hobbs ofMacon and Mr and Mrs O J Cliett Jr of Elberton.TR, Mon 3 May 1971

Cline, Richard Jacob - Rick and Charlene Cline of Americusannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce son, Richard Jacob, born Tuesday,June 19 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Richard ACline of Ashland, Ohio and Mr and Mrs Marion Jones of Ellaville. He has two sisters, Kelli, 10 and Natalie,5. TR, Thu 28 Jun 1984

Clingenpeel, Heather Renee - Mr and Mrs Bill Clingenpeel ofLeslie announce the birth of a daughter who has been named Heather Renee. The infant, who was born Monday, March 14 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs FredMcMillan of Americus and Norman C Murray, Plains. TR, Thu 17 Mar 1983

Clingenpeel, William Kenneth III - Mr and Mrs Bill Clingenpeel ofLeslie announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ounce son, William Kenneth III, bornFriday, November 8 at Sumter Regional Hospital.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Fred McMillan of Americus and the late Mrand Mrs N C Murray of Plains. He has asister Heather Renee 2. TR, Tue 12Nov 1985

Clinkscales, Carol - Mr and Mrs W T Clinkscales, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, June 27, who has been namedCarol. Mr and Mrs Clinkscales are formerresidents of Americus. TR, Mon 3 Jul1944

Clinkscales, Jefferson Lenn - Mr and Mrs Carl Clinkscalesannounce the birth of a 7 pound son born Sunday, February 21 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital who has been given the name of Jefferson Lenn. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs L BMask and Mr and Mrs Hal Clinkscales of Blakely.TR, Fri 26 Feb 1971

Close, Joseph Michael - Peggy and Roland Close Jr ofAmericus proudly announce the birth of a son, Joseph Michael, born New Year’sDay at Sumter Regional Hospital. TR,Wed 3 Jan 1990

Clower, Stacey Marie - Mr and Mrs John Clower of Sherman,Texas announce the birth of a daughter, Stacey Marie, born June 30. The infant is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsMarion Hicks of Americus and Mr and Mrs W A Clower of Smyrna, Ga. Mrs C W Groover of East Point, Ga is thebaby’s great-grandmother. TR, Wed 8Jul 1987

Clower, Thomas Phillip - Mr and Mrs John Clower of Sherman,Texas announce the birth of son, Thomas Phillip, born June 8. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces atbirth. Maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Marion Hicks of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs W AClower of Smyrna, Ga. Great-grandmotheris Mrs Lillian Groover of Americus. Theinfant has a sister, Stacey, age two. TR,Tue 13 Jun 1989

Coakley, Eleanor - Major and Mrs Don Coakley of Moody AFB,Valdosta, Ga announce the birth of a daughter, Eleanor, who was born Thursday,September 11 at the South Georgia Medical Hospital, Valdosta. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces atbirth. Maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Spencer Davis of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs WaymonCoakley, Wilmington, Del. TR, Sat 13Sep 1980

Coates, Miesha Michelle - Michael Edward Coates and YolandaDenise Jones announce the birth of a daughter, Miesha Michelle, born Jun 8 atPhoebe Putney Hospital, Albany. Theinfant weighed 9 pounds at birth.Grandparents are Joseph Jones Jr, Erma Jean Jones, Larry Coates andJuanita Coates. TR, Mon 13 Jun 1994

Cobb, Edith LaFaye -Pvt and Mrs O L Cobb, of Columbus, announce the birth of a daughterEdith LaFaye, Friday, March 16 at City Hospital in Columbus. Pvt Cobb is with the Armed Forces, somewherein India. Both parents are well knownhere, having visited relatives a number of times. TR, Fri 17 Mar 1944

Cobb, John Preston - Mr and Mrs A H Cobb announce thebirth of a son, Sunday, December 19, to be named John Preston, here today. TR, Mon 20 Dec 1920

Cobb, Meridy June - Seaman 2nd class and MrsWilliam Amos Cobb Jr, of Atlanta, announce the birth of a daughter December 16,at Crawford W Long hospital who has been named Meridy June. Mrs Cobb was before her marriage Miss HelenStanford, of Leslie, daughter of C M Stanford and Mrs Mary Lizzie Stanford. Mr Cobb is stationed at Sanfley, Pensacola,Fla. TR, Sat 15 Jan 1944

Cobb, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Cobb, of CollegeCourts, are the parents of a son, born February 24 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby weighed 7pounds, 1 ounce. TR, Thu 24 Feb 1966

Cobb, Not named - Mr and Mrs William H Cobb Jr announcethe birth of a daughter Monday, July 16, at city hospital. Mrs Cobb is the former Miss Ruth Byrd, ofAthens and Americus. TR, Mon 16 Jul1951

Cobb, Sue Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs J W Cobb announce thebirth of a daughter, Friday, April 29, at Prather Clinic, who weighed 7pounds,2 3/4 ounces. The baby has beennamed Sue Elizabeth. Mrs Cobb is theformer Miss Sue Guy. TR, Mon 2 May1949

Cobb, Traci Ann - Mr and Mrs Andy Cobb announce the birthof a 7 pound, 9 ounce daughter born October 4 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been given thename of Traci Ann. The grandparents areMr and Mrs C F Woodall of Cordele and Mr and Mrs Thomas J Cobb of Vienna. TR, Wed 6 Oct 1971

Cobb, William Henry II - Mr and Mrs W H Cobb Jr announcethe birth of a son Thursday, March 9 at City Hospital, who has been given thename William Henry II. Mrs Cobb is theformer Miss Ruth Byrd, of Athens and Americus.TR, Thu 9 Mar 1950

Cochran, Ashley Autumn - Mr and Mrs David Cochran announcethe birth of a daughter born February 14 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been given thename of Ashley Autumn. Her mother is theformer Terry Jones. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Cecil Young of Anderson, SC and Mrs W D Cochran and the late Mr Cochranof Americus. TR, Fri 17 Feb 1978

Cochran, Bradley Newton - Is the name of the infant son of Mrand Mrs Larry Cochran of Nicholesville, Ky who was born Sunday, November28. The baby weighed 6 pounds, 12ounces. He is the grandson of Mr and MrsWesley W Foy of Americus and Mrs Gilbert Cochran and the late Mr Cochran ofLaGrange. TR, Thu 9 Dec 1976

Cochran, Henry Garek - Mr and Mrs Mark Cochran of Conyersannounce the birth of a son, Henry Garek, born Thursday, July 26 at RockdaleCounty Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 1 ounce at birth.. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Paul Henry Cochran of Americus and maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Edgar Lee Tidd of Ellaville. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ernest PBailey of Ellaville; Mrs Martha Tidd Terry of Plains and Mrs Helen Spence ofAmericus. TR, Wed 1 Aug 1990

Cochran, Jason Todd - Lt and Mrs Larry Cochran, of FortGulick, Panama Canal Zone, announce the birth of a son born Sunday, December 10who has been named Jason Todd. The babyis the grandson of Mr and Mrs W W Foy of Americus and Mrs Gilbert Cochran andthe late Mr Cochran of LaGrange. TR,Mon 11 Dec 1972

Cochran, Katherine Ann - Mr and Mrs Michael Cochran ofAmericus announce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce daughter Katherine Ann, bornFriday, June 21 at Sumter Regional Hospital.Katy is the granddaughter of Mrs Juanita C Ellis and Mr and Mrs PaulCochran, all of Americus and the great-granddaughter of Mrs Helen Spence. She has a sister Kelly, 5. TR, Mon 24 Jun 1985

Cochran, Kelly Michelle - Mr and Mrs Mike Cochran announcethe birth of a daughter at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onWednesday, April 23. The baby weighed 6pounds, 2 ½ ounces. She has been namedKelly Michelle and will be called Kelly.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Paul Cochran and maternalgrandparents are Mrs James Ellis and the late Mr Ellis. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs A W Spence,all of Americus. TR, Fri 25 Apr 1980

Cochran, Keri Lerae - Mr and Mrs Larry Cochran, ofNicholasville, Ky announce the birth of a daughter born Wednesday, May 7. The infant has been given the name of KeriLerae. Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs WW Foy of Americus and Mrs Gilbert Cochran and the late Mr Cochran of LaGrange. TR, Sat 10 May 1975

Cochran, Mark Andrew - Mr and Mrs Paul H Cochran, of 630 CircleDrive, announce the birth of a son, October 4, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named Mark Andrew. TR, Thu 5 Oct 1961

Cochran, Not named - Mr and Mrs Grady Cochran announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, Dec 16, at city hospital. TR, Wed 19 Dec 1945

Cochran, Not named - Mr and Mrs P H Cochran, of 1630 CircleDrive, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 15 ounce daughter, October 14, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 14 Oct 1958

Cochran, Victoria Lynn - Mr and Mrs W D Cochran announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, August 31, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Victoria Lynn.The baby weighed 7 pounds. MrsCochran is the former Marie Evelyn Glaze of Charleston, S C. TR, Wed 31 Aug 1955

Cochran, William Caleb - Bill and Beth Cochran announce thebirth of a son, William Caleb, born Wednesday, February 28 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 2ounces at birth. Mrs Cochran is theformer Miss Beth Smith of Plains.Maternal grandparents are Mrs Hazel H Smith and the late Mr Easter Smithof Plains and paternal grandparents are Mrs Joan Cochran and the late MrRaymond Cochran. Maternalgreat-grandparents are Mrs Vera Hagerson of Plains and Mrs Annette Smith of Plains. TR, Sat 10 Mar 1990

Cochran, William David Jr - Mr and Mrs W D Cochran, ofAmericus, formerly of Fort Valley, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ounceson Friday, March 9, at Prather Clinic, who has been named William DavidJr. Mrs Cochran is the former Miss MaryEvelyn Glaze. TR, Sat 10 Mar 1951

co*ck, Edwin Benton - Mr and Mrs J B co*ck, of Cobb,Georgia, announce the birth of a son, March 28, who has been given the nameEdwin Benton. TR, Wed 6 Apr 1932

co*cklin, Michael Paul - Mr and Mrs Paul H co*cklin, of SumterCircle, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 4 ounce son, Saturday, February 18, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Michael Paul.TR, Tue 21 Feb 1956

Coe, Nannie Eulalah - Mr and Mrs William Coe announce thebirth of a 5 pound, 15 ounce girl born May 20 at Prather Clinic. The baby has been named Nannie Eulalah. TCN, Thu 26 May 1949

Coenen, Kari Anne - Scott and Annette Coenen of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a daughter who has been named Kari Anne. The infant who was born Friday, September 23at the Columbus Medical Center weighed 9 pounds, 7 ½ ounces at birth. She is the granddaughter of James and FrancesNewton and Bob and Betty Coenen, all of Imlay City, Michigan. Her great-grandparents are Lawrence andMarion Coenen, also of Imlay City and Agnes Newton of Lakeville, Mich. TR, Wed 28 Sep 1983

Cofer, Not named - Mr and Mrs J R Cofer of Cordele announcethe birth of a daughter on December 14 at City Hospital. TCN, Thu 16 Dec 1948

Cofer, Not named - Mr and Mrs J R Cofer, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son, Sunday, March 31, at city hospital. TR, Wed 3 Apr 1946

Cofer-Shabica, Dylan Vale - Dr and Mrs Stephen Cofer-Shabica ofMiami, Fla announce the birth of a son, Dylan Vale, weighing 8 pounds, 9ounces. Maternal grandparents are Dr andMrs Harland Cofer of Americus and paternal grandparents are Dr and Mrs AnthonyShabica of Cape Cod, Mass. MrsCofer-Shabica is the former Miss Nancy Cofer of Americus. TR, Wed 7 Jan 1987

Coffee, Amanda Lauren - Mr and Mrs Lawrence G Coffee ofAndersonville announce the birth of a daughter, Amanda Lauren, born SaturdayOctober 13 at HCA Coliseum Park Hospital, Macon. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces at birth. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs GeraldCoffee of Milledgeville and maternal grandparents are Mrs Buford Reese ofPlains and the late Mr Reese. TR, Thu25 Oct 1990

Coffee, Not named - Mr and Mrs Edwin Coffee, of Savannah,announce the birth of a son, Monday, February 2. Mrs Coffee is the former Miss Martha Petrina,of Americus. TR, Wed 4 Feb 1948

Coffee, Thomas Petrino - Mr and Mrs E T Coffee announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 10 ½ ounce son, Friday, March 11, at Prather Clinic, whohas been named Thomas Petrino. TR,Mon 4 Mar 1949

Coffin, David Wilson - Mr and Mrs Charles Coffin of Ozark,Ala announce the birth of a son on Tuesday, October 3 at Southeast GeneralHospital in Dothan, Ala. He baby, who isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs Paul Gill of Ellaville has been named David Wilson Coffin. TR, Tue 17 Oct 1972

Coggins, Vicki Ann - Mr and Mrs Leonir Coggins announce thebirth of a daughter, Vicki Ann, Thursday, April 17, at Prather Clinic. Mrs Coggins is the former Miss Ruby KathrynMoore. Mr Coggins, who is a pettyofficer with the U S Navy, Philadelphia, is home of furlough, coming to see hisnew daughter. TR, Mon 1 May 1944

Cohen, Amelia Patton - Mr and Mrs Jerome Cohen announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, May 7, at the city hospital, who has been namedAmelia Patton. TR, Thu 8 May 1941

Cohen, Arthur Ferdinand - Mr and Mrs Jerome Cohen announcethe birth of a seven pound, six ounce son, Tuesday, June 2, at the cityhospital, who has been given the name Arthur Ferdinand. Mrs Cohen was before her marriage Miss LynnHarvey. TR, Thu 4 Jun 1936

Cohen, Arthur Patton - Mr and Mrs Ferd A Cohen announce thebirth of an 8 pound son Thursday, September 4 a t the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital who has been given the name of Arthur Patton. The baby is the grandson of Mrs David GJohnson and the late Mr Johnson of Hardaway, Alabama and Mr and Mrs JeromeCohen of Americus. TR, Fri 5 Sep 1969

Cohen, David Louis Jr - Mr and Mrs David Louis Cohen ofSylacauga, AL announce the birth of a son, Davis Louis Jr, on July 23 atBirmingham, AL. He weighed 8 pounds, 12ounces. Grandparents are Mr and MrsArthur Ferd Cohen of Americus and Mr and Mrs Louis Wiles of Fairhope, AL. TR, Thu 14 Aug 1997

Cohen, David Louis - Mr and Mrs A Ferd Cohen announce thebirth of a seven pound son Tuesday, November 21 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named David Louis. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs JeromeCohen of Americus and Mrs David Glenn Johnson Sr and the late Mr Johnson ofHardaway, Ala. TR, Tue 21 Nov 1967

Cohen, Irvin Samuel - Mr and Mrs Sam Cohen announce thebirth of a son, Tuesday, October 12, who has been given the name of IrvinSamuel. TR, Fri 15 Oct 1920

Cohen, Leah Ashley - Mr and Mrs Jeff B Cohen of Fairfax, Vaannounce the birth of a daughter, Leah Ashley, born Tuesday, November 6. The baby weighed 6 pounds, 11 ½ ounces atbirth. Mrs Cohen is the former Elaine Grangerof Americus. Maternal grandparents areMrs Hazel Granger of Americus and the late John Granger and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Howard Cohen, Raleigh, NC; great-grandparents areMrs Audrey Carr, Americus and Mr and Mrs Frank Cohen, Miami, Fla. TR, Fri 9 Nov 1984

Cohen, Mitchell Doster - Mitch and Lorri Greene Cohen ofJacksonville, FL announce the birth of a son, Mitchell Doster, born February 12at St Vincent’s Hospital. The infant,who is called Doster, weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs FrankFreeman of Americus and the late Thomas Allen Greene Jr. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs NormanCohen of Rochelle. Great-grandparentsare Mrs Thomas Allen Greene of Americus, Mary Doster and Della Cohen, both ofRochelle. TR, Tue 20 Feb 1997

Cohen, Vaunita Lynn - Mr and Mrs Arthur Ferd Cohen IIannounce the birth of a daughter Wednesday, January 23 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whoweighed 7 pound, 3 ounce has been named Vaunita Lynn for her twograndmothers. Her grandparents are Mrand Mrs Jerome L Cohen of Americus and Mrs David G Johnson and the late MrJohnson of Hardaway, Ala. TR, Wed 23Jan 1974

co*ker, Edgar Rufus - Mr and Mrs Edgar co*ker announce thebirth of a son, who arrived on the scene Thursday morning. He has been christened Edgar Rufus. TR, Tue 9 Apr 1929

co*ker, Judith Lyn - Mr and Mrs J D co*ker, of Smith Station,Ala, announce the arrival of a daughter, Judith Lyn, who weighed 8 lbs, 10oz. Mrs co*ker is the former Miss LonnieKennedy. Mrs B W Stevens is Mr co*ker’ssister. TR, Fri 28 May 1954

co*ker, Ruby Mae - Mr and Mrs Ray co*ker, of Plains, announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter, born May 11, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Ruby Mae. TR, Mon 13 May 1963

Colbert, Gail Kirven - Mr and Mrs W K Colbert announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 2 ounce daughter Wednesday, October 8, at city hospital,who has been given the name of Gail Kirven.TR, Thu 9 Oct 1952

Colbert, Kay - Mr and Mrs Kirven Colbert announce the birthof a daughter Tuesday, August 31, at the city hospital, who has been given thename of Kay. Mrs Colbert was beforemarriage Miss Annie Mae King. TR, Wed2 Sep 1936

Cole, Arthur Robert - Mr and Mrs F G Cole announce thebirth of a son, Sunday, September 14, at the city hospital, who has been giventhe name of Arthur Robert. TR, Mon 6Oct 1952

Cole, Brandley Converse - Mr and Mrs Herbert Cole announcethe birth of a son Tuesday, March 16, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been namedBrandley Converse. TR, Thu 18 Mar1954

Cole, Brian Leif - Mr and Mrs Jimmie L Cole, of WarmSprings, Ga, announce the birth of a son on Sunday, March 3 at the St FrancisHospital in Columbus. The baby, who weighed8 pounds, 7 ounces is the grandson of Mrs Hollis Blackmon and the late MrBlackmon and Mrs J C Cole and the late Mr Cole of Macon. He has been given the name of BrianLeif. The mother is the former MissHelen Blackmon of the city. TR, Thu 9Mar 1972

Cole, Carolyn - Mr and Mrs J T Cole, of Gainesville,announce the birth of a daughter, born February 10, who has been namedCarolyn. Mrs Cole was formerly MissGladys Johnson, of Americus. TR, Sat19 Feb 1938

Cole, Damian Vencent - Mr and Mrs David Cole of Leesburgannounce the birth of a son, Damian Vencent, born March 25 at Phoebe Putney inAlbany. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 4ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Bill Medlock of Oglethorpe; the late Mrs Betty Medlock of Plainsand paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs John Cole of Leesburg. Great-grandmothers are Mrs Grace Medlock ofPlains and Mrs Fabrice Cole of Lake Providence, La. TR, Sat 16 Apr 1988

Cole, Daryl Lee - Mr and Mrs Jimmie Lee Cole, of Lincoln,Ill, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce son, Daryl Lee, on October 22,1969 at St John’s Hospital in Springfield, Ill.. Mrs Cole is the former Helen Blackmon ofAmericus. The baby is the grandson ofMrs Hollis W Blackmon of Americus and Mr and Mrs J C Cole of Macon. TR, Fri 31 Oct 1969

Cole, Herbert Phalon III - Mr and Mrs Herbert P Cole, Jrannounce the birth of a son, Monday, March 24, at city hospital, who weighed 6pounds, 2 ounces. The baby has beennamed Herbert Phalon Cole, III. Mrs Coleis the former Valorie Converse, of Mobile, Ala.TR, Tue 25 Mar 1952

Cole, Karen Susette - Mr and Mrs J L Cole announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Karen Susette, Saturday, March 16, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 19 Mar 1957

Cole, Laura Jessie - Mr and Mrs Herbert Cole, of 3870 StJohns Avenue, Jacksonville, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 6pound, 15 ounce daughter, Tuesday, October 1, who has been named LauraJessie. TR, Thu 2 Oct 1958

Cole, Nancy Katherine - Mr and Mrs Lewis K Cole, ofColumbus, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, September 1, who has beennamed Nancy Katherine. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Perkins Knighton, who reside of the EllavilleRoad. TR, Tue 6 Sep 1949

Cole, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lewis Cole, of Columbus,announce the birth of a daughter Tuesday, December 16. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsPerkins Knighton, of Ameriucs. TR,Mon 22 Dec 1952

Cole, Triplets - Drs Louis and Kendra Cole of Duluth announcethe birth of triplets, born Aug 29 at Crawford W Long Hospital, Atlanta. They are Alexandra Ann, 4 pounds, 3 ounces;Louis Anthony, 3 pounds, 1 ounces and Grant Daniel, 5 pounds, 3 ounces atbirth. Maternal grandparents are Dr andMrs Charles W Craig of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs TomCole of Mt Carmel, Pa. TR, Tue 6 Sep1994

Coleman, Ashlee Brooke - John and Jennifer Coleman ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Ashlee Brooke, born December 12 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces. Maternalgrandparents are Johnny and Edna Johnson of Americus. Paternal grandparents are Johnny and BarbarsColeman of Cordele. TR, Fri 27 Dec1996

Coleman, Barbara Katherine - Mr and Mrs R L Coleman announcethe birth of a daughter, March 17, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedBarbara Katherine. The mother was beforeher marriage Miss Emma Kate Jones, of Bainbridge. TR, Wed 17 Mar 1943

Coleman, Brian Patrick - Mr and Mrs Sammy Coleman announcethe birth of a son born September 9 at the Medical Center in Columbus. The baby, who weighed 2 pounds, 8 ounces atbirth has been in the high risk nursery since his arrival. He expects to be dismissed from the hospitalthis week. The baby has been named BrianPatrick. He has a half-brother, WaltonIngram. His grandparents are Mr and MrsGeorge Coleman of Cordele and Bill Walton and Ruby Walton, both of Cuthbert. TR, Wed 3 Dec 1980

Coleman, Cynthia Jean - Mr and Mrs Hal Coleman, of Knoxville,Tenn, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 13 ounce daughter January 30. The baby, who has been named Cynthia Jean, isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Walter McCrary of Americus. TR, Mon 5 Feb 1968

Coleman, Ellen Darlene - Mr and Mrs Charles E Coleman, of 411Earl Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce daughter, Thursday,September 18, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedEllen Darlene. TR, Fri 19 Sep 1958

Coleman, Gary Warren - Mr and Mrs Oscar Coleman, of Eastman,announce the birth of a son, Thursday, May 14, who has been named GaryWarren. Mr and Mrs Coleman are formerAmericus residents. TR, Tue 2 Jun1942

Coleman, Hannah Grace - Rusty and Valerie Coleman of Plainsannounce the birth of a daughter, Hannah Grace, born July 15 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 6 pounds,15 ounces. Grandparents are Ruben andLatann Buchanan of Plains and Russell and Brenda Coleman of Americus. Great-grandparents are Henry and EthelColeman of Plains and Jimmy Paul of Americus. TR, Tue 24 Aug 1999

Coleman, Henry C Jr - Mr and Mrs Henry Coleman, who reside onthe Plains road, announce the birth of a son Henry C Jr, on Thursday, April4. TR, Sat 6 Apr 1935

Coleman, James Franklin - Mr and Mrs J L Coleman announce thebirth of a son April 13, who will be called James Franklin Coleman. TR, Fri 16 Apr 1926

Coleman, Not named - Mr and Mrs B L Coleman announce thebirth of a daughter, at the city hospital, Saturday August 2. TR, Tue 5 Aug 1941

Coleman, Not named - Mr andMrs C E Coleman, 411 Earl Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 11 3/4ounce daughter on February 9, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Fri 10 Feb 1961

Coleman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Henry Mayes Coleman, of Miami,announce the birth of a son, Friday, January 17. Mrs Coleman is the former Miss Eloise Maddox,of Atlanta, and Mr Coleman is a former Americus resident. TR, Sat 18 Jan 1947

Coleman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Henry Mayes Coleman, ofMiami, announce the birth of a son, Friday, March 10. Mr Coleman is a former Americus resident andthe baby is the grandson of Mrs H T Coleman of this city. TR, Mon 13 Mar 1950

Coleman, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Coleman, of Macon,announce the birth of a son on Thursday, August 27, at the Macon hospital andweighed six pounds, two and one-half ounces.The mother was formerly Miss Janette Kitchens, of this city. TR, Mon 31 Aug 1953

Coley, Devyn Terrell - Kelvin and D’ete Coley of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Devyn Terrell on December 23 at Sumter RegionalHospital. Grandparents are Terrell andMaria Coley and Elijah and Janet Smith, all of Americus. Markell is his brother. TR, Wed 7 Jan 1998

Colley, Allen Fort - Mr and Mrs Stewart Colley, ofGrantville, announce the birth of a son Wednesday Feb 13, in Atlanta, who hasbeen given the name of Allen Fort. MrsColley is pleasantly remembered in Americus as Miss Mary Fort. TR, Thu 14 Feb 1924

Collier, Bess Marie - Steve and Patty Collier of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter born Thursday, February 16 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The infant hasbeen named Bess Marie and weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs William H Collierof San Antonio, Texas and Mr and Mrs Larry A Pogue of Conroe, Texas. TR, Thu 23 Feb 1984

Collier, Christopher Lee - Mr and Mrs Earl Collier announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 3 1/4 ounce son born Saturday, January 29 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who has been named Christopher Lee, will be called Chris. Mrs Collier is the former Earline Blankenshipof this city. Grandparents of the infantare Mrs B M Blankenship and the late Mr Blankenship of this city and Mr and Mrslu*ther Collier of Montezuma. TR Fri 4Feb 1977

Collier, Christopher Shane - Mr and Mrs Danny Collier, ofPanama City, announce the birth of a six pound, 7 ounce son, Saturday, July 16,who has been given the name of Christopher Shane. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs JimmieLassiter, of Americus and Mr and Mrs Ralph Collier of Manchester. TR, Mon 18 Jul 1966

Collier, Curtis Harris Jr - Lt and Mrs Curtis H Collierannounce the birth of a 7 lb, 14 oz son, at city hospital, Wednesday, July 12,who has been named Curtis Harris Jr. TR,Fri 14 Jul 1944

Collier, Dorothy Caroline - Mr and Mrs C H Collier announcethe birth of a daughter, Sunday, April 11, at city hospital. The baby has been named DorothyCaroline. TR Fri 16 Apr 1943

Collier, Janet Rene - Mr and Mrs Newton L Collier, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce daughter, December 20, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Janet Rene. TR, Mon 23 Dec 1963

Collier, Jennifer Carol - Mr and Mrs Raymon Collier, 304Burke St, announce the birth of a seven pound, fifteen ounce daughter JenniferCarol, at Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Tuesday, November 23. TR, Wed 24 Nov 1954

Collier, Meredith Joy - Mr and Mrs Steve Collier announce thebirth of a daughter, Meredith Joy, born Monday May 16 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds,12 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs William H Collier of San Antonio, Texas and Mr and Mrs Larry Pogue ofConroe, Texas. Great-grandmothers areMrs Marie Becker of San Antonio and Mrs Bessie Pogue of Casper, Wyo. The infant has a sister, Bess, 4 and brother,Ward, 2 ½. TR, Fri 20 May 1988

Collier, Michael Lee - Mr and Mrs Newton Collier, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce son on Tuesday, October 10at the Marion County Hospital. He hasbeen named Michael Lee. The baby’sgrandparents are Mrs Charles Mayhew and Mrs and Mrs Herman Snipes ofEllaville. TR, Tue 31 Oct 1967

Collier, Not named - Mr and Mrs L N Collier, of Ellaville,are the parents of an 8 pound, 4 ½ ounce son, born August 6 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 9 Aug 1965

Collier, Not named - Mr and Mrs W R Collier announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce son, Tuesday, June 25, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Wed 26 Jun 1957

Collier, Richard Lamar - Mr and Mrs Henry Collier announcethe birth of a son, Sunday, March 21, at city hospital, who has been namedRichard Lamar. TR, Mon 22 Mar 1948

Collier, Richard Leigh - Mr and Mrs Richard Lamar Collier ofGriffin announce the birth of son, Patrick Leigh, who was born March 9 at theGriffin-Spalding County Hospital. Theinfant weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Henry Latimer Collier and Mr and Mrs MarvinThomas McNeill, all of Americus.Maternal great-grandparents are Mrs Robert Duncan McNeill Sr of Americusand James Eric Ragan of Coleman, Ga. TR,Mon 12 Mar 1979

Collier, Sharon Denise - Mr and Mrs Danny Collier, ofRochester, Minnesota, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce daughterSaturday, August 1 at the St Mary’s Hospital in Rochester, who has been namedSharon Denise. The baby is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs Jimmy Lassiter of Americus and Mr and Mrs Ralph Collier Sr ofManchester. She is thegreat-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs C E Pilcher and Mrs P H Johnson of this city. TR, Tue 4 Aug 1970

Collier, Sondra Deanne - Mr and Mrs Earl Collier of Cordeleannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter born Tuesday, July 25 atDooly Medical Center in Vienna. Thebaby, who has been named Sondra Deanne has an older brother, Chris. Grandparents are Mrs B M Blankenship ofVienna and Mr and Mrs Luther Collier of Byromville. TR, Tue 1 Aug 1978

Collins, Brian Hugh - Mr and Mrs Hugh Collins of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Brian Hugh, born Tuesday, April 25 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 2 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mrs Flora Dorman of Dothan, Ala and the late Mr Hiram T Dorman and Mr andMrs Donald Dailey of Americus and the late Mr Hugh Collins of Fort Valley. TR, Fri 5 May 1989

Collins, Caitlin - Mr and Mrs Ken Collins of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Caitlin, born Saturday, February 25 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 6 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Charles B Larson of Ocala, Fla and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Thomas A Collins of Winter Haven, Fla. Maternal great-grandmother is Mrs W J Adkinsof Williston, Fla. TR, Fri 3 Mar 1989

Collins, Caleb Larson - Mr and Mrs Ken Collins of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Caleb Larson, born Thursday, October 3. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces atbirth. Maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Charles B Larson of Ocala, Fla and paternal grandparents are Mr and MrsThomas A Collins of Winter Haven, Fla.Maternal great-grandmother is Mrs W J Adkins of Williston, Fla. Caleb has a sister, Caitlin, two and ahalf. TR, Tue 8 Oct 1991

Collins, Carolyn Jennings - Mr and Mrs Leon Collins announcethe birth of their daughter, Carolyn Jennings on Friday, August 18 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 3 pounds, 3 1/4 ounces. Theinfant’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs Clarence L Collins, of Ft Valley, andSenator and Mrs Hugh Carter of Plains.The infant’s great-grandparents are Mrs James F Collins of Ft Valley andMrs William Alton Carter and Mrs L E Godwin Sr of Plains. TR, Mon 21 Aug 1978

Collins, Clarence Leon Jr - Mr and Mrs Clarence Collins, ofTifton, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son Monday, February 16,who has been named Clarence Leon Jr. MrCollins, who was formerly assistant county agent here is now county agent inTifton. TR, Fri 27 Feb 1953

Collins, Deirdra Caroline - Mr and Mrs James D Collinsannounce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, January 31, at the Middle GeorgiaHospital in Macon. The baby has beennamed Deirdra Caroline and is to be called “Deede”. Mrs Collins was formerly Miss Lallie Murphy,of Americus. TR, Mon12 Feb 1945

Collins, Donnie Hugh Jr - Mr and Mrs Donnie Hugh Collinsannounce the birth of a son Monday, August 24 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital who has been named Donnie Hugh Jr.The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs Donald Dailey and Mr and MrsGeorge Erwin all of Americus. TR, Sat5 Sep 1970

Collins, Florence Fort - Mr and Mrs James C Collins, 1221South Lee Street, announce the birth of an eight pound girl baby which was bornat 8 o’clock last night Sunday, November 20, at the Prather Clinic. The baby has been given the name of FlorenceFort. TR, Mon 21 Nov 1932

Collins, Haley Nicole - Mr and Mrs Mike Collins announce thebirth of a daughter, Haley Nicole, on July 12 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Mrs Collins is the former Tammy Pevler. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Donnie Collinsand Mr and Mrs Bobby Phillips, all of Americus and Mrs Larry Pevler ofSimpsonville, SC. Great-grandparetns areMarjorie Erwin and Rheba Dailey of Americus and Mr and Mrs Howard Eshleman andRuth Pevler of Independence, Missouri. TR,Thu 24 Jul 1997

Collins, Jayson Beevin - Mr and Mrs Jay Bee Collins, of Raleigh,NC announce the birth of a son on Feb 23 at Rex Hospital, Wake County, NC. The boy weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces and hasbeen named Jayson Beevin. Grandparentsare Mrs J L Suttles of Americus and the late Mr Suttles and Mr and Mrs John BCollins of Montgomery, Ala. TR, Fri18 Apr 1980

Collins, Jerry Dewayne - Mr and Mrs James Roland Collins, of834 Ridge Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 9 ½ ounce son born July 3 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been given the name of Jerry Dewayne. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs RolandCollins, of 234 Mitchell Street, and Mrs Jessie Lee Moon of 834 Ridge Street,Americus and Elisha Moon of Stone Mountain.TR, Tue 6 Jul 1971

Collins, John Rucker - Mr and Mrs Embry Collins Jr announcethe birth of a son born Monday, December 28 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who has been namedJohn Rucker Collins is the grandson of Mr and Mrs W C Camp of Opelika, Ala andMr and Mrs L E Collins of Camilla. TR,Tue 29 Dec 1970

Collins, Martha Ann - Mr and Mrs Bobby Collins, of Detroit,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 4 ounce daughter, May 26, who has been namedMartha Ann. Mr Collins is a formerresident of Americus. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mrs Sue S Collins, of St Simons, also a former resident. TR, Sat 30 May 1964

Collins, Michael Hugh - Mr and Mrs Donnie Hugh Collinsannounce the birth of a 9 pound, 3 ounce son, born Wednesday, August 7 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Michael Hugh. Mrs Collins is the former Mary Sue Erwin andthe baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs George H Erwin and Mr and Mrs D E Daleyof this city. TR, Fri 16 Aug 1968

Collins, Natalie Shearin - Mr and Mrs Eric Collins ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Natalie Shearin, born July 11 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs John Coile of Tullahoma, Tenn andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ivan Collins of Manchester, Tenn. TR, Thu 19 Jul 1990

Collins, Nell Page - Mr and Mrs James Chalmers Collinsannounce the birth of a daughter on Sunday, April 21, who has been given thename Nell Page Collins. TR, Mon 22 Apr1929

Collins, Not named - Mr and Mrs Alvin Collins, of LaGrange,announce the birth of a daughter, October 19 at the City Hospital. Mrs Collins will be remembered as Miss MattieMae Stubbs, formerly of Americus. TR,Tue 22 Oct 1929

Collins, Not named - Mr and Mrs C L Collins, of Preston,announce the birth of an 8 pound son Tuesday, August 11 at Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Wed 12 Aug 1953

Collins, Not named - Mr and Mrs Howard E Collins, of Route 3,Vienna, announce the birth of a son at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who was born August23 weighed 9 pounds, 11 ½ ounces. TR,Tue 24 Aug 1965

Collins, Not named - Mr and Mrs Hubert Collins, of 208 EFurlow Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce daughter December 27at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Tue 28 Dec 1965

Collins, Not named - Mr and Mrs J H Collins, of Cordele,announce the birth of a 7-pound, 4 ounce daughter Tuesday, September 29, atAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 30 Sep 1953

Collins, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jessie C Collins are theparents of a boy which was born Nov 21 at the City Hospital. TR, Tue 22 Nov 1949

Collins, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert A Collins, of Detroit,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ounce daughter, October 3. Mrs Collins is the former Miss Betty Atwood,of Grand Rapids Michigan. Mr Collins isa former Americus resident. The baby’spaternal grandmother is Mrs Sue Stubbs Collins, of St Simons. TR, Wed 4 Oct 1961

Collins, Not named - Rev and Mrs C E Collins of Dawsonannounce the birth of a daughter born Monday, July 2 at Prather Clinic. TCN, Thu 13 Jul 1950

Collins, Paula Regina - Mrs Larry Paul Collins announces thebirth of a daughter born Wednesday, December 5 at St Mary’s Hospital inAthens. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 10ounces. She has been given the name ofPaula Regina. The infant’s father wasthe late Larry Paul Collins who died recently.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Jack Short of Monroe and Mr andMrs J P Collins of Hawkinsville. TR,Thu 6 Dec 1973

Collins, Rachel Ann - Rev and Mrs Fred Collins, of Plains,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce daughter born Wednesday, December 26at Phoebe Putney Hospital in Albany. Thebaby has been given the name of Rachel Ann.She is the granddaughter of Mrs Gordon Collins of Baconton, Ga and Mrand Mrs L A Moore of Webb, Miss. TR,Thu 27 Dec 1973

Collins, Raymond Jr - Mr and Mrs Raymond H (Roc) Collins, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a son, Raymond Jr, Thursday, November 14. Mr Collins is a former resident of Americusand the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs S E Collins, of this city. TR, Sat 16 Nov 1946

Collins, Robert Aaron IV - Mr and Mrs Robert A Collins III,of Greenville, Tenn, announce the birth of a son Monday, November 24 who hasbeen named Robert Aaron IV. The babyweighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Fulgham of Montezuma; Mrs C T Costes ofOglethorpe and Dr R A Collins Jr of Americus.The baby’s great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Herbert Dean ofThomasville; Mrs Willie Johnson of Oglethorpe and Mrs R A Collins Sr ofUnadilla. TR, Mon 1 Dec 1980

Collins, Sue Marie - Mr and Mrs Alvin Collins announce thebirth of a six pound, one ounce daughter, this morning November 8 at the cityhospital. The infant has been given thename of Sue Marie. TR, Thu 8 Nov 1934

Collins, Tommy Dorsey - Mr and Mrs Hugh Collins of Americusannounce the birth of a son born Wednesday, April 13 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The infant, who weighed6 pounds, 14 ounces has been given the name Tommy Dorsey. His grandparents are Mrs Flora Dorman and thelate Hiram T Dorman of Dothan, Ala; Mr and Mrs Donald Dailey of Americus andthe late Hugh Collins of Fort Valley. TR,Mon 18 Apr 1983

Collins, Wendy Denise - Mr and Mrs Ralph D Collins, of Route2, Americus, are the parents of a 7 pound, 1 ½ ounce daughter, Wendy Denise,born March 10 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 11 Mar 1963

Collins, William Bryce - Nancy and Hugh Collins announce thebirth of a son, William Bryce, born September 29 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 6 pounds,10 ounces. Grandparents are Becky andLarry Odom and Mary Sue and Donnie Collins, all of Americus. Great-grandparents are Marjorie Erwin, Rubyand W L Moss, and Alma and Joe Truluck, all of Americus. TR, Tue 26 Oct 1999

Collum, John Michael - Mr and Mrs J H Collum announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 7 ounce son, Friday, July 8, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named John Michael. TR, Tue 12 Jul 1955

Collum, Joni Michelle - Mrs Brenda Collum of Montezumaannounce the birth of a baby girl who was born May 7 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who was giventhe name of Joni Michelle weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce. Her mother is the former Brenda Peavy ofMontezuma and her father was the late John Michael Collum. The infant is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsByran W Peavy of Montezuma and Mrs Emma Collum of Montezuma and Mrs Emma Collumof Oglethorpe and the late John Henry Collum.TR, Tue 15 May 1979

Collver, Ashley Brook - Rev and Mrs Noel Collver announce thebirth of a daughter, Ashley Brook, on Father’s Day, June 20 in Bloomington,Ind. She weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce. Mrs Collver is the former Sharon McAfee ofAmericus. Grandparents are Mr and MrsRichard McAfee, Americus and Rev and Mrs Hugh Ray Collver, Milwaukee, Wis; hergreat-grandmother is Mrs C G McAfee, Americus, great-great-grandparents are Mrand Mrs Paul Southers, Gainesville, Ga. TR,Tue 22 Jun 1982

Collver, Chandler Anthony - Noel and Sharon Collver announcethe birth of a boy, Chandler Anthony, born Saturday, August 24. The infant weighed 9 pounds, 6 ounces at birth. He has two sisters and one brother, Ashley 9,Erin 6 and Cameron 2. Maternalgrandparents are Richard and Patsy McAfee and Raymond and Barbara Whitman ofAmericus. Paternal grandparents are Revand Mrs H Ray Collver of Milwalkee, Wis.TR, Tue 27 Aug 1991

Collver, Erin Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Noel Collver of Americusannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce daughter, Erin Elizabeth, bornThursday, April 11 at Sumter Regional Hospital.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Richard McAfee of Americus and Revand Mrs H Ray Collver of Milwaukee, Wis.Great-grandmother is Mrs Reva McAfee of Americus. She has a sister, Ashley. TR, Tue 16 Apr 1985

Collver, Noel - Mr and Mrs Noel Collver of Americus announcethe birth of a son, Noel, born Monday, March 27 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 11 pounds,1 ounce at birth. Grandparents areRichard and Patsy McAfee and Raymond and Barbara Whitman, all of Americus andRev and Mrs H Ray Collver of Milwaukee.The infant has two sisters, Ashley 6 and Erin, age four. Mrs Collver is the former Miss Sharon McAfeeof Americus. TR, Wed 29 Mar 1989

Colquitt, Amanda Michelle - Mr and Mrs Roy Alton Colquitt Jrof Hampton announce the birth of a daughter, Amanda Michelle, born December 31at Georgia Baptist Hospital, Atlanta.The infant weighed 9 pounds, 15 ½ ounces at birth. She has a brother, Al and a sister,Shelby. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs RoyColquitt Sr of Ellaville and the late Mr and Mrs Jack Owens of Ellaville. Great-grandmother is Mrs Pearl Wisham,Ellaville. TR, Sat 11 Feb 1989

Colquitt, Roy Alton III - Mr and Mrs Roy Alton Colquitt Jr, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a son on Friday, August 6 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. He weighed 7pounds, 14 ounces and has been named Roy Alton III. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs RoyAlton Colquitt Sr and Mr and Mrs Eli Stewart, all of Ellaville and ErnestBrowning of Lakeland, Ga. TR, Tue 24Aug 1971

Colquitt, Shelby Lynn - Mr and Mrs Roy Alton Colquitt Jr, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a daughter on Monday, August 13 at the MedicalCenter in Columbus. The baby weighed 7pounds, 12 ½ ounces and has been named Shelby Lynn. Mrs Colquitt was the former Linda Browning ofEllaville. Grandparents of the baby areMr and Mrs Roy A Colquitt Sr of Ellaville, Mr and Mrs Eli Stewart, also ofEllaville and Ernest Browning of Lakeland, Fla.TR, Wed 22 Aug 1973

Colter, Jerrell Scott - Mr and Mrs Jerrell Lee Colter, ofWarner Robins, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 15 ounce son born Thursday,May 22 at the Houston County Hospital who has been named Jerrell Scott. Mrs Colter is the former Marie Law ofAmericus. The baby is the grandson ofMrs O C Law Jr of Americus and Mr and Mrs O L Colter of Dublin. His great-grandparents are Mrs O C Law Sr ofAmericus and Mrs C H Adderhold of Birmingham, Ala. TR, Mon 26 May 1969

Colter, Jesse Blaine - Mr and Mrs Scott Colter of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Jesse Blaine, born February 8. The infant weighed 10 pounds, 1 ounce at birth. Grandparents are Ms Liz Smith and DonaldSmith of Americus and Mr and Mrs Jerrel Colter of Canden, Tenn. Great-grandparents are Mrs Frances Zutterman;Mrs Mildred B Smith; Mrs Laverne Law, all of Americus; and Mrs Jane Slade ofDublin. TR, Thu 13 Feb 1992

Colvin, Not named - Mr and Mrs H T Colvin, of 12B ParkerStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce daughter, December 22, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 23 Dec 1964

Coman, Frank Rollin Jr - Mr and Mrs Frank Rollin Comanannounce the birth of a son March 16, who has been given the name of FrankRollin Jr. TR, Thu 17 Mar 1921

Coman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Frank Coman, of Pedro Miguel,Canal Zone, Panama, announce the birth of a 11 1/4 pound son at her home onForrest Street. TR, Tue 21 Jul 1931

Coman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Frank R Coman, of Gatum,Canal Zone, Panama, announce the birth of a daughter on Sunday, January 13th,at the home of their late parents, Mr and Mrs J P Chapman, on ForrestStreet. Mrs Coman will be remembered asMiss Louise Chapman, the youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Chapman. TR, Tue 15 Jan 1929

Combs, Not named - Mr and Mrs H L Combs announce the birthof a son, Thursday, May 29, at their home, 724 Wheatley Street. TR, Fri 30 May 1941

Comer, Carin Leigh - Mr and Mrs Reginald L Comer announcethe birth of a daughter, Carin Leigh, who was born Thursday, March 25 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Theinfant weighed 8 pounds, 9 ½ ounces.Grandparents of the baby are Mr and Mrs J M L Comer of Jackson, Ga andMrs Kirven Dial of Shreveport, La and the late Mr Dial. TR, Thu 1 Apr 1976

Comer, Davis Campbell - Brandon and Kimberly Comer ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Davis Campbell, born July 12 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 14 ounces. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Larry Comer of Americus, Gary Harper of Fitzgerald and Paul Rogers ofQuitman. Great-grandparents are Mr andMrs Julian Hunter of Fitzgerald and Early Harper of Sylvester. TR, Tue 20 Jul 1999

Comer, Jean Ellen - Mr and Mrs Robert Henry Comer, of SanAntonio, announce the birth of a 7 ½ pound daughter, Sunday, August 14, who hasbeen named Jean Ellen. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs R H Comer, of Americus. TR, Fri 19 Aug 1955

Comer, Laura Jean - Mr and Mrs Robert Henry Comer, of SanAntonio, announce the birth of a 6 pound, one ounce daughter, born Thursday,March 14, who has been named Laura Jean.The baby is the granddaughter of Reuben Henry Comer of Elm Avenue,Americus. TR, Mon 25 Mar 1963

Comer, Lauren Little - Mr and Mrs Larry Comer announce theadoption of a chosen daughter born August 21 who has been given the name ofLauren Little. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Fred Comer and Mrs John Little of Americus. TR, Mon 5 Nov 1973

Comer, Martha Kay - Mr and Mrs Henry Comer, of San Antonio,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Ocotber 28. The baby, who has been named Martha Kay, isthe granddaughter of R H Comer of this city.TR, Fri 5 Nov 1965

Comer, Nancy Carol - Mr and Mrs Robert Henry Comer Jrannounce the birth of a daughter, Friday, July 4, in Austin, Texas, who hasbeen given the name of Nancy Carol. Thebaby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs R H Comer Sr of this city. TR, Tue 8 Jul 1958

Comer, Not named - Mr and Mrs R T Comer, of Smithville,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, February 7, at Prather Clinic. TR, Tue 8 Feb 1944

Comer, Oscar Lawrence - Mr and Mrs Fred Comer announce thebirth of a 7 ½ pound boy Sunday, June 18, at the Wise Sanitarium, inPlains. The baby has been named OscarLawrence. Both mother and son are doingnicely. TR, Wed 21 Jun 1933

Comer, Reginald Clayton - Mr and Mrs Reginald L Comer arethe parents of an 8 pound, 10 ounce son born Wednesday, April 25 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Theinfant has been named Reginald Clayton.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs J M L Comer of Jackson, Ga and MrsKirvin Dial and the late Mr Dial of Shreveport, La. TR, Tue 1 May 1973

Comer, Sarah Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Larry Comer announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter born Friday, April 6 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who has been named Sarah Elizabeth, has a brother, Brandon and a sister,Lauren. The infant’s grandparents areMrs John Little of Americus and the late Mr Little and Mr and Mrs Fred Comer,also of this city. TR, Mon 9 Apr 1979

Compton, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert Compton, of 326 SJackson Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound son, David Lee, April 27, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Thu 28 Apr 1960

Compton, Ramona Michelle - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Compton ofAmericus announce the birth of a 6 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter at the PhoebePutney in Albany Thursday, September 18.The baby has been named Ramona Michelle.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Walter Compton Sr of Reddick, Flaand Mrs Julia Bugner of Schotten, Germany.TR, Sat 20 Sep 1969

Compton, Scotty Dale - Mr and Mrs Robert Compton, ofWarrensburg, Missouri, announce the birth of an 8 pound son, Wednesday,September 25 who has been given the name of Scotty Dale. Mrs Compton was prior to her marriage MissBobbie Turner of this city. TR, Tue 1Oct 1963

Conda, Christine Jane - Mr and Mrs D G Conda, of Phoenix,Michigan, announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, October 5, at PratherClinic, who has been named Christine Jane.TR, Wed 10 Oct 1945

Conger, Benjamin Darrell - Mr and Mrs James Conger, ofInverness, Fla announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce son born Tuesday, April24. The baby, who has been namedBenjamin Darrell is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Fred Chavers of Plains and thelate Mr and Mrs B D Conger of Albany. TR,Thu 26 Apr 1973

Conger, Hannah Lauren - James and Polly Conger of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Hannah Lauren, born Sep 25 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 6 pounds,14 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Fred Simpson of Roswell, formerly of Americus. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs JamesConger Sr of Plains. Great-grandparentsare Frances Mitchum of Warm Springs, Ga, Mr and Mrs Fred Simpson of Gainesvilleand Jeannett Chavers of Plains.Great-grandmother is Esther Pugh of Plains. TR, Wed 5 Oct 1994

Conger Savannah Nicole - Benjamin and Kelly Conger of Plainsannounce the birth of a daughter, Savannah Nicole, born November 28 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 7 ounces. Maternal grandparentsare Mike and Carolyn Horne of Americus.Paternal grandparents are James and Pat Conger of Plains. Great-grandparents are T W and Phoebe Horne,Bartow and Joyce Reagan, all of Americus and the late Fred and Jeanette Chaversof Plains. TR, Wed 11 Dec 1996

Conley, David Franklin - Cpl and Mrs Gordon J Conleyannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son Monday, June 2, who has beennamed David Franklin. Mrs Conley wasMiss Anne Moore, of this city before her marriage and the baby is the grandsonof Mr and Mrs E L Moore, of this city. TR,Fri 13 Jun 1952

Conley, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ad Conley announce the birthof a daughter, Sunday, January 21, at their home on Mayo Street. Mrs Conley was formerly Miss AngelineCastleberry. TR, Wed 24 Jan 1940

Conley, Russell Thomas Jr - Mr and Mrs Russell Conleyannounce the birth of a son, Russell Thomas Jr, Sunday, November 14 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 7 pounds, 6 ½ ounces. He isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs Joe Underwood and Mr and Mrs Ad Conley of Americusand Mrs Jeannie Conley of Cordele. TR,Mon 15 Nov 1971

Connell, Tamera Joyce - Rev and Mrs Roy Connell announce thebirth of a daughter born Sunday, May 23 who weighed 9 pounds, 5 ½ ounces. The baby has been given the name of TameraJoyce. She was born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Wed 26May 1976

Conneway, Bettie Jean - Mr and Mrs Marshall D Connewayannounce the birth of a daughter Saturday, January 26, who has been calledBettie Jean. Mrs Conneway was MissElizabeth Harris before her marriage. TR,Sat 26 Jan 1924

Connors, Mary Helen - Mr and Mrs R J Connors announce thebirth of a six-pound daughter, Thursday, 18 May , at their home in the 15thdistrict. The baby has been named MaryHelen. Both mother and baby are doingnicely. TR, Mon 1 Jun 1936

Converse, Richard Karl - Mr and Mrs Richard Converse ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Richard Karl, born Saturday, January 14at the Houston County Medical Center, Perry.The infant weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs ClydeSmith Sr of Andersonville. Paternalgrandparents are Karla Hallum of Oglethorpe and Richard Arlen Converse of Rome,NY. Karl has two sisters, Carrie, 5 andRebecca, 4. TR, Fri 20 Jan 1995

Conyers, Not named - Mr and Mrs James B Conyers, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a daughter at city hospital, Monday, January12. TR, Thu 15 Jan 1948

Coogle, Alma Joyce - Mr and Mrs Fred Coogle, of theChambliss community, announce the birth of an 8 ½ pound daughter, Alma Joyce,this morning, July 24. Mrs Coogle wasformerly Miss Lillian Morris. TR, Mon24 Jul 1939

Coogle, Christopher Joseph - Mr and Mrs Joel M Coogle announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 2 ounce son on Sunday, July 15. The baby has been named ChristopherJoseph. His maternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs James A Johnson of Americus and his paternal grandparents are Mrs RuthParker of this city and the late James L Coogle of Oglethorpe. “Chris” has one sister, Wanda Paige, who isfour years old. TR, Thu 19 Jul 1973

Coogle, Fred Eugene - Mr and Mrs Fred Coogle announce thebirth of an eight pound son on Saturday morning April 25. He has been given the name Fred Eugene. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. TCN, Fri 1 May 1936

Coogle, Matthew Thomas - Mr and Mrs Harold Coogle of 107Daniel Street announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce son born Friday, May 8at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby, who has been named Matthew Thomas, has two brothers, Rodneyand Mick. The infant is the grandson ofMr and Mrs Fred Coogle of Americus and Mr and Mrs John L Taylor ofCochran. TR, Thu 14 May 1981

Coogle, Not named - Mr and Mrs Fred E Coogle, of 55A HarrisStreet, are the parents of a 9 pound, 5 ounce son, born October 29 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 30 Oct 1961

Coogle, Randy Eugene - Mr and Mrs F E Coogle announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce son, November 5 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Randy Eugene.TR, Wed 6 Nov 1957

Coogle, Rodney Harold - Mr and Mrs William H Coogle, of 1101East Furlow, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 4 ounce son, May 22, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Rodney Harold. TR,Mon 24 May 1965

Coogle, Wanda Paige - Mr and Mrs Joe Coogle announce thebirth of a 5 pound, 8 ½ ounce daughter at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Wednesday, May 21 who has been given the name of Wanda Paige. The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs JamesA Johnson and Mrs Ruth Parker, all of Americus.TR, Fri 23 May 1969

Coogle, William Harold - Mr and Mrs Fred Coogle announce thebirth of a son, William Harold, who was born Monday, October 12, at cityhospital. TR, Fri 16 Oct 1942

Coogle, William Nicholas - Mr and Mrs Harold Coogle, of 702Gail Street, are the parents of an 8 pound, 10 ½ ounce son, born Wednesday,July 16, who has been named William Nicholas.Mrs Coogle is the former June Taylor of Cordele. TR, Tue 22 Jul 1969

Cook, Andrew Gammage - Mr and Mrs George H Cook Jr ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Andrew Gammage, born December 31 atColumbus Medical Center. The infant weighed8 pounds, at birth. Mrs Cook is theformer Miss Carla Gammage of Americus.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Earl Gammage Jr, Americus and Mrand Mrs G Harold Cook Sr of DeSoto.Great-grandmother is Mrs W H Dalton of Leslie. The iinfant has two sisters, Michele, age 11and Jennifer, age seven. TR, Fri 8Jan 1988

Cook, Angelia Michele - Mr and Mrs George Cook of DeSotoare the parents of a daughter born Wednesday, October 20 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The infant hasbeen given the name of Angelia Michele.Her weight was 7 pounds, 6 ½ ounces.Grandparents of the baby are Mr and Mrs Harold Cook of DeSoto and Mr andMrs Earl Gammage Jr of Americus. She hasthree grandmothers: Mrs Carlton Byrd and Mrs Earl Gammage Sr, Americus and MrsW H Dalton of Leslie. TR, Mon 25 Oct1976

Cook, Barbara Anne - Mr and Mrs John R Cook, of Cochranand Plains, announce the birth of a daughter, Barbara Anne, August 4, at the EE Cook home at Plains. Mrs Cook formerlywas Miss Evelyn Darden, of Americus. TR,Thu 6 Aug 1936

Cook, Carrie Ann - Mr and Mrs Joe Cook, of Nashville, Tennannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce daughter born Tuesday, November19. The baby has been named CarrieAnn. Mr and Mrs Cook are former Americusresidents and while living here Mr Cook was Public Relations Director at GeorgeSouthwestern College. TR, Wed 20 Nov1974

Cook, Cary Burton - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Cook Jr, ofCordele, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce son on July 23 who has beennamed Cary Burton. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Kenneth Cook Sr of Cordele and Mr and Mrs Rosa Jones ofWeston. Mr and Mrs Asa Pittman ofAmericus are the baby’s great-grandparents.TR, Sat 2 Aug 1969

Cook, Charles Edwin - Mr and Mrs Stewart Cook, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a nine-pound son Monday morning, January 29,at their home on Railroad Street, who has been given the name of CharlesEdwin. Mrs Cook was before her marriageMiss Ruby Bell, of Ellaville. TR, Fri2 Feb 1934

Cook, Christopher Scott - Mr and Mrs Paul Cook of Albanyannounce the birth of a son, Christopher Scott, born March 24 at Phoebe Putney,Albany. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 14ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mrs Beatrice Spann and Howard Spann of Preston and paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Wiley Cook of Albany. TR,Sat 8 Apr 1989

Cook, Cynthia Lynn - Mr and Mrs Tommy Cook, of Athens andAmericus, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce daughter, Cynthia Lynn,September 20 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby is the granddaughter of Dr and Mrs WF Castellow and Mr and Mrs E G Cook of Americus. TR, Mon 21 Sep 1964

Cook, Dany Dowdy - Mr and Mrs Hal Cook announce the birthof a 6 pound, 4 ounce son Friday , April 11 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital who has been given the named of Dany Dowdy. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs HenryDowdy Yawn and Mr and Mrs M A Cook, all of Milan. TR, Mon 14 Apr 1969

Cook, Darrell Lanier - Mr and Mrs K L Cook, of BuenaVista, are the parents of a boy baby, which was born Wednesday, the 27thof October. The baby weighed 6 poundsand 7 ounces, and has been named Darrell Lanier. TR, Sat 30 Oct 1954

Cook, Debra Ann - Mr and Mrs James Cook announce the birthof a 6 pound, 5 ounce daughter at Crawford W Long Hospital, at Atlanta,Tuesday, December 11. The baby has beengiven the name of Debra Ann. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs H S Cook. TR,Sat 15 Dec 1956

Cook, Edward Jr - Mr and Mrs Edward Cook announce thebirth of a baby son born Thursday, August 26 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital who has been named Edward Jr.The baby weighed 5 pounds, 1 3/4 ounces.The infant is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Waldo E Johnson Sr on hismaternal side and Mr and Mrs Willie Cook on his paternal side, all fromAmericus. TR, Fri 27 Aug 1976

Cook, Elizabeth Josephine - Mr and Mrs John R Cook, ofGordon, Ga, announce the birth of a daughter, born this morning, September 24,at their home, who has been named Elizabeth Josephine, for her paternal andmaternal grandmothers. TR, Sat 24 Sep1938

Cook, Frederick Lawson III - Seaman Third Class and Mrs FL Cook Jr, of Albany, announce the birth of a son Saturday, December 26, atTurner Air Force Base Hospital, Albany, who has been named Frederick LawsonIII. Mrs Cook is the former MissElizabeth (Sissy) Mitchell, of Americus and Albany. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Orion Mitchell ofAlbany and Mr and Mrs Lawson Cook, of Dawson.TR, Thu 7 Jan 1954

Cook, George Harold - Mr and Mrs Harold Cook, of DeSoto,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 4 ounce son, Wednesday, Dec 5 at the Americusand Sumter Count Hospital. He has beennamed George Harold Cook Jr. TR, Tue11 Dec 1956

Cook, Gina Carol - Mr and Mrs Charles Edwin Cook announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter, June 21st at the SibleyMemorial Hospital of Washington, D C.The little girl has been given the name of Gina Carol. She is the granddaughter of Mrs H S Cook, ofthis city and Mr and Mrs Jack Davis of Elizabethton, Tenn. TR, Thu 28 Jun 1962

Cook, Hamer - Pvt and Mrs H M Cook, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a son, Saturday, April 28, at Prather Clinic, who hasbeen named Hamer. TR, Tue 1 May 1945.

Cook, Jennifer Marie - Mr and Mrs George Cook Jr of DeSotoannounce the birth of a daughter, Jennifer Marie, on Friday, March 28. The infant weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces. She has an older sister, Angelia Michele. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Earl Gammage Jrof Americus and Mr and Mrs Harold Cook of DeSoto. She is the great-granddaughter of W A Daltonof DeSoto. TR, Tue 1 Apr 1980

Cook, Jessica Lauren - Mr and Mrs John A Cook of Americusannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 14 ounce daughter, Jessica Lauren, at SumterRegional Hospital. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Edgar B Dalton and Mr and Mrs J N Cook, all ofDeSoto and Mr and Mrs John W Motley of Huntersville, NC. She has a sister, Samantha 3. TR, Fri 14 Feb 1986

Cook, John Howard - Mr and Mrs F T Cook, of Route 3, BuenaVista, announce the birth of an 8 pound, one ounce son, Friday, June 20, whohas been named John Howard. The baby wasborn at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 23 Jun 1958

Cook, Joseph Asa - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Cook announce thebirth of a son, Friday, December 12, at city hospital, who has been namedJoseph Asa for his two grandfathers, Rev Joseph Cook of Sylvester, and AsaPittman, of Americus. Mrs Cook is theformer Miss Ann Pittman of this city. TR,Sat 13 Dec 1947

Cook, Kenneth Burton Jr - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Cook announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son, Friday, February 5, at city hospital, whohas been named Kenneth Burton Jr. MrsCook was before her marriage Miss Ann Pittman.TR, Sat 6 Feb 1943

Cook, Kenneth Lee - Mr and Mrs Thomas J Cook, of PrinceStreet announce the birth of a 5 pound, 13 ounce son, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Kenneth Lee. TR, Mon 14 May 1956

Cook, Kristen Cherry - Mr and Mrs Jack Cook Jr announcethe birth of a daughter born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onTuesday, February 12. The baby has beennamed Kristen Cherry after her grandfather.She weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Kenneth Cherry Sr, Columbus; Mr and Mrs JackCook Sr, Ellaville. Great-grandparentsare Mrs C D Turner and the late Mr Turner, Columbus; Mrs Mike Cook and the lateMr Cook; Mrs Hubert Cherry and the late Mr Cherry, all of Dothan, Ala. TR, Tue 26 Feb 1980

Cook, Linda Carolyn - Mr and Mrs J N Cook, of DeSoto,announce the birth of a daughter Friday, March 13, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been given the name of Linda Carolyn. Mrs Cook is the former Miss Jacquelyn Burton,of Leslie. TR, Tue 17 Mar 1953

Cook, Marion John - Mr and Mrs Roy Cook, of Route 4, BuenaVista, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ounce son Monday, April 20, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Marion John. TR,Wed 22 Apr 1959

Cook, Not named - Mr and Mrs C Cook announce the birth ofa son, Sunday, May 16, at Prather Clinic.TR, Tue 18 May 1948

Cook, Not named - Mr and Mrs H S Cook announce the birthof a daughter, Tuesday, August 5, at city hospital. TR Fri 8 Aug 1941

Cook, Not named - Mr and Mrs L V Cook announce the birthof a daughter, Monday, February 4 at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 7 Feb 1946

Cook, Not named - Mr and Mrs Roy Cook announce the birthof a 6 pound, 8 ounce son, November 12 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Wed 13 Nov 1957

Cook, Not named - Mr and Mrs Rufus Cook, of Cochran,announce the birth of a baby daughter, Wednesday, August 5, at the home of hisparents, Mr and Mrs E E Cook Sr, of Plains.Both mother and daughter are doing nicely. TCN, Fri 7 Aug 1936

Cook, Pamela Marie - Mr and Mrs Norman Cook, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 1 ounce daughter, July 24 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Pamela Marie. TR, Wed 25 Jul 1962

Cook, Robert John - Mr and Mrs Heywood Cook III of Winston-Salem,NC announce the birth of a son who has been named Robert John. The infant was born Friday, August 12. andweighed 9 pounds, 12 ounces. His motheris the former Miss Sherry Roberts of Americus.His grandparents are Mrs Patsy Roberts, Americus and Mr and Mrs HeywoodCook Jr, Leesburg. He is thegreat-grandson of Mr and Mrs Jack Watkins, Americus and Mrs Heywood Cook Sr ofLeesburg. TR, Wed 17 Aug 1983

Cook, Ruth Clarice - Mr and Mrs Harold Cook, of DeSoto,announce the birth of a daughter Saturday, March 5, at the City Hospital. The baby weighed 5 lbs, 6 oz, and has beennamed Ruth Clarice. Mrs Cook wasformerly Sara Frances Dalton of Leslie. TR,Tue 8 Mar 1955

Cook, Samantha Lynn - Mr and Mrs John A Cook of DeSotoannounce the birth of a daughter, Samantha Lynn, on Sunday, April 4. She weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Edgar BDalton of DeSoto. Great-grandparents areMrs Mary Harrod of Americus and the late R W Harrod Sr of Dalton and Mrs W CDalton and the late Mr Dalton, both of DeSoto.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs J N Cook of DeSoto. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Albert FBurton of Leslie and the late Mr and Mrs John A Cook of Leslie. TR, Wed 21 Apr 1982

Cook, Sharon Lynn - Mr and Mrs Charles Edwin Cook announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 3 ½ ounce daughter, Monday, September 24 at the SibleyMemorial Hospital, Washington, D C, who has been named Sharon Lynn. Mrs Cook is the former Miss Jean Davis, ofElizabethan, Tenn. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs H S Cook, of this city. TR, Wed 26 Sep 1956

Cook, Thomas Stewart - Mr and Mrs H S Cook announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son Monday, June 2, at city hospital, who has beennamed Thomas Stewart. TR, Wed 4 Jun1952

Cook, Virginia Louisa - Mr and Mrs Henry Cook announce thebirth of a seven pound daughter, Virginia Louisa, Sunday Apr 28, at the Pratherclinic. Mrs Cook was formerly MissDorothy English. TR, Mon 29 Apr 1940

Cool, Not named - Capt and Mrs Val C Cool, of Nurenberg,Germany, announce the birth of a daughter Saturday, March 5. The baby weighed 9 pounds, 4 ounces. Mrs Cool was the former Miss EdwinnaSheppard, of this city. TR, Mon 7 Mar1955

Cooley, Nancy Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs H C Cooley are theparents of an eight pound girl baby which was born at 1 o’clock this morning,at the American Rescue Home where the Cooleys reside. The baby has been named Nancy Elizabeth. Both mother and child are getting alongnicely. TR, Wed 14 Sep 1932

Cooley, Sunday Marie - Mr and Mrs Raymond Cooley, ofLumpkin, are the parents of a 7 pound, 11 ounce daughter, born on September 27at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named SundayMarie. TR, Wed 27 Sep 1961

Cooner, Francis Marion Jr - Mr and Mrs Francis Marion Coonerannounce the birth of a son, May 14, at the Prather Clinic, who has been namedFrancis Marion Jr. TR, Fri 19 May1933

Cooner, John Christopher - Mr and Mrs Marion Cooner Jrannounce the birth of a 9 pound son born Saturday, March 10. The baby has been given the name of JohnChristopher. His father is a native ofAmericus and the infant is the grandson of Mrs F M Cooner and the late MrCooner of this city and Mrs Roscoe Yearger and the late Mr Yearger of Sebring,Florida. TR, Mon 12 Mar 1973

Cooner, Laure Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Marion Cooner, ofOrlanda, Fla, are the parents of a baby daughter, born October 17, who has beennamed Laure Elizabeth. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mrs F M Cooner, of Harrold Avenue, Americus. TR, Mon 23 Oct 1961

Cooner, Marion Mitchell - Mr and Mrs Marion Cooner Jr, ofOrlando, Fla, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son, Friday, May 21,who has been given the name of Marion Mitchell.The baby is the grandson of Mrs F M Cooner, of this city. TR, Sat 22 May 1965

Cooper, Bridgett Michelle - Mr and Mrs Billy Cooper ofLeslie announce the birth of a daughter, Bridgett Michelle, born October 30 atSumter Regional Hospital. Grandparentsare Charlie F Cooper and Mrs Elizabeth Cooper, both of Americus, Mrs LillieMauldin, Leslie and the late O B Mauldin.The infant has two brothers, Travis and Kevin. TR, Thu 13 Nov 1986

Cooper, Christy Michelle - Mr and Mrs Clarence Cooperannounce the birth of a daughter, Christy Michelle, born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on Monday, March 24.The infant’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs J W Cooper of Americus and Mrand Mrs Edward Voss of Lawrence, Mass.She is the granddaughter of Mrs G D Childree of this city and Mrs E WBrannon of Anniston, Ala. TR, Thu 27Mar 1975

Cooper, Colby Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Charles Cooper ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Colby Elizabeth, born Monday,November 30 at Sumter Regional Hospital.The infant weighed 7 pounds at birth.Mrs Cooper is the former Miss Jennifer Sue Melton of Americus. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Charlie FrankCooper of Americus; Mr and Mrs Robert Melton of Americus and Mr and Mrs CharlesSwafford of Dayton, Tenn.Great-grandparents are Mrs Lena Melton of Americus and Mrs Ethel Clarkof Dayton, Tenn. TR, Tue 8 Dec 1987

Cooper, Dorothy Jean - Mr and Mrs E A Cooper announce thebirth of a daughter, Saturday, December 21, at city hospital, who has beennamed Dorothy Jean. Mrs Cooper wasformerly Miss Jerry Morris. TR, Tue24 Dec 1946

Cooper, Dru Ellen - Mr and Mrs Hugh D Cooper, of Savannah,announce the birth of a daughter, Dru Ellen, born Saturday, Sept 8, at TelfairHospital in Savannah. Mrs Cooper is theformer Miss Ruby Woods, daughter of Mr and Mrs S L Woods, of 623 FelderStreet. TR, Mon 17 Sep 1956

Cooper, Ernest Alford Jr - Mr and Mrs E A Cooper, ofNorfolk, Va, announce the birth of a son, Sunday, October 3, who has been namedErnest Alford Jr. Mrs Cooper was theformer Miss Jerrine Morris, of Americus.TR, Wed 13 Oct 1948

Cooper, Frederick Enzor Jr - Captain and Mrs F E Cooper, ofStuttgart, Germany announce the birth of a 7 pound son born Wednesday, October6. The baby, who has been namedFrederick Enzor Jr is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Martin Cooper of Thomasvilleand Mr and Mrs Maurice Dykes of Winter Haven, Fla. He is the great-grandson of Mrs W W Dykes andthe late Mr Dykes and Mr and Mrs Roy Johnson, all of Americus. The baby’s paternal grandparents were in Stuttgartfor his arrival. TR, Wed 6 Oc 1971

Cooper, Herschel Thad - Mr and Mrs C T Cooper announce thebirth of a son November 21 at their home at 218 Earl Street, who has been giventhe name of Herschel Thad. TR, Fri 23Nov 1923

Cooper, Hugh D Jr - Mr and Mrs Hugh D Cooper announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son, October 26 at the Memorial Hospital inWaycross. The baby has been named Hugh DJr. TR, Wed 28 Oct 1964

Cooper, Jerry Clayton - Mr and Mrs Edgar Cooper, ofAndersonville, announce the birth of a son, Sunday, September 25, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who weighed 10 pounds, 2 3/4 ounces. The baby has been named Jerry Clayton. TR, Mon 26 Sep 1955

Cooper, John William - Mr and Mrs John R Cooper announce thebirth of a son, Saturday, July 22, at city hospital. The baby has been named John William. TR, Fri 28 Jul 1944

Cooper, Katie Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Mike Cooper of Lilburnannounce the birth of a daughter who has been named Katie Elizabeth. The infant, who was born Monday, February 21at DeKalb General Hospital weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces at birth. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs ThomasHawkins of Americus and Mr and Mrs James Cooper of Chattanooga, Tennessee. TR, Mon 28 Feb 1983

Cooper, Megan Leigh - Charles and Jennifer Cooper ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Megan Leigh, born Wednesday,November 4. The infant weighed 7 pounds,2 ounces at birth. Grandparents areRobert Melton of Americus, Mr and Mrs Frank Cooper of Americus and Mr and MrsCharles Swafford of Dayton, Tenn.Great-grandparents are Ms Lena Melton of Americus and Mrs Ethel Clark ofDayton. The baby has a sister, ColbyElizabeth, 4 ½. TR, Fri 13 Nov 1992

Cooper, Not named - Mr and Mrs A L Cooper Jr are the parentsof a baby girl, born this morning, Thursday, August 7, at the CityHospital. TR, Thu 8 Aug 1946

Cooper, Not named - Mr and Mrs E L Cooper, of Richland,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, June 17, at Prather Clinic. TR, Fri 21 Jun 1946

Cooper, Not named - Mr and Mrs H H Cooper announce the birthof a son, Saturday, August 19, at Prather Clinic. TR, Sat 19 Aug 1944

Cooper, Not named - Mr and Mrs Hardy Cooper, of Dawson,announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, Jully 14, at Prather Clinic. Mrs Cooper was before marriage Miss LauraStokes. TR, Mon 15 Jul 1946

Cooper, Not named - Mr and Mrs J R Cooper announce the birthof a daughter, Monday, December 3, at City Hospital. TR, Fri 7 Dec 1945

Cooper, Not named - Mr and Mrs J W Cooper, of Plains,announce the birth of a son Wednesday, March 29, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 30 Mar 1944.

Cooper, Not named - Mr and Mrs Joe Cooper announce the birthof a boy born September 17 at Prather Clinic weighing 8 pounds, 12 ½ounces. TCN, Thu 18 Sep 1952

Cooper, Not named - Mr and Mrs John R Cooper are the parentsof a baby boy which was born September 30 at the city hospital. TR, Sat 1 Oct 1938

Cooper, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert C Cooper, of Plains,are the parents of a 9 pound, 6 ounce son, born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on November 26. TR,Friday 27 Nov 1964

Cooper, Peggy Joanne - Mr and Mrs J L Cooper, of Route 2,Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce daughter, February 12, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.She has been named Peggy Joanne. TR,Mon 13 Feb 1961

Cooper, Peggy Lorraine - Mr and Mrs J D Cooper, Route 1Preston, announce the birth of a daughter born September 8 and named PeggyLorraine weighing 4 pounds, 5 ounces. TCN,Thu 10 Sep 1953

Cooper, Terressa Belinda - Mr and Mrs R C Cooper, of Plains,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ½ ounce daughter, born July 15 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital and has been named Terressa Belinda. TR, Mon 17 Jul 1961

Copeland, Alice Amelia - Mr and Mrs Eady Copeland announce thebirth of a daughter, Alice Amelia, Tuesday, October 24, at city hosptital. TR, Mon 30 Oct 1944

Copeland, Clayton McRee - Mr and Mrs Everett Copland, ofSmithville, announce the adoption of a chosen son, Clayton McRee, who was bornDecember 30, 1970. Mrs Copeland was MissClaudia McRee of Smithville prior to her marriage. TR, Thu 4 Feb 1971

Copeland, Harrell Anton - Mr and Mrs S L Copeland, ofBronwood, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce son, September 9, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Harrell Anton. TR, Mon 11 Sep 1961

Copeland, Not named - Mr and Mrs Sam Copeland, of Bronwood,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 10 ounce son at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, July 15. TR, Mon 18 Jul1960

Copeland, Not named - Mr and Mrs Vernon Copeland, of Bronwood,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 6 ounce son at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on December 9. TR, Thu 10Dec 1964

Copeland, Not named - Sgt and Mrs David Copeland, of 128AHansen Drive, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 3 ½ ounce son, December 1 atAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 3 Dec 1964

Coppedge, Not named - Mr and Mrs Bob Coppedge, of Albany,announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday March 28 at the Piedmont Hospital inAtlanta. Mrs Coppedge was formerly MissBessie Walters of Americus. TR, Fri29 Mar 1940

Coppedge, Not named - Mr and Mrs R L Coppedge, of Albany,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, August 6, at Phoebe Putney MemorialHospital, Albany. Mrs Coppedge wasbefore marriage Miss Bess Walters, of Americus.TR, Tue 7 Aug 1945

Coppedge, Not named - Mr and Mrs R L Coppedge, of Albany,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, June 22, at Phoebe Putneyhospital. Mrs Coppedge is the formerMiss Bess Walters, of Americus. TR,Fri 22 Jun 1951

Coptsias, Jacob Hayes - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Coptsias of Plainsannounce the birth of a son, Jacob Hayes, born November 5. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs J C Carroll ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Rigas Coptsias of Plains. Great-grandparents are Elizabeth McKinley ofPitts and Leila Carroll of Savannah.Jake, as the infant is called, has a brother, Jeff, 3. TR, Fri 29 Nov 1996

Coptsias, James Gregory - Mr and Mrs Roger Coptsias announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 5 ½ ounce son Friday, November 8 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named James Gregory. TR, Mon 11Nov 1968

Coptsias, Mathew Jett - Mr and Mrs Kenneth R Coptsias ofPlains announce the birth of a son, Mathew Jett, born September 29 at Phoebe PutneyHospital, Albany. The infant weighed 8pounds, 10 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs J C Carroll of Americus and paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Rigas Coptsias of Plains.Great-grandparents are Leila Carroll of Savannah and Elizabeth McKinelyof Pitts. TR, Sat 30 Oct 1993

Coptsias, Not named - Mr and Mrs Rigas Coptsias, of 322Wildwood Circle, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce son, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 3 Aug 1964

Coptsias, Not named - Mr and Mrs Rigas Coptsias, of 639 FelderStreet, announce the birth of a son, born August 10, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Fri 10 Aug 1962

Corbin, Carl Franklin Jr - Mr and Mrs Carl Corbin, of 408Rogers Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son, Monday, April 23at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Carl FranklinJr. TR, Tue 24 Apr 1956

Corbin, Marilyn Edna - Mr and Mrs Carl Corbin announce thebirth of a daughter Tuesday, August 7, at city hospital, who has been namedMarilyn Edna. TR, Wed 8 Aug 1951

Corbin, Mindy Leigh - Mr and Mrs Carl Corbin Jr of Americusannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter, Mindy Leigh, born Monday,February at Sumter Regional Hospital.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Carl Corbin Sr of Americus and Mrand Mrs Grover Lowery of Albany. She hasa brother, Zac 2. TR, Wed 27 Feb 1985

Corbin, Zachary Adam- Is the name given the infant son of Mr and Mrs Carl Corbin Jr, who was bornSaturday, Maay 29 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Grover B Loweryof Albany and Mr and Mrs Carl F Corbin Sr of Americus. TR, Tue 1 Jun 1982

Cordele, Gerry Glenn - Mr and Mrs Gerald Cordele, of 1006Lincoln Avenue, Albany, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ½ ounce son,December 26, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedGerry Glenn. TR, Mon 28 Dec 1959

Cordell, Jennifer Lynn - Mr and Mrs N E Cordell, of Chattahoochee,Fla announce the birth of a 5 pound, 6 3/4 ounce daughter on Decembe 26 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Shehas been named Jennifer Lynn. TR, Tue27 Dec 1960

Cordell, Jocelyn Marie - Mr and Mrs William H Cordell are theparents of a 7 pound, 7 ounce daughter born Friday, May 29 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The little girlhas been named Jocelyn Marie.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs E P Bass Jr and Mr and Mrs H E Cordell, allof Americus. TR, Sat 30 May 1981

Cordell, Megan Amanda - Mr and Mrs William Cordell ofAmericus announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter, Megan Amanda, bornFriday, June 14. Megan is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs H E Cordell and Mr and Mrs E P Bass, all ofAmericus. She has a sister, Jocelyn,4. TR, Wed 19 Jun 1985

Cordell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Cecil Cordell announce thebirth of a son Friday, March 16, at their home 129 East Lamar Street. TR, Sat 17 Mar 1923

Cordell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Leslie Cordell, residing nearAmericus, announce the birth of a son January 24. TR, Fri 26 Jan 1923

Cordell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Leslie Cordell, who reside onthe Ellaville Road, announce the birth of a daughter on Friday afternoon, Apr30th. TR, Sat 8 May 1926

Cordell, Patricia Yvonne - Mr and Mrs R L Cordell announcethe birth of a six pound daughter, Sunday, April 6, at their home in the Shilohcommunity, who has been named Patricia Yvonne.Mrs Cordell was formerly Miss Mary Allman. TR Wed 9 Apr 1941

Cordell, Steven Eugene - Mr and Mrs Horace Cordell announcethe birth of a son, August 13, at Prather Clinic, who has been named StevenEugene. Mrs Cordell is the former MissHelen Oliver. TR, Wed 25 Aug 1948

Cordell, Sylvia Ann - Mr and Mrs R L Cordell announce thebirth of an 8 pound daughter, Sunday, September 26, at their home near Shiloh,who has been named Sylvia Ann. TR,Mon 27 Sep 1943

Cordell, William Horace - Mr and Mrs Horace E Cordellannounce the birth of a son Friday, January 18 at Prather Clinic, who has beennamed William Horace. Mrs Cordell is theformer Miss Helen Oliver. TR, Thu 24Jan 1952

Cornwell, John Woodie - Mr and Mrs J H Cornwell announce thebirth of a son, Friday, May 19, at Prather Clinic, who has been named JohnWoodie. TR, Mon 22 May 1944

Cornwell, Joseph Davis III - Lt and Mrs J D Cornwell, of CampJackson, SC, announce the birth of a son, Saturday, April 25, who has beennamed Joseph Davis III. Mrs Cornwellwill be remembered here as the former Miss Maxine Carswell. TR, Mon 27 Apr 1942

Cornwell, Joseph Hardy - Mr and Mrs Ralph Cornwell Jr announcethe birth of a son, Joseph Hardy, born Sunday, January 31 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds,10 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mrs Joseph Crump of Houston, Texas and the late Mr Crump andpaternal grandparents are the late Mr and Mrs Ralph Lee Cornwell Sr of SumterCity. TR, Wed 3 Feb 1993

Cornwell, Not named - Captain and Mrs J D Cornwell, ofConyers, GA, announce the birth of a son, October 27th at EmoryUniversity hospital, Atlanta. MrsCornwell was the former Miss Maxine Caswell, of this city. TR, Sat 30 Oct 1943

Cornwell, Not named - Dr and Mrs J D Cornwell, of Conyers,announce the birth of a son, Sunday, July 13, at Crawford Long Hospital,Atlanta, who weighed 8 pounds. MrsCornwell was the former Miss Maxine Caswell, of Americus. TR, Mon 14 Jul 1947

Cornwell, Not named - Mr and Mrs J H Cornwell, of Statesboro,announce the birth of a six pound, six ounce daughter, Friday, July 11, at thePrather clinic. Mrs Cornwell was beforeher marriage Miss Allie Mae Wise, of Sumter.TR, Fri 11 Jul 1941

Cornwell, Not named - Mr and Mrs W C Cornwell, of Route 2,Americus announce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Monday, September7, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Tue 8 Sep 1959

Cornwell, Not named - Mr and Mrs W C Cornwell, of Sumter City,announce the birth of a daughter Wednesday, August 22 at Prather Clinic. TR, Fri 24 Aug 1951

Cornwell, Not named - Mr and Mrs W C Cornwell announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Saturday, September 14 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon16 Sep 1957

Cornwell, Walter Lee - Mr and Mrs Ralph Cornwell Jr announcethe birth of a son, Walter Lee, born Friday, January 12 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,10 ounces. Maternal grandparents are MrsJoseph R Crump of Houston, TX and the late William D Drenson of Atlanta. Paternal grandparents are the late Mr and MrsRalph Cornwell Sr of Sumter City. WalterLee has a brother, Joseph Hardy, almost three.TR, Tue 16 Jan 1996

Corr, Not named - Mr and Mrs John T Corr, of Albany,announce the birth of an 8 ½ pound son, Sunday, January 9 at Phoebe PutneyHospital. Mrs Corr is the former MissMarguerite Webb, of Leslie. TR, Mon10 Jan 1949

Corvart, Not named - Bronwood: Mr and Mrs Arch Corvartannounce the birth of a son.. TR, Thu12 Feb 1920

Cosby, Aaron Fletcher - Mr and Mrs Julian Cosby Jr announcethe birth of a son born Wednesday, September 17 at the Medical Center inColumbus. He has been given the name ofAaron Fletacher. He is thegreat-grandson of Mrs Lois McGuire, Americus, Mrs Estelle Chitwood ofFitzgerald and Mr and Mrs C F Cosby of Smithville. TR, Thu 18 Sep 1975

Cosby, Betsy Lee - Mr and Mrs Julian F Cosby, ofSmithville, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 13 ½ ounce daughter Thursday,March 2 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who has beennamed Betsy Lee is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs C F Cosby of Smithville andT P Wise Jr of Plains and Mrs Lottie M Wise of Americus. TR, Fri 10 Mar 1967

Cosby, Elizabeth Joan - Mr and Mrs J E Cosby announce thebirth of a daughter, Elizabeth Joan, Friday, September 3, at the cityhospital. TR, Tue 7 Sep 1943

Cosby, Julian Fletcher Jr - Mr and Mrs Julian F Cosby, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son Sunday, May 20, atcity hospital, Americus. The baby hasbeen named Julian Fletcher Jr. Mrs Cosbyis the former Tulula Wise, of Plains. Hewas born on his mother’s birthday. TR,Tue 5 Jun 1951

Cosby, Leila Ann - Mr and Mrs Steve Cosby announce thebirth of a daughter Wednesday, July 23 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been given thename of Leila Ann. She has an olderbrother, Stephen. Leila Ann’sgrandparents are Mr and Mrs W F Forehand of Americus and Mr and Mrs O B Cosbyof Jacksonville. Her great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs D J Ray of Milton, Fla, Mrs L B McCarley of New Orleans and E OBauer of Baton Rouge, La. TR, Mon 28Jul 1975

Cosby, Megan Kiley - Mr and Mrs Aaron Fletcher Cosby ofSmithville announce the birth of a daughter, Megan Kiley, on January 23 atSumter Regional Hospital. Mrs Cosby isthe former Jennie Goodin of Cobb. Thebaby, who weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce, is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs RichardGoodin of Cobb and Mr and Julian Cosby of Smithville. She is thegreat-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Orville Ellis, Bessie Goodin and Ruth Brazil,all of Amreicus, and Tutula Cosby of Smithville. Estelle Chitwood of Fitzgerald is hergreat-great-grandmother. TR, Fri 30Jan 1998

Cosby, Not named - Mr and Mrs Cecil Cosby, of Dawson,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, October 10, at PratherClinic. TR, Fri 12 Oct 1945

Cosby, Not named - Mr and Mrs J E Cosby, of Dawson,announce the birth of a 6-pound, 11-ounce son Tuesday, October 20, at Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Wed21 Oct 1953

Cosby, Not named - Mr and Mrs J F Cosby, of Smithville,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce daughter, born Monday, April 29, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Tue 30 Apr 1957

Cosby, Stephen Bert Jr - Mr and Mrs Stephen Cosby announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 13 ounce son born Friday, October 15 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital who has been named Stephen Bert Jr. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs W FForehand, Americus and Mr and Mrs O B Cosby, of Ashville, NC. His maternal great-grandparents are Mr andMrs D G Ray of Milton, Fla and Mrs L B McCarley of New Orleans and E D Bauer Jrof Baton Rouge, La. Hisgreat-great-grandmothers are Mrs E O Bauer of Baton Rouge and Mrs LeonBourgeois of Morgan City, La. TR, Mon18 Oct 1971

Cosby, Wendy Diane - Mr and Mrs Julian Cosby Jr, ofSmithville announce the birth of a daughter, Wendy Diane who was born Sunday,May 1 at the Medical Center, Columbus, Ga.The infant weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces at the time of birth. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs EstrellBrazil of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Floyd Stangel andthe late Julian Cosby Sr of Smithville. TR,Tue 3 May 1977

Costello, James Tyrone - Mr and Mrs Robert B Costello announcethe birth of a son, James Tyrone, at Ponca City hospital in Ponca City,Oklahoma. Mrs Costello is the formerMiss Ruth Hoston, of Americus. MrCostello is employed as chief field engineer for the Kellogg ConstructionCompany and at present is constructing a Catalytic cracking unit PoncaCity. TR, Mon 16 Jul 1951

Costello, Karen Helen - Lt and Mrs Robert B Costello, ofRahway, New Jersey, announce the birth of a daughter, Karen Helen. Mrs Costello is the former Ruthanne Houston,of Americus. TR, Mon 5 May 1947

Cothron, Not named - Mr and Mrs A C Cothron, of Montezuma,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce son, Monday, September 13 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 17 Sep 1958

Cotton, Rachel Marie - Mr and Mrs Galen Marion Cotton, ofGuyton announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ounce daughter born Tuesday,September 20 at St Joseph’s Hospital in Savannah. The baby has been named Rachel Marie. Rachel is a family name on her mother’s sideand Marie is after the infant’s great-greataunt, Mrs Raymond Humphries of thiscity. Rachel has an older brother,Travis, age 8. Grandparents are Mrs J BDorsey Jr and the late Mr Dorsey and Mrs Hazel Cotton and the late Carl Cottonof Conyers. Mrs S B Dorsey Sr ofAmericus is the baby’s great-grandmother.TR, Wed 21 Sep 1977

Cotton, Rebecca Hunter - Mr and Mrs Galen M Cotton ofStatesboro, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ½ ounce daughter born Thursday,December 18. The baby has been given thename of Rebecca Hunter. Her mother isthe former Charlotte Dorsey of Americus.Grandparents are Mrs J B Dorsey Jr and the late Mr Dorsey of Americusand Mrs Hazel Cotton and the late Carl Cotton of Atlanta. Mrs J B Dorsey Sr of Americus is the baby’sgreat-grandmother. TR, Sat 27 Dec1980

Cottrell, Patricia Ann - Mr and Mrs W T Cottrell, ofPortsmouth, Va, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, PatriciaAnn, born Saturday August 14. MrsCottrell was formerly Miss Hazel Oliver, of this city. TR, Fri 20 Aug 1937

Couey, Stacey Jean - Mr and Mrs Melvin Thomas Couey, ofMilledgeville announce the birth of a daughter born Saturday, September 24 atthe Baldwin County Hospital. The baby,who has been named Stacey Jean weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces. Her mother was before marriage Peggy Mathews,a former resident of Americus.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Vernon Couey of Dublin and Mr and Mrs John RMathews of Moultrie. TR, Wed 19 Oct1977

Coulter, David Anderson - Mr and Mrs Phil Coulter, ofDoraville, announce the birth of a son born Tuesday, September 3. The baby, who has been given the name ofDavid Anderson, weighed 7 pounds, 9 ½ ounces.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Cecil Worthy of Americus and Mrs LowellCoulter of Chamblee and the late Mr Coulter.Mrs Coulter is the former Sylvia Worthy.TR, Sat 7 Sep 1974

Coulter, Patrick Lanier - Capt and Mrs Victor Lanier Coulter,of Ft Benning, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 9 ounce son born Saturday,April 22 at St Francis Hospital in Columbus.The baby, who has been named Patrick Lanier, is the grandson of Mr andMrs Jo Pope of Americus and Omaha and Mr and Mrs Horace Coulter ofColumbus. The baby’s mother is theformer Fran Pope of this city. TR,Mon 24 Apr 1972

Council, George Tower Jr - Mr and Mrs George T Councilannounce the birth of a son, Monday evening, October 22, at the PratherClinic. The baby has been named GeorgeTower Jr. Both mother and son aregetting along fine. TR, Tue 23 Oct1934

Council, Mary Ida - Is the name given the daughter of Mr andMrs George Council, born November 8, at their home on Glessner Street. TR, Wed 16 Dec 1936

Council, Not named - Mr and Mrs George Council announce thebirth of a 7 ½ pound son, Thursday morning, August 17, at their home onGlessner Street. Both mother and babyare doing nicely. TR, Fri 18 Aug 1939

Council, Virginia - Mr and Mrs E B Council Jr, of Macon,formerly of Americus announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, December 29, atthe city hospital, who is to be called Virginia. Mrs Council was before her marriage MissThelma Hogg. TR, Mon 30 Dec 1940

Councilman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ralph Councilman, ofHagerstown, Md, announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, May 28. Before marriage Mrs Councilman was MissMargaret Wimbish, of Americus. TR,Thu 1 Jun 1939

Counselman, William Jennings - Mr and Mrs Jerry W Counselman ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, William Jennings, born May 12 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 15 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs John William Landrum III of Millen and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Ander Counselman of Coffeeville, Ala. The baby has a brother, Landrum, 22months. TR, Tue 31 May 1994

Countryman, Edward Aldean III - Mr and Mrs E A Countryman Jr ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Edward Aldean III, born May 26 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant, who willbe called Dean, weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs E ACountryman Sr of Americus and maternal grandparents are Mrs Mary Hogg Harbuckof Mauk and the late Mr A W Hogg Jr of Americus. TR, Thu 2 Jun 1988

Countryman, Edward Aldean Jr - Mr and Mrs E A Countrymanannounce the birth today of a son at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby weighed 9 pounds and6 ounces and has been named Edward Aldean Jr.TR, Fri 12 Aug 1955

Countryman, Eric Allen - Aldean and Vickie Countryman of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Eric Allen, born Friday, January 15 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mrs Frank Countryman and the late Mr E A Countryman Sr, both of Americusand Mr and Mrs Moley Leon Harbuck of Mauk, Ga and the late Mr A W Hogg Jr. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs A W Hogg Srof Americus. Eric has a brother, EdwardAldean III, four. TR, Wed 20 Jan 1993

Countryman, Evan Aaron - Aldean and Vickie Countryman ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Evan Aaron, born May 7 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 3ounces at birth. Paternal grandparentsare Mary Frank Countryman and the late E A Countryman of Americus. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs MoleyHarbuck of Mauk and the late A W Hogg Jr.Great-grandfather is A W Hogg Sr of Americus. The baby has two brothers, Edward, 5 andEric, 1. TR, Thu 12 May 1994

Countryman, Jessie Marie - Mr and Mrs E A Countryman announcethe birth of a daughter, Sunday, May 19, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedJessie Marie. Mrs Countryman was beforemarriage Miss Mary Frank Woolsey. TR,Fri 24 May 1946

Countryman, Mary Dean - Mr and Mrs E A Countryman announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, April 23, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedMary Dean. Mrs Countryman was beforemarriage Miss Mary Frank Woolsey. TR,Mon 24 Apr 1944

Countryman, Not named - Mr and Mrs C A Countryman announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, August 18, at Prather Clinic. TR, Fri Aug 20 1943

Countryman, Not named - Mr and Mrs C A Countryman announce thebirth of a son, Wednesday, October 2, at City Hospital. TR, Thu 3 Oct 1946

Countryman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Countryman, of Route2, Americus announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ½ ounce daughter on March 13 atthe Americus and Sumter Country Hospital.TR, Tue 14 Mar 1961

Countryman, Not named - Mr and Mrs E A Countryman announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, October 25, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 27 Oct 1949

Countryman, Twin Girls - Mr and Mrs H B Countryman, of nearAmericus, announce the birth on January 15 of twin girls, who have been namedLillian and Lucile. TR, Fri 20 Jan1922

Courie, Albert George Jr - Lt and Mrs A G Courie, of FtKnox, Ky, announce the birth of a son, Sunday, April 12, at Americus Cityhospital, who has been named Albert George Jr.Mrs Courie was before her marriage Miss Marguerite Nassar. TR, Mon 13 Apr 1942

Courie, Marguerite Grace - Lt and Mrs A G Courie announcethe birth of a daughter, Wednesday, February 21, at city hospital, who has beengiven then name Marguerite Grace. MrsCourie was formerly Miss Marguerite Nassar.TR, Thu 22 Feb 1945

Courtney, Jean Charles - Mr and Mrs Cecil Courtney announcethe birth of a son July 27, who has been given the name of Jean Charles. TR, Thu 28 Jul 1921

Courtney, Patty Marie - Mr and Mrs James F Courtney, of 602Harrold Avenue, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce daughter, November 29,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named PattyMarie. TR, Thu 5 Dec 1963

Covington, Not named - Mr and Mrs James H Covington, of Route1, Buena Vista, are the parents of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son, born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onFebruary 10. TR Wed 10 Feb 1965

Cowan, Melinda Dale - Mr and Mrs Roy E Cowan announce thebirth of a daughter, Melinda Dale, born Friday, April 29 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. Her mother isthe former Sharon D Lee. Grandparents ofthe infant are Mr and Mrs Duke Cowan and Mr and Mrs William A Lee, all ofAmericus. Great-grandparents areLawrence Cowan of Indianapolis, Mrs Bessie M Stephens of Linden, Tenn; Mr andMrs William A Lee Sr of Americus and Mrs Mae Gazaway of Columbus. TR, Wed 9 May 1973

Cowart, Charles Patrick - Mr and Mrs Charles Cowart Jr ofLeary announce the birth of a son, Charles Patrick, born April 19. The baby weighed 5 pounds, 13 ounces. Little Charles has one brother, JacobLee. Mrs Cowart is the former Susan Duffof Americus. Grandparents are Mr and MrsJack Deriso, Mr and Mrs Charles Cowart Sr of Leary and Maurice Duff of Atlanta. Mrs Elizabeth Duff is the baby’sgreat-grandmother. TR, Fri 24 Apr1981

Cowart, Gina Kay - Mr and Mrs Thomas S Cowart, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce daughter at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on April 24. The babyhas been given the name of Gina Kay. TR,Mon 27 Apr 1964

Cowart, Jacob Lee - Mr and Mrs Charles W Cowart Jr, ofEdison announce the birth of a son born at Phoebe Putney Hospital in Albany onFriday, February 15. The baby has beengiven the name of Jacob Lee and is to be called Jake. Mrs Cowart is the formerSusan Duff of Americus. The infant isthe granddaughter of Mrs Rena Floyd, Americus and Maurice Duff of Pensacola,Fla and Mrs and Mrs Charles W Cowart Sr of Leary. TR, Mon 18 Apr 1977

Cowart, Michael Thomas - Mr and Mrs Thomas Cowart, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce son, born April 17 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Michael Thomas. TR,Mon 19 Apr 1965

Cowart, Not named - Mr and Mrs A T Cowart, of Bronwood,announce the birth of a son, Thursday, October 11, at city hospital. TR, Fri 19 Oct 1945

Cowart, Not named - Mr and Mrs H T Cowart, of Bronwood,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, November 2, at City Hospital. TR, Thu 3 Nov 1949

Cowart, Thomas Jackson - Mr and Mrs A T Cowart Jr announcethe birth of a son, Thomas Jackson, Saturday, June 13, at city hospital. TR, Wed 17 Jun 1942

Cowart, Tillman D Jr - Mr and Mrs Tillman D Cowart ofAtlanta announce the birth of a son at Piedmont Hospital there on February2. He has been named Tillman D CowartJr. Mrs Cowart is the former JeanetteMcCorkle, daughter of Mr and Mrs Roy McCorkle of Ellaville. TCN, Thu 17 Feb 1949

Cox, Allen Paul - Mr and Mrs Allen Cox of Americus arethe parents of an 8 pound, 3 ounce son born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Monday, May 19. The baby hasbeen named Allen Paul. The infant is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Paul Stephens of this city and McLellan Cox and the lateNorma Jean Cox of Melbourne, Fla. Thegreat-grandparents are Mr and Mrs D E Dowdy and the late Annie Dowdy ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs William Cox of Melbourne, Fla. TR, Fri 23 May 1980

Cox, Amanda Nicole - Mr and Mrs Allen Cox of Americusannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 11 ounce daughter born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on Friday, Septemer 9.The baby has been named Amanda Nicole.She has a brother, Paul.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Paul Stephens of this city and McClellonCox, also of Americus and the late Norma Jean Cox. Her great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs D EDowdy and the late Annie Dowdy of Americus and Mr and Mrs William Cox ofMelbourne, Fla. TR, Fri 16 Sep 1983

Cox, Bridgett Marie - Mr and Mrs Anthony B Cox ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Bridgett Marie, on October 22 atSumter Regional Hospital. Mrs Cox is theformer Angie Scott. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Brent Scott and Mr and Mrs Jimmy Cox, all of Americus. She is the great-granddaughter of Mr and MrsWayne Carden and Bobby Scott, all of Americus.Mildred Farr, also of Americus is her great-great-grandmother. TR, Fri 31 Oct 1997

Cox, Brittany Leah - Tim and Amy Cox of Americus announcethe birth of a daughter, Brittany Leah, born January 6 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 9 pounds, 1ounce. Paternal grandparents are Davidand Joyce Cannon of Adairsville.Maternal grandparents are Tom and Marilyn Burns of Girffin. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs FarnumSmith of Hollywood, Fla and Ann Burns of Griffin. TR, Tue 6 Feb 1996

Cox, Carey Buchanan - Mr and Mrs Jack Cox on FriendshipRoad, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son at 5:12 a m on Sunday, Sep14 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.He has been named Carey Buchanan.Mrs Cox is the former Earline Buchanan of Sumter County. Maternal grandparents are Mrs Ruby LambBuchanan and the late J M Buchanan and the paternal grandparents are the lateMr and Mrs Thomas Matthew Cox, all of Sumter County. TR, Tue 16 Sep 1975

Cox, Cheryl Ann - Mr and Mrs J F Cox announce the birthof a daughter, Cheryl Ann, who was born Friday morning, July 18, at cityhospital. The baby weighed 7 lbs, 2 ½ounces. TR, Sat 19 Jul 1947

Cox, Christine Lynn - Is the name of the daughter of Mrand Mrs Jim Cox, who was born Tuesday, November 13 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby weighed 8pounds, 1 ounce. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Ed Studstill and Mr and Mrs J F Cox, all of Americus. TR, Wed 21 Nov 1979

Cox, Christopher Gary - Jimmy and Sheila Cox ofAndersonville announce the birth of a 6 pound,8 ounce son Christopher Gary, born Tuesday, December 10 at SumterRegional Hospital. He is the grandson ofMr and Mrs W H Cavender of Americus, Mr and Mrs Paul Cox Sr of Montezuma and Mrand Mrs Joseph Hafer of Tampa, Fla.Christopher has a sister, Melinda 10 and a brother Michael 4. TR, Fri 20 Dec 1985

Cox, Corrine Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Stewart Cox ofWoodstock announce the birth of a daughter born today, Wednesday, February 29at West Paces Ferry Hospital in Atlanta.The infant, who weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces has been given the nameCorrine Elizabeth. She is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs Milton Fletcher and Mr and Mrs Dick Cox, all of Dunwoody. TR, Wed 29 Feb 1984

Cox, Elizabeth Blair - Lt and Mrs William W Cox announcethe birth of a daughter, Elizabeth Blair, Sunday, February 20 at GarrisonGeneral Hospital, in Gastonia, N C. TR,Mon 28 Feb 1944

Cox, Kerri Lynn - Gene and Nancy Cox of Americus announcethe birth of a daughter, Kerri Lynn, born November 24 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 9 pounds, 6ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Walter and Mary Toms of Americus and paternal grandparents are Jesse andLynette Cox of Arabi. Great-grandmohteris Violet Griffis of Chiefland, Fla.Kerri has a sister, Kristen, four and a half. TR, Wed 2 Dec 1992

Cox, Leah Kendall - Mr and Mrs Larry Cox of Cordeleannounce the birth of a daughter, Leah Kendall, on March 27 at the Crisp CountyHospital. Mrs Cox is the former BeckyReed of Americus. Paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs L G Cox of Charleston, SC and maternal grandparents are Mr and MrsWalter M Reed of Americus. Leah waswelcomed home by a brother, Ryan Allen. TR,Mon 5 Apr 1982

Cox, Melinda Shawn - Daughter of Mr and Mrs Jimmy L Cox,of Tampa, Fla was born Monday, April 21 at the Tampa General Hospital. Her weight was 6 ½ pounds. Mrs Cox is the former Shelia Cavender ofAmericus. The baby is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs W H Cavender of this city, Paul Cox of Oglethorpe and Mrs BerniceHafer of Tampa, Fla. Hergreat-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Jeff Hutto and Robert A Cox of Gibsonton,Fla. TR, Fri 2 May 1975

Cox, Michael Dunsford - Mr and Mrs Jimmy L Cox ofAndersonville announce the birth of a 6 pound, 3 ounce son born at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital on Wednesday, January 28. The infant has been named Michael Dunsford. He has a sister, Melinda Shawn Cox. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs W H Cavender andMr and Mrs Joe Water of Tampa, Fla. Heis the great-grandson of John H Hutto of Madison, Fla. TR, Wed 4 Feb 1981

Cox, Norris David Jr - Mr and Mrs Norris D Cox announcethe birth of an 8-pound son Wednesday, May 20, at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Norris Davis Jr.TR, Thu 21 May 1953

Cox, Not named - Mr and Mrs Billy B Cox, of Route 1Americus, are the parents of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son, born November 15 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 16 Nov 1964

Cox, Not named - Mr and Mrs Clifford L Cox, ofAndersonville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce son, January 4, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 6 Jan 1964

Cox, Not named - Mr and Mrs Dock Cox announce the birthof a 7 pound, 4 ounce daughter, September 14 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Thu 15 Sep 1960

Cox, Not named - Mr and Mrs George H Cox, of Oglethorpe,are the parents of a 7 pound, 13 ounce son, born March 18, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 19Mar 1962

Cox, Not named - Mr and Mrs Glenn Cox, of Andersonville,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter July 19, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Fri19 Jul 1963

Cox, Not named - Mr and Mrs Glenn I Cox, ofAndersonville, are the parents of a daughter, born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on September 12. Thebaby weighed 7 pounds, 12 ½ ounces. TR,Mon 14 Sep 1964

Cox, Not named - Mr and Mrs Hoyt O Cox, of College Park,announce the birth of a son on Tuesday, February 17, at Crawford W LongHospital. Mrs Cox is the former MissDicie Chambers, of Carrolltown, who for several years was a member of the UnionHigh School faculity at Leslie. TR,Sat 21 Feb 1948

Cox, Not named - Mr and Mrs James H Cox Jr, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, July 18, at city hospital. TR, Thu 20 Jul 1950

Cox, Not named - Mr and Mrs Larry E Cox, of Route 1,Andersonville, are the parents of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter, born September22 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Tue 22 Sep 1964

Cox, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lowery E Cox, of Route 4,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ½ ounce son, January 14, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Fri15 Jan 1960

Cox, Not named - Mr and Mrs W G Cox, of Andersonville,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 14 ½ ounce son, born March 15 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon16 Mar 1964

Cox, Sheila Diane - Mr and Mrs Larry E Cox, of Route 4,announce the birth of a 7 pound daughter, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Sheila Diane.TR, Thu 4 May 1961

Cox, Sherrie Diane - Mr and Mrs Donald Cox announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 1 ½ ounce daughter born Sunday, November 26 at the ValdostaHospital. The baby has been namedSherrie Diane. Mrs Cox is the formerCherrie Averett. Grandparents of thebaby are Mr and Mrs W L Cox of Buena Vista and Mr and Mrs Douglas Averett ofAmericus. She is the great-granddaughterof Mrs L W Jackson and the late Mr Jackson of Lakeland and J B West and thelate Mrs West of Dawson. TR, Tue 28Nov 1972

Cox, Stephen Emmett - Mr and Mrs Emmett D Cox, ofElberton, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 4 ounce son Saturday, September 19,who has been named Stephen Emmett. MrsCox is the former Miss Vivian Oates, and the baby is the grandson of Mr and MrsC E Oates, of Americus. TR, Fri 25Sep 1953

Cox, Teressa Dale - Mr and Mrs Dock M Cox announce thebirth of a 5 pound, 4 ounce daughter Monday, August 9, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Teressa Dale. TR, Tue 17Aug 1954

Cox, Twin Sons - Mr and Mrs Emmett D Cox, of Elberton,announce the birth of twin boys Carey and Garey, who were born Thursday, August19. The babies weighed 4 pounds, 4ounces and 4 pounds, 1 ounce. Mrs Cox isthe former Miss Vivian Oates, of Americus.TR, Sat 28 Aug 1954

Cox, Valynda Joy - Mr and Mrs A L Cox, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, February 28, at city hospital, whohas been named Valynda Joy. TR, Thu 1Mar 1945

Cox, Walter Daniel - Mr and Mrs Glen I Cox announce thebirth of a son born Thursday, July 20 at the Medical Center in Columbus. The baby, who has been given the name ofWalter Daniel weighed 4 pounds, 4 ounces.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Walter Ed Cooper of Preston and Mrs Eula SCox of Americus and the late James B Cox.The baby has 3 step-sisters and 2 step-brothers. TR, Thu 27 Jul 1978

Cox, Wilbur Ray Jr - Mr and Mrs Wilbur Cox announce thebirth of a son, Friday, June 11 at the Phoebe Putney Hospital in Albany. The baby weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces at birthand has been named Wilbur Ray Jr. MrsCox is the former Miss Martha Faust, of this city. TR, Wed 16 Jun 1948

Crabb, Betty Carolyn - Mr and Mrs Talmadge Crabb announcethe birth of a daughter, April 21, at their home on Jackson Avenue, who will becalled Betty Carolyn. TR, Thu 24 Apr1924

Crabb, Brent Woodruff - Mr and Mrs Robert T Crabb III, ofColumbus, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 5 ounce son, born Thursday, January14 at the Medical Center. The baby hasbeen named Brent Woodruff. The baby isthe grandson of Mrs R T Crabb Jr and the late Mr Crabb of Americus and James WWoodruff of Columbus and Mrs Jean Woodruff of Ft Lauderdale, Fla. Mr and Mrs R T Crabb Sr of this city are thebaby’s paternal great-grandparents. TR,Wed 20 Jan 1971

Crabb, Gladys Wright - Mr and Mrs Robert T Crabb Jrannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ½ ounce daughter, Tuesday, April 3, at cityhospital. The baby has been named GladysWright for her mother and maternal grandmother.TR, Tue 2 Apr 1951

Crabb, Robert Talmadge III - Lt (jg) Robert T Crabb Jrannounce the birth of a son, Sunday, October 7, at Patauxant River Naval BaseHospital, who has been named Robert Talmadge III. Mrs Crabb was before marriage Miss GladysCrowson, of Charlotte Hall, Md. TR,Mon 8 Oct 1945

Crabb, Robert Talmadge IV - Mr and Mrs Robert T Crabb IIIannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ½ ounce son July 29 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been named Robert Talmadge IV is the grandson of Mr and Mrs R T Crabb Jr ofColumbus and Mrs Jeanne Woodruff of Ft Lauderdale, Fla. TR, Wed 9 Aug 1967

Crabb, Robert Talmadge Jr - Mr and Mrs Talmadge Crabbannounce the birth a son Monday, July 12, who will be called Robert TalmadgeJr. TR, Wed 14 Jul 1920

Crabbe, Angelia - Mr and Mrs Ron Crabbe Jr, of Americus,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ½ ounce daughter born March 7 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Angelia. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Ellis Bryars, of Atmore, Ala, Mr and Mrs RobertHadley of Atmore, Ala, and Mr Ronald L Crabbe Sr, of San Miguel de Allende,Mexico. Angelia is also thegreat-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs D P Watts of Leslie, Ga, Aline Courtney ofHouston, Texas and Mr Lee Castle of Bayton, Texas. TR, Wed 10 Mar 1971

Craig, Amy Suzanne - Mr and Mrs Douglas Craig are theparents of a daughter born Saturday, August 30 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who has beennamed Amy Suzanne, has two sisters, Anita and Libby. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs E GCraig of Albertville, Ala and Mr and Mrs H A Ballard of Opalika, Ala. TR, Wed 3 Sep 1975

Craig, Carol Sue - Mr and Mrs J W Craig, of Tazewell,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter, Friday, November 23, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Carol Sue. TR,Mon 26 Nov 1956

Craig, Charles Edgar - Mr and Mrs K W Craig, of Leslie,announce the birth of a son at the City hospital, Monday, May 16, who has beengiven the name Charles Edgar. Mrs Craigwas formerly Miss Carolyn Harvey. TR,Thu 19 May 1932

Crandall, Colvin Henry Jr - Mr and Mrs Colvin Crandallannounce the birth of a nine and a quarter pound son, Wednesday monring, August29, at their home on South Lee Street.The infant has been named Colvin Henry Jr and both the mother and babyare doing nicely. TR, Wed 29 Aug 1934

Crandall, Donna Carol - Mr and Mrs N G Crandall, of Clarence,N Y, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Saturday, October 5,at the Wyoming County Hospital, in Warsaw, N Y.The baby has been named Donna Carol.Mrs Crandall is the former Miss Joyce Hamilton of Americus and the babyis the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs E Y Hamilton, of this city. TR, Wed 9 Oct 1957

Crandall, Homer Lewis Jr - Dr and Mrs Homer Lewis Crandall, ofBirmingham, announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, January 17, at the CarrawayMethodist hospital in Birmingham, who has been named Homer Lewis Jr. Mrs Crandall was before her marriage MissJune Covair, of Augusta. Mr Crandall isa former Americus resident. TR, Tue17 Jan 1950

Crandall, Laura Covar - Dr and Mrs Homer Lewis Crandall, ofBirmingham, announce the birth of a daughter Sunday, March 30, who has beennamed Laura Covar. Mrs Crandall wasbefore marriage Miss June Covar. DrCrandall is a former Americus resident and the baby is the granddaughter of Mrand Mrs H L Crandall, of this city. TR,Fri 4 Apr 1952

Crandall, Melanie Jean - Dr and Mrs Homer Lewis Crandall, ofAugusta, Ga, announce the birth of a daughter on Wednesday, July 28th.. She has been named Melanie Jean, and at birthweighed 7 ½ pounds. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs H L Crandall, of Americus. TR, Fri 30 Jul 1954

Crandall, Not named - Mr and Mrs Neil G Crandall, of 1208Highland Avenue, Albany, are the parents of an 8 pound, 5 ounce daughter, bornSeptember 25 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. Mrs Crandall is the former Miss JoyceHamilton of Americus. TR, Fri 25 Sep1964

Crandall, William Hendrix - Dr and Mrs Homer Lewis Crandall,of Birmingham, Alabana, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce son, who hasbeen named William Hendrix. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs H L Crandall, Sun Valley Drive. TR, Mon 27 Feb 1961

Crandell, David Colvin- Mr and Mrs C H Crandell Jr announce the birth of a 5 pound, 12 ounce son onNovember 11 at the Spalding County Hospital in Griffin, Ga, who has been namedDavid Colvin. Mrs Crandell is the formerClaudette Haisten of Griffin. TR, Wed16 Nov 1960

Crandell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Neil G Crandell, of Albany,are the parents of an 8 pound, one ounce son, born March 20 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Wed 20Mar 1963

Crane, Chad Franklin - Mr and Mrs John C Crane announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 6 3/4 ounce boy born Friday, September 13 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The infanthas been named Chad Franklin. Hisgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Paul Robinette of Jasper, Ga and Mr and Mrs CliftonCrane of San Antonio, Texas. Hisgreat-grandparents are Mr and Mrs F A Robinette of Jasper, Ga and Mrs LenaWhite of Dallas, Texas. TR, Mon 16Sep 1974

Crane, Scott Clifton - Mr and Mrs John C Crane announce thebirth of a 6 pound 11 ½ ounce son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onSaturday, October 3 who has been given the name of Scott Clifton. The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs PaulRobinette of Jasper, Georgia and Mr and Mrs Clifton Crane of San Antonio, Texas. TR, Tue 6 Oct 1970

Crapps, Julie Eva - Mr and Mrs Grover Crapps announce thebirth of a daughter, Saturday, February 27, at city hospital, who has beennamed Julie Eva. TR, Thu 4 Mar 1943

Cravey, Ben Drew III - Mr and Mrs Ben Drew Cravey Jr of Americusannounce the birth of a son , who has been named Ben Drew III. The infant, who was born Tuesday, April 19 atPhoebe Putney Hospital in Albany weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces. The infant’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs BenCravey and Mr and Mrs Ray Janelle, all of Albany. Mrs Lola Barron, Rhine, is hisgreat-grandmother. TR, Wed 27 Apr1983

Cravey, Linda Diane - Mr and Mrs Stacey Cravey, of 601Jackson Avenue, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 3 ounce daughter, Monday, June11, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named LindaDiane. TR, Wed 13 Jun 1956

Cravey, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ben Drew Cravey, of Americus,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, October 29, at Phoebe Putney hospitalin Albany. Mrs Cravey is the former MissMyrtice Barron, of Rhine. Mr Cravey is atrooper with the State Highway Patrol. TR,Tue 4 Nov 1952

Crawford, Ben Hodge - Mr and Mrs Mark Crawford of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Ben Hodge, born Tuesday, March 19 at SumterRegional Hospital. Mrs Crawford is theformer Miss Terri White. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs John Crawford of Plains and maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Benny White of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mrs Esco White of Americus and J D Hodge ofPlains. TR, Tue 2 Apr 1991

Crawford, Catherine Kaylor - Mr and Mrs Steve Crawford, ofBirmingham announce the birth of a daughter Friday, June 17 at St VincentHospital of Birmingham. The baby weighed7 pounds, 14 ounces. She has been giventhe name of Catherine Kaylor.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Bobby Miller of Leslie and Mr and Mrs FrankCrawford of Lake City, Fla. She is thegreat-granddaughter of Mrs Frank Kaylor of Leslie and Mrs L J Miller ofSmithville. TR, Mon 20 Jun 1977

Crawford, Celia Parker - Mr and Mrs Harry N Crawford Jr, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, February 13, who has beennamed Celia Parker. Mrs Crawford is theformer Miss Lucile Logan, of Atlanta, and Mr Crawford is a former Americusresident. TR, Sat 17 Feb 1951

Crawford, Christopher Steven - Mr and Mrs Steve Crawford ofBirmingham, Ala are the parents of a 6 pound, 6 ounce son who has been namedChristopher Steven. The baby was bornMonday, July 21 at St Vincent Hospital in Birmingham. His mother is the former Kay Miller of Leslieand he has a sister, Cathy. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Robert E Miller, Leslie and Mr and Mrs Frank Crawford of LakeCity, Florida. Mrs Frank Kaylor and MrsL J Miller of Leslie are the baby’s great-grandmothers. TR, Thu 24 Jul 1980

Crawford, Clayton Wilson - Mr and Mrs Donnie Crawford announcethe birth of a son, Clayton Wilson, who was born Sunday, November 30 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 10 pounds, 1 ounce. He hasone sister, Jennie. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Newill Wilson of Preston and Mrs A C McDonald of Albanyand the late J M Crawford. TR, Thu 4Dec 1975

Crawford, Daniel Craig Jr - Mr and Mrs Dan Crawford announcethe birth of a son, Thursday, October 9, at city hospital. The baby has been named Daniel Craig Jr. TR, Thu 9 Oct 1941

Crawford, Jacquelyn Logan - Mr and Mrs Harry M Crawford, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a daughter, Jacquelyn Logan, Sunday, July 29 atCrawford W Long Hospital. Mrs Crawfordis the former Lucile Logan of Atlanta.Mr Crawford is a former resident of Americus, and the baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Harry N Crawford of this city. TR, Fri 2 Aug 1940

Crawford, James Hampton Jr - Mr and Mrs J H Crawford announcethe birth of an eight pound son, Tuesday, September 5 at Children’s hospital inChattanooga, who has been named James Hampton Jr. Mrs Crawford was formerly Miss KathrynChalkley of Americus. TR, Sat 9 Sep1939

Crawford, Jennie Gay - Mr and Mrs Donnie Crawford announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 6 ½ ounce daughter Sunday, August 23 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been named Jennie Gay is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Newell Wilson ofPreston and Mrs Martha B Crawford of Americus.TR, Wed 26 Aug 1970

Crawford, Judith Leslie - Mr and Mrs N H Crawford Jr announcethe birth of a daughter, Judith Leslie, on Friday at Crawford W Long Memorialhospital. The baby’s maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs C V Logan, of Atlanta and the paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs R N Crawford Sr, of Americus, Ga. TR,Fri 18 Aug 1944.

Crawford, Kyle William - Mr and Mrs Bruce Crawford, ofHartford, Connecticut, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce son Friday,May 23 who has been given the name of Kyle William. Mrs Crawford is the former Mary Jo Gladden ofAmericus. The baby is the grandson of Mrand Mrs John Gladden of this city and Mr and Mrs R B Crawford of LaGrange. TR, Sat 24 May 1969

Crawford, Leah Michelle - Mr and Mrs Robert Michael Crawfordof Dahlonega, Ga announce the birth of a daughter, Leah Michelle, born December7 at St Joseph Hospital, Dahlonega. Theinfant weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs John Crawford of Plains andmaternal grandparents are Billy Williams of Dawsonville and Mrs Bud Wimpy ofDahlonega. TR, Thu 3 Jan 1991

Crawford, Marcia Jean - Mr and Mrs Paul Crawford, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a daughter Saturday, March 1, at Emory UniversityHospital, who has been named Marcia Jean.Mrs Crawford is the former Miss Jean Bullard of Thomson, Ga, and MrCrawford is a former Americus resident.The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs H N Crawford, of this city. TR, Fri 7 Mar 1952

Crawford, Mary Lou - Mr and Mrs John Crawford, of Columbus,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, January 29, who has been named MaryLou. Mrs Crawford is the former MissLouie Thomason, of Columbus, and Mr Crawford is a former Americusresident. The baby is the granddaughterof Mrs H N Crawford, of this city. TR,Tue 6 Feb 1951

Crawford, Not named - Mr and Mrs Bruce Crawford, of Decatur, announcethe birth of a daughter at the Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta Thursday, November19. The baby weighed 8 pounds, 7ounces. Mrs Crawford is the former MaryJo Gladden of this city. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Ralph Crawford of LaGrange and Mr and Mrs JohnGladden of Americus. TR, Mon 23 Nov1970

Crawford, Not named - Mr and Mrs H W Crawford, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter at Americus and Sumter County Hospital Monday,July 20, who weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces.TR, Tue 21 Jul 1953

Crawford, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Crawford, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 2 ½ ounce daughter, April 16, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 17 Apr 1964

Crawford, Not named - Mr and Mrs Tim Crawford, of Sanford,Florida, announce the birth of a six pound, 3 ounce daughter, Saturday,November 5, at the Sanford hospital. MrsCrawford was before her marriage Miss Sybil Horne, of Americus. TR, Mon 7 Nov 1949

Crawford, Not named - Mr and Mrs Tim Crawford, of Macon,formerly of Americus announce the birth of a 7 ½ pound daughter, Wednesday,June 2. Mrs Crawford was before marriageMiss Sybil Horne, of this city. TR,Thu 27 Jun 1946

Crawford, Paul New - Mr and Mrs H N Crawford announce thebirth of a son March19 at their home on Brannon Avenue, who will be called PaulNew Crawford. TR, Sat 22 Mar 1924

Crawford, Tammy Dawn - Mr and Mrs Palmer Crawford ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 13 ounce daughter on Wednesday,November 16 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named Tammy Dawn. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs A M Powell ofEllaville and Mr and Mrs S R Crawford of Baxley. TR, Wed 23 Nov 1966

Crawford, Twins - Mr and Mrs Crawford, of the 17thdistrict, announced the birth of twin babies, a boy and a girl Saturday,December 12th. TR, Wed 16Dec 1931

Crawley, Katherine Marie - Mr and Mrs Herman Crawley are theparents of a daughter born Monday, February 16 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been giventhe name of Katherine Marie. She wasborn on the birthday of her maternal grandfather, Bob Jones. She is the granddaughter on her maternal sideof Mr and Mrs Robert J Jones and her paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs E LCrawley, all of Americus. TR, Wed 18Feb 1976

Crawley, Laura Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Herman Crawley announcethe birth of a daughter, Tuesday, May 29 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital who weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces.The baby, who has been named Laura Elizabeth, has an older sisterKathie. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs BobJones and E L Crawley and the late Mrs Crawley of Americus. TR, Thu 7 Jun 1979

Crawley, Melanie Dawn - Mr and Mrs Wayne Crawley of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter born Wednesday, July 26 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby weighed7 pounds, 3 3/4 ounce. She has beengiven the name of Melanie Dawn. Melaniehas an older sister Tina. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Darold Myers of this city and Mr and Mrs Alton Crawley ofPlains. TR, Mon 7 Aug 1978

Crawley, Melvin Gordon Jr - Mr and Mrs Melvin Crawleyannounce the birth of a son, Monday, January 23, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Melvin Gordon Jr.TR, Tue 24 Jan 1956

Crawley, Not named - Mr and Mrs E L Crawley, of Americus,announce the birth of a boy born July 1 at City Hospital, weighing 7 pounds, 13ounces. TCN, Thu 3 Jul 1952

Crawley, Not named - Mr and Mrs J A Crawley announce thebirth of a daughter, Monday, August 26, at city hospital. TR, Tue 27 Aug 1946

Crawley, Patsey Sue - Mr and Mrs G H Crawley announce thebirth of a 9 pound daughter, Monday April 1 at the home of her parents, Mr andMrs W L Wall, in Buena Vista. The babyhas been named Patsey Sue. TR, Wed 3Apr 1940

Crawley, Tina Gail - Mr and Mrs Wayne Crawley announce thebirth of a 5 pound, 12 ounce daughter born Monday, August 12 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Tina Gail. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Darold Myers of Americus and Mr and Mrs AltonCrawley of Plains. TR, Wed 14 Aug1974

Crawley, William Robert Jr - Mr and Mrs W R Crawley announcethe birth of a seven-pound son Wednesday, August 19, at their home of ForsythStreet. The baby has been named WilliamRobert Jr. Before marriage Mrs Crawleywas Miss Mary Powell. TR, Thu 20 Aug1936

Creel, Katie Anne - Danny and Louise Creel of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter who has been named Katie Anne. The infant was born Monday, July 11 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital weighed 5 pounds, 12 ounces. Katie Anne has one sister, Penny. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs WalterPerry, Americus and the late Darrell Tucker; Mrs Burma Creel, Fairburn, Ga andthe late John Creel. TR, Mon 25 Jul1983

Creel, Penny Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs John Daniel Creel arethe parents of a daughter, Penny Elizabeth, who was born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce and is to be called Penny. Grandparents are Mrs Burma Creel of Fairburnand the late John Creel and Mr and Mrs Walter Perry of Americus and the lateJames Darrell Tucker. TR, Tue 20 May1980

Creighton, Aline Marie - Lt and Mrs Frank M Creighton announcethe birth of a daughter, Friday, Feb 14, in Griffin. The baby has been named Aline Marie for hermother, the former Aline Marie Simms, of Griffin, and the baby is the fifthgeneration in the family to be named Aline Marie. Lt Creighton is with the armed forces inEngland. TR, Mon 18 Feb 1946

Creighton, Edith Elizabeth - Capt and Mrs Frank M Creighton, ofFrankfurt, Germany, announce the birth of a daughter Monday, August 9, who hasbeen named Edith Elizabeth, for her aunt, Mrs A J Bell, of this city. Capt Creighton, who is a former Americusresident, has been stationed in Germany for the past three years. He is slated to return to the States inOctober. TR, Wed 11 Aug 1954

Creighton, Susan Sabrina - Major and Mrs Frank M Creightonannounce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, August 26, who has been given thename of Susan Sabrina. Mrs Creighton andchildren are temporarily living in Monroe, Louisiana while Major Crieghton ison a tour of duty in Korea. TR, Tue 3Sep 1957

Crenshaw, Amanda Leigh - Mr and Mrs Timothy Crenshaw ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Amanda Leigh, born Sunday, August 28at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces at birth. MrsCrenshaw is the former Miss Marie McLemore.Maternal grandparents are Walter McLemore Jr and Carolyn McLemore, bothof Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs William Crenshw ofAmericus. Maternal great-grandparentsare Mrs Mary Kelly Lashley of Americus and the late Merwan Lashley ofAndersonville; Walter McLemore Sr, Americus; and the late Mrs Juanita BeasleyMcLemore. Maternalgreat-great-grandmother is Mrs D H McLemore Sr of Leesburg. Paternal great-great-grandparents are Mr andMrs Sam Martin of Ashburn. TR, Fri 2Sep 1988

Crenshaw, Cathy Leigh - Mr and Mrs Kenneth E Crenshaw announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce daughter born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital June 19. Cathy Leigh isthe name chosen for the infant.Grandparents are Mrs Sue Statham and Warren F Hodges Sr and Mr and Mrs Wl Crenshaw. The infant is thegreat-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Fred Statham and Mrs John R Hodges Sr, all ofAmericus. TR, Thu 26 Jun 1980

Crenshaw, Christopher Edward - Mr and Mrs Kenneth E Crenshaware the parents of a son born at the Americus and Sumter County HospitalSunday, June 13. The baby has been namedChristopher Edward and is to be called Chris.Chris has a sister Cathy Leigh.Grandparents are Sue Statham and Warren F Hodges Sr and Mr and Mrs W ECrenshaw, all of Americus. TR, Mon 14Jun 1982

Crenshaw, Emily Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Darrell Crenshaw ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Emily Elizabeth, born April 29 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 6 pounds, 3 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Mickey Wright and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Joe Crenshaw, all of Cordele. Great-grandmothers are Hortense Morrel andMildred Wright, both of Cordele. TR,Fri 26 May 1995

Crenshaw, George William III - Mr and Mrs George Crenshaw Jr,of Dalton, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son, who has beennamed George William III. Mrs Crenshawwas the former Miss Melissa Norton, of Gainesville, Ga. TR, Mon 29 Sep 1947

Crenshaw, Kenneth Brandon - Mr and Mrs Kenneth E Crenshaw ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Kenneth Brandon, who was born Saturday,July 5 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Theinfant weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mrs Sue Statham and Warren F Hodges Sr andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs W L Crenshaw, all of Americus. Maternal great-grandparents are Mrs B FredStatham and the late Mrs Statham of Americus; Mrs John R Hodges Sr and the lateMr Hodges of Andersonville. Paternalgreat-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Sam Martin of Arabi; and the late Mr and MrsNoel E Roberts of Americus. The infant,who will be called Brandon has a sister, Cathy, 6 and a brother, Chris, 4. TR, Wed 13 Aug 1986

Crenshaw, Latham Timothy - Tim and Maria Crenshaw of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Latham Timothy, born March 6. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces atbirth. The baby has a sister, AmandaLeigh, 18 months. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Willie Crenshaw and Mrs Carolyn McLemore, all of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mrs Grace Martin ofWarwick; Mrs Mary Effie Lashley and Walter A McLemore Sr, all of Americus. Great-great-grandmother is Mrs D H McLemoreSr of Leesburg. TR, Tue 3 Apr 1990

Crenshaw, Phillip Earl - Mr and Mrs Hirman Crenshaw, ofColumbus, announce the birth of a son, Monday, September 28, who has been namedPhillip Earl. Mrs Crenshaw was beforemarriage Miss Mildred Niblack, of this city.TR, Wed 2 Oct 1946

Crenshaw, Ray Hiram - Mr and Mrs Hiram Crenshaw, of Columbus,announce the birth of a son, June 24, who has been named Ray Hiram. Mrs Crenshaw was before her marriage MissMildred Niblack, of Americus. TR, Tue1 Jul 1941

Crenshaw, Twins - Mr and Mrs Crenshaw, of Dalton, formerresidents of Americus are parents of twins, a boy and a girl, born about twoweeks ago. Mr Crenshaw was manager ofthe McLellan store here several years ago.TR, Wed 13 Sep 1950

Creten, Twins - Mr and Mrs James Creten, of Bethel, Kansas,announce the birth of twins, Jamie Elizabeth and Jimmy Eugene, born February10. The twins are the grandchildren ofMr and Mrs C P McMillon, of Kansas City, Kansas and their great-grandmother isMrs W L Greene of Americus. TR, Wed16 Feb 1966

Crew, Eleanor Sharon - Mr and Mrs Robert Franklin Crew, of103B Hanson Drive, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce daughter, January14 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named EleanorSharon. TR, Tue 15 Jan 1963

Crew, Kendall Gardner - Robert B Crew and Vicki W Crew ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Kendall Gardner, on April 21 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds. Grandparents are Wadean R Crewand Mary Williamson of Americus.Great-grandparents are Helen Bradley of Americus and Etta Sinquefield ofEufaula, AL. He has a sister, Valerie 9,and two brothers, Brandon 5 and Kyle 2. TR,Sat 3 May 1997

Crew, Kerri Lane - Mr and Mrs Franklin Crew Jr announcethe birthof a daughter, Kerri Lane, born Tuesday, November 29 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The babyweighed 8 pounds, 7 1/4 ounces. She isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Wade Bradley of this city and Mrs Franklin CrewSr and the late Mr Crew of Columbus, Mr and Mrs W B Bradley of Americus are thebaby’s great-grandparents. TR, Wed 1Dec 1971

Crew, Not named - Mr and Mrs James B Crew , of Atlanta,announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, November 28, at Emory Universityhospital. Mr Crew is a former residentof Americus and Mrs Crew was before her marriage Miss Elizabeth Smith, ofAtlanta. TR, Sat 30 Nov 1940

Crew, Robert Bradley - Mr and Mrs Robert Franklin Crew Jrannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce son at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on August 25. The baby, who hasbeen named Robert Bradley is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Robert Franklin Crew ofColumbus and Mr and Mrs Wade Bradley of Route 1, Americus. The great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs W BBradley of Americus. TR, Sat 27 Aug1966

Crews, James Bulloch Jr - Mr and Mrs James Crews, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a son, Thursday, May 20, at Emory UniversityHospital, who has been named James Bulloch Jr.Mr Crews is a former resident of Americus. TR, Tue 25 May 1943

Cripe, Caroline Dawn - Mr and Mrs Jody Cripe of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter who has been given the name CarolineDawn. The infant, who was born Tuesday,August 16 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, weighed 6 pounds, 7ounces. She has a brother, Caleb. Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold Cripeand Mr and Mrs Warren Scott, all of Americus.She is the great-granddaughter of Emmett A Scott, Americus and MrsSamuel W Houston, Blakely. TR, Tue 23Aug 1983

Cripe, Christopher Todd - Mr and Mrs Harold James Cripeannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son Monday, February 3 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Christopher Todd. Hismaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs W G Cox Jr of Dawson and Mr and Mrs RalphO Smith of Columbus and his paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold C Cripeof Americus. TR, Tue 4 Feb 1969

Cripe, Emily Delaine - Mr and Mrs Jamie Cripe announce thebirth of a daughter Tuesday, September 15 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who has been giventhe name of Emily Delaine weighed 7 pounds, 2 ½ ounces. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs W GCox Jr of Dawson and Mr and Mrs Ralph O Smith of Columbus on the maternal sideand her paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold C Cripe of this city. TR, Thu 17 Sep 1970

Cripe, Joseph Caleb - Mr and Mrs Jody Cripe are the parentsof a 7 pound, 5 ounce son, Joseph Caleb, who was born Saturday, September 12 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.Caleb’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold Cripe and Mr and Mrs WarrenScott, all of Americus. He is thegreat-grandson of E A Scott of this city and Mrs Wyatt Houston of Blakely. Mrs Cripe is the former Jaye Scott ofAmericus. TR, Mon 14 Sep 1981

Cripe, Joshua Scott - Mr and Mrs Joseph R Cripe of Americusannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce son, Joshua Scott, born Wednesday,March 12. Grandparents are Mr and MrsHarold Cripe and Mr and Mrs Warren Scott, all of Americus, Josh has a brother,Caleb 4 and a sister, Caroline 2. TR,Wed 19 Mar 1986

Crismon, Cody William - Craig and Leslie Crismon of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Cody William, born March 15 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 6ounces at birth. Grandparents are SteveV Crismon of Dallas, Texas, Mr and Mrs John A Kelley of Bells, Tx and Dr andMrs Ralph I Bean of Sherman, Tx. Codyhas one brother, Kelley, age three. TR,Mon 22 Mar 1993

Crismon, Kelley Lane - Mr and Mrs Craig L Crismon of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Kelley Lane, born November 9. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces atbirth. Paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs John A Kelley of Bells, Texas and Steven V Crismon of Dallas, Texas andmaternal grandparents are Dr and Mrs Ralph I Bean of Sherman, Texas. TR, Wed 22 Nov 1989

Crisp, Charles Frederick II - Mr and Mrs Henry Crispannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 14 ounce son, born January 28, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Charles FrederickII. Mrs Crisp is the former BetsyLindsey, of Ft Gaines. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Charles F Crisp, of Americus and Mr and Mrs A D Gibson,of Ft Gaines. TR, Wed 29 Jan 1964

Crisp, Henry Lumpkin - Mr and Mrs Charles F Crisp announcethe birth of a son, born this morning, September 9, at their home on TaylorStreet. The baby has been named HenryLumpkin. Before marriage Mrs Crisp wasMiss Georgia Lumpkin. TR, Fri 9 Sep1938

Crisp, John Lumpkin - Mr and Mrs Henry L Crisp announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce son Friday, June 27 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who has beengiven the name of John Lumpkin, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs C F Crisp of thiscity and Mr and Mrs A B Gibson of Ft Gaines.TR, Mon 30 Jun 1969

Crisp, Lucy Sheffield - Mr and Mrs Henry L Crisp announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce daughter born Tuesday, December 26 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Lucy Sheffield for her great-grandmother, the late MrsCharles R Crisp. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs A B Gibson of Ft Gaines and Mr and Mrs GradyLindsey of Eufaula, Ala and Mr and Mrs Charles F Crisp of Americus. TR, Thu 28 Dec 1972

Crisp, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles R Crisp announce thebirth of a daughter, Thursday, April 25, at the Medical Center ofColumbus. Mrs Crisp is the former MissMary Wohlwender. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Ed Wohlwender of “Honeysuckle Hollow”, EllavilleRoad, and Mr and Mrs Charles F Crisp, of this city. TR, Fri 26 Apr 1963

Crisp, Shelley Lindsey - Mr and Mrs Henry L Crisp, of 300Wildwood Circle, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce daughter, December17 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Shelley Lindsey.TR, Mon 20 Dec 1965

Cristwell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Milton Cristwell, of 112 EChurch Street, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 2 ounce daughter, June 11, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 12 Jun 1957

Crocker, Douglas Alan - Dr and Mrs C R Crocker, of 217 SouthLee Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce son, Douglas Alan,Monday, May 23 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Tue 24 May 1960

Crocker, Kenneth Brian - Dr and C R Crocker, of 127 South LeeStreet, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son, January 12, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Kenneth Brian. TR, Tue 13 Jan 1959

Croft, Gina Karen - Mr and Mrs G C Croft, of 702 GailStreet, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 13 ounce daughter, Thursday, August14, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named GinaKaren. TR, Tue 19 Aug 1958

Cromer, Anthony Scott - Mr and Mrs Johnny Cromer, of 507West Church Street, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 7 ounce son Wednesday,November 16 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named Anthony Scott. TR, Thu 17 Nov 1966

Cromer, Betty Faye - Mr and Mrs C W Cromer announce thebirth of a daughter, August 27, who has been named Betty Faye. TR, Thu 31 Aug 1933

Cromer, Brandilyn Nicole - Neal and Tracy Cromer announcethe birth of a daughter, Brandilyn Nicole, on January 18 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The baby, who weighed 7pounds, 10 ounces is the granddaughter of Elaine Cliatt of Americus and RonnieStuckey of Ellaville and Raymond and Laverne Cromer of Ellaville. Frances Stuckey of Ellaville, Evelyn Kidd ofAmericus and Virginia Icard of Butler are her great-grandmothers. Her brother is three years old Patrick. TR, Fri 6 Feb 1998

Cromer, Brandon Jones - Mr and Mrs Larry Cromer announce thearrival of a chosen son, born June 2.The baby has been given the name of Brandon Jones. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Fred Cromerand Mrs John Little of this city. TR,Tue 4 Aug 1970

Cromer, Casey Lynn - Mr and Mrs Glen Cromer announce thebirth of a 9 pounds, 10 ounce son born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Tuesday, March 16. The babyhas been named Casey Lynn. The infant isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs J W Wilson of Americus and Mr and Mrs Robert Lynn ofSweetwater, Tenn and Mr and Mrs Pete Cromer of Eufaula, Ala. TR, Tue 20 Mar 1982

Cromer, Chadwick Todd - Is the name given the infant son ofMr and Mrs Glenn Cromer who was born Thursday, July 17 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby weighed9 pounds, 14 ounces. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs J W Wilson of Americus and Mrs Doris White of this city and Pete Cromerof Eufaula, Alabama. TR, Thu 31 Jul1980

Cromer, Christine Michelle - Mr and Mrs James W Cromer, ofAlbany, announce the birth of a daughter, Christine Michelle, who was bornTuesday, October 16 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby weighed 9 pounds, 1 ounce. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs R TWilliams and Mr and Mrs C L Cromer and the great-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs JD Gresham, all of Americus. TR, Wed24 Oct 1973

Cromer, Cindy Marie - Mr and Mrs Gary Cromer, of Ellavilleannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ½ ounce daughter born Saturday, November 19at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The infant, who has been named Cindy Marie has an older sister, Jenny. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsSam Cromer, Americus and Mrs C G Trotter and the late Mr Trotter ofWrightsville. TR, Mon 21 Nov 1977

Cromer, Donnie Lee - Mr and Mrs Joseph Cromer, of BuenaVista, are the parents of a 7 pound, 13 ounce daughter, born December 9 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Donnie Lee. TR, Tue 10 Dec 1963

Cromer, Gail Marie - Mr and Mrs S C Cromer, of the Maconroad, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ounce daughter, Tuesday, April 8, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital..The baby has been named Gail Marie.TR, Wed 9 Apr 1958

Cromer, Harold James Jr - Mr and Mrs Harold James Cromer, of1417 Parker Street, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 3 ounce son Tuesday, April30th at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital who has been giventhe name of Harold James Jr. TR, Fri3 May 1968

Cromer, James Wesley Jr - Mr and Mrs J W Cromer of Albanyannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 14 ½ ounces on Monday, August 3 at PhoebePutney Hospital. He has been named JamesWesley Jr. The infant’s maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert Cromer, all of Americus. The paternal great-grandparents are Mr andMrs J D Grantham, Americus. He has asister, Mikki Cromer, age 8 of Albany. TR,Thu 6 Aug 1981

Cromer, Jennifer Leigh - Mr and Mrs Gary S Cromer announcethe birth of a daughter, Sunday, May 26 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who has been namedJennifer Leigh, will be called “Jenny.”She weighed 7 pounds, 10 1/4 ounces.Grandparents of the infant are Mr and Mrs C G Trotter of Wrightsvilleand Mr and Mrs Sam Cromer of Americus. TR,Mon 27 May 1974

Cromer, Joseph Grady - Mr and Mrs Larry J Cromer announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 4 ½ ounce son born Thursday, August 23 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Joseph Grady and is to be called “Jody”. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs JulianCromer and Mr and Mrs H G Tison Jr, all of Americus. The infant’s mother is the former DottieTison. He has one brother, “Dendy” TR,Sat 25 Aug 1973

Cromer, Joshua Nolan - Tony and Joy Cromer of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Joshua Nolan, born December 5 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 6ounces at birth. Paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Glenn Cromer of Americus and Mrs Carolyn Halstead of Weston andmaternal grandparents are Mrs Delphia Alston of Americus and the late Mr GeorgeRobert Alston of Weston.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Jeff Spriggs of Weston and Mrs MyrtleAlston of Americus. TR, Thu 12 Dec1991

Cromer, Karla Lynn - Mr and Mrs Carl Cromer, of Route 4,Buena Vista, are the parents of a 6 pound, 15 ½ ounce daughter, born May 29 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Karla Lynn.TR, Mon 31 May 1965

Cromer, Kerry Tison - Mr and Mrs Larry J Cromer announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son, Kerry Tison, born Tuesday, December 23 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital.Kerry, as he will be called, has two brothers, Denby and Jody. His grandparents are Mr and Mrs Henry GradyTison Jr and Mr and Mrs Julian C Cromer, all of Americus. Kerry has two great-grandmothers, Mrs Ella JTison and Mrs J E Johnston, also of Americus.TR, Fri 26 Dec 1975

Cromer, Larry Dennis - Mr and Mrs Larry Cromer, of EdgewoodDrive, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 14 ½ ounce son born Wednesday, April14 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Larry Dennis.“Dendy”, as he will be called is the grandson of Mr and Mrs H G Tison Jrand Mr and Mrs Julian C Cromer, all of Americus. TR, Fri 16 Apr 1971

Cromer, Larry Julian - Mr and Mrs Julian Cromer announce thebirth of a son Tuesday, October 23, at city hospital, who weighed 7 pounds, 11ounces. The baby has been named LarryJulian. Mrs Cromer was the formerAnnette Hand. TR, Sat 27 Oct 1951

Cromer, Myra Lugen - Mr and Mrs James C Cromer, of Route 2,announce the birth of a daughter, Myra Lugen, who was born March 7, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces. TR,Mon 9 Mar 1964

Cromer, Nolan Glenn - Mr and Mrs Nolan Cromer, of PrinceStreet, announce the birth of a son, Saturday, May 15 at Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who weighed 9 pounds.The baby has been named Nolan Glenn.TR, Mon 17 May 1954

Cromer, Not named - Mr and Mrs B S Cromer, of Shellman, arethe parents of a 9 pound, 2 ounce daughter, born April 12, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 13Apr 1964

Cromer, Not named - Mr and Mrs C L Cromer announce the birthof a son Saturday, January 10, at the Americus and Sumter County hospital, whoweighed 7 pounds. TR, Mon 12 Jan 1953

Cromer, Not named - Mr and Mrs D C Cromer announce the birthof a son, Wednesday, November 19, at city hospital. TR, Thu 20 Nov 1947.

Cromer, Not named - Mr and Mrs Johnny Cromer, of 405 SouthJackson Street, announce the birth of a 9 pound son, January 22 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon25 Jan 1965

Cromer, Not named - Mr and Mrs Joseph Cromer, of Route 4Buena Vista, are the parents of a daughter, born Thursday 17 June at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 7 pounds, 14 ½ ounces. TR,Thu 17 Jun 1965

Cromer, Patricia Elaine - Mr and Mrs Johnny Cromer announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce daughter who was born Thursday January 22 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been given the name of Patricia Elaine. TR, Fri 23 Jan 1970

Cromer, Patrick Neal - Neal and Tracy Cromer of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a son, Patrick Neal, born Aug 23 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,14 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Elaine Cliett of Americus and Ronnie Stuckey of Ellaville. Paternal grandparents are Raymond and LaverneCromer of Ellaville. Great-grandparentsare Frances Stuckey of Ellaville, Evelyn Kidd of Americus, Mr and Mrs UylesIcard of Buena Vista and Charlie Cromer of Ellaville. TR, Wed 14 Sep 1994

Cromer, Phyllis - Mr and Mrs Calvin Cromer of Route 1,announce the birth of a daughter, Phyllis, Saturday, February 11, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who weighed 8 pounds. TR, Tue 14 Feb 1956

Cromer, Rebecca Ardell - Mr and Mrs Sam Cromer announce thebirth of a seven pound daughter, Saturday, October 4, at city hospital, who hasbeen named Rebecca Ardell. Mrs Cromer isthe former Miss Sarah Satterfield, of Americus.TR, Wed, 8 Oct 1952

Cromer, Ryan Christopher - Wayne and Kim Cromer of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a son, Ryan Christopher, born Tuesday, June 6 at theMedical Center of Columbus. The infantweighed 3 pounds, 2 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Floyd Grimsley and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Raymond Cromer, all of Ellaville. Great-grandparents are Rosa Grimsley of BuenaVista, Nina Lamb of Plains, Charlie Cromer of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs LylesIcard of Tazewell. TR, Wed 21 Jun1995

Cromer, William Cody - Mr and Mrs Glenn Cromer of Americusannounce the birth of a son, William Cody, born December 22 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 2ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Richard Lee Young of Americus and Doris White of Orlando, Fla and RonaCromer of Americus and the late Mr Peter Cromer of Americus. Great-grandmother is Mrs Ruby Littles ofEvergreen, Ala. TR, Mon 13 Jan 1992

Cromer, Zelma Ruth - Mr and Mrs Marvin T Cromer announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 14 ounce daughter, May 28 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named Zelma Ruth.TR, Tue 28 May 1957

Crook, Ashliegh Nicole - Ricky and Delores Crook of Leslieannounce the birth of a daughter, Ashleigh Nicole, born June 28 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Jack and Joyce McCrary of Americus and paternal grandparentsare Marvin and Eloise Crook of Americus.Great-grandmother is Mrs Maude Wells of Albany. Mrs Crook is the former Miss Delores McCraryof Americus. TR, Mon 6 Jul 1992

Crook, Austin Garrett - Ricky and Dolores Crook of Leslieannounce the birth of a son, Austin Garrett, born Sep 18 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,13 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Jack and Joyce McCrary of Americus and paternal grandparentsare Marvin and Eloise Crook of Americus.Great-grandmother is Maude Wells of Albany. The baby has a sister Ashleigh Nicole, 2. TR, Mon 3 Oct 1994

Crook, Chaddwick Lyn - Mr and Mrs Kevin Crook of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Chaddwick Lyn, born September 24 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 8 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Richard Paul of Americus and Mr and Mrs FrankAldridge of Albany and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs L E Crook ofAmericus. Great-grandparents are Mr andMrs Allen Williams of Oglethorpe. TR,Fri 29 Sep 1989

Crook, Charlie Monroe - Mr and Mrs B F Crook announce thebirth of a son, Thursday, January 22, who has been named Charlie Monroe. TR, Mon 26 Jan 1942

Crook, Hallie Nichole - Kevin and Renee Crook of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Hallie Nichole, born Nov 19 at Sumter Regional Hospital. She weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces atbirth. Maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Richard Paul of Americus and Mr and Mrs Frank Aldridge of Albany. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs L ECrook Jr of Americus. Great-grandmotheris Louise Williams of Oglethorpe. Halliehas a brother, Chad, 4. TR, Wed 24Nov 1993

Crook, Jason Neal - Mr and Mrs Neal Crook of Reynoldsannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ½ ounce son, Jason Neal, born Saturday,September 7 at Sumter Regional Hospital.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Gerson Waller of Mauk and Mrs NevaCrook and the late P L Crook of Reynolds.TR, Thu 12 Sep 1985

Crook, Karen Ruth - Airman 3-c and Mrs Bobby Crook, ofDonalsonville Air Force Base, Greenville, SC, are the parents of a daughter,born September 26 who has been given the name of Karen Ruth. Mrs Crook is the former Miss Barbara Booker,of Americus. TR, Th 27 Sep 1962

Crook, Melvin Kale - Mr and Mrs Melvin Crook of WarnerRobins announce the birth of a son, Melvin Kale, born May 3 at Warner RobinsMedical Center. The infant weighed 8pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs A T Sears of Americus; Dan Kennedy of Richland and Mr and Mrs LE Crook Jr of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Millard Kennedy of Preston; Mrs JuliaHall of Americus and Mr and Mrs Doug Sears of Richland. Great-great-grandmother is Mrs Hattie Johnsonof Americus. Mrs Crook is the formerMiss Tammie Kennedy of Preston. TR,Thu 11 May 1989

Crook, Michael Allen - Mr and Mrs Bobby Crook are theparents of a son who was born Thursday, March 23 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who weighed 9pounds, 2 ounce has been given the name of Michael Allen. TR, Sat 25 Mar 1967

Crook, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles N Crook, Route 3Americus, announce the birth of a 4 pound, 2 ounce son, Sunday, February 14, StValentine’s Day at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 15Feb 1965

Crook, Not named - Mr and Mrs J D Crook of Andersonvilleannounce the birth of a son born March 31 at City Hospital. TCN, Thu 5 Apr 1951

Crook, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jessie F Crook, of Route 3,Americus, are the parents of a 6 pound, 15 ounce son, born April 6 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 6 Apr 1962

Crook, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Crook, of Reynolds,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Monday, July 26 at theReynolds Hospital. Mrs Crook is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs H B Countryman of Americus. TR, Wed 28 Jul 1965

Crook, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Crook, of Reynolds,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter, August 30. The baby is the great-granddaughter of Mr andMrs H B Countryman, of Americus. TR,Fri 31 Aug 1962

Crook, Not named - Mr and Mrs L E Crook Jr, of Route 3Americus, are the parents of a 4 pound, 6 ounce son, born Tuesday, June 15, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Tue 15 Jun 1965

Crook, Not named - Mr and Mrs L S Crook Jr, of McGarrahStreet, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ounce son at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, on December 9. TR,Wed, 10 Dec 1958

Crook, Not named - Mr and Mrs W R Crook, of Route 2,Americus, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 2 ounce son, March 29, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 29 Mar 1963

Crook, Ricky Earl - Mr and Mrs Marvin Crook, of 405 SouthJackson Street, announce the birth of a 7 lb, 6 ½ oz son on November 6 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Ricky Earl. TR, Mon 7 Nov 1960

Crook, Sharol Elaine - Mr and Mrs L E Crook Jr announce thebirth of a daughter born Wednesday, May 26 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who has been namedSharon Elaine weighed 8 pounds, 2 ½ ounces.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs L E Crook Sr and Mr and Mrs LouisStuckey of Americus. TR, Sat 29 May1971

Crook, Vickie Ann - Mr and Mrs L E Crook announce the birthhere November 3 of a 6 pound, 13 ounce girl who has been named Vickie Ann. Mrs Crook is the former Etta Jean Hall. TR, Mon 5 Nov 1956

Crosby, Carmen Elizabeth - ET3 (USN) and Mrs Roger D Crosbyannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter, Carmen Elizabeth, bornWednesday, Dec 19 at Sumter Regional Hospital.She is the granddaughter of Cdr (USN Ret) James R Messner of Americusand Mrs Mary Jo Crosby and the late Roger E Crosby of Albany. She has a brother, Bert. TR, Thu 27 Dec 1984

Crosby, Christine Michell - Mr and Mrs Floyd W Crosby Jrannounce the birth of a daughter on Friday, July 12 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who has beennamed Christina Michell weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J GTillman of this city and Mr and Mrs Floyd W Crosby Sr of Moultrie. TR, Thu 18 Jul 1974

Crosby, Cynthia Jo - The Rev and Mrs C W Crosby, of 1114South Lee Street, are the parents of an 8 pound, 12 ounce daughter, born August25, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the named ofCynthia Jo. TR, Mon 26 Aug 1963

Cross, Cynthia Denise - Mr and Mrs Edward Charles Cross, ofAmericus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ½ ounce daughter born Friday,April 18 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The infant has been named Cynthia Denise andis to be called “Cindy.” She has onebrother, Chuck Cross, age 2 ½.. Hergrandparents are Mr and Mrs J L Lawhorn Sr of this city and Mr and Mrs W CCross of Sylvester. TR, Sat 26 Apr1975

Cross, Edward Charles Jr - Mr and Mrs Edward Cross announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce son born Sunday, October 15 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been given the name of Edward Charles Cross Jr is the grandson of Mr andMrs W C Cross of Sylvester and Mr and Mrs J L Lawhorn of Americus. TR, Tue 17 Oct 1972

Cross, Jonathan Edward - Mr and Mrs Gary Cross announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce son born Tuesday, September 26 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Jonathan Edward. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Jack Cross and the late Mr Cross of Soperton and the Revand Mrs D P Ward of Americus. TR, Thu28 Sep 1972

Cross, Not named - Mr and Mrs Waymon Cross, of BarlowStreet, are parents of a girl baby weighing 7 lb , 1 oz, born November 24 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has not been named. TR,Mon 24 Nov 1958

Cross, Tammy Lynn - Mr and Mrs Gary Cross, of Route 3Americus, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce daughter Sunday, Novembr 13at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Tammy Lynn.TR, Tue 15 Nov 1966

Crossen, Alicia Erin - Mr and Mrs Patrick J Crossen ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Alicia Erin, born Thursday April 13at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 9 pounds, 6 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Marlin Fenelon of Rockford, Ill andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert Crossen of Burbank, Ill. She has a brother, Patrick, 3 and twostep-sisters, Cathy, 10 and Sandy, age nine.TR, Mon 17 Apr 1989

Crouch, David Lawson - Mr and Mrs Ralph T Crouch, Jr ofGreenville, S C announce the birth of an 8 1/4 pound son, Thursday, December 8,who has been named David Lawson. MrsCrouch is the former Miss Ira Williams, daughter of J T (Buck) Williams, of thiscity and Mrs Bess Williams of Macon. TR,Fri 9 Dec 1955

Crouch, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ralph T Crouch Jr, of 25Collison Road, Greenville, S C announce the birth of a 7 pound son Sunday,March 22. Mrs Crouch is the former MissIra Williams of Americus, daughter of Mr and Mrs J T Williams. TR, Mon 23 Mar 1953

Crow, Anthony Hughes - Mr and Mrs Johnny L Crow Jr, ofSavannah, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son, September 18, who hasbeen named Anthony Hughes. The baby isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs John Lewis Crow Sr, of this city. TR, Wed 24 Sep 1958

Crow, John Lewis III - Mr and Mrs Johnny Crow, Jr announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce son, Monday, March 18, at St Joseph’s Hospital,Savannah, who has been named John Lewis III.Mrs Crow is the former Miss Frances Hughes, of Cordele. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs JohnLewis Crow, Sr of Americus, the great-grandson of Gordon C Parker of this cityand the great-great-grandson of T P Wise Sr, of Millen. TR, Mon 25 Mar 1957

Crowdis, John Levi - Mr and Mrs John A Crowdis of Americusannounce the birth of a son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onSaturday, April 19. The infant, whichweighs 7 pounds, 14 ounces has been named John Levi and will be called Levi. Paternal grandparents are Dr and Mrs James HCrowdis Jr, Blakely. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Thomas H Naramore, Blakely. TR, Tue 29 Apr 1980

Crowe, Edward Nelson Jr - Mr and Mrs Edward N Crowe, ofRoute 1 DeSoto, are the parents of a 7 pound, 13 ounce son, born April 8, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Edward Nelson Jr. TR, Wed 8 Apr 1964

Crowe, Kenneth Burns - Mr and Mrs J W Crowe, of 103Springfield Avenue announce the birth of a 9 pound, 10 ½ ounce son, April 9 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Kenneth Burns. TR, Mon 12 Apr 1965

Crowell, George Thomas III - Lt and Mrs George Thomas CrowellJr, of San Diego, announce the birth of a son, August 9, who has been namedGeorge Thomas III. The baby is thegrandson of Mrs Mary Shayne, of Americus.TR, Sat 11 Aug 1962

Crowell, John Sheffield - Lt Commander and Mrs George TCrowell, of Tokyo, Japan, announce the birth of a son July 14, who has beengiven the name of John Sheffield. Thebaby is the grandson of Mrs Mary S Shayne of this city. TR, Fri 16 Jul 1965

Crowley, Kay Wylodean - Mr and Mrs W R Crowley announce thebirth of a daughter, Kay Wylodean, born Saturday, June 18, at their home onForsyth Street. Before marriage MrsCrowley was Miss Mary Powell. TR, Mon20 Jun 1938

Crowley, William Vaughn III - Major and Mrs W V Crowley Jrannounce the birth of a son, Monday, July 17, at city hospital, who has beennamed William Vaughn III. Major Crowleyis with the armed forces overseas. TR,Wed 26 Jul 1944

Crown, Brenda Gail - Mr and Mrs C G Crown, of Arabi,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce daughter, Brenda Gail, June 24, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 27 Jun 1960

Crozier, Clint Sylvester - Mr and Mrs Don Crozier announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce son, born Monday July 13 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been named Clint Sylvester, is the grandson of Mrs C S Crozier and the lateMr Crozier of Lincolnton, Ga and Mr and Mrs Steve Mims of Americus. TR, Tue 14 Jul 1970

Crozier, James Samuel - Mr and Mrs Johnny Crozier announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son born April 27 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been giventhe name of James Samuel. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs J D Crozier of Vienna and Mr and Mrs Sam Murphy ofByromville. TR, Tue 27 Apr 1971

Crozier, Mary Katherine - Mr and Mrs Richard T Crozier ofAmericus announce the birth of of a daughter, Mary Katherine, born January 31at the Medical Center in Columbus. Theinfant weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are R T Crozier Sr of Bainbridge and maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs William B Wade of Americus. Katie, as the baby is called, has a sister,Julie, 10 and two brothers, David, 9 and Wade, 5. TR, Sat 9 Feb 1991

Crozier, Not named - Mr and Mrs E E Crozier, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, November 7, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 10 Nov 1949

Cruickshank, Aubrey Leigh - Mr and Mrs Glenn Cameron Cruickshankof Albany announce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ½ ounce daughter, Aubrey Leigh,born July 3 at Phoebe Putney Hospital.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs George T Harris III of Commerce,Mr and Mrs Eugene Joseph Cruickshank of Albany and the late Gerald Large ofThomasville. Great-grandparents are Mrand Mrs Paul M Large and Mrs W H Adams of Americus, Mrs Evelyn Hill of Well,Maine and Mrs Alida Beaulieu of Lawrence, Mass.Mrs Cruickshank is the former Rhonda Jaconie Large. TR, Tue 16 Jul 1985

Crum, Elizabeth Moravetz - Mr and Mrs P M Crum announcethe birth of a daughter Saturday, August 1, at city hospital, who has beennamed Elizabeth Moravetz. TR, Mon 3Aug 1942

Crum, Linda Jean - Mr and Mrs Charles Crum announce thebirth of a daughter Saturday, May 17, at city hospital, who has been namedLinda Jean. TR, Thursday 22 May 1952

Crum, Not named - Mr and Mrs Paul Crum announce the birthof a son, Saturday, January15, at city hospital. TR, Thu 20 Jan 1944

Crumbley, Brenda June - Mr and Mrs Floyd B Crumbley announcethe birth of a daughter, Monday, October 22, at the Prather Clinic. The baby has been named Brenda June. TR, Thu 25 Oct 1951

Crumbley, Not named - Mr and Mrs W J Crumbley, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, August 2, at city hospital. TR, Thu 4 Aug 1949

Crumbley, William Joseph - Dean and Tammy Crumbley of Americusannounce the birth of a son, William Joseph , Oct 29 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 8ounces. Grandparents are John and PaulaSowthwell and Joanne Stephens, all of Americus and the late Leland Crumbley ofCordele. Great-grandparents are Mr andMrs J W Southwell and the later Aubrey Paul Dunlap, all of Amreicus, ClaraTaylor of Cuthbert and Mr and Mrs Robert Crumbley of Cordele. He has a sister, Grace Leigh, 1. TR, Thu 4 Nov 1999

Crumley, Floyd Durton III - Mr and Mrs Floyd Crumley Jr, ofMacon, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son, Tuesday, who has beennamed Floyd Durton III. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Roy E Johnson and Mr and Mrs Floyd Crumley Sr, ofAmericus. TR, Wed 14 Jun 1967

Crumley, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs Floyd Burton Crumley IIIof Marietta announce the birth of twin daughters, Megin Lee and Molly Ann, bornMonday, 16 April at Kennestone Hospital, Marietta. Megin Lee weighed 4 pounds, 10 ounces andMolly Ann 6 pounds, 2 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Floyd Burton Crumley Jr of Macon and Mr andMrs Jerry Brown of Marietta.Great-grandparents are Mrs Floyd Crumley Sr of Americus and the late MrCrumley and Mr and Mrs Roy E Johnson of Americus. TR, Thu 19 Apr 1990

Crump, Ronald Guerry - Mr and Mrs John H Crump, of Hanco*ckDrive, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce son, Sunday, January 1, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been given the name of Ronald Guerry.TR, Tue 3 Jan 1956

Crumpton, Alvin Briggs IV - Mr and Mrs Al Crumpton IIIannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ½ ounce son, born Friday, September 11 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The little lad has been named Alvin Briggs IV. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Floyd BCrumpton Sr and Mr and Mrs A B Crumpton Jr, all of this city. TR Mon 14 Sep 1970

Crumpton, Alvin Briggs V - Al and Angie Crumpton of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Alvin Briggs V, born November 1 at Phoebe PutneyHospital in Albany. Quint, as the infantis called, weighed 6 pounds, 1 ounce at birth.Maternal grandparents are Jack and Ann Corey of Plains. Paternal grandparents are Al Crumpton ofDeSoto and Ken and Brenda Wilson of Americus.Great-grandparents are Annie Lee Crumbley of Americus and Briggs andLouise Crumpton of DeSoto. TR, Fri 17Nov 1995

Crumpton, Cody Logan - Mr and Mrs Stephen Bradley Crumpton ofDeSoto announce the birth of a son, Cody Logan, born Jun 2. Cody weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces atbirth. Maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Douglas Craig of Americus. Paternalgrandparents are Alvin B Crumpton III of DeSoto and Mr and Mrs Ken Wilson ofAmericus. Great-grandparents are Mr andMrs Briggs Crumpton Jr of DeSoto, Annie Crumley of Americus and Mr and Mrs E GCraig of Albertville, Ala. TR, Thu 30Jun 1994

Crumpton, Not named - Mr and Mrs Briggs Crumpton announce thebirth of a son, Saturday, September 3, at city hospital. Mrs Crumpton is the former Miss LouiseMcAnally. TR, Tue 6 Sep 1949

Crumpton, Not named - Mr and Mrs Pat Crumpton, Route 1,Leslie, are parents of a 5 lb, 13 ½ oz girl, born November 24, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon24 Nov 1958

Crumpton, Richard Patrick - Mr and Mrs Pat Crumpton of DeSotoannounce the birth of a son, Richard Patrick, born October 5 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,13 ½ ounces at birth. Grandparents areMrs Lee Bailey Sr of Pinehurst, Ga; Mr and Mrs Briggs Crumpton of Cobb and MrsEvelyn S Crumpton of Centervlle, Ala. TR,Wed 22 Oct 1986

Crumpton, Stephen Bradley - Mr and Mrs Al Crumpton are theparents of a son born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Wednesday,May 22. The baby, who has been namedStephen Bradley weighed 7 pounds, 7 3/4 ounces.On his maternal side he is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Floyd Crumley andhis paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Briggs Crumpton, all of thiscity. TR, Thu 23 May 1974

Crumpton, Twins - Mr and Mrs Aaron Crumpton, of Montgomery,Ala announce the birth of twins, a boy and girl, who were born Wednesday, Jun10. The babies have been named Ann Reeseand Aaron Morris. Mrs Crumpton wasbefore her marriage Miss Mildred O’Hern, daughter of Mr and Mrs W R O’Hern ofRoute 2, Americus. TR, Sat 27 Jun1942

Crumpton, Twins - Mr and Mrs Briggs Crumpton announce thebirth of a twin daughter and son, Wednesday, May 14, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The daughter weighed 4pounds, 12 ounce and the son 4 pounds, 3 ounces. Mrs Crumpton is the former Miss Louise McAnally. TR, Thu 15 May 1958

Crumpton, Willana - Mr and Mrs Pat Crumpton announce the birthof a daughter Saturday, July 14 at city hospital, who has been namedWillana. TR, 18 Jul 1951

Crutchfield, Callie Sue - Mr and Mrs J C Crutchfield, of Durham,N C, announce the birth of a little girl October 13. She has been given the name Callie Sue. Mrs Crutchfield will be remembered as MissEstelle Parker, formerly of Americus. TR,Mon 14 Oct 1929

Crutchfield, Cecil Howard - Mr and Mrs John T Crutchfieldannounce the birth of a son on May 22, who has been given the name of CecilHoward. TR, Tue 25 May 1926

Crutchfield, Cindy Robin - Mr and Mrs Rubin Crutchfield announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce daughter on Sunday, October 19 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital who has been named Cindy Robin. Mrs Crutchfield is the former Midge Dillard,of Cordele. Maternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs C W Dillard of Cordele and the paternal are Mr and Mrs Dudley Crutchfieldof Americus. TR, Wed 22 Oct 1969

Crutchfield, Gloria Ann - Mr and Mrs Dudley Crutchfield announcethe birth of a daughter, Friday, May 14, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedGloria Ann. TR, Wed 19 May 1943

Crutchfield, James Clarence Jr - Mr and Mrs J C Crutchfield, ofEast Durham, NC, announce the birth of a son February 3, who has been calledJames Clarence Jr. Mrs Crutchfield hasmany friends in Americus who knew her before her marriage as Miss EstelleParker. TR, Tue 6 Feb 1923

Crutchfield, Lonnie Russell - Mr and Mrs R E Crutchfield announcethe birth of a son Monday, February 12, at city hospital, who has been namedLonnie Russell. Mrs Crutchfield wasbefore marriage Miss Emily Petrino. TR,Tue 13 Feb 1951

Crutchfield, Martha Marie - Mr and Mrs R E Crutchfield announcethe birth of a daughter Friday, September 26, at city hospital, who has beennamed Martha Marie. Mrs Crutchfield isthe former Miss Emily Petrino. TR,Mon 29 Sep 1952

Crutchfield, Not named - Mr and Mrs C W Crutchfield, of 409 EarlStreet, are the parents of a 7 pound, 3 ounce daughter, born June 3, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 4 Jun 1962

Crutchfield, Not named - Mr and Mrs Cecil Crutchfield, of 409Earl Street, announce the birth of a daughter, February 1, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby weighed7 pounds, 12 ounces. TR, Sat 2 Feb1957

Crutchfield, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles L Crutchfieldannounce the birth of a son, Tuesday, April 1, at city hospital. Mrs Crutchfield is the former Miss LenoraBacon. TR, Wed 2 Apr 1947

Crutchfield, Not named - Mr and Mrs Rubin Crutchfield, of 115Frieda Lane, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son, February 26, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 27 Feb 1964

Crutchfield, Not named - Mr and Mrs W R Crutchfield, of 417 JudyLane, are the parents of a 6 pound, daughter, born September 28 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Wed29 Sep 1965

Crutchfield, Roderick Edwin - Mr and Mrs J P Crutchfield Jrannounce the birth of a son, September 9th, who has been given thename of Roderick Edwin. TR, Tue 13Sep 1927

Crutchfield, Roderick Edwin - Mr and Mrs R E Crutchfield announcethe birth of a son, January 8, who weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces. The baby has been named Roderick Edwin. TR, Fri 3 Feb 1950

Crutchfield, Trina Victoria - Mr and Mrs Roderick E Crutchfieldannounce the birth of a 5 pound, 1 ounce daughter, Friday, November 5, at cityhospital, who has been named Trina Victoria.Mrs Crutchfield is the former Miss Emily Petrino. TR, Tue 9 Nov 1948

Cruz, Cira Angelica - Patricia Mooney and Serefin Cruzannounce the birth of a daughter, Cira Angelica, born September 10. Angel, as the baby is called weighed 6pounds, 10 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are the late Pedro Cruz and Marie Gomez of Mexico and maternalgrandparents are James and Juliane Shy of Americus. Angel has a brother, Alex, 14 months. TR, Thu 12 Oct 1995

Culler, Madison Jr - Mr and Mrs Madison Culler, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son, Tuesday, June 18, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Madison Jr.TR, Wed 19 Jun 1957

Culler, Not named - Mr and Mrs J Madison Culler, Smithville,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce son Sunday, October 5 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. Mrs Culleris the former Miss Linda Laird, of Americus and Columbus. TR, Mon 6 Oct 1958

Culler, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Culler, of 43 FurlowStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce son, July 11 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Wed12 Jul 1960

Culley, Adrianne Kaitrene - Mr and Mrs David Culley ofOakland, California announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter bornThursday, April 12 who has been given the name of Adrianne Kaitrene. The infant is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsJohn B Folan of Annandale, Va. Mrs Folanis the former Dorothy Woodard of Americus and the baby is thegreat-granddaughter of Mrs A B Woodard and the late Mr Woodard of Americus. TR, Sat 5 May 1979

Cullifer, Valerie Ann - Mr and Mrs Harsenel Cullifer announcethe birth of a baby girl weighing eight pounds, eleven and one-half ouncestoday at 7:30 a m at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. She has been named Valerie Ann. TR, Sat 10 Feb 1962

Cullison, Alyssa Holley - Mr and Mrs John R Cullison of Plainsannounce the birth of a daughter, Alyssa Holley, born Friday, November 23 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs J C Weeks of Cairo and Mrs WilladeanMurkerson of Tallahassee, Fla and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs ElmerCullison of Plains. Great-grandmother isMrs Pearl Johnson of Preston. The babyhas s brother, Brandon Scott, three and a half.TR, Thu 29 Nov 1990

Cullison, Brandon Scott - Mr and Mrs John R Cullison of Plainsannounce the birth of a son, Brandon Scott, born June 26 at Sumter RegionalHospital. Grandparents are Mr and MrsElmer Cullison of Plains, Mrs Willadean Murkerson, Albany and J C Weeks ofCairo. Mrs Pearl Johnson of Preston isthe great-grandmother. TR, Wed 1 Jul1987

Cullison, Caitlin Ashley - Mr and Mrs Gary Dean Cullison ofAlbany announce the birth of a daughter, Caitlin Ashley, born August 29. The infant weighed 9 pounds at birth. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Elmer Cullison ofPlains. TR, Mon 4 Sep 1989

Cullison, Jennifer Lynn - Mr and Mrs Lowell Cullison ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter who has been named JenniferLynn. The infant, who was bornWednesday, September 7 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital weighed 8pounds, 3 ounces. She has a brother,Kristofer, and a sister, Kimberly. Hergrandparents are Mr and Mrs Elmer Cullison, Plains and Mr and Mrs Otto Huegelof Key Largo, Fla. She is thegreat-granddaughter of Mrs Pearl Johnson, Preston and Martin Huegel, KeyLargo. TR, Thu 8 Sep 1983

Cullison, Kimberly Nichole - Mr and Mrs Lowell Cullison, 204Frieda Lane, announce the birth of a baby girl on October 30 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The infant,who weighed 8 pounds, 14 ½ ounces has been named Kimberly Nichole. She has a brother, Christopher, two. The maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs OttoHuegel, Florida Keys. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Elmer Cullison, Americus and the great-grandparentsare Martin Huegel, Florida Keys and Mrs Herschel Johnson, Preston. TR, Fri 6 Nov 1981

Cullison, Kristofer Wayne - Mr and Mrs Lowell Cullisonannounce the birth of a son born Monday, February 18 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who has beennamed Kristofer Wayne, weighed 8 pounds, 4 ½ ounces. The infant is the grandson of Mr and MrsElmer Cullison of Americus and Mr and Mrs Otto Heugel of the Florida Keys. TR, Tue 26 Feb 1980

Cullison, Lowell Radford - Mr and Mrs Elmer Cullison announcethe arrival of a son, Lowell Radford Cullison, at the Stewart-Webster Hospital,Tuesday, January 25. The new baby has asmall sister, Rita Ann, about 18 months old.Mrs Cullison is the former Bernice Johnson, daughter of Mr and Mrs H JJohnson of Plains. She is LaboratoryTechician at the Stewart-Webster Hospital.Mr Cullison received his discharge from the U S Army last year, and isnow attending South Georgia Trade School in Americus. He is the son of Mr and Mrs W E Cullison ofWorthington, Indiana. TR, Thu 27 Jan1955

Cullison, Not named - Mr and Mrs Elmer Cullison Jr, of Route 2Plains, announce the birth of a 9 pound daughter, July 2, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Fri 3 Jul1964

Cullison, Not named - Mr and Mrs Elmer Cullison, of Richland,announce the birth of a son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital,Saturday, November 17, who weighed 9 pounds, 6 ounces. TR, Mon 19 Nov 1956

Culpepper, Alison Greene - Mr and Mrs Robert J Culpepper Jr, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, November 20 at the CrawfordW Long Hospital in Atlanta. The baby hasbeen named Alison Greene. Mrs Culpepperis the former Miss Mary Ann Greene, of Bluffton. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsRobert Culpepper Sr of Americus. TR,Tue 21 Nov 1961

Culpepper, Amy Lyn - Rev and Mrs Ronald Culpepper, of Columbus,announce the birth of a daughter on Monday, October 29 at the Medical Center inColumbus.. The baby has been named AmyLyn and is the granddaugher of Mr and Mrs Joe Culpepper of Columbus and MrsDora Massey of Americus. TR, Thu 23Oct 1969

Culpepper, Carol Ann - Rev and Mrs Ronald Culpepper, ofColumbus, announce the birth of a daughter, Carol Ann, born Friday, March 10 atthe Medical Center. The baby, whoweighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Joe Culpepper ofColumbus and Mr and Mrs Joseph Daniel of Americus. TR, Tue 28 Mar 1972

Culpepper, Carol - Mr and Mrs Robert Culpepper announce thebirth of a daughter, Friday, September 24, at city hospital, who has been giventhe name Carol. Mrs Culpepper was beforeher marriage Miss Virginia Massey, of Albany.TR, Sat 25 Sep 1943

Culpepper, Christopher Grant - Mr and Mrs Michael Culpepper ofColumbus announce the birth of a son, Christopher Grant, born July 12 at theMedical Center. The baby weighed 6pounds, 13 ounces. His grandparents areMr and Mrs Henry Ratliff of Plains and Mr and Mrs William Culpepper ofColumbus.. Paternal great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Weston Culpepper and Mr and Mrs Percy Sands, all ofColumbus. Mrs Culpepper is the formerJanet Ratliff of Plains. TR, Fri 23Jul 1982

Culpepper, Debbie Darlene - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Culpepper, of 423East Hill Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter, DebbieDarlene, July 15 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 18 Jul 1960

Culpepper, Jack Dempsey - Mr and Mrs Jack Culpepper, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ounce son March 2, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of Jack Dempsey. TR, Tue 3 Mar 1959

Culpepper, Jennifer Brooke - Jimmy and Nora Culpepper announcethe birth of a daughter, Jennifer Brooke, born February 23 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 1ounce at birth. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Jimmy Culpepper of Buena Vista; J O Richardson of Plains and Mrs GlendaRichardson of Plains. The infant has asister, Christy, age three. TR, Fri26 Feb 1988

Culpepper, Jill Athena - Mr and Mrs Mike Culpepper of Columbusannounce the birth of a 5 pound, 15 ½ ounce daughter, Jill Athena, bornThursday, July 17 at the Medical Center of Columbus. She is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs Henry Ratliff of Plains and Mrs Virginia Culpepper and the lateBill Culpepper of Columbus.Great-grandparents are Mrs P F Sands and Mr and Mrs Weston Culpepper,all of Columbus. Jill has a brother, Grant,4. TR, Mon 28 Jul 1986

Culpepper, Laura Leigh - Rev and Mrs Ronald Culpepper, ofColumbus, announce the birth of a daughter, November 30, at the Medical Center,who has been given the name of Laura Leigh.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J O Culpepper of Columbusand Mrs Doris Massey of Americus. TR,Mon 4 Dec 1967

Culpepper, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Culpepper, of 405 SouthJackson Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce son, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, on August 23.TR, Thursday 24 Aug 1961

Culpepper, Not named - Mr and Mrs John E Culpepper, of 615 ½Barlow Street, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 2 ounce daughter, April 23, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Fri 24 Apr 1964

Culpepper, Not named - Mr and Mrs L R Culpepper, of Macon,announce the birth of a son, May 20, at the Macon hospital. Mrs Culpepper wil be pleasantly rememberedhere as Miss Gladys Mae Jones, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs O B Jones, ofBrooklyn Heights. TR, Thu 20 May 1920

Culpepper, Not named - Mr and Mrs Olin Culpepper announce thebirth of a son, Wednesday, January 7, at city hospital. TR, Thu 8 Jan 1948

Culpepper, Penny Leigh - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Culpepper of 118 ½Brannen Avenue, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ½ ounce daughter, November30 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named PennyLeigh. TR, Mon 3 Dec 1962

Culpepper, Robert Joseph III - Mr and Mrs Bob Culpepper, ofMartinsville, Va, announce the birth of a son, Monday, April 11, who has beengiven the name of Robert Joseph III. MrCulpepper is a former resident of Americus.The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Richard Culpepper of 403 ValleyDrive. TR, Tue 12 Apr 1966

Culpepper, Robert Joseph Jr - Mr and Mrs Robert Culpepperannounce the birth of a son, Monday, June 29, at the city hospital, who has beengiven the name Robert Joseph Jr. MrsCulpepper was before her marriage Miss Virginia Massey, of Albany. TR, Tue 30 Jun 1936

Culvert, Not named - Mr and Mrs B C Culvert, of Shellman,announce the birth of a son born Monday, September 18 at City Hospital. TCN, Thu 21 Sep 1950

Cummings, Frank Lawrence - Mr and Mrs Frank Louis Cummings, ofDawson, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ½ ounce son, Tuesday, March 4, atthe Terrell County Hospital, who has been named Frank Lawrence. Mrs Cummings is the former Miss CarolineLumpkin, of Shellman and the baby is the grandson of George Lumpkin, of thiscity. TR, Wed 5 Mar 1958

Cummings, Robert Curtis Jr - Mr and Mrs Robert Cummings ofMacon are the parents of a 9 pound, 14 ounce son born Thursday, May 17 who hasbeen named Robert Curtis Jr. MrsCummings is the former Debra Winter of Americus. The baby’s grandmother is Mrs James RFairbanks of Winter Park, Fla and the late John L Winter of Wichita,Kansas. TR Tue 22 May 1979

Cummins, Max Allen - Mr and Mrs Craig Cummins of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Max Allen, on December 30 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The baby, who weighed 7pounds, 9 ounces is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Bill Pryor of Indianapolis, Indand Babs and Frank Coppes and Jim Cummins, all of Warsaw, Ind. McClain Cummins is his three years oldbrother. TR, Wed 21 Jan 1998

Cummins, McCartney James - Mr and Mrs Craig Cummings ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, McCartney James, born Aug 31 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 15 ounces. He is the grandson ofMr and Mrs Bill Pryor of Indianapolis, Ind and Bab and Frank Coppes and JimCummins, all of Warsaw, Ind. He has twobrothers, McClain, 4 and Max, 2. TR,Tue 7 Sep 1999

Cunningham, Not named - Pvt and Mrs Joseph Cunningham announcethe birth of a son, Tuesday, June 12, at city hospital. Pvt Cunningham is with the armed forcesoverseas. TR, Fri 15 Jun 1945

Curlee, Not named - Mr and Mrs B F Curlee, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 3/4 ounce daughter, born July 16 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 17 Jul 1961

Curlee, Robert Brandon - Mr and Mrs Bobby Curlee, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 1 ounce son, March 18, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Robert Brandon. TR, Mon 21 Mar 1960

Curry, Daniel Roy - Mr and Mrs C Donald Curry, of Gray,announce the birth of a son January 28 who has been given the name of DanielRoy. Mrs Curry is the former BettyJohnson of Americus. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Roy E Johnson, of the Ellaville road and Mrs C D Curryand the late Mr Curry of Gray. TR,Thu 4 Feb 1971

Curry, Jason Lee - Mr and Mrs Ernie Curry announce thebirth of a son born Wednesday, May 4 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been named JasonLee. He weighed 7 pounds, 5 ½ounces. Grandparents are Mr and MrsRoyce Gill of DeFuniak Springs, Fla and J B Curry of Ponce de Leon, Fla. TR, Tue 17 May 1977

Curry, Kelly Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs James C Curry Jr, ofLumberton, NC announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce daughter, born FridayAugust 7 who has been named Kelly Elizabeth.Mrs Curry is the former Faye Abbett of Americus. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs JC Curry of Savannah and Mr and Mrs Ad Abbett of this city. TR, Wed 12 Aug 1970

Curry, Kimberly Fae - Mr and Mrs James C Curry Jr, ofFairfax, Alabama, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce daughter Monday,July 1, who has been named Kimberly Fae.Mrs Curry is the former Faye Abbett of Americus. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs JC Curry Sr of Savannah and Mr and Mrs Ad Abbet of this city. TR, Wed 3 Jul 1968

Curtis, Donald Raymond III - Mr and Mrs Donald R Curtis Jrof Americus are the parents of a son born Tuesday, November 10 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The infant,who weighed 9 pounds, 14 ounces has been named Donald Raymond III. The little boy is the grandson of Mr and MrsDonald Curtis Sr of Chattanooga and Mrs Delores Morton and James Monroe, bothof St Petersburg, Flordia. TR, Thur12 Nov 1981

Curtis, James Clayton - Donald and Michele Curtis ofMontezuma announce the birth of a son who has been named James ClaytonCurtis. The infant, who was bornThursday, October 20 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital weighed 9pounds, 14 ounces at birth. He has abrother, Donald Raymond III.Grandparents are Donald and Shirley Curtis of Chattanooga, Tenn andJames and Delores Morton of St Petersburg, Fla.TR, Wed 2 Nov 1983

Curtis, Janine Marie - Mr and Mrs Richard Curtis, of Tampa,Fla, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce daughter on March 10 at TampaGeneral Hospital who has been named Janine Marie. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsArthur W Baker, the great-granddaughter of Mrs S A Smith Sr of Americus and thegreat-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs H F Baker and Mr and Mrs L T Norris of Moultrie. TR, Wed 15 Mar 1967

Curtis, Katherine Ruth - Lt and Mrs Norman Phillip Curtisannounce the birth of a daughter, Katherine Ruth, Monday, November 29, at cityhospital. Lt Curtis, a former Americusresident, is with the armed forces in North Africa. Mrs Curtis is the former Miss Ruth Smith, ofTallapoosa, Ga. TR, Tue 30 Nov 1943

Curtis, Kristie Lynn - Mr and Mrs Phil Curtis Jr announcethe birth of a daughter, Kristie Lynn, who was born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, March 28. The baby isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Roy McGuire and Mr and Mrs Phillip Curtis ofthis city and the great-granddaughter of Mrs Lois McGuire and Mrs WillisHawkins, both of Americus. TR, Thu 30Mar 1972

Curtis, Not named - Mr and Mrs Dannie Lee Curtis, ofTazewell, are the parents of a 6 pound, 15 ounce daughter, born October 9, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 10 Oct 1962

Curtis, Not named - Mr and Mrs Danny Curtis, of Tazewell,are the parents of a 7 pound, 13 ½ ounce daughter, born August 26 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 26 Aug 1965

Curtis, Twins - Mr and Mrs Phillip Curtis announce the birthof twins, a boy and girl, who were born Tuesday, August 17, at cityhospital. The son, who weighed 7 pounds,1 ½ ounce has been named Norman Phillip Jr and the daughter, who weighed 6pounds, 8 ounces has been given the name Dorothy Jean. TR, Wed 18 Aug 1948

D’Avignon, Earl Jr - Mr and Mrs E A D’Avignon, of Tampa, Fla,announce the birth of a son, December 1, who has been given the name of EarlJr. Both Mr and Mrs D’Avignon are formerresidents of Americus. TR, Fri 9 Dec1932

D’Avingnon, Not named - Mr and Mrs E A D’Avingnon announce thebirth of a son Friday, Nov 20th at their home on Elm Avenue. Mrs D’Avingnon was formerly Miss Eula BRodyan of Poulen, Ga. TR, Mon 3 Dec1928

Dacus, Not named - Mr and Mrs Arnold Dacus, of Preston,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, February 25 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Tue 26Feb 1957

Dailey, James Elliott II - Mr and Mrs J E Dailey, of Americus,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ounce son Tuesday, October 11 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Hehas been named James Elliott II. Thegrandparents are Mr and Mrs Simon Dailey of Preston and Mr and Mrs Ted Davis ofColumbia, Louisiana. TR, Wed 12 Oct1966

Dailey, Justin Willis - John and Angela Dailey announce thebirth of a son, Justin Willis, born March 19 at Phoebe Putney Hospital,Albany. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 2ounces at birth. TR, Sat 28 Mar 1992

Dailey, Lettie Virginia - Mr and Mrs Bob Dailey of Columbusannounce the birth of a daughter, Lettie Virginia, born Thursday, May 28 atColumbus Medical Center. The infant, whowill be called Ginny, weighed 9 pounds, 3 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mrs Julian Smith ofArabi and the late Mr Smith and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs MalcolmDailey of Selma, Ala. TR, Wed 3 Jun1987

Dailey, Meaghan Louise - Angela and John Dailey of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Meaghan Louise, born November 18 at PhoebePutney Hospital in Albany. The infantweighed 9 pounds, 2 ounces. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Alvin Wellons and Mr and Mrs Clark Cherry, all of Americus; Mrand Mrs Larry Belcher of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs Jerry Dailey of Preston. Great-grandfather is Arthur Hogg Sr ofAmericus. TR, Fri 6 Dec 1996

Dajani, Lemise Lorraine - Drs Omar and Lorraine Dajani ofJacksonville, Fla announce the birth of a daughter, Lemise Lorraine, bornFebruary 14 in Jacksonville. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Wright Hollingsworth (the former Marjorie Joyner ofAmericus) and paternal grandparents are Mrs Afaff Danjani and the late MufedDagani of Damascus, Syria.Great-grandparents are Mrs William A Joyner of Americus and the late RevWilliam A Joyner. TR, Fri 19 Feb 1988

Dale, Bert - Mr and Mrs Ed Dale of Dawson announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce son, Bert, born Tuesday, April 3 at SumterRegional Hospital. He is the grandson ofMr and Mrs Lee Dale of Dawson and Mr and Mrs Paul Degelmann of Americus. TR, Fri 19 Apr 1985

Dale, Carol Diane - Mr and Mrs Theo M Dale announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce daughter, born September 28 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Carol Diane. TR, Fri 5 Oct 1956

Dale, Linda Sue - Sgt and Mrs Horace Dean Dale, of FortBragg, N C, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce daughter Wednesday, May14, who has been named Linda Sue. MrsDale is the former Miss Mary Lou Lashbrook.TR, Wed 21 May 1952

Dale, Not named - Mr and Mrs A L Dale, of Parrott,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, July 28, at Prather clinic. TR, Thu 30 Jul 1942

Dale, Not named - Mr and Mrs Earl Dale, of Parrott,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, October 11, at city hospital. TR, Fri 13 Oct 1950

Dale, Not named - Mr and Mrs L E Dale, of Parrott,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter, born March 12, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 14 Mar 1960

Dale, Patricia Ann - Mr and Mrs S B Dale, of Dawson,announce the birth of a daughter, Patricia Ann, Wednesday, August 15, atPrather Clinic. TR, Thu 16 Aug 1945

Dale, Stephen Morris - Mr and Mrs Theo M Dale, ofColumbus, Ga, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounceson, born November 7. He has been namedStephen Morris. TR, Tue 14 Nov 1961

Dale, Tiffany Marie - Mr and Mrs Ed Dale of Dawsonannounce the birth of a daughter who has been given the name Tiffany MarieDale. The infant, who was born onSunday, February 13 weighed 7 pounds, 7 ½ ounces. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs PaulDegelmann of Americus and Mr and Mrs Lee Dale, Dawson. Her great-grandparents are Mrs Nadine Rigsby,Dawson; Mrs Dixie Dale, Dawson and Mr and Mrs Paul Degelmann of Pisgah,Ala. TR, Tue 22 Feb 1983

Dale, Willard Virlyn - Mr and Mrs L E Dale, of Parrott,announce the birth of a son, Willard Virlyn, Sunday, September 20, at Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces. TR, Wed 23 Sep 1953

Dalhouse, Susan - Mr and Mrs Sam L Dalhouse announce the birthof a daughter, born Thursday, September 30, at Prather Clinic. The baby was given the name of Susan. TR, Fri 1 Oct 1937

Dally, Carolanne - Mr and Mrs Gene Dally, of Social Circle,announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, August 21, who weighed 6 pounds, 6ounces. The baby has been namedCarolanne. Mrs Dally is the former MissAnn Bone, of Leslie, and the baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs O ABone. TR, Fri 26 Aug 1955

Dally, Margaret Louise - Mr and Mrs Eugene Carroll Dally,of Social Circle, announce the birth of a 7-pound, 14-ounce daughter Saturday,May 23, at Walton County Hospital, Monroe, who has been named MargaretLouise. Mrs Dally is the former MissAnnolene Bone, of Leslie. TR, Mon 25May 1953

Dalrymple, Not named - Mr and Mrs James C Dalrymple, ofSeville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce son, Thursday, May 24 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 25 May 1956

Dalton, Christy Robyn - Mr and Mrs Edgar Dalton announce thebirth of a daughter born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital Wednesday,January 7. The baby, who has been giventhe name of Christy Robyn weighed 8 pounds, 11 1/2 ounces. She is the granddaughter of Mrs Mary Harrodand the late Howard Harrod of Americus and Mrs W C Dalton and the late MrDalton, of DeSoto. TR, Fri 9 Jan 1976

Dalton, Clay Harris - Mr and Mrs Harris Dalton, ofCartersville, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 8 ounce son, born July 17 andhas been named Clay Harris. Mrs Daltonis the former Earnestine Ellis, of Cordele.The grandparents are Mrs W H Dalton of Leslie and Mrs G R Ellis ofCordele. TR, Tue 18 Jul 1961

Dalton, Frank Lee - Mr and Mrs W K Dalton announce the birthof a son, March 8, at their home on Jefferson Street, who has been named FrankLee. TR, Tue 13 Mar 1934

Dalton, Grover Frederick - Mr and Mrs Cloyd Dalton ofDeSoto, announce the birth of a son on May 8, who has been given the name ofGrover Frederick. TR, Thu 21 May 1931

Dalton, Lois Ann - Mr and Mrs Fred Dalton announce the birthof a daughter, Lois Ann, at Warner Robins on Nov 6th.. The baby weighed seven pounds and twelveounces. Mrs Dalton is the former MaryLou Huffman. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs C W Huffman of Smithville and Mrs W C Dalton ofDeSoto. TR, Fri 14 Nov 1958

Dalton, Sally Jean - Mr and Mrs F L Dalton announce thebirth of a daughter Wednesday, January 12, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Sally Jean.The baby weighed 9 pounds, 2 ounces.Mrs Dalton was before marriage Miss Mary Flournoy. TR, Fri 21 Jan 1955

Dalton, Sara Frances - Mr and Mrs W H Dalton of 133Jefferson Street, announce the birth of a daughter Wednesday, May 27, who hasbeen given the name Sara Frances. TR,Thu 28 May 1931.

Dalton, William Cedrick - Michele Ragle and Bill Dalton ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, William Cedrick, June 3 at SumterRegional Hospital. Victor and ElizabethKarycki of Goshea, NY and Joyce and Edgar Dalton of DeSoto are thegrandparents. Thegreat-great-grandmother is Rose Marie Ragle of Williston, Fla. TR, Wed 18 Jun 1997

Dalton, William Edgar - Mr and Mrs Edgar Dalton announce thebirth of a son Friday, November 3 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who has been namedWilliam Edgar, weighed 10 pounds, 6 ounces.He is the grandson of Mrs Mary Harrod, Americus and Mrs W C Dalton ofDeSoto. The baby’s great-grandparents areMr and Mrs J H Harrod of Leslie and Mrs Annie Hale of Plains. TR, Mon 13 Nov 1972

Daniel, Alan James - Mr and Mrs H D (Buddy) Daniel Jr,announce the birth of 7 pound, 3 ounce son, September 12, at Phoebe PutneyHospital in Albany. Mrs Daniel is theformer Barbara Ann Rowland, of Thomasville.The baby has been named Alan James.TR, Thu 21 Sep 1961

Daniel, Alison Brooke - Mr and Mrs Carl Daniel of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Alison Brooke, born Saturday, August 20 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Lamar Salter of Americus and paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Pat Crumpton of Americus and Phil Daniel of Pennsylvania. Great-grandparents are Mrs V L Salter; Mr andMrs Johnny Morgan, all of Americus; Houston Register of Warner Robins; Mrs E YHamilton and Mr and Mrs Claude Smith, all of Americus. TR, Fri 26 Aug 1988

Daniel, Angela - Mr and Mrs Reginald Scott Daniel announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter Wednesday, March 19 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who has been named Angela is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Fred Horn and Mrand Mrs Eulan Daniel. The baby’s motheris the former Phyllis Horn. TR, Fri21 Mar 1969

Daniel, Ashley - Mr and Mrs Reggie Daniel announce the birthof a daughter born Friday, April 23 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 8pounds, 4 ounces has been given the name of Ashley. Ashley is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsEulon Daniel and Mr and Mrs Fred Horn. TR,Fri 23 Apr 1976

Daniel, Brannon Keith - Mr and Mrs B Keith Daniel ofAmericus announce the birth of a son who has been given the name BrannonKeith. The infant, who was bornThursday, December 23 at Coliseum Park Hospital in Macon is the grandson of Mrand Mrs Thomas B Daniel, Americus and Mr and Mrs Isaac Silcox, Columbus. TR, Thu 30 Dec 1982

Daniel, Brenda Joyce - Mr and Mrs Walter F Daniel, ofBiddeford, Maine, announce the birth of a daughter Sunday, February 22, whoweighed 8 pounds, 6 ½ ounces. The babyhas been named Brenda Joyce. The baby isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs H S Daniel, of Americus. TR, Tue 24 Feb 1953

Daniel, Brittany Paige - Carl and Stacie Daniel of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Brittany Paige, born April 28 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Pat Crumpton of Americus and Phil Daniel ofTennessee and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Lamar Salter ofAmericus. The baby has a sister, Alison,age three. TR, Thu 7 May 1992

Daniel, Carolus Wood Jr - Mr and Mrs C W Daniel announce thebirth of a son, Thursday, March 21, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedCarolus Wood Jr. TR, Thu 21 Mar 1946

Daniel, Clarence McCraine - Mr and Mrs A O Daniel announcethe birth of a son at their home on South Lee Street, on Nov 1st.. He has been given the name ClarenceMcCraine. TR, Wed 7 Nov 1928

Daniel, David Curtis - Mr and Mrs Joseph Daniel announce thebirth of a son Tuesday, October 16, at Prather Clinic, who has been named DavidCurtis. Mrs Daniel and baby have beenremoved to their home on Bell Street from the clinic. TR, Mon 22 Oct 1951

Daniel, Emerson Ross III - Mr and Mrs Emerson Ross Jr, ofDalton, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son, Emerson Ross III, atthe city hospital, Thursday, June 6. MrsDaniel was before marriage Miss Margaret Crittenden, of Shellman. The baby was born on the birthday of theirother son who is four years old. TR,Tue 18 Jun 1946

Daniel, George Emmett Jr - Mr and Mrs George Emmett Daniel,of Route 4, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 2 ounce son, Tuesday, November 18at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name ofGeorge Emmett Jr. TR, Wed 19 Nov 1958

Daniel, George Emmett - Mr and Mrs Emmett Daniel announcethe birth of a son, Nov 20, at their home on the Charles Crisp plantation, whohas been given the name of George Emmett.TR, Sat 2 Dec 1922

Daniel, J L Jr - Mr and Mrs James Leo Daniel, of Charlotte,NC, announce the birth of a son, March 3, at the home of her father, Mr J GFeagin on Lee Street. The little son hasbeen given the name J L Jr. Mrs Danielwill be remembered as Miss Mary Annie Feagin before her marriage. TR, Mon 5 Mar 1928

Daniel, Jessica Merritt - Mr and Mrs Charles W Daniel Jr ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Jessica Merritt, born November 3 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 10 pounds, 12 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Charles W Daniel Sr and Mr and Mrs JohnBlanks Sr, all of Roxboro, NC. The babyhas a sister, Emily Allison, age three. TR,Wed 6 Dec 1989

Daniel, Joseph Jr - Mr and Mrs Joseph Daniel announce thebirth of a son, Wednesday, November 26, at city hospital, who has been namedJoseph Jr. Mrs Daniel was before hermarriage Miss Alice Bray. TR, Fri 28Nov 1941

Daniel, Joseph Preston Jr - Mr and Mrs Preston Daniel, ofChattanooga, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce son born Easter Sunday,April 6 at the Erlanger Hospital in Chattanooga. The infant has been named Joseph PrestonJr. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs RoyDaniel Sr of Americus and Mr and Mrs Ira Daniel of Dayton, Tennessee. The baby’s mother is the former Linda Danielof Americus. TR, Tue 8 Apr 1980

Daniel, Judson Henry Jr - Mr and Mrs Henry Daniel, ofRoberta, announce the birth of a son Thursday, September 10 at the hospital inReynolds, who has been named Judson Henry Jr.Mrs Daniel is the former Miss Dorothy Weathers of Jacksonville, and thebaby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs J C Daniel, of the Concord community. TR, Fri 11 Sep 1953

Daniel, Kenneth McAlister - Mr and Mrs Roy Daniel, of Route3, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce son Kenneth McAlister, July 9, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 11 Jul 1960

Daniel, Kimberly Dawn - Mr and Mrs Thomas B Daniel, of 1911Rose Avenue, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce daughter, Kimberly Dawn,at the Macon Hospital, Monday, September 16.The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs Jack Durden, of Columbus, and thelate Mr Daniel and Mr and Mrs T D Daniel of Milledgeville. TR, Fri 20 Sep 1968

Daniel, Lannette Faye - Mr and Mrs Eulan Daniel announce thebirth of a daughter Thursday, January 13, at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who weighed 7 pounds, one ounce.The baby has been named Lannette Faye.TR, Fri 14 Jan 1955

Daniel, Laurel Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Ronald David Danielannounce the birth of a daughter April 5 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who has been giventhe name of Laurel Elizabeth is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Howard Bentleyand Mr and Mrs William Daniel, all of Columbus.TR, Wed 16 Apr 1969

Daniel, Marion - Mr and Mrs Noah Daniel announce the birthof a son, Monday, February 10, at the city hospital, who has been namedMarion. TR, Thu 13 Feb 1941

Daniel, Martha Ann - Mr and Mrs J L Daniel, of Gainesville,Fla, announce the birth of a daughter, born Friday, March 18, who has beennamed Martha Ann. Before marriage MrsDaniel was Miss Mary Annie Feagin, of Americus.TR, Wed 23 Mar 1938

Daniel, Martha Sharon - Mr and Mrs Ben Daniel, of Columbus,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ½ ounce daughter at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital Saturday, March 2, 1968, who has been given the name of MarthaSharon. Mrs Daniel is the former MissMartha Cannon, of Americus. The baby isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs W O Cannon of this city and Mr and Mrs HarryDaniel of Columbus. TR, Mon 4 Mar1968

Daniel, Mary Ann - Mr and Mrs C W Daniel announce the birthof a 5 pound, 5 ounce daughter, Saturday, June 18, at Prather Clinic, who hasbeen named Mary Ann. Mrs Daniel is theformer Eloise Mercer of Donovan, Ga. TR,Sat 25 Jun 1949

Daniel, Mary Lou - Mr and Mrs A S Daniel, of Ellaville,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter, February 11, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Mary Lou. TR, Mon 13 Feb 1961

Daniel, Mary - Mr and Mrs Corey Daniel, of the Concordcommunity, announce the birth of an eight and a half pound daughter, Monday,December 3, who has been given the name of Mary. TR, Thu 6 Dec 1934

Daniel, Mary Virginia - Mr and Mrs W W Daniel, of Kenosha,WI, announce the birth of a daughter, February 11, who has been named MaryVirginia. Mrs Daniel was formerly MissVirginia Bass, of this city. TR, Fri12 Feb 1937

Daniel, Michael Evan - Sgt and Mrs Carey Burton Daniel, whoare stationed in Germany, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce son, bornAugust 8, who has been named Michael Evan.The baby is the grandson of Mrs L B Bryant of this city. TR, Mon 23 Aug 1965

Daniel, Monica Evette - Sgt and Mrs Carey Burton Daniel, ofSouthern Germany, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter, May4. The baby, who has been named MonicaEvette, is the granddaughter of Mrs L B Bryant, of East Dodson Street. TR, Wed 13 May 1964

Daniel, Not named - Mr and Mrs A J Daniel, of Rossville,Tenn, announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, January 13. Mrs Daniel was formerly Miss Dorothy Waltersof Americus. TR, Tue 14 Jan 1941

Daniel, Not named - Mr and Mrs Carey Daniel announce thebirth of a son, Tuesday, October 14, at their home near Magnolia Springs. TR, Tue 14 Oct 1941

Daniel, Not named - Mr and Mrs Clark Daniel announce thebirth of a daughter on November 16 at their home on the Smithville road. TR, Sat 19 Nov 1921

Daniel, Not named - Mr and Mrs Emmett Daniel announce thebirth of a daughter. TR, Sun 18 Apr1920

Daniel, Not named - Mr and Mrs H D Daniel, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, March 16, at city hospital. TR, Fri 16 Mar 1945

Daniel, Not named - Mr and Mrs H S Daniel announce the birthof a son at Prather clinic on July 2nd. TCN, Thu 4 Jul 1946

Daniel, Not named - Mr and Mrs Homer Daniel, of Charlotte, NC, announce the birth of a little daughter Monday, September the 20th.. Mrs Daniel will be pleasantly remembered inAmericus as Miss Madeline Brady. TR,Mon 20 Sep 1926

Daniel, Not named - Mr and Mrs Joe Daniel Jr, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son, October 27, at the GeorgiaBaptist Hospital. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Joseph Daniel, of Americus and Mr and Mrs R U Harden ofWaynesboro. TR, Wed 27 Oct 1965

Daniel, Not named - Mr and Mrs Roy Daniel, of Route 4Americus, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ½ ounce daughter, May 18 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 19 May 1965

Daniel, Not named - Mr and Mrs W W Daniel, of 406 Peggy AnnDrive, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 11 ½ ounce son, October 28, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 29 Oct 1965

Daniel, Patricia Gail - Mr and Mrs Eulan Daniel announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce daughter, Friday, August 10 at Prather Clinic, whohas been named Patricia Gail. Mrs Danielis the former Glendorda Dorris, of Benton, Ill and the baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Roy Daniel, of Americus and H C Dorris, of Benton,Ill. TR, Sat 11 Aug 1951

Daniel, Rebakah Leigh - Mr and Mrs John C Daniel III ofMacon announce the birth of a daughter, Rebekah Leigh, born June 20 at MaconColiseum Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 13 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Thomas Simpson of Americus and Mrs J C Daniel II of Dawson. Rebakah has a sister, Victoria, age two. TR, Fri 24 Jun 1988

Daniel, Renee Paige - Mr and Mrs Joe Daniel Jr, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce daughter Saturday, July 29 at theGeorgia Baptist Hospital, who has been given the name of Renee Pagie. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsJoseph Daniel of Americus and Mr and Mrs R U Harden of Waynesboro. TR, Tue 1 Aug 1967

Daniel, Roy Andrew - Mr and Mrs George E Daniel, of Route 4Americus, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 7 ounce son, September 22, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been given the name of Roy Andrew.TR, Wed 23 Sep 1964

Daniel, Roy Francis Jr - Mr and Mrs Roy Francis Danielannounce the birth of a son Saturday, December 27, who has been named RoyFrancis Jr. TR, Wed 31 Dec 1952

Daniel, Roy Francis - Mr and Mrs George Emmett Daniel of theLeslie Road announce the birth of a son on January 14th, who will becall Roy Francis Daniel. TR, Sat 22Jan 1927

Daniel, Thomas - Is the name of the infant son ov Mr and MrsMike Cooper of Houston, Texas who was born Monday, March 17.. The baby weighed 6 pounds, 7 ounces. Mrs Cooper is the former Kathy Hawkins ofAmericus. Daniel, as the infant will becalled, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Thomas Hawkins of Americus and Mr and MrsJames Cooper of Chattanooga, Tenn. TR,Thu 20 Mar 1980

Daniel, Thomas Logan - Mr and Mrs Arthur Daniel IV ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Thomas Logan, born Tuesday, March 12 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs L K Davis of Andersonville; and Mrand Mrs Arthur Daniel III of Ellaville.The baby has a brother, Davis, age two.TR, Mon 18 Mar 1991

Daniel, Travis Dean - Mr and Mrs William B Daniel, of Apt23A Bowen Drive, announce the birth of a 9 ½pound son Thursday, June 6 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital,who has been named Travis Dean. The babyis the grandson of Mr and Mrs B M Daniel of McGarrah Street, Americus and Mrand Mrs A E Edenfield of Douglas. TR,Tue 11 Jun 1968

Daniel, Tyler Shane - Phillip and Lisa Daniel of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Tyler Shane, born November 21 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 4ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Pat Crumpton of Americus and Mr and Mrs Leon Salter of Americus. The baby has a brother, Jeremy Scott, agefour. TR, Sat 2 Dec 1989

Daniel, Walter Allen - Mr and Mrs Henry Daniel, of Pearson,announce the birth of a son Wednesday, December 29, who weighed 6 pounds, 14ounces. The baby, who has been namedWalter Allen, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs C J Daniel, of Americus. TR, Fri 31 Dec 1954

Daniel, Walter Jr - Mr and Mrs W W Daniel, of Kenosha,Wisconsin, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son, Walter Jr, bornFriday September 30. TR, Tue 4 Oct1938

Daniel, William Crittenden- Is the name of the son of Mr and Mrs E R Daniel Jr, who was bornSaturday, June 6, at city hospital. MrsDaniel was before her marriage Miss Margery Crittenden, of Shellman, and thebaby is named for his maternal grandfather.TR, Mon 8 Jun 1942

Daniel, William Phillip Jr - Mr and Mrs W P Daniel, of 203Frieda Lane, are the parents of a 7 pound, 15 ounce son, born March 1, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named William PhillipJr. TR, Fri 2 Mar 1962

Daniel, William Zachary - Mr and Mrs Roy Daniel Jr ofAmericus announce the arrival of a chosen son, William Zachary, born Thursday,August 30. The infant weighed 6 pounds,9 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Frank Dalton of Leslie and paternal grandparents are Mr and MrsRoy Daniel Sr. Great-grandmother is MrsBen Flournoy of Elmodel, Ga. TR, Thu6 Sep 1990

Daniels, Angela Jacobs - Mr and Mrs Ballard Daniels, ofCuthbert, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, June 21 at City Hospital,who has been named Angela Jacobs. MrsDaniels is the former Miss Eleanor Jacobs.TR, Mon 25 Jun 1951

Daniels, Ballard Edward - Mr and Mrs Ballard Daniels, ofColumbia, S C, announce the birth of a son, Friday, November 4, at CityHospital, who weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces.The baby has been named Ballard Edward.Mrs Daniels is the former Miss Eleanor Jacobs, of this city. TR, Mon 7 Nov 1949

Daniels, David Mark - Mr and Mrs Ballard Daniels, ofPensacola, announce the birth of a 7 pound son, Saturday, February 28, who hasbeen named David Mark. Mrs Daniels isthe former Miss Eleanor Jacobs, of this city.The baby is the grandson of Mrs Elizabeth Jacobs of Americus. TR, Thu, 5 Mar 1959

Daniels, Deborah Fay - Mr and Mrs J C Daniels, of Dawson,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, Sept 21. The baby has been named Deborah Fay. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs RobertSmith of Plains. TR, Wed 3 Oct 1956

Daniels, Guy Ritchie - Mr and Mrs Ballard Daniels, ofPensacola, Florida, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son Sunday,March 7, who has been named Guy Ritchie.Mrs Daniels is the former Miss Eleanor Jacobs, of this city. TR, Thu 18 Mar 1954

Daniels, Jimmy Frank - Mr and Mrs Johnny Daniels, of Route 1,are the parents of a six pound, 9 ounce son, born June 27, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Jimmy Frank. TR, Mon 29Jun 1964

Daniels, Kelsie Walter IV - Mr and Mrs Kelsie Walter DanielsIII of Atlanta announce the birth of their son, Kelsie Walter IV, born January12 at West Paces Medical Center, Atlanta.The infant weighed 9 pounds at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Charles Little Sr of Atlanta andpaternal grandparents are Effie M Daniels and the late Kelsie W Daniels II ofAmericus. Great-grandparents are AbbiaeSteward of Alamo and Nicie Daniels of Albany.TR, Wed 15 Feb 1995

Daniels, Leslie Joan - Mr and Mrs Pete Daniels announce thebirth of a daughter June 25 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby, who weighed 7 pounds, 4 ½ ounceshas been named Leslie Joan. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs E J Waters and Charlie Daniels and the late MrsClyde Milner Daniels of Shellman. TR,Fri 30 Jun 1972

Daniels, Merry Leigh - Mr and Mrs William Phil Daniels, ofFelder Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce daughter at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of MerryLeigh. TR, Thu 18 Aug 1960

Daniels, Michael Edward - Mr and Mrs Marion (Punk) Daniels,of 1105 Felder Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce son, Sunday,April 26 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named MichaelEdward. Mrs Daniels is the formerDorothy Oliver. TR, Mon 27 Apr 1964

Daniels, Nakia Shante - Mr and Mrs Kelsie Walter Daniels IIIof Atlanta announce the birth of a daughter, Nakia Shante, born June 29 at WestPaces Ferry Medical Center, Atlanta.Nakia, as the infant is called, weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces atbirth. Paternal grandparents are EffieDaniels and K W Daniels, both of Americus and maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Charles Little Jr of Atlanta.Great-grandmothers are Nicie L Daniels of Albany and Abbie Stewart ofAlamo. TR, Thu 15 Jul 1993

Daniels, Stephen Scott - Mr and Mrs Ballard Daniels, ofPensacola, announce the birth of a son Thursday, September 11, who has beennamed Stephen Scott. Mrs Daniels is theformer Miss Eleanor Jacobs, of this city.TR, Tue 23 Sep 1952

Daniels, Timothy Charles - Mr and Mrs Wilson Daniels, ofTifton, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce son at the Tift Countyhospital, who has been named Timothy Charles.Mrs Daniels was the former Miss Rose Mary Giddings. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs MarvinGiddings, of Americus and Mr and Mrs Noah Daniels, also of this city. TR, Thu 7 Apr 1960

Daniels, Tori Michelle - Mickey and Kathy Daniels of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Tori Michelle, born June 28 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 2 ounces at birth. She is thegranddaughter of Wanda and Punk Daniels of Manteo, NC and Gail Davis of WinstonSalem, NC. TR, Thu 9 Jul 1987

Daniels, Wilson Edward Jr - Mr and Mrs Wilson E Daniels, ofLeesburg, announce the birth of a son, Wilson Edward Jr, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Wed 15May 1957

Danvers, Gloria Ann - Mr and Mrs R F Danvers, of 1302 SouthLee Street, announce the birth of a daughter Gloria Ann, September 10, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital..The baby weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces.TR, Mon 12 Sep 1955

Danvers, Sandra Rose - Mr and Mrs Richard Danvers announcethe birth of a 6 pound daughter, Friday, May 3, who has been named Sandra Rose. TR, Fri 3 May 1957

Darby, Not named - Mr and Mrs J B Darby, of Andersonville,announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, November 30, at City Hospital. TR, Sat 30 Nov 1946..

Darden, Harold Jr - Mr and Mrs Harold Darden announce thebirth of a 9 ½ pound son, Sunday morning, January 29, at their home in theConcord community, who has been named Harold Jr. TR, Mon 30 Jan 1939

Darden, Not named - Mr and Mrs Louis Harrell Darden, ofJacksonville, Fla, announce the birth of a son on April 24. Mrs Darden was Miss Josephine Walters ofAmericus. TR, Sun 5 May 1929

Darden, Not named - Mr and Mrs Millard Darden, of Vienna,announce the birth of a 7 ½ pound son, born Saturday, April 1. Mrs Darden was formerly Miss Anne MargaretGuest, of Americus. TR, Fri 7 Apr1939

Darnell, Not named - Mr and Mrs B L Darnell announce thebirth of a daughter, June 25, at city hospital, who weighed 7 pounds, 3ounces. TR, Wed 30 Jun 1948

Dasher, Anne Whitney - Mr and Mrs J L Dasher, of MagnoliaSprings, Plains announce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Friday,August 24, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named AnneWhitney. TR, Fri 24 Aug 1956

Daughtry, Alice Ann - Mr and Mrs Jim D Daughtry announce thebirth of a daughter, Alice Ann, on Wednesday, February 21 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby’sgrandparents are Mr and Mrs C J Hursey of Savannah and Mr and Mrs J B Daughtryof Savannah Beach. TR, Fri 23 Feb1973

Daughtry, Brock Jackson - Mr and Mrs Bob Daughtry of Maconannounce the birth of a son, Brock Jackson, born March 26 at Coliseum MemorialHospital, Macon. The infant weighed 9pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Mrs Daughtryis the former Miss Susan Carreker of Americus.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Doug Carreker of Americus andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert Daughtry of Geneva, Ala. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Story of Americus. TR, Mon 30 Mar 1992

Daughtry, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert Daughtry, of 1611North Tennessee Road, Cartersville, formerly of Americus, announce the birth ofa son Saturday, November 18. TR, Sat18 Nov 1961

Davenport, Angela Marie - Mr and Mrs Walter Davenport ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Angela Marie, born January 28 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Cliff Bass of Leslie and paternalgrandparents are Mrs Ruth H Davenport, Americus and the late Mr LewisDavenport. TR, Wed 3 Feb 1988

Davenport, Anita Faye - Mr and Mrs S G Davenport announce thebirth of a daughter this morning at the Prather Clinic, who has been given thename Anita Faye. Both mother and babyare doing nicely. TR, Thu 28 Jun 1934

Davenport, Claire - Mr and Mrs George Milton (Drew) Davenportannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 6 ounce daughter, Saturday, August 20, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Claire. Mrs Davenport was before marriage MissLillian fa*glie. TR, Sat 20 Aug 1955

Davenport, Donna Beth - Mr and Mrs Brad Davenport, of Richland,announce the birth of a 9 pound daughter March 8 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been given the name of Donna Beth. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsReid Wilson Jr of Leslie and Mr and Mrs O L Davenport of Richland. Her great-grandparents are Mrs J I Hudson ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Reid Wilson Sr of Leslie. TR, Mon 11 Apr 1968

Davenport, Elisha Joan - Mr and Mrs Billy Frank Davenport ofEllaville, announce the birth of a daughter Thursday, June 12 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces has been named Elisha Joan. TR, Fri 20 Jun 1969

Davenport, Everett Schneider - Mr and Mrs James Davenport Jrannounce the birth of an 8 pound and 6 ounce son, Sunday morning, April 22 atthe city hospital, who has been named Everett Schneider. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. TR, Mon 23 Apr 1934

Davenport, George Murphy - Mr and Mrs Simmie Davenport announcethe birth of a son, Saturday, August 26, at the city hospital. The baby has been named George Murphy. TR, Mon 28 Aug 1939.

Davenport, George Murphy - Mrs George M Davenport announces thebirth of a son, Wednesday, March 13, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named George Murphy Jr.The baby’s mother is the former Catherine Morgan and his father was thelate George Davenport, who died recently.The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Dick Morgan and Mr and Mrs S GDavenport of Americus. TR, Tue 19 Mar1957

Davenport, Jon Martin - Mr and Mrs James Davenport III, of EastPoint, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce son, Friday, March 8, who hasbeen named Jon Martin. The baby is thegrandson of Mrs James A Davenport, of Americus.TR, Fri 15 Mar 1957

Davenport, Kristi Leigh - Mr and Mrs Walter Davenport ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Kristi Leigh, born on her mother’sbirthday, September 7, at Crawford Long Memorial Hospital, Atlanta. The infant weighed 5 pounds, 11 ounces atbirth. Paternal grandparents are MrsLewis Davenport and the late Mr Davenport of Americus and maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Cliff Bass of Leslie. Thebaby has a sister, Angie, 19 months. TR,Wed 13 Sep 1989

Davenport, Mildred Ann - Mr and Mrs F G Davenport announce thebirth of a seven pound, eight ounce daughter, August 2, at their home onJackson Street. The daughter waschristened Mildred Ann. TR, Sat 3 Aug1935

Davenport, Not named - Dr and Mrs Lowery Davenport, of Boston,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, July 15. Dr Davenport is a former Americus residentand the baby is the granddaughter of Rev and Mrs T E Davenport, of thiscity. TR, Tue 16 Jul 1946

Davenport, Not named - Dr and Mrs Lowery Frederick Davenport,of Macon, announce the birth of a daughter Friday, January 16, at the Maconhospital. Mrs Davenport was the formerMiss Patricia Baker. The baby is thegranddaughter of Rev T E Davenport, of this city, and the 31stliving edition to his family. TR, Sat17 Jan 1953

Davenport, Not named - Mr and Mrs Drew Davenport announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce son Thursday, Dec 18, at the city hospital. Mrs Davenport is the former Miss Lillianfa*glie. TR, Fri 9 Dec 1952

Davenport, Not named - Mr and Mrs James A Davenport, ofAugusta, announce the birth of a daughter, born August 16. Mr and Mrs Davenport are former residents ofAmericus and Mrs Davenport will be remembered here as Miss Ruth Schneiderbefore her marriage. TR, Tue, 16 Aug1938

Davenport, Not named - Mr and Mrs L W Davenport announce thebirth of a son Saturday, June 4, at Prather Clinic. TR, Mon 6 Jun 1949

Davidson, John Walker Jr - Mr and Mrs John W Davidson, of 111Hansen Drive, announce the birth of a son Monday, August 26 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whoweighed 9 pounds, 2 ounces has been named John Walker Jr. Grandparents of the baby are Mr and Mrs ElmoBordelon of Simsport, La and Mr and Mrs S W Davidson of Eastman. TR, Mon 26 Aug 1968

Davidson, Katherine Judith - Mr and Mrs Jack Davidson Jr, of5450 Beechmont Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 15ounce daughter on March 25. The baby hasbeen named Katherine Judith and is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Kenneth ofthis city and Mr and Mrs J C Davidson, of Chapeaque, N Y. TR, Fri 25 Mar 1966

Davidson, Martha Burnice - Mr and Mrs J T Davidson announcethe birth of a daughter, Monday, November 13, at the city hospital, who hasbeen named Martha Burnice. TR, Friday17 Nov 1944

Davidson, Susie Lee - Mr and Mrs Hansell Davidson announce thebirth of a daughter, Tuesday, February 3, who has been given the name Susie Lee. TR, Thu 5 Feb 1931

Davidson, Thomas Alfred III - Mr and Mrs T A Davidson announcethe birth of a son November 29 at their home on Hanco*ck Avenue, who has beengiven the name of Thomas AlfredIII. Mrs Davidson is rememberedas Miss LT Rice Hill before her marriage more than a year ago. TR, Tue 30 Nov 1920

Davis, Adam Gregory - Greg and Lisa Davis of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Adam Gregory, born December 5 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds,11 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs James Wilson of Preston and paternal grandparentswere Mr and Mrs Cecil Davis of Marietta.Great-grandparents are Doris Davis of Marietta and Wilma Gentry ofRoswell. TR, Sat 7 Jan 1995

Davis, Alec Mitcham - Mr and Mrs Jim Davis of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Alec Mitcham, born March 17 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The baby, who will be calledAlec, weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs James A Davis of Americus; Mrs ElizabethJones; and Mrs Earl Jones of Columbus.Great-grandparents are Mrs Clyde Bennett and Mrs Mary Willis Davis ofAmericus and Mrs Lucille Jones of Thomaston.TR, Wed 21 Mar 1990

Davis, Amy Melissa - Mr and Mrs Richard J Davis announcethe birth of a 9 pound, 6 ounce daughter born Monday, September 25. The babyhas been named Amy Melissa. She is thegranddaughter of Mrs Hazel Granger of Anericus and Mr and Mrs Jim M Davis ofToomsboro, Ga. Great-grandparents are Mrand Mrs O L Carr of Americus and Mrs Minnie O Granger of Dothan, Ala. TR, Fri 29 Sep 1972

Davis, Anna Blair - Mr and Mrs Brian Davis of Valdostaannounce the birth of a daughter, Anna Blair, born Oct 9 at South GeorgiaMedical Center. The infant weighed 8pounds, 10 ounces. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Richard Wicker and Mr and Mrs Dale Davis, all of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs E C Wickerof Americus and Evelyn Moore of Fitzgerald.TR, Wed 13 Oct 1999

Davis, Anthony Howell - Is the name given the 6 pound, 6ounce son of Mr and Mrs Horton Davis who was born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on Sunday, August 31.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs James Walden of Columbus and Dr and Mrs ElmoDavis of Americus. He is thegreat-grandson of Mrs W H Emmett of Americus and Mr and Mrs John Howell ofAuburndale, Florida. TR, Wed 3 Sep1980

Davis, Archibal Kimbrough II - Mr and Mrs ArchibaldHilliard Davis, of 615 Northway Lane, NE, Atlanta, Ga announce the birth of ason on July 23. He is ArchibaldKimbrough II. Maternal grandparents areMr and Mrs Heyward Matchet Johnson of Ellaville and the paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Archibald Kimbrough Davis of Winston-Salem, NC. TR, Tue 28 Jul 1970

Davis, Arthur - Mrand Mrs Arthur S Davis IV announce the birth of a son, Arthur, born Thursday,January 19 at Sumter Regional Hospital.The infant weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs KelmDavis of Andersonville and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs A S Daniel IIIof Ellaville. Mrs Daniel is the formerMiss Sandra Davis. TR, Tue 24 Jan1989

Davis, Audrey Christine - Jim and Carol Davis announce thebirth of a daughter, Audrey Christine, born Jan 11 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 3ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Junior Davis of Americus, Betty Jones and Earl Jones of Columbus. Great-grandmother is Mary Davis ofAmericus. Audrey Christine has abrother, Alec, age three. TR, Fri 14Jan 1994

Davis, Barbara Doster - Mr and Mrs J D Davis, ofAndersonville, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce daughter, November 13,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named BarbaraDoster. TR, Mon 17 Nov 1958

Davis, Betty Morgan - Mr and Mrs Rick Davis of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Betty Morgan, born Friday, August 21 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Marvin Horne and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold Davis.Great-grandmother is Mrs Alec Davis.Betty has one brother, Cody, eight and a sister, Kathryn Lee, four and ahalf. TR, Sat 29 Aug 1992

Davis, Brannen Allen - Mr and Mrs Terry D Davis of Augustaannounce the birth of a son, Brannen Allen, born Tuesday, October 17 atUniversity Hospital, Augusta. Mrs Davisis the former Miss Stacy Simpson of Americus.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Allen F Davis of Columbus andmaternal grandparents are Mrs Barbara T Simpson and Dr and Mrs Harvey L SimpsonJr, all of Americus. TR, Tue 31 Oct1989

Davis, Brent Lofton - Mr and Mrs Dale L Davis are theparents of a son born Sunday, October 8 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been named BrentLofton. He has an older brother,Brian. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs L FNewell of Fitzgerald and Mrs Howard Moore and the late L J Davis of Fitzgerald. TR, Wed 11 Oct 1978

Davis, Brian Dale - Mr and Mrs Dale Davis announce thebirth of a 5 pound, 8 ½ ounce son who was born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on Friday, November 8.The infant has been named Brian Dale.His grandparents are Mrs Evelyn Davis and the late Lofton Davis and Mrand Mrs L F Newell, all of Fitzgerald. TR,Tue 19 Nov 1974

Davis, Bryan Joseph - Sgt and Mrs Robert W Davis announcethe birth of a son Tuesday, March 26 at Hollomon AFB Hospital, Almagordo, NewMexico. The baby weighed 6 pounds, 8ounces and has been named Bryan Joseph.His grandparents are Mr and Mrs Bob Davis of this city and Mr and MrsJoseph Steele of Chicago, Ill. TR,Tue 2 Apr 1974

Davis, Caleb Nathaniel - Rev and Mrs Dan Davis of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Caleb Nathaniel, born March 29 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 9 pounds, 3ounces. Paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Ed Davis of Orlando, Fla. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Charles Sutton of Hiawassee. The baby has three brothers, David, Michaeland Josh. TR, Fri 19 Apr 1996

Davis, Caroline Colbert - Dr and Mrs Abe J Davis announcethe birth of a daughter on Monday, Janurary 28, at home, to be called CarolineColbert after her maternal grandmother.The baby weighed nine pounds and ten ounces. TR, Tue 29 Jan 1935

Davis, Caroline Crew - Mr and Mrs Tim Davis of Albanyannounce the birth of a daughter, Caroline Crew, born Mar 4 at Phoebe PutneyHospital, Albany. The infant weighed 7pounds, 15 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Franklin Crew of Americus and paternal grandparentsare William Davis of Cairo and Mrs Marvin Rhodes of Quitman. Great-grandparents are Mrs Wade Bradley ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Leon Tinsley Sr of Pelham. Great-great-grandmother is Mrs W S Patton ofWilliamson. Caroline has a brother, Graham,3. TR, Mon 14 Mar 1994

Davis, Carolyn Claire - Mr and Mrs James Davis announce thebirth of a daughter, October 22, who has been named Carolyn Claire. Mrs Davis was formerly Miss CarolynEstees. Mother and baby are doingnicely. TR, Wed 27 Oct 1937

Davis, Charles Cullen - Mr and Mrs Emery H Davis, of Houma,La announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce son born Monday, June 25. The baby, who has been named Charles Cullenhas two brothers, Emery Jr and David.The infant is the grandson of Mrs Earl Williams Sr and the late MrWilliams of Americus. TR, Wed 27 Jun1979

Davis, Charles Edward Jr - Capt and Mrs Charles EdwardDavis announce the birth of a son Thursday, January 14, at the Prather Clinic,who has been named Charles Edward Jr.Mrs Davis is the former Miss Helen Poole. TR, Fri 15 Jan 1943

Davis, Charles Hammett - Mr and Mrs B R B Davis announcethe birth of a son Saturday, November 3, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedCharles Hammett. TR, Tue 6 Nov 1951

Davis, Charles Herschell - Mr and Mrs J A Davis Jr announcethe birth of a son, Tuesday, June 4, at the city hospital. The baby has been given the name CharlesHerschell. TR, Thu 6 Jun 1935

Davis, Chaz Carter - Mr and Mrs Terry D Davis of Augusta,Ga announce the birth of a son, Chaz Carter, born September 5 at UniversityHospital, Augusta, Ga. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces at birth. MrsDavis is the former Stacy Simpson of Americus.Grandparents are Barbara T Simpson and Dr Harvey Simpson Jr of Americusand Mr and Mrs Allen F Davis of Columbus, Ga.Great-grandparents are Mrs Hazel Tucker, St Mary’s, Ga and H L SimpsonSr of Sylvester. TR, Sat 19 Sep 1987

Davis, Chelby LeAnne - Mr and Mrs Eddie T Davis Sr ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Chelby LeAnne, Oct 17 at PhoebePutney Hospital, Albany. The infantweighed 3 pounds, 8 ounces. Grandparentsare Annie Ruth Davis, Fannie Butler, John Butler and the late John T Davis, allof Americus. Great-grandmother is RubyHarris of Americus. She has a brother,Eddie Jr, 5. TR, Wed 27 Oct 1999

Davis, Cheryl Ann - Mr and Mrs Gerald Davis, of Americus,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ½ ounce daughter, August 11, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Cheryl Ann. TR, Wed 12 Aug 1964

Davis, Christine Mae - Chris and Julie Davis of Buena Vistaannounce the birth of a daughter, Christina Mae, on October 31 at SumterRegional Hospital. The baby, who weighed6 pounds, 14 ounces, is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Allen Barwick of Ellavilleand Mr and Mrs Jerry Davis of Buena Vista.Great-grandparents are Charlie Smith of Buena Vista and Helen Barwick ofEllaville. Matt, 9 years old, is herbrother. TR, Wed 3 Dec 1997

Davis, Connie Elaine - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Davis, of Albany,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter, Thursday, June 13, at thePhoebe Putney hospital, who has been named Connie Elaine. Mrs Davis is the former Miss EvelynHarbuck. TR, Mon 17 Jun 1957

Davis, Crystal Brooke - Mr and Mrs Thomas E Davis of Americusannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ½ ounce daughter, Crystal Brooke, bornChristmas Day, Wednesday, December 25 at Sumter Regional Hospital. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs JamesL Davis Sr of Americus and Mrs Hazel Todd of Macon. She has two brothers, Todd, 14 and Jason,8. TR, Thu 9 Jan 1986

Davis, David Earl - Mr and Mrs Emory H Davis Jr, of Houma,La announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son born July 20 in Houma. He has been named David Earl .. Mrs Davis is the former Ruth Williams ofAmericus. Grandparents are Mr and MrsEarl Williams of Americus, Mrs William H Rippy of Gulfport, Mississippi andEmory H Davis Sr of Lakeland, Fla. TR,Thu 22 Jul 1976

Davis, Dawn Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Billy Davis, of Cordele,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter Saturday, July 26 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who has been given the name of Dawn Elizabeth is the granddaughter of MrsWilma Davis of Dawson and Mrs Clyde Bell of Cordele. TR, Wed 30 Jul 1969

Davis, Dawn Noel - Mr and Mrs Richard J Davis of Albany, Gaannounce the arrival of a 9 pound daughter born Thursday, December 24 who hasbeen named Dawn Noel. She has a sisterAmy. The baby is the granddaughter ofMrs Hazel Granger and the late Mr and Mrs Jim M Davis of Toomsboro, Ga. Mrs Davis is the former Denise Granger. TR, Thu 31 Dec 1981

Davis, Derrick Leon - Mr and Mrs Harold L Davis, of 209Reese Street, are the parents of a 7 lb, 14 ½ ounce son, born at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital on September 5.The baby has been named Derrick Leon.TR, Fri 6 Sep 1963

Davis, Diane Penelope - Mr and Mrs Ernest Tullis Davis, of2542 Boulevard Drive, Atlanta, announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday,December 13, at the Georgia Baptist Hospital.The baby has been named Diane Penelope for her paternalgreat-grandmother, Mrs W M Tullis, of Americus.Mr Davis is a former Americus resident and the baby is a granddaughterof Mr and Mrs G C Davis of this city. TR,Wed 16 Dec 1942

Davis, Donna Sue - Mr and Mrs Clarence D Davis announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 11 ounce daughter Wednesday, December 15, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Donna Sue. Mrs Davis is the former Miss Kathryn Wilson. TR, Sat 18 Dec 1954

Davis, Donna Sue - Mr and Mrs James Davis Jr, of Route 3,Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ½ ounce daughter, April 26, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Donna Sue. TR, Wed 27 Apr 1960

Davis, Dylan Auston - Thomas Lee Davis and Cynthia NicoleO’Hearn, both of Leslie announce the birth of a son, Dylan Auston, Oct 20 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces. Hisgrandparents are Teresa Lee, Randy A O’Hearn Sr and Mr and Mrs Charles Davis,all of Americus and Bonita May of Waycross.Great-grandparents are Martha Lee and the late Robert C Lee Sr and thelate Mr and Mrs Tim Davis, all of Americus; Mr and Mrs Ben Legg Sr ofOglethorpe; Mr and Mrs Carl J O’Hearn of Ellaville; and Dottie Deese and thelater Bobby Lee Harris, both of Fernandina Beach, FL. TR Tue 15 Nov 1999

Davis, Eddie Thomas Jr - Mr and Mrs Eddie T Davis Srannounce the birth of a son, Eddie Thomas Jr, born Feb 18 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 5 pounds,11 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Fannie Butler and John Butler of Americus. Great-grandmothers are Ruby Harris ofAmericus and Larry Butler of Ideal. E J,as the infant is called, has a brother, Flinzo and 2 sisters, Tanya andLaQuasha. TR, Sat 9 Apr 1994

Davis, Elmo Wright Jr - Dr and Mrs Elmo W Davis announcethe birth of a son, Wednesday, May 29, at City Hospital, who has been namedElmo Wright Jr. Mrs Davis was beforemarriage Miss Evelyn Horton. TR, Thu30 May 1946

Davis, Emory Hudson III - Mr and Mrs Emory H Davis Jr, ofWaycross, announce the birth of an 8 pound son, born Saturday, February 24, atthe Memorial Hospital in Waycross. Thebaby, who has been named Emory Hudson III, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Earl SWilliams of Americus and Mrs W H Rippy of Mobile, Ala and Emory H Davis Jr ofGulfport, Miss. TR, Mon 24 Feb 1969

Davis, Eric Thomas - Mr and Mrs William E Davis, of 804Kingsway, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on Thursday, May 2.The baby, who has been given the name of Eric Thomas is the grandson ofMrs Wilma Davis of Dawson and Mrs Clyde Bell of Cordele. TR, Fri 3 May 1968

Davis, Erika DeAnne - Mr and Mrs Danny B Davis are theproud parents of a nine pound, six and one half ounce baby girl. She has been named Erika DeAnne. Erika was born September 11 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. Her maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Charles Hopkins Sr of Americus and fraternalgrandmother is Mrs Wilber Davis of Jacksonville, Florida. TR, Fri 19 Sep 1969

Davis, Erin Leigh - Mr and Mrs Steven A Davis, of Thomsonannounce the birth of a daughter, Erin Leigh, born Friday, May 9 at St Joseph’sHospital in Augusta. She was welcomedhome by her sister, Hilary and brother, Spencer. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs H WKnowlton of Americus and Mr and Mrs Allen F Davis of Augusta are her paternalgrandparents. Mrs W G Strange ofEllaville is the baby’s great-grandmother.TR, Wed 21 May 1980

Davis, Eugenia Faye - Mr and Mrs Charles Eugene Davis, ofTampa, Fla, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter August 23 whohas been given the name of Eugenia Faye.Mrs Davis is the former Maybelle Buchanan of Americus. The baby, who will be called “Genie” is thegranddaughter of Mrs Frank Buchanan and the late Mr Buchanan of this city andMr and Mrs Ben L Davis of Pensacola, Fla.TR, Tue 7 Oct 1969

Davis, Evan Clayton - Mr and Mrs Billy Eugene Davis, ofLincoln, Nebraska announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 3/4 ounce son bornDecember 15. The baby has been namedEvan Clayton. Grandparents are Dr andMrs Sammie B Parkman, of Athens, Ga and Mr and Mrs J J Davis Jr of Smithville,Ga.. TR, Fri, 21 Dec 1979

Davis, Florence Myrtle - Mr and Mrs E J Davis announce thebirth of a baby girl at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onTuesday. The baby will be named FlorenceMyrtle David. Mr and Mrs Davis recentlymoved here from Savannah. TR, Thu 12Sep 1929

Davis, Frank - Mr and Mrs Charles E Davis, of Pensacola,Fla, announce the birth of a 7 pound son, born August 20. The baby has been named Frank. Mrs Davis is the former Miss MaybelleBuchanan, of Americus, and the baby is the grandson of Mrs Frank Buchanan, ofthis city. TR, Wed 21 Aug 1963

Davis, Gena Ann - Mr and Mrs Richard Davis, of Route 3,Reynolds, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Monday, September22. The baby has been named GenaAnn. TR, Tue 23 Sep 1958

Davis, Graham Wade - Mr and Mrs Tim Davis of Albanyannounce the birth of a son, Graham Wade, born December 10 at Phoebe PutneyHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 7ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Franklin Crew of Americus and paternal grandparents are DougDavis of Cairo and Mrs Patricia Davis of Albany. Great-grandparents are Mrs Wade Bradley andthe late Mr Bradley of Americus; Mrs Franklin Crew Sr of Columbus and the lateMr Crew: and Mr and Mrs Leon Tinsley Sr of Pelham. Great-great-grandparent is Mrs W S Patton ofWilliamson, Ga. TR, Mon 24 Dec 1990

Davis, Griffin Lee - Mr and Mrs Gordon Davis, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a son at Piedmont Hospital Sept 6th. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces and hasbeen named Griffin Lee. The baby is thegrandson of Mra A S Tillman of Americus and Mr and Mrs John Davis of Perry,Fla. TR, Thu 8 Sep 1966

Davis, Harold Douglas - Mr and Mrs Harold Davis announcethe birth of a 7 pound 11 ½ ounce son Saturday, August 17 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital who has been named Harold Douglas. The baby, who will be called “Doug” is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Alex Davis and the late Mr and Mrs E K English. TR, Wed 21 Aug 1968

Davis, Harold Leon - Mr and Mrs Alex Davis announce thebirth of a son, October 19, who has been named Harold Leon. TR, Fri 27 Oct 1939

Davis, Harrison Lee - Mr and Mrs Billy Eugene Davis ofStone Mountain announce the birth of an 8 pound, 13 ounce son, Harrison Lee,born Wednesday, May 9 at Shallowford Hospital in Atlanta. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs J H Davis Jr ofSmithville and Dr and Mrs S B Parkman of Athens, Ga. Mrs Davis is the former Paula Parkman. He has a brother, Evan, 4 ½ years old. TR, Thu 24 May 1984

Davis, Heather Ann - Mr and Mrs David Davis of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Heather Ann, born Friday, March 6 at PerryHospital, Perry. The infant weighed 8pounds, 14 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mrs J Alton (Mitzie) Davis and the late Mr Davis and maternalgrandparentsa are Mr and Mrs Nelson Gabel of Bailey-Golden, Colo. Mrs Davis is the former Miss SandraGabel. TR, Tue 10 Mar 1987

Davis, Hilary Kyle - Mr and Mrs Steven A Davis, of Macon,announce the birth of a daughter born Friday, July 19 at the Colliseum ParkHospital in Macon. The baby has beengiven the name of Hilary Kyle. Mrs Davisis the former Pamela Knowlton of Americus.The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs Walter Knowlton, also of thiscity and Mr and Mrs Allen F Davis of Buena Vista. TR, Sat 20 Jul 1974

Davis, J Taylor Laing - Mr and Mrs Jim R Davis of Americusannounce the birth of a son, J Taylor Laing, born Friday, November 29 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 4 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Max Laing and Mr and Mrs C K Davis, all of Rush Springs,Okla. Taylor has a sister, Brittany, ageseven. TR, Wed 4 Dec 1991

Davis, Jacob Ian - Mr and Mrs John Davis of Valdostaannounce the birh of a son, Jacob Ian, born at South Georgia Medical Center inValdosta, December 10. Grandparents areMr and Mrs Henry Underwood of Americus and Mr and Mrs Spencer Davis ofBainbridge. Jacob has one brother,Loftin. TR, Tue 29 Dec 1992

Davis, James Alexander III - Mr and Mrs James A Davis Jr,of Route 3, Americus, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 13 ounce son, Saturday,November 11 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedJames Alexander III. TR, Mon 13 Nov1961

Davis, James Allen Jr - Mr and Mrs James Davis announce thebirth of a son, James Allen Jr, on January 14 weighing 8 pounds, 2 ½ ounces atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs J D Barry and Mr and Mrs James A Davis,all of Americus. TR, Tue 19 Feb 1980

Davis, James Barry Jr - Dr and Mrs James B Davis of Augustaannounce the birth of a son born Tuesday, January 10 at University Hospital inAugusta. The infant, who weighed 10pounds, 2 ounces has been named James Barry Jr.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs B R B Davis and Mr and Mrs J M Hicks, all ofAmericus. Mr and Mrs C W Groover of EastPoint are the great-grandparents. TR,Thu 12 Jan 1984

Davis, James Barry - Mr and Mrs R B Davis announce thebirth of a son, Tuesday, February 22, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedJames Barry. Mrs Davis is the formerMiss Dorothy Hammett, of Athens. TR,Fri 25 Feb 1949

Davis, James Eugene - Mr and Mrs Jasper Davis of Route 3,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce son, November 15, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named James Eugene. TR, Mon 17 Nov 1958

Davis, James III - Mr and Mrs James Davis proudly announcethe birth of a n eight pound boy, born Friday, October 31 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. He has beennamed James Davis III. His grandparentsare Mr and Mrs James Davis Sr and Mr and Mrs Olen Smith. TR, Fri 7 Nov 1969

Davis, James Randell - Mr and Mrs Wright Davis, of Columbusannounce the birth of a son, James Randell, born Thursday, April 24 at theMedical Center in Columbus. The babyweighed 8 pounds. The infant is thegrandson of Dr and Mrs Elmo Davis and the great-grandson of Mrs W H Emmett onhis paternal side, all of Americus and his maternal grandparents are Mr and MrsC M White of Pensacola, Fla. TR, Thu1 May 1980

Davis, Janet Lynn - Mr and Mrs C A Davis, of 803 Kingsway,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 6 ounce daughter born June 25, named JanetLynn. TR, Tue 27 June 1961

Davis, Jason Edward - Mr and Mrs Charles E Davis, of NewOrleans, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce son, born Friday, October 18at the Georgia Baptist Hospital in New Orleans.The baby, who has been named Jason Edward is the grandson of Mr and MrsCharlie Davis of Americus and Mr and Mrs Howard Bridges of Moultrie. TR, Sat 17 Oct 1970

Davis, Jeffrey Eugene - Mr and Mrs H E Davis, 303 S JacksonStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ½ ounce son, Decembr 11, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Jeffrey Eugene. TR, Tue 13 Dec 1960

Davis, Jennifer Jo - Mr and Mrs Tommy Davis, of Richland,are the parents of a little girl born Tuesday, February 5 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been given the name of Jennifer Jo weighed 9 pounds, 4 ½ ounces. Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs William Eadyof Ft Lauderdale, Fla and Mr and Mrs Wilbur Davis of Americus. She has two brothers, Danny and Tony. TR, Sat 23 Feb 1974

Davis, Joe Thomas Jr - Mr and Mrs Joe T Davis, of Cairo,announce the birth of a son, Friday, December 2, who has been named Joe ThomasJr. Before marriage Mrs Davis was MissLillian Knowlton of this city. TR,Wed 7 Dec 1938

Davis, John Loftin - Mr and Mrs John Davis of Valdosta,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son, John Loftin, born Monday,July 2 at a Valdosta hospital. Theinfant, who will be called Loftin, weighed 9 pounds, 13 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Henry Underwoodof Americus and the paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Spencer P Davis ofBainbridge, formerly of Americus. MrsDavis is the former Miss Tanya Underwood of Americus. TR, Sat 7 Jul 1990

Davis, John Shannon - Mr and Mrs L K Davis, ofAndersonville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce son Thursday,September 7 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named John Shannon. He is the grandson of Mrs Imogene Davis of305 Sharon Drive and Mr and Mrs T L Wilson of 456 Reese Street, Americus. TR, Mon 11 Sep 1967

Davis, Johnny Michael - Mr and Mrs Gordon Davis announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce son, Friday, January 11, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Johnny Michael. Mrs Davis is the former Miss Billie JoTillman. The baby is the grandson of Mrand Mrs A S Tilliman, of Americus and Mr and Mrs J H Davis, of Perry, Fla. TR, Sat 12 Jan 1957

Davis, Jordan Mark - Greg and Lisa Davis of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Jordan Mark, born June 15 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds,14 ounces. Maternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs James Wilson of Preston.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Cecil Davis of Douglas County. Great-grandparents are Doris Davis ofMarietta and Wilma Gentry of Roswell.Jordan has a sister, Emily 3 ½ and brother, Adam, 1 ½. TR, Sat 6 Jul 1996

Davis, Joseph Addison III - Mr and Mrs J A Davis Jrannounce the birth of a son at their home in the 28th districtThursday, November 7, who has been named Jospeh Addison III. TR, Thu 10 Nov 1932

Davis, Joseph Addison IV - Mr and Mrs J A Davis, of DeSoto,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce son on December 18, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Joseph Addison IV. TR, Tue 20 Dec 1960

Davis, Joseph Reid - Mr and Mrs J S Davis, of 303 SouthJackson Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ½ ounce son, August 7, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Joseph Reid.TR, Thu 8 Aug 1963

Davis, Julia Johnson - Mr and Mrs Archie H Davis, ofSavannah, announce the birth of a daughter on Wednesday, May 8 at the Telfair Hospitalin Savannah. The baby weighed 7 poundsand has been named Julia Johnson. MrsDavis is the former Sally Johnson of Ellaville.The baby’s maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Heyward Johnson ofEllaville and the paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Archie K Davis ofWinston-Salem, N C. TR, Wed 15 May1974

Davis, Julie Elizabeth - Dr and Mrs James B Davis ofAugusta announce the birth of a chosen daughter, Julie Elizabeth, bornThursday, April 1. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs B R B Davis and Mr and Mrs J Marion Hicks, all of Americus. TR, Fri 9 Apr 1982

Davis, Justin Worth - Mr and Mrs Mike Davis of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Justin Worth, born February 6. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces atbirth. Paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs C M Davis of Moultrie and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Homer Worthof Alma. He has a brother, Chris, agefive. TR, Fri 16 Feb 1990

Davis, Karen Leigh - Mr and Mrs George Davis, ofSmithville, are the parents of a daughter, born April 24 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Karen Leigh. TR, Mon 27Apr 1964

Davis, Kathleen - Dr and Mrs Elmo Davis announce the birthof a daughter, Thursday, September 11, at city hospital. The baby, who has been named Kathleen for hermaternal grandmother, Mrs Reese Horton, will be called Kay. Mrs Davis was before her marriage Miss EvelynHorton. TR, Fri 12 Sep 1941

Davis, Kathy Lee - Mr and Mrs C A Davis, of Americus,announce the birth of a daughter at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onMay 19 who has been named Kathy Lee. TCN,Thu 21 May 1953

Davis, Kelly Diane - Mr and Mrs Spencer Davis Jr ofHartford, Ala announce the birth of a daughter, Kelly Diane, born Monday,January 18 at Flowers Hospital, Hartford.The infant weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs James O Osborne of Americus and Mr and MrsSpencer Davis Sr of Bainbridge, formerly of Americus. The infant has a sister, Lindsey, agefour. TR, Thu 21 Jan 1988

Davis, Lindsay Marie - Dr and Mrs James B Davis of Augustaannounce the birth of a chosen daughter, Lindsay Marie, who was born Friday,Ocotber 31. Grandparents are Mr and MrsJ Marion Hicks and Mr and Mrs B R B Davis of Americus. TR, Wed 5 Nov 1980

Davis, Lindsey Milana - Mr and Mrs Spencer Davis Jr ofDothan, Alabama announce the birth of a 5 pound, 10 ounce daughter on Tuesday,July 12 in that city. The infant hasbeen named Lindsey Milana. Her grandparentsare Mr and Mrs James Osborne and Mr and Mrs Spencer Davis Sr, all ofAmericus. TR, Tue 12 Jul 1983

Davis, Lori Lynn - Mr and Mrs Joseph Stout Davis, ofGlendale Estates, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce daughter, LoriLynn, who was born Sunday, May 1st at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs Joe Davis of Americus and Mr and Mrs Reid Barron ofColumbus. TR, Wed 4 May 1966

Davis, Lorrie - Mr and Mrs J A Davis, of DeSoto, announcethe birth of a daughter, Monday, August 6, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Lorrie. MrsDavis is the former Miss Wynderlyn Wilkinson, of DeSoto. TR, Tue 7 Aug 1956

Davis, Lucius Addison - Mr and Mrs J D Davis, ofAndersonville, announce the birth of a son, Lucius Addison, Tuesday, December6, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Tue 6 Dec 1955

Davis, Lula Regina - Mr and Mrs James A Davis Jr, of Route3, Americus, are the parents of a 7 pound, 7 ounce daughter, born April 13, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Lula Regina. TR, Mon 14 Apr 1963

Davis, Marlene - Mr and Mrs Walter H Davis announce thebirth of a daughter on September 29. Sheweighed seven pounds, seven one-half ounces and has been named Marlene. Mrs Davis is the former Miss JuliaGoodin. TR, Thu 5 Oct 1950

Davis, Martha Diane - Mr and Mrs Ivey (Geechee) Davis, ofMiami, Fla announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, October 20, who has beennamed Martha Diane. TR, Wed 11 Nov1942

Davis, Martha Myra - Mr and Mrs Tommy Davis announce thebirth of a daughter, Monday, September 7, at city hospital, who has been namedMartha Myra for her mother, the former Miss Martha Bridges. TR, Tue 8 Sep 1942

Davis, Mary Frances - Mr and Mrs George W Davis, of 540 OakAvenue, announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, May 8 at city hospital, whohas been named Mary Frances. Mr Davis ismanager of Mather Brothers. TR, Wed 9May 1945

Davis, Mary Helen - Mr and Mrs Howard Eugene Davis are theparents of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter born Sunday, October 7 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The infantis the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Joe Davis and Mr and Mrs Al Spence and thelate J B Norton Sr, all of Americus. Thebaby has been given the name of Mary Helen.TR, Mon 8 Oct 1973

Davis, Melissa Leigh - Dr and Mrs Kent Davis of Pensacola,Fla announce the birth of a daughter, Melissa Leigh, Thursday, March 29. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs CalvinDavis of Jacksonville, Fla and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Marion FMusselwhite of Macon. Paternalgreat-grandparents are Mrs E E Musselwhite and Mrs W H Oliver, both ofAmericus. TR, Tue 17 Apr 1979

Davis, Michael Roy Jr - Mr and Mrs Mike Davis of Leslieannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ½ ounce son born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital Tuesday, February 3. Theinfant has been given the name of Michael Roy Jr. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs MarvinTissue of Leslie and his maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ken Shorter ofNew Orleans. The infant is thegreat-grandson of Mrs Mary Blackmon of DeSoto and Mrs Helen Hartnick of CapeTown, South Africa. TR, Mon 9 Feb1981

Davis, Monica Marie - Mr and Mrs Michael Davis of DeSotoannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 15 ounce daughter born November 2 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Shehas been given the name of Monica Marie and will be called Monica. Her maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs KenShorter of Jacksonville, Fla and here paternal grandparents are Mr and MrsMarvin Tissue of DeSoto. TR, Thu 17Nov 1977

Davis, Nancy Anne - Dr and Mrs Elmo Davis are parents of ababy girl, born Monday morning, February 28 at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby weighed 8 pounds andhas been named Nancy Anne. TR, Mon 28Feb 1955

Davis, Neal Talmadge - Mr and Mrs Nicky Davis of Rock Hill,SC announce the birth of a son, Neal Talmadge, born Thursday, August 2 at MercySouth Hospital, Charlotte, NC. Theinfant weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces at birth.Mrs Davis is the former Miss Susan Studstill of Americus. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs RoyStudstill of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mrs Jenny Henderson ofOpelika, Ala and the late Mr W B Davis.The infant has two brothers, Nick, 4 ½ and Nelson, age two. TR, Tue 7 Aug 1990

Davis, Nicholas Allen Jr - Mr and Mrs Nicholas Allen Davisof Opelika, Ala announce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ounce son, Nicholas AllenJr, born Monday, 2 December at East Alabama Medical Center in Opelika. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs RoyStudstill of Americus and Mrs Jenny Henderson of Opelika and the late W BDavis.. TR, Wed 4 Dec 1985

Davis, Nicole Grace - Mr and Mrs Mike Davis of Leslie arethe parents of a daughter born Wednesday, October 10 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The infant, who hasbeen named Nicole Grace, weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces. Nicole is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs KenShorter of New Orleans, La and Mrs Grace Tissue of Leslie and William Davis ofChatsworth. TR, Fri 12 Oct 1979

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs Alex Davis, of the FriendshipCommunity, announce the birth of a baby daughter at their home, February 6th. TR, Tue 10 Feb 1948

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs Clyde Davis of 201 South MayoStreet, are the parents of a 7 pound, 4 ½ ounce daughter, born December 26, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Thu 27 Dec 1962

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs E W Davis, of Preston,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, February 28, at City Hospital. TR, Wed 1 Mar 1950

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs Edwin Davis, of 709 DouglasCircle Drive, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 11 ounce son, August 5, atthe Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Fri 6 Aug 1965

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs Harold L Davis, of 209 ReeseStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ½ ounce daughter at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onFebruary 20. TR, Mon 22 Feb 1965

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs I B Davis announce the birthof a daughter Wednesday, April 23, at Prather Clinic, who weighed 6 pounds, 7ounces. TR, Thu 24 Apr 1952

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs J A Davis Jr announce thebirth of a daughter, Nov 12, at their home on Felder Street. The baby weighed 63/4 pounds at birth. TR, Sat 14 Nov1936

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs J D Davis, of Andersonville,announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, October 10, at City Hospital. TR, Thu 10 Oct 1946

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs J D Davis, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a 7 pound son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital,Thursday April 24. TR, Thu 24 Apr1958

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs J D Davis, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce son, born August 10, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Wed 11 Aug 1965

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs J E Davis, of 216 HillStreet, announce the birth of a ten pound boy this morning. Mr Davis is a member of the Americus FireDepartment. TR, Tue 18 Jan 1927

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs James A Davis Jr, Route 3Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce daughter 2 Jan at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Friday 1 Jan 1965

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jerry B Davis, of Route 2,Buena Vista, announce the birth of a son, December 3 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces. TR, Tue 4 Dec 1962

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jimmie Davis, ofAndersonville, announce the birth of a son at city hospital, Tuesday, March9. TR, Thu 11 Mar 1948

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs John G Davis, of 204 WildwoodCircle announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce daughter, born April 14 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 15 Apr 1965

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs L K Davis, of Andersonville,announce the birth of a 7-pound, 5-ounce daughter Saturday, April 10, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 14 Apr 1954

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs L R Davis, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a son, Monday, November 26, at City Hospital. TR, Wed 28 Nov 1945

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lewis Davis, of Parrott,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, April 16, at city hospital. TR, Thu 17 Apr 1941

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lewis Davis, of Andersonvilleannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce son, Sunday, September 4, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Tue 6 Sep 1955

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs Marvin Davis, of Route 3,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce son Thursday, September 1 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 2 Sep 1955

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs Max Davis, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce daughter, March 28, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Tue 29Mar 1966

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs P J Davis, of DeSoto,announce the birth of a daughter Thursday morning at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Thu 8 Nov 1928

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs P W Davis announce the birthof a daughter, Thursday, November 25, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 2 Dec 1943

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs Paul Davis announce the birthof a son, Monday, January 27, at the city hospital. Mrs Davis was formerly Miss Eleanor Skipper,of Columbia, Ala. TR, Tue 28 Jan 1941

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert Davis announce thebirth of a daughter at city hospital, Monday, November 29. TR, Tue 30 Nov 1948

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs W M Davis, of Parrott,announce the birth of a son at the city hospital Sunday, January 12. TR, Wed 15 Jan 1941

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs W M Davis announce the birthof a son Thursday, October 13, at Prather Clinic, who weighed 6 pounds, 6ounces. TR, Thu 13 Oct 1949

Davis, Not named - Mr and Mrs W P Davis, of Parrott,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, March 27, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 28 Mar 1946

Davis, Rebekah Grace - Rick and Mary Kathryn Davis announcethe birth of a daughter, Rebekah Grace, born March 4 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Rebekah, as the infant is called, weighed 6pounds, 7 ounces. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Marvin Horne of Americus.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold Davis of Americus. Great-grandmother is Mrs Alec Davis ofAmericus. Rebekah has a brother, Cody,12 and two sisters, Kathryn Lee 9 and Betty Morgan 4. TR, Thu 13 Mar 1997

Davis, Reese Horton - Dr and Mrs Elmo Davis announce thebirth of an eight pound, 10 ounce son on Tuesday, October 11, at CityHospital. Mrs Davis is the former MissEvelyn Horton and the baby has been named Reese Horton for his late maternalgrandfather. TR, Tue 11 Oct 1949

Davis, Ross Howell - Mr and Mrs Horton Davis of Americusannounce the birth of an 8 pound son, Ross Howell, born Monday, July 29 atSumter Regional Hospital. Grandparentsare Dr and Mrs Elmo Davis of Americus and Mr and Mrs James W Walden ofColumbus. Great-grandparents are Mr andMrs John Ross Howell of Auburndale, Fla and Mrs Kathleen Emmet ofAmericus. Ross has a brother, Anthony,4. TR, Fri 2 Aug 1985

Davis, Sally Ann - Major and Mrs William Benjamin Davis, ofAlexandria, La, formerly of College Park, announce the birth of a daughter,Sally Ann, on March 6. The baby is agranddaughter of Mrs H C Davis, of this city.TR, Mon 15 Mar 1943

Davis, Sarah Helen - Mr and Mrs Charles E Davis announcethe birth of a daughter, born Sunday, December 5, at Prather Clinic. The baby has been named Sarah Helen for hermother who was before marriage Miss Helen Poole. TR, Tue 7 Dec 1937

Davis, Spence Steven - Mr and Mrs Steven A Davis ofThomson, Ga announce the birth of a son born Thursday, September 14 at StJoseph’s Hospital in Augusta. The infanthas been given the name of Spence Steven.Spence, as he will be called, has an older sister, Hilary. Mrs Davis is the former Pam Knowlton,daughter of Mr and Mrs Walter H Knowlton of Americus. The baby’s paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Allen Davis of Martinez, Ga. TR,Tue 26 Sep 1978

Davis, Stephen Craig - Mr and Mrs J S Davis announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce son Wednesday, December 18 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital who hasbeen named Stephen Craig. The baby isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs J W Davis of Americus and Mr and Mrs Oscar Harbuckof Ellaville. TR, Sat 21 Dec 1968

Davis, Susan Hammett - Dr and Mrs James B Davis of Augustaannounce the birth of a daughter, Susan Hammett, born October 27 at UniversityHospital in Augusta. She weighed 8pounds, 10 ounces. The baby’sgrandparents are Mr and Mrs B R B Davis and Mr and Mrs Marion Hicks ofAmericus. Her great-grandparents are Mrand Mrs C W Groover of East Point, Ga. TR,Thu 28 Oct 1982

Davis, Thomas Allen - Mr and Mrs Gordon Davis, of Atlanta,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 14 ½ ounce son, Friday, July 20, at PiedmontHotel, Atlanta. The baby, who has beennamed Thomas Allen, is the grandson of Mrs A S Tillman, of Americus and Mr andMrs John Davis of Perry, Florida. TR,Mon 23 Jul 1962

Davis, Thomas Judson III - Mr and Mrs Judson Davis ofAmericus announce the arrival of a chosen son, who has been given the nameThomas Judson III and will be called T J.The infant was born April 10 and weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces atbirth. T J is the grandson of Mr and MrsCecil Crutchfield and Mrs Martha B Davis, all of Americus. TR, Fri 22 Apr 1983

Davis, Thomas Judson Jr - Mr and Mrs Tommy Davis announcethe birth of a son, Thursday, August 14, at city hospital, who has been namedThomas Judson Jr. Mrs Davis is theformer Miss Martha Bridges. TR, Wed20 Aug 1947

Davis, Tommy Jay - Capt and Mrs Tommy Davis announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce son, May 30 in Oran, Missouri. The baby has been named Tommy Jay. Capt Davis is a former Americus resident andthe baby is a nephew of Mrs Joe Whitaker, of this city. TR, Wed 2 Jun 1965

Davis, Verne Jr - Mr and Mrs Verne Davis, of Commerce, Ga,announce the birth of a son, Verne Jr.Mrs Davis will be remembered before her marriage as Miss AnneMurray. TR, Fri 30 Dec 1932

Davis, Victoria Denice - Mr and Mrs H E Davis, of 708Sunset Avenue, announce the birth of a daughter, Victoria Denice, August 11 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces.TR, Mon 13 Aug 1962

Davis, Wanda Sue - Mr and Mrs Vernon Davis, of Vienna,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter, September 8 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Wanda Sue. TR, Tue 10 Sep 1957

Davis, William Benjamin Jr - Dr and Mrs W B Davis, ofCollege Park, announce the birth of a son, born Sunday, February 19, who hasbeen named William Benjamin Jr. Dr Davisis a former resident of Americus and the baby is the grandson of Mrs H C Davis,of this city. TR, Tue 21 Feb 1939

Davis, William Nelson - Mr and Mrs Nicholas Davis ofOpelika, Ala announce the birth of a son, William Nelson, born Saturday, July23 at East Alabama Medical Center, Opelika.The infant weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces at birth. Mrs Davis is the former Miss Susan Studstillof Americus. Maternal grandparents areMr and Mrs Roy Studstill of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mrs BenHenderson and the late Mr Henderson of Opelika.The infant has a brother, Nicky, age two and a half. TR, Tue 26 Jul 1988

Davis, Willie Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Shelley A Davisannounce the birth of a daughter at their home in Pavo, November 12, who hasbeen called Willie Elizabeth. Mrs Daviswas Miss Willie Johnson before her marriage and has many friends here. TR, Thu 15 Nov 1923

Davis, Wright Lancaster - Mr and Mrs Wright Davis, ofColumbus announce the birth of an 8 pouns, 9 ½ ounce son born Sunday, March14. The baby has been given the name ofWright Lancaster. Lang, as the baby willbe called is the grandson of Dr and Mrs Elmo Davis of Americus and Mr and Mrs CM White of Pensacola, Fla. Mrs W H Emmetof Americus is his great-grandmother. TR,Mon 15 Mar 1976

Dawkins, Casey Jerome - Mr and Mrs Jerry Dawkins announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son born Friday, June 16 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Casey Jerome. TR, Wed 21Jun 1972

Dawsey, Martha Wallis - Mr and Mrs Rick Dawsey are theparents of a daughter born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Thursday,October 1 who weighed 9 ½ pounds. Theinfant has been named Martha Wallis. Shehas a brother, Curt, age 2. Grandparentsare Dr and Mrs Wallace Mayo of Pensacola, Fla and Mr and Mrs J R Dawsey ofDecatur. TR, Fri 9 Oct 1981

Dawsey, Stephen Curtis - Mr and Mrs James Richard Dawsey Jrannounce the birth of a son born Friday, August 31 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been giventhe name of Stephen Curtis and is to be called Curt. Grandparents are Dr and Mrs Wallace Mayo ofPensacola and Mr and Mrs J R Dawsey of Decatur.TR, Thu 6 Sep 1979

Dawson, Johnny Adams - Mr and Mrs Johnny A Dawson of Cochranannounce the birth of a son, Johnny Adams, born Saturday, June 18 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 2 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Jim R Batts of Americus; Mr and Mrs John A Hamm of Bloomingdaleand Mr and Mrs Gene A Dawson of Savannah.Johnny has a sister, Jessica, age 10 and a brother, Chad, 5 ½ and asister Kristi, age 11 ½. TR, Fri 24Jun 1988

Dawson, Kristi Leigh - Mr and Mrs Johnny A Dawson announcethe birth of their daughter, Kristi Leigh, born Friday, July 3 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 7 ounces at birth. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Jim R Batts of Americus; Mr and Mrs John A Hamm ofBloomingdale; and Mr and Mrs Gene A Dawson of Savannah, Ga. Kristi Leigh has a sister, Jessica, age nineand a brother Chad, age four. TR, Sat11 Jul 1987

Day, Joy Suzanne - Mr and Mrs Jim Day, of 717 BrooklynTerrace, announce the birth of a daughter on March 6 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who has beennamed Joy Suzanne, weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs A H Perryman of Leslie and paternalgrandparents are Mrs Marie Day of Dayton, Tennessee and the late HoyalDay. The baby has an older brother andsister, Ken and Sharon Varnum. TR,Mon 12 Mar 1979

Day, Not named - Mr and Mrs E P Day, of Richland,announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, October 6, at City Hospital. TR, Thu 10 Oct 1946

Daye, Collins Lamar - Lt and Mrs William L Daye ofHanford, California announce the birth of a daughter who has been named CollinsLamar Daye. The infant, who was bornFriday, February 4 weighed 7 pounds, 6 3/4 ounces. Mrs Daye is the former Miss Robbie Sullivanof Americus. The grandparents are Mr andMrs Collins Sullivan of Americus and Mr and Mrs C B Miller of Norman,Oklahoma. The infant is thegreat-granddaughter of Mrs R J Hodges, Americus and R E Sullivan, Preston. TR, Thu 10 Feb 1983

Dayton, Howard Lane III - Mr and Mrs D H Dayton, of theWindsor Hotel, Americus, announce the birth of a son July 18 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Howard Lane III. The baby weighed 9 pounds. TR, Wed 18 Jul 1962

Dean, Heather Helene - SSg and Mrs Spencer R Dean announcethe birth of their daughter Heather Helene, born September 4th.. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs H L Pilcher ofWarner Robins and Mr and Mrs G W Dean of Knightdale, NC. TR, Wed 9 Sep 1970

Dean, Jesse James -Mr and Mrs Jesse Dean are the parents of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son born at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital on Friday, August 29. The baby has been named Jesse James for hisgrandfather. He is the grandson of Mrand Mrs James L Davis Sr of Americus and Mrs Irene Dean and the late Jesse Deanof Inverness, Florida. TR, Thu 4 Sep1980

Dean, John Warren - Mr and Mrs Wayne Dean announce thebirth of a son born Sunday, August 18 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The infant weighed 5 pounds, 2½ ounces. He has been given the name ofJohn Warren. Grandparents are Mr and MrsWilliam W Bell of Americus and Mr and Mrs R E Dean Sr of Jesup. TR, Wed 21 Aug 1974

Dean, Joshua Scott - Mr and Mrs Jesse Dean of Americusannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 13 ounce son, Joshua Scott, born Monday, July22 at Sumter Regional Hospital. He isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs James L Davis of Americus and Mrs Irene Mitchell ofBrooksville, Fla and the late Jesse Dean of Inverness, Fla. He has a brother, Jesse James Dean, 5. TR, Thu 1 Aug 1985

Dean, Not named - Mr and Mrs J P Dean, of Leslie, announcethe birth of a son, Wednesday, April 10, at Prather Clinic. TR, Fri 12 Apr 1946

Dean, Not named - Mr and Mrs Wayne Dean, of Columbia, S C,announce the birth of a 6 ½ pound daughter Tuesday, November 7 at ProvidenceHospital in Columbia. Mrs Dean is theformer Mary Bell of Americus and the baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsWilliam Bell of this city and Mr and Mrs Roscoe Dean of Jessup. Her great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs A ELockerman of Montezuma. TR, Wed 8 Nov1967

Dearman, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs Don S Dearman ofAmericus announce the birth of twin daughters, born December 18 at SumterRegional Hospital. They have been namedHope Kristen June, who weighed 5 pounds, 13 ounces and Faith Danette Joy, whoweighed 4 pounds, 12 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Louis E White and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Semian M Dearman, all of Hattisburg, Miss. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Henry CFarrington of London, England; Mr and Mrs Leroy Harmon of Springfield, Mo; andMrs Tressia Dearman of Seminary, Miss. TR,Thu 27 Dec 1990

Dearseau, Not named - Last Saturday morning (7 Oct 1882) whenDr J N Cheney told Henry Dearseau that it was a boy, he reared back on hisdignity and said, “Still another vote for Crisp”. W Repub Fri 13 Oct 1882

Deason, Dena Melann - Mr and Mrs Frank Deason announce thebirth of a daughter, Dena Melann, who was born January 29 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. Little Denaweighed 6 pounds, 2 ounces at birth. Thepaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Frank Deason of Ozark, Ala and maternalgrandparents are Mrs Nelle Allison of Homer, La and Robert Porter of Knoxville,Tennessee. TR, Sat 31 Jan 1976

Deaver, Malorie Sue - Alan and Debbie Deaver of Americusannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 13 ounce daughter, Malorie Sue, born Monday,May 7 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. Grandparents are Bob and Vernel Schulte ofConway, Ark and Bob and Betty Deaver of Americus. She has a brother, Timmy, 3 ½ . TR, Fri 11 May 1984

Deaver, Robert Loyd - Mr and Mrs Loyd Deaver Jr announce thebirth of a son born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Monday,December 10. The baby, who has beennamed Robert Loyd, weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces.The infant’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs Norman Robards of Andersonvilleand Mr and Mrs R L Deaver of Forest Park, Ga.He is the great-grandson of Mrs Dovie McMillon of Russellville, Ky. TR, Mon 17 Dec 1979

Deavours, Deanne - Mr and Mrs Olin Deavours, of Leslie, announcethe birth of a daughter, born Friday, March 17, at the city hospital. The baby has been named Deanne. TR, Sat 18 Mar 1939

Deavours, Not named - Mr and Mrs L E Deavours, of Leslie,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, June 9, at the city hospital. The baby has not been named. TR, Thu 11 Jun 1936

Deavours, Not named - Mr and Mrs L E Deavours, of Leslie,announce the birth of a son, Thursday, December 6, at Prather Clinic. TR, Fri 7 Dec 1945

Decker, John Childers - Mr and Mrs Robert L Decker announcethe birth of a son, John Childers, who was born Thursday, April 29, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs D C Sheppard, of Americus. TR, Sat 1 May 1954

Decker, Peter - Mr and Mrs R L Decker, of Thomasville,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 9 ounce son, February 5, who has been namedPeter. Mrs Decker is the former MissRuth Sheppard, of Americus and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs D CSheppard, of the Dawson road. TR, Sat7 Feb 1959

Decker, Robert L Jr - Mr and Mrs Robert L Decker, ofGriffin, announce the birth of a son March 18th.. He has been given the name of Robert LJr. Mr and Mrs D C Sheppard of Americus,are the maternal grandparents. TR,Fri 20 Mar 1953

Dees, Not named - Mr and Mrs Guy Dees, of Parrott,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, February 9, at city hospital. TR, Wed 10 Feb 1943

Dees, Twins - Mr and Mrs Bobby Dees of Americus announcethe birth of twins, born October 18 at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infants have been given the names of MaryAlyson, who weighed 6 pounds, 3 ounces and Roy Blane, who weighed 5 pounds, 8ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Roy Dees of Salisbury, NC; Mr and Mrs J O Sills of Conyers and Mr and MrsVirlyn Bruce of Covington. TR, Tue 8Nov 1988

Deese, Not named - Mr and Mrs D L Deese, of Plains,announce the birth of a son, November 14, at Prather Clinic. TR, Fri 15 Nov 1946

Deese, Patricia Louise - Mr and Mrs Eugene Deese announcethe birth of a daughter, Thursday, March 5, at city hospital, who has beennamed Patricia Louise. TR, Sat 7 Mar1942

Deese, Sandra Joy - Mr and Mrs Douglas Deese, of Leslie,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce daughter, Sandra Joy, Sunday, October23, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 26 Oct 1955

Dejani, Jenna Wright - Drs Omer and Lorraine Dejani ofJacksonville, Fla announce the birth of a daughter, Jenna Wright, born December3 at Riverside Hospital, Jacksonville.The baby weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces.Dr Dejani is the former Miss Lorraine Wright of Jacksonville. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs WrightHollingsworth of Jacksonville and paternal grandmother is Mrs Afaf Dejani ofDamascus, Syria. Great-grandparents areMrs W A Joyner and the late W A Joyner of Americus. The baby has a sister, Lemese, agethree. TR, Thu 5 Dec 1991

DeLay, Carol Theresa - Mr and Mrs Carl A DeLay, of 1384 WPeachtree Street, Apartment C 2, Atlanta, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6ounce daughter Tuesday, January 9, at Emory University Hospital. The baby has been named Carol Theresa. Mrs DeLay is the former Miss Theresa Clore,of Americus, and the baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs B F Clore, of thiscity. TR, Thu 11 Jan 1951

Dele, Not named - Mr and Mrs L E Dele, of Parrott,announce the birth of a son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onSeptember 20. TCN, Thu 25 Sep 1953

Delino, Jimmy Lee - Mr and Mrs Steve Delino of LaFayette,La, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son, Jimmy Lee, born February2 at a LaFayette hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces at birth. Thebaby has a sister, Angel, and brother, Steve.TR, Fri 24 Feb 1989

Delino, Steven Paul - Mr and Mrs Steve Delino of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Steven Paul, born Wednesday, Dec 23 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 9 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs J D Graham of Abbeville, La and Mr and Mrs Leroy Delino ofAbbeville, La. TR, Fri 25 Dec 1987

Delionbach, Angela Lee - Lt and Mrs Leroy Delionbach, ofFayetteville, NC, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter May 9 atthe Ft Bragg Army Hospital. The baby,who has been named Angela Lee is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs M V Delionbachand Mr and Mrs Charlie Dorman Jr of Americus.She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs O C Law Sr and Mrs Charlie DormanSr, both of this city. TR, Thu 11 May1967

Dell, Carl Glenn - Mr and Mrs James Glenn Dell Jr, ofMacon, announce the birth of a son, Carl Glenn, on July 2, 1962. James Glenn Dell is the son of the late GlennDell, formerly of Leslie. TR, Thu 9Aug 1962

Dell, Gary - Mr and Mrs Phil Dell, of Alameda, Calif,announce the birth of a son, Gary, on Jul 11, 1962. Phil Dell is the son of B L Dell Jr, ofLakeland, Fla, formerly of Leslie. TR,Thu 9 Aug 1962

Dell, Phillip Sims - Mr and Mrs B L Dell, of Leslie,announce the birth of a seven-pound boy, April 6. He has been named Philip Sims. TR, Wed 12 Apr 1933

Dellinger, Harry Monroe - Mr and Mrs C M Dellinger, of Athens,announce the birth of a son, Sunday, November 8, at Atlanta General Hospital,who has been named Harry Monroe. MrsDellinger was before her marriage Miss Willa Sanborn, of Americus. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. TR, Tue 10 Nov 1942

Dellinger, Not named - Mr and Mrs Chesley M Dellinger, ofCordele, announce the birth of a daughter, born this morning, October 14, atthe Adams Hospital in Cordele. Beforemarriage Mrs Dellinger was Miss Willa Sanborn of Americus. TR, Fri 14 Oct 1938

Dellinger, Not named - Mr and Mrs Harry Dellinger, of Gadsden,Ala, announce the birth of a son Monday, December 6. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs C MDellinger of Americus and Mr and Mrs J A Skinner of Monroeville, Ala. TR, Wed 8 Dec 1971

DeLoach, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ralph DeLoach, of Oglethorpe,announce the birth of an 8 pound, son on August 6, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Mon 7 Aug 1961

DeLong, Kaitlyn Joyce - Mr and Mrs Rich DeLong of LakeWorth, Fla announce the birth of a daughter, Kaitlyn Joyce, born Saturday,February 8 at St Mary’s Hospital, West Palm Beach, Fla. The infant weighed 6 pounds, 3 ounces atbirth. Maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Jimmy Buchanan of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs RichardDeLong of Mandarin, Fla.Great-grandparents are Mrs James R Buchanan of Americus and Mrs HarlZimmerman of Colwich, Kansas. Mrs DeLongis the former Miss Jennifer Buchanan of Americus. TR, Mon 10 Feb 1992

Demaree, David Christopher - Mr and Mrs David H Demaree, of1666 Elmwood Dr, Austell, Ga, announce the birth of a son January 9, at thePiedmont Hospital in Atlanta, who has been named David Christopher. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs H SDemaree, of this city. TR, Sat 11 Jan1964

Demaree, Dawn Claire - Mr and Mrs David H Demaree, ofWilmette, Illinois, announce the birth of a daughter Friday, April 25 who hasbeen given the name of Dawn Claire. Thebaby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs H S Demaree of Americus and Mr and MrsCooper Locke of Thomaston. TR, Mon 28Apr 1969

DeMott, Kalman Jay - Tim and Anna DeMott announce the birthof a son, Kalman Jay, Sep 28 at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces. Grandparents are Richard and Roberta DeMottof Janesville, Iowa and John and Sarah Hadbavny of Elkton, Maryland. TR, Wed 10 Nov 1999

Dempsey, Christopher Gates - Mr and Mrs Michael Dempsey ofStuart, Fla announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce son born Sunday,September 6. The infant has been namedChristopher Gates. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs L N Lassiter of Marietta, formerly of Americus. Paternal grandparents are Mrs W W Atterburyof Stuart, Fla and George C Dempsey of Palm Beach, Fla. Mrs Dempsey is the formere Kay Lassiter ofAmericus. TR, Wed 16 Sep 1981

Dempsey, Melissa Kay - Mr and Mrs Michael Dempsey of Mariettaannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce daughter, Melissa Kay, born Sunday,April 15. She is the granddaughter of Mrand Mrs L N Lassiter of Marietta and Mrs W W Atterbury of Stuart, Fla andGeorge C Dempsey of Palm Beach, Fla.Great-grandparents are Mrs L N Lassiter Sr of Marietta; Mrs E H Gates ofStuart, Fla and Mrs Gerald Dempsey of Palm Beach. Melissa has one brother, Christopher. Mrs Dempsey is the former Kay Lassiter ofAmericus. TR, Fri 27 Apr 1984

Dendy, Charles Earl - Mr and Mrs Ronald D Dendy announcethe birth of a son born Tuesday, October 18 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 7pounds, 11 ounces has been named Charles Earl for his 90 year-oldgreat-grandfather, C H Scott of Americus.Mrs Dendy is the former Joyce Scott.The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs Clifford D Scott of this city andMr and Mrs E S Dendy of Miami, Fla. TR,Fri 28 Oct 1977

Denham, Ester Marie - Mr and Mrs Hubert Denham, of StPetersburg, Fla, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, bornFebruary 1, at Mound Park Hospital and who has been named Ester Marie. TR, Wed 15 Feb 1939

Denham, Hubert Jr - Mr and Mrs Hubert Denham announce thebirth of a son, Tuesday, September 11, who has been named Hubert Jr. TR, Tue 11 Sep 1923

Denham, James Eugene - Mr and Mrs Hubert Denham announce thebirth of a son, Sunday, August 16, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital,who will be called James Eugene. MrsDenham was Miss Etta Ruth Brookes before her marriage. TR, Th 20 Aug 1925

Denham, Not named - Mr and Mrs A T Denham, of Arabi,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, March 3, at City Hospital. TR, Tue 7 Mar 1940

Denise, Not named - Mr and Mrs Frank Denise, of 707Kingsway, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ½ ounce son, born February 10, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Thu 10 Feb 1966

Dennard, Benjamin Daniel - Kerry and Amy Dennard of Ft Hood,Texas announce the birth of a son, Benjamin Daniel, born Jun 4 at Darnall ArmyHospital. Maternal grandparents are Hildaand Eddie of Americus and paternal grandparents are Jan and Ivey Dennard ofGordon. TR, Thu 16 Jun 1994

Dennard, Brittney Nicole - Mr and Mrs Mickey Dennard announcethe birth of a daughter Sunday, January 22 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital who weighed 7 pounds, 1 ½ ounces.The baby has been named Brittney Nicole.Grandparents are Mrs Pat R Turner and the late Mr Turner and Mr and MrsHilliard Dennard, of Americus. TR,Mon 6 Feb 1978

Denney, Harold W III - Mr and Mrs Harold W Denney Jr ofAmericus announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son, Harold W III, bornMonday, March 17 at Sumter Regional Hospital.Will is the grandson of Mrs Betty Smith and the late Dan A Smith and Mrand Mrs Harold W Denney Sr, all of Americus.Great-grandmothers are Mrs C L Etheridge of Oglethorpe and Mrs A EDenney of Americus. He has 2 sisters,Portia 8 and Renee 4. TR, Fri 28 Mar1986

Denney, Harold William Jr - Mr and Mrs Harold W Denneyannounce the birth of a son Thursday, January 11 at city hospital, who has beennamed Harold William Jr. TR, Fri 12Jan 1951

Denney, John Gary - Mr and Mrs Harold Denney announce thebirth of a son Friday, May 12 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital whoweighed 9 pounds, 7 ½ ounces. The babyhas been named John Gary. TR, Sat 13May 1967

Denney, Linda Kerlin - Mr and Mrs Harold Denney announce thebirth of a daughter Linda Kerlin Sunday, October 26 at city hospital. Mrs Denney is the former Miss ClaretteWhittington, of Montezuma. TR, Tue 28Oct 1952

Denney, Lori Brooks - Mr and Mrs Darrrell Denney announcethe birth of a daughter, Lori Brooks, born October 12 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 4ounces. Grandparents are Mr and MrsHarold Denney, Mrs Shirley Dowdey and Rufus Dowdey, all of Americus. The infant has a sister, Kari Lynn, 6 andbrother, Alex Denney, age 4. TR, Wed22 Oct 1986

Denney, Portia Danialle - Mr and Mrs Billy Denney announcethe birth of a daughter born Friday, May 20 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who has been namedPortia Danialle weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces.The baby’s grandparents are Mrs Dan A Smith and the late Mr Smith andMrs Harold Denney, all of Americus. Sheis the great-granddaughter of Mrs Alex Denney of this city and Mr and Mrs C LEthereidge of Oglethorpe. TR, Wed 1Jun 1977

Denney, Wanda Chris - Mr and Mrs Harold Denney announce thebirth of a daughter Sunday, December 6, at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been named WandaChris. TR, Sat 12 Dec 1953

Dennis, Carlton Wade - Mr and Mrs A Carl Dennis, of 130 EastHill Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce son, Wednesday, February22, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Carlton Wade.TR, Fri 24 Feb 1956

Dennis, Cheryl Christine - Mr and Mrs Charles Dennisannounce the birth of a 3 pound, 3 ounce daughter born Saturday, June 5 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Theinfant has been named Cheryl Christine.Grandparents of the baby are Mr and Mrs Clyde L Rankin of St Petersburg,Fla and Mrs Aaron Dennis of Americus.She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs Leila Steed of Camper, Arkansasand Mr and Mrs William Mahan of Tampa, Fla.TR, Mon 15 Jun 1976

Dennis, Karen Gayle - Mr and Mrs Fred E Dennis are theparents of a daughter born Friday, May 14 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 7pounds, 11 ½ ounces has been given the name of Karen Gayle. Karen is the granddaughter of Mrs MildredDennis of Americus and Mrs Alice L Waters of Jacksonville, Fla. She has a brother, David and a sister,Janice. TR, Wed 19 May 1976

Dennis, Not named - Mr and Mrs A C Dennis, of 130 E HillStreet, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ounce daughter, October 20, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 21 Oct 1960

Dennis, Stanley Scott - Mr and Mrs Carl Dennis, of 310 EastHill Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 4 ½ ounce son at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, May 4, who has been given the name of StanleyScott. TR, Mon 7 May 1962

Dennison, William Lamar - Mr and Mrs Warren K Dennison, ofKingsport, Tenn, announce the birth of a son, March 29, who has been given thename of William Lamar. Mrs Dennison wasbefore her marriage Miss Mary Ethel McCleskey, of Americus. TR, Tue 1 Apr 1941

Denniston, Freddie Jean - Mr and Mrs Warren K Denniston, ofJackson, Miss, announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, February 12, who hasbeen named Freddie Jean. Mrs Dennistonis the former Miss Mary Ethel McCleskey, of Americus and the baby is named forher maternal grandmother, Mrs L L McCleskey and her aunt, Mrs Tom Holman, ofthis city. TR, Tue 15 Feb 1949

Denniston, Warren Kent Jr - Mr and Mrs Warren Kent Denniston,of Jacksonville, Florida, announce the birth of a son on Friday, August 18, whohas been given the name of Warren Kent Denniston Jr. Mrs Denniston was formerly Miss Mary EthelMcCleskey, of Americus. TR, Mon 21Aug 1939

Denny, Darrell Alexander II - Mr and Mrs Darrell A Denny Srof Americus announce the birth of a son, Darrell Alexander II who was bornMonday, July 12 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 9 ½ ounces. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold Denny andMr and Mrs Rufus Dowdey, all of Americus.The infant has a sister, Kari Lynn Denny. TR, Wed 14 Jul 1982

Dent, Charles Rueben III - Mr and Mrs Charles Dent, ofBuena Vista, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son, Wednesday, November26, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named CharlesRueben III. TR, Fri 28 Nov 1958

Dent, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Dent, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ounce daughter at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on June 26. TR, Thu27 Jun 1963

Dent, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles R Dent, of BuenaVista, are the parents of an 8 ½ pound son, born April 28 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 30Apr 1962

Denton, James Fred III - Dr and Mrs Fred Denton, of Augusta,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son, December 31, who has beennamed James Fred III. Dr Denton wasformerly connected with Georgia Southwestern College. TR, Wed 20 Jan 1943

Denton, Not named - Mr and Mrs Marvin D Denton, ofAndersonville, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 18 ounce son, March 23, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 24 Mar 1964

Denton, Not named - Mr and Mrs Marvin Denton, of Oglethorpe,are the parents of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son, born September 27 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Fri28 Sep 1962

DePaola - Jordan Richard McMaster - Steve and Laura DePaola,both PhD, of Americus announce the birth of a son, Jordan Richard McMaster,born April 26 at Sumter Regional Hospital.The infant weighed 9 pounds, 6 ounces.Grandparents are Clarice and Al DePaola of Pomona, California. He has a brother, Spencer 3. TR, Wed 7 May 1997

Depasquale, Not named - Mr and Mrs Larry Depasquale, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son, Friday, January 11, at City Hospital. TR, Thu 17 Jan 1946

Deriso, Adam Alexander - Mr and Mrs Larry Deriso of Columbusannounce the birth of a son born Saturday, February 4 at the Columbus MedicalCenter. The infant, who weighed 8pounds, 7 ounces has been named Adam Alexander.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs J H Grant of Andersonville; John Deriso andDothy Little, both of Americus. TR,Tue 7 Feb 1984

Deriso, Amanda Frances - Mr and Mrs Larry Deriso of Columbusannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce daughter, Amanda Frances, born Monday,June 30 at the Medical Center of Columbus.Mrs Deriso is the former Julia Ann Grant, Americus. Amanda is the granddaughter of John P Derisoand Dorothy Little, both of Americus and Mr and Mrs J H Grant ofAndersonville. Her great-grandmother isJulia B Adams of Moultrie. TR, Wed 9Jul 1986

Deriso, Brian David - Mr and Mrs David C Deriso, of Leslieare the parents of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son born Tuesday, December 28 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been given the name of Brian David.Brian, as the infant will be called, is the grandson of Mr and MrsHoward Stanford Sr and Mr and Mrs Bill Deriso, all of Leslie. He is the great-grandson of Mrs J R Tuckerand the late Mr Tucker of Smithville and L R Stanford and the late Mrs Stanfordof Leslie and the late Mr and Mrs G C Deriso, also of Leslie and the late Mrand Mrs C A Faircloth of DeSoto. TR,Fri Dec 1976

Deriso, Charles Oliver - Mr and Mrs Wilber Deriso announcethe birth of a son, June 23, named Charles Oliver Deriso. TR, Sat 29 Jun 1940

Deriso, Deborah Lynn - Mr and Mrs E M Deriso, of Route 1,Ellaville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce daughter on July 28, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Deborah Lynn. TR, Mon 31 Jul 1961

Deriso, Dennis Charles - Mr and Mrs Eugene T Deriso, of 314Taylor Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound son, September 30, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Dennis Charles. TR, Mon 3 Oct 1960

Deriso, Donald Watson- Mr and Mrs Donnie Deriso, of Leslie, announce the birth of a 7 pound,9 ounce son, Donald Watson, born Wednesday, May 12 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Willard Wilson and Mr and Mrs Bill C Deriso of Leslieand the great-grandson of W A Wilson Sr of Leslie, Mrs J E Watson Americus andC A Faircloth of DeSoto. TR, Fri 14May 1971

Deriso, Elizabeth Ashley - Toni and Billy Deriso of Leslieannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce daughter, Elizabeth Ashley, born Saturday,Nov 16 at Sumter Regional Hospital.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs W T Poupard and Mr and Mrs Bill Deriso, allof Leslie. Great-grandmother is MrsAnnie Jessup of Leslie. She has asister, Lindsay 3. TR, Tue 26 Nov1985

Deriso, Eugene Talmadge - Mr and Mrs Grover ClevelandDeriso, of Leslie, announce the birth of a nine and one half pound son onSaturday, August 25. The baby has beengiven the name Eugene Talmadge. TR,Tue 28 Aug 1934

Deriso, Gerald Lee - Staff Sgt and Mrs G C Deriso, Jr, ofCheyenne, Wyo, announce the birth of a son, Friday, November 26, at the FortWarren hospital. The baby has been namedGerald Lee. Mrs Deriso was the formerMiss Rosella Jones, of Masters, Colorado.Sgt Deriso is the son of Mr and Mrs G C Deriso, of Leslie. TR, Thu 2 Dec 1943

Deriso, Heather Elaine - Mr and Mrs John Albert Deriso arethe parents of a daughter born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onWednesday, January 13 who weighed 6 pounds, 6 ½ ounces. The baby has been given the name of HeatherElaine. She has a sister, Laura, age8. The infant is the granddaughter ofJohn H Deriso and Mrs Milton Little and Mr and Mrs James Hamric, all ofAmericus. TR, Mon 18 Jan 1982

Deriso, Jack Michael - Mr and Mrs Jack Deriso announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce son Monday, December 15, at city hospital, who hasbeen named Jack Michael. Mrs Deriso isthe former Miss Margaret Williams. MrsDeriso and baby have been removed to their home. TR, Mon 22 Dec 1952

Deriso, Jacqueline Kay - Mr and Mrs Eugene Deriso, of 314Taylor Street, are the parents of an 8 pound, 10 ounce daughter, born March 21in the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Jacqueline Kay.TR, Thu 22 Mar 1962

Deriso, John Jeffrey - Mr and Mrs Eugene Deriso, 125 WestHill Street, are the parents of a 7 pound, 3 ounce son, born August 27, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named John Jeffrey. TR, Wed 28 Aug 1963

Deriso, Laura Michelle - Mr and Mrs John A Deriso announcethe birth of a daughter born Tuesday, 13 September at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby weighed 7pounds, 3 ounces and has been given the name of Laura Michelle.. She is the granddaughter of John M Deriso andMrs Dothy Bacon of this city and Pastor and Mrs James M Hamric ofEllaville. Her great-grandmothers areMrs Ruth Deriso of Leslie and Mrs Anna Bryan of Americus. TR, Sat 15 Sep 1973

Deriso, Lezlie Nichole - Mike and Tomi Deriso of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Lezlie Nichole Deriso, bornWednesday, July 4. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Burnette Streetman and Mr and Mrs Charles M Deriso,all of Ellaville and the great-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs P T Streetman, Mrand Mrs Bill Larkin and C O Deriso, all of Ellaville. TR, Sat 7 Jul 1984

Deriso, Linda Joyce - Mr and Mrs Horace Deriso announce thebirth of a daughter, Linda Joyce, September 19 at city hospital inAmericus. Mrs Deriso was formerly MissEmily Green, of Americus. TR, Tue 30Sep 1947

Deriso, Lindsay Ivey - Mr and Mrs Billy Deriso of Leslieannounce the birth of a daughter born Sunday, June 6 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who has beengiven the name of Lindsay Ivey weighed 8 pounds, 14 ounces. Grandparents of the infant are Mr and Mrs W TPoupard and Mr and Mrs Bill Deriso, all of Leslie. Lindsay is the great-granddaughter of MrsAnnie L Jessup and Mrs Carrie Poupard, both of Smithville. TR, Mon 14 Jun 1982

Deriso, Margaret Ann - Mr and Mrs Jack Deriso announce thebirth of a daughter, February 1, at city hospital, who has been named MargaretAnn. Mrs Deriso is the former MissMargaret Williams, of Americus. TR,Thu 2 Feb 1949

Deriso, Margie Ann - Mr and Mrs Grover G Deriso Jr, of 612Walter Way, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 12 ounce daughter Friday, January18, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Margie Ann.TR, Sat 19 Jan 1957

Deriso, Martha Anita - Mr and Mrs Clifford Deriso announcethe birth of a daughter May 16 at the Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital inAlbany. She weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounceand has been given the name of Martha Anita.Mrs Deriso is the former Miss Martha Kate Owens of Ebenezercommunity. TCN, Thu 28 May 1953

Deriso, Melody Christine - Mr and Mrs Richard B Deriso arethe parents of a daughter born Monday, November 11 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who has beengiven the name of Melody Christine weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces. She is the granddaughter of Mrs Dorthy BDeriso and John M Deriso, both of this city and Mr and Mrs William Reynolds ofWhitwell, Tenn and Mr and Mrs Robert Green of Dunlop, Tenn. TR, Thu 14 Nov 1974

Deriso, Micah John - Mr and Mrs Jerald Deriso, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce son born March 23 at the NorthsideHospital in Atlanta. The baby has beengiven the name of Micah John. Thegrandparents are Mr and Mrs Nick Pratt of Smyrna, Ga and Mr and Mrs GroverDeriso of this city. Micah has abrother, Tad, who is three. TR, Wed 9Apr 1975

Deriso, Natalie Lynn - Capt and Mrs Thomas Deriso, ofAbilene, Texas announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter born Sunday,July 27 at Dyess AFB Hospital in Abilene.The baby has been named Natalie Lynn.The grandparents are Mr and Mrs Max DeVane of Americus and Mrs Jo DeVaneof West Palm Beach, Fla and Mr and Mrs Grover Deriso of Americus. Natalie has an older brother, David, who isthree. Mrs Deriso is the former SusanDeVane of Americus. TR, Fri 1 Aug1975

Deriso, Not named - Mr and Mrs C M Deriso, of Route 1,Ellaville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ½ ounce daughter, August 29, atthe Americus and Sumter County County. TR,Wed 31 Aug 1960

Deriso, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Deriso, of 709Brooklyn Terrace, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ½ ounce son at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, on September 18. TR, Wed 19 Sep 1962

Deriso, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles O Deriso, of 709 BrooklynTerrace, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ½ ounce daughter at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital on December 28.TR, Tue 29 Dec 1964

Deriso, Not named - Mr and Mrs H C Deriso, of Leslie,announce the birth of a son, Thursday, February 18, at city hospital. TR, Fri 19 Feb 1943

Deriso, Not named - Mr and Mrs H C Deriso, of Leslie,announce the birth of a son, born this morning, December 9, at the cityhospital. TR, Fri 9 Dec 1938

Deriso, Not named -Mr and Mrs John Deriso announce the birth of a son, November 13, at CityHospital. TR, Thu 17 Nov 1949

Deriso, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Deriso announce thebirth of a son Wednesday, November 1 at city hospital. TR, Thu 2 Nov 1950

Deriso, Not named - Sgt and Mrs Horace Deriso, of 1109 McGarrahStreet, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce son, Thursday, August 28, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Sat 30 Aug 1958

Deriso, Thomas Andrew - Mr and Mrs Jerry Deriso, of Atlanta,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 11 ounce son born Tuesday, June 22 atNorthside Hospital in Atlanta. The babyhas been named Thomas Andrew. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Grover Deriso of Americus and Mr and Mrs Nicholas Prattof Smyrna. Mr Deriso is a formerresident of this city. TR, Thu 1 Jul1971

Deriso, Timothy Wayne - Mr and Mrs B C Deriso, of Leslie,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce son, Timothy Wayne, May 13 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 16 May 1960

Deriso, Twin Sons - Jeff and Katie Deriso announce the birthof twin sons, Kevin Charles and Jonathan Richard, born Thursday, February 27 atthe Naval Base Hospital, Charleston, SC.Both weighed 5 pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Paternal grandparents are Mrs Agnes Wood ofAmericus and maternal grandparents are David and Diana Mann of LaPalme,Ca. Great-grandparents are Mrs RubyWills of Americus. The twins have abrother, Joel Turner, age four of Charleston.TR, Tue 3 Mar 1992

Deriso, William David - 1st Lt and Mrs ThomasDavid Deriso announce the birth of a son Friday, October 29 at Dyess AFBHospital in Abilene, Texas. The baby,who weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces has been named William David. He is the grandson of Mrs Jo DeVane, Mr andMrs Grover C Deriso and Max DeVane, all of Americus. TR, Sat 30 Oct 1971

Desselle, Hollie Ann - Mr and Mrs James H Desselle announcethe birth of a daughter, Hollie Ann. Thebaby, who was born Thursday, January 9 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital weighed 8 pounds, 3 ½ ounce.Grandparents of the infant are Mr and Mrs C R Desselle of Moultrie andMr and Mrs S A Jenkins of Newington, Ga.TR, Sat 11 Jan 1975

Detamore, Not named - Mr and Mrs C R Detamore of Oglethorpeannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce girl born May 14 at CityHospital. TCN, Thu 19 May 1949

Deuster, Dorothy Ann - Mr and Mrs John Williams Deusterannounce the birth of a daughter, Dorothy Ann, Tuesday, July 9, at St Anthony’sHospital, Terra Haute, Ind. Mrs Duesterwill be remembered here as the former Miss Doris Kidd. TR, Thu 18 Jul 1946

Devane, Edgar William - Bill and Sheila Devane of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a son, Edgar William, born April 4 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 9 pounds, 3ounces. Grandparents are Mr and MrsEdgar Devane Jr, Mr and Mrs Hugh Wall and Frances Wall, all of Ellaville. Great-grandparents are Ida Wall of Ellavilleand Mr and Mrs Walter Leroy Young of Columbus.He has a brother, Justin. TR,Thu 15 Apr 1999

Devane, William Nelson - Mr and Mrs Edgar Devane Jr, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 3 ounce son, August 13, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named William Nelson. TR, Tue 14 Aug 1962

DeVane, Augusta Gloria Rae - Mr and Mrs Joel DeVane ofAlbany announce the birth of a daughter, Augusta Gloria Rae, born at PhoebePutney Hospital in Albany, Monday, November 4.The infant weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs EdgarDeVane of Ellaville. The maternalgrandmother is Rachel Rogers of Americus.TR, Wed 20 Nov 1991

DeVane, Carolyn Eugenia - Mr and Mrs Marvin DeVane announcethe birth of a daughter, Carolyn Eugenia, Wednesday, November 4, at cityhospital. Mrs DeVane was formerly MissVirginia Durham. TR, Fri Nov 6 1942

DeVane, Daniel Bradley - Mr and Mrs Thomas L DeVane, ofOglethorpe announce the birth of a 9 pound, ½ ounce son born Wednesday, January25 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been given the name of Daniel Bradley. The infant’s mother is the former Susan Smithof Oglethorpe. He has one brother,Robert Kevin, 2 years old. ; he is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Louie DeVane ofAmericus and Mrs Roy C Smith and the late Mr Smith of Oglethorpe. Paternal great-grandparents are Mrs H DBradley and the late Mr Bradley and the late Mr and Mrs Tom DeVane,Americus. Maternal great-grandparentsare the late Mr and Mrs Robert H Robinson of Ellaville and the late Mr and MrsDaniel M Smith of Oglethorpe. TR, Mon6 Feb 1978

DeVane, Diana - Mr and Mrs Leon DeVane announce the birth ofa 6 pound, 10 ounce daughter, Tuesday, November 6, at city hospital, who hasbeen named Diana. Mrs DeVane is theformer Miss Mildred Windham, of Banks, Ala.TR, Fri 9 Nov 1951

DeVane, Hollie Love - Mr and Mrs Marvin Devane Jr, ofEllaville, announce the birth of daughter, Hollie Love Devane, born July 15,weighing 8 pounds. She has one brother,Trey and one sister, Heather. The infantis the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Sanders C Thompson of Americus. Her great-grandparents are Mrs Carrie Dale,Americus and Mrs Eva Devane, Ellaville. TR,Thu 19 Jul 1979

DeVane, Joel Leroy - Mr and Mrs Edgar DeVane, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 4 ounce son, October 11, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital who has been named Joel Leroy. TR, Thu 13 Oct 1960

DeVane, Karen Joett - Mr and Mrs Keith DeVane of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Karen Joett, born July 3 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 6ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Carson DeVane and Mr and Mrs David McGrother, all of Americus. TR, Sat 11 Jul 1987

DeVane, Keith Leon - Mr and Mrs Carson DeVane, of Route 3,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ounce son, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, on June 14. The babyhas been named Keith Leon. TR, Mon 15Jun 1964

DeVane, Lauralane - Mr and Mrs D C DeVane announce the birthof a daughter, Saturday, March 28, at Prather clinic, who has been namedLauralane. TR, Wed 1 Apr 1942

DeVane, Laurel Vangie - Mr and Mrs Mervin DeVane announcethe birth of a daughter, Monday, February 24, at city hospital, who has beennamed Laurel Vangie. Mrs DeVane wasbefore marriage Miss Virginia Durham. TR,Thu 27 Feb 1947

DeVane, Leslie Leigh - Mr and Mrs Bill DeVane announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 7 ½ ounce daughter Tuesday, July 9 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been named Leslie Leigh is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Tinley AndersonJr of Leslie and Mrs Jo DeVane and Mr and Mrs Max DeVane of Americus. TR, Thu 11 Jul 1974

DeVane, Leslie Nicole - Mr and Mrs Mark DeVane of Americusannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ½ ounce daughter, Leslie Nicole, bornFriday, August 17 at Sumter Regional Hospital.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Peak of Leslie and Mr andMrs Carson DeVane of Americus. Hergreat-grandparents are Mrs Marene Peak and Mrs Elizabeth Crozier, both ofCuthbert and Mrs Hazel McKoon, Bill Leon DeVane and H M Varnum, all ofAmericus. She has agreat-great-grandfather, Henry Stamps of Cairo.TR, Sat 15 Sep 1984

DeVane, Mark Carson - Mr and Mrs Carson Devane, of Route 3,Americus, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 14 ½ ounce son, April 15, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Mark Carson. TR, Tue 16 Apr 1963

DeVane, Marvilynn Russell - Mr and Mrs Marvin DeVane, ofMemphis, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, December 21, at cityhospital, who has been named Marvilynn Russell for her father and also for heruncle, John Durham, who is overseas. TR,Thu 28 Dec 1944

DeVane, Marvin III - Mr and Mrs Marvin E DeVane Jr, ofEllaville are the parents of a 7 pound, 3 ounce son born Monday, August 15 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Marvin III and is to be called Trey. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Marvin DeVane Srof Ellaville and Mr and Mrs Sanders Thompson of Americus. TR, Tue 16 Aug 1977

DeVane, Mary Heather - Mr and Mrs Marvin DeVane Jr announcethe birth of a daughter, Mary Heather, born Tuesday, October 22 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The babyweighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces. Hergrandparents are Mr and Mrs Marvin DeVane Sr of Ellaville and Mr and MrsSanders Thompson Jr of Americus. She is thegreat-granddaughter of Mrs A L DeVane of Ellaville, Mr and Mrs T R Dale ofAmericus and Mrs S C Thompson of Ft Valley.TR, Fri 25 Oct 1974

DeVane, Not named - Mr and Mrs C A DeVane, of Dawson,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 4 ounce daughter, Friday, April 12, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Sat 14 Apr 1956

DeVane, Not named - Mr and Mrs C C Devane, of Parrott,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Sunday, June 22 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 23 Jun 1958

DeVane, Not named - Mr and Mrs Carson DeVane, of Route 3Americus, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce daughter, born Sunday,August 1, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 2 Aug 1965

DeVane, Not named - Mr and Mrs D C DeVane announce the birthof a daughter, Tuesday, March 28, at Prather Clinic. TR, Tue 28 Mar 1944

DeVane, Not named - Mr and Mrs Louie DeVane, of Route 4,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 15 ounce daughter, Sunday, July 6 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 7 Jul 1958

DeVane, Not named - The birth of a son is announced by Mrand Mrs C C DeVane, 108 Varsity Drive.The baby, who weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces, was born Tuesday, April 6, atAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 8 Apr 1954

DeVane, Pamela Sue - Mr and Mrs Nelson DeVane, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce daughter, Wednesday, January 7, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Pamela Sue. TR, Wed 7 Jan 1959

DeVane, Robert Kevin - Mr and Mrs Tommy DeVane, ofOglethorpe announce the birth of a son born September 3 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The infant, whohas been given the name of Robert Kevin weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces. He is the grandson of Mrs Inez Smith ofOglethorpe and Mr and Mrs Louis DeVane of Americus. The baby, who will called Kevin is thegreat-grandson of Mrs H D Bradley of this city.TR, Thu 11 Sep 1975

DeVane, Sandra Louise - Mr and Mrs Charles DeVane, ofParrott, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter, February 26 in theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Sandra Louise. TR, Thu 26 Feb 1962

DeVane, Tonya Ann - Mr and Mrs Nelson DeVane, of Ellaville,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ½ ounce daughter, June 21, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Tonya Ann. TR, Fri 22 Jun 1962

DeVaughn, Carl Linton IV - Mr and Mrs Carl DeVaughn, ofMontezuma, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce son, Friday, March 6 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Carl LintonIV. TR, Mon 9 Mar 1959

DeVaughn, Not named - Mr and Mrs C L DeVaughn, on Montezuma,are parents of an 8 pound, 3 ounce baby girl, born March 17, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Fri17 Mar 1961

DeVaughn, Not named - Mr and Mrs Joseph DeVaughn, ofMontezuma, announce the birth of a son at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, March 18. The baby weighed 7pounds, 9 ounces. TR, Wed 18 Mar 1964

DeVaughn, Not named - Mr and Mrs Joseph H DeVaughn, ofMontezuma, are the parents of an eight pound, 3 ½ ounce daughter, born January17, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Tue 18 Jan 1966

DeVaughn, Not named - Mr and Mrs S J DeVaughn, of Montezuma,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter, August 20, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon22 Aug 1960

DeVaughn, Sara Catherine - Mr and Mrs Ben DeVaughn, ofMontezuma, announce the birth of a 7 pound daughter, September 2, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Sara Catherine. TR, Tue 4 Sep 1962

DeVaughn, Sherry - Mr and Mrs C L DeVaughn, of Montezuma, arethe parents of a 7 pound, 4 ½ ounce daughter, born September 28 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the named of Sherry. TR, Mon 1 Oct 1962

Dew, Donnie Lee - Mr and Mrs J C Dew announce the birthof a son, Donnie Lee, Monday, June 14, at city hospital. TR, Tue 15 Jun 1943

Dew, Not named - Mr and Mrs Duncan Dew announce the birthof a daughter Wednesday, December 29, at city hospital. TR, Thu 30 Dec 1943

Dew, Not named - Mr and Mrs John R Dew, of 130 W ChurchStreet, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 10 ounce son, Sunday, December 17 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 14 Dec 1959

Dew, Not named - Mr and Mrs John R Dew, of Eastman,announce the birth of a 5 pound, 13 ounce daughter, April 16, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Wed17 Apr 1963

Dewald, Not named - Lt and Mrs Charles Dewald, of Fort Monmouth,N J, announce the birth of a son Thursday, January 1. The baby is the grandson of Dr and Mrs LloydMoll, of Americus. TR, Fri 2 Jan 1953

Dewald, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Dewald, ofPhiladelphia, Pa, announce the birth of a son, Sunday, August 8. The baby is the grandson of President and MrsL A Moll, of Georgia Southwestern. TR,Wed 11 Aug 1954

Dewberry, James William Jr - Mr and Mrs James WilliamDewberry, of Augusta, announce the birth of a 7 pound son born Monday, March 6at Talmadge Memorial Hospital. The babyhas been named James William Jr. He isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs J H Dewberry of Milledgeville and Dr and Mrs John HRobinson III of Americus. TR, Tue 7Mar 1972

Dewberry, Sarah Elizabeth - Dr and Mrs James W Dewberry, ofTalihina, Okla announce the birth of a daughter born Sunday, April 6 who hasbeen given the name of Sarah Elizabeth.The infant is the granddaughter of Dr and Mrs John H Robinson III ofthis city and Mr and Mrs Hubert Dewberry of Milledgeville, Mrs J H Robinson Jr,of Magnolia Manor, Americus is the baby’s great-grandmother. TR, Fri 11 Apr 1975

DeWitt, Christopher Morgan - Mr and Mrs Rodney M DeWittannounce the birth of a son, Christopher Morgan, born November 11 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 2 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs William Mansel DeWitt, Escondia, Calif and Mrs George T Young Srand the late Mr Young of Americus. Theinfant has three sisters, Merrilee, Melissa and Maryann, all of Americus. TR, Mon 23 Nov 1987

DeWitt, Elizabeth Ann - Mr and Mrs R T DeWitt announce thebirth of a daughter, Thursday, October 8, at their home, 2161 Wisteria, BatonRouge, La, who has been named Elizabeth Ann.Mr and Mrs DeWitt are former residents of Americus. TR, Thu 8 Oct 1942

DeWitt, John Davison - Mr and Mrs R T DeWitt announce thebirth of a son, born Sunday, June 12, in Richmond, Ky. The baby has been named John Davison for hismaternal grandfather. TR, Mon 13 Jun1938

Dews, David Kelly - Mr and Mrs Gene Dews, of Cuthbert,announce the birth of a son Sunday, November 16 at the Fort GainesHospital. The infant, who has been giventhe name of David Kelly weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces. He is the grandson of Mrs Wilma Dews of FortGaines and Mr and Mrs Smith Moore of Americus.TR, Tue 18 Nov 1975

Dews, Deanne Gay - Mr and Mrs Charles E Dews, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a daughter Thursday, March 4 at Buena VistaHospital. The baby weighed 5 pounds, 13ounces. She has been been given the nameof Deanne Gay. Mrs Dews is the formerGlenda Dominick of Plains. The maternalgrandparents are Mr Guy Dominick and the late Helen Walters Dominick andpaternal grandparents are Mrs Wilma Dews and the late Mr Dews of FtGaines. TR, Mon 8 Mar 1971

Dial, Kalyn Marguerite - Mr and Mrs Matt Dial of Valdostaannounce the birth of a daughter, Kalyn Marguerite, born Saturday, Jun 29 atSouth Georgia Medical Center in Valdosta.The baby weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Rev and Mrs Roy L Dial IIIof Americus; Mr and Mrs Mark Dickman and the late Mrs Stacey E De La Hunt, allof Valdosta. Mrs Dial is the formerKaren De La Hunt of Valdosta. TR, Fri5 Jul 1991

DiBauda, Jason Michael - Mr and Mrs Jim DiBauda, of Denver,Colorado announce the birth of a son, Jason Michael, on June 1 in Denver. He weighed 8 pounds, 5 ½ ounce. The maternal grandparents are Mr and MrsGlenn Wolcott of 201-J, Country Club Apts.TR, Mon 17 Jul 1978

Dickerson, Christopher Dewayne - David and Tammy Dickerson,Hollamon AFB, Alamogorda, NM, formerly of Ellaville, announce the birth of ason, Christopher Dewayne, who was born August 15. The infant weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces atbirth. Grandparents are Ms CarolynDickerson of Ellaville, Mr and Mrs Lamar Dickerson of Perry, Ms Juliette Renaudof Talbotton, and the late Mrs Joe Cole of Buena Vista. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs O L Lloydand Mrs Leona Cahoon. TR, Thu 10 Sep1992

Dickerson, David Lamar - Mr and Mrs H L Dickerson, of 124Forrest Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named David Lamar. TR, Fri 24Dec 1965

Dickerson, Derek Lloyd - Mr and Mrs Lamar Dickerson, ofEllaville announce the birth of a son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospitalon Monday, May 15 who has been named Derek Lloyd. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 9 ½ ounces. Derek has an older brother, David. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs O L Lloyd ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Vic Cahoon of Cobb and the late L L Dickerson. Mr and Mrs D R Garrett of Americus are thebaby’s great-grandparents. TR, Tue 23May 1978

Dickerson, Jessica Faye - Mr and Mrs Walter Dickerson ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Jessica Faye, born August 5 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Walter Dickerson Sr ofWilliamsburg, Va and maternal grandparents are Mrs Becky Rutledge of Slidell,La, and Jerry Thomas of San Diego, Ca.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Carl Madding of Cabot, Ark and MrsGordon Gish of Petersburg, Va. Jessicahas a brother, Zachary, age two. TR,Thu 15 Aug 1991

Dickerson, Leslie Ruth - Mr and Mrs Bert Dickerson announce thebirth of a daughter Friday, Dec 12 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospitalwho has been given the name of Leslie Ruth.The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs Leona Dickerson. TR, Wed 17 Dec 1969

Dickerson, Lisa Ann - Mr and Mrs Edward Dickerson, of 126Academy Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ½ ounce daughter, November28 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name ofLisa Ann. TR, Mon 30 Nov 1964

Dickerson, Tyler Derek James - Mr and Mrs David Dickerson ofEilson AFB, Alaska announce the birth of a son, Tyler Derek James, on September22. He weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces. Grandparents are Carolyn Dickerson ofEllaville, Lamar Dickerson of Haleyville, AL and Mr and Mrs Richard Adams ofSonora, Calif. Beatrice Lloyd ofAmericus is his great-grandmother. Hisbrother is 5 year old Chris. TR, Tue7 Oct 1997

Diebert, Emily Rebecca - Mr and Mrs Gary Diebert, of Athens,are the parents of an 8 pound, 10 ounce daughter born Wednesday, February 13 atAthens General Hospital in that city.She has been given the name of Emily Rebecca. Mr and Mrs Diebert are former residents ofAmericus. TR, Fri 22 Feb 1974

Dieckmann, Ansley Virginia - Mr and Mrs George A Dieckmann ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Ansley Virginia, born November 23 atPhoebe Putney Hospital, Albany. Theinfant weighed 5 pounds, 12 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Nancy Roberts of Atlanta and the late JohnRoberts, formerly of Americus. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs David Sandlin of Marietta and Mr and Mrs GeorgeDieckmann Sr of Indianapolis, Ind.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Earl Reeves of Thomaston. The baby has s sister, Katherine, 3. TR, Wed 6 Dec 1995

Dieckmann, Katherine Hill - George and Susan Dieckmann ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Katherine Hill, born July 25 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 9 pounds, 1 ounce at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mrs John A Roberts and the late Mr Roberts ofAtlanta and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs David Sandlin of Marietta andGeorgia A Dieckmann of Indianoplis, Ind.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Earl Reeves of Thomaston and MrsMildred Jones of Atlanta. TR, Thu 30Jul 1992

Dill, Angela Annette - Mr and Mrs M E Dill announce thebirth of a 9 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Wednesday, April 25, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Angela Annette. TR, Thu 26 Apr 1956

Dill, Christopher Eugene - Mr and Mrs E E Dill of thiscity announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son December 18 at Phoebe PutneyHospital who has been given the name of Christopher Eugene. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs JamesH Harvey and Mr and Mrs M E Dill of Americus.TR, Tue 19 Dec 1967

Dill, Jeffery James - Mr and Mrs E E Dill, of SylvanPlace, Americus, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 11 ounce son Thursday,September 25 at Phoebe Putney Hospital in Albany. The baby has been named Jeffery James. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs M E Dill andMr and Mrs James Harvey, all of this city.TR, Sat 27 Sep 1969

Dill, Not named - Mr and Mrs Henry Lee Dill, of 717 PineAvenue, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce daughter, Friday, August 28 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.Mrs Dill is the former Miss Barbara Parsons. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsMadison Dill of this city. TR, Fri 28Aug 1964

Dill, Not named - Mr and Mrs M E Dill announce the birthof a son on November 22 at Prather Clinic.TCN, Thu 25 Nov 1948

Dill, Not named - Mr and Mrs Madison Dill, of 723 FelderStreet, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 12 ½ ounce son, Tuesday, February 9,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 10 Feb 1960

Dill, Stacy Lynn - Mr and Mrs Jerry Dill announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 3 ½ ounce daughter born Sunday, July 4 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Stacy Lynn. Sheis the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs M E Dill and Mrs W K Perdue and the late MrPerdue. TR, Wed 7 Jul 1971

Dill, Terrie Lynn - Mr and Mrs Henry Lee Dill announce thebirth of a a six pound, 5 ounce daughter Friday, November 10 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Terrie Lynn. Hergrandparents are Mr and Mrs M E Dill of Americus and Col and Mrs O T Parsons ofRichmond, Va, formerly of this city. TR,Mon 13 Nov 1967

Dillard, Adam Christopher - Mark and Lina Dillard of Columbusannounce the birth of a son born Monday, July 18 at the Medical Center. The infant, who weighed 8 pounds, 1 ½ ounceshas been given the name Adam Christopher.Mrs Dillard is the former Miss Linda Snider. Adam’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs C W Sniderand Mr and Mrs Marcus Dillard, all of Buena Vista. TR, Mon 25 Jul 1983

Dillard, Daniel Anthony - Mr and Mrs Marcus Dillard, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a son on Friday, September 4 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The babyweighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces and has been named Daniel Anthony. Mrs Dillard of Ellaville is the paternalgrandmother and the maternal grandmother is Mrs Carrie Holloway of MagnoliaManor in Americus. TR, Wed 9 Sep 1970

Dillard, Erika Kate - Mr and Mrs Randy Dillard of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a daughter, Erika Kate, born Mar 4 at Phoebe PutneyHospital, Albany. The infant weighed 8pounds, 5 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs J T Downer of Plains and paternal grandparents areMr and Mrs Larry Dillard of Ellaville.Great-grandparents are Lura Hogg of Americus and Mr and Mrs RileyDillard of Ellaville. The baby has ssister, Krista, 23 months. TR, Tue 22Mar 1994

Dillard, Florrie Ann - Mr and Mrs Larry R Dillard, 128Brannon Avenue, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 1 ½ ounce daughter, January 13at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named FlorrieAnn. TR, Mon 15 Jan 1962

Dillard, George Carey - Local relatives have announced thebirth of an infant son to Mr and Mrs Wilbur Dillard of Plains, weighing 7pounds Thursday, May 27 who has been named George Carey. Mother and baby are doing nicely. TCN, Thu 3 Jun 1948

Dillard, Hal Bryan - Mr and Mrs Harold Dillard, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a son on April 8 at the Medical Center, in Columbus. He weighed 5 pounds, 14 ½ ounce and has beennamed Hal Bryan. Mrs Dillard is theformer Geraldine Brewer. TR, Tue 16Apr 1963

Dillard, Haleigh Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Fenn Dillard ofJacksonville, Fla announce the birth of a daughter, Haleigh Elizabeth, bornJuly 19 at Baptist Hospital, Jacksonville.The infant weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces at birth. Mrs Dillard is the former Cheryl AnnGleseke. Maternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs Craig Gleseke of St Petersburg, Fla and paternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs Everett Dillard of DeSoto. TR,Tue 9 Aug 1994

Dillard, Jennifer Krista - Mr and Mrs Randy Dillard ofEllaville announce the birth of a daughter, Jennifer Krista, born April 21 atPhoebe Putney Hospital, Albany. Theinfant weighed 5 pounds, 5 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs J T Downer of Plains and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Larry Dillard of Ellaville. Great-grandparents are Mrs Lura Hogg and thelate Mr E R Hogg of Americus and Mr and Mrs Riley Dillard of Ellaville. TR, Fri 15 May 1992

Dillard, Karen Danell - Mr and Mrs R D Dillard, of 1304 RidgeStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce daughter, September 11, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Karen Danell. TR, Thu 17 Sep 1959

Dillard, Marcus Lowe Jr - Mr and Mrs Marcus Dillard, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital,Sunday, December 4, who weighed 10 pounds, 10 ounces. Marcus Lowe Jr is the name of the newinfant. TR, Tue 6 Dec 1955

Dillard, Martha Lois - Mr and Mrs R V Dillard announce thebirth of a daughter, Saturday, November 20, at city hospital, who has beennamed Martha Lois. TR, Wed 24 Nov1943

Dillard, Not named - Mr and Mrs E G Dillard, of Leslie, arethe parents of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son, born May 8 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Mon 19 May 1965

Dillard, Not named - Mr and Mrs E G Dillard, of Leslie,announce the birth of a son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital,September 29, who weighed 7 pounds, 9 ½ ounces.TR, Mon 1 Oct 1962

Dillard, Not named - Mr and Mrs Everett C Dillard, of Leslie,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ½ ounce son March 29, at the Americus andSumter County Hosital. TR, Thu 30 Mar1961

Dillard, Not named - Mr and Mrs Harold Dillard, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 3 ounce daughter, Monday, March 26 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 28 Mar 1956

Dillard, Not named - Mr and Mrs J Vernon Dillard, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Tuesday,September 18, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. Mrs Dillard is the former Miss JacquelineRigsby, of Ellaville. TR, Wed 19 Sep1956

Dillard, Not named - Mr and Mrs Larry Dillard, of 714 PineAvenue, are the parents of an 8 pound, one ounce son, born February 27, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 28 Feb 1966

Dillard, Not named - Mr and Mrs Riley Dillard, ofAndersonville, announce the birth of a son, Friday, June 20, at the cityhospital. TR, Mon 23 Jun 1941

Dillard, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert L Dillard, of 130ARidge Street, are the parents of a 6 pound, 7 ounce daughter, born April 23, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 24 Apr 1963

Dillard, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert Larry Dillard, of 1304Ridge Street, are the parents of a daughter, December 7, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby weighed6 pounds, 1 ounce. TR, Thu 10 Dec1964

Dillard, Not named - Mr and Mrs Vernon Dillard, of Ellaville,are the parents of a 7 pound, 8 ounce son, born April 29 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Fri 30Apr 1965

Dillard, Owen Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Hal Dillard of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a daughter, Owen Elizabeth, born August 10 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant, who iscalled Owen, weighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Beth Adkins ofAmericus and Ron Adkins of Tutwiler, Miss.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold Dillard of Ellaville. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs FloydHerrington and Virgil Adkins, all of Americus.TR, Mon 14 Aug 1995

Dillard, Reed Bryan - Mr and Mrs Hal Dillard of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a son, Reed Bryan, on January 8 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The baby, who weighed 8 poundsis the grandson of Beth Adkins of Americus, Ron Adkins of Tutwaler, Miss and Mrand Mrs Harold Dillard of Ellaville. Mrand Mrs Floyd Herrington of Americus are his great-grandparents. His sister is 2 ½ years old Owen. TR, Wed 14 Jan 1998

Dillard, Richard Brion - Mr and Mrs Marcus L Dillard Sr, ofRoute 4 Buena Vista, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce son April 11 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital who has been named Richard Brion. The baby is the grandson of Mrs Carrie SHolloway, or Route 4 Buena Vista and Mrs J E Dillard of Ellaville. TR, Wed 12 Apr 1967

Dillard, Sharon Denise - Mr and Mrs Larry Dillard, of 714Pine Avenue, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 11 ounce daughter, June 8, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Sharon Denise. TR, Tue 9 Jun 1964

Dillard, Whitney Lauren - Mr and Mrs Mark Dillard announcethe birth of a daughter, Whitney Lauren, born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Thursday, January 8. Thebaby weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs C W Snider of Buena Vista and Mr and MrsMarcus Dillard of Ellaville. TR, Mon12 Jan 1981

Dismuke, Dewey Fred Jr - Mr and Mrs Dewey F Dismuke announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce son Saturday, August 7 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Dewey Fred Jr. TR, Sat 7Aug 1954

Dismuke, Not named - Mr and Mrs Roy Dismuke announce thebirth of a son, Wednesday, March 8, at Prather Clinic. TR, Friday 10 May 1950

Divers, William Wallace - Mr and Mrs Lawrence T Divers ofSeattle announce the birth of a son, William Wallace on November 21 at Swedishof Ballard in Seattle. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Wallace M Summers of Americus and the lateMr and Mrs William J Divers Jr.Great-grandmother is Norma Summers of Americus. Will has a brother Terrell, 9. TR, Sat 30 Nov 1996

Dixon, Dawn Elaine - Lt and Mrs Lamar Dixon III, ofPhoenix, Arizona, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ½ ounce daughter,Wednesday, December 6, who has been given the name of Dawn Elaine. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs EC Veal and Mr and Mrs O L Dixon Jr, of Americus. TR, Thu 7 Dec 1961

Dixon, Deborah - Mr and Mrs W P Dixon, of Canton, N C,announce the birth of a daughter on August 28.She has been named Deborah. TR,Tue 29 Aug 1950

Dixon, Edna Shelia - Mr and Mrs James C Dixon Jr announcethe birth of a daughter, who has been named Edna Shelia. Mrs Dixon was formerly Miss Mary Lou Williamsof Smithville. Both mother and baby aredoing nicely. TR, Thu 21 Oct 1937

Dixon, James Malabar Jr - Mr and Mrs J M Dixon, of Girard,Ga, announce the birth of a nine-pound son who has been given the name of JamesMalabar Jr. Mrs Dixon, before hermarriage was Miss Ruth Grahl, of this city.TR, Thu 1 Oct 1936

Dixon, John White Jr - Mr and Mrs Johnny Dixon announce thebirth of a 5 pound, 13 ounce son born Monday, March 8 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named John White Jr. He is thegrandson of Mr and O L Dixon Jr of this city and Mrs S E Mitchell ofSmithville. TR, Tue 9 Mar 1971

Dixon, John White - Mr and Mrs O L Dixon Jr, of Macon,announce the birth of a son, June 10, at the Prather Clinic, who has been namedJohn White. TR, Fri 10 Jun 1932

Dixon, Mary Janis - Mr and Mrs James Dixon Jr announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, May 21, at their home on Forrest Street. The baby has been named Mary Janis. Before marriage Mrs Dixon was Miss Mary LouWilliams. TR, Thu 25 May 1936

Dixon, Melanie Anne - Mr and Mrs Max Dixon, of PattonDrive, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter, Friday, July 5, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Melanie Anne. The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs PerryWilliams of Waycross and Mr and Mrs John Riley Dixon of Blackshear. TR, Sat 6 Jul 1963

Dixon, Not named - Lt and Mrs Lamar Dixon III, of Key West,Fla, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of an 8 pound, one ounce son,Friday, April 19. Mrs Dixon is theformer Miss Betty Jo Veal and the baby is the grandson, of E C Veal and Mr andMrs O L Dixon Jr. TR, Mon 22 Apr 1957

Dixon, Not named - Mr and Mrs J M Dixon, of Girard, Ga,announce the birth of a son at the City hospital Saturday. Mrs Dixon is the daughter of Rev and Mrs J SGrahl, of Americus. TCN, Fri 2 Oct1936

Dixon, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Dixon announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, December 13, at city hospital. TR, Fri 15 Dec 1944

Dixon, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lloyd Dixon announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, March 19, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 10 Mar 1947

Dixon, Not named - Mr and Mrs Max B Dixon, of Cordele,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ½ ounce daughter August 30 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. Mr and MrsDixon are former residents of Americus. TR,Sat 31 Aug 1968

Dixon, Not named - Mr and Mrs Walter Page (Son) Dixon, ofCanton, N C , formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter Tuesday,November 18. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mrs O L Dixon Sr, of this city. TR, Fri 21 Nov 1952

Dixon, Olin Lamar III - Mr and Mrs Olin Lamar Dixon Jrannounce the birth of a son, Tuesday, May 20 at the Prather Clinic, who hasbeen given the name Olin Lamar III. MrsDixon was before her marriage Miss Virginia Davenport, of Americus. TR, Tue 20 May 1930

Dixon, Olin Lamar IV - Lt Commander and Mrs Lamar DixonIII, of Port Hueneme, Calif, announce the birth of an 8 pound son, November30. The baby has been named Olin LamarIV. The baby is the grandson of Mr andMrs O L Dixon Jr, of Americus. TR,Tue 1 Dec 1964

Dixon, Virginia Johanna - Lt and Mrs Olin Lamar Dixon IIIannounce the birth of an 8 pound daughter Monday, November 7 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. Mrs Dixon isthe former Miss Betty Jo Veal. The babyhas been named Virginia Johnanna for her grandmothers, Mrs Olin Dixon Jr andthe late Mrs Johanna Bahnson Veal. LtDixon is with the U S Navy stationed in California. TR, Tue 8 Nov 1955

Dixon, Wanda Lee - Mr and Mrs George L Dixon announce thebirth of a daughter December 25, at city hospital, who has been given the nameof Wanda Lee. TR, Fri 4 Jan 1952

Dobbs, Marsha Lynn - Mr and Mrs J R Dobbs, of Route 2,Ellaville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce daughter, Marsha Lynn, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital , May 4. TR, Thu 5 May 1960

Dobbs, Not named - Mr and Mrs Earl P Dobbs, of Route 4,Ellaville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter Tuesday, April 7,at Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 7 Apr 1953

Dobbs, Ronald Jason - Mr and Mrs Ronald E Dobbs announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 11 ounce son born Tuesday, May 11 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Ronald Jason. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Earl T Dobbs of Ellaville and James Forsythe of Ellaville andMrs Marie Strickland of Douglas. TR,Tue 18 May 1982

Dobbs, Virginia Ray - Mr and Mrs John Ray Hobbs announcethe birth of a daughter, Friday, June 1, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedVirginia Ray. TR, Fri 8 Jun 1945

Dockery, James Kim - Mr and Mrs W L Dockery announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce son, Saturday, June 29, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital who has been named James Kim. TR, Mon 1 Jul 1957

Dodelin, Annie Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Richard Dodelin Jr, 22Frieda Lane, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce daughter on January 23at St Francis Hospital in Columbus who has been named Annie Elizabeth. The infant is the granddaughter of Dr and MrsRichard Dodelin of Columbus, Mrs Dorothy Livingston and Willie F Livingston ofColumbus. TR, Thu 11 Feb 1971

Dodson, Ashley Nicole - Mr and Mrs Jerome Dodson of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Ashley Nicole, born May 17 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds,11 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs William Dodson and Mr and Mrs Gene Wiggins. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Hugh Dodsonof Pelham and Mr and Mrs Carson Pearson of Camilla. TR, Sat 20 May 1989

Dodson, Carr Glover - Mr and Mrs W A Dodson announce thebirth of an eight pound son, born Sunday morning, August 29, at PratherClinic. The baby has been named CarrGlover for his grandfather, Mr Carr S Glover.Before marriage Mrs Dodson was Miss Mary Glover. TR, Mon 30 Aug 1937

Dodson, Chappell Dodson III - Mr and Mrs Chappell Dodson Jrof Cordova, Ala, formerly of Plains and Americus announce the birth of a son,Chappell III, born Saturday, May 6. Theinfant is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Chappell Dodson Sr of Plains and Mr andMrs J H Burke Sr of Cordova. Mrs MaudeDodson and Mrs Pearl Evans of Plains are the baby’s great-grandmothers. TR, Mon 22 May 1978

Dodson, Chappell Jr - Staff Sgt and Mrs Chappell Dodsonannounce the birth of a son, Tuesday, August 8, who has been given the name ofChappell Jr. Mrs Dodson is the formerAnita Evans. TR, Mon 14 August 1944

Dodson, Deanne - Mr and Mrs Mutt Dodson announce the birthof a daughter born October 29 at Prather Clinic. The baby, who weighed 7 pounds 12 ½ ounces atbirth, has been named Deanne. Mrs Dodsonwas before her marriage Miss Ruby Patterson.TR, Wed 3 Nov 1937

Dodson, Haleigh Elizabeth - John and April Dodson ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Haleigh Elizabeth, born Aug 2 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce at birth. MrsDodson is the former April McAfee of Americus.Maternal grandparents are Wayne and Linda McAfee of Americus andpaternal grandparents are William and Joann Dodson of Americus. Great-grandparents are Andy and ShirleyHopkins of Smithville, Carson and Bessie Pearson and Willie Mae Dodson ofCamilla. Great-great-grandmother is RubyMcCoy of Americus. TR, Wed 24 Aug1994

Dodson, Janey Patsy - Mr and Mrs Lewis Edward (Mutt) Dodsonannounce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, February 20, at Prather Clinic, whohas been named Janey Patsy. TR, Tue23 Feb 1943

Dodson, Jayme Michelle - Mr and Mrs James Dodson of Plainsannounce the birth of a daughter, Jayme Michelle, born June 22 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds at birth. Grandparents are Mr andMrs J A Dodson of Plains and Mr and Mrs S S Sze, Boston, Mass. TR, Thu 2 Jul 1987

Dodson, Not named - Mr and Mrs B W Dodson, of Plains,announce the birth of a son, born Friday, November 4. TR, Mon 7 Nov 1938

Dodson, Not named - Mr and Mrs B W Dodson, of Plains,announce the birth of an eight-pound son Monday, March 26. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. TR, Mon 26 Mar 1934

Dodson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Carr Dodson, of Macon,announce the birth of a 6 ½ pound daughter Sunday, October 27. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsCrawford Pilcher of Warrenton and Mr and Mrs W A Dodson of Athens, formerly ofAmericus. TR, Mon 28 Oct 1968

Dodson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Chappell Dodson, of Plains,are the parents of a boy baby born Nov 21 at City Hospital. TR, Tue 22 Nov 1949

Dodson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Chappell Dodson, of Plains,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce daughter, Thursday, November 6, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Friday 7 Nov 1958

Dodson, Not named - Mr and Mrs J A Dodson, of Route 1,Plains, announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, August 26, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who weighed 6 pounds, 6 ounces. TR, Friday 26 Aug 1955

Dodson, Robert Wade - Mr and Mrs R E Dodson, of Route 1Plains, announce the birth of a 7 pound son on Thursday, October 20 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who has been named Robert Wade is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Owen Womackof the Friendship Road and Mr and Mrs B W Dodson of Plains. Mrs Maude Dodson also of Plains is the baby’sgreat-grandmother. TR, Thu 20 Oct1966

Dodson, William A Jr - Mr and Mrs William A Dodson, of StPetersburg, Florida, announce the birth of a son, who has been given the nameWilliam A Jr. Mr Dodson is the son ofMrs W A Dodson, of this city. Mrs Dodsonis the daughter of C S Glover and will be remembered as Miss Mary Glover. TR, Sat 23 Feb 1929

Doggett, Brandon Corey - James and Michelle Doggett announcethe birth of a son, Brandon Corey, on June 9 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Paternal grandparents are Lonnie andCatherine Downs and maternal grandparents are Buck and Sue Hargrove, all ofAmericus.. His paternal grandmother isBessie Hall of Sylvester and Rachel is his sister. TR, Fri 13 Jun 1997

Dolson, Eugenia Phyllis - Mr and Mrs Jim Dolson Jr ofTallahassee, Fla announce the birth of a 6 pound, 4 ounce daughter, EugeniaPhyllis, born Sunday, October 7. She isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Fred Horn of Americus and Mr and Mrs Jim Dolsonof Tallahassee. TR, Mon 15 Oct 1984

Dominick, Barbara - Mr and Mrs G T Dominick announce the birthof a five-pound daughter, October 16, who has been named Barbara. Both mother and baby are resting nicely. TR, Wed 18 Oct 1933

Dominick, Christopher Thomas - Mr and Mrs Tommy Dominickannounce the birth of a son born Saturday, June 2 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 8 ½ ounces and has been given the name of Christopher Thomas. “Chris”, as he will be called, is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Ernest Weaver of Gadsden, Ala and Mr and Mrs GeorgeDominick Sr of Plains. TR, Mon 9 Jun1975

Dominick, Dana Michelle - Mr and Mrs George Dominick Jr, ofPreston, announce the birth of a daughter at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on April 21. The baby whoweighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces has been named Dana Michelle. Mrs Dominick is the former Sue Blankenship ofPreston and the baby’s grandparents are Mrs C B Blankenship of Preston and Mrand Mrs George Dominick Sr of Plains. TR,Thu 22 Apr 1971

Dominick, George Jr - Mr and Mrs George Dominick announce thebirth of a 7 ½ pound son, Monday, July 21, at their home near Plains, who hasbeen named George Jr. TR, Mon 21Jul 1941

Dominick, Kimberly Nicole - Mr and Mrs George Dominick Jr, ofPlains, are the parents of a 9 pound, 5 1/4 ounce daughter born Wednesday,March 26 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been given the name of KimberlyNicole. Her grandparents are Mr and MrsGeorge Dominick Sr and Mrs O A Blankenship Sr, all of Plains. TR, Thu 27 Mar 1975

Dominick, Michael Slade Jr - Mr and Mrs Michael S Domnick ofPlains announce the birth of a son, Michael Slade Jr, born March 23 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 11pounds, 5 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs George Dominick Jr of Plains and Mr and Mrs Lee Johnson ofPlains. TR, Wed 25 Mar 1992

Dominick, Michael Slade - Mr and Mrs George Dominick Jr, ofPreston, announce the birth of a 10 pound, 3 ounce son, born at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital on Wednesday May 14.. The baby has been named Michael Slade. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs GeorgeDominick Sr, of Plains and Mrs A A Blankenship and the late Mr Blankenship ofPreston. TR, Mon 19 May 1969

Donner, Not named - Mr and Mrs H W Donner Jr, of Route 2,Americus, are the parents of a six pound, 9 ounce daughter, born March 26 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 27 Mar 1963

Dorman, Hilda Ann - Mr and Mrs Charlie Dorman announce thebirth of a daughter, Thursday, September 4, at city hospital, who has beennamed Hilda Ann. Mrs Dorman was beforeher marriage Miss Nell Law. TR, Tue 9Sep 1941

Dorman, Lillian Sharon - Mr and Mrs T T Dorman, of Moultrie,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, March 22, at city hospital, who hasbeen named Lillian Sharon. TR, Thu 25Mar 1943

Dorman, Linda Gale - Mr and Mrs C F Dorman Jr announce thebirth of a daughter, Thursday, February 22, at city hospital, who weighed 8pounds, 3 ½ ounces. The baby has beennamed Linda Gale. TR, Mon 26 Feb 1951

Dorman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Keller Dorman Jr, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a son, Saturday, December 7, at cityhospital. TR, Mon 9 Dec 1946

Dorman, Virginia Rose - Mr and Mrs Keller Dorman Jr, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a daughter, June 12, at city hospital, whohas been named Virginia Rose. TR, Tue15 Jun 1943

Dorminey, Daniel Patrick - Mr and Mrs Gary Dorminey announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 4 ½ ounce son born Wednesday, April 2 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Daniel Patrick. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Henry Tucker of LaGrange and Mr and Mrs D C Dorminey ofDoerun. TR, Tue 15 Apr 1975

Dorough, Caroline Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs John Wesley DoroughIII, of Americus, announce the birth of their daughter, Caroline Elizabeth, inRiverside Hospital, Jacksonville, Florida, Friday, January 12. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs M M MonroeJr of Waycross and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs J W Dorough Jr ofCordele. Mrs Dorough is the former MissKathlyn Monroe of Waycross. TR, Tue23 Jan 1973

Dorough, Not named - Mr and Mrs D O Dorough, of Apt 17C BowenDrive, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 5 ounce son, November 19, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 20 Nov 1959

Dorrah, Alyssa Marie - Mr and Mrs John H Dorrah Jr, ofVirginia Beach, Va announce the birth of their first child Alyssa Marie onApril 15. The baby’s mother is a nativeof Americus, being the former Greta Penman of Mendham, N J. The maternal grandmother is the formerFlorence Prather of this city and the great-great-grandmother is Mrs L GCouncil of NY, formerly of Americus. TR,Tue 28 Apr 1970

Dorsey, Charlotte Hunter - Mr and Mrs J B Dorsey Jr announcethe birth of a daughter Sunday at the City Hospital. She has been named Charlotte Hunter andweighed seven pounds, three ounces. TR,Thu 7 Sep 1950

Dorsey, James Richard - Mr and Mrs J H Dorsey announce thebirth of a son, July 12, at their home at 508 Spring Street, who will be calledJames Richard. TR, Wed 15 Jul 1925

Dorsey, Jeff Chandler - Mr and Mrs John B Dorsey IIIannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ½ ounce son born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on Friday, June 16. Thebaby has been given the name of Jeff Chandler.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Henry Ratliff of Plains and Mrs John BDorsey Jr and the late Mr Dorsey. Thebaby’s great-grandmother is Mrs J B Dorsey of Americus. TR, Mon 19 Jun 1978

Dorsey, Larry Richard Jr - Mr and Mrs Larry R Dorsey ofOglethorpe announce the birth of a son, Larry Richard Jr, who was born July 20at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital weighing 7 pounds, 6 ounces. The infant is the grandson of Mr and MrsJimidie R Dorsey and Mr and Mrs G C Hobbs Jr of Oglethorpe. His great-grandmothers are Mrs W D Kelley,Mrs G C Hobbs Sr, both of Oglethorpe and Mrs John B Dorsey, Americus. The child also has one great-grand-aunt, MrsRaymond Humphries. TR, Mon 23 Jul1979

Dorsey, Miriam Johnson - Mr and Mrs Fred Dorsey, of Raleigh,NC, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, April 6, who has been namedMiriam Johnson. Mrs Dorsey is a formerresident of Americus and the baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J BDorsey, of this city. TR, Fri 7 Apr1944

Dorsey, Nancy Leigh - Mr and Mrs Larry R Dorsey ofOglethorpe announce the birth of a daughter born February 17 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. She weighed7 pounds, 11 ounces and has been given the name Nancy Leigh. The infant has a brother, Richard. Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs James RDorsey, Oglethorpe and Mr and Mrs G C Hobbs, Oglethorpe. She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs W DKelley of Oglethorpe and Mrs John B Dorsey, Americus. TR, Tue 8 Mar 1983

Dorsey, Not named - Mr and Mrs Fred Dorsey, of Raleigh, NC,announce the birth of a baby daughter on August 6 at the Rex Hospital inRaleigh. The baby is the granddaughterof Mrs J B Dorsey, of this city. TR,Fri 8 Aug 1947

Dorsey, Not named - Mr and Mrs J B Dorsey announce the birthof a son Wednesday, July 2, at city hospital.Mrs Dorsey is the former Miss Charlotte Sparks. TR, Thu 3 Jul 1952

Dorsey, Not named - Mr and Mrs James R (Jimidie) Dorsey, ofMontezuma, announce the birth of an 8 ½ pound son Wednesday, June 6. Mr Dorsey is a former resident of Americusand the baby is the grandson of Mrs J B Dorsey Sr, of this city. Mrs Dorsey is the former Selma Kelly ofOglethorpe. TR, Thu 7 Jun 1951

Doster, Carol Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Cooper Doster Jrannounce the birth of an 8 1/4 pound daughter born Sunday morning, who had beennamed Carol Elizabeth. Mrs Doster wasbefore marriage Miss Louise Bray, of the 28th district. TR, Mon 7 Feb 1938

Doster, Not named - Mr and Mrs Doster announce the birth ofa daughter, Thursday, Nov 7, at their home in the 28thdistrict. TR, Thu 7 Nov 1940

Douglas, Jonathan Eugene - Mr and Mrs Robert L Douglas Jr ofMontezuma announce the birth of a son, Jonathan Eugene, born July 12 at SumterRegional Hospital. Jon, as the infant iscalled, weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert L Douglas Sr of Montezumaand maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Howard Eugene Davis of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mrs J R Tucker ofSmithville and Mrs Mary Helen Spence of Americus.. Jon has a brother, Rob, age three. TR, Mon 15 Jul 1991

Douglas, Robert Louis III - Mr and Mrs Robert L Douglas Jr ofMontezuma announce the birth of a son, Robert Louis III, born Saturday, June 25at Sumter Regional Hospital. Rob, as theinfant will be called weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces at birth. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs HowardEugene Davis of Americus and Mr and Mrs Robert L Douglas Sr of Montezuma. Great-grandmothers are Mrs Helen Spence ofAmericus and Mrs J R Tucker of Leslie. TR,Tue 28 Jun 1988

Dover, Dallas Anson - Mr and Jerry L Dover are the parentsof a 9 pound, 1/4 ounce son born Sunday, April 17 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been giventhe name of Dallas Anson. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs P L Howington and Mr and Mrs Dennis Dover of Ringgold, Ga. TR, Tue 26 Apr 1977

Dover, Susanna Katherine - Mr and Mrs John Michael Doverannounce the birth of a daughter, Susanna Katherine Dover, who was born Monday,June 28 at the South Georgia Medical Center in Valdosta. The infant weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces. Maternal grandparents are Dr and Mrs CharlesM Jennings of Marietta and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs W R Jones,Leslie and the late Howard Dover of Toccoa.TR, Thu 1 Jul 1982

Dover, Victoria Ariail - Mr and Mrs J Michael Dover ofValdosta announce the birth of a daughter, Victoria Ariail, who was born May 11at the South Georgia Medical Center, Valdosta.The infant weighed 7 pounds, ½ ounce at birth. Grandparents are Dr and Mrs Charles Jenningsof Marietta and Mr and Mrs William R Jones of Leslie and the late Howard QDover of Toccoa. The infant has asister, Susanna, age four. TR, Wed 20May 1987

Dowdey, Jonathan Lee - Mr and Mrs Rudy Dowdey of Americusannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ½ ounce son, Jonathan Lee, born Tuesday,March 26 at Sumter Regional Hospital.Grandparents are Delores Paul, Shirley Dowdey and Rufus Dowdey, all ofAmericus and Frank Aldridge Jr of Albany.He is the great-grandson of Mr and Mrs Alan Williams of Oglethorpe andMr and Mrs Thomas Ward and Mrs W N Dowdey, all of Americus. TR, Fri 29 Mar 1985

Dowdey, Kim - Mr and Mrs Ferrell Dowdey announce the birthof a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter on January 27 at the Medical Center in Columbuswho has been named Kim. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Jeff Dowdey and Mr and Mrs G E Pickett, of thiscity. TR, Mon 30 Jan 1961

Dowdey, Melissa Gayle - Mr and Mrs Rudy Dowdey of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a daughter, Melissa Gayle, who was born August 5 atSumter Regional Hospital. She weighed 7pounds, 6 ½ ounces at birth. Mrs Dowdeyis the former Beverly Aldredge of Americus.Maternal grandparents are Mrs Dolores Paul of Americus and FrankAldredge of Albany. Paternalgrandparents are Mrs Shirley Dowdey of Americus and Sonny Dowdey ofAmericus. Maternal great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Allen Williams of Oglethorpe and Mr and Mrs Thomas Ward ofAmericus. Paternal great-grandparentsare Mrs W N Dowdey and the late W N Dowdey of Americus. The infant has a brother, Jonathan, age 16months. TR, Thu 7 Aug 1986

Dowdey, Steven Blake - Mr and Mrs Rudy Dowdey of Albanyannounce the birth of a son, Steven Blake, born December 26 at Phoebe Putney inAlbany. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 11ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mrs Dolores Paul of Americus and Frank Aldridge of Albany and paternal grandparentsare Ms Shirley Dowdey of Americus and Rufus M Dowdey Sr, Americus. Maternal great-grandparents are Mr and MrsAllen Williams of Oglethorpe and maternal great-grandparents are Mr and MrsThomas Ward and Mrs W N Dowdey of Americus.Steven has a brother, Jonathan, 2 ½ and a sister, Melissa, age 16months. Mrs Dowdey is the former MissBeverly Aldridge of Americus. TR, Wed6 Jan 1988

Dowdy, Daniel Tony - Mr and Mrs W D Dowdy, Plains, announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce son, Wednesday, October 1, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Daniel Tony. TR, Thu 2 Oct 1958

Dowdy, Deborah Jean - Mr and Mrs W D Dowdy, of Plains,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 5 ounce daughter, Friday, March 9, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Deborah Jean. TR, Tue 13 Mar 1956

Dowdy, Marsha Ann - Mr and Mrs Rufus Dowdy, of PrinceStreet, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ½ ounce daughter, February 9 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Marsha Ann. TR, Tue 10 Feb 1959

Dowdy, Not named - Mr and Mrs Edward Dowdy, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, December 27, at city hospital. TR, Thu 29 Dec 1949

Dowdy, Not named - Mr and Mrs J F Dowdy announce the birthof a 6 ½ pound son born Thursday, May 12, at their home near Leslie. TR, Sat 14 May 1938

Dowdy, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jack Dowdy, of 204 E DodsonStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 3/4 ounce son, September 28 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TRWed 29 Sep 1965

Dowdy, Not named - Mr and Mrs Rufus Dowdy, of 820 DouglasCircle, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce son, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 13Jan 1964

Dowdy, Rebecca Ann - Mr and Mrs Tom Dowdy, of Columbus,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter at the St Frances Hospitalin Columbus, Monday, August 27, who has been named Rebecca Ann. TR, Thu 30 Aug 1956

Dowdy, Reginald William - Mr and Mrs Roger Dowdy, ofRebecca, announce the birth of an eight-pound son Friday, January 15, atAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Reginald William. TR, Sat 23 Jan 1954

Downer, Barry Alexander - Mr and Mrs J T Downer, of Alto,Ga, formerly of Plains announce the birth of a 5 pound, 8 ounce son July 24 atHall County Hospital, Gainesville, Ga.The baby, who has been named Barry Alexander is the grandson of Mr andMrs H A Parker Sr, of Plains on his maternal side and his paternal grandparentsare the late Mr and Mrs J T Downer Sr of Plains. TR, Mon 5 Aug 1968

Downer, Marsha Lynn - Mr and Mrs J T Downer, of Alto, Ga,formerly of Plains, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce daughter Friday,January 13th, who has been given the name of Marsha Lynn. The maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs H AParker of Plains. The paternalgrandparents are the late Mr and Mrs J T Downer Sr of Plains. TR, Wed 18 Jan 1967

Downer, Not named - Mr and Mrs J E Downer Jr, of Plains,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, January 6, at city hospital. TR, Thu 8 Jan 1948

Downer, Not named - Mr and Mrs J T Downer Jr, of Plains,announce the birth of a son, Saturday, March 10, at city hospital. TR, Thu 15 Mar 1951

Downer, Sherri Kay - Spec4 and Mrs James Richard Downer, ofAlto, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 1 ounce daughter, Sherri Kay, onNovember 25 at Hall County Hospital, Gainesville, Ga. The baby’s maternal grandparents are Mrs RuthCook and the late Silas Cook, of Alto, paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs J TDowner of Alto. She is also thegreat-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs H A Parker Sr, of Plains, Ga. TR, Tue 10 Dec 1968

Downes, Laurie Lee - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Downes announce thebirth of a daughter Friday, September 3, at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who weighed 9 pounds, 2 ounces.The baby has been named Laurie Lee.TR, Thu 23 Sep 1954

Downes, Linda Mary - Mr and Mrs Ken Downes, of Pittsburgh,Penn, announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, March 29, who has been namedLinda Mary. Mrs Downes is the formerMiss Mary Beth Rhyne, daughter of Mr and Mrs C Rhyne, of Americus. TR, Sat 3 Apr 1948

Downing, Adhley Nichole - Randy and Kelly Downing announcethe birth of their first child, Ashley Nichole, born December 9, thegranddaughter of Jack and Kathryn Henderson and Kenneth and PatriciaDowning. Ashley weighed 8 pounds, 5ounces at birth. TR, Wed 13 Dec 1989

Downing, Colby Aaron - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Downing Jr ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Colby Aaron, born January 10 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 9pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Kenneth Downing Sr of Gulf Breeze, Fla and Mr and Mrs John Davisof Panama City. Great-grandmother is MrsRuby Davis of DeSoto. TR, Thu 21 Jan1988

Downing, Erika Brooke - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Downing Jr ofAmericus announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce daughter, Erika Brooke, bornWednesday, August 8 at Sumter Regional Hospital. She is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsKenneth Downing Sr of Pensacola, Fla; Mr and Mrs John W Davis of Bent Waters AFBase, England and Marie Avni of N Y City.Her great-grandparents are Mrs Ruby Davis of Americus and Mr and MrsGeorge Horne of London, England. TR,Mon 20 Aug 1984

Downs, Cathy Sue - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Downs announce thebirth of an 8 pound daughter Sunday, March 18, at Prather Clinic, who has beennamed Cathy Sue. TR, Fri 23 Mar 1951

Downs, Jared Winfield - Mr and Mrs J Wayne Downs, of Macon,announce the birth of a son born Thursday, May 1 at the Coliseum Hospital inMacon. The baby, who weighed 8 pounds, 1ounce has been named Jared Winfield. Hismother is the former Patty Gossett of Americus.Grandparents of the baby are Mrs Charles A Lenkard of Cochran and Mrs GF Downs of this city. TR, Tue 20 May1975

Downs, Jason Wayne - Mr and Mrs Wayne Downs, of Albany,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce son Friday, June 5 at the PhoebePutney Hospital in Albany. Mrs Downs isthe former Patty Gossett of Americus. The baby, who has been named Jason Wayne isthe grandson of Mrs W A Gossett and Mrs P F Downs, both of Americus and thegreat-grandson of Mrs Patty McLaughlin of this city. TR, Sat 6 Jun 1970

Downs, Not named - Mr and Mrs Clarence A Downs announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 9 ounce daughter, Thursday, September 3, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Fri 4Sep 1959

Downs, Patricia Gail - Mr and Mrs Lonnie Downs announce thebirth of a 6-pound, 6-ounce daughter Wednesday, September 30, at Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Patricia Gail. Mrs Downs is the former Miss Wilma JeanKenmore. The baby is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs P F Downs, of this city, and Mr and Mrs W H Kenmore, ofAshtatula, Florida. TR, Thu 1 Oct1953

Downs, Susanne Katherine - Mr and Mrs Ken Downs, ofPittsburgh, announce the birth of a daughter, Susanne Katherine on June24. Mrs Downs is the former Miss MaryBeth Rhyne. TR, Wed 12 Jul 1950

Downs, Teressa Linn - Mr and Mrs Fred Downs announce thebirth of a daughter Saturday, November 24, at city hospital, who has been namedTeressa Linn. Mrs Downs is the formerMiss Joyce Tye and the baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Melvin Tye andMr and Mrs P F Downs. TR, Mon 26 Nov1951

Doyal, Catherine Elaine - Mr and Mrs R L Doyal, of 1806Armory Drive, announce the arrival of a chosen daughter who was born November5, 1968. The baby, who weighed 6 pounds,has been given the name of Catherine Elaine.TR, Mon 18 Nov 1968

Dozier, Angela Dawn - Mr and Mrs James Dozier, of Route 1Plains, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 12 ounce daughter born Thursday,April 27 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital who has been named AngelaDawn. “Angel”, as she will be called hasone brother, Ron. She is thegranddaughter of Mrs L M Gardner and the late Mr Gardner of Americus and Mrs MC Dozier and the late Mr Dozier of Plains.TR, Fri 28 Apr 1972

Dozier, Darlene - Mr and Mrs Walter C Dozier Jr, of Plains,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce daughter, Darlene, born Thursday,October 5 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsGrover Sanders of Buena Vista and Mrs W C Dozier Sr of Plains and the late Mrs Dozier. Mrs W W Duvall of Plains is Darlene’sgreat-great-grandmother. TR, Wed 11Oct 1972

Dozier, Dorothy Edith - Mr and Mrs James Dozier of Plainsare the parents of an 8 pound, 1 ½ ounce daughter born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on Wednesday, December 7. The baby has been named Dorothy Edith afterher two grandmothers. Dee, as she willbe called has a brother, Ron and a sister, Angel. Grandparents are Mrs L M Gardner and the lateMr Gardner of Americus and Mrs W C Dozier and the late Mr Dozier ofPlains. TR, Sat 10 Dec 1977

Dozier, James Neal - The Rev and Mrs Hugh Dozier announcethe birth of a son at Boyette Clinic in Ellaville, Thursday night, April25. The little fellow has been namedJames Neal, for his maternal grandfather, James Neal. The mother and baby are doing nicely at theirhome in the Baptist pastorum where they were moved from the Clinic Saturdaymorning. TR, Mon 29 Apr 1940

Dozier, Lucas Alexander - Robin and Kim Dozier of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Lucas Alexander, born July 17 at Phoebe PutneyHospital in Albany. The infant weighed 5pounds, 9 ounces. Maternal grandparentsare Bobby and Alice Hobbs of Andersonville.Paternal grandparents are Emily Dozier and the late Howard Dozier ofEllaville. Great-grandparents are Mr andMrs G C Hobbs Sr of Oglethorpe. Luke hasa sister, Shelby, 3. TR Mon 29 Jul1996

Dozier, Marvin Walter - Mr and Mrs Walter C Dozier Jr, ofPlains, announce the birth of a son, Marvin Walter, born Friday, November 7 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby weighed 6 pounds, 6 ½ounces. He is the grandson of Mrand Mrs Grover Sanders of Buena Vista and Mr and Mrs W C Dozier of Plains andthe great-grandson of Mrs W W Duvall of Plains.TR, Mon 10 Nov 1969

Dozier, Not named - Mr and Mrs Howard Dozier, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, December 7, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 9 Dec 1948

Dozier, Not named - Mr and Mrs Howard Dozier, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ounce daughter, Sunday, May 19 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 21 May 1957

Dozier, Paula Diane - Pvt and Mrs Edward Dozier announce thebirth of a 7-pound, 12-ounce daughter Saturday, Aug 1, at Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named Paula Diane. Mrs Dozier was the former Miss Mary AnnBarfield. TR, Sat 1 Aug 1953

Dozier, Ruby Sue - Mr and Mrs Edward Dozier, of TaylorStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce daughter, Saturday, February25, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named RubySue. TR, Tue 28 Feb 1956

Dozier, Shelby Frances - Robin and Kim Dozier of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Shelby Frances, born Friday, March 5 atPhoebe Putney Hospital, Albany.Grandparents are Alice and Bobby Hobbs of Andersonville, Emily Dozierand the late Mr Howard Dozier of Ellaville.Great-grandparents are the late Mr Alex and Frances Rouse ofAndersonville, Mr and Mrs G C Hobbs of Oglethorpe, the late Mr and MrsHenderson Dodson of Plains and the late Mr and Mrs W E Dozier ofEllaville. TR, Tue 16 Mar 1993

Dozier, Walter Clyde Jr - Mr and Mrs Walter Clyde Dozier, ofNew Point community, announce the birth of a son, Monday morning, May 19, atthe home of her parents, Mr and Mrs Duval, at Plains. He has been named Walter Clyde Jr. TR, Wed 21 May 1941

Dozier, William Franklin III - Mr and Mrs William F Dozierannounce the birth of an 8 pound son, Wednesday, February 22, at the CityHospital, who has been named William Franklin III. Mr and Mrs Dozier recently moved here fromVersailles, Ky. TR, Thu 23 Feb 1939

Dozier, William Sedwick - Mr and Mrs William D Dozierannounce the birth of a 9 pound, 7 ounce son, William Sedwick, born Friday,August 10 at Sumter Regional Hospital.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Howard Dozier of Ellaville and Rev andMrs J Sedwick Wetzel of Americus. He hasa brother Trey. TR, Thu 16 Aug 1984

Drake, Donna Kay - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Drake announce thebirth of a daughter Saturday, October 10 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital who has been given the name of Donna Kay. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsFloyd Drake and Mr and Mrs C B Crook, all of Americus. TR, Wed 14 Oct 1970

Drake, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Drake, of Route 4,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce son, Monday, December 15 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 16 Dec 1958

Drake, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Drake, of Route 1Leslie, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son on November 16 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 17 Nov 1965

Draper, Mary Shayne - Mr and Mrs Alan Draper of Annandale,Va announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Shayne, born Monday, August 22. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces atbirth. Mrs Draper is the former MissVirginia Shayne Crowell. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs George Crowell of Oakton, Va; Mr and Mrs Bob Wall, Americus; andMr and Mrs Dale Draper of Myersville, Md.Great-grandparents are Mrs Mary Sheffield Shayne and Mr and Mrs MarionWall, all of Americus. TR, Mon 29 Aug1988

Draughon, Ashley Hines - Lt and Mrs John Albert Draughon, ofCharleston Heights, SC announce the birth of a daughter, Ashley Hines, onJanuary 10. Grandparents are Mr and MrsElmo Draughon of Macon and Mr and Mrs Bubba Hines of Macon. A great-grandmother is Mrs Dovie Draughon ofMagnolia Manor. TR, Wed 26 Jan 1972

Draughon, Elmo Levy III - Mr and Mrs Elmo Draughon, of Macon,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, May 13, at the Macon hospital, who hasbeen named Elmo Levy III. Mrs Draughonwas before her marriage Miss Elizabeth Glass of Macon. Mr Draughon is a former Americusresident. TR, Thu 14 May 1942

Draughon, Heather Cheryl - Mr and Mrs Lee Draughon, ofVentura, Calif, announce the birth of a daughter, Heather Cheryl, on October24, 1971. Paternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs Elmo Draughon of Macon. Great-grandparentsare Dr and Mrs A W Glass of Macon and Mrs Dovie Draughon of Magnolia Manor,Americus. TR, Wed 26 Jan 1972

Drecnik, Bonnie Jean - Mr and Mrs Alvin Drecnik, ofAlexandris, Pa, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, Feb 8, who weighed8 lbs, ½ oz. Bonnie Jean was the namechosen for the little girl. Mrs Drecnikwas before her marriage Miss Erma Wiggins of Preston. TR, Sat 17 Feb 1945

Drew, Angela Dawn - Mr and Mrs Neal Drew of Prestonannounce the birth of a daughter, Angela Dawn, on Saturday, April 21 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces has two sisters, Susan, age 8 and Kristi,6. Grandparents are Mrs Hattie Webb andthe late Aaron Webb of Richland and Mr and Mrs Raymond Drew of Preston. She has one great-grandmother, Mrs JuliaCrawley of Preston. TR, Tue 24 Apr1979

Drew, Cecilia Scott - Mr and Mrs E A Drew announce thebirth of a daughter, born Tuesday, January 3, at the Prather Clinic. The baby has been named Cecilia Scott. TR, Tue 3 Jan 1939

Drew, David Telton - Mr and Felton Drew announce the birthof a son who was born June 15, at Boyett’s Clinic in Ellaville. He has been named David Telton. They were removed to their home in PrestonTuesday. TR, Fri 24 Jun 1938

Drew, Ernest Kennedy - Mr and Mrs Ernest Drew Jr announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce son, Sunday, January 26 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Ernest Kennedy. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs JohnHerndon, of Americus and Mrs Ernest Drew Sr of West Palm Beach, Fla. TR, Mon 27 Jan 1958

Drew, Eva Claire - Mr and Mrs Paul Drew, of Preston,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, Sept 24, at Prather Clinic, who hasbeen named Eva Claire. TR, Tue 28 Sep1943

Drew, Franklin Eugene - Mr and Mrs C C Drew announce thebirth of a son, who has been named Franklin Eugene. TCN, Fri 6 Oct 1933

Drew, George Wimberly - Dr and Mrs E A Drew announce thebirth of a son on Feb 18th at their home on Church Street, who hasbeen named George Wimberly. TR, Mon21 Feb 1927

Drew, John Addison - Mr and Mrs Ernest Drew Jr, of Tifton,announce the birth of a son, Thursday, October ?, at the Tifton hospital, whohas been maned John Addison, for this two grandfathers. E A Drew and John Herndon, of Americus. Mrs Drew is the former Miss Jennie Herndon. TR, Sat 9 Oct 1948

Drew, John Roamy - Mr and Mrs Duncan Drew announce thebirth of a son born this morning, October 6, at city hospital. The baby has been named John Roamy. TR, Wed 6 Oct 1937

Drew, Kerri Leigh - Mr and Mrs Donnie Drew, of Georgetownannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ½ ounce daughter born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The infant, whohas been named Kerri Leigh was born Monday, July 26. Her mother is the former Claire Riley ofAmericus. Grandparents of the baby areMrs Sam Riley now of Jacksonville and the late Mr Riley of Americus and the lateMr and Mrs Charlie Drew of Preston. TR,Fri 30 Jul 1976

Drew, Kimberly Lynn - Mr and Mrs Donnie Drew, ofGeorgetown, Ga, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce daughter Thursday,December 11 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital who has been namedKimberly Lynn. Mrs Drew is the formerMiss Claire Riley of Americus. Thebaby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs S J Riley of this city and Mrs C C Drew andthe late Mr Drew of Preston. TR, Sat13 Dec 1969

Drew, Not named - Mr and Mrs Silas Drew, of Preston,announce the birth of a son, Saturday, April 5, at city hospital. TR, Tue 8 Apr 1947

Drew, Tina Denise - Mr and Mrs Franklin E Drew, ofPreston, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ½ ounce daughter at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the named of Tina Denise. TR, Mon 13 Jul 1964

Drew, Troy Addison Kennedy - Mr and Mrs Ken Drew announcethe birth of a son who has been named Troy Addison Kennedy. The infant, who was born Thursday, 18 Augustat the Americus and Sumter County Hospital weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces. His grandparents are Mr and Mrs TroySheffield of Cordele and Mr and Mrs Ernest Drew of Americus. TR, Mon 22 Aug 1983

Driggers, Jennifer Ellen - Mr and Mrs Terry Driggers are theparents of a daughter, born on Tuesday, January 24 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The infant, who weighed6 pounds, 5 ounces has been named Jennifer Ellen. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs T E Grubbs ofAmericus, Mr and Mrs H E Williams, of Columbus and the late Mr Lindburg Driggersof Union Springs, Ala. TR, Tue 31 Jan1984

Driggers, Michael Logan Braxton - Michael and Dana Driggers ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Michael Logan Braxton, on December 23 atSumter Regional Hospital. Thegrandparents are Steve and Cathy Driggers of Oglethorpe, Rick and Ramona Priceof Americus and Horace and Jenne Musgrove of Newton. TR, Thu 27 Jan 1998

Driggers, Nicholas Louis - Mr and Mrs Donnie Driggers, of 1301Ridge Street Americus, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 4 ½ ounce son born atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Monday, June 11. The baby has been named Nicholas Louis. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Roy TCason of Americus and his paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Louis Railey ofTroy, Alabama and the late Lindburgh Driggers of Union Springs, Ala. Mrs Mattie Lou Goodin of Smithville is thebaby’s great-grandmother. TR, Fri 15Jun 1979

Driggers, Stephen Bradley - Mr and Mrs Steve Driggers announcethe birth of a son on August 2 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The infant, who weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce,has been named Stephen Bradley. Hisgrandparents are Mr and Mrs E L Tanner of Banks, Ala; Mrs Jean Williams,Columbus; and the late Lindberg Driggers of Union Springs, Ala. He has a brother, Michael. TR, Mon 8 Aug 1983

Driggers, William Christopher - Mr and Mrs Jerry Driggers ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, William Christopher, born February 15 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Tom Grubbs of Americus and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Henry E Williams of Columbus and the late LindburgDriggers of Union Springs, Ala. Theinfant has a sister, Jennifer, age five.TR, Wed 1 Mar 1989

Driggers, Wyndy Leah - Mr and Mrs Donnie Driggers of 1301Ridge Street are the parents of an 8 pound, 7 ½ ounce daughter born Thursday,February 5 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby, who has a brother, Nicholas, hasbeen named Wyndy Leah. Grandparents areMr and Mrs Roy Cason of Americus, Mrs Jean Railey of Troy, Alabama and the lateLindberg Driggers of Union Springs, Alabama.TR, Fri 13 Feb 1981

Drinkwater, Keaton DeVAne - Keith and Tanya Drinkwater of Newnanannounce the birth of a son, Keaton DeVane, on July 4 at Piedmont Hospital,Atlanta. He weighed 8 pounds, 10ounces. Grandparents are Nelson andCarol DeVane of Ellaville and Hershel and Virginia Drinkwater of Pelham. Helen Barwick of Ellaville is hisgreat-grandmother. TR, Thu 24 Jul1997

Driscol, David Andrews - Mr and Mrs Paul Driscol, of Lorain,Ohio, are the parents of a son, born Wednesday, March 11. The baby, who weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces hasbeen named David Andrews. Mrs Driscol isthe former Miss Kay Farr, daughter of Mr and Mrs Don Farr, of Americus. TR, Thu 12 Mar 1964

Driscol, Nancy Lee - Mr and Mrs Paul Driscol, of Tucson,Ariz, are the parents of a 6 pound, 11 ½ ounce daughter born Tuesday, November25. The baby has been named NancyLee. Mrs Driscol was the former Miss KayFarr, daughter of Mr and Mrs Don Farr, of this city. TR, Wed 26 Nov 1958

Driscoll, Kelly Lynn - Mr and Mrs Paul Driscoll, of Lorain,Ohio, are parents of a girl baby which was born Wednesday, June 29. The baby has been named Kelly Lynn andweighed in at 6 pounds and 5 ounces. MrsDriscoll was the former Miss Kay Farr and Mr and Mrs Farr of this city aregrandparents of the new arrival. TR, Tue5 Jul 1960

Driver, Anthony Ray - Mr and Mrs Billy Driver Jr announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 12 ounce son, Anthony Ray, born Sunday, March 23. Andy is the grandson of Mr and Mrs BillDriver, Mr and Mrs Jim DeLory and Joe L Thiers, all of Americus. Great-grandparents are D R Garrett, Mrs AliceDriver and Mrs Frances Gold, all of Americus and Mrs Nora Raper ofMontezuma. Andy has a brother,Joey. TR, Fri 4 Apr 1986

Driver, Emilee Cole - Mr and Mrs Michael Wayne Driverannounce the birth of a daughter, Emilee Cole, born February 17 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 9 ounces. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Billy E Driver Sr of Americus, Cynthia and Jerry Owen of St Petersburg,Fla and Mr and Mrs Jimmy Lee Sr of Albany.Great-grandparents are Alice Driver of Americus, Mr and Mrs ThomasBeckum of Leesburg and Mr and Mrs James H Lee of Albany. The baby has a brother, Josh, 6 and a sisterJessie, 4. TR, Tue 27 Feb 1996

Driver, James Austin - Mr and Mrs James Driver Jr ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, James Austin, on October 21 at SumterRegional Hospital. The baby, who weighed8 pounds, 10 ounces is the grandson of Mr and Mrs James “Bubba” A Driver Sr andWalter “Bubba” Albridge, all of Americus and Peggy Albridge of Leesburg. Great-grandparents are Eva Cransford, AliceDriver, Juanita Jones and Robbie Johnson, all of Americus. TR, Tue 28 Oct 1997

Driver, Jessica Lindsay - Mr and Mrs Michael Wayne Driver ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Jessica Lindsay, born September 5 atSumter Regional Hospital. Jessi, as thebaby will be called, weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces at birth. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs BillyE Driver Sr of Americus; Ms Cynthia Dawkins of Boca Raton, Fla; and Mr and MrsJimmy D Lee Sr, all of Albany.Great-grandparents are Mrs Alice Driver of Americus; Mr and Mrs ThomasBeckum of Leesburg; and Mr and Mrs James H Lee of Albany. The baby is the first paternal granddaughterand great-granddaughter in the fanily. She has a brother, Josh, age two. TR, Tue 10 Sep 1991

Driver, Joseph William - Mr and Mrs Billy Driver announcethe birth of a son. The infant, who wasborn on Sunday, September 12 and weighed 6 pounds, 6 ounces has been given thename of Joseph William. Joey is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Jim DeLory of Panama City, Fla and Joe L Thiers and Mrand Mrs Billy Driver, all of Americus.His great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs D R Garrett, Mrs Alice Driver andMrs Henry Gold, all of Americus and Mrs Nora Raper of Montezuma. TR, Thu 16 Sep 1982

Driver, Mary Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Steven Driver ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Elizabeth, born September 10 atPhoebe Putney Hospital in Albany. Theinfant weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces.Grandparents are Ms Beth Lardy and Mike Lardy and Mr and Mrs Billy EDriver, all of Americus. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Joseph R Bridges and Mrs Alice Driver of Americus. TR, Sat 14 Sep 1991

Driver, Michael Joshua - Mr and Mrs Michael Wayne Driver ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Michael Joshua, born May 10 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 11 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Billy Driver Sr of Americus; Mrs Cynthia Dawkins of Leesburg;and Jimmy D Lee Sr of Albany.Great-grandparents are Mrs Frank Driver of Americus; Mrs Millie Cannonof Leesburg and Mr and Mrs James H Lee of Albany. TR, Sat 20 May 1989

Driver, Not named - Mr and Mrs Billy Driver, of Route 1,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce son at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on September 12. TR, Mon 14Sep 1964

Driver, Not named - Mr and Mrs Billy Edward Driver, of nearAmericus, are the parents of a 9 pound son, born January 11, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Fri12 Jan 1962

Driver, Not named - Mr and Mrs Herman Driver, of Route 1,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 9 ½ ounce son, born August 15 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon17 Aug 1964

Driver, Steven Bryce - Mr and Mrs Steven Driver of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Steven Bryce, born Sep 16 at Phoebe PutneyHospital, Albany. The infant weighed 7pounds, 8 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Beth Lardy, Mike Lardy and Mr and Mrs Billy E Driver Sr, all ofAmericus. Great-grandparents are Mr andMrs Joseph R Bridges and Alice Driver of Americus. The baby has a sister, Macy, 3. TR, Fri 23 Sep 1994

Drouet, Margaret Bringhurst - Mr and Mrs Clifford Drouet ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Margaret Bringhurst, born Monday,January 4 at Sumter Regional Hospital.The infant weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs R S Bellue of Baton Rouge, La andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert G Drouet of Baton Rouge. The new baby has a brother, Clifford, agefive and three sisters, Ellan, 4; Victoria 3; and Clair, age two. TR, Thu 7 Jan 1988

Drury, David Mathew - Mr and Mrs Paul Drury, of Brunswick,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ½ ounce son, born Thursday, January 30, whohas been given the name of David Mathew.Mrs Drury is the former Alice Mizio, of Americus. The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs EdwinMizio of this city and Mr and Mrs Burwell Drury of Waverly. He is the great-grandson of Mr and Mrs SteveMizio of Americus, Mr and Mrs Charles Middaugh of Big Flatts, NY and Mr and MrsPat Miller of Woodbine. TR, Fri 31Jan 1969

Drury, Melissa Marie - Mr and Mrs Paul Drury, of Brunswickannounce the birth of a 7 pound 14 ounce daughter, born Wednesday, October 14who has been given the name of Melissa Marie.Mrs Drury is the former Alice Mizio of Americus. The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs EdwinMizio of this city and Mr and Mrs Burwell Drury of Waverly. She is the great-granddaughter of Mr and MrsSteve Mizio of Americus and Mr and Mrs Charles Middough of Big Flats, N Y andMr and Mrs Pat Miller of Woodbine, Ga. TR,Thu 15 Oct 1970

Duckworth, Cara - Mr and Mrs J R Duckworth announce the birthof a daughter at their home near Americus, who has been given the name ofCara. TR, Thu 6 Jan 1921

Duckworth, Carrie - Mr and Mrs J R Duckworth announce the birthof a daughter Feb 2, at their home on East Church Street. She has been given the name of Carrie. TR, Sat 3 Feb 1923

Dudley, Ainsworth Gatewood Jr - Dr and Mrs Gatewood Dudley,of New Orleans, announce the birth of a son, August 3, who has been namedAinsworth Gatewood Dudley Jr. Mrs Dudleyis the former Miss Mary Fay Thomas, daughter of Mr and Mrs Woodrow Thomas, ofAmericus. The baby’s paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs James C Dudley, also of Americus. TR, Thu 9 Aug 1962

Dudley, Ainsworth Gatewood - Mr and Mrs James C Dudleyannounce the birth of a son who will be called Ainsworth Gatewood for hisgrandfather, A D Gatewood. The baby wasborn this morning, May 25, at the Prather Clinic. TR, Wed 25 May 1938

Dudley, Carley Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs William H Dudley ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Carley Elizabeth, Nov 27 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 13 ounces. Her grandparents areDr and Mrs James C Dudley Jr and Mr and Mrs Carl Roland Satterfield ofAmericus. Great-grandparents are LucyWright and Mrs E J Satterfield, both of Americus. TR, Thu 3 Dec 1998

Dudley, Christopher Lewis - Mr and Mrs W L Dudley, of Albanyannounce the birth of a son, Christophere Lewis, born Thursday at Phoebe PutneyHospital. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs RL Dudley and Mrs Erni Scarbrough of Albany and Mr H L Brown Jr ofTennessee. Great-grandparents are Mr andMrs E F Lowery of Americus. Chris has anolder sister, Jerri. TR, Sat 17 Jun1978

Dudley, Deanie Adrain - Mr and Mrs Crawford Dudley announcethe birth of a daughter Friday, March 28, at city hospital, who has been namedDeanie Adrain. Mrs Dudley was beforemarriage Miss Adrain Turpin. TR, Mon31 Mar 1947

Dudley, Ira Antoinette - Mr and Mrs Gatewood Dudley, ofMemphis, Tenn, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ouncedaughter, born October 10, who has been named Ira Antoinette. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs JC Dudley and Mr and Mrs Woodrow Thomas, of Americus. TR, Mon 17 Oct 1960

Dudley, James Gatewood - Mr and Mrs James C Dudley Jr, ofAugusta, announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, January 26, at the UniversityHospital, who has been named James Gatewood.Mrs Dudley is the former Miss Freddie Gammage, of Moultrie and the babyis the grandson of Mr and Mrs James C (Hank) Dudley Sr, of Americus. TR, Thu 27 Jan 1955

Dudley, Laura Shannon - Dr and Mrs Gatewood Dudley, of NewOrleans, La, announce the birth of a daughter on August 1, who has been namedLaura Shannon. TR, Wed 3 Aug 1966

Dudley, Mary Lila - Mr and Mrs Crawford Dudley announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce daughter, Saturday, May 17 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Mary Lila. Mrs Dudley is the former Miss AdrianTurpin. TR, Mon 19 May 1958

Dudley, Mona Laura - Mr and Mrs Chris Dudley, of Richland,announce the birth of a six pound, 7 ounce daughter, Saturday, September 5 atthe Stewart-Webster Hospital, who has been given the name of Mona Laura. Mrs Dudley is the former Miss Laura Hamiltonof Richland. TR, Tue 8 Sep 1964

Dudley, Not named - Dr and Mrs James C (Jim) Dudley Jr, ofToccoa, announce the birth of a son, March 29, at the Stephens County Hospitalin Toccoa. The baby is the grandson ofMr and Mrs James (Hank) Dudley of Americus and the great-grandson of Mrs A DGatewood of this city. TR, Sat 2 Apr1966

Dudley, Not named - Dr and Mrs James C Dudley Jr, of FtWalton Beach, Fla, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 6 ounce daughter, Saturday,July 20. The baby is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs James O Dudley Sr, of Americus.TR, Sat 20 Jul 1957

Dudley, Not named - Mr and Mrs J C Dudley announce the birthof a boy born September 15 weighing 7 pounds, 6 ounces. TCN, Thu 18 Sep 1952

Dudley, Susan Louise - Mr and Mrs Crawford Dudley announcethe birth of a daughter Wednesday, February 15, at the City Hospital, who hasbeen named Susan Louise. Mrs Dudley isthe former Miss Adrain Turpin. TR,Thu 16 Feb 1950

Dudley, Toby James - Bob and Janet Dudley of Destin, Flaannounce the birth of a son, Toby James, born August 9. The infant weighed 8 pounds at birth. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Clarence Davis ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Ralph Dudley of Grand Ridge, Fla. Toby has one brother, Trey, who is 12 yearsold. TR, Fri 11 Sep 1992

Dudley, William Crawford - Mr and Mrs Crawford Dudley areparents of a son, which was born Monday, September 15, at the CityHospital. The baby weighed in at sevenpounds and six ounces and has been name William Crawford. TR, Wed 17 Sep 1952

Dudley, Woodrow Thomas - Mr and Mrs Gatewood Dudley, ofAthens, announce the birth of a 7 pound son, November 12, at the St Mary’shospital in Athens. The baby has beennamed Woodrow Thomas. Mrs Dudley is theformer Miss Mary Faye Thomas and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs W WThomas and Mr and Mrs James C Dudley of Americus. TR, Fri 14 Nov 1958

Duff, Cathleen Ryan - Mr and Mrs Patrick M Duff announcethe birth of a 9 pound, 5 ounce daughter, Cathleen Ryan on Saturday, May28. Cathleen’s maternal grandparents areMr and Mrs Norman Ryan of Americus. Herpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Jack Deriso of this city and Mr and Mrs MA Duff of Chamblee. Hergreat-grandparents are Mrs Elizabeth Duff of Americus, Mr and Mrs D O Talbottof Miami, Fla; and Mr and Mrs C A Ryan of Nitro, W Va. TR, Tue 31 May 1983

Duff, Frances Lorraine - Mr and Mrs Gordon Maurice Duffannounce the birth of a daughter, Frances Lorraine, on Wednesday, March 7 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The infant weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Tommy C Smith ofLeslie, Mrs Jack Deriso of Americus and M A Duff of Tallahassee, Fla. TR, Mon 12 Mar 1979

Duff, Gordon Maurice - Mr and Mrs Maurice Duff announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 9 ½ ounce son, Wednesday, August 15, at city hospital,who has been named Gordon Maurice. MrsDuff is the former Miss Rena Cox. TR,Wed 22 Aug 1951

Duff, Jeanette Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs R A Duff Jr, of Bremerton,Washington, announce the birth of a an 8 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Thursday,January 26, who has been named Jeanette Elizabeth. Mrs Duff is the former Miss JeanettePennington. TR, Wed 1 Feb 1950

Duff, Jessica Davis - Mr and Mrs Gordon Maurice Duffannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce daughter born Friday, February 13 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.She has been given the name of Jessica Davis. Jessica is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsTom C Smith of Leslie and Mrs Roland R Floyd of Americus. She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs Jesse LDavis of Leslie, Mrs Elizabeth Duff, Americus and Mr and Mrs Archie B Smith Srof Sanford, Fla. TR, Wed 18 Feb 1976

Duff, Patrick Matthew Jr - Mr and Mrs Patrick Matthew Duffof Americus announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son, Patrick Matthew Jr,born Monday, March 31 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Matt is the grandson of Mr and Mrs NormanRyan and Mr and Mrs Jack Deriso, all of Americus and Mr and Mrs M A Duff ofMorgan. He has a sister, Cathleen,2. TR, Wed 2 Apr 1986

Duff, Patrick Matthew - Mr and Mrs Maurice Duff announcethe birth of a 7 pound, one ounce son, Wednesday, March 12 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby has been named Patrick Matthew. TR, Thu 12 Mar 1958

Duff, Richard A Jr - Mr and Mrs R A Duff announce thebirth of a son Tuesday, June 6, who will be called Richard A Duff Jr. TR, Sat 10 Jun 1922

Duff, Susan Lorena - Mr and Mrs Maurice Duff announce thebirth of a 6-pound, 4½-ounce daughter June 28 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Susan Lorena.Mrs Duff was the former Miss Rena Cox.TR, Tue 30 Jul 1954

Duggar, Julie Lyane - Kevin and Sonja Duggar of Plainsannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce daughter, Julie Layne born March5. Julie is the granddaughter of Mr andMrs Harold J Duggar of Pembroke and Brig Gen and Mrs Curtis F Hoglan of FtBragg, NC. Her great-grandparents are Mrand Mrs Landis Elliott of Glenmora, La.Julie has a sister, Jennifer. TR,Fri 23 Mar 1984

Dugger, Jennifer Leigh - Mr and Mrs Kervin Dugger are theparents of a daughter, Jennifer Leigh, who was born Tuesday, March 17 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 9 pounds, 5 ounces at birth.The infant is the granddaughter of Colonel and Mrs Curtis F Hoglan ofFrankfort, Germany and Mr and Mrs Harold J Dugger of Pembroke, Ga. Jennifer Leigh’s great-grandparents are Mrand Mrs Landis Elliott of Glenmore, Louisiana.TR, Fri 20 Mar 1981

Dugger, R R Jr - Mr and Mrs R R Dugger announce the birth ofa son, R R Dugger Jr, at their home in Macon, Tuesday, April 27. TR, Wed 28 Apr 1920

Duke, Andrew Timothy - Mr and Mrs Timothy Duke of StPetersburg, Fla announce the birth of a son, Andrew Timothy, born February 22at Women’s Medical Center, Seminole, Fla.The infant weighed 4 pounds, 3 ounces at birth. Paternal grandparents are Mrs Katrin Moon ofAmericus; H T Duke of Albany and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs RichardHartley of Ingles, Fla. TR, Wed 13Mar 1991

Duke, Ansley Britton - Mr and Mrs Cal Duke of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Ansley Britton Duke. The 7 pound, 8 ounce baby was born at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital on Sunday, July 19. Maternal grandfather of the child, Will CSullivan III of Americus also celebrated his birthday the same day. The maternal grandmother is Mrs Katron DukeMcIntyre of Clearwater, Florida. Thesister of the infant is Miss Delia Ann Duke, also of this city. TR, Mon 20 Jul 1981

Duke, April Marie - Mr and Mrs Ray M Duke, of Charlotte,NC, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce daughter April 25 who has beengiven the name of April Marie. The babyis the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J F Head and Mr and Mrs W L Tripp, all ofAmericus. TR, Sat 29 Apr 1967

Duke, Austin Stevenson - Jason and Lisa Duke of WarnerRobins announce the birth of a son, Austin Stevenson, born February 21 at theMedical Center of Central Georgia, Macon.The infant weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Steve and SheilaDurham of Cobb and paternal grandparents are Sue Rodgers of Knoxville, Tenn andLarry Duke of Warner Robins.Great-grandparents are Mrs Dennis A Durham of Americus, Mr and MrsMarvin Franklin of Hiawassee, Kathleen Pike and Gladys Duke, both of WarnerRobins. TR, Sat 4 Mar 1995

Duke, Betsy - Mr and Mrs Lewis Duke announce the birth ofan eight pound, two-ounce daughter, Monday, February 8, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of Betsy. Mrs Duke is the former Miss Betty Gatewood ofthis city. Mr Duke is in the U S ArmedFroces stationed at Fort Benning. TR,Tue 9 Feb 1954

Duke, Bobby Wesley III - Mr and Mrs Bobby Wesley Duke Jrannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ½ ounce son, Bobby Wesley III, born Tuesday,Nov 19 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Heis the grandson of Mr and Mrs Bobby Wesley Jr of Americus and James T Walkerand the late Mrs Margaret R Walker of Georgetown. Great-grandparents are Mrs Jesse Mae Suggsand the late J E Suggs of Americus, Mrs Eva H Duke and the late W E Duke ofLeesburg, the late Mr and Mrs Walter Franklin Reeves of Georgetown and the lateMr and Mrs James N Walker of Apopka, Fla.He has a sister, Kristy. TR,Tue 3 Dec 1985

Duke, Delia Ann - Mr and Mrs Cal Duke, of Albany, announcethe birth of a daughter born Wednesday, December 30 at Phoebe Putney Hospitalin Albany. The baby, who weighed 6pounds 5 ½ ounces has been named Delia Ann.Mrs Duke is the former Georgia Sullivan of this city and the baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Will Conner Sullivan III of Americus and Mrs KatronDuke of Albany. She is thegreat-granddaughter of Mrs Annice Sullivan and Mrs Herbert Moon both of Americus. TR, Thu 31 Dec 1970

Duke, Frederick Lewis Jr - Mr and Mrs Lewis Duke of 302Wildwood Circle, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son, Thursday,November 8, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given thename of Frederick Lewis Jr. Mrs Duke isthe former Miss Betty Gatewood, of this city.TR, Thu 8 Nov 1956

Duke, George Burrell Jr - Mr and Mrs G B Duke Sr, ofValdosta, announce the birth of a son, George Burrell Duke Jr, on Thursday,December 20th at the Tift County Hospital, Tifton. Mrs Duke is the former Miss Minnie Mae Grant,of Leslie. Mr and Mrs Duke have recentlymoved from Tifton to Valdosta. TCN,Thu 27 Dec 1945

Duke, Herbert Timothy - Mr and Mrs H T (Tommy) Duke, ofVicksburg, Miss, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son, Monday,April 3, who has been named Herbert Timothy Duke. Mrs Duke is the former Miss Katron Moon, ofAmericus. TR, Wed 5 Apr 1950

Duke, Kristy Lee - Mr and Mrs Bobby Duke Jr of Georgetownannounce the birth of a daughter, who has been given the name Kristy LeeDuke.. The infant, who was born Tuesday,April 5 at the Columbus Medical Center weighed 8 pounds, 2 ½ ounces atbirth. She is the granddaughter of Mrand Mrs Bobby Duke Sr, Americus and J T Walker and the late Mrs MargaretWalker, Georgetown. Her great-grandparentsare Mrs Jessie Mae Suggs Jr, Americus and Mrs Eva Duke and the late W E Duke,Leesburg. TR, Thu 7 Apr 1983

Duke, Leighton Calhoun - Mr and Mrs Cal Duke of Americusannounce the birth of a son born Tuesday, April 19 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The infant, who weighed7 pounds, 10 ounces has been named Leighton Calhoun Duke. He has two sisters, Delia and Ashley. Leighton Calhoun is the grandson of Mr andMrs Will C Sullivan III, Americus and Mrs Katron M McIntyre of Albany. TR, Tue 19 Apr 1983

Duke, Lonnie Hollis - Mr and Mrs Morgan Duke announce thebirth of a seven pound son, Monday, May 15, at the Prather Clinic, who has beennamed Lonnie Hollis, for his maternal and paternal grandparentsrespectively. TR, Wed 17 May 1944

Duke, Mary Margaret - The Rev and Mrs James E Duke Jr, ofUnadilla, announce the birth of a daughter Monday, November 22, who has beengiven the name of Mary Margaret. MrsDuke is the former Judy Walker of Americus.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Earl Duke of Waleska, Ga andMr and Mrs Lyman Walker of Blackshear. TR,Wed 25 Nov 1970

Duke, Mary Twilla - Mr and Mrs Edward Duke announce thebirth of a daughter , June 2, who will be called Mary Twilla Duke. TR, Tue 3 Jun 1924

Duke, Neysa Michelle - Mr and Mrs John L Duke, of 315Pineview Drive, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 5 ounce chosen daughter bornMonday, April 3. The baby has been namedNeysa Michelle. Michelle, as the babywill be called, is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Robert C Hatcher of Americusand the late Mr and Mrs Alvin L Duke of Panama City, Fla. The baby’s mother is the former DorothyHatcher. Michelle joins her older chosenbrother Timothy. TR, Fri 7 Apr 1972

Duke, Norman Burton - Mr and Mrs Morgan Duke, of Leslie,announce the birth of a 8 and one-half pound son, Saturday, September 28, atPrather Clinic, who has been named Norman Burton. TR, Tue 1 Oct 1946

Duke, Not named - Mr and Mrs Billy Duke, of 306 Judy Lane,announce the birth of an 8 pound son Sunday, June 13, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon, 14Jun 1965

Duke, Not named - Mr and Mrs Bobby Duke, of 915 AngusDrive, announce the birth of a 5 pound son, October 16, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 18Oct 1965

Duke, Not named - Mr and Mrs Bobby Wesley Duke, of 533 OakAvenue, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 12 ½ ounce son at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, Friday, November 13.TR, Fri 13 Nov 1959

Duke, Not named - Mr and Mrs F L Duke announce the birthof a daughter, at City Hospital Friday, August 16. TR, Mon 19 Aug 1946

Duke, Not named - Mr and Mrs H A Duke, of Fairfield Avenueare the parents of a 9 pound, 2 ounce son, born April 4, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 5 Apr1962

Duke, Not named - Mr and Mrs Henry A Duke, of 59-AFairfield Avenue, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce daughter on February28, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 1 Mar 1961

Duke, Not named - Mr and Mrs Henry Duke, of FairfieldAvenue, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ½ ounce son, Sunday, January 24 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Tue 26 Jan 1960

Duke, Not named -Mr and Mrs J A Duke announce the birth of a 7 ½ pound baby boy who madehis appearance Tuesday afternoon. Thebaby hasn’t been given a name yet. Bothmother and little son are getting along very nicely. TR, Thu 24 Dec 1931

Duke, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lewis Duke, of WildwoodCircle, announce the birth of a daughter, March 21 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who weighed 7 pounds. TR,Thu 21 Mar 1963

Duke, Not named - Mr and Mrs M E Duke, of 538 Oak Avenue,announce the birth of a daughter, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital,Tuesday, March 18. TR, Wed 19 Mar1958

Duke, Not named - Mr and Mrs Morton Duke, of 210 WestGlessner Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ounce daughter, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 5 Aug 1964

Duke, Not named - Mr and Mrs Tommy Duke, of Albany,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ½ ounce daughter,Sunday, April 30, at the Phoebe Putney Hospital. The baby is the grandchild of Mr and MrsHerbert Moon. TR, Mon 1 May 1961

Duke, Ray Morgan Jr - Mr and Mrs Ray M Duke announce thebirth of Ray Morgan Duke Jr on September 27 in Charlotte, NC. His grandparents are Mr and Mrs J F Head ofAmericus. Mr and Mrs W L Tripp and Mr and Mrs B F Head of Leslie are thegreat-grandparents. TR, Fri 13 Oct1972

Duke, Ray Morgan - Mr and Mrs Morgan Duke, of near Leslie,announce the birth of a 8 ½ pound son, Ray Morgan, who was born Monday, March4, at her parents home near Smithville.Mrs Duke was before her marriage Miss Annie Pearl Worthy ofSmithville. TR, Wed 6 Mar 1940

Duke, Rebecca Elizabeth - Rev and Mrs James E Duke Jr, ofUnadilla, announce the birth of a daughter Saturday, October 14 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Rebecca Elizabeth.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Lyman Walker of Blackshear, Gaand Rev and Mrs Earl Duke of Plains. Thebaby’s mother is the former Judith Walker who taught in the Americus Schoolsfor several years. TR, Wed 18 Oct1972

Duke, Sara Frances - Mr and Mrs Ricky Duke of Americusannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ½ ounce daughter, Sara Frances, bornTuesday, March 12 at Sumter Regional Hospital.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Pat Crumpton and Mr and Mrs LewisDuke, all of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mrs Briggs Crumpton of Centerville, Ala; MrsMyrtice Ball of Plains and Mrs Lucille Gatewood of Americus. She has a brother Walter 5. TR, Wed 20 Mar 1985

Duke, Sharon Lynn - Mr and Mrs Morton Duke, of 103Springfield Avenue announce the birth ofa 5 pound, 15 ounce daughter Friday, January 19 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who has beennamed Sharon Lynn, is the granddaughter of Mrs Sarah Duke, of Flovilla and Mrand Mrs Walter Walthall of Americus. TR,Sat 20 Jan 1968

Duke, Timothy Larnce - Mr and Mrs John L Duke announce thebirth of a 9 pound, 3/4 ounce son Monday, July 22 who has been named TimothyLarnce. The baby is the grandson of Mrand Mrs Robert C Hatcher of Americus and the late Mr and Mrs Alvin L Duke ofPanama City, Fla. The baby’s mother isthe former Dorothy Hatcher. TR, Fri26 Jul 1968

Duke, Walter Lewis - Mr and Mrs Ricky Duke announce thebirth of a son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby, who has been named Walter Lewis forhis two grandfathers was born Wednesday, February 13. His weight was 7 pounds, 3 ounces. Mrs Duke is the former Tami Crumpton. Grandparents are Walter Pat Crumpton and thelate Mrs Frances Crumpton and Mr and Mrs Lewis Duke, all of Americus. TR, Thu 14 Feb 1980

Dukes, Laurie Alice - Mr and Mrs Duwayne Dukes announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 9 ounces daughter, Wednesday, September 21 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Laurie Alice. TR, Wed 21Sep 1955

Dull, Not named - Mr and Mrs Wayne Dull, of 120B HansenDrive, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 12 ½ ounce daughter, December 25 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 27 Dec 1965

Dunbar, Connor Drake - Trey and Stephanie Dunbar of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Connor Drake, born January 11 at Phoebe Putney inAlbany. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 4ounces. Paternal grandparents are BonnyDunbar of Americus and Lonnie Dunbar of Savannah. Maternal grandparents are Butch and DonnaMathis of Leesburg. Great-grandparentsare Frances Beauchamp of Americus and Wilma Jean Potter of Leesburg. TR, Fri 31 Jan 1997

Dunbar, Lonnie Elmo III - Rev and Mrs Lonnie E Dunbar Jr, ofLumber City, Ga announce the birth of an 8 pound, 11 ounce son born Thursday,November 4 at the City Hospital in Macon.The baby has been named Lonnie Elmo Dunbar III. Mrs Dunbar is the former Bonny Beauchamp ofAmericus. The baby is the grandson of Mrand Mrs G W Beauchamp of this city and Mr and Mrs L E Dunbar Sr of Vienna. TR, Fri 5 Nov 1971

Dunbar, Melissa Elizabeth - Rev and Mrs Lonnie Dunbar Jrannounce the birth of a 9 pound, 8 ounce daughter born Wednesday, March 20 atthe Floyd County Hospital in Rome, Ga.The baby has been named Melissa Elizabeth. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs G WBeauchamp of Americus and Mr and Mrs L F Dunbar of Vienna. TR, Thu 21 Mar 1974

Duncan, Aubrey Terrence Jr - Mr and Mrs Terry Duncanannounce the birth of a son at the Medical Center in Columbus on Saturday,March 1. The infant has been namedAubrey Terrence Duncan Jr. Terrence, ashe will be called weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces.He has two sisters, Prentiss and Tiffany. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Aubrey C Duncanof Fort Deposit, Ala and Mrs Mary Wilkinson, also of Fort Deposit. TR, Fri 7 Mar 1980

Duncan, Carol Lynn - Mr and Mrs Cecil Duncan, of Decatur,Ga, announce the birth of a 7 pound daughter, born July 26 and has been namedCarol Lynn. Her paternal grandmother isMrs Cecil P Duncan, of Americus. She isthe great-granddaughter of Mrs Spencer B King, of Americus. TR, Thu 27 July 1961

Duncan, Katherine Ellen - Mr and Mrs Olin Duncan announcethe birth of a 7 pound daughter at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onTuesday, June 6. The baby has been namedKatherine Ellen. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs W T Hurst of Americus and Mr and Mrs H B Duncan ofMonroe. TR, Fri 9 Jun 1972

Duncan, Matthew Scott - Mr and Mrs Rick Duncan announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son born Wednesday, October 3 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Matthew Scott. Matt, as hewill be called, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs James K Duncan of Cairo and Mrand Mrs B F Walden Jr of Thomasville. TR,Thu 4 Oct 1979

Duncan, Michael Ray - Mr and Mrs Cecil Ray Duncan, ofHaddenfield, N J, announce the birth of an 8 ½ pound son, Thursday, January 17,who has been named Michael Ray. The babyis the grandson of Mrs Beth King Duncan and the great-grandson of Mrs Spencer BKing, of this city. TR, Fri 8 Jan1957

Duncan, Nancy Louise - Mr and Mrs Clark Duncan announce thebirth of a baby girl at their home here.She has been given the name Nancy Louise. Mrs Duncan is the former Miss Nannae T Wilson,who has been clerk of Webster County since the death of her father, George EThornton, who was County Clerk at the time of his death. TR, Fri 14 May 1943

Duncan, Not named - Mr and Mrs F M Duncan announce the birthof a daughter, Monday, August 4, at the city hospital. TR, Tue 5 Aug 1941

Duncan, Not named - Mr and Mrs R L Duncan, of 531 JacksonAvenue, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ½ ounce daughter, January 2, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 3 Jan 1961

Duncan, Prentiss Duncan - Mr and Mrs Terry Duncan announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce daughter born Friday, November 3 at theMedical Center in Columbus. The baby hasbeen given the name of Prentiss Duncan.Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs Aubrey Duncan of Fort Deposit, Alabamaand Mrs Mary Wilkinson also of Fort Deposit.TR, Wed 8 Nov 1972

Duncan, Rebecca Millwood - Mr and Mrs O C Duncan, of theAlbany road, announce the birth of a daughter Wednesday, April 1, at Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce. The baby has been named RebeccaMillwood. TR, Wed 1 Apr 1953

Duncan, Richard Paul - Mr and Mrs Rick Duncan of Americusannounce the birth of a son who has been given the name Richard PaulDuncan. The infant, who was bornThursday, November 10 weighed 7 pounds at birth. Paul has a brother, Matt and a sister,Bree. He is the grandson of Mr and MrsJames Duncan of Cairo and Mr and Mrs James Espy of Pensacola, Florida. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs SamuelEspy, Americus and Mrs T H Johnston, Rome, Ga.TR, Tue 15 Nov 1983

Duncan, Robert Dante Nye - Mr and Mrs Robert E Duncan, ofJasper, Fla announce the birth of a 5 pound, 13 ounce son born February 22 inthe Suwanee County Hospital in Live Oak, Fla.The baby has been given the name of Robert Dante Nye Duncan. Grandparents are Mrs Jewel Monfort of DeSoto,W R Monfort Sr of Cuthbert and Mr and Mrs Cecil Duncan of Jasper, Fla. His great-grandmother is Mrs FlorrieWilkinson of DeSoto. Mrs Duncan is theformer Barbara Monfort. TR, Tue 27Feb 1973

Duncan, Shaanti Marie - Mr and Mrs R E Duncan, of Tampa, Flaannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce baby daughter, Shaanti Marie, bornMarch 11 at Tampa General Hospital. Herbrothers are Dante and Nye Duncan. Thebaby’s maternal grandparents are Mrs Jewel Monfort of DeSoto and W R Monfort ofFort Gaines, Ga. The paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Cecil Duncan and Mrs Lenora Becker of Tampa,Fla. The maternal great-grandmother isMrs Florrie Wilkinson of DeSoto. Thebaby’s mother will be remembered as former Barbara Monfort of DeSoto, GA. TR, Wed 23 Mar 1977

Duncan, Tiffany Ann - Mr and Mrs Roger Duncan, of Richmond,Va announce the birth of a daughter at Saint Mary’s hospital who has been giventhe name of Tiffany Ann. She was bornOctober 23 and weighed eight pounds, nine and one half ounce. Mrs Duncan is the former Patsy Evans ofLeslie, daughter of Mr and Mrs Watson Evans of Leslie and Okinawa. Mrs Sadie Evans and the late Allen Evans ofDeSoto are Mrs Duncan’s grandparents.Mrs Estelle Duncan of Richmond is the paternal grandparent. TR, Sat 31 Oct 1970

Duncan, Tiffany - Mr and Mrs Terry Duncan announce the birthof a daughter at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Monday, June16. The baby, who weighed 6 pound, 13ounces has been given the name of Tiffany.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Aubrey C Duncan and Mrs Marvin GWilkinson, all of Ft Deposit, Ala. TR,Wed 18 Jun 1969

Duncan, William Cecil - Mr and Mrs Robert Duncan, of Jasper,Fla announce the birth of a son, William Cecil, at the Hamilton County Hospitalin Jasper, Fla Sunday, July 28. MrsDuncan is the former Barbara Monfort of DeSoto.The baby’s maternal grandparents are Mrs Monfort of DeSoto and W RMonfort Sr of Cuthbert. Mrs FlorrieWilkinson of DeSoto is the maternal great-grandmother. The paternal grandparents are Mr and MrsCecil E Duncan of Tampa, Fla. TR, Fri2 Aug 1974

Dunford, Edgar Nicholas - Mr and Mrs Andy Dunford are theparents of a 7 pound, 11 ounce son born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital Monday, October 22. The infanthas been named Edgar Nicholas. He hastwo brothers, Dale and Darrien.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs William H Rooks and E L Crawley and the lateMrs Crawley, all of Americus. He is thegreat-grandson of Mrs W R Rooks Sr, also of this city. TR, Wed 24 Oct 1979

Dunford, Tony Darrian - Mr and Mrs Andy Dunford, of Route 3Americus, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 3/4 ounce son born Thursday,March 16 at the Medical Center in Columbus.The baby has been named Tony Darrian.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs E L Crawley and Mr and Mrs WilliamRooks, all of Americus. TR, Mon 27Mar 1972

Dunlap, Aubrey Lou - Mrs A Dunlap announce the birth ofdaughter, Saturday, August 24, at City Hospital, who has been named AubreyLou. Mrs Dunlap’s husband was the lateAubrey (Red) Dunlap, a Seaboard Airline Railway employee, who was killed in anaccident at McRae May 1. Both mother andbaby, who weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces at birth, are doing nicely. TR, Mon 26 Aug 1946

Dunlap, Not named - Mr and Mrs James H Dunlap, of Victoria,Texas, announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday March 6. Mrs Dunlap will be remembered here as MissMary Bowers. TR, Mon 12 Mar 1934

Dunlap, Paula Clare - Mr and Mrs A P Dunlap announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, November 19, at city hospital. The baby has been given the name PaulaClare. TR, Tue 21 Nov 1944

Dunlop, Not named - Mr and Mrs Fred Dunlop, of 38A, EastFurlow Street, announce the birth of a 10 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Sunday, May3, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 4 May 1959

Dunman - Carl Wayne - Mr and Mrs C W Dunman announce thebirth of a son, Wednesday, November 2, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedCarl Wayne. TR, Fri 23 Nov 1945

Dunman, Kenneth Earl - Mr and Mrs C H Dunman announce thebirth of a son, born Wednesday, November 23, at their home on Earl Street, whohas been named Kenneth Earl. Beforemarriage Mrs Dunman was Miss Marguerite Kitchens. TR, Fri 25 Nov 1938

Dunmon, Camelia Ann - Mr and Mrs C W Dunmon announce thebirth of a daughter, Monday January 6, at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs TJ Hunnicut, on Hampton Street. The babyhas been named Camelia Ann. TR, Tue 2Jan 1936

Dunmon, Charles Harold - Mr and Mrs C H Dunmon announce thebirth of a son, November 28, who has been named Charles Harold. Mrs Dunmon was formerly Miss MargueriteKitchens, of Americus. TR, Mon 14 Dec1936

Dunmon, Clarence William, Junior - Mr and Mrs C W Dunmonannounce the birth of a son at their home, 120 Hampton Street Friday morning,August 3rd.. He has beengiven the name, Clarence William, Junior.Mrs Dunmon was Miss Mattie Lou Hunnicutt before her marriage. TR, Fri 3 Aug 1928

Dunmon, Dana Leigh - Mr and Mrs Hal Dunmon announce thebirth of a daughter, born Tuesday, April 14 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 7 poundshad been given the name of Dana Leigh.Her maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ralph Cheek and her paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs C H Dunmon of Americus. Mrs Annie Mae Kitchens of this city is hergreat-grandmother. TR, Mon 20 Apr1970

Dunmon, Heidi Grace - Mr and Mrs Earl Dunmon announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce daughter born Wednesday, June 30 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Heidi Grace. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs C H Dunmon and the late Mr and Mrs E K English, allof Americus. Mrs Annie Mae Kitchens ofthis city is her paternal great-grandmother.TR, Fri 2 Jul 1971

Dunmon, Lauren Paige - Mr and Mrs K Earl Dunmon announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 12 ½ ounce daughter Wednesday, November 8 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who has been named Lauren Paige, is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs C H Dunmonof Americus and the late Mr and Mrs E K English of this city. TR, Sat 11 Nov 1967

Dunmon, Lawrence Daniel Jr - Mr and Mrs Lawrence DanielDunmon, of Barlow Street, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 13 ounce son, April3, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named LawrenceDaniel Jr. TR, Mon 6 Apr 1964

Dunmon, Lawrence Daniel - Mr and Mrs C H Dunmon announce thebirth of a son, Sunday, November 1, at city hospital, who has been namedLawrence Daniel. The baby is to becalled “Danny”. TR, 3 Nov 1942

Dunmon, Lucile Hearn - Mr and Mrs C W Dunmon, of Montezuma,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, August 17, atRiverside Sanitarium, Montezuma. Thebaby has been named Lucile Hearn. TR,Thu 28 Aug 1941

Dunmon, Marguerite Charlene - Mr and Mrs C H Dunmon, of thiscity, are parents of a girl baby which was born Tuesday, July 26 at the CityHospital. The baby weighed 8 pounds atbirth and has been named Marguerite Charlene.TR, Thu 28 Jul 1949

Dunmon - Not named - Mr and Mrs Earl Dunmon, of 1305 RidgeStreet, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ounce daughter, March 22 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 23 Mar 1965

Dunmon, Twin Sons - Mr and Mrs Ted Dunmon announce the birthof twin sons, born November 6 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. One weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces and the other5 pounds, one ounce. They have beennamed William Lee and Robert Allen. Thebabies are the grandsons of Mr and Mrs W J Hanco*ck, of Buena Vista and Mr andMrs C W Dunmon of Macon, formerly of Americus.The babies have two other brothers, Tommy, age 7 and Donald , age5. TR, Wed 8 Nov 1967

Dunn, Charlotte Elaine -Mr and Mrs Maynard Dunn, of Red Hill community, near Richland, announcethe birth of a baby daughter, weighing 7 pounds on Wednesday, November 11. The little lady has been christened CharlotteElaine. Mrs Dunn is the daughter of Mrand Mrs Harvey Roberts, of Chipley, Ga. TR,Mon 23 Nov 1942

Dunn, Not named - Mr and Mrs Billy R Dunn, of Oglethorpe,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 14 ounce son, October 25, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Tue 26Oct 1965

Dunn, Not named - Mr and Mrs Hinton Dunn announce thebirth of a daughter, Friday January 10, at city hospital. TR, Thu 16 Jan 1947

Dunn, Sue Amanda - Mr and Mrs A E Dunn announce the birthof a daughter, Friday, June 6, at City hospital, who has been named SueAmanda. Mrs Dunn was formerly Miss LydiaBuchanan. TR, Thu 12 Jun 1947

Dunn, Wilson Marvin - Mr and Mrs W M (Buster) Dunnannounce the birth of an 8 pound son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospitalon September 23. He has been given thename Wilson Marvin. Mrs Dunn is theformer Miss Nora Nash, of Pavo, Georgia.TR, Fri 1 Oct 1954

Dunston, Carla DeAnne - Mr and Mrs Rindall Dunston announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 14 ½ ounce daughter born Tuesday, October 5 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Carla DeAnne. She isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Clarence Graddick of this city and Mrs L CDunston of Albany. TR, Wed 6 Oct 1971

Dunston, Emily Kay - Mr and Mrs Lee Dunston announce thebirth of a daughter, Emily Kay, born April 27 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs KenMcDearmid of Fitzgerald and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs RindallDunston of Americus. Great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs J K McDearmid of Donalsonville; Joe King and Mrs Jeri King ofMoultrie; and Mrs Clarence Graddick of Americus. Great-great-grandparents are Mrs Julia Kingof Albany and Mrs Clifford Jackson of Savannah.TR, Tue 7 May 1991

Dunston, Leonard Clarence Jr - Mr and Mrs Lee Dunston ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Leonard Clarence Jr, born Saturday,December 30 at Sumter Regional Hospital.The infant, who is to be called Lance, weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces atbirth. Grandparents are Mr and MrsRindall Dunston and Mr and Mrs Ken McDearnid of Americus and great-grandparentsare Mrs Clarence Graddick of Americus and the late Mr Graddick; and Mrs J KMcDearmid of Lake Seminole; and Mr and Mrs Joe King of Moultrie. TR, Fri 5 Jan 1990

Dunston, Leonard Clarence - Mr and Mrs Rindall Dunstonannounce the birth of a 9 pound, 6 ½ ounce son Wednesday, October 8 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital who has been given the name of LeonardClarence. The baby, who will be calledLee is the grandson of Mr and Mrs C B Graddick and Mrs L C Dunston of Glencoe,Ala. TR, Wed 8 Oct 1969

Dupree, Antionette Bess - Mr and Mrs James Dupree, ofFayetteville, NC, announce the birth of a baby daughter, Wednesday, April4. The baby has been named AntionetteBess. Mr Dupree is the son of Mr and MrsW L Dupree, who reside on the Leslie Road.TR, Fri 6 Apr 1945

Dupree, Bentley Diane - Mr and Mrs Ben Dupree III ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Bentley Diane, born Monday, May 17at Sumter Regional Hospital. Bentleyweighed 9 pounds, 4 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert G Downs of Montezuma andpaternal grandparents are Mrs Mikie Dupree of St Simons and the late Mr WilliamBenjamin Dupree Jr of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs William B Dupree Sr and Mrs LouiseDixon, all of Americus. Bentley has asister, Whitney, age eight. TR, Thu20 May 1993

Dupree, Charles Jr - Mr and Mrs Charles Dupree, of theConcord community, announce the birth of a son, weighing 8 ½ pounds, Saturdaymorning. The baby has been named CharlesJr. TR, Sat 8 Oct 1932

Dupree, Charles Oliver - Mr and Mrs Fred Dupree of Montezumaannounce the birth of a son, Charles Oliver, born December 20 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Alfred Dupree of Americus and Mr and Mrs CharlesOliver of Ideal. Great-grandmother isMrs Frances Taylor of Ideal. Oliver hasa brother, Henry, age three. TR, Fri10 Jan 1992

Dupree, Christopher Gregory - Mr and Mrs Jody DuPree ofAmericus announce the birth of a son who has been given the name ChristopherGregory. The infant, who weighed 4pounds, 12 ½ ounce was born January 29 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. He is the grandson of Mr andMrs Carl Veatch, Americus and Mrs Leon DuPree, Eatonton. His great-grandmother is Mrs J L Hurley ofDamascus, Va. TR, Mon 7 Feb 1983

Dupree, David Edward - Mr and Mrs J E (Jimmy) Dupree, ofAuburn, Ala, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce son on November 16 atthe Opelika Hospital, who has been named David Edward. He is the great-grandson of Rev and Mrs E WDupree of Americus and the grandson of Mr and Mrs Byran E Dupree of Columbus,formerly of Americus. TR, Thu 17 Nov1960

Dupree, Donna Vivi Anne - Mr and Mrs Ben Dupree announce thebirth of a daughter, Monday, June 1, at Prather clinic, who has been namedDonna Vivi Anne. TR, Fri 5 Jun 1942

Dupree, Elizabeth Louise - Rev and Mrs Lynn Dupree, of 704Felder Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 11 ounce daughter, December 11at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name ofElizabeth Louise. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs J H Dupree and Mr and Mrs Jack Jennings, all ofPlains. TR, Fri 11 Dec 1964

Dupree, Frances Adrianne - Mr and Mrs B H Dupree announcethe birth of a daughter, July 31st..The baby weighed 7 1/4 pounds and will be called Frances Adrianne. TR, Thu 4 Aug 1938

Dupree, Helen Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Walker L Dupree Jr, ofAugusta, announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, February 16, who has beennamed Helen Elizabeth. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs W L Dupree, Leslie Road. TR, Tue 17 Feb 1948

Dupree, Henry Alford III - Mr and Mrs Fred Dupree announcethe birth of a son, Henry Alford III, born Tuesday, February 28 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 4 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Alfred Dupree of Americus and Mr and Mrs Charlie Oliver ofIdeal. Great-grandmothers are Mrs MyrtleKinney of Magnolia Manor Nursing Center and Mrs Frances Taylor of Ideal. TR, Mon 6 Mar 1989

Dupree, Henry Alford - Mr and Mrs H A Dupree, of 533 HarroldAvenue, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ½ ounce son at the Americus andSumter County Hospital and has been named Henry Alford. TR, Mon 18 Sep 1961

Dupree, Janie Evelyn - Mr and Mrs Larry Lee Dupree, of 1302McGarrah Street are the parents of a daughter, Janie Evelyn, who was bornDecember 14 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces. TR, Mon 17 Dec 1962

Dupree, John Cleveland - Mr and Mrs W B Dupree announce thebirth of a son, Tuesday, April 8, at Prather Clinic, who has been named JohnCleveland. The baby weighed 6 pounds, 12ounces. TR, Fri 11 Apr 1947

Dupree, John Stewart - Mr and Mrs B H Dupree, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a son October 13th, who has been given thename John Stewart. TR, Mon 17 Oct1927

Dupree, Joseph Andrew - Mr and Mrs Ronald H Dupree, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a son, Joseph Andrew, born Tuesday, August 17at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs V A Phillips of Smithville and Mrand Mrs J H Dupree of Plains. He is thegreat-grandson of Mr and Mrs Julian Suggs of Americus and Mrs Mary Phillips ofSmithville. TR Thu 19 Aug 1971

Dupree, Julia Shirley - Mr and Mrs Julian Virgil Dupree, ofValdosta, announce the birth of a 7 pound, one ounce daughter, Saturday, July2, at city hospital, who has been named Julia Shirley. Mrs Dupree is the former Miss Helen Jones, ofSumter. TR, Wed 6 Jul 1949

Dupree, Leonard Larkin Jr - Mr and Mrs Lynn Dupree, of 533Harrold Avenue, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ½ ounce son, born April 30,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been given the name of Leonard Larkin Jr. TR, Wed 1 May 1963

Dupree, Lula Janette - Mr and Mrs Charles Dupree announcethe birth of a daughter Wednesday, May 7, who has been given the name LulaJanette. TR, Thu 8 May 1930

Dupree, Nancy Sonya - Mr and Mrs J B Dupree, of Perry,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce daughter, Thursday, July 10, at cityhospital, who has been named Nancy Sonya.Mrs Dupree was before her marriage Miss Helen Jones, of Smithville. TR, Thu 10 Jul 1941

Dupree, Not named - Mr and Mrs A J Dupree announce the birthof a son, Wednesday, October 2, at City Hospital. TR, Thu 3 Oct 1946

Dupree, Not named - Mr and Mrs Alfred Dupree, of 1804 ArmoryDrive announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce daughter, July 6, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 7 Jul 1965

Dupree, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ben Dupree announce the birthof a daughter, Wednesday, January 5, at Prather Clinic. TR, Wed 5 Jan 1944

Dupree, Not named - Mr and Mrs Benja Dupree, of 306 RidgewayDrive, announce the birth of a 7 pound 7 ounce daughter, February 26, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs W B Dupree and Mr and Mrs Donnie McKay,of this city. TR, Wed 26 Feb 1964

Dupree, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles J Dupree, of Concord,announce the birth of an eight pound boy Wednesday, May 27, who has not beengiven a name. TR, Thu 28 May 1931

Dupree, Not named - Mr and Mrs Hilton Dupree, of Augusta,announce the birth of a son, Monday, July 6.Mrs Dupree was formerly Miss Sara Kimball and Mr Dupree is a formerresident of Americus. TR, Tue 7 Jul1942

Dupree, Not named - Mr and Mrs J Howard Dupree announce thebirth of an eight pound two ounces son Monday, September 29 at the RiversideSantarium, in Montezuma. Mrs Dupree wasbefore her marriage Miss Evelyn Suggs, of this city. TR, Mon 29 Sep 1941

Dupree, Not named - Mr and Mrs Larry Dupree, of Route 3, arethe parents of a 7 pound daughter, born July 31 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Fri 31 Jul 1964

Dupree, Not named - Mr and Mrs Plemy Dupree, Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter weighing 7 pounds, 2 ounces born February2. TCN, Thu 5 Feb 1953

Dupree, Not named - Mr and Mrs R E Dupree, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, January 27, at city hospital. TR, Thu 29 Jan 1948

Dupree, Not named - Mr and Mrs W B (Benja) Dupree Jr, of 802South Lee Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound son, Thursday, November 6,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.Mrs Dupree is the former Miss Mikele McKay. TR, Fri 7 Nov 1958

Dupree, Phillip Simpson - Mr and Mrs Ronald H Dupreeannounce the birth of a son Wednesday, August 17 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The infant, who hasbeen named Phillip Simpson weighed 8 pounds, 2 ½ ounces. Phillip was born on the 6thbirthday of his older brother, Joey.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs V O Phillips of Smithville and Mr and Mrs JH Dupree of Americus. TR, Tue 23 Aug1977

Dupree, Ronald Howard - Mr and Mrs J Howard Dupree announcethe birth of a son, Saturday, May 25, at City Hospital, who has been namedRonald Howard. TR, Mon 27 May 1946

Dupree, Sandra Gail - Mr and Mrs A J Dupree Jr announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 2 ounce daughter Thursday, March 26, who has been namedSandra Gail. Mrs Dupree is the formerMiss Leone Cavender. TR, Tue 31 Mar1953

Dupree, William Kenneth - Mr and Mrs B H Dupree of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a son, March 16, who will be called William KennethDupree. TR, Mon 21 Mar 1932

DuPree, Cabel Timothy - Mr and Mrs C Tim DuPree announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son born Thursday, July 22 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Cabel Timothy. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs A J DuPree of Perry and Mr and Mrs John McCranie ofRhine. TR, Sat 24 Jul 1971

DuPree, Kerry Carlton - Mr and Mrs Jody DuPree of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Kerry Carlton, born Sunday, May 22 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant, who willbe called Kerry, weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce at birth. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Carl Veatch ofAmericus; Ms Leone DuPree of Lake Blackshear; and A J DuPree of Eatonton. Great-grandmother is Mrs J L Hurley ofDamascus, Va. Kerry has a brother,Christopher, age five. TR, Thu 26 May1988

DuPree, Not named - Mr and Mrs J B DuPree announce the birthof a daughter at 8:25 pm Wednesday, January 2, at city hospital. TR, Thu 3 Jan 1952

Durden, Emily Elizabeth - Dr and Mrs Mark Durden IV ofAugusta announce the birth of a daughter, Emily Elizabeth, born September 16 atUniversity Hospsital. Emily, as the babyis called, weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces at birth.Mrs Durden is the former Miss Kim Hatcher of Americus. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs WilliamH Hatcher of Americus and paternal grandparents are Dr Mark Durden III of Maconand Mr and Mrs David Grimaud of Appling.TR, Sat 26 Sep 1992

Durden, John Martin - Mr and Mrs John A Durden announce thebirth of a son, John Martin Durden, born February 7 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The infant weighed 4pounds, 5 ounces and has one sister, Tiffany Kay Durden. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs T B Martin,Pensacola, Fla; Mrs Verdie Mae Durden, Hogansville and the late John L Durden ,Hogansville. TR, Wed 20 Feb 1980

Durden, Melony Sue - Mr and Mrs L Q Durden, of 605 W ChurchStreet, are the parents of a 6 pound, 5 ounce daughter, born April 11, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Melony Sue. TR, Thu 12 Apr 1962

Durden, Not named - Mr and Mrs E F Durden, of 104A EastLamar Street, announce the birth of a son at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who weighs 8 pounds, 12 ½ ounces.TR, Mon 23 Nov 1964

Durden, Tiffany Kaye - Mr and Mrs John A Durden announce thebirth of a daughter Monday, October 21 who had been given the name of TiffanyKaye. She is the granddaughter of Mr andMrs Theodore B Martin of Pensacola, Fla and Mr and Mrs John L Durden ofHogansville, Ga. TR Fri 1 Nov 1974

Durdigan, Dixie Sue - Mr and Mrs P J Durdigan, of Pittsburh,Pa, announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, January 12, at West Pennhospital, who has been named Dixie Sue.Mrs Durdigan was before marriage Miss Eva Bell Heath, of Americus. TR, Sat 15 Jan 1944

Duren, Audrey Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Marvin Duren, ofFairfield, Ohio announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter born at theBethesda South Hospital in Cincinnati Wednesday, October 6. The infant has been given the name of AudreyElizabeth. Her mother is the former AnneEasterlin of Americus. Audrey, as thebaby will be called, is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Ben F Easterlin III ofthis city and Mr and Mrs Guy Duren of Atlanta.Mr and Mrs W D White of Americus are the baby’s great-grandparents. TR, Fri 8 Oct 1976

Duren, Marvin Wesley - Mr and Mrs Marvin Duren, of Mason,Ohio announce the birth of a son born Tuesday, June 13. The baby has been given the name MarvinWesley. He has an older sister,Audrey. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs BenEasterlin III of Americus and Mr and Mrs G M Duren of Stone Mountain. Mr and Mrs W D White of this city are thebaby’s great-grandparents. TR, Tue 20Jun 1978

Duren, Whitney Easterlin - Mr and Mrs Marvin Duren ofMason, Ohio announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce daughter born Tuesday,December 2. The infant, who has beennamed Whitney Easterlin Duren has a sister, Audrey, age 4 and a brother,Wesley, age 2. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Ben Easterlin III of Americus and Mr and Mrs G M Duren of Stone Mountain,Ga and her great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs W D White of Americus. TR, Tue 9 Dec 1980

Durham, Casandra Lynn - Mr and Mrs Melvin Durham announcethe birth of a daughter, Sunday, December 21, at city hospital, who has beennamed Casandra Lynn. Mrs Durham wasbefore her marriage Miss Helen Hunt. TR,Tue 23 Dec 1941

Durham, Chelsea Elizabeth - Charles and Leighanne Durham ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Chelsea Elizabeth, born July 10 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Jerry and Jackie Blankenship and DeanFaircloth of Americus and paternal grandparents are Dorothy Watson, Americus andMyrtle Stembridge of Leesburg.Great-great-grandparents are Frances Southern and Marietta Waters ofAmericus and Mattie Pearl Rhodes of Brunswick.TR, Thu 18 Jul 1991

Durham, Chloe Frances - Leighann and Chuck Durham ofGalveston, Texas announce the birth of a daughter, Chloe Frances, born Nov 10at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce atbirth. Grandparents are Jackie Watersand Jerry Blankenship of Americus, Dean Faircloth of Lincolnton and Gene andSandra Durham of Americus.Great-grandmothers are Dorothy Waters and Lucille Blankenship ofAmericus and Myrtle Stembridge of Leesburg.Great-great-grandmothers are Frances Southern and Maryette Waters ofAmericus and Mattie Pearl Rhodes of Brunswick.Chloe has a sister Chelsea, 2. TR,Tue 16 Nov 1993

Durham, Christopher Michael - Mr and Mrs Dennis ArnoldDurham Jr announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce son Wednesday, November 27at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby, who has been named Christopher Michael is the grandson of Mrand Mrs Dennis A Durham Sr, of Americus and Mr and Mrs Arthur R Dziekalis, ofMilledgeville. TR, Wed 27 Nov 1968

Durham, Darrell Howe Jr - Mr and Mrs Darrell Durham announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce son Friday, November 23, at the city hospital,who has been given the name of Darrell Howe Durham Jr. Mrs Durham is the former Miss Mary Yancey. TR, Mon 27 Nov 1950

Durham, Darrellyn - Mr and Mrs Darrell Durham announce thebirth of a daughter, Thursday, July 26, at city hospital, who has been namedDarrellyn. TR, Thu 26 Jul 1945

Durham, Dee Ann - Mr and Mrs Steve Durham announce the birthof an 8 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter Tuesday, December 3 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Dee Ann. Hergrandparents are Mr and Mrs Marvin Franklin and Mr and Mrs Dennis A Durham Sr. TR, Wed 4 Dec 1968

Durham, Dennis Arnold - Mr and Mrs Dennis Durham announcethe birth of a son Sunday, August 31, at city hospital, who has been namedDennis Arnold. Mrs Durham was formerlyMiss Ellarine Bass. TR, Mon 1 Sep1941

Durham, Edgar Eugene - Mr and Mrs Paul Durham announce thebirth of a son, Thursday, May 7, at City Hospital, who has been named EdgarEugene. Mrs Durham was fromerly MissFrances Fouche, of Ellaville. TR, Fri10 May 1946

Durham, Gay Frances - Mr and Mrs Paul Durham announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce daughter Friday, January 11 at city hospital, whohas been named Gay Frances. TR, Tue15 Jan 1952

Durham, Joseph Pryor - Mr and Mrs Darrell Durham announcethe birth of a son Tuesday, July 21, at Americus and Sumter County Hospital,who weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces. Thebaby has been named Joseph Pryor.. TR,Thu 23 Jul 1953

Durham, Juanita - Mr and Mrs Darrell Durham announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, May 2, at city hospital, who has been namedJuanita. TR, Mon 3 May 1948

Durham, Judith Ann - Mr and Mrs Dennis A Durham announce thebirth of a daughter, August 2, at City Hospital, weighing seven pounds, 11ounces. She has been named JudithAnn. Mrs Durham is the former MissEllarine Bass, of Americus. TR, Thu 3August 1944

Durham, Lee Arthur Jr - Mr and Mrs Lee Durham, of LakeBlackshear, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce son born Sunday, May 12 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The infant has been named Lee Arthur Durham Jr. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Ralph HJames of Ellaville and the late Mr and Mrs A E Durham of Americus and thegreat-grandson of Joe Tyler of Columbus and Juniper. TR, Mon 13 May 1974

Durham, Lisa Elaine - Mr and Mrs Steve Durham are theparents of a daughter, born Saturday, April 18 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital who weighed 9 pounds, 5 ounces.The baby, who has been given the name of Lisa Elaine, is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs G M Franklin and Mr and Mrs Dennis Durham, all ofAmericus. TR, Wed 22 Apr 1970

Durham, Margaret Ellen - Mr and Mrs John Pryor Durham, ofBainbridge, announce the birth of an 8 ½ pound daughter, who was born Sundaymorning, April 16, at the Holloman Hospital in Blakely. The baby has been named Margaret Ellen. TR, Mon 17 Apr 1939

Durham, Maria Ann - Mr and Mrs Ricky Durham announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 6 ½ ounce daughter Maria Ann born Monday, March 15 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs B G Moores of Cochran and Mr and MrsDennis Durham of this city. TR, Tue16 Mar 1971

Durham, Melanie Suzanne - Mr and Mrs Ricky Durham announcethe birth of a daughter at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital Monday,March 12. The baby, who weighed 5 ½pounds has been named Melanie Suzanne.The infant is the granddaughter of Mrs B G Moores and the late Mr Mooresof Cochran and Mr and Mrs Dennis Durham of this city. TR, Tue 13 Mar 1973

Durham, Misty Allane - Mr and Mrs Ricky Durham announce thebirth of a daughter born Tuesday, September 2 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The infant, who weighed 6pounds, 7 ounces, has been given the name of Misty Allane. Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs Dennis Durhamof Americus and Mrs B G Moores and the late Mr Moores of Cochran. TR, Wed 3 Sep 1975

Durham, Not named - Dr and Mrs Bon Durham, of this city, arethe parents of a girl baby which was born Wednesday, August 7, at CityHospital. TR, Thu 8 Aug 1946

Durham, Not named - Mr and Mrs Arnold Durham, of 423 SouthLee Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce son, December 29, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 30 Dec 1965

Durham, Not named - Mr and Mrs Dennis A Durham announce thebirth of a son at the City Hospital this morning. She was the former Ellarine Bass, of thiscity. TR, Mon 2 Aug 1948

Durham, Not named - Mr and Mrs Dennis Durham announce thebirth of a 7 pound son, Monday, April 21.Mrs Durham is the former Miss Ellarine Bass. TR, Tue 22 Apr 1947

Durham, Not named - Mr and Mrs Edgar Eugene Durham, of Plains,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ½ ounce daughter, Wednesday, June 16 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 17 Jun 1965

Durham, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Pryor Durham, ofBainbridge, announce the birth of a daughter this morning. The baby is a granddaughter of Mr and MrsHowe Durham of Americus. TR, Tue 24Jul 1934

Durham, Not named - Mr and Mrs Paul Durham Jr, of 321 SouthLee Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 9 ½ ounce son, September 3, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 4 Sep 1964

Durham, Not named - Mr and Mrs T L Durham announce the birthof a nine and one-fourth pound daughter, May 10, at the Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 12 May 1927

Durham, Paul Jr - Mr and Mrs Paul Durham announce the birthof a son, Paul Jr, Friday, June 18, at city hospital. TR, Mon 28 Jun 1943

Durham, Peter Alexander - Mr and Mrs Dennis Arnold Durham Jrannounce the birth of a son, Peter Alexander, born Sunday, December 6 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Dennis ADurham of Americus and Mr and Mrs Arthur Dzirkalis, of Milledgeville. TR, Mon 7 Dec 1970

Durham, Richard Anthony - Mr and Mrs Ricky Durham ofAmericus announce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce Richard Anthony, bornThursday, September 20 at Sumter Regional Hospital. He is the grandson of Mrs B G Moores and thelate Mr Moores of Cochran and Mrs Dennis Durham and the late Mr Durham ofAmericus. He has 3 sisters, Marie,Melanie and Misty. TR, Mon 24 Sep1984

Durham, Richard - Mr and Mrs Paul Durham Jr, of 405 RogersStreet announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son, July 3, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who has been named Richard, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Paul Durham Sr, ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs T J Pilcher, of Buena Vista. TR, Tue 12 Jul 1966

Durham, Shammie Lynn - Mr and Mrs Lee Durham, of LakeBlackshear announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter born at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital on Wednesday, October 24 who has been giventhe name of Shammie Lynn. The baby’sgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Ralph H James of Ellaville and the late Mr and MrsA E Durham of Americus. She is thegreat-granddaughter of Joe Tyler of Columbus and Mrs Jessica Tyler of Juniper,Ga. TR, Sat 27 Oct 1979

Durham, Steven Franklin - Mr and Mrs Steve Durham are theparents of a son born Friday, June 17 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who has been giventhe name of Steven Franklin weighed 9 pounds, 6 ounces. The infant is the grandson of Mr and MrsDennis Durham and Mr and Mrs Marvin Franklin, all of Americus. TR, Mon 20 Jun 1977

Durham, Twin Sons - Leigh and Chris Durham of Macon announcethe birth of twin sons, Christopher Miller and Joseph Michael Miller, on Feb 28at The Medical Center of Central Georgia, Macon. Mrs Durham is the former Leigh Hudgins. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Arnold Durham ofAmericus an Mr and Mrs York Hudgins of Macon.TR, Fri 13 Mar 1998

Durham, Virginia Lee - Mr and Mrs Darrell Durham announcethe birth of a daughter, Virginia Lee, Tuesday, July 13, at city hospital. TR, Wed 14 Jul 1943

Durham, William Nelvin Jr - Pvt and Mrs Melvin Durhamannounce the birth of a son, Wednesday, December 15, at city hospital, who hasbeen named William Melvin Durham Jr. MrsDurham is the former Miss Helen Hunt.Pvt Durham is stationed at Miami Beach, where he is receiving hispre-flight training. TR, Thu 16 Dec1943

Durrence, Carla Ann - Mr and Mrs Jake C Durrence, of 203Wildwood Circle, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce daughter, Saturday,December 15, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedCarla Ann. TR, Mon 17 Dec 1956

Durrence, Patsy Jo - Is the name of the six-pound, 14-ouncedaughter born to Mr and Mrs J C Durrence Tuesday, March 23, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 25Mar 1954

Dutton, Not named - Mr and Mrs H A Dutton announce the birthof a son, Sunday, September 26, at city hospital, who weighed 8 pounds, 15ounces. TR, Thu 30 Sep 1948

Dutton, Robert Jr - Mr and Mrs Robert H Dutton, ofYoungstown, Ohio, announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, January 15, who hasbeen named Robert Jr. Mrs Dutton was beforemarriage Miss Doris Weaver. TR, Thu16 Jan 1947

Duvall, Not named - Mr and Mrs R A Duvall, of Plains,announce the birth of a son this morning, February 10, at city hospital. TR, Fri 10 Feb 1939

Dykes, Ann Fletcher - Mr and Mrs W W Dykes Jr, of NewOrleans, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, September 7, who has beennamed Ann Fletcher. Mr and Mrs Dykes areformer residents of Americus. TR, Fri8 Sep 1939

Dykes, Frances - Lt and Mrs Wingate Dykes announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, February 2, at city hospital, who has beengiven the name of Frances. Mrs Dykes isthe former Mrs Martha Marshall. Lt Dykesis stationed at Brooksville Army Air Base, Brookwille, Fla. TR Thu 3 Feb 1944

Dykes, Helen - Mr and Mrs Maurice Dykes, of Palo Alto,Calif, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday,February 10, who has been named Helen.Mrs Dykes is the former Miss Mary Helen Johnson, of this city. TR, Tue 13 Feb 1945

Dykes, Lee Hawkins - Mr and Mrs Maurice Dykes, ofThomasville, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounceson, Saturday, November 19, at the Archibald Memorial hospital inThomasville. The baby has been named LeeHawkins for his maternal great-grandfather, the late Lee Johnson, of SumterCounty and for his paternal uncle, the late Hawkins Dykes. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs W WDykes and Mr and Mrs Roy Johnson, of Americus.TR, Wed 23 Nov 1955

Dykes, Lindsey Jane - Kenneth and Jane Dykes of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Lindsey Jane, born March 16 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 8 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mrs Effie Dykes and the late Mr Billy Dykes of Eufaula, Alaand maternal grandparents are Mrs Sybil Owens and the late Mr George Carswellof Albany. The baby has two brothers,Chris, age 11 and Patrick, age 10. TR,Tue 24 Mar 1992

Dykes, Martha Sue - Mr and Mrs Wingate Dykes announce thebirth of a daughter, Saturday, June 7, at the city hospital, who has been namedMartha Sue, for her mother, the former Miss Martha Marshall. TR, Sat 7 Jun 1941

Dykes, Not named - Lieut and Mrs Hawkins Dykes, of Atlanta,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son Friday, January 31, atPrather clinic. Mrs Dykes was formerlyMiss Sara Moore. TR, Fri 31 Jan 1941

Dykes, Not named - Mr and Mrs Hawkins Dykes announce thebirth of a nine pound, five ounce daughter Tuesday, May 12, at PratherClinic. Mrs Dykes was before hermarriage Miss Sarah Moore, of this city.TR, Wed 13 May 1936

Dykes, Not named - Mr and Mrs W W Dykes, of Americus,formerly of Andersonville, announce the birth of a son, born Monday, December26, at the city hospital. TR, Wed 28Dec 1938

Dykes, Samuel Hawkins - Mr and Mrs Robert R Dykes of StoneMountain announce the birth of an 8 pound, 14 ounce son born at PiedmontHospital, Atlanta Tuesday, February 16.The infant has been named Samuel Hawkins Dykes. Grandparents are Mrs Maurice Dykes and thelate Mr Dykes of Americus and Col and Mrs James G Fussell of Harrison,Tennessee. The baby is thegreat-grandson of the late Mr and Mrs Roy Johnson and the late Mr and Mrs W WDykes, all of Americus. Mrs E Kelly ofHarrison, Tenn is his maternal great-grandmother. TR, Sat 13 Mar 1982

Dykes, William Washington III - Mr and Mrs W W Dykes Jrannounce the birth of an 8 ½ pound son Tuesday night, September 15, in NewOrleans, La. The baby has been namedWilliam Washington III. Mrs Dykes wasbefore marriage Miss Mae Fletcher, of New Orleans. TR, Thu 17 Sep 1936

Dyous, Michael Earl - Mr and Mrs Willie Earl Dyous announcethe arrival of their 8 pound, 7 ounce son born Saturday, October 27 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been given the name of Michael Earl.The infant is the grandson of Evangelist and Mrs Aaron Snipes Sr on hismaternal side and his paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs James Dyous ofPlains. TR, Tue 30 Oct 1979

Eady, Autumn Marie - Chuck and Tina Eady of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Autumn Marie, born September 24 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 15 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Charles Knight of Cochran and paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Charles Eady Sr of Gordon.TR, Wed 5 Oct 1988

Earl, Stephen Michael - Mr and Mrs William V Earl, ofShiloh Road announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce son Monday, October 12 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby, who has been named Stephen Michael is the grandson of Mr andMrs P S Player and the late Mr Player of Americus and Mr and Mrs W V Earl Sr ofHuntington, W Va. TR, Tue 20 Oct 1970

Early, Billie Ruth - Flight Officer and Mrs W R Earlyannounce the birth of a daughter, Monday, January 28, at Prather Clinic, whohas been named Billie Ruth. Mrs Earlywas before marriage Miss Ruth Carey. TR,Thu 31 Jan 1946

Earnest, Not named - Mr and Mrs N E Earnest announce thebirth of a daughter, February 24, at city hospital. TR, Fri 27 Feb 1948

Earnest, Raymond Drake - Mr and Mrs Ray Earnest, ofBainbridge, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 1 ounce son, Sunday, June 27, whohas been given the name of Raymond Drake.Mrs Earnest is the former Miss Marsha Ames of Americus. The baby is the grandson of Mr and MrsClarence Ames of this city and Mr and Mrs C L Earnest of Brinson, Ga. TR, Wed 30 Jun 1965

Easom, Charlene Renee - Mr and Mrs Charles Robert Easomannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 14 ounce daughter, Charlene Renee, bornOctober 22 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby’s grandparentsare Mr and Mrs D V DeVane and Mr and Mrs James Easom, all of Americus. TR, Thu 24 Oct 1968

Easom, Charles Wesley - Mr and Mrs Leon L Easom announcethe birth of a son born Friday, August 28 at the Medical Center of MiddleGeorgia in Macon. The baby, who weighed4 pounds, 7 ½ ounces is still in neo-natel intensive care. He has been named Charles Wesley Easom. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs James M Herman Jrof Oxford, Ga and Mr and Mrs R G Easom Jr of Cordele, Ga. TR, Thu 3 Sep 1981

Easom, Christy Lynn - Mr and Mrs Charles Easom, ofAmericus, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 1/4 ounce daughter born at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital on Sunday, February 23. The baby has been given the name of ChristyLynn. She has two sisters, Terri andCharlene Easom. She is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs D C Devane and Mr and Mrs James Easom, all of this city. TR, Wed 26 Feb 1975

Easom, Daniela Melissa - She was born Saturday, October 12at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces at birth.Daniela is the daughter of Lane Easom and Jay Scahil. Grandparents are George and Linda Easom. Great grandparents are Mrs James Easom andthe late Mr Easom and the late Mr and Mrs R L Pilcher. Daniela has a sister, Porschia Marie, agetwo. TR, Thu 17 Oct 1991

Easom, Derrick Leigh - Mr and Mrs Rennie Easom of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Derrick Leigh, born March 3 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 13 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs W D Rigsby of Byron and paternal grandparents areMr and Mrs R G Easom of Cordele. DerrickLeigh has a brother, William, age eight.TR, Tue 15 Mr 1993

Easom, James A Jr - Mr and Mrs James A Easom announce thebirth of a son, James A Jr, August 14, at their home on Dudley Street. TR, Tue 15 Aug 1922

Easom, John Alton - Mr and Mrs Joseph S Easom, ofEllaville, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 15 ½ ounce son, October 18, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named John Alton. TR, Fri 19 Oct 1962

Easom, Lana Marie - Mr and Mrs George Easom announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce daughter May 27 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who has been namedLana Marie is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Lee Pilcher and Mr and MrsJames Easom of Americus and the great-granddaughter of Mrs Clyde Arrington also,of this city. TR, Thu 29 May 1969

Easom, Lynn B Easom Jr - Mr and Mrs Lynn B Easom announcethe birth of a son July 1 at the Americus and Sumter county hospital, who hasbeen given the name Lynn B Easom Jr. TR,Wed 1 Jul 1931

Easom, Melissa Gail - Mr and Mrs George Allen Easomannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 9 ounce daughter April 7, 1967, who has beennamed Melissa Gail. Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs James Easom and Mr and MrsR L Pilcher Sr and Her great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Clyde Arrington, allof Americus and Mrs Oscar Amerson of Davisboro, Ga. TR, Tue 11 Apr 1967

Easom, Mervin Lucile - Mr and Mrs James Easom announce thebirth of a daughter, Saturday, October 5, at their home of Elmo Street. The baby has been given the name of MervinLucile. TR, Tue 8 Oct 1935

Easom, Mitchell Adams - Rennie and Leisa Easom announce thebirth of their son, Mitchell Adams, on March 26 at Sumter RegionalHospital. He weighed 9 pounds, 11ounces. Mitchell has a brother, William,11 and a sister Derrick, 3. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs W D Rigsby of Byron. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs R GEasom of Cordele. TR, Wed 17 Apr 1996

Easom, Not named - Mr and Mrs Frederick L Easom, ofCordele, announce the birth of a 7 pound daughter at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, on November 18. TR,Wed 29 Nov 1963

Easom, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Easom announce thebirth of a son, Monday, April 15 at the city hospital. TR, Tue 16 Apr 1940

Easom, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Easom announce thebirth of a son, Saturday, March 9, at City hospital. TR, Mon 11 Mar 1946

Easom, Terri Denise - Mr and Mrs Charles Easom, ofHollywood, Florida, announce the birth of a six pound, 11 ½ ounce daughter,June 16, who has been given the name of Terri Denise. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs DC DeVane and Mr and Mrs James Easom of Americus. TR, Thu 18 Jun 1964

Easom, Thomas Eugene Jr - Mr and Mrs T E Easom, of 311Pineview Drive, are the parents of an 8 pound, 7 ½ ounce son, born December 31at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Thomas Eugene Jr. TR, Tue 2 Jan 1962

Eason, Ashley Marie - Mr and Mrs Joseph Eason announce thebirth of a daughter Sunday, February 12 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital who weighed 7 pounds, 5 3/4 ounces.The infant has been given the name of Ashley Marie. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Jimmy Wells ofEllaville and Harry Streeter of Rockford, Ill and Mr and Mrs Joseph Eason ofEllaville. TR, Tue 14 Feb 1978

Eason, Casey Renee - Mr and Mrs Smitty Eason of Norcrossannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce daughter born Tuesday, November20. The baby has been named CaseyRenee. She has an older sister,Ashley. Grandparents are Mr and MrsJimmy Wells and Mr and Mrs Joseph Eason, all of Ellaville. TR, Tue 27 Nov 1979

Eason, Cynthia Ruth - Mr and Mrs J S Eason, of Route 1,Ellaville, announce the birth of a daughter, Cynthia Ruth, Tuesday, April 17,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces.TR, Tue 17 Apr 1956

Eason, Not named - Mr and Mrs James A Eason Jr, ofBrooklyn, N Y, announce the birth of a daughter, weighing 8 pounds, 5 ounces,Saturday, Dec 28. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs James Eason, of Americus. TR, Tue 31 Dec 1957

Eason, Not named - Mr and Mrs Johnnie Eason of Buena Vistaannounce the birth of a daughter on November 10 at Prather Clinic. TCN, Thu 21 Oct 1948

East, Jason Anthony - Mr and Mrs Jim East of this cityannounce the birth of a 5 pound, 1 ½ ounce son born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on Thursday, March 27.The baby has been given the name of Jason Anthony. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs JamesEverson of Colquitt and Mr and Mrs J F East of Manchester. His mother is the former Sandra Everson ofColquitt. TR, Tue 1 Apr 1975

Easter, Stephen Ivan - Mr and Mrs James E Easter, of Plains,are the parents of an 8 pound son, born March 27, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named Stephen Ivan. TR Tue 27 Mar 1962

Easterlin, Aubrey Jr - Mr and Mrs Aubrey Easterlin announce thebirth of a son, Saturday, November 4, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedAubrey Jr. Mrs Easterlin was the formerMiss Mae Williams. TR, Sat 4 Nov 1944

Easterlin, Benjamin Franklin IV - Mr and Mrs Ben Easterlin IIIannounce the birth of a son, Saturday, March 5, at city hospital. Mrs Easterlin is the former Miss Betty JoyceWhite. The baby has been named BenjaminFranklin Easterlin IV. TR, Sat 5 Mar1949

Easterlin, Benjamin Franklin V - Mr and Mrs Ben F Easterlin IVannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ½ ounce son on Sunday, June 22 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Theinfant has been given the name of Benjamin Franklin Easterlin V. Mrs Easterlin is the former TommyeBradley. Grandparents of the baby are Mrand Mrs Ben Easterlin III and Dr and Mrs Charles Bradley. He is the great-grandson of Mr and Mrs W DWhite and Mrs Bess Watson, all of Americus.TR, Mon 23 Jun 1975

Easterlin, Clara Ann - Mr and Mrs Ben Easterlin III announcethe birth of a daughter Monday, June 1, at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been named ClaraAnn. Mrs Easterlin is the former Miss JoyceWhite. TR, Thu 4 Jun 1953

Easterlin, Edward Downs - Mr and Mrs W L Easterlin Jr, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce son at the Piedmont Hospital,Atlanta, who has been named Edward Downs.Mr Easterlin is a former resident of Andersonville and the baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs W L Easterlin Sr, of that city. TR, Wed 21 May 1958

Easterlin, Hulet - Lt (jg) and Mrs W Frank Easterlin Jr, ofNorfolk, Virginia, announce the birth of an eight-pound daughter, Friday,January 29, at DePaul Hospital, Norfolk, who has been named Hulet for herpaternal grandmother, Mrs Frank Easterlin, of this city. The baby’s mother is the former Miss LillianAbbot, and her maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Wright Abbot, ofLouisville. TR, Sat 30 Jan 1954

Easterlin, Lillian Carswell - Mr and Mrs Frank Easterlin Jr, ofLouisville, Ga, announce the birth of a six pound daughter, Tuesday, June 17,who has been named Lillian Carswell. MrsEasterlin is the former Miss Lillian Abbot, of Louisville. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsFrank Easterlin, of Americus and Mr and Mrs Wright Abbot, of Louisville. TR, Tue 17 Jun 1958

Easterlin, Lynda Elizabth - Mr and Mrs Ben Easterlin IV are theparents of a little girl who was born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Thursday, June 26. The babyweighed 8 pounds, 5 ½ ounces. She hasbeen named Lynda Elizabeth and is to be called Lynda. The infant is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsBen Easterlin III and Mrs Norma Bradley and Dr Charles Bradley, all ofAmericus. TR, Fri 27 Jun 1980

Easterlin, Mary Frances - Mr and Mrs Bob Easterlin announce thebirth of a daughter Wednesday, July 20 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been named MaryFrances for her maternal and paternal grandmothers, Mrs J M Hambric and MrsFrank Easterlin. The baby’s mother isthe former Miss Marjorie Ann Hambric. TR,Wed 20 Jul 1955

Easterlin, Nathan Bradley - Mr and Mrs Ben Easterlin IVannounce the birth of a 9 pound, 1 ounce son born Saturday, May 28 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Nathan Bradley.Nate, as the infant will be called, is the grandson of Dr and MrsCharles Bradley and Mr and Mrs Ben Easterlin III and the great-grandson of Mrand Mrs W D White, all of Americus. TR,Tue 31 May 1977

Easterlin, Not named - Mr and Mrs B O Easterlin announce thebirth of a son October 29 at their home near Americus. TR, Tue 31 Oct 1922

Easterlin, Not named - Mr and Mrs Paul Easterlin, of 234 TaylorStreet, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce son born February 16 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 17 Feb 1961

Easterlin, Paul Cullen - Mr and Mrs W L Easterlin, ofAndersonville, announce the birth of a son, born January 17, at city hospital,who has been named Paul Cullen. MrsEasterlin was before marriage Miss Emmajean Battle, of Ellaville. TR, Wed 19 Jan 1938

Easterlin, Robert Humber - Mr and Mrs Frank Easterlin announcethe birth of a son November 9th, who has been given the name RobertHumber Easterlin. TR, Thu 10 Nov 1927

Easterlin, William Frank III - Mr and Mrs Frank Easterlin Jr,of Louisville, Ga, announce the birth of a son, Thursday, September 22, at thehospital in Waynesboro. The baby hasbeen named William Frank III. MrEasterlin is a former Americus resident and the baby is the grandson of Mr andMrs Frank Easterlin of this city. TR,Thu 22 Sep 1955

Easterlin, William Frank Jr - Mr and Mrs Frank Easterlinannounce the birth of a seven and a half pound son on Tuesday, April 13th,who will be called William Frank Jr. TR,Wed 14 Apr 1926

Easterlin, Wright Abbot - Mr and Mrs Frank Easterlin Jr, ofLouisville, Ga, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son, December 1, whohas been named Wright Abbot for his maternal grandfather. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs FrankEasterlin, of Ameriucs. TR, Fri 9 Dec1960

Eberhardt, Not named - Mr and Mrs Aubrey Eberhardt, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, Septermber 24, at CityHospital. TR, Thu 26 Sep 1946

Eberhart, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Eberhart announce thebirth of a son, Wednesday, June 2, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 3 Jun 1948

Eckert, Dustin Lloyd - Chuck and Aangie Eckert of BuenaVista announce the birth of a son, Dustin Lloyd, born December 16, 1996 at theMedical Center of Columbus. Dustin, asthe infant is called, weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces. Maternal grandparents are L C and CarolMcDaniel of Buena Vista, formerly of Americus.Paternal grandparents are Charles Eckert Sr of Centerpoint and JoyceJones of Plains. Great- grandmother isJewel McDaniel of Pineview. TR, Sat 4Jan 1997

Eckles, Not named - Mr and Mrs L L Eckles, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, March 27, at city hospital. TR, Thu 28 Mar 1946

Eddy, Megan Clare - Mr and Mrs Burnett (Jeanne) Eddy ofDawson announce the birth of a daughter who has been named Megan ClareEddy. She was born Monday, November 15at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital in Albany and weighed 10 pounds, 15ounces. The infant is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs George Mount of Hightstown, N J and Mr and Mrs Burnett Eddy ofAtlanta. TR, Fri 19 Nov 1982

Edgar, Sydney Ruth - Mr and Mrs Michael Edgar of Perryannounce the birth of a daughter, Sydney Ruth, May 10 at Houston Medical Center. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces. Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs Larry Edgarof New Brockton, AL and Mr and Mrs Gerald Smith of Americus. Her great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs ErnestSmith of Preston. Mrs Edgar is theformer Jeri Smith of Americus. TR,Tue 18 May 1999

Edge, Caleb Rashon - Mr and Mrs George F Edge of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Caleb Rashon, born Jul 15 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 9 pounds, 3ounces at birth. Paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Judson Edge of Plains.Caleb has two sisters, Katasha, 17 Lakeisha, 16 and a brother Aaron,11. TR, On 1 Aug 1994

Edge, David Brennen - Lt Col and Mrs John Edge, of 5983Clearsprings Road, Virginia Beach, Va announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounceson born Monday, July 28. The baby isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs I A Brennen of Americus and Mrs E W Lollis ofAnderson, SC and the late Mr Lollis. Thebaby has been named David Brennen Edge. TR,Wed 30 Jul 1975

Edge, George Stevens II - Mr and Mrs George S Edge, ofHollis, N Y, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce son, May 26, who has beennamed George Stevens Edge II. The babyis the grandson of Mr and Mrs I A Brannen, of Americus and Capt and Mrs FrankPowell, of Ashtabula, Ohio. TR, Fri29 May 1964

Edge, George Stevens - Mr and Mrs John Edge announce thebirth of an eight pound boy, January 13, at their home on Church Street. The baby has been named George Stevens. TR, Fri 29 Jan 1937

Edge, John Jr - Mr and Mrs John Edge announce the birth ofa son, Saturday, February 16, who has been named John Edge Jr. TR, Mon 18 Feb 1935

Edge, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Edge announce the birthof a 6 ½ pound girl, December 9, at their home on Felder Street. TR, Sat 10 Dec 1932

Edge, Samatha - Mr and Mrs George S Edge of Fredriksted,St Croix, U S Virgin Island, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughterMay 13th who has been given the name of Samatha. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs LA Brannen of Americus and Capt and Mrs Frank Powell of Ashtahula, Ohio. TR, Mon 22 May 1967

Edgemon, Harry Bowen - Mr and Mrs Tommy E Edgemon ofBainbridge, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son, Harry Bowen,born Sunday, January 20 at Phoebe Putney Hospital in Albany. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces atbirth. Maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Harry Heaton of Bainbridge and paternal grandparents are Fred Edgemon ofSweetwater, Tenn and the late Mrs Frances Edgemon. The baby has a sister, Mary Frances, 3, and abrother, George 19 months. TR, Wed 30Jan 1991

Edgemon, James Edward - Mr and Mrs John Edgemon announce thebirth of a son born Wednesday, August 30 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who has been namedJames Edward weighed 8 pounds, 6 ½ ounces.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Fred M Edgemon and Mrs J E Vestal and thelate Mr Vestal, all of Sweetwater, Tenn.TR, Fri 1 Sep 1978

Edgemon, Thomas George Jr - Mr and Mrs Tommy Edgemon ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Thomas George Jr, born Wednesday, June 7at Phoebe Putney Hospital, Albany.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harry Heaton of Bainbridge andpaternal grandparents are Fred Edgemon of Sweetwater, Tenn and the late Mrs(Frances) Edgemon. The infant has asister, Mary Frances, 21 months. TR,Fri 9 Jun 1989

Edmondson, Cynthia Leah - Mr and Mrs B M Edmondson, of BendingRoad, Americus announce the birth of 9 pound daughter on March 12, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Cynthia Leah. TR, Mon 13 Mar 1961

Edmondson, Deborah Jean - Mr and Mrs B M Edmondson announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, November 10 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Deborah Jean.TR, Mon 11 Nov 1957

Edmondson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Billy Edmondson, ofGeorgetown, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 2 ounce son at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on September 16. TR,Fri 17 Sep 1965

Edmunds, Lauren Foy - Mr and Mrs Gayly Frederick Edmundsannounce the birth of a daughter, Lauren Foy, born Sunday, January 15 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 9pounds, 8 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mrs Buford Martin Edmunds and the late Mr Edmunds of Bainbridge and Mr andMrs E J Satterfield of Americus. MrsEdmunds is the former Miss Kay Satterfield.The infant has twin sisters, Courtney and Whitney, age eight. TR, Tue 24 Jan 1989

Edmunds, Twin daughters - Mr and Mrs Gayly Frederick Edmundshave been blessed with the birth of twin daughters, Courtney Ginia and WhitneyCalla, born Sunday, August 24 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The girls were each named after one of theirgrandmothers. Courtney weighed 7 poundsand Whitney weighed 7 pounds, 5 ½ ounces.Their mother is the former Kay Satterfield. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Buford MartinEdmunds and Mr and Mrs E J Satterfield, all of Americus. TR, Wed 27 Aug 1980

Edwards, Betty Grace - Mr and Mrs T W Edwards, 120 DudleyStreet, announce the birth of a daughter Monday, November 15, who has beengiven the name of Betty Grace. TR,Tue 16 Nov 1926

Edwards, Brian Caldwell - Mr and Mrs George Edwards, of Atlanta,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son born Sunday, August 31 atPiedmont Hospital, Atlanta. The baby hasbeen given the name of Brian Caldwell. TR,Mon 1 Sep 1975

Edwards, Ernest Leon - Mr and Mrs T W Edwards announce thebirth of a son Tuesday, February 19, who has been given the name of Ernest LeonEdwards. TR, Thu 21 Feb 1924

Edwards, John Wesley - Rev and Mrs Marion M Edwards, ofSavannah, formerly of Ellaville announce the birth of a son on Saturday, June13, at a Savannah Hospital. The baby hasbeen named John Wesley Edwards.Grandparents are Mrs Winifred Edwards of Springfield and Mr and Mrs W ELayfield of Columbus. TR, Tue 16 Jun1970

Edwards, Mary - Mr and Mrs T W Edwards announce the birth ofa daughter, January 22nd, at their home on Dudley Street, who hasbeen given the name Mary. TR, Fri 25Jan 1929

Edwards, Not named - Mr and Mrs T W Edwards announce thebirth of a son Friday, at their home on West Church Street. TR, Sun 13 Jun 1920

Edwards, Not named - Mr and Mrs Tom Edwards, of Fort Valley,announce the birth of a daughter, born Saturday night, December 3, at cityhospital. TR, Mon 5 Dec 1938

Edwards, Ronald Tidd - Mr and Mrs Jack Edwards announce thebirth of a son, Monday, March 22, at city hospital, who has been named RonaldTidd. TR, Thu 25 Mar 1943

Edwards, Roy Carter - Mr and Mrs Yancey Edwards, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son, August 27, at the Macon Hospital, who has beennamed Roy Carter. Mrs Edwards is theformer Miss Lucile Thompson, of Americus and Ellaville. TR, Sat 4 Sep 1954

Edwards, Sarah Brooks - Donald and Susan Edwards of Americusannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce daughter, Sarah Brooks Edwards, bornTuesday, June 19 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs AlbertBrooks Smiley of Daleville, Ala and Mr and Mrs Julius Parker Edwards, of WestPoint and the great-granddaughter of Mrs J C Edwards of Titus, Ala. She has a sister, Elizabeth, 5. TR, Thu 5 Jul 1984

Edwards, Troy John - Mr and Mrs Johnny N Edwards, of 311Glessner Street, are the parents of a six pound, 14 ounce son, born June 8, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Troy John. TR, Tue 9 Jun 1964

Edwards, William Marion - Rev and Mrs Marion M Edwards, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son on Thursday, July 3,1969 at the Marion Memorial Hospital in Buena Vista. The baby has been named William Marion Edwards. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs W E Layfieldof Columbus and Mrs Winifred Edwards of Springfield. TR, Tue 8 Jul 1969

Egan, Zelma Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Jeffrey Wood Egan of StSimons, Island, Ga announce the birth of a daughter, Zelma Elizabeth, bornJanuary 20. The infant weighed 5 pounds,14 ½ ounces at birth. Grandparents areMrs Houston Vissage and the late Mr Vissage of Americus and Mr and Mrs BillEgan of St Simons. Mrs John O’Brien ofSt Simons is the great-grandmother. MrsEgan is the former Miss Gayle Vissage of Americus. TR, Mon 2 Feb 1987

Eggers, Not named - Mr and Mrs M E Eggers announce the birthof a daughter, Sunday, April 15, at Prather Clinic. TR, Mon 16 Apr 1951

Ehrler, Brandon Richard - Mr and Mrs Richard Ehrler Jr ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Brandon Richard, born August 22 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 15 ounces at birth. Mrs Ehrleris the former Miss Kathy Bailey of Americus.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Richard Ehrler Sr of Americus andmaternal grandparents are Mrs Doris Bailey and O C Bailey, both ofAmericus. Great-grandparents are Mr andMrs H B Bell of Rockford, Ill. TR,Fri 13 Sep 1991

Eidson, Anna - Mr and Mrs J Frazier Edison, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, May 14, who weighed 8 pounds and 3ounces. The baby has been namedAnna. Mrs Eidson is the former MissSarah Bahnsen, of Americus. TR, Wed18 May 1949

Eidson, James Will - Mr and Mrs James M Eidson of Cordeleannounce the birth of a son, James Will Eidson, who was born today, October 28,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The infant weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce at birth. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Eugene Harper ofMoultrie and Mrs J W Eidson of Griffin.His great-grandmother is Mrs Al Collins of Americus. TR, Wed 28 Oct 1981

Eidson, John Frazier Jr - Captain and Mrs John F Eidson, ofFort Wayne, Ind, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce son, Monday, Aaugust14, at city hospital, who has been named John Frazier Jr. Mrs Eidson is the former Miss Sarah Bahnsen,of this city. TR, Tue 15 Aug 1944

Eidson, Peter Allen - Mr and Mrs J Frazier Eidson, ofMarietta, announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, March 5, at the Mariettahospital. The baby has been named PeterAllen for his grandfathers, Dr Peter Bahnsen and Allen Eidson, of Atlanta. Mrs Eidson is the former Miss Sarah Bahnsen,of this city. TR, Thu 6 Mar 1947

Ekkel, Hayden Max - Hank and Elizabeth Ekkel of Leslieannounce the birth of a son, Hayden Max, Jan 22, 2009 at Phoebe Putney MemorialHospital, Albany. He weighed 8 pounds, 4ounces and was 18.5 inches long.Grandparents are Billy and Toni Deriso of Leslie and Steve and LindaEkkel of Americus. Great-grandparentsare Bill Poupard and the late Zaida Poupard and the late Bill and Essie MDeriso, all of Leslie, and Herman and Joan Ekkel of Fremont, Mich. TR, Tue 3 Feb 2009

Elam, Genevieve Morgan - Mr and Mrs H C Elam announce thebirth of a daughter on Tuesday, January 15th, who has been given thename of Genevieve Morgan Elam. TR,Mon 21 Jan 1929

Elam, Mary Patterson - Mr and Mrs Howell Elam announce thebirth of a daughter Tuesday, March 4, at the Americus Hospital, who has beennamed Mary Patterson Elam. TR, Wed 5 Mar1924

Elam, Not named - Mr and Mrs Billy Elam, of Winter Park,Florida, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son, January 31. The baby is the grandson of Mrs Howell Elam,of Americus. TR, Thu 31 Jan 1963

Elam, Not named - Mr and Mrs W M Elam, of Tampa, Florida,announce the birth of a daughter, born April 21 who weighed 7 pounds, 5ounces. Mrs Elam is a former Americusresident and the baby is the granddaughter of Mrs H C Elam of this city. TR, Sat 22 Apr 1967

Elam, William Howell - Mr and Mrs Billy Elam, of Marietta,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ½ ounce son, Thursday, January 29, at theMarietta hospital. The baby has beennamed William Howell. He is the grandsonof Mrs Howell Elam, of Americus. TR,Fri 30 Jan 1959

Elam, William Morgan - Mr and Mrs Howell Elam announce thebirth of a son Friday, September 3, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. He has been given the name ofWilliam Morgan Elam. TR, Sat 4 Sep1926

Elder, Jeffrey Wayne - Mr and Mrs Franklin Wayne Elder arethe parents of a son born Wednesday, August 2 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital who weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces.The baby has been named Jeffrey Wayne and is to be called Jeff. The infant is the grandson of Mr and MrsBennie Elder of Lynchburg, Va and Mr and Mrs Roland Heath of Waynesboro,Ga. TR, Wed 9 Aug 1978

Elder, Lori Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Franklin Wayne Elderannounce the birth of a 10 pound, 6 ounce daughter born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on Saturday, January 30.The infant, who has been given the name of Lori Elizabeth has a brotherJeff, age 3 ½. Lori’s grandparents areMr and Mrs Bennie F Elder of Lynchburg, Va and Mr and Mrs Roland S Heath ofWaynesboro, Ga. TR, Mon 1 Feb 1982

Elder, Not named - Mr and Mrs D F Elder, of Richland, Ga,announce the birth of a son, September 4, at city hospital. TR, Tue 6 Sep 1949

Elder, Not named - Mr and Mrs Holt Elder, of Albany,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, September 23, atPhoebe Putney hospital in Albany. MrsElder was formerly Mrs Katherine McCullar Brockman, of Blakely. TR, Tue 26 September 1941

Eldridge, Belle Hardy - Lt Cdr and Mrs James D Eldridge Jr, ofMiddletown, Rhode Island announce the birth of a daughter born New Year’s Day,January 1 who has been given the name of Belle Hardy Eldridge. The baby weighed 7 ½ pounds. Grandparents are Rev and Mrs James D Eldridgeof Americus and Mr and Mrs Harold Tarleton of Florence, SC. Mrs Edna M Williams and Mrs Griff Eldridge ofAmericus are the great-grandmothers. TR,Tue 10 Jan 1978

Eldridge, Elizabeth Jane - Mr and Mrs E J Eldridge, of Rome,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, December 7, at the Floyd CountyHospital in Rome, who has been named Elizabeth Jane. Mrs Eldridge is the former Miss Jane Harris,of Bradley, Ga, and Mr Eldridge is a former resident of this city. TR, Thu 8 Dec 1949

Eldridge, Emily Miller - Mr and Mrs Griffith Morgan Eldridge,of Atlanta announce the birth of a daughter born Thursday, June 3 at theNorthside Hospital in Atlanta. Theinfant has been given the name of Emily Miller.Mrs Eldridge is the former Claire Sims, daughter of Mr and Mrs Ben Simsof Dothan, Ala. The maternalgrandparents are Rev and Mrs James Eldridge of Americus. TR, Fri 11 Jun 1976

Eldridge, Erwin James Jr - Mr and Mrs E J Eldridge, announcethe birth of a son, Dec 19, at their home on Lee Street, who will be calledErwin James Eldridge Jr. TR, Tue 23Dec 1924

Eldridge, Erwin James Jr - Mr and Mrs E J (Doc) Eldridge, ofAthens, announce the birth of a son, Saturday, November 1, who has been namedErwin James Jr. Mrs Eldridge is theformer Miss Jane Harris, of Bradley, and Mr Eldridge is a former Americus resident. The baby is the grandson of Mrs Lil Eldridge,of this city. TR, Sat 1 Nov 1952

Eldridge, Griffin Morgan II - Mr and Mrs James Eldridgeannounce the birth of a son, Sunday, February 4, at city hospital, who has beennamed Griffin Morgan Eldridge II. MrsEldridge was before marriage Miss Jessie Williams. TR, Mon 5 Feb 1945

Eldridge, John Edward - Mr and Mrs James Eldridge announce thebirth of a son, Sunday, January 16, at City Hospital, who has been named JohnEdward. Mrs Eldridge was the former MissJessie Williams. TR, Mon 17 Jan 1949

Eldridge, Mary Elissa - LCDR and Mrs James D Eldridge Jr, ofMiddletown, Rhode Island announce the arrival April 7 of their daughter, MaryElissa, who was born January 27.Grandparents of the baby are Mr and Mrs Harold Tarlton of Florence, SCand Rev and Mrs James D Eldridge of Americus.TR, Tue 13 Apr 1976

Eldridge, Not named - Mr and Mrs Doc Eldridge, of Athens,announce the birth of a son, Monday, May 11.Mr Eldridge is a former Americus resident and the baby is the grandsonof Mrs E J Eldridge, of this city. TR,Mon 11 May 1959

Eldridge, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Eldridge announce thebirth of a son, Friday, March 6, at the city hospital. Mrs Eldridge was before her marriage MissJessie Williams. TR, Fri 6 Mar 1942

Ellenberg, Not named - Mr and Mrs Dave Ellenberg, of Americus,announce the birth of a 5 pound, 4 ½ ounce son at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on September 25. TR,Fri 25 Sep 1964

Ellenberg, Not named - Mr and Mrs David Ellenberg of Route 2Americus announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ½ ounce son, February 22, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 22 Feb 1966

Ellington, Sara Kate Barrow - Robert and Sala Ellington ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Sara Kate Barrow, born February 28at Phoebe Putney Hospital, Albany. Theinfant weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Bobby Moree of Albany. Paternal grandparentsa re Mr and Mrs BobbEllington of Albany. Great-grandparentsare Mrs W F Cato of Albany and Mrs L D Ellington of Blackshear. Mary Kate has a sister Laine, 2. TR, Thu 6 Mar 1997

Elliott, Amanda Gayle - Mr and Mrs William Elliott ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter who was born Thursday, January 13 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The infant, who weighed 6 pounds, 15 ½ ounces has been given the nameAmanda Gayle Elliott. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Bill Sherman, Sanford, Florida and Mrs DellaElliott and the late Monroe Elliott of Dunellon, Fla. Her great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs WilliamH Cox, Dunellon. TR, Wed 19 Jan 1983

Elliott, Mathew Ryan - Mr and Mrs Mike Elliott, 606 Hanco*ckDrive, announce the birth of an 8 ½ pound son on Tuesday, February 4 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Mathew Ryan. Hismaternal grandparents are Mrs Walter Wilson of Americus and the late WalterWilson and the paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs M J Elliott of Gadsden,Ala. TR, Thu 6 Feb 1975

Elliott, Nathaniel Stephen - Mr and Mrs Steve Elliott, ofJasper, Ga formerly of Ellaville announce the birth of a son, NathanielStephen, who was born Monday, December 15 at South Fulton Hospital, EastPoint. The baby weighed 8 pounds, 12ounces.. He is the grandson of Mr andMrs Raymond C Bulfin of College Park and Mr and Mrs Alton C Elliott ofHaleyville, Ala. TR, Wed 17 Dec 1975

Elliott, Not named - Mr and Mrs J M Elliott announce thebirth of a son, Sunday, July 19, at Prather clinic. Mrs Elliott was formerly Miss Pauline Page,of Swainsboro. TR, Mon 20 Jul 1942

Elliott, Not named - Mr and Mrs R L Elliott, of Route 3,Americus, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce son on Septembr 27, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 28 Sep 1961

Elliott, Not named - Mr and Mrs Richard Elliott, of 1505McGarrah Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ½ ounce daughter, October12, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Thu 13 Oct 1960

Ellis, Brittany Blair - Mr and Mrs Michael Ellis ofEllaville announce the birth of a daughter, Brittany Blair, born Mar 31 at theMedical Center of Columbus. Brittanyweighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Murray Ellis, Janie Theus and the lateWallace Theus, all of Ellaville. TR,Sat 9 Apr 1994

Ellis, Christie Lynne - Mr and Mrs Cleve Ellis, of 911 PostWay, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce daughter born Friday, August 11at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been given the name of Christie Lynne. Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs James Ellisof Americus and Mr and Mrs Perry M Cook of Sarasota, Fla. TR, Tue 15 Aug 1972

Ellis, Colby James - Mr and Mrs Roy Lynn Ellis of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a son who has been given the name Colby James Ellis. He was born on Wednesday, September1 at theMedical Center in Columbus and weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces. His grandparents are Mr and Mrs Rufus Peedeand Mr and Mrs Murray Ellis of Ellaville.He is the great-grandson of Mrs Roy Ellis of Ellaville and Mrs GladysPhillips of Americus. Leah Ellis is hissister. TR, Fri 24 Sep 1982

Ellis, Edith Ann - Mr and Mrs George R Ellis announce thebirth of a daughter, February 19, who has been given the name Edith Ann. Mrs Ellis was before her marriage Miss EdithMorgan, of Macon. TR, Wed 27 Feb 1929

Ellis, George Richard III - Mr and Mrs George Ellis Jrannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son Friday, July 26 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named George Richard Ellis III. Heis the grandson of Mr and Mrs Guy Driver of Athens and Mr and Mrs George REllis of Americus. TR, Sat 27 Jul1968

Ellis, George Richard Jr - Mr and Mrs George R Ellisannounce the birth of a son Friday morning, June 9, at the Prather Clinic, whohas been named George Richard Jr. TR,Fri 9 Jun 1939

Ellis, Gwendolyn Sue - Mr and Mrs O M Ellis, ofThomasville, announce the birth of a daughter, Gwendolyn Sue, Thursday,February 11. Mr Ellis is a formerAmericus resident. TR, Mon 15 Feb1943

Ellis, Janet Lynn - Mr and Mrs D F Ellis, Unadilla, are theparents of a 9 pound, 3 ounce daughter, born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, December 12. The baby has beennamed Janet Lynn. TR, Wed 13 Dec 1961

Ellis, Jessica Lee - Mr and Mrs William Marcene Ellis IIannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce daughter, Jessica Lee, born Friday,Nov 15 at the Columbus Medical Center.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs William Marcene Ellis ofEllaville and Mrs Lenard Stubbs of Oakland.Great-grandparents are Mrs Opheila Ellis and Mrs Rena Rigsby ofEllaville and Mr and Mrs Murray Welch and Mrs Bessie Stubbs, all ofOakland. She has a sister, Amity Gail3. TR, Sat 23 Nov 1985

Ellis, Joe Glisson - Mr and Mrs Joe Ellis, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a son, Joe Glisson, Friday, December 12 at Boyette’sClinic. TR, Mon 15 Dec 1941

Ellis, John Cameron - Mr and Mrs Mike Ellis of Americusannounce the birth of a son, John Cameron, born Monday, February 22 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 9pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Ernest Jordan of Americus and paternal grandparentsare Mrs Katie Ellis of Americus and the late Mr James Ellis. Great-grandparents are Mrs Bessie Temples andMrs Tensie Bunch, borth of Americus. MrsEllis is the former Miss Sharon Jordan of Americus. TR, Fri 26 Feb 1988

Ellis, Joseph Shawn - Lt (jg) and Mrs J Ellis Blanton IIannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ½ ounce son born Monday, March 31 at theNaval Regional Medical Center in Charleston, SC. The baby has been named Joseph Shawn. He has one brother, James Ellis BlantonIII. His mother is the former ShirleyWise. The baby is the grandson of Mr andMrs A Loren Blanton and Mr and Mrs L A Wise, all of Plains. His great-grandparents are Mrs May Wise ofPlains, Mr and Mrs Everett Cooper and Ruric N Slocumb, all of Center PointCommunity in Webster Co. TR, Thu 3Apr 1975

Ellis, Kimberly - Mr and Mrs James Ellis, of 1002 FelderStreet, announce the birth of adaughter, born Sunday, April 12 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 7pounds, ½ ounce has been given the name of Kimberly. TR, Thu 23 Apr 1970

Ellis, Leah Lynda - Mr and Mrs Roy Lynn Ellis announce thebirth of a daughter, Leah Lynda Ellis on September 5 at the Medical Center inColumbus. Leah weighed 3 pounds, 4ounces and remains in the High Risk Unit for Newborn Infants at the MedicalCenter. She is the granddaughter of Mrand Mrs Murray Ellis and Mr and Mrs Rufus Peede, all of Ellaville. Her great-grandmothers are Mrs Roy Ellis ofEllaville and Mrs Gladys Phillips, Americus.TR, Wed 19 Sep 1979

Ellis, Martha Joe - Mr and Mrs Joe Ellis, of the FriendshipRoad, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter born Tuesday,September 21 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named Martha Joe. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs HenryRobertson of Pinehurst and Mr and Mrs Joe E Ellis of Vienna and thegreat-granddaughter of Mrs J E Watson of Americus. TR, Thu 23 Sep 1971

Ellis, Mary Christina - Mr and Mrs D F Ellis, ofOglethorpe, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 7 ounce daughter, Thursday, March6 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Mary Christina. TR, Fri 7 Mar 1958

Ellis, Matthew Moore - Mr and Mrs Cleve Ellis announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 14 ½ ounce son born Monday, Jul 5 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been named Matthew Moore Ellis is the grandson of Mr and Mrs James Ellis ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Perry Moore Cook of Sarasoto, Fla. Jesse D Allen of Plains Convalescent Home isthe baby’s paternal great-grandfather. TR,Wed 7 Jul 1971

Ellis, Michael Damion - Mr and Mrs Michael Ellis ofEllaville announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ½ ounce son Saturday, August 26who has been named Michael Damion.Damion is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Murray Ellis of Ellaville and MrsArthur Allison and the late Mr Allison of Americus. He is the great-grandson of Mrs Roy Ellis ofEllaville and Mrs Gladys Phillips, Lyman Holloway and Mrs Mary Lou Allison, allof Americus. TR, Wed 30 Aug 1978

Ellis, Not named - Mr and Mrs George Ellis Jr announce thebirth of a six-pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter December 15 at the city hospital. Both mother and baby are “doing nicely.” TR, Sat 16 Dec 1933

Ellis, Not named - Mr and Mrs George Ellis Jr, of 324 PecanDrive, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce daughter, February 19 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. MrsEllis is the former Betty Driver of Athens.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Guy Driver of Athens and Mrand Mrs George Ellis, of this city. TR,Mon 21 Feb 1966

Ellis, Not named - Mr and Mrs R C Ellis announce the birthof a son Thursday, June 3, at the City Hospital. TR, Fri 4 Jun 1926

Ellis, Robin Marie - Mr and Mrs Joe Ellis Jr, of 306 WestHill Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce daughter August 30 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Robin Marie. The grandparents are Mr and Mrs Joe Ellis Sr,of Vienna and Mr and Mrs H T Robertson of Pinehurst. Mrs J E Watson of South Lee Street is hergreat-grandmother. TR, Wed 31 Aug1966

Ellis, Wanza Sue - Mr and Mrs Joe Ellis announce the birthof a daughter, Monday, March 18, at City Hospital, who has been named WanzaSue. Mrs Ellis was formerly Miss MarthaWatson. TR, Wed 27 Mar 1946

Ellis, William Cody - Mr and Mrs Marc Ellis of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a son, William Cody, born July 5 at the Medical Center inColumbus. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 2ounces at birth. Paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Marcene Ellis of Ellaville and maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Leonard Stubbs of Mauk. Cody has twosisters, Amity, age nine and Jessica, age five.TR, Wed 17 Jul 1991

Ellis, William Marcene II - Mr and Mrs William M Ellis, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ounce son, August 2, at TheMedical Center in Columbus, who has been named William Marcene II. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs E CRigsby and Mr and Mrs H R Ellis, of Ellaville.TR, Mon 27 Aug 1962

Ellison, Kallie Nichol - Mr and Mrs Freeman Ellison ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter who has been named Kallie NicholEllison. The infant, who was bornThursday, August 11 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, weighed 7pounds, 4 ½ ounces. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Carl Veatch and Mrs Florence Deriso. Her great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Roy LPeaco*ck Sr, Americus and Mrs J L Hurley of Damascus, Va and the late MrHurley. TR, Tue 16 Aug 1983

Ellison, Nancy Ruth - Mr and Mrs William F Ellison, ofMontezuma, announce the birth of a daughter at the city hospital Wednesday, May10, who has been named Nancy Ruth. MrsEllison is the former Miss Florence Peaco*ck of Americus. TR, Sat 20 May 1950

Ellison, Not named - Mr and Mrs Guy Ellison, of Leslie,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, August 30, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby weighed 8pounds, 2 ounces. TR, Tue 30 Aug 1955

Ellison, Not named - Mr and Mrs Guy Ellison, of Leslie,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ½ ounce son, July 26, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Tue 27Jul 1965

Ellison, Ruth Arlene - Mr and Mrs Guy Ellison, of Leslie,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, April 3, at city hospital who hasbeen given the name of Ruth Arlene. TR,Wed 5 Apr 1950

Elms, Robert Lane - Gary and Wanda Elms of Americusannounce the birth of a son who has been given the name Robert Lane Elms. The infant, who was born Tuesday, August 8 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital weighed 9 pounds, 3 ounces. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs GarlandMears, Americus and Rev and Mrs Oren Elms of Riviera Beach, Fla. His great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs FrankYoung of Perry and Frank Mears of Colquitt.He has a sister, Robin. TR,Thu 18 Aug 1983

Elrod, J B III - Mr and Mrs J B Elrod announce the birth ofa son Friday, June 9, at their home on Barlow Street, who has been named J BIII. Mrs Elrod before her marriage wasMiss Ruby Finch. TR, Sat 17 Jun 1922

Elrod, Samantha Nicole - Mr and Mrs Steve Elrod ofBainbridge announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ½ ounce daughter, SamanthaNicole, born Thursday, April 24 at Tallahassee Community Hospital inFlorida. Samantha is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs Dock M Cox of Americus and Rev and Mrs Herbert Elrod ofDouglas. She has a sister, Stephanie,6. TR, Fri 2 May 1986

Elrod, Stephanie Teresa - Mr and Mrs Steve Elrod, ofBartow, Ga announce the birth of a daughter on Tuesday, August 14 at theUniversity Hospital, Augusta, Ga. Thebaby weighed 9 pounds, 7 ounces and has been named Stephanie Teresa. Mrs Elrod is the formeer Terri Cox ofAmericus. The infant is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Dock M Cox of Americus and Rev and Mrs Herbert MElrod of Augusta. TR, Tue 28 Aug 1979

Elswick, Caitlin Lynn - Robert and Karen Elswick of Prestonannounce the birth of a daughter, Caitlin Lynn, born Aug 29 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 6 pounds,14 ounces. Grandparents are Houston andAbby Stephenson of Plains and Patricia Ross of Americus. TR, Wed 2 Sep 1998

Elvins, Not named - Mr and Mrs Stanley C Elvins, of 320 WestChurch Street, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 14 ounce daughter. She was born at Phoebe Putney Hospital, inAlbany, June 22. TR, Fri 23 Jun 1961

Elza, Jacklyn - Mr and Mrs Marvin Elza announce the birthof a daughter Sunday, August 2, at their home on Church Street, who has beengiven the name of Jacklyn. Mrs Elza willbe remembered in Americus as the former Miss Mary Etta O’Hern. TCN, Fri 7 Aug 1936

Embry, Katherine Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs John Embry, ofWeogufka, Ala announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce daughter born Saturday,October 17 at the Sylacauga Hospital in Sylacauga, Ala. The baby, who has been givne the name ofKatherine Elizabeth will be called Kay.Mrs Embry is the former Janice Kobs of Americus. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsFrank O Kobs of this city and Mrs B W Embry and the late Mr Embry ofMontgomery, Ala. TR, Fri 22 Oct 1970

Embry, William Allen - Mr and Mrs John Embry of Gabb,Nevada, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce son, December 19, who hasbeen named William Allen. Mrs Embry isthe former Janice Kobs of Americus. Thebaby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Frank Kobs of this city and Mr and Mrs E WEmbry of Atlanta and the great-grandson of Fred C Wilson of Americus. TR, Fri 23 Dec 1966

Emenhiser, Joseph Edward - Mr and Mrs J E Emenhiser, ofPreston, announce the birth of a son, Friday, October 1, at city hospital, whohas been named Joseph Edward. TR, Tue5 Oct 1943

Emmet, Roy Nathaniel Jr - Mr and Mrs R N Emmet announce thebirth of a son on Saturday, July 2 at city hospital, who has been given thename of Roy Nathaniel Jr. TR, Mon 4Jul 1921

Emminger, Not named - Mr and Mrs George Emminger, ofMontezuma, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce daughter, Wednesday,August 8 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 9 Aug 1956

Enfinger, Danny Mike Jr - Donja and Mike Enfinger of Americusannounce the birth of a 9 pound, 8 ounce son Danny Mike Jr, born Saturday, Jan19 at the Sumter Regional Hospital. Heis the grandson of Mr and Mrs Donald Harrison of Jakin and Mr and Mrs GlynnEnfinger of Blakely. TR, Wed 23 Jan1985

Enfinger, Harrison Glynn - Mr and Mrs Mike Enfinger ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Harrison Glynn, born Tuesday, September13 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Theinfant weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Donald Harrison of Georgetown, Gaand paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Glynn Enfinger of Blakely. The infant has a brother, Dan, agethree. TR, Thu 15 Sep 1988

Engel, Not named - Mr and Mrs M L Engel, of Seville,announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, February 28, at city hospital. TR, Thu 28 Feb 1946

English, Abigail Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Sam English ofWoodstock announce the birth of a daughter, Abigail Elizabeth, born Nov 3. Abbey, as the infant is called, weighed 8pounds, 10 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mrs Billy English and the late Mr English of Americus and Mr and Mrs RobertTillman of Marietta. Great-grandmotheris Gwen Lain of Americus. TR, Thu 18Nov 1993

English, Alice Eugenia - Mr and Mrs E K English of 219Crawford Street announce the birth of a daughter, February 14, who has beennamed Alice Eugenia. TR, Mon 18 Feb1935

English, Betty Felicia - Mr and Mrs E K English announce thebirth of a daughter, November 28, at their home on Prince Street, who has beengiven the name Betty Felicia. TR, Tue29 Nov 1927

English, Brandon Keith - Mr and Mrs Brad English announce thebirth of Brandon Keith, born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onSeptember 15. Brandon, as he will becalled, weighed 6 pounds, 7 ounces. Hehas a brother, Jerry. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Neal English of Plains and Mr and Mrs Roy Jackson ofAmericus. Also, the great-grandson ofMrs Hazel English of Oglethorpe, Ga and Leon Fowler of Plains. TR, Thu 17 Sep 1981

English, Carolyn Frances - Mr and Mrs William A English, of111 Taylor Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce daughter, Tuesday,August 19, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedCarolyn Frances. TR, Wed 20 Aug 1958

English, Colton Schuyler - Quincy and Courtney Alford Englishannounce the birth of a son, Colton Schuyler, on April 13 at Sumter RegionalHospital. Schuyler, as the infant iscalled, weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces.Maternal grandparents are Greg and Rena Alford of Plains. Paternal grandparents are Rick and NormaEnglish of Plains. Great-grandparentsare Charles and Josephine Medlock, all of Plains, George and Ginger Alford ofConyers, Martha Alford Kellum of Snellville, Joe and Betty Law of Leslie. TR, Thu 29 May 1997

English, David Neal -Mr and Mrs Rick English of Plains announce the birth of a son who has been namedDavid Neal English. The infant, whoweighed 7 pounds, 11 ½ ounces was born Thursday, March 24 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Neal English, Plains and Mr and Mrs Joseph Law, Leslieand the great-grandson of Mrs W C English, Montezuma; Mrs Lewis Law, Leslie andLeon Fowler, Plains. He has one brother,Quincey English. TR, Thu 31 Mar 1983

English, Doris Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs E K English announcethe birth of a little daughter Sunday, August the 15th, who has beennamed Doris Elizabeth. TR, Thu 19 Aug1926

English, Edward Alan - Mr and Mrs Eddie English, San Mateo,Calif, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son born Friday, October 8 whohas been named Edward Alan English. MrsEnglish is the former Carol Howell of Americus.The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Clifton Howell of this city andMr and Mrs Floyd English of Ideal. TR,Sat 9 Oct 1971

English, Eleanor Henrietta - Mr and Mrs E K English announcethe birth of a daughter, Eleanor Henrietta Thursday, November 16, at their homeon Wheatley Street. TR, Sat 18 Nov1939

English, Gloria - Mr and Mrs E K English announce the birthof daughter, Saturday, March 27, at the city hospital, who has been namedGloria. Both mother and baby are doingnicely at their home, 740 Wheatley Street, where they have been removed. TR, Mon 29 Mar 1943

English, James Edwin - Mr and Mrs E K English announce thebirth of a son, Nov 5, at their home on 712 Jackson Avenue, who will be calledJames Edwin English. TR, Sat 8 Nov1924

English, Jerry Bradford II - Mr and Mrs Brad English, ofPlains, announce the birth of a son Friday, March 22 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby weighed 7pounds, 5 ½ ounces and has been named Jerry Bradford English II. His grandparents are Mr and Mrs Roy R Jacksonof Americus and Mr and Mrs Neil English of Plains. Great-grandparents are Mrs W O Hall of thiscity, Mrs Cornelia Manning of Tarboro, N C, Mrs Hazel English of Oglethorpe andMrs Leon Fowler of Doerun, Ga. TR,Sat 23 Mar 1974

English, Jordan Olivia - Jerry and Amanda English of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Jordan Olivia, on October 24 at SumterRegional Hospital. The baby, who weighed8 pounds, 3 ounces, is the granddaughter of Brad and Teresa English and Charlieand Yvonne Satterfield, all of Americus.Great-grandparents are Willie Maude Jackson and Gladys Marchant, both ofAmericus and Neal and Evelyn English of Plains. TR, Wed 5 Nov 1997

English, Kathleen Grace - Mr and Mrs William A English, of740 Wheatley Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 4 ½ ounce daughter,September 26, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedKathleen Grace. TR, Thu 27 Sep 1962

English, Landford - 1st Lt and Mrs Larry Englishof George AFB, Victorville, Calif announce the birth of a son March 5. He has been named Landford. Mr and Mrs Billy English are the paternalgrandparents and Mr and W A Davis, of Valdosta, are the maternalgrandparents. TR, Sat 23 Mar 1968

English, Lucretia Sue - Mr and Mrs E J English, of 203Highland Road, Albany, announce the birth of a 6 pound daughter, October 16, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name ofLucretia Sue. TR, Mon 17 Oct 1960

English, Martha Ann - Mr and Mrs E K English, of CrawfordStreet, announce the birth of a daughter Tuesday March 6th, who hasbeen given the name Martha Ann, at home.TCN, Fri 9 Mar 1934

English, Not named - Mr and Mrs Dick English announce thebirth of a son, Monday, March 5, at city hospital. TR, Wed 7 Mar 1945

English, Not named - Mr and Mrs E K English announce thebirth of a son June 8 at their home on Prince Street. The baby weighed 8 pounds. TR, Thu 9 Jun 1932

English, Not named - Mr and Mrs Earl English, of 534 OakAvenue are the parents of a 7 pound, 9 ½ ounce daughter, born September 11, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Fri 11 Sep 1964

English, Not named - Mr and Mrs Neill English, of Plains,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter, Sunday, March 13, at cityhospital. TR, Wed 16 Mar 1949

English, Not named - Mr and Mrs Richard English, of Plains,are the parents of a daughater, born August 28,at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby weighed 9pounds, 1 ounce. TR, Mon 30 Aug 1965

English, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ronnie English, ofOglethorpe, are the parents of a 6 pound, 11 ounce son, born July 1, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 1 Jul 1965

English, Not named - Mr and Mrs W A English, of 740 WheatleyDrive, announce the birth of a daughter, February 12 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, whoweighed 6 pounds, 6 ounces. TR, Mon15 Feb 1965

English, Richard Quincey - Mr and Mrs Richard English are theparents of a 9 pound son born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onFriday, June 16. The baby has been giventhe name of Richard Quincey English.Quincey, as he will be called, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Joseph Lawof Leslie and Mr and Mrs Neal English of Plains. TR, Tue 20 Jun 1978

English, Samuel Anthony - Mr and Mrs E K English announce thebirth of a son Monday, April 28th, at their home on Prince Street,who has been given the name Samuel Anthony.TR, Fri 2 May 1930

English, Samuel Edwin - Mr and Mrs William A English announcethe birth of a 7 pound son, born October 17, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who has been namedSamuel Edwin is the grandson of Mrs E O Harrington of Portland, Oregon and thelate Mr and Mrs E K English of Americus.TR, Wed 19 Oct 1966

English, Twin sons - Mr and Mrs Davis English ofAndersonville announce the birth of twin boys at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital who has been named Davis Olin and Ronald Floyd. Maternal grandparents are Mrs Lenore Taylorof Ellaville and the late Mack Taylor and the paternal grandparents are MrsElizabeth English of Andersonville and the late Olin English. The great-grandmothers are Mrs Lizzie Pierceof Andersonville and Mrs Lottie Clark of East Detroit, Michigan. TR, Thu 1 Sep 1981

English, William Chandler - Mr and Mrs Donald English, ofFort Walton Beach, Florida announce the birth of a son, William Chandler, bornFriday, Dec 29, at Ft Walton Beach hospital.The baby weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce.“Chan” as the baby will be called is the grandson of Mrs Edith Callawayand the late Albert S Callaway of Hapeville, Ga and the late Mr and Mrs E KEnglish of Americus. TR, Thu 4 Jan1973

English, William Earl - Mr and Mrs E J English, of 725Residence Ave, Albany, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce son, Friday,April 13, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedWilliam Earl. TR, Mon 16 Apr 1962

Engram, Virginia - Mr and Mrs Sam Engram, of Cuthbert,announce the birth of a daughter on Jan 9, who has been named Virginia. Dr Engram is the grandson of Mrs B L Dell,Sr. TCN, Thu 15 Jan 1948

Ennis, Temperance Miller - Mr and Mrs Temple Ennis ofTuscumbia, AL announce the birth of a daughter, Temperance Miller, on August 26at Eliza Coffee Memorial Hospital, Florence, AL. Mrs Ennis is the former Mandy Miller ofLeslie. Tempie weighed 7 pounds, 14ounces. Grandparents are Mr and MrsRobert E Miller of Leslie and Mrs Woodson Ennis of Livingston, AL. TR, Wed 10 Sep 1997

Entrekin, Carolyn Gay - Mr and Mrs Harry Entrekin announce thebirth of a daughter Saturday, May 14, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces.The baby has been named Carolyn Gay.Mrs Entrekin is the former Miss Ann Austin and the baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs C B Austin and Mr and Mrs W H Entrekin. TR, Sat 14 May 1955

Entrekin, Charles Olin - Mr and Mrs Billy Entrekin, of Albany,announce the birth of a 5 pound, 10 ½ ounce son, Monday, December 18, at thePhoebe Putney Hospital in Albany. Themother and baby, who has been named Charles Olin are in Room 310B. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs W HEntrekin, of Americus. TR, Mon 18 Dec1961

Entrekin, Harry Brenton Jr - Mr and Mrs Harry B Entrekinannounce the birth of a 5 pound, 13 ounce son, Thursday, February 27 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Harry Brenton Jr. Mrs Entrekin is the former Miss AnnAustin. TR, Fri 28 Feb 1958

Entrekin, Karen Ann - Mr and Mrs Harry B Entrekin are theparents of a 6 pound, 12 ½ ounce daughter, born Tuesday 14 November, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who has been named Karen Ann, is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs CarrollAustin, of Judy Lane and Mr and Mrs W H Entrekin, of Anthony Drive. TR, Tue 14 Nov 1961

Entrekin, Not named - Mr and Mrs W H Entrekin Jr announce thebirth of a 5 pound, 5 ounce daughter at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, Thursday, November 7. TR,Fri 8 Nov 1957

Entrekin, Not named - Mr and Mrs William H (Billy) EntrekinJr, of Atlanta, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 9 ounce daughter, Friday, June15, at Emory University hospital. MrEntrekin is a former Americus resident and the baby is the granddaughter of Mrand Mrs W H Entrekin Sr, of this city. TR,Tue 19 Jun 1956

Entrekin, William Henderson IV - Mr and Mrs William H EntrekinIII announce the birth of a son Friday, December 21, at Prather Clinic. The baby who weighed 5 pounds, 1 ounce hasbeen named William Henderson IV. MrsEntrekin was before her marriage Miss Christine Wrightson of Boston. TR, Fri 21 Dec 1951

Erdman, Ericka Lee - Mr and Mrs Richard Erdman, of Matawan,NJ announce the birth of a daughter, Ericka Lee on February 28. The baby weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces atbirth. Mrs Erdman is the former BarbaraLee Comer, daughter of Mrs R T Comer and the late Mr Comer of Americus. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs RichardErdman of Matawan. TR, Wed 1 Mar 1972

Erdmann, Daria Dorothy - Mr and Mrs Richard Erdmann, ofIselin, NJ announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce daughter born at the PerthAmboy Hospital, NJ Wednesday, February 21.The baby has been given the name of Daria Dorothy. He grandparents are Mrs R E Erdmann and thelate Mr Erdmann of Mattawan, NJ and Mrs Robert T Comer and the late Mr Comer ofthe Smithville-Plains Road, Americus. TR,Fri 23 Feb 1973

Erkhart, Elizabeth Lee - Mr and Mrs Al Erkhart Jr are theparents of an 8 pound, 2 ½ ounce daughter born Wednesday, August 1 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Theinfant who has been given the name of Elizabeth Lee will be called Beth. Her paternal grandparents are Mrs BetsyErkhart and the late Almon Erkhart Sr of Americus and her maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs John Hawkins Jr of Rome, Ga.TR, Fri 2 Aug 1979

Erkhart, Melissa Kate - Mr and Mrs Allen Erkhart announce thebirth of a daughter born Saturday, October 18 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby, who has been named Melissa Kateweighed 8 pounds, 4 ½ ounces. Misty, asthe infant will be called is the granddaughter of Mrs Almon Erkhart Sr and thelate Mr Erkhart of Americus and Mr and Mrs John Harris Sr also ofAmericus. Her great-grandparents are Mrand Mrs G P Toms Sr of Plains and Mrs B N Harris of Preston. TR, Mon 27 Oct 1975

Erkhart, Timothy Ryan - Mr and Mrs Al Erkhart Jr announce thebirth of a son born Thursday, August 11 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The infant, who has been namedTimothy Ryan will be called Timmy. Hispaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Jim Williams and the late Almon Erkhart Srof Americus and his maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs John Hawkins of Rome,Ga. Timmy has a sister, Beth. TR, Mon 15 Aug 1983

Ernest, Not named - Mr and Mrs N E Ernest announce the birthof a daughter at City Hospital on February 24th. TCN, Thu 26 Feb 1948

Erpenbeck, Paul Jr - Mr and Mrs Paul J Erpenbeck, of Muskegon,Michigan, announce the birth of a son Friday, March 26, who has been named PaulJr. Mrs Erpenbeck is the former MissBeverly Kinney, of Americus. TR, Mon29 Mar 1954

Erskine, Jennifer Blaire - Bruce and Frances Erskine ofWinder announce the birth of their adopted daughter, Jennifer Blaire, bornAugust 25 at Kennestone Hospital, Kennesaw, Ga.The infant, who is called Blaire weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces atbirth. Grandparents are Jimmy and BettyWells of Ellaville and Jim and Marilyn Erskine of Conyers. Great-grandmothers are Mary Woodburn ofEnigma; Frances Hicks of Tazewell; Gladys Steele of Bairdstown and Evia Erskineof Anderson, SC. Mrs Erskine is theformer Mary Frances Wells of Ellaville. TR,Thu 12 Sep 1991

Ervin, Marcie Lynn - Mr and Mrs Donnie Ervin of Brunswickannounce the birth of a daughter, Marcie Lynn, born Friday, December 7. The baby weighed 9 pounds, 6 ounces. The infant is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsW J Toms of Americus and Mr and Mrs Bill Ervin of Brunswick. The baby’s mother is the former Darlene Toms. TR, Wed 12 Dec 1979

Erwin, Brandy Kay - Mr and Mrs George Erwin Jr announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 15 oucne daughter born Thursday, March 18 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The infanthas been given the name of Brandy Kay.The baby has an older brother, William Benjamin, age 4. Grandparents of the new arrival are Mr andMrs George Erwin Sr of this city and Mr and Mrs W M Bass of Albany. TR, Mon 22 Mar 1976

Erwin, George Henry Jr - Mr and Mrs George Erwin announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce son, Wednesday, May 2, at Prather Clinic, whohas been named George Henry Jr. TR,Thu 3 May 1945

Erwin, Mary Sue - Mr and Mrs George H Erwin announce thebirth of a daughter Friday, March 4, at city hospital, who has been named MarySue. TR, Mon 7 Mar 1949

Erwin, William Benjamin - Mr and Mrs George Erwin Jrannounce the birth of a son William Benjamin born Sunday, August 15 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs George Erwin Sr of Americus and Mr and Mrs WM Bass of Albany. The baby’s mother isthe former Eloise Bass. TR, Tue 17Aug 1971

Erwin. Alan Payton - Mr and Mrs Donnie P Erwin of LakeBlackshear announce the birth of a son, Alan Payton. Alan was born Thursday, September 1 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Walter J Toms, Americus and Mr and MrsWilliam L Erwin of Brunswick. He is thegreat-grandson of Mrs Marcellin Perra of Americus. TR, Mon 5 Sep 1977

Eschmann, Clara Burton - Mr and Mrs Edgar A Eschmann Jr, ofHatford, Conn announce the birth of a daughter October 26, who has been namedClara Burton for her maternal great-great-grandmother. Mrs Eschmann is the former Miss Clara BellHooks, of Americus and Griffin. The babyis the great-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs D F Davenport, of this city. TR, Thu 14 Dec 1950

Eschmann, Edgar Albert IV - Mr and Mrs Ed A Eschmann IIIannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Wednesday, May 14. Theinfant has been named Edgar Albert Eschmann IV and will be called Ted for hisgrandfather, the late Ted Eschmann Jr of Macon.His paternal grandmother is the former Clara Belle Hooks of Americus. On his maternal side he is the grandson of Mrand Mrs Wills Jr of Preston and the great-grandson of Mrs Ray Wills Sr and thelate Mr Wills and Mrs Claude Matthews and the late Mr Matthews, all of Preston. TR, Thu 15 May 1980

Eschmann, Jeffery Christopher - Mr and Mrs Ed Eschmann ofPreston announce the birth of a 9 pound, 6 ounce son, Jeffery Christopher, bornTuesday, May 15 at Sumter Regional Hospital.Jeffery is the grandson of Mrs E A Eschmann Jr of Macon and Mr and MrsRay Willis Jr of Preston. Hisgreat-grandmothers are Mrs Ray Willis and Mrs Claude Matthews, both ofPreston. He has two brothers, Ted, 6 andRay, 2. TR, Sat 17 May 1986

Eschmann, Mildred - Capt and Mrs E A Eschmann Jr, ofGainsville, Fla, announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, December 4, whohas been given the name Mildred for her paternal grandmother. Mrs Eschmann is the former Miss ClarabelleHooks of Americus and Griffin. TR,Mon 6 Dec 1943

Eschmann, Ray Wills - Mr and Mrs Ed Eschmann of Prestonannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 11 ½ son, Ray Wills Eschmann, born Monday,June 25 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. Ray is the grandson of Mrs E A Eschmann Jrand the late Mr Eschmann of Macon and Mr and Mrs Ray Wills Jr of Preston. Great-grandparents are Mrs Ray Wills Sr andMrs Claude Matthews, all of Preston. Rayhas a brother, Ted 4. TR, Wed 27 Jun1984

Esco, Not named - Mr and Mrs L R Esco announce the birthof a 7 pound, 4 ounce son, Tuesday, March 19, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Tue 19 Mar 1957

Escoe, Herman - Mr and Mrs F T Escoe announce the birth ofa son, Monday, Dec 8, at their home on Hampton Street, who will be calledHerman Escoe. TR, Fri 12 Dec 1924

Eskedor, Angela Wynn - Mr and Mrs Dick Eskedor, of Savannah,announce the birth of a 5 pound, 7 ½ ounce daughter, born Jan 6. She has been named Angela Wynn. The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs BillySmith of Americus. TR, Tue 10 Jan1967

Eskedor, Elizabeth Jane - Mr and Mrs Dick Eskedor, ofSavannah, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce daughter Monday, December30, who has been given the name of Elizabeth Jane. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsWilliam E Smith, of Americus and Mr and Mrs Henry Eskedor of Savannah. TR, Thu 9 Jan 1969

Espy, Jarod Carleton - Carleton and Paulette Espy ofPensacola, Fla announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce son, Jarod Carleton,born Tuesday, Nov 12 at Sacred Heart Hospital in Pensacola. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Gordon Battle ofEllaville and Mr and Mrs James Espy of Pensacola. Great-grandparents are Nettie Eason ofEllaville, Nora Battle of Americus, Samuel C and Florine Espy of Americus andMrs T H Johnston of Rome. TR, Wed 4Dec 1985

Espy, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Samuel Espy, of 117Prince Street, are the parents of a 7 pound, 10 ½ ounce ounce daughter, born atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, May 12. TR, Mon 13 May 1963

Esterlin, Not named - Mr and Mrs W L Esterlin, ofAndersonville, announce the birth of a son early this morning. The child has not been named. Both mother and son are said to be doingnicely. TR, Fri 18 Feb 1933

Estes, Virginia LeAnn - Mr and Mrs James Estes of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter on July 31 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The infant, who weighed 6pounds, 6 ½ ounces has been named Virginia LeAnn Estes. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs GroverEstes and Mr and Mrs J A Thornton, all of New Albany, Mississippi. Her great-grandmother is Mrs C C Thornton ofWalnut, Mississippi. She has fourbrothers, Tim, Steve, Jay and Jonathan. TR,Mon 8 Aug 1983

Etheridge, Andrew Willis - Mr and Mrs Ottis Etheridge announcethe birth of a nine pound son this morning January 9, at their home near thecity, who has been given the name of Andrew Willis. TR, Wed 9 Jan 1935

Etheridge, Debora Elaine - Mr and Mrs Eugene Etheridge, of 109E Jefferson Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound 13 ounce daughter, Friday,February 27, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital who has been namedDebora Elaine. TR, Fri 27 Feb 1959

Etheridge, Edna Earle - Mr and Mrs George Etheridge, of Macon,announce the birth of a daughter July 26 who has been given the name of EdnaEarle. Mrs Etheridge is recalled by manyfriends in Americus as Miss Ruth Barnett.TR, Sat 6 Aug 1921

Etheridge, George Reagen - Mr and Mrs Reagen Etheridge are theparents of a son born Sunday, July 14 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby’s weight was 7pounds, 4 ounces. He has been given thename of George Reagan Etheridge. Hisgrandparents are Mrs Margaret Giddings of Americus and Mr and Mrs E C Etheridgeof Leslie. TR, Thu 18 Jul 1974

Etheridge, James Eddie Jr - Mr and Mrs James Etheridge ofAmericus announce the birth of an 8 pound, 13 ounce son, James Eddie Jr, bornTuesday, May 28 at Sumter Regional Hospital.He is the grandson of Ms Brenda Griffith of Oglethorpe and Mr and Mrs NelsonPenn of Panama City, Fla. Great- grandparentsare Mr and Mrs James Davis Jr of Americus, Mr and Mrs Ed Etheridge of Gray, Mrand Mrs Paul R Gifffith of Brooksville, Fla and Frances Stuckey ofEllaville. TR, Sat 15 Jun 1985

Etheridge, Judy Yvonne - Mr and Mrs A W Etheridge, of 401 EastHill Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ½ ounce daughter, May 11, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Judy Yvonne. TR, Fri 12 May 1961

Etheridge, Korben Darius - Kimberly and Ray Etheridge ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Korben Darius, born Nov 24 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 5 ounces. He is the grandson ofReagan and Linda Ethridge of Americus and Abbie Stephenson of Plains. His great-grandparents are Edward andMarguerite Ethridge of Americus. TR,Thu 17 Dec 1998

Etheridge, Not named - Mr and Mrs Eugene Etheridge, of 1209McGarrah Street, are the parents of a 9 pound, 6 ounce son, born January 17, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Fri 18 Jan 1963

Etheridge, Yvonne Elaine - Mr and Mrs Griff G Etheridgeannounce the birth of a daughter, Friday, October 15, at city hospital, who hasbeen named Yvonne Elaine. TR, Sat 16Oct 1948

Ethridge, Grace Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Freeman Ethridgeannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce daughter, Saturday, December 27, atPrather Clinic. The baby has been namedGrace Elizabeth. TR, Tue 30 Dec 1941

Ethridge, Jerry Allen - Mr and Mrs Eugene Ethridge, ofCopperhill Circle, are the parents of a 11 pound, 7 ounce son, born at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital April 17. Thebaby has been named Jerry Allen. TR,Mon 20 Apr 1964

Ethridge, Lea Anne - Lt Cdr and Mrs James Ethridge Jr are theparents of a daughter born Sunday, January 13 at F Edward Herbert Hospital inNew Orleans, La. The baby weighed 8pounds, 2 ounces and has been named Lea Anne.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harrell Tarlton of Florence, S C and Mr andMrs James Ethridge of Americus. She isthe great-granddaughter of Mrs Griff Ethridge, Mrs Olin Williams and Mrs SaraLee. TR, Wed 23 Jan 1980

Ethridge, Margie Ann - Mr and Mrs Jerome Ethridge, of 109Daniel Street, announce the birth of a 4 pound, 4 ½ ounce daughter, April 21,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name ofMargie Ann. TR, Wed 22 Apr 1964

Ethridge, Not name - Mr and Mrs W B Ethridge, of 401 East HillStreet, announce the birth of a 10 pound, 1 ounce son, August 27, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 28 Aug 1961

Ethridge, Not named - Mr and Mrs G E Ethridge, of Leslie,announce the birth of a son, who was born Monday, April 24, at the PratherClinic. TR, Wed 26 Apr 1939

Ethridge, Not named - Mr and Mrs G E Ethridge announce thebirth of a son, Saturday, July 6, at city hospital. TR, Wed 10 Jul 1946

Ethridge, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Ethridge announce thebirth of a daughter Saturday, January 15, at city hospital. TR, Thu 20 Jan 1944

Ethridge, Not named - Mr and Mrs Richard L Ethridge, of 819Douglas Drive, are the parents of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter, born December27 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Fri 27 Dec 1963

Ethridge, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ronald Ethridge are theparents of a 7 pound, 4 ounce daughter, born Thursday, June 12 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Edward Ethridge of Route 4 Leslie and Mr andMrs Roy Farr, of Rogers Street. TR,Fri 13 Jun 1969

Ethridge, Walter Jerome Jr - Mr and Mrs Walter Jerome Ethridgeof 109 Daniel Street, announce the birth of a son, Walter Jerome Jr, October 2at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces.TR, Tue 2 Oct 1962

Eubanks, Connie Elaine - Mr and Mrs W R Eubanks, of Route 2,Americus, are the parents of a 5 pound, 3 ounce daughter, born October 26 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Connie Elaine.TR, Mon 29 Oct 1962

Eubanks, Crystal Gay - Mr and Mrs J R Eubanks, of 708 SunsetDrive, announce the birth of a daughter, March 22, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named Crystal Gay. TR, Wed 23 Mar 1960

Eubanks, L P Jr - Mr and Mrs Lawrence P Eubanks announce thebirth of a son, September 25th at their home near Ellaville, who hasbeen given the name L P Jr. Mrs Eubankswill be remembered as Miss Pearl Toms of Americus before her marriage. TR, Fri 27 Sep 1929

Eubanks, Lane Bradley - Mr and Mrs Larry Eubanks of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a son, Lane Bradley, born January 14 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds,10 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Lawton Giddens of Ellaville and the late Mr and Mrs L P Eubanks ofAmericus. Great-grandparents are Mrs W AMcDuffie and the late Mr W A McDuffie of Hawkinsville and Mr and Mrs LawrenceEubanks of Ellaville. Brad, as the babyis called, has a sister, Lauren, age ten and a brother, Dusty, four. TR, Fri 27 Jan 1989

Eubanks, Larry Dale Jr - Mr and Mrs Larry Eubanks ofEllaville announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce son, Larry Dale Jr, bornMonday, November 19 at Sumter Regional Hospital. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs LawtonGiddens of Ellaville and the late Mr and Mrs L P Eubanks of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs LawrenceEubanks of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs W A McDuffie of Hawkinsville. He has a sister, Lauren 5. TR, Tue 4 Dec 1984

Eubanks, Lauren Marie - Mr and Mrs Larry Eubanks of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a daughter born Sunday, February 4 who has been namedLauren Marie. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Lawton Giddens and Lawrence Eubanks, all of Ellaville. TR, Tue 20 Feb 1979

Eubanks, Not named - Mr and Mrs J R Eubanks announce thebirth of a son, born Sunday, December 25, at the city hospital. TR, Wed 28 Dec 1938

Eubanks, Not named - Mr and Mrs L D Eubanks announce the birthof a daughter, born October 28, at their home on the Plains road. Before marriage Mrs Eubanks was KathleenDavis, of Andersonville. TR, Fri 4Nov 1938

Eubanks, Not named - Mr and Mrs O A Eubanks announce thebirth of a son, Tuesday, January 14, at the city hospital. TR, Wed 15 Jan 1941

Eubanks, Randee Byrd - Mr and Mrs Freddie Eubanks of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Randee Byrd, born October 19 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 1 ounce at birth . Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Melvin Nussbaum of Bainbridge and Mrs Cornelia Eubanks ofManchester. TR, Mon 3 Nov 1986

Eubanks, Robert Todd - Mr and Mrs John R Eubanks, ofLeesburg, announce the birth of a six pound, 1 ounce son, August 26 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of RobertTodd. TR, Tue 27 Aug 1963

Eubanks, Sonny Jaye - Mr and Mrs J B Eubanks, of Ellaville,announce the birth of an 8 pound son, Saturday, October 20, at their home. The baby has been named Sonny Jaye. TR, Tue 23 Oct 1945

Eubanks, William Paul - Mr and Mrs W H Eubanks announce thebirth of 6 pound, 11 ounce son, September 14 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named William Paul.TR, Thu 15 Sep 1960

Eusner, Erin Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Paul Eusner are theparents of a daughter born Tuesday, December 6 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital who weighed 10 pounds, 1 ounce.The infant has been named Erin Elizabeth. Grandparents of Erin, as she will be called,are Mr and Mrs George Eusner of Americus and Mr and Mrs Paul Murphy ofMoultrie. TR, Fri 16 Dec 1977

Eusner, Georgia Leigh - Mr and Mrs Paul Eusner announce thebirth of a daughter, Georgia Leigh, who was born January 22 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 5 ½ ounces at birth.The maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Paul Murphy of Moultrie andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs George Eusner of Americus. The maternal great-grandparents are Mr andMrs M A Rogers of Moultrie and the infant’s paternal great-grandparents are Mrand Mrs R P Eusner of Monticello, NY. TR,Thu 29 Jan 1976

Eusner, Jennifer Elise - Mr and Mrs Martin Eusner, ofBoalsburg, Pa, announce the birth of a daughter born Sunday, December 30 atCentre Community Hospital, State College, Pa.The baby, who has been named Jennifer Elise, weighed 8 pounds, 2ounces. Her mother is the former LindaDorman of Americus. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Charlie Dorman and Mr and Mrs George Eusner of Americus. She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs EliseEusner of Monticello, N Y. TR, Mon 31Dec 1979

Eusner, Matthew Paul - Mr and Mrs Paul Eusner of Boston,Mass announce the birth of a 9 pound, 4 ounce son born at Brigham and Woman’sHospital, Boston. The infant has beennamed Matthew Paul and has two sisters, Georgia and Erin. Matt, as he will be called is the grandson ofMr and Mrs Paul Murphy of Moultrie and Mr and Mrs George R Eusner ofAmericus. TR, Wed 5 Aug 1981

Evans, Allen Monroe - Lt and Mrs W G Evans, of DeSoto,announce the birth of a son, Friday, May 13 who weighed 12 pounds. The baby has been named Allen Monroe. Mrs Evans was before marriage Miss BettyMonroe, of Leslie. TCN, Thu 19 May1949

Evans, Daniel Thomas - Is the name of the son of Mr and MrsDudley Evans, of 408 Florence Drive, Albany, who was born at the Phoebe PutneyHospital August 20. Mr and Mrs Evans areformer Americus residents. The baby isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs H L Gladden of Albany and Mr and Mrs W H Evans ofEastman. TR, Tue 24 Oct 1967

Evans, Forrest James - Mr and Mrs Ron Evans of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Forrest James, born Monday, November 2 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 9pounds, 5 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Hal Todd of Shell Point, Fla and paternalgrandparents are Ms Beth Evans of Baton Rouge, La and Del Evans of Holden,La. The infant has a sister, Amber, agefour. TR, Tue 3 Nov 1987

Evans, Gina Nanette - Mr and Mrs Bob Evans, of 228 FriedaLane, are the parents of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter, born March 7, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Gina Nanette. TR,Mon 9 Mar 1964

Evans, Gloria - Mr and Mrs S S Evans announce the birth ofa daughter Monday, August 14, at their home, 640 Felder Street, who has beengiven the name of Gloria. TR, Tue 15Aug 1922

Evans, Howell McKeene Jr - Mr and Mrs H M Evans, ofJacksonville, Fla, announce the birth of a little son on Friday, March 26, whowill be called Howell McKeene Jr. MrsEvans will be most pleasantly remembered in Americus as Miss Geraldine Payne. TR, Mon 5 Apr 1926

Evans, John Dwayne - Mr and Mrs Chester Evans, of Americus,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 6 ounce son, John Dwayne, born February 20 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The maternal grandparents are Mrs Vera Christian of Fulton, Miss and thepaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs O H Evans of Smithville, Mississippi. TR, Fri 20 Feb 1970

Evans, John Oscar Evans IV - Mr and Mrs John Oscar EvansIII announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce son born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on Thursday, April 14.The infant has been named John Oscar Evans IV. Chip, as the baby will be called is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs John G Shell of Americus and Mr and Mrs J O Evans Jr ofBlakely. TR, Wed 20 Apr 1977

Evans, Kayla Lynn - Jarrod Evans and Joni Minick of Prestonannounce the birth of a daughter, Kayla Lynn, born February 22 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds. Maternal grandparents are WayneMinick and Nancy Minick of Preston.Paternal grandparents are Ronnie Evans and Martha Evans of Forsyth. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Thad MinickSr of Preston, Roscoe Welch of Buena Vista, Bobby Evans and Rita Gates ofJuliette and Mr and Mrs Hugh Smith of Forsyth.TR, Wed 19 Mar 1997

Evans, Kristopher Michael - Mr and Mrs Bobby Evans ofAmericus announce the birth of an 8 pound, 14 ounce son, Kristopher Michael,born May 14 at the Martin Army Hospital in Columbus. Mrs Evans is the former Deborah Brantlow ofLakewood, California. The maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Aldrian Bantlow of Lakewood and the paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Watson Evans of Leslie. The paternal great-grandmother is Mrs AllenEvans of DeSoto. TR, Tue 24 May 1977

Evans, Lois Ellen - Mr and Mrs S S Evans, of 649 FelderStreet, announce the birth of a daughter, May 24, who will be called Lois EllenEvans. TR, Sat 24 May 1924

Evans, Matthew Ryan - Annette and Leonard Newton Evans IIIof Plains announce the birth of a son, Matthew Ryan, born May 25 at the MedicalCenter of Columbus. The infant, who isto be called Matthew, weighed 3 pounds, 10 ounces at birth. Paternal grandparents are Leonard N Evans Jrof Dothan, Ala and the late Mrs Sarah B Evans and maternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs David H McLemore Jr of Plains.Paternal great-grandmother is Mrs Pearl Evans of Plains and maternalgreat-grandmother is Mrs Eva Lottie McLemore of Leesburg. TR, Wed 1 Jun 1988

Evans, Michael Eric - Mr and Mrs John O Evans announce thebirth of a son born Wednesday, January 24 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 7pounds, 4 ½ ounces has been given the name of Eric Evans. Grandparents of the baby are Mr and Mrs JohnShell of this city and Mr and Mrs J O Evans Jr of Blakely. TR, Sat 27 Jan 1973

Evans, Michelle Lorraine - Mr and Mrs James Evans, 904Felder Street, announce the birth of a daughter on Saturday at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby weighed7 pounds and has been named Michelle Lorraine.TR, Thu 13 Feb 1969

Evans, Patrick Hamilton - Watson and Kay Evans of Albanyannounce the birth of a son, Patrick Hamilton, born March 5 at Phoebe PutneyHospital, Albany. The infant weighed 8pounds, 7 ounces. Maternal grandparentsare Carl and Nancy Hamilton of Shellman.Paternal grandparents are Watson and Betty Evans of Leslie. TR, Mon 18 Mar 1996

Evans, Phillip Ashley - Is the name of the seven-pound,five-ounce son born to Mr and Mrs Claude H Evans, of the Leslie Road Thursday,March 11, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 15 Mar 1954

Evans, Richard Scott - Mr and Mrs Bobby Evans, of 410 PeggyAnn Drive, announce the birth of a son Saturday, December 2, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who weighed 8 pounds, has been named Richard Scott. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs C A Evans ofPavo, Ga and Mrs Fred NeSmith and the late Mr NeSmith of Thomasville. TR, Sat 9 Dec 1967

Evans, Robert Brian - A baby weighing 11 pounds was bornhere August 26 to Mrs Betty I Evans, wife of Master Sgt Watson G Evans,USMC. Evans, who is serving with SecondShore Party, C Company, is the son of Mrs Sadie Evans of Box 33, DeSoto,GA. Mrs Evans is the daughter of Mr andMrs John M Monroe, of Leslie, GA. Thebaby, named Robert Brian, is the fourth child for the Evans family who areresiding at 594 West Pelein Dr, Tarawa Terrace, Camp LeJeune. TCN Thu, 11 Sep 1952

Evans, Sarah Helen - Mr and Mrs John Paul Evans, ofWashington, D C, announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, March 13, at theGeorge Washington University hospital, who has been named Sarah Helen. Mrs Evans is the former Miss EugeniaThomas. TR, Mon 19 Mar 1956

Evans, Stephanie Ann - Mr and Mrs James Edward Evansannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ½ ounce daughter born Monday, June 5 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Stephanie Ann. TR,Thu 8 Jun 1972

Eve, Matthew Wade - Mr and Mrs Christopher Eve ofAmericus announce the birth of a son born Tuesday, March 15 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The infant, whoweighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces has been given the name Matthew Wade Eve. Mrs Eve is the former Miss Kathy Wade ofHawkinsville. He is the grandson of Mrand Mrs Ronald Wade of Hawkinsville and Mr and Mrs Edward Eve of Meridian,Mississippi. His great-grandparents areMrs Clyde Bell and Mr and Mrs Loran Wade, all of Cordele and Mrs Enid Mitchell,Chaltenham, England. TR, Fri 18 Mar1983

Everett, Ashley Oterio - Jeff and Norma Everett of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Ashley Oterio, born Feb 12 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,13 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Bob Arnett of Americus and maternal grandparents areMr and Mrs Wallis Woodham of Cordele.Ashley has three sisters, Kelly, 8, Christie, 7, and Brittany, 3. TR, Sat 12 Mar 1994

Everett, Benjamin Randall - Mr and Mrs Randy Everett ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Benjamin Randall, born June 14 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Larry Everett of Americus; Mr and Mrs Jim Faircloth, Americus.Mr and Mrs Perry Johnson of Montezuma are great-grandparents. TR, Tue 5 Jul 1988

Everett, Brandon Williams - Mr and Mrs Rusty Everett ofGriffin announce the birth of a son, Brandon Williams, born Saturday, October11 at Griffin-Spalding County Hospital.The infant weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces at birth. He has a brother, Daniel, age two. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs LarryEverett of Americus and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Mack Williams ofBuena Vista. TR, Tue 14 Oct 1986

Everett, Casey Allen - Mr and Mrs Randy Everett of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Casey Allen, born Monday, July 23 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 10 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Larry Everett and maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Jim Faircloth, all of Americus.Great-grandfather is Perry Johnson of Montezuma. The infant has a brother, Benjamin Randall,age two. TR, Wed 1 Aug 1990

Everett, Cherrie Gail - Mr and Mrs Douglas Everett announcethe birth of a daughter at Americus and Sumter Count Hospital Monday, November23, who weighted 8 pounds, two ounces.The baby has been named Cherrie Gail.Mrs Everett is the former Miss Edna West. TR, Tue 24 Nov 1953

Everett, Cleveland Jackson Jr - Mr and Mrs Jack Everett, ofBaton Rouge, La, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son, Thursday,September 15, who has been named Cleveland Jackson Jr. Mrs Everett is the former Miss DeeWeaver. TR, Wed 21 Sep 1955

Everett, Daniel Jackson - Rusty and Susan Everett ofMontezuma announce the birth of a son, Daniel Jackson Everett, November 8,weighing 6 pounds, 14 ounces. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Larry Everett of Americus and the maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Mack Williams, Buena Vista. The paternal great-grandfather is PerryJohnson of Montezuma and the maternal great-grandmother is Mrs Paige Fuller ofGeneva. The maternalgreat-great-grandmother is Mrs Marvin A Fuller Sr of Geneva. TR, Thu 10 Nov 1983

Everett, Daniel Jr - Mr and Mrs Daniel Everett, of Savannah,announce the birth of a son, born Sunday, September 5, who has been namedDaniel Everett Jr. Mr Everett is aformer resident of Americus. TR, Sat11 Sep 1937

Everett, Debra Joan - Is the name of the daughter born to Mrand Mrs A C Everett, of 116 West Church Street, Saturday, March 27, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 30 Mar 1954

Everett, Donna Sue - Mr and Mrs E C Everett, of Plains,announce the birth of a daughter, Donna Sue, who was born Monday, February 20at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby weighed 7 pounds and one ounce.TR, Wed 22 Feb 1956

Everett, Ernest Lionel - Mr and Mrs E J Everett announce thebirth of a seven-pound son, Saturday, Sept 28, at their home on DudleyStreet. The baby has been given the nameErnest Lionel. TR, Wed 2 Oct 1935

Everett, James Cleveland - Mr and Mrs Jake Everett ofPreston, Ga announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son born Saturday, April4 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital who has been named JamesCleveland. Mrs Everett is the formerMargie Deriso of Americus. Jaydon, asthe infant will be called is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Cleveland Deriso ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs J T Everett Sr of Preston. His great-grandfathers are A W Jones of FtCollins, Colorado and W E Everett of Plains, Ga. TR, Wed 8 Apr 1981

Everett, Kenneth Lee Jr - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Lee Everett ofAmericus announce the birth of a 5 pound, 9 ounce son, Kenneth Lee Everett Jr,born Tuesday, May 22 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. Lee is the grandson of Mr and Mrs David Peakof Americus and Mr and Mrs L Talmadge Everett of Vienna. Great-grandparents are Mrs John H Peak ofAmericus, Cordes Oetjen of Decatur and Mrs L O Everett of Pinehurst. TR, Thu 31 May 1984

Everett, Lauren Brook - Mr and Mrs Rusty Everett of Griffinannounce the birth of a daughter, Lauren Brook, born October 25 atGriffin-Spalding County Hospital. Theinfant weighed 9 pounds, 7 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Mac Williams of Buena Vista andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Larry Everett, Americus. The baby has two brothers, Daniel, age fiveand Brandon, age two. Mrs Everett is theformer Miss Susan Williams of Americus. TR,Wed 2 Nov 1988

Everett, Marie Annette - Mr and Mrs W L Everett announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, March 30, at city hospital, who has been namedMarie Annette. Mrs Everett was formerlyMiss Sara Whitman. TR, Thu 3 Apr1947

Everett, Marion Bradley - Mr and Mrs Jack Everett, of EastPoint, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son, Monday, April 6, who hasbeen named Marion Bradley and will be called Brad. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs E JEverett, of this city. TR, Tue 7 Apr1959

Everett, Not named - Mr and Mrs Guy Everett, of Richland,announce the birth of a son Wednesday, October 19, at Prather Clinic. TR, Fri 21 Oct 1949

Everett, Not named - Mr and Mrs Herman D Everett, of Cordele,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ½ ounce son, October 8, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Tue 11Oct 1960

Everett, Not named - Mr and Mrs J T Everett, Preston,announce the birth of a boy October 11 at Prather Clinic. TCN, Thu 16 Oct 1952

Everett, Not named - Mr and Mrs William Everett announce thebirth of a boy born Wednesday at City Hospital weighing 6 pounds, 3ounces. TCN, Thu 24 Jul 1952

Everett, Richard Lionel - Mr and Mrs Larry Everett, ofMontezuma, announce the birth of a son, Richard Lionel, who weighed 6 pounds,14 ounces. The baby was born Saturday,August 1 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. Mrs Everett was Miss Lynn Johnson ofMontezuma. Grandparents are Mr and MrsPerry Johnson of Montezuma and Mrs E J Everett and the late Mr Everett ofAmericus. TR, Tue 4 Aug 1970

Everett, Ruth - Mr and Mrs Sam Everett, of Savannah, announcethe birth of a daughter, Wednesday, January 6, who has been named Ruth. Mr Everett is a former resident ofAmericus. TR, Tue, 12 Jan 1943

Everett, Shirley Ann - Mr and Mrs Guy Everett, of Richland,announce the birth of a daughter, Shirley Ann, Monday, July 24, at cityhospital. TR, Friday 28 Jul 1944

Everett, Virginia Roseann - Mr and Mrs Jake Everett ofPreston announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ½ ounce daughter, Virginia Roseann,born Friday, April 27 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. Jenne’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs GroverDeriso of Americus and Mrs J T Everett of Preston. Great-grandfather is A W Jones of FortCollins, Colo. She has a brother Jayson,age 3. TR, Mon 30 Apr 1984

Everette, Brenda Carol - Mr and Mrs E C Everette announce thebirth of a daughter, Thursday, October 6, at City Hospital, who has been namedBrenda Carol. Mrs Everette is the formerMiss Mary Helen Paul. TR, Sat 8 Oct1949

Everette, Elizabeth Eugenia - Mr and Mrs Henry TaylorEverette, of Wilmington, NC, announce the birth of a baby girl August 14, atthe Americus and Sumter County hospital, who has been given the name ofElizabeth Eugenia. Mrs Everette will beremembered as Miss Eugenia Bragg. TR,Wed 19 Aug 1931

Everette, James Randall - Mr and Mrs Larry Everette, ofMontezuma, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ½ ounce son at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, April 17, who has been named James Randall. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs E JEverette, of the Leslie Road. TR, Thu18 Apr 1963

Everidge, Not named - Mr and Mrs Herschell Everidge announcethe birth of a daughter, at the City Hospital, January 22. TR, Fri 29 Jan 1932

Everidge, W H Jr - Mr and Mrs W H Everidge announce the birthof a son August 5th at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, whohas been given the name W H Jr. TR,Thursday 23 Aug 1928

Ewing, Arthur Wellington III - Mr and Mrs Bill Ewingannounce the birth of a son, Arthur Wellington III on Saturday, October 1 atthe Medical Center in Columbus. Bo, ashe will be called, weighed 8 pounds, 3 ½ ounces. The infant’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs C WEwing and Mr and Mrs David Guest. He hasa sister, Chesley Beth. TR, Tue 4 Oct1977

Ewing, Benjamin Charles - Brad and Penny Ewing ofHuntsville, Ala announce the birth of a son, Benjamin Charles, born February 15at the Huntsville Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces. Maternalgrandparents are Jo Ann and Charles Kneddler of Huntsville. Paternalgrandparents are David and June Ewing of Americus. Great-grandmother is Mabel Brooks ofLaGrange. Benjamin has a brother,Jonathan, 2. TR, Mon 19 Feb 1996

Ewing, Chesley Beth - Mr and Mrs Bill Ewing are the parentsof a daughter born Wednesday, August 27 at the Medical Center in Columbus. The baby weighed 8 pounds, 11 ½ ounce and hasbeen given the name of Chesley Beth. MrsEwing is the former Beth Guest of Americus.The grandparents are Mr and Mrs C K Ewing and Mr and Mrs David Guestalso of this city. TR, Thu 28 Aug1975

Ewing, Jonathan David - Brad and Penny Ewing of Huntsville,Ala announce the birth of a son, Jonathan David, born Jul1 at the HuntsvilleHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds,13 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are David and June Ewing of Americus and maternal grandparents areCharles and Joann Knedler of Huntsville.TR, Wed 24 Aug 1994

Ewing, Not named - Mr and Mrs C K Ewing announce the birthof a son, Sunday, December 4, at city hospital, who weighed 8 pounds, 9ounces. TR, Tue 6 Dec 1949

Exley, Christopher Tyler - Christopher and Sherry Exleyannounce the birth of a son, Christopher Tyler, born September 11 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 3 ounces. Paternal grandparentsare Wayne and Judy Exley of Americus.Maternal grandparents are Debbie and Terry Crowe of Atlanta. Great-grandparents are Ruth Exley, Cuthbert;Catherine O Kuhlman of Ormond Beach, Fla; Myra and Billy Pennington of Americusand Frances Crowe of Atlanta. TR, Tue17 Sep 1996

Exum, Charles Thomas Jr - Mr and Mrs Charles T Exum, ofLeslie, announce the birth of a son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospitalon September 8, who weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces.The baby has been given the name of Charles Thomas Jr. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs W O Exum ofSmithville and Mrs and Mrs C C Thompson of Fairburn, Ga. TR, Mon 12 Sep 1966

Exum, Justine - Mr and Mrs W O Exum, of Smithville,announce the birth of a daughter Nov 7, who has been given the name ofJustine. Mrs Exum was before hermarriage Miss Annie Mae Tucker. TR,Fri 10 Nov 1933

Exum, Troy Clifton - Mr and Mrs Charles T Exum, of Leslie,announce the birth of a son, born October 18, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, whoweighed 7 pounds, 12 ½ ounce. The baby,who has been named Troy Clifton is the grandson of Mr and Mrs C C Thompson, ofFairburn, Georgia and Mr and Mrs W O Exum, of Smithville. The maternal great-grandparents are Mr andMrs B E Milam of Fairburn and Mrs W B Elder of Fayetteville, Ga. TR, Mon 21 Oct 1968

Ezell, Robin Marion - Mr and Mrs O Z Ezell, of 215 TaylorStreet, are the parents of an 8 pound, 3 ounce daughter, born January 17, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Robin Marion.TR, Mon 20 Jan 1964

Fabian, Not named - Mr and Mrs Frank Fabian, of Montezuma,are the parents of a 5 pound, 12 ounce son, born December 16, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Thu16 Dec 1965

fa*gan, Not named - Mr and Mrs J D fa*gan, of Albany,announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, October 5, at city hospital. TR, Wed 9 Oct 1940

fa*glie, Johnny Rainey III - Mr and Mrs Johnny fa*glieannounce the birth of a son Saturday, June 25 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Johnny Rainey III.. Mrs fa*glie was before marriage Miss GwendolynRobinson of Buena Vista. TR, Tue 28Jun 1955

fa*glie, Moana Christy - Mr and Mrs Johnny fa*glie announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter Sunday, December 15 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital who hasbeen named Moana Christy. The baby isthe granddaughter of Mrs Sara Robinson of Buena Vista and Mrs J R fa*glie Sr ofAmericus. TR, Tue 17 Dec 1968

fa*glie, Not named - Mr and Mrs J R fa*glie announce the birthof a six-pound baby girl, Wednesday morning, June 14, at the Americus andSumter county hospital. The baby has notbeen named yet. TR, Thu 15 Jun 1933

fa*glie, Not named - Mr and Mrs J R fa*glie announce the birthof a son April 29, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Tue 8 May 1928

Failor, Austin Marshall - Alice and Steve Failor ofLawrenceville announce the birth of a son, Austin Marshall, born September 10at Gwinnett Women’s Pavilion in Lawrenceville.The infant weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces at birth. Mrs Failor is the former Alice Mathews ofAmericus. Maternal grandparents areRonny and Dodi Nelson of Reynolds and Walter Mathews of Americus. Paternal grandparents are Eugene and MurielFailor of Eagan, Minn. Great-grandmotheris Mae Mathews of Buena Vista. TR,Thu 12 Oct 1995

Fain, Charles Jr - Mr and Mrs Charles Fain announce thebirth of a 7 pound son Thursday, September 27, at city hospital, who has beennamed Charles Jr. TR, Mon 1 Oct 1951

Fain, Leon Benjamin Jr - Mr and Mrs L B Fain announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce son, Friday, May 30, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named Leon Benjamin Jr. TR, Mon 2 Jun 1958

Fain, Martha Ann - Mr and Mrs L B Fain announce the birthof a daughter Sunday, May 17, at city hospital.TR, Tue 19 May 1942

Fain, Not named - Mr and Mrs Leo Fain, of 301 Judy Lane,announce the birth of an eight pound daughter Tuesday, September 27, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 27 Sep 1955

Fairbrother, Charles Howard Jr - Mr and Mrs C H Fairbrotherannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 5 ounce son Monday, December 11 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Charles Howard Jr. The baby is the grandson of Mr and MrsCharles Fairbrother and Mr and Mrs W B Dupree, all of Americus. TR, Tue 12 Dec 1967

Fairbrother, Charles William - Charles and Tonya Fairbrother ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Charles William, born Monday, December 24at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Brenton McCarty and Mr and MrsChuck Fairbrother and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Melvin McInnis. All are of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs W B DupreeSr of Americus and Mrs Tommie Greene of Buena Vista. TR, Tue 1 Jan 1991

Fairbrother, Kiley - Mr and Mrs Chuck Fairbrother announce thebirth of an 8 pound daughter born Tuesday, March 27 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The infant has beengiven the name of Kiley. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs J O Dew and Aris Perry of Americus and Mr and Mrs CharlesFairbrother of Lake Blackshear. TR,Mon 31 Mar 1980

Fairbrother, Vivian Camille - Mr and Mrs Chuck Fairbrother announcethe birth of a 5 pound, 15 ½ ounce daughter born Wednesday, Christmas Day 1986,at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who has been namedVivian Camille for her two grandmothers is to be called Cami. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs W BDupree and Mr and Mrs Charles Fairbrother of Americus and thegreat-granddaughter of Mrs N Fairbrother and Mr G C Dupree, also of thiscity. TR, Fri 27 Dec 1968

Faircloth, Carey Lynn - Mr and Mrs Ed Faircloth Jr, of theLamar Road, announce the birth of a little girl born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on Monday, January 31.The baby has been named Carey Lynn.Grandparents of the infant on her maternal side are Mrs Joyce Ellison ofAtlanta and Guy Ellison of Cordele and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs EdFaircloth Sr, Leslie. The baby has agreat-grandmother, Mrs Ethel G West, of DeSoto and a sister Tara. TR Tue 1 Feb 1977

Faircloth, Christina Belle - Mr and Mrs J A Faircloth announcethe birth of a daughter Saturday, December 19 who weighed 7 pounds, 7ounces. She has been given the name ofChristina Belle and will be called Christy.The infant is the granddaughter of Dr and Mrs Clinton Holloway of Plainson her maternal side and her paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Jimmy WFaircloth of Smithville. Her maternalgreat-grandparents are Mr and Mrs B E Holloway and her paternalgreat-grandmothers are Mrs Freda Taylor and Mrs Clyde Faircloth. TR, Wed 30 Dec 1981

Faircloth, Daniel Morgan - Mr and Mrs Thomas T Faircloth, ofRoute 4, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ½ ounce son, April 15, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Daniel Morgan. TR, Mon 17 Apr 1961

Faircloth, Elizabeth Irene - Mr and Mrs Ed Faircloth Jr, of theLamar Road, are the parents of a daughter born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital Tuesday, August 26. Thebaby, who has been named Elizabeth Irene will be called Betsy. She has two sisters, Tara and Carey. The infant’s maternal grandparents are MrsJoyce Ellison of Stone Mountain and Guy W Ellison of Cordele and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Ed Faircloth Sr of Leslie. Mrs Ethel W West of DeSoto is Betsy’sgreat-grandmother. TR, Wed 27 Aug1980

Faircloth, Garrett Taylor - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Faircloth ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Garrett Taylor, born Tuesday, September29 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Theinfant weighed 9 pounds, 10 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Jimmy W Faircloth and Mr and Mrs ClintonHolloway of Americus. Great-grandparentsare Mrs Clyde Faircloth; Mrs Fredia Taylor and Mrs Alice Holloway. The infant has a sister, Christy, age five. TR, Thu 1 Oct 1987

Faircloth, Not named - Mr and Mrs B F Faircloth, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, October 1, at city hospital. TR, Thu 2 Oct 1947

Faircloth, Not named - Mr and Mrs E E Faircloth announce thebirth of a daughter at Americus and Sumter County Hospital January 27. TR, Wed 28 Jan 1953

Faircloth, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ed E Faircloth, of Leslie,are the parents of a 7 pound, 11 ounce daughter, born February 27 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 28 Feb 1963

Faircloth, Not named - Mr and Mrs T W Faircloth, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, March 3, at city hospital. TR, Tue 4 Mar 1947

Faircloth, Tara Leanne - Mr and Mrs Ed E Faircloth Jr, ofDeSoto, announce the birth of a baby girl born Tuesday, March 12 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Theinfant, who weighed 7 pounds has been named Tara Leanne. Tara is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs W GuyEllison of Leslie and Mr and Mrs Ed F Faircloth Sr, Lamar Road. Her great-grandmother is Mrs Ethel G West ofDeSoto. TR, Wed 13 Mar 1974

Faircloth, Thomas Ferrell - Mr and Mrs W M Faircloth announcethe birth of a son, Thomas Ferrell, born Sunday, July 31. Prior to her marriage Mrs Faircloth was MissEvelyn Morgan, of this city. TR, Wed3 Aug 1938

Fambro, Elmer Carlton Jr - Mr and Mrs E Fambro, of Atlanta,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son Friday, November 10, who hasbeen given the name Elmer Carlton Jr. TR,Sat 18 Nov 1939

Fambro, Joan - Mr and Mrs E C Fambro, of Decatur, announcethe birth of a daughter, August 1, who has been given the name Joan. Mr and Mrs Fambro are former Americusresidents. TR, Thursday 4 Aug 1932

Fambro, Not named - Mr and Mrs E C Fambro, of Atlanta, formerlyof Americus, announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, October 5, at EmoryUniversity hospital. TR, Sat 9 Oct1948

Farley, John William - David and Marcia Farley of Americusannounce the birth of a son, John William, born April 30 at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds at birth. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs JohnFarley of Americus and Mr and Mrs Charles Smith of Ellaville. The baby has a sister, Jenny, age three. TR, Thu 20 May 1993

Farmer, Amanda Leigh - Mr and Mrs Mike Farmer, of DeSoto,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce daughter, Amanda Leigh, (who will becalled Mandy) at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital June 28. Her maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs HughSlaton Sr of DeSoto and her paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Billy Farmerof Cobb, Ga. TR, Tue 1 Jul 1975

Farmer, John Jefferson Jr - Mr and Mrs Jeff Farmer ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, John Jefferson Jr, born June 6 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 1 ounce at birth. Mrs Farmer isthe former Miss Lisa Echols of Americus.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Jerry Johnson of Americus and TommyEchols of Bessamer, Ala and paternal grandparents are Mrs Betty Farmer of Cobband Bill Ray Farmer of Leesburg. TR,Thu 13 Jun 1991

Farmer, Kelli Michele - Jeff and Lisa Farmer of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Kelli Michele, born September 25 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 5 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Jerry and Edwina Johnson of Americus, Tommy Echols of Bessemer, Ala, MsBetty Farmer of Cobb and Billy Ray Farmer of Leesburg. Kelli has one brother, John Jefferson Jr, 16months old. Mrs Farmer is the formerLisa Echols of Americus. TR, Wed 30Sep 1992

Farnsworth, Mary Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs David E Farnsworthannounce the birth of a daughter Thursday, October 28 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been given the name of Mary Elizabeth, weighed 8 pounds, 7 1/4 ounces. Grandparents of the infant are Mr and MrsClyde W Hodge of Fort Gaines and Mr and Mrs James D Farnsworth of Greenville,SC. TR, Fri 5 Nov 1976

Farr, Brenda Delores - Mr and Mrs Jack Farr announce thebirth of a daughter, Friday, November 14, at Prather clinic, who has been namedBrenda Delores. TR, Tue 18 Nov 1941

Farr, Donna Joy - Mr and Mrs J M Farr, of 804 Copper HillCircle, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce daughter, Saturday, December29, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named DonnaJoy. TR, Mon 31 Dec 1956

Farr, Edward Eugene Jr - Mr and Mrs Ed Farr, of 706Kingsway, announce the birth of a son Saturday, June 7 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whoweighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce has been named Edward Eugene Farr Jr. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs J E Farr ofAmericus and Elder and Mrs L M DeVane of Jennings, Fla. TR, Tue 10 Jun 1969

Farr, Gregory Charles - Mr and Mrs Tommy Farr announce thebirth of a son Saturday, September 7 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who was given the name of Gregory Charles. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs MarvinFarr of Columbus and Mr and Mrs L C Hicks of Americus. TR, Mon 9 Sep 1968

Farr, Gregory Morris - Mr and Mrs J M Farr announce thebirth of a son Saturday, January 9, at Americus and Sumter County Hospital, whoweighed 8 pounds. The baby has beennamed Gregory Morris. Mrs Farr is theformer Miss Betty Joyce McLendon, of Columbia, Ala. TR, Fri 15 Jan 1954

Farr, James Lorin - Mr and Mrs James M Farr are theparents of an 8 pound, 13 ½ ounce son, born Wednesday, May 4 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of James Lorin. TR,Wed 13 May 1970

Farr, Jennifer Colette - Mr and Mrs Walter Farr announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter born Thursday, October 16 at theRiverside Hospital in Montezuma. Thebaby has been given the name of Jennifer Colette. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs IsidroMartinez of Oglethorpe and Mr and Mrs Elgin Farr of Americus. TR, Fri 17 Oct 1975

Farr, Karen Renee -Mr and Mrs Edward E Farr, of 706 Kingway Street, announce the birth of a 6pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter January 3 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospitalwho has been named Karen Renee Farr.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs J E Farr of Americus and Elder and Mrs L MDeVane of Jennings, Fla. TR, Wed 4Jan 1967

Farr, Kelli Brooke - Mr and Mrs Greg Farr announce thebirth of a daughter at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Thursday,January 14. The baby, who weighed 6pounds, 12 ½ ounces has been named Kelli Brooke. Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs James Farr ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Marion Jones of Ellaville. TR, Mon 14 Jan 1974

Farr, Lana Kay - Mr and Mrs Millard Farr, of Plains,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ½ ounce daughter Friday, August 21 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital who has been given the name of LanaDay. The baby is the granddaughter of Mrand Mrs Elgin Farr of Americus and Mr and Mrs George Harper of Plains. TR, Tue 25 Aug 1970

Farr, Millard Cameron - Mr and Mrs Millard Farr are theparents of a baby boy born Tuesday, April 22 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The infant has been namedMillard Cameron Farr. He weighed 7pounds, 11 ounces. Grandparents of thebaby are Mr and Mrs George Harper of Plains and Mr and Mrs Elgin Farr ofAmericus. TR, Sat 26 Apr 1975

Farr, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Farr, of Huntsville,Ala, formerly of Americus announce the birth of a son Sunday, May 30. The baby weighed 5 pounds, 12 ounces. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Don Farr,former residents of Americus, now residing at Fort Myers, Fla and Mrs WillieSmith and the late Willie Smith, Smithville.TR, Mon 31 May 1971

Farr, Not named - Mr and Mrs John R Farr, of Athens,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce daughter Wednesday, May 7 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. MrsFarr is the former Miss Betty Smith of Smithville. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsWillie Smith of Smithville and Mr and Mrs Don Farr of Clearwater, Fla, formerlyof Americus. TR, Thu 8 May 1969

Farr, Pamela Joyce - Mr and Mrs James M Farr announce thebirth of a daughter Monday, April 28, at city hospital, who weighed 7 pounds, 73/4 ounces. The baby has been namedPamela Joyce. TR, Thu 1 May 1952

Farr, Robert Brian - Mr and Mrs Edward E Farr, of LaGrangeannounce the birth of a son Robert Brian who was born August 18 and weighed 7pounds, 1 ounce. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Jesse E Farr, Americus and Elder and Mrs L M DeVane, Jennings,Florida. TR, Fri 10 Sep 1971

Farr, Tracy Allison - Mr and Mrs Charles W Farr, ofEufaula, Alabama, announce the birth of a daughter, Tracy Allison, December 24th,at the St Francis Hospital in Columbus, Ga.Mrs Farr is the former Miss Carole Hicks. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs L C Hicks ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Marvin Farr of Columbus, Ga. Great-grandparents are Mrs Lillian Hicks ofColumbus and Mr and Mrs Noel Smith of Phenix City, Alabama. TR, Fri 1 Jan 1965

Farrell, Florence - Mr and Mrs F N Farrell, of ManhattanBeach, Calif, announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, August 3, who has been namedFlorence. Mrs Farrell is the former MissMartha Ivey of Americus. TR, Sat 18Aug 1945

Farrell, William Frederick - Mr and Mrs Frederick N Farrellannounce the birth of a son, August 5, athe the hospital at the Good Samariton,Los Angeles, Cal, who has been given the name William Frederick. Mrs Farrell will be remembered as Miss MarthaIvey, of Americus before her marriage. TR,Tue 22 Sep 1931

Farren, Not named - Mr and Mrs R M Farren, of 306 WildwoodCircle, announce the birth of a 7 pound son, July 26 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Wed, 22 Jul 1960

Farris, Not named - Mr and Mrs T H Farris announce the birthof a son, March 17, at their home on Dudley Street. TR, Thu 17 Mar 1921

Farrow, Dillon Colby - Steve and Wendy Farrow of Cordeleannounce the birth of a son, Dillon Colby, born Jul 29 at Crisp CountyHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds,11 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs William Pulliam of Americus and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs James Farrow of Cordele. TR, Sat 27 Aug 1994

Farthing, Not named - Mr and Mrs R E Farthing, of 58BFairfield, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ½ ounce son, January 16, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 17 Jan 1964

Farthing, Not named - Mr and Mrs Raymond E Farthing, of 59B,Fairfield, are the parents of a 7 pound, 13 1/4 ounce daughter, born October 17at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 18 Oct 1961

Faust, Eugene Lewis - A baby boy weighing 8 lbs, 5 ½ ozswas born November 21, to Mrs Mauree Faust, wife of James O Faust, boatswain’smate, first class, USN, of 401 Barlow, Americus, Ga, at the U S Naval Hospital,San diego, Calif. The baby has beennamed Eugene Lewis. The baby’s father isserving aboard the destroyer USS Mansfield.Mrs Faust is residing at 7346 Templeton St, San Diego. TR, Mon 11 Dec 1950

Faust, Hiram Madison III - Cpl and Mrs H M Faust Jrannounce the birth of a son, Saturday, April 21, at Prather Clinic, who hasbeen named Hiram Madison Faust III. MrsFaust is the former Miss Jane Leson, of Springfield, Mo. Cpl Faust is in Germany with the 1stArmy. TR, Wed 25 Apr 1945

Faust, Hyland Madison - Mr and Mrs H M Faust announce thebirth of a son, November 23, at their home on Bell Street, who has been namedHyland Madison. TR, Mon 28 Nov 1921

Faust, James Otis Jr - Mr and Mrs James Otis (Joe) Faustannounce the birth of a 5 pound, 11 ounce sonat the Naval Base Hospital, San Diego, California Friday, May 21, whohas been named James Otis Jr. Mrs Faustwas before marriage Miss Mauree Tucker, of San Diego. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs H MFaust, of this city. TR, Sat 29 May1948

Faust, James Otis - Mr and Mrs H M Faust announce the birthof a son March 21 at their home on Bell Street who has been named JamesOtis. Mrs Faust was Miss Louise Lawhorn,of Bronwood, before her marriage. TR,Sat 22 Mar 1924

Fay, Not named - Mr and Mrs T J Fay announce the birth ofa daughter at their home December 17, 1920.TR, Sun 19 Dec 1920

Feagin, David Allen - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Feagin, of Jonesboro,Arkansas, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son born Monday,October 17 at the St Bernard Catholic Hospital in Jonesboro who has been namedDavid Allen. The baby weighed 7 pounds,15 ounces. He has an older sisterMerenda. The infant is the grandson ofMr and Mrs William T Feagin of Dublin and the great-grandchild of the late MrsW T Feagin Sr of Americus. Mr and MrsHarold Jones of Americus are the baby’s Godparents. TR, Wed 19 Oct 1977

Feagin, Diane Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Roy Chester Feagin, ofFlushing, NY, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, January 18, at ahospital in Brooklyn, who has been named Diane Elizabeth. Mr Feagin is a former Americus resident. TR, Fri 19 Jan 1945

Feagin, Glenna Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Glenn Feagin, ofTupelo, Miss, announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, July 2 at StJoseph’s hospital in Atlanta. The baby,who weighed 7 ½ pounds has been named Glenna Elizabeth. Mrs Feagin is the former Miss Betty Jones, ofAtlanta and Mrs Feagin is a former Americus resident. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs TFeagin, of this city. TR, Wed 2 Jul1952

Feagin, James Allen - Mr and Mrs W T Feagin Jr announce thebirth of a son at Prather Clinic, Saturday, June 26, who has been named JamesAllen. TR, Mon 28 Jun 1948

Feagin, Leon Edwin - Mr and Mrs James Feagin announce thebirth of a son, Friday, Jan 11, at City Hospital, who has been given the nameLeon Edwin. Mrs Feagin was before marriageMiss Martha Hurdle. TR, Sat 12 Jan1946

Feagin, Not named - Mr and Mrs Chester Feagin, of Flushing,NY, announce the birth of a seven pound son, Monday, April 19. Mr Feagin is a former Americus young man,being the son of J G Feagin, 719 Hanco*ck Drive.TR, Tue 20 Apr 1943

Feagin, Stacey Alethea - Mr and Mrs Edwin Feagin announcethe birth of a 6 pound daughter at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onTuesday, May 13. The baby has been namedStacey Alethea. She is the granddaughterof Mrs James Feagin and the late Mr Feagin and Mrs W L Harrell and the late MrHarrell. TR, Thu 15 May 1969

Feagin, William Thomas III - Mr and Mrs W T Feagin Jrannounce the birth of a son, Sunday, December 30, at Prather Clinic, who hasbeen named William Thomas III. MrsFeagin was before marriage Miss Ruth McCorkle, of Richland. TR, Wed 2 Jan 1946

Feagin, William Thomas IV - Mr and Mrs W T Feagin III, of224 Freida Lane, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ½ ounce son Wednesday,September 18 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named William Thomas FeaginIV. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs M THarvey of Crawford, Mississippi and Mr and Mrs W T Feagin Jr of Dublin. His great-grandparents are Mrs Charles BGriffin of Columbus and Mrs W T Feagin Sr of Americus. TR, Sat 21 Sep 1968

Feagle, J A Jr - Mr and Mrs J A Feagle announce the birth ofa son on March 4, who will be called J A Feagle Jr. TR, Fri 5 Mar 1920

Felder, Twins - Mr and Mrs John B Felder, 305 VirginiaAvenue, Atlanta, announce the birth of twins, a boy who will be called John BFelder Jr, and a girl who has been given the name of Frances Felder. TR, Wed 18 Sep 1924

Felder, Virginia Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs W J Felder Jr, ofSavannah, announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, May 3, who weighed 7 ½pounds. The baby has been named VirginiaElizabeth. Mrs Felder is the former RuthMangham, daughter of Mr and Mrs J W Mangham, of Americus. TR, Wed 4 May 1949

Felk, Not named - Mr and Mrs Grover Felk, of Cobb,announce the birth of a daughter at Prather Clinic, September 17. TR, Thu 20 Sep 1951

Felker, Brian Keith - Mr and Mrs Sammy Felker, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a son Thursday, February 10 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby weighed 9pounds, 7 ½ ounces and has been named Brian Keith. Mrs Felker is the former Linda Bell. Mr and Mrs Jordan Bell of Oglethorpe are thebaby’s maternal grandparents. TR,Tuesday 22 Feb 1972

Felker, Debra Sheree - Mr and Mrs Roscoe Felker, of 310Jackson, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 15 ounce daughter, Thusday, December1 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named DebraSheree. TR, Thu 1 Dec 1955

Felker, Judith Larise - Mr and Mrs Sammy Felker, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a daughter, Judith Larise, born October 21 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces.TR, Mon 23 Oct 1961

Felker, Not named - Mr and Mrs C R Felker, of Dooling,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce daughter, Wednesday, February 20 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Thu 21 Feb 1957

Felker, Not named - Mr and Mrs Clifford Felker, of Route 1,Americus, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ounce daughter, Tuesday,September 15 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Wed 16 Sep 1959

Felker, Not named - Mr and Mrs Clifford Felker, of 711Sunset Drive, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce daughter, April 7 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 8 Apr 1964

Felker, Not named - Mr and Mrs S J Felker, or Route 1,Oglethorpe, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce daughter at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital on September 27.TR, Mon 28 Sep 1964

Felker, Not named - Mr and Mrs Sammy Felker are the parentsof a 7 pound, 5 ½ ounce son, born February 24 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Mon 25 Feb 1963

Felker, Rodney Lynn - Mr and Mrs Roscoe Felker announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce son Monday, March 17 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital who has been given the name of Rodney Lynn. TR, Wed 19 Mar 1969

Felkera, Not named - Mr and Mrs C R Felkera, of Dooling,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce son, Saturday, May 2, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 4 May 1959

Feltman, Kelly Frances - Kelly and LeAnne Feltman ofSmithville announce the birth of a daughter, Kelly Frances, born March 18 atPhoebe Putney Hospital, Albany. Kelly,as the infant is called, weighed 3 pounds, 11 ½ ounces. Maternal grandparents are Frances Irlbeck ofSmithville and Murray Smith of Plains.Paternal grandparents are Catherine Thompson of Covington and the lateAndy Feltman of Senoia.Great-grandmother is Allie Smith of Plains. TR, Thu 10 Apr 1997

Felts, Charles Hall III - Mr and Mrs Charles H Felts, ofAmericus, announce the birth of a son, Charles Hall III, on July 21, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 26 Jul 1954

Felty, Jack Thomas Jr - Mr and Mrs J T Felty, of 912 ½Angus Drive, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son, Tuesday, November18, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Jack ThomasJr. TR, Wed 19 Nov 1958

Fender, Horace Bennis Jr - Mr and Mrs Horace B Fender, ofColumbus, announce the birth of a son, May 27, who has been named Horace BennisJr. Mrs Fender is the former Miss KateTondee, of Ellaville. TR, Tue 24 Jun1947

Fendley, David Luke - Lance and Tina Fendley, formerly ofAmericus, announce the birth of a son, David Luke, born September 28 at theMethodist Medical Center, Jackson, Ms.The infant, who is called Luke, weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces atbirth. Grandparents are Gerald andCarolyn Fendley and Curtis and Helen Wiggins, all of Americus. Great-grandparents are Lois Valeria Fendleyof Inaha, Ga and the late Charles Fendley, Mrs Bessie Walls of Cordele and thelate Lester Wiggins of Marion, Co and the late Deal and Irene Jordan ofAmericus. TR, Sat 24 Oct 1992

Fenn, Twins - Dr and Mrs Henry Fenn announce the birth oftwins, a son and a daughter born Monday, September 19, at city hospital. The son, who weighs 5 pounds, 13 ounces, hasbeen named Christopher Ray and the daughter, who weighs 5 pounds and ½ ouncehas been given the name Theresa Anderson.Mrs Fenn is the former Miss Jane Anderson, of Jackson, Tenn. TR, Mon 19 Sep 1949

Fennedy, Not named - Mr and Mrs T E Fennedy, of Ashburn,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, April 27, at city hospital. TR, Thu 29 Apr 1943

Fennessy, Allison Lynn - Mr and Mrs Michael A Fennessyannounce the birth of a 7 pound baby girl born on St Valentine’s Day, February14 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The infant has been named Allison Lynn.She has a sister, Dana. Thegrandparents are Mr and Mrs T P Fennessy of Americus and Mrs W W Wise ofBonifay, Florida and the late J W Sewell of Plains. The great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs A JShivers of Americus and Mrs Alice Green of Plains. TR, Tue 15 Feb 1977

Fennessy, Dana Michele - Mr and Mrs Michael A Fennessy, ofMacon and Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter bornSaturday, October 23 at Patterson Hospital in Cuthbert. The baby has been named Dana Michele. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Tom PFennessy of Americus and Mr and Mrs J W Sewell of Plains. The great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs A JShivers of Americus and Mrs Alice Green of Plains. TR, Fri 29 Oct 1971

Fennessy, John Michael - Mr and Mrs Michael A Fennessyannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounces son born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on Thursday, November 16.The baby has been named John Michael.He has two sisters, Dana, 7 and Allison, 2. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Tom Fennessy ofAmericus and Mrs Martha S Wise and the late J W Sewell of Plains. He is the great-grand son of Mr and Mrs A JShivers, Americus and Mrs Alice Green, Plains.TR, Mon 20 Nov 1978

Fennessy, Suzann - Mr and Mrs T P Fennessy, of Chicago,announce the birth of a daughter, Suzann, Wednesday, August 14. Mrs Fennessy was before her marrige MissMervin Shivers, of this city. TR, Fri16 Aug 1946

Ferguson, Berrylin June - Dr and Mrs Emmet Ferguson, Jr, ofJacksonville, Fla, announce the birth of a daughter, Berrylin June, Thursday,September 1 at St Vincents hospital. Thebaby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Emmet Ferguson, of DeSoto. TR, Sat 10 Sep 1955

Ferguson, Beth - Mr and Mrs Billy Ferguson, of Rebecca,announce the birth of an eight-pound daughter, Friday, June 28, at the home ofMr and Mrs John Ferguson in DeSoto. Thebaby has been given the name Beth for it’s grandmother. Mrs Jno Ferguson. Both mother and daughter are doingnicely. TR, Fri 5 Jul 1935

Ferguson, Charles Jr - Mr and Mrs Charles Ferguson announcethe birth of a 12 pound son September 3 , who will be named Charles FergusonJr. Mrs Ferguson is pleasantly recalledas Miss Jewel Rigsby, before her marriage.TR, Sun 5 Sep 1920

Ferguson, DeeAnne Chapman - Mr and Mrs Ben Ferguson, of 330Ridgeway, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce daughter Thursday, October19 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby, who has been given the name of DeeAnne Chapman is thegranddaughter of John Ferguson of Atlanta, Mrs Blanche Ferguson of Washington,D C and Mr and Mrs T F Butler of Atlanta.TR, Mon 23 Oct 1967

Ferguson, James Chester - Mr and Mrs John Williams Ferguson ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, James Chester, born November 26 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant, who willbe called Jimmy, weighed 5 pounds, 9 ounces.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs George Saliba of Americus andpaternal grandmothers are Mrs M S Saliba and Mrs F C Clark, both ofAmericus. Jimmy has two brothers,Johnny, age six and Joey, age two and a half.TR, Fri 9 Dec 1988

Ferguson, John Edward III - Mr and Mrs John Ed Ferguson Jr, ofDeSoto, announce the birth of a sonThursday, November 30, at city hospital.The baby has been named John Edward III.TR, Thu 30 Nov 1950

Ferguson, John Williams Jr - Mr and Mrs John Williams Fergusonof Americus announce the birth of a son who has been named John WilliamsFerguson Jr. The infant was born at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital on Friday, September 24 and weighed 5pounds, 4 ½ ounces. He is the grandsonof Mr and Mrs George M Saliba, Americus and Mr and Mrs W W Ferguson,DeSoto. His great-grandparents are Mrs MS Saliba and Mr and Mrs P C Clark, all of Americus. TR, Tue 5 Oct 1982

Ferguson, John Williams - Mr and Mrs Billy Ferguson, ofDeSoto, announce the birth of a son, Monday, December 15, at the PratherClinic, who has been named John Williams.Mrs Ferguson was before marriage Miss Rachel Williams, of Plains. TR, Sat 27 Dec 1947

Ferguson, Joseph Michael - Mr and Mrs John W Ferguson ofAmericus announce the birth of a 6 pound, 4 ounce son, Joseph Michael, bornWednesday, April 23 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Joey is the grandson of Mr and Mrs George MSaliba of Americus and W W Ferguson and the late Rachel Ferguson ofDeSoto. Great-grandparents are Mrs M SSaliba and Mr and Mrs F C Clark, all of Americus. He has a brother, Johnny, 3. TR, Mon 12 May 1986

Ferguson, Kay - Mr and Mrs John Ed Ferguson, of Rebecca,announce the birth of an 8 ½ lb daughter Sunday Nov 4, who has been given thename Kay. Mrs Ferguson wil be rememberedas Miss Elizabeth Suggs of Leslie. Bothmother and baby are doing nicely. TCN,Fri 8 Nov 1935

Ferguson, Michelle - Mr and Mrs Monroe Ferguson, of Jonesboro,announce the birth of a daughter Friday, April 25 at the South Fulton Hospitalin East Point. The baby, who has beennamed Michelle, is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs W M Walters of Americus. TR, Sat 26 Apr 1969

Ferguson, Not named - Dr and Mrs Emmet Ferguson Jr, ofJacksonville, announce the birth of a son on Christmas Eve, December 24. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Emmet FFerguson Sr, of DeSoto. TR, Thu 29Dec 1960

Ferguson, Not named - Mr and Mrs J E Ferguson, of Preston,announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, February 5, at city hospital. TR, Thu 5 Feb 1942

Ferguson, Not named - Mr and Mrs J E Ferguson, DeSoto,announce the birth of a daughter October 11 at City Hospital weighing 9 pounds,2 ounces. TCN, Thu 16 Oct 1952

Ferguson, Pamela Pauline - Mr and Mrs Monroe Ferguson, of EastPoint, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter, Thursday, April 2,at the South Fulton Hospital in East Point.The baby has been named Pamela Pauline.Mrs Ferguson was prior to her marriage Miss Florence Walters, of thiscity and the baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs W M Walters, ofAmericus. TR, Fri 3 Apr 1964

Ferguson, Robert Ernest - Mr and Mrs Charles Ferguson announcethe birth of a son, on Nov 30, at their home on Jackson Avenue, who will becalled Robert Ernest. TR, Sat 2 Dec1922

Ferrell, Aaron Lindsey - Mr and Mrs James Ferrell, of 520 WChurch, announce the birth of a son, Sunday, November 17, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Aaron Lindsey. TR, Tue 19 Nov 1957

Fetner, Robert Hudson Jr - Mr and Mrs Hudson Fetner, ofPorto Rico, announce the birth of an eight-pound son, Saturday Feb 3, who hasbeen named Robert Hudson Jr. Mr and MrsFetner are both former residents of Americus.Mrs Fetner will be remembered here as Miss Janie Murray, before hermarriage. TR, Mon 5 Feb 1934

Fetzer, Regina Sue - Mr and Mrs H L Fetzer, of Macon,announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, June 9 at the Macon hospital. Mrs Fetzer is the former Miss ErnestineTomlin, of Macon and Americus. The babyhas been named Regina Sue for her uncle, Reg Tomlin, of Macon. TR, Fri 29 Jun 1951

Fetzer, William Richard - Mr and Mrs H L Fetzer, of Macon,announce the birth of a 5 pound, 14 ounce son, Tuesday, June 18, who has beennamed William Richard. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs E A Tomlin, of Americus.TR, Tue 18 Jun 1957

Fewell, Kenneth Scott - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Fewell, ofBainbridge, Ga announce the birth of 6 pound, 11 ounce son on Saturday,December 27 at Bainbridge Memorial Hospital.The baby has been given the name of Kenneth Scott. Mrs Fewell is the former Carol Byrd ofEllaville. Scott, as the baby will becalled, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Monroe Hanner, Ellaville and Mr and MrsRoy Fewell, Bainbridge. TR, Wed 31Dec 1975

Fielder, Not named - Mr and Mrs W J Fielder, of Savannah,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, October 24, at a Savannahhospital. Mrs Fielder is the former MissRuth Mangham, of this city. The baby isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J W Mangham, of Americus. TR, Thu 25 Oct 1951

Fielder, William James III - Mr and Mrs William James FielderJr, of Cordele, announce the birth of a son, William James III, Thursday, Dec19. Mrs Fielder was formerly Miss RuthManghum. TR, Fri 20 Dec 1940

Fields, Mindy Michell - Mr and Mrs Tommy Fields announce thebirth of a 9 pound, 13 ounce daughter born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Friday, April 20. The baby,who has been given the name of Mindy Michell has an older sister, Christy, age5. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Jim Horneand Mr and Mrs James Fields, all of Americus.J W Horne is the baby’s great-grandfather. TR, Fri 27 Apr 1979

Fields, Not named - Mr and Mrs J A Fields, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, May 21, at City Hospital. TR, Wed 22 May 1946

Fike, Lucy Victoria - Mr and Mrs Rupert H Fike III, ofSummertown, Tenn announce the birth of a daughter, Lucy Victoria, born November25. Her mother is the former KathyHilliard of Americus. Grandparents areMr and Mrs Rupert H Fike Jr of Atlanta and Mrs F M Hilliard and the late Mr F MHilliard of Americus. TR, Wed 3 Dec1975

Filben, Davis Francis - Mr and Mrs Paul Filben announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce son on Tuesday July 15, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named David Francis. TR, Thu 17 Jul 1958

Filben, Paul Joseph II - Mr and Mrs Paul Filben, 522 SouthLee Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce baby boy on July 24, whohas been named Paul Joseph II. TR,Wed 25 Jul 1956

Filbey, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Judson Filbey, ofMilwaukee, Wisconsin, announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, October 11, at theColumbia hospital in Milwaukee. MrsFilbey is the former Miss Betty Buchanan.TR, Thu 6 Oct 1955

Finch, Eric Reese Jr - Mr and Mrs Eric Finch Sr announce thebirth of a son, Eric Reese Jr, born November 12 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 3ounces at birth. Paternal grandparent isMrs Cora T Finch of Americus and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs HenryLusane. Great-grandparents are Mrs FloraReese, Mrs Ruby Lusane and Mrs Grosie Farris, all of Americus. TR, Wed 18 Nov 1992

Finch, Ola N - Mr and Mrs C H Finch announce the birth of a7 pound daughter, born Thursdy afternoon, December 30, who has been named OlaN. Mrs Finch was before her marriageMiss Mary Ola Gwynes. TR, Wed 12 Jan1938

Finch, Whitney Katherine - Mr and Mrs Wick Finch Jr, ofLake Wales, Fla announce the birth of a daughter born Friday, October 18, whoweighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces. The infanthas been given the name of Whitney Katherine.She is the granddaughter of Mrs Marvin Harris and the late Mr Harris andW P Finch and the late Mrs Finch, all of Americus. TR, Mon 28 Oct 1974

Finch, Wilson Peeples Jr - Mr and Mrs W P Finch announcethe birth of a son, Friday, January 25, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedWilson Peeples Jr. Mrs Finch was beforemarriage Miss Kate Helms. TR, Tue 29Jan 1946

Fincher, Homer Douglas III - Mr and Mrs H L Fincher, ofCulloden, announce the birth of a son, born this morning, March 29, at the cityhospital. The baby has been named HomerDouglas III. TR, Wed 29 Mar 1939

Findlater, James Walker - Mr and Mrs Fletcher Findlater, ofPhenix City, Ala, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 15 ounce son, born Monday,May 12 at the Medical Center in Columbus.The baby has been given the name of James Walker Findlater. His grandparents are Mr and Mrs J E Almon ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs George Findlater of Phenix City. TR, Thu 15 May 1969

Findlater, John Fletcher Jr - Mr and Mrs John FletcherFindlater, of Phenix City, Alabama announce the birth of an 8 pound, 12 ounceson, born Tuesday, June 13 at the Medical Center in Columbus. The baby has been named John FletcherFindlater Jr. Mrs Findlater is theformer Anne Almon of Americus. The babyis the grandson of Mr and Mrs James E Almon of Americus and Mr and Mrs GeorgeFloyd Findlater of Phenix City, Ala and the great-grandson of Mrs MaudeFindlater of Phenix City. TR, Wed 14Jun 1967

Findley, Amanda Marie - Teresa Lynn Camp of Americus andRobert Jerome Findley Jr of Box Springs announce the birth of a daughter,Amanda Marie, born May 30 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Mandy, as the baby is called, weighed 7pounds, 15 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Joshua and Frances Camp Jr of Americus, Robert Jerome Findley Sr of BoxSprings and Grance L Harralson of Cusseta.Great-grandparents are Mary L Camp and the late Joshua V Camp, Sr,Americus, Carolyn Davis and the late Willie Davis of Box Springs, Norman andMargie Cooper of Wellston, Ohio. TR,Tue 18 Jul 1995

Findley, Joshua Robert - Teresa Lynn Camp and Robert JeromeFindley Jr of Americus announce the birth of a son, Joshua Robert, born Jan17. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 7ounces at birth. Grandparents are Joshuaand Frances Camp Jr of Americus, Robert Jerome Findley Sr of Boxsprings andGrace Harrelson of Cusseta.Great-grandparents are Mary L Camp of Americus, Carolyn Davis and thelate Willie Davis of Boxsprings, Norman and Margie Cooper of Wellston,Ohio. TR, Mon 7 Feb 1994

Findley, Not named - Mr and Mrs Gerald Findley, of 918 EJefferson Street, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 11 ½ ounce daughter at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, on August 22. TR, Mon 24 Aug 1964

Fine, Not named - Mr and Mrs J W Fine, of 723 McGarrahStreet, announce the birth of a nine pound daughter, born Monday, August 2, athome. TR, Tue 3 Aug 1937

Fine, William Irving - Mr and Mrs Irving Fine announce thebirth of a son who has been named William Irving Fine. The infant, who was born Thursday, March 17at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital weighed 9 pounds, 1 ounce. He is the grandson of Mrs Alice Fine and thelate Irving Fine Sr, Americus and Mrs Barbara Burgess, Michigan and CharlesMcBeaty of Louisiana. TR, Mon 21 Mar1983

Fink, Kelly Arielle - Mr and Mrs Ray Fink of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Kelly Arielle, born Tuesday, May 8 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 4 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Raymond Fink of Abilene, Texas and maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs George Parnell of Marietta, Ga. TR, Wed 9 May 1990

Finklea, Allison - Dr and Mrs John L Finklea, of Birmingham,Alabama announce the birth of a daughter, Allison, born Saturday, December 30at the University Hospital in Birmingham.The baby weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Jack Finklea of Americus and Mrand Mrs Richard Cunningham of Mobile, Ala.TR, Tue 2 Jan 1973

Finklea, John James - Dr and Mrs John L Finklea, of Milton,Fla, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son Tuesday, July 2. The baby has been named John JamesFinklea. His grandparents are Mr and MrsJack Finklea of Americus and Mr and Mrs Richard Cunningham of Mobile, Ala. TR, Wed 3 Jul 1968

Finklea, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jack Finklea announce thebirth of a son, Monday, June 17 at the city hospital. TR, Mon 17 Jun 1940

Finklea, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jack Finklea, of Evergreen,Ala, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Thursday, December 15,at a hospital in Mobile, Ala. Mr and MrsFinklea, are former residents of Americus, Mr Finklea having served asprincipal of Americus high school for several years. TR, Thu 15 Dec 1949

Finklea, Richard Gavin - Dr and Mrs John L Finklea, ofBirmingham, announce the birth of a son May 22 who weighed 8 pounds, 13ounces. The baby has been given the nameof Richard Gavin Finklea. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Jack Finklea of Americus and Mr and Mrs RichardCunningham of Mobile, Ala. Dr Finklea isdoing a residency in Cardiology at the University Hospital in Birmingham. TR, Wed 27 May 1970

Finlayson, David Cecil - Mr and Mrs Jack Finlayson, of Laverne,Ala announce the birth of an 8 pound son born at the Baptist Hospital inMontgomery, Ala Thursday, February 7.The baby has been given the name of David Cecil. Mrs Finlayson is the former Ann Cullip ofAmericus. Grandparents are Mr and MrsCecil Cullip of this city and the late Mr and Mrs C P Finlayson of Marianna,Florida. TR, Mon 11 Feb 1980

Finlayson, Michael Pratt - Mr and Mrs Jack Finlayson, ofMontgomery, Alabama announce the adoption of a chosen son, born August 22 whohas been given the name of Michael Pratt.The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs Cecil Cullip of Americus and MrsC P Finlayson of Marianna, Florida. TR,Thu 12 Sep 1968

Finley, Megan Marie - Paul and Amanda Finley of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Megan Marie, born Aug 21 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 7ounces at birth. Grandparents are Geneand Linda Finley of Americus and James and Connie Hart of Americus. Great-grandparents are James and VirginiaHart of Americus, Viola Finley and Dorothy Poole, both of Greenville, SC. TR, Fri 2 Sep 1994

Finney, Steven David - Mr and Mrs Joe Finney, of 1403Rolling Hills Drive, Fayetteville, Ark, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7ounce son February 19, who has been named Steven David. Mr and Mrs Finney are former Americusresidents. TR, Mon 27 Feb 1967

Fiorillo, Christopher Michael - Mr and Mrs Michael Fiorillo,of Alma, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 5 ounce son born at the Alma-BaconCounty Hospital on Friday, June 4. Thebaby has been given the name of Christopher Michael. Christopher is the grandson of Mr and MrsHenry Chavers of Plains and Mr and Mrs Antonio Fiorillo of Alma and thegreat-grandson of Mr and Mrs S A Tinker of this city. TR, Mon 21 Jun 1976

Fiorillo, Johnathan Scott - Mr and Mrs Mike Fiorillo of Alma,Ga announce the birth of a son born at the Bacon County Hospital Sunday, June7. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 15 ½ounces and has been given the name of Johnathan Scott. Scott, as he will be called has a brother,Christopher. Grandparents are Mr and MrsHenry Chavers of Plains and Mr and Mrs Tommy Fiorillo of Alma. His great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs S ATinker of Americus. TR, Tue 23 Jun1981

Fisher, Glenn Eschmann - Dr and Mrs Jack Fisher ofRochester, Minnesota announce the birth of a son on October 13 who has beengiven the name Glenn Eschmann Fisher.The infant’s maternal grandparents are Mrs Ted Eschmann of Macon, theformer Clara Bell Hooks of Americus and the late Mr Eschmann. His paternal grandparents are Louis Fisher ofPhoenix, Arizona and the late Mrs Fisher.TR, Wed 20 Oct 1982

Fitch, Halbert Anderson III - Mr and Mrs Halbert Fitch Jrannounce the birth of a son, Monday, September 2, at City Hospital, who weighed7 pounds, 12 ounces. The baby has beennamed Halbert Anderson III. Mrs Fitch wasbefore marriage Miss Mozelle Kelly. TR,Mon 9 Sep 1946

Fite, Not named - Mr and Mrs J B Fite announce the birthof a son July 5, at their home on the Plains road near Americus. TR, Sat 8 Jul 1922

Fitzgerald, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert Fitzgerald, of 418 WGlessner Street, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 12 ounce son, Thursday,January 28, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 1 Feb 1960

Fitzgerald, Not named - Mr and Mrs W R Fitzgerald, of 809 MayoStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter, March 13 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 14 Mar 1958

Fitzgerald, Not named - Mr and Mrs W R Fitzgerald, of BrannonAvenue, announce the birth of a son, August 11 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces. TR, Mon 13 Aug 1962

Fitzgerald, Sandra Faye - Mr and Mrs Reid Fitzgerald, ofAbbeville, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 2 ounce daughter Sunday, July 11,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named SandraFaye. TR, Wed 14 Jul 1954

Fitzgerald, Twin Sons - Mr and Mrs Reid Fitzgerald, of theDawson road, announce the birth of twins, Saturday, January 5, who have beennamed Ronald and Donald. Mrs Fitzgeraldwas before her marriage Miss Thelma Baker.TR, Fri 11 Jan 1952

Fitzgerald, Willie Reid - Mr and Mrs W R Fitzgerald, of 209 NMayo Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce son, Monday, September28, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named WillieReid. TR, Tue 29 Sep 1959

Fitzpatrick, Antoine - Mr and Mrs David Fitzgerald of Germany,formerly of Plains, announce the birth of their son, Antoine, born Sunday,August 11 in Germany. Maternalgrandparents are Pat and Mary Johnson and maternal grandmother is MaryFitzgerald of Plains. TR, Sat 17 Aug1991

Flaherty, Dale Marshall - Capt and Mrs Thomas O Flaherty, ofGlenburnie, Maryland, announce the birth of a son Thursday, June 5, who hasbeen named Dale Marshall. Mrs Flahertyis the former Miss Mary Ann Marshall, of this city. TR, Fri 6 Jun 1952

Flaherty, Robert Davis - Mr and Mrs Thomas J Flaherty, ofWilkinsburg, Penn, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce son Friday,February 9, who has been named Robert Davis.Mrs Flaherty is the former Miss Marianne Marshall of Americus and thebaby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs George O Marshall of this city. TR, 10 Feb 1951

Flaherty, Thomas James Jr - Mr and Mrs T J Flaherty, ofMurraysville, Penn, announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, June 3, at CityHospital, who has been named Thomas James Jr.Mrs Flaherty is the former Miss Marianne Marshall, of this city. TR, Thu 5 Jun 1947

Flake, Not named - Mr and Mrs R M Flake, of DeSoto,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce son, Wednesday, July 23, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 25 Jul 1958

Flatt, Elizabeth Cates - Mr and Mrs Luke Flatt announce thebirth of a daughter born Tuesday, April 24 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby weighed 6 pounds, 13½ ounces. She has been named ElizabethCates and is to be called Caty.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs John W Flatt of Americus and Mr and MrsFloyd Jones of Birmington. Mr and Mrs JP Luther of Americus are the baby’s great-grandparents. TR, Thu 26 Apr 1979

Flatt, Elizabeth Jane - Mr and Mrs W C Flatt Jr, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a daughter Friday, January 12, who weighed 6pounds, 9 ounces. The baby has beennamed Elizabeth Jane. Mrs Flatt is theformer Miss Carolyn McEntire, of Atlanta.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs W C Flatt of this city. TR, Mon 15 Jan 1951

Flatt, Frances Rebecca - Mr and Mrs Luke Flatt announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter born Monday, January 25 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Frances Rebecca. Rebecca, asshe will be called, has a sister, Caty , age 2 ½ . Grandparents are Mr and Mrs John Flatt ofAmericus and Mrs Floyd Jones and the late Mr Jones of Birmingham. She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs J PLuther of this city and A J Willis of Birmingham. TR, Tue 26 Jan 1982

Flatt, James Luther - Mr and Mrs John W Flatt announce thebirth of a son, James Luther Flatt, on September 1 at Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs W C Flatt and Mr and Mrs J P Luther. TR, Wed 2 Sep 1953

Flatt, John Wilder III - Mr and Mrs John W Flatt Jrannounce the birth of a son, John Wilder Flatt III who was born at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital on Tuesday, September 9. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs John W FlattSr, Americus and Mr and Mrs Harold Dix of Neenah, Wisconsin. His great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs J PLuther and Mrs W C Flatt of this city and Mrs Sarah Dix and Mrs Ida Block bothof Neenah, Wisconsin. TR, Thu 11 Sep1975

Flatt, John Wilder Jr - Mr and Mrs John Flatt, of Albany,announce the birth of a 9 ½ pound son, Tuesday, March 8, at Phoebe PutneyHospital, who has been named John Wilder Jr.Mrs Flatt is the former Miss Frances Luther, of this city. TR, Tue 8 Mar 1949

Flatt, Mary Katherine - Mr and Mrs John Flatt Jr ofKennesaw, Ga announce the birth of a 7 pound daughter born 20 March at theKennestone Hospital in Kennesaw. Theinfant, who has been named Mary Katherine has a brother, John III. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs John Flatt ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Harold Dix of Neenah, Wisconsin. TR, Wed 25 Mar 1981

Flatt, William Andrew - Mr and Mrs W C (Billy) Flatt Jr, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of an 8 pouns, 2 ounce son Saturday, August 2, whohas been given the name of William Andrew.Mr Flatt is a former Americus resident and the baby is the grandson ofMr and Mrs W C Flatt Sr, of this city. TR,Tue 5 Aug 1952

Fleeman, Jackie - Mr and Mrs Jack Fleeman, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a daughter Tuesday, January 15, who has been namedJackie. Mr Fleeman is a former Americusresident. TR, Wed 16 Jan 1952

Fleeman, Not named - Mr and Mrs G W Fleeman announce thebirth of a son Thursday, April 19, at the City Hospital. TR, Thu 19 Apr 1923

Fleming, Katherine Coleman - Mr and Mrs Jake Fleming, ofValdosta, formerly of Americus announce the birth of a daughter Thursday, March11. The baby has been named KatherineColeman for her mother, who was before her marriage Miss Katherine Coleman, ofWaycross. TR, Tue 16 Mar 1937

Flemmons, Kimberly Denise - Mr and Mrs Guy Anthony Flemmonsannounce the birth of a daughter Thursday, May 13 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been namedKimberly Denise. She weighed 7 pounds, 3½ ounces. Her grandparents are Mr andMrs E C Everett of Plains and Mrs Harriet Flemmons and the late Guy Flemmons Jrof Ellaville. Her great-grandparents areMr and Mrs J R Paul, Mr J W Everett, both of Plains and Mr and Mrs Max Hansonof Ellaville and Mr and Mrs M C Livingston of Cuthbert, Ga. She also has a great-great-grandmother, Mrs AV Coggins of Macon, Ga. TR, Sat 15 May1976

Fletcher, Brian Jacob - Mr and Mrs Brian Fletcher of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a son, Brian Jacob, born March 29 at Sumter RegionalHospital. Jake, as the infant is called,weighed 7 pounds at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Stanley Wodzinski Sr of Ellaville and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Joe Fletcher of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs WayneCochran of LaGrange; Mrs Stella Wodzinski of Miami, Fla; and Mr and Mrs EarlGammage of Americus and Mrs A C Fletcher of Americus. TR, Tue 15 May 1991

Fletcher, Carlton Clay - Mr and Mrs Joe Fletcher announce thebirth of a son, Carlton Clay, born Thursday, April 18 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whowill be called “Craig” weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs A C FletcherJr and Mr and Mrs Earl Gammage Jr, all of Americus. TR, Sat 20 Apr 1974

Fletcher, Charles Allen - Mr and Mrs Allen Fletcher announcethe birth of a 5 pound, 9 ½ ounce son born Tuesday, March 7 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Charles Allen. He is the grandsonof Mr and Mrs A C Fletcher Jr of Americus and Rev and Mrs James C Moore ofByromville. His great-grandparents areMr and Mrs Clyde Bridges of this city. TR,Thu 9 Mar 1972

Fletcher, Elizabeth Perry - Mr and Mrs J Milton Fletcherannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce daughter Monday, August 13 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Elizabeth Perry for her mother, the former Miss LibbyPerry. The baby is the granddaughter ofSam Perry and Mr and Mrs M H Fletcher, of this city. TR, Tue 14 Aug 1956

Fletcher, James Michael Jr - Mr and Mrs Mike Fletcher ofAmericus announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ½ ounce son, James Michael Jr, bornTuesday, December 18 at Sumter Regional Hospital. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs A C FletcherJr and Mr and Mrs Terrell Turner, all of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Bob Harperof Dozier, Ala and Mrs Frank Turner Sr of Luverne, Ala. TR, Fri 21 Dec 1984

Fletcher, James Michael - Mr and Mrs A C Fletcher Jr, of Route1, announce the birth of a son, Friday, February 3, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who weighed 6pounds, 14 ounces, has been named James Michael. TR, Sat 4 Feb 1956

Fletcher, Jeffry Austin - Mr and Mrs Leonard A Fletcher, ofMacon are the parents of an 8 pound, 15 ounce son born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Jeffry Austin.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Leonard C Fletcher and Mr and Mrs ErnestPeters, all of Americus. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs C L Keefer and the late C L Kearns, all of Americus andMrs S H Allen of Cordele. TR, Fri 2Jun 1978

Fletcher, Joseph Mallernee - Mr and Mrs James Milton FletcherJr announce the birth of a 5 pound, 8 ounce son born Monday, March 13 at theColiseum Park Hospital, Macon. The infanthas been given the name of Joseph Mallernee Fletcher. TR, Fri 17 Mar 1978

Fletcher, Leonard Allen - Mr and Mrs Leonard Fletcher announcethe birth of a son Friday, October 13 at city hospital, who has been namedLeonard Allen. TR, Mon 16 Oct 1950

Fletcher, Makenzie Paige - Mr and Mrs Brian Fletcher announcethe birth of a daughter, Makenzie Paige, born August 22 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8pounds. Maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Stanley Wodzinski Sr of Ellaville.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Joe Fletcher of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs WayneCochran of LaGrange, Stella Wodzinski of Miami, Fla; Mr and Mrs Earl Gammageand Mrs A C Fletcher Jr, all of Americus.Makenzie has a brother, Jake, 5. TR,Fri 6 Sep 1996

Fletcher, Marjorie Jane - Mr and Mrs Mike Fletcher of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Marjorie Jane, born Sunday, September17. The infant, who is called Maggie,weighed 3 pounds, 11 ounces. Paternalgrandparents are Mrs A C Fletcher Jr and the late Mr Fletcher and maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Terrell Turner of Americus. Great-grandparents are Bob Harper of Dozier,Ala and Mrs Frank Turner Sr of Luverne, Ala.Maggie has a brother, Michael, age four.TR, Tue 26 Sep 1989

Fletcher, Marvin Wayne - Mr and Mrs M C Fletcher, of PanamaCity, Fla announce the birth of a 6 pound, 5 ounce son Monday, May 10, at theLisbyn Hospital in Panama City, who has been named Marvin Wayne. Mrs Fletcher is the former Miss PaulinePrince, of this city, and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs R A Prince, ofAmericus. TR, Thu 20 May 1954

Fletcher, Michael Christopher - Mr and Mrs Leonard Fletcher Jrannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son born Sunday, July 14 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been given the name of Michael Christopher. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs EarnestPeters and Mr and Mrs Leonard Fletcher Sr.Great-grandparents are Mrs C L Keefer, Mrs M H Fletcher and Mrs S HAllen, all of Americus and Mrs Anne Pate of White Rock, S C. TR, Mon 15 Jul 1974

Fletcher, Mitchell Alan - Mr and Mrs Bobby Fletcher announcethe birth of a son, Mitchell Alan, born September 28 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 6ounces at birth. Great-grandparents areMr and Mrs Alan Altmauer of Atlanta and Mr and Mrs Shaw Fletcher ofAmericus. The baby has a brother, Bryan5 ½. TR, Fri 6 Oct 1989

Fletcher, Not named - Mr and Mrs B R Fletcher, of Route 4,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter, Nov 22, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 25Nov 1957

Fletcher, Not named - Mr and Mrs Clay Fletcher Jr, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, March 25, at cityhospital. TR, Wed 26 Mar 1947

Fletcher, Not named - Mr and Mrs Clay Fletcher Jr of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a son on November 30 at City Hospital. TCN, Thu 1 Dec 1949

Fletcher, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Milton Fletcherannounce the birth of a son, Friday, March 21, at city hospital. Mrs Fletcher was before her marriage MissElizabeth Perry. TR, Fri 21 Mar 1952

Fletcher, Not named - Mr and Mrs Leonard Fletcher announce thebirth of a daughter, Saturday, January 4, at city hospital. Mrs Fletcher was before marriage Miss IreneAllen. TR, Mon 6 Jan 1947

Fletcher, Not named - Mr and Mrs M H Fletcher, of Elm avenue,announce the birth of an eight pound boy today, Thursday, September 3. The child has not been given a name. TR, Thu 3 Sep 1931

Fletcher, Not named - Mr and Mrs M H Fletcher, of Elm Avenue,announce the birth of a daughter January 26.TR, Fri 26 Jan 1923

Fletcher, Robert Bridges - Mr and Mrs Joe Fletcher announcethe birth of a son, Robert Bridges Fletcher, born Thursday, December 8 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Theinfant is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Earl Gammage Jr and Mr and Mrs A CFletcher Jr. His great-grandparents areMrs Earl Gammage Sr, Mrs Carlton Byrd and Mrs Clyde Bridges, all ofAmericus. TR, Tue 13 Dec 1977

Fletcher, Robert Byron - Mr and Mrs Bobby Fletcher proudlyannounce the arrival of a son, Robert Byron, born of Saturday, January 7 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who will be called Byron weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert Shaw Fletcher,Americus and Mr and Mrs Alan J Altznauer, Dunwoody. His great-grandparents are Mrs RobertFletcher, Americus and the late Mr Fletcher; Mr and Mrs B B Bateman, Cullodenand the late Mr Roy Bennett; Mr and Mrs John Altznauer, Cleveland, Ohio; andthe late Mr and Mrs Joseph Zoul, also of Cleveland. TR, Fri 13 Jan 1984

Fletcher, Roy Lee Jr - Mr and Mrs Roy Lee Fletcher, of Route4, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ½ ounce son, January 6, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Roy Lee Jr. TR, Wed 18 Jan 1961

Fletcher, Sarah Catherine - Lt and Mrs Ray Fletcher announcethe birth of a daughter Friday, October 14, at the Robins Air Force Basehospital, who has been named Sarah Catherine.Lt Fletcher is a former Americus resident, but is now stationed inCharleston. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs M H Fletcher of this city. TR, Tue 18 Oct 1955

Fletcher, Telethia Shannel - Mr and Mrs Winfred Fletcherannounce the birth of a daughter born Thursday, September 13 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital who has been named Telethia Shannel. The baby weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces. The infant is the granddaughter of MrsCatherine Fletcher and Mr and Mrs Walter Minter, all of Americus. TR, Tue 18 Sep 1979

Fletcher, Travis Perry - Mr and Mrs Jim Fletcher, of Gordon,Ga announce the birth of a son at the Coliseum Park Hospital in Macon who hasbeen named Travis Perry Fletcher. Thebaby, who was born Sunday, July 13 has an older brother, Joseph. Grandparents on his maternal side are MrsRobert Stannick of Denver and the late John Mallernee of Gordon and Mr and MrsMilton Fletcher of Dunwoody, Ga are his paternal grandparents. TR, Mon 21 Jul 1980

Fletcher, Vicky Lois - Is the name of the daughter of Mr andMrs B R Fletcher, of Leslie, who was born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, Thursday, April 22. TR, Thu29 Apr 1954

Fletcher. A’jayla Chambree - Shannel Fletcher and DereskiJones, both of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, A’jayla Chambree, bornAug 25 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Theinfant weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Winfred Fletcher, Beverly Jones and ArthurDavis, all of Americus.Great-grandparents are Dorothy Minter, Catherine Fletcher, Walter Minterand Dorothy Jones, all of Americus. TR,Thu 3 Sep 1998

Flexon, Not named - Mr and Mrs J P Flexon announce the birthof a 9 pound, one ounce daughter, Sunday, March 18 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Tue 20 Mar 1956

Flick, Tiffany Autumn - Mr and Mrs Charles Flick announcethe birth of a little girl born at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital on Thursday, August 6. The baby weighed 8 pounds, ½ ounce. She has been given the name of TiffanyAutumn. She has a sister, Nicole Julie,age 3. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs JohnAntoniono and Mr and Mrs Glenn Flick, all of Pittsburgh, Pa. TR, Mon 10 Aug 1981

Flood, James Dean - Mr and Mrs Terry D Flood, of 8-B, BowenDrive, Americus, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce son on December 4, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.He has been named James Dean. TR,Tue 6 Dec 1960

Flood, Not named - Mr and Mrs Terry B Flood, of 507 WestChurch Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 1 ounce son, September 15 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Thu 16 Sep 1965

Florey, Caroline Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Henry Edward FloreyIII of Tuscaloosa, Ala announce the birth of a daughter, Caroline Elizabeth,born September 18 at the Druid City Hospital, Tuscaloosa. The infant, who is called Caroline, weighed 6pounds, 11 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Henry Edward Florey Jr of Tuscaloosa and great-grandparents areMr and Mrs Jack Finklea of Americus. TR,Fri 22 Sep 1989

Florey, Elizabeth Leewynn - Mr and Mrs H E Florey Jr, ofTuscaloosa, Alabama announce the birth of a 7 pound daughter Saturday, June 8,who has been named Elizabeth Leewynn.Mrs Florey is the former Betty Finklea of this city. “Betsy” as the baby will be called is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Jack Finklea of Americus and Mr and Mrs HenryFlorey of Birmingham. TR, Wed 12 Jun1968

Florey, Henry Edward II - Mr and Mrs H E Florey, of Clemson,SC, announce the birth of a son, April 23, at the Anderson Memorial Hospital ofAnderson, SC, who has been named Henry Edward Florey II. Mrs Florey is the former Miss Betty Finkleaand the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Jack Finklea, of this city. TR, Wed 24 Apr 1963

Flournoy, Benjamin James - Mr and Mrs John Flournoy of Leary,Ga announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son born Monday, November 9 atPhoebe Putney Hospital in Albany. Thebaby has been given the name of Benjamin James and will be called Ben. His mother is the former Linda Knight ofAmericus. The infant is the grandson ofMr and Mrs J T Knight of Americus and the late Bessie K Knight of Plains, Gaand Mrs Benjamin Flournoy and the late Mr Flournoy of Leary, Ga. TR, Thu 12 Nov 1981

Flournoy, Donna Michelle - Mr and Mrs Marvin Flournoy announcethe birth of a daughter Monday, November 20th in the Terrell CountyHospital, who has been given the name of Donna Michelle. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsGrady Flournoy of Dawson and the late Otis Tripp and Mr and Mrs E G Dillard ofLeslie. Mrs Flournoy is the former LauraTripp of Leslie. TR, Fri 24 Nov 1967

Flournoy, John William - Mr and Mrs V L Flournoy, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce son on November 26 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Hehas been named John William. TR, Mon28 Nov 1960

Flowers, Karl Chandler - Mr and Mrs Robert Karl Flowers ofCincinnati announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son born Wednesday, July 9at Bethesda Base Hospital in Cincinnati.The infant has been given the name of Karl Chandler. Mrs Flowers is the former Betsy Duke ofAmericus. The baby is the grandson of Mrand Mrs Lewis Duke and Mr and Mrs R C Flowers and the great-grandson of Mrs W HGatewood, all of Americus. TR, Fri 11Jul 1980

Flowers, Not named - Capt and Mrs Jim Flowers, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a son, Sunday, October 31, at Piedmont hospital. Mrs Flowers is the former Miss Bobbie Barnes,of Americus. TR, 2 Nov 1943

Flowers, Travis William - Mr and Mrs Robert Flowers ofCincinnati announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son, Travis William, bornTuesday, May 8 at Bethesda Hospital in Cincinnati. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert C Flowersand Mr and Mrs Lewis Duke, all of Americus.Great-grandmother is Mrs W H Gatewood, also of Americus. He has a brother, Karl, 4. TR, Tue 15 May 1984

Floyd, Jennifer Elaine - Mr and Mrs Tim Floyd, of Ashburn,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ½ ounce daughter born Sunday, November 21in Ashburn. The baby has been namedJennifer Elaine. Her mother was theformer Barbara Silver of Americus.Grandparents of the infant areMrs W T Silver and the Mr Silver of this city and Mrs Mahlon Floyd ofCochran. TR, Mon 22 Nov 1976

Floyd, Jewel Felice - Mr and Mrs J C Floyd announce thebirth of an 8 pound daughter, born March 26, who has been named JewelFelice. TR, Tue 29 Mar 1938

Floyd, Not named - Mr and Mrs H A Floyd Jr, of Smithville,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, April 12. TR, Sat 17 Apr 1943

Floyd, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Floyd, of Cobb,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce son, May 21, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Fri 22May 1964

Floyd, Sharon Elaine - Mr and Mrs J Hoyle Floyd, of GardenValley announce the birth of their daughter born Saturday at the Americus andSumter County Hospital weighing 6 pounds, 13 ½ ounces. She has been given the name of SharonElaine. Maternal grandparents are Revand Mrs Ralph Beckwith of Ellaville and paternal grandparents are Mr and MrsJulian F Floyd of Macon. Paternalgreat-grandfather is J Madison Lowe of Garden Valley. TR, Tue 15 Aug 1978

Flurry, Julian Ellis - Alan and Amy Flurry of Athensannounce the birth of a son, Julian Ellis, on May 24 at Athens RegionalHospital. Grandparents are Dr and MrsRay Williams of Americus and Mr and Mrs Frank Flurry of Garden City. He is the great-grandson of Dorothy Amann ofMacon, Ralph Amann of Americus and Alma Williams of Smithville. TR, Tue 9 Jun 1998

Flynn, Mitchell Lewis III - Mr and Mrs Mike Flynn ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Mitchell Lewis III, born Tuesday, May 31at Sumter Regional Hospital. Trey, as heis called, weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces at birth.Mrs Flynn is the former Mandy Carter of Plains. Maternal grandparents are Sybil Carter andthe late Billy Carter and paternal grandparents are Dr and Mrs Mitchell LewisFlynn Sr of Albany. Great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Thomas Gordon Smith of Greer, SC and Mrs H Hawkins ofGreenville, SC. TR, Wed 1 Jun 1994

Flynt, Rodney Lane - Mr and Mrs Hugh Flynt, of Ellaville,are the parents of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son born Thursday, February 5 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Theinfant has been given the name of Rodney Laneand has one sister, named Teresa.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs W H Flynt, Americus and Mr and Mrs R HJames, Ellaville. TR, Mon 11 Feb 1980

Flynt, Roy Alva 2nd - Mr and Mrs Roy A Flyntannounce the birth of a son, Thursday, February 14th, at their homeon South Lee Street. He has been giventhe name Roy Alva 2nd. TR,Sat 16 Feb 1929

Flynt, Teresa Ann - Mr and Mrs Hugh Flynt, of 1501 RoseAvenue, announce the birth of a seven pound daughter, born Wednesday, May 25 atthe Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who has been namedTeresa Ann is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs R H James of Ellaville and Mr andMrs W R Flynt of Americus. TR, Thu 26May 1966

Folan, Not named - Lt and Mrs John B Folan, of San Antonio,Texas, announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, July 20. Mrs Folan is the former Miss DorothyWoodward, of this city and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs A BWoodward. TR, Wed 21 Jul 1943

Folan, Not named - Major and Mrs John B Folan announce thebirth of a son, Wednesday, October 24, in Selma, Ala. Mrs Folan is the former Miss Dorothy Woodard,of Americus. TR, Wed 31 Oct 1945

Folan, Sharon Anne - Major and Mrs John B Folan, of BadKissingen, Germany, announce the birth of a daughter, at Wurzburg hospital,April 28, who has been named Sharon Anne.Mrs Folan is the former Miss Dorothy Woodard of this city. TR, Mon 25 May 1947

Folds, Matthew Christopher - Billy and Nicole Folds ofOakland announce the birth of a son, Matthew Christopher, born August 10 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Michael Scott and Lizz Folds, all ofOakland. TR, Fri 28 Aug 1998

Folds, Pamela Louise - Mr and Mrs Marvin Folds are theparents of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter, born Saturday, November 2 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been given the name of Pamela Louise.Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs C E Skinner of Clarkston, Ga and W EFolds of Sparta. TR, Tue 5 Nov 1968

Folmar, Cameron Bruce - Mr and Mrs James B Folmar announcethe birth of a son Cameron Bruce on July 4 in Shreveport, La. Mrs Folmar is the former Miss Ellen Schramm,daughter of Mr and Mrs Kenneth L Schramm.The baby’s paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs C B Folmar ofAlbany. The maternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs J F Finch of Moultrie, formerly of Americus. TR, Wed 15 Jul 1970

Folsom, Daniel Martin - Mr and Mrs Martin L Folsom of Albanyannounce the birth of a son, Daniel Martin, born August 20 at Phoebe PutneyHospital. The infant weighed 5 pounds,11 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs W M Folsom Jr of Americus and maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Tommy Taylor of Cairo. TR,Fri 28 Aug 1987

Folsom, Martin Lucas - Mr and Mrs William Folson Jr, ofLoraine Avenue, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son, Friday, August31, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Martin Lucas.TR, Sat 1 Sep 1956

Folsom, Not named - Mr and Mrs W M Folsom announce the birthof a son, Tuesday, August 23, at city hospital.TR, Thu 25 Aug 1949

Folsom, Not named - Mr and Mrs W M Folsom announce the birthof a son Monday, February 26 at city hospital.TR, Wed 7 Mar 1951

Folsom, William Ronald Jr - Mr and Mrs W Ronald Folsomannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 3 ½ ounce son born Friday, August 27 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named William Ronald FolsomJr, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs W M Folsom Jr and Mr and Mrs ClarenceParker. His great-grandparents are W MFolsom Sr, Ft Valley, Mrs J H Scott, Quitman and Mr and Mrs James Jordan, Ellaville. TR, Mon 30 Aug 1971

Foltz, Shawn Lee - Mr and Mrs Lee E Foltz of Americusannounce the birth of a 5 pound, 1 ounce son born at the Tallahassee MemorialRegional Medical Center in Tallahassee, Fla Saturday, October 13. The baby has been given the name of ShawnLee. The infant’s grandparents are Mrand Mrs David B Webb of Oglethorpe and Mr and Mrs William E Foltz ofTallahassee. TR, Mon 29 Oct 1979

Ford, Not named - Mr and Mrs J A Ford, of Rochelle,announce the birth of a son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital,November 29. The baby weighed 7 pounds,13 ounces. TR, Mon 1 Dec 1958

Ford, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Ford, of Primrose Road,Columbus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce son, August 15 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 16 Aug 1960

Ford, Not named - Mr and Mrs Leon Ford announce the birthof a son, at Prather Clinic, Saturday, February 12. TR, Thu 17 Feb 1949

Fore, Barbara Sue - Mr and Mrs Franklin Fore announce thebirth of a daughter Sunday, September 14 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 8pounds, 1 ounce has been named Barbara Sue.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs C H Fore of Leesburg and Mrs NickHerrington and Mrs Henry Bridges of Americus.TR, Thu 18 Sep 1969

Forehand, Frances Lynn - Mr and Mrs Willard F Forehand Jr, ofCarterville, Ill announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter bornSaturday, November 20 who has been given the name of Frances Lynn. The infant is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsW F Forehand Sr and Mr and Mrs William T Loman, all of Americus. The baby’s great-gandparents are Mr and Mrs JA Duke of Oglethorpe and Mr and Mrs D J Ray of DeFuniack Springs, Fla. TR, Tue 30 Nov 1976

Forehand, Harry Oliver - Mr and Mrs Harry O Forehan, Lilly, Gaannounce the birth of a boy, Harry Oliver on June 30 at City Hospital, weighing5 pounds, 2 ounces. TCN Thu 3 Jul1952

Forehand, Melissa Kathryn - Sgt and Mrs Randall Forehand ofOffutt AFB Omaha, Nebraska announce the birth of a daughter, Melissa Kathryn,born September 27 at the Offutt AFB Hospital Grandparents are Mr and Mrs JodyMonts and Mrs Bill Forehand and the late Mr Forehand, all of Americus. Katy, as the infant will be called has asister, Michelle, age 3. TR, Tue 21Oct 1986

Forehand, Not named - Mr and Mrs Luther Forehand of Parrottannounce the birth of a baby boy born March 28 at City Hospital. TCN, Thu 29 Mar 1951

Forehand, Not named - Mr and Mrs W W Forehand, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son October 23, at city hospital. TR, Thu 26 Oct 1950

Forehand, Randall Ray - Is the name of the son born to Mr andMrs W F Forehand Tuesday, February 23, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. Mrs Forehand and baby havebeen moved to their home at 514 East Church Street. TR, Tue 2 Mar 1954

Forehand, William Fletcher II - Mr and Mrs Willard F Forehand,of LaFayette, Indiana are the parents of a 7 pound, 5 ounce son born Wednesday,August 23.. The baby has been namedWilliam Fletcher Forehand II.Grandparents are Col and Mrs William T Loman Jr and Mr and Mrs Willard FForehand, all of Americus. Mr and MrsJoseph A Duke of Oglethorpe are the baby’s great-grandparents. TR, Tue 29 Aug 1978

Foreman, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Foreman, of Parrott,announce the birth of a son, Friday, November 19, at city hospital. TR, Wed 24 Nov 1943

Foreman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Foreman, of Preston,announce the birth of a daughter at city hospital, Wednesday, December 28. TR, Thu 29 Dec 1949

Foreman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Luther Foreman, of Parrott,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, March 28, at city hospital. TR, Thu 29 Mar 1951

Forgep, Not named - Mr and Mrs R E Forgep, of Plains, announcethe birth of a daughter, at Prather Clinic October 23. TR, Thu 23 Oct 1947

Forrest, Amelia Jayn - Mr and Mrs W G Forrest, of Preston,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce daughter, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, June 21, who has been named Amelia Jayn. TR, Wed 22 Jun 1960

Forrest, Johnna Kaye - Mr and Mrs William G Forrest, ofPreston, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 3/4 ounce daughter, March 7 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Johnna Kaye. TR, Fri 8 Mar 1963

Forrest, Not named - Mr and Mrs James M Forrest, of 110Highland Drive, are the parents of a 7 pound, 9 ½ ounce daughter, born December25, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 26 Dec 1962

Forrest, William Green - Mr and Mrs E D Forrest announce thebirth of a son born May 23rd at the city hospital. The baby has been named William Green. TR, Wed 25 May 1938

Forrester, Donna Kaye - Mr and Mrs Donald Forrester, of 114Lynnview Drive, are the parents of a 7 pound, 2 ounce daughter, born May 20, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Donna Kaye.TR, Thu 21 May 1964

Forsyth, Alice Gail - Mr and Mrs Claude Forsyth, of Route 1,Mauk, announce the birth of a daughter, January 3, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who weighed 7pounds, 14 ounces has been named Alice Gail.TR, Mon 5 Jan 1959

Forsyth, James Edward - Mr and Mrs James Forsyth, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 5 ounce son, Saturday, December 12, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of JamesEdward. TR, Mon 14 Dec 1959

Forsyth, Not named - Mr and Mrs J F Forsyth, of Buena Vista,are the parents of a 6 pound, 9 ounce son, born February 14 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 15Feb 1962

Forsyth, Not named - Mr and Mrs Paul Forsyth, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 6 ounce son, born August 29 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Thu30 Aug 1962

Forsyth, Not named - Mr and Mrs William Forsyth, of Warwick,announce the birth of a daughter at City Hospital Tuesday, February 28. TR, Wed 1 Mar 1950

Fort, James Harvey Jr - Lt (jg) and Mrs James H (Squire)Fort announce the birth of a son, Sunday, March 21, at the Methodist Hospitalin Memphis, who has been named James Harvey Jr.Mrs Fort is the former Miss Irene Battle, of Memphis. TR, Mon 22 Mar 1943

Fortson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Warren C Fortson of 223 SunValley Drive, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce daughter at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, Wednesday, November 18. TR, Thu 19 Nov 1959

Fortson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Warren C Fortson, of 223 SunValley Drive, announce the birth of a six pound, 13 ounce daughter, born Jun11, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs H W Warnock of Soperton and Mrs BenW Fortson of Atlanta. TR, Fri 12 Jun1964

Foshee, Daniel Pierce - Mr and Mrs Edwin Foshee, ofBarnesville, announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, February 24, in Griffin, whohas been named Daniel Pierce. Mrs Fosheeis the former Miss Dorothy Daniel, of this city. TR, Thu 26 Feb 1948

Foshee, Edwin Jr - Officer Candidate and Mrs E D Fosheearrounce the birth of a son, Edwin Jr, Wednesday, February 21, at cityhospital. Mrs Foshee was before marriageMiss Dorothy Daniel. TR, Thu 22 Feb1945

Foskey, Not named - Mr and Mrs Melvin Foskey announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce son, May 29, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Fri 31 May 1957

Foster, Allison Ivy - Mr and Mrs James David Foster, of StPetersburg, Fla announce the birth of a daughter, Allison Ivy, born Tuesday,December 21 at the Baylock Medical Center of St Petersburg. The infant has an older sister, Anisha. Grandparents of the baby are Mr and MrsDouglas Foster of Columbus and Mr and Mrs G G Stokes of Americus. She is the great-granddaughter of Mr and MrsC C Hall of Lyons and Mr and Mrs M A Hoven of Jacksonville. TR, Wed 29 Dec 1976

Foster, Amy Janean - Mr and Mrs James D Forster, of Bamburg,S C announce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce daughter, born May 5 who has beennamed Amy Janean. Mrs Foster is theformer Margie Chambers of Americus. Thebaby is the granddaughter of Mrs I K Chambers of Americus and Mr and Mrs H DFoster of Panama City, Fla. TR, Wed 6May 1970

Foster, Anisha Lene - Mr and Mrs James David Foster, ofColumbus, announce the birth of a 7 pound daughter Firday, September 25 who hasbeen given the name of Anisha Lene. Thebaby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs G G Stokes of Americus and Mr and MrsDavid Foster of Columbus. TR, Sat 3Oct 1970

Foster, Blake McRae - Mr and Mrs B M Foster announce thebirth of a son, Blake McRae Jr, Sunday, March 3, at Prather Clinic. TR, Mon 4 Mar 1946

Foster, Ellen Jean - Mr and Mrs Richard Foster Jr, ofVicksburg, Miss, announce the birth of a daughter Thursday, September 16, whohas been named Ellen Jean. Mr Foster isa former Americus resident and the baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs R CFoster, of this city. TR, Fri 17 Sep 1954

Foster, John Franklin - Mr and Mrs W R Foster, of Rye, NY,announce the birth of a son, May 5, who has been named John Franklin. Mrs Foster was before her marriage Miss FloraBacot, of this city. TR, Thu 11 May1933

Foster, Martha Wheatley - Mr and Mrs W R Foster, of Rye, NY,announce the birth of a daughter, July 20, who has been given the name MarthaWheatley Foster. The baby is named forher greataunt, Miss Martha Wheatley of this city. Mrs Foster will be remembered here as MissFlora Bacot before her marriage. TR,Sat 21 Jul 1934

Foster, Not named - Mr and Mrs Cheso Foster, of Juniper,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ½ ounce daughter, June 21, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon22 Jun 1964

Foster, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Foster ofDonalsonville, are the parents of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son, born December 12 atthe Donalsonville city hospital. MrsFoster is the former Marjorie Chambers, daughter of Mrs I K Chambers, ofAmericus. The baby’s paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs James D Foster of Atlanta. TR, Wed 12 Dec 1962

Foster, Not named - Mr and Mrs Otis Foster annunce the birthof a daughter, Saturday, November 6 , at city hospital, who weighed 7 ½pounds. Mrs Foster is the former MissHelen Lassiter. TR, Tue 9 Nov 1948

Foster, Not named - Mr and Mrs Richard C Foster Jr, ofVicksburg, Miss, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son Tuesday, April29, at the Mercy Hospital, Vickburg. MrFoster is a former resident of Americus.Mrs Foster is the former Miss Frances Haley, of Montgomery, Ala. TR, Tue 29 Apr 1952

Foster, R C Jr - Mr and Mrs R C Foster announce the birth ofa son at their home on Barlow Street January 12, who has been given the name ofR C Jr. TR, Sat 12 Jan 1924

Foster, Risa Louise - Mr and Mrs R H Foster Jr, of 1528Elizabeth Drive, Garland, Texas, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ouncedaughter, December 5, who has been named Risa Louise. Mrs Foster is the former Miss Louise Heaton,of Americus. TR, Thu 17 Dec 1959

Foster, Robert Douglas - Mr and Mrs R H Foster Jr announcethe birth of a son Sunday, September 19 at Americus and Sumter County Hospital,who has been named Robert Douglas. MrsFoster is the former Miss Louise Heaton.TR, Mon 20 Sep 1954

Foster, Sheryl Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Fred Foster, ofBronwood, announce the birth of a daughter, Sheryl Elizabeth, May 28, at cityhospital. TR, Wed 8 Jun 1942

Fouche, Christopher Edward - Mr and Mrs J Edward Fouche Jrannounce the birth of a son Thursday, November 23 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who weighed 9pounds, 9 1/4 ounces has been given the name of Christopher Edward. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs George D Mallardof Americus and Mr and Mrs Julian E Fouche of Dawson. Mrs Lloyd Brown of Lithonia, formerly ofAmericus is the baby’s great-grandmother.TR, Wed 29 Nov 1978

Fouche, Gloria Ann - Mr and Mrs R R Fouche announce thebirth of a daughter, Monday, September 18, at the city hospital, who has beennamed Gloria Ann. Mrs Fouche was beforemarriage Miss Mary Joiner. TR, Tue 19Sep 1939

Fouche, Nancy Carol - Mr and Mrs T H Fouche, of Leslie,announce the birth of a girl baby at the Boyett Clinic in Ellaville, March2. The baby has been given the nameNancy Carol. TR, Tue 8 Mar 1938

Fouche, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ridge Fouche announce thebirth of a son at city hospital on February, 22. TR, Fri 27 Feb 1948..

Fouche, Not named - Mr and Mrs T H Fouche, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, February 4, at city hospital. TR, Thu 5 Feb 1948

Fountain, Benny Joe - Mr and Mrs James A Fountain announce thebirth of an 8 pound son Wednesday, July 17 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital who has been named Benny Joe.The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs J T Fountain and Mr and MrsMorris Johnson and Mr and Mrs Lewis Ward, all of Americus. TR, Thu 25 Jul 1968

Fountain, Charles Earl Jr - Earl and Joyce Fountain ofEllaville announce the birth of a son, Charles Earl Jr, born March 12 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 11 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Leon Taylor of Leslie, Pete Fountain of Ellaville and Dot Powellof Cordele. Great-grandparents are Mrand Mrs J T Fountain of Ellaville. Thebaby has a brother, Oscar Garcia and a sister, Melinda Garcia. TR, Sat 14 Mar 1992

Fountain, James Lee - Mr and Mrs James Allen Fountain, ofRoute 1 Plains, announce the birth of a son Sunday, September 25, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named James Lee Fountain. Mrs Fountain is the former Dorothy ElizabethJohnson. The baby is the grandson of Mrand Mrs J P Fountain, of Route 1 Plains and Mr and Mrs Morris Johnson ofAmericus. TR, Mon 26 Sep 1966

Fountain, Michael Wade - Mr and Mrs Michael Dale Fountainannounce the birth of a son born July 18 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The infant, who weighed 4pounds, 13 ounces has been given the name Michael Wade. He is the grandson of Mrs Lucile Albritton ofAmericus and the late J W Albritton and Mr and Mrs James Milton Fountain ofMacon. TR, Tue 31 Jul 1984

Fountain, Not named - Mr and Mrs J T Fountain, of 614 E ChurchStreet, announce the birth of a daughter, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, Thursday, August 30. TR,Thu 30 Aug 1956

Fountain, Not named - Mr and Mrs James A Fountain, of Plains,are the parents of a 9 pound, 3 ½ ounce son, born September 16, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Fri17 Sep 1965

Fountain, Not named - Mr and Mrs Virgil Fountain, of Ashburn,announce the birth of a daughter, who was born Tuesday, November 12, at CityHospital. TR, Tue 12 Nov 1946

Foust, Andrew Martin - Mr and Mrs Ron Foust of Americusannounce the birth of a son who was born today, Friday, November 28 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Theinfant, who weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces at birth has been given the name ofAndrew Martin Foust. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs John Foust of Manchester, Iowa and maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Richard Dickert of Philadelphia. TR, Fri 28 Nov 1980

Fowler, Allison Scott - Petty Officer 3d Class and Mrs GregFowler of Virginia Beach, Va announce the birth of a daughter, Allison Scott,who was born Monday, March 9 at Chesapeake General Hospital. Mrs Fowler is the former Miss Melissa Kennedyof Americus. Maternal grandparents areMrs Judy Kennedy of Statesville, NC and Max Kennedy of Orlando, Fla andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Gary Jones of Americus and Eian Fowler Jrof Montezuma. Great-grandparents are MrsLouise Bentley of Oglethorpe and Mr and Mrs Eian Fowler Sr of Montezuma. TR, Fri 20 Mar 1987

Fowler, Bettie Louise - Mr and Mrs John Curtis Fowler wishto introduce little Bettie Louise Fowler.Born Feb 19 at Prather Clinic.This is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs O D Reese. TR, Fri 10 Feb 1928

Fowler, Colby Alexis - Mr and Mrs Andy Fowler of Plainsannounce the birth of a daughter, Colby Alexis, born Saturday, Ocotber 20 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 6 pounds, 19 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Gary Jones of Americus and Mr andMrs Eain Fowler Jr of Cordele and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Dale Gayof Plains. Mrs Fowler is the former MissCarla Gay. TR, Wed 24 Oct 1990

Fowler, Elizabeth Ann - Mr and Mrs Lynn Fowler, of Decatur,Alabama, formerly of Americus announce the birth of a daughter Friday, August14 who has been named Elizabeth Ann. TR,Mon 17 Aug 1970

Fowler, Gregory Lisle - Mr and Mrs E L Fowler Jr, ofMontezuma, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 3 ounce son, May 3, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Gregory Lisle. TR, Thu 4 May 1961

Fowler, James Michael - Mr and Mrs James B Fowler, of 602 EChurch Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce son, Thursday, May 7,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named JamesMichael. TR, Fri 8 May 1959

Fowler, Jennifer Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs John Fowler ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Jennifer Elizabeth, born November 21at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant,who is called Jennifer, weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs MansonMarkette of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Austin Fowler ofSmithville. Jennifer has a sister,Kathryn Anne, age two. TR, Tue 1 Dec1992

Fowler, John Leon - Mr and Mrs L W Fowler announce the birthof a 7 pound, 12 ounce son, Monday, February 16 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named John Leon.Mrs Fowler is the former Nadine Hodges, of this city. TR, Tue 17 Feb 1959

Fowler, Kathryn Anne - Mr and Mrs John Fowler of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Kathryn Anne, born Saturday, November 3 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Manson Markette of Americus andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Austin Fowler of Smithville. Paternal grandfather is J D Hodge of Plains. Mrs Fowler is the former Miss BethMarkette. TR, Tue 6 Nov 1990

Fowler, Michael Robert - Mr and Mrs Robert E Fowler announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son, Wednesday, February 18, at Crawford WLong Hospital, who has been named Michael Robert. Mrs Fowler was before marriage Miss CharlotteDorminy, daughter of Mrs Eileen Dorminy, of this city. TR, Tue 17 Mar 1953

Fowler, Nathan Brian - Brian and Angela Fowler ofHawkinsville announce the birth of a son, Nathan Brian, born Aug 24. Grandparents are Pat Phillips of LakeBlackshear, Mr and Mrs Ken Fowler of Hawkinsville and Mr and Mrs Bobby Phillipsof Americus. Great-grandparents are Mrand Mrs Charles Bradley of Lake Blackshear, Mr and Mrs Warner McClung and RubyFowler of Hawkinsville. Great-great-grandmotheris Zemmie Patrick of Lake Blackshear. TR,Fri 23 Sep 1994

Fowler, Not named - Mr and Mrs Elam Fowler, of Montezuma,announce the birth of a 10 ½ pound son, Wednesday, May 22, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 23May 1963

Fowler, Not named - Mr and Mrs H T Fowler, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son Wednesday, January 16, at city hospital, whoweighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces. TR, Thu17 Jan 1952

Fowler, Not named - Mr and Mrs James E Fowler, of 717Douglas Drive, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce daughter, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, on August 22. TR, Mon 24 Aug 1964

Fowler, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jerry Fowler, Route 2Americus, are the parents of a 9 pound, 1 ounce daughter, born June 6 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 7 Jun 1965

Fowler, Not named - Mr and Mrs L C Fowler, are the parentsof a 7 pound, 13 ½ ounce son, born May 30 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Thu 31 May 1962

Fowler, Ronald Brian - Mr and Mrs Jerry E Fowler, of Route 2Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ½ ounce son, January 24 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Ronald Brian. TR, Fri 25 Jan 1963

Fowler, Wanda Kay - Mr and Mrs B F Fowler, of 638 McGarrahStreet, announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, Autust 23, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Wanda Kay. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces. TR, Fri 25 Aug 1961

Fox, James Edwin - Mr and Mrs A J Fox, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son, James Edwin, Monday, July 14. Mr and Mrs Fox are former residents ofAmericus. Mr Fox was connected with theMcLellan store while living here. TR,Wed 23 Jul 1941

Fox, Kimberly Anne - Mr and Mrs Terry L Fox, 1308 RidgeStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 1/4 ounce daughter, Kimberly Anne,on January 28 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Fred G Fox ofLexington, NC, formerly of Plains and Mr and Mrs E B Martin of Augusta,Ga. Great-grandmother is Mrs J MBaughman and great-great-grandmother is Mrs Mattie R Lewis, both of Macon. TR, Wed 19 Feb 1969

Fox, Lisa Ann - Mr and Mrs Jeffery Fox, of Americus,announce the birth of a daughter at the Medical Center in Columbus on Friday, October4. The baby weighed 5 pounds, 12 ouncesand has been named Lisa Ann Fox. Mrs Foxwas formerly Dorothy Hall of Ellaville.Grandparents of the baby are Mr and Mrs Robert Fox of Calhoun and Mr andMrs Russell Hall of Ellaville. TR,Wed 9 Oct 1974

Fox, Michael Lynn - Mr and Mrs Jeff Fox announce thebirth of their son Michael Lynn Fox born Saturday, March 19 at the MedicalCenter in Columbus. Michael weighed 6pounds, 1 ounce. Michael has one sister,Lisa Ann and his grandparents are Mr and Mrs Russell Hall of Ellaville and Mrand Mrs Robert C Fox of Calhoun. TR,Thu 31 Mar 1977

Fox, Not named - Mr and Mrs A W Fox, of Oglethorpe,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, September 7, at Prather Clinic. TR, Wed 7 Sep 1949

Fox, Not named - Mr and Mrs Fred Fox, of Plains, announcethe birth of a daughter, Saturday, November 6, at Prather Clinic. TR, Wed 10 Nov 1948

Fox, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Fox, of Plains,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 4 ounce daughter, January 3, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Fri 3Jan 1964

Fox, Not named - Mr and Mrs P J Fox announce the birth ofa son Wednesday, May 20, at Prather clinic.TR, Thu 28 May 1942

Fox, Teresa Lynne - Mr and Mrs Terry L Fox announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 3 ounce daughter, Teresa Lynne on February 3 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs C B Martin of Macon and Mr and Mrs Fred GFox, Lexington, NC, formerly from Plains.TR, Wed 11 Feb 1970

Fox, Twins - Mr and Mrs Jeffrey L Fox of Americusannounce the birth of twins December 12 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. Baby Leslie Diann weighed 6pounds, 7 ½ ounces and baby Mathew Steven weighed 6 pounds, 10 ½ ounces. Grandparents are Ms Sara Collins, Americus;the late David S Jenkins Jr of Preston; Mrs Sue Dominick of Plains; and JamesFox of Glenville, Ga. Great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Richard G Brown, Mr and Mrs D S Jenkins Sr, the late A ABlankenship, Preston and Mr and Mrs F G Fox of Americus. Mrs Pearl Wiggins of Plains is thegreat-great-grandmother. TR, Fri 16Dec 1983

Foy, Carole Diane - Mr and Mrs W W Foy, of Leslie,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, November 20, at Prather Clinic. The baby has been named Carole Diane. Mrs Foy is the former Miss FlorrieBailey. TR, Tue 20 Nov 1945.

Foy, Jane Bailey - Mr and Mrs W W Foy, of Chester, Ga,announce the birth of a 7-pound, two ounce daughter, Tuesday, November 18, atPrather clinic, who has been named Jane Bailey Foy. Mrs Foy was formerly Miss FlorrieBailey. TR, Wed 19 Nov 1941

Foy, Jennifer Gordon - Mr and Mrs W W Foy announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, March 9, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedJennifer Gordon. Mrs Foy is the formerMiss Florrie Bailey. TR, Fri 11 Mar1949

Fradella, Francis John Jr - Mr and Mrs F J Fradella, ofWashington, DC, announce the birth of a son, Sunday, May 3, at Prather Clinic,who has been named Francis John Jr. MrsFradella was formerly Mrs Elizabeth English Halliday, of Americus. TR, Mon 4 May 1942

France, Not named - Mr and Mrs James France announce thebirth of a daughter, Tuesday, Dec 18, at city hospital. TR, Wed 19 Dec 1945

Franceline, Twins - Mr and Mrs Jim Franceline, of Hartford,Conn, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of twins on February 20 inHartford. They have been named Jimmy andRuth. Mr Franceline was business managerof the Americus baseball club last season.TR, Mon 21 Apr 1952

Francis, Lisa Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Robert Francis announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 2 ½ ounce daughter June 17 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been giventhe name of Lisa Elizabeth. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Earl Bouslog and Mr Richard Francis, all of Elwood,Indiana. TR, Mon 24 Jun 1968

Francis, Terry Robert - Mr and Mrs Bob Francis, of 111Woodland Avenue, announce the birth of a 7 ½ pound son, born Wednesday, August6 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been given the name of Terry Robert. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs RichardFrancis of Kissimmee, Fla. TR, Thu 7Aug 1969

Frank, Teressa Ozella - Mr and Mrs Franklin D Frank, of 525Elm Avenue, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ounce daughter, Monday, April29, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Teressa Ozella.TR, Tue 30 Apr 1963

Franklin, Callata Anne - Mr and Mrs Donald Franklin, ofEllaville, are the parents of a 6 pound, 6 ounce daughter, born February 28 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been given the name of Callata Anne. TR, Mon 2 Mar 1964

Franklin, Carrie Virginia -Mr and Mrs Newton Franklin announce the birth April 11of a daughterCarrie Virginia. TR, Sun 18 Apr 1920

Franklin, Elizabeth Ann - Mr and Mrs George Franklin announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce daughter born July 21 at Druid City Hospital,Tuscaloosa, Ala. She has been given thename of Elizabeth Ann and will be called Beth.Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs Marvin Franklin of Americus and Mr andMrs Robert Ferguson of Augusta. TR,Fri 23 Jul 1982

Franklin, George Marvin Jr - Mr and Mrs Marvin Franklinannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son Friday, July 15, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named George Marvin Jr. Mrs Franklin is the former Miss MaggieCollier of Cartersville. TR, Fri 15Jul 1955

Franklin, Hannah Lee - Mr and Mrs Wade Franklin of Americusannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce daughter, Hannah Lee Franklin, bornSaturday, April 21 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs T R Thompson ofSwainsboro and Mr and Mrs Wade H Franklin of Midville. Great-grandparent is Mrs Bill Coglin ofHerndon. She has a brother, Matthew, age3. TR, Mon 30 Apr 1984

Franklin, Not named - Mr and Mrs Donald Franklin, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 14 ounce daughter, Tuesday,September 20, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Tue 20 Sep 1955

Franklin, Not named - Mr and Mrs G M Franklin, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a 5-pound, 5-ounce son Wednesday, May 13, at Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 14May 1953

Franklin, Steven Michael - Mr and Mrs Michael S Franklinannounce the birth of a son, Steven Michael, born August 8. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces atbirth. Mrs Franklin is the former KathyBaringer of Americus. Grandparents areDr and Mrs Richard L Baringer of Americus and Maj Gen and Mrs Carl E FranklinUSAF of Ramstein, Germany. Steven has abrother, Tyler, age three. TR, Thu 10Sep 1992

Franks, Charles Israel- Mr and Mrs F D Franks III of Ellaville announce the birth of a son,Charles Israel, born October 31 at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces atbirth. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs F DFranks I of Americus and Mr and Mrs Frank Harrell of Douglas. TR, Mon 10 Nov 1986

Franks, Franklin Delano III - Mr and Mrs Franklin DelanoFranks Jr announce the birth of a 4 pound, 4 3/4 ounce son born Sunday, July 30at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Franklin Delano Franks III. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs F D Franks Sr ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Frank Terrell of Douglas. TR, Sat 12 Aug 1978

Franks, Michael Edward - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Franks of Americusannounce the birth of a son born Sunday, February 13 at Phoebe Putney Hospitalin Albany. The infant, who weighed 7pounds, 7 ounces has been given the name Michael Edward Franks. He is the youngest brother of Sandra, Ken andFaye Franks and the grandson of Mr and Mrs Mack Franks, Americus and Mr and MrsHarold Winslow of Yuba City, Calif. TR,Thu 17 Feb 1983

Franks, Not named - Mr and Mrs E I Franks, of 15B BowenDrive, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ½ ounce son, February 4, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 7 Feb 1966

Franks, Not named - Mr and Mrs Franklin D Franks announcethe birth of a 5 pound, 14 ½ ounce daughter born Friday, August 13 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Theinfant is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs F D Franks Sr of Americus and Mr andMrs Frank Harold of Douglas. Hergreat-grandmother is Mrs Roy Davis of Clanton, Ala. TR, Wed 18 Aug 1982

Franks, Sandra Kay - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Franks, of the LeeStreet Road, announce the birth a 7 pound, 4 ounce daughter Tuesday, September6 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby, who has been named Sandra Kay is the granddaughter of Mr andMrs W D Kelly and Mr and Mrs Mack Franks.TR, Thu 8 Sep 1966

Franks, W Randolph - Mr and Mrs Franklin D Franks, of SumterHomes 9, announce the birth of a 7 pound son, W Randolph, May 4, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 5 May 1960

Frantz, Adam James - Mr and Mrs Bill Frantz of Americusannounce the birth of a 5 pound, 14 ounce son born Thursday, July 26 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who has been named Adam James has older twin brothers, Ronald andDonald. The grandparents are Mr and MrsJames O’Neal of Thomaston and Mrs Mary Frantz of Columbus and Albert Frantz ofAlpena, Michigan. TR, Thu 3 Aug 1978

Frantz, Kelly Brooke - Mr and Mrs Ronald Frantz announce thebirth of a daughter, Kelly Brooke, born Feb 28.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Morris Kelly of Americus and paternalgrandparents are Diane Frantz of Americus and Mr and Mrs Bill Frantz of PalmBay, Fla. Great-grandparents are Mr andMrs James O’Neal of Thomaston. Brookehas two brothers, Blake, 5 and Cody 3 ½.TR Thu 5 May 1994

Frazier, Adam Matthew - John Henry and Cheryl L Frazierannounce the birth of a son, who has been named Adam Matthew Frazier. The infant, who was born Wednesday, August31, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital weighed 8 pounds, 5 ½ounces. He is the grandson of Mr and MrsHenry F Frazier Sr, Americus and Mr and Mrs Marcus Richmond, Pensacola,Fla. His grandparents are Mrs IdelAlston, Americus and Mr and Mrs Griffith of Pensacola. He is the great-great-grandson of Mrs CharlieHolmes of Americus. TR, Thu 1 Sep 1983

Frazier, Alston Cole - Mr and Mrs Rickie Frazier ofGainesville announce the birth of a son, Alston Cole, born March 18 atNortheast Georgia Medical Center. Heweighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert E Green of Douglas and MrsMontye P Kelly of Apopka, Fla. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Harry F Frazier Sr, Americus and Mrs J P Pope ofMonticello. Mrs Idell M Alston of Americusis the great-grandmother. TR, Wed 4May 1988

Frazier, Catrina Gail - Mr and Mrs John Frazier are theparents of a 5 pound, 7 ½ ounce daughter born Thursday, January 9 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been given the name of Catrina Gail.The infant’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs Floyd Frazier of Americus andMr and Mrs Fate Sparrow of Pinehurst. TR,Fri 10 Jan 1975

Frazier, Claud Arron - Mr and Mrs Wilbur Lee Frazier announcethe birth of a son, Tuesday, March 28, at city hospital, who has been namedClaud Arron. Mrs Frazier was formerlyMiss Marlene Lloyd. TR, Mon 3 Apr1944

Frazier, Genie Brooks - Mr and Mrs Gene Frazier are theparents of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter born Saturday, November 1 who has beengiven the name of Genie Brooks. Genie isthe granddaughter of Mrs Thelma Pittman and Bill Pittman and Mr and Mrs FloydFrazier, all of Americus. TR, Tue 4Nov 1975

Frazier, George Arthur - Mr and Mrs Hank Frazier, of 548 EFurlow Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 14 1/4 ounce son on July 28,who has been named George Arthur. Thebaby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs John Alston, of Preston and Mr and MrsGeorge W Frazier of North Adams, Mass. TR,Sat 29 Jul 1967

Frazier, Hannah Grace - Mr and Mrs Steve Frazier of NewOrleans, La, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, HannahGrace, born Friday, September 13 at Southern Baptist Hospital, NewOrleans. Hannah, as she is called,weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs John Linneman of Americus andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Fred Frazier of Cuthbert. Great-grandparents are Mrs Ruth George ofAmericus; Mrs Maude Camp of Cuthbert and Mrs June Linneman of Bradenton,Fla. Hannah has a brother, Johsua, 19 months. Mrs Frazier is the former Miss Janet Linnemanof Americus. TR, Fri 20 Sep 1991

Frazier, Henry Lee Shannon - Mr and Mrs Lee J Frazier are theparents of an 8 pound, 1 ½ ounce son born Wednesday, May 25 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Henry Lee Shannon Frazier. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs B H Croft,Cordele and Mr and Mrs Henry F Frazier Sr, Americus. He is the great-grandson of Mrs John D Alstonof Preston and the great-great-grandson of Mr and Mrs C W Holmes, Americus. TR, Fri 27 May 1977

Frazier, Jason Ellis - Mr and Mrs Gene Frazier announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 12 ½ ounce son born Sunday, November 5. The baby has been named Jason Ellis and is tobe called Jason. He is the grandson ofMrs Thelma Pittman and Bill Pittman, both of Americus and Mr and Mrs FloydFrazier, also of this city. The baby’sgreat-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Asa Pittman and Aaron J Frazier and the lateMrs Frazier of Americus and Mrs Augustino Vicki and the late Mr Vicki ofVerreggol, Italy. TR, Tue 7 Nov 1972

Frazier, John Henry - Sgt and Mrs H E Frazier, of Oak Avenueannounce the birth of a 10 pound son, March 28, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named John Henry.TR, Mon 30 Mar 1959

Frazier, Joshua Stephen Scott - Mr and Mrs Steve Frazier ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Joshua Stephen Scott, born Tuesday,February 13 at Sumter Regional Hospital.The infant weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces at birth. Mrs Frazier is the former Janet Linneman ofAmericus. Maternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs John Linneman of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs FredFrazier of Cuthbert. Great-grandmothersare Mrs Ruth George of Ameircus; Mrs June Linneman of Bradenton, Fla and MrsMaude Camp of Cuthbert. TR, Wed 7 Mar1990

Frazier, Justin Bryce - Mr and Mrs Lee Frazier of Americusannounce the birth of a 9 pound, 8 ounce son on Saturday, August 15 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital who hasbeen named Justin Bryce. The maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs B H Croft of Cordele and the paternal are Mr and Mrs Henry FFrazier of Americus. The infant’s olderbrother is Shannon Frazier, age 4. TR,Mon 17 Aug 1981

Frazier, Kevin Alan - Mr and Mrs Mel C Frazier of Americusannounce the birth of a son who has been given the name Kevin Alan. The infant, who weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounceswas born July 5 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Hansel Stripling,Manchester and Mr and Mrs Cary Frazier, Rome.He has a brother, Kirk. MrsFrazier is the former Miss Glynda Stripling of Manchester. TR, Mon 16 Jul 1984

Frazier, Marianna - Sgt and Mrs J F Frazier, of Miami, Fla,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, January 24, at Prather Clinic, whohas been given the name Marianna. MrsFrazier was the former Miss John Dell Bradd, sister of Mrs Allen Chappell. TR, Thu 25 Jan 1945

Frazier, Melissa Jaye - Mr and Mrs Gene Frazier announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce daughter, Melissa Jaye who was born Saturday,September 30 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. She has an older brother, Jason and also asister, Jeanie. Grandparents are MrsThelma Pittman and Bill Pittman, both of Americus; and Mr and Mrs FloydFrazier, also of this city. The baby isthe great-granddaughter of Mrs Asa Pittman and Aaron Frazier of Americus. TR, Wed 4 Oct 1978

Frazier, Michael Edward Jr - Mr and Mrs Michael Frazier, ofMiami, announce the birth of a son, May 23, who has been named Michael EdwardFrazier Jr. Mrs Frazier is the formerMiss DiLane Oxford, of this city. Thebaby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs John Oxford and great-grandson of Mr and MrsJ G Oliver of Americus. TR, Tue 26May 1964

Frazier, Nathan Craig - Mr and Mrs John Henry Frazier ofAmericus announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce son, Nathan Craig, bornWednesday, September 19 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Markus M Richmondof Kingstree, SC and Mr and Mrs Henry F Frazier of Americus. He is the great-grandson of Mr and Mrs LeonGriffith of Pensacola, Fla and Mrs Idell Alston and the late John Alston ofAmericus. His great-great-grandmother isMrs Ruby Holmes of Americus. TR, Thu27 Sep 1984

Frazier, Not named - Mr and Mrs J T Frazier, of Route 1,Americus, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce daughter, Tuesday, January5 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 6 Jan 1960

Frazier, Not named - Mr and Mrs W L Frazier announce thebirth of a daughter, Tuesday, June 11, at City Hospital. TR, Fri 14 Jun 1946

Frazier, Rachel Noel - Rev and Mrs Steve Frazier ofSylvester, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Rachel Noel,born December 27. Rachel weighed 8pounds, 8 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs John Linneman of Americus and Mrs Fred Frazier ofCuthbert. Great-grandmothers are MrsRuth George of Americus, Mrs Maude Camp of Cuthbert and Mrs June Linneman ofBradenton, Fla. Rachel has a brother,Joshua, and a sister, Hannah. TR, Fri15 Jan 1993

Frazier, Robin Kaye - John Gordon and Connie Frazier of theMiddle River Road announce the birth of a baby girl, Robin Kaye, born Tuesday,September 27 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. She weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce at birth. Robin has a brother, Brian and one sister,Trina. Her maternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs Fate Sparrow of Pinehurst and her paternal grandparents are Mr and MrsFloyd Frazier, Americus. TR, Mon 3Oct 1983

Frazier, Torilla - Mr and Mrs A J Frazier announce the birthof a daughter, born Sunday, February 20 at city hospital, who has been named Torilla. TR, Mon 21 Feb 1938

Frazier, Walter Thomas - Mr and Mrs Aron Frazier announce thebirth of a little son, Aug 16 at their home near Huntington. He has been given the name WalterThomas. TR, Wed 14 Aug 1927

Frederick, Ernest Jr - Mr and Mrs Ernest Frederick proudlyannounce the birth of a nine pound, six ounce boy, born Friday, October 27 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.He has been named Ernest Frederick Jr.His grandparents are Mrs Ola M Frederick, Mr Arthur Wiggins, Detroit andMr and Mrs Juby Hardy. TR, Fri 31 Oct1969

Freeman, Allen Gregory - Mr and Mrs Douglas Freeman III, ofMacon, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 6 ounce son born Sunday, October 3 atthe Medical Center in Macon. The baby,who has been named Allen Gregory, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Earl and MrsDee Smith, all of Americus. Mrs Freemanis the former Margaret Bell of this city..TR, Mon 4 Oct 1971

Freeman, Catherine Ann - Mr and Mrs Walter Freeman announcethe birth of a daughter, Saturday, October 15, at City Hospital, who has beennamed Catherine Ann. Mr Freeman is anannouncer with Radio Station WDEC. TR,Wed 19 Oct 1949

Freeman, Cecil - Mr and Mrs J Harry Freeman, of FortLauderdale, Fla, announce the birth of a daughter at their home in that city,June 20, who has been given the name of Cecil.Mrs Freeman is pleasantly remembered in Americus as Miss Mollie Devoebefore her marriage several years ago. TR,Tue 21 Jun 1921

Freeman, Christopher Douglas - Mr and Mrs Douglas FreemanIII, of Macon, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ½ ounce son Monday, July 10,at the Macon General Hospital, who has been given the name of ChristopherDouglas. Mrs Freeman is the former MargaretBell of Americus. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Earl Bell of this city and Mrs Dee Smith of Cobb. TR, Tue 11 Jul 1967

Freeman, Dallas Lorin - Mr and Mrs Sam Freeman ofJacksonville, Fla announce the birth of a 6 pound, 2 ounce son born at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital on Tuesday, October 20. The baby has been named Dallas Lorin for histwo grandfathers. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Ralph Lorin Clanton Jr of Americus and the late Mr and Mrs Mack DallasFreeman of Sasser, Ga. TR, Thu 22 Oct1981

Freeman, Douglas III - Mr and Mrs Douglas Freeman Jr announcethe birth of a son Douglas III, Friday, July 3, at Prather clinic. Mrs Freeman was formerly Miss StellaKitchens. TR, Fri 3 Jul 1942

Freeman, Elise Nicole - Mr and Mrs Sam Freeman ofJacksonville, Fla announce the birth of a daughter, Elise Nicole, born October1. The infant weighed 5 pounds, 12ounces at birth. Mrs Freeman is theformer Miss Bonnie Clanton of Americus.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ralph Lorin Clanton Jr, Americus and thelate Mr and Mrs Mack Dallas Freeman, Sasser.Great-grandmother is Mrs C R Weeks, Sr of Americus, for whom the infantis named. The new baby has a brother,Dallas Lorin, age six. TR, Fri 13 Nov1987

Freeman, Frank Jr - Mr and Mrs J F Freeman announce the birthof a son, Saturday morning, January 28, at the city hospital, who has beennamed Frank Jr. TR, Mon 30 Jan 1939

Freeman, Georgianne - Mr and Mrs George E Freeman, ofLeetsvale, Penn, announce the birth of a daughter, Georgianne, WednesdaySeptember 22. Mrs Freeman is the formerMiss Martha Ellen Compton, of Americus. TR,Mon 27 Sep 1948

Freeman, Jane - Mr and Mrs Roy Freeman Jr announce the birthof a daughter on July 29th at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. She has been named Jane. Her maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs A LJones of Preston, Ga, and her paternal grandparents are Mrs and Mrs Roy FreemanSr, of Ocilla, Ga. The mother is theformer Miss Juanita Jones of Preston. TR,Sat 31 Jul 1954

Freeman, Jessie Stephen - Mr and Mrs Stephen Freeman, of Madisonannounce the birth of a son born Thursday, March 30 at Morgan MemorialHospital. The infant, who weighed 5pounds, 14 ounces has been named Jessie Stephen. Grandparents are Mrs Dee Smith of Madison andDouglas Freeman Jr of Macon and Mr and Mrs Bobby Youngblood of Madison. TR, Mon 3 Apr 1978

Freeman, John Franklin III - Mr and Mrs Frank Freeman Jr,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 9 ounce son Monday, June2 at Macon Hospital. The baby has beengiven the name of John Franklin Freeman III.His grandparents are Mr and Mrs Jesse Miller of Cuthbert and Mrs FrankFreeman Sr and the late Mr Freeman of Americus.TR, Fri 13 Jun 1969

Freeman, Loralee - Mr and Mrs James R Freeman, of Americus,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce daughter born Tuesday, May 10 at theMoultrie Hospital. The baby, who hasbeen named Loralee is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs B B Freeman and Mrs EthelHorne and Jim Horne, all of Moultrie. TR,Thu 20 May 1971

Freeman, Lori Elizabeth - Airman1c and Mrs Michael A Freeman,of Orlando, Fla, now stationed at Rhine Main Air Base, Frankfurt, Germanyannounce the birth of a baby girl weighing 8 pounds, 13 ounces at the hospitalin Weisbaden, March 29. The baby, whohas been named Lori Elizabeth is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Quention Jamesof Orlando, formerly of Americus and Mr and Mrs Lyn Freeman of Orlando. TR, Fri, 31 Mar 1972

Freeman, Martha Frances - Mr and Mrs Douglas Freeman announcethe birth of a daughter Nov 12 at their home, 750 Crawford Street. She has been given the name of Martha FrancesFreeman. TR, Mon 12 Nov 1923

Freeman, Martha Millicent - Lt and Mrs George Freeman, of SanAngelo, Texas, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Friday,November 3, who has been named Martha Millicent. Mrs Freeman was before marriage Miss MarthaEllen Compton, of this city. The baby isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Otis Compton, of Atlanta and Mr and Mrs ErnestFreeman, of Leetsdale, Penn. TR, Thu9 Nov 1944

Freeman, Not named - Mr and Mrs David Freeman, of Smithville,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, June 12, at Prather clinic. TR, Thu 13 Jun 1940

Freeman, Not named - Mr and Mrs David Freeman, of Smithville,announce the birth of a daughter Wednesday, June 3, at Prather clinic. TR, Fri 5 Jun 1942

Freeman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Douglas Freeman announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce son, Tuesday, May 28 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Wed 29 May 1957

Freeman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Douglas Freeman announce thebirth of a daughter Mon, April 13, at their home. TR, Tue 14 Apr 1936

Freeman, Paige Olivia - Mr and Mrs Tod Chandler Freeman, ofCarrollton, announce the birth of a daughter, Paige Olivia, born Saturday,March 10. The baby’s maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Bennie Collins of this city and the paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Callie Freeman of Miami, Fla. TR, Tue 3 Apr 1973

Freeman, Raymond Todd - Mr and Mrs Douglas Freeman III, ofMacon, are the parents of a son born Friday, January 17 at the Coliseum ParkHospital, Macon. The baby weighed 7pounds, 11 ½ ounces. He has been giventhe name of Raymond Todd and is to be called Todd. Grandparents of the infant are Mrs Dee Smithof Shadydale, Ga and Douglas Freeman Jr of Macon and Mr and Mrs Earl Bell ofAmericus. TR, Mon 20 Jan 1975

Freeman, Robert L III - Mr and Mrs Robert L Freeman Jrannounce the birth of a son born Aug 1 at Huges Spalding Pavillion Hospital inAtlanta. The baby has been named RobertL Freeman III. This is the first child. Robert III is the grandson of Mr and Mrs JohnW Hubbard Sr and the Rev and Mrs R L Freeman, all of Americus. TR, Tue 5 Aug 1975

Freeman, Robert Spencer - Mr and Mrs Clayton Freeman ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Robert Spencer, born August 29 at theColumbus Medical Center. The infant willbe called Spencer. Mrs Freeman is theformer Miss Suzanne Bernatchez.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert Freeman of Valdosta and Mr and MrsGeorge Bernatchez of Lakeland, Ga. TR,Wed 9 Sep 1987

Freeman, Sean Richard - Mr and Mrs Rick F Freeman, Rte 3Americus, announce the birth of a son Sean Richard on September 14 at PhoebePutney Hospital in Albany. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 8 ½ ounces at birth.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Joseph W Hudson of Americus and Mr andMrs Clifford Freeman of Albany. TR,Tue 21 Sep 1982

Freeman, Sherrice Diane - Mr and Mrs George Freeman, ofLeetsdale, Pa, announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, April 20, who has beennamed Sherrice Diane. Mrs Freeman is theformer Miss Martha Ellen Compton, of this city.TR, Fri 25 Apr 1947

Freeman, Teresa Dawn - Mr and Mrs Tommy Freeman, of 214Postway Drive, announce the birth of a six pound, 15 ounce daughter, September10 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name ofTeresa Dawn. Mrs Freeman is the formerPatricia Silver. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs W T Silver Jr and Mrs Stella Freeman. TR, Fri 10 Sep 1965

Freeman, Thomas Chandler - Mr and Mrs Tommy Freeman announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce son Saturday, November 1 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital who has been given the name of Thomas Chandler. The baby is the grandson of Mrs W T Silver Jrand the late Mr Silver and Mrs Dee Smith of Cobb and Douglas Freeman Jr ofMacon. TR, Wed 5 Nov 1969

Freeman, William Thomas - Mr and Mrs Douglas Freeman Jrannounce the birth of a son, Tuesday, November 2, at city hospital, who hasbeen given the name William Thomas. TR,Wed 3 Nov 1943

French, B’ausha Nashia - Rev and Mrs Timothy French announcethe birth of a daughter B’ausha Nashia, born Sunday, August 18 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 1 ounce at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Lewis Young of Smithville and maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Johnny Howard Salter of Dawson.TR, Fri 23 Aug 1991

French, J Marion Jr - Mr and Mrs J Marion French announcethe birth of a son, Monday, February 8, at city hospital, who has been named JMarion French Jr. Mrs French is theformer Miss Flora Duncan. TR, Wed 10Feb 1943

French, Marlisha Sharda - Willie And Alisa French ofSmithville announce the birth of a daugther, Marlisha Sharda, born March 15 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Ruben French Sr of Smithville; Mr and Mrs Mitchell ofDawson. Great-grandparents are Mr andMrs Arthur James Watson of Dawson; Mr and Mrs Tony Mitchell of Dawson and thelate Mr and Mrs Doc French Sr. TR,Wed 21 Mar 1990

French, Not named - Mr and Mrs E M French of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a son on December 1 at Prather Clinic. TCN, Thu 3 Dec 1948

French, Not named - Rev and Mrs Charles French of Ft Valleyannounce the birth of a daughter at Sumter Regional Hospital, who was born Jan1, 1994. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 3ounce at birth. The infant has not beennamed at present. TR, Mon 3 Jan 1994

Frick, Frances Collins - Mr and Mrs Fred Frick announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 14 3/4 ounce daughter born Saturday, November 4 at theMedical Center in Columbus. Mrs Frick isthe former Ruth Hodges. The baby hasbeen named Frances Collins Frick. She isthe granddaughter of Mrs Robert Hodges and the late Mr Hodges and Mrs O R Frickand the late Mr Frick, all of Americus. TR,Sat 4 Nov 1972

Frick, Robert Frederick - Mr and Mrs Fred M Frick announcethe birth of a son Robert Frederick Frick born Sunday, June 12 at the MedicalCenter in Columbus. The infant is thegrandson of Mrs Robert J Hodges and Mrs O A Frick, both of Americus. TR, Mon 13 Jun 1977

Fricks, Austin Nathaniel - Mr and Mrs William P Fricks, ofNewport News, Va announce the birth of a son, Austin Nathaniel on Friday, Aug9. The baby weighed 9 pounds atbirth. Austin, as he will be called isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs Crawford Dudley and Mr and Mrs Walker Fricks, all ofAmericus. TR, Sat 10 Aug 1974

Fricks, Christopher Calvin - Mr and Mrs Roy Fricks announcethe birth of a son, Christopher Calvin Fricks.The infant was born Friday, August 19 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. His birth weight was 7 pounds,4 ounces. He has a brother, Will. His grandparents are Mr and Mrs A B Carlan ofDeSoto and Mrs Walker N Fricks and the late Walker N Fricks of Americus. TR, Thu 25 Aug 1983

Fricks, Holly Ann - Mr and Mrs William Fricks, of NewportNews, Va, announce the birth of a daughter Friday, October 17 who weighed 8pounds, 6 ounces. The baby, who has beengiven the name of Holly Ann is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Crawford Dudleyand Mr and Mrs Walker Fricks, all of Americus.TR, Fri 17 Oct 1969

Fricks, Jennifer Yearty - Mr and Mrs Walker Fricks Jr, ofWarner Robins, announce the birth of a daughter born Friday, September 28. The infant, who has been given the name ofJennifer Yearty, weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces.The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs O R Yearty of Cochran and Mr and MrsWalker Fricks of this city. TR, Thu 4Oct 1973

Fricks, Walker N III - Mr and Mrs Walker N Fricks Jr, ofWarner Robins, announce the birth of an 8 pound son born Saturday, April 17 atthe Houston County Hospital. The babyhas been named Walker N Fricks III. Heis the grandson of Mr and Mrs O R Yearty of Cochran and Mr and Mrs WalkerFricks of Americus. TR, Mon 19 Apr1971

Fricks, William Austin - Mr and Mrs Roy Evans Fricks ofValdosta are the parents of a 6 pound, 2 ½ ounce son born Thursday, July13. The infant has been given the nameof William Austin. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Arthur Buell Carlin of DeSoto and Mrs Walker Fricks of Americus. TR, Fri 14 Jul 1978

Fricks, William Peavy - Mr and Mrs William Fricks, ofNewport News, Va, announce the birth of a son, William Peavy on November8. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 3 ouncesat birth. Grandparents are Mr and MrsCrawford Dudley and Mr and Mrs Walker Fricks of Americus. TR, Wed 10 Nov 1971

Friedlander, Not named - Mr and Mrs Nathan Friedlander announcethe birth of a daughter on April 28 at their home in Moultrie. TR, Sun 2 May 1920

Friedman, Pamela Jean - Mr and Mrs Phillip J Friedman, ofTucker, Ga, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce daughter March 25 atNorthside Hospital in Atlanta. The babyhas been given the name of Pamela Jean and will be called “Pam”.. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs E FWomack of Tucker, formerly of this city and the late Mr and Mrs Sam Friedman ofAtlanta. Pam is the great-granddaughterof Mrs Phillip Weisman of Atlanta. Thebaby’s mother is the former Miss Betts Womack of Americus. TR, Fri, 2 Apr 1971

Fripp, Stacy Marie - Sp4 and Mrs Dean Fripp announce thebirth of a daughter at a Wayside, NJ Hospital on Wednesday, June 20. She weighed 9 pounds, 1 1/4 ounce and hasbeen named Stacy Marie Fripp.Grandparents of the baby are Mrs Elois Fripp of Ellaville and Mr and MrsJohn W Beekman of Wayside, NJ.Great-grandparents are Mrs O C Miles of Ellaville, Mrs Catherine McNeillof Wayside, NJ and Mr and Mrs C F Fripp of Columbus. TR, Tue 26 Jun 1973

Frisbee, John - John Wagnon received a telegram todayannouncing the birth of a grandson, John Frisbee, in Honolulu, Hawaii,Friday. The baby was born to Mr and MrsFrank Frisbee. Mrs Frisbee is the formerMiss Betty Wagnon of Americus. Thefather is personnel manager for a large pineapple firm in Honolulu. TR, Wed 3 Sep 1947

Frisbee, Meghan Elizabeth - Art and Sally Altman Frisbee ofJacksonville announce the birth of a daughter, Meghan Elizabeth, born May 30 atBaptist University Hospital, Jacksonville.The infant weighed 8 pounds, 14 ounces.Grandparents are Lynn and Faye Frisbee of Americus and Jim and NancyAltman of Jacksonville. She has asister, Emily, 2. TR, Fri 6 Jun 1997

Frisbie, Emily Rebekah - Art and Sally Frisbie ofJacksonville, Fla announce the birth of a daughter, Emily Rebekah, born Sunday,April 30 at Baptist Medical Center, Jacksonville. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces atbirth. Paternal grandparents are Dr andMrs Lynn Frisbie of Americus and maternal grandparents are Dr and Mrs JamesAltman of Jacksonville, formerly of Americus.TR, Wed 3 May 1995

Frost, Brentley David - Mr and Mrs Malcom H Frost announcethe birth of a son Wednesday, June 24 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, named brentley David Frost. Heis the grandson of Mr and Mrs E V Jarrell of Rochelle and Mr and Mrs MorganHerschel Frost of Americus. TR, Wed 1Jul 1970

Frost, Connie Marie - Mr and Mrs Everett Frost announce thebirth of a daughter Saturday, November 11, at Prather Clinic, who has beennamed Connie Marie. Mrs Frost is theformer Marie Jordan. TR, Thu 16 Nov1950

Frost, David Grayson - Mr and Mrs Jack Grayson Frostannounce the birth of an 8 pound 2 ½ ounce son, Thursday, January 9, at cityhospital, who has been named David Grayson.Mrs Frost is the former Miss Daisy Phillips. TR, Fri 17 Jan 1947

Frost, Everette Lanier - Mr and Mrs Everette Frost announcethe birth of a son, Wednesday, April 3, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedEverette Lanier. Mrs Frost was beforemarriage Miss Marie Jordan. TR, Thu 4Apr 1946

Frost, Frances Leigh - Mr and Mrs John Frost announce thebirth of a 9 pound, 3 ½ ounce daughter Thursday, March 11 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital who has been given the name of Frances Leigh. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsJody Monts Jr and Mr and Mrs Roy Frost Sr of Cobb. TR, Sat 13 Mar 1971

Frost, Kristy Denise - Mr and Mrs Mac Frost, of 207Highland Drive Ext, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 11 ounce daughter onJanuary 30 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named Kristy Denise. Her maternal grandparents are Mrs SaraJarrell of Rochelle and the late E V Jarrell and the paternal are Mr and Mrs MH Frost of Americus. TR, Fri 31 Jan1975

Frost, Malcolm Herschel - Mr and Mrs Herschel Frostannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 15 ½ ounce son, Tuesday morning, May 9, atthe city hospital, who has been named Malcolm Herschel Frost. Before marriage Mrs Frost was Miss MargaretWilliams. TR, Tue 9 May 1939

Frost, Otis M - Mr and Mrs Felder Frost announce the birthof a son Friday, January 27, at City Hospital, who has been named Otis M. TR, Tue 7 Feb 1950

Frost, Roy Clyde III - Mr and Mrs Roy Frost Jr announce thebirth of Roy Clyde Frost III, who was born Thursday, January 31 at the CrispCounty Hospital in Cordele. The baby,who weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Roy C Frost,Americus and Mrs W P Manuel of Elbert, Texas.His great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs E L Frost of this city. TR, Wed 6 Feb 1974

Frost, Shirley - Mr and Mrs J F Frost announce the birth ofa daughter Thursday, September 17, at the city hospital. The baby weighed six pounds and five ouncesat birth and has been given the name Shirley.Before her marriage Mrs Frost was Miss Wylene Brown. TR, Wed 23 Sep 1936

Frost, Timothy Morgan - Mr and Mrs M H Frost announce thebirth of a son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on February 28, whoweighed 8 pounds, 2 ½ ounces. The babyhas been named Timothy Morgan. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs H M Frost and Mr and Mrs M E Dill, all of Americus. TR, Thu 2 Mar 1967

Fulcher, Rose Marie - Mr and Mrs John Fulcher, of Augusta,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 6 ounce daughter, January 31 at the UniversityHospital, in Augusta, who has been named Rose Marie. Mrs Fulcher was the former Mary ElizabethParker, daughter of Mr and Mrs Ross Parker, of Americus. TR, Wed 3 Feb 1960

Fulford, Not named - Mr and Mrs Henry Fulford of Dawsonannounce the birth of a son at City Hospital on Octobr 24. TCN, Thu 6 Oct 1949

Fulford, Not named - Mr and Mrs W P Fulford, of 102D, LamarStreet, are the parents of a 7 pound, 4 ounce son, born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on December 10. TR,Thu 10 Dec 1964

Fulford, William Prather - Mr and Mrs H L Fulford announcethe birth of a six pound son, William Prather, who was born January 30. TR, Mon 6 Feb 1939

Fulgham, Clifford Melvin Jr - Mr and Mrs C M Fulgham announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son Monday, April 1, who has been given thename Clifford Melvin Jr. Mrs Fulgham wasformerly Miss Elsie Lee Cheek, of Leslie.TR, Tue 2 Apr 1946

Fulgham, Not named - Mr and Mrs C M Fulgham announce thebirth of a boy at the City Hospital, on Feb 7.TR, Thu 12 Feb 1948

Fulghom, Lon Morrell - Mr and Mrs Dean Fulghom, of Nashville,Tennessee are the parents of a son born Wednesday, March 24 who has been namedLon Morrell. Mrs Fulghom is the formerBeth Pearson of Montezuma and Mr and Mrs Jere Pearson of Montezuma are thebaby’s grandparents. The infant is thegreat-grandson of W B Rainey of Columbus and the late Elizabeth JoynerRainey. He is the great-great-grandsonof Mrs W A Joyner and the late Rev W A Joyner of Americus. TR, Tue 30 Mar 1976

Fulghum, Angela Dawn - Mr and Mrs Joseph L Fulghum announcethe birth of a daughter Sunday, October 6 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 6 punds,11 ounces has been given the name of Angela Dawn. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J EBeamon of Shellman and Mrs Elsie Fulghum of Leslie and Clifford Fulghum Sr ofAmericus. TR, Mon 7 Oct 1974

Fulghum, James Todd - Mr and Mrs Joseph Lee Fulghum, ofShellman announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce son born Saturday, July17. The baby, who has been named JamesTodd Fulghum has a brother, Joseph Earl and a sister, Angela Dawn. The infant is the grandson of Mr and MrsJames Earl Beamon of Shellman and Mrs Elsie Fulghum, Leslie and Mr Clifford MFulghum, Americus. TR, Mon 16 Jul1979

Fulghum, Jeffrey Stephen - Mr and Mrs John Stephen Fulghum,of Griffin, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce son born June 2 at theGriffin-Spalding Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Jeffrey Stephen. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Howard P Ergle of Vienna and Mrs Elsie Fulghum of Leslieand Clifford Fulghum of Americus. TR,Fri 4 Jun 1971

Fulghum, Joseph Earl - Mr and Mrs Joe Fulghum, of Shellmanannounce the birth of a son born Monday, June 6 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital who weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces. The infant has been given the name of JosephEarl. Grandparents are Mrs Elsie Fulghum of Leslie and Clifford Fulghum ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs James Beamon of Shellman. TR, Wed 8 Jun 1977

Fulghum, Lila Wynelle - First Sergeant and Mrs C M Fulghum,of Clearwater, Fla, and Ameicus announce the birth of a daughter, Lila Wynelle,Saturday, February 13, at the Prather Clinic.Mrs Fulghum was formerly Miss Elise Lee Cheek. TR, Mon 15 Feb 1943

Fulghum, Melanie Ann - Mr and Mrs Clifford Melvin Fulghum Jrof Orangeburg, S C announce the birth of an eight pound, one ounce daughter,Melanie Ann, born April 19th in Orangeburg. Mr and Mrs James L Cook Jr of Leesburg, Ga,Mrs Elsie Fulghum, Leslie and C M Fulghum Sr are the baby’s grandparents. TR, Tue 22 Apr 1969

Fulghum, William Otis Jr - Mr and Mrs W O Fulghum announcethe birth of a son, Wednesday, Dec 5, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named William Otis Jr.TR, Tue 11 Dec 1956

Fullbright, Dorothy Olivia - Mr and Mrs W P Fullbright announcethe birth of a daughter May 21 at their home on Furlow Street, who has beengiven the name Dorothy Olivia. TR,Tue 29 May 1928

Fuller, Andrew Donner - Mr and Mrs Dale Fuller of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Andrew Donner, born October 5 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds,15 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs B C Donner of Biloxi, Miss and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs C S Fuller Jr of Ruston, La. He has a sister, Katherine, age three. TR, Wed 14 Oct 1987

Fuller, Debra Ann - Mr and Mrs F W Fuller, of 1009 ParkerStreet, announce the birth of a daughter, Debra Ann, Tuesday, November 22, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby weighed 6 pounds, 6 ounces.TR, Wed 23 Nov 1955

Fuller, Mary Jane - Mr and Mrs S O Fuller announce the birthof a daughter, Saturday, February 8, at city hospital, who has been named MaryJane. Mrs Fuller is the former Miss FloraChappell, of Richland. TR, Tue 11 Feb1947

Fuller, Nancy Harriett - Mr and Mrs Harry Fuller announcethe birth of a daughter Monday, February 1, at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Nancy Harriett.The baby weighed eight pounds, 1 ounce.TR, Wed 3 Feb 1954

Fuller, Not named - Mr and Mrs C C Fuller, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a son, Saturday, February 12, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 17 Feb 1944

Fuller, Shannah Mollyann - Terry and Michelle Fuller of BoxSprings announce the birth of a daughter, Shannah Mollyann, born July 17 atSumter Regional Hospital. She weighed 5pounds, 8 ounces. Grandparents are PaigeFuller of Geneva and JoAnn and Larry Heath of Ellaville. Molly has three sisters, Samantha, Valerieand Veronica. TR, Tue 11 Aug 1998

Fuller, Sybil Amanda - Mr and Mrs Mark Fuller announce thebirth of a daughter, Sybil Amanda who was born Wednesday, May 12 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Theinfant weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Billy Carter, Buena Vista and Major and MrsWayne Fuller, Columbus.Great-grandparents are William Spires of Plains and the late Mrs Spiresand Mrs Earl Carter and the late Mr Carter of Plains. TR, Wed 19 May 1982

Fuller, Twin Girls - Mr and Mrs C A Fuller, of 312 WestChurch Street, announce the birth of twin girls, Sunday, May 6, at cityhospital. TR, Thu 10 May 1951

Fundora, Michele Margaret - Mr and Mrs Nestor Fundora Jr, ofMiami Beach, Florida announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce baby girl onWednesday, December 26 at the South Carolina Baptist Hospital, Columbia, SC. The baby has been given the name ofMichele Margaret. Mrs Fundora is theformer Claudia Neal of Americus.Grandparents are Mrs Louise Neal of Cheraw, S C and Claude Neal ofAmericus and also Mr and Mrs Nestor Fundora Sr of Richmond Hill, N Y. The great-grandmother is Mrs N Claude Neal ofColumbia, S C. TR, Fri Jan 1974

Furlow, Florrie - Lt and Mrs James W Furlow, of Honolulu,announce the birth of a seven-pound, twelve ounce daughter December 29, who hasbeen named Florrie. Lt and Mrs Furloware former residents of Americus. MrsFurlow before her marriage was Miss Florrie Warren, of this city. TR, Sat 30 Dec 1933

Furlow, James Warren - Lieutenant and Mrs James WordsworthFurlow, of Middleton, Pa announce the birth of a son, James Warren, bornMonday, September 30, at the Walter Reed Hospital in Washington, DC. Lt and Mrs Furlow are former residents ofAmericus and Mrs Furlow was before marriage Miss Florrie Warren. Her mother, Mrs J T Warren, is in Washingtonwith her. TR, Tue Sep 21 1937

Furlow, Margaret Blakely - Mr and Mrs Tim Furlow, of Griffinannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter born Tuesday, June 14 who hasbeen given the name of Margaret Blakely Furlow.The infant has an older brother, Timothy McBride Furlow III. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Mack Furlow ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Tilman Blakely of Griffin. TR, Thu 16 Jun 1977

Furlow, Thomas McBride - Mr and Mrs James Furlow, of EastPoint, announce the birth of a son, Monday, April 29, at Crawford W LongHospital. The baby has been named ThomasMcBride. Mr and Mrs Furlow are formerresidents of Americus and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs J T Warren andMrs T M Furlow. TR, Thu 9 May 1946

Furlow, Timothy McBride III - Mr and Mrs T M Furlow Jr, ofGriffin, announce the birth of a son named Timothy McBride Furlow III who wasborn January 25. Mrs Furlow was theformer Margaret Blakely of Griffin. Theinfant is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Tilman Blakely of Griffin and Mr and Mrs TM Forlow Sr of Americus. TR, Mon 28Jan 1974

Furlow, Timothy McBride Jr - Mr and Mrs Timothy McBride(Mack) Furlow announce the birth of a son, Monday, November 18 at CityHospital, who has been named Timothy McBride Jr. Mrs Furlow was before her marriage MissImogene Lockette, of Cuthbert. TR,Tue 19 Nov 1946

Furlow, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs Jim Furlow Jr, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of twin daughters Wednesday, March 13 at EmoryUniversity Hospital. The babies are thegreat-granddaughters of Mr and Mrs J T Warren of Americus. TR, Mon 18 Mar 1968

Furlow, Warren Baughman - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Furlow Jr, ofAlburquerque, New Mexico, announce the birth of a son, April 17, who has beennamed Warren Baughman Furlow. Mr Furlowis attending graduate school at the University of New Mexico. The baby is the great-grandson of J T Warrenof Americus. TR, Sat 17 Apr 1965

Fuson, John Warren - Major and Mrs Jack O Fuson, ofMonterey, Calif, announce the birth of a son, Saturday, December 7, who hasbeen named John Warren. Mrs Fuson is theformer Miss Georgia Bahnsen, of Americus.TR, Sat 7 Dec 1946

Fuson, Not named - Major and Mrs Jack Fuson, of NewportNews, Va, announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, February 23. Mrs Fuson is the former Miss Georgia Bahnsen,of this city. TR Thu 24 Feb 1949

Fussell, Charlotte Fay - Mr and Mrs Marvin Fussell, ofRichland, announce the birth of a daughter, Charlotte Fay, Wednesday, December3, at city hospital. TR, Tue 9 Dec1941

Fussell, Christopher Adam - Mr and Mrs Jeffery Fussell ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Christopher Adam, born Saturday, March 24at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant,who is called Adam, weighed 9 pounds, 13 ounces at birth. Mrs Fussell is the former Miss SusieGlassco*ck of Americus. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Ernest Fussell and maternal grandparents are MrsMartha Gene Glassco*ck and Sam Glassco*ck, all of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mrs Bertha Helms,Americus; Mrs Ruby Glassco*ck of Virgilina, Va and Mrs Rosa Fussell ofPlains. The infant has a sister, Katie,2 ½. TR, Fri 30 Mar 1990

Fussell, Connie Sue - Mr and Mrs Ernest Fussell, of 805Fairfield Avenue, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce daughter, Tuesday,April 7, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been given the name of ConnieSue. TR, Wed 8 Apr 1964

Fussell, Elizabeth Kate - Mr and Mrs Jeffery Fussell ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Elizabeth Kate, born Tuesday,September 22 at Sumter Regional Hospital.The infant weighed 9 pounds, 7 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Martha Jean Glasco*ck and SamGlasco*ck, Americus; Roger Anderson, Port Orange, Fla; and Mr and Mrs ErnestFussell of Americus. Great-grandparentsare Mrs Rose Fussell of Plains; Mrs J T Knight of Ameicus; Mrs Bertha Helms,Americus; and Mrs Ann Booker of Savannah.Mrs Fussell is the former Miss Susie Glasco*ck. TR, Sat 26 Sep 1987

Fussell, Not named - A-2c and Mrs Ernest W Fussell announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce son, Wednesday, September 9, at Keesler AirForce Base, Biloxi, Miss. Mrs Fussellwas the former Miss Betty Knight of Plains.TR, Wed 16 Sep 1959

Fussell, Not named - Mr and Mrs J T Fussell, of Unioncommunity, announce the arrival of an infant daughter on Saturday night, June29th. TCN, Thu 4 Jul 1946

Futch, Natalie Barkaloo - Mr and Mrs William N Futch Jr, ofDupuy Court Apartments, Colonial Heights, Virginia announce the birth of a 6pound, 9 ½ ounce daughter born Wednesday, July 24 who has been named NatalieBarkaloo Futch. Her grandparents are Mrand Mrs O V Barkaloo III of Tifton and Mr and Mrs W Norton Futch Sr ofAmericus. Mrs J P Futch of MagnoliaManor Nursing Home is her great-grandmother.TR, Sat 27 Jul 1974

Gabriel, Not named - Mr and Mrs Leroy Gabriel, of Vienna,announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, April 29, at city hospital. TR, Fri 27 Apr 1945

Gafford, Carolyn Elaine - Mr and Mrs Ronald Gafford, of nearPlains, announce the birth of a 7 pound daughter, born Wednesday, November 24,at home. The baby has been named CarolynElaine. TR, Fri 26 Nov 1937

Gafford, Johnny Wilburn - Mr and Mrs Ronald Gafford, ofMaddox Station, announce the birth of a six-pound son, Friday, March 15. The baby has been given the name JohnnyWilburn Gafford. TR, Mon 18 Mar 1935

Gahan, Lindsey Blair - Mr and Mrs Gene Gahan of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Lindsey Blair, born Friday, November 11 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs William C Walker; Mr and Mrs Guerry Moore;and Mr and Mrs Bob Cox, all of Birmingham, Ala.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Clint Moore of Birmingham. TR, Thu 17 Nov 1988

Gahl, Nicole Marie - Col and Mrs Ralph Gahl, of Miami,Fla, announce the birth of a daughter born Monday, August 2 at the HomesteadAFB in Homestead, Fla. The baby, who hasbeen named Nicole Marie is the granddaughter of Dr and Mrs George Bagley ofAmericus and Mrs Ramona Gahl of Carmel, Calif and the great-granddaughter ofMrs Ruth Bagley of Leslie. TR, Wed 11Aug 1971

Gahman, Naomi Elyse - Mr and Mrs Dalton Gahman of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Naomi Elyse, born Tuesday, September 22 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs W Fred Dixon of Albany and the late Mr andMrs Willis T Gahman of Dublin, Penn.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs J W Bryant of Albany. TR, Tue 29 Sep 1987

Gailey, Andrew Thomas - Mr and Mrs Chan Gailey Jr, ofColorado Springs, Colorado announce the birth of a son born Monday, October15. The baby, who weighed 8 pounds, 1ounce has been named Andrew Thomas. Hehas an older brother, Tate. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs B P Johansen and Tom Gailey, all of Americus and Mrs HelenMaddox of Douglas. TR, Wed 24 Oct1979

Gailey, Tatum Brent - Mr and Mrs Chan Gailey, ofGainesville, Fla are the parents of a 7 pound, 11 ½ ounce son born Saturday,November 15. The infant has been giventhe name of Tatum Brent and is to be called “Tate.” The maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs PeteJohansen of Americus, Mrs Carter Maddox of Seneca, SC and Tom Gailey of thiscity. TR, Mon 17 Nov 1975

Gaines, Mary Sherlock - Mr and Mrs Sherlock Gaines, ofMontgomery, Ala, announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Sherlock, who was bornSaturday, August 19. Mr Gaines is aformer resident of Americus and the baby is a great-granddaughter of Mr and MrsC J Sherlock, of this city. TR, Mon21 Aug 1939

Gaines, Paul Autry - Mr and Mrs Thomas R Gaines, of WarnerRobins, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ½ ounce son, who has been namedPaul Autry. Mrs Gaines was before hermarriage Martha Nell Autry, of Andersonville.TR, Wed 6 Sep 1961

Gaines, Sharon Lanelle - Mr and Mrs T R Gaines, of WarnerRobins, announce the birth of a daughter Friday, April 17, who has been namedSharon Lanelle. Mrs Gaines was beforeher marriage Miss Martha Nell Autry. TR,Mon 20 Apr 1953

Gaines, Terance Raymond - Mr and Mrs T R Gaines, of WarnerRobins, announce the birth of a son, Terance Raymond, Jan 29, at the WarnerRobins Clinic. Mrs Gaines is the formerMartha Nell Autry. TR, Sat 2 Feb 1957

Gallatin, Donna Lynne - Mr and Mrs David Gallatin of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Donna Lynne, born June 21 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,10 ounce at birth. Mrs Gallatin is theformer Miss Donna Davenport of Richland.Maternal grandparents are Mrs Elizabeth W Baker of Hulett, Wyo and BradDavenport of Richland. Paternalgrandparents are Mrs Mary Beth Gallentin of Dallas, Texas. Great-grandparents are Mrs Edith Davenport ofRichland and Mr and Mrs Reed Wilson Jr, Leslie.TR, Wed 1 Jul 1987

Gallops, Michael Veal - Mr and Mrs Don Gallops of Montgomery,Ala announce the birth of a son born Friday, August 14, who has been namedMichael Veal Gallops. His mother is theformer Mary Veal of St Simons. Theinfant is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Hubert Veal of St Simons and Mr and MrsGeorge Gallops of Columbus. Mr and MrsCharles Lanier of Americus are the baby’s great-grandparents. TR, Mon 24 Aug 1981

Galt, Katherine Megan - Mr and Mrs Robert Galt of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Katherine Megan, born June 13 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 5pounds, 14 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Jimmy Marshall of Americus and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert H Galt Jr of Roswell. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Dewey Stoneof Americus and Mrs Alva Culpepper of Roswell.TR, Wed 19 Jun 1991

Gamble, Not named - Mr and Mrs Henton Gamble, of Route 1,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce daughter Christmas Day at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 28 Dec 1964

Gamble, Steven Allen - Mr and Mrs Henton Gamble, ofRichland, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 12 ounce son on June 12, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Steven Allen. TR, Tue 13 Jun 1961

Gamble, Vicki Sue - Mr and Mrs Henton Gamble, of Route 1,Americus announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ounce daughter, Saturday, Jan 5 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Vicki Sue.TR, Wed 9 Jan 1957

Gammage, Carla - Mr and Mrs Earl Gammage Jr, of 108Springfield Avenue, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 4 ounce daughter, Friday,September 19 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given thenamed of Carla. TR, Fri 19 Sep 1958

Gammage, Charles Edward Jr - Mr and Mrs Edward Gammageannounce the birth of a six-pound son, Tuesday, May 1, at the city hospital,who has been given the name of Charles Edward Jr. Mrs Gammage was before her marriage MissMarie Theresa Burcher, of Richmond, Va. TR,Wed 2 May 1934

Gammage, Dana - Mr and Mrs Dan Gammage announce the birth ofa 7 pound daughter, Dana, born March 9 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby’s grandparents are Mrand Mrs J C Murray Sr and Mr and Mrs Earl Gammage Sr all of Americus. TR, Thu 12 Mar 1970

Gammage, Eugene Jr - Mr and Mrs Eugene Gammage, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a son, Saturday, January 30, who has been given the nameEugene Gammage Jr. TR, Mon 2 Feb 1931

Gammage, Henry Dan - Mr and Mrs Earl Gammage announce thebirth of a 6 3/4 pound son, Saturday, January 30 at the Prather Clinic. The baby has been named Henry Dan. TR, Mon 1 Feb 1937

Gammage, Henry McMichael - Mr and Mrs Lon Charles Gammage, ofColumbus, announce the birth of a son, Saturday, June 10, who has been namedHenry McMichael. Mrs Gammage is theformer Miss Mary McMichael, of Buena Vista.The baby will be called Henry for his uncle, the late Henry Gammage, whowas killed in World War II. TR, Tue13 Jun 1950

Gammage, Henry Oscar - Mr and Mrs L O Gammage announce thebirth of a son, who will be called Henry Oscar, Saturday July 3. TR, Tue 6 Jul 1920

Gammage, Lon Charles Jr - Mr and Mrs Lon Charles Gammageannounce the birth of a son, Saturday, November 2, at city hospital, who hasbeen named Lon Charles, Jr. Mrs Gammagewas before her marriage Miss Mary McMichael, of Buena Vista. TR, Mon 4 Nov 1940

Gammage, Marilon - Mr and Mrs Lon Charles Gammage, ofColumbus, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday,February 14, at the Columbus City Hospital, who has been named Marilon for herfather and mother, the former Miss Mary McMichael, of Buena Vista. TR, Wed 17 Feb 1943

Gammage, Not named - Mr and Mrs Dan Gammage, of 223 FriedaLane, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce daughter, August 21 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 24 Aug 1965

Gammage, Not named - Mr and Mrs Earl Gammage Jr announce thebirth of a daughter Wednesday, December 26 at Crawford W Long Hospital. Mrs Gammage is the former Miss Barbara Byrd,of Atlanta. TR, Thu 27 Dec 1951

Gammage, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ed Gammage, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a son, Sunday, February 16. The baby is the grandson of Mrs C G Gammage,of this city. TR, Mon, 17 Feb 1947

Gammage, Not named - Mr and Mrs Edwin Gammage announce thebirth of a son born Thursday, March 10, at South Highland Hospital inBirmingham, Ala. Both mother and babyare doing nicely. The baby is thegrandson of Mrs C G Gammage of this city.TR, Fri 11 Mar 1938

Gammage, Not named - Mr and Mrs Julian Gammage, of Columbus,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, April 9, at the city hospital inColumbus. The baby is the granddaughterof Mrs L O Gammage of Americus. TR,Tue 10 Apr 1956

Gammage, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lon C Gammage, of Columbus,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, April 12, at the Columbus Cityhospital. Mr and Mrs Gammage are formerresidents of Americus and the baby is the granddaughter of Mrs L O Gammage, ofthis city. TR, Mon 12 Apr 1948

Gammage, Not named - Mr and Mrs Olin Gammage, of Sylvester,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, February 23. Mrs Gammage was formerly Miss Doris Toney, ofAmericus. TR, Thu 24 Feb 1944

Gammage, Not named - Mr and Mrs Olin Gammage, of Sylvester,announce the birth of a son, Sunday, September 1, at Prather Clinic. Mrs Gammage was before marriage Miss DorisTiney, of this city. TR, Mon 2 Sep1946

Gammage, Sara Emily - Mr and Mrs Julian Gammage announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, November 16, at city hospital, Columbus, who hasbeen named Sara Emily. The baby is the granddaughterof Mrs L O Gammage, Of Americus. TR,Mon 17 Nov 1952

Gammage, Susan Gayle - Mr and Mrs Dan Gammage of 223 FriedaLane, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter, August 19, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Susan Gayle. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsEarl Gammage Sr, Americus and Mr and Mrs J C Murray Sr, of Plains. TR, Mon 20 Aug 1962

Gammage, William Royce - Is the name of infant son of Mr andMrs Ed Gammage, who was born June 9, at Prather Clinic. TR, Mon 14 Jun 1937

Gandy, Kimberly Lynn - Capt and Mrs William E Gandy, ofLawton, Okla, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce daughter, August17. The baby, who has been given thename of Kimberly Lynn, is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs James M Barnes, ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Claude Hinson, of Valdosta. TR, Fri 28 Aug 1964

Gandy, Steven Edward - Dr and Mrs W E Gandy, of Valdosta,announce the birth of a son, Steven Edward, January 25 at the Pineview GeneralHospital in Valdosta. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs James M Barnes of Americus. TR, Mon 7 Feb 1966

Gardner, Calia Ja Nise’ - Mr and Mrs Willie Gardner ofSandersville announce the birth of a daughter, Calia Ja Nise’, born December 5at Baldwin County Hospital, Milledgeville.The infant weighed 7 pounds at birth.Maternal grandparents are Ms Susie Gordon and Sam White of Sandersvilleand paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs James Gardner of Plains. The baby has a brother, Colby, age five. TR, Thu 12 Dec 1991

Gardner, Denise - Mr and Mrs Thomas Gardner, of Moultrie,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter Monday, September 9, who hasbeen named Denise. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs M S Gardner, of Americus, and Mr and Mrs RaymondWildes of Waycross. TR, Thu 12 Sep1968

Gardner, Gerald Cawood - Mr and Mrs Lee Murray Gardnerannounce the birth of a son, Friday, January 28, at City Hospital, who has beennamed Gerald Cawood. TR, Wed 2 Feb1944

Gardner, Jennifer Lynn - Dr and Mrs Allan Gardner, of Albany,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 9 ounce daughter born Saturday, January 4 atthe Phoebe Putney Hospital in Albany.The baby, who has been given the name of Jennifer Lynn is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs M S Gardner of Americus and Mrs Frances Hamilton ofAlbany and Mr Hamilton of Florida. TR,Thu 16 Jan 1975

Gardner, Kathleen Owen - The Rev and Mrs Milton Cook GardnerJr, of Louisville, Ky, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce daughter,Tuesday, April 26, who has been named Kathleen Owen. The baby is the granddaughter of the Rev andMrs M C Gardner, of Americus. TR, Wed27 Apr 1960

Gardner, Kirk Cawood - Mr and Mrs Jerry Gardner announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son born Monday, August 16 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Kirk Cawood. He is thegrandson of Mrs Lee M Gardner of Americus and the late N J Womack ofTifton. TR, Fri 20 Aug 1971

Gardner, Kristy Reid - Mr and Mrs Jerry Gardner announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 10 ½ ounce daughter at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Thursday, Ocotober 31. Thebaby has been given the name of Kristy Reid.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs L M Gardner of Americus and Mrand Mrs W H Clark of Cobb. TR, Mon 4Nov 1968

Gardner, Lee Murray III - Mr and Mrs Lee Murray Gardner Jrannounce the birth of a son, Lee Murray Gardner III Wednesday, September 23 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby, who weighed 7 pounds, 15 ½ ounce is the grandson of Mr and MrsLee Murray Gardner Sr of Americus and Mr and Mrs Gerald Stamper of Sugar City,Idaho. TR, Mon 28 Sep 1970

Gardner, Lee Murray Jr - Seaman 2-c and Mrs Lee MurrayGardner announce the birth of a son, Lee Murray Jr, Sunday, January 7, atPrather Clinic. Mr Gardner is with the US Navy in the Pacific. TR, Mon 8 Jan1945

Gardner, Leigh Ann - Mr and Mrs Lee Murray Gardner Jr, ofRoute 1 Leslie, announce the birth of a 7 pound 11 ounce daughter, June 3, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Leigh Ann.TR, Fri 4 Jun 1965

Gardner, Mary Lee - Mr and Mr M S Gardner, of Albany,announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Lee, born July 29, at the Phoebe Putneyhospital. Mrs Gardner is the former MissEdna Frazier, of Americus. TR, Tue 5Aug 1947

Gardner, Not named - Mr and Mrs Gerlad C Gardner, of Route 4,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ½ ounce son, born April 26 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Wed28 Apr 1965

Gardner, Not named - Mr and Mrs J D Gardner, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son, Thursday, November 14, at City Hospital. TR, Thu 14 Nov 1946

Gardner, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lee Murray Gardner announcethe birth of a daughter at the city hospital, Monday, August 1. TR, Thu 4 Aug 1949

Gardner, Not named - Mr and Mrs Mack Gardner announce thebirth of a son, born Monday, December 26, at City Hospital. TR, Wed 28 Dec 1938

Gardner, Patricia - Mr and Mrs Lee Murray Gardner, of nearAmericus, announce the birth of a daughter, Patricia, who was born this morning,April 15, at city hospital. Mrs Gardnerwas before marriage Miss Dorothy Reid. TR,Mon 11 Apr 1938

Gardner, Stuart Allan - Dr and Mrs Allan Gardner, of Albany,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce son, Stuart Allan, born Saturday,September 30 at Phoebe Putney Hospital in Albany. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs M SGardner and Mrs Frances J Hamilton of Americus and Paul Hamilton of Avon Park,Florida. TR Wed 24 Sep 1969

Gardner, Susan Regina - Mr and Mrs William D Gardner, ofJacksonville, annnounce the adoption of a chosen daughter, Susan Regina, whowas born June 28, 1969. The baby is thegranddaughter of Rev and Mrs M C Gardner of Americus and Mr and Mrs Mackey BBryan of Ashville, NC. TR, Wed 20 Aug1969

Gardner, Triplet Sons - Mr and Mrs Robin Clark Gardner ofPlains announce the birth of identical boy triplets, Logan Clark 3 pounds, 12ounces; Benjamin Jerald 3 pounds, 11 ounces; and Jonathan Richard 3 pounds, 6 ½ounces, born January 24 at Sumter Regional Hospital. They are grandchildren of Mr and Mrs RichardE Bates Jr of Lakeland, Fla; Mr and Mrs Jerald C Gardner of Plains and Mrs LynnRigsby of Americus. Great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Richard E Bates Sr of Waycross, Mrs Malcomb A Bindewald ofDavenport, Iowa; Mrs L M Gardner of Americus and Mr and Mrs Wyndall H Clark ofCobb. They have agreat-great-grandmother, Mrs E C Reid of Americus. TR, Thu 14 Feb 1985

Gardner, William Bryan - Mr and Mrs William D Gardner, ofJacksonville announce the adoption of a chosen son born Friday, September10. The baby weighed 8 pounds, 2 ouncesand has been named William Bryan. He isthe grandson of Rev and Mrs M C Gardner of Americus and Mr and Mrs Mackay B Bryanof Chattanooga, Tenn. TR, Sat 2 Oct1971

Garland, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Garland, of Georgetown,GA, announce the birth of an 8 pound son, Tuesday, July 5, at cityhospital. TR, Wed 6 Jul 1949

Garlington, Ada Virginia - Mr and Mrs G C Garlington, formerlyof Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Ada Virginia, at the MaconHospital, June the tenth, 1926. TR,Fri 18 Jun 1926

Garner, Ashley Elizabeth - Dr and Mrs Robert F Garner III ofAnniston, Ala announce the birth of an 8 pound 2 ounce daughter, AshleyElizabeth, born Friday, March 23 at Regional Medical Center in Anniston. Ashley is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsRobert F Garner Jr and Mr and Mrs J B McMillon, all of Americus. She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs JessieRigsby of Americus. Ashley has a sister,Christi, age 5 and a brother, Rob, age 3.TR, Mon 9 Apr 1984

Garner, E O Jr - Mr and Mrs E O Garner announce the birth ofa seven and a half pound son, Sunday, April 26, at their home on ForsythStreet. The baby has been named E OJr. TR, Sat 2 May 1936

Garner, Robert Fuller III - Mr and Mrs R F Fuller Jrannounce the birth of a 7 pound son, Friday, December 28 at Prather Clinic, whohas been named Robert Fuller III. MrsGarner was before her marriage Miss Christine Longoria, of Mission, Texas. Mr Garner is the Sumter County Agent. TR, Sat 29 Dec 1951

Garner, Robert Fuller IV - Is the name of the infant son ofDr and Mrs Robert F Garner III of Norfolk, Va who was born Tuesday, March17. The baby weighed 8 pounds, 1ounce. He has a sister, Christi, whowill be two years old Saturday, March 21.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs J B McMillon and Mr and Mrs Robert F GarnerJr of Americus; and his great-grandparents are Mrs Jessie Rigsby and MrsLillian Kindred of Americus and H W Rigsby of Lakeland, Florida. TR, Fri 20 Mar 1981

Garner, Virginia Christina - Dr and Mrs Robert F Garner III,of Newport News, Va announce the birth of a daughter born Wednesday, March21. The infant, who weighed 7 pounds, 1ounce has been named Virginia Christina.Mrs Garner is the former Virginia Ann McMillon of this city. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert F GarnerJr and Mrs and Mrs J R McMillon, all of Americus. TR, Fri 23 Mar 1979

Garrett, Angela Marie - Mr and Mrs Carl Garrett, ofManchester, announce the birth of a little girl born Thursday, April 4 at StFrancis Hospital in Columbus. MrsGarrett is the former Rosla Welch of Americus.TR, Wed 10 Apr 1974

Garrett, Derrell Dyer - Mr and Mrs E M Garrett announce thebirth of a son, Friday, Septermber 16, at city hospital. The baby has been named Derrell Dyer. TR, Fri 23 Sep 1949

Garrett, Donna Fay - C S S N and Mrs Dailey R Garrett, of SanDiego, California announce the birth of a daughter Sunday, September 12 at theU S Naval Hospital, who has been named Donna Fay. Mrs Garrett is the former Miss Nell Ogletree,of Georgetown. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs D R Garrett Sr, of Americus. TR, Mon 13 Sep 1954

Garrett, Leslie Ovada - Lt (jg) and Mrs Mark Garrett, ofJacksonville, Fla announce the birth of a 5 pound daughter Saturday, December17. The baby has been given the name ofLeslie Ovada. TR, Thu 22 Dec 1966

Garrett, Mark Edward - Mr and Mrs J O Garrett announce thebirth of a son, Sunday, September 27, at city hospital, who has been named MarkEdward. Mrs Garrett was before hermarriage Miss Leila Maude Purvis. TR,Mon, 28 Sep 1942

Garrett, Mary Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Billy F Garrett, of Decatur,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, August 20, at the Georgia Baptisthospital in Atlanta, who has been named Mary Elizabeth. Mrs Garrett is the former Miss NancyKnighton, of Americus, and the baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Perkins Knightonof the Ellaville road. TR, Wed 21 Aug1957

Garrett, Not named - Mr and Mrs George Garrett announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, October 26, at Prather clinic. Mr and Mrs Garrett recently moved her fromVidalia. Mr Garrett is manager of SimsStore. TR, Mon 27 Oct 1941

Garrett, Not named - Mr and Mrs J M Garrett, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a son, September19, at city hospital. TR, Wed 22 Sep 1948

Garrett, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert Garrett, of Butler,announce the birth or a 6 pound, 14 ounce son, May 18, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Fri 19May 1961

Garrett, Not named - Mr and Mrs Thomas Garrett of Cordeleannounce the birth of a daughter at City Hospital on December 14. TCN, Thu 22 Dec 1949

Garrett, Peggy Virginia - Mr and Mrs J O Garrett announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce daughter Thursday, October 6, at City Hospital,who has been named Peggy Virginia. MrsGarrett is the former Miss Leila Maude Purvis.TR, Sat 8 Oct 1949

Garrett, Sarah Lee - Mr and Mrs Dick Garrett, of FountainInn, S C, announce the birth of a nine-pound daughter today Sept 5, who hasbeen given the name of Sarah Lee. MrsGarrett was before her marriage Miss Archie Lee Davis, daughter of Mrs J EDavis, of this city. TR, Thu 5 Sep1935

Garrett, Sheila Gay - Mr and Mrs R A Garrett, of Butler,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ½ ounce daughter, born July 11, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Sheila Gay. TR, Thu 11 Jul 1963

Garrett, William David - Mr and Mrs B F Garrett, of WestPoint, announce the birth of a 9 pound son, Friday, October 30, who has beennamed William David. Mrs Garrett wasbefore marriage Miss Nancy Knighton, of Americus. The baby is the grandson of Mr and MrsPerkins Knighton of the Ellaville road. TR,Mon 2 Nov 1959

Garrigus, Avena Elaine - Staff Sgt and Mrs Robert CameronGarrigus announce the birth of a daughter, who was born Saturday, September 22,at city hospital. The baby, who weighed7 pounds, 14 ounces, has been named Avena Elaine. Sgt Garrigus is presently stationed at an AirForce Base in Japan, where Mrs Garrigus and baby will join him as soon as theirport call comes through. Mrs Garrigus isthe former Miss Havana Dees and the baby is the great-granddaughter of Mr andMrs R W Tarpley, of Americus. TR, Tue25 Sep 1951

Garry, Arthur James Jr - James and Christina Garry announcethe birth of a son, Arthur James Jr, born March 18 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds atbirth. Maternal grandparents are Othaand Lorene Floyd of Americus and paternal grandparents are Arthur and LulaGarry of Leslie. Great-grandmother isArlena Deriso of Leslie.. The baby has asister, Latoya, five and brother, Cornelius, age six. TR, Mon 5 Apr 1993

Gary, Eric Keith - Mr and Mrs L N Gary announce the birthof a son Friday, January 25 at Prather Clinic, who has been named EricKeith. Mrs Gary is the new CountyRanger. TR, Tue 29 Jan 1952

Gary, Joshua Keith - Mr and Mrs Keith Gary announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 6 ½ ounce son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onFriday, August 8. The infant has beengiven the name of Joshua Keith. Josh, ashe will be called, has a brother, Tyler.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Lonie Gary and Mr and Mrs Marcus Tyler. He is the great-grandson of Mrs Dona Medlinand Mrs Harriett Tyler, all of Americus.TR, Tue 12 Aug 1980

Gary, Matthew Tyler - Mr and Mrs Keith Gary are theparents of a 7 pound, 7 ounce son born Thursday, June 24 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Matthew Tyler.Ty, as the infant will be called is the grandson of Mr and Mrs L N Garyand Mr and Mrs Marcus Tyler. Hisgreat-grandmothers are Mrs Harriet Tyler and Mrs Dona Medlin , all ofAmericus. TR, Fri 25 Jun 1976

Gaskins, Taylor Clay - Mr and Mrs W E Gaskins II ofMartindale, Texas announce the birth of a daughter, Taylor Clay, born March 14at a Martindale hospital. The infantweighed 6 pounds, 7 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Tommy Farr of Lake Blackshear; Mr and MrsJack Wintle of Columbus and Mr and Mrs W E Gaskins of Port Aransas, Texas. Great-grandparents are Mrs L C Hicks ofAmericus and the late Mr Hicks and great-grandmother is Mrs C W Groover ofAmericus. Mrs Gaskins is the former MissTracy Farr of Americus. TR, Wed 22Mar 1989

Gaskins, Willie Elias IV - Mr and Mrs W E Gaskins IIIannounce the birth of a son, Willie Elias IV, born August 15 at HumanaHospital, Austin, Texas. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces at birth.Mrs Gaskins is the former Tracy Farr of Americus. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs TommyFarr of Lake Blackshear.Great-grandparents are Mrs L C Hicks of Americus and Mr and Mrs MarvinFarr of Columbus and great-great-grandmother is Mrs C W Groover ofAmericus. The baby has a sister, TaylorClay. TR, Tue 21 Aug 1990

Gaston, Corrie Ida - Mr and Mrs Monroe Gaston announce thebirth of a daughter, Monday, April 22, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedCorrie Ida. The baby weighed 8 pounds,13 ½ ounces at birth. TR, Tue 23 Apr1946

Gaston, Dorothy Louise - Mr and Mrs Monroe Gaston announcethe birth of a daughter, Thursday, August 21, at Prather clinic, who has beennamed Dorothy Louise. Mrs Gaston wasformerly Miss Louisa English. TR, Wed27 Aug 1941

Gaston, James Monroe III - Mr and Mrs Gaston Jr announce thebirth of a son born Saturday, September 4 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital who weighed 6 ½ pounds. Thebaby has been given the name of James Monroe Gaston III. The infant is the grandson of Mr and MrsMonroe Gaston of Americus and Mr and Mrs Dalton A Wesson of Brownsville,Tenn. TR, Mon 6 Sep 1976

Gaston, James Monroe - Mr and Mrs Monroe Gaston announce thebirth of a son, Tuesday, January 2, at Prather Clinic, who has been named JamesMonroe Jr. Mrs Gaston was beforemarriage Miss Louisa English. TR, Tue2 Jan 1945

Gaston, Jamison Rebecca - Mr and Mrs Jack Gaston are theparents of a daughter born Wednesday, March 2 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby weighed 9 pounds, 2ounces. She has been given the name ofJamison Rebecca. The baby’s mother isthe former Bunny Arnold of this city.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs H B Arnold and Mrs and Mrs O L Gaston ofAmericus. She has one great-grandmother,Mrs C H Varner of this city. TR, Sat5 Mar 1977

Gaston, Not named - Mr and Mrs George W Gaston, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a son April 1. MrsGaston before her marriage was Miss Nellie Mae Gunn, of Cordele. TR, Fri 5 Apr 1935

Gaston, Not named - Mr and Mrs O L Gaston, of Forsyth,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, April 28. Mr Gaston is a former Americus resident. TR, Wed 29 Apr 1942

Gaston, Wesson Dalton - Mr and Mrs James Gaston Jr are theparents of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son born Friday, December 5 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Wesson Dalton Gaston and is to be called Wes. Wes has a brother, Jim. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs D A Wessonof Brownsville, Tenn and Mr and Mrs Monroe Gaston of Americus. TR, Wed 10 Dec 1980

Gatewood, Ainsworth Dudley IV - Mr and Mrs A D Gatewood IIIannounce the birth of a son Friday, May 5, at the city hospital, who has beennamed Ainsworth Dudley Gatewood IV. MrsGatewood is the former Miss Hazel Chalkley.TR, Mon 8 May 1950

Gatewood, Anna Sue - Capt and Mrs Schley Gatewood Jr, of SanAntonio, Texas announce the birth of a daughter born Tuesday, November 16 atthe Williford Hall Hospital in San Antonio.The baby, who has been named Anna Sue is the granddaughter of Dr and MrsLee Roy Byrd of Port Arthur, Texas and Dr and Mrs T Schley Gatewood ofAmericus. TR, Wed 17 Nov 1971

Gatewood, Beth Michele - Mr and Mrs A D Gatewood III, ofJacksonville, announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, November 23 at theFlorida Baptist Hospital in Jacksonville.The baby, who has been named Beth Michele is the granddaughter of Mr andMrs A D Gatewood Jr, of 230 Horne Street Americus. TR, Mon 25 Nov 1963

Gatewood, Betty Lucile - Mr and Mrs William Gatewood announcethe birth of a daughter at their home on Taylor Street, who has been given thename of Betty Lucile. TR, Fri 18 Feb1927

Gatewood, Constance Grace - Dr and Mrs T Schley Gatewoodannounce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, September 19, at City Hospital, whohas been named Constance Grace. TR,Sat 21 Sep 1946

Gatewood, Cordelia Ann - Mr and Mrs Thomas Gatewood Jr, ofLouisville, Ky, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce daughter September 3,who has been named Cordelia Ann. Thebaby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Tom Gatewood Jr, of Americus. TR, Tue 4 Sep 1962

Gatewood, Elizabeth Ann - Dr and Mrs Schley Gatewood announcethe birth of a daughter, Saturday, July 19, at the city hospital, who has beengiven the name Elizabeth Ann. TR Sat,19 Jul 1941

Gatewood, Frances Mann - Mr and Mrs James C Gatewood announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 13 ounce daughter, Frances Mann Gatewood, who was bornat the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Wednesday, April 14. The baby has a sister, Virginia and abrother, Crisp. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Bob B Mann of Newnam, Ga and James H Gatewood of Montezuma and the lateVirginia Crisp Gatewood. Great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Charles F Crisp and Mrs Gatewood Jr, all of Americus. TR, Fri 16 Apr 1982

Gatewood, Frances - Mr and Mrs T H Gatewood announce the birthof a daughter, Saturday, September 11, at city hospital, who has been namedFrances. TR Thu 16 Sep 1943

Gatewood, Gay Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs A D Gatewood III,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, July 25, at city hospital. Mrs Gatewood is the former Miss HazelChalkley. Mr Gatewood is with the U SNavy, stationed in Jacksonville. Thebaby has been named Gay Elizabeth. TR,Wed 26 Jul 1944

Gatewood, George - Mr and Mrs Bob Gatewood, of Montgomery,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, December 8, who has been given the nameof George for his maternal grandfather, George A Boatwright, of Americus. His paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs A DGatewood Jr, of this city. TR, Thu 10De c9164

Gatewood, Georgia Virginia - Mr and Mrs James H Gatewood, ofTifton, announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, March 12, who has been giventhe name of Georgia Virginia. The babyis the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Charles F Crisp and Mrs Furlow Gatewood Jr,all of Americus. TR, Mon 18 Mar 1963

Gatewood, Gerald Denham - Mr and Mrs James Hawkins Gatewood,of Tifton, announce the birth of a son on Tuesday, July 17. The baby weighed 8 ½ pounds and has beennamed Gerald Denham Gatewood. Mr and Mrs Charles F Crisp and Mrs FurlowGatewood Sr, of Americus are grandparents of the new arrival. TR, Fri 18 Jul 1958

Gatewood, Gretchen - Mr and Mrs Ainsworth Gatewood, ofOrlando, Fla, announce the birth of a daughter, who was born Tuesday, June27. The baby has been named Gretchen. Mr Gatewood is a former resident ofAmericus. TR, Thu 29 Jun 1939

Gatewood, Harriet Griffin - Dr and Mrs Schley Gatewoodannounce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, October 6, at city hospital, whohas been named Harriet Griffin. TR,Fri 7 Oct 1949

Gatewood, James Crisp Jr - Mr and Mrs James Crisp Gatewoodannounce the birth of a son born Wednesday, July 12 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who has beennamed James Crisp Gatewood Jr weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce. The infant is the grandson of James HGatewood and the late Virginia Crisp Gatewood of Tifton and Mr and Mrs Bob BMann of Newnan. He is the great-grandsonof Mr and Mrs John Robert King of Newnan, Mrs Furlow Gatewood Jr and Mr and MrsCharles F Crisp, all of Americus. TR,Wed 12 Jul 1978

Gatewood, James Crisp - Mr and Mr James Hawkins Gatewoodannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son, Thursday, June, 2 at PratherClinic, who has been named James Crisp Gatewood. Mrs Gatewood was before her marriage MissVirginia Crisp. TR, Thu 2 Jun 1949

Gatewood, James Hawkins - Mr and Mrs T F Gatewood Jr announcethe birth of a son Friday, March 9, who has been given the name of JamesHawkins. TR, Wed 14 Mar 1923

Gatewood, Jan - Mr and Mrs Dud Gatewood III announce the birthof a daughter Monday, October 4, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital,who weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces. The babyhas been named Jan. Mrs Gatewood is theformer Miss Hazel Chalkley. TR, Thu 7Oct 1954

Gatewood, Julia Harriett - Mr and Mrs Ainsworth Gatewood, ofOrlando, Fla announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, August 19, who has beennamed Julia Harriett. Mr Gatewood is aformer resident of Americus. TR, Mon25 Aug 1941

Gatewood, Kenneth Griffin - Mr and Mrs Schley Gatewood Jrannounce the birth of son, Kenneth Griffin Gatewood who was born Tuesday,August 24 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 4 ½ ounces. The infant is the grandson of Dr and Mrs LeeRoy Byrd of Port Arthur, Texas and Dr and Mrs T Schley Gatewood ofAmericus. TR, Thu 28 Aug 1976

Gatewood, Not named - Mr and Mrs Bob Gatewood, of Montgomery,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, July 10. Mrs Gatewood is the former Miss EdnaBoatwright, of Americus and the baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs A DGatewood Jr and Mr and Mrs G A Boatwright.TR, Wed 11 Jul 1956

Gatewood, Not named - Mr and Mrs James H Gatewood announce thebirth of a son Wednesday, March 16 at city hospital. Mrs Gatewood is the former Miss VirginiaCrisp. TR, Wed 16 Jan 1952

Gatewood, Not named - Mr and Mrs L M (Bob) Gatewood, ofGreenville, Ala, formerly of Americus announce the birth of a daughter Tuesday,May 29, at Stabler Hospital. MrsGatewood is the former Miss Edna Boatright, of this city. The baby has been named for her paternalgreat-grandmother, the late Mrs Corde H Gatewood. TR, Wed 30 May 1951

Gatewood, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert Gatewood, of Columbus,announce the birth of a son, Thursday, March 23, at city hospital. TR, Fri 24 Mar 1944

Gatewood, Not named - Mr and Mrs Tom Gatewood Jr, ofWashington, D C, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter, Saturday,August 27. The baby is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs Tom Gatewood Sr, of Americus.TR, Mon 29 Aug 1960

Gatewood, Not named - Mr and Mrs Tom Gatewood, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a son Friday at the city hospital. Mrs Gatewood will be remembered here as theformer Miss Frances Deriso, daughter of Mr and Mrs H C Deriso, of Leslie. Mr Gatewood is the son of Mr and Mrs T FGatewood, of Americus. TCN, Fri 16Oct 1936

Gatewood, Robert Dudley - Mr and Mrs Dudley Gatewood IIannounce the birth of a son Saturday, April 8th who will be calledRobert Dudley. TR, Mon 10 Apr 1922

Gatewood, Robert McLeod - Mr and Mrs Bob Gatewood, ofMontgomery, Ala, announce the birth of a son Wednesday, April 27, who has beennamed Robert McLeod. Mrs Gatewood is theformer Miss Edna Boatright, of Americus and the baby is the grandson, of Mr andMrs G A Boatright and Mr and Mrs A D Gatewood Jr, of this city. TR, Thu 28 Apr 1960

Gatewood, Robert McLeod - Mr and Mrs Dudley Gatewood announcethe birth of a little son, Thursday, June 17, who has been given the name ofRobert McLeod. TR, Sat 19 Jun 1926

Gatewood, Sara Margaret - Mr and Mrs William Gatewood announcethe birth of a daughter, Monday, May 25, at their home on South Lee Street, whohas been given the name Sara Margaret. TR,Mon 1 Jun 1931

Gatewood, T F III - Mr and Mrs T F Gatewood Jr announce thebirth of a son Sunday, August 28, who has been given the name T F GatewoodIII. TR, Wed 31 Aug 1921

Gatewood, Thomas Hawkins Jr - Mr and Mrs Tom Gatewood, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of an eight pound son Friday, October 9, at theCity Hospital, who has been named Thomas Hawkins Jr. Mrs Gatewood was before marriage Miss FrancesDeriso, of near Leslie, and Mr Gatewood was a former resident of thiscity. TR, Fri 9 Oct 1936

Gatewood, Thomas Schley III - Dr and Mrs Thomas SchleyGatewood Jr, of Atlanta, announce the birth of a son born Friday, April 12 atPiedmont Hospital in Atlanta. The baby,who weighed 6 ½ pounds has been given the name of Thomas Schley GatewoodIII. The infant is the grandson on Drand Mrs Lee Roy Byrd of Ft Arthur, Texas and Dr and Mrs Thomas Schley Gatewoodof this city. TR, Mon 15 Apr 1974

Gatewood, Thomas Schley Jr - Dr and Mrs Schley Gatewoodannounce the birth of a son, August 6, at city hospital, who has been given thename Thomas Schley, Jr. TR, Tue 10Aug 1943

Gatewood, Timothy Furlow IV - Mr and Mrs James H Gatewood, ofTifton, announce the birth of a son, Saturday, July 14, at the Tifton hospital,who has been named Timothy Furlow Gatewood IV.Mr and Mrs Gatewood are former Americus residents and Mrs Gatewood wasbefore marriage Miss Virginia Crisp. Thebaby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs C F Crisp and Mrs Furlow Gatewood Jr, ofthis city. TR, Wed 18 Jul 1956

Gatewood, Virginia Crisp - Mr and Mrs James C Gatewoodannounce the birth of a daughter born Sunday, July 11 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who has beengiven the name of Virginia Crisp Gatewood weighed 8 pounds, 12 3/4 ounces. The infant is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsBob Baker Mann of Newnam and James Hawkins Gatewood and the late Virginia CrispGatewood of Tifton. She is thegreat-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Charles F Crisp and Mrs Furlow Gatewood Jr ofAmericus and Mrs John Robert King of Newnan.TR, Mon 12 Jul 1976

Gatian, Rachel Suzanne - Mr and Mrs Douglas E Gatian ofDecatur announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce daughter at DeKalb GeneralHospital in Decatur Sunday, January 17.The baby has been given the name of Rachel Suzanne. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold E Mooreand Mr and Mrs Roy Gatian of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Roy W Beard of Colquitt and MrsDorothy Rehenek of Uniontown, Pa. TR,Wed 3 Feb 1982

Gatian, Roxanne Marie - Mr and Mrs Doug Gatian of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Roxanne Marie, born Tuesday, June 13 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold E Moore and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Roy Gatian, all of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mrs Dorothy Rebanekand Mr and Mrs Roy Beard. The infant hasa sister, Rachel, 7 ½. TR, Tue 20 Jun1989

Gatliff, James Irvin - Mr and Mrs C A Gatliff announce thebirth of a son May 16 at their home in Forsyth, who has been given the nameJames Irvin. Mrs Gatliff will beremembered here as Miss Thelma Guy of Americus before her marriage. TR, Fri 22 May 1931

Gattis, Jenny Lee - Mr and Mrs Danny Gattis, of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ½ ounce daughter born Tuesday, January 27at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been given the name of Jenny Lee. Jenny has an older brother, Chris. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Alvin Gattis andMrs Marilyn Shumake, Ellaville. Maternalgreat-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Lynn Peek of Dryden, Michigan and Mrs Ada Dayof Copermish, Michigan. Paternalgreat-grandparents are Mrs Willie Williams, Ellaville and Mrs Elsie Gattis,Plains. TR, Thu 3 Feb 1977

Gattis, Meghan Simone - Mike and Michelle Gattis ofEllaville announce the birth of a daughter, Meghan Simone, born Friday, Oct 28at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Gerald and Sherrall Clements of Americus. Paternal grandparents are Florrie Gattis andthe late Alvin Gattis of Ellaville.Meghan has a brother, Joshua, 6 and a sister, Kristine, 4. TR, Sat 5 Nov 1994

Gattis, Not named - Mr and Mrs T A Gattis of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a son born Tuesday, July 18 at Prather Clinic. TCN, Thu 20 Jul 1950

Gattis, Theron Alexander - Chris and Misty Gattis of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Theron Alexander, born May 7 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds,11 ounces. He is the grandson of Allenand Joan Erkhart of Americus and Dan and Judy Gattis of Ellaville. TR, Wed 26 May 1999

Gattis, Theron Christopher - Mr and Mrs Danny Gattis, ofThomasville, announce the birth of a son on Wednesday, October 25 at the John DArchibald Hospital in Thomasville. Thebaby weighed 7 pounds, 9 1/4 ounce and has been named Theron ChristopherGattis. He will be called Chris. Grandparents include Mr and Mrs Alvin Gattisand Mr and Mrs Lester Shewmake, all of Ellaville. The baby’s great-grandparents are Mrs LeoWilliams of Ellaville, Mrs M D Gattis of Plains, Mrs Ada Day of Cotemish, Michand Mr and Mrs Lynn Peek of Dryden, Mich.TR, Wed 1 Nov 1972

Gattis, Twins - Mr and Mrs Theron Alvin Gattis, of Route 2Ellaville, are the parents of twins, a son and daughter, born December 19, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The son weighs 5 pound, 13 ½ ounces and the daughter 5 pounds. TR, Mon 20 Dec 1965

Gaughf, Not named - Mr and Mrs W C Gaughf, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital,who weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces. TR,Fri 13 Jan 1956

Gause, Gregory Walter - Mr and Mrs David Gause, of Vienna,announce the birth of a son Tuesday, June 6.He weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces. Hehas been given the name of Gregory Walter.Mrs Mose Medlock is the baby’s great-grandmother. TR, Wed 14 Jun 1972

Gavel, Jerod Loran - Mr and Mrs Hilbert William Gavelannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce son Jerod Loran Gavel born March 25 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.Maternal grandparents are Lila Pearl Winters and Robert M Winters Sr ofButler. Paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Robert Nipper of Juliette, Ga and the late Hilbert Xavier Gavel. Jerod joins two borthers, Bill andShawn. TR, Mon 5 Apr 1976

Gay, Carlus D III - Mr and Mrs Carlus D Gay Jr announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 11 ounce son at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital Monday, September 1 who has been given the name of Carlus D GayIII. The baby is the grandson of Mr andMrs Carlus D Gay Sr of Dublin and Mrs Herman Feuhemeister of Iowa City, Iowa. TR, Tue 2 Sep 1969

Gay, Dennis Lamar Jr - Mr and Mrs Lamar Gay announce thebirth of a son Thursday, October 28, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedDennis Lamar Gay Jr. Mrs Gay was beforemarriage Miss Joan Wise, of Bronwood. TR,Sat 28 Oct 1950

Gay, Ginger Susanne - Mr and Mrs Gene Gay announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce daughater July 28 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who has beennamed Ginger Susanne, is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Gay of Leslieand Mr and Mrs W E Sutton of Ft Gaines. TR,Thu 1 Aug 1968

Gay, Heather Michelle - Mr and Mrs William Allen Gay ofLeslie announce the birth of a daughter who has been named HeatherMichelle. She was born at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital on Monday, May 26.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Lloyd Gay Jr of Leslie and Mrs ShirleyRogers of Americus. Great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Lloyd Gay Sr and great-grandmother , Mrs Ruby McCoy. TR, Mon 23 Jun 1980

Gay, James Bradley - Mr and Mrs William Dale Gay Jr ofPlains announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce son, James Bradley, bornTuesday, February 25 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Bradley is the grandson of Mr and Mrs JamesRaford Salter of Americus and Mr and Mrs William Dale Gay of Plains. Great-grandparents are Mrs Warren Sutton ofAmericus and the late Mr Sutton, Thomas T Lansford of Long Beach, California,Mrs Virgil Salter of Americus and the late Mr Salter, Mr and Mrs EverettGaskins and Mr and Mrs Clarence Dodson of Plains. His great-great-grandmother is Mrs MaudeDodson of Plains. Brandley has a brotherWilliam Dale Gay III. TR, Mon 3 Mar1986

Gay, Jonathan Edward - Mr and Mrs William D Gay Jr ofPlains announce the birth of a son, Jonathan Edward, born Sunday, September 30at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Raford Salter of Americus and Mr and MrsDale Gay of Plains. Great-grandparentsare Thomas T Lansford of Long Beach, Ca; Mrs Beulah Salter of Americus; Mr andMrs E W Gaskins of Plains. Jonathan hastwo brothers, William, eight and Bradley, age four. TR, Sat 6 Oct 1990

Gay, Not named - Mr and Mrs Gay, of Plains, are theparents of a 7 pound, 4 ½ ounce son, born May 25 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Fri 25 May 1962

Gay, Not named - Mr and Mrs W Dale Gay, of Plains,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 3/4 ounce daughter, August 12, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 19 Aug 1964

Gay, Ruby Elizabeth - Paul and Joanna Gay of Atlantaannoucne the birth of a daughter, Ruby Elizabeth, Nov 7 at DeKalb MedicalCenter. The infant weighed 9pounds. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs GeneGay of Leslie and Mrs Henry John Cassele of Cornelia. Great-grandparents are Mrs Lloyd Gay ofLeslie, the later Mr and Mrs W E Sutton of Fort Gaines, the later Mr and MrsJohn Cassele of Griffin and the late Mr and Mrs Rufus Christian ofAtlanta. TR, Thu 18 Nov 1999

Gay, Terri Denise - Mr and Mrs Carlus D Gay Jr, of SharonCircle, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 3/4 ounce daughter, Thursday, June9, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been named TerriDenise. TR, Mon 13 Jun 1966

Gay, Trent Edward - Mark and Nancy Gay of Florence,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son, Trent Edward, born October21. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 8ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Edward Ozment of Livingston, Ala and Mr and Mrs Jack Gay of Hartsfield,Ga. Trent has a brother, Wes, age threeand a half. TR, Wed 6 Nov 1991

Gay, Twin Sons - Mr and Mrs Dwayne Gay of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Skylar Slade and Casey Dwayne, born June 14 atPhoebe Putney Hospital in Albany. Skylarweighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces and Casey Dwayne weighed 6 pounds, 1 ounce atbirth. Maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs William E (Ike) Slade of Bon Aire and paternal grandparents are the late Mrand Mrs Carlus D Gay Sr of Dublin.Step-grandmother is Katie Lee Gay of Macon. TR, Thu 13 Jul 1995

Gay, William Alton - Mr and Mrs William L Gay, of 604Barlow Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, son on January 24 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named William Alton. TR, Thu 27 Jan 1961

Gay, William Dale III - Mr and Mrs William Dale Gay Jr ofPlains announce the birth of a son, William Dale Gay III who was born Monday,July 12 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs James RSalter, Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs William Dale Gay Srof Plains. Great-grandparents include Mrand Mrs Warren Sutton, Americus; Mrs V L Salter Sr, Americus; Mr and MrsClarence Dodson, Plains; Mr and Mrs E W Gaskins, Valdosta; and Thomas TLansford, Long Beach, Calif. TR, Thu15 Jul 1982

Gazaway, Lacey Elizabeth - Douglas and Laura Gazaway ofDouglasville announce the birth of a daughter, Lacey Elizabeth, born November17 at Parkway Medical Center, Lithia Springs, Ga. The infant weighed 5 pounds, 2 ounces atbirth. Grandparents are Mr and MrsCharles V Gazaway of Mableton and Mr and Mrs Herschel Spence of Ellaville. TR, Thu 8 Dec 1988

Gazaway, Mariah Caitlin - Mr and Mrs Douglas Gazaway ofDouglasville announce the birth of their chosen daughter, Mariah Caitlin, bornNovember 6. Mariah, as the infant iscalled, weighed 5 pounds, 15 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Charles Gazaway of Mableton and Mr and MrsHerschel Spence of Ellaville.Great-grandparents are Nettie Gazaway of Atlanta; Mr and Mrs Jerry LShepard of Doublasville; and Mrs Mary Nail of Ellaville. TR, Thu 5 Dec 1991

Geaslen, Michelle Kristie - Mr and Mrs Gene A Geaslenannounce the birth of a daughter, Michelle Kristie who was born Saturday,August 21 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby, who weighed 6pounds, 16 ounces is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Alfred L Bartley of Ashland,Ohio and Mr and Mrs Rodger H Geaslen of Suitland, Maryland. TR, Mon 23 Aug 1971

Geeslin, Cindy Marie - Sgt and Mrs Jim Geeslin, of Tampa, Flaannounce the birth of a 9 ½ pound daughter born Monday, March 19. The baby has been given the name of CindyMarie. She is the granddaughter of MrsHenry Clark of Americus and the late Mr Clark and Mr and Mrs J W Geeslin ofAtlanta. TR, Tue 20 Mar 1973

Geeslin, James W III - Airman and Mrs Jim Geeslin Jr are theparents of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son, born Friday, September 18 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named James W Geeslin III. MrsGeeslin is the former Sharon Clark of this city and the baby is the grandson ofMrs Henry Clark of Americus and the late Mr Clark of Leslie and Mr and MrsJames W Geeslin of Atlanta. TR, Fri18 sep 1970

Gendreau, Justin Lassiter - Mr and Mrs Harold Gendreau ofMarietta announce the birth of a son, Justin Lassiter, born Saturday, December12 at Kennestone Hospital. The infantweighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces at birth.Mrs Gendreau is the former Miss Dianne Lassiter of Americus. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs L NLassiter of Marietta, formerly of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Charles Gendreau of Madawaska, Me. TR,Thu 24 Dec 1992

Gentile, Joseph L Jr - Mr and Mrs Joseph L Gentile, ofOrlando, Fla, announce the birth of a son, November 8, who has been given thename Joseph L Gentile Jr. Mrs Gentilewill be remembered here as Miss Ruth McMath.TR, Mon 9 Nov 1931

Gentry, Daniel Kirk - Mr and Mrs Glenn L Gentry are theparents of a 6 pound, 4 ounce son born Thursday, July 13 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Daniel Kirk. Hisgrandparents are Mrs Cecil Larkin and the late Mr Larkin and Mr and Mrs HokeSmith Gentry. TR, Sat 15 Jul 1972

Gentry, Mary Aleene - Mr and Mrs Landon M Gentry announcethe birth of a daughter, Mary Aleene, Saturday, October 8, at PratherClinic. Mother and baby are doingnicely. TR, Mon 10 Oct 1938

George, Jason Lee - Mr and Mrs W Lee George Jr announce thebirth of a son, Jason Lee, born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onFriday, March 26. The baby weighed 7 pounds,14 ounces. Grandparents are Mrs FeltonOwens of Albany and the late George Carswell and Dr and Mrs Whalen L George Srof Blakely, Ga. TR, Fri 2 Apr 1982

George, Molly Elizabeth - Lee and Fran George of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Molly Elizabeth, born January 8. The infant weighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces atbirth. Paternal grandparents are MrsElla Mae George and the late Mr Whalen L George of Blakely and maternalgrandparents are Mrs Sybil Owens and the late Mr George Carswell of Albany. The baby has two brothers, Jason, nine andTodd, age seven. TR, Wed 22 Jan 1992

George, Nicholas Jacob - Howard and Elizabeth Georgeannounce the birth of a son, Nicholas Jacob, born Thursday, February 18 atTallahassee, Fla. Grandparents are KlaraRonan of Hollywood, Fla, Alex Markus of Pembroke Pines, Fla and Ruth George ofAmericus and the late Mr Paul George.Nicholas has two sisters, Erin, age 7 and Sarah, age four. TR, Mon 22 Feb 1993

George, Not named - Mr and Mrs John C George, of 204 VirginiaAvenue, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ½ ounce son, June 27 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 25 Jun 1963

George, Sarah Rose - Mr and Mrs Howard George ofTallahassee, Fla announce the birth of a daughter, Sarah Rose, born Thursday,September 15 at Tallahassee Memorial Hospital.The infant weighed 5 pounds, 15 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mrs Klara Roman andAlex Marcus of Pembroke Pines, Fla and paternal grandparents are Mrs RuthGeorge and the late Paul E George of Americus.TR, Sat 11 Sep 1988

George, Steven Eric - Navy Petty Officer First Class and MrsJohn M George of Jacksonville, Fla announce the birth of a son, Steven Eric,born Mar 21 at the Naval Air Base Hospital, Jacksonville. The infant weighed 9 pounds at birth. Paternal grandmother is Lillian Stewart ofAmericus and maternal grandfather is G Ousfer of Morocco, Africa. TR, Thu 24 Mar 1994

George, Todd Grady - Mr and Mrs Lee George of Americusannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 9 ounce son, Todd Grady George, born Saturday,June 9 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. He is the grandson of Dr and Mrs WhalenGeorge Sr of Blakely and Mrs Sybil Owens and the late George Carswell ofAlbany. He has a brother, Jason, 2. TR, Wed 20 Jun 1984

Gerbert, Alexander Sean - Mr and Mrs Valentine A Gerbert, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a son, Alexander Sean, born Sunday, April 8at the Medical Center in Macon. The babyweighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces. The maternalgrandparents are Mrs J C Cromer, Macon and L E Crook Jr, Americus. Paternal grandparents are Mrs FrancesGerbert, Smithville and R V Gerbert, Torrence, Calif. Great-grandparents are Mrs D H Pope and MrsDennis Hall and Mr and Mrs L C Crook Sr.TR, Mon 9 Apr 1973

Gerbert, George Valentine - Mr and Mrs H V Gerbert, of StLouis, Mo, announce the birth of a son Wednesday, December 18 at city hospital,who has been named George Valentine. MrsGerbert was before her marriage Miss Frances Israel. TR, Tue 22 Dec 1942

Gerbert, Jonathan Scott - Mr and Mrs Robert L Gerbert, ofPaducah, Kentucky announce the birth of a son born Wednesday, February 13, whoweighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces. The infanthas been given the name of Jonathan Scott.He is the grandson of Mrs Frances Gerbert of Americus and Bob Gerbert ofCalifornia and Mr and Mrs Henry Ratliff of Plains. TR, Fri 15 Feb 1974

Gerbert, Michael Brandon - Gy Sgt and Mrs George V Gerbertannounce the birth of a 9 pound, 5 ½ ounce baby boy, Michael Brandon, bornAugust 10 at Mission Community Hospital, Mission Viejo, Calif. Mrs Gerbert is the daughter of Mr and Mrs C BJohnston Sr of Macon, Ga.. Gy SgtGerbert is the son of Mrs Frances I Gerbert of Smithville, Ga. Michael Brandon also has twogreat-grandmothers, Mrs G W Israel of Smithville, Ga and Mrs R R Hanson ofMacon, Ga. TR, Thu 31 Aug 1972

Gerbert, Not named - Pvt and Mrs R V Gerbert, of St Louis,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, December 16, at city hospital. TR, Wed 16 Dec 1942

Gerbert, Robert Patrick - Mr and Mrs Robert Gerbert, ofAmericus, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ½ ounce son born Sunday, November7. The baby has been named RobertPatrick. He is the grandson of Mr andMrs Henry Ratliff, of Plains and Mrs Frances Gerbert of Smithville and Mr Bob Gerbertof California. TR, Tue 9 Nov 1971

Gerbert, Sheri Lynne - SSgt and Mrs George V Gerbert, ofMacon, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce daughter March 8 who has beennamed Sheri Lynne. Mrs Gerbert is theformer Miss Brenda Joy Davis of Macon.The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs Frances I Gerbert ofSmithville. Ssgt Gerbert is stationed atthe Marine Corps Recruiting Station in Macon.TR, Sat 11 Mar 1967

Gettys, Geraldine - Mr and Mrs M D Gettys, of Gastonia, NCannounce the birth of a daughter, January 30, who has been given the nameGeraldine. Mrs Gettys will be rememberedas Miss Martha Hines, of Americus, before her marriage. TR, Mon 30 Jan 1928

Gettys, Not named - Mr and Mrs M D Gettys announce the birthof a daughter November ?, at their home in Ellaville. Mrs Gettys was formerly Miss Martha EmmaHines, of Americus whose wedding was a brillant event of last fall. TR, Mon 7 Nov 1921

Gharakhani, Armik Siraki - Mr and Mrs Vanik Gharakhani ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Armik Siraki, born November 18 at SumterRegional Hospital. Mrs Gharakhani is theformer Miss Cami Fairbrother of Americus.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Brenton McCarty and Mr and MrsCharles Fairbrother, all of Americus.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Aved Gharakhani of Los Angeles,Calif. Great-grandmother is Mrs W DDupree of Americus. TR, Wed 29 Nov1995

Gholson, Eliza - Mr and Mrs Samuel H Gholson announce thebirth of a daughter Monday, July 3 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital,who has been given the name of Eliza. TR,Fri 7 Jul 1967

Ghram, William Darrell - Mr and Mrs Virgil S Ghram, ofArkansas City, Ark, announce the birth of a son, William Darrell, born atNewton Hospital, Winfield, Kansas, Tuesday, June 18. Mrs Ghram was before marriage Miss GraceHarper, daughter of Judge W M Harper, of this city. TR, Wed 26 Jun 1946

Ghramm , Marjorie Louise - Mr and Mrs Virgil S Ghrammannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ½ ounce daughter, Wednesday, March 23 atPrather Clinic, who has been named Marjorie Louise. Mrs Ghramm is the former Miss Grace Harper. TR, Friday 26 Mar 1949

Ghramm, Pamela - Mr and Mrs Virgil Ghramm, of JacksonStreet, announce the birth of a 4 pound, 14 ounce daughter, Friday, January 6,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name ofPamela. Mrs Ghramm is the former MissGrace Harper. TR, Tue 10 Jan 1956

Gibbs, Christopher Ellis - Mr and Mrs Gary M Gibbs, ofDecatur, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 2 ounce son April 22 who has beengiven the name of Christopher Ellis Gibbs.The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Joe S Ellis, of Vienna, and Mrand Mrs Charles Gibbs of Americus. He isthe great-grandson of Mrs J E Watson of this city and Mrs John Gibbs of SocialCircle. TR, Fri 5 May 1967

Gibbs, Gary Munroe Jr - Mr and Mrs Gary Gibbs, of 313 WCollege Street, announce the birth of 9 pound, 5 ½ ounce son, February 26 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Gary MunroeJr. TR, Tue 27 Feb 1962

Gibbs, Laurie Anne - Is the name given to the 7 pound, 10ounce daughter born Thursday, October 28 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital to Mr and Mrs Robert Todd Gibbs.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs James Raybon of Smithvilleand Mr and Mrs Charles Gibbs of this city and the great-granddaughter of Mrs SC Raybon of Smithville and Mrs John M Gibbs of Americus. TR, Sat 30 Oc t 1971

Gibbs, Marvin Randall - Mr and Mrs C C Gibbs, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son at Americus and Sumter County Hospital Sunday, June21. The baby has been named MarvinRandall. TR, Wed 24 Jun 1953

Gibbs, Mary Meagan - Is the name given the infant daughterof Mr and Mrs Todd Gibbs who was born Thursday, October 23 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces. Her maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs J WRaybon of Smithville and her paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Charles Gibbsof Americus. TR, Wed 29 Oct 1975

Gibbs, Not named - Mr and Mrs C R Gibbs, of 313 W CollgeStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Thursday, August 9at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Fri 10 Aug 1956

Gibbs, Robert Todd - Mr and Mrs Todd Gibbs announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce son Wednesday, October 8 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital who has been named Robert Todd. Mrs Gibbs is the former Cecilia Raybon ofSmithville. The baby’s grandparents areMr and Mrs James Raybon of Smithville and Mr and Mrs Charles Gibbs of Americus. Mrs Mary Janie Raybon of Smithville and MrsJohn M Gibbs of Americus are the baby’s great-grandmothers. TR, Thu 9 Oct 1969

Gibbs, Susan Margaret - Mr and Mrs Charles R Gibbs, of 513West College Street, are parents of a baby daughter, born December 21 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces and has been named Susan Margaret. TR, Thu 22 Dec 1960

Gibson, Charlotte Virginia - Mr and Mrs S H Gibson, of 608Hanco*ck Drive, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter, April 17, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Charlotte Virginia. Mrs Gibson is the former Miss RillaHolt. TR, Wed 19 Apr 1961

Gibson, Jonathan Bradley - Lee and Debra Gibson of Plainsannounce the birth of a son, Jonathan Bradley, born January 20 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 3 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Elmer Cullison of Plains and paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Shep Gibson of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mrs Pearl Johnson of Preston; Bob Gibson ofAmericus; and Mr and Mrs Raymond Holt Sr, Americus. The infant has a brother, Joshua, agethree. TR, Fri 27 Jan 1989

Gibson, Joshua Lee - Mr and Mrs Lee Gibson of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Joshua Lee, on January 22 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 14ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Elmer Cullison of Plains and Mrs Shep Gibson of Americus. Great-grandparents are Bob Gibson of Americusand Mr and Mrs Raymond Holt Sr of Americus and Mrs Paul Johnson ofPreston. TR, Sat 25 Jan 1986

Gibson, Not named - Mr and Mrs E H Gibson announce the birthof a daughter, Thursday, September 4, at Prather clinic. TR, Wed 10 Sep 1941

Gibson, Not named - Mr and Mrs E H Gibson announce the birthof a daughter, Monday, January 8, at Prather Clinic. TR, Tue 19 Jan 1943

Gibson, Not named - Mr and Mrs T W Gibson announce the birthof a son at city hospital, Monday, January 25.TR, Thu 29 Jan 1948

Gibson, Peyton Lee - Mr and Mrs Sheppard Gibson, of Athens,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce son Friday, December 4, at the AthensGeneral Hospital, who has been named Peyton Lee. Mrs Gibson is the former Miss Rilla Holt, ofAmericus. The baby is the grandson of Mrand Mrs Robert F Gibson, of Milwaukee and Mr and Mrs Raymond Holt of thiscity. TR, Sat 5 Dec 1959

Gibson, Sarah Elizabeth - Lee and Debra Gibson of Plainsannounce the birth of their daughter, Sarah Elizabeth, born October 20 atSumter Regional Hospital. The babyweighed 10 pounds, 3 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Elmer Cullison Jr of Plains andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Shep Gibson of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mrs Pearl Johnson ofPreston and Bob Gibson of Americus. Theinfant has two brothers, Joshua, 5 and Jonathan, 2. Tr, Thu 24 Oct 1991

Gibson, Sheppard Hush Wise II - Mr and Mrs Sheppard Gibson,of Birmingham announce the birth of a son Tuesday, December 29 at the BaptistMoncrief Hospital in Birmingham. Thebaby, who has been named Sheppard Hush Wise II is the grandson of Mr and MrsRaymond Holt and Mr and Mrs Robert Gibson, all of Americus. TR, Sat 2 Jan 1971

Gibson, Steve Kent - Mr and Mrs H F Gibson, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a 5 pound, 5 ounce son, Sunday, July 14 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Steve Kent. TR, Tue, 16 Jul 1957

Gibson, Sumter Ansleigh - Lt and Mrs Shepard H Gibson II ofFt Benning announce the birth of a daughter, Sumter Ansleigh, born December 27,1996 at Martin Army Hospital. Sumter, asthe infant is called, weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs ShepGibson of Americus. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Charles Hodges of Andersonville. TR, Fri 19 Jan 1997

Gibson, Thad W Jr - Mr and Mrs Thad W Gibson announce thebirth of a son, Monday, January 26, who has been named Thad W Jr. TR, Mon 2 Feb 1948

Giddens, Johnathan Scott - Mr and Mrs Danny Giddens, ofPalatka, Fla announce the birth of a son Johnathan Scott, born May 6 at thePutnam Memorial Hospital in Palatka.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Lewis Cantrell of Palatka and MrBob Conner of Gainesville, Ga. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Lawton W Giddens of Ellaville. TR, Thu 13 May 1975

Giddings, April Diane - Mr and Mrs Eldridge Giddings Jr, ofRoute 2 Americus, announce the brith of a 6 pound, 13 ounce daughter bornWednesday, August 29 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named April Diane. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs JohnnyMorgan and Mrs Eldridge Giddings Sr and the late Mr Giddings of Americus. TR, Tue 4 Sep 1973

Giddings, Christiana - Dr and Mrs Marvin Alvin Giddings Jr, ofLackland Air Force Base, Del Rio, Texas, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10ounce daughter, born April 24, who has been named Christiana. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsMarvin Giddings Sr, of Americus and Mr and Mrs J B Hatchett, of Atlanta. TR, Wed 25 Apr 1962

Giddings, Elizabeth Page - Mr and Mrs Jim Giddings, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, August 15 at the GeorgiaBaptist Hospital, who has been given the name of Elizabeth Page. The baby is the granddaughter of WilburGiddings, of Americus. TR, Thu 15 Aug1963

Giddings, Marvin Alvin III - Mr and Mrs Marvin Alvin GiddingsJr, of Emory University, Georgia announce the birth of a son, Monday, March 19,at Emory University hospital, who has been named Marvin Alvin III. Mr Giddings is a former Americus resident andMrs Giddings is the former Miss Jane Hatchett, of College Park. TR, Mon 19 Mar 1956

Giddings, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jimmy L Giddings, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, February 5, at Georgia BaptistHospital. Mrs Giddings is the formerBeth Doster, of Americus and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs W OScoggins, of this city. TR, Fri 7 Feb1958

Giddings, Not named - Mr and Mrs M A Giddings announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, February 14, at the Prather Clinic. TR, Mon 15 Feb 1937

Giddings, Not named - Mr and Mrs Wilbur Giddings announce thebirth of a daughter at the Wise Sanitarium, Plains, Georgia, Tuesday, October19th, who has not yet been given a name. TR, Wed 20 Oct 1926

Giddings, Not named - Mr and Mrs Wilbur Giddings announce thebirth of a son, April 28, at the Wise Sanitorium in Plains. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. TR, Fri 28 Apr 1933

Giddings, Not named - Mr and Mrs Wilbur H Giddings announcethe birth of a daughter Saturday, July 8 at the City Hospital. TR, Mon 10 Jul 1939

Giddings, Not named - Mr and Mrs William Giddings, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 13 ounce son, May 24, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 25 May 1960

Giddings, Patricia Elaine - Is the name of the infant daughterof Mr and Mrs Eldridge Giddings, Jr who was born Thursday, September 23 at thethe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby weighed 6 pounds, 7 ounces.Grandparents of the infant are Mr and Mrs Johnny Morgan and Mrs MargaretGiddings and the late Mr Eldridge Giddings.TR, Fri 24 Sep 1976

Gilbert, Christy Lynn - Mr and Mrs Emory Gilbert Jr ofColumbus announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce daughter, Christy Lynn, bornThursday, April 12. She is thegreat-granddaughter of Mrs Frank Hagan of Magnolia Manor, Americus and FrankHagan of the VA Hospital in Dublin.Grandparents are Rev and Mrs Emory Gilbert of the Methodist Home inMacon and Mr and Mrs Wayne Doolittle of Columbus; Mrs Carvelle Doolittle andMrs Averett of Columbus are great-grandparents.Emory Gilbert Jr is a former resident of Leslie and Montezuma where hisfather was pastor of the Methodist Church.Christy has a 4 year old sister Tricia.TR, Wed 2 May 1984

Gilbert, Debra Jayne - Rev and Mrs Emory C Gilbert, ofTennille, announce the birth of a daughter, Debra Jayne, Wednesday, April 18 atRawlings Hospital in Sandersville, Ga.Rev Gilbert was formerly the pastor of the Methodist Churchs in Leslieand DeSoto. TR, Mon 21 Apr 1958

Gilbert, Joel Robert - Mr and Mrs Frank Gilbert of Conyersannounce the birth of a son born Wednesday, March 31 who weighed 9 pounds, 6ounces. The infant has been named JoelRobert. He has a brother, Michael. Grandparents are Mrs Sarah P Gilbert and thelate Howard F Gilbert of Americus and Mr and Mrs Robert Smith of Fayetteville,Ga. TR, Wed 7 Apr 1982

Gilbert, Keven Brian - Mr and Mrs Mickey Gilbert, of Route 1,Vienna announce the birth of a son Keven Brian born Tuesday, August 9 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces. MrsGilbert is the former Vicki Oliver of Americus.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold Oliver of Americus and Mr and Mrs P MGilbert of Route 1, Vienna. TR, Fri12 Aug 1977

Gilbert, Merideth Anne - Mr and Mrs Robert James Gilbert ofCalhoun, Ga announce the birth of a daughter, Merideth Anne, born November 10at Crawford W Long Hospital, Atlanta.The infant weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Bill Stooksbury,Andersonville, Tenn and Mrs Sarah P Gilbert of Americus and the late Mr HowardF Gilbert. Great-grandparents are MrsLon Stooksbury, Andersonville, Tenn and the late Mr Stooksbury and the late MrsMary Ann Irwin of Andersonville, Tenn. TR,Thu 19 Nov 1987

Gilbert, Michael Franklin - Mr and Mrs Frank Gilbert announcethe birth of a son born Tuesday, August 28 at the DeKalb General Hospital. The infant has been named MichaelFranklin. The baby is the grandson ofMrs Howard Gilbert and the late Howard F Gilbert of Americus and Mr and MrsRobert Smith of Fayetteville, Ga. TR,Wed 29 Aug 1979

Gilbert, Not named - Mr and Mrs B J Gilbert, of 330 SouthJackson Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce son, born July 9, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 10 Jul 1961

Gilbert, Robert James Jr - Mr and Mrs Robert James Gilbert ofCalhoun announce the birth of a son, Robert James Jr, born November 16 atPiedmont Hospital. The infant weighed 9pounds, 5 ounces at birth. Paternal grandparentsare Mrs Howard Gilbert Jr of Americus and the late Mr Gilbert and maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Bill Strooksbury of Andersonville, Tenn. Great-grandmother is Mrs Howard Gilbert Sr ofChurubusco, Ind. The baby has a sister, Meredith, age two. TR, Wed 29 Nov 1989

Gilbert, Tiffany Lane - Mr and Mrs Mickey Gilbert of Cordeleare the parents of a 9 pound, 1 ounce daughter born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital Monday, August 3. Theinfant has been given the name of Tiffany Lane.She has a brother, Keven, who will be 4 on August 9. Grandparents are Mrs Evelyn Gilbert of Viennaand Mr and Mrs Harold Oliver of Americus.TR, Wed 5 Aug 1981

Gilchrist, Mary Drane - Mr and Mrs Jack Gilchrist announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce daughter, at the City Hospital, Sunday morning,February 20. She has been named MaryDrane. Mrs Gilchrist was before marriageMiss Mary McMickle, of Ellaville. TR,Mon 21 Feb 1949

Giles, Daniel Coleman - Mr and Mrs Paul H Giles Jr announcethe birth of a son born Friday, April 22 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who has been namedDaniel Coleman weighed 7 pounds, 13 ½ ounce.Daniel has an older brother, Troy.The mother is the former Marilee Hammond. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Guy C Hammond Srof Americus and Mr and Mrs Paul H Giles Sr of Dawson, Ga. TR, Tue 26 Apr 1977

Giles, Paul III - Mr and Mrs Paul Giles Jr announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 7 ½ ounce son born Tuesday, February 1 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital who has been named Paul III. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs GuyHammond of Americus and Mr and Mrs Paul Giles Sr of Dawson. TR, Thu 3 Feb 1972

Gill, Elizabeth Walker - Mr and Mrs John Gill of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a daughter, Elizabeth Walker, born March 3 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant, calledElizabeth, weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Charles Edward Pennington of Macon. Paternal grandparents are Alice Walker Gilland the late Paul Leon Gill of Ellaville.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Hall Clemson Cooper, Louise StonePennington, all of Cedartown. TR, Fri4 Apr 1997

Gill, John Paul - Mr and Mrs Paul Gill, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a 5 pound, 4 ounce son, Saturday, January 12. The baby, who was born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital has been named John Paul. TR, Tue 15 Jan 1957

Gill, Jones Carlton - Mr and Mrs George T Gill announcethe birth of an eight pound son, Tuesday, Feb 25, who has been named JonesCarlton. Both mother and baby are doingnicely. TR, Thu 27 Feb 1936

Gill, Paula Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Paul L Gill, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 4 pound, 4 ounce daughter, Saturday,December 3, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been given the name of PaulaElizabeth. TR, Tue 6 Dec 1955

Gill, Shannon Margaret - Mr and Mrs James Gill, ofColumbus, announce the birth of a daughter on Saturday night, March 6 at theMedical Center in Columbus. The babyweighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces and has been named Shannon Margaret Gill. Mrs Gill is the former Cheryl Cook ofEllaville. The baby’s grandparents areMr and Mrs W R Gill of Columbus and Mr and Mrs Paul Cook Sr of Ellaville. TR, Tue 9 Mar 1971

Gillen, Julia Grace - Brian and Andrea Gillen of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Julia Grace, born Monday, July 24 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 11 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Milton McRoberts of Americus and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Stacy Gillen of Fairfax, Va. Great-grandparents are Viola Fuhro ofLakewood, NJ, Julia Gillen and Mr and Mrs Emilio DeLuca of Steubenville, Ohio. The baby has a brother, Zachary, 17months. TR, Fri 28 Jul 1955

Gillespie, Charles Earl - Mr and Mrs Charles E Gillespie ofAmericus announce the birth of a son Thursday, August 12 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The infant hasbeen given the name of Charles Earl. Heweighed 5 pounds, 9 ½ ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mrs Doc E Gillespie of Americus and the lateMr Gillespie. Maternal grandparents areMr and Mrs Jimmie Starrett of Americus.The infant’s paternal great-grandparents are the late Mr and Mrs ArmoryHolt of Cordele and maternal great-grandparents are the late Mr and Mrs BobDowdy of Leslie. TR, Fri 13 Aug 1976

Gillespie, Donna Marie - Mr and Mrs Charles E Gillespieannounce the birth of a daughter born Saturday, June 3 at the Crisp CountyHospital in Cordele. The baby weighed 5pounds. She has been named DonnaMarie. Grandparents are Mrs Doc EarlGillespie and the late Mr Gillespie of Americus and Mr and Mrs Jimmy Starrettof Cordele, formerly of Americus. TR,Mon 5 Jun 1978

Gillespie, Eula Nelle - Mr and Mrs D E Gillespie, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, July 4, at City Hospital, who hasbeen named Eula Nelle. TR, Fri 6 Jul1945

Gilliam, Brandon Lee - Mary and Grady Gilliam announce thebirth of a son, Brandon Lee, born Tuesday, 23 May at home in Cobb, weighing 7pounds, 10 ounces at birth. TR, Thu 2Jun 1994

Gilliam, Scott Christopher - Mr and Mrs Ellis Randall Gilliamare the parents of a son, Scott Christopher, born Saturday, July 6 at 5:00 am. The grandparents are Mrs Eugene Harrellof Bainbridge and Mr and Mrs Ellis M Gilliam of Savannah Beach. TR, Tue 9 Jul 1974

Gilliam, Taylor Nicole - David and Marci Gilliam of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Taylor Nicole, born January 8 at SumterRegional Hospital. She weighed 9 pounds,2 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Aland Carole Hargrove and Oscar and Mary Ann Gilliam, all of Americus. Great-grandparents are W W and Florrie Foy ofAmericus. Taylor Nicole has a brother,Jonathan, 20 months. TR, Tue 26 Jan1993

Gilliam, Twin Daughters- Mr and Mrs Randy Gilliam, of Dothan, Ala, formerly of Americus are theparents of twin girls born Saturday, October 22. The twin girls has been named Stacie Micheleand Jennifer Kristin. TR, Tue 1 Nov1977

Gillis, Emily Dawn - Mr and Mrs Charles Gillis are theparents of an 8 pound, 13 ½ ounce daughter, Emily Dawn, born Friday, March 19at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.Dawn, as she is called, is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Carl Ivey ofTifton and the late H I Tidd of Schley County and Mr and Mrs Harry Gillis andthe late Mrs Josie Gillis of McRae. Dawnhas two older sisters, Connie age 11 and Jennifer age 9. TR, Thu 25 Mar 1976

Gillis, Not named - Mr and Mrs C T Gillis, of 611 WalterWay, are the parents of a 7 pound, 11 ounce daughter, born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, on August 30. TR,Mon 31 Aug 1964

Gilmore, Christopher Walton - Mr and Mrs Walton Gilmore, ofEllaville, are the parents of a 7 pound, 1 ½ ounce son, born March 30 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named ChristopherWalton. TR, Tue 30 Mar 1965

Gilmore, Emily Christine - Mr and Mrs Leonard Gilmoreannounce the birth of a daughter, Emily Christine, born December 18. The baby weighed seven pounds at birth. Mrs Gilmore was before her marriage MissGertrude Exum, of Smithville. TR, Wed23 Dec 1936

Gilmore, James Earle - Mr and Mrs Leonard Gilmore, of 512Lytle avenue, New Smyrna, Fla, announce the birth of a son August 14 who hasbeen given the name James Earle. MrsGilmore will be remembered before her marriage last summer as Miss GertrudeExum near Smithville, Ga. TR, Mon 17Aug 1931

Gilmore, Not named - M/Sgt and Mrs James D Gilmore, ofMonterey, California announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, September 11. Mrs Gilmore will be remembered as Miss DorisHall, of Americus. TR, Mon, 16 Sep1957

Gilmore, Not named - Mr and Mrs H L Gilmore, of Preston,announce the birth of a son, Thursday, July 16 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Thu 16 Jul 1959

Gilmore, Not named - Mr and Mrs J G Gilmore announce thebirth of a 7-pound, 2-ounce son Wednesday, June 10 at Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Thu 11 Jun 1953

Gilmore, Not named - Mr and Mrs L B Gilmore, of Montezuma,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce son, Saturday, January 15, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon, 16 Jan 1961

Gilstrap, Daniel Earl - Is the name given to the infant son ofMr and Mrs Benny Gilstrap who was born Thursday, March 15 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby,who weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces is thegrandson of Mrs Earl Gilstrap of Cummins, Ga and Mr and Mrs Francis Rigsby ofOglethorpe. The baby’sgreat-grandparents are Mr and Mrs C N Loggins and Mrs John Gilstrap and thelate Mr Gilstrap, all of Gainesville, Ga.TR, Sat 17 Mar 1973

Gilstrap, John E III - Mr and Mrs Jack Gilstrap, of Decatur,announce the birth of a 4 pound, 6 ounce son, March 26, at Emory Universityhospital, who has been named John E Gilstrap III. Mrs Gilstrap is the former Miss EmilyAnderson of Americus and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs J E Gilstrap ofBrunswick and Mrs Gust Anderson of this city.TR, Tue 29 Mar 1960

Ginford, Robert Dale - Mr and Mrs Andrew Ginford announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 2 ½ ounce son Tuesday, February 14 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital who has been given the name of Robert Dale. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs WilliamRooks of Rt 3 and Mr and Mrs E L Crawley, also of Americus. TR, Fri 17 Feb 1967

Gini, Benjamin Richard - Mr and Mrs P R Gini announce thebirth of a son, Wednesday, August 30, at city hospital. The baby has been named BenjaminRichard. TR, Thu 31 Aug 1944

Gironda, Michael Steven - Mr and V A Gironda, of 407Pinecrest Drive, are the parents of a 7 pound, 12 ½ ounce son, born September18 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named MichaelSteven. TR, Wed 19 Sep 1962

Gladden, Claudia - Mr and Mrs Bill Gladden, of El Paso,Texas, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, April 12, who weighed 8pounds, 2 ounces. The baby has beennamed Claudia. Mr Gladden is a formerresident of Americus and the baby is the grandson of J W Gladden, of thiscity. TR, Fri 13 Apr 1956

Gladden, John Christopher - Mr and Mrs Johnny Gladden, ofPerry announce the birth of a son born Saturday, September 11 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who weighed 8 pounds, 8 ½ ounces has been given the name of JohnChristopher. Christopher, as the infantwill be called, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Sam Cromer and Mr and Mrs John WGladden, all of Americus. His mother isthe former Rebecca Cromer of this city. TR,Mon 12 Sep 1976

Gladden, Julia Ann - Mr and Mrs Bill Gladden, of Montgomery,Ala, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ½ ounce daughter, Thursday, October17, who has been named Julia Ann. MrGladden is a former resident of Americus and the baby is the granddaughter ofMr and Mrs John Gladden, of this city. TR,Tue 22 Oct 1957

Gladden, Mark Nicholas - Mr and Mrs Johnny Gladden, ofMarietta, are the parents of a 7 pound, 6 ounce son born at KennestoneHospital, Marietta Tuesday, February 19.The infant, who has been named Mark Nicholas has an older brother,Christopher. The grandparents are Mr andMrs Sam Cromer of Americus and Mr and Mrs John Gladden of Lake Blackshear. TR, Thu 21 Feb 1980

Gladden, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Gladden announce thebirth of a son Friday, February 6, at Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Sat 7 Feb 1953

Gladney, Not named - Mr and Mrs R W Gladney, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, June 20, at City Hospital. TR, Fri 21 Jun 1946

Gladney, Not named - Mr and Mrs Roy Gladney announce thebirth of a 6 pound daughter, Tuesday, December 7, at city hospital. TR, Wed 8 Dec 1948

Glassco*ck, Jennifer Lynn - Mr and Mrs Sam Glassco*ck, ofWaldorf, Md, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 7 ounce daughter, born September27, who has been named Jennifer Lynn.Mrs Glassco*ck is the former Miss Martha Jean Booker of this city. The baby is the niece of Mr and Mrs ArchHelms of Americus. TR, Sat 28 Sep1968

Glawson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Johnny Glawson, of Lafayette,Ala, announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, April 18. Mr and Mrs Glawson are former residents ofthis city and Mrs Glawson was before marriage Miss Etna Reid. TR, Tue 20 Apr 1948

Glaze, Judith Marie - Mr and Mrs Julian Emory Glaze, of Jacksonville,announce the birth of a six and a half pound daughter, Wednesday, December13. The baby has been named Judith Marieand is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs S L Glaze and Mr and Mrs W H Oliver, ofAmericus. Mrs Glaze was before marriageMiss Mary Elizabeth Oliver, of this city.TR, Thu 16 Dec 1948

Glaze, Luther Paul - Mr and Mrs Julian E Glaze announce thebirth of a son, born October 4, who has been named Luther Paul for hisgrandparents, Mr Luther Glaze, of Americus and the late Mr Paul Preskitt, ofSumter County. Mrs Glaze was formerlyMiss Flossie Lynn Preskitt. TR, Fri28 Oct 1938

Glaze, Regenia Clariece - Master Sgt and Mrs Luther GlazeJr, of Ft Meade, Md and Americus announce the birth of a daughter Tuesday,April 27 at Prather Clinic. The baby hasbeen named Regenia Clariece. Mrs Glazewas the former Miss Mary Windham, of Troy, Ala.TR, Wed, 28 Apr 1943

Glaze, Richard Wayne - M/Sgt and Mrs Luther Glaze Jr, ofColumbus and Fort Benning, announce the birth of a son, born March 11 at thePost Hospital, Ft Benning. The babyweighed eight pounds at birth and has been named Richard Wayne. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs S L GlazeSr, of this city. TR, Sat 13 Mar 1948

Gleaton, Elton Jr - Mrand Mrs Elton P Gleaton, of Albany, announce the birth of a son, on Saturday,January 9, at their home in Albany. Thelittle fellow has been named Elton Jr.Mrs Gleaton, before her marriage was Miss Dyxie Standridge, the onlydaughter of Mr and Mrs George Standridge, well known Ellaville residents. Elton, Jr, was born on the anniversary of hismaternal grandmother’s birth. TR, Fri29 Jan 1943

Gleaton, George Berturn - Mr and Mrs E B Gleaton, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a son born Wednesday, September 3 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who weighed 8 pounds, 4 ½ ounces has been named George Berturn. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs W D Kelleyof Ellaville and Mrs Dyxie Gleaton, also of Ellaville. TR, Fri 5 Sep 1975

Gleaton, Not named - Mr and Mrs Elton Gleaton Jr announce thebirth of a daughter at the Americus andSumter County Hospital August 24, who weighed 7 pounds, 2 ½ ounces. TR, Thu 26 Aug 1965

Gleaton, Not named - Mr and Mrs W E Gleaton, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter, at city hosptal, Sunday, December 10. TR, Fri 15 Dec 1944

Gleaton, Tammy Bee - Mr and Mrs Elton B Gleaton Jr announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce daughter at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Saturday, December 17. Thebaby, who has been named Tammy Bee is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs W DKelley of Americus and Mrs Dixie Gleaton of Ellaville. TR, Thu 22 Dec 1966

Glenn, Glenda - The Rev and Mrs A R Glenn, of Route 3,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce daughter, October 5 ath the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Glenda. TR, Wed 5 Oct 1960

Gleton, Not named - Mr and Mrs E B Gleton, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, April 23, at city hospital. TR, Fri 27 Apr 1945

Glisson, Bryce - Mr and Mrs Terry Glisson, of Fort Pierce,Fla announce the birth of a daughter born Sunday, June 11 at the Fort PierceHospital. The baby, who weighed 6pounds, 6 ounces has been named Bryce.Her mother is the former Sally McMath of Americus and Ellaville. Grandparents are Mrs Heys McMath Jr of Lyonsand the late Mr M Heys McMath Sr of Magnolia Manor Nursing Home is the baby’sgreat-grandfather and Mrs Bobby Young of Ellaville is her aunt. TR, Fri 30 Jun 1978

Glisson, Not named - Dr and Mrs A J Glisson, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a seven pound boy, at the Crawford Long hospital, Jan24. Mrs Glisson will be remembered inAmericus as Mrs Edith Ward, former Sumter county home demonstration agent. TR, Sat 25 Jan 1936

Gloss, Ashley Marie - Jack and Kim Gloss of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter who has been given the name Ashley MarieGloss. The infant, who was bornThursday, September 1, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital weighed 6pounds, 15 ounces. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Monroe Allison and Mr and Mrs Jack R Gloss, all ofAmericus. Her great-grandparents are Mrand Mrs Nathaniel Miller. Frank Hunterof Dawson is her great-great-grandfather.TR, Fri 9 Sep 1983

Glover, Amber Rae - Tom and Rachelle Glover of San Diego,Cal announce the birth of a daughter, Amber Rae, born Friday, March 12 atKaizer Hospital, San Diego. Amberweighed 9 pounds, 4 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Al and Vicky Glover of Americus. Maternal grandparents are Louie and PeggyWalisch of San Diego. Amber has asister, Misty Rose, age five. TR, Sat20 Mar 1993

Glover, Carr S III - Mr and Mrs Carr S Glover Jr announcethe birth of a son, Saturday, November 23, who has been given the name Carr SGlover III. TR, Tue, 26 Nov 1929

Glover, Charles Chandler - Mr and Mrs Gary Glover ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Charles Chandler, born Friday, April 17at Sumter Regional Hospital. Chance, asthe baby is called, weighed 6 pounds, 6 ounces at birth. Paternal grandparents are Charles C Glover ofCordele and Mrs Peggy L Glover of Albany and maternal grandparents are the lateMrs H B Arnold and the late Mrs Rebecca Arnold Gibbs, both of Americus. Chance has a brother, Wes and two sisters,Jamie and Mollie. TR, Tue 21 Apr 1992

Glover, Charles Harold - Mr and Mrs Carl Sullivan Glover, of10 Colonel Estell Drive, Savannah, announce the birth of a son, January 18, atSt Joseph’s Hospital in Savannah. Thebaby has been named Charles Harold Glover.Mr Glover is a former resident of Americus and is the grandson of thelate Carr S Glover, of this city. TR,Tue 26 Jan 1965

Glover, Daniel Fisher Jr - Mr and Mrs Daniel Fisher Glover,of Flintside, announce the birth of a 7 3/4 pound Casarian born son, Sunday,January 29, at the Prather Clinic, who has been named Daniel Fisher Jr. Before marriage Mrs Glover was Miss AloiseMcMath. TR, Tue 31 Jan 1939

Glover, Danny Lott - Mr and Mrs Danny Glover Jr, ofMarietta, Ga, announce the birth of a son on July 16 at Kennestone Hospital inMarietta, who has been named Danny Lott Glover.His grandparents are Mr and Mrs Sam Lott Sr, of Americus and D F Glover,of Dothan, Alabama. TR, Mon 20 Jul1964

Glover, Frances Anders - Mr and Mrs Charles Glover Jr, ofSan Diego, California, announce the birth of an 8 pound daughter, Thursday,March 15, at the Donald N Sharp Memorial Community hospital. The baby has been named Frances Anders. Mrs Glover is the former Miss Peggy Leonard,of Americus. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mrs Sam Leonard, of this city, and Mr and Mrs Charles GloverSr, of Perry, former Americus residents.TR, Fri 16 Mar 1956

Glover, Ida Gail - Mr and Mrs Dan F Glover announce thebirth of a Caesarian born daughter, Thursday, December 5, at the Prather clinic,who has been named Ida Gail. TR, Sat7 Dec 1940

Glover, Michael J - Mr and Mrs Charles W Glover, of GrandRapids, Michigan, announce the birth of a son, Michael J, Wednesday, January19. Mrs Glover is the former Miss BettyCromer, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Sam Cromer, of Americus and Mr Gloveris the son of Mr and Mrs Jasper Glover, of this city. TR, Tue 25 Jan 1955

Glover, Mollie Ander - Mr and Mrs Gary Glover of Americusannounce the arrival of a daughter, Mollie Ander, in Bucurest, Rumania. Mollie has a sister Jamie, 14 and a brother,Wes, age four. Paternal grandparents areMrs Peggy C Glover Jr of Albany and Charles C Glover of Cordele and maternalgrandparents are the late Mr H B Arnold and the late Mrs Rebecca ArnoldGibbs. TR, Tue 11 Jun 1991

Glover, Nancy Bardin - Mr and Mrs Charles Glover announcethe birth of a daughter, April 10, at the Prather Clinic, who has been namedNancy Bardin. Both mother and baby aredoing nicely. TR, Mon 10 Apr 1933

Glover, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Glover Jr announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce son, Thursday, October 9, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. Mrs Glover isthe former Miss Peggy Leonard and the baby is the grandson, of Mr and MrsCharles Glover Sr, of Perry, and Mrs Sam Leonard of Americus. TR, Fri 10 Oct 1958

Glover, Not named - Mr and Mrs Dewey Glover Jr, of Auburn,Ala, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce daughter, Monday, August 14, atthe Lee County Hospital in Opelika. MrsGlover is the former Miss Yona Lott, daughter of Mr and Mrs Sam Lott, ofAmericus. TR, Tue 15 Aug 1961

Glover, Twins - Mr and Mrs Earl Glover announce the birth oftwins, a boy and a girl, at the Wise Sanitarium on Friday, July 26. They have been named Earl Jr andEarline. TR, Tue 30 Jul 1929

Glover, Wesley Arnold - Mr and Mrs Gary Glover of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Wesley Arnold, born Wednesday, November 26 atSumter Regional Hospital, weighing 7 pounds, 11 ½ ounces. Maternal grandparents are Mrs H B Arnold ofAmericus and the late Mr Arnold of Americus and paternal grandparents are MrsPeggy Glover of Albany and Mr and Mrs Charles Glover of Cordele and paternalgreat-grandmother is Mrs Charles C Glover of Americus. The infant has a sister, Jaime. TR, Tue 2 Dec 1986

Glubka, Not named - Mr and Mrs E A Glubka announce the birthof an 8 pound, 7 ounce son, Wednesday, May 12 at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. Mrs Glubka is the former MissLizabeth Payne, of this city. TR, Thu13 May 1954

Gobbee, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ralph Gobbee announce thebirth of a son, Tuesday, November 13, at city hospital. TR, Wed 15 Nov 1945.

Godfrey, Not named - Mr and Mrs Joe Godfrey, of Columbia, SC, announce the birth of a 7 pound daughter Wednesday, August 2. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsDon Bush of Americus. TR, Mon 7 Aug1967

Godwin, Amanda Leigh - Mr and Mrs Wayne Godwin are theparents of a little girl, Amanda Leigh, who weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces and wasborn Saturday, June 14 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby is to be called “Mandy.” Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs G CLewis of Barwick and the paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Leroy Godwin ofQuitman. Mandy has a great-grandmother,Mrs R L Mitchell of near Quitman. TR,Mon 16 Jun 1975

Godwin, Beverly Charles Jr - Mr and Mrs B C Godwin, of FortValley, announce the birth of a son, Monday, Decmber 17, at the Riversidehospital in Montezuma, who has been named Beverly Charles Jr. Mr and Mrs Godwin are former residents ofAmericus. TR, Wed 19 Dec 1951

Godwin, Julie Ann - Mr and Mrs L E (Boze) Godwin III, ofPlains, announce the birth of a 9 pound daughter born Wednesday, May 21 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital who has been named Julie Ann. Mrs Godwin is the former Betty Thiers. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsLucas Thiers of Americus and Mr and Mrs L E Godwin Jr, of Plains. Her great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs M HFletcher and Mrs Henry Gold of this city and Mrs L E Godwin Sr of Plains. TR, Fri 23 May 1969

Godwin, Not named - Mr and Mrs Rufus Godwin announce thebirth of a daughter Monday, January 27 at Piedmont Sanitarium, in Atlanta. Mr Green is a former resident of Americus andthe baby is the granddaughter of Mrs R B Godwin, of this city. TR, Tue 28 Jan 1936

Godwin, Olin Glenn Jr - Mr and Mrs Glenn Godwin of Plainsannounce the birth of a son Wednesday, June 6 at the Patterson Hospital inCuthbert. The infant, who has been namedOlin Glenn Godwin Jr weighed 7 pounds.The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs L E Godwin Jr of Plains and Mrand Mrs Thad Minick Sr of Preston. Hehas two great-grandmothers, Mrs Ruth S Godwin of Plains and Mrs Bill Minick ofPreston. TR, Thu 21 Jun 1979

Godwin, Pamela Gail - Mr and Mrs L E Godwin III, of Plains,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ½ ounce daughter born Thursday, September 7at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby, who has been named Pamela Gail has an older sister, Julie, whois 3 years old. Grandparents are Mr andMrs L E Godwin Jr of Plains and Mr and Mrs Lucas Thiers of Americus. TR, Fri 8 Sep 1972

Goeppe, Not named - Mr and Mrs J G Goeppe announce the birthof a son at their home, 607 Forrest Street Monday, March 19. TR, Wed 21 Mar 1923

Goff, Anna Netta - Mr and Mrs W D Goff, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, October 9 at city hospital. The baby has been named Anna Netta. TR Thu 12 Oct 1944

Goff, Not named - Mr and Mrs E M Goff, of Plains, announcethe birthday of a daughter, Friday, July 18, at city hospital. TR, Sat 19 Jul 1947

Goff, Not named - Mr and Mrs Max Goff, of Cobb, announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 1 3/4 ounce daughter, July 25 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 26Jul 1965

Goff, Not named - Mr and Mrs W D Goff announce the birthof a son, Wednesday, February 11, at city hospital. TR, Thu 19 Feb 1948

Goforth, Kacie Adia - Will and Rhonda Goforth announce thebirth of a daughter, Kacie Adia, born Aug 17 at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs William GoforthJr of Americus, Dennis Jenkins of Robinsville, NC and Ruth Purvis of Beaufort,SC. Great-grandmother is Francis Goforthof Tifton. She has two sisters, KharissaHughes 5 and Kirby, 2, both of Americus.TR, Fri 16 Oct 1998

Goforth, Kharissa Aurora - Mr and Mrs Will Goforth announcethe birth of a daughter, Kharissa Aurora, born Dec 31 at Crisp Co Hospital,Cordele. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 12ounces at birth. Mrs Goforth is theformer Michelle Bivins of Lake Blackshear.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Loyce Clark of Lake Blackshear and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs William Goforth of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs J RMcCorkle of Lake Blackshear and Frances Goforth of Tifton. Great-great-grandparents are Jenell Brown ofJonesboro, Riner McCorkle of Buena Vista and Lila Tucker Watson of Tifton. TR, Fri 21 Jan 1994

Goforth, Kirby Alexandra - Will and Rhonda Goforth ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Kirby Alexandra, born January 16 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs William Goforth Jr of Americus. Great-grandparents are Ruth Purvis ofBeaufort, SC, Dennis Jenkins of Robinsville, NC, Frances Goforth of Tifton andHenry Rice of Asheville, NC. Kirby has asister Kharissa Hughes, 2, of Lake Blackshear.TR, Sat 27 Jan 1996

Goforth, Steven Tyler - Mr and Mrs James S Goforth announcethe birth of a son, Steven Tyler, born March 5 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,11 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Bill Wisham of Plains and paternal grandparents areMr and Mrs William Goforth Jr of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Lee Wisham of Americus and Mr and MrsRoy Harden and Mrs Frances Goforth of Tifton.Great-great-grandparents are Mrs Lila Tucker Watson of Tifton. Tyler has a brother, J T, age three. TR, Tue 30 Mar 1993

Golden, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Golden, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, November 13, at Pratherclinic. TR, Tue 18 Nov 1941

Golden, Not named - Mr and Mrs I Golden announce the birthof a daughter Sunday, March 26 at their home in Moultrie. TR, Mon 27 Mar 1922

Golden, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jack Golden, of Richland,announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, December 8, at city hospital. TR, Mon 9 Dec 1946

Goldin, Not named - Mr and Mrs J E Goldin, of Dawson,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, 8 July at City Hospital. TR, Wed 9 Jul 1947

Gomez, Elizabeth Jan - Mr and Mrs Carlos Gomez, ofJacksonville, Fla announce the birth of a daughter, Elizabeth Jan, who was bornSaturday morning, February 17, at St Vincent’s hospital. Mrs Gomez was before her marriage Miss JaneShipp of this city. TR, Mon 19 Feb1940

Goocher, Edwin Wayne Jr - Mr and Mrs Edwin Wayne Goocher, of710 Jefferson Street, are the parents of an 8 pound, 3 ounce son, born February8, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Edwin Wayne Jr.TR, Mon 8 Feb 1965

Goodall, Allison Tiffany-Nicole - Mr and Mrs John A Goodallof Americus announce the birth of a daughter, Allison Tiffany-Nicole, born May3 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Theinfant weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are John W Goodall of Richmond, Va and Mrs JeanHarbuck of Ellaville and maternal grandparents are Mrs Martha Allison ofAmericus and the late Mr Arthur B Allison.The infant has a brother, Damion Ellis, age ten. TR, Wed 31 May 1989

Goode, Not named - Mr and Mrs Wayne Goode, of Bronwood,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, July 23, at Prather Clinic. TR, Wed 24 Jul 1946

Goode, Wayne Thomas - Pfc and Mrs Wayne Goode announce thebirth of a son, Wayne Thomas, Monday, June 12, at Prather Clinic, who weighed10 pounds, 4 ounces. Mrs Goode wasformerly Miss Ellen Thomas, of Plains.Pfc Goode is stationed “somewhere in England”. TR, Tue 13 Jun 1944

Gooden, Not named - Mr and Mrs A J Gooden, who reside on theEllaville road, announce the birth of a son, Monday, March 26, at PratherClinic. TR, Fri 30 Mar 1945

Gooden, Not named - Mr and Mrs F V Gooden, of 901 ElmoStreet, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 13 ½ ounce son, Wednesday, March 2,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 2 Mar 1960

Gooden, Sharon Kay - Mr and Mrs Kelso Gooden announce thebirth of a daughter Sunday, April 6 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 8pounds, 5 ounces has been named Sharon Kay.She is the granddaughter of Mrs D R Hobbs of Dexter and Mrs F S Goodenof Americus. TR, Tue 15 Apr 1969

Gooden, Sherry Lynn - Mr and Mrs Kelso Gooden, of SunnydaleCircle, are the parents of a 7 pound, 7 ½ ounce daughter, born June 16, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Sherry Lynn. TR,Wed 17 Jun 1964

Gooden, Steven Patrick - Mr and Mrs Kelso Gooden announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce son Thursday, February 8 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Steven Patrick. The baby is the grandson of Mrs Pearl Hobbsof Dexter and Mrs Margie Gooden of Americus.TR, Mon 12 Feb 1968

Goodin, Ashley Rye - Mr and Mrs Kermin Casey Goodin announcethe birth of a son, Ashley Rye Goodin Tuesday, June 9 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. Ashley weighed 6pounds, 13 ½ ounces. He has one sister,Miriam and two brothers, Doug and Chris.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs John L Arthur Jr, Americus and Mr and MrsChester Goodin of Smithville. He has onegreat-grandmother, Mrs Lillie P Arthur, Albany, Ga. TR, Fri 12 Jun 1981

Goodin, Benjamin Kawika - Mr and Mrs Herschel Goodin Jr ofCobb announce the birth of a son born Sunday, June 8 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby weighed 4pounds, 12 ounces and has been named Benjamin Kawika. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs LayneLacy of Leslie. The maternalgreat-grandmother is Mrs Lela Lacy of Cleveland, Tenn. Paternal grandparents are Herschel Goodin ofAmericus and Mrs Leilani Johnson of Honolulu, Hawaii and paternalgreat-grandmother is Mrs Bessie Goodin of Americus. TR, Tue 10 Jun 1980

Goodin, Bobby Lee - Mr and Mrs J C Goodin announce the birthof a 9 pound, 1 ½ ounce son born Tuesday, November 2 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been giventhe name of Bobby Lee. The infant is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Donald Dailey, Dawson and the late Hugh D Collins of FtValley and Mr and Mrs Chester Goodin of Americus. TR, Thu 4 Nov 1976

Goodin, Brandon Jasper Kalani - Mr and Mrs Herschel J GoodinJr announce the birth of a son, Brandon Jasper Kalani, born Thursday, March 28at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant,who is called Jasper, weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces at birth. Paternal grandparents are the late MrHerschel J Goodin Sr of Americus and Mrs May Leilainie Monroe of Ewa Beach,Hawaii and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Jerry N Barfield ofAmericus. Jasper has a brother, Ben, ageten and Adam, age five. TR, Wed 17Apr 1991

Goodin, Bryon Christopher - Mr and Mrs Frank Goodin announcethe birth of a son who has been named Bryon Christopher. The infant, who weighed 9 pounds, 9 ounceswas born Thursday, April 14 at the Columbus Medical Center. He has a sister, Melissa. The infant’s grandparents are Mrs LaverneThompson and Mr and Mrs Vigel Goodin, all of Americus. His great-grandmother is Mrs I C Hall Sr,Americus. TR, Tue 19 Apr 1983

Goodin, Chastie Faith - Mr and Mrs Lee Warren Goodinannounce the birth of a daughter born Monday, February 6 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The infant hasbeen named Chastie Faith and weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce at birth. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Joseph Jordan Srand Mrs Lucy Bell Goodin, all of Americus.Mrs Irma Fuller, Americus is her great-grandmother. TR, Fri 10 Feb 1984

Goodin, Chester William - Mr and Mrs J C Goodin, of 809Fulton Street, Americus announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce son born atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital Monday, March 4. The baby has been given the name of ChesterWilliam Goodin. The grandparents are Mrand Mrs Donald Dailey and Mr and Mrs Chester Goodin, all of this city and thelate Hugh D Collins. TR, Thu 7 Mar1974

Goodin, Christopher Matthew - Mr and Mrs K C Goodin, ofAmericus, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 9 ounce son, Christopher Matthew,born February 18 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs J LArthur and the paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Chester Goodin, all ofAmericus. TR, Fri 20 Feb 1970

Goodin, Curtis Keola Jr - Mr and Mrs Curtis Goodin are theparents of a 7 pound, 11 1/4 ounce son born Saturday, August 30 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Curtis Keola Goodin Jr.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Herschel Goodin of Americus and Mrs LeilanGoodin of Honolulu, Hawaii and Mr and Mrs Marvin E Tanner of this city. TR, Thu 9 Sep 1980

Goodin, Danielle Kalona - Mr and Mrs Herschel J Goodin Jr ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Danielle Kalona, born Tuesday, April9 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Danielle,as the infant is called, weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces. Paternal grandparents are the late Herschel JGoodin Sr of Americus and May Leilani Monroe of Portland, Oregon. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs JerryBarfield of Americus. Danielle has threebrothers, Jasper 5, Ben 15, and Adam 10.TR Wed 8 May 1996

Goodin, Deborah Ann - Mr and Mrs H J Goodin, of East Lamar,announce the birth of a daughter, Deborah Ann, born September 29 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 1 Oct 1962

Goodin, Herschel Jasper Jr - Mr and Mrs Herschel Goodin, of108 Prince Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 6 ½ ounce son on June 13 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.He has been named Herschel Jasper Jr.TR, Tue 13 Jun 1961

Goodin, Herschel Jasper - Mr and Mrs Jasper Goodin announcethe birth of a son, born June 22, who has been named Herschel Jasper. The baby weighed 7 pounds at birth. TR, Sat 24 Jun 1939

Goodin, James Allen - Mr and Mrs Chester Goodin, of Smithville,are the parents of a 10 pound, 13 ½ ounce son, born April 1, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named James Allen. TR, Mon 6 Apr1964

Goodin, Jason Meredith - Mr and Mrs Virgil Eugene Goodinannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 13 ounce son born Tuesday, September 14 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Jason Meredith.Mrs Goodin is the former Linda Bailey.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs A P Bailey Jr, Mrs Bessie Goodin and his great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs G D Anderson of Plains, Mrs Mattie Goodin. TR, Wed 15 Sep 1971

Goodin, Joyce Louise - Mr and Mrs Nathan Goodin, of 203 EHill Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ½ ounce daughter, born March 5at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named JoyceLouise. TR, Mon 5 Mar 1962

Goodin, Kerman Douglas II - Mr and Mrs Kerman Douglas Goodinof Americus announce the birth of a a son, Kerman Douglas II, Oct 25 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 10 ounces. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Kerman Casey Goodin and Rev and Mrs Earl Dunmon, all of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs John Arthurand Marguerite Dunmon, all of Americus. TR,Tue 1 Dec 1998

Goodin, Kerman Douglas - Mr and Mrs Kerman Casey Goodinannounce the birth of a 5 pound, 8 ½ ounce son Monday, March 17. at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Kerman Douglas. Mrs Goodin is the former Marilyn Arthur of Americus. The baby is the grandson of Mr and MrsChester Goodin and Mr and Mrs John Arthur Jr, all of Americus. TR, Tue 18 Mar 1969

Goodin, Kimberly Jan - Mr and Mrs James P Goodin are theparents of a daughter, Kimberly Jan, born Friday, August 22 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs James W Goodin of this city and Jimmy Allen ofWinter Haven, Fla and Mrs Lester Lang of Ft Meade, Fla. She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs M JGoodin of Americus and Mr and Mrs H W Toole of Graceville, Fla. TR, Thu 28 Aug 1969

Goodin, Kristi Nicole - Mr and Mrs Wallace Goodin announcethe birth of a daughter at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onWednesday, June 30. The baby, who hasbeen named Kristi Nicole weighed 9 pounds, 2 ½ ounces. Grandparents of the infant are Mrs RubyHarrell and the late James Harrell of Macon and Mrs Bessie Goodin and the lateJasper Goodin of Americus. Mrs M JGoodin of Americus is the baby’s great-grandmother. TR Sat, 3 Jul 1976

Goodin, Lauren Elizabeth - Christopher and Tracie Goodin ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Lauren Elizabeth, born April 8 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Kerman and Marilyn Goodin of Americus andmaternal grandparents are Jackie Barksdale and Billy Barksdale, all ofAmericus. Great-grandparents are Johnand Elizabeth Arthur and Louise Goodin, Anne Claire Barksdale and BeatriceBigham, all of Americus. TR, Fri 10Aapr 1992

Goodin, Leewarren II - Mr and Mrs Leewarren Goodin ofAmericus announce the birth of an 8 pound son, Leewarren II, born Wednesday,June 19 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Heis the grandson of Mr and Mrs Joe Jordan and Mrs Lucy Bell Goodin and thegreat-grandson of Mrs Irmoa Lou Fuller, allof Americus. He has a sister Chad1. TR, Wed 26 Jun 1985

Goodin, Lesley Suzanne - Mr and Mrs Gene Goodin announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 7 ½ ounce daughter born Friday, May 23 who has been namedLesley Suzanne. She is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs A P Bailey Jr and Mrs Bessie Goodin and great-granddaughter ofMrs G D Anderson of Plains and Mrs M J Goodin.TR, Mon 26 May 1975

Goodin, Mark Anthony - Mr and Mrs Richard Goodin announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce son Sunday, October 15 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Mark Anthony. Hisgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Orval Ellis of Santa Barbara, Calif and Mrs BessieGoodin of this city. He is the great-grandson of Mrs Elizabeth Warkentin andMrs Mary Ellis of Readley, California and Mrs M J Goodin of Americus. TR, Thu 19 Oct 1972

Goodin, Melissa Leigh - Mr and Mrs Frank Goodin are theparents of a 9 pound, 6 ounce daughter born Friday, December 22 at the MedicalCenter in Columbus. The infant has beengiven the name of Melissa Leigh.Grandparents are Mrs Laverne Thompson and the late Kim Thompson and Mrand Mrs Virgel Goodin, all of Americus. TR,Fri 19 Dec 1980

Goodin, Michael Scott - Mr and Mrs Herschel Goodin, of LeeCounty, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce son on January 30 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital who has been named Michael Scott. Mrs Goodin is the former Donna Young ofAmericus. The baby’s grandparents are Mrand Mrs Donald E Young and Mrs Bessie Goodin, all of Americus. TR, Fri 31 Jan 1975

Goodin, Not named - Mr and Mrs Chester Goodin, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, May 25, at PratherClinic. TR, Fri 26 May 1944

Goodin, Not named - Mr and Mrs Chester Goodin of Smithville,announce the birth of a son born March 30 at Prather Clinic. TCN, Thu 5 Apr 1951

Goodin, Not named - Mr and Mrs G S Goodin, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, January 14, at City Hospital. TR, Thu 17 Jan 1946

Goodin, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jasper Goodin announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, January 29, at their home near Leslie. Mrs Goodin was formerly Miss BessieMurray. TR, Thu 30 Jan 1941

Goodin, Not named - Mr and Mrs Kermin Casey Goodin announcethe birth of a 6 pound, ½ ounce daughter, born Friday, March 31 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs John Arthur Jr and Mr and Mrs Chester Goodin ofAmericus. TR, Sat 1 Apr 1967

Goodin, Not named - Mr and Mrs Nathan Goodin, 203 E HillStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter on November 16 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 17 Nov 1965

Goodin, Not named - Mr and Mrs Wallace Goodin, of JacksonAvenue, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 2 ½ ounce daughter, December 11 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 12 Dec 1962

Goodin, Not named - Mr and Mrs Wallace Goodin, of 217 HudsonStreet, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 14 ounce son on March 25 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 25 Mar 1966

Goodin, Patrick Reese - Mr and Mrs Frank Goodin announce thebirth of a son, Patrick Reese, born May 11 at Phoebe Putney Hospital inAlbany. The infant weighed 5 pounds, 12 ouncesat birth. Maternal grandparents areJackie Ramsey of Americus and Don Peters of Albany. Paternal grandparents are Doris Goodin andthe late Virgil Goodin .Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ernest Peters of Americus. Mrs Goodin is the former Lisa Peters. Patrick, as the baby is called, has a sister,Melissa, 14 and brother, Bryan, 12. TR,Mon 22 May 1995

Goodin, Robert Nathan - Mr and Mrs Nathan Goodin, of 205 EHill Street, announce the birth of a son Tuesday, September 26 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who weighed 7 pounds, 1 ½ ounce has been named Robert Nathan. His grandparents are Mr and Mrs ChesterGoodin and Mrs Louise Lister and the late Buddy Lister. He is the great-grandson of Mrs M E Purvisand Mrs Mattie Lou Goodin of Americus. TR,Wed 27 Sep 1967

Goodin, Sandra Darlene - Mr and Mrs Nathan Goodin, of 203Hill Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Friday,December 13, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedSandra Darlene. TR, Mon 16 Dec 1963

Goodin, Sonja Jean - Mr and Mrs Vincent Goodin announce thebirth of a baby girl, Sonja Jean, who was born December 20 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. She weighed 5pounds, 8 ½ ounces. Her paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs James W Goodin of Americus and the maternalgrandmother is Mrs Katylene S Barnes of Austell. TR, Tue 31 Dec 1974

Goodin, Timothy Mark - Mr and Mrs James Goodin, of 121 WCollege Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son, on November 15,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named TimothyMark. TR, Tue 16 Nov 1965

Goodin, Wallace Merritt - Mr and Mrs Jasper Goodin announcethe birth of a son, born Sunday, January 24, who has been named WallaceMerritt. Mrs Goodin will be rememberedas Miss Bessie Murray. TR, Mon 25 Jan1943

Goodin, William Bailey - Mr and Mrs Chester William Goodinof Smithville announce the birth of a son, William Bailey, April 29 at PhoebePutney Hospital, Albany. The infant, whois called Bailey, weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces.Maternal grandparents are Rev and Mrs Bill Harris of Rochelle. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs JoeGoodin of Smithville. Maternalgreat-grandparents are Helen Harris of Macon and Jenny Joyner ofWoodstock. Paternal great-grandparentsare Louise Goodin of Smithville and Mr and Mrs Donald Dailey of Americus. TR, Tue 20 May 1997

Gooding, George Knagenhjelm - Mr and Mrs David Gooding ofSeattle, Washington announce the birth of a son on Friday, September 10. The infant, who has been given the nameGeorge Knagenhjelm weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces at birth. George is the grandson of Mrs George Goodingand the late Mrs Gooding of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs Christian Knagenhjelm,Norway. His great-grandparents are Mrand Mrs L S McMickle of Ellaville. TR,Tue 14 Sep 1982

Gooding, Not named - Mr and Mrs George Gooding, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a son Monday, December 18, at city hospital. Mrs Gooding is the former Miss MargaretMcMickle, of Ellaville. TR, Tue 19Dec 1950

Gooding, Not named - Mr and Mrs George Gooding, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a daughter, at City Hospital, Americus, on Sunday25. She weighed eight pounds. Mrs Gooding is the former Miss MargaretMcMickle, of Concord Community in Schley county. The little girl’s grandparents are Mr and MrsLester McMickle, of Concord. TR, Thu5 Aug 1948

Gooding, Not named - Mr and Mrs John S Gooding, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a baby girl Tuesday, June 10 at the PratherClinic. TCN, Thu 12 Jun 1952

Goodman, Allen Augustus - Mr and Mrs W A Goodman, of Griffin,announce the birth of a 5 pound, 5 ounce son named Allen Augustus. Mrs Goodman is the former Miss FrancesMcCarthy, of this city. TR, Sat 14Jun 1947

Goodman, Angela Elaine - Ken and Beverly Goodman of Americusannounce the birth of a 9 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Angela Elaine, bornSaturday, June 7 at Sumter Regional Hospital.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs W U Bowen of Americus and Mr andMrs H T Goodman of Byron.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs U E Bowen of Americus and Mrs J TGoodman of Cordele. She has a brother,Billy, 3. TR, Tue 10 Jun 1986

Goodman, Barbara Gail - Mr and Mrs Charles Goodman announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 14 ½ ounce daughter born Thursday, March 30 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been given the name of Barbara Gail.She is the granddaughter of Mrs Edwin Lay of Shellman and the lateRussell Goodman of Albany and Mr and Mrs L C Theirs of Americus. TR, Sat 1 Apr 1972

Goodman, Beverly Kay - Mr and Mrs Charles C Goodman announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 5 ounce daughter, born Thursday, June 25 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Beverly Kay. She isthe granddaughter of Mrs Ed Lay of Shellman and Mr and Mrs Lucas Theirs,Americus. She is the great-granddaughterof Mrs M H Fletcher and Mrs Henry Gold of this city. TR, Fri 26 Jun 1970

Goodman, Charles Russell Jr - Mr and Mrs C R Goodman, ofWarwick, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 6 ounce son, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, May 9, who has been named Charles Russell Jr. TR, Mon 12 May 1958

Goodman, James T Jr - Mr and Mrs James Thomas Goodmanannounce the birth of a son, Saturday, August 4, at city hospital, who weighed7 pounds, 7 ounces. The baby has beennamed James T Jr. Mrs Goodman is theformer Miss Ruby Wimberly. TR, Wed 15Aug 1951

Goodman, Not named - Mr and Mrs W J Goodman, Americus,announce the birth of a baby girl born August 5 at City Hospital weighing 6pounds, 5 ounces. TCN, Thu 7 Aug 1952

Goodman, Rebecca Lynn - Mr and Mrs Charles C Goodman are theparents of an 8 ½ pound daughter who was born Wednesday, October 30 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who has been named Rebecca Lynn will be called “Becky”.. She is the granddaughter of Mrs E E Lay ofShellman and the late C R Goodman of Albany and Mr and Mrs Lucas Theirs ofAmericus. Great-grandparents are Mr andMrs M H Fletcher and Mrs Henry Gold of this city and Mrs Ruby Goodman ofColumbus. TR, Wed 30 Oct 1968

Goodman, Susan Michelle - Mr and Mrs James T Goodman announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce daughter Sunday, December 26 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Susan Michelle. Mrs Goodman is the former Miss RubyWimberly. TR, Fri 31 Dec 1954

Goodman, Travis James - Mr and Mrs Jim Goodman announce thebirth of a son Sunday, September 17 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. He has been named TravisJames. His mother is the former BarbaraCowarte. The infant who weighed 8pounds, 9 ounces at birth is the grandson of Mr and Mrs James Goodman, Americusand the late Mr and Mrs W A Cowarte. Heis the great-grandson of Mrs J A Autry and Mrs J W Hines, both of thiscity. TR, Thu 21 Sep 1978

Goodman, Twin Sons - Mr and Mrs W A Goodman, of Griffin,announce the birth of twin boys, Monday, August 9, who have been named WalterHarrison and Winfred Star. Mrs Goodmanis the former Miss Frances McCarthy, of Americus. One baby weighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces and theother 5 pounds, 11 ounces. TR, Tue 17Aug 1948

Goodman, William Taylor - Mr and Mrs Ken Goodman announce thebirth of their son, William Taylor, born September 15. He weighed 9 pounds, 9 ounces. His grandparents are Mr and Mrs W U Bowen ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs H T Goodman of Ellaville. His great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs U EBowen of Americus and Mrs J T Goodman of Cordele. TR, Tue 21 Sep 1982

Goodroe, Sharon Lynn - Mr and Mrs George W Goodroe announcethe birth of a daughter Friday, June 13 at the Marion Memorial Hospital inBuena Vista. The baby, who has beennamed Sharon Lynn is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs G F Harbuck and Mr and MrsL A Gardner, all of Buena Vista. TR,Mon 16 Jun 1969

Goodrum, Harrison Buckley - Mr and Mrs John Goodrum Jrannounce the birth of a 5 pound, 15 ½ ounce son born Friday, July 16 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Harrison Buckley Goodman.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Jake Goodrum Sr of Americus and Mr andMrs James M Midkiff of Warner Robins. TR,Mon 19 Jul 1971

Goodrum, Not named - Mr and Mrs H H Goodrum, of Cordele,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce son Monday, August 17, at Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Tue 18Aug 1953

Goodrum, Not named - Mr and Mrs Oscar Goodrum announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son, Wednesday, April 12, at city hospital. TR, Thu 14 Apr 1949

Goodrum, Rhiannon Geneva - Mr and Mrs Bobby Goodrum ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Rhiannon Geneva, born November 11 atSumter Regional Hospital, weighing 7 pounds, 7 ounces. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Paul Stephens,and Mr and Mrs John Goodrum, all of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs D E Dowdy of Americus. She has a brother, Steve, age 4. TR, Thu 20 Nov 1986

Goodrum, Stephens Lee - Mr and Mrs Bobby Goodrum of Vidalia,Ga are the parents of a 9 pound, 1 ½ ounce son born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on Tuesday, April 13.The baby has been named Stephens Lee.The infant is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Paul Stephens and Mr and MrsJohn Goodrum, both of Americus. Thegreat-grandparents are Mr and Mrs D E Dowdy and the late Annie Dowdy. TR, Mon 19 Apr 1982

Goodway, Denise Renee - Mr and Mrs Eddie Goodway, of Preston,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter, September 23, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Denise Renee. TR, Thu 24 Sep 1964

Goodwin, Dorothy Ann - Mr and Mrs Arthur Louis Goodwinannounce the birth of a daughter Monday, May 7, who has been called DorothyAnn. Mrs Goodwin is remembered here asMiss Alice Olver, where she spent her life until her marriage. Mrs and Mrs Goodwin now reside in NorthCarolina. TR, Mon 14 May 1923

Goodwin, Georgia Era - Mr and Mrs A T Goodwin, of Weston,announce the birth of a daughter, Georgia Era, September 26, at cityhospital. TR, Wed 29 Sep 1943

Goodwin, Not named - Mr and Mrs Aubrey Goodwin, of Weston,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, April 28, at city hospital. TR, Wed 30 Apr 1941

Goodwin, Not named - Mr and Mrs W C Goodwin announce thebirth of a daughter Monday at the city hospital. TR, Thu 5 Sep 1929

Googe, Derrick O’Neal - Mr and Mrs Roscoe Googe, ofCartersville are the proud parents of a son born January 8, who has been giventhe name of Derrick O’Neal. Mrs Googe isthe former Vicki Hines, daughter of Mr and Mrs Winfred Hines of Leslie. TR, Thu 14 Jan 1971

Goolsby, Anita Darlene - Mr and Mrs L E Goolsby announce thebirth of a daughter Tuesday, May 17, at the Crawford W Long hospital inAtlanta. The baby has been named AnitaDarlene. Mrs Goolsby is the former MissEvelyn Bivins, of Americus. TR, Fri20 May 1955

Goolsby, Brian Douglas - Mr and Mrs Douglas Goodsby, ofMorristown, Tenn announce the adoption of a son who was born December 6,1970. He has been named BrianDouglas. Mr Goolsby was formerly formEllaville. Mrs W L Goolsby of Ellavilleis the paternal grandmother. TR, Wed7 Apr 1971

Goolsby, Kaycee Alice - Mr and Mrs Tim Goolsby of WarnerRobins announce the birth of a daughter, Jaycee Alice, who was born September16 at the Perry hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Richard Moroney of Perry, Mr and Mrs DaveBowers of Warner Robins and Mr and Mrs Jimmy Goolsby of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mrs Blanche Moroney,Tuscon, Ariz; Mrs Annie Scott, Perry; Mrs Georgia Ross, Americus; and Mrs EllaGoolsby, Ellaville. Mrs Goolsby is theformer Karen Moroney of Warner Robins.Kaycee was born on her mother’s 25th birthday. TR, Thu 20 Oct 1986

Goolsby, Timothy Clayton - Mr and Mrs James A Goolsby, ofAmericus and Atlanta, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 4 ounce son, July 26 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.He has been given the name of Timothy Clayton. TR, Tue 4 Aug 1959

Gordon, Andrew William - Mr and Mrs Steve Gordon announce thebirth of a son, Andrew William, born Tuesday, July 3 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant, who is calledAndy, weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Marvin Peak of Cuthbert andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Melvin Gordon of Blakely. Andy has two brothers, Richard Alan, ageseven and Gary, two. TR, Fri 20 Jul1990

Gordon, Gary Steven - Mr and Mrs Steve Gordon announce thebirth of a son, Gary Steven, born April 23 at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces atbirth. Maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Marvin Peak of Cuthbert and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs MelvinGordon. Great-grandmothers are Mrs HenryGordon and Mrs Lucille Wall of Blakely.He has a brother, Richard Alan, age four. TR, Sat 14 May 1988

Gordon, Jeffrey Stephen Jr - Mr and Mrs Jeff Gordon ofAmericus announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son, Jeffrey Stephen Jr,born Wednesday, August 29 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs David Norton andMr and Mrs Johnny Gordon, all of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Walter Toms, Mrs Helen Spence and Mrand Mrs Ulmer Stevens, all of Americus and Mrs Ervine Gordon of Macon. TR, Fri 31 Aug 1984

Gordon, Joseph Douglas - Mr and Mrs Johnny W Gordon announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce son Wednesday, June 5 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of Joseph Douglas. The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs UlmerStevens of Americus and Mr and Mrs E W Gordon of Macon. TR, Sat 8 Jun 1968

Gordon, Josiah William - Joey and Laurie Gordon of Lucknow,India and Americus announce the birth of a son, Josiah William, born January 17at Southwest General Hospital, Middleburg Heights, Ohio. Josiah, as the infant is called, weighed 8pounds, 1 ounce. Maternal grandparentsare Paul and Emmi Schmidt of Olmsted Falls, Ohio. Paternal grandparents are Wayne and BarbaraGosa and Johnny and Ginny Gordon of Americus.Great-grandparents are Ulmer and Beverly Stevens of Americus and Elmerand Augusta Schlak of Olmsted Falls. TR,Tue 23 Jan 1996

Gordon, Justin Tyler - Mr and Mrs Jeff Gordon of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Justin Tyler, born Dec 14 at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces atbirth. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs DavidNorton, Mr and Mrs Wayne Gosa and Mr and Mrs Johnny Gordon. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs WalterToms, Helen Spence and Mr and Mrs Ulmer Stevens. Justin has two brothers, Stephen, 9 and Will,3. TR, Tue 21 Dec 1993

Gordon, Kerri Lynn - Mr and Mrs Jack Gordon, of Leslie,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 3 ounce daughter Friday, November 7 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby, who has been named Kerri Lynn isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs F M Schramm of Americus and Mrs J M Gordon ofTalbatton. TR, Tue 11 Nov 1969

Gordon, Not named - Mr and Mrs J T Gordon, of Pitts, are theparents of a 9 pound, 1 ounce daughter, born June 20 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Thu 21 Jun 1962

Gordon, Not named - Mr and Mrs Johnny Gordon, of 223 HorneStreet, are the parents of a six pound, 11 ounce son, born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, September 4. TR,Fri 4 Sep 1964

Gordon, Not named - Mr and Mrs Woodrow Gordon, of Parrott,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, December 15, at city hospital. TR, Wed 16 Dec 1942

Gordon, Richard Alan - Mr and Mrs Steve Gordon announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 13 ½ ounce son born January 27 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. He has been namedRichard Alan. The infant’s grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Marvin Peak of Donalsonville and Mr and Mrs Melvin Gordon ofBlakely. TR, Wed 9 Feb 1983

Gordon, Terry Michael - Mr and Mrs Jack Gordon, of 1019Oglethorpe Avenue, are the parents of a 5 pound, 14 ounce son, born August 29at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Terry Michael.TR, Thu 20 Aug 1962

Gordon, William David - Jeff and Beth Gordon of Americusannounce the birth of a son, William David, born Tuesday, February 13 at SumterRegional Hospital. Will, as the baby iscalled, weighed 8 pounds at birth. He isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs David Norton; Mr and Mrs Johnny Gordon; and MrsBarbara Gordon, all of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ulmer Stevens; Mrs Helen Spencer; Mrand Mrs Walter Toms, all of Americus; and Mrs Odell Gordon of Macon. He has a brother, Stephen, age five. TR, Thu 15 Feb 1990

Gore, Johnathan Equavious Naquan - Venesa Lembrick andEddie Gore Jr of Americus announce the birth of a son, Johnathan EquaviousNaquan, born Oct 11 at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces. Paternal grandparents are Delois Angry ofAmericus and Elijah Smith of Clewiston, Fla.Maternal grandparents are John and Jessie Lembrick of Americus. Great-grandparents are Lillie Wright, BerdiaMae Lembrick, the late Ethel Angry, all of Americus, James Wright and CliffordAngry of Americus. TR, Fri 21 Oct1994

Gortatowsky, Joan - Mr and Mrs Joel Gortatowsky, of DeSoto,announce the birth of a daughter born Thursday, October 7, at Phoebe Putneyhospital in Albany. The baby has beennamed Joan. Mrs Gortatowsky was beforemarriage Miss Mae Luke, of DeSoto. TR,Thu 14 Oct 1937

Gortatowsky, Not named - Mr and Mrs Joel Gortatowsky, of Leslie,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter Thursday, May 16, athome. TR, Tue 21 May 1940

Gosa, Brian Geoffrey - Mr and Mrs Forrest W Gosa Jr arethe parents of a son born Monday, November 22 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The infant, who weighed 8pounds, 14 ½ ounces has been given the name of Geoffrey. Grandparents of the baby are Mr and MrsForrest Gosa Sr of Smithville and Mr and Mrs Herbert Sharpton of Ft Valley. TR, Mon 6 Dec 1976

Gosa, Forrest Gregory - Mr and Mrs Forrest W Gosa Jr, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ½ ounce boy born on ChristmasDay, December 25. The baby has beennamed Forrest Gregory. His grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Forrest W Gosa Sr of Smithville and Mr and Mrs Herbert Sharptonof Fort Valley. TR, Sat 30 Dec 1972

Gosa, Jayanne Louise - Mr and Mrs Lloyd J Gosa Jr, of 1409Harrison Avenue, Rossville, Ga announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ½ ouncedaughter on Saturday, October 21 at the Erlanger Hospital in Chattanooga,Tenn. She has been given the name of JayanneLouise. Her grandparents are Mr and MrsLloyd J Gosa Sr, Ellaville Road, and Mr and Mrs Henry A Bolhius of Kalamazoo,Michigan. Great-grandparents are Mrs W LGosa and Wesley C Kenmore, both of Americus.TR, Mon 23 Oct 1972

Gosa, Johnny Clarence - Mr and Mrs J W Gosa, of Vienna,announce the birth of a son Friday, January 30, at city hospital, who has beennamed Johnny Clarence. TR, Thu 5 Feb1942

Gosa, Lana Pauline - Mr and Mrs Randy Gosa, of Smithville,announce the birth of a daughter, Lana Pauline who was born Feb 5 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Theinfant weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces and is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs OscarBush of Americus and Mr and Mrs J C Gosa of Smithville. The great-grandparents are Mr W E Bowen andthe late Mrs Bowen and Mr and Mrs J F Bush, all of Americus. Mrs Gosa is the former Miss Cathy Bush ofthis city. TR, Thu 6 Feb 1975

Gosa, Not named - Mr and Mrs Forrest Gosa, of Smithville,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, March 13, at city hospital. TR, Thu 14 Mar 1946

Gosa, Not named - Mr and Mrs J C Gosa, announce the birthof a son, Tuesday, June 13, at city hospital.TR, Thu 15 Jun 1944

Gosa, Not named - Mr and Mrs J C Gosa, of Leesburg,announce the birth of a daughter Tuesday, November 28, at city hospital. TR, Thu 30 Nov 1950

Gosa, Not named - Mr and Mrs L J Gosa announce the birthof a son, Wednesday, June 18, at the city hospital. TR, Fri 20 Jun 1941

Gosa, Not named - Mr and Mrs Roy Gosa, of Smithville,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, January 22, at Prather Clinic. TR, Sat 23 Jan 1943

Gosa, William Shane - Mr and Mrs Wayne Gosa announce thebirth of a son, William Shane Gosa, who was born Sunday, October 5 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce. He willbe called Shane. Mrs Gosa is the formerWanda Prince. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Robert Lee Prince and Mr and Mrs James Gosa, all of Americus. Virgil Holman is the infant’sgreat-grandfather. TR, Mon 6 Oct 1980

Gossett, Frances Anne - First Lt and Mrs William A Gossett,of Battle Creek, Michigan, announce the birth of a daughter, who has been giventhe name Frances Anne. Lt Gossett is thegrandson of Mrs F A Thomas and the son of the last Mrs Montez Gossett. TR, Thu 29 Apr 1943

Gossett, Geraldine - Mr and Mrs W A Gossett announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, August 31, at Prather Clinic, who has beennamed Geraldine. TR, Wed 7 Sep 1949

Gossett, Margaret Etta - Mr and Mrs W A Gossett announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 3 ½ ounce daughter, Thursday, September 9, at PratherClinic, who has been named Margaret Etta.TR, Fri 17 Sep 1948

Gowdy, Renna Carmel - Ensign and Mrs John M Gowdy, ofSumter City, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 14 ounce daughter, Sunday,February 2, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named Renna Carmel. TR, Mon 3 Feb 1958

Grace, Deanne Suzanne - Mr and Mrs “Chuck” Grace announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 15 ounce daughter born Monday, May 20 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The infanthas been given the name of Deanne Suzanne.Her maternal grandparents are Mrs Hazel Myers and J T Myers of Gray, Gaand the paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Charles B Grace of Macon. TR, Thu 23 May 1974

Grace, Michael - Mr and Mrs O J Grace announce the birth ofa son, Tuesday, March 25, at city hospital, who has been named Michael. Mrs Grace was the former Miss Hattie EdithCarvey. TR, Sat 29 Mar 1947

Grace, Michael Sean - Mr and Mrs Micheal Grace announce thebirth of a 5 pound, 10 ½ ounce son at the Americus and Sumter County HospitalThursday, April 16 who has been named Micheal Sean. Grandparents are Mrs Harriett Grace ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs L K Abel, Macon.Great-grandparents include Mr and Mrs W E Cravey, Americus. TR, Sat 18 Apr 1970

Grace, Not named - Mr and Mrs O J Grace, of McRae, announcethe birth of a 6 ½ pound son, Monday, September 27. Mrs Grace is the former Hattie Cravey, ofAmericus. TR, Thu 30 Sep 1948

Gracia, Malinda Ann - Mr and Mrs Oscar Garcia announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 10 1/4 ounce daughter born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital Monday, October 24. Thebaby has been named Malinda Ann.Grandparents are Leon Taylor of Americus and Mr and Mrs Manuel Garaciaof Zolfo Springs, Fla. She is thegreat-granddaughter of R L Taylor of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs Howard Barnes ofAmericus. TR, Wed 26 Oct 1977

Graddick, Andrea Dawn - Mr and Mrs Clarence Graddick Jr, ofDecatur, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter Sunday, 1 August atPiedmont Hospital in Atlanta. The baby,who has been given the name of Andrea Dawn, is the granddaughter of the Rev andMrs C B Graddick, of Americus and Mr and Mrs C B Harden, of Decatur. TR, Mon 2 Aug 1965

Graddick, Clarence Jr - Mr and Mrs Clarence Graddick, ofBirmingham, Ala, announce the birth of an eight pound son this morning, October30, who has been named Clarence Jr. MrsGraddick is the former Miss Ruth Eldridge of Americus. TR, Mon 30 Oct 1939

Graddick, Mamie Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Clarence B Graddickannounce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, October 5, at city hospital, whohas been named Mamie Elizabeth, for her maternal grandmother, Mrs GriffEldridge. Mrs Graddick is the formerMiss Ruth Eldridge. TR, Fri 7 Oct1949

Graddick, Not named - Mr and Mrs Clarence Graddick announcedthe birth of a son, Tuesday, December 17, at city hosital. Mrs Graddick was before marriage Miss RuthEldridge. TR, Wed 18 Dec 1946

Graddick, Not named - Mr and Mrs Clarence Graddick announcethe birth of a daughter at City Hospital on October 5. TCN, Thu 6 Oct 1949

Graddick, Not named - Mr and Mrs Shirley Graddick, of Ashburn,announce the birth of a son at City Hospital Wednesday, October 19. TR, Thu 20 Oct 1949

Grady, Wanda Jan - Mr and Mrs Janis Grady announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, July 18, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedWanda Jan. TR, Thu 22 Jul 1948

Graham, Albert Richmond - Mr and Mrs H R Graham, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, January 24, at city hospital, who hasbeen named Albert Richmond. TR, Wed31 Jan 1945

Graham, Connie Moral - Mr and Mrs H W Graham, of 1713 AvalonDrive, Albany announce the birth of an 8 pound daughter, Connie Moral, May 7,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 9 May 1960

Graham, Douglas Jr - Mr and Mrs Douglas Graham, of Cuthbert,announce the birth of a son July 5, who will be called Douglas Jr. Mrs Graham was formerly Miss Elizabeth Davis,a popular member of the younger set and the only daughter of Mr and Mrs CleveDavis. TR, Sat 8 Jul 1922

Graham, Eric Chandler - Mr and Mrs Mike Graham of Mariettaannounce the birth of a son on February 7 who has been named EricChandler. He has a brother, Judd and asister, Brooke. Grandparents are Betsyand Jimmy Belcher of Americus and Mr and Mrs Billy Graham of Marietta. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs RaymondBelcher and Mr and Mrs Sam Espy, all of Americus. TR, Wed 14 Mar 1984

Graham, Howard William - Mr and Mrs Hugh W Graham, of 1202Douglas Circle announce the birth of a 9 pound 3 ounce son at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whowas born January 23, has been given the name of Howard William. TR, Mon 25 Jan 1965

Graham, Hugh Walter Jr - Mr and Mrs H W Graham, of RapidCity, S D, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ounce son,Monday, April 30, who has been named Hugh Walter Graham Jr. Mrs Graham is the former Miss Peggy AnnHines, of this city. TR, Fri 11 May1956

Graham, James Randall - Mr and Mrs J B Graham announce thebirth of a son, born August 27, at their home on Dudley Street. The baby has been named James Randall. Before marriage Mrs Graham was Miss FrancesMims of Sasser. TR, Fri 2 Sep 1938

Graham, Julia Catherine - Capt and Mrs John T Grahamannounce the birth of a daughter, Friday, November 5, in Munich, Germany, whohas been named Julia Catherine. MrsGraham is the former Miss Margaret Moore, of this city. TR, Wed 10 Nov 1948

Graham, Not named - Mr and Mrs H W Graham announce the birthof an 8 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Sunday, February 9 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Mon 10 Feb 1958

Graham, Not named - Mr and Mrs H W Graham, of 1212 NewbergAvenue, Macon, announce the birth of a 9 pound daughter, Tuesday, January 6 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Tue 6 Jan 1959

Graham, Not named - Mr and Mrs Hugh Graham, of 1202 DouglasCircle, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce daughter born June 18 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Tue20 Jun 1961

Graham, Not named - Mr and Mrs W E Graham, of 4-A SumterCircle, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce son, October 23, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 29 Oct 1958

Graham, Thomas Addison - Mr and Mrs W E Graham, of 219Hudson Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ½ ounce son on December 19at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named ThomasAddison. TR, Tue 20 Dec 1960

Graham, William Davis - Mr and Mrs W E Graham, of 1004 RidgeStreet, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 14 ½ ounce son, May 26, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named William Davis. TR, Mon 28 May 1962

Graham, William Edward - Mr and Mrs Harry Graham announce thebirth of a son, June 15th at their home on Oglethorpe Avenue. The baby has been named William Edward. TR, Mon 20 Jun 1932

Grahl, Mildred Anne - Mr and Mrs Daniel Grahl, of Macon,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, November 25, who has been namedMildred Anne. Mr Grahl is a formerAmericus resident. TR, Tue 2 Dec 1941

Granger, Bobby Derrell - Mrs Margaret Greene Granger, ofDothan, Ala, announces the birth of a son on May 25, 1968 at the SoutheastGeneral Hospital in Dothan. The babyweighed 8 ½ pounds and has been given the name Bobby Derrell. His grandparents are Mr and Mrs Howard Greeneof Ellaville and Mrs Minnie Ole Granger of Dothan, Ala. TR, Tue 28 May 1968

Granger, Norbert Glenn - Mr and Mrs Bobby Granger, of Dothan,Ala, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce son at Southwest GeneralHospital. The baby has been namedNorbert Glenn. Mrs Granger is the formerMargaret Green of Ellaville. TR, Fri10 Dec 1965

Grant, Brian Lewis - Mr and Mrs Lewis W Grant, of 621Jefferson Street, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 1 ½ ounce son, May 9, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Brian Lewis. TR, Wed 10 May 1961

Grant, David Wells - Dr and Mrs Larry Wells Grant, of SaltLake City, Utah announce the birth of a son on Tuesday, October 9 at ProvidenceHospital in Mobile, Ala. The babyweighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces and has been named David Wells. Mrs Grant was formerly Carole Pixton ofEllaville. Grandparents of the baby areMrs Marvin Francis Pixton Jr and the late Mr Pixton of Foley, Alabama and Mrand Mrs Marion Earl Grant of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. TR, Tue 16 Oct 1973

Grant, Harriet Frances - Mr and Mrs Tharpe Grant announcethe birth of a daughter, Sunday, Oct 4 at the Plains Sanitorium, who will becalled Harriet Frances Grant. TR, Tue6 Oct 1925

Grant, Jefferson Harden - Mr and Mrs Tharp Grant announcethe birth of a son, December 17th at their home on OglethorpeAvenue. He has been given the name ofJefferson Harden Grant. TR, Wed 22Dec 1926

Grant, Jeffrey Wayne - Mr and Mrs Kenneth W Grant announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 1 ½ ounce son April 30 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been given the name of Jeffrey Wayne. TR, Sat 7 May 1966

Grant, Joseph Daniel - Mr and Mrs W A Grant announce thebirth of a son born Friday, May 13, who has been named Joseph Daniel. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. TR, Fri 20 May 1938

Grant, Julia Ann - Mr and Mrs S H Grant, of Andersonville,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce daughter, Thursday, September 11, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Julia Ann. TR, Fri 12 Sep 1958

Grant, Julie Leefran - Lee Tondee and John Grant announcethe birth of a daughter, Julie Leefran, born May 24 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,15 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Donald Tondee of Americus and Mr and Mrs Harold Grant of Macon. The infant has a brother, Derek, age four andsister, Stacie, two. TR, Wed 20 Jun1989

Grant, Kenneth Jerome - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Grant, of 723McGarrah Street, announce the birth of a son at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, October 4 who weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces. The baby has been given the name of KennethJerome. TR, Fri 4 Oct 1963

Grant, Leslie Frances - Mr and Mrs Larry Grant, ofBirmingham, Alabama, announce the birth of a daughter on Wednesday, July 31at aBirmingham Hospital. The baby weighedeight pounds and has been named Leslie Frances Grant. The baby’s mother is the former Carole Pixtonwho formerly resided in Ellaville.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Marvin Francis Pixton Jr ofMagnolia Springs, Alabama. TR, Tue 6Aug 1968

Grant, Lois Geanette - Mr and Mrs L H Grant announce thebirth of a daughter Tuesday, May 6, who will be called Lois Geanette. TR, Fri 9 May 1924

Grant, Misty Dawn - Mr and Mrs Mitchell Grant, of Americusare the parents of a daughter born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospitalon February 23. The baby, who has beennamed Misty Dawn weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces.Misty is welcomed by a sister, Lisa, age 6 years old. The infant is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsJames Pattishall of Montezuma and Mrs J L Ferguson of Montezuma. TR, Wed 25 Feb 1976

Grant, Not named - Mr and Mrs Frank Grant, ofAndersonville, announce the birth of a son, Sunday, December 25. TR, Thu 29 Dec 1921

Grant, Not named - Mr and Mrs H B Grant, of Bowen Drive,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce daughter Tuesday, Novermber 8, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 9 Nov 1955

Grant, Not named - Mr and Mrs J H Grant, of Route 2,Andersonville, announce the birth an 8 pound, 15 ounce son March 31 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 31 Mar 1961

Grant, Not named - Mr and Mrs J H Grant, of Route 3Andersonville, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 11 ounce son on November 16 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 17 Nov 1965

Grant, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lewis Grant, of Ellaville,are the parents of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter, born February 10, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 11 Feb 1964

Grant, Not named - Mr and Mrs P T Grant announce the birthof a daughter January 30 at their home on Lamar Street, who has not yetreceived her name. TR, Fri 1 Feb 1924

Grant, Willard Ladon II - Mr and Mrs Willard L Grantannounce the birth of a 9 pound, 4 ounce son born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on April 20. The infanthas been named Willard Ladon Grant II.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs William M Davis of Dawson and Mrs LenaGrant of Dawson and the late Dallas Grant.TR, Wed 16 May 1979

Graves, Mickelyn Victoria - Michael and Floy Graves ofLakeland, Fla announce the birth of a daughter, Mickelyn Victoria, bornNovember 10 at Lakeland, General Hospital.The infant weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs ClaudeRamsey of Americus and paternal grandmother is Mrs Mildred Graves of Bartow,Fla. TR, Thu 19 Dec 1991

Grawbadger, William - Pvt and Mrs H V Grawbadger announce thebirth of a son, Friday, July 10, at city hospital, who has been given the nameWilliam. TR, Wed 15 Jul 1942

Gray, Calvin Anderson III - Mr and Mrs C A Gray, ofMcCaysville, announce the arrival of a chosen son who was born October 18. The baby weighed 6 pounds, 1 ounce and hasbeen named Calvin Anderson Gray III and will be called Trey. Mrs Gray is the former Onita Hall of Americus. Grandparents are Mrs C A Gray and the late MrGray of Turtletown, Tenn and Mr and Mrs Russell Hall of Ellaville. TR, Wed 24 Oct 1973

Gray, Cynthia Diane - Mr and Mrs Frank Gray announce thebirth of a daughter Friday, February 26 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 9pounds, 9 ounces has been given the name of Cynthia Diane. TR, Tue 2 Mar 1971

Gray, Margaret Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Tom S Gray, ofSavannah, announce the birth of a daughter, born July 5 at St Joseph’s Hospitalin Savannah, who has been given the name of Margaret Elizabeth. The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs FosterGeise, of Americus and Mrs Thomas S Gray Sr of St Simons. TR, Wed 7 Jul 1965

Gray, Mary Eugenia - 1st Lt and Mrs Thomas SGray Jr, of Fort Dix, N J, announce the birth of a 7 pound daughter, bornFriday, August 3, who has been named Mary Eugenia. Mrs Gray is the former Miss Eugenia Geise,daughter of Mrs Foster Geise, of Americus.The baby’s paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs T S Gray Sr, of FallsChurch, Va. TR, Fri 3 Aug 1962

Gray, Not named - Mr and Mrs J G Gray announce the birthof a daughter, October 29, at city hospital.TR, Tue 5 Nov 1940

Gray, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert L Gray, of Abbeville,S C, announce the birth of a daughter Monday, Jun 29th.. Mrs Gray was before her marriage Miss LewillMcDonald of Sumter. TCN,, Fri 3 Jul1936

Gray, Robert Lee Jr - Mr and Mrs Robert Lee Gray, ofLaurens, S C, announce the birth of a son, Thursday, Feb 21, who has been namedRobert Lee Jr. Mrs Gray was formerlyMiss Lewill McDonald, of Sumter. TR,Fri 22 Feb 1946

Green, Coy Richard - Mr and Mrs Coy Green, of FurlowStreet, announce the birth of a son Friday, July 18 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been namedCoy Richard. TR, Tue 22 Jul 1969

Green, Danielle Shanta - Mr and Mrs Danny Green of PlantCity, Fla announce the birth of a daughter, Danielle Shanta, born February 20in a Plant City hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Freddie Nesbitt of Plant City. Paternal grandparents are the late RushiaLaster Green and Eddie Lee Green, formerly of Sumter County. Great-grandparents are Katie Lamar Allen ofMoss Point, Miss, Mr and Mrs Crawford Green of Americus. Danielle has a brother, Daniel Lamar, 3½. TR, Mon 18 Mar 1996

Green, Elizabeth Ann - Mr and Mrs Phillip E Green, ofPompano, Fla, announce the birth of an 8 ½ pound daughter, February 23, who hasbeen named Elizabeth Ann. Mrs and MrsGreen are former residents of Americus. TR,Thu 4 Mar 1937

Green, George Ernest - Mr and Mrs Walter Green announce thebirth of a son August 30 at their home in Camden, N J, who has been given thename of George Ernest. Mr Green was aformer resident of Americus and had wide acquaintances here and throughout thecounty. TR, Friday 31 Aug 1923

Green, Hazel Julia - Mr and Mrs W L Green announce thearrival of a daughter, Friday, November 22, who has been given the named HazelJulia. TR, Sun 24 Nov 1929

Green, Not named - Mr and Mrs Archie Green announce thebirth of an 8 ½-pound daughter, Tuesday, April 17, at their home west of thecity. Mrs Green was before her marriageMiss Minnie Jewell. TR, Thu 19 Apr1934

Green, Not named - Mr and Mrs Archie Green announce thebirth of a son Wednesday, Jan 22, at their home near McMath’s Mill. Mrs Green was formerly Miss Minnie JewelGreen. TR, Thu 23 Jan 1936

Green, Not named - Mr and Mrs Bobby Green, of 212 OakStreet, Ft Valley, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ½ ounce son November 29,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Tue 30 Nov 1965

Green, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charlie Green Jr, ofOglethorpe, announce the birth of a daughter Monday, June 9 at PratherClinic. TCN, Thu 12 Jun 1952

Green, Not named - Mr and Mrs J N Green announce the birthof a son, Friday, April 11th, at their home on Mayo Street. TR, Sun 13 Apr 1930

Green, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lester Green announce thebirth of a son, Thursday, January 14, at city hospital. TR, Wed 20 Jan 1943

Green, Ross Gibson - Jeffrey and Tommye Green of Ameriucsannounce the birth of a son, Ross Gibson, born April 25 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 6pounds. Maternal grandparents areRichard and Patsy McAfee; Barbara and Raymond Whitman, all of Americus. Paternal grandparents are Wanda Green ofSpringfield, Ill; Wayne Green of Roby, Ill.Ross Gibson has a brother, Richard Allen, 6.. TR, Wed 1 May 1996

Green, Twins - Mr and Mrs David Fred Green of Forsythannounce the birth of twins Saturday, June 11 at the Medical Center of CentralGeorgia in Macon. David Fred Green Jrweighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce and Laura Jane Green weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce. The twins have one sister, Dee DeeGreen. Their grandparents are Mr and MrsHerschel Smith, Americus and the late Mr and Mrs Guy G Green Jr of Dames Ferry,GA. Great-grandmothers are Mrs K DWhite, Atlanta and Mrs James Gresham, Dames Ferry. TR, Tue 14 Jun 1983

Greene, Alicia Hazel - Mr and Mrs David Greene announce thebirth of a daughter born Saturday, May 14 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital who weighed 9 pounds, 2 ½ ounces.The baby, who has been named Alicia Hazel has an older sister,Jennifer. Alicia is the granddaughter ofMr and Mrs Leonard Giles of Ft Valley and Mrs W L Greene and the late Mr Greeneof Americus. TR, Mon 16 May 1977

Greene, Angelia Bridges - Dr and Mrs Richard Greene announcethe birth of a daughter Monday, July 10, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been given the name of Angelia Bridges Greene. The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs W LGreene of Americus and Mr and Mrs Ken Cope of Moultrie. TR, Wed 12 Jul 1967

Greene, Anna Fay - Mr and Mrs Charles Wilson Greene Jr, ofTucker, announce the birth of a daughter born Friday, March 25 at the DeKalb GeneralHospital. The baby, who weighed 7pounds, 14 ounces has been given the name of Anna Fay. The infant is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsWilson Greene of Americus and Mr and Mrs A B Matthews of Tucker. Mrs T J Fay of this city is the baby’s great-grandmother. TR, Mon 28 Mar 1977

Greene, Ben Page - Lt and Mrs Jimmy Greene, of BadKreuchnach, Germany announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce son born Friday,June 1. The baby, who had been given thename of Ben Page, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Stanley Greene of Ellaville andMrs Horace Seymour and the late Page Pryor of Americus. Great-grandparents of the infant are Mr andMrs Charlie Sheppard Pryor of DeSoto and Mrs Frank Ferguson, all of DeSoto. TR, Sat 4 Jun 1973

Greene, Catherine Leatrice - Mr and Mrs W L (Bill) GreeneJr, of Ponca City, Okla, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce daughter,Friday, January 27. The baby has beennamed Catherine Leatrice for her grandmothers, Mrs J H Roquemore and Mrs W LGreene Sr, both of Americus. The baby’smother is the former Miss Nell Roquemore, of this city. TR, Fri 27 Jan 1956

Greene, Charles Phillip - Mr and Mrs Phil Greene of Route 1Americus announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ½ ounce son Tuesday, December 13 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Charles Phillip.TR, Wed 14 Dec 1966

Greene, Charles Wilson III - Mr and Mrs Charles W Greene Jr,of Atlanta, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce son, born October 7 atCrawford W Long Hospital. The baby, whohas been named Charles Wilson Greene III is the grandson of Mr and Mrs WilsonGreene of Americus. TR, Sat 8 Oct1966

Greene, Charles Wilson Jr - Mr and Mrs Wilson Greene, ofWaynesboro, announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, April 21, at City Hospital,who has been named Charles Wilson Jr.Before her marriage Mrs Greene was Miss Annie Lucile Fay, ofAmericus. TR, Tue 21 Apr 1942

Greene, Clayton Eugene - Mr and Mrs Warren Eugene Greene ofEllaville announce the birth of a son born at the Medical Center in Columbus onNovember 19. He weighed 5 pounds, 4ounces and has been named Clayton Eugene.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ollis Spann of Preston and Mr and Mrs AubreyE Greene of Ellaville.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Marvin Frussell of Preston; Mrs AnnieBelle Greene and Mr and Mrs James Chapman of Ellaville. Mrs Willie Mott of Ellaville is hisgreat-grandmother. TR, Mon 24 Nov 1980

Greene, Cynthia - Mr and Mrs J H Greene, of Preston,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 2 ounce daughter, June 16 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Cynthia. TR, Fri 17 Jun 1960

Greene, David Allen Jr - Mr and Mrs David Allen Greeneannounce the birth of a 9 pound, 3 ounce son born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital Friday, November 13. Thebaby has been given the name of David Allen Jr.Little David has two sisters, Jennifer, age 6 and Alicia, 4 ½. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs James L Giles ofFort Valley and Mrs W L Greene and the late Mr Greene of Americus. TR, Mon 16 Nov 1981

Greene, Dennis Christopher - Mr and Mrs Phil Greene, ofRoute 1, announce the birth of a 6 pound son Friday, July 12 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who has been given the name of Dennis Christopher will be called “Chris”.. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs J E Haynesand the late Herman Lane and Mrs W H Greene and the late Larue C Greene. TR, Tue 23 Jul 1968

Greene, Dickie Lee - Mr and Mrs T L Greene, of Cordele,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son, Sunday, May 4, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Dickie Lee. TR, Sat 3 May 1958

Greene, Emory Michael - Mr and Mrs J Michael Green ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Emory Michael, born August 10 at SumterRegional Hospital. Maternal grandparentsare Mrs Alice C Phillips of Decatur and James A Phillips of Loganville. Paternal grandparents are Dr and Mrs J HubertGreene of Americus. Great-grandmother isMrs J Walton Greene of Americus. Emoryhas a brother Nathan, 23 months. TR,Sat 18 Aug 1990

Greene, Fay Anne - Fay Anne is the name of the littledaughter of Mr and Mrs Wilson Greene of Waynesboro, who was born Sunday, April6, at the city hospital. Mrs Greene wasbefore her marriage Miss Annie Lucile Fay, of this city. TR, Mon 7 Apr 1941

Greene, Gary Lamar - Mr and Mrs H L Greene, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ½ ounce son, Friday, October 13, who hasbeen named Gary Lamar. The baby was bornat the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 16 Oct 1961

Greene, Gretchen Ann - Mr and Mrs J P Greene, of Route 1,Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ½ pounce daughter, August 20, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital who has been named Gretchen Ann. TR, Mon 22 Aug 1960

Greene, James Preston - Mr and Mrs W L Greene announce thebirth of a 7 ½-pound son, Aug 19, who has been given the name JamesPreston. TR, Tue 20 Aug 1935

Greene, James Reuben Jr - Mr and Mrs J R Greene announce thebirth of a son, September 9, who has been named James Reuben Jr. Mrs Greene was before marriage Miss GeorgiaHannah of Ellaville. TR, Tue 13 Sep1938

Greene, James Stanley III - Mr and Mrs James S Greene Jr, ofAuburn, Alabama announce the birth of a son Sunday, October 4 at the Lee CountyHospital in Opalika, Alabama, who has been given the name of James StanleyGreene III. The baby is the grandson ofMrs Page Pryor and the late Mr Pryor of Americus and Mr and Mrs Stanley Greeneof Ellaville. TR, Thu 8 Oct 1970

Greene, James Stanley Jr - Mr and Mrs James Stanley Greene,of Ellaville, announce the birth of a son Thursday, January 6, at PratherClinic, who has been named James Stanley Jr.Mrs Greene is the former Miss Pat Robinson, of Americus. TR, Fri 7 Jan 1949

Greene, Jarrett Rogers - Mr and Mrs Casey Greene ofAndersonville announce the birth of a son, Jarrett Rogers, born April 24 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Russell Thomas Jr of Americus and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs C E Rogers of Statesboro, Mrs Shealy Greene ofMacon and the late Mr Alva Greene. MrsGreene is the former Miss Rikki Rogers. TR,Mon 10 May 1993

Greene, Jennifer Aline - Sandra and Garry Greene ofEllaville announce the birth of a daughter, Jennifer Aline, born Saturday, June10 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Theinfant weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are J C Byrd of Newman and the late Mrs Viola Byrdof Ellaville and paternal grandparents are Mrs Charlotte Greene and LamarGreene of Ellaville. TR, Tue 13 Jun1989

Greene, Jennifer Ruth - Mr and Mrs David Allen Greeneannounce the birth of a daughter, Friday, November 6 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who has beengiven the name Jennifer Ruth weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces. Jennifer is the granddaughter of Mrs WilliamL Greene and the late Mr Greene of Americus and Mr and Mrs J Leonard Giles ofFt Valley. TR, Tue 11 Nov 1975

Greene, Jesse Nathan - Mr and Mrs J Michael Greene ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Jesse Nathan, born Friday, September 2 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infant,who is called Nathan, weighed 9 pounds, 4 ounces at birth. Mrs Greene is the former Miss Kathy Phillipsof Decatur. Maternal grandmother is MrsAlice Phillips of Decatur and paternal grandparents are Dr and Mrs HubertGreene of Americus. Mrs Ethel Greene ofAmericus is paternal great-grandmother. TR,Sat 11 Sep 1988

Greene, John Hadley - Mr and Mrs John Albert Greene, ofEllaville, are the parents of an 8 pound, 12 ounce son, born Sunday, April 19who has been given the name of John Hadley Greene. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs J WGreene of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs R E Hadley of Ringold, Ga. TR, Fri 24 Apr 1970

Greene, Karen Elaine - Staff Sgt and Mrs Travis M Greeneannounce the birth of a daughter, Karen Elaine, at Mildenhall Air Force Base,England Wednesday, July 22, who weighed 7 pounds, 2 3/4 ounces. Mrs Greene is the former Miss Nancy Laramore,of Smithville, and the baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Charlie Laramore,of Smithville and the late Mr and Mrs J P Greene of Americus. Sgt and Mrs Greene have another daughter,Bonnie Gale, who is in England with them.TR, Thu 30 Jul 1953

Greene, Karlton Jr - Mr and Mrs K P Greene announce thebirth of a son, Friday, October 13, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedKarlton Jr. TR, Fri 20 Oct 1944

Greene, Katelyn Anne - Dr and Mrs Michael Greene ofLeverkusen, Germany announce the birth of a daughter, Katelyn Anne, bornSeptember 5 in a Leverkusen hospital.The infant weighed 6 pounds, 7 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs ClaudeRhyne of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs J E Greene of ElkPark, NC. TR, Fri 15 Sep 1995

Greene, Kenneth Robert - Dr and Mrs Richard Greene announcethe birth of a 7 pound son Sunday, January 28 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who has been namedKenneth Robert is the grandson of Mrs W L Greene of Americus and Mr and MrsKenneth Vinton Cope of Moultrie. TR,Tue 28 Jan 1969

Greene, Kenneth Wayne Jr - Mr and Mrs Wayne Greene, ofAlbany, announce the birth of an 11 pound, 13 ounce son at the Phoebe PutneyHospital, Wednesday, July 27. The baby,who has been given the name of Kenneth Wayne Jr is the grandson of Mr and Mrs JH Bedenbaugh of Americus and Mr and Mrs J A Greene, of Smithville. TR, Thu 28 Jul 1966

Greene, Kevin Joseph - Sandra and Garry Greene of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a son, Kevin Joseph, born August 16. The infant weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces atbirth. Grandparents are Charlotte Greeneand Lamar Greene, both of Ellaville and J C Byrd of Newnan. TR, Wed 26 Aug 1992

Greene, Lisa Ann - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Wayne Greene, ofAlbany, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter, March 7, in thePhoebe Putney Hospital in Albany. Thebaby has been given the name of Lisa Ann.Mrs Greene is the former Gloria Bedenbaugh, daughter of Mr and Mrs J HBedenbaugh of Americus and the baby’s paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs J AGreene, of Smithville. TR, Thu 8 Mar1962

Greene, Lloyd Eugene - Mr and Mrs Aubrey E Greene, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce son April 15 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Lloyd Eugene. TR, Wed 16 Apr 1958

Greene, Lorri Ann - Mr and Mrs Thomas A Greene Jr, of 515Sharon Drive, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce daughter at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, Tuesday, May 31, who has been given thename of Lorri Ann. The baby is thegranddaughter of Rev and Mrs T A Greene Sr, of Americus and Mr and Mrs S ATinker of Plains. She is thegreat-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Phillip Greene, of this city. TR, Wed 1 Jun 1966

Greene, Maggie Leigh - Mr and Mrs Jeff Greene announce thebirth of a daughter born Thursday, May 12 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The infant, who has been giventhe name Maggie Leigh Greene, weighed 9 pounds, 2 ounces. Her grandparents are Ralph D Jones and MrsElizabeth Jones, both of Monticello, Georgia; the late Bryan Greene, Valdostaand the late Mrs Virginia Greene, Albany.She is the great-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Ralph C Jones, Monticelloand Mrs Grace Johnston, Albany. TR,Wed 25 May 1983

Greene, Mallory Elaine - Mr and Mrs Jeff Greene of Americusannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce daguhter, Mallory Elaine, bornThursday, Nov 28 on Thanksgiving Day at Sumter Regional Hospital. She is the granddaughter of Ralph D Jones andMrs Elizabeth Jones, both of Monticello and the late Bryan Greene of Valdostaand the late Mrs Virginia Greene of Albany.Her great-grandmother is Mrs Ralph C Jones of Monticello. She has a sister Maggie 2, and a brotherMatthew,1. TR, Thu 5 Dec 1985

Greene, Michael Mathew - Mr and Mrs Charles W Greene Jr, ofTucker, Ga, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce son born Wednesday, may 3who has been given the name of Michael Mathew.The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs Wilson Greene of Americus and Mrand Mrs A B Mathews of Tucker. TR,Thu 4 May 1972

Greene, Mildred - Mr and Mrs W L Greene announce the birthof a daughter on Saturday, August 27th, who has been given the nameMildred. TR, Wed 31 Aug 1927

Greene, Not named - Mr and Mrs A D Greene announce the birthof a son, Wednesday, May 2 at the Prather Clinic. The infant, who has not been named, isgetting along fine, while Mrs Greene’s condition is considered serious,although she is slightly improved today from yesterday. TR, Thu 3 May 1934

Greene, Not named - Mr and Mrs H L Greene announce the birthof a daughter, Tuesday, December 20, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces.TR, Fri 23 Dec 1955

Greene, Not named - Mr and Mrs Horace Greene, of Smithville,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, March 11, at city hospital. TR, Wed 16 Mar 1949

Greene, Not named - Mr and Mrs J H Greene, of Preston,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce son, Tuesday, August 24 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 26 Aug 1958

Greene, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Thomas Greene, of Route1, Ellaville, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce son, Thursday, January28, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Fri 29 Jan 1960

Greene, Not named - Mr and Mrs Larry E Greene, of Ellaville,are the parents of a 6 pound, 5 ounce daughter born December 30 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thursday 30 Dec 1965

Greene, Not named - Mr and Mrs Larry Greene, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce son, October 7 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 7 Oct1963

Greene, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lester Greene announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Friday, December 16 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 19Dec 1955

Greene, Not named - Mr and Mrs M R Greene, of Ideal,announce the birth of a 5 pound, 4 ounce son, Wednesday, January 9, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 10 Jan 1957

Greene, Not named - Mr and Mrs Pat Greene, of Albany,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce son, September4, at Phoebe Putney Hospital. TR, Wed3 Oct 1962

Greene, Not named - Mr and Mrs T A Greene announce the birthof a daughter, Monday, January 13, at city hospital. TR, Thu 16 Jan 1947

Greene, Not named - Mr and Mrs W L Greene announce the birthof a son, Monday, January 13, at the city hospital. TR, Wed 15 Jan 1941

Greene, Not named - Mr and Mrs W L Greene announce the birthof a son, Tuesday, July 16, at city hospital.TR, Wed 17 Jul 1946

Greene, Patricia Windsor - Mr and Mrs J Stanley Greeneannounce the birth of a daughter, Monday, March 8, at Prather Clinic, who has beennamed Patricia Windsor for her mother, the former Miss Patricia Robinson. TR, Tue 9 Mar 1943

Greene, Rebecca Elaine - Page and Mikki Greene of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Rebecca Elaine, Jan 21 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 6ounces. Grandparents are John and PaulaPrice and Becky Clark, all of Americus and Jim Greene and Diane Moretti ofBynton Beach, FL. Great-grandparents areSusie Price, Joe Nobles and Sara Scarborough, all of Americus and Mrs James StanleyGreene of Thomasville. Great-grandmotheris Annie Potter of Americus. TR, Tue2 Mar 1999

Greene, Richard Hayes Jr - Mr and Mrs Richard Greene, ofAthens, announce the birth of a six pound son, Thursday, April 30 at thehospital in Athens, who has been named Richard Hayes Jr. The baby is the grandson of Mrs W L Greene ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Kenneth Cope, of Moultrie. TR, Thu 30 Apr 1964

Greene, Stephen Randy - Mr and Mrs Coy Greene, of 19B BowenDrive, announce the birth of a son, October 9, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who weighed 4 pounds, 15 ounces. The baby has been named Stephen Randy. TR, Mon 12 Oct 1964

Greene, Tawnya Lenae - Mr and Mrs David Greene Jr announcethe birth of a daughter born Sunday, April 18 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby weighed 5 pounds, 63/4 ounces. She has been given the nameof Tawnya Lenae. Tawnya Lenae is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs David Greene Sr of Americus and Mr and Mrs HerbertLindsey of Iron City, Ga. TR, Tue 27Apr 1976

Greene, Terri Michelle - Mr and Mrs Warren Eugene Greene ofEllaville announce the birth of a 5 pound, 8 1/4 ounce daughter who has beengiven the name Terri Michelle. Theinfant was born on Thursday, July 22, arriving on her grandfather’s Fussell’s79th birthday. Terri’sgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Clayton Ollis Spann of Centerpoint Community and Mrand Mrs Aubrey Eugene Greene of Ellaville.She is the great-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Marvin Britton Fussell ofCenterpoint, Mrs Annie Belle Greene and Mr and Mrs James Chapman ofEllaville. Mrs Willie Mott of Ellavilleis the baby’s great-great-grandmother.Mrs Greene is the former Miss Pamela Spann. TR, Mon 23 Aug 1982

Greene, Terrie Sue - Mr and Mrs Edwin H Greene, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter, born June 23,named Terrie Sue. TR, Tue 27 June1961

Greene, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs John A Greene ofAmericus announce the birth of twin daughters, Radney Nicole and LyndseyLightner, born Tuesday, October 18 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Their weight at birth was 6 pounds, 9 ouncesand 5 pounds, 14 ounces. Mrs Greene isthe former Miss Teri Lynn Radney of Americus.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Skip Radney of Americus andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Austin Greene of Dawson. Great-grandparents are Mrs Sarah Greene ofGriffin; Mrs J W Anderson, Dawson; Mrs Maxie Knight and Mrs J R Radney,Americus. TR, Wed 19 Oct 1988

Greene, Twin Sons - Mr and Mrs Jeff Greene of Americusannounce the birth of twin sons, March 15, at Sumter Regional Hospital. The have been named Mason Stori, who weighed7 pounds, 2 ounces and McKenzie Owen, 7 pounds, 6 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mrs Elizabeth Jonesof Americus and Donald Jones of Monticello and paternal grandparents are thelate Mr Bryan Greene of Valdosta and Mrs Virginia Greene of Albany. The twins have three sisters, Maggie, 7;Mallory, 5; Morgan, 2; and a brother, Matthew, age six. TR, Thu 21 Mar 1991

Greene, Vincent Michael - Lt and Mrs Vincent M Greene, ofAlameda, California announce the birth of a son, Vincent Michael, October14. Mrs Greene was before marriage MissLouise Lawson, of Americus. TR, Tue 5Dec 1944

Greene, Warren Eugene - Mr and Mrs Aubrey Greene, of Route2, Ellaville announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce son, Tuesday, September6, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Warren Eugene.TR, Tue 6 Sep 1955

Greene, William Livel III - Mr and Mrs W L Greene Jrannounce the birth of a son Thursday, August 5 at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces.The baby has been named William Livel III. Mrs Greene is the former Miss Nell Roquemore,of Americus. TR, Fri 6 Aug 1954

Greene, William Lively Jr - Mr and Mrs William L Greeneannounce the birth of a ten-pound son, Wednesday, January 25, who has beengiven the name of William Lively Jr. TR,Fri 27 Jan 1933

Greene, William Preston Jr - Mr and Mrs Pepper Greene ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, William Preston Greene Jr born Wednesday,April 18. Grandparents are Mr and MrsEric Olson of Albany and Mr and Mrs Jimmy Greene of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs W A WilsonJr of Americus; Mrs Earl Olson of Albany; Mrs W L Greene of Americus and Mrs OF Keen of Macon. Mrs Greene is theformer Karen Olson of Albany. TR, Wed25 Apr 1984

Greene, William Preston - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Greene, of 1308Crawford Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son, Wednesday, May21, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named WilliamPreston. Mrs Greene is the former MissCarey Keen, of Macon. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs W L Greene, of Americus.TR, Wed 21 May 1958

Greene, Willie Grace - Mr and Mrs W L Greene announce thebirth of a daughter, September 15, at their home on Mayo Street, who will becalled Willie Grace. Mrs Greene was MissHazel Bridges before her marriage. TR,Wed 16 Sep 1925

Greene, Woodrow Lively - Mr and Mrs Pepper Greene announcethe birth of a son, Woodrow Lively, born March 7 at Phoebe Putney Hospital,Albany. The infant, who is called Pyne,weighed 7 pounds. Paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Jimmy Greene of Americus.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Pete Daughtry of Leesburg. Great-grandparents are Mrs W L Greene ofAmericus, Mr and Mrs Woody Daughtry of Leesburg and Bessie Cutchens ofAlbany. TR Wed 19 Mar 1997

Greer, Claude Wilson - Mr and Mrs F W Greer, of Dooling,Ga, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce son on December 16 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Claude Wilson. TR, Mon 19 Dec 1960

Greer, Linda Jean - Mr and Mrs W T Greer announce the birthof a daughter, Thursday, August 22, at Prather Clinic, who has been named LindaJean. TR, Wed 28 Aug 1946

Greer, Martha Jacqueline - Mr and Mrs Bill Greer, ofTalbotton, announce the birth of a daughter, Martha Jacqueline, Friday,February 5, at city hospital. TR, Sat6 Feb 1943

Greer, Matthew Richard - Mr and Mrs Ronald Greer announcethe birth of a son, Matthew Richard Greer, on Wednesday, February 5 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 8 pounds, 4 ½ ounces.Matthew is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Henry Edward Chapman and Mr andMrs William Richard Greer, all of Perry, Ga.TR, Tue 13 Feb 1975

Greer, Nathan Edward - Mr and Mrs Ronnie Greer announce thebirth of a son born Wednesday, June 8 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby weighed 6 pounds, 15½ ounces and has been given the name of Nathan Edward. The infant is the grandson of Mr and MrsEdward Chapman and Mr and Mrs Richard Greer of Perry. TR, Thu 9 Jun 1977

Greer, Robert Holt - Mr and Mrs J F Greer, of Elberton,announce the birth of a son, Robert Holt Greer, on Tuesday, April 6. Mrs Greer was the former Cecil Holt, daughterof Melba Clark and Hamilton Holt, of Macon, formerly of Americus. The baby’s maternal great-grandmother is MrsCarroll J Clark, of Macon, also formerly of this city. TR, Fri 9 Apr 1954

Gregory, William Bryan - Mr and Mrs William V Gregoryannounce the birth of a son born Monday, Jan 6 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who weighed 6pounds, 9 ½ ounces has been named William Bryan. Mrs Gregory is the former Mittie Arthur. Grandparents of the baby are Mr and MrsWilliam A Gregory of Lake Blackshear and Mr and Mrs John L Arthur Jr ofAmericus. He is the great-grandson of Mrand Mrs John L Arthur Sr of Smithville and Mr and Mrs A E Hayes of Albany andMrs M J Hanco*ck of McRae. TR, Wed 8Jan 1975

Gresham, Carleen - Lt and Mrs Carling Gresham announce thebirth if a 7 pound, one ounce daughter at city hospital Sunday, February 11,who has been named Carleen. Mrs Greshamis the former Miss Dolley Patrick, of Americus.TR, Tue 13 Feb 1951

Gresham, James Terrell - Mr and Mrs James R Gresham, ofSnellville, announce the birth of a boy on Saturday, October 12 at ButtonGwinnett Hospital. The baby weighed 8pounds, 1 1/4 ounces and has been named James Terrell Gresham. Mrs Gresham is the former Mary Jane Reid ofEllaville. Grandparents of the baby areJodie Reid and the late Mrs Reid of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs Walter W Greshamof Snellville. TR, Wed 24 Oct 1973

Gribbs, Janice Loraine - Mr and Mrs James K Gribbs, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ½ ounce daughter, Janice Loraine,June 5, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Tue 7 Jun 1960

Grice, Samuel Rumph Jr - Mr and Mrs S R Grice, ofMarshallville, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 4 ounce son, Monday, November19, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Samuel RumphJr. TR, Tue 20 Nov 1956

Grier, Not named - Mr and Mrs J M Grier, of Route 1, Mauk,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter, June 9, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Fri 10Jun 1960

Griffin, Annabel - Mr and Mrs Fletcher W Griffin Jr, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a daughter August ?, who has been namedAnnabel. Mr and Mrs Griffin formerlyresided in Americus. TR, Wed 24 Aug1932

Griffin, Austin Norris - Mr and Mrs L F Griffin announce thebirth of a nine pound, 2 ounce son this morning Jan 27, at the Prather Clinic,who has been named Austin Norris. MrsGriffin was before her marriage Miss Edith Norris. TR, Mon 27 Jan 1936

Griffin, Barbara Ellen - Mr and Mrs Theron Griffin announcethe birth of a daughter, September 18, at their home on the Ellaville road. The baby weighed 8 pounds and has been namedBarbara Ellen. TR, Mon, 28 Sep 1942

Griffin, Brittany Kameron - Mr and Mrs Richard Griffin ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Brittany Kameron, born May 3 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Bobby Lawhorn of Ellaville andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Charlie Griffin Jr of Montezuma. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs E B Lawhornof Ellaville and Mrs Charlie Giffin Sr of Carrollton. TR, Thu 27 May 1993

Griffin, Eva Kathleen - Mr and Mrs J L Griffin announce thebirth of a daughter, December 12, who has been given the name of EvaKathleen. TR, Wed 15 Dec 1920

Griffin, Gwendolyn Darlene - Mr and Mrs Willard Griffinannounce the birth of a 7 pound girl, April 17 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named Gwendolyn Darlene. TR, Thu 18 Apr 1957

Griffin, James Jayson - Mr and Mrs James Griffin, ofJonesboro, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce son born Friday, January18. The baby has been given the name ofJames Jayson. He is the grandson of Mrand Mrs Marvin Griffin and Mr and Mrs Pete Johnson of Americus. Mrs Elery Adams of Plains is thegreat-grandmother of the infant. MrsGriffin is the former Trudy Johnson of this city. TR, Thu 24 Jan 1974

Griffin, James Ray - Mr and Mrs Harvey Ray Griffin announcethe birth of a son born Tuesday, December 4 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 7pounds, 4 1/4 ounces has been named James Ray.The infant is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Charles Shockley of Americusand Mr and Mrs Elmer Posey of Reynolds and Mrs J O Chavers of Prattsville,Ala. TR, Tue 11 Dec 1979

Griffin, Jance Julian - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Griffin, ofJonesboro announce the birth of a son born Monday, February 14. The baby, who weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces hasbeen named Jance Julian. Mr and Mrs PeteJohansen and Mr and Mrs Marvin Griffin are the grandparents. TR, Mon 21 Feb 1977

Griffin, John Christopher - Lt and Mrs John W Griffin, ofFort Rucker, Ala, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce son on November 4at Lyster Army Hospital, Fort Rucker, Ala, who has been given the name of JohnChristopher. Mrs Griffin is the formerDotie Roberson, of Valdosta. Mrs WynetteGriffin, of Americus and Mrs M L Heaney, of Valdosta are the baby’sgrandmothers. TR, Wed 6 Nov 1968

Griffin, Joseph Matthew - Mr and Mrs Steve Griffin ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Joseph Matthew, born Wednesday, July 1,at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 11 pounds, ½ ounce at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Claude Griffin and Mr and Mrs Jay Jackson,all of Colquitt. The infant has asister, Wendi, age three. TR, Mon 6Jul 1987

Griffin, Lana Jayne - Mr and Mrs Leonard B Griffin announcethe birth of a daughter, Sunday, November 13, at city hospital, who has beennamed Lan Jayne. Mrs Griffin was beforemarriage Miss Ann Daniel. TR, Mon 19November

Griffin, Langston Sinclair - Mr and Mrs Wylie Griffin Jr, ofSavannah, announce the birth of a son on June 28th.. He has been named Langston Sinclair. He is the great-grandson of Mr and Mrs T FMabry of Americus. TR, Tue 5 Jul 1955

Griffin, Louis Frederick Jr - Mr and Mrs Lewis F Griffin, ofMacon, announce the birth of a son this morning at 2:30 am, who has been giventhe name Louis Frederick Jr. Both motherand baby are doing fine. Mrs Griffinwill be remembered as Miss Edith Norris before her marriage. TR, Fri 11 Mar 1932

Griffin, Louise Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Inman Griffin announcethe birth of a daughter on Thursday, July 11, at the Wise Sanitarium inPlains. The baby has been given the nameLouise Elizabeth. TR, Sun 13 Jul 1929

Griffin, Lovett Maurice - Mr and Mrs L B Griffin, of PlantCity, Fla, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce son, who has been namedLovett Maurice. Mrs Griffin was theformer Miss Merle Howze, sister of Mrs E D Gerald and Mrs W C Kearns. TR, Tue 6 Mar 1945

Griffin, Marcia Dawn - Mr and Mrs Millard Griffin, of W LamarStreet, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter, 28 April at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of MarciaDawn. TR, Tue 28 Apr 1959

Griffin, Mark Douglas - Mr and Mrs Charles Griffin, ofCharlotte, NC, formerly of Americus announce the birth of a son February 23,who has been given the name of Mark Douglas.The baby is the grandson of Mrs D C Sheppard and Mr and Mrs MarvinGriffin of Americus and the great-grandson of Mrs Elery Adams of Plains. TR, Tue 25 Feb 1969

Griffin, Martha Louise - Mr and Mrs W B Griffin, of Athens,announce the birth of a daughter, who was born Wednesday, April 19, at StMary’s hospital in Athens. The baby hasbeen named Martha Louise. Beforemarriage Mrs Griffin was Miss Louise Mabry, of Americus. TR, Sat 22 Apr 1939

Griffin, Melissa Hope - Mr and Mrs Ray Griffin announce thebirth of a daughter Saturday, June 6 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospitalwho has been given the name of Melissa Hope.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Raymond Griffin of Ocillaand Mr and Mrs Ellis Cofield, of Eastman.TR, Wed 10 Jun 1970

Griffin, Michael Peter - Lt and Mrs James W Griffin, of NewLondon, Conn, announce the birth of a son Tuesday, September 9, who has beengiven the name of Michael Peter, for his grandfather Capt M T Russillo, ofOmaha, Neb. The baby is the grandson ofMrs C J Griffin Sr, of Americus. TR,Wed 10 Sep 1952

Griffin, Millard Eugene Jr - Mr and Mrs M E Griffin, of 412West Lamar Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce son, Monday, March24 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named MillardEugene Jr. TR, Tue 25 Mar 1958

Griffin, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Griffin, ofKingsport, Tennessee, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce son May17. The baby is the grandson of Mrs D CSheppard and Mr and Mrs Marvin Griffin of Americus and the great-grandson ofMrs Elroy Adams of Plains. TR, Thu 18May 1967

Griffin, Not named - Mr and Mrs E K Griffin, of Snow Cap, NC, announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, September 26. Mrs Griffin was formerly Miss Gertrude Hurst,of Americus. TR, Fri 17 Oct 1947

Griffin, Not named - Mr and Mrs Fletcher Griffin Jr, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a little son, Saturday, February 13. Mr and Mrs Griffin are former residents ofAmericus, and Mrs Griffin will be pleasantly remembered as Miss Annie BelleCapien. TR, Thu 18 Feb 1926

Griffin, Not named - Mr and Mrs Fletcher W Griffin, ofAtlanta, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, April 16 atthe Davis Fletcher Sanitorium. MrsGriffin is pleasantly remembered in Americus as Miss Annie Belle Capien. TR, Sat 19 Apr 1924

Griffin, Not named - Mr and Mrs Glen H Griffin, of Route 1Ellaville, are the parents of a 6 pound, 10 ½ ounce daughter, born August 9, atthe Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Tue 10 Aug 1965

Griffin, Not named - Mr and Mrs I Hoke Griffin announce thebirth of a son, Sunday, December 1, at City Hospital. TR, Wed 4 Dec 1946

Griffin, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lucas Griffin, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a 10-pound son, April 19th. Mrs Griffin will be remembered in Americus asMiss Grace Collins. TR, Wed 21 Apr1926

Griffin, Not named - Mr and Mrs Marvin Griffin announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter Thursday, April 26, at cityhospital. TR, Fri 27 Apr 1951

Griffin, Not named - Mr and Mrs T J Griffin announce thebirth of a daughter, Monday, August 2, at Prather Clinic. TR, Tue 24 Aug 1948

Griffin, Not named - Mr and Mrs W D Griffin, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son at city hospital June 1. TR, Sat 9 Jun 1951

Griffin, Suzan Taylor - Mr and Mrs M Lamar Griffin announcethe birth of a daughter, Monday, March 4, at City Hospital. The baby has been named Suzan Taylor. TR, Tue 5 Mar 1946

Griffin, Tara Lynn - Lt and Mrs H D Griffin, of Annapolis,Md, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce daughter, January 17. The baby, who has been named Tara Lynn is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs I H Griffin, of this city. TR, Fri 22 Jan 1965

Griffin, Walter Chandler - Capt and Mrs John W Griffin, ofOzark, Ala announce the birth of a son September 24 at Lyster Army Hospital atFort Rucker, Ala. The baby, who has beennamed Walter Chandler is the grandson of Mrs Wynnita Griffin, Americus and Mrand Mrs M L Heaney of Valdosta. TR,Sat 3 Oct 1970

Griffin, Wanda Ruth - Mr and Mrs James Griffin, of Valdosta,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, December 21, at Little GriffinHospital, who has been given the name of Wanda Ruth. Mr Griffin is a former Americus resident andMrs Griffin was before marriage Miss Ruth Gartner, of Washington, D C. TR, Wed 2 Jan 1952

Griffin, Wendi Suzanne - Mr and Mrs Steve Griffin announcethe birth of a daughter, Wendi Suzanne, on Thursday, March 8 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital who weighed 9 pounds, 1 ½ ounces. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Claude Griffinand Mr and Mrs Jay Jackson of Colquitt.Her great-grandmother is Mrs Joe Jackson of Donalsonville. TR, Wed 14 Mar 1984

Griffith, Abby Joanna - Mr and Mrs Jim Griffith announce thebirth of a daughter, Abby Joanna, on Thursday, June 4 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby weighed8 pounds, 15 ½ ounces and has a sister, Megan, age 3. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs LeroyRobinson of Waco and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Mac Griffith ofBuchanan. TR, Mon 22 Jun 1981

Griffith, Jamie Leigh - Mr and Mrs James R Griffith III ofWoodstock announce the birth of a daughter, Jamie Leigh, born Monday, April 4at Piedmont Hospital, Atlanta. Theinfant weighed 5 pounds, 13 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs James R Girffith Jr, Americus andmaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Vernie Hortman of Fitzgerald. Mrs Griffith is the former Miss PattyHortman. TR, Tue 7 Apr 1988

Griffith, Taylor MacDonald - Mr and Mrs Jim Girffith of Americusannounce the birth of a 9 pound, ½ ounce son, Taylor MacDonald, born Tuesday,February 5 at Sumter Regional Hospital.Taylor is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Mac Griffith of Buchanan and Mr andMrs Leroy Robinson of Waco. Hisgreat-grandmother is Mrs R C Stribling of Buchanan. He has two sisters Megan Elizabeth 6 and AbbyJoanne 3. TR, Wed 13 Feb 1985

Griffiths, Mary Kathleen - Lt and Mrs Howard Griffiths, ofAlamorgado, New Mexico, announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Kathleen,Wednesday, January 10. Mrs Griffiths wasbefore marriage Miss Wylie Claire Lee and formerly resided in Americus. TR, 27 Sat 1945

Griffiths, Not named - Lt and Mrs Howard Griffiths, ofPensacola, Fla, announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, May 1. Mrs Griffiths was before her marriage MissWylie Claire Lee and formerly a resident in Americus. TR, Mon 3 May 1943

Griger, Tyler Shane - Dawn and Terrill Griger of Kathleen,Ga announce the birth of a son, Tyler Shane, born June 5 at the Macon ColiseumHospital, Macon, Ga. The infant weighed7 pounds, 10 ounces at birth. Mrs Grigeris the former Miss Dawn Davis of Americus.Maternal grandparents are Billy Davis of Americus and Doris and WadeWhite of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Cecil Griger ofCordele. TR, Sat 27 Jun 1992

Griggs, Kimberly Ashley - Mr and Mrs J Marvin Griggs Jr andAdam of Preston announce the birth of a daughter and sister, Kimberly Ashley,who was born Wednesday, July 6 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. Ashley weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces. Her paternal grandparents are Mr and MrsJames M Griggs Sr and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs David E Bozeman, allof Plains. The maternal great-grandmotheris Mrs George T Mims Sr, also of Plains.TR, Thu 14 Jul 1983

Griggs, Maxine Euncie - Mr and Mrs Marvin Griggs announcethe birth of a daughter, Thursday, December 20, at city hospital, who has beennamed Maxine Eunice. Mrs Griggs wasbefore her marriage Miss Eunice Anderson, of Plains. TR, Sat 22 Dec 1951

Griggs, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jimmy D Griggs, of Route 2Ellaville, are the parents of a 6 pound, 4 ounce son, born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital February16. TR, Wed 17 Feb 1965

Griggs, Twins - Mr and Mrs Ronald W Griggs, of 640 ForsythStreet, are the parents of twins, a boy and a girl, born February 10 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 11 Feb 1966

Griggs, Weslyn Adam - Mr and Mrs James Marvin Griggs Jrannounce the birth of a 5 pound, 12 ounce son born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on Sunday, November 4.The baby has been given the name of Weslyn Adam. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs James MarvinGriggs Sr and Mr and Mrs David Bozeman, all of Plains. TR, Mon 5 Nov 1979

Grimball, Elizabeth Callaway - Mr and Mrs Morgan Grimball ofColumbia, SC announce the birth of a daughter, Elizabeth Callaway, bornTuesday, September 5 at Richland Memorial Hospital, Columbia. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces atbirth. Maternal grandparents are Dr andMrs Jim Dudley of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mrs Isaac Grimball ofGreenville, SC and the late Mr Grimball.Mrs Grimball is the former Miss Leila Dudley of Americus. The infant has a sister, Lei, age three. TR, Thu 7 Sep 1989

Grimball, Leila DuPree - Mr and Mrs Morgan Grimball ofLexington, Ky announce the birth of a daughter, Leila DuPree, born Sunday,August 31 at Central Baptist Hospital, Lexington, Ky. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces atbirth. Mrs Grimball is the former LeilaDudley of Americus. Maternalgrandparents are Dr and Mrs James Dudley Jr of Americus and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Isaac Grimball of Greenville, SC. TR, Wed 3 Sep 1986

Grimes, Not named - Mr and Mrs Danile N Grimes, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son Tuesday, November 22. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs WalterT Johnson of Americus and Mrs John R Grimes of Milledgeville. TR, Sat 26 Nov 1966

Grimes, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert F Grimes of Cordeleannounce the birth of a baby at the City Hospital on October 11. TCN, Thu 14 Oct 1948

Grimmett, Ashley Leonidas Jr - Mrs S P Gunnels announce thearrival of a grandson who was born at Vereen Memorial Hospital at Moultrie onTuesday, May 25. The baby is the son ofMr and Mrs Ashley L Grimmett of Moultrie, formerly of Preston and has beennamed Ashley Leonidas Grimmett, Jr. MrsGrimmett is the former Miss Ellen Gunnels of Preston. TR, Fri 28 May 1954

Grimmett, Not named - Mr and Mrs A L Grimmett, of Plains,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, September 17, at PratherClinic. TR, Wed 18 Sep 1946

Grimsley, Benjamin Richard - Mr and Mrs J Richard Grimsley, ofWeston, Ga are the parents of a 7 pound, 14 ½ ounce son born Sunday, April 29at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Benjamin Richard. Ben, as he will be called, is the grandson ofMr and Mrs Walter David Spencer of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs Benjamin GordonGrimsley Jr of Weston. He is thegreat-grandson of Mrs Eva DeVane of Ellaville and Mrs Julie Grimsley ofAmericus. TR, Thu 3 May 1979

Grimsley, Corinne - Mr and Mrs Duffey Grimsley, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter who will be called Corinne. Mrs Grimsley is pleasantly remembered inAmericus as Miss Willie Crabb before her marriage. TR, Sun 29 Feb 1920

Grimsley, Diane Danise - Mr and Mrs Floyd Grimsley, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 6 pound, ½ ounce daughter, born at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital Monday, July 1. The baby, who has been named Daine Danise isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs A L Grimsley of Buena Vista and Mr and Mrs W CLamb Sr of Plains. TR, Wed 3 Jul 1968

Grimsley, Jennifer Leigh - Mr and Mrs Cecil Grimsley, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a daughter on March 2 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby weighed9 pounds, 2 ounces and has been named Jennifer Leigh Grimsley. An older sister, Roxanne Grimsley, welcomedthe baby home. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Henry Grimsley of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs Henry Currington of Mauk. TR, Tue 20 Mar 1973

Grimsley, Kimberly Lynn - Mr and Mrs Floyd Grimsley, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ounce daughter, born at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital September 27. The baby has been named Kimberly Lynn Grimsley. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs W CLamb Sr of Plains and Mr and Mrs A L Grimsley of Buena Vista. TR, Fri 3 Oct 1969

Grimsley, Mary Megan - Mr and Mrs Richard Grimsley of Weston,Ga announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Megan, born Saturday, October 9 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Gordon Grimsley of Weston and the late Mrand Mrs Walter Spence of Ellaville and great-grandmother Mrs Julia Grimsley ofAmericus. TR, Wed 30 Oct 1985

Grimsley, Not named - Cpl and Mrs Roy Grimsley, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, September 16, at city hospital. TR, Fri 21 Sep 1945

Grimsley, Not named - Mr and Mrs R A Grimsley, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, August 15, at City Hospital. TR, Mon 19 Aug 1946

Grimsley, Roy - Mr and Mrs Duffey Grimsley announce the birthof a son February 20 at their home in Cordele, who has been named Roy. Mrs Grimsley was Miss Willie Crabb. TR, Mon 27 Feb 1923

Grimsley, Spence Robinson - Mr and Mrs Richard Grimsley ofWeston announce the birth of a son who has been named Spence RobinsonGrimsley. The infant was born Saturday,March 12 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital and weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces. His grandparents are Mr and Mrs GordonGrimsley of Weston and the late Mr and Mrs Walter Spence, Ellaville. He is the great-grandson of Mrs JuliaGrimsley, Americus. TR, Fri 18 Mar1983

Grimsley, Stewart - Mr and Mrs Duffy Grimsley, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son, November 29th who has been given the named Stewart. Mrs Grimsley will be remembered as MissWillie Crabb, formerly of Americus. TR,Wed 4 Dec 1929

Grimstead, Tiffany Kay - Mr and Mrs Thomas R Grimstead announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce daughter born Tuesday, July 24 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Tiffany Kay. The infant’sgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Jerry Smith of Dowgiac, Michigan and Mr and Mrs SamPetty of Hawkinsville. TR, Sat 28 Jul1973

Griner, Heather Christine - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Carol Grinerannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce daughter born Thursday, October 25 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The infant has been given the name of Heather Christine. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J EGriner of Nashville and Mrs Kathleen Murphy of Gainesville, Ga. TR, Fri 25 Oct 1973

Griner, Samantha Elise - Mr and Mrs C R Griner of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Samantha Elise, born April 10 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 5 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Roger McCurley of Atlanta; Mrs Sherry Griner of Americus and thelate Mr Jackie Griner.. TR, Wed 13Apr 1988

Grinolds, Michelle Leigh - Mr and Mrs Tony Grinolds ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, born Monday, January 2 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Theinfant, who weighed 8 pounds has been named Michelle Leigh. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Pat Crumpton,Americus; Phil Daniel, Valdosta; Mrs Sidney Grinolds, Americus and WayneGrinolds, Grant Pass, Oregon.Great-grandparents include Mr and Mrs Claude Smith, Americus; Mrs E Y Hamilton,Americus and the late Mr Hamilton; MrsAlma Clarkson, Wilmington, Del and the late Mr Clarkson and the late Mr and MrsBen Conger of Albany. TR, Wed 18 Jan1984

Grizzel, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lewis Grizzel, of 418 FurlowStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ½ ounce daughter, Monday, May 20 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Tue 21 May 1957

Groom, Carmen Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs James Marion Groom ofBirmingham, Ala announce the birth of a daughter, Carmen Elizabeth, born July 3at Brookwood Hospital in Birmingham. MrsGroom is the former Miss Carol Mathis.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Evan T Mathis Jr of St SimonsIsland and paternal grandmother is Mrs Mary Sue Groom of Andalusia, Ala. Great-grandmother is Mrs Evan T Mathis ofDecatur, Ala. TR, Wed 15 Aug 1990

Groover, Michael Gordon - Michael Gordon is the name of theinfant son of Mr and Mrs Ray Groover, of Dixie, formerly of Americus, who wasborn Saturday, November 9. TR, Mon 11Nov 1940

Groover, Not named - Mr and Mrs Michael Groover, of UpperRiver Road, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ½ ounce son, Wednesday, July 8,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Thu 9 Jul 1964

Groover, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ray Groover, of Dixie, announcethe birth of an eight pound, two ounce son, this morning, November 9, at thecity hospital. Mrs Groover was formerlyMiss Emily Wooten. TR, Sat 9 Nov 1940

Groover, Virginia Jayn - Mr and Mrs Mike Goover, of Auburn,Ala, announce the birth of an 8 pound daughter, May 5, who has been namedVirginia Jayn for both her grandmothers.The baby is the great-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Paul Wootten, of thiscity. TR, Tue 8 May 1962

Groover, Wendolyn Denise - Dr and Mrs Ray Groover Jr, of SanAntonio, Texas, announce the birth of a daughter February 15, who has beengiven the named of Wendolyn Denise. Thebaby is the great-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Paul Wooten, of Americus. TR, Sat 19 Feb 1966

Grover, Charles William Jr - Mr and Mrs Charles W Grover, ofRockford, Michigan, announce the birth of a son March 29, who has been namedCharles William Jr. Mrs Grover is theformer Miss Betty Cromer, daughter of the late Mr and Mrs C W Cromer, ofAmericus. Mr Grover, who is the son ofMr and Mrs Jasper Grover, of this city, is now serving with the 45thInfantry Division in Korea. TR, Mon13 Apr 1953

Grubbs, Not named - Mr and Mrs T E Grubbs, of Brunswick,announce the birth of a daughter, May 15.Mrs Grubbs is the former Miss Peggy Ann Hurst, of this city. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs WT Hurst, of Americus. TR, Wed 27 May1959

Grubbs, Not named - Mr and Mrs Thomas E Grubbs, ofBrunswick, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce daughter, April 23. Mrs Grubbs is the former Miss Peggy Ann Hurst,daughter of Mr and Mrs W T Hurst of Americus.TR, Sat 30 Apr 1960

Grubbs, Sharon Kimberly - Mr and Mrs James K Grubbs, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a daughter, born September 10 at St Joseph’sHospital, who has been given the name of Sharon Kimberly. Mrs Grubbs is the former Miss SheilaDixon. The baby is the grandson of Mrand Mrs James Dixon, of Americus. TR,Mon 14 Sep 1964

Gruenwald, Steven Briggs - Mr and Mrs Dick Gruenwald announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son, Monday, at city hospital, who has beennamed Steven Briggs. Mr Gruenwald issports editor of the Times-Recorder. TR,Tue 9 Dec 1952

Gruhn, Catherine Taylor - Mr and Mrs William J Gruhn IIIannnounce the birth of a daughter, Catherine Taylor, born May 30 at GwinnettCounty Hospital, Lawrenceville. Katie,as she is called, weighed 8 pounds, 14 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mrs Kay Stricklandof Athens and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs W J Gruhn Jr ofAmericus. Great-grandparents are MrsHorace Lowry of Athens and Mrs Raymond Crum of Americus. Katie has a brother, John, and sister,Kristen. TR, Tue 5 Jul 1993

Gruhn, Kristen Brianne - Mr and Mrs William John Gruhn IIIof Lawrenceville announce the birth of a daughter, Kristen Brianne, bornDecember 12 at the Gwinnett Medical Center.The infant weighed 7 pounds, 11 ½ ounces at birth. Paternal grandparents are William J Gruhn Jrof Americus and maternal grandmother is Mrs Kay Strickland of Albany. Great-grandparents are Mrs Henry Lowry andthe late Mr Lowry of Albany and Mrs R H Crum of Americus. Kristen has a brother, John, who is 13 monthsold. TR, Thu 20 Dec 1990

Gruhn, William John III - Mr and Mrs W J Gruhn Jr, of 306Pecan Drive, announce the birth of a son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospitalon September 22. The baby weighed 6pounds, 15 ½ ounces and has been named William John III. TR, Wed 23 Sep 1964

Gualtney, Vincent Evans - Mr and Mrs Bobby L Gaultney announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 7 ounce son Tuesday, March 16 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Vincent Evans.The infant’s maternal grandmother is Mrs J P Moore of Norfolk, Va andMrs L A Wyche of Macon is his maternal great-grandmother. TR, Mon 22 Mar 1976

Guarro, Constance Frances - Pfc and Mrs Ernest Guarroannounce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, September 26, at Prather Clinic, whohas been named Constance Frances. MrsGuarro was formerly Miss Frances Rooks. TR,Thu 28 Sep 1944

Guest, Charles Hixon Jr - Mr and Mrs Hixon Guest announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son Charles Hixon Jr, born this morning, June24, at the city hospital. Mrs Guest wasbefore her marriage Miss Dorothy Bradley.TR, Thu 24 Jun 1937

Guest, David Burton - Mr and Mrs Phil Guest announce thebirth of a son born Monday, August 7.The baby has been given the name of David Burton. Burt has an older brother, Lee. His grandparents are Mr and Mrs W H Reevesand Mr and Mrs David M Guest, all of Americus.TR, Tue 8 Aug 1978

Guest, Elija DeVaughn - Mr and Mrs W H Guest Jr, ofMontezuma, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce son on August 6, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Elija DeVaughn. TR, Mon 7 Aug 1961

Guest, Harrold Jr - Mr and Mrs Harrold Guest, of Montezuma,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, July 16, who has been given the nameHarrold Jr. Mr Guest is a formerresident of Americus and Mrs Guest, who was before her marriage Miss ClaudiaCheeves is well known here. TR, Mon 22Jul 1935

Guest, Holly Gayle - Lee and Trina Guest of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Holly Gayle, on September 15 at SumterRegional Hospital. The baby weighed 9pounds, 5 ounces. Grandparents are Johnand Connie Frazier and Phil and Marilyn Guest, all of Americus. Great-grandparents are Janie Sparrow ofPinehurst and Floyd and Maria Frazier, Jewell Reeves and Robert and LutrellePerry, all of Americus. TR, Fri 2 Oct1997

Guest, Jacqueline Laynette - Mr and Mrs Hixon Guest Jr, ofOglethorpe, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce daughter, Saturday, April6, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name ofJacqueline Laynette. TR, Mon 8 Apr1963

Guest, John Michael - Mr and Mrs J M Guest announce thearrival of a son, July 19, at an Atlanta Hospital. Mrs Guest is the former Elizabeth Parker ofSmithville. The baby has been given thename of John Michael. TCN, Thu 25 Nov1948

Guest, Mary Oriola - Mr and Mrs Harold Guest, of Montezuma,announce the birth of a four pound daughter, Monday, August 16. The baby, who has been named Mary Oriola, isnot doing so well. TR, Fri Aug 201943

Guest, Nona Gay - Mr and Mrs Garry Guest Jr, of Macon,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce daughter, February 22 at the MaconHospital who has been named Nona Gay.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs T A Lee, of this city andthe great-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs M H Guest of Americus and Mr and Mrs E CReid of Leslie. TR, Fri 1 Mar 1963

Guest, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Hixton Guest announcethe birth of a son, Monday, April 24, at Prather Clinic. TR, Wed 26 Apr 1950

Guest, Not named - Mr and Mrs David Guest announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 15 ounce son, Monday, November 29, at city hospital. TR, Tue 30 Nov 1948

Guest, Not named - Mr and Mrs Garrison Guest announce thebirth of a son, Thursday night, Dec 12, at their home on the Plains-Ellavilleroad. TR, Fri 13 Dec 1935

Guest, Not named - Mr and Mrs Gary Guest, of Warner Robins,are the parents of a daughter, born March 5 at the Warner Robins Hospital. The baby is the granddaughter of T A Lee andthe late Mrs Lee and Mr and Mrs Garrison Guest, all of Americus. TR, Tue 7 Mar 1967

Guest, Not named - Mr and Mrs Harold Guest, of Montezuma,announce the birth of a son, Saturday, June 4, at the Macon CountyHospital. Mrs Guest is the former MissClaudia Chavers. TR, Sat 4 Jun 1949

Guest, Not named - Mr and Mrs Hixon Guest announce thebirth of a daughter, Friday, October 8, at city hospital. TR, Sat 9 Oct 1943

Guest, Not named - Mr and Mrs Hixon Guest Jr, ofOglethorpe, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 9 ounce daughter, Monday, November23, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Tue 24 Nov 1959

Guest, Phillip Lee - Mr and Mrs Phil Guest announce thebirth of a son, Phillip Lee. The babywas born Monday, June 16 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital and weighed8 pounds, 3 ounces. Mrs Guest is theformer Marilyn Reeves. Grandparents ofthe infant are Mr and Mrs W H Reeves and Mr and Mrs David Guest. TR, Tue 17 Jun 1975

Guest, Sheryl Lynn - Corporal and Mrs Joseph G Guest, ofSchweinfurt, Germany, announce the birth of an 8 pound daughter, June 21, whohas been named Sheryl Lynn. The baby isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Thomas A Lee, of Americus. TR, Thu 23 Jun 1960

Guest, Walter Harold III - Mr and Mrs Walter Harold GuestJr, of Montezuma, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce son, January 8, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Walter HaroldIII. TR, Sat 9 Jan 1960

Guidron, Richard James Jr - Mr and Mrs Richard James Guidron,of 126 East Furlow Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ½ ounce son,March 5, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named RichardJames Jr. TR, Wed 6 Mar 1963

Guilliebeau, Joe Thomas - Mr and Mrs R T Guillibeau announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son on Christmas Day at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been giventhe name of Joe Thomas. TR, Fri 27Dec 1957

Guinzroz, Not named - Mr and Mrs Eeuben Guinzroz, of 903 ParkRow, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ½ ounce son, born July 15 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 15 Jul 1965

Gulley, Marc Stuart - Mr and Mrs W L Gulley announce thebirth of a 7 pound son Thursday, May 12, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been named MarcStuart. He is the grandson of G LPearce, of this city and Mr and Mrs J T Gulley, of Alexandria, Va. TR, Sat 14 May 1955

Gunn, Georgia Nannette - Mr and Mrs Sam Gunn announce thebirth of a daughter Monday, June 29th , who has been given the nameGeorgia Nannette. TR, Fri 3 Jul 1931

Gunn, Jeffrey Grayson - Mr and Mrs Sam Gunn Jr, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son, December 19 at PiedmontHospital, who has been named Jeffrey Grayson.The baby is the grandson of Mrs Sidney Lawless of Americus. TR, Thu 27 Dec 1962

Gunn, Justin Lane - Mr and Mrs Richard Gunn of Beaumont,TX, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son, Justin Lane, bornSeptember 10 at St Elizabeth’s Hospital.The infant weighed 7 pounds.Paternal grandparents are Rev and Mrs Reginald Gunn of Americus. Maternal grandparents are Paula Finch andClarence Finch of Beaumont. TR, Thu26 Sep 1996

Gunn, Sam Jr - Mr and Mrs Sam Gunn announce the birth of aseven-pound son, Sunday, July 8, at home, who has been named Sam Jr. TR, Tue 10 Jul 1934

Gunn, Thomas Joyner Jr - Mr and Mrs Thomas J Gunn, ofAtlanta, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce sonFebruary 21 at Georgia Baptist Hospital in Atlanta. Grandparents of the baby, who has been namedThomas Joyner Gunn Jr, are Mr and Mrs Clifton D Scott of this city and Mrs MildredLawless of Montezuma and the late Samuel C Gunn of Americus. TR, Mon 26 Feb 1968

Gunn, Thomas Joyner - Mr and Mrs Sam Gunn announce thebirth of son this morning, March 28, at the city hospital. He has been named Thomas Joyner Gunn. TR, Sat 28 Mar 1942

Gunnels, Cynthia Lee - Mr and Mrs Guy Gunnels, of Columbus,announce the birth of a five pound, 10 ounce daughter October 29. She has been given the name of CynthiaLee. Mrs Gunnels is the former AliceRuth Turner of Plains. TR, Wed 6 Nov1968

Gunter, Elley Brooke - Mr and Mrs Brent Talmadge Gunter ofGray announce the birth of a daughter, Elley Brooke, on August 29 at theMedical Center of Central Georgia, Macon.Mrs Gunter is the former Shelly Russ Teate. TR, Wed 17 Sep 1997

Gurecki, Joshua Yan - Mr and Mrs James Gurecki announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son born October 11 at St Johns Hospital, Oxnard,California. The baby has been namedJoshua Yan. Mrs Gurecki is the formerCarol Beam of Americus and the baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs T C Beam andMr and Mrs Joseph Garfield of this city.TR, Mon 23 Oct 1967

Gurley, Not named - Mr and Mrs William H Gurley Sr, of 1715Circle Drive, are the parents of a 7 pound, 13 3/4 ounce son, born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on August19. TR, Thu 19 Aug 1965

Gurley, Not named - Mr and Mrs William N Gurley, of 1715Circle Drive, are the parents of a 6 pound, 8 ½ ounce daughter, born September6, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Fri 7 Sep 1962

Gurr, Charles Steven III - Mr and Mrs Charles Steven GurrJr announce the birth of a son, Sunday morning, January 25, at their home onOgleshorpe Street, Ellaville. The littlefellow has been named Charles Steven III, for his father and grandfather. He was born on the 37thanniversary of the marriage of his paternal grandparents, Mr and Mrs C S GurrSr, of Vienna. TR, Thu 29 Jan 1942

Gurr, Christopher Woodward - Mr and Mrs Charles StephensGurr III, of Americus, announce the birth of a son on Wednesday, October 19 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces and hasbeen named Christopher Woodward Gurr.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Charles S Gurr of Ellaville and Mr and MrsBill Westbrook, of Lumpkin. TR, Tue23 Oct 1966

Gurr, David Anthony - Mr and Mrs Mike Gurr, of the US AirForce, Brindisi, Italy announce the birth of a son born Wednesday, November 7in Weisbaden, Germany. The baby, who hasbeen given the name of David Anthony, weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces. The infant’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs DonStewart of Albany and Mr and Mrs Arthur Gurr of Americus. He is the grandson of Mrs T H Kimbrough ofCochran and Mrs R D Smith of Albany and Mr and Mrs H S Hucks of Jacksonvilleand Mr and Mrs E R Barnes of this city.Mrs S A Smith, also of Americus is his great-great-grandmother. TR, Sat 10 Nov 1973

Gurr, David Michael - Mr and Mrs Arthur M Gurr, of 1207Oak Avenue, announce the birth of a son, Thursday, December 4, who weighed 8pounds, 10 ounces. The baby has beennamed David Michael. TR, Mon 8 Dec1952

Gurr, Ernest Lawrence Jr - Mr and Mrs E L Gurr, of Route2, Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce son, Thursday, September15, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named ErnestLawrence Jr. TR, Thu 15 Sep 1955

Gurr, Jennifer Leigh - Mr and Mrs H Morris Gurr, ofAlbany, announce the birth of a daughter, Jennifer Leigh, who was born Monday,November 27 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 5 ½ ounces. Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs WilliamHassell Moore, of Jacksonville and Mr and Mrs Arthur M Gurr of Americus. She is the great-granddaughter of F L Mooreand the late Mrs Moore of Hurdle Mills, NC, Mr and Mrs E R Barnes of this cityand Mr and Mrs H S Hucks of Jacksonville.Mrs S A Smith Sr of Americus is the baby’s great-great-grandmother. TR, Fri 1 Dec 1972

Gurr, Jonathan Michael - Mr and Mrs Harvey Morris Gurr, ofAlbany, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ½ ounce son born Monday, March 12 atPhoebe Putney Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Jonathan Michael.Mrs Gurr is the former Sarah Mae Moore of Jacksonville, Fla. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs W HMoore of Jacksonville and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Arthur M Gurr ofAmericus. Great-grandparents are Mr andMrs H S Hucks of Jacksonville, Fla and Mr and Mrs E R Barnes Sr of Blairsville,Ga and a great-great-grandmother Mrs Dora Smith of Magnolia Manor NursingCenter of Americus. TR, Wed 21 Mar1979

Gurr, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lewis Gurr, of Vienna,announce the birth of a 5 pound, 13 ½ ounce daughter, November 18 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 20 Nov 1962

Gurr, Phillip Wayne - Mr and Mrs E L Gurr announce thebirth of a 5 pound, 14 ounce son, Sunday, June 30 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital who has been named Phillip Wayne. TR, Mon 1 Jul 1957

Gurr, Sheila Ann - Mr and Mrs Arthur M Gurr announce thebirth of an 8 pound, one ounce daughter at city hospital, Monday, February 21,who has been named Sheila Ann. Mrs Gurrwas before marriage Miss Betty Hucks, of Jacksonville. TR, Thu 23 Feb 1949

Gurr, Stephen Rainey - Mr and Mrs Steve Gurr announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 3 ounce son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onFriday, July 2. The baby has been giventhe name of Stephen Rainey. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs C S Gurr of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs Bill Westbrook ofLumpkin. TR, Thu 8 Jul 1971

Guth, Allison Suzanne - Mr and Mrs Evan B Guth III ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Allison Suzanne, born Wednesday,April 27 at Sumter Regional Hospital.The infant weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Evan B Guth Jr ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs James S Espy of Gulf Breeze, Fla. Great-grandparents are Mrs T H Johnston ofRome and Mrs Sam C Espy of Americus. Shehas a sister, Caroline, age four. TR,Fri 29 Apr 1988

Guth, Caroline Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Evan B Guth IIIproudly announce the birth of a daughter who has been given the name CarolineElizabeth Guth. The infant, who was bornMonday, Jamuary 30 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital weighed 6 pounds,9 ½ ounces. Her grandparents are Mr andMrs James Espy of Pensacola, Fla and Mr and Mrs Evan B Guth of Americus. Maternal great-grandparents are Mrs Thandy HJohnston and the late Mr Johnston of Rome.Her paternal great-grandparents are the late Mr and Mrs W G Riley ofPerry; Mrs W W Danner of Swiftwater, Pa and the late Evan B Guth. TR, Tue 31 Jan 1984

Guth, Keri Leigh - Mr and Mrs William Guth announce thebirth of a daughter September 9 at Phoebe Putney in Albany who weighed 7pounds, 11 ounces. The baby has beengiven the name of Keri Leigh. Hergrandparents are Mr and Mrs John Erhard of Farmington, Michigan and Mr and MrsGrant Guth of Columbus, Wisconsin. TR,Fri 19 Sep 1969

Guthas, Kevin - Mr and Mrs Michael E Guthas announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital August 23. The infant has beengiven the name of Kevin. The baby’sgrandparents are Mr and Mrs John Harrell of Shellman and Mrs Errol Wynkoop ofMiami, Fla and the late Samuel J Guthas Sr.TR, Tue 29 Aug 1978

Guthas, Kimberly Lynn - Mr and Mrs Michael Guthas are theparents of an 8 pound daughter born Wednesday, September 2 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Kimberly Lynn Guthas. She hasa brother, Kevin Michael. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Harrell of Shellman on her maternal side and Mrs Fred Wynkoop ofMiami, Fla and the late Samuel J Guthas on her paternal side. TR, Tue 8 Sep 1981

Guthrie, Lisa-Ann Vera - Mr and Mrs John Guthrie, of FtLauderdale, Fla, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce daughter bornMonday, October 25 at the Browden Memorial Hospital in Ft Lauderdale. The baby has been named Lisa-Ann Vera. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs John BGuthrie of Ft Lauderdale and Mr and Mrs George McCarty of Americus. The baby’s mother is the former Joyce McCartyof this city. TR, Wed 27 Oct 1971

Guy, Robert Arthur - Mr and Mrs A C Guy Jr, announce thebirth of a son, Friday, February 5, at city hospital. The baby, who weighed 9 pound and 2 ounces,has been namced Robert Arthur. Mrs Guywas formerly Miss Sara McLeod, of Quitman.TR, Sat 6 Feb 1943

Guyton, Jeffrey Douglas - Mr and Mrs Paul Guyton, of 1338Cherokee Circle, announce the birth of a 7 1/4 pound son, December 23, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Jeffrey Douglas. TR, Thu 26 Dec 1963

Gwynes, Not named - Mr and Mrs O R Gwynes, of Andersonville,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, March 2, at Prather Clinic. TR, Wed 3 Mar 1937

Hadd, Michael Adass - Mr and Mrs Ibrahaim Hadd, of Route2, are the parents of a 6 pound, 6 ounce son, born December 25, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Michael Adass. TR, Tue 26 Dec 1961

Hadden, Leon Allen - Mr and Mrs L A Hadden, of Oglethorpe,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ½ ounce son on December 27 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. He has beennamed Leon Allen. TR, Wed 28 Dec 1960

Haddock, Don Earl - Mr and Mrs Bobby Haddock, of CrystalBeach, Fla, announce the birth of a son September 17, who has been given thename Don Earl. Mrs Haddock is the formerMiss Earline Markette, of Macon and Mr Haddock is the son of Mrs BarbaraHaddock, of DeSoto. TR, Sat 21 Sep1946

Hagan, Jeffrey Nathan - Mr and Mrs Skeet Hagan of Americusannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 1/4 ounce son born Monday, June 26 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been given the name of Jeffrey Nathan.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Julian Nathan Hagan Sr and Mrs W T Frazier,all of Brockville, Fla. Aaron Frazier ofAmericus is the infants great-grandfather.TR, Tue 27 Jun 1978

Hagan, William Royden - Mr and Mrs W R Hagan announce thebirth of a son, December 8, at their home on Furlow Street, who has been namedWilliam Royden. TR, Friday 9 Dec 1932

Hagerson, Bradley Tildon - Mr and Mrs Boyd Hagerson, of theConcord Community, are the parents of a 10 pound, 15 ounce son born at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital on Monday, May 19. The baby has been named Bradley Tildon and isto be called Brad. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Gammage Shivers and Mr and Mrs Milton Hagerson, all of Americus. He is the great-grandson of Mrs Vera Hagersonand the late Charlie Hagerson of the Concord Community and Mr and Mrs A JShivers of Montezuma, formerly of Americus.TR, Wed 21 May 1980

Hagerson, Christopher Neil - Mr and Mrs Neil Hagerson announcethe birth of a 9 pound, 12 ounce son who was born Saturday, August 17 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Theinfant, who has been given the name of Christopher Neil is the grandson of Mrand Mrs Terrell Athon and Mr and Mrs Milton Hagerson, all of Americus. The baby’s great-grandmothers are Mrs GladysAthon of Ellaville, Mrs Lola Musselwhite of this city and Mrs Vera Hagerson ofPlains. TR, Mon 19 Aug 1974

Hagerson, Joseph Andrew - Mr and Mrs Boyd Hagerson are theparents of an 8 pound son born Sunday, September 12 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been giventhe name of Joseph Andrew. Jody, as thebaby will be called, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Gammage Shivers and Mr andMrs Milton Hagerson. Hisgreat-grandparents are Mr and Mrs A J Shivers of the Friendship Road and MrsVera Hagerson of the Concord Community and the late Charlie Hagerson and thelate Mr and Mrs J T Williams. TR, Thu16 Sep 1976

Hagerson, Kevin Boyd - Mr and Mrs Boyd Hagerson announce thebirth of a son born Sunday, January 5 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The 9 pound, 2 ½ ounce boy hasbeen given the name of Kevin Boyd. Hisgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Gammage Shivers and Mr and Mrs Milton Hagerson, allof Americus. He is the great-grandson ofMr and Mrs A J Shivers and Mrs Vera Hagerson of this city and NicholasRiedinger of Bismark, N D and the late Mrs Riedinger. TR, Thu 9 Jan 1975

Hagerson, Lisa Diane - Mr and Mrs W A Hagerson, of 2257Raleigh Drive, Augusta, announce the adoption July 1 of a baby daughter, bornFebruary 20, who has been named Lisa Diane.Mrs Hagerson is the former Lady Fleeman, of Americus. The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs SallyGuest Fleeman and Mrs Vera Darden Hagerson, of the Concord Community. TR, Thu 9 Jul 1964

Hagerson, Marsha Kay - Mr and Mrs Milton Hagerson, of Plains,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce daughter, Saturday, March 23, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Marsha Kay. TR, Mon 25 Mar 1957

Hagerson, Tracy Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Neil Hagerson announcethe birth of a 9 pound, 8 ½ ounce daughter born Friday, July 23 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital who has been named Tracy Elizabeth. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsTerrell Athon and Mr and Mrs Milton Hagerson.TR, Mon 26 Jul 1971

Hagerton, Boyd Milton - Mr and Mrs Milton Hagerton announcethe birth of a 9 pound son Tuesday, March 25 at Prather Clinic, who has beennamed Boyd Milton. Mrs Hagerton is theformer Miss Betty Lou Williams. TR,Wed 26 Mar 1952

Hagey, Brent Gordon - Mr and Mrs Gordon Hagey, ofBethlehen, Penn, announce the birth of a son, November 27, who has been namedBrent Gordon. Mrs Hagey is the former MissGloria Wellons, of this city. TR, Wed4 Dec 1957

Haggadone, William Jay Jr - Mr and Mrs William Jay Haggadone,of 801 Douglas Drive, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 15 ½ ounce son, July 7,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named William Jay Jr.TR, Tue 7 Jul 1964

Hagins, Amanda Kaye - Sam and Joy Hagins of Americusannounce the birth of a 5 pound, 10 ounce daughter, Amanda Kaye, born SundayFebruary 17 at Sumter Regional Hospital.She is the granddaughter of Ed and Eloise Hagins of Americus and Fredand Betty Zane Waters of Waycross. Shehas a sister, Kara Zane 2. TR, Tue 26Feb 1985

Hagins, Ashley Leah - Mr and Mrs Micah Hagins of Leesburgannounce the birth of a daughter, Ashley Leah, born April 14 at Phoebe Putney inAlbany. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 14ounces at birth. Paternal grandparentsare Mrs Ed Hagins and the late Mr Ed Hagins, Americus; and maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Billy Roland of Colquitt. The infant has a sister, Lauren, agefour. TR, Sat 16 Apr 1988

Hagins, Karah Zane - Mr and Mrs Sam Hagins of Canoga Park,California announce the birth of a daughter born Saturday, August 14. The infant, who has been named Karah Zaneweighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs E S Hagins of Americus and Mr and Mrs Fred Watsonof Waycross. TR, Thu 19 Aug 1982

Hagins, Laruen Alicia - Mr and Mrs Micah Hagins of Albanyannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter, Lauren Alicia, born Friday,April 20 at Phoebe Putney Hospital. Sheis the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs E S Hagins of Americus and Mr and Mrs BillyRoland of Colquitt. TR, Wed 25 Apr1984

Hagins, Melissa Dainelle - Mr and Mrs Tommy Hagins are theparents of a girl born Monday, July 13 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 8pounds, 10 ½ ounces has been named Melissa Dainelle. She has a brother, Jack. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Leonard Banks andMr and Mrs Ed Hagins, all of Americus. TR,Wed 15 Jul 1981

Hagins, Not named - Mr and Mrs E A Hagins, of 620 HarroldAvenue, announce the birth of a son, Thursday, May 13, at Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Thu 13 May 1954

Hagins, Rebekah Simpson - Mr and Mrs Sam Hagins of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Rebekah Simpson, born October 8 at SumterRegional Hospital. Paternal grandparentsare Mrs Ed Hagins, Americus and the late Mr Hagins and maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Fred Waters of Carrollton.The infant, who weighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces at birth has two sisters,Karah, six and Amanda, age three. TR,Thu 20 Oct 1988

Hagins, Tommy Wayne - Mr and Mrs E S Hagins, of 226 HorneStreet, announce the birth of a son, Tommy Wayne, who was born Friday,September 7 at Phoebe Putney hospital, Albany.The baby weighed 6 pounds, 9 ounces.Mr Hagin is manager of Belk’s Department Store. Mrs Hagins and baby will be removed to theirhome here tomorrow. TR, Mon 10 Sep1951

Hagins, Zachary Daniel - Mr and Mrs Tommy Hagins announcethe birth of a son born Monday, July 4 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who has been namedZachary Daniel will be called Zack. Hisweight was 7 pounds, 6 ounces. Zack isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs Leonard W Banks and Mr and Mrs Ed Hagins. TR, Thu 7 Jul 1977

Hagler, Meredith Raeann - Charles and Sally Hagler of BuenaVista announce the birth of a daughter, Meredith Raeann, born on Thursday, June25 at Columbus Medical Center. Theinfant weighed 7 pounds, 7 ½ ounces at birth.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Carlton Hagler and Mr and MrsJohnny Rustin, all of Buena Vista. Hergreat-grandparents are Mr and Mrs John Franklin of Junction City, Ga. TR, Mon 13 Jul 1987

Hagler, Not named - Mr and Mrs W L (Don) Hagler, of Route 2Americus, announce the birth of a son September 14 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby weighed 9pounds, 3 ounces. TR, Mon 16 Sep 1963

Hahn, Lester Clement Jr - Mr and Mrs L C Hahn, of Plains,announce the birth of a son, Lester Clement Jr, who was born Monday, March 1,at city hospital. TR, Wed 3 Mar 1943

Hahn, Rachel Elizabeth - The Rev and Mrs L Clement Hahn,of Kannapolis, NC, announce the birth of a daughter, Rachael Elizabeth, who wasborn Monday, July 31, at the Cabarrus hospital , Concord, NC. Rev and Mrs Hahn lived in Plains for aboutthree and a half years serving the Lutheran churches there. He is now pastor of the Ebenezer Mt HermonLutherean Parish at Kannapolis. TR,Thu 3 Aug 1944

Hair, Mary Ethel - Dr and Mrs Joe R Hair, of Columbus,announce the birth of a daughter, July 26, who will be called Mary Ethel. TR, Fri 28 Jul 1922

Hairston, Benjamin Lee - Mr and Mrs William H Hairstonannounce the birth of a son, Saturday, July 8 at the city hospital, who hasbeen named Benjamin Lee. TR, Thu 13Jul 1950

Hairston, Martha Ann - Mr and Mrs Hairston Jr announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter Sunday, July 25, at Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been given the name of Martha Ann. TR, Fri 6 Aug 1954

Hale, Betty Sue - Mr and Mrs G C Hale announce the birthof a daughter Monday, April 27, to be called Betty Sue. TR, Thu 30 Apr 1931

Hale, Charles Raymond Jr - Mr and Mrs C Raymond Hale, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a son, Thursday, July 9, at city hospital,who has been named Charles Raymond Jr.Mrs Hale and baby were removed to their home from the hospitaltoday. TR, Wed 15 Jul 1942

Hale, Christopher Evans - Mr and Mrs Bobby Hale, of theBrady Road, announce the birth of a son, July 14, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been namedChristopher Evans Hale. TR, Fri 15Jul 1966

Hale, Ellen Bradley - Mr and Mrs Bradley Hale, of Atlanta,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce daughter, Wednesday, April 10, whohas been given the name of Ellen Bradley.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Sheffield, of Americusand Mr and Mrs Ernest Hale, of Montgomery, Ala.TR, Thu 11 Apr 1963

Hale, Harriett Julia - Mr and Mrs J M Hale, of Route 1,Juniper, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 13 ounce daughter, Wednesday,February 25 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named Harriett Julia. TR, Thu 26 Feb 1959

Hale, James Franklin - Mr and Mrs Hollis Hale announce thebirth of a son, James Franklin Hale, born Sunday, February 6 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The babyweighed 6 pounds, 13 1/4 ounces. Theinfant is the grandson of Mr and Mrs J F Head of Americus and Mrs Katherine Ashof Cusseta and the late James Hale. Heis the great-grandson of Mrs H F Head of Leslie and C L Brewer of Huntsville,Gla. TR, Wed 9 Feb 1977

Hale, James Russell - Mr and Mrs Robert A Hale, of Route1, Plains, are the parents of a 5 pound, 2 ½ ounce son, born at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital on May 23.The baby has been given the name of James Russell. TR, Mon 24 May 1965

Hale, Jamie Montana - Mr and Mrs Eddie Hale ofAndersonville announce the birth of a son, Jamie Montana, born March 17 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Leon Holloway Sr of Andersonville. Paternal grandparents are Bobby Hale ofPlains and Joyce Dailey of Preston.Jamie has three brothers, Josh 11, Casey 10 and Jesse 6. TR, Fri 28 Mar 1997

Hale, John Howard - Mr and Mrs Hollis Hale, of Route 4Americus, are the parents of a son born Sunday, May 13 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital who weighed 6 pounds, 11 ½ ounces. The infant, who has been named John Howard,is to be called John. He has a brother,Frank, age two. Grandparents are Mr andMrs J F Head, Americus and Mrs Catherine Ash of Cusseta. TR, Wed 16 May 1979

Hale, Joseph Gaines Jr - Mr and Mrs Joseph Gaines Haleannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce son October 14 at the localhospital. The baby has been named JosephGaines Hale Jr. He is the grandson of Mrand Mrs Arthur French of New Castle, Penn and Mr and Mrs Joseph F Hale ofColumbus. TR, Mon 17 Oct 1966

Hale, Not named - Mr and Mrs Clarence Raymond Haleannounce the birth of a daughter, Monday, July 2, at city hospital. TR, Tue 3 Jul 1951

Hale, Not named - Mr and Mrs Frank Hale, of 306 WestChurch Street, announce the birth of a four pound, 7 ½ ounce daughter, February25 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Fri 26 Feb 1965

Hale, Not named - Mr and Mrs Frank Hale, of HamptonStreet, are the parents of a 7 pound, 3 ounce son, born September 17 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 18 Sep 1963

Hale, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert B Hale are the parentsof a 7 pound, 3 ounce daughter, born October 26 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Fri 27 Oct 1961

Hale, Robert Austin III - Mr and Mrs Bobby Hale Jr, ofRoute 4 Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce son, born January17, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named RobertAustin III. TR, Mon 20 Jan 1964

Hale, Robert Austin IV - Mr and Mrs Bobby Hale of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Robert Austin IV, born May 13 at Phoebe PutneyHospital in Albany. The infant weighed 8pounds, 12 ounces. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Sam Odum of Americus.Paternal grandparents are Robert Austin Hale Jr and the late Gail Haleof Americus. Great-grandparents are Mrand Mrs Joe Trueluck, Mildred Farr and Mr and Mrs Jesse Watts, all ofAmericus. TR, Sat 8 Jun 1996

Hale, Rose Marie - Mr and Mrs Bobby H Hale, of Plains, announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter, December 22 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Rose Marie. TR, Sat 23 Dec 1961

Hale, Sharon Ann - Mr and Mrs James M Hale announce thebirth of a daughter, Saturday, May 18, at City Hospital, who has been namedSharon Ann. TR, Wed 22 May 1946

Haley, Not named - Mr and Mrs Johnnie R Haley announce thebirth of a daughter yesterday at their home on Prince Street. TR, Tue 30 Jul 1929

Hall, Carla Marie - Mr and Mrs Wayne Hall announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 11 ½ ounce daughter born Tuesday, September 24 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who has been given the name of Carla Marie is the granddaughter of Mr andMrs Harvey Pittman, Mr and Mrs Donnell Williams and Mrs I C Hall and the lateMr Hall. She is the great-granddaughterof Mrs H D Bradley and Mrs Bertha Jackson.The baby’s mother is the former Donna Williams. TR, Mon 30 Sep 1974

Hall, Charles Mark - Mr and Mrs Wayne Hall, of Americus,announce the birth of a son, Charles Mark who was born on Saturday, July 29 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The infant weighed 4 pounds, 10 ½ ounces at birth. He has an older sister, Cara Hall. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs HarveyPittman and Donnell Williams, all of Americus.Paternal grandparents includes Mrs I C Hall Sr and the late Mr Hall ofAmericus. Maternal great-grandmother isMrs Bertha Jackson and paternal great-grandmother is Mrs Addie Bradley, both ofAmericus. TR, Sat 5 Aug 1978

Hall, Christin Rae - Mr and Mrs Dennis Hall of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter born Tuesday, August 16. The infant, who weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounceshas been given the name Christin Rae Hall.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Roy Thompson of Plains and Mr andMrs I C Hall, Americus. TR, Fri 19Aug 1983

Hall, David Michael - Kevin and Cherry Hall of Moultrieannounce the birth of a son, David Michael, born Sep 8. The infant weighed 6 pounds, 15 ½ounces. Grandparents are Jivis and PeggyHall of Albany and Annette Chambers of Hahira.TR, Tue 6 Oct 1998

Hall, Deborah Denise - Mr and Mrs C G Hall, of 11A SumterCircle, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 7 ounce daughter, Tuesday, October 13,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named DeborahDenise. TR, Tue 13 Oct 1959

Hall, Denice Michelle - Mr and Mrs I C Hall Jr announcethe adoption of a chosen daughter who was born September 20. The baby has been given the name of DeniceMichelle. TR, Thu 30 Nov 1967

Hall, Dorothy Louise - Mr and Mrs James Euell Hallannounce the birth of a daughter, Dorothy Louise, this morning, at their homenear the city. Mrs Hall was before hermarriage Miss Thelma Lou Morris. TR,Tue 13 Aug 1935

Hall, Elizabeth Dianne - Mr and Mrs Roy A Hall Jr announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce daughter at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital April 12. Mrs Hall is theformer Miss Patsy Baker. The baby, whohas been named Elizabeth Dianne, is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs L C Bakerof Americus and Mr and Mrs Roy Hall Sr, of Smithville. TR, Wed 14 Apr 1965

Hall, Etta Jean - Mr and Mrs Dennis Hall announce thebirth of a daughter, born October 3, at their home in the Thaleancommunity. The baby has been named EttaJean. TR, Tue 5 Oct 1937

Hall, Frances Leonora - Mr and Mrs H D Hall, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce daughter, Saturday, March 16,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Frances Leonora.TR, Tue 19 Mar 1957

Hall, Frank Gregory - Mr and Mrs Fred L Hall, of Unadilla,are the parents of a 9 pound, 5 ounce son, born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, on January 13. The babyhas been named Frank Gregory. TR, Mon15 Jan 1962

Hall, Gladys LaVern - Mr and Mrs Carl Hall announce thebirth of a daughter, January 27, at their home near Sumter City, who has beengiven the name Gladys LaVern. TR, Tue32 Jan 1928

Hall, James Douglas - Dr and Mrs Maxwell Felton Hall, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce son, Wednesday, April 17, whohas been named James Douglas. Mrs Hallis the former Miss Betty Lynn Toler, of Americus. TR, Mon 22 Apr 1957

Hall, James Henry - Mr and Mrs Euell Hall announce thebirth of a son Friday, August 22, at their homeon Bell Street, who has beennamed James Henry. TR, Sat 23 Aug1941

Hall, Jason Wayne - Mr and Mrs Wayne Hall announce thebirth of a son born Thursday, February 21 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been given thename of Jason Wayne. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Harvey Pittman and Donnell Williams and Mrs R C Hall Sr and the late MrHall, all of Americus. He has agreat-grandmother, Mrs Bertha Jackson. TR,Thu 28 Feb 1980

Hall, Jeffery Wilford - Mr and Mrs Joey Hall, of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Jeffery Wilford born May 23. Jeffery weighed 6 pounds, 10 ½ ounces. He has an older sister, Teresa Kay. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs J W Hall Sr ofPatterson, Ga and Mrs Alice Combee of Ashburn, Ga. TR, Thu 9 Jun 1977

Hall, Jenie Ann - Mr and Mrs Cleveland Hall, of Ellaville,are the parents of an 8 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter, born January 19 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Jenie Ann. TR,Mon 21 Jan 1963

Hall, Jon Howard - Tech Sgt and Mrs Edward E Hall, ofBirmingham, announce the birth of a 7 ½ pound son at the Norwood Hospital inBirmingham Nov 19. The baby has beennamed Jon Howard. Mrs Hall was beforemarriage Miss Virginia Franklin of Ellaville.TR, Fri 1 Dec 1944

Hall, Joshua David - Mr and Mrs David Hall of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Joshua David, born Friday, January 25 at PhoebePutney of Albany. Josh, as the infantwill be called, weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces at birth. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Robert EHall, Mrs Evalena Howell and Jimmy Rigsby, all of Americus. TR, Fri 1 Feb 1991

Hall, Kenneth Lee - Mr and Mrs Fred Hall, of Route 2,Unadilla, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 3 ounce son, Monday, November 16 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Kenneth Lee. TR, Wed 18 Nov 1959

Hall, Leonard Richard - Lance Corporal and Mrs Leonard MHall announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 1/4 ounce son, born at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital on Friday, May 23.The baby has been given the name of Leonard Richard. Mrs Hall is the former Jamie Turner. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs RoyTurner of Americus and Mr and Mrs Mitchell Hall of Vienna. Mrs C R Hardy of Dawson is hisgreat-grandmother. TR, Wed 28 May1969

Hall, Lisa Melanie - Mr and Mrs William H Hall, of Route 2Americus, announce the birth of a daughter born Thursday, March 8 at theMedical Center in Columbus. The baby,who weighed 6 pounds, 2 ½ ounces has been named Lisa Melanie. Her maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs C WHenson of Omaha, Ga and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs I C Hall Sr ofAmericus. She has twogreat-grandmothers, Mrs Lewis Powell of Omaha and Mrs H D Bradley of thiscity. TR, Wed 14 Mar 1973

Hall, Marsha Lynn - Mr and Mrs Maxwell Felton Hall, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a 7 ½ pound daughter Friday, August 17 atPiedmont Hospital, who has been named Marsha Lynn. Mrs Hall is the former Miss Betty Toler, ofAmericus. TR, Tue 21 Aug 1951

Hall, Maxwell Felton III - Dr and Mrs Maxwell Felton HallJr, of Atlanta, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce son, Sunday, October9, who has been named Maxwell Felton III.Mrs Hall is the former Miss Betty Toler, of Americus. TR, Tue 11 Oct 1955

Hall, Michael Allen - Dennis and Cindy Hall ofSandersville, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 5 ounceson, Michael Allen, born June 15 at an Augusta hospital. His grandparents are Mr and Mrs Roy Thompsonof Plains and Mr and Mrs I C Hall of Americus.He has a sister Christin, 2 ½. TR,Wed 25 Jun 1986

Hall, Michael Eugene - Mr and Mrs Carl Hall, Jr announcethe birth of a son Sunday, September 13, at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Michael Eugene.The baby weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces.TR, Mon 14 Sep 1953

Hall, Myra Deane - Mr and Mrs H D Hall announce the birthof a daughter September 20, at their home in the Thalean community, who hasbeen given the name Myra Deane. TR,Thu 21 Sep 1933

Hall, Not named - Cpl and Mrs Otis Hall, of Brookfield,Mass announce the birth of an 8 ½ pound son, Wednesday, August 8. TR, Friday 10 Aug 1951

Hall, Not named - Ensign and Mrs Morrell Hall, ofBronwood, announce the birth of a son Friday, September 13, at PratherClinic. TR, Thu 21 Sep 1944

Hall, Not named - Mr and Mrs Carl Hall Jr, of JeffersonStreet, announce the birth of a 6 pound, one ounce son, Wednesday, November 16at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Fri 18 Nov 1955

Hall, Not named - Mr and Mrs H D Hall, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 12 ounce son, May 2, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Wed 3 May1961

Hall, Not named - Mr and Mrs H Hall, of Buena Vista, arethe parents of a 9 pound, 9 ounce daughter, born February 20 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 22 Feb 1965

Hall, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Ray Hall, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 6 ounce son, born September 20. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs W FWalthall, of Americus and Mr and Mrs Mangus Hall, of Meigs, Georgia. TR, Mon 21 Sep 1964

Hall, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jim Hall, of Leominster,Mass, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce son, born October 27th.. Mrs Hall is the former Miss Lynda Walthall,daughter of Mr and Mrs W F Walthall, of this city. TR, Saturday 29 Oct 1960

Hall, Not named - Mr and Mrs Otis Hall Jr announce thebirth of a daughter Sunday, June 29, at Perry,Ga Mrs Hall is the former Miss Lynn Parker, ofMcRae. TR, Mon 30 Jun 1952

Hall, Not named - Mr and Mrs W H Hall announce the birthof a son, Monday, August 30, at Prather Clinic.TR, Wed 1 Sep 1948

Hall, Orville D Jr - Mr and Mrs O D Hall, of Athens,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, March 23, who hasbeen named Orville D Jr. TR, Fri 26Mar 1937

Hall, Robert David - Mr and Mrs Robert E Hall, of HillStreet Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce son at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital Wednesday, August 24. The baby has been given the name of RobertDavid. His grandparents are Mr and Mrs OB King, of Leesburg, and Mr and Mrs I C Hall Sr of this city. TR, Thu 25 Aug 1966

Hall, Susan Stephanie - Dr and Mrs Maxwell Felton Hall, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter Thursday, August26, at Emory University Hospital, who has been named Susan Stephanie. Mrs Hall is the former Miss Betty Toler, ofthis city. TR, Mon 30 Aug 1954

Hall, Teresa Gail - Mr and Mrs Robert Earl Hall, ofAmericus, announce the birth of a 4 pound, 1 3/4 ounce baby girl born Tuesday,October 31. She has been given the nameof Teresa Gail. Her maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs O B King of Leesburg and her paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs I C Hall Sr of this city.She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs H D Bradley and the late MrBradley of Americus and Mrs Joe King and the late Mr King of Ocilla. TR, Fri 3 Nov 1972

Hall, Thelma Virginia - Mr and Mrs J E Hall, of the 28thdistrict, announce the birth of a six pound daughter, born Monday, July 18, whohas been named Thelma Virginia. TR,Tue 19 Jul 1938.

Hall, Twins - Mr and Mrs Fred L Hall, of Route 2 Unadilla,announce the birth of twins, Wednesday, March 16, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, 17 Mar 1966

Hall, William Christopher - Mr and Mrs William Hall, of703 Brooklyn Terrace, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son Friday,September 30, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby, who had been named WilliamChristopher is the grandson of Mr and Mrs C W Henderson, of Omaha, and Mr andMrs R C Hall Sr, of Americus. TR, Sat1 Oct 1966

Hall, William Davis - Mr and Mrs William C Hall ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, William Davis, born Aug 24 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 3 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs William H Hall of Americus and maternalgrandparents are Ann Brinson and the late Fred H Brinson of Americus. Great-grandparents are Louise Henson ofLumpkin and Carrie Hall of Americus.Great-great-grandmother is Maggie Powell of Omaha. TR, Thu 1 Sep 1994

Halley, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Halley, of 139 TaylorStreet, are the parents of a 7 pound, 3 ½ ounce daughter, born at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, on August 16.TR, Mon 17 Aug 1964

Halley, Robert Charles - Mr and Mrs Charles Halley announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce son Saturday, May 3 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital who has been given the name of Robert Charles. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs FredSpires of Fitzgerald and Mrs Rheba Dailey of Americus and Bill Halley ofMonroe, La. TR, Wed 7 May 1969

Halliburton, Patrick Charles - Mr and Mrs Charles Halliburtonannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce son Thursday, May 2 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Patrick Charles. TR, Fri 3 May 1957

Halliday, Robert Jr - Mr and Mrs Robert Lee Halliday, ofLumpkin, announce the birth of a son, May 25, at the Wise Sanitarium, inPlains, who has been named Robert Jr.Mrs Halliday was before her marriage Miss Elizabeth English, of thiscity. TR, Fri 26 May 1933

Halliwell, Debbie Rae - Mr and Mrs Russell Halliwell, of 51AHarris Street, are the parents of a 9 pound, 2 ounce daughter, born February 19at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been given the name of Debbie Rae. TR, Wed 21 Feb 1962

Hallman, Belinda Dianne - Mr and Mrs Tommy Hallman announcethe birth of a daughter born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital Friday,May 14. The baby has been named BelindaDianne. Her weight at birth was 5pounds, 4 ounces. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mrs Sarah Bailey of Plains and Mrs Johnny Hallman and the lateMr Hallman of Americus. TR, Wed 19May 1982

Hallman, Ira Jean - Mr and Mrs Ira Hallman announce the birthof a daughter, Wednesday, June 14, at the Prather Clinic, who has been namedIra Jean. TR, Wed 14 Jun 1939

Hallman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Johnnie Hallman announce thebirth of a daughter at Prather Clinic Monday, April 2. TCN, Thu 6 Apr 1950

Hallman, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs J C Hallman announce thebirth of twin daughters Thursday, August 13, at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who have been given the names of Linda and Brenda. TR, Tue 18 Aug 1953

Hallock, Heather Erin - Mr and Mrs Bruce Hallock, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a daughter, Heather Erin, Sunday, November 3at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby, who weighed 3 pounds, 1 ounce, is the granddaughter of MrsEdwin Lyons of Erin, N Y. TR, Tue 5Nov 1968

Halstead, Amy Matilda - Mr and Mrs Charles R Halstead, of 708Douglas Drive announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter Thursday,March 13 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby, who has beengiven the name of Amy Matilda is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs C E Halsteadof Ellaville, and Mr and Mrs Tom E Harris of 711 Sunset Drive, Americus. TR, Thu 13 Mar 1969

Halstead, Cheryl Ann - Mr and Mrs Russell Halstead announcethe birth of a six pound, 8 ½ ounce daughter, born Friday, September 18 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who has been named Cheryl Ann is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs C EHalstead of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs Tom E Harris of Americus. TR, Fri 25 Sep 1970

Halstead, Christopher Daniel - Melody and Raymond Halstead ofAmericus announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce son, Christopher Daniel, bornThursday, Dec 5 at Sumter Regional Hospital.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs C E Halstead of Americus, Mr and MrsRoy Crosby of Louisville, Ky and Mr and Mrs J D Pritchard of Mobile, Ala. Great-grandparents are Lucille Pritchard ofAmericus and Bertie Whittington of Montezuma.He has two sisters, Victoria 7 and Melissa 3. TR, Wed 11 Dec 1985

Halstead, James Wade - Mr and Mrs Wade Halstead, of 307 SharonDrive, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ½ ounce son, September 3, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named James Wade. Mrs Halstead is the former Miss FayeComas. The baby is the grandson of Mrs RV Comas and Mr and Mrs Willie Frank Halstead.TR, Wed 4 Sep 1963

Halstead, Karen Leigh - Mr and Mrs Bobby Halstead announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 4 ½ ounce daughter Sunday, June 23 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Karen Leigh. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs HH Hunt of Thomason and Mr and Mrs W F Halstead of Americus. TR, Mon 24 Jun 1968

Halstead, Leslie - Mr and Mrs Lynn Halstead announce the birthof a daughter Thursday, December 4, at city hospital, who weighed 6 pounds, 8ounces. The baby has been namedLeslie. Mrs Halstead is the former MissBetty Anne Benford, of this city. TR,Tue 9 Dec 1952

Halstead, Lynn Anne - Pvt and Mrs Lynn Halstead announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, May 30, at city hospital, who weighed 6 pounds,12 ounces. The baby has been named LynnAnne for her father and also her mother, the former Miss Betty AnneBenford. TR, Sat 2 Jun 1945.

Halstead, Melissa Anne - Mr and Mrs Raymond E Halstead ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Melissa Anne, who was born Thursday,September 23 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. She weighed 8 pounds, 2 ½ ounces atbirth. The infant has a sister, ToriHalstead. Her grandparents are Mr andMrs Roy Crosby of Americus, Mr and Mrs C F Halstead of Ellaville and J DPritchard of Gautier, Miss. She is thegreat-granddaughter of Mrs Lucille Pritchard, Americuss; Mrs BertieWhittington, Montezuma and Mrs Ethel Halstead, Montezuma. TR, Mon 27 Sep 1982

Halstead, Not named - Mr and Mrs C E Halstead, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a son, Saturday, September 7, at City Hospital. TR, Wed 11 Sep 1946

Halstead, Not named - Mr and Mrs G N Halstead, of Route 3,Ellaville, announce the birth of an 8 pound son, Wednesday, April 18, at cityhospital. TR, Thu 19 Apr 1951

Halstead, Not named - Mr and Mrs W P Halstead announce the birthof a son, Monday, June 22, at city hospital.TR, Fri 26 Jun 1942

Halstead, Randolph Fort III - Mr and Mrs R F Halstead announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 15 3/4 ounce son at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital Friday, April 17. The baby hasbeen named Randolph Fort Halstead III.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs W F Halstead of Americus and Mr and MrsW A Fedorwicz of Miami. TR, Sat 18Apr 1970

Halstead, Shelby Ethelene - Mr and Mrs H G Halstead announcethe birth of a eight-pound baby Friday, Oct 2nd, who has been giventhe name of Shelby Ethelene. Mr and MrsHalstead live near Ellaville in the Midway section. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. TCN, Fri 9 Oct 1936

Halstead, Sue Echo - Mr and Mrs Lynn Halstead, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, March 4, at city hospital, who hasbeen named Sue Echo. The baby weighed 6pounds, 1 ounce. Mrs Halstead was beforemarriage Betty Ann Benford. TR, Wed10 Mar 1948

Halstead, Verna Heather - Mr and Mrs Wade Halstead announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter born Tuesday, June 24 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital who has been given the name of Verna Heather. Mrs Halstead is the former Carol James of thiscity. The baby, who will be called Heather,is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Woodrow James and Mr and Mrs W FHalstead. TR, Wed 25 Jun 1969

Halstead, Victoria Lynn - Mr and Mrs Raymond E Halsteadannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on Sunday, October 8.The infant has been given the name of Victoria Lynn and is to be calledTori. The baby is the granddaughter ofMr and Mrs C E Halstead of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs Roy Crosby of Americus andMr and Mrs Jerry Pritchard of Gautier, Miss.TR, Wed 11 Oct 1978

Halstead, Virginia Karen - Mr and Mrs R F Halstead announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce daughter on July 23 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named Virginia Karen. The grandparents are Mr and Mrs W F Halsteadof Americus and Mr and Mrs W A Federowics of Miami, Fla. TR, Tue 25 Jul 1967

Halstead, William Robert - Mr and Mrs B K Halstead announcethe birth of a son September 10, who has been called William Robert. TR, Sat 15 Sep 1923

Halston, Joy Elaine - Mr and Mrs George Halston, of Preston,announce the birth of a daughter, Joy Elaine, born February 24 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby isthe granddaughter of Mrs Myrtle Austin of Americus and the late Hal Austin andthe late Henry Mincey of Preston. TR,Thu 26 Feb 1970

Hambin, Not named - Mr and Mrs N K Hambin announce the birthof a daughter, Wednesday, February 27, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 28 Feb 1946

Hambric, Debra Ann - Mr and Mrs Robert H Easterlin announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 3 ounce daughter Wednesday, November 26, at cityhospital, who has been named Debra Ann.Mrs Easterlin is the former Miss Marjorie Ann Hambric. TR, Fri 28 Nov 1952

Hambrick, Brian Keith - Mr and Mrs Benny Hambrick,ofEllaville, announce the birth of a son on Thursday, November 16 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The babyweighed 6 pounds, 3 ½ ounces and has been named Brian Keith Hambrick. Mrs Hambrick was the former Kay Davis ofButler. The baby’s grandparents are Mrand Mrs Walton Hambrick, of Ellaville and Mrs Ernest Davis and the late MrDavis of Butler. TR, Tue 21 Nov 1972

Hambrick, Dorothy Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs S D Hambrick announcethe birth of a daughter, July 24, at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs W FPhilips, near Buena Vista, who has been given the name of Dorothy ElizabethHambrick. Mr Hambrick is connected withthe Americus Times Recorder. TR, Fri25 Jul 1924

Hambrick, Melissa Kay - Mr and Mrs Benny Hambrick, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a daughter Saturday, November 30 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 6 pounds, 5 ½ ounces and has been named Melissa Kay. Mrs Hambrick was the former Kay Davis of Butler. Grandparents of the baby are Mr and MrsWalton Hambrick of Ellaville and Mrs Ernest Davis and the late Mr Davis ofButler. The baby also has three brotherswho will welcome her home. They areBarry, Britt and Brian Hambrick. TR,Wed 4 Dec 1974

Hambrick, Not named - Mr and Mrs Hinton Hambrick, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, February 4, at PratherClinic. TR, Wed 4 Feb 1948

Hambrick, Sandra Willeane - Mr and Mrs William Hambrickannounce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, December 19, at Prather Clinic, whohas been given the name Sandra Willeane.TR, Tue 22 Dec 1942

Hamby, John Wesley - Mr and Mrs Russell Hamby announce thebirth of a son, Monday, June 18, at city hospital, who has been named JohnWesley. Mrs Hamby is the former MissLillian Worthington, of Oglethorpe. TR,Fri 22 Jun 1951

Hamilton, Elton Cecil Jr - Mr and Mrs Cecil Hamilton announcethe birth of an eight pound son November 3, at their home 127 Prince Street,Americus. It has been given the nameElton Cecil Jr. Both mother and baby aredoing nicely. TR, Sat 3 Nov 1934

Hamilton, Frances Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs J R Hamilton announcethe birth of a daughter August 13th at the Americus Hospital. She has been given the name FrancesElizabeth. TR, Sat 20 Aug 1927

Hamilton, Jalesa Diane - Rick and Deborah Hamilton of Americusannounce the birth of their daughter, Jalesa Diane, born August 25 at SumterRegional Hospital. Jalesa, as the babywill be called, weighed 5 pounds, 11 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Wyonna B Smith of WarnerRobins and Lewis Smith of Fort Valley and Mattie Pearl Hampton and JosephHampton, both of Americus. Mrs Hamiltonis the former Deborah Smith of Warner Robins.TR, Sat 7 Sep 1991

Hamilton, James Patrick - Major and Mrs Frank Hamilton, ofArlington, Va announce the birth of an 8 pound, 12 ounce son born Friday, March24 at the Naval Bethesda Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland. The baby has been named James PatrickHamilton. He is the grandson of Mr andMrs James Etheridge of Americus and Mr and Mrs Frank Hamilton Sr of Miami,Fla. TR, Sat 25 Mar 1972

Hamilton, Kimberly Lynn - Mr and Mrs Bobby Hamilton, ofSwainsboro, announce the birth of a nine pound, 2 ½ ounce daughter on Tuesday,October 11 in Swainsboro, who has been named Kimberly Lynn. Mrs Hamilton is the former Nancy Turner ofAmericus. The grandparents are MrsMinnie Turner Jordan of Americus and the late James C Turner, also Mr and MrsBarnard Hamilton of Vidalia. AmerTR,Thu 13 Oct 1966

Hamilton, Lala Louise - Mr and Mrs Leroy Hamilton, 1302 SouthLee Street, announce the birth on Dec 20 of a seven and one-half pounddaughter. The baby has been named LalaLouise. TR, Sat 22 Dec 1934

Hamilton, Lucy Janice - Mr and Mrs K Y Hamilton, FelderStreet, announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, November 14th.. She has been named Lucy Janice. TR, Thu 19 Nov 1942

Hamilton, Not named - Mr and Mrs Curtis Hamilton announce thebirth of a son, Monday, October 2, at city hospital. TR, Mon 2 Oct 1939

Hamilton, Not named - Mr and Mrs E Y Hamilton announce thebirth of a daughter, Saturday, March 15, at their home on South LeeStreet. TR, Mon 17 Mar 1941

Hamilton, Octavius Kendrell - Kenneth Hamilton and ContinaHudson of Ellaville announce the birth of a son, Octavius Kendrell, bornNovember 24 at Sumter Regional Hospital.Octavius weighed 6 pounds, 7 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mary Hudson and thelate Otis Hudson Sr of Ellaville.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Willie James Hamilton ofEllaville. TR, Tue 19 Dec 1995

Hamilton, Robert III - Mr and Mrs Robert Hamilton announce thebirth of a seven and a half pound son Tuesday, October 16 at their home on theDawson road. The baby has been given thename Robert Hamilton III and will be called Bobby. TR, Thu 18 Oct 1934

Hamilton, Tracey Jo - Mr and Mrs Joseph Hamilton announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 11 ounce daughter, born Monday, April 1, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital who has been named Tracey Jo. Mr and Mrs Lewis Singleton are grandparentsand Mrs Rena Singleton and Mrs Willie Dismuke of Baltimore, MD aregreat-grandparents. TR, Fri 5 Aug1968

Hamm, Not named - Mr and Mrs W E Hamm, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son, October 7, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 10Oct 1960

Hammack, Caylee Anne - Mike and Connie Hammack of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a daughter, Caylee Anne, born Mar 18 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 9 pounds, 2ounce at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Henry Currington of Mauk and paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs George Hammack of Butler. Caylee hasa brother, Nathan, 12 and a sister, Mollie, 8.TR, Wed 13 Jul 1994

Hammack, Mollie Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Mike Hammack ofEllaville announce the birth of a 10 pound, 6 ½ ounce daughter, MollieElizabeth, born Monday, December 23 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Henry HCurrington of Mauk and Mr and Mrs George F Hammack of Butler. She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs Effie CBone of Butler. She has a brother,Nathan 4. TR, Mon 20 Jan 1986

Hammer, Charlotte Rose - Mr and Mrs Boyce Hammer, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a daughter, Charlotte Rose, Saturday, March 3, atthe Americus and Sumter County County Hospital.The baby weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces.TR, Tue 6 Mar 1956

Hammer, Mary Lynn - Dr and Mrs Earl G Hammer, of Butte,Montana, announce the adoption of a two weeks old daughter, November 9, who hasbeen named Mary Lynn. Mrs Hammer is theformer Miss Carolyn Smith, of Americus and the baby is the granddaughter of Mrand Mrs W Smith, of this city. TR,Fri 10 Nov 1961

Hammett, Stacey Lea - Mr and Mrs Hammett, of Pineview Drive,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 4 ounce daughter, October 29 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Stacey Lea. TR, Thu 30 Oct 1958

Hammock, Lucile Columbia - Mr and Mrs George Hammock, ofOglethorpe, announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, November 6, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces. The baby has been named Lucile Columbia forher maternal grandmother, Mrs S L Hannond and her aunt, Mrs A L Holloway. The baby is the granddaughter also of Mr andMrs J W Hammock, of Oglethorpe. TR,Tue 9 Nov 1954

Hammock, Not named - Mr and Mrs G N Hammock, of Oglethorpe,announce the birth of a 7 pound daughter, June 10, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Fri 10 Jun 1960

Hammond, Clara Clarice - Mr and Mrs Guy Hammond Jr, ofValdosta, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 1 ounce daughter, born Monday, May26 at the Pineview General Hospital, Valdosta.The baby, who has been named Clara Clarice, is the granddaughter of Mrand Mrs Guy Hammond Sr of Americus and Mr and Mrs J M Partin of Tifton. TR, Wed 11 Jun 1969

Hammond, Claudia Elaine - Mr and Mrs Claude R Hammond Jr, ofBelvadere, SC announce the birth of a daughter born Tuesday, March 20 at theUniversity Hospital in Augusta. Thebaby, who has been named Claudia Elaine is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs L MMatthews of Decatur and C R Hammond Sr of Newnam. Her mother is the former LawrenMatthews. The baby is the great-niece ofMr and Mrs H V Williamson of Americus.. TR,Fri 23 Mar 1973

Hammond, Clifford Lawrence - Mr and Mrs Claude Hammond Jr, ofLorraine Avenue announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ½ ounce son, born Thursday,August 27 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named Clifford Lawrence. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs L MMathews, of Decatur and Mr and Mrs Claude Hammond Sr of Newnan. TR, Tue 1 Sep 1970

Hammond, Evelyn Vesta - Mr and Mrs V S (Pete) Hammond ofJacksonville, Fla, announce the birth of a daughter, November 7, who has beennamed Evelyn Vesta. Mr Hammond is aformer resident of this city. TR, Wed16 Dec 1942

Hammond, Faith Lynette - Mr and Mrs L G Hammond announce thebirth of a 7 ½ pound daughter, Monday, October 6, at city hospital, who hasbeen named Faith Lynette. Mrs Hammondwas formerly Mrs Faith Weisner, of Smithville.TR, Mon 6 Oct 1941

Hammond, Guy III - Mr and Mrs Guy C Hammond Jr, of Conyers,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son born October 28 at the DeKalbGeneral Hospital. The baby has beengiven the name of Guy III. He is the grandsonof Mr and Mrs Guy C Hammond Sr of Americus and Mr and Mrs J M Partain ofTifton. TR, Thu 11 Nov 1971

Hammond, Joseph Samuel - Mr and Mrs Archie Hammond announcethe birth of a son, Friday, August 22, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedJoseph Samuel. Mrs Hammond is the formerMiss Lorice Phillips, of Plains. TR,Sat 23 Aug 1947

Hammond, Kandy Lee - Mr and Mrs Guy C Hammond Jr, of StoneMountain, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce daughter born Tuesday,January 8 who has been named Kandy Lee.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Guy Hammond Sr of Americusand Mr and Mrs J M Partain of Tifton.Her great-grandparents are Prather Henderson of this city and Mrs H LHammond of Phenix City, Ala. TR, Thu17 Jan 1974

Hammond, Mary Elaine - Mr and Mrs Lynn Hammond announce thebirth of a daughter, Saturday, April 28, at city hospital, who has been namedMary Elaine. Mrs Hammond was formerlyMiss Faith Weisner, of Smithville. TR,Tue 1 May 1945

Hammond, Mary Lee - Mr and Mrs G C Hammond announce the birthof a daughter, May 30, at Prather Clinic, who has been named Mary Lee. TR, Fri 4 Jun 1948

Hammond, Mary Williams - Mr and Mrs S L Hammond announce thebirth of a daughter on April 21, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been given thename of Mary Williams. Mrs Hammond willbe remembered as Miss Lucile Parker before her marriage. TR, Mon 25 Apr 1927

Hammond, Not named - Mr and Mrs Guy C Hammond, of Columbus,announce the birth of a son, Sunday, March 14, at the Columbus cityhospital. Mrs Hammond, before hermarriage was Miss Nettie Claire Henderson, of Americus. TR, Mon 15 Mar 1943

Hammond, Not named - Mr and Mrs L G Hammond announce thebirth of a son, Friday, August 15, at city hospital. TR, Wed 20 Aug 1947

Hammons, Not named - Capt and Mrs W D Hammons, of Ft Jackson,S C, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce daughter January 12. Mrs Hammons is the former Mary Ann Kimble ofAmericus and the baby is the granddaughter of Dr and Mrs A C Kimble, of thiscity. TR, Wed 13 Jan 1965

Hamon, Not named - Mr and Mrs L H Hamon, of Richland,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, April 11. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces. TR, Thu 14 Apr 1949

Hamrick, Not named - Mr and Mrs Abner Hamrick of Midway inSchley county, announce the birth of a son Saturday March 24. Mother and baby are doing fine. TCN, Fri 30 Mar 1934

Hamrick, Not named - Mr and Mrs J M Hamrick announce thebirth of a daughter April 24, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 26 Apr 1928

Hamrick, Not named - Mr and Mrs Sam Hamrick, of Thomaston,announce the birth of a son, Sunday, April 24, who weighed 6 ½ pounds. Mrs Hamrick is a former resident of Americus. TR, Tue 3 May 1949

Hamrick, Thomas Bryan - Mr and Mrs Ben Hamrick announce thebirth of a son born Thursday, August 19 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 8pounds, 5 1/4 ounces has been named Thomas Bryan. The infant is the grandson of Mr and Mrs FredBaxter of Dawson and the late Mr and Mrs J S Hamrick Sr of Albany. TR, Wed 23 Aug 1978

Hanco*ck, Anne - Mr and Mrs C L Hanco*ck Jr announce the birthof an 8 pound daughter, Anne, born Tuesday, August 7 at Sumter RegionalHospital. She is the granddaughter of Mrand Mrs Russell Holloway and Mr and Mrs G L Hanco*ck Sr, all of Americus and thegreat-granddaughter of Mrs Bob Smith of Plains and Mrs Gladys Hanco*ck ofAmericus. She has two brothers, Nick, 5and Wes 2. TR, Mon 13 Aug 1984

Hanco*ck, Cecil Robert - Mr and Mrs Richard Hanco*ck ofMoultrie announce the birth of a son, Cecil Robert, born July 13 at ColquittRegional Medical Center. The infantweighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs James R Hart and Mrs Sue Johnson, all ofAmericus; Mr and Mrs Gene Turner, Moultrie; and Mr and Mrs Cecil Hanco*ck ofMoultrie. TR, Tue 12 Sep 1989

Hanco*ck, Cheryl Regina - Mr and Mrs Eugene Hanco*ck, ofRichland, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ½ ounce daughter, October 26, whohas been named Cheryl Regina. The babywas born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 29 Oct 1962

Hanco*ck, Cleveland LaFayette Jr - Mr and Mrs C L Hanco*ckannounce the birth of a 7 ½ pound son Sunday, May 11, at Prather Clinic, whohas been named Cleveland LaFayette Jr.Mrs Hanco*ck was before marriage Miss Jennie Coptsias. TR, Mon 19 May 1952

Hanco*ck, Deborah Ann - Mr and Mrs Roland Hanco*ck, of 210 ELamar Street, announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, August 27, whoweighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces. The babyhas been named Deborah Ann. TR, Mon29 Aug 1955

Hanco*ck, Donald Rigas - Mr and Mrs Cleveland LaFayetteHanco*ck announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce son, Sunday, June 19, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Donald Rigas. Mrs Hanco*ck is the former Miss JennieCoptsias. TR, Thu 23 Jun 1955

Hanco*ck, George Patrick - Mr and Mrs George E Hanco*ck, ofRichland, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 6 ounce son Friday, April 5 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who has been named George Patrick has one sister, Teresa Gayle, who isalmost three years old. He is thegrandson of E A Hanco*ck of Richland and Mrs Bronnie Hanco*ck of Americus and Mrand Mrs Alton Crawley of Plains. TR,Mon 8 Apr 1968

Hanco*ck, Gregory Eugene II - Mr and Mrs Greg Hanco*ck ofAmericus announce the birth of a son Gregory Eugene II, born May 11 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 1 ounce at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Gene Hanco*ck of Americus; Mr and Mrs Ron Provencher of PanamaCanal Zone and Mr and Mrs Robert Coppock of Vincennes, Ind. Madonna Reed of Richland isgreat-greatmother. TR, Wed 22 Jun1988

Hanco*ck, Jade Ansley - Mr and Mrs Peyton Hanco*ck Jr ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Jade Ansley, born August 23 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mrs R P Hanco*ck of Americus; Tommy Morris, Albany; andMrs Sarah Morris of Jonesboro. TR,Tue 1 Sep 1987

Hanco*ck, Marshall Larry Jr - Mr and Mrs Larry Hanco*ckannounce the birth of a son, Marshall Larry Hanco*ck Jr, who was born Tuesday,May 28 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 8 ½ ounces. He is the grandson of Mrs J G Tatum Sr andthe late Mr Tatum of Americus and Mrs Estelle A Hanco*ck and Claude M Hanco*ck,both of Thomaston. TR, Wed 29 May1974

Hanco*ck, Nicholas Lyle - Mr and Mrs Steve Hanco*ck Jr announcethe birth of an 8 pound son born July 17.Nicholas Lyle is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Russell Holloway and Mr andMrs C L Hanco*ck Sr. The infant is thegreat-grandson of Mrs Aubrey Smith and Mrs Gladys Hanco*ck. TR, Fri 20 Jul 1979

Hanco*ck, Not named - Mr and Mrs Eugene Hanco*ck, of Richland,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce son, November 10, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Wed 11Nov 1964

Hanco*ck, Not named - Mr and Mrs Eugene Hanco*ck, of Richland,announce the birth of a daughter, August 29 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Wed 30 Aug 1961

Hanco*ck, Not named - Mr and Mrs John H Hanco*ck, of Cordele,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 1/4 ounce son, January 21, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Wed22 Jan 1964

Hanco*ck, Not named - Mr and Mrs M L Hanco*ck, of 427 South LeeStreet, announce the birth of a daughter at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on September 12, who weighed 6 pounds, 11 ½ ounces. TR, Mon 13 Sep 1965

Hanco*ck, Perry Mitchell - Mr and Mrs Roland Hanco*ck, of 210Lamar Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound son, October 10, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Perry Mitchell. TR, Tue 11 Oct 1960

Hanco*ck, Robert Wesley - Mr and Mrs Steve Hanco*ck Jr announcethe birth of a son Tuesday, May 11 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who has been namedRobert Wesley Hanco*ck weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces. Wes has a brother, Nick. The infant is the grandson of Mr and Mrs C LHanco*ck Sr and Mr and Mrs Robert Holloway, all of Americus. He is the great-grandson of Mrs GladysHanco*ck of Americus and Mrs Aubrey Smith of Plains. TR, Mon 17 May 1982

Hanco*ck, Teresa Gayle - Mr and Mrs George Hanco*ck, ofRichland, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce daughter, born April 28 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Teresa Gayle.TR, Tue 4 May 1965

Hand, Emmett Bruce Jr - Is the name of the son of Mr andMrs E B Hand, who was born Sunday, Sept 26, at city hospital. TR, Wed 29 Sep 1943

Handelman, Daniel Todd - Mr and Mrs Todd Handelman of Albanyannounce the birth of a son, Daniel Todd, born April 9 at Sumter RegionalHospital. Paternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs Leon F Handelman of Dunwoody and maternal grandparents are Dr and MrsCharles R Sheffield of Americus. MrsHandelman is the former Miss Ann Sheffield of Americus. Great-grandmothers are Mrs Louis Franklin of Dunwoody; MrsMonroe Sheffield of Dawson; and Mrs Roscoe F Mitchell of Americus. TR, Thu 16 May 1991

Hanks, Laura Leigh - Mr and Mrs Chuck Hanks announce thebirth of their daughter, Laura Leigh Hanks, who was born on Wednesday,September 14 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. Laura Leigh’s maternal grandparents are Capt(Ret) and Mrs Paul E Preskitt of Americus.Her paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Thomas E Hanks Jr ofSpringfield, Va and Sgt (Ret) and Mrs Charles E Garrett of Americus. Her great-grandparents are Mrs M V Law ofAmericus; Mrs Thomas B Hanks Sr of Hayes, NC and Mr and Mrs D R Garrett ofAmericus. TR, Tue 20 Sep 1983

Hanley, Adam Christopher - Rick and Tina Hanley announce thebirth of a son, Adam Christopher, Nov 2 at the Medical Center in Columbus. The infant weighed 9 pounds, 8 ounces. Grandparents are Harold and Chris Austin ofAmericus, Dorothy Enos of Boise, Idaho and Jerry Hanley of Tucson, Ariz. Great-grandfather is James Hanley ofChewelah, Wash. He has a brother, Logan,8. TR, Tue 23 Nov 1999

Hanley, Logan Richard - Spc and Mrs Richard James Hanley ofBomholder, Germany announce the birth of a son, Logan Richard, born Wednesday,June 5 at Kusel Hospital, Kusel, Germany.The infant, who is called Logan, weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces at birth. Mrs Hanley is the former Miss Tina Austin ofAmericus. Maternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs Harold Austin of Americus and paternal grandparents are Gerald Hanleyof Tuscon, Az and Mrs Dorothy Orr of Boise, Idaho. TR, Tue 11 Jun 1991

Hanna, Alice Josephine - Mr and Mrs Ellis Hanna announcethe birth of a daughter on February 19.The baby has been given the name of Alice Josephine. Mrs Hanna will be remembered here as MissAlice Thomas. TR, Fri 24 Feb 1933

Hanna, Not named - Cpl and Mrs John Hanna announce thebirth of a son Wednesday, May 24, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 25 May 1944

Hanner, Not named - Mr and Mrs Alton Hanner, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a 5 pound, 3 ounce daughter, January 4, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 5Jan 1959

Hanner, Not named - Mr and Mrs Boyce Hanner, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce daughter June 1, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 2 Jun1960

Hanner, Richmond Riley - Mr and Mrs Jack Hanner, of Parrott,announce the birth of a son, Thursday, July 11 at the city hospital. The baby has been named Richmond Riley. TR, Fri 12 Jul 1940

Hannon, Henry Floyd - Mr and Mrs J H Hannon announce thebirth of a son, Friday, October 21, who has been named Henry Floyd Hannon. TR, Tue 25 Oct 1921

Hanson, Kristen Kay - Capt and Mrs Ronald Hanson announcethe birth of a daughter on November 7 at the Army Hospital, Monterey,Calif. The baby weighed 6 pounds and hasbeen named Kristen Kay. Mrs Hanson isthe former Nancy Fouche of Ellaville.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs T H Fouche of Ellaville andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs John R Hanson of Palos Verdes Estates,Calif. TR, Tue 23 Nov 1971

Hanson, Morgan Quinn - Mr and Mrs Bill Hanson of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Morgan Quinn, born Sunday, February 18 at theMedical Center of Columbus. The infantweighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces. Maternalgrandparents are Mrs Robert Hightower Jr of Columbus and Dr Ben H Williams ofColumbia, SC. Paternal grandparents areMr and Mrs Michael Goodman of Memphis, Tenn.Mrs Hanson is the former Ellen Williams.TR, Thu 22 Feb 1996

Hanson, Not named - Mr and Mrs J R Hanson, of 210 WestCollege Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ½ ounce daughter, bornDecember 12 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 13 Dec 1962

Harbort, Joseph Hugh - Capt and Mrs Scott T Harbort of LosAngeles, California announce the birth of a son, Joseph Hugh, on August 6 inLos Angeles. Mrs Harbort is the formerJanet McLendon of Oglethorpe. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Mike McLendon of Oglethorpe and Rev and Mrs HughHarbort of Americus. Maternalgrandparents are Mrs J B McLendon of Oglethorpe, Mrs Joe S Jackson of Edison,Mrs Arnell co*ker of Americus and Hugh V Harbort of Ashville, NC. TR, Wed 20 Aug 1997

Harbuck, Amanda Legenie - Edna and Jimmy Harbuck, of Rupert,are the parents of a 9 pound daughter, born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on March 21. The baby has beennamed Amanda Legenie. TR, Tue 22 Mar1966

Harbuck, Angela Renee - Mr and Mrs Donald Harbuck, of 503 ElmAvenue, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce daughter at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, on August 16.The baby has been named Angela Renee.TR, Wed 19 Aug 1964

Harbuck, Bobbie Sue - Mr and Mrs Frank L Harbuck, of 614Jackson Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter, born at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, January 23 named Bobbie Sue. TR, Mon 24 Jan 1966

Harbuck, Braden Scott - Gary and Dawn Harbuck of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Branden Scott, born Nov 30 at Phoebe PutneyHospital, Albany. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Bob Preston of Americus, the late Wiley Harbuck of Buena Vista, Mr andMrs Wayne Scott of Americus. Great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs George Crawley of Leesburg.TR, Fri 18 Dec 1994

Harbuck, Carey Gordon - Mr and Mrs Carey Harbuck Jr announcethe birth of a son born Tuesday, December 19 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital who weighed 7 pounds, 3 3/4 ounces.The infant has been named Carey Gordon and is to be called Carey. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Carey Harbuck Srof Americus and Mr and Mrs Frank B Shannon of Portland, Oregon. TR, Wed 27 Dec 1978

Harbuck, Clinton Lamar - Mr and Mrs Frank L Harbuck, of 117Prince Street, are the parents of a 7 pound, 4 ounce son, born May 10, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Clinton Lamar. TR, Mon 11 May 1964

Harbuck, David Boyette - Mr and Mrs James C Harbuck Jr, of146 E College Street, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 9 ounce son on January30 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.He has been named David Boyette. TR,Tue 31 Jan 1961

Harbuck, David Morgan - Mr and Mrs C B Harbuck announce thebirth of a son, Monday, June 21, at Prather Clinic, who has been named DavidMorgan. Mrs Harbuck was before marriageMiss Helen Morgan. TR, Friday 6 Jul1945

Harbuck, Dawn Suzanne - Mr and Mrs Timothy Marshall Harbuck,of Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce daughter Friday, August23 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been given the name of Dawn Suzanne. She is the granddaughter of Sgt and MrsCharles E Garrett, of Kaisaur, Germany and Mrs Beva Wells and Grant Wells ofAmericus. She is the great-granddaughterof Mr and Mrs Herman Fick, of Lapeer, Michigan and Mrs Jean Wells, Fairhope,Alabama and Mr and Mrs Dailey Garrett, of Lake Blackshear. TR, Wed 28 Aug 1968

Harbuck, Donald Alston - Mr and Mrs Carlton Harbuck announcethe birth of a six-pound son, Wednesday, October 21, at Prather Clinic, who hasbeen named Donald Alston. Mrs Harbuck isthe former Miss Helen Morgan. TR, Wed21 Oct 1942

Harbuck, Donald Bradley - Mr and Mrs Donald Harbuck announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce son Sunday, August 17 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital who has been given the name of Donald Bradley. The baby is the grandson of Mr and MrsCarlton Harbuck, of Atlanta and the late Mr and Mrs John Rogers of Hartsville,S C. TR, Mon 18 Aug 1969

Harbuck, Gregory Eugene - Mr and Mrs Gene Harbuck announcethe birth of a son, born March 30, 1962, who has been named GregoryEugene. TR, Fri 20 Jul 1962

Harbuck, Heather Michelle - Spec5 and Mrs Timothy Harbuck, ofTaipei, Taiwan, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce daughter born Thursday,January 14. The baby, who has been namedHeather Michelle, is the granddaughter of Mrs Belva Wells and Mr and MrsCharles Garrett, all of Americus. TR,Fri 14 Jan 1972

Harbuck, Helen Sharon - Mr and Mrs C B Harbuck announce thebirth of a daughter Tuesday, June 8, at Americus and Sumter County Hospital,who weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces. Thebaby has been named Helen Sharon. TR,Mon 21 Jun 1954

Harbuck, James Linton - Mr and Mrs J E Harbuck Jr, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 8 ounce son, Sunday, September 28 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named James Linton. TR, Mon 29 Sep 1958

Harbuck, Jennifer Maurice - Mr and Mrs Lemuel Harbuckannounce the birth of a daughter born Friday, June 30 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who weighed 7pounds, 7 3/4 ounces has been named Jennifer Maurice. She is the granddaughter of Mrs C L Jarrettand the late Mr Jarrett of Americus and Mr and Mrs Willie Harbuck of BuenaVista. TR, Fri 7 Jul 1972

Harbuck, Johnny Frank - Mr and Mrs Frank Harbuck, of 203Brown Street, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 1 ounce son, February 10 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Johnny Frank. TR, Mon 11 Feb 1963

Harbuck, Julia Anne - Mr and Mrs James Harbuck, of Ellaville,are the parents of an 8 pound, 10 ½ ounce daughter, Julia Anne, born December 2at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 3 Dec 1962

Harbuck, Linda Diane - Mr and Mrs Archie Harbuck announce thebirth of a daughter August 26 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby who weighed 7 pounds, 11 1/4 ounceshas been given the name of Linda Diane.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J G Shutters, of Americus and Mrand Mrs Filmore Harbuck of Buena Vista. TR,Sat 27 Aug 1966

Harbuck, Martha Carlene - Mr and Mrs Carlton Harbuck announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce daughter Monday, June 11, at PratherClinic. The baby has been named MarthaCarlene. Mrs Harbuck is the former MissHelen Morgan, of Americus and Columbus. TR,Thu, 21 Jun 1951

Harbuck, Michael Anthony - Mr and Mrs Donald Harbuck announcethe birth of a son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Wednesday,July 18. The baby, who weighed 7 pound,6 ½ ounces has been named Michael Anthony.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs C B Harbuck of Chamblee and the late Mrand Mrs John Rodgers of Hartsville, S C.TR, Mon 23 Jul 1973

Harbuck, Michael Anthony - Mr and Mrs Oscar Harbuck Jr, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son, born at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital on February 16.The baby has been given the name of Michael Anthony. The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs TurnerBarwick and Mr and Mrs Oscar Harbuck Sr of Ellaville. TR, Wed 25 Feb 1970

Harbuck, Not named - Mr and Mrs Donald Harbuck, of 701 SunsetDrive, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ½ ounce son March 8 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Wed 9Mar 1966

Harbuck, Not named - Mr and Mrs Earl Harbuck, of Route 2Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce daughter at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital on December 17.TR, Fri 18 Dec 1964

Harbuck, Not named - Mr and Mrs Edgar Harbuck announce thebirth of a daughter, May 11, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Sat 12 May 1956

Harbuck, Not named - Mr and Mrs H B Harbuck announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce son, Friday, November 11 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 14Nov 1955

Harbuck, Not named - Mr and Mrs J C Harbuck announce thebirth of an 8 ½ pound daughter this morning September 16 at their home onJefferson Street. Mrs Harbuck was beforemarriage Miss Lizzie Collum. TR, Thu16 Sep 1937

Harbuck, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Harbuck, of Route 3Ellaville, are the parents of a 9 pound, 5 ½ ounce son, born March 17 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 18 Mar 1964

Harbuck, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Harbuck, of 712 SpringStreet, are the parents of a 9 pound son, born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Wed 10 Nov 1965

Harbuck, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lemuel Harbuck, of Americus,are the parents of a 7 pound, 3 ½ ounce son, born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on May 13. TR, Thu 13May 1965

Harbuck, Not named - Mr and Mrs O B Harbuck, of Ellaville,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 13 ounce daughter, Tuesday, November 4 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 5 Nov 1958

Harbuck, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert F Harbuck, of 604 ElmAvenue, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce daughter, born December 25at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 26 Dec 1962

Harbuck, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert Harbuck, of 705 GailStreet, are the parents of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter, born Wednesday, August18, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Wed 18 Aug 1965

Harbuck, Richard Wayne Jr - Mr and Mrs Richard W Harbuck, ofPlains, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce son January 18 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who has been named Richard Wayne Jr is the grandson of Mr and Mrs J TKnight, of Plains and Sgt and Mrs Charles Garrett of Americus. TR, Tue 19 Jan 1965

Harbuck, Rita Faye - Mr and Mrs Archie Harbuck announce thebirth of a 9 pound, 2 ounce daughter, born Tuesday, December 2 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who has been named Rita Faye is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J G Shutters ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Filmore Harbuck of Buena Vista. TR, Thu 4 Dec 1969

Harbuck, Robert Joseph Alston - Mr and Mrs Darrel Harbuck ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Robert Joseph Alston, born August 25 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Russel Conley of Americus and paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Donnie Harbuck of Warner Robins and Mrs Loretta Harbuck ofAmericus. Great-grandparents are Mr andMrs Joe Underwood; Mr and Mrs Ad Conley; and Mr and Mrs Carlton Harbuck, all ofAmericus. Alston has two sisters, Crissyand Mikki and a brother, Ross. TR,Thu 12 Sep 1991

Harbuck, Teressa Dianne - Mr and Mrs Oscar Harbuck Jr, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 7 pound daughter, born January 18 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of TeressaDianne. The baby is the granddaughter ofMr and Mrs Turner Barwick of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs Oscar Harbuck, Sr. TR, Thu 18 Jan 1968

Harbuck, Timothy Marshall - Mr and Mrs Cleveland M Harbuckannounce the birth of a son, Saturday, February 1, at city hospital, who hasbeen named Timothy Marshall. Mrs Harbuckwas the former Miss Martha Cox. TR,Tue 11 Feb 1947

Harbuck, Twin Boys - Mr and Mrs R M Harbuck, of McGarrahStreet, Brooklyn Heights, announce the birth of twin boys Sunday. TR, Wed 28 Apr 1920

Harbuck, William Alexander - Mr and Mrs Gary Harbuck ofHouston, Texas announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ounce son, William AlexanderHarbuck born Tuesday, May 25 at Memorial City Hospital in Houston. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Roland Crowder ofEllaville and Mr and Mrs Abb Preston of Plains.TR, Wed 9 Jun 1982

Harbuck, William Filmore - Mr and Mrs Billy Harbuck, Route 3Americus, announce the birth of a son, William Filmore Harbuck Saturday,October 7 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces atbirth. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs FilmoreHarbuck, Buena Vista and Mr and Mrs J G Shuttles, Route 3 Americus. TR, Thu 12 Oct 1972

Hardage, Not named - Mr and Mrs H G Hardage announce thebirth of a daughter yesterday morning, September 27 at their home on LamarStreet. The baby weighed fivepounds. TR, Wed 28 Sep 1932

Hardegree, Mattie Marshall - Mr and Mrs William Bryan HardegreeIII of Albany announce the birth of a daughter, Mattie Marshall, born May 18 atPhoebe Putney Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces. MrsHardegree is the former Miss Marsha Carnes of Americus. Maternal grandparents are Fran Dykes ofAtlanta and John Howard Carnes of Albany.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs William Bryan Hardegree Jr ofColumbus. Great-grandparents are MrsMarshall Dykes of Americus and the late Wingate Dykes. TR, Sat 25 May 1996

Harden, Charles Rice - Mr and Mrs Rice M Harden announce thebirth of a son this morning at their home on Felder Street, who has been namedCharles Rice. Mrs Harden was before hermarriage Miss Lollie Chapman. TR, Fri20 Apr 1934

Harden, Deirdre Renee - Mr and Mrs Bob Harden, of GlendaleEstates, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ½ ounce daughter April 25 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Deirdre Renee. TR,Mon 1 May 1967

Harden, James Edward III - Mr and Mrs James Edward HardenJr, of Decatur, announce the birth of a son, Friday, June 14, who has beennamed James Edward III. Mrs Harden isthe former Miss Grace Moore, of Americus.TR, Sat 15 Jun 1957

Harden, Not named - Mr and Mrs D H Harden of Arabi announcethe birth of a daughter on December 22 at City Hospital. TCN, Thu 23 Dec 1948

Harden, Not named - Mr and Mrs H W Harden, of Preston,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, November 13, at city hospital. TR, Wed 15 Nov 1945

Harden, Not named - Mr and Mrs Harold Harden, of Route 2,announce the birth of a 7 pound, one ounce daughter, Monday, November 16 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 17 Nov 1964

Harden, Not named - Mr and Mrs Henry W Harden, of Ellaville,are the parents of a 9 pound, 1 ounce son, born September 22 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Sat23 Sep 1961

Harden, Not named - Mr and Mrs J C Harden announce the birthof a son, Saturday, June 1, at City Hospital.TR, Mon 3 Jun 1946

Harden, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ralph Harden, of Macon,announce the birth of a daughter Tuesday, Oct 27, at Middle GeorgiaHospital. Mrs Harden was before hermarriage Miss Helen Hambrick of the Chambliss community. TR, Sat 31 Oct 1936

Harden, Not named - Mr and Mrs Roy Harden, of 608 ElmAvenue, announce the birth of a 7 pound daughter at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, Saturday, April 26. TR,Mon 28 Apr 1958

Harden, Steven Keith - Mr and Mrs Steve Harden are theparents of a 5 pound, 9 1/4 ounce son born Tuesday, February 14 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Steve Keith.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Roy Harden and Mr and Mrs James Howard, allof Americus. TR, Fri 17 Feb 1978

Harden, Tammie Diane - Mr and Mrs Harold Harden, of Route 2Americus, announce the birth of an 8 pound ½ ounce daughter on Jul 23 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Tammie Diane. TR, Wed 24 Jul 1963

Harden, Warren Jack - Mr and Mrs Delton Harden, of LeslieRoad, announce the birth of a son on August 16 at City Hospital. He weighed nine pounds, three ounces and isnamed Warren Jack. TR, Wed 23 Aug1950

Harden, Wyndell Christy - Mr and Mrs E G Harden, of 112Oliver Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce son April 9 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Wyndell Christy. TR, Thu 10 Apr 1958

Hardester, Jenny Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Michael Hardesterannounce the birth of a daughter, Jenny Elizabeth, born October 14 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 1 ounce at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Buford Waddell and paternal grandmother is Mrs InezHardester. The infant has a brother,Michael, age four. TR, Mon 24 Oct1988

Hardin, Blake Lewis - Mr and Mrs Plez Hardin of Leslie arethe parents of an 8 pound, 3 ounce son born at Phoebe Putney Hospital in AlbanySaturday, January 29. The baby has beennamed Blake Lewis. He has two brothers,Plez Jr and Geoffrey. The infant is thegrandson of Mrs Mason Beauchamp of Americus and Mrs Lewis Hardin of Arabi. TR, Mon 30 Jan 1978

Hardin, Geffory Mason - Mr and Mrs Plez Hardin announce thebirth of a 7 pound son born Sunday, August 22 at the Phoebe Putney Hospital inAlbany who has been given the name of Geffory Mason. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs LewisHardin of Arabi and Mrs Mason Beauchamp of Smithville. TR, Mon 23 Aug 1971

Hardin, Julia Caroline - Plez and Kim Hardin of Maconannounce the birth of a daughter, Julia Caroline, born March 22 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 13 ounces. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Plez Hardin of Americus and Mr and Mrs William Brown of Montezuma. Great-grandparents are Thelma Beauchamp ofAmericus and Jeanette Cross of Montezuma.She has a sister, Sarah Beth, 4. TR,Tue 20 Apr 1999

Hardin, Not named - Mr and Mrs Franklin Hardin, of EcklesRoad, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce son, November 26 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 27 Nov 1964

Hardin, Plez Higdon - Mr and Mrs Plez Hardin, of Smithville,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce son, Plez Higdon, at Phoebe Putneyin Albany on February 15. The baby’sgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Mason Beauchamp, of Smithville and Mr and Mrs LouisHardin of Arabi. The baby’sgreat-grandmothers are Mrs W T Manry and Mrs J E Joyner of Americus. TR, Mon 16 Feb 1970

Hardin, Sarah Elizabeth - Plez and Kim Hardin of Montezumaannounce the birth of a daughter, Sarah Elizabeth, born July 27 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 8 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs William L Brown of Montezuma and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Plez Hardin of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Hubert LCross of Montezuma and Mrs Mason Beauchamp of Americus. TR, Tue 9 Aug 1994

Hardin, William Eugene - Mr and Mrs E E Hardin, of Eastman,announce the birth of a son Friday, January 7, who has been named WilliamEugene. Mrs Harden was formerly Miss AnnaHardin, of Americus. TR, Sat 15 Jan1944

Hardy, Deanna Lynn - Sp4 and Mrs Jimmy Hardy of Smithvilleannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Deanna Lynn Hardy, bornMarch 17. Deanna’s grandparents are Mrand Mrs Henry L Young of Smithville and Mr and Mrs Hugh M Hardy ofSycamore. She is the great-granddaughterof Mrs S L Young of Smithville and Mrs J M Hardy and Mrs J L Ward, both ofSycamore. Deanna has two brothers,Justin and Jay. TR, Mon 26 Mar 1984

Hardy, Donna Sue - Mr and Mrs D H Hardy, of 534 Oak Avenue,are the parents of a 6 pound, 13 ½ ounce daughter, born Decembe 4 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Donna Sue. TR, Wed 4 Dec 1963

Hardy, Justin Dean - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Hardy, of Smithvilleannounce the birth of a son, Justin Dean born July 4. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Henry Young,Smithville and Mr and Mrs Hugh M Hardy, Sycamore. He is the great-grandson of Mrs S L Young,Smithville, Mr and Mrs J Mallory Hardy and Mrs J L Ward of Sycamore. TR, Wed 18 Jul 1979

Hardy, William E Jr - Lt and Mrs William E (Soapy) Hardyannounce the birth of a seven pound, 7 ounce son, Thursday, October 10 atPrather Clinic, who has been named William E Jr. Mrs Hardy was before marriage Miss GloriaCarter, of Plains. Lt Hardy is stationedat Randolph Field, Texas. TR, Fri 11Oct 1946

Hardy, William Everette Jr - Mr and Mrs W E Hardy, ofCharlotte, N C, announce the birth of a son Thursday, May 8, who has been namedWilliam Everette Hardy Jr. The baby isthe grandson of Mrs Allene Hardy, of this city.TR, Fri 9 May 1952

Hargrove, Benjamin Sanford Jr - Mr and Mrs Benjamin SanfordHargrove, of 204 E Dodson, announce the birth of an 8 pound, one ounce son,October 25 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedBenjamin Sanford Jr. TR, Mon 27 Oct1958

Hargrove, Beverly Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Charles Hargroveannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter Friday, July 10 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been given the name of Beverly Elizabeth. TR, Sat 12 Jul 1970

Hargrove, Brittany Dawn - Mr and Mrs David Hargrove ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter who has been given the name BrittanyDawn. She was born Sunday, September 26at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital and weighed 8 pounds, 7 ½ounces. The infant is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs Henry Newell of Pitts and Mr and Mrs Charles Hargrove of LakeBlackshear. Her great-grandparents areMrs Julia Nutt, Pitts and Mrs H D Bagley, Americus. TR, Thu 7 Oct 1982

Hargrove, Charlotte Rachael - Mr and Mrs W A Hargrove announcethe birth of a daughter Saturday, February 15, who has been given the name ofCharlotte Rachael. TCN, Fri 21 Feb1936

Hargrove, David Channing - Mr and Mrs David Hargrove announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 13 ounce son, David Channing, born Monday, October 21at Sumter Regional Hospital. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Henry Newell of Pitts and Mr and Mrs Charles Hargrove ofLake Blackshear. Great-grandparents areMr and Mrs H D Bagley of Americus. Hehas a sister, Brittany. TR, Fri 1 Nov1985

Hargrove, David Charles - Mr and Mrs Charles M Hargrove, of614 Oak Avenue, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce son Wednesday, April27, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named DavidCharles. The baby is the grandson of MrsH D Bagley and Mr and Mrs J D Lane of the Chambliss community. TR, Thu 28 Apr 1955

Hargrove, Dustin Blaze - Ben and Sherrie Hargrove of Upper RiverRoad, Americus announce the birth of a son, Dustin Blaze, born Friday, April 14at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mrs Jerry Hargrove and the late Mr SanfordHargrove of Americus and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs William Teal ofRochelle. Great-grandparents are MrsElizabeth Bagley of Americus, Mrs Sara Jarrell of Rochelle and Mrs Birdie Tealof Rhine. Blaze, as the infant iscalled, has twin sisters, Blake and Brooke, age seven. TR, Tue 18 Apr 1989

Hargrove, Genie Lane - Mr and Mrs Bud Hargrove of Edisonannounce the birth of a daughter, Genie Lane, born Sep 9 at Phoebe PutneyHospital, Albany. The infant weighed 8pounds, 11 ounces. Her grandparents areMr and Mrs Johnny Hargrove of Americus and Mr and Mrs Randy Lane ofEdison. She is the great-granddaughterof Mrs Clyde Clark of Americus and Mr and Mrs Talmadge Fincher ofArlington. She is thegreat-great-granddaughter of Bernice Sasser and Ethel Fincher, both ofArlington. TR, Wed 16 Sep 1998

Hargrove, Heidi Lauren - Mr and Mrs Terry Hargrove of DeSotoannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 11 ½ ounce daughter, Heidi Lauren, bornWednesday, July 31 at Sumter Regional Hospital.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Henry Newell of Pitts and Mr and Mrs CharlesHargrove of Lake Blackshear.Great-grandparents are Mrs H D Bagley of Americus and Mrs Julia Nutt ofPitts. TR, Thu 8 Aug 1985

Hargrove, Jennifer Lynn - Mr and Mrs Sanford Hargrove announcethe birth of a daughter, born Monday, January 23 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces. The baby has been named Jennifer Lynn. TR, Mon 23 Jan 1967

Hargrove, John Cullen III - Mr and Mrs John C Hargroveannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 11 ½ ounce son born Sunday, September 10 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named John Cullen Hargrove III and is to be called“Bud”. Bud’s grandparents are Mrs H DBagley and the late J C Hargrove and Mr and Mrs F C Clark, all ofAmericus. TR, Wed 13 Sep 1972

Hargrove, Kimberly Ann - Mr and Mrs John C Hargrove Jr, of 409Rogers Street, announce the birth of a six pound, 14 ounce daughter, bornAugust 30, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been given the name of KimberlyAnn. TR, Fri 30 Aug 1963

Hargrove, Marci Lynn - Lt and Mrs Al Hargrove, of Ft Jackson,SC, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce daughter Sunday, November 30 inColumbia, SC. The baby, who has beennamed Marci Lynn is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs W W Foy of this city andthe late Mr and Mrs Douglas Hargrove, also of Americus. TR, Tue 2 Dec 1969

Hargrove, Michelle Dianne - SSgt and Mrs I E “Buck” Hargroveannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 6 ounce daughter September 1, who has beennamed Michelle Dianne. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs H D Bagley of Americus and Mrs J S Parrish and thelate Mr Parrish of Cordele. TR, Thu21 Sep 1967

Hargrove, Not named - Mr and Mrs B S Hargrove, of Route 1,Americus, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 13 ounce son, October 25, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 25 Oct 1962

Hargrove, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Hargrove, of Route 1,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son, Sunday, June 8, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 9Jun 1958

Hargrove, Not named - Mr and Mrs H A Hargrove announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, September 17, at city hospital. TR, Wed 17 Sep 1941

Hargrove, Not named - Mr and Mrs J C Hargrove announce thebirth of a son at City Hospital Friday, November 30. TR, Fri 7 Dec 1945

Hargrove, Not named - Mr and Mrs W A Hargrove Jr, of Preston,announce the birth of a son, at the City Hospital, Sunday, June 5. TR, Mon 6 Jun 1949.

Hargrove, Sarah Helen - Mr and Mrs A J Hargrove, of Leesburg,announce the birth of a 6 pound daughter, February 10 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Sarah Helen. TR, Wed 11 Feb 1959

Hargrove, Shannon Day - Mr and Mrs Olin Hargrove announce thebirth of a 7 ½ pound son Thursday, December 10 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been namedShannon Day. He is the grandson of Mrs OC Law Jr and the late Mr Law and Mr and Mrs H D Bagley. TR, Mon 14 Dec 1970

Hargrove, Sharon Denise - Mr and Mrs B S Hargrove, of 35 BTripp Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ½ ounce daughter, October 28,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named SharonDenise. TR, Tue 1 Nov 1960

Hargrove, Thomas Cullen - Mr and Mrs Bud Hargrove of Edisonannounce the birth of a son, Thomas Cullen, on September 29 at Phoebe PutneyHospital, Albany. The baby weighed 8pounds. Grandparents are Mr and MrsJohnny Hargrove of Americus and Mr and Mrs Randy Lane of Edison. He is the great-grandson of Mrs Clyde Clarkof Americus and Mr and Mrs Talmadge Fincher of Arlington. Bernice Sasser and Ethel Fincher of Arlingtonare his great-great-grandmothers. TR,Wed 1 Oct 1997

Hargrove, Twin daughters - Mr and Mrs Ben Hargrove of theUpper River Road, Americus announce the birth of twin daughters who were bornSunday, August 2 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The infants have been named Amanda BlakeHargrove who weighed 5 pounds, 3 ounces and Amber Brook Hargrove who weighed 4pounds, 15 ½ ounces at birth. They willbe called Blake and Brook. Paternalgrandparents are Mrs Jerry Hargrove and the late Sanford Hargrove of Americusand maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs William Teal of Rochelle, Ga. TR, Thu 6 Aug 1981

Hargrove, Twyla Quay - Mr and Mrs Olin Hargrove announce thebirth of a daughter born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Tuesday,November 26. The infant, who has beengiven the name of Twyla Quay weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces. Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs H D Bagleyand Mrs O C Law Jr. TR, Wed 27 Nov1974

Hargrove, W A Jr - Mr and Mrs W A Hargrove announce the birthof a son Monday, September 11, at their home near Americus, who will be calledW A Hargrove Jr. TR, Wed 13 Sep 1922

Harkins, James David - Mr and Mrs James R Harkins, of 439Forrest Street, are the parents of an 8 pound, 4 ½ ounce son born at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital May 17.The baby has been named James David.TR, Mon 20 May 1963

Harlan, Not named - Mr and Mrs Frank D Harlan announce thebirth of a daughter, Friday, November 30, at City Hospital. TR, Sat 1 Dec 1945

Harlen, Not named - Mr and Mrs Frank Harlen, of Orlando,Fla, announce the birth of a daughter Thursday, September 25, at the city hospital. Mrs Harlen was formerly Miss ChristineCovington, of Americus. TR, Mon 29Sep 1941

Harmon, Christopher Chad - Mr and Mrs Jerry N Harmon Jr ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Christopher Chad, born June 26 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 13 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr Randy L Rials and Mrs Jackie S Rials of Americus; Ms Mary Harmon ofChattanooga, Tn; and Mrs Jerry N Harmon of Summerville, SC. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs WilliamSuggs; Mr and Mrs William Hall of Americus and Florrie Harmon ofSummerville. Great-great-grandmother isMrs Ada Grimsley of Americus. TR, Wed3 Jul 1991

Harmon, Crystal Dawn - Mr and Mrs Danny Harmon of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Crystal Dawn Harmon who was born Saturday,November 29 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce. Paternal grandparents are Dan Harmon ofTazewell and Mrs Florence Ritter of Mauk.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs George Thrasher of this city. TR, Tue 16 Dec 1980

Harmon, DeLana Machelle - Mr and Mrs Danny Harmon ofAmericus announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce daughter born Wednesday,June 27. She was named DeLanaMachelle. The infant is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Dan Harmon of Americus and Mr and Mrs GeorgeThrasher of Ellaville. TR, Tue 10 Jul1979

Harmon, Holly - Mr and Mrs W M Harmon, of Smithville,announce the birth of a daughter, October 7 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who has been named Holly,weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces. TR, Wed 8Oct 1958

Harmon, Not named - Mr and Mrs W M Harmon Jr, of 309 ReesPark, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, June 8. TR,Thu 9 Jun 1960

Harmon, William Brandon - Jerry and Heather Harmon ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, William Brandon, born May 27 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 15 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Jackie Rials of Americus and Randy Rials. Paternal grandparents are Mary Harmon ofAmericus and Jerry Harmon Sr of Summerville, SC. Great-grandparetns are William Suggs, thelate Anita L Suggs, both of Americus, William and Runell Hall of Americus andFlorrie Harmon of Summerville. TR,Wed 14 Jun 1995

Harnum, Bradley Michael - Mr and Mrs Leonard Harnum ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Bradley Michael, born June 8 at SumterRegional Hospital, weighing 8 pounds, 4 ounces.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Gerald Varnum of Americus and Mr andMrs Richard Harnum of White Way, Newfoundland.Great-grandparents are Mrs L R Varnum and Mrs W R Berry, both ofAmericus and his great-great-grandmother is Mrs Claude Barfield of Fort Valley. TR, Fri 20 Jun 1986

Harp, James Douglas - Mr and Mrs Alvin Douglas Harp, of415 W Lamar Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce son, JamesDouglas, June 8, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 9 Jun 1960

Harpe, Alethia Gay - Mr and Mrs Claxton R Harpe announcethe birth of a daughter Friday, August 24, at city hospital, who has been giventhe name of Alethia Gay. Mrs Harpe isthe former Miss Evelyn Alethia Barnard. TR,Sat 25 Aug 1951

Harpe, Claxton Reynolds - Mr and Mrs Roy Harpe, of Leslie,announce the birth of a baby boy, March 11, which has been given the name ofClaxton Reynolds. Mrs Harpe will bepleasantly remembered as Miss Ruth Parker.TR, Sat 13 Mar 1926

Harpe, Clifford Walton III - Mr and Mrs Clifford Harpe Jrof Cordele announce the birth of a son, Clifford Walton III, born Monday,December 19 at Crisp County Hospital.The infant, who will be called Walt, weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces atbirth. Maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Charles Miller of Cordele and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs CliffordHarpe Sr of Leslie and great-grandmother is Mrs Ivalene Miller ofAmericus. TR, 22 Dec 1988

Harpe, Clifford Walton Jr - Mr and Mrs Clifford Harpe, ofDeSoto, announce the birth of a five pound, son, Tuesday, February 4 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who was named Clifford Walton Jr. Mrs Harpe is the former Miss Betty Pryor, ofDeSoto. TR, Thu 6 Feb 1958

Harpe, Daniel Thompson - Melanie and Cliff Harpe of Cordeleannounce the birth of a son, Daniel Thompson, born April 29 at Crisp RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 6 pounds, 8ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Charles Miller of Cordele and paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Cliff Harpe Sr of Leslie. The babyhas a brother, Walt, age three. TR,Tue 9 Jun 1992

Harpe, Elizabeth Pryor - Mr and Mrs Clifford W Harpeannounce the birth Wednesday morning, March 9, at the City Hospital, of adaughter who has been named Elizabeth Pryor Harpe. The baby weighed 5 lbs, 2 oz. Mrs Harpe was the former Miss Betty Pryor, ofDeSoto, and this is the first child in family.TR, Thu 10 Mar 1955

Harpe, Jimmy Eugene - Mr and Mrs Eugene Harpe announce thebirth of a 7 1/4 pound son this morningJanuary 18, at their home on Jefferson Street. The baby has been named Jimmy Eugene. Before marriage Mrs Harpe was Miss Virginia Davis. TR, Mon 18 Jan 1937

Harpe, Marcel - Mr and Mrs H A Harpe Jr announce the birthof a seven and a half pound daughter Wednesday Oct 30, who has been given thename Marcel. TCN, Fri 8 Nov 1935

Harpe, Not named - Mr and Mrs R D Harpe, of Smithville,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son, Tuesday, September 15, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 16 Sep 1959

Harpe, Not named - Mr and Mrs R D Harpe, of Smithville,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter on February 20, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 21 Feb 1961

Harpe, Ronald Glenn - Mr and Mrs R D Harpe, of LawsonDrive, announce the birth of a son, WednesdayNovember 7, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby, who weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces atbirth has been named Ronald Glenn. TR,Thu 8 Nov 1956

Harpe, Winnie Joyce - Mr and Mrs Roy Harpe, of Leslie,announce the birth of a baby girl, Jan 22, who has been given the name WinnieRuth. TR, Mon 28 Jan 1929

Harper, Amzie Amanda - Mr and Mrs John Harper announce thebirth of a daughter, Amzie Amanda, born November 16 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant, who is calledAmzie, weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs William Harper III of Americus andmaternal grandparents are Mrs Sara DeVaughn of Montezuma and Ben DeVaughn ofTifton. Amanda has a brother, Michael,age two. TR, Thu 19 Nov 1992

Harper, Audrey Lynn - Is the name of the infant daughter ofMr and Mrs George William Harper of Ellaville who was born Sunday, November 18at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby weighed 8 pounds and has one brother, Eddie Harper. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs George A Harperof Plains and Mr and Mrs George Thrasher of Ellaville. TR, Mon 26 Nov 1979

Harper, Catherine Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Harold Harper, ofCalhoun, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter Saturday,January 4, at Crawford W Long hospital, who has been named CatherineElizabeth. TR, Fri 31 Jan 1947

Harper, George Edward - Mr and Mrs George William Harper arethe parents of an 8 pound, 6 ½ ounce son born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Monday, April 4. The babyhas been given the name of George Edward.The infant is the grandson of Mr and Mrs George Harper of Plains and Mrand Mrs George Thrasher of Ellaville.Mrs S O Brightwell and Mr and Mrs J E Harper of Plains are the baby’sgreat-grandmothers. TR, Wed 13 Apr1977

Harper, Grace Marie - Mr and Mrs W M Harper Jr, of 308 WestChurch Street, announce the birth of a daughter August 5th, who willbe called Grace Marie Harper. TR, Thu6 Aug 1925

Harper, Haley Samantha - Dr and Mrs Samuel G Harper ofAmericus announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter, Haley Samantha,born Thursday, Jan 10 at Phoebe Putney Hospital, Albany. She is the granddaughter of Mrs Marceline Lawof Montezuma and Mr and Mrs William M Harper III of Americus. She has a sister Marlee Marie, 2. TR, Sat 12 Jan 1985

Harper, John Michael - Mr and Mrs John Harper of Americusannounce the birth of a son, John Michael, born Wednesday, August 29 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 11 ounces at birth. Mrs Harperis the former Miss Amzie DeVaughn of Montezuma.Maternal grandparents are Mrs Sara Cook DeVaughn of Tifton and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs William M Harper III of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs John ESeals of Montezuma; Mrs William M Harper Jr of Americus; Mr and Mrs AlbertSimmons of Columbus. TR, Thu 6 Sep1990

Harper, John Vinson - Mr and Mrs W M Harper III, of Route 2,Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son, Wednesday, May 13, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named John Vinson. TR, Thu 14 May 1959

Harper, Maggie Mae - Mr and Mrs W M Harper Jr announce thebirth of a seven-pound daughter, August 18, at their home on the Dawson road,who has been given the name Maggie Mae. TR,Mon 21 Aug 1933

Harper, Marlee Marie - Mr and Mrs Samuel G Harper of Athensannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ½ ounce daughter born December 28, 1982 atAthens General Hospital. She has beengiven the name Marlee Marie. Theinfant’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs Neal Law of Montezuma and Mr and Mrs W MHarper III of Americus. TR, Mon 17Jan 1983

Harper, Mary Julia - Mr and Mrs Gene Harper, of Cordele, announcethe birth of a daughter, Saturday, December 29, at the Cordele hospital, whohas been named Mary Julia, for her two great aunts. Mrs Harper is the former Miss Sue MarieCollins, of Americus and the baby is the granddaughter of Mrs Al Collins, of thiscity. TR, Mon 31 Dec 1956

Harper, Not named - Mr and Mrs L H Harper announce the birthof a son at city hospital, Monday, September 8.TR, Wed 10 Sep 1947

Harper, Not named - Mr and Mrs W M Harper III announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce son, Friday, February 8 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Fri 8 Feb 1957

Harper, Robert Louis - Mr and Mrs G A Harper, of Plains,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce son, March 27, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Robert Louis. TR, Mon 30 Mar 1959

Harper, Samuel Joseph - Dr and Mrs Sam Harper announce thebirth of a son, Samuel Joseph, born Thursday, April 30 at Phoebe PutneyHospital in Albany. The infant weighed 7pounds, 6 ounces at birth. He has twosisters, Marlee, age four and Haley, two.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs William Harper III and Mrs Marceline Law,all of Americus. TR, Wed 6 May 1987

Harper, Shauna Marie - Mr and Mrs James Harper are theparents of a daughter born Tuesday, October 30 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The infant, who hasbeen named Shauna Marie, weighed 8 pounds.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harry M Handley of Americus and Mr and MrsGeorge A Harper of Plains. TR, Thu 1Nov 1979

Harper, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs George Harper, ofPlains, announce the birth of twin daughters, Sunday, July 7, at PratherClinic. TR, Wed 10 Jul 1946

Harper, William 3rd - Mr and Mrs W M Harper Jr announcethe birth of a son March 6, at their home in the Thalean community. The little son has been given the nameWilliam 3rd. He is thegrandson of W M Harper. TR, Wed 7 mar1928

Harper, William Madison IV - Mr and Mrs W M Harper IIIannounce the birth of a 7 pound son, who was born Thursday, March 26 atAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named William MadisonIV. TR, Sat 28 Mar 1953

Harper, William Madison V - Dr and Mrs W M Harper IV, ofAugusta, Ga announce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce son born March 27. The infant has been named William MadisonHarper V. His grandparents are Mr andMrs W J Lewis of Thomasville and Mr and Mrs W M Harper III of this city. TR, Tue 4 Apr 1978

Harr, Jeffery Scott - Mr and Mrs Jeff Harr, of Lawrencevilleannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 15 ½ ounce son born Thursday, September15. The baby, who has been given thename of Jeffery Scott has an older sister, Stephanie. Mrs Harr is the former Cheryl McCall ofEllaville. TR, Wed 21 Sep 1977

Harrell, Catherine Melanie - Danny and Cathy Harrell ofBirminghamn, Ala announce the birth of a daughter, Catherine Melanie, bornJanuary 6 at a Birmingham hospital. Theinfant weighed 9 pounds, 13 ounces at birth.Mrs Harrell is the former Miss Cathy Bell of Americus. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs LelandBell of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mrs Charles D Harrell of Augustaand the late Mr Harrell.Great-grandparents are Mrs E W Morgan of Americus, F L Bell of Americusand Mrs James Eddie Harrell of Swainsboro.The baby has a sister, Leigh, 3 and Thomas, age two. TR, Thu 14 Jan 1993

Harrell, Joshua Don - Mr and Mrs Donny Harrell of Sylvester,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son born Thursday, June 10 at theWorth County Hospital. The baby has beennamed Joshua Don Harrell. He has threesisters, Marcy, Miranda and Molly. TR,Wed 16 Jun 1982

Harrell, Kylie Alexis - Mr and Mrs Tommy Harrell of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Kylie Alexis, born Thursday, May 27. The infant weighed 6 pounds, 1 ounce atbirth. Maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Kyle Tindol Sr of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Oris HHarrell of Brunswick. TR, Wed 2 Jun1993

Harrell, Margaret Leigh - Mr and Mrs Danny Harrell of Birmingham,Ala announce the birth of a daughter, Margaret Leigh, born April 11 at StVincent’s Hospital, Birmingham. Theinfant weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Leland Bell of Americus andpaternal grandparents are Mrs Charles Harrell and the late Mr Harrell ofAugusta. Great-grandparents are Mrs E WMorgan; F L (Red) Bell Sr; and Simmie Davenport, all of Americus. TR, Wed 17 May 1989

Harrell, Molly Hope - Mr and Mrs Donny Harrell announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 12 3/4 ounce daughter born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on Wednesday, February 1.The baby, who has been named Molly Hope has two sisters, Marcy andMandy. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs J MMcPeters of Sylvester and Mrs Reba Hill of Leesburg. TR, Tue 7 Feb 1978

Harrell, Not named - Mr and Mrs J P Harrell announce thebirth of an 8 ½ pound daughter Thursday, Oct 15. TR, Sat 17 Oct 1936

Harrell, Not named - Rev and Mrs L A Harrell announce thebirth of a son on Friday, April 21. TR,Sat 22 Apr 1922

Harrell, Sandra Helen - Mr and Mrs J P Harrell announce thebirth of an eight pound daughter, born October 9 at their home in the Shilohcommunity. The little baby has beennamed Sandra Helen. TR, Fri 13 Oct1939

Harrell, Tyler McGowan - Tommy and Jan Harrell of Americusannounce the birth of a a son, Tyler McGowan, born May 10 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds,13 ounces. His grandparents are the lateKyle and Josie Tindol of Americus and Oris and Jackie Harrell of Brunswick. Hehas a sister, Alex, 5. TR, Tue 18 May1999

Harrigan, Not named - Mr and Mrs H W Harrigan announce thebirth of a baby girl at the Americus and Sumter county hospital. Mrs Harrigan will be remembered as MissElizabeth Brown before her marriage. TR,Thu 23 Feb 1933

Harrington, Cloie - Mr and Mrs George Harrington, of 601 BarlowStreet, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 1 ounce daughter, April 12 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Cloie. TR, Tue 13Apr 1965

Harrington, Jonathan Rogers - Mr and Mrs John H Harringtonannounce the birth of a son born Friday, September 20 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital who has been named Jonathan Rogers. The infant is the grandson of Mr and MrsSidney Wells Jr of Cordele and Mrs J B Harrington Sr and the late Mr Harringtonof Valdosta. Mr and Mrs R S Lewis ofAmericus and A S Wells of Cordele are the baby’s great-grandparents. TR, Mon 27 Sep 1974

Harrington, Steven Glenn Jr - Mr and Mrs Steven Glenn Harringtonannounce the birth of a 5 pound, 11 3/4 ounce son born Friday, September16. Steven Glenn Harrington Jr is thegrandson of Mrs Hazel H McElhaney and the late Mr McElhaney and Mr and Mrs BillHarrington, all of Americus. TR, Tue20 Sep 1977

Harris, Bailey Todd - Mr and Mrs Tom Harris of Cobb announcethe birth of a son who has been named Bailey Todd. The infant, who was born Saturday, January29, weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce. Bailey isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs John Todd and the late Ed N Bailey of Cobb; MrsMarian Harris and Ernest Harris, Plains.He is the great-grandson of Mrs C E Bailey, Cobb; Mrs Vance Hawkes,Athens and Mrs S E Mitchell, Sumter City.He has an 8 year old brother, Tommy Harris. TR, Tue 1 Feb 1983

Harris, Barbara Annette - Mr and Mrs Jim Harris announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce daughter at the Americus and Sumter County Hospitalon Tuesday, April 23 who has been given the name of Barbara Annette. The baby’s grandparents are Mr and MrsWilliam H Harris and Mr and Mrs Chester Goodin, of Americus. TR, Thu 25 Apr 1968

Harris, Bobby Norris - Mr and Mrs Brown Harris, ofJacksonville, Fla, announce the birth of a son, Bobby Norris, October 8 at StLuke’s Hospital. The baby’s paternalgrandmother is Mrs Marie Harris, of Buena Vista, Ga, and the maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs E P Burks, of Winter Haven, Fla, who formerly livedin Americus.

Harris, Brian Keith - Is the name of the 7 pound, 8 ounceson born to Mr and Mrs William Henry Harris Jr at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, Tuesday, Jan 15. Mrs Harris isthe former Miss Jane Hargrove. TR,Wed 16 Jan 1957

Harris, Brownie Louise - Mr and Mrs R R Harris announce thebirth of a daughter, Brownie Louise, who was born June 10 at St Luke’s hospitalin Jacksonville, Fla. Mr Harris is aformer resident of the Concord community and Mrs Harris, the former LouiseBurke, has taught in several Georgia counties.TR, Thu 23 Jun 1938

Harris, Carolyn - Mr and Mrs R C Harris, of Leesburg,announce the birth of a girl on February 8, who has been given the name ofCarolyn. Mrs Harris is remembered bymany friends as Miss Gussis Luke before her marriage. TR, Fri 10 Feb 1922

Harris, Christopher Scott - Mr and Mrs Dan Harris Jr, ofArlington, formerly of Americus announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ½ ounce sonat the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Thursday, August 14. The baby, who has been given the name ofChristopher Scott, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Dan H Harris Sr of Cuthbertand Mrs D F Long of Bainbridge. TR,Sat 16 Aug 1975

Harris, David Edward - Mr and Mrs William Shelton Harrisannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ½ ounce son, born Saturday, November 8 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby, who has been given the name of David Edward is the grandson ofMr and Mrs Paul J Lee and Mr and Mrs G W Harris of Americus. TR, Mon 10 Nov 1969

Harris, Deandra Charese - Mr and Mrs Freddie Harris ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Deandra Charese, born September 10at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces at birth.Mrs Harris is the former Miss Linda Settles. Grandparents are Rev and Mrs W J Crockett ofAugusta and Sam Harris of Ellaville and the late Mrs Mildred Harris. TR, Sat 19 Sep 1987

Harris, Debra Jane - Mr and Mrs W H Harris Jr, of Plains,announce the birth of a six-pound, daughter Sunday, November 15, at Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Debra Jane. Mrs Harris was the former Miss Jane Hargrove. TR, Thu 19 Nov 1953

Harris, Desmond Sherod - Linda and Freddie Harris ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Desmond Sherod, born November 25 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Rev and Mrs W J Crockett of Augusta and Sam Harris ofEllaville and the late Mrs Mildred Harris.The baby has a sister, Deondra Charnese, age two. TR, Thu 30 Nov 1989

Harris, Donna Leigh - Mr and Mrs Marvin Harris, of Preston,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter, December 10 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Donna Leigh. TR, Thu 19 Dec 1963

Harris, Frances Margaret - Mr and Mrs Thomas Harris announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce daughter Saturday, November 7 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital who has been named Frances Margaret. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsFrank Shaddix and Mrs Howell Harris and the late Mr Harris of Leslie. TR, Mon 9 Nov 1970

Harris, Frances - Mr and Mrs George Harris, of Bartow, Fla,announce the birth of a daughter, born September 6, who has been namedFrances. The baby is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs G W Harris of this city and Mr and Mrs Ben Hill Griffin Jr, ofFrostproof, Fla. TR, Wed 11 Sep 1963

Harris, James Mitchell - Mr and Mrs James Harris of DeSotoannounce the birth of a son, James Mitchell, born December 11 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 4pounds, 13 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Robert C Clark Jr of DeSoto and Mr and Mrs James Rees ofLeslie. TR, Wed 30 Dec 1987

Harris, Jennifer Leigh - Mr and Mrs John N Harris Jrannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ½ ounce girl born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on Thursday, April 24.The baby has been given the name of Jennifer Leigh. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs R HMcChargue and Mr and Mrs John N Harris, all of Americus. Her mother is the former Diane Albritton ofthis city. TR, Sat 26 Apr 1975

Harris, Jennifer Susan - Mr and Mrs W H Harris Jr, of 3049Larry Drive, Dallas, Texas, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 3/4 ouncedaughter, June 15 at Baylor University.The baby has been named Jennifer Susan.Mrs Harris is the former Jane Hargrove of Americus. TR, Mon 15 Jun 1964

Harris, Johnathan Paul - Mr and Mrs John N Harris Srannounce the birth of a 10 pound, 15 ½ ounce son born Friday, April 16 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been given the name of Johnathan Paul Harris. Grandparents of the infant are Mr and Mrs G PToms of Plains, Mrs B N Harris of Preston and the late Mr Harris. TR, Fri 16 Apr 1976

Harris, Katherine - Ensign and Mrs George W Harris Jr, ofKey West, Fla, announce the birth of a daughter Katherine, April 5, who weighed7 pounds, 3 ounces. Mrs Harris is theformer Miss Harriet Griffin, of Frostproof, Fla. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs GW Harris, of this city. TR, Mon 8 Apr1957

Harris, Krista Lauren - Rev and Mrs James H Harris Jr, ofRed Bank, N J, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 6 ounce daughter who has beennamed Krista Lauren. The baby was bornNovember 12 and is the granddaughter of Mrs A P Aenchbacher and the late MrsAenchbacher of Americus and Mr and Mrs J H Harris of Pitts, Ga. Mrs Harris was formerly Miss ClariceAenchbacher. TR, Sat 30 Nov 1968

Harris, Laura Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Lawrence J (Buddy)Harris announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, September 20, at thehospital in Fitzgerald, who has been named Laura Elizabeth. Mrs Harris is the former Miss Dorothy Hines,of Leslie. The baby is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs T J Harris, of Americus and Mr and Mrs Luther C Hines, ofLeslie. TR, Mon 22 Sep 1958

Harris, Leslie Hines - Mr and Mrs Lawrence J (Buddy) Harris,of Smyrna, announce the birth of a daughter, July 9 at the Georgia BaptistHospital, who has been given the named of Leslie Hines. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrslu*ther Hines of Leslie and Mr and Mrs T J Harris of Americus. TR, Mon 13 Jul 1964

Harris, Linda Jalain - Mr and Mrs Wren Harris announce thebirth of a daughter, Thursday, May 6, at Phoebe Putney hospital in Albany, whohas been named Linda Jalain. Mrs Harrisis the former Miss Doris McLain, of this city and the baby is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs J A McLain, of Americus. TR,Wed 14 May 1947

Harris, Linda Lee - Mr and Mrs Ben F Harris, of 143B,Cherokee Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 1 ounce daughter, October 2,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name ofLinda Lee. TR, Mon 5 Oct 1964

Harris, Margaret Jane - Mr and Mrs W T Harris announce thebirth of a daughter, Monday, September 2, at City Hospital, who has been namedMargaret Jane. TR, Thu 12 Sep 1946

Harris, Marsha Ann - Mr and Mrs Marvin Harris announce thebirth of a daughter, Saturday, March 8, at city hospital, who has been namedMarsha Ann. TR, Mon 17 Mar 1947

Harris, Mary Eugenia - Mr and Mrs Marvin Harris announce thebirth of a daughter Wednesday, May 15, at the city hospital, who has been namedMary Eugenia. Mrs Harris was before heremarriage Miss Mable McGowan. TR, Thu16 May 1940

Harris, Michael Ryan - Mr and Mrs Steve Harris of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a son, Michael Ryan, born October 23 at the ColumbusMedical Center. The infant weighed 8pounds, 11 ounces. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Elbert Harris and Mr and Mrs Billy Welch, all of Ellaville. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs RoyJohnson, Ellaville and Mr and Mrs J T Welch, Buena Vista and great-grandmotheris Mrs Mary Johnson of Americus. TR,Wed 5 Nov 1986

Harris, Not named - Mr and Mrs Aubrey H Harris announce thebirth of a daughter, at city hospital, Wednesday June 8. TR, Fri 10 Jun 1949

Harris, Not named - Mr and Mrs B W Harris, of Route 2Preston, are the parents of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son, born August 10, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 11 Aug 1964

Harris, Not named - Mr and Mrs G W Harris announce the birthof a 7 ½-pound son March 20. Both motherand baby are doing nicely. Mr and MrsHarris are former residents of Americus and Mrs Harris will be remembered hereas Miss Mary Elizabeth (Biddis) Easterlin before her marriage. TR, Fri 23 Mar 1934

Harris, Not named - Mr and Mrs Grady Harris, of Dawson,announce the birth of a son, Friday, November 12, at city hospital. TR, Fri 12 Nov 1943

Harris, Not named - Mr and Mrs Howard Harris, of Vienna,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ½ ounce son, December 29 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Wed 30Dec 1964

Harris, Not named - Mr and Mrs Howell Harris announce thebirth of a son, Tuesday, October 23, at City Hospital. TR, Wed 31 Oct 1945

Harris, Not named - Mr and Mrs James E Harris, of Plains,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, Jul 17, at city hospital. TR, Wed 17 Jul 1946

Harris, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jerry Harris, of 116 DudleyStreet, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce son, born June 3 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 4 Jun 1962

Harris, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Harris, of Plains,announce the birth of a son, Thursday, April 26, at city hospital, who weighed7 pounds, 12 ounces. TR, Fri 27 Apr1951

Harris, Not named - Mr and Mrs L D Harris announce the birthof a son at city hospital, Friday, June 11.TR, Mon 14 Jun 1948

Harris, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lowell Harris, of 124 WestChurch Street, announce the birth of a son, September 30 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who weighed 7 pounds, 3 ½ ounces. TR, Tue 1 Oct 1963

Harris, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lowell Harris, of Route 2Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce daughter, born February 16at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Wed 17 Feb 1965

Harris, Not named - Mr and Mrs Marvin Harris announce thebirth of a daughter Thursday, April 24, at city hospital. TR, Thu 24 Apr 1952

Harris, Not named - Mr and Mrs Paige Harris Jr announce thebirth of a 9 pound, 3 ounce daughter at city hospital, Sunday, January 2. TR, Wed 5 Jan 1949

Harris, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert E Harris announce thebirth of a son Wednesday, October 11, at the city hospital. TR, Fri 13 Oct 1950

Harris, Not named - Mr and Mrs T J Harris announce the birthof a son, Tuesday, January 12th, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Tue 12 Jan 1926

Harris, Not named - Mr and Mrs W F Harris, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a five-pound son Sunday, November 15, at Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 19Nov 1953

Harris, Not named - Mr and Mrs W T Harris, of Anthony Drive,announce the birth of a 5 pound, 12 ½ ounce daughter Tuesday, February 6, atcity hospital. TR, Thu 8 Feb 1951

Harris, Patrick Scott - Mr and Mrs Preston Harris of Plainsannounce the birth of son, Patrick Scott, born May 27 at the Medical Center ofColumbus. The infant weighed 8 pounds,11 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Bill Medlock of Oglethorpe and the late Miss Betty Medlock; MarvinHarris of Preston; Mr and Mrs Pat Singleton of Lumpkin and Mr and Mrs GaryPuckett of Dawson and great-grandparents are Mrs E L Cooper of Preston and MrsGrace Medlock. TR, Mon 8 Jun 1987

Harris, Ra’Shenna Shanbrell - Mr and Mrs Gerald Louis Harrisannounce the birth of a daughter Ra’Shenna Shanbrell, born February 5 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 4 ounces at birth. She has asister Sharonda Lavetta, 15. Maternalgrandparents are Henry Pope and Ms Mozelle Slappey and paternal grandparentsare Mrs Ruby Lee Harris and the late Mr Perry Alfred Harris. TR, Thu 13 Feb 1992

Harris, Robert Jason - Mr and Mrs John Harris Jr announcethe birth of a 5 pound, 8 ½ ounce son born Saturday, May 20 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Robert Jason Harris.Jason, as the infant will be called, has a 3 year old sister Jennifer. The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs R HMcChargue of Dresden, Tenn, formerly of Americus and Mr and Mrs John Harris Srof Americus. The baby has agreat-grandmother, Mrs Lillian Kindred of Americus. TR, Mon 22 May 1978

Harris, Robert Mitchell - Mr and Mrs Ernest R Harris, ofPlains, announce the birth of a son, Sunday, August 31, at Prather Clinic, whohas been named Robert Mitchell. MrsHarris was before her marriage Miss Martha Mitchell. TR, Thu 4 Sep 1952

Harris, Sarah Jeanette - Mr and Mrs Blake Harris announcethe birth of a daughter, Sunday, October 25, at Prather Clinic, who has beennamed Sara Jeanette. Mrs Harris was theformer Miss Sarah Wise, of Plains. TR,Wed 28 Oct 1942

Harris, Sarah Lee - Mr and Mrs W H Harris Jr, of Dallas,Texas, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ½ ouncedaughter, September 13, at Baylor Hospital.The baby, who has been named Sarah Lee, is the granddaughter of Mrs W AHargrove of Americus. TR, Tue 14 Sep1965

Harris, Stephen Kyle - Mr and Mrs Steve Harris of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a son, Stephen Kyle, born May 24 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,14 ½ ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Billy Welch of Ellaville and paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Elbert Harris of Ellaville.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Roy Johnson of Ellaville and Mr andMrs Thomas Welch of Buena Vista. Theinfant has a brother, Ryan, 2 ½. TR,Tue 6 Jun 1989

Harris, Thomas Edward - Mr and Mrs Tom Harris, of Cobb,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce son born Tuesday, February 12 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Theinfant has been given the name of Thomas Edward, but will be called“Tommy.” His grandparents are Mrs EdBailey and the late Ed Bailey of Cobb and Mrs Marian Harris and Ernest Harris,both of Plains. He is the great-grandsonof Mrs C E Bailey of Cobb and the late Mrs Bailey. Mr and Mrs Vance Hawkes of Athens, Mrs S EMitchell and the late Mr Mitchell of Sumter City, E W Harris and the late MrsHarris of Plains. TR, Wed 13 Feb 1974

Harris, Thomas Ernest - Mr and Mrs Ernest Harris, of Plains,announce the birth of a son, Sunday, June 17, at Prather Clinic, who has beennamed Thomas Ernest. TR, Thu 21 Jun1951

Harris, Virginia - Mr and Mrs A L Harris announce the birthof a daughter, Sunday, September 21 at city hospital, who has been given thename Virginia. TR, Wed 24 Sep 1941

Harris, Walter Harris - Mr and Mrs Ussery Harris, of 311South Jackson Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 2 ounce son at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital who was born on Christmas Day 1968. The baby, who is the grandson of Mrs CarrieCain and the later Walter Cain and Mrs Sebron Harris and the late Mrs Harris ofOglethorpe has been given the name of Walter Harris. TR, Sat 28 Dec 1968

Harris, William Chad - Preston and Ellen Harris of Prestonannounce the birth of a son who has been given the name William ChadHarris. The infant was born Thursday,August 4 at the Medical Center in Columbus and weighed 7 pounds, 12 1/4ounces. His great-grandparents are MrsGrace Medlock, Plains; Mrs Willie Lee Cooper, Preston and Mr and Mrs GreyPuckett, Dawson. His mother is theformer Ellen Medlock of Plains. TR,Thu 11 Aug 1983

Harris, William Shelton Jr - Mr and Mrs William S (Bill)Harris, of 910D, Hanco*ck Drive, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 8 ounce son,born January 19 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedWilliam Shelton Harris Jr. Mrs Harris isthe former Miss Ann Lee, daughter of Mr and Mrs Paul Lee and the baby’spaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs G W Harris, Americus. TR, Fri 19 Jan 1962

Harrison, Ashley Anne - Mr and Mrs Mike Harrison of Albanyannounce the birth of a ten pound daughter, Ashley Anne, born on Monday,January 25. Ashley has a sister,Joni. Her grandparents are Mr and MrsJesse McLendon and Mr and Mrs Talbot Harrison of Ellaville. Great-grandparents are Mrs Selma S Wall ofEllaville and Mrs Carrie Mae Poupard of Smithville. TR, Tue 31 Jan 1984

Harrison, Hamilton H Jr - Mr and Mrs Hamilton H Harrison, ofQuitman, announce the birth of a son, Monday, June 21, at Brooks CountyHospital, who has been named Hamilton H Harrison Jr. Mrs Harrison was the former Mrs Ethel WBurkhalter, of Americus. TR, Tue 29Jun 1943

Harrison, James Talbot Jr - Mr and Mrs Talbot Harrison, ofEllaville, announce the birth of an 8 pound son, June 24, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named James Talbot Harrison Jr. MrsHarrison is the former Miss Dorothy Anne Poupard, of Americus. TR, Mon 25 Jun 1956

Harrison, James Wyley - Mr and Mrs C H Harrison, of UnionCity, Tennessee announce the birth of a 8 1/4 pound boy, Saturday night at thehome of her mother Mrs Bettie Livingston.He has been named James Wyley. TCN,Fri 17 Jan 1936

Harrison, Joni Michele - Mr and Mrs Stephen Michael Harrisonof Albany announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ½ ounce daughter, Joni Michele, onFebruary 24. Mrs Harrison is the formerJean McLendon. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Jesse McLendon and Mr and Mrs Talbot Harrison of Ellaville. Great-grandparents are Mrs Selma S Wall ofEllaville and Mrs Carrie M Poupard of Smithville. TR, Wed Mar 11 1981

Harrison, Marjorie Phyllis - Marjorie Phyllis is the name ofthe daughter of Mr and Mrs M C Harrison, who was born Wednesday, December 3, atcity hospital. TR, Tue 9 Dec 1941

Harrison, Mary Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs E V Harrison announcethe birth of a daughter, Sunday, June 22, at the Municipal Hospital, Norman,Oklahoma, who has been named Mary Elizabeth.Mrs Harrison is the former Miss Mary Keil and the baby is thegranddaughter of Mrs Agnes Keil, of this city.TR, Sat 28 Jun 1947

Harrison, Mary Jean - Mr and Mrs Alton Harrison, of Coolidge,announce the birth of a daughter Thursday, June 29, who has been named MaryJean. Mrs Harrison is the former MissCarol Merritt, of Americus. TR, Mon 3Jul 1950

Harrison, McKensie Jo - Bill and Malissa Harrison of Columbusannounce the birth of a daughter, McKensie Jo, born Tuesday, August 25. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 13 ounces atbirth. Grandparents are Mrs Virginia SMorris of Columbus, Dr A J Morris of Vidalia and Mr and Mrs Talbot Harrison ofEllaville. TR, Thu 10 Sep 1992

Harrison, Not named - Mr and Mrs Alton Harrison, of Coolidge,announce the birth of a son Thursday, April 3, who weighed 9 pounds. Mrs Harrison is the former Miss CarolMerritt, of Americus. TR, Tue 8 Apr1952

Harrison, Not named - Mr and Mrs B R Harrison, of Oak Avenue,announce the birth of a daughter Friday, April 10, at Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who weighed 7 pounds. TR,Sat 11 Apr 1953

Harrison, Regina Dianne - Mr and Mrs Ray Harrison announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce daughter, April 29, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been namedRegina Dianne. TR, Wed 30 Apr 1958

Harrison, Samuel Manning Jr -Mr and Mrs Samuel Harrison, of Macon, announce the birth of a son, at aMacon hospital, on Wednesday, April 12.The baby has been given the name Samuel Manning Jr. He is the grandson of the late Mrs S AManning and S A Manning of Ellaville.Prior to making their home in Macon, Mr and Mrs Samuel Manning residedin Milledgeville. TR, Fri 21 Apr 1944

Harrison, Shelby Jean - Anthony Gene and Bunny Harrison ofLeesburg announce the birth of a daughter, Shelby Jean, born Jan 17 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 1 ounce. Grandparents are Clintand Betty Law of Dawson and Effie Anderson and Gene Anderson, both ofLeesburg. She has a brother, Michael, 10and two sisters, Victoria Nicole, 8 and Veronica Lynn, 1. TR, Wed 20 Jan 1999

Harrison, Stephen Michael - Mr and Mrs Talbot Harrison, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce son, Stephen Michael,Saturday, June 12, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. Mrs Harrison is the former Dorothy AnnePoupard. TR, Wed 16 Jun 1954

Harrison, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs Eddie Harrison Jr ofEllaville announce the birth of twin daughters, Ashley Lynn, 5 pounds, 2 ouncesand April Ann, 4 pounds, 14 ounces. Thetwins were born Tuesday, January 29 at Sumter Regional Hospital in Americus. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs William Taylor ofEllaville and Mr and Mrs Eddie Harrison Sr of Moultrie and great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Torter Clark. TR, Sat2 Feb 1985

Harrison, William Eugene - Mr and Mrs J T Harrison, ofEllaville, are the parents of an 8 pound, 12 ½ ounce son, born December 28 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named WilliamEugene. TR, Fri 29 Dec 1961

Harrod, Abigail Elana - Amy and Bud Harrod of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Abigail Elana, born Feb 25 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 6 pounds, 9ounces at birth. Paternal grandparentsare Bud Harrod Sr and Charlotte Harrod of Americus and maternal grandparentsare Jimmy and Patricia Holley of Americus.TR, Sat 5 Mar 1994

Harrod, Charlotte Donna - Mr and Mrs Howard W Harrod Jrannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce daughter, Charlotte Donna, who wasborn Saturday, April 3 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs MaryHarrod and the late Howard W Harrod Sr of Americus, Mrs Helen Mauk and the lateEdmund Lee Mauk of Fort Pierce, Florida.TR, Wed 14 Apr 1971

Harrod, Howard Walker III - Mr and Mrs Howard W Harrod Jrannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce son, Howard Walker III, who was bornTuesday, January 28 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby is the grandson of Mrs Mary Harrodand the late Howard W Harrod Sr of Americus, Mrs Helen Mauk and the late EdmundRee Mauk of Fort Pierce, Florida. TR,Tue 11 Feb 1969

Harrod, Howard Walker Jr - Mr and Mrs Howard Harrod, ofPlains, announce the birth of a 11 pound son, Sunday, December 27, at PratherClinic, who has been named Howard Walker Harrod Jr. TR, Mon 28 Dec 1942

Harrod, James Edmund - Mr and Mrs Howard W Harrod Jrannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce son, James Edmund, who was bornWednesday, September 27 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby is the grandson of Mrs Mary Harrodand the late Howard W Harrod Sr of Americus and Mrs Helen Mauk and the lateEdmund Lee Mauk of Atlantic City, Florida.He is the great-grandson of Mr and Mrs James Homer Harrod of Leslie andMrs Anne Hale of Preston. TR, Tue 3Oct 1972

Harrod, Kendall Regan - Bud and Amy Harrod of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Kendall Regan, born February 29 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 14 ounces. Maternal grandparentsare Jimmy and Patricia Holley of Americus.Paternal grandparents are Bud Harrod and Charlotte Harrod ofAmericus. Great-grandparents are VeraHowell and Mary Holley of Americus.Kendall has a sister, Abby, 2. TR,Tue 12 Mar 1996

Harrod, Loretta Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Ronnie E Harrod ofLeslie announce the birth of a daughter born Sunday, September at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The infanthas been given the name of Loretta Elizabeth and will be called Lorabeth. Lorabeth has two brothers, Dennis andMichael. Grandparents are Mrs SarahCheek of Americus and Arthur O Cheek of Leslie and Mr and Mrs M D Harrod ofMoultrie. The great-grandmother of theinfant is Mrs Edna Y Harrod. TR, Thu1 Oct 1981

Harrod, Michael Demps - Mr and Mrs Ronnie Harrod announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce son born Friday, Oct 8, who has been namedMichael Demps. The baby is the grandsonof Mr and Mrs A O Cheek of Leslie and Mr and Mrs M D Harrod of Moultrie. He is the great-grandson of Mr and Mrs D PWatts of Leslie and Mrs Edna Y Harrod of Moultrie. TR, Wed 13 Oct 1971

Harrod, Not named - Mr and Mrs Howard Harrod announce thebirth of a 10-pound daughter, Friday morning, at their home in Plains. TR, Sat 14 Jan 1939

Harrod, Thomas Wayne - Mr and Mrs Ronnie E Harrod of Leslieannounce the birth of a son on Tuesday, July 5 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The infant, who weighed8 pounds, 12 ounces has been named Thomas Wayne Harrod. His maternal grandparents are Mrs Sarah WCheek of Leslie and his paternal are Mr and Mrs M D Harrod of Moultrie. TR, Mon 11 Jul 1983

Harrold, Not named - Dr and Mrs Thomas Harrold Jr, of Macon,announce the birth of a daughter this morning, March 27. Dr Harris is a former resident of Americusand is the son of Mr and Mrs Thomas Harrold of 301 West College Street. TR, Tue 27 Mar 1934

Harrold, Not named - Mr and Mrs Frank W Harrold, of New York,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, December 10, at the Leroy Sanitorium,40 East 61st Street, New York.Mr Harrold is a former Americus resident and the baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Frank P Harrold, of this city. TR, Tue 11 Dec 1945

Harrold, Not named - Mr and Mrs Frank Walker Harrold, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, July 29, at EmoryUniversity Hospital. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Frank P Harrold, of this city. TR, Thu 29 Jul 1943

Harstfield, Marion Elizabeth - Sgt and Mrs J F Harstfieldannounce the birth of a daughter Marion Elizabeth, Tuesday, August 11, at theCity hospital. Mrs Harstfield is theformer Miss Elizabeth Chappell. TR,Wed 12 Aug 1942

Hart, Amanda Carol - Mr and Mrs Charles E Hart are theparents of a 9 pound daughter born Tuesday, July 9 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been namedAmanda Carol. Her grandparents are Mrs TL Wilson and the late Mr Wilson and Mrs Scott Hart and the late Mr Hart. TR, Fri 12 Jul 1974

Hart, Amelia Paige - Mr and Mrs Pat Hart of Marshallvilleannounce the birth of a daughter born October 7 who has been given the name ofAmelia Paige Hart. The baby’s mother isthe former Amelia Smith of Americus.The baby is the granddaughter of the late Edgar Howard Hart and MrsDorothy Ware Hart of Marshallville and Mr and Mrs Samuel Reese Smith ofAmericus. TR, Thu 15 Oct 1981

Hart, Andrew Robison - Mr and Mrs J T Hart Jr, ofWaycross, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce son March 29, who has beennamed Andrew Robison. Mrs Hart is theformer Miss Barbara Robison, of Americus and the baby is the grandson of Mr andMrs Jack Robison, of this city. TR,Fri 30 Mar 1962

Hart, Barbara Jean - Mr and Mrs Russell Aubrey Hart, ofTampa, Fla, announce the birth of a daughter, November 25, who has been namedBarbara Jean. Mrs Hart will beremembered as Miss Martha White before her marriage. TR, Wed 2 Dec 1931

Hart, Charles Emmett - Mr and Mrs Scott Hart announce thebirth of a son, who was born Sunday, May 16, at Prather Clinic. The baby has been named Charles Emmett. TR, Wed 19 May 1943

Hart, Edgar Franklin Jr - Mr and Mrs Frank announce thebirth of an eight-pound son, Thursday, Dec 12, at the Prather Clinic, who hasbeen given the name Edgar Franklin Jr.Mrs Hart was before her marriage Miss Mary Jones, of Albany. TR, Fri 13 Dec 1935

Hart, Eleanor Alice - Mr and Mrs W W Hart, of 512Patterson Stree, Brooklyn Heights, announce the birth of a daughter October the18th, who has been given the name of Eleanor Alice. TR, Fri 29 Oct 1926

Hart, Henry Aaron III - Mr and Mrs Henry Hart Jr announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son, Monday, June 25 at City Hospital, who hasbeen named Henry Aaron Hart III. MrsHart is the former Miss Sara Allen, of Cordele.TR, Tue 26 June 1951

Hart, Henry Aaron IV - Dr and Mrs Henry Aaron Hart III ofAlbany announce the birth of a son, Henry Aaron IV, Saturday, February 28 atthe Phoebe Putney Hospital. The babyweighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces. His motheris the former Elizabeth Ann McNeill of Americus. The infant, who is to be called Hank is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Henry A Hart Jr and Mr and Mrs Marvin McNeill ofAmericus. He is the great-grandson ofMrs Henry A Hart Sr and Mrs R D McNeill of Magnolia Manor Nursing Home,Americus and A F Allen of Cordele and James Eric Ragan of Cuthbert. TR, Tue 10 Mar 1981

Hart, Isaac Scott Jr - Mr and Mrs Scott Hart announce thebirth of a son at city hospital, Saturday, February 1. The baby has been named Isaac Scott Jr. Mrs Hart was before marriage Miss Lucy GraceSnider, of Ellaville. TR, Thu 6 Feb1947

Hart, Jane Anne - Mr and Mrs Emmett Hart, of Orlando, Fla,announce the birth of a 7 pound daughter Monday, August 4, who has been giventhe name of Jane Anne. Mrs Hart is theformer Miss Jo Anne Stanford, of Chicago.Mr Hart is a former Americus resident and the baby is the granddaughterof Mrs H L Mize, of this city. TR,Fri 15 Aug 1952

Hart, Jennifer Michelle - Mr and Mrs James R Hart Jr, ofEllaville, announce the birth or an 8 pound, 14 ounce daughter born Wednesday,November 3 who has been named Jennifer Michelle. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs JamesR Hart Sr and Mrs Bernice Wilkey, all of Americus. TR, Thu 4 Nov 1971

Hart, Joel Barry - Mr and Mrs Charles Hart Jr announce thebirth of a son born October 1. He hasbeen given the name Joel Barry Hart. Heis the grandson of Mr and Mrs Charlie Hart Sr of Americus; the late Mrs BerniceMiddlebrooks and the late Griff Brown, Americus. TR, Thu 6 Oct 1983

Hart, John Taylor III - Mr and Mrs J T Hart Jr, ofWaycross, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son, Sunday, November 1,who has been named John Taylor Hart III.Mrs Hart is the former Miss Barbara Robison, of this city and the babyis the grandson of Mr and Mrs Jack Robison, of Americus. TR, Mon 2 Nov 1959

Hart, Kara Michele - Mr and Mrs Kenneth C Hart Jr announcethe birth of a daughter, born January 28 at St Vincent Hospital in Birmingham,Ala. The baby weighed 8 pounds, 2 ½ounces and has been given the name of Kara Michele. Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs James W ForeJr of Salitpa, Ala and Mr and Mrs Kenneth C Hart Sr of Americus. TR, Sat 7 Feb 1970

Hart, Katy Careen - Mr and Mrs James H Hart announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 2 ounce daughter, Saturday, November 19, at cityhospital. The baby has been named KatyCareen for her maternal and paternal grandmothers. Mrs Hart was before marriage Miss JosephineWells. TR, Tue 21 Nov 1944

Hart, Kenneth Cubet Jr - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Hart announcethe birth of a son, Saturday, June 10, at city hospital, who has been namedKenneth Cubet Jr. TR, Tue 13 Jun 1944

Hart, Mary Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Isaac Scott Hart Jr, ofDoerun, announce the birth of a daughter born Sunday, November 3 at VereenMemorial Hospital in Moultrie. The babyweighed 7 pounds, 9 ½ ounces and has been named Mary Elizabeth and will becalled Mary Beth. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Julian J Thomas of Covington and the paternal grandparents areMrs Isaac Scott Hart and the late Mr Hart of Americus. TR Tue 12 Nov 1974

Hart, Mimi Gracie - Mr and Mrs Scott Hart, of the Concordcommunity, Sumter County, announce the birth of a daughter weighing sevenpounds, at the Boyette Clinic, in Ellaville, Wednesday night, November 16. The baby has been given the name MimiGracie. Mrs Hart was the former MissLucy Grace Snider, daughter of Mr and Mrs C W Snider, prominent Schley countycitizens, residing in the Hopewell community.TR, Sat 19 Nov 1938

Hart, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Hart, of Route 3,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ½ ounce son, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, August 31. The baby isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs T L Wilson and Mr and Mrs Scott Hart. TR, Tue 1 Sep 1964

Hart, Not named - Mr and Mrs George Hart, of Route 2Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce son, Wednesday, September 8,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Thu 9 Sep 1965

Hart, Not named - Mr and Mrs Henry Hart Jr, of Route 4Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce son, born December 29 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 31 Dec 1963

Hart, Not named - Mr and Mrs Henry Hart Jr, of Route 4,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce girl, Wednesday, October 19, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 19 Oct 1955

Hart, Not named - Mr and Mrs K C Hart announce the birthof a daughter, Wednesday, Dec 19, at city hospital. Mr Hart is a professor at GeorgiaSouthwestern College. TR, Wed 19 Dec1945

Hart, Not named - Mr and Mrs Raymond Hart announce thebirth of a daughter, Saturday, Feb 10 at the Thomasville hospital. Mrs Hart was formerly Miss Margaret Smith ofDublin. TR, Mon 12 Feb 1940

Hart, Not named - Mrs W C Hart announce the birth of adaughter, Saturday, January 20, at Prather Clinic. Mrs Hart, the former Miss Tussy Castleberry,received a notice yesterday that her husband was killed in action. Previously, he had been report missing inaction in Belguim as of December 28. TR,Thu 25 Jan 1945

Hart, Phillip Allen - Mr and Mrs Charles E Hart, of Route3 Americus, announce the birth of a 9 pound son Sunday, May 26, who has beengiven the name of Phillip Allen. Thebaby, who was born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital is the grandsonof Mr and Mrs Scott Hart and Mr and Mrs T L Wilson, all of Americus. TR, Thu 30 May 1968

Hart, Trenton Scott - Mr and Mrs Charles E Hart Jr ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Trenton Scott, born June 18 ant PhoebePutney Hospital in Albany. The infantweighed 6 pounds, 6 ounces. Maternalgrandparents are Dr and Mrs Morris Denman of Lynn Haven, Fla. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs CharlesHart Sr of Americus. Great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Morris Denman Sr of Lynn Haven, Cecil Holman of Bainbridge andMrs Scott Hart of Americus. TR, Mon29 Jul 1996

Hart, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs J R Hart, of Route 4,announced the birth of twin daughters Sunday, May 16 at Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The identical twinsweighed 7 pounds each and have been named Carol Ann and Phyllis Diane. TR, Mon 17 May 1954

Hartley, David LeVere - Mr and Mrs David LeVere Hartley ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, David LeVere Jr, born Monday, March 15 atSumter Regional Hospital. Davey, as thebaby is called, weighed 8 pounds, 10 ounces at birth. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs F AHartley of Macon and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs L P Lannon ofLizella. Dave has two sisters, Kimberly,five and Kristen, age one. TR, Sat 23Mar 1991

Hartley, Kimberly Carol - Mr and Mrs David L Hartley ofAmericus announce the birth of a 9 pound daughter, Kimberly Carol, born Friday,September 27 at Sumter Regional Hospital.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs F P Lannon and Mr and Mrs F AHartley Jr and the great-granddaughter of F A Hartley Sr, all of Macon. TR, Wed 2 Oct 1985

Hartley, Kristen Rebecca - Mr and Mrs David L Hartley ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Kristen Rebecca, born August 23 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs F P Lannon of Macon and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs F A Hartley Jr of Macon. Great-grandfather is F A Hartley Jr ofCastleberry, Ala. The infant has asister, Kimberly, age three. TR, Sat2 Sep 1989

Hartley, Not named - Mr and Mrs J G Hartley announce thebirth of a son April 26, at their home on the Friendship road. TR, Thu 26 Apr 1928

Hartley, Not named - Mr and Mrs L O Hartley, 141 Pine Valley,Forrest Park, Ga, announce the birth of a 9 pound son, November 22 at theGeorgia Baptist Hospital. Mrs Hartleywas before marriage Bernice Devane, daughter of Mr and Mrs H D Devane, ofAmericus. TR, Wed 5 Dec 1962

Hartley, Not named - Mr and Mrs W E Hartley, of Fernandina ,Fla, announce the birth of a son, Sunday, August 2. Mrs Hartley was before her marriage MissJoanne Wood, of Americus. TR, Tue 4Aug 1942

Hartman - Glynn Henry III - Mr and Mrs G H Hartman Jr, ofJacksonville, announce the birth of a son, Friday, January 31, who has beennamed Glynn Henry Hartman III. The babyis the grandson of Mr and Mrs Mack Avery of Americus and Mr and Mrs G H HartmanSr of Jacksonville, Fla. TR, Sat 1Feb 1958

Hartman, Not named - Mr and Mrs L B Hartman, of Oglethorpe,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter, June 7, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Fri 8 Jun1962

Hartsfield, David Kyle - Mr and Mrs Davis C Hartsfield of Albanyannounce the birth of a 10 pound, 2 ounce son, David Kyle, born Tuesday, May 27at Phoebe Putney Hospital. Kyle is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs John Edwin Markert of Hawkinsville and Mr and Mrs J FHartsfield of Americus. He has a sister,Lindsey, 2. TR, Thu 5 Jun 1986

Hartsfield, Henry Jacob - Graves and Tara Hartsfield of Maconannounce the birth of a son, Henry Jacob, born Jun 17 at the Medical Center ofCentral Georgia in Macon. He weighed 6pounds at birth. Grandparents areTindall and Margie Staggs of Albany, Charmaine Arnold of Manchester and K WArnold of Warm Springs.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Maurice Williams of Americus andBillie Walters of Warm Springs. Henryhas a brother, Blake, 4. TR, Tue 28Jun 1994

Hartsfield, Lindsey Paige - Mr and Mrs David C Hartsfield ofAlbany announce the birth of a daughter who has been given the name LindseyPaige. She was born July 8 at PhoebePutney Hospital, weighing 7 pounds, 12 ounces at birth. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J HHartsfield, Americus and Mr and Mrs J E Markert, Hawkinsville. TR, Thu 11 Jul 1984

Harvard, Donovan Harkus - Mr and Mrs Dan Harvard, of Atmore,Ala announce the birth of a son born Tuesday, July 20. The baby has been given the name of DonovanHarkus. The infant is the grandson ofMrs B B McCarty of Leslie and Mrs Jackie H Brown of Cordele. Miss Jackie Harvard of this city is thebaby’s aunt. TR, Wed 21 Jul 1976

Harvard, Florence Virginia - Mr and Mrs G C Harvard announcethe birth of a daughter, Saturday, May 28, at the city hospital, who has beennamed Florence Virginia for her mother who was Miss Florence Mizell, ofJacksonville before her marriage. TR,Mon 30 May 1938

Harvey, Barbara Ann - Mr and Mrs John H Harvey, of Leslie,announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, October 27, who has been given thename Barbara Ann. TR, Wed 30 Oct 1929

Harvey, Claude III - Mr and Mrs Claude Harvey Jr announcethe birth of a son, Tuesday, August 26, at city hospital. The baby has been named Claude HarveyIII. Mrs Harvey was formerly Miss FloraMurray. TR, Wed 27 Aug 1941

Harvey, Eric Brandon - Eric and Dorothy Harvey announce thebirth of a son, Eric Brandon, born Thursday, Aug 25 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 11 pounds,6 ounces at birth. Paternal grandparentsare Charlie and Christine Harvey of Americus and maternal grandparents areFannie P Germany and the late Robert Germany of Ideal. Eric has a sister, Nikki, 14. TR, Fri 2 Sep 1994

Harvey, James Edsel Jr - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Harvey, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a son on Sunday, February 19 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The babyweighed 5 pounds, 2 ounces and has been named James Edsel Harvey Jr. Mrs Harvey is the former Cissy DeVane. The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs MarvinDeVane and Mrs Loree Harvey, all of Ellaville.TR, Tue 21 Feb 1967

Harvey, Jennifer Leigh - Mr and Mrs Jon W Harvey, of Dawsonannounce the birth of a daughter born April 22 at Phoebe Putney Hospital,Albany. The baby, who has been namedJennifer Leigh weighed 7 pounds, 3/4 ounce.Jennifer has an older brother, John 4.The infant is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Lucius Harvey of Leslieand Mrs Doris Doss of Climax, Ga. TR,Mon 25 Apr 1977

Harvey, John William Jr - Mr and Mrs John W Harvey, ofHomestead, Fla, announce the birth of a son born Saturday, October 21. The baby has been named John William Jr. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs LuciusHarvey of Leslie and Doris Doss of Climax, Ga.TR, Mon 23 Oct 1972

Harvey, Judith - Mr and Mrs J H Harvey announce the birth ofa daughter, Sunday, June 28, at the city hospital. The baby has been named Judith. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. TR, Tue 30 Jun 1936

Harvey, L M Jr - Mr and Mrs Lucius M Harvey, of Leslie,announce the birthday of a son Saturday, August 15th, at theAmericus And Sumter County hospital, who has been given the name L M HarveyJr. Mrs Harvey is the former Miss MaryPeel, of near Americus. TCN, Fri 21Aug 1936

Harvey, Laurie Lynn - Mr and Mrs Mac Harvey, of Homestead,Fla, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce daughter, August 30, who hasbeen given the name of Laurie Lynn. Thebaby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Lucius Harvey, of Leslie and Mr and MrsAlvin Bennett of Paducha, Ky. TR, Sat1 Sep 1962

Harvey, Lucius McGarrah Jr - Mr and Mrs Lucius M Harvey, ofLeslie, announce the birth of a son, Saturday, August 15, at the city hospital,who has been named Lucius McGarrah Jr.Mrs Harvey was before her marriage Miss Mary Peel. TR, Mon 17 Aug 1936

Harvey, Nathan Murray - Mr and Mrs Claude Harvey Jr, ofColumbus, announce the birth of a son, Thursday, November 28, who has beennamed Nathan Murray. Mrs Harvey wasformerly Miss Flora Murray, of Americus.TR, Sat 30 Nov 1946

Harvey, Not named - Mr and Mrs Claude Harvey Jr, ofColumbus, announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, December 14, at the CityHospital, in Columbus. Mrs Harvey is theformer Miss Flora Murray, of Americus. TR,Sat 18 Dec 1954

Harvey, Not named - Mr and Mrs Eugene Harvey, ofPhiladelphia, announce the birth of a daughter Monday, January 28th. TR, Fri 1 Feb 1929

Harvey, Not named - Mr and Mrs J H (Red) Harvey announce thebirth of a daughter Tuesday, January 19, at city hospital. TR, Wed 20 Jan 1943

Harvey, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jack Harvey, of Thalean,announce the birth of a son Friday, December the 24th. TR, Wed 29 Dec 1926

Harvey, Not named - Mr and Mrs James H (Red) Harvey announcethe birth of a daughter at city hospital Saturday, July 19. TR, Tue 22 Jul 1947

Harvey, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lasco Harvey, of ConcordCommunity, announce the birth of an eight and a half pound daughter on ThursdayApril 7th. TR, Fri 8 Apr1927

Harvey, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lucius Harvey Jr, of Leslie,announce the birth of a son, Saturday, January 10, at city hospital. Mrs Harvey was formerly Miss Mary Peel. TR, Sat 10 Jan 1942

Harvey, Not named - Richland: Mr and Mrs Gus Harvey announcethe birth of a 10-pound boy, born Dec 10th . Mother and baby are doing fine. TR, Sat 18 Dec 1943

Harvey, Pamela Kim - Mr and Mrs Walter Harvey, of Ideal, arethe parents of an 8 pound, 13 ounce daughter, born August 1, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Pamela Kim. TR, Fri 2 Aug1963

Harvey, William Harvey Jr - Mr and Mrs W H Harvey, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a son, October 29, who has been named WilliamHarvey Jr. Mrs Harvey was before hermarriage Miss Helen Brown, of Americus. TR,Tue 31 Oct 1944

Harvey, William Russell - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Harvey, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a son on Sunday, May 25 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby weighed5 pounds, 2 ½ ounces and has been named William Russell and will be called“Rusty”. The baby’s grandparents are MrsLoree Harvey and Mr and Mrs Marvin Devane, all of Ellaville. TR, Fri 30 May 1969

Harvin, Jillian Kay - Mike and Phyllis Harvin of Bainbridgeannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce daughter, Jillian Kay, born Monday,April 15. She is the granddaughter of Mrand Mrs Frank Harvin of Plains and Tulula Cosby and the late Julian F Cosby Srof Smithville. She has a brother,Michael. TR, Wed 24 Apr 1985

Harvin, Michael Glenn Jr - Mr and Mrs Mike Harvin announcethe birth of a son born Tuesday, October 25 at the Columbus MedicalCenter. The baby, who weighed 8 pounds,1 ½ ounces has been named Michael Glenn Harvin Jr. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Frank Harvin ofPlains and Mr and Mrs Floyd Strange of Smithville and the late Julian F CosbySr. He is the great-grandson of C FCosby of Smithville and Mrs Lottie M Wise of Plains. TR, Mon 31 Oct 1977

Haslam, Mary Edwina - Mr and Mrs J E Haslam, Jr announce thebirth of a daughter Saturday, February 7, at city hospital, who has been namedMary Edwina. TR, Wed 11 Feb 1942

Hasty, Not named - Mr and Mrs Willard Hasty, of Albany,announce the birth of a daughter Tuesday, October 20, at Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Wed 21 Oct 1953

Hasty, Not named - Mr and Mrs Willard Hasty, of Smithville,announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, February 25, at City Hospital. TR, Wed 1 Mar 1950

Hatcher, Andrew Laif - Mr and Mrs Richard Hatcher of Leesburgare the parents of a son born at Phoebe Putney Hospital in Albany Wednesday,June 6. The baby, who weighed 7 pounds,9 ounces has been given the name of Andrew Laif. He has two brothers, Ashley and Che. Grandparents are Lonnie Downs and the lateWilma Jean Kenmore Downs of Americus and Mrs Alva Hatcher and the late MrHatcher of Albany. TR, Thu 14 Jun1979

Hatcher, Christopher Che - Mr and Mrs Richard Hatcher are theparents of a 9 pound, 1 ounce son born Sunday, October 6 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Christopher Che.Che, as he will be call has an older brother, Ashley. Grandparents of the infant are Mr and Mrs A RHatcher Sr of Sumter City and Mrs Wilma Jean Downs and Lonnie Downs, both ofAmericus. TR, Tue 16 Oct 1974

Hatcher, Douglas Mack - Mr and Mrs Ward Hatcher announce thebirth of a son Friday, May 8, at city hospital, who has been named DouglasMack. TR, Fri 8 May 1942

Hatcher, Frances Jerolyn - Mr and Mrs Frank Hatcher, ofTifton, announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, July 30, who has beengiven the name of Frances Jerolyn. MrsHatcher was before her marriage Miss Carolyn Lawhorn. TR, Thu 6 Aug 1942

Hatcher, Jennifer Michelle - Mr and Mrs Herschel Hatcher, ofAtlanta announce the birth of a daughter born March 18 who weighed 7 pounds, 2ounces. The infant has been named JenniferMichelle. The baby is the granddaughterof Mrs Hugo Berner and the late Mr Berner of Boston, Ga and Mrs Earl Hatcherand the late Mr Hatcher of Americus. TR,Wed 12 Apr 1978

Hatcher, Luther Jackson Jr - Mr and Mrs L J Hatcher,Americus, announce the birth of a boy, Luther Jackson Jr, born September 7,weighing 6 pounds, 11 ounces. TCN,Thu 10 Sep 1953

Hatcher, Nancy Gail - Mr and Mrs M C Hatcher, of Panama City,Fla, announce the birth of a 10 pound, 3 ounce daughter, Tuesday, October 9,who has been named Nancy Gail. MrsHatcher is the former Miss Pauline Prince, of Americus and the baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs R A Prince, of this city. TR, Mon 15 Oct 1956

Hatcher, Nancy Kinnebrew - Mr and Mrs Neill BickerestaffHatcher of Columbus announce the birth of a daughter, Nancy Kinnebrew, born 30Dec 1996, 1996 at the Medical Center.Nancy, as the baby is called, weighed 5 pounds, 7 ounces. Mrs Hatcher is the former Ashley Riccardi ofAmericus.. Maternal grandparents are Drand Mrs Lou Riccardi and Mr and Mrs Teddy Turner, all of Americus. Paternal grandaprents are Mr and Mrs MaddenHatcher of Columbus. Great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Hulme Kennebrew of Americus and Dr and Mrs Louis Riccardi ofAtlanta. Nancy has a brother, Neill Jr,2 ½. TR, Sat 4 Jan 1997

Hatcher, Nancy - Mr and Mrs A R Hatcher, of Smithville,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Thursday, August 9, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of Nancy. TR, Fri 10 Aug 1956

Hatcher, Neill Bickerstaff Jr - Mr and Mrs Neill Hatcher ofColumbus announce the birth of a son, Neill Bickerstaff Jr, born Friday, May 13at the Medical Center of Columbus. Theinfant weighed 5 pounds, 7 ½ ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Teddy Turner and Dr and Mrs LouisRiccardi, all of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs MaddenHatcher of Columbus. Maternalgreat-grandparents are Mr and Mrs E H Kinnebrew of Americus and Dr and MrsLouis S Riccardi of Atlanta and paternal great-grandmother is Mrs L NBickerstaff of Columbus. Mrs Hatcher isthe former Miss Ashley Riccardi of Americus.TR, Tue 17 May 1994

Hatcher, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles L Hatcher, of 904Elmore Street announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter, Wednesday,August 29, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 30 Aug 1956

Hatcher, Not named - Mr and Mrs Earl Hatcher, of Vidalia,announce the birth of a son, Saturday, August 14. Mr and Mrs Hatcher are former residents ofthis city. TR, Mon 16 Aug 1937

Hatcher, Not named - Mr and Mrs Tim Hatcher, of Pitts,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce son Thursday, April 9, at Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 9Apr 1953

Hatcher, Not named - Mr and Mrs W H Hatcher, of 1107 FelderStreet, are the parents of a 6 pound, 14 ½ ounce son, born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on December 26. TR,Mon 28 Dec 1964

Hatcher, Not named - Mr and Mrs William Hatcher, of 1325LaFayette Street, are the parents of a 7 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter, bornOctober 7 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 7 Oct 1963

Hatcher, Not named - Mr and Mrs William Hatcher, of 205 HorneStreet, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 15 ounce daughter, October 12, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 13 Oct 1960

Hatcher, Richard Ashley - Sp4 and Mrs A Richard Hatcher Jrannounce the birth of a 5 pound, 13 ounce son on February 8 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital who has been named Richard Ashley. Mrs Hatcher is the former Gail Downs. The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs LonnieDowns of Americus and Mr and Mrs A R Hatcher Sr, of Smithville. TR, Tue 9 Feb 1971

Hatfield, Amy Leigh - Mr and Mrs W B Hatfield Jr announce thebirth of a daughter born Monday, November 11 at the Phoebe Putney Hospital inAlbany. The baby has been given the nameof Amy Leigh. Her grandparents are Mrand Mrs Jim Faircloth and Mr and Mrs W G Hatfield Sr, all of Americus. TR, Mon 18 Nov 1974

Hatfield, Not named - Dr and Mrs Hugh Hatfield, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a daughter who was born Wednesday, February 9. MrsHatfield is the former Amoret James of Americus. The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs JohnJames of Atlanta, also formerly of this city.TR, Mon 14 Feb 1977

Hauesler, Terresia Ann - Mr and Mrs G W Hauesler, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter, Terresia Ann, Monday, June 22, at Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Wed24 Jun 1953

Haugabook, Elizabeth - The Rev and Mrs Claude Haugabookannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce daughter, Friday, September 7, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. MrsHaugabook is the former Miss Allene Timmerman, of Plains and Americus. The baby has been named Elizabeth. TR, Sat 8 Sep 1956

Haugabook, Not named - Mr and Mrs Claude G Haugabook, ofLeslie, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Monday, August 18,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.Mrs Haugabook is the former Miss Allene Timmerman, of Plains. TR, Tue 19 Aug 1958

Haugabook, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Haugabook, of Montezuma,announce the birth of a 5 pound, 11 ounce daughter, May 18, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Fri 20May 1960

Hauser, Mary Louise - Mr and Mrs Jack Hauser, of St Georges,Bermuda, announce the birth of an eight-pound, nine ounce daughter Monday,February 22, who has been named Mary Louise.Mrs Hauser is the former Miss Bevley Strickland, of Americus, and thebaby is the granddaughter of Dr and Mrs R B Strickland, of this city. TR, Tue 23 Feb 1954

Hauser, RoBen Strickland - T Sgt and Mrs Jack D Hauser, ofGlasgow Air Force Base, Montana, announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, March9. The baby, who has been named RoBenStrickland, is the grandson of Dr and Mrs R B Strickland of Americus. TR, Thu 11 Mar 1965

Haver, Paul Davis - The Rev and Mrs R W Haver, of Route 2,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son, Saturday, December 15 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Paul Davis. TR, Mon 17 Dec 1956

Hawkins, Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs James H Hawkins announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 11 3/4 ounce daughter, born Tuesday June 5, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of Elizabeth. TR, Wed 6 Jun 1962

Hawkins, Ella Christine - Darryl and Cara Hawkins of Americusannounce of Americus announce the birth of a daughter, Ella Christine, June 8at Sumter Regional Hospital. She weighed7 pounds, 9 ounces. Grandparents areHelton and Jean Hawkins of Calhoun and Christine Bledsoe Thompson of Colquittand the late Clarence Thompson. Carrieis her sister. TR, Thu 19 Jun 1997

Hawkins, Haley Mills - Mr and Mrs Thomas H Hawkins Jr ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Haley Mills, born Nov 3 at theMedical Center of Columbus. The infantweighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs William F Mills of West Palm Beach,Fla. Great-grandparents are Mr and MrsRobert C Abel Sr of Glenville, NC and Thelma Mills of West Palm Beach. Great-great-grandmother is Jessie Abel ofWest Palm Beach. Haley has a brotherHudson, 4. TR, Fri 19 Nov 1993

Hawkins, Kathryn Susan - Mr and Mrs Thomas Hawkins announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 4 ounce daughter Thursday, April 28, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Kathryn Susan. Mrs Hawkins is the former Miss HelenPrickett, of Athens. TR, Fri 29 Apr1955

Hawkins, Marlea Caroline - Mr and Mrs Rich Hawkins ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Marlea Caroline, born December 26 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces at birth.Mrs Hawkins is the former Melanie Shumake of Waycross. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Wyatt AShumake Sr and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Richard Hawkins Sr, all ofAmericus. Mrs C L Driskell of Waycrossis great-grandmother. TR, Tue 16 Jan1990

Hawkins, Not named - Mr and Mrs James H Hawkins, of 910Hanco*ck Drive, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce son, January 7, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. MrsHawkins is the former Miss Mary Ellen Higgins, of Washington, D C. The baby is the grandson of Mrs Lewis Ellis,of Americus. TR, Mon 9 Jan 1961

Hawkins, Not named - Mr and Mrs James H Hawkins, of DogwoodHills, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ½ ounce son, Sunday, March 6 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 7 Mar 1966

Hawkins, Not named - Mr and Mrs Thomas Hawkins, of Route 1Americus, are the parents of an 8 pound, 8 ounce son, born December 3, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 3 Dec 1963

Hawkins, Richard Asher - Rich and Melanie Hawkins of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Richard Asher, on July 1 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Grandparents are Sonny and Martha Hawkins ofSt Simons, formerly of Americus, and Wyatt and Leonora Shumake ofAmericus. He is the brother of Marleeand Roman. TR, Wed 16 Jul 1997

Hawkins, Roman Lee - Mr and Mrs Rich Hawkins of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Roman Lee, born April 9 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds,12 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Wyatt A Shumake Sr, Dr and Mrs Richard L Hawkins Sr, all ofAmericus. Great-grandmother is Mrs C LDriskell of Waycross. The baby has asister, Marlee Caroline, age three. TR,Thu 29 Apr 1993

Hawkins, Thomas Hudson - Mr and Mrs Carl Hawkins announce thebirth of a son January 11, who has been called Thomas Hudson, for his maternalgrandfather. TR, Thu 17 Jan 1924

Hawley, Donald Wheelock - Mr and Mrs B W Hawley, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, December 24, at Emory Hospital, who hasbeen named Donald Wheelock. Mrs Hawleyis the former Miss Christine Cannon, of Americus. TR, Fri 27 Dec 1946

Hawley, Donna Woods - Mr and Mrs D W Hawley, of New York,announce the birth of a daughter, December 23, who has been named DonnaWoods. Mrs Hawley was before marriageMiss Christine Cannon. TR, Thu 28 Dec1944

Hawley, Randolph Everett - Randy and Marcia Hawley announcethe birth of a son, Randolph Everett, born 1 Jan at Sumter RegionalHospital. He weighed 7 pounds, 13 ouncesat birth. Grandparents are Neal Hawleyof Cordele; David P Hawley of Arlington, Texas; Malcolm and Betty Lilly ofLilly, Ga; aand Penelope Lilly of Jacksonville, Fla. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs B IThornton of Cordele; Evelyn Lilly of Lilly; Catherine B Slate of Atlanta;Eleanor Hawley of Carlsbad, NM; and George F Hawley of Houston, Texas. TR, Thu 3 Jan 1991

Hawver, Kacie Anne - Mr and Mrs Greg Hawver of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Kacie Anne, born November 15 at Phoebe Putneyin Albany. The infant weighed 7 pounds,11 ounces at birth. Paternal grandmotheris Mrs Margaret E Hawver of New Smyrna Beach, Fla and maternal grandmother isMrs Annie Mae Spillers of Ft Valley.Kacie Anne has a brother Brian, 7 and a sister Christie, age six. TR, Wed 25 Nov 1987

Hay, Bobby - Mr and Mrs I D Hay, of Blakely, announce thebirth of a 10-pound son, who has been named Bobby. Mrs Hay will be remembered here as Miss RubieMcLendon, of the 17th district.TR, Thu 15 Feb 1934

Hay, Rose Marie - Mr and Mrs Curtis E Hay, of Route 4Americus, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ½ ounce daughter, Thursday,February 13, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been given the name of RoseMarie. TR, Fri 14 Feb 1964

Hayes, Alison Brooke - Mr and Mrs Rudy Hayes announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 14 1/4 ounce daughter born Tuesday, July 24 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who has been given the name of Alison Brooke, is the granddaughter of Mrs G LRamsey and the late Mr Ramsey of Columbus and Mr and Mrs John H Hayes ofWaycross. Her great-grandmother is Mrs JH Yancey of LaFayette, Ala. TR, Tue24 Jul 1973

Hayes, Chad Evan - Mr and Mrs Harold Hayes, of East Point,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 10 ½ ounce son born Thursday, January 25 atthe Northside Hospital in East Point.The baby has been given the name of Chad Evan. He is the grandson of Mrs Billie Wolf andHarold Hayes Sr, both of Cincinnati and Mrs Dyce Phail and the late James MMitchell of Americus. Mrs Ernest Pantoneof this city is the baby’s great-grandmother.TR, Sat 27 Jan 1973

Hayes, Elizabeth Karen - Mr and Mrs Tommy Hayes announcethe birth of a daughter born on Tuesday, July 18 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The infant, who wasnamed Elizabeth Karen and will be called Beth, weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces. Beth has an older brother, Brian, agefour. Grandparents are Mrs Ida L Ingleof Albany and Mr and Mrs Delma H Hayes of Senoia, Ga. TR, Wed 19 Jul 1978

Hayes, Jackson Brian - Mr and Mrs John Hayes of Americus announcethe birth of a son, Jackson Brian, born Thursday, August 1 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds,15 ounces. Paternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs Rudy Hayes of Americus. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Vernon Standridge of Rochelle. Great- grandmother is Mrs John Hayes ofWaycross. TR, Sat 3 Aug 1996

Hayes, John Lamar - Mr and Mrs Rudy Hayes announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 14 ½ ounce son Wednesday, June 5, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been named John Lamar is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Greer Lamar Ramsey ofColumbus and Mr and Mrs John H Hayes of Waycross. TR, Thu 6 Jun 1968

Hayes, Lisa Charlene - Mr and Mrs Rudy Hayes of ShirleyRoad announce the birth of a six pound, 2 ½ ounce daughter Tuesday, May 17, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of LisaCharlene. The baby is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs G L Ramsey of Columbus and Mr and Mrs J H Hayes of Rocky Mt, N Cand the great-granddaughter of Mrs J H Yancy of LaFayette, Alabama. TR, Wed 18 May 1966

Hayes, Mary Kate - Mr and Mrs Mark Anthony Hayes ofStockbridge, Ga announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Kate, born May 1 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Theron Hayes of Thomaston, Ga andmaternal grandparents are Dr and Mrs Richard Reese of Americus. Mrs Hayes is the former Miss Nancy Ruth Reeseof Americus. Mary Kate has a brother,Will, age two. TR, Wed 9 May 1990

Hayes, Myrtle - Mr and Mrs G B Hayes announce the birth ofa daughter Wednesday, January 30, at their home on Mayo Street, who has beengiven the name Myrtle. TR, Sat 2 Feb1929

Hayes, Not named - Mr and Mrs Logan Hayes of Shellmanannounce the birth of a son on December 31 at City Hospital. TCN, Thu 6 Jan 1949

Hayes, Not named - Mr and Mrs Owen Hayes, of Smithville,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce son Sunday, July 12 at Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Wed 15Jul 1953

Hayes, Not named - Mr and Mrs Owen Hayes, of Smithville,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 13 ounce daughter at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, Saturday, August 25. TR,Mon 27 Aug 1956

Hayes, Scott Hetherington - Mr and Mrs Harold Hayes, ofCollege Park, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce son. The infant was born Friday, February 11 andhas been named Scott Hetherington. MrsHayes is the former Sarah J Phail of Americus.Grandparents are Mrs Sarah Phail of College Park and Mrs Billy Wolfe andHarold Hayes Sr, both of Cincinnati. MrsMae Pantone of Americus is the baby’ great-grandmother. TR Mon 14 Feb 1977

Hayes, Sydney Lauren - Mr and Mrs John Hayes of Americusannounce the birth of a daugher, Sydney Lauren, Dec 4 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,11 ounces. Grandparents are Mr and MrsRudy Hayes of Americus and Mr and Mrs Vernon Standridge of Rochelle. He has a brother, Jackson, 3. TR, Wed 15 Dec 1999

Hayes, Zack Clark IV - Mr and Mrs Zack Hayes III, of 605South Lee Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 5 ounce son, November 15, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Zack Clark IV. TR, Mon 17 Nov 1958

Haynes, Not named - Mr and Mrs J R Haynes, of Columbus, arethe parents of a boy baby born on Wednesday, August 6, at the PratherClinic. TR, Thu 7 Aug 1947

Haynes, Thomas Ector Jr - Sgt and Mrs Thomas E Haynes, ofRobins AFB announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce son born Wednesday, March23 at the Base Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Thomas Ector Haynes Jr. Thebaby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Hugh Rushin and James E Haynes, all ofAmericus. TR, Fri 24 Mar 1972

Hays, Lillian Frances - Mr and Mrs Tom W Hays announce thebirth of a 6 pound daughter Lillian Frances, who was born Thursday, 24 Jun, attheir home on Church Street. Mrs Hayswas before her marriage Miss Lillian Caldwell.TR, Sat 26 Jun 1937

Hayslip, Not named - Mr and Mrs L C Hayslip, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son Tuesday, November 7, at city hospital. TR, Tue 7 Nov 1950

Hayslip, Susan Lynn - Mr and Mrs Charlie Hayslip Jr announcethe birth of a daughter, Susan Lynn, September 2 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby weighed 7pounds, 7 ½ ounces. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs W E Gilbert of Woodbury and Mr and Mrs CharlieHayslip Sr of Cordele. TR, Sat 3 Sep1966

Haywood, Ashley Nollen - Mr and Mrs Ronald Haywood ofColumbus announce the birth of a daughter, Ashley Nollen, born Friday, July 19at Columbus Medical Center. Mrs Haywoodis the former Leslie Loflin.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Geddie Loflin of Americus and Mr and Mrs V JHaywood of Columbus. Great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Harry Dorsey of Charlotte, NC, Mr and Mrs Frank Steedley ofPhenix City, Ala and Mrs Clare Haywood of Columbus. TR, Tue 6 Aug 1985

Head, Don Eugene - Mr and Mrs Jerry W Head, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a son, December 26, at the Georgia Baptist Hospital, whohas been named Don Eugene. Mrs Head isthe former Miss Marcine Harrell, of Americus.TR, Mon 28 Dec 1959

Head, Heidi Louise - Mr and Mrs Winston Head, ofChattanooga, announce the birth of a 9 pound daughter, February 9, who has beennamed Heidi Louise. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Harry Head of Americus. TR, Sat 20 Feb 1965

Head, Henry Harold - Mr and Mrs Hall Head, Route 4Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce son born Tuesday, November17 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Henry Harold and will be called Hank. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Richard Garvin ofUnadilla and Mr and Mrs J F Head of Americus.He is also the great-grandson of Mrs B F Head of Leslie. TR, Tue 22 Nov 1977

Head, Joseph Larry Jr - Mr and Mrs Larry Head, of Leslie,announce the birth of a son, Joseph Larry Head Jr Jan 7 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. He has a sister,Diane Head. He is the grandson of Mr andMrs Franklin Head of Americus and Mr and Mrs Lloyd Gay Sr of Leslie, Ga. He is the great-grandson of Mrs B F Head ofAmericus. TR, Tue 14 Jan 1975

Head, Joyce Marie - Mr and Mrs B F Head, of near Leslie,announce the birth of a ten-pound daughter June 23, who has been given the nameJoyce Marie. TR, Thu 27 Jun 1935

Head, Kimberly Starr - Mr and Mrs Winston Head, ofChattanooga, Tennessee announce the birth of a daughter Saturday, March 8, whohas been given the name of Kimberly Starr.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J P Wheeler, of AvondaleEstates, and Mr and Mrs Harry Head of Americus.TR, Thu 13 Mar 1969

Head, Kristy Michelle - Mr and Mrs Bobby Head, of Macon,are the parents of a 7 pound, 15 ounce daughter who was born Tuesday, May27. The infant has been given the nameof Kristy Michelle. Her grandparents areMr and Mrs G W Beauchamp and Mr and Mrs Harry Head, all of Americus. TR, Fri 30 May 1975

Head, Nancy Diane - Mr and Mrs Larry Head announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter Monday, May 4, who has been given thename of Nancy Diane. The baby was bornat the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Lloyd Gay Sr and Mr and Mrs J FHead and the great-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs P M Carson and Mr and Mrs B FHead. TR, Wed 6 May 1970

Head, Not named - Mr and Mrs B F Head, of near Leslie,announce the birth of a son Sunday, October 6, at city hospital. TR, Wed 9 Oct 1940

Head, Not named - Mr and Mrs Franklin Head announce thebirth of a daughter, Friday, November 14 at city hospital. TR, Fri 14 Nov 1941

Head, Not named - Mr and Mrs J F Head announce the birthof a daughter, Monday, October 8, at city hospital. TR, Fri 12 Oct 1945

Head, Not named - Mr and Mrs Winston Head, of Chattanooga,Tennessee announce the birth of a 9 pound son Monday, February 15. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs HarryHead of Americus and Mr and Mrs J P Wheeler of Avondale Estates. TR, Sat 20 Feb 1971

Head, Robert Edward Jr - Mr and Mrs Bobby Head, of Macon,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 13 ounce son born Tuesday, August 1. The baby, who has been named Robert EdwardHead Jr, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs George Beauchamp and Mr and Mrs HarryHead, all of Americus. TR, Wed 2 Aug1972

Head, Robert Edward - Mr and Mrs W H Head announce thebirth of a son, Saturday, January 18, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedRobert Edward. TR, Mon 20 Jan 1947

Head, Steve Gregory - Mr and Mrs Jerry Head, of Chamblee,announce the birth of a six pound, 11 ounce son, April 23, who has been giventhe named of Steve Gregory. The baby isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs J P Harrell and Mr and Mrs Harry Head ofAmericus. TR, Mon 27 Apr 1964

Healy, Charles Lanier - Mr and Mrs Rob Healy, ofChattanooga, Tenn announce the birth of an 8 pound son born Friday, November 29at Memorial Hospital in Chattanooga. Thebaby has been named Charles Lanier. Heis the grandson of Mr and Mrs William Healy of Lookout Mountain, Tenn and MrsBetty L Parrish of Americus and Roy Parrish of Thomasville. He is the great-grandson of Mr and MrsCharles Lanier of this city and Mrs Roy Parrish Sr of Moultrie. Mrs Healy is the former Betsy Parrish ofAmericus. TR, Sat 30 Nov 1974

Healy, John Robertson - Mr and Mrs Rob Healy, of LookoutMountain, Tenn announce the birth of a son Saturday, January 15 at the ErlangerHospital. The baby, who weighed 8pounds, 13 ounces has been named John Robertson. Mrs Healy is the former Betsy Parrish ofAmericus. Grandparents of the infant areMr and Mrs Bill Healy of Lookout Mountain and Mrs Betty Parrish of Americus andRoy Parrish of Thomasville. He is thegreat-grandson of Mr and Mrs Charles Lanier, also of this city. TR, Mon 24 Jan 1977

Healy, William Livingston - Mr and Mrs Bob Healy of LookoutMoutain, Tenn announce the birth of a 9 pound, 13 ounce son, WilliamLivingston, born Wednesday, January 16 at Erlanger Medical Center inChattanooga, Tenn. He is the grandson ofMrs Betty Parrish of Americus and Roy E Parrish Jr of Thomasville. Great-grandparents are Mrs Roy E Parrish Srof Moultrie and the late Mr Parrish and Mr and Mrs Charles Lanier of Americus. TR, Wed 6 Feb 1985

Healy, William Livingston - Mr and Mrs William R Healy ofLookout Mountain, Tenn announce the birth of a 9 pound, 13 ounce son, WilliamLivingston, born Wednesday, January 16 at Erlanger Medical Center inChattanooga, Tenn. He is the grandson ofMrs Betty Parrish of Americus and Roy E Parrish Jr of Thomasville. Great-grandparents are Mrs Roy E Parrish Srof Moultrie and the late Mr Parrish and Mr and Mrs Charles Lanier ofAmericus. TR, Thu 24 Jan 1985

Heard, Melinda - Mr and Mrs Coleman Heard, of Douglas,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, July 23, whohas been named Melinda. TR, Wed 29Jul 1942

Hearon, Heather Nicole - Mike and Babs Hearon of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Heather Nicole, born Tuesday, January17. The infant, who will be called Heather,weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mrs George Beauchamp and the late Mr Beauchampof Americus and paternal grandparents are Mrs Ann Hearon of Americus and BobHearon of Plains. Heather has a brother,Michael, age seven. TR, Fri 20 Jan1989

Hearon, Jessica Elizabeth - Mike and Babs Hearon of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Jessica Elizabeth, born October 14 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 6 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mrs Frances Beauchamp, Americus and the late Mr George WBeauchamp and paternal grandparents are Mrs Ann Hearon of Americus and BobHearon of Plains. Great-grandparents areMrs Mary C Hearon of Plains and Lizzie Mae Bishop of Covington. Jessica has a brother, Michael, 11 and asister, Heather, 2 ½. TR, Wed 16 Oct1991

Hearon, Not named - Mr and Mrs H S Hearon Jr of Prestonannounce the birth of a son at City Hospital on October 1. TCN, Thu 6 Oct 1949

Hearon, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert Hearon, of Plains,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son, August 9 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 10Aug 1961

Hearon, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert L Hearon, of Route 1Plains, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 13 ounce daughter at the Americus andSumter County Hospital March 15. TR,Wed 16 Mar 1966

Hearon, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert Lee Hearon, of Plains,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce son, March 20, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 21Mar 1960

Hearon, Not named - Mr and Mrs Vause Hearon announce thebirth of a son Thursday, September 25, at city hospital. Mrs Hearon was before her marriage MissChristine Johnson, of the Shiloh community.TR, Fri 26 Sep 1941

Hearon, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs William V Hearonannounce the birth of twin daughters born Wed 23 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. One of the babiesweighed 3 pounds, 15 ounces and the other 4 pounds, 1 ounce. They have been given the names Barbara Jeanneand Charlotte Anne. Their grandparentsare Mr and Mrs W V Hearon of Americus and Mr and Mrs T R Williams of Maywood,Illinois. TR, Fri 25 Apr 1975

Heath, Cynthia Dawn - Mr and Mrs John W Heath, of 723 PineAvenue, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ½ ounce daughter, July 23 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Cynthia Dawn. TR,Mon 25 Jul 1966

Heath, David Eugene - Mr and Mrs John Heath, of RidgeStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce son, Thursday, September 7, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named David Eugene. TR, Thu 7 Sep 1961

Heath, Douglas Dan - Mr and Mrs Danny Heath, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a son born July 6 at the Medical Center in Columbus. The baby, who has been given the name ofDouglas Dan weighed 9 pounds, 4 ½ ounces.Doug, as he will be called, has one sister, Marsha, who was six on July7. The infant is the grandson of Mr andMrs Melvin Wills of Bronwood and Mrs Douglas Heath of Ellaville. TR, Wed 14 Jul 1976

Heath, Ernest Roland Jr - Mr and Mrs Ernest Heath, of Route2 Ellaville, are the parents of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son, born February 1, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Ernest Roland Jr. TR, Tue 2 Feb 1965

Heath, Hayley Ranee - Staff Sgt and Mrs Sidney Heathannounce the birth of a daughter, Hayley Ranee, born October 21 at HoustonMedical Center, Warner Robins. Hayley,as the infant is known, weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs AlvinGattis of Ellaville and paternal grandmother is Mrs Nancy Hoffman of Salem,Ala. Hayley has a brother, Timothy, 5½. TR, Tue 17 Nov 1992

Heath, Jane Bridges - Lt and Robert Heath Jr announce thebirth of a daughter, Saturday, November 10 in Atlanta. The baby, who has been named Jane BridgesHeath, is the great-granddaughter of Supertendent and Mrs E L Bridges ofAmericus. TR, Wed 14 Nov 1945

Heath, Johnny Chris Jr - Mr and Mrs Johnny Heath announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 11 ½ ounce son Thursday, March 14 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Johnny Chris Heath Jr.TR, Sat 16 Mar 1968

Heath, Marsha Ann - Mr and Mrs Danny Heath, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a daughter on July 7th at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby weighed7 pounds, 14 ounces and has been named Marsha Ann. Mrs Heath was the former Dianne Wills ofPlains. Grandparents of the baby are Mrand Mrs Melvin Wills, of Plains and Mrs Douglas Heath of Ellaville. TR, Tue 28 Jul 1970

Heath, Melisa Dawn - Mr and Mrs Charles Wayne Heath, ofRoute 2 Americus, announce the birth of a six pound, 3 ½ ounce daughter May 10,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby, who has been named Melisa Dawn, is the granddaughter of Mr andMrs Charles Heath of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs B W Jordan of this city. The baby’s mother is the former Connie Turnerof Americus. TR, Thu 12 May 1966

Heath, Not named - Mr and Mrs Derrell Heath of Dawsonannounce the birth of a son at city hospital, Monday, October 6. TR, Thu 9 Oct 1947

Heath, Not named - Mr and Mrs E R Heath are the parents ofan 8 pound, 11 ½ ounce daughter, born January 28, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Tue 28 Jan 1964

Heath, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Heath, of New York City,announce the birth of a son, Sunday, April 11.Mrs Heath will be pleasantly remembered in Americus as Miss EvelynBell. TR, Wed 14 Apr 1926

Heath, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Heath, of New York City,announce the birth of a daughter, July 23rd at the PlainsSanitarium, who has not been named. MrsHeath was before her marriage, Miss Evelyn Bell, of Americus. Mother and daughter will be removed Thrusdayto the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs E F Bell, 501 South Lee Street. TR, Tue 4 Aug 1931

Heath, Not named - Mr and Mrs Johnny Heath, of Preston,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ½ ounce daughter Wednesday, March 26 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Alex Davis of Americus, Mr and MrsCecil Austin of Preston and Mrs Ernest Heath of Butler. TR, Sat 29 Mar 1969

Heath, Not named - Mr and Mrs Murray G Heath of Bronwoodannounce the birth of a son at City Hospital on December 9. TCN, Thu 22 Dec 1949

Heath, Patricia Murphy - Mr and Mrs R L Heath, of Leesburg,announce the birth of a daughter at the Americus and Sumter county hospitalAugust 17. The child, Patricia Murphy,is a granddaughter of Mr and Mrs E L Bridges, of this city. TR, Wed 17 Aug 1932

Heath, Stephen Kyle - Mr and Mrs Roland Heath Jr announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce son born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Sunday, August 20. Theinfant has been given the name of Stephen Kyle.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Roland Heath Sr of Waynesboro and Mr and MrsLeon Kull of Atlanta. TR, Mon 31 Aug1981

Heath, Theresa - Mr and Mrs E C Heath, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a daughter, Sept 16, who has been named Theresa. Mrs Heath was, before her marriage Miss HildaCosper, daughter of Mr and Mrs J L Cosper, of Ellaville. TR, Wed 29 Sep 1943

Heath, Timothy Ryan - Staff Sgt and Mrs Sidney R Heath of KI Sawyer AFB, Michigan announce the birth of a son, Timothy Ryan, born Sunday,April 5 at the Base Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 1 ½ ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ramon Hoffman and the late WilliamHeath of Salem, Ala. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Alvin Gattis of Ellaville.Great-grandparents are Mrs Dolly Staton of Salem, Ala and Boon Jearellof Marietta, Ga. Mrs Heath is the formerMiss Michele Gattis of Ellaville. TR,Mon 27 Apr 1987

Heaton, Joseph Talley Jr - Mr and Mrs Joe Heaton announcethe birth of a 12-pound son, Thursday, December 19, at the city hospital, whohas been given the name Joseph Talley Jr.Before her marriage Mrs Heaton was Miss Lucy Furlow. TR, Fri 20 Dec 1940

Heaton, Louise - Mr and Mrs Joe Heaton announce the birth ofan eight-pound girl this morning at the city hospital, who has been namedLouise. TR, Mon 17 Jul 1933

Heaton, Not named - Mr and Mrs Joe Heaton announce the birthof a daughter this morning, July 6 at the Americus and Sumter county hospital. TR, Fri 6 Jul 1934

Heaton, Timothea Furlow - Mr and Mrs Joe Heaton announce thebirth of a 11 pound, four ounce daughter, Tuesday, December 30, at cityhospital, who has been named Timothea Furlow.TR, Tue 30 Dec 1941

Heaton, Vivian - Mr and Mrs George A Heaton, of Tampa, Fla,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a seven pound daughter, October 11,who has been named Vivian. Mrs Heatonwas before marriage Miss Vivian Hammond of this city. Both mother and baby are getting alongfine. TR, Sat 15 Oct 1932

Hebert, Harley - Mr and Mrs Vail P Hebert, of New Iberia, Laannounce the birth of a daughter born Friday, April 15 at the Iberia ParishHospital. The baby, who has been namedHarley weighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces. Harley’sgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Arthur W Baker of Americus, the late H D Allen Srof Live Oak, Fla and Mr and Mrs Marlin G Hebert of New Iberia. Mrs S A Smith Sr of Americus is the baby’sgreat-grandmother. Mrs Hebert is theformer LaWanna Gayle Allen of Americus. TR,Wed 20 Apr 1977

Hebert, Kyeley - Mr and Mrs Vail P Hebert, of New Iberia, Laannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce daughter who has been named Kyeley, onThursday, July 20 at the Dauterive Hospital in New Iberia. Kyeley has an older sister, Harley and hergrandparents are Mr and Mrs Arthur W Baker, Americus and the late H D Allen Sr,Live Oak, Fla and Mr and Mrs Marlin G Hebert of New Iberia. Mrs S A Smith Sr, Americus; Mrs H F Baker,Moultrie and Mrs J W Allen of Live Oak are the infant’sgreat-grandmothers. Mrs Hebert is theformer Miss LaWanna Gayle Allen of Americus.TR, Sat 22 Jul 1978

Hedgepath, Not named - Mr and Mrs Bob Hedgepath announce thebirth of a daughter March 29th.TR, Thu 31 Mar 1932

Hedrick, Not named - Mr and Mrs David Hedrick, of 210 WestCollege Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 3 ½ ounce daughter, September17 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 18 Sep 1963

Heffernan, Andrew Tyler - Dr and Mrs John Heffernan of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Andrew Tyler, born Tuesday, July 26 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 4 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs James A Holcomb of Athens and paternal grandparentsare Mrs Mildred Heffernan of Augusta and the late Mr Thomas Joseph Heffernan. The infant has two sisters, Holly, 15 andKristen, 12. TR, Mon 8 Aug 1988

Heintz, Hannah Rose - Mr and Mrs Peter C Heintz and theirson Harry of Americus announce the birth of Hannah Rose Heintz. She was born Saturday, August 13 and weighed6 pounds, 7 ½ ounces. Her mother is theformer Laura Jean Clark of Abbeville. TR,Fri 19 Aug 1983

Heires, Phyllis Ellen - Mr and Mrs Phillip Heires ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Phyllis Ellen born Saturday, June 17at City Hospital. TCN, Thu 22 Jun1950

Hekman, Kimberly Ann - Mr and Mrs Ralph K Hekman, ofRiverside, California, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ounce daughter,Wednesday, September 30, who has been named Kimberly Ann. Mrs Hekman is the former Betty Law, ofLeslie, Ga and the baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Lewis B Law, Leslieand Mr and Mrs Peter M Hekman, of Ripon, California. TR, Thu 8 Oct 1964

Hekman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ralph K Hekman, of 3718Burlington Drive, Riverside, Calif, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounceson, born December 12. Mrs Hekman is theformer Betty Law, daughter of Mr and Mrs Lewis B Law, of Leslie. The baby’s paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Peter M Hekman, of Ripon, California.TR, Sat 15 Dec 1962

Hekman, Philip Ralph - Mr and Mrs Ralph Hekman, ofRiverside, California announce the birth of a 7 pound 7 ½ ounce son Wednesday,January 8 who has been named Philip Ralph.Mrs Hekman is the former Betty Law of Leslie and the baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Lewis B Law, Leslie and Mrs Peter M Hekman of Ripon,California. TR, Mon 27 Jan 1969

Held, Not named - Mr and Mrs R V Held, of Cobb, announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Friday, March 8, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Fri 8 Mar1957

Helms, Billy Marshall - Mr and Mrs M A Helms announce thebirth of a son, September 14th, at their home in Plains. The little boy has been given the name BillyMarshall. TR, Tue 25 Sep 1928

Helms, James Lester - Mr and Mrs Herbert H Helms announcethe birth of a son August 5th, at their home on Barlow Street, whohas been given the name James Lester.Mrs Helms will be remembered as Miss Adele Dickerson before hermarriage. TR, Mon 8 Aug 1927

Helms, John West - Mr and Mrs M A Helms, of Plains,announce the birth of a son Saturday, March 21, who has been given the nameJohn West. TR, Wed 25 Mar 1931

Helms, M A Jr - Mr and Mrs M A Helms, of Pontiac, Michiganannounce the birth of M A Helms Jr, September the 14th.. Mrs Helms was formerly Miss Lucille Marshallof Plains, Ga. TR, Tue 21 Sep 1926

Helms, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Helms, of BuenaVista, are the parents of a 6 pound, 12 ½ ounce daughter, born September 23 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 24 Sep 1962

Helms, Not named - Mr and Mrs Marcus Helms, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday May 18. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. Mrs Helms was the former Miss Lucile Marshallof Plains. TCN, Fri 1 Jun 1934

Helms, Terressa Dianne - Mr and Mrs Charles L Helms, ofBuena Vista, are the parents of a 6 pound, 11 ounce daughter born November 22,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Terressa Dianne.TR, Fri 25 Nov 1960

Helton, Not named - Mr and Mrs C T Helton, of Parrott,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, September 27, at city hospital. TR, Thu 28 Sep 1944

Hemmer, Lewis Edmond - Mr and Mrs Lewis Hemmer announce thebirth of a son, Saturday, October 23, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedLewis Edmond. TR, Mon 25 Oct 1943

Henderson, Catherine Ann - Mr and Mrs Howard Henderson announcethe birth of a daughter September the 22nd. She will be called Catherine Ann. TR, Sat 25 Sep 1926

Henderson, Cynthia Ann - S Sgt and Mrs James Carlton Hendersonof Warner Robins, Ga announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter bornMonday, September 18 at the Robins AFB Hospital. The baby has been named Cynthia Ann. Mrs Henderson is the former Margie Foegal ofSan Francisco, Calif. The baby’sgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Louie Holloway of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs O WFoegal of San Francisco, Calif. TR,Tue 3 Oct 1972

Henderson, H K Jr - Mr and Mrs H K Henderson announce the birthof a son July 14, at their home on Prince Street, who has been given the name HK Jr. TR, Wed 18 Jul 1928

Henderson, Harold Eugene - Mr and Mrs Charles Henderson, ofSylvan Drive, announce the birth of a son, Harold Eugene, born December 17,1965. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs HK Henderson, of Americus and Mrs W R Weathersley of Bainbridge. TR, Mon 10 Jan 1966

Henderson, Hope Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Charles G Henderson, ofSylvester, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ounce daughter Tuesday,September 23 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been given the name of HopeElizabeth. Mrs Henderson is the formerIona Bell and the baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Luther E Bell and Mrand Mrs Hugh Henderson. TR, Wed 25Sep 1969

Henderson, James Carlton - Pvt and Mrs W R Henderson announcethe birth of a son, Tuesday, August 24, at the city hospital. The baby has been named James Carlton. Pvt Henderson is in the armed forcesoverseas. TR, Thu 26 Aug 1943

Henderson, James Lamar - Mr and Mrs James L Henderson, ofHampton, announced the birth of son, September 11, who will be called JamesLamar Henderson. Mrs Henderson ispleasantly remembered by her many friends in Americus as Miss Elmer Bell. TR, Wed 18 Sep 1924

Henderson, Jill Suzanne - Mr and Mrs Walter E Henderson are theparents of a daughter born Wednesday, February 1 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who has beengiven the name of Jill Suzanne weighed 7 pounds, 8 1/4 ounces. The infant is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsDonnell Byrd and Mr and Mrs Leon Henderson of LaGrange. TR, Fri 3 Feb 1978

Henderson, Katie Marie - Gary and April Henderson of Columbusannounce the birth of a daughter, Katie Marie, born February 21 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 10pounds at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Ray Duke of Americus and paternal grandmother is Mae Benson ofPearson. Great-grandparents are Mr andMrs Franklin Head of Americus and Annie Pearl Tripp of Leslie. Katie Marie has a sister, Ashley, 16 months. TR, Wed 8 Mar 1995

Henderson, Kenneth Hugh - Mr and Mrs Charles Henderson announcethe birth of a nine pound son, Sunday, February 14, at Edge Hospital in Troy,Ala, who has been given the name Kenneth Hugh.Mrs Henderson was before her marriage Miss Gladys Pope, of this city. TR, Thu 18 Feb 1937

Henderson, Leila Marie - Mr and Mrs Charles Henderson announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 13 ½ ounce daughter Sunday, October 10 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who has been given the name of Leila Marie is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrslu*ther Bell and Mrs H K Henderson and the late Mr Henderson, all ofAmericus. TR, Mon 11 Oct 1971

Henderson, Mary Elena - Dr and Mrs Richard Henderson announcethe arrival of a chosen daughter, Mary Elena, on April 18. The happy parents will call her Elena. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Howard ENowell of Albany. Paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Hyrum Henderson of State Line, Mississippi. TR, Sat 10 Aug 1974

Henderson, Mary Lynn - Mr and Mrs Billy Henderson, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, July 17, who has been named MaryLynn. Mrs Henderson is the formerShirley Tharpe, of Vienna. The baby isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Prather Henderson, of this city. TR, Wed 26 Jul 1957

Henderson, Nancy Ann - Mr and Mrs Jim Henderson announce thebirth of a daughter, Tuesday, May 12, at their home at Hampton, Ga, who hasbeen named Nancy Ann. Mrs Henderson wasformerly Miss Elmer Bell, of Americus. TR,Sat 30 May 1936

Henderson, Not named - Ensign and Mrs Hugh Henderson Jr, of OakHarbor, Washington, announce the birth of a son Friday, August 17 at OakHarbor. The baby is the grandson of Mrand Mrs H K Henderson, of this city. TR,Mon 20 Aug 1951

Henderson, Not named - Mr and Mrs C M Henderson announce thebirth of a daughter, Tuesday, March 6, at city hospital. TR, Tue 6 Mar 1945

Henderson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Henderson, of 131East Hill Street, announce the birth of a daughter, born July 5. TR, Wed 5 Jul 1961

Henderson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Prather Henderson announce thebirth of a daughter January 5, at their home on Barlow Street. TR, Mon 8 Jan 1923

Henderson, William Bradford - Mr and Mrs W R Henderson announcethe birth of a son, Tuesday, September 23, at city hospital, who has been namedWilliam Bradford. Mrs Henderson wasformerly Miss Virginia Osborne. TR,Wed 24 Sep 1941

Henderson, William Joseph - Mr and Mrs Billy Henderson, ofDecatur, announce the birth of a son, Friday, October 30, who has been namedWilliam Joseph. The baby is the grandsonof Mr and Mrs Prather Henderson, of this city.TR, Wed 11 Nov 1959

Hendley, Adam Christopher - Mr and Mrs Christopher Hendley ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Adam Christopher, born July 26. Adam weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold HSpencer of Athens, Ala and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Herbert Hendleyof Americus. TR, Sat 31 Jul 1993

Hendley, Austin Tripp - Mr and Mrs Paul Frederick Hendley Jrof Leesburg announce the birth of a son, Austin Tripp, born March 7 at PhoebePutney Hospital in Albany. Austinweighed 8 pounds, 15 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs William Clark of Leesburg and Mr and MrsPaul Hendley of Americus. Mrs Hendley isthe former Barbara Layting of Americus.Austin has a brother Paul Frederick III, 5. TR, Mon 20 Mar 1995

Hendley, Clifton Burce - Mr and Mrs Clifford R Hendley, of1002 E Furlow Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce son, July 21,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been given the named of Clifton Bruce. TR, Wed 22 Jul 1964

Hendley, Elizabeth Anne - Mr and Mrs Howard Hendley are theparents of a 6 pound, 3 ½ ounce daughter born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Thursday, February 17. Theinfant has been named Elizabeth Anne.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Thomas F Hewitt of Albany and Mr and MrsJesse H Hendley of Americus. TR, Fri25 Feb 1977

Hendley, Holden Howard - Mr and Mrs Howard Hendley ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Holden Howard, born February 13 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 5pounds, 11 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Herb Hendley of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs Thomas Hewitt ofAlbany. Great-grandparents are Mr andMrs Fred Fox of Americus; Mrs Nancy Lee of Ray City, Ga; and Mrs Mae Hewitt ofPlains. The infant has a sister,Elizabeth, age 12. TR, Fri 24 Feb1989

Hendley, Pamela Fran - Mr and Mrs Paul Hendley, of 703 SunsetDrive announce the birth of a 7 pound 1 ½ ounce daughter, born April 19 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who has been named Pamela Fran, is the granddaughter of Mrs Vera Hendleyof Enterprise, Ala and Mrs Earlene Tripp and W L Tripp, of Leslie. TR, Tue 20 Apr 1965

Hendley, Paul Frederick III - Mr and Mrs Paul F Hendley Jr ofLeesburg announce the birth of a son, Paul Frederick III, born Tuesday, June 20at Phoebe Putney Hospital, Albany. Theinfant, who is called Paul, weighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs WilliamClark of Leesburg and the late Mr N E Leyting and paternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs Paul F Hendley Sr of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mrs Erlene Tripp and W L Tripp of Leslie; MrsVera Grantham of Americus; and Mr and Mrs J Seghers of the Netherlands. Mrs Hendley is the former Miss Barbara JeanLeyting of Americus. TR, Tue 27 Jun1989

Hendley, Stacey Nita - Mr and Mrs Tommy Hendley, ofOglethorpe, announce the birth of a daughter at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Tuesday, March 12. The baby,who weighed 8 pounds, 2 ½ ounces has been named Stacey Nita. Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs HarryHendley, all of Americus. TR, Tue 12Mar 1974

Hendley, Thomas D Jr - Mr and Mrs Thomas D Hendley announcethe birth of a son Monday, June 29 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 8pounds, 14 ounces has been named Thomas D Hendley Jr. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs HarveyHendley and Mr and Mrs John Arthur, all of Americus. TR, Mon 29 Jun 1970

Hendrick, Bennie Patricia - Mr and Mrs J J Hendrick announcethe birth of daughter, Bennie Patricia, May 15, at the City Hospital. TR, Thu 26 May 1949

Hendrick, John Cecil - Mr and Mrs W M Hendrick announce thebirth of an 8 ½ pound son, Tuesday, January 20, who has been named JohnCecil. Both mother and baby are doingnicely. TR, Fri, 23 Jan 1942

Hendricks, Carin Jaunica - Jay Kevin Hendricks announces thebirth of a sister Carin Jauncia born on August 23 to Mr and Mrs Jimmy Hendricksof Baton Rouge, La. The paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Reese Hendricks of Americus and the maternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs M J Campbell of Albany. Thegreat-grandparents are Mrs Lon Wise of Plains and Mr and Mrs J G Rodgers ofDamascus. TR, Fri 3 Sep 1971

Hendricks, Eileen - Mr and Mrs W M Hendricks announce the birthof a 6 pound, 11 ounce daughter, September 10, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named Eileen.TR, Mon 12 Sep 1960

Hendricks, James Lester Jr - Mr and Mrs J L Hendricks, of 215East Furlow Street, announce the birth of an 8-pound, 2-ounce son Sunday, May11, at city hospital, who has been named James Lester Jr. TR, Mon 12 May 1952

Hendricks, Jay Kevin - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Hendricks, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a 5 pound, 3 ounce son June 30 at the Georgia BaptistHospital in Atlanta. The baby, who hasbeen given the name of Jay Kevin is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Reese Hendricksof Americus and Mr and Mrs M J Campbell of Columbus. TR, Mon 15 Jul 1968

Hendricks, Josh Campbell - Mr and Mrs Jim Hendricks, of BatonRouge, La announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce son on Friday, July 27. The baby has been named Josh Campbell andwill be called “Cam”. He is the grandsonof Mr and Mrs Reese Hendricks of Americus and Mr and Mrs M J Campbell ofDamascus, Ga. His great-grandparents areMrs May Wise of Plains and Mr and Mrs Allen Rogers, of Damascus. Cam has a brother, Jay Kevin and a sister,Carin Jaunice. TR, Tue 31 Jul 1973

Hendricks, Judith Gwendolyn - Mr and Mrs W M Hendricks Jr, ofPalatka, Florida announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ½ ounce daughter, bornWednesday, June 10, who has been given the namer of Judith Gwendolyn. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs JN Reeves and Mr and Mrs W M Hendricks of Americus. TR, Sat 13 Jun 1970

Hendricks, Not named - Mr and Mrs Johnny Hendricks, of Auburn,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ½ ounce son at the Lee County Hospital,Opelika, Ala, November 1. The baby isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs W M Hendricks of Americus. TR, Wed 4 Nov 1964

Hendricks, Not named - Mr and Mrs Joseph Hendricks of Americusannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 12 ounce girl born May 15 at CityHospital. TCN, Thu 19 May 1949

Hendricks, William David - Mr and Mrs W M Hendricks, ofPalatka, Florida announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce son, born March 30th,at Putnam Memorial Hospital. The babyhas been named William David. MrsHendricks is the former Jane Reeves of this city. TR, Sat 4 Apr 1964

Hendrickson, Clayton Shane - Mr and Mrs Shane Hendrickson ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Clayton Shane, born Friday, May 31 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 9 pounds, at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Melvin Kinslow of Americus and paternal grandparents are MrsSuzanne Hendrickson of Plantation, Fla and James E Hendrickson of PembrokePines, Fla. Great-grandparents are MrsPauline Chestnut of Moultrie and Fred Bunzendahl of Connersville, Ind. The infant has a brother, Kyle, four and asister, Katie, age one. Mrs Hendricksonis the former Miss Kelli Kinslow. TR,Wed 5 Jun 1991

Hendrickson, Frances Kathleen - Mr and Mrs James ShaneHendrickson of Americus announce the birth of a daughter, Frances Kathleen, bornFebruary 10 at Sumter Regional Hospital.The infant weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs MelvinKinslow of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mrs Suzanne Hendrickson ofPembrook Pines, Fla. The infant has abrother, Kyle, age three. TR, Wed 14Feb 1990

Hendrickson, James Kyle - Mr and Mrs James Shane Hendrickson ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, James Kyle, born Friday, September 19 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Melvin Kinslow of Americus and Mr and MrsJames E Hendrickson of Ft Lauderdale, Fla.TR, Tue 27 Sep 1986

Henley, Paul Frederick Jr - Mr and Mrs P F Henley, of 703Sunset, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce son, Monday, July 13 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Paul Frederick Jr. TR, Tue 14 Jul 1959

Henning, Kelsie Rae - Steve and Brenda Henning of Atchison,Kansas announce the birth of a daughter, Kelsie Rae, born May 23 at the AtchisonHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,12 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Daryl and Linda Henning of Americus and maternal grandparentsare Max and Linda Purdy of Atchison. Thebaby has three brothers, Justin, Ryan, and Kyle. TR, Wed 16 Jun 1993

Henry, Ellie Fay - Mr and Mrs Robert Henry, of Monroeannounce the birth of a daughter born Saturday, December 13, who weighed 7pounds, 9 ounces. The baby has beennamed Ellie Fay. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs James Henry of Stockbridge and Mrs W L Harrell andthe late Mr Harrell of Americus. TR,Mon 15 Dec 1975

Henry, George Page - The birth of a 6 3/4 pound son Friday,January 1, is announced by Mr and Mrs William P Henry, of Albany. The baby, who was named George Page, was bornat Phoebe Putney Hospital, Albany. MrsHenry is the former Miss Georgene Page, of Americus. TR, Mon 4 Jan 1954

Henry, Katelyn Rose - Robin and Shawn Henry of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a daughter, Katelyn Rose, Oct 17 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 6ounces. Grandparents are Roy H Cason ofWarner Robins, Rosemary Greene and Larry Henry, both of Ellaville and SusanHenry of Buena Vista. TR, Wed 11 Nov1998

Henry, Lynn Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Robert Henry, ofJonesboro, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce daughter at the GeorgiaBaptist Hospital on March 4th.The baby, who has been named Lynn Elizabeth is the granddaughter of MrsW L Harrell and the late Mr Harrell of Americus and Mr and Mrs James T Henry ofStockbridge. Mrs Henry is the formerMiss Linda Harrell of this city. TR,Thu 6 Mar 1969

Henry, Susan Catherine - Mr and Mrs Robert Henry, ofMonroe, are the parents of a 6 pound, 7 ounce daughter born Tuesday, November13. The infant has been given the name ofSusan Catherine. Her grandparents are Mrand Mrs James Henry of Stockbridge and Mrs W L Harrell and the late Mr Harrellof Americus. TR, Fri 16 Nov 1973

Henson, Not named - Mr and Mrs C C Henson, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, October 9, at Prather Clinic. TR, Tue 10 Oct 1944

Henson, Not named - Mr and Mrs C C Henson of Buena Vistaannounce the birth of a boy at Prather Clinic.TCN, Thu 21 Oct 1948

Hentz, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Hentz, of Panama City,Fla, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, March14. Mrs Hentz will be remembered as MissHarriett Robertson. TR, Fri 15 Mar1940

Herlovich, Joy - Mr and Mrs Carlton Herlovich, ofDonalsonville, announce the birth of a daughter Friday, August 1, at Maconhospital, who has been named Joy. MrsHerlovich is the former Miss Elaine Elmore, of this city and the baby is thegreat-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J F Joyner, of Americus. TR, Tue 12 Aug 1962

Herlovich, William Phillip Jr - Mr and Mrs Billy Herlovich, ofFitzgerald, announce the birth of a 6 lb, 2 oz boy who has been named WilliamPhillip Herlovich Jr. Mrs LauraHerlovich of Preston is the baby’s grandmother.TR, Fri 28 May 1954

Hernandez, Madison Shae - Michael and Lisa Hernandez announcethe birth of a daughter, Madison Shae, born April 9 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 3ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Henry and Diane Barfield and paternal grandparents are Fred and MaryHernandez. Great-grandparents are ClydeChaver and Mr and Mrs Madison E Dill. TR,Thu 16 Apr 1992

Hernandez, Mallory Dianne - Michael and Lisa Hernandez announcethe birth of a daughter, Mallory Diane, born Jun 3 at Sumter RegionalHospital. She is the granddaughter ofFerd and Mary Hernandez, Henry and Bonnie Barfield and Dianne and DavidBankston. Her great-grandparents areMadison and Helen Dill and Clyde Chavers.She has a sister, Madison, 5. TR,Wed 11 Jun 1997

Hernandez, Mary Katrina - Mr and Mrs Fred Hernandez, of Miami,Fla, announce the birth of a 6 pound, daughter, Sunday, April 24, who has beennamed Mary Katrina. Mrs Hernandez is theformer Miss Mary Helen Dill, of Americus.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs M E Dill, of this city. TR, Tue 26 Apr 1960

Hernandez, Not named - Mr and Mrs F A Hernandez, of 712 FelderStreet, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce son, born December 20 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. MrsHernandez is the former Miss Mary Helen Dill, daughter of Mr and Mrs M E Dill,of Americus. TR, Wed 20 Dec 1961

Hernandez, Not named - Mr and Mrs Fernandez Hernandez, of 420Jones Drive, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 3 ½ ounce son, October 31, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 1 Nov 1965

Hernandez, Richard James - Mr and Mrs F A Hernandez, of 207Pineview Drive, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 4 ounce son at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital March 18. Thebaby, who has been named Richard James is the grandson of Mr and Mrs M EDill. TR, Thu 21 Mar 1968

Herndon, Brian Christopher - Mr and Mrs Jerry Herndon, ofHurtsboro, Ala announce the birth of a son, Brian Christopher, Thursday, May 20at the Columbus Medical Center.Grandparents are Mrs Fred Bass and Mrs C L Allison both of Leslie. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs John Battleof Ellaville and Mrs Lillian Mercer of Georgetown, SC. TR, Tue 1 Jun 1976

Herndon, Caroline Leila - Mr and Mrs Charles Herndon ofKennesaw announce the birth of a daughter, Caroline Leila, born Friday, October12 at Northside Hospital, Atlanta. Theinfant, who is to be called Caroline, weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces at birth. Mrs Herndon is the former MargaretBarrett. Paternal grandparents are MrsJohn Herndon of Fort Oglethorpe and the late Mrs Herndon and maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Buddy Barrett of Americus. The baby has a brother, Zachary, agesix. TR, Tue 16 Oct 1990

Herndon, Catherine Leigh - Mr and Mrs David Herndon, ofAtlanta, formerly of Americus are the parents of a 7 pound, 13 ounce daughterborn Tuesday, March 18. The baby hasbeen named Catherine Leigh. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs John Herndon Jr and Mrs J H Murray and the late MrMurray of Albany. Her great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs M J Young of Albany and Mrs John Herndon of Americus and thelate Mr Herndon. TR, Thu 18 Mar 1971

Herndon, Jason Stuart - Mr and Mrs William H Herndon are theparents of a son born Saturday, January 23 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 6pounds, 13 3/4 ounces has been named Jason Stuart. He has an older brother Wesley. His mother is the former Carol Ellison. The infant is the grandson of Mrs FlorencePeaco*ck Ellison of Americus and Mrs C L Allison of Leslie and the late RayfordHerndon. TR, Mon 24 Jan 1977

Herndon, John David III - Mr and Mrs John Herndon Jr, ofAlbany, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ounce son,Monday, December 6 at Phoebe Putney hospital named John David III. Mrs Herndon is the former Miss Mary EdnaYoung. TR, Mon 6 Dec 1948

Herndon, Linda Rae - Mr and Mrs Guy Herndon, of Seattle,Washington, announce the birth of a daughter at the Seattle Hospital, on July23, who has been given the name of Linda Rae.The baby weighs 6 pounds and 11 ounces.Mr Herndon is the son of Mr and Mrs W L Herndon of Leslie and is now atsea. Mrs Herndon is the former Miss JaneSmith of Seattle. TR, Fri 30 Jul 1943

Herndon, Luther Edward - Mr and Mrs R A Herndon, of Leslie,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce son, Monday, January 28, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of LutherEdward. TR, Wed 30 Jan 1957

Herndon, Martin Lee - Mr and Mrs J C Herndon, of 308 SunValley Drive, announce the birth or a 6 pound, 12 ½ ounce son, December 21 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Martin Lee. TR, Fri 21 Dec 1962

Herndon, Not named - Mr and Mrs H A Herndon, of Leslie,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, October 5, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Thu 6 Oct 1955

Herndon, Not named - Mr and Mrs J Raiford Herndon, ofWilmington, NC, announce the birth of an eight pound son at James MemorialHospital on Saturday, February 2. He isthe grandson, of Mr and Mrs W L Herndon, of Leslie. TR, Thu 7 Feb 1946

Herndon, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Herndon Jr, of Albany,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter Monday, September 7, atPhoebe Putney Hospital. Mrs Herndon isthe former Miss Mary Edna Young, of this city.TR, Tue 8 Sep 1953

Herndon, Susan Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Thomas R Herndon ofLeslie announce the birth of a daughter, Susan Elizabeth Herndon, who was bornJuly 16. She weighed 9 pounds, ½ounce. The infant is the granddaughterof Mrs Dolly Allison, Leslie; Rayford Herndon, Leslie and Mr and Mrs J DThornton, Seville. TR, Sat 21 Jul1979

Herndon, Zachary Barrett - Mr and Mrs Charles Herndon ofMarietta announce the birth of a son named Zachary Barrett Herndon Sunday,December 4 at Northside Hospital in Atlanta.He weighed 6 pounds, 13 ounces.Mrs Herndon is the former Margaret Barrett of Americus. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs BuddyBarrett of Americus and the paternal grandparents are Mrs Margaret Herndon ofRinggold and the late Joe Herndon. TR,Mon 5 Dec 1983

Herring, Jeremy Micahel - Mr and Mrs Mike Herring ofDouglasville announce the birth of a son, Jeremy Micahel, born Thursday, July26 at HCA Parkway Medical Center, Atlanta.The infant weighed 9 pounds, 7 ounces at birth. Mrs Herring is the former Beth Tanner ofAmericus. Maternal grandparents are C ETanner of Americus and the late Mrs Ruth Tanner and paternal grandparents areMr and Mrs Ralph Herring of Gainesville.TR, Thu 2 Aug 1990

Herring, Kaitlyn Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Mike Herring ofDouglasville announce the birth of a daughter, Kaitlyn Elizabeth, born Monday,May 24 at HCA Parkway Medical Center, Lithia Springs. The baby weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces at birth.Kaitlyn has a brother, Jeremy, age two.Her maternal grandparents are C E Tanner of Americus and the late MrsRuth Tanner and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ralph Herring ofGainesville. Mrs Herring is the formerMiss Beth Tanner. TR, Thu 27 May 1993

Herrington, Brantley Lee - Is the name of the son of Mr and MrsFloyd L Herrington, of 913 Parker Street, who was born Friday, September 25, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces.TR, Fri 25 Sep 1959

Herrington, Claudia Lynatte - Mr and Mrs E T Herrington, ofDawson, announce the birth of a 3 pound, 9 ounce daughter, at the cityhospital, Tuesday, February 16, who has been named Claudia Lynatte. Mrs Herrington was the former Miss LouiseMcClung. TR, Wed 17 Feb 1943

Herrington, Elton Jr - Mr and Mrs Elton Herrington, of Dawson,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce son at City Hospital on December 2,who has been named Elton Jr. MrsHerrington is the former Miss Louise McClung.TR, Tue 11 Dec 1945

Herrington, Mary Whitney - Mr and Mrs Brad Herrington ofAmericus announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ½ ounce daughter, Mary Whitney,born Saturday, December 15 at Sumter Regional Hospital. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs FloydHerrington of Americus and Mr and Mrs Robert G Downs of Montezuma. Great-grandparents are Mrs Louise Dixon andMrs L G Downs, both of Montezuma. TR,Sat 4 Jan 1985

Herrington, Not named - Mr and Mrs Arthur Herrington, of Route 3Ellaville, are the parents of an 8 pound, 1 ½ ounce daughter. The baby was born Saturday, February 13 atthe Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Mon 15 Feb 1965

Herrington, Not named - Mr and Mrs Floyd Herrington, Americus,are the parents of a baby girl born this morning at the Prather Clinic. Mrs Herrington is the former Miss GraceKitchens. TR, Mon 11 Aug 1947

Herrington, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert L Herrington, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce son on May 30 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Wed31 May 1961

Herrington, Russell Sims - Kem and Brad Herrington of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Russell Sims, born January 13 at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces. Maternal grandparents are Jackie Mamsey ofAmericus and Dan Peters of Albany.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Floyd Herrington of Americus. Maternal great-grandparents are Mr and MrsErnest Peters of Americus. Russ has twosisters, Whitney 11 and Betsy 4. TR,Tue 16 Jan 1996

Herrington, Sarah Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Brad Herrington ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Sarah Elizabth, born October 8 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infant,who will be called Betsy, weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mrs Jackie RamseyPeters of Americus and Dan Peters of Albany and paternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs Floyd Herrington of Americus.Great-grandparens are Mrs James T Ramsey and Mr and Mrs Ernest Peters ofAmericus. Betsy has a sister, Whitney,age six and a half. TR, Thu 10 Oct1991

Herron, Stephanie Ann - Dr and Mrs James Herron announce theadoption of a chosen daughter who was born Monday, September 20. The baby has been given the name of StephanieAnn. TR, Thur 4 Nov 1971

Hess, Huey Paul III - Mr and Mrs Huey Paul Hess Jr ofBoothville, La announce the birth of a son, Huey Paul III (Trey), who was bornSaturday, June 17 at Meadow Crest Hospital, New Orleans, La. The infant weighed 10 pounds at birth.. Grandparents are Huey Hess of Boothville andthe late Mrs Joyce Hess and Mr and Mrs Gerald Clements of Americus. Trey has a sister, Jade, age two. TR, Sat 15 Jul 1989

Hess, Jade Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Huey Paul Hess Jr ofBoothville, La announce the birth of a daughter, Jade Elizabeth, born February26 at Meadowcrest Hospital, New Orleans, La.The infant weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Gerald Clementsof Americus and the late Mr Curt Dobbins of Fitzgerald and Mr and Mrs Huey HessSr of Boothville, La. Mrs Hess is theformer Sonia Dobbins of Americus. TR,Wed 10 Jun 1987

Hess, Not named - Mr and Mrs H K Hess, of Pittsburgh,announce the birth of a seven-pound girl, September 11. Mrs Hess was, before her marriage Miss MaryMcMath. TR, Thu 14 Sep 1933

Hester, Glen Bertrand III - Mr and Mrs Glenn B Hester Jrannounce the birth of a son born Sunday, July 15 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The infant has been giventhe name of Glen Bertrand Hester III.His grandparents are Mr and Mrs G B Hester Sr of Augusta and Mr and MrsHarold S Murray of Columbus. TR, Tue17 Jul 1973

Hester, Rebecca Lynn - Mr and Mrs Elmo Hester Jr, ofDecatur, announce the birth of a daughter, Rebecca Lynn, January 14, at StJoseph’s Infirmary, Atlanta, who weighed 6 pounds, 12 ½ ounces. Mrs Hester is the former Miss Carole Black,of Webster County and Americus, residing here with her sister, Mrs Perry West,at 612 Barlow Street while her husband was in Korea in 1951. Mr and Mrs Hester now reside at 180 DeerwoodDrive, Decatur. TR, Mon 19 Jan 1953

Hewitt, April Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Emory Hewitt Jr ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, April Elizabeth, born March 28 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Melvin Collins and Mr and Mrs Gene Hewitt ofEllaville and Mrs Charlotte Ray of Montgomery.She has a brother, Trey, 2 ½. TR,Wed 18 May 1988

Hewitt, Emory Eugene III - Mr and Mrs Emory Hewitt Jr ofAmericus announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ½ ounce son, Emory Eugene III, bornTuesday, January 21 at Sumter Regional Hospital. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Emory HewittSr and Mr and Mrs Melvin Collins, all of Ellaville and Mrs Charlotte Ray ofCanton, Ala. Great-grandparents are Mrand Mrs James Welsh of Buena Vista, Mr and Mrs Rufus Landis of Florida and MrsAlyne Sears of Jackson, Mississippi. TR,Tue 28 Jan 1986

Hewitt, Not named - Mr and Mrs Eugene B Hewitt, of BowenDrive, announce the birth of a 9 pound son, August 31, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Tue 31Aug 1965

Hewitt, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Hewitt, of 45A FurlowStreet, are the parents of a daughter, born December 9, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who weighed 8 pounds, 15 ounces. TR, Thu 10 Dec 1964

Hewitt, Not named - Mr and Mrs Thomas Hewitt, of Plains,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Wednesday, September 21, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 21 Sep 1955

Hewitt, Roderick Blair - M/Sgt and Mrs W D Hewitt, of Tampa,Fla, announce the birth of a son, Roderick Blair on Friday, November 3, at thecity hospital. Mrs Hewitt was beforemarriage Miss Jewell Giles, of this city.TR, Mon 6 Nov 1950

Hewitt, Samantha Raye - Mr and Mrs Henry Hewitt ofJacksonville, Fla announce the birth of a daughter, Samantha Raye, born June 29at Human Memorial Hospital, Jacksonville.Maternal grandparents are Loran Welch of Davenport, Fla and Mrs LindaWelch of Manchester, NH and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Eugene Hewittof Ellaville, Ga. TR, Wed 11 Jul 1990

Hewitt, Sherry Lynn - Mr and Mrs Charlie Hewitt, of Preston,are the parents of an 8 pound, 15 ½ ounce daughter, born October 12 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Sherry Lynn. TR,Fri 13 Oct 1961

Hewitt, Terry Sinclair - Mr and Mrs Wilber D Hewitt, ofWashington, D C, announce the birth of a son, Terry Sinclair, at city hospitalFriday morning, December 27. Mrs Hewittwas Miss Jewelle Giles before her marriage.TR, Fri 27 Dec 1946

Hey, James - Mr and Mrs Owen Hey, Route 1, Smithville,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce son, James, May 6 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 9 May1960

Heyes, Amy Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Harold Heyes Jr, of EastPoint, announce the birth of a daughter born Monday, June 17 at East PointHospital, Atlanta. The baby weighed 7pounds, 11 ½ ounces. She has been giventhe name of Amy Elizabeth. Grandparentsof the infant are Mrs Dyce Phail of East Point, formerly of Americus and thelate James Mitchell of this city and Mrs Billie Wolf and Harold Hayes Sr, bothof Cincinnati. Mrs Mae Pantone ofAmericus is the infant’s great-grandmother.TR, Thu 20 Jun 1974

Heyes, Ed Jr - Mr and Mrs Ed Heyes, of Atlanta, announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son, born July 8, at the PiedmontHospital. He has been named Ed Jr. His grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold Scottand Mrs William B Merritt, of Americus. TR,Mon 10 Jul 1961

Heys, Cloyd Buchanan - Mr and Mrs William B Heys, ofTampa, Fla, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son January 20, whohas been named Cloyd Buchanan Heys. MrsHeys will be remembered here as Miss Theodosia Ribitzach before hermarriage. Both mother and baby are doingnicely. TR, Mon 21 Jan 1935

Heys, Corinne Culler - Mr and Mrs L Kellette Heys announcethe birth of a daughter, Corinne Culler, April 23. TR, Mon 25 Apr 1921

Heys, Edward Scarborough Jr - Is the name of the seven anda half pound son of Mr and Mrs Ed Heys, born Monday, December 16 at the cityhospital. Mrs Heys was before hermarriage Miss Laura Andeews of this city.Both mother and baby are doing nicely.TR, Wed 18 Dec 1935

Heys, George Howard - Mr and Mrs Owen Heys, of Smithville,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce son at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on December 24, who has been named George Howard. TR, Fri 27 Dec 1957

Heys, Gordon Dixon - Mr and Mrs L Kellette Heys announcethe birth of a son who has been given the name Gordon Dixon. TR, Wed 20 May 1931

Heys, Mark Scott - Mr and Mrs Ed Heys, of Atlanta,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce son, August 27, who has been giventhe name of Mark Scott. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Harold scott and Mrs William B Merritt, ofAmericus. TR, Mon 30 Aug 1965

Heys, Martha Lorena - Mr and Mrs Kellette Heys announcethe birth of a daughter October 11th, who will be called MarthaLorena Heys. TR, Sat 11 Oct 1924

Heys, Mary Kate - Mr and Mrs Edward Heys announce thebirth of a daughter, born this morning, August 6, at city hospital. The baby has been named Mary Kate for hergrandmother, Mrs Cloyd Buchanan. Beforemarriage Mrs Heys was Miss Laura Andrews.TR, Fri 6 Aug 1937

Heys, Not named - Mr and Mrs Logan Heys, of Shellman,announce the birth of a son, December 31, at city hospital. TR, Wed 5 Jan 1949

Heys, Not named - Mr and Mrs Sam R Heys Jr, of Tifton,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, June 21, atthe city hospital. Mrs Heys was beforeher marriage Miss Ruba Gammage, of this city.TR, Sat 21 Jun 1941

Heys, Ruba Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Sam Heys Jr, of Athens,announce the birth of a 8 pound, 9 ounce daughter, Monday, September 20, at anAthens hospital. The baby has been namedRuba Elizabeth for her mother, the former Miss Ruba Gammage, of this city. TR, Mon 20 Sep 1943

Heys, Samuel Robert III - Mr and Mrs Samuel Robert HeysII, of Atlanta, announce the birth of a son born Wednesday, November 14 who hasbeen given the name of Samuel Robert Heys III.The infant is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Thomas Baisden Heys ofChattanooga, Tenn. His great-grandparentswere the late Mr and Mrs Samuel Robert Heys of Americus. Mrs Robert Buchanan of this city is thebaby’s great-aunt. TR, Fri 16 Nov1979

Heys, Samuel Robert III - Mr and Mrs Tom Heys, ofChattanooga, announce the birth of a son Sunday, May 28, at Erlanger Hospital,Chattanooga, who weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces.The baby, who is the grandson of Mr and Mrs S R Heys, of this city, hasbeen named Samuel Robert Heys III. TR,Mon 29 May 1950

Heys, Taylor Winship - Mr and Mrs Edward S Heys Jr ofAlpharetta announce the birth of a son, Taylor Winship, born December 7. Grandparents are E S Heys Sr of Dunwoody andgreat-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold Scott and Mrs Laura Merritt ofAmericus. TR, Wed 16 Dec 1992

Heys, Thedessia Robitzsch - Mr and Mrs W B Heys,of Tampa,Fla, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, Sept 10, at Fitzgerald,Ga. The baby has been named ThedessiaRobitzsch Heys, for her mother, the former Miss Thedessia Robitzsch ofFitzgerald and Americus. TR, Mon 14Sep 1936

Heys, Theodessa Robitsch - Mr and Mrs William Bates Heys,of Tampa, Fla, announce the birth of a daughter Thursday, September 10th,in Fitzgerald, who has been given the name Theodessa Robitsch. Mrs Heys is the former Miss TheodessaRobitsch of Fitzgerald and Mr Heys is the son of Mrs Cloyd Buchanan ofAmericus. TCN, Fri 18 Sep 1936

Heys, Thomas Baisden III - Mr and Mrs Thomas Baisden HeysJr, of San Diego, Calif announce the birth of a son born Tuesday, March19. The infant has been given the nameof Thomas Baisden Heys III. He is thegrandson of the late Mr and Mrs Sam Heys of Americus and the great-nephew ofMrs Robert Buchanan, also of this city. TR,Wed 27 Mar 1974

Heys, Thomas Baisden Jr - Mr and Mrs Tom B Heys, ofChattanooga, announce the birth of a son at the Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta,Saturday, December 7. The baby, who weighedeight pounds, two ounces, has been named Thomas Baisden, Jr. Mrs Heys was before marriage Miss Mary JoDozier, of Monticello and Mr Heys is a former Americus resident. TR, Sat 7 Dec 1946

Heys, William Stewart III - Mr and Mrs William S Heys Jrannounce the birth of a son born Tuesday, November 7 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who weighed 6pounds, 15 ½ ounces has been named William Stewart III. His grandparents are William S Heys ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs M E Sparrow of Newfoundland, N J. TR, Sat 11 Nov 1972

Heys, William Stewart Jr - Mr and Mrs William S (Billy)Heys, of Camden, Ala, announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, March 15, who hasbeen named William Stewart Jr. Mr Heysis a former resident of Americus. TR,Mon 20 Mar 1950

Hiatt, Joseph Greenlee - Mr and Mrs J W Hiatt announce thebirth of a son Joseph Greenlee, who was born October 26 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby weighed3 pounds, 3 ounces. TR, Thu 31 Oct1957

Hickey, James Edwin IV - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Hickey, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a son, born Friday, October 5 in Columbus, whohas been named James Edwin Hickey IV.Mrs Hickey is the former Miss Peggy Ashford of Columbus. The baby is the great-grandson of Mrs EltonParker, of Americus. TR, Wed 10 Oct1956

Hickey, Not named - Mr and Mrs J E Hickey Jr, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a son Wednesday, January 5, at City Hospital inColumbus. Mrs Hickey is the former MissPeggy Ashworth of Columbus and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs MaynardAshworth, of this city, and the great-grandson of Mrs Elton Parker ofAmericus. TR, Thu 6 Jan 1955

Hickman, Kevin Eugene - Mr and Mrs Dwight Hickman, ofSmithville announce the birth of a son Kevin Eugene. Kevin was born Sunday, August 11 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Heweighed 5 pounds, 3 1/4 ounces.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Henry L Young, Smithville and Mr and MrsJohn Hickman of Albany. Mrs Hickman isthe former Marinel Young of Smithville. TR,Fri 2 Sep 1977

Hickox, Not named - Mr and Mrs J N Hickox, of 806 Park Row,announce the birth of a daughter at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital,February 10, who weighed 8 pounds, 7 ½ ounces.TR, Mon 12 Feb 1962

Hicks, Ginger Leigh - Mr and Mrs Joe Hicks Jr, of Albany,formerly of Americus announce the birth of a daughter Wednesday, October 1, atPhoebe Putney hospital, who has been named Ginger Leigh. TR, Fri 3 Oct 1952

Hicks, Jeremy Bryan Jr - Bryan and Kelly Hicks announce thebirth of a son, Jeremy Bryan Jr, born November 1 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds,11 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs James B Hicks of Americus and maternal grandmotheris Mrs Patsy Landers of Americus.Great-grandmothers are Mrs Ludelia Franks of Americus and Mrs LeoraBryan of Colquitt. TR, Wed 13 Nov1991

Hicks, Joe Ronald - Mr and Mrs Joe Hicks Jr announce thebirth of a son Thursday, October 12 at Prather Clinic, who has been given thename of Joe Ronald. TR, Mon 16 Oct1950

Hicks, Lennie Christopher - Sgt and Mrs Lennie C Hicks III,of Kaiserslautern, Germany announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son bornMonday, December 27 who has been named Lennie Christopher. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs E JShaw Jr and Mr and Mrs L C Hicks III, of Americus, the great-grandson of Mr andMrs N S Smith of Phenix City, Ala, Mrs C W Groover of East Point and Mr and MrsE J Shaw Jr of Brookfield and his great-great-grandmother is Mrs L J Brazil ofBowden. TR, Mon 27 Dec 1971

Hicks, Lewis Alexander - Mr and Mrs Lewis Hicks, of Tifton,announce the birth of a son on Sunday, April 30 at Tift General Hospital. The name of Lewis Alexander has been chosenand he will be called Alex. The baby’smother is the former Miss Katherine Alexander of Dawson. The maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs J HAlexander and the paternal grandparents are Mr Kirby Hicks and the late MrsHicks, all of Dawson. The maternalgreat-grandparents are the late Mr and Mrs Urban Bowen of Americus. TR, Wed 3 May 1972

Hicks, Not named - Mr and Mrs Dan Hicks announce the birthof a 6 pound, 5 1/4 ounce daughter, Tuesday, December 28, at cityhospital. Mrs Hicks is the former MissElsie Whitaker. TR, Mon 3 Jan 1949

Hicks, Not named - Mr and Mrs E E Hicks, of Richland,announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, February 2, at city hospital. TR, Thu 6 Feb 1947

Hicks, Not named - Mr and Mrs J L Hicks announce the birthof a daughter Monday, February 5, at Prather Clinic. TR, Wed 31 Jan 1945

Hicks, Paula Gail - Mr and Mrs William R Hicks, of Cordele,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter, Friday, November 18, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Paula Gail. TR, Mon 21 Nov 1955

Higgenbotham, Mark Alan - Mr and Mrs Marquis Higgenbotham, of 1703South Lee Street, announce the birth of an 11 pound, 10 ounce son, June 27, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Mark Alan. TR, Mon 29 Jun 1964

Highnote, Carlton Allen - Mr and Mrs Dan B Highnote, of 108Woodland Avenue, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ½ ounce son, born April27, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named CarltonAllen. Mrs Highnote is the former MissAda Mae Milton. TR, Tue 28 Apr 1964

Highnote, Charlie Cleveland - Mr and Mrs Dan Highnote announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son Sunday, December 6 at Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named Charlie Cleveland. Mrs Highnote is the former Miss Ada MaeMilton. TR, Mon 7 Dec 1953

Highnote, John Phillip - Mr and Mrs Dan Highnote announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce son, Sunday, July 15, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named John Phillip. Mrs Highnote was the former Miss Ada MaeMilton. TR, Mon 16 Jul 1956

Highnote, Joshua Phillip - Phil and Joy Highnote of Americusannounce the birth of an 11 pound, 12 ounce son, Joshua Phillip, born Sunday,May 11 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Joshis the grandson of Mr and Mrs Dan Highnote of Americus and Mr and Mrs GeneSutherland of Plains. Great-grandmothersare Mrs A H Sutherland of Plains and Mrs Virginia Denson of Marietta. TR, Wed 21 May 1986

Highnote, Martin David - Mr and Mrs Paul Highnote announce thebirth of a 9 pound, 12 ½ ounce son born Wednesday, May 29 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Martin David and will be called Martin. His grandparents are Mr and Mrs J T McMurrayof Dublin and Mrs Verna Highnote and the late Guy Highnote of Americus. TR, Fri 31 May 1974

Highnote, Misty Paulette - Mr and Mrs Paul Highnote announcethe birth of a daughter born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onSunday, December 9. The baby, whoweighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces has been named Misty Paulette. Grandparents are Mrs Charlie Guy Highnote andthe late Mr Highnote and Mrs Eunice Hopkins of Smithville. TR, Tue 1 Jan 1980

Highnote, Zachary Lee - Phil and Joy Highnote of Joliet, Illannounce the birth of a son, Zachary Lee, born April 8 at St Joseph’s Hospital,Joliet. The infant weighed 10 pounds, 5ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr andMrs Dan Highnote of Americus and Gene and Ginger Sutherland of Plains. Great-grandmother is Mrs Virginia Denson ofMarietta and great-great-greatmother is Mrs Grace Sutherland, all ofPlains. The infant has a brother,Joshua, age three. TR, Tue 11 Apr1989

Hightower, Jimmy Lee Jr - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Hightower announcethe birth of a six pound, 13 ½ ounce son born Monday, February 15 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Jimmy Lee Hightower Jr.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs L C Hightower of Americus and Mr andMrs Wallace H Laramore of Leslie. TR,Thu 18 Feb 1971

Hightower, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Hightower announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter Saturday, Jan 25 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. Mrs Hightower isthe former Carol Laramore of Leslie. Thebaby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Wallace Laramore of Leslie and Mr andMrs L C Hightower of Birmingham. TR,Sat 26 Jan 1969

Hightower, William Dennis - Mr and Mrs J L Hightower announcethe birth of a son, Monday, December 2, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named William Dennis.TR, Fri 27 Dec 1957

Hilburn, Hannah Colleen - Scott and Kay Hilburn of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Hannah Colleen, born January 9 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 7 ounces. Maternal grandmotheris Charlotte McLeRoy of Americus.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Ronnie Hilburn of Plains and Mr andMrs Bobby Cox of Leesburg.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Donald Dailey of Americus and Mr andMrs Willis Hilburn of Newton. The babyhas a sister, Heather, 4. TR, Thu 25Jan 1996

Hilderbrand, Not named - Mr and Mrs H F Hilderbrand announce thebirth of a son, Saturday, October 16, at city hospital. TR, Fri 22 Oct 1943

Hill, Charles Butler - Mr and Mrs Raymond Dunlap Hill Jrof Atlanta announce the birth of a son, Charles Butler, born Saturday, March 6at Piedmont Hospital, Atlanta. Mrs Hillis the former Miss Katherine Wood Butler of Americus. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Frank LButler Jr of Americus and paternal grandparents are Col and Mrs Raymond D Hillof Augusta, Ga. TR, Wed 10 Mar 1993

Hill, Charles Franklin - Rev and Mrs W W Hill, of Rhine,Ga, announce the birth of a son, Saturday, November 12, who has been given thename of Charles Franklin. TR, Wed 16Nov 1921

Hill, Donald Clayton Jr - Mr and Mrs Donald C Hill, ofCobb, announce the birth of a son born Tuesday, September 17 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. DonaldClayton Hill Jr is the named given the 8 ½ pound infant. He is the grandson of Mrs Fletcher Hill andthe late Mr Hill of Cobb and Mrs Kay Milton and the late F W Bull ofEngland. TR, Wed 18 Sep 1974

Hill, Hildreth Allen III - Mr and Mrs Allen Hill Jrannounce the birth of a son, Wednesday, April 25, at city hospital, who hasbeen named Hildreth Allen III. Mrs Hillis the former Miss Maude Betts. Mr Hillwas recently inducted into the armed forces at Fort McPherson. TR, Thu 26 Apr 1945

Hill, James Fletcher Jr - Mr and Mrs J F Hill, of Cobb,announce the birth of a son, Monday, March 11, at City hospital. The baby has been named James FletcherJr. TR, Mon 11 Mar 1946

Hill, Janna Marie - Mr and Mrs Bruce P Hill of Oglethorpeannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ½ ounce daughter, Janna Marie, bornThursday, March 20 at Sumter Regional Hospital.Janna is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Forrest P Hill of Montezuma andMr and Mrs Marcus L Dillard of Ellaville.Her great-grandmother is Mrs Gracie Puckett of Musella. She has two brothers, Jason 7 and Jarrod3. TR, Wed 26 Mar 1986

Hill, Jason Heath - Mr and Mrs Bruce P Hill, of Oglethorpeannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce son Thursday, June 1 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Jason Heath. Grandparents areMr and Mrs Marcus Dillard of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs Forest P Hill ofMontezuma. Mrs Eunice Dillard ofEllaville and Mrs Carrie Holloway of Magnolia Manor are the baby’s maternalgreat-grandmothers. TR, Wed 7 Jun1978

Hill, Joanne - Mr and Mrs Allen Hill Jr, of Quitman,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, January 14, atthe Quitman hospital. The baby has beennamed Joanne. Mrs Hill was formerly MissMaude Betts, of this city. TR, Wed 15Jan 1941

Hill, Joseph Perry - Robert and Joann Hill of Americusannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce son, Joseph Perry, born Monday, May 5at the Medical Center in Columbus. Joeyis the grandson of Joseph and Annette Jones of Ideal and Eula Hill and the latePerry Hill of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mrs Mabel Jones of Jasper, Fla, Dick Ragan ofEllaville and Eula Harrell of DeSoto. Hehas a brother, Robert Christopher, 1. TR,Wed 14 May 1986

Hill, Judith Gail - Mr and Mrs Dick Hill, of Homerville,announce the birth of a daughter, Judith Gail, on March 27. Mrs Hill was before her marriage MissMarjorie Sims, of Leslie. Mr and MrsHill are former Americus residents. TR,Thu 22 Apr 1943

Hill, Kelly Cheray - Mr and Mrs J William Hill, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a seven pound, daughter at the Piedmont Hospitalon April 6, 1965, whom they named Kelly Cheray.Mrs Hill is the former Miss Connie Rigsby of Ellaville. The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs R ERigsby of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs J W Hill Sr of Pelham. TR, Thu 8 Apr 1965

Hill, Michael Brian - Mr and Mrs Donald C Hill, ofLeesburg, formerly of Cobb announce the birth of a 9 pound, 1 ounce son born atPhoebe Putney Hospital on Saturday, September 15. The baby has been named Michael Brian andwill be called Brian. He has onebrother, Don, age 5. The baby is thegrandson of Mrs Fletcher Hill of Leesburg and the late Mr Hill, also Mrs IvyBull and the late Mr Bull of Bishops Stratford, Hertfordshire, England. TR, Tue 25 Sep 1979

Hill, Not named - Mr and Mrs L N Hill Jr, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a daughter September 6th at Crawford W LongHospital. Mr Hill is a former residentof Americus. TR, Fri 8 Sep 1939

Hill, Not named - Mr and Mrs R B Hill, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a son, Thursday, January 29 at city hospital. TR, Thu 29 Jan 1948

Hill, Not named - Mr and Mrs R S Hill announce the birthof a son, Friday, March 11, at city hospital, who weighed 8 pounds, 1ounce. TR, Wed 16 Mar 1949

Hill, Not named - Mr and Mrs W J Hill III announce thebirth of an 8-pound, 13-ounce son, Wednesday, April 21, at city hospital. TR, Thu 22 Apr 1948

Hill, Not named - Mr and Mrs W J Hill III, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son, Monday, January 27 at City Hospital. TR, Wed 1 Feb 1950

Hill, Raymond Dunlap III - Mr and Mrs Raymond Dunlap HillJr of Hong Kong announce the birth of a son, Raymond Dunlap III, born Saturday,December 7 at Matilda Hospital, The Peak, Hong Kong. Mrs Hill is the former Miss Katherine WoodButler. Maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Frank L Butler Jr of Americus and paternal grandparents are Col and MrsRaymond D Hill of Augusta, Ga. TR,Wed 11 Dec 1991

Hill, Richard Braddock Jr - Mr and Mrs Richard B Hillannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce son Tuesday, August 20 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been given the name of Richard Braddock Hill Jr. TR, Tue 20 Aug 1968

Hill, Robert Perry - Mr and Mrs Perry Hill, 111 TaylorStreet, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce son, born September 10 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Robert Perry Hill. TR,Tue 13 Sep 1960

Hill, Shannon Laurel - Mr and Mrs J W Hill, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a daughter on Friday, February 19 at PiedmontHospital. She weighed 8 pounds, 6 ouncesand has been named Shannon Laurel Hill.Mrs Hill was formerly Connie Rigsby of Ellaville. The baby’s maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Bobby Rigsby of Ellaville. Mrs J WHill Sr of Pelham is the paternal grandmother.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Carl Rigsby of Ellaville and MrsLillian White of Pelham. TR, Wed 24Feb 1971

Hill, Tara Nicole - Mr and Mrs Bill Hill, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a daughter Saturday, January 11 a the PiedmontHospital. The baby weighed seven pounds,eight ounces and has been named Tara Nicole.The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs Bobby Rigsby of Ellaville and MrsJ W Hill of Pelham and the late Mr Hill.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Carl Rigsby of Ellaville and Mrs Whiteof Pelham. TR, Tue 21 Jan 1969

Hill, Thomas Harvey Jr - Mr and Mrs T H Hill, ofClearwater, Fla, announce the birth of a son October 23, who will be calledThomas Harvey Jr. Mrs Hill is pleasantlyremembered in Americus as Miss Mary Granberry before her marriage several yearsago. She is now visiting her parents, Mrand Mrs Walter Granberry, at their home here.TR, Mon 24 Oct 1921

Hill, William Jesse Jr - Mr and Mrs W J Hill announce thebirth of a son April 12 at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs Green Perry nearHuntington, who has been given the name of William Jesse Jr. Mrs Hill was Alice Perry before hermarriage. TR, Thu 19 Apr 1923

Hillard, Not named - Mr and Mrs F M Hillard announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter, Wednesday, August 10, at cityhospital. TR, Wed 10 Aug 1949

Hilliard, Mary Lesia - Mr and Mrs F M Hilliard announce thebirth of a daughter Thursday, November 4, at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Mary Lesia.TR, Thu 11 Nov 1954

Hilliard, Matthew Wayne - Mr and Mrs Wayne Hilliard of Eastmanannounce the birth of a son Matthew Wayne on March 16. The baby weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Willie E B Usryof Americus and Mrs Edmond Hilliard and the late Mr Hilliard of Rhine. TR, Wed 28 Mar 1979

Hillis, J Darren - Mr and Mrs Bruce Hillis, of 813 ParkerStreet announce the birth of a son, J Darren, born Wednesday, March 11 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Sat 14 Mar 1970

Hines, Amanda Teresa - Mr and Mrs Hal Hines are the parentsof an 8 pound, 4 ounce daughter born Saturday, February 2 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The infant hasbeen given the name of Amanda Teresa and will be called Mandy. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Wallace Hines ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Alvin Peavy of Montezuma. TR, Tue 5 Feb 1980

Hines, Charles Rainey - Mr and Mrs William C Hines, ofEllaville, announce the arrival of a son, born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on November 5, who has been given the name of Charles RaineyHines. He is the grandson of Mr and MrsP H Monfort and Mr and Mrs Neal R Eades, all of Richland. The baby has three sisters LeAnn, Kimberlyand Charilyn. TR, Fri 27 Nov 1970

Hines, Donna Gale - Mr and Mrs I L Hines, of 515 Barlow St,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, October 8, at city hospital, who hasbeen named Donna Gale. TR, Mon 11 Oct1943

Hines, Dorothy Nell - Mr and Mrs L C Hines, of Leslie,announce the birth of a baby girl on February 22, who has been given the nameof Dorothy Nell. TR, Thu 2 Mar 1933

Hines, Floyd W III - Mr and Mrs Floyd W Hines Jr, ofLeslie, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce son, Thursday, March 15, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Floyd W Hines III. TR, Tue 20 Mar 1956

Hines, Frances Nicole - Mr and Mrs Frank Hines Jr announcethe birth of a daughter, Frances Nicole, born Monday, Nov 14 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 10 pounds,11 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Carlus Gay of Americus and paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Frank Hines Sr of Albany.The baby has a brother, Frankie, 22 months. TR, Tue 22 Nov 1994

Hines, Frank Bone III - Mr and Mrs Frank Bone Hines Jrannounce the birth of a son, Frank Bone III, born January 1 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds,10 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Carlus Delmas Gay Jr of Americus and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Frank Bone Hines Sr of Albany. Great-grandparents are Carlus Delmas Gay Srof Macon, Mr and Mrs W K Holt of Milledgeville, Davis Tindel of Graceville, Flaand Thomas McComb Hines of Thomasville. TR,Mon 4 Jan 1993

Hines, Franklin Samuel - Mr and Mrs F H Hines Jr, ofLeslie, announce the birth of a son, September 7th, who has beengiven the name Franklin Samuel. TR,Sat 10 Sep 1927

Hines, Hugh Humber - Mr and Mrs Robert Hines, of Leslie,announce the birth of a son, Sunday, August 30, at city hospital, who has beennamed Hugh Humber. TR, Tue 1 Sep 1942

Hines, Ira Lee Jr - Mr and Mrs Ira Lee Hines announce thebirth of a son at their residence on Dodson Street, Saturday, November 5, whohas been given the name Ira Lee Jr. TR,Thu 10 Nov 1932

Hines, Kathryn Patricia - Mr and Mrs Paul Hines announcethe birth of a daughter, born February 5.She has been given the name Kathryn Patricia. Mrs Hines will be remembered as Miss MaryHarpe. TR, Thu 9 Feb 1933

Hines, Kevin Michael - Mr and Mrs Hal Hines are the parentsof a 6 pound, 3 ounce son born Tuesday, October 6 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been giventhe name of Kevin Michael. He has asister, Mandy, age two. Grandparents areMr and Mrs Wallace Hines of Americus and Mr and Mrs Alvin Peavy of Montezuma. TR, Wed 7 Oct 1981

Hines, Lisa Rebecca - Mr and Mrs Milton Hines, of Macon,announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, May 4th, at the Maconhospital. The baby weighed 6 pounds, 8ounces and has been named Lisa Rebecca.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs L C Hines, of Leslie. TR, Tue 13 May 1958

Hines, Loretta Claire - Mr and Mrs Charles C Hines announcethe birth of a baby girl, which has been naned Loretta Claire, October 2, attheir home on Bell Street. TR, Wed 3Oct 1934

Hines, Marvin Eustace - Mr and Mrs F H Hines Jr, of Leslie,announce the arrival of a son Oct 17, who has been given the name, MarvinEustace. Mrs Hines is pleasantlyremembered by her many friends as Miss Lillian Barrow. TR, Sat 18 Oct 1924

Hines, Not named - Mr and Mrs Carl Hines, of Parrott,announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, July 17, at city hospital. TR Sat 19 Jul 1941

Hines, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Hines announce thebirth of a son at City Hospital Sunday, November 25. TR, Wed 28 Nov 1945.

Hines, Not named - Mr and Mrs F W Hines, of Leslie,announce the birth of a daughter, Easter Sunday, March 29, at PratherClinic. TR, Tue 30 Mar 1948

Hines, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ira Lee Hines Jr, ofValdosta, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce daughter on February21. The baby’s grandfather is Ira LeeHines Sr, of Americus. TR, Mon 27 Feb1961

Hines, Paul Jeremy - Mr and Mrs Hugh Hines, of Birmingham,Ala announce the birth of a chosen son born July 10 who has been given the nameof Paul Jeremy. He is the grandson ofMrs Robert Paul Hines and the late Mr Hines of Leslie and the Rev and Mrs CookW Freeman of Atlanta. TR, Fri 12 Sep1975

Hines, Sally Carol - Mr and Mrs A H (Bucky) Hines, ofMacon, announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, April 7, at Macon Hospital,who weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces. She hasbeen named Sally Carol. TR, Mon 12Apr 1948

Hines, Sebron Winn Jr - Mr and Mrs Sebron Winn Hines, 1800Robin Hood Road, Albany, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce son, SebronWinn Jr at Phoebe Putney Hospital on April 30, 1969. Mrs Hines is the former Miss Betty JoCole. The baby is the grandson of Mrslu*ther Norman Cole and the late Mr Cole of Commerce and Mr and Mrs FranklinHarris Hines of Leslie. TR, Tue 6 May1969

Hines, Todd Lee - Mr and Mrs Ira Lee Hines Jr, of Valdosta,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce son, born Monday, 5 October. The baby has been given the name of ToddLee. Mr Hines is a former Americusresident. TR, Tue 6 Oct 1964

Hines, Valarie Lane - Mr and Mrs Winford Hines III, Leslieannounce the birth of a daughter who has been given the name Valarie Lane Hines. The infant, who was born Saturday, October 1at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital weighed 6 pounds, 4 ounces. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs MarionJones, Ellaville and Mr and Mrs Winford Hines Jr, Leslie. TR, Fri 7 Oct 1983

Hingle, Justin Whitney - Mr and Mrs Grant Hingle ofEllaville announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ½ ounce son, Justin Whitney, bornFriday, May 23 at Sumter Regional Hospital.Justin is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Dale Metheny of Ellaville and MrsJoeanne Claborn of Lumpkin.Great-grandparents are Mrs Mable Forsyth of Ellaville and Mrs WhitneyDupree of Louisiana. TR, Sat 31May1986

Hinkle, Kristin Leigh - Dr and Mrs Woody Hinkle, of Biloxi,Miss announce the birth of a daughter born Wednesday, March 26. Mrs Hinkle is the former Becky Bradley ofAmericus. The baby, who weighed 6pounds, 2 ounces has been given the name of Kristin Leigh. Her grandparents are Dr and Mrs CharlesBradley of this city and Mr and Mrs William E Hinkle of Atlanta. TR, Thu 27 Mar 1975

Hinnant, David Shannon - Mr and Mrs Toney Hinnant, of WarnerRobins, announce the birth of a son, David Shannon, born August 28. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces. Mr and Mrs Hinnant are former Americusresidents, residing here when Mr Hinnant was a student at Georgia SouthwesternCollege. TR, Fri 29 Aug 1969

Hinson, Laura Lee - Mr and Mrs Bill Hinson of Albanyannounce the birth of a daughter who has been given the name Laura LeeHinson. The infant, who weighed 8pounds, 5 ½ ounces was born Saturday, November 6. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs LloydGay Jr, Leslie and Mr and Mrs Billy Hinson, Georgetown. Her great-grandparents are Mrs Lloyd Gay Sr,Leslie; Mrs Robert A Watson, Fort Gaines and Mrs Lillie B Hinson,Georgetown. Mrs Hinson is the formerTerri Gay of Leslie. TR, Mon 22 Nov1982

Hinson, Not named - Mr and Mrs T E Hinson, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a 4 pound, 9 ounce daughter, Thursday, February 14, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Fri 15 Feb 1957

Hinson, William Wesley - Mr and Mrs Bill Hinson of Albanyannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce son, William Wesley, born Tuesday,February 11. Grandparents are Mr and MrsBilly Hinson of Georgetown and Mr and Mrs Lloyd Gay Jr of Leslie. Great-grandmothers are Mrs Lillie B Hinson,Mrs Susie M Watson and Mrs Ollymae S Gay.He has a sister LauraLee. MrsHinson is the former Terri Gay. TR,Thu 20 Feb 1986

Hinton, Heather Kay - Mr and Mrs Gary C Hinton of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Heather Kay, born September 23. The infant weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces atbirth. Maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Dan Harmon of Americus and the late Mrs Florence Ritter. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs BobbyHinton of Americus. TR, Wed 11 Oct1989

Hinton, Not named - Mr and Mrs M Hinton, of Americus, arethe parents of a boy baby which was born Wednesday, August 6, at the PratherClinic. TR, Thu 7 Aug 1947

Hipp, Not named - Mr and Mrs Rankin Hipp, of Asheville, NC , announce the birth of a 6 pound, 2 ounce daughter Thursday, February 1 atSt Joseph’s Hospital in Asheville. MrsHipp is the former Miss Kay McCall of Americus.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs W H McCall of Americus andMr and Mrs Holly W Hipp of Swainboro, N C.TR, Thu 1 Feb 1968

Hipp, William McCall - Mr and Mrs Rankin (Bud) Hipp, ofAshville, NC announce the birth of a 5 pound, 2 ounce son born Saturday, July7. The baby, who has been given the nameof William McCall Hipp is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Bill McCall of Americusand Mr and Mrs Holly Hipp of Swannanoa, NC.Mrs Hipp is the former Kay McCall of this city. TR, Tue 10 Jul 1973

Hitchco*ck, Amy Lee - Mr and Mrs James W Hitchco*ck, ofThomasville, announce the birth of a daughter, Amy Lee, born Monday, March 5 atthe hospital in Thomasville. The babyweighed 7 pounds, 5 ½ ounces. Amy’smother is the former Betty Jane Satterfield of Americus. Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs W B Hitchco*ckJr of Tifton and Mr and Mrs Sam Espy of this city. TR, Thu 22 Mar 1973

Hitchco*ck, Candace Ross - Stuart and Jena Hitchco*ck ofSilverdale, Wash announce the birth of a daughter, Candace Ross, born May 13 atMadigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma, Wash.The infant weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Davis and JeanieSheppard of Americus and paternal grandparents are Don and Judy Hitchco*ck ofSefner, Fla. Maternal great-grandparentsare Clay and Jeanie Mundy of Americus.Mrs Hitchco*ck is the former Miss Jena Sheppard of Americus. TR, Tue 17 May 1994

Hitchco*ck, Jennifer Nichole - Mr and Mrs Stuart Hitchco*ck ofSeattle, Wash announce the birth of a daughter, Jennifer Nichole, born August18. Mrs Hitchco*ck is the former MissJane Sheppard of Americus. Grandparentsare Davis and Jeania Sheppard of Americus, Mr and Mrs Donald Hitchco*ck ofSeiner, Fla. Great-grandparents are Mrand Mrs Clay Mundy of Americus. TR,Fri 21 Aug 1992

Hitchco*ck, Jere Bahnsen - Mr and Mrs C O Hitchco*ck, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a son, Saturday, March 7, at St Joseph’s hospital, whohas been named Jere Bahnsen. Mrsh*tchco*ck was formerly Miss Edith Bahnsen, of Americus. TR, Tue 10 Mar 1942

Hitchco*ck, Joyce Anita - Mr and Mrs Charles O Hitchco*ck, ofAtlanta, are the parents of a girl baby born last night at the Crawford W LongHospital. The baby has been named JoyceAnita. Mrs Hitchco*ck is the former MissEdith Bahnsen, of this city. TR, Wed13 Aug 1947

Hitchco*ck, Mary Janice - Mr and Mrs Charles O Hitchco*ck, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Janice, Sunday, August 8, atEmory University hospital. Mrs Hitchco*ckis the former Miss Edith Bahnsen, of this city.TR, Tue 10 Aug 1943

Hitt, Frank Jr - Mr and Mrs Frank Hitt announce the birthof a 7 pound, 13 ounce son, Sunday, Aug 18, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Frank Jr. TR,Tue 20 Aug 1957

Hitzeman, Kurt Ryan - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Hitzeman announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Tuesday, December 9. Theinfant has been named Kurt Ryan.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Fred E Mills and Mrs and Mrs Ken Stanger. He is the great-grandson of Forrest Marsh andMrs Lulu Mills, all of Fort Wayne, Ind. TR,Fri 12 Dec 1980

Hobb, Johnnie Lee - Sgt and Mrs W H Hobb Jr announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce daughter Tuesday, April 22, who has been namedJohnnie Lee. Mrs Hobb is the former MissBeatrice Bradley, daughter of Mr and Mrs Earl Bradley of Mt Vernon, formerly ofAmericus. Sgt Hobb is stationed inMisawa, Japan at present. TR, Fri 25Apr 1952

Hobbs, Brad Austin - Mr and Mrs Keith Hobbs of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Brad Austin, born December 13 at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces atbirth. Maternal grandparents are JohnnyMcDaniel of Tifton; and Mrs Margaret Owens of Dublin and paternal grandparentsare Mrs Katie Farrow of Cordele and the late Mr Charles Hobbs. TR, Mon 19 Dec 1988

Hobbs, Christopher Monroe - Mr and Mrs Bobby Hobbs, ofOglethorpe, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4ounce son, July 26, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who hasbeen given the name of Christopher Monroe.TR, Fri 23 Aug 1963

Hobbs, Dalton Shane - Janice and Randy Hobbs announce thebirth of a son, Dalton Shane, born Jun 25 at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces atbirth. Grandparents are Horace and KatieNell Edmundson of Reynolds and the later Hosey and Jewel Powell of Cobb. TR, Sat 16 Jul 1994

Hobbs, James Joyce Jr - Mr and Mrs James Hobbs, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son Sunday, July 26, at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces.The baby has been named James Joyce Jr.TR, Mon 27 Jul 1953

Hobbs, Not named - Mr and Mrs G C Hobbs, of Andersonville,are the parents of a 6 pound, 12 3/4 ounce daughter, born September 29 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 30 Sep 1965

Hobbs, Not named - Mr and Mrs J H Hobbs, of 313 East ChurchStreet, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ½ ounce son, born July 24 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 25 Jul 1961

Hobbs, Not named - Mr and Mrs J W Hobbs, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son, Sunday, June 13, at city hospital. TR, Mon 14 Jun 1948

Hobbs, Not named - Mr and Mrs R L Hobbs, of Cordele,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce son, Tuesday, April 27, at cityhospital. TR, Thu 29 Apr 1948

Hobbs, Not named - Mr and Mrs Royce Hobbs, of Lumpkin,announce the birth of a son this morning, February 25, at the cityhospital. TR, Wed 26 Feb 1936

Hobbs, Robert Gregory - Mr and Mrs Bobby Hobbs, ofAndersonville, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce son, April 18, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital who has been named Robert Gregory. TR, Wed 19 Apr 1961

Hobbs, Tristen Tyler - Keith and Ann Hobbs of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Tristen Tyler, born February 28 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,14 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mrs Katie Farrow of Cordele and the late Mr Charles Hobbs andmaternal grandparents are Mrs Margaret Owen of Alamo and Johnny McDaniel ofTifton. The baby has a brother, BradAustin, age three. TR, Thu 5 Mar 1992

Hobby, Gerry Marshall - Mr and Mrs D T Hobby, of 615 EastChurch Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce son Thursday, June 3,at Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Gerry Marshall.TR, Thu 3 Jun 1954

Hobgood, Landon Carl - Mr and Mrs Darrell Hobgood announcethe birth of a son, Landon Carl, born April 3 at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces atbirth. Maternal grandparents are MrsCarl C Hobbs of Butler and the late Mr Hobbs and paternal grandparents are MrsTheron Hobgood and the late Mr Hobgood of Americus. Great-grandmother is Mrs L C Hobgood ofAmericus. The baby has a brother, LijahDarrell, age seven. TR, Fri 10 Apr1992

Hobgood, Lark Russell - Mr and Mrs Gene Hobgood announce thebirth of a son, Lark Russell, who was born October 29 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 2 ½ ounces. He has asister, Elisia, who is 2 years old.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Russell Halliwill and Mr and Mrs L C HobgoodJr, all of Americus. Great-grandparenetsare Mr and Mrs W F Halliwill of Jackson, Mich and Mrs L C Hobgood Sr and Mrs ER Hogg of Americus. TR, Wed 4 Nov1981

Hobgood, Lijah Darrell - Darrell and Jan Hobgood of Butlerannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ½ ounce son, Lijah Darrell, born Tuesday,March 5 at the Medical Center in Columbus.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Carl C Hobbs Jr of Butler and Mr andMrs Theron Hobgood of Americus.Great-grandparents are Ruric Slocumb and the late Mrs Slocumb ofPreston; Mrs L C Hobgood Sr and the late Mrs Hobgood of Americus and the lateMr and Mrs Lewis Watson Sr of Charing and the late Mr and Mrs Carl Hobbs Sr ofPanama City, Fla. TR, Mon 18 Mar 1985

Hobgood, Marlene - Mr and Mrs Theron Hobgood announce thebirth of a daughter, August 30 at city hospital. The baby has been named Marlene. TR, Mon 8 Sep 1952

Hobgood, Not named - Mr and Mrs Heyward Hobgood of Americusannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ½ ounce son, born February 13 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 14 Feb 1963

Hobgood, Not named - Mr and Mrs Heywood Hobgood, of 954Felder Street, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 10 3/4 ounce son, Wednesday,June 23 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 24 Jun 1965

Hobgood, Not named - Mr and Mrs Hobgood of Americus announcethe birth of a daughter born Wednesday, June 21 at City Hospital. TCN, Thu 22 Jun 1950

Hock, Mary Kathleen - Mr and Mrs Frank Hock, of Baltimore,Md, announce the birth of a daughter, November 22, who has been named MaryKathleen for both of her grandmothers.Mrs Hock was formerly Miss Allene Murray, of Americus. TR, Fri 4 Dec 1942

Hodge, Adam Rainey - Mr and Mrs Rainey Hodge of Americusannounce the birth of a 4 pound, 2 ounce son, Adam Rainey, born Monday, May 13at Sumter Regional Hospital. He is thegrandson of Dorothy Tanner of Americus, Marvin Tanner of Leesburg and Mr andMrs Boyce Hodge of Buena Vista.Great-grandmother is Kate Jones of Americus. He has a sister Jennifer and a brotherCurt. TR, Thu 23 May 1985

Hodge, Susan - Capt and Mrs Paul H Hodge Jr, of Salzburg,Austria, announce the birth of a daughter, June 28, who has been named Susan. Mrs Hodge was formerly Eulalia Webb. The grandparents are Mr and Mrs W W Webb andMr and Mrs Paul H Hodge of Leslie, Ga. TR,Fri 15 Jul 1955

Hodge, Windsor Webb - Capt and Mrs Paul H Hodge Jr, ofPetersburg, Va, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son, Tuesday, January14, who has been naned Windsor Webb for his maternal grandfather. Mrs Hodge was the former Miss Eulalia Webb ofLeslie, and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs W W Webb and Mr and Mrs PaulHodge Sr, of Leslie. TR, Thu 23 Jan 1958

Hodges, Allison Lynn - Mr and Mrs Stan Hodges announce thebirth of a daughter, Allison Lynn, born Thursday, September 19 at SumterRegional Hospital. She is thegranddaughter of Rev and Mrs J E Hodges of Panama City, Fla and Mr and Mrs A EPearce of Prattville, Ala. Allison has asister Lisa 5. TR, Tue 8 Oct 1985

Hodges, Chad Gilbert - Mr and Mrs Warren Hodges Jr ofAmericus announce the birth of an 8 pound son, Chad Gilbert, born Saturday,April 12 at Sumter Regional Hospital.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Gilbert Vaughn Jr and Sue Statham and WarrenHodges Sr, all of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs J L Waters of Brevard, NC, Mr and MrsGilbert B Vaughn Sr of Macon and Mr and Mrs A W Higgs, Mrs B Fred Statham andMrs John R Hodges, all of Americus. TR,Wed 30 Apr 1986

Hodges, Corinthia Carol - Mr and Mrs Sherrard Hodges, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce daughter, Friday, December27, at the Georgia Baptist hospital, who has been named Corinthia Carol. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsJohn Hodges, of Americus. TR, Mon 30Dec 1957

Hodges, Emma Hattie - Mr and Mrs John Hodges announce thebirth of a daughter this morning, July 22, at the city hospital. The baby has been named Emma Hattie, for hergrandmother, and is to be called Em. TR,Thu 22 Jul 1937

Hodges, Fran Elaine - Mr and Mrs Warren F Hodges announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter born March 20 at the Peach CountyHospital in Fort Valley. The baby hasbeen named Fran Elaine. She is thegranddaughter of Mrs Hortense Ballew of Reynolds and the late Jack Lassiter andMrs John R Hodges and the late Mr Hodges of Americus. The baby is the great-granddaughter of Mr andMrs Roy Daniel and Mr and Mrs C E Pilcher, all of Americus. TR, Mon 29 Mar 1971

Hodges, Fred Statham - Mr and Mrs Warren F Hodges, of Route3, Andersonville, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce son, March 26, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Fred Statham forhis maternal grandfather. TR, Mon 27Mar 1961

Hodges, Glenda Joyce - Mr and Mrs Neil Hodges, of theAndersonville road, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 6 ½ ounce daughter,Sunday, March 18, at city hospital. Thebaby has been named Glenda Joyce. TR,Mon 19 Mar 1951

Hodges, Holly Jade - Mr and Mrs Hunter Glenn Hodges ofAlbany announce the birth of a daughter, Holly Jade, born Thursday, May 20 atPhoebe Putney Hospital, Albany. Theinfant weighed 5 pounds at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Wesley Chavers of Americus andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs A Glenn Hodges of Nashville, Ga and MrsDonnie Deriso of Americus. Mrs Hodges isthe former Miss Bobbie Jo Chavers of Americus.TR, Thu 27 May 1993

Hodges, John Randolph II - Mr and Mrs Warren F Hodges, ofRoute 1 Andersonville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ½ ounce son, Monday,March 8, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby, who has been named John RandolphHodges II, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Fred Statham and Mr and Mrs John R Hodges. TR, Tue 9 Mar 1965

Hodges, Lindsay Taylor - Mr and Mrs Billy Hodges announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce daughter born Tuesday, August 25 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Theinfant has been given the name of Lindsay Taylor Hodges. Taylor has three sisters, Blake, age 7 andtwins Lane and Leigh, age 5.Grandparents are Mrs Neil Hodges and the late Mr Hodges and Mrs NormaBradley and Dr Charles Bradley, all of Americus. TR, Thu 27 Aug 1981

Hodges, Martha Cullen - Mr and Mrs John R Hodges, ofAndersonville road, announce the birth of a girl Wednesday morning, who hasbeen given the name of Martha Cullen.Mrs Hodges will be remembered as Miss Mattie Lou Horne before hermarriage. TR, Sat 12 Mar 1932

Hodges, Mary Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs A F Hodges Jr, of LosAngeles, announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Elizabeth, who was bornThursday, April 13. Mrs Hodges is aformer resident of Americus. TR, Mon17 Apr 1939

Hodges, McNeill Jr - Mr and Mrs McNeill Hodges announce thebirth of a son, Saturday, October 7, at city hospital, who has been namedMcNeill Jr. TR Thu 12 Oct 1944

Hodges, Not named - Mr and Mrs Brown Hodges announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, February 29, at City Hospital. Mrs Hodges is the former Miss Virginia BoyleFuson, of St Louis. TR, Mon 1 Mar1948

Hodges, Not named - Mr and Mrs Brown Hodges announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce daughter, Friday, January 18, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Fri 8 Jan1957

Hodges, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Hodges announce thebirth of a son, Monday, November 19, at city hospital. TR, Thu 16 Nov 1939

Hodges, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lorin Hodges announce thebirth of a son April 24 at their home near Andersonville. TR, Thu 26 Apr 1923

Hodges, Not named - Mr and Mrs Pat Hodges, of Phenix,Arizona, announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, March 15. Mr Hodges is a fromer resident of Americusand Reynolds and Mrs Hodges is the former Miss Eloise Davis, of Phenix. TR, Mon 17 Mar 1947

Hodges, Not named - Pvt and Mrs J H Hodges, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, May 16, at city hospital. TR, Thu 17 May 1945

Hodges, Robert J Hodges III - Lt and Mrs Robert J Hodges Jr,of Ardmore, Okla, announce the birth of a son, Monday, August 18, who has beennamed Robert J Hodges III. Mrs Hodges isthe former Hilda Hill, of Ardmore. LtHodges is a former Americus resident and the baby is the grandson of Mr and MrsRobert J Hodges Sr, of the Andersonville road.TR, Tue 19 Aug 1958

Hodges, Scott Forrest - Mr and Mrs Forrest L Hodges, ofBoston, Mass, announce the birth of a son, Monday, October 20, who has beengiven the named of Scott Forrest. MrHodges is a former Americus resident and the baby is the grandson, of Mr andMrs Robert Hodges, of the Andersonville road.TR, Sat 25 Oct 1958

Hodges, Sherrel Algenon - Mr and Mrs John R Hodges announcethe birth of a nine pound son June 3, at their home on theAmericus-Andersonville highway. The babyhas been named Sherrel Algenon. TR,Tue 6 Jun 1933

Hodges, Susan Blakeley - Mr and Mrs William T Hodgesannounce the birth of a daughter born Wednesday, February 6 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The infant, whoweighed 6 pounds, 6 ounces has been named Susan Blakeley. She is the granddaughter of Dr and MrsCharles Bradley and Mr and Mrs Neil Hodges.TR, Thur 7 Feb 1974

Hodges, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs Billy Hodges announcethe birth of twin daughters at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onTuesday, July 20. The babies have beennamed Laura Lane and Rebecca Leigh.Laura Lane’s weight was 6 pounds, 2 ounces and Rebecca Leigh weighed 7pounds, 2 ounces. The twins are thegranddaughters of Dr and Mrs Charles Bradley and Mr and Mrs Neil Hodges, all ofAmericus. TR, Thu 22 Jul 1976

Hodges, Warren Freneau Jr - Mr and Mrs Warren Hodgesannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ounce son, Saturday, February 14 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Warren Freneau Jr. Mrs Hodges is the former Miss SueStatham. The baby is the grandson of Mrand Mrs Fred Statham and Mr and Mrs John Hodges. TR, Sat 14 Feb 1959

Hodges, Warren Freno III - Mr and Mrs Warren F Hodges Jrannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ½ ounce son born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on Sunday, September 16.The baby has been named Warren Freno Hodges III. The infant is the grandson of Ms Sue Stathamof Macon and Warren Hodges Sr of Americus and Mr and Mrs Clarence Davis also ofthis city. He is the great-grandson ofMr and Mrs Fred Statham and Mrs John Hodges and Mr and Mrs Jack Wilson and thelate Mr and Mrs Joe W Davis, all of Americus.Mrs J C Patton of Americus is the baby’s great-great-grandmother. TR, Wed 19 Sep 1979

Hodges, Wendy Jill - Mr and Mrs Vinson A Hodges announce thebirth of a 9 pound, 1 ounce daughter who has been given the name of WendyJill. The baby is the granddaughter ofMr and Mrs Miner Turner of Americus and Mr and Mrs Roy Hodges of Folkston, Ga. TR, Tue 18 Jun 1968

Hodgson, Frederick Kimmel - Mr and Mrs Newton Hodgson, ofColumbus, Ohio, formerly of Sarasota, Florida announce the birth of a son May17, who has been named Frederick Kimmel for both of his grandparents. The baby is the great-grandson of J E Mathis,of this city. TR, Thu 9 Jul 1942

ho*rrner, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ken ho*rrner, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a son Friday, April 1971 at the Piedmont Hospital inAtlanta. The baby is the grandson of Mrand Mrs Jimmy Hentz of Panama City, Fla and the great-grandson of Mr and MrsRobertson of Americus. TR, Sat 10 Apr1971

Hogg, Frances - Mr and Mrs Charles Hogg Jr announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, February 6, at city hospital, who has been namedFrances. Mar Hogg was before hermarriage Miss Fred Turpin. TR, Mon 7Feb 1944

Hogg, James Edward - Mr and Mrs G E Hogg announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 8 ounce son, Thursday, May 17, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named James Edward. TR, Thursday 17 May 1956

Hogg, James Hamilton - Mr and Mrs Bradley Hogg announcethe birth of a son August 5, who has been called James Hamilton. TR, Tue 7 Aug 1923

Hogg, James Monroe Jr - Mr and Mrs J M Hogg, ofOglethorpe, announce the birth of a son, born Sunday night, November 7, at cityhospital.. The baby has been named JamesMonroe Jr. Mrs Hogg was before marriageMiss Ruth Medlock of Plains. TR, Mon8 Nov 1937

Hogg, Leon Clint - Mr and Mrs Leon Hogg, of Oglethorpe,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce son, March 4, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Leon Clint. TR, Thu 5 Mar1959

Hogg, Mark Thomas - Mr and Mrs Arthur Hogg announce thebirth of a son, Saturday, October 16, who has been named Mark Thomas. TR, Fri 22 Oct 1943

Hogg, Mary Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Hogg, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a daughter at Georgia Baptist Hospital on Monday, June13, whom they have named Mary Elizabeth.The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs H W Hogg, of Ellaville. TR, Tue 21 Jun 1966

Hogg, Melissa Dawn - Mr and Mrs James E Hogg, of Americusannounce the arrival of a daughter, Melissa Dawn, born Sunday, June 5. Misty, as she will be called, weighed 6pounds, 11 ½ ounces. She has an oldersister, Bonnie Jean. Misty’sgrandparents are Mr and Mrs George E Hogg of Americus and Mr and Mrs KennethConley of Seattle, Wash. Hergreat-grandparents are Mr and Mrs A W Hogg Sr of Americus and Mr Ozie W Davisof Vienna, Ga. TR, Tue 7 Jun 1977

Hogg, Not named - Mr and Mrs C M Hogg announce the birthof a daughter, Wednesday, July 10, at city hospital. TR, Wed 10 Jul 1946

Hogg, Not named - Mr and Mrs Dixon Hogg, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a seven pound, 8 ounce son, Wednesday, February 22, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Thu 23 Feb 1956

Hogg, Not named - Mr and Mrs L J Hogg, of Oglethorpe,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, Monday, August 26. TR,Tue 27 Aug 1957

Hogg, Not named - Mr and Mrs L J Hogg, of Oglethorpe,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ounce daughter at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, Tuesday, September 15. TR,Wed 16 Sep 1959

Hogg, Not named - Mr and Mrs Mack Thomas Hogg, of Route 2,announce the birth of a 6 pound 3 ½ ounce daughter, February 23, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 24 Feb 1966

Hogg, Not named - Mr and Mrs Mark Thomas Hogg, of Route 2,announce the birth of a 6 pound, one ounce daughter, January 27, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Thu28 Jan 1965

Hogg, Not named - Mr and Mrs W D Hogg, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a son, Monday, October 17, at City Hospital, who weighed6 pounds, 10 ounces. TR, Thu 20 Oct1949

Hogg, Rickey William - Mr and Mrs C M Hogg Jr announce thebirth of a son, January 8, at city hospital who has been named RickeyWilliam. TR Sat 24 January 1948

Hogg, Ronald Lee - Mr and Mrs G E Hogg, of Route 1,Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ½ ounce son, born December 15, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Ronald Lee. TR Mon 17 Dec 1962

Hogg, Sharon Faye - Mr and Mrs Mack Thomas Hogg, of Route4, Americus, announce the birth of a 6 pound daughter, March 24, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Sharon Faye. TR, Tue 24 Mar 1963

Hogg, Tiffany Michelle - David and Norma Hogg of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Tiffany Michelle, born May 2 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 5pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mary Hogg Harbuck of Mauk and the late Mr A W Hogg Jr andmaternal grandparents are Rose H Pritchard of Americus and the late Mr GeorgeHarrington. Great-grandparents are Mrand Mrs A W Hogg Sr of Americus. Thebaby has two sisters, Cindy Marie, five and Rose Leigh, age two. TR, Thu 7 May 1992

Hoggins, Not named - Mr and Mrs H K Hoggins, of Americus,announce the birth of a boy born Tuesday at City Hospital weighing 7 pounds, 14½ ounces. TCN, Thu 12 Jun 1952

Hogsed, Christopher George - Mr and Mrs George Hogsed ofAmericus announce the birth of a 9 pound, 7 ounce son, Christopher George, bornThursday, October 11 at Sumter Regional Hospital. He is the grandson of Mrs Ruby Davis ofLeslie and the late Rufus Davis of Plains and Mr and Mrs Allman Hogsed ofAmericus. Great-grandparents are MrsBarbara Hogsed of Smithville and Mr and Mrs James Knight of Americus. Chris has a sister, Nicole, 2. TR, Tue 16 Oct 1984

Hogsed, Maggie Louise - Angie and Alan Hogsed of Newnanannounce the birth of a daughter, Maggie Louise, born September 15 at PeachtreeRegional Hospital, Newnan. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Carl DeLay and Martha Hogsed, all of Americus and Mr and MrsRobert Dorminy of Lake Blackshear. Shehas a brother, Nick, 2. TR, Thu 5 Nov1998

Hogsed, Nicholas Payne - Mr and Mrs Alan Hogsed of Newnanannounce the birth of a son, Nicholas Payne, born April 30 at PeachtreeRegional Hospital, Newnan. Mrs Hogsed isthe former Miss Angie Murr of Americus.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Carl DeLay of Americus and the lateJack Murr. Paternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs R H Dorminy of Cobb and Mr and Mrs C F Hogsed of Ellaville. Great-grandmother is Martha Hogsed of Americus. TR, Mon 20 May 1996

Hogsed, Nicole Leigh - Mr and Mrs George Hogsed announce thebirth of a daughter, Nicole Leigh, born Friday, May 21 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby weighed7 pounds, 10 ounces. Her mother is theformer Elaine Davis. Nicole, as she willbe called, is the granddaughter of Mrs Ruby Davis of Plains and Mr and MrsAllman Hogsed of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs J T Knight of Americus and the lateMrs Bessie Kay Knight of Plains and Mrs C F Hogsed Sr of Smithville and thelate Mr Hogsed. TR, Mon 24 May 1982

Hogsed, Paige Devon - Mr and Mrs Larry Hogsed of Smithvilleannounce the birth of a daughter born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital Wednesday, December 2. Theinfant, who weighed 6 pounds, ½ ounce has been given the name of PaigeDevon. Paige is the granddaughter of Mrand Mrs C F Hogsed Jr of Lake Blackshear and Mr and Mrs J T Bonner ofDawson. Great-grandparents are MrsMartha Hogsed of Smithville and Mrs Nettie Hunt of Lake Blackshear and Mr andMrs Leroy Johnson of Leesburg and Mrs Pauline Bonner of Hogansville, Ga. TR, Tue 8 Dec 1981

Hogsed, Tammi Jo - Mr and Mrs Larry Hogsed of Smithvilleannounce the birth of a daughter who has been given the name Tammi JoHogsed. The infant, who was bornWednesday, August 17 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital weighed 8pounds, 11 ½ ounces. She has a sister,Paige. Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs CF Hogsed Jr of Lake Blackshear and Mr and Mrs John T Bonner of Dawson. Her great-grandparents are Mrs C F Hogsed Srof Smithville; Mrs Nettie Hunt of Lake Blackshear and Mr and Mrs Leroy Johnson,Dawson. TR, Thu 25 Aug 1983

Holbrook, Angela Dawn - Mr and Mrs Stoney Holbrook, ofPreston, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce daughter, February 9, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Angela Dawn. TR,Mon 7 Feb 1966

Holbrook, Chirstie Gail - Mr and Mrs Wiley Hilbrook, ofEllaville, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce daughter at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital on Tuesday, September 2 who has been named ChristieGail. The baby’s grandparents are Mr andMrs W B Holbrook of Preston and Mr and Mrs Elmer Stuckey of Ellaville. TR, Thu 4 Sep 1969

Holbrook, Lori Nichole - Jennifer and Efram Holbrook of Leslieannounce the birth of a daughter, Lori Nichole, born Saturday, September 22 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Billy Varnum of Leslie and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Glenn Holbrook of Leslie. TR, Wed 26 Sep 1990

Holbrook, Martha Jan - Mr and Mrs Wiley W Holbrook, ofPreston, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 15 ounce daughter, March 30 inthe Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been named MarthaJan. TR, Tue 3 Apr 1962

Holbrook, Tammy Wynelle - Mr and Mrs Wiley Holbrook announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 7 ½ ounce daughter born Tuesday, May 9 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who has been named Tammy Wynelle is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Elmer Stuckeyof Ellaville and Mr and Mrs W B Holbrook of Preston. TR, Wed 10 May 1972

Holbrook, Tiffany Lynn - Mr and Mrs Efrem Holbrook of Leslieannounce the birth of a daughter, Tiffany Lynn, born June 30 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 4ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Billy Varnum of Leslie and paternal grandparents are Mr and MrsGlenn Holbrook of Leslie. The baby has asister, Lori, 22 months. TR, Wed 8Jul 1992

Holbrook, Timothy Allen - Mr and Mrs Wiley Holbrook, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a son, May 2 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been namedTimothy Allen and he has one sister Jan, and one brother Darrell. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Elmer Stucky, ofEllaville, and Mr and Mrs W B Holbrook, of Preston. TR, Thu 20 May 1965

Holbrook, William Darrell - Mr and Mrs W W Holbrook, ofPreston, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce son, March 11, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named William Darrell. TR, Tue 12 Mar 1963

Holcomb, June Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs W G Holcomb, of 313 WGlessner Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce daughter, Monday,November 12, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedJune Elizabeth. TR, Tue 13 Nov 1956

Holcomb, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Holcomb, of Cordele,announce the birth of a 5 pound, 2 ounce son, Monday, September 12, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 15 Sep 1955

Holdcraft, Martha Grace - Mr and Mrs Asberry Holdcraft, of NewOrleans, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter, Tuesday, July 31,who has been named Martha Grace. MrHoldcraft was formerly minister of music for the Central Baptist Church here. TR, Thu 2 Aug 1956

Holeman, William Lamar - Mr and Mrs T L Holeman Jr announcethe birth of a son, August 28th, who has been given the name ofWilliam Lamar Holeman, at their home in Tampa, Fla. TR, Fri 5 Sep 1924

Holland, Jean Roger Jr - Mr and Mrs Jean Holland, ofSavannah, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son, Sunday, September 28,who has been named Jean Roger Jr. MrsHolland is the former Miss Beth Bass, of Americus. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs JimmyBass, of this city and Mr and Mrs Roger Holland of Vidalia. TR, Mon 29 Sep 1958

Holland, John Michael - Mr and Mrs Jean R Holland, of 1214East 60th Street, Savannah, announce the birth of an 8 pound, son,John Michael, October 2 at the Telfair Hospital in Savannah. Mrs Holland is the former Miss Beth Bass, ofthis city. TR, Fri 5 Oct 1962

Holland, LaVern Tonia - Mr and Mrs W J Holland announce thebirth of a daughter at the Phoebe Putney hospital in Albany, Thursday, December11. The baby has been named LaVernTonia. Mrs Holland was formerly MissEdith Adkins of Americus. TR, Tue 15Dec 1936

Holland, Not named - Mr and Mrs W T Holland, of 135 Brannonavenue, announce the birth of an eight-pound daughter this morning athome. TR, Fri 8 Jun 1934

Holley, Frances Ruth - Mr and Mrs Joe B Holley, of 926Oglethorpe Avenue, announce the birth of a daughter January 9 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Frances Ruth. TR, Fri 10 Jan 1964

Holley, Gladys Renee - Mr and Mrs James Holley, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ounce daughter, March 20, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Gladys Renee. TR, Mon 21 Mar 1960

Holley, Jimmy Lewis Jr - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Holley announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 6 ½ ounce son, Saturday, April 2 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Jimmy Lewis Holley Jr. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs J AHolley, Vienna Road, and Mr and Mrs O H Howell, of Americus. TR, Wed 5 Apr 1966

Holley, Jo Anne - Mr and Mrs A J Holley announce the birthof a daughter, Saturday, February 8, at Prather Clinic, who weighed 7 pounds, 6ounces. The baby has been named JoAnne. Mrs Holley was the former MissWillie Ruth Crook, of Sumter City. TR,Tue 11 Feb 1947

Holley, Lara Cheyenne - Rebecca Holley and Shane Bullard,both of Americus announce the birth of a daughter, Lara Cheyenne, bornSeptember 29 at Sumter Regional Hospital.The infant weighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces.Grandparents are Valarie Holley, Richard Bullard and Paula Kay Sims, allof Americus and George Davis Holley of Deland, FL. Great-grandparents are Jeaneen Warren ofSlocomb, AL, Katie Brown of Americus and Jeanie Mason of Bainbridge. Great-great-grandparents are Christine Ginnof Rentz and R A Cannon of Bainbridge. TR,Fri 16 Oct 1998

Holley, Leslie Anne - Mr and Mrs James M Holley announce thebirth of a daughter. The baby was bornFriday, July 7 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital and has been giventhe name of Leslie Anne. She weighed 7pounds, 12 ½ ounces. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs James H Holley of Sampson, Ala and Mr and Mrs Romie B Morgan of Troy,Ala. TR, Fri 14 Jul 1972

Holley, Michael Allen - Mr and Mrs Martin Holley, of Route4, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ounce son, Wednesday, September 28 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Hehas been named Michael Allen. TR, Wed28 Sep 1955

Holley, Not named - Mr and Mrs A J Holley announce the birthof a daughter, Wednesday, September 7, at Prather Clinic. TR, Wed 7 Sep 1949

Holley, Not named - Mr and Mrs J A Holley, of Route 3,announce the birth of a son, Thursday, April 12, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospsital, who weighed 9 pounds, 10 ounces. TR, Sat 14 Apr 1956

Holley, Not named - Mr and Mrs J L Holley, of 1416 ParkerStreet, are the parents of a 6 pound, 12 ounce daughter, born at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital June 23. TR,Mon 24 Jun 1963

Holley, Not named - Mr and Mrs James A Holley announce thebirth of a 7-pound son, Friday, November 21, at their home on McMath’s MillRoad. TR, Fri 21 Nov 1941

Holley, Not named - Mr and Mrs M A Holley, of Route 4,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ½ ounce daughter, Tuesday, January 26, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 27 Jan 1960

Holliday, Jammie Bree - Is the name of the infant daughter ofMr and Mrs Kenneth Lee Holliday, who was born Friday, November 23. Bree, as she will be called weighed 6 pounds,13 ½ ounces. Her mother is the formerElissa Espy. Grandparents are Mr and MrsJames S Espy and Mr and Mrs James R Holliday, all of Americus. She is the great-granddaughter of Mr and MrsSam Espy, Americus; Mr and Mrs T H Johnston, Rome; and the late Mr and Mrs E LHolliday of Roanoke, Ala and the late Mr and Mrs L D Hughes of Plains. TR, Wed 5 Dec 1979

Hollingsworth, John Clayton - Mr and Mrs Lee Hollingsworth ofRoswell announce the birth of a son, John Clayton, born October 19 atShallowford Community Hospital, Atlanta.The infant weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces.Mrs Hollingsworth is the former Emily Sheffield of Americus. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs LangdonSheffield of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs WrightHollingsworth of Jacksonville, Fla.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs John West Sheffield and Mrs W AJoyner, all of Americus. TR, Mon 24Oct 1988

Hollingsworth, Katherine Collins - Mr and Mrs Lee Hollingsworth ofRoswell announce the birth of a daughter, Katherine Collins, born Monday,November 11 at Shallowford General Hospital, Atlanta. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces atbirth. Mrs Hollingsworth is the formerMiss Emily Sheffield of Americus.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Lang Sheffield of Americus and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Wright Hollingsworth of Jacksonville, Fla. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs John WestSheffield and Mrs W A Joyner and the late Rev Joyner, all of Americus. The baby has a brother, John Clayton, agethree. TR, Wed 13 Nov 1991

Hollingsworth, Langdon Sheffield - Emily and Lee Hollingsworth ofAtlanta announce the birth of a son, Langdon Sheffield, born Thursday, July 13at Dunwoody Medical Center. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Langdon Sheffield of Americus andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Wright Hollingsworth of Jacksonville,Fla. Great-grandmothers are Mrs JohnWest Sheffield Sr and Mrs W A Joyner, both of Americus. The baby has a brother, Clayton, 6 and asister, Katherine, 3. Mrs Hollingsworthis the former Emily Sheffield of Americus.TR, Fri 14 Jul 1995

Hollingsworth, Marjorie Loraine - Mr and Mrs Wright Hollingsworth,of Jacksonville, announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, August 3, who hasbeen named Marjorie Loraine. MrsHollingsworth is the former Miss Marjorie Joyner of this city and the baby isthe granddaughter of the Rev and Mrs W A Joyner, of Americus. TR, Sat 4 Aug 1956

Hollingsworth, Michael Joyner - Mr and Mrs C Wright Hollingsworth,of Jacksonville, announce the birth of a son, Friday, October 12, who has beennamed Michael Joyner. Mrs Hollingsworthis the former Miss Marjorie Joyner of Americus and the baby is the grandson ofMrs W A Joyner, of this city. TR, Mon15 Oct 1962

Hollingsworth, Not named - Mr and Mrs Wright Hollingsworth, ofJacksonville, announce the birth of a son Wednesday, November 10. Mrs Hollingsworth is the former Miss MarjorieJoyner and the baby is the grandson of Rev and Mrs W A Joyner, of thiscity. TR, Sat 13 Nov 1954

Hollingsworth, Virginia Ann - Mr and Mrs Wright Hollingsworth, ofJacksonville, announce the birth of a daughter, November 10 at the NavalHospital in Jacksonville, who has been named Virginia Ann. Mrs Hollingsworth isthe former Miss Marjorie Joyner of Americus and the baby is the granddaughterof the Rev and Mrs W A Joyner, of this city.TR, Wed 12 Nov 1958

Hollinsworth, Not named - Mr and Mrs Tom Hollinsworth announce thebirth of a six pound eight ounce daughter Friday, October 12, at the cityhospital. Mrs Hollinsworth was beforeher marriage Miss Elizabeth Broadhurst.Both mother and baby are doing nicely.TR, Fri 12 Oct 1934

Hollis, Eugene Lockette - Mr and Mrs Eugene, of Miami, Fla,announce the birth of a son at The Clinic, of Macon, Ga, October 1, to becalled Eugene Lockette Hollis. MrsHollis before her marriage was Miss Louise Hall, of Macon, while Mr Hollis isoriginally from Americus, having spent most of his boyhood days here. TR, Tue 7 Oct 1924

Hollis, Juliet Michelle - Mr and Mrs Steve Hollis ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Juliet Michelle, who was born August4 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Theinfant weighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Bill Calassis and the late DallasFred Hollis of LaGrange. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Bob Joss, Cleveland, Ohio and the late Bobby Greeneof Selma, NC. The infant has a sister,Linda and two brothers, Hank and Ben. TR,Fri 15 Aug 1986

Hollis, Not named - Mr and Mrs Philip M Hollis, of 907Hanco*ck Drive, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce daughter. The baby was born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on September 29. TR,Tue 29 Sep 1964

Hollister, Mr and Mrs W K Hollister announce the birth of adaughter, January 25, who has not yet been given a name. Mrs Hollister will be remembered as MissGeorgia DeLoach. TR, Thu 26 Jan 1926

Hollman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Virgil Hollman announce thebirth of a seven pound girl at their home near Leslie, Thursday night, October20. This is the third child in thefamily. Both mother and baby are doingnicely. TR, Fri 20 Oct 1932

Hollomon, Hannah Kate - Mr and Mrs Gene Hollomon of Leesburgannounce the birth of a daughter, Hannah Kate, born Monday, May 15 at PhoebePutney Hospital in Albany. The infantweighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold E Hollomon Sr of Leesburg. Great-grandparents are Mrs Erlene Tripp and WL Tripp of Leslie and Mr and Mrs Woodrow Watson of Dawson and the late Mrs KateKing Watson. TR, Sat 27 May 1989

Hollomon, Kendall Grance - Billy and Cindy Hollomon ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Kendall Grace, born June 8 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 10 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Shelby Gray of Americus and the late Frank Gray. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs HaroldHollomon of Americus and the late Martha Ann Williams. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs JohnnyMorgan of Americus, Mr and Mrs Herb Deustch of Ocala, Fla, Mr and Mrs J BMalone of Leesburg and Mr and Mrs Hoyle Radcliff of Albany and the late DorisRadcliff. TR, Fri 23 Jun 1995

Hollomon, Marlee Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Gene Hollomon ofLeesburg announce the birth of a daughter, Marlee Elizabeth, born February 19at Phoebe Putney Hospital, Albany. Theinfant weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Larry Watson of Albany and Mr and Mrs HaroldHollomon of Americus. Great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Woodrow Watson of Dawson.The baby has a sister, Hannah Kate, 2 ½.Mrs Hollomon is the former Miss Wendy Watson. TR, Tue 3 Mar 1992

Hollomon, William Chance - Billy and Cindy Hollomon announcethe birth of a son, William Chance, Nov 4 at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds. Grandparents are Shelby Gray and Mr and MrsHarold Hollomon, all of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Johnny Morgan and Lucille Deutsch, allof Americus and Willene Malone of Leesburg.He has a sister, Kendall, 4. TR,Fri 3 Dec 1999

Hollon, Danny Scott - Mr and Mrs Danny Charles Hollonannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce son Saturday, November 15 at PhoebePutney Hospital in Albany. The baby, whohas been given the name of Danny Scott is the grandson of Mr and Mrs C PScarbrough of Lake City, Fla and Mr and Mrs J H Denton of Americus. The great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs E FLowery of this city and Mrs Mattie Lee of Perry. TR, Tue 18 Nov 1969

Holloway, Caleb Austin - Kim O’Brien and Bobby Holloway ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Caleb Austin, on June 25 at SumterRegional Hospital. The baby, who weighed8 pounds, 5 ounces is the grandson of June and Jimmy Horne and Patsy Davis, allof Leslie. He has a brother, Brady,6. TR, Wed 22 Jul 1998

Holloway, Carey Virginia - Mr and Mrs Emmett Holloway ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter at Sumter Regional Hospital MondayApril 4. She weighed 10 pounds, 5 ouncesand has been named Carey Virginia. MrsHolloway is the former Amy Holt of this city.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Raymond Holt Jr, Americus and thepaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs William Howard Holloway ofAndersonville. Maternalgreat-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Raymond Holt Sr, Americus and Mrs JaneCollinsworth, Atlanta. Paternalgreat-grandmother is Mrs Harriet A Holloway of Americus. TR, Wed 6 Apr 1988

Holloway, Christopher Eugene - Mr and Mrs William EugeneHolloway announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ½ ounce son born Tuesday, August21 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been given the name of Christopher Eugene and will becalled “Chris”.. His maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Sam Caraway of Zebulon and his great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Roy L Holloway of Ellaville.TR, Wed 29 Aug 1973

Holloway, Clinton Max III - Clint and Lisa Holloway ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Clinton Max III, born July 2 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 9 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs John Todd of Cobb and the late Mr Ed N Bailey ofCobb and paternal grandparents are Marianne Taylor of Americus and Dr ClintonHolloway of Plains. Great-grandmothersare Mrs Lucille Hawkes of Athens and Mrs Alice Holloway of Americus. TR, Tue 7 Jul 1992

Holloway, Collin Clarke - Mr and Mrs Emmett Holloway ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Collin Clarke, born Thursday, July 30 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infant,who is called Collin, weighed 8 pounds, 14 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs RaymondHolt Jr of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Howard Holloway ofAndersonville. Great-grandparents are Mrand Mrs Raymond Holt Sr of Americus.Collin has a sister, Carey, 4 and a brother, Chandler, age three. TR, Wed 5 Aug 1992

Holloway, Connie Ruth - Mr and Mrs E L Holloway announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 13 ounce daughter Saturday, February 10, who has beennamed Connie Ruth. Mrs Holloway is theformer Miss Doris Morris. TR, Tue 20Feb 1951

Holloway, Don Gray - Mr and Mrs Vernie Holloway Jr, ofMilwaukee, Wis, announce the birth of a son, Friday, July 18, who has beennamed Don Gray. Mr Holloway is a formerAmericus resident and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs V M Holloway, ofthis city. TR, Mon 21 Jul 1947

Holloway, Emily Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs LeRoy Holloway announcethe birth of a daughter, Emily Elizabeth, August 25th at their homein the 28th district. TR,Wed 28 Aug 1929

Holloway, Emory Marcus - Dr and Mrs E W Holloway Jr, of Macon,Ga, announce the birth of a son on Thursday, January 19, at the MaconHospital. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 3 ½ounce and has been named Emory Marcus.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs E W Holloway Sr, of this city. TR, Mon 23 Jan 1961

Holloway, Emory W Jr - Mr and Mrs E W Holloway, of DudleyStreet, announce the birth of a son, November 6, who has been named Emory WJr. TR, Tue 8 Nov 1932

Holloway, Ernest Alfred - Mr and Mrs Bartram Ernest Holloway,of the 28th district, announce the birth of a son this morning at 7o’clock at their home, who has been named Ernest Alfred. TR, Fri 9 Jun 1933

Holloway, Ernest Randall - Mr and Mrs Lynward Hollowayannounce the birth of a son, Thursday, January 20, at Prather Clinic, whoweighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces and has been named Ernest Randall. Mrs Holloway was the former Miss DorisMorris. TR, Mon 24 Jan 1949

Holloway, Grant Bradford - Mr and Mrs Arthur Holloway ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Grant Bradford, born Tuesday, April 28 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 9 pounds, 10 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Horace Holloway of DeSoto and Ward Willis ofBelle Glade, Fla and the late Mrs Lucille Willis of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mrs Annie Mae Mercer,DeSoto and Mrs Louise Willis of Belle Glade, Fla. TR, Tue 5 May 1987

Holloway, Harriett Eugenia - Mr and Mrs Louie Hollowayannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Wednesday, June 17, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Harriett Eugenia. TR, Fri 19 Jun 1959

Holloway, Hjordis Marie - A 1c and Mrs E A Holloway, ofMcGuire Air Force Base, N J, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 1 ounce daughterHjordis Marie on September 17. Thebaby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs B E Holloway, of Americus and Mr and Mrs TedBrose, of Port Orchard, Washington. TR,Mon 5 Oct 1959

Holloway, Jamie Alexander - Mr and Mrs Arthur Holloway ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Jamie Alexander, born July 23 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 9pounds at birth. Paternal grandparentsare Horace and Jewel Holloway of DeSoto and maternal grandparents are the lateMrs Lucile Willis of Americus and the late Mr Ward Willis Sr of Belle Glade,Fla. Great-grandmother is Mrs Annie MaeMercer of DeSoto. Jamie has a brotherGrant, age four. TR, Sat 27 Jul 1991

Holloway, Janice Lee - Mr and Mrs D L Holloway, of VarsityDrive, announce the birth of a daughter, Janice Lee, Monday, March 26, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces. TR, Tue 27 Mar 1956

Holloway, Katie Belle - Mr and Mrs S S Holloway, of LaCrosse,announce the birth of a ten pound daughter, Tuesday, Oct 16. She has been given the name Katie Belle. TR, Tue 23 Oct 1934

Holloway, Leon Ballard Jr - Mr and Mrs Leon Holloway, ofAndersonville, announce the birth of a son Wednesday, August 29 at cityhospital, who has been named Leon Ballard Jr.Mrs Holloway was before marriage Miss Margaret Gatewood. TR, Thu 30 Aug 1951

Holloway, Lyanne - Mr and Mrs Russell Holloway announce thebirth of a daughter Monday, November 17, at city hospital, who weighed 7pounds. The baby has been namedLyanne. Mrs Holloway was before hermarriage Miss Carolyn Smith, of this city.TR, Tue 18 Nov 1952

Holloway, Martha Christine - Mr and Mrs Emory W Holloway Jr,717 Park Row, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughter, Saturday,August 25, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedMartha Christine. TR, Mon 27 Aug 1956

Holloway, Mary Patricia - Mr and Mrs E L Holloway, of 702McGarrah Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 15 ounce daughter, onFebruary 1, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. She has been named Mary Patricia. TR, Thu 2 Feb 1961

Holloway, Michael Scott - Mr and Mrs Mickey Holloway, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a son weighing 8 pounds, 1 ounce. He has been named Michael Scott and was bornFebruary 8 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. Scott, as he will be called, has a 7-year oldsister named Gina. Scott’s grandparentsare Mr and Mrs L E Holloway and Mr and Mrs J W Snider of Ellaville. TR, Wed 13 Feb 1980

Holloway, Mitchell John - Clint and Lisa Holloway of Plainsannounce the birth of a son, Mitchell John, born June 15 at Sumter RegionalHospital. Mitch weighed 7 pounds, 2ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr andMrs John Todd of Lake Blackshear, Marianna Holloway of Americus and Dr ClintonHolloway of Plains. Mitch has a brother,Max, 3. TR, Tue 29 Jun 1995

Holloway, Not named - Dr and Mrs Clinton M Holloway, ofPlains, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce son, born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, January 28. TR,Tue 1 Feb 1966

Holloway, Not named - Lieut and Mrs V M Holloway, of ElginField, Destin, Florida announce the birth of a son Monday, February 16, inPanama City, Florida. Lieut Holloway isa former resident of Americus. TR,Wed 18 Feb 1942

Holloway, Not named - Mr and Mrs A D Holloway, of Americus,are the parents of a girl baby which was born this morning at the Cityhospital. TR, Mon 11 Aug 1947

Holloway, Not named - Mr and Mrs D L Holloway, of 408 VarsityDrive, announce the birth of a 7 pound daughter Tuesday, October 13 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 14 Oct 1959

Holloway, Not named - Mr and Mrs Daniel L Holloway, of Route4, Americus, are the parents of a 7 pound, 5 ounce son, born February 8, in theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 9 Feb 1962

Holloway, Not named - Mr and Mrs E L Holloway of Americusannounce the birth of a son on January 20 at Prather Clinic. TCN, Thu 20 Jan 1949

Holloway, Not named - Mr and Mrs Eugene Holloway, of 404 EChurch Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce daughter, June 8, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 8 Jun 1964

Holloway, Not named - Mr and Mrs Howard Holloway announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 11 ounce daughter Monday, August 1, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. Mrs Holloway isthe former Miss Jacquenline Pittman. TR,Tue 2 Aug 1955

Holloway, Not named - Mr and Mrs Howard Holloway, of Leesburg,Fla, announce the birth of an 11 pound, 12 ounce son, born Tuesday, October27. Mrs Holloway is the former MissJackie Pittman, of Americus and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs BillPittman, of this city. TR, Wed 28 Oct1959

Holloway, Not named - Mr and Mrs J E Holloway, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a son, Saturday, June 8, at City Hospital. TR, Fri 14 Jun 1946

Holloway, Not named - Mr and Mrs Julian Holloway announce thebirth of a daughter, born Wednesday morning, Jan 8, at the city hospital. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. TR, Thu 9 Jan 1936

Holloway, Not named - Rev and Mrs Shannon Holloway, ofArlington, announce the birth of a son, Friday, May 7, at Phoebe PutneyHospital, in Albany. TR, Thu 13 May1943

Holloway, Not named - Rev and Mrs Shannon Holloway, ofAshburn, announce the birth of a son, Thursday, Dec 18, at city hospital. Mrs Holloway was formerly Miss Edith Slade,of Americus. TR, Fri 20 Dec 1946

Holloway, Patricia Ellen - Mr and Mrs Prather Holloway, ofArlington, Va, announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, August 1, who hasbeen named Patricia Ellen. TR, Sat 8Aug 1942.

Holloway, Rebecca - Mr and Mrs Leon Holloway, ofAndersonville, announce the birth of a daughter Christmas day at city hospital,who has been given the name of Rebecca.Mrs Holloway is the former Miss Margaret Gatewood, of this city. TR, Mon 29 Dec 1952

Holloway, Regina Leigh - Mr and Mrs Mickey Holloway, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a daughter on Tuesday, August 22 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces and has been named Regina Leigh Holloway andwill be called Gina. Mrs Holloway wasformally Miss Stephanie Snider of Ellaville.The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs J E Holloway and Mr and Mrs J WSnider, all of Ellaville. TR, Tue 29Aug 1972

Holloway, Richard Eugene - Mr and Mrs D L Holloway, of Leslie,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, February 8, at Prather Clinic, who hasbeen named Richard Eugene. Mrs Hollowaywas before marriage Miss Doris Ella Dale.TR, Tue 8 Feb 1944

Holloway, Shannon Jr - Mr and Mrs L S Holloway, of Wadley, Ga,announce the birth of a son, Shannon Jr, Saturday, Nov 18 at Middle GeorgiaSanitarium in Macon. Mrs Holloway wasformerly Miss Edith Slade of Americus. TR,Mon 20 Nov 1939.

Holloway, Suzanne - Mr and Mrs Leon B Holloway, ofAndersonville, are the parents of a 7 pound, 15 ounce daughter, born April 1,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs William Gatewood, of Americus andMrs Lucius Holloway, of Andersonville.She has been named Suzanne. TR,Tue 2 Apr 1963

Holloway, Thelma Gem - Mr and Mrs Howard Holloway, ofAndersonville, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, October 23, at cityhospital, who has been named Thelma Gem.Mrs Holloway is the former Miss Jackie Pittman. TR, Sat 25 Oct 1952

Holloway, Twin Boys - Mr and Mrs David M Holloway are theparents of twin boys born Friday, Septemer 6 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. One weighed 7 pounds, 15ounces and the other 7 pounds, 4 ½ ounces.They have been given the named of Andrew Keith and Mathew Heath. Grandparents of the little boys are Mr andMrs R M Holloway of Metter and Mr and Mrs Roy Watson of Dawson. Mrs D L Holloway of Metter is theirgreat-grandmother. TR, Fri 13 Sep1974

Holloway, Twin Daughters - Dr and Mrs Clinton Holloway, ofPlains, announce the birth of twin daughters, August 5, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. They have beennamed Laura and Lynn. TR, Wed 7 Aug1963

Holloway, Twin Daughters - Dr and Mrs E W Holloway Jr, ofMacon, are the parents of twin daughters, born Friday 23, at the MaconHospital. One baby weighed 5 pounds, 13ounces and the other 5 pounds, 13 ½ ounces.They have been named Virginia Ann and Janice Elizabeth are are to becalled Jan and Ann. Mrs Holloway is theformer Virginia Strickland and attended Georgia Southwestern College here. Dr Holloway is a former Americusresident. TR, Tue 27 Feb 1962

Holloway, Twins - Mr and Mrs Durward Holloway announce thebirth of a son and a daughter Sunday, March 11 at their home in Concord. TR, Tue 13 Mar 1923

Holloway, William Berry - Mr and Mrs Lyman Holloway, of LaCrosse, announce the brith of a 10 ½ pound boy, who has been given the nameWilliam Berry. TR, Thu 17 Mar 1932

Holloway, William Howard III - Mr and Mrs William HowardHolloway Jr of Cleveland, Tenn, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of ason, William Howard III, born April 20 at Erlanger Hospital, Chatanooga,Tenn. The infant weighed 9 pounds, 4ounces at birth. Paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs W H Holloway Sr of Andersonville and maternal grandparents areMr and Mrs Harvey W Smith of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mrs Harriet A Holloway, Americus and Mrs WilliamCowart of Atlanta. Mrs Holloway is theformer Miss Nancy Smith of Americus. TR,Thu 28 Apr 1988

Holman, Amanda Paige - Mr and Mrs Paige Holman announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter, Amanda Paige, born Thursday, September 5at Sumter Regional Hospital. She is thegranddaughter of Donald E Young of Americus and Mr and Mrs Woodrow Turner ofLeslie. Great-grandparents are MrsLottie Holman of Leslie and Mrs Ruby Little of Evergreen, Ala. She has a sister, Jennifer 3. TR, Tue 10 Sep 1985

Holman, Billie Rachel - Mr and Mrs R S Holman announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 2 ounce daughter, Saturday, February 11, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Billie Rachel. TR, Tue 14Feb 1956

Holman, Clayton Hudson - Mr and Mrs Robby Holman of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Clayton Hudson Holman who was born at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital Friday, May 27.The infant will be called Clay.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs James H Brantley of Cordele; BobbyHolman of Leslie and Mrs Beth Usry of Americus.His great-grandparents are Mrs Cleo Arrighi of Cordele; Mrs Roy Holmanof Leslie; and Mr and Mrs Billy Ferguson of DeSoto. Clay has two sisters, Twila and Tammy and onebrother, Bobby. TR, Tue 7 Jun 1983

Holman, Emory Lee - Mr and Mrs T E Holman, of 109 Springfield,announce the birth of a 7 pound son, April 7, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Emory Lee. TR,Fri 7 Apr 1961

Holman, Georgia Harriette - Mr and Mrs Virgil E Holmanannounce the birth of a daughter November 16th, at their home onChurch Street, who has been given the name Georgia Harriette. TR, Mon 19 Nov 1928

Holman, Harriet Leie - Mr and Mrs Robert S Holman, ofDeSoto, announce the birth of a six pound, 13-ounce daughter Saturday, May 2,at Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Harriet Leie.TR, Mon 4 May 1953

Holman, Lottie Gail - Mr and Mrs Lamar Holman, of Leslie,announce the birth of a 5 pound daughter Saturday, August 14, at Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Lottie Gail. TR, Tue 18 Aug 1953

Holman, Madelin Elizabeth - Tommy and Michele Holman ofAtlanta announce the birth of a daughter, Madeline Elizabeth, on January 21 atNorthside Hospital, Atlanta. The baby,who weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs R LawtonLeSueur and Mr and Mrs Tom Holman, all of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mrs R Lawton LeSueurand Virgil Holman, both of Americus, and Mrs Ward Sims of Jonesboro. TR, Wed 28 Jan 1998

Holman, Melissa Ann - Mr and Mrs Robby Holman of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Melissa Ann, born Tuesday, November 20 atSumter Regional Hospital. She is thegranddaughter of Beth Usry of Americus; Bobby Holman of Leslie and Mr and MrsJames H Brantley of Cordele.Great-grandparents are Mrs Cleo Arrighi of Cordele; Mrs Roy Holman ofLeslie and Mr and Mrs Billy Ferguson of DeSoto.Melissa has two sisters, Twila and Tammy and two brothers, Bobby andClay. TR, Wed 28 Nov 1984

Holman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lamar Holman, Route 1,Leslie, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 8 ounce son at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, November 24. TR, Mon25 Nov 1957

Holman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Virgil Holman, of nearLeslie, announce the birth of a 6 ½ pound daughter this morning at home. TR, Wed 3 Jan 1934

Holman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Virgil Holman, of nearLeslie, announce the birth of a seven and a half pound daughter, Saturday, May23, at home. Both mother and baby aredoing nicely. TR, Mon 25 May 1936

Holman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Willis Holman announce thebirth of a son, Tuesday, July 13, at Prather Clinic. TR, Wed 14 Jul 1943

Holman, Page Leroy - Mr and Mrs Lamar Holman, of Leslie,announce the birth of a son, Page Leroy, May 18, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby weighed 6pounds, 11 ½ ounces. TR, Mon 20 May1963

Holman, Richard Emory - Lee and Catherine Holman ofWoodstock announce the birth of a son, Richard Emory, Tuesday, February 4 atKennestone Hospital, Marietta. MrsHolman is the former Miss Catherine Reese of Americus. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs TomHolman of Americus and maternal grandparents are Dr and Mrs Richard Reese ofAmericus. Great-grandfather is VirgilHolman of Leslie. The infant has twobrothers, Reese, 3 and Ryan, 18 months. TR,Wed 10 Feb 1993

Holman, Richard Stanley III - Is the name of the infant sonof Mr and Mrs Richard Stanley Holman Jr, who was born Sunday, June 3 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital.Rickey, as he will be called is the grandson of Mr and Mrs RichardHolman Sr of Americus and Mr and Mrs W H Clark of Cobb. TR, Sat 23 Jun 1973

Holman, Richard Stanley Jr - Mr and Mrs Richard Holman, ofLeslie, announce the birth of a son, Sunday, January 7, at Prather Clinic, whohas been named Richard Stanley Jr. MrsHolman was before marriage Miss JessieDean Head. TR, Mon 8 Jan 1945

Holman, Robbie Delores - Mr and Mrs Robby Holman of Leslieare the parents of a 6 pound, 1 ounce daughter born Monday, May 17 at the CrispCounty Hospital in Cordele. The infanthas been named Robbie Delores. The babyis the granddaughter of Tom Usry, Americus and Bobby Holman, Leslie and Mr andMrs James E Brantley of Cordele. Hergreat-grandparents are Mrs Roy Holman of Leslie and Mr and Mrs Billy Fergusonof DeSoto. She is thegreat-great-granddaughter of Mrs John E Ferguson Sr of Americus. She is Mrs Ferguson’s secondgreat-great-grandchild. TR, Tue 18May 1976

Holman, Robert Stanley III - Mr and Mrs Robby Holman, ofLeslie, announce the birth of a son Robert Stanley Holman III, who was born atthe Crisp County Hospital in Cordele Wednesday, December 17.. The baby will be called Bobby. The infant is the grandson of Mr and MrsJames H Brantley of Cordele, Bobby Holman of Leslie and Mrs Beth Usry ofAmericus. His great-grandparents are MrsCleo Arrighi of Cordele and Mr and Mrs Billy Ferguson of DeSoto. Mrs Roy Holman of Leslie is the baby’sgreat-great-grandmother. TR, Fri 19Dec 1980

Holman, Robert Stanley - Mr and Mrs Bobby Holman announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce son, Wednesday, May 22 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Robert Stanley. TR, Fri 24 May 1957

Holman, Ryan Lee - Mr and Mrs Lee Holman of Aberdeen, NCannounce the birth of a son, Ryan Lee, born June 20 at Moore County RegionalHospital, Pine Hurst, NC. The infantweighed 12 pounds at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Thomas E Holman of Americus and maternalgrandparents are Dr and Mrs Richard P Reese of Americus. Great-grandfather is Virgil Holman ofLeslie. The infant has a brother, ReeseHolman, 18 months. TR, Sat 22 Jun1991

Holman, Sandra - Mr and Mrs A W Holman announce the birth ofa daughter, who has been named Sandra. TR,Wed 18 Aug 1937

Holman, Thomas Craig - Mr and Mrs Thomas E Holman, of 509Pineview Drive, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 13 ounce son, April 17 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Thomas Craig. TR, Thu 18 Apr 1963

Holman, Thomas Dwayne - Mr and Mrs R S Holman, of DeSoto,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 11 ½ ounce son, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, Wednesday, November 18, who has been named Thomas Dwayne. TR, Thu 19 Nov 1959

Holman, Thomas Irwin III - Mr and Mrs Thomas I Holman Jr, ofNashville, Tenn, announce the birth of a son, Thursday, August 25, at the StThomas Hospital in Nashville. The baby,who weighed 6 pounds at birth has been named Thomas Irwin III. Mrs Holman was before marriage Miss JeanMcCleskey, of Americus. TR, Sat 27Aug 1949

Holman, Thomas Reese - Mr and Mrs Lee Holman of Cartersvilleannounce the birth of a son, Thomas Reese, born Friday, December 22 atKennestone Hospital, Marietta. Theinfant weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Dr and Mrs Richard P Reese Sr and Mrs Thomas EHolman, all of Americus.Great-grandfather is Virgil Holman of Leslie. TR, Thu 28 Dec 1989

Holmer, Carl Stewart - Mr and Mrs Carl Holmer announce thebirth of a son December 3 at their home in Miami, Fla, who has been called CarlStewart. Mrs Holmer is pleasantlyremembered here as Miss Emma Hand Stewart before her marriage several years ago. TR, Tue 4 Dec 1923

Holmes, Paula Michelle - Cheryl Lee Holmes of Ellavilleannounce the birth of her daughter, Paula Michelle, born September 2 at SumterRegional Hospital. Paula, as the babywill be called, weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces at birth. She is the granddaughter of Florence Holmesof Ellaville. Great-grandmothers areRuth Kelley of Ellaville and Carrie Bell Holmes of Mt Olive, NC. Godparents are Paul Miller of Columbus andMichelle Lucas of Ellaville. TR, Mon9 Sep 1991

Holmes, Sarah Marie - Burt and Donna Holmes of Perryannounce the birth of a daughter, Sarah Marie, born Jun 25. She weighed 9 pounds, 6 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Alice and JohnDavidson of Americus. Paternalgrandparents are Clarence and the late Willette Holmes of Montezuma. Sarah has two brothers, Zachary Burton, 14and Sidney Winston, 11. TR, Tue 28Jun 1994

Holmes, Schuylar Elyse - Earl and LaKetta Streeter Holmes ofNorcross, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, SchuylarElyse, born October 30 at Northside Hospital, Atlanta. Schuylar, as the infant is called, weighed 6pounds, 9 ounces. Maternal grandparentsare Mary McKinney and the late John Streeter of Americus. Paternal grandparents are James Holmes andthe late Ruth Holmes of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Joe Streeter of Plains and Julia Brownof Atlanta. TR, Fri 6 Dec 1996

Holmes, Sidney Winston - Mr and Mrs Burt Holmes announce thebirth of a son born Thursday, July 29 at the North Mississippi Medical Centerin Tupelo, Miss. The baby, who weighed 8½ pounds at birth has been named Sidney Winston. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs JohnDavidson of Americus and Clarence E Holmes and the late Mrs Willette HarveyHolmes of Montezuma. TR, Thu 5 Aug1982

Holmes, Zackery Burton - Mr and Mrs Burton W Holmes, ofLaGrange proudly announce the birth of a 9 pound, 13 ounce son born Thursday,February 28 at the West Georgia Medical Center in LaGrange. The infant has been named Zackery BurtonHolmes. Mrs Holmes is the former DonnaDavidson of Americus. Grandparents areMr and Mrs John W Davidson of Americus and Clarence Holmes and the late MrsWillette Holmes of Montezuma.Great-grandmother is Mrs S W Davidson of Eastman. TR, Fri 29 Feb 1980

Holst, Jacqueline - Mr and Mrs Jack Holst announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, April 9, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who will be called Jacqueline Holst.TR, Fri 11 Apr 1924

Holston, Not named - Mr and Mrs W D Holston, of Lindsey,California, announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, September 17. Mrs Holston is a former Americusresident. TR, Fri 19 Sep 1947

Holston, William David - Mr and Mrs George Holston announcethe birth of a son Tuesday, January 31, who has been named William David. Mrs Holston was Miss Margery Brown before hermarriage two years ago. TR, Thu 2 Feb1922

Holt, Amy Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Raymond Holt Jr, of 121Sharon Circle, announce the birth of an eight pound, nine ounce daughterTuesday at 7:15 pm at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. She has been named Amy Elizabeth. The maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs H SCollingsworth Jr, of Atlanta, and the paternal grandparents are Mr and MrsRaymond Holt Sr of this city. TR, Wed14 Feb 1968

Holt, Angeline - Mr and Mrs W K (Doc) Holt, of Macon,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Angeline, Wednesday,November 8, at Middle George Hospital.Mrs Holt will be remembered as Miss Minnie Belle Swearingen. TR, Thu 9 Nov 1944

Holt, Carroll Clark - Mr and Mrs Hamilton Holt, ofAugusta, announce the birth of a daughter on February the fifth, at theUniversity Hospital, who has been given the name Carroll Clark Holt. TR, Tue 7 Feb 1928

Holt, Clarke Carmeron - Mr and Mrs Raymond Holt Jr announcethe birth of a son at 8:45 a m on October 30 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. He weighed 8 pounds, 3 ½ounces. The baby, who has been namedClarke Cameron Holt is the maternal grandson of Mrs and Mrs H S Collinsworth ofAtlanta and the paternal grandson of Mr and Mrs Raymond Holt Sr ofAmericus. TR, Wed 31 Oct 1973

Holt, Clifford Raymond Jr - Mr and Mrs Raymond Holtannounce the birth of a son, Tuesday, February 20, at the Prather clinic, whohas been named Clifford Raymond Jr. Bothmother and baby are doing nicely. TR,Wed 21 Feb 1940

Holt, Not named - Mr and Mrs George T Holt Jr, of Route 1Leslie, are the parents of a 6 pound, 10 ounce daughter, born February 29 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 2 Mar 1964

Holt, Not named - Mr and Mrs J H Holt, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a son, born Tuesday, May 3, at the Prather Clinic. Mrs Holt was before her marriage MissParmalee Davis of this city. TR, Thu5 May 1938

Holt, Not named - Mr and Mrs James W Holt, of Dawson,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, September 17, at city hospital. TR, Wed 22 Sep 1948

Holt, Not named - Mr and Mrs Raymond Holt Jr, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a 9 pound son, Tuesday, November 17 at the PiedmontHospital. Mrs Holt is the former CareyCollinsworth, daughter of Mr and Mrs Horace Collinsworth, of Atlanta. The baby’s paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Raymond Holt Sr, of Americus. TR,Wed 18 Nov 1964

Holton, Barbara Lee - Mr and Mrs H L Holton, of the Albanyroad, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 15 ounce daughter Saturday, November 12at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Barbara Lee.TR, Wed 16 Nov 1966.

Holton, Not named - Mr and Mrs H L Holton, of Route 4,Americus, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 12 1/4 ounce daughter on September27 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 27 Sep 1961

Holton, Not named - Mr and Mrs H L Holton, of Apt 5B, SumterCircle, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ½ ounce daughter, October 5 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 5 Oct 1965

Homer, Lauren Patricia - Mr and Mrs John C Homer III, ofColumbus, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 13 ounce daughter, Sunday, May 16 atthe Medical Center in Columbus. The babyhas been given the name of Lauren Patricia.Mrs Homer is the former Miss Vangle Spann, of Americus and the baby isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Oliver Spann, of this city. TR, Mon 17 May 1965

Hood, Brian Joseph - Mr and Mrs Paul Michael Hood ofAmericus announce the birth of a son born Sunday, February 6 at Phoebe PutneyHospital in Albany. The infant, whoweighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces has been named Brian Joseph Hood. He has two brothers, Scott Hood and TerryHood and his grandparents are Mrs Sara Hood and the late Sam Hood of Dawson andMr and Mrs Lloyd Box of Florida. TR,Tue 15 Feb 1983

Hooks, Alexander Daniel - Mr and Mrs Chris Hooks ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Alexander Daniel, born Jan 6 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 9 ounces. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Roy F Daniel Sr and Mr and Mrs Tommy Hooks III, all of Americus. TR, Thu 28 Jan 1999

Hooks, Beth - Mr and Mrs Robert G Hooks, of Valdosta,announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, January 21, who has been namedBeth. Mr Hooks is a former resident ofthis city and is the son of Mr and Mrs T B Hooks, who reside on the Friendshiproad. TR, Fri 22 Jan 1937

Hooks, Billie Thomas - Mr and Mrs H T Hooks announce thebirth of a seven-pound son, September 20, who has been given the name BillieThomas. Mrs Hooks will be rememberedbefore her marriage as Miss Lucile Barnes.Both mother and baby are doing nicely.TR, Tue 24 Sep 1935

Hooks, Christopher Fay - Mr and Mrs Tommy Hooks IIIannounce the birth of a 5 pound, 6 ounce son, Thursday, October 22, who hasbeen named Christopher Fay. The baby isthe grandson of Mrs T J Fay and Mr and Mrs T B Hooks Jr. TR, Thu 22 Oct 1959

Hooks, George Bardin Jr - Mr and Mrs George Bardin Hooksannounce the birth of a son Tuesday, September 30 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who weighed 7pounds, 12 ounce has been named George Bardin Hooks Jr and is to be calledBardin. The infant is the grandson of Mrs Roy E Goen and the late Mr Goen ofEast Point, Ga and Thomas B Hooks III and the late Mrs Hooks of Americus. TR, Wed 1 Oct 1980

Hooks, George Bardin - Mr and Mrs Thomas Bardin Hooks IIIannounce the birth of a son, born Wednesday, May 5, at Prather Clinic. The baby has been named George Bardin. Mrs Hooks was formerly Miss Rose MaryFay. Mr Hooks is a chief petty officerin the U S Navy, stationed in Augusta and Albany. TR, Thu 10 May 1945

Hooks, Gerry Lynn - Mr and Mrs Billy T Hooks, of WarnerRobins, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ounce daughter Tuesday, February 15,who has been named Gerry Lynn. Mrs Hookswas before her marriage Miss Betty Duke, of Leslie. TR, Thu 17 Feb 1955

Hooks, Jennie Evelyn - Mr and Mrs Willie Hooks announce thebirth of a daughter, Saturday, April 6, at their home near Plains. The baby has been named Jennie Evelyn. TR, Sat 13 Apr 1935

Hooks, Mary Ann - Rep and Mrs George Hooks of Americusannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ½ ounce daughter, Mary Ann, born Thursday,February 7 at Sumter Regional Hospital.She is the granddaughter of Thomas B Hooks III and the late Mrs Hooks ofAmericus and the late Mr and Mrs Roy E Goen of East Point. She has a brother, George Bardin Hooks Jr,4. TR, Mon 11 Feb 1985

Hooks, Robert Joseph Jr - Mr and Mrs Joe Hooks announce thebirth of a 5 pound, 4 ounce son Saturday, January 16 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital who has been given the name of Robert Joseph Hooks Jr. Mrs Hooks is the former Miss Jarrett Slade ofCordele. The baby is the grandson of Mrand Mrs Tommy Hooks III of Americus and Mrs Thomas Slade and the late Mr Sladeof Cordele. TR, Tue 19 Jan 1971

Hooks, Robert Joseph - Mr and Mrs Tommy Hooks III announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son, Tuesday, January 21 at Prather Clinic,who has been named Robert Joseph. MrsHooks is the former Miss Rose Mary Fay. TR,Wed 22 Jan 1947

Hooks, Rosemary - Mr and Mrs Joe Hooks announce the birthof a daughter Monday, September 29 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The infant, who has been giventhe name of Rosemary weighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce.She is the first girl in the Hooks family for three generations. Rosemary is the granddaughter of Mrs TomSlade Jr and the late Mr Slade of Cordele and Tommy Hooks III and the late MrsHooks of this city. Hergreat-grandparents are Mrs T B Hooks Jr and Mrs T J Fay of Americus and Mrs TomSlade Sr of Cordele. TR, Wed 1 Oct1975

Hooks, Thomas Wayne - Mr and Mrs Billy Hooks announce thebirth of a son, Thursday, Dec 25, at city hospital, who has been named ThomasWayne. Mrs Hooks was, before marriage,Miss Betty Duke, of Leslie. TR, Fri26 Dec 1952

Hooper, Anthony Brian - Mr and Mrs John A Hooper, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a 10 pound, 7 ounce son born on April 7 at StJoseph’s Infirmary in Atlanta. The babyhas been given the name of Anthony Brian.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Ralph E Millwood Sr of the Vienna Roadand Mr and Mrs G M Hooper of Atlanta. TR,Tue 18 Apr 1972

Hooper, Charles Edward Jr - Mr and Mrs Charles E Hooperannounce the birth of a 5 pound, 13 ½ ounce son born June 13 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Charles Edward Hooper Jr. Grandparents of the infant are Mr and MrsJames R Hart of Americus and Mr and Mrs Troy L Hooper of Waycross. TR, Tue 17 Jun 1975

Hooper, Stacey Marie - Mr and Mrs John A Hooper, of Rex, Ga,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 12 ounce daughter born at the Georgia BaptistHospital in Atlanta on Tuesday, October 14.The baby has been given the name of Stacey Marie. Stacy has an older brother, Brian, age 7. Mrs Hooper is the former Joyce Millwood ofAmericus. Mr and Mrs J M Hooper ofAtlanta and Mrs Jewel Millwood and the late Ralph Millwood of Americus are thebaby’s grandparents. TR, Thu 1 Nov1979

Hooper, Stephanie Carol - Mr and Mrs Charles Hooper, ofWaycross, announce the birth of a daughter Friday, August 11 at Waycross MemorialHospital. The infant has been given thename of Stephanie Carol. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs James R Hart Sr of Americus and Mr and Mrs Troy L Hooper ofWaycross. TR, Fri 18 Aug 1978

Hoover, Angela Denise - Mr and Mrs Harold Hoover are theparents of a 7 pound, 7 ounce daughter, born Sunday, October 4 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The littlegirl has been named Angela Denise. Sheis the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Fred Fox of Americus and Mrs Ruby Hoover ofLexington, NC. TR, Tue 6 Oct 1970

Hoover, Not named - Mr and Mrs E C Hoover, of Charleston,announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, September 14, at city hospital. TR, Thu 18 Sep 1947

Hopkins, Charles Morris V - Mr and Mrs Charles M Hopkins IVannounce the birth of a baby boy, born April 6, 1968. The baby has been named Charles MorrisV. At birth, Charles weighed 10 pounds,1 ounce, 22 inches long. The grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Charles Morris Hopkins III and Mrs Maxine Richardson. Mrs Alma Hopkins is the great-grandparent. TR, Fri 19 Apr 1968

Horn, Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Fred Horn announce the birthof a daughter Sunday, November 5, at city hospital, who has been namedElizabeth. Mrs Horn is the former MissBetty Adams. TR, Tue 7 Nov 1950

Horn, Eugenia - Mr and Mrs Fred Horn, of 1109 Hanco*ckDrive, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 3/4 ounce daughter, March 7, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name ofEugenia. TR, Mon 9 Mar 1964

Horn, Not named - Mr and Mrs Fred Horn announce the birthof a daughter Monday, October 11 at city hospital. Mrs Horn is the former Miss Betty Adams. TR, Mon 13 Oct 1952

Horn, Tommy - Mr and Mrs John N Horn, of Andersonville,are the parents of a 6 pound, 14 ounce son, born June 20, ar the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Tommy. TR, Mon 22 Jun 1964

Horne, Amy Sue - Lt and Mrs Terrell Horne, of Enid, Okla,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ½ ounce daughter Friday, October 22, whohas been named Amy Sue for her maternal grandmother, Mrs H P Randitt. Mrs Horne is the former Miss Connie Randitt,of Americus and the baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Randitt and Mr andMrs J W C Horne, of this city. TR,Tue 26 Oct 1954

Horne, April Marie - Seaman and Mrs Tim Horne of US AirStation, Cherry Point, NC announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce daughterborn Tuesday, February 28. The baby hasbeen given the name of April Marie. Grandparentsare Col and Mrs Terrell E Horne of Seagrove Beach, Fla and Mr and Mrs H PRanditt and the late Mr and Mrs Will Horne Sr, all of Americus. TR, Wed 1 Mar 1978

Horne, Augusta Marie - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Horne, of 324 PecanDrive, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce daughter, August 8, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Augusta Marie. Mrs Horne is the former Miss Em Hodges andthe baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs John Hodges and Mr and Mrs HaroldHorne. TR, Wed 8 Aug 1962

Horne, Betty Louise - Mr and Mrs Jim Horne announce thebirth of a daughter Saturday, January 1, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces.The baby has been named Betty Louise.TR, Wed, 5 Jan 1955

Horne, Betty Sherard - Mr and Mrs Sherard Horne announcethe birth of a daughter Betty Sherard, Monday, June 29, at city hospital. TR, Tue 30 Jun 1936

Horne, Bradley West - Mr and Mrs Marvin Horne Jr announcethe birth of a 10 pound, 3 ounce son, Bradley West, born Easter Sunday, April 7at Sumter Regional Hospital. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Marvin Horne and Mr and Mrs John T Stevenson, all ofAmericus. Great-grandmother is Mrs JohnT Stevenson Sr of Americus. He has abrother, Brandon Price 3. TR, Wed 10Apr 1985

Horne, Brandon Price - Mr and Mrs Marvin Leonard (Sonny)Horne Jr are the parents of an 8 pound, 7 ounce son born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital Saturday, January 16.The infant has been given the name of Brandon Price Horne. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs J T Stevenson Jrand Mr and Mrs M L Horne Sr of Americus.He is the great-grandson of Mr and Mrs J T Stevenson, Mrs EvelynAnderson, J W Horne and R E Anderson. TR,Tue 19 Jan 1982

Horne, Bryan Wesley - Mr and Mrs Theron Wesley Horne Jr, ofWaycross, announce the birth of a son born Thursday, November 13 at MemorialHospital in Waycross. The baby, who hasbeen named Bryan Wesley weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces. Bryan is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Theron WHorne Sr of Americus and Mrs Russell Duggan and the late Mr Duggan ofWaycross. He is the great-grandson ofFred Wesley Horne and Mrs Arlie Miller. TR,Thursday 20 Nov 1975

Horne, Camille Reid - Mr and Mrs David Horne of Atlantaannounce the birth of a daughter, Camille Reid, on August 24 at West PacesFerry Medical Center, Atlanta. Mrs Horneis the former Jennifer Wylie of Americus.The baby weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Billy Horne of Destin, FL and Dr and Mrs TomWylie of Americus. Great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Charles R Jones of Americus.TR, Fri 19 Sep 1997

Horne, Cordelia Ann - Mr and Mrs J W Horne announce thebirth of an eight and a half pound daughter, Tuesday, March 3 on OglethorpeAvenue. The baby has been named CordeliaAnn. TR, Sat 7 Mar 1936

Horne, Deborah Ann - Mr and Mrs Jim Horne announce thebirth of a 7 pound daughter, Thursday, September 20 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named Deborah Ann. Mrs Horne was the former Miss Betty King, ofRebecca. TR, Tue 25 Sep 1956

Horne, Edward Daniel - Mr and Mrs Eugene Horne Jr, of StLouis, announce the birth of a 10 pound, 7 ounce son, Sunday, September 29, whohas been named Edward Daniel. The babyis the grandson of Mr and Mrs Eugene Horne, of this city. TR, Mon 30 Sep 1957

Horne, Edwin N Jr - Mr and Mrs Edwin N Horne, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a son, Edwin N Jr, June 19, at the Piedmonthospital. Mr Horne is a former residentof Americus. TR, Thu 8 Jul 1943

Horne, Emile Hodges - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Horne, of 305 ColumbiaAvenue, are the parents of a 7 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter, born May 2, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been given the named of Emile Hodges.Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold Horne and Mr and Mrs John RHodges, of Americus. TR, Mon 4 May1964

Horne, Georgeann Lee - Mr and Mrs Terrell Horne Jr, ofMountain View, California announce the birth of a daughter born Sunday,February 27 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby, who has been named Georgeann Leeweighed 8 ½ pounds. Grandparents of theinfant are Col and Mrs Terrell E Horne of Dayton, Ohio and Mr and Mrs RobertOwen of Mountain View. She is thegreat-granddaughter of Dr and Mrs R P Randitt and the late Mr and Mrs WillHorne of Americus. TR, Mon 28 Feb1977

Horne, Harold Augustus Jr - Mr and Mrs Harold Horneannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce, son, Monday July 5, at city hospital,who has been named Harold Augustus Jr.Mrs Horne is the former Miss Marie Greenly. TR, Tue 6 Jul 1948

Horne, Hilda - Mr and Mrs J M Horne, of Newton, announcethe birth of a daughter, March 8, at Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces, and hasbeen named Hilda. TR, Tue 13 Mar 1956

Horne, J W III - Mr and Mrs J W Horne Jr announce the birthof a son Saturday, Aug 1 at Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has beennamed J W Horne III. Mrs Horne is theformer Miss Betty L King, of Rebecca. TR,Sat 1 Aug 1953

Horne, James Williams Jr - Mr and Mrs J W Horne announcethe birth of a son, James Williams Jr, April 22. TR, Thu 29 Apr 1920

Horne, John Greenly - Mr and Mrs Harold Horne announce thebirth of a son Wednesday, May 28, at city hospital, who has been named JohnGreenly. TR, Thu 29 May 1952

Horne, Joshua Michael - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Horne, ofAmericus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 1/4 ounce son born Saturday,February 15 who has been given the name of Joshua Michael. The infant’s grandparents are Mr and MrsDonald May and Mr and Mrs Jim Horne, all of Moultrie. He is the great-grandson of Mr and MrsCharlie Dozier and Mrs Millard Horne, also of Moultrie. TR, Sat 22 Feb 1975

Horne, Joy Katran - Mr and Mrs John Foster Horne ofRichland announce the birth of a daughter, Joy Katran, born Tuesday, July 4 atCity Hospital. TCN, Thu 6 Jul 1950

Horne, Katherine - Mr and Mrs Gene Horne of St Louis, Mo,announce the birth of a baby girl Sunday afternoon, March 22, at 4:30 o’clockin that city. She will be calledKatherine. Mr Horne is the son of Mr andMrs Eugene Horne of this city. TR,Mon 23 Mar 1959

Horne, Kelly Ann - Mr and Mrs Mike Horne announce the birthof a daughter who was born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onWednesday, August 28. The infant, whoweighed 7 pounds, has been given the name of Kelly Ann. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs TheronW Horne Sr and Mr and Mrs H A Reagan, all of Americus. Kelly Ann has an older sister, Kimberly, age2 ½. TR, Fri 30 Aug 1974

Horne, Kerri Nicole - Mr and Mrs Walter Horne announce thebirth of a daughter born Monday, February 8 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 12ounces and has been named Kerri Nicole.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Paul Bush.Great-grandparents are Mrs J F Bush, J W Horne Sr and Mr and Mrs J WKing, of Rebecca, Ga. TR, Sat 27 Feb1982

Horne, Kevin Russell - Mr and Mrs Theron Wesley Horne Jr,of Waycross announce the birth of a son, Kevin Russell, on Tuesday, May 29 atMemorial Hospital in Waycross. The baby,who weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces has an older brother, Bryan, age 3. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Theron W Horne ofAmericus and the late Mr and Mrs Russell Henry Duggar of Waycross. TR, Tue 5 Jun 1979

Horne, Kimberly Marie - Mr and Mrs Michael Wayne Horneannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ½ ounce daughter born Saturday, April 1 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been given the name of Kimberly Marie. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs T WHorne of Wood Valley Road, Americus and Mr and Mrs H A Reagan, also of thiscity. TR, Wed 5 Apr 1972

Horne, Marilyn Melinda - Mr and Mrs Billy Horne announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce daughter, Saturday, August 6, at cityhospital, who has been named Marilyn Melinda.Mrs Horne is the former Miss Irene Howard. TR, Tue 9 Aug 1949

Horne, Martha Jane - Mr and Mrs Ely Horne announce thebirth of a daughter, Thursday, February 12 at a local hospital, who has beengiven the name Martha Jane. TR, Sun15 Feb 1931

Horne, Marvin Leonard Jr - The announcement of the birth ofa seven-pound son Saturday, January 23, at Americus and Sumter County Hospital,is made by Mr and Mrs Marvin Horne, of Ashburn.The baby has been named Marvin Leonard Jr. Mrs Horne is the former Miss Betty West, ofAmericus, and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs J W Horne, and Mrs EdgarButt, of this city. TR, Sat 23 Jan1954

Horne, Marvin - Mr and Mrs Nevin Horne, of Andersonville,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son on July 20 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Marvin. TR, Mon 22 Jul 1963

Horne, Mary Caroline - Mr and Mrs O Wendell Horne IIIannounce the birth of a daughter who has been given the name Mary CarolineHorne. The infant, who weighed 7 pounds,4 ounces was born Sunday, October 24 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. She is the granddaughter ofMrs Mary Grizzard Lovvorn and W Robert Lovvorn of Bremen and Judge and Mrs OWendell Horne Jr of Cordele. Her sisteris Mollie Horne and her great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs A O’Neal Grizzard,Waco and Mr and Mrs Joe E Lovvorn, Bowden.TR, Thu 28 Oct 1982

Horne, Mary Elizabeth Louvorn - Mr and Mrs Wendell HorneIII announce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce daughter born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on Tuesday, November 18.The baby has been named Mary Elizabeth Louvorn Horne. The infant, who will be called Mollie is thegranddaughter of Mrs Mary G Louvorn of Breman, Ga and Judge O Wendell Horne Jrof Cordele. She is thegreat-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs A O Grizzard of Waco, Ga and Mr and Mrs J ELouvorn of Bowdon, Ga. TR, Mon 1 Dec1980

Horne, Michael Wayne Jr - Mr and Mrs Michael W Horneannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ½ ounce son born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on Friday, September 28.The baby, who has been given the name of Michael Wayne Jr has twosisters, Kimberly and Kelley.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs T W Horne of Americus and Mrs Joyce Reagan,Americus and Horner A Reagan, Oglethorpe.TR, Wednesday 10 Oct 1979

Horne, Miriam Caroline - Mr and Mrs E W Horne announce thebirth of a daughter Wednesday, May 25, at their home at 505 West Church Street,who will be called Miriam Caroline. TR,Fri 27 May 1921

Horne, Nathan Hughes - Mr and Mrs E W Horne announce thebirth of a son August 4, who has been given the name of Nathan HughesHorne. TR, Tue 14 Aug 1923

Horne, Nettie Sherrod - Mr and Mrs Sherrod Horne announcethe birth of a daughter Monday, June 29th, who has been given thename of Nettie Sherrod. TCN, Fri 3Jul 1936

Horne, Not named - Capt and Mrs Terrell Horne announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce son, Tuesday, August 26 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. Mrs Horne is the formerMiss Connie Randitt and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs H P Randitt andMr and Mrs Will Horne, of this city. TR,Wed 27 Aug 1958

Horne, Not named - Mr and Mrs Billy Horne announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Sunday, September 22 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 23Sep 1957

Horne, Not named - Mr and Mrs Billy Horne announce thebirth of an 8 pound, ½ ounce son, born Tuesday, October 29 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Will Horne of this city and Rev and Mrs A M Howard ofGreenville, SC. TR, Wed 30 Oct 1958

Horne, Not named - Mr and Mrs Eugene Horne Jr, ofCincinnati, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 2 ounce son Tuesday. Mr Horne is a former resident of Americus andthe baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Gene Horne, of this city. TR, Wed 20 Apr 1955

Horne, Not named - Mr and Mrs H W Horne, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a son Sunday, January 3, at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who weighed eight pounds, 9 ounces.TR, Mon 4 Jan 1954

Horne, Not named - Mr and Mrs Howard Horne, ofAndersonville, announce the birth of a daughter, born Tuesday, Nov 29, at thecity hospital. TR, Wed 30 Nov 1938

Horne, Not named - Mr and Mrs J H Horne of Dawson announcethe birth of a son born Tuesday, June 27 at City Hospital. TCN, Thu 29 Jun 1950

Horne, Not named - Mr and Mrs J L Horne, of Richland, announcethe birth of a son, Tuesday, October 7, at city hospital. TR, Thu 9 Oct 1947

Horne, Not named - Mr and Mrs James H Horne announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, December 8, at city hospital. TR, Mon 9 Dec 1946

Horne, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jim Horne Jr, of Shellman,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter, born February 2, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 3 Feb 1965

Horne, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Horne, of 305 ColumbiaAvenue, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 9 ½ ounce daughter, Tuesday, June 22,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Harold Horne and Mr and MrsJohn Hodges, all of Americus. TR, Wed23 Jun 1965

Horne, Not named - Mr and Mrs William F Horne, of Americus,announce the birth of a six pound, 6 ½ ounce son, August 30 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 31Aug 1964

Horne, Sara Belle - Mr and Mrs W C Horne, of Atlanta,announce the birth of an eight-pound daughter February 16, who has been namedSara Belle. Mrs Horne will be rememberedhere as Miss Sara Horne before her marriage.TR, Mon 19 Feb 1934

Horne, Taylor Grant - Mr and Mrs Marvin Horne of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Taylor Grant, born Wednesday, Nov 10 at Sumter Regional Hospital. She weighed 7 pounds, 9 ounces at birth. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs MarvinHorne Sr of Americus and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Thomas H BlountSr of Hawkinsville. Great-grandmother isMrs John J Woods of Hawkinsville. TR,Wed 1 Dec 1993

Horne, Terrell Edwin Jr - Mr and Mrs Terrell Horne announcethe birth of a son, Monday, December 3 at city hospital, who weighed 7 pounds,7 ½ ounces. The baby has been namedTerrell Edwin Jr. Mrs Horne is theformer Miss Connie Randitt and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs H PRanditt and Mr and Mrs Will Horne. TR,Tue 4 Dec 1951

Horne, Thomas Payne - Lt and Mrs Terrell Horne, ofColumbus, formerly of Americus announce the birth of an 8-pound, 10 ½ ounceson, who was born Monday, September 28, at the Ft Benning hospital. The baby has been named Thomas Payne. Mrs Horne is the former Miss Connie Randitt,of this city, and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Will Horne and Mr andMrs H P Randitt. TR, Wed 30 Sep 1953

Horne, Virginia Sue - Mr and Mrs M L Horne, of Ashburn,announce the birth of a daughter at Prather Clinic. She weighed seven pounds, eight and one-halfounces, and has been given the name of Virginia Sue. Mrs Horne is the former Betty West, ofAmericus. TR, Wed 23 Aug 1950

Horseman, Robert Walton - Mr and Mrs W D Horseman announce thebirth of a son, Robert Walton, Tuesday, June 18, at the city hospital. Mrs Horseman was formerly Miss Frances Tuckerof Pelham. TR, Tue 18 Jun 1940

Horseman, Tisa Tucker - Mr and Mrs W D Horseman, of Salisbury,Md, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce daughter,Friday, February 22, who has been named Tisa Tucker. TR, Thu 28 Feb 1946

Hortman, Michael David Jr - Mr and Mrs Michael Hortman ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Michael David Jr, born January 1 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Paul Bush of Americus an paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Brown Hortman of Oglethorpe.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs C C Hobbs of Oglethorpe. TR, Thu 11 Jan 1990

Horton, Belinda - Dr and Mrs Bennett Horton, of Boston,Mass, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 9 ounce daughter, Tuesday, September 4,who has been named Belinda. Dr Horton isa former Americus resident and the baby is the granddaughter of Mrs W H Emmet,of this city. TR, Wed 5 Sep 1956

Horton, Bennett Franklin Jr - Dr and Mrs Bennett F Horton,of Nyadiri, Southern Rodesia, Africa, announce the birth of a son, Friday,January 30. The baby has been namedBennett Franklin Jr. He is the grandsonof Mrs W H Emmet, of Americus. TR,Sat 31 Jan 1959

Horton, Dan Boyd - Mr and Mrs Reese Horton, of Hattiesburg,Miss, announce the birth of a son Tuesday, February 15, who has been named DanBoyd. Mr Horton is a former Americusresident and the baby is the grandson of Mrs W H Emmet and the great-grandsonof Mrs H A Hearn, both of this city. TR,Tue 15 Feb 1955

Horton, Franklin Bennett - Mr and Mrs Reese Horton announcethe birth of a son October 27th at their home on Harrold Avenue, whohas been given the name of Franklin Bennett.TR, Fri 28 Oct 1927

Horton, Melanie - Dr and Mrs Bennett Horton, of Augusta,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, November 6, who has been given thename of Melanie. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mrs W H Emmet and the great-granddaughter of Mrs S A Hearn,both of this city. TR, Mon 9 Nov 1964

Horton, Not named - Mr and Mrs Reese Horton, of Hattisburg,Miss, announce the birth of a son Monday, October 6. Mr Horton is a former Americus residet andthe baby is the grandson of Mrs W H Emmet of this city. TR, Mon 6 Oct 1952

Horton, Reese Anthony - Mr and Mrs Reese Horton, of 606Harrold Avenue, announce the birth of a son January 31, who has been given thename of Reese Anthony. TR, Tue 31 Jan1922

Horton, Reese Jr - Mr and Mrs Reese Horton, of Brunswick,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, April 8, in Brunswick, who has been namedReese Jr. Mr Horton is a former residentof Americus. TR, Wed 9 Apr 1947

Hotchkiss, Garrison Pace - Randy and Lara Hotchkiss of Maconannounce the birth of a son, Garrison Pace, on October 9 at the Medical Centerof Central Georgia. Mrs Hotchkiss is theformer Lara Hightower. TR, Wed 22 Oct1997

Hough, Not named - Mr and Mrs L G Hough, of Plains,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, February 20, at Prather Clinic. TR, Wed 28 Feb 1945

House, Angela Leigh - Mr and Mrs Robert House Jr, ofAlbany, announce the birth of a daughter, born Saturday, April 13, at PhoebeMemorial Hospital. She weighed 7 pounds,4 ounces and has been named Angela Leigh.The maternal grandmother is Mrs Drue Murray Sr, the great-grandmother, Mrs Teressa Smith, bothof Plains. Paternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs Robert House Sr, of Albany. TR,Wed 17 Apr 1968

House, Charlee Marie - Mr and Mrs Charles Hugh House, ofMcRae announce the birth of a daughter born Tuesday, May 1 at the TelfairCounty Hospital. The baby, who has beennamed Charlee Marie weighed 6 pounds, 5 ounces.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs E H House of Calhoun and Mr and Mrs J CDurrence of Americus. TR, Fri 4 May1979

House, Lenette - Mr and Mrs G E House announce the birth ofa daughter July 6, at their home at 405 Barlow Street, who has been given thename of Lenette House. TR, Fri 10 Jul1925

House, Martha Rebecca - Sgt and Mrs W D (Bill) Houseannounce the birth of a 9 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Thursday, February 17, atPrather Clinic, who has been named Martha Rebecca. Mrs House is the former Miss MarthaCallaway. Sgt House is stationed inCalifornia. TR, Thu 17 Feb 1944

House, Melinda Jane - Mr and Mrs W D (Bill) House announcethe birth of a daughter Saturday, December 5 at Americus and Sumter CountyHopsital. The baby, who weighed 9pounds, 6 ounces has been named Melinda Jane.TR, Tue 8 Dec 1953

House, Not named - Mr and Mrs G E House announce the birthof a son on Monday, August 30, at their home on Barlow Street. TR, Fri 3 Sep 1920

House, Not named - Mr and Mrs William House announce thebirth of a daughter, Tuesday, November 5, at Prather Clinic. TR, Sat 9 Nov 1946

House, Robert Jr - Mr and Mrs Robert F House, of Macon,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, May 5, who has beennamed Robert Jr. Mrs House was formerlyMiss Esther Cook, of Scotland, GA. TR,Wed 6 May 1942

Houser, Jack Jr - Staff Sgt and Mrs Jack D Houser, ofOrlando, Fla, are parents of a baby boy, which was born at 10:20 p m, Tuesday,January 19 at the Orlando Hospital. Thebaby has been named Jack Houser Jr. MrsHouser is the former Miss Bevley Strickland, of this city and the daughter ofDr and Mrs R B Strickland. TR, Wed 20Jan 1960

Houser, Not named - Sgt and Mrs J P Houser, of WarnerRobins, announce the birth of a 10 pounds, 5 ounce daughter, Friday, August 17at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.Mrs Houser is the former Miss Beverly Strickland, of Americus. The baby is the granddaughter of Dr and Mrs RB Strickland, of this city. TR, Fri17 Aug 1956

Houston, Julie Kristen - Mr and Mrs Gary E Houston, ofAmericus, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 14 ½ ounces born Tuesday, April 8 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital who has been given the name of JuliaKristen. The infant is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs R L Cavender of Lake Blackshear and Mr and Mrs H E Houston ofNewport News, Va. Mrs Ida Cavender ofAmericus is the baby’s great-grandmother.TR, Fri 11 Apr 1975

Houston, Laura Grace - Mr and Mrs Gary E Houston, of LakeBlackshear, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter born at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital on Sunday, November 30. The baby has been named Laura Grace. She has a sister, Julia, age 5. The infant’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs H EHouston of Newport News, Virginia and Mr and Mrs R L Cavender of LakeBlackshear. TR, Tue 2 Dec 1980

Houston, Michele Haley - Teresa and Mike Houston announce thebirth of a daughter, Michele Haley, born July 3. Grandparents are Annie Ruth and Dan Flaniganand Mary and Melvin Adams. Michele hasone sister, Jami, six. TR, Fri 9 Jul1993

Howard, Alvin McNeill III - Sgt and Mrs Alvin McNeil HowardJr, of Vero Beach, Fla, announce the birth of a son, Alvin McNeill III, Saturday,April 13, at Prather Clinic. Mrs Howardwas formerly Miss Margery Holston. TR,Mon 15 Apr 1946

Howard, Ashley Brooke - Mr and Mrs James R Howard announcethe birth of a daughter, Ashley Brooke, on Sunday, July 6 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. She weighed 6pounds, 1 ½ ounces. Ashley has abrother, Benjamin. Grandparents are MrsDeAlva Howard and the late James M Howard of Plains and Mr and Mrs WatsonWooten of Camilla. TR, Mon 14 Jul1980

Howard, Barry Andrew Jr - Mr and Mrs Barry Howard ofAmericus announce the birth of a 4 pound, 12 ounce son, Barry Andrew Howard Jr,born Sunday, May 20 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. He is the grandson of Donnell Williams; Mrand Mrs Harvey Pittman; Gladys Howard and the late James F Howard Sr, all ofAmericus. His great-grandmother is MrsBertha Jackson of Americus. TR, Fri25 May 1984

Howard, Benjamin Eric - Mr and Mrs James R Howard announcethe birth of a son born Wednesday, December 7 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. He weighed 5 pounds, 9 ½ounces. He has been named BenjaminEric. Mrs Howard is the former JudyWooten of Camilla. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs James M Howard of Plains and Mr and Mrs Watson Wooten of Camilla. TR, Tue 13 Dec 1977

Howard, Billy Mack - Mr and Mrs James Mack Howard announcethe birth of an eight and a quarter pound son, December 22 who has been namedBilly Mack. Mrs Howard was formerly MissDealva Simmons. TR, Tue 28 Dec 1933

Howard, Cecil K Jr - Mr and Mrs Cecil K Howard announce thebirth of a 5 pound, 10 ounce son, May 6, at the city hospital. The baby has been named Cecil K HowardJr. Both mother and baby are doingnicely. TR, Wed 8 May 1935

Howard, Charles Richard - Mr and Mrs Herman Howard, ofTampa, Florida, announce the birth of a son on February 24th, whohas been given the name Charles Richard.Mr and Mrs Howard formerly resided in Americus and Mrs Howard was MissMildred Clark before her marriage. TR,Fri 1 Mar 1929

Howard, Christine Marie - Mr and Mrs Mark D Howard ofAmericus announce the birth of a 5 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Christine Marie,born Wednesday, February 26 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Chrissy is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsRaymond D Howard of Americus, the late Mr and Mrs J W McElhenney and Ms OdellHoward of Birmingham, Ala.Great-grandmothers are Mrs John Z Howard and Mrs Dessie Dodson, both ofBirmingham. She has a brother, Glenn. TR, Fri 7 Mar 1986

Howard, Christopher Scott - Lt and Mrs William J Howard, ofColumbus, announce the birth of a son Thursday, September 5 at the Martin ArmyHospital, Ft Benning, who has been named Christopher Scott. The baby is the grandson of Mrs ChristineHarlan of Americus. TR, Mon 16 Sep1968

Howard, Chrystal Dawn - Mr and Mrs Randy Howard announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 2 ounce daughter born Thursday, June 28 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Chrystal Dawn. Grandparentsare Mrs Gladys Howard of Americus and Mrs Rachel Bell of Buena Vista and RichrdElliott of Seattle, Washington. TR,Thu 5 Jul 1979

Howard, Courtney Ann - Mr and Mrs Barry Howard of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Courtney Ann, born February 3 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Donnell Williams and Mr and Mrs Harvey Pittman, all of Americus andpaternal grandparents are Mrs Gladys Howard and the later Mr James Howard,Americus. Great-grandmother is MrsBertha Jackson, Americus. The infant hasa brother, Andy. TR, Wed 8 Feb 1989

Howard, Eleanor Fay - Mr and Mrs H G Howard, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, March 15 at Crawford W Long hospital,who has been named Eleanor Fay. MrsHoward was formerly Miss Elizabeth Frazier, of Americus and Leslie. TR, Tue 24 Mar 1942

Howard, Gloria Ann - Mr and Mrs James M Howard announce thebirth of an eight pound daughter, Friday, January 31, at their home on theDawson Road, who has been named Gloria Ann.TR, Wed 5 Feb 1941

Howard, Gregory Alan - Mr and Mrs Robert I Howard announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce son Tuesday, June 11 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Gregory Alan. Mrs Howard isthe former Carol Culpepper. The baby’sgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert J Culpepper and Mr and Mrs Neal Leuty ofPlains and the late O E Howard. He isthe great-grandson of Mrs Roy Massey of Americus and Robert Ratliff of Plains. TR,Tue 13 Jun 1972

Howard, Heath Christian - Rev and Mrs Lennie Howard ofMontgomery, Ala announce the birth of a son Wednesday, January 6 at JacksonHospital, Montgomery who has been given the name of Heath Christian. The baby weighed 2 ½ pounds. Grandparents are Mrs Ed Johnson and the latePete Howard of Americus and Mr and Mrs C L Meyers of Montgomery. TR, Fri 8 Jan 1982

Howard, James Arthur - Mr and Mrs Billy Howard ofAlexandria, Va announce the birth of a son Monday, Sept 24. He has been named James Arthur. Mr and Mrs Howard are former Plains residents. Mrs Howard is the former Lila Ruth Spires. TR, Wed 3 Oct 1956

Howard, Leah Christian - Rev and Mrs Linnie Howard ofMontgomery, Ala announce the birth of a daughter, Leah Christian, born October24 at Jackson Hospital, Montgomery. Theinfant weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mrs Nelwyn Johnson of Americus and the late MrPete Howard, and Mr and Mrs Clifford Meyers of Montgomery. The baby has a brother, Heath, age six. TR, Thu 27 Oct 1988

Howard, Lee Scott - Mr and Mrs John Howard Jr, of Barwick,Ga, announce the birth of a son Monday, September 26, who has been given thenamed of Lee Scott. Mrs Howard is theformer Miss Barbara Pennington. The babyis the grandson of Mr and Mrs David Pennington of Andersonville and Mr and MrsJohn Howard Sr of Pavo. TR, Thu 29Sep 1966

Howard, Melinda May - Mr and Mrs Billy Howard, of Leslie,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce daughter Monday, January 20, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Melinda May. TR, Wed 22 Jan 1958

Howard, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Howard, of 813 ParkerStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce daughter, born Monday, March 1at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Mon 1 Mar 1965

Howard, Not named - Mr and Mrs Crawford Howard announce thebirth of a son, Saturday, December 14, at city hospital. TR, Sat 14 Dec 1946

Howard, Not named - Mr and Mrs Crawford Howard, of Albany,are parents of a 8 lb, 5 oz daughter, born July 18. The Howards formerly resided in Americus whenMr Howard played centerfield for the Americus Phillies. TR, Tue 24 Jul 1956

Howard, Not named - Mr and Mrs J C Howard, of Cordele,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Wednesday, October 26, atCity Hospital. TR, Thu 27 Oct 1949

Howard, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jack Howard, of Patchogue,NY, announce the birth of a 10 pound son, Monday, Dec 7. Mr Howard is a former resident of this cityand is a brother of Mrs James Law. TR,Wed 9 Dec 1936

Howard, Peggy Joyce - Mr and Mrs Mack Howard announce thebirth of a seven and a half pound daughter, who has been named PeggyJoyce. TR, Tue 6 Jul 1937

Howard, Richard Keith - Is the name of the infant son of Mrand Mrs Randy Howard who was born Friday, February 26 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. Ricky, as thebaby will be called weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces.The infant has two brothers, Randy, Jr and Rodney. Grandparents are Mrs Melwyn Johnson ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Keith Wisener of Leesburg. TR, Mon 1 Mar 1982

Howard, Rodney Vaughn - Mr and Mrs Randy Howard announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 1 ½ ounce son born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Tuesday, March 29. The babyhas been named Rodney Vaughn. Rodney isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs Keith Wisener of Leesburg and Mrs Ed Johnson and thelate Pete Howard of Americus. TR, Thu31 Mar 1977

Howard, Sandra Irene - Mr and Mrs A M Howard Jr announce thebirth of a daughter, Thursday, August 7, at the Prather Clinic. The baby has been named Sandra Irene. Mrs Howard was the former Miss MarjorieHolston. TR, Mon 11 Aug 1947

Howard, Susan Belinda - Mr and Mrs Bobby Howard of Leesburgannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce daughter born Friday, May 22 at thePhoebe Putney in Albany. The infant hasbeen given the name of Susan Belinda.The baby’s grandparents are Mrs Gladys Howard of Americus and Mrs CurtisCraig of Dawson. TR, Sat 30 May 1981

Howard, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs Donald Howard, ofDawson, announce the birth of twin daughters, Tuesday, September 1 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who have been named Susan Carlene andCathy Darlene. TR, Thu 3 Sep 1959

Howard, William Hermon Jr - Mr and Mrs W H Howard, of Tampa,Fla, announce the birth of a son on March 11th, at the home of Mrs CW Clark on Horne Street, Americus, and has been given the name of WilliamHermon Jr. Mrs Howard will be rememberedas Miss Mildred Clark, the daughter of Mr and Mrs C W Clark, of Americus. TR, Mon 14 Mar 1927

Howard, William Randolph Jr - Mr and Mrs William Randolph(Randy) Howard announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ½ ounce son born Tuesday,March 2 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been given the name of WilliamRandolph Howard Jr. His maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs K E Wisener of Leesburg and his maternalgreat-grandparents are Mr and Mrs W B Beamon and Mrs Oveda Wisener ofSmithville. On his paternal side he isthe grandson of Mrs Ed Johnson of Americus and the late Pete Howard and is thegreat-grandson of Mr and Mrs A W Galliher of Juliet, Ga. TR, Tue 9 Mar 1976

Howe, Boyd Allison - Mr and Mrs W F Howe, of Aston, NewYork, announce the birth of a son, August 13, who has been given the name ofBoyd Allison Howe. Mr and Mrs Howeformerly resided in Americus, and this announcement will be of interest totheir many friends here. TR, Wed 19Aug 1925

Howe, Carolyn Louise - Mr and Mrs S P Howe announce thebirth of a daughter at their home here August 7, who has been given the name ofCarolyn Louise. Mrs Howe was Miss SusieBrown before her marriage. TR, Mon 8Aug 1921

Howe, Not named - Mr and Mrs Gordon B Howe announce thebirth of a son, February 28, at their home near Plains. TR, Sat 1 Mar 1924

Howe, Sydney Peckham Jr - Mr and Mrs S P Howe announce thebirth of a son, at their home on Oglethorpe Avenue, August 15, who will becalled Sydney Peckham Howe Jr. TR,Sat 16 Aug 1924

Howell, Ashton Nichole - Mr and Mrs Phil Howell of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a daughter, Ashton Nichole, on July 6 at Sumter RegionalHospital. Mrs Howell is the former GailJames. Grandparents are Mr and MrsWilliam James of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs E T Howell of Pitts. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs HoustonJames of Ellaville and her brother is Matthew Poole. TR, Wed 23 Jul 1997

Howell, Benjamin Z Howell Jr - Mr and Mrs Benjamin Z Howell,Circle Drive, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce son, Monday, July 25 atCity Hospital, who has been named Benjamin Z Howell Jr. TR, Thu 28 Jul 1949

Howell, Bridget Dean - Mr and Mrs Danny Howell, of BriarPatch Estates, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ½ ounce daughter bornSaturday, October 23 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby, who has been named Bridget Dean isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Billy Johnson and Mrs Joan Howell and thegreat-granddaughter of Mrs Bartow Brown and Mrs Otto Johnson, all ofAmericus. TR, Mon 25 Oct 1971

Howell, Charles Alton - Mr and Mrs Charles Howell announcethe birth of a son, born December 1 at the Georgia Baptist Hospital inAtlanta. The baby is the grandson of Mrand Mrs Clifton Howell. He has beengiven the name of Charles Alton. TR,Tue 17 Dec 1963

Howell, Danny Louis - Mr and Mrs Stout Howell, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of an 8 pound son, May 5 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named Danny Louis. TR, Mon 8 May 1961

Howell, Deborah LeAnn - Is the name of the infant daughterof Mr and Mrs Russell Howell of Rte 2, Plains who was born Tuesday, November 4at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The infant weighed 7 pounds, 3 ½ ounces.She has three sisters, Kara, Jessica and Helen. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs O H Howell Jr ofDawson Road and Mr and Mrs B E Buchanan of Rte 2, Plains. TR, Wed 12 Nov 1980

Howell, Dee - Mr and Mrs Dewitt Howell, of Plains, announcethe birth of a daughter, at the Wise Sanitarium at 12:10 o’clock Wednesdaymorning. She has been named Dee. The mother is superintendent of the WiseSanitarium. TR, Thu 22 Nov 1934

Howell, Donna Ellen - Mr and Mrs L W Howell, of 411Pinecrest Drive, announce the birth of a 7 pound daughter, April 26, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Donna Ellen. TR, Fri 28 Apr 1961

Howell, Frances Carol - Mr and Mrs Clifton Howell announcethe birth of a daughter, born July 27, at City Hospital. The baby has been named Frances Carol. TR, Mon, 29 Jul 1946

Howell, Jean - Mr and Mrs Gordon Howell announce the birthof a daughter, Sep 21, at Troy, Ala, who will be called Jean Howell. Mr and Mrs Howell are former Americusresidents, and this announcement will be of interest to their many friendshere. TR, Sat 26 Sep 1925

Howell, Jessica Brooke - Mr and Mrs Russell Howell announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 14 ½ ounce daughter born Thursday, November 10 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Shehas been given the name of Jessica Brooke.Jessica has an older sister, Kara.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Brooks Buchanan Jr of Plains and Mr and MrsOscar Howell of Americus. Mrs BrooksBuchanan Sr of Plains is her great-grandmother.TR, Tue 15 Nov 1977

Howell, Julie Catherine - Mr and Mrs O H Howell III are theparents of a 6 pound, 13 ounce daughter born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Saturday, August 16. Theinfant has been given the name of Julie Catherine. She has a brother, Blaine. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs E L Weldon on hermaternal side and Mr and Mrs Oscar Howell Jr on her paternal side, all ofAmericus. TR, Fri 22 Aug 1980

Howell, Kara Delene - Mr and Mrs Russell Howell are theparents of a little girl born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onThursday, April 17. The infant, whoweighed 7 pounds, 7 ½ ounces has been given the name of Kara Delene. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs B EBuchanan Jr and Mr and Mrs Oscar Howell Jr.TR, Mon 21 Apr 1975

Howell, Kimberly Ann - Mr and Mrs Billy Howell, of Plains,are the parents of a 6 pound, ½ ounce daughter, born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on May 23. The baby hasbeen given the name of Kimberly Ann. TR,Tue 25 May 1965

Howell, Kimberly Lorraine - Mr and Mrs Eddy B Howell are theparents of a daughter, Kimberly Lorraine born Wednesday, August 16 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Odis Mullis of DeSoto on her maternal sideand Mrs Joan Howell of Leesburg on her paternal side. TR, Sat 26 Aug 1978

Howell, Lamar Wade - Mr and Mrs Lamar Howell, of 201 WestCollege Street, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 2 ounce son, January 25, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Lamar Wade. TR, Mon 28 Jan 1963

Howell, Mary Evelyn - Mr and Mrs J W (Bill) Howell announcethe birth of a daughter, September 20, who has been given the name Mary Evelyn. Mrs Howell will be remembered as Miss EdnaArrington before marriage. TR, Thu 29Sep 1938

Howell, Michael Clifton - Mr and Mrs Herschel Howell ofSavannah announce the birth of a son, Michael Clifton, born April 16 atMemorial Medical Center, Savannah. Theinfant is to be called Michael. Heweighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Mike Anika of Savannah and Mrs FrancesHowell Crook of Americus and the late Clifton Howell. Mrs Howell is the former Miss Cristi Anika ofSavannah. TR, Tue 21 Apr 1987

Howell, Not named - Mr and Mrs C B Howell, of Cordele, arethe parents of a 7 pound, 12 ½ ounce son, born December 3, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 4 Dec1961

Howell, Not named - Mr and Mrs C J Howell announce the birthof a son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, Monday, December 19. TR, Mon 19 Dec 1955

Howell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Howell, of Atlanta,are the parents of a six pound daughter, born Sunday, September 30, at theGeorgia Baptist Hospital. The baby isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs C J Howell of Americus. TR, Mon 1 Oct 1962

Howell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Clark Howell, of 407 W ChurchStreet, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 15 ounce daughter, March 16, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 17 Mar 1960

Howell, Not named - Mr and Mrs E C Howell Saturday announcethe birth of a baby girl. TR, Sun 21Mar 1920

Howell, Not named - Mr and Mrs H L (Buck) Howell announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce daughter, Saturday, March 6, at the PratherClinic. Both mother and baby are doingnicely. TR, Mon 8 Mar 1937

Howell, Not named - Mr and Mrs O H Howell announce the birthof a daughter, Wednesday, February 17, at city hospital. TR, Fri 19 Feb 1943

Howell, Not named - Mr and Mrs O H Howell announce the birthof a 9 pound, 1 ½ ounce son Saturday, December 9 at Prather Clinic. TR, Sat 9 Dec 1950

Howell, O H Jr - Mr and Mrs O H Howell announce the birth ofa son, July 19, at the Prather Clinic.The baby weighed 8 pounds and 1 ounce and has been named O H Jr. TR, Mon, 29 Jul 1946

Howell, Rebecca Lynn - Mr and Mrs Oscar Howell III ofAmericus announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce daughter, who has been giventhe name Rebecca Lynn Howell. The infantis the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Tip Weldon and Mr and Mrs Oscar Howell Jr,Americus. She has a brother, BlaineHowell and a sister Julie Howell. TR,Tue 20 Nov 1982

Howell, Rosanne - Mr and Mrs Earl C Howell, of Savannah,announce the birth of a daughter, July 17, who has been named Rosanne. Both Mr and Mrs Howell are former Americusresidents and Mrs Howell will be remembered as Miss Grace Ertzberger. TR, Mon 31 Jul 1933

Howell, Tony Lamar Jr - Mr and Mrs Tony L Howell announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce son Wednesday, October 30 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby, whohas been named Tony Lamar Jr is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Clyde W Howell ofBainbridge and Mr and Mrs George Westbrook of Cadwell, Ga. TR, Fri 1 Nov 1968

Howell, Virgil Thomas - Mr and Mrs J W Howell, of Leesburg,announce the birth of a son Sunday, July 13 at city hospital, who has beennamed Virgil Thomas. Mrs Howell wasbefore marriage Miss Edna Arrington, of Americus. TR, Wed 16 Jul 1952

Howell, Virgil Thomas - Mr and Mrs Virgil Howell, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a son, Virgil Thomas Howell Feb 4 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Theinfant weighed 7 pounds and is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Ralph James ofEllaville and J W Howell of Americus.The great-grandparents are Mrs Josephine Arrington and the late ClydeArrington of Americus. TR, Wed 5 Feb1975

Howell, Virgil Thomas - Tommy and Kim Howell III announcethe birth of a son, Virgil Thomas, born Dec 8 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Little Tommy, as the infant is called,weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Jewell Dean and Al Swearington of Americus andpaternal grandparents are Grace Howell and Virgil Howell, both ofEllaville. Great-grandparents are Ralphand Lucile James of Ellaville and the late Amon and Bertha Helms of Americus. TR, Tue 14 Dec 1993

Howie, Kenneth Regan - Mr and Mrs Roy Howie, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a son December 17, at St Joseph’s Hospital, who has beennamed Kenneth Regan. Mrs Howie is theformer Miss Pauline Bell, of Americus, and the baby is the grandson of Mr andMrs Frank Bell of this city. TR, Tue5 Jan 1954

Howie, Mary Paula - Mr and Mrs Roy Howie of Atlanta,announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, July 29, at St Joseph’s hospital, whohas been named Mary Paula. Mrs Howie isthe former Miss Pauline Bell, of Americus.TR, Wed 1 Aug 1951

Hoxsie, Dexton Wells - Mr and Mrs Ronnie W Hoxsie, ofWashington Courthouse, Ohio announce the birth of a son Monday, December 27 whoweighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces. The baby,who has been named Dexton Wells, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs G M Chappell andMrs W W Hoxsie, all of Americus. Thebaby’s mother is the former Carol Chappell of the city. TR, Wed 29 Dec 1971

Hubbard, Mark Brinson Jr - Mark and Genie Hubbard of DeSotoannounce the birth of a son, Mark Brinson Jr, born Dec 19, 1998. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce. Grandparents are Gene and Ginger Frazier ofAmericus and Albert and Gloria Hubbard of Bluffton. TR, Thu 28 Jan 1999

Hubbard, Martin Lance - Mr and Mrs Jerry Hubbard, of 206Wanda Way, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son born Saturday,February 27 at the Phoebe Putney Hospital in Albany. The baby has been given the name of MartinLance. Mrs Hubbard is the former GloriaJean Harris of Albany. TR, Wed 3 Mar1971

Hudson, Annie - Mr and Mrs Billy T Hudson, of Columbus, announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 7 ½ ounce daughter, November 9, at the Medical Centerin Columbus. Mrs Hudson was beforemarriage Miss Penny Sutton, of this city.Terry, as the baby will be called is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs G GHudson, of Cordele and Mr and Mrs H E Sutton, of Americus. TR, Fri 10 Nov 1961

Hudson, Charla Morgan - Mr and Mrs Lon Hudson of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a daughter, Charla Morgan, born Saturday, February 13 atSumter Regional Hospital. Grandparentsare Wayne Heath of Ellaville and Lawrence Hudson of Parrott and Myrtle Hudsonof North Georgia. Great-grandparents areMr Charles Heath and the late Pearl Heath of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs LavonHudson of Parrott. Charla has onesister, Leslie, age four. TR, Thu 18Feb 1993

Hudson, Edward Prather - Mr and Mrs W S (Billy) Hudson, ofColumbus, announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, October 1 at St FrancisHospital who has been named Edward Prather.The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs C B Hudson, of Americus. TR, Sat 4 Oct 1958

Hudson, Helen Melissa - Mr and Mrs Danny Hudson announce thebirth of a daughter at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Tuesday,April 22. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 1 ½ounces. She has been named Helen Melissafor her grandmothers and is to be called Melissa. Her mother is the former Gay Garrison ofAbbeville. Grandparents are Mr and MrsClifton H Garrison of Abbeville and Mr and Mrs Henry Hudson of Ocilla. Maternal great-grandmothers include Mrs T HGarrison, Abbeville and Mrs Glenn L Smith Sr, Warwick and the paternalgreat-grandmother is Mrs Newt Hudson of Ocilla.TR, Fri 25 Apr 1980

Hudson, Henry Garrison - Mr and Mrs Denny Hudson are theparents of a son born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Tuesday,April 13 who weighed 8 pounds, 6 ounces.The baby has been named Henry Garrison and is to be calledGarrison. He has a sister, Melissa, age2. The infant is the grandson of Mr andMrs Clifton Garrison of Abbeville and Mr and Mrs Henry Hudson of Ocilla,Ga. He has two great-grandmothers, MrsBeatrice Garrison of Abbeville and Mrs Bessie Hudson of Ocilla. TR, Fri 16 Apr 1982

Hudson, Ina Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs J R Hudson, residing onthe Leslie road, announce the birth of a daughter, January 31, 1932. The child’s name is Ina Elizabeth. TR, Tue 23 Feb 1932

Hudson, Jennifer Lynn - Mr and Mrs Ricky Hudson of PhenixCity, Alabama announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ounce daughter at the MedicalCenter in Columbus on Saturday, November 1.The infant has been named Jennifer Lynn.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Howard Jones of Plains and Mr and Mrs EarlHudson of Phenix City, Ala. TR, Tue 4Nov 1980

Hudson, John David - Mr and Mrs John H Hudson Jr of Mariettaannounce the birth of a son who has been named John David Hudson. The infant, who was born Saturday, December 8weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs David Clark, Hawkinsville; Mr and Mrs Eben Smith,Americus and John Hinton Hudson, Videlia.His sister is Sara Elizabeth Hudson.TR, Thu 30 Dec 1982

Hudson, John Hinton Jr - Mr and Mrs John Hinton Hudsonannounce the birth of a son, John Hinton Hudson Jr, July 16, at cityhospital. Mrs Hudson is the former MissInez Abbett. TR, Wed 19 Jul 1950

Hudson, John Martin - Dr and Mrs Percy W Hudson, ofMontezuma, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son, on August 11, whohas been given the name of John Martin Hudson.TR, Wed 20 Aug 1924

Hudson, Mark Jerome - Mr and Mrs Chester Hudson, of 117Frieda Lane, are the parents of a 6 pound, 6 ½ ounce son, born Sunday, July 4,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named MarkJerome. TR, Fri 2 Jul 1965

Hudson, Michael Kevin - Mr and Mrs Bruce Hudson announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son born Tuesday, December 29 who has been giventhe name of Michael Kevin. Grandparentsof the baby are Mr and Mrs D W Hudson of Greenville, Ga and Mr and Mrs HenryWarren of Pitts. TR, Thu 7 Jan 1971

Hudson, Monica Lynn - Mr and Mrs Chester Hudson announce thebirth of a 9 pound daughter Wednesday, May 22 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Monica Lynn.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs G G Hudson of Cordele and Mrand Mrs R R Moreland of Dawson. TR,Sat 25 May 1968

Hudson, Monica Marie - Dr and Mrs Vernon C Hudson Jrannounce the birth of a 7 pound daughter born Saturday, September 22 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Theinfant has been given the name of Moncia Marie.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Vernon Hudson Sr and Mr and MrsClifford Horn of Joplin, Missouri. TR,Mon 1 Oct 1973

Hudson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Billy Hudson are the parentsof an 8 pound, 14 ½ ounce son, born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospitalon April 2. TR, Tue 2 Apr 1963

Hudson, Pamela Kay - Mr and Mrs Hinton Hudson announce thebirth of a daughter Friday, May 16, at city hospital, who weighed 4 pounds, 14ounces. The baby has been name PamelaKay. TR, Thu 22 May 1952

Hudson, Ruba Julia - Mr and Mrs J I Hudson announce thebirth of a daughter, who has been named Ruba Julia. TR, Tue 3 May 1921

Hudson, Sarah Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs John Hinton Hudson Jr,of Marietta, are the parents of a 7 pound baby girl born on St Patrick’s Day,Monday, March 17. The infant has beengiven the name of Sarah Elizabeth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs David Clark of Hawkinsville and Mrs Eben BSmith Jr of Americus and John H Hudson Sr of Vidalia. TR, Fri 21 Mar 1980

Hudson, Sherley Jr - Mr and Mrs Sherley Hudson announce thebirth of a son September 20, at the city hospital, who has been given the nameof Sherley Jr. Mrs Hudson was formerlyMiss Darien Pinkston. TR, Fri 22 Sep1922

Hudson, Susanna Elene - Mr and Mrs John Hudson of Mariettaannounce the birth of Susanna Elene, born Firday, March 22 at NorthsideHospital, Atlanta. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Eben Smith of Americus and the late Mr and Mrs David Clark ofHawkinsville. The baby has a brother,David, age eight. TR, Thu 28 Mar 1991

Hudson, Tammy - Mr and Mrs Billy Hudson, of 109A HudsonStreet, announce the birth of an 11 pound, 1 ounce daughter, October 24 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who has been named Tammy, is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs H E Suttonof Atlanta, formerly of Americus and Mr and Mrs G G Hudson of Cordele. TR, Mon 26 Oct 1965

Hudson, Timothy Jacob - Lt and Mrs Timothy L Hudson of FtMeade, Maryland announce the birth of a son, Timothy Jacob, born December 20,1996 at Bethesda National Naval Medical Center.Jacob, as the infant is called, weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces. Mrs Hudson is the former Rebecca McAfee ofAmericus. Maternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs Wayne McAfee of Americus.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Don Bessett of Whigham and LeonHudson of Macon. Great-grandparents areMr and Mrs Andrew Hopkins of Smithville and Mr and Mrs Wiley Woods ofMacon. Jacob has a brother, Blake,4. TR, Fri 10 Jan 1997

Hudson, Twins - Mr and Mrs Danny Hudson of Americus announcethe birth of twins, Dereck Landon and Deanna Lee, born February 10 at SumterRegional Hospital. Dereck Landon weighed6 pounds, 8 ounces and Deanna Lee weighed 5 pounds, 10 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs H GCollier of Bluffton, Ga and the late Mr Cecil Marcine Eubanks and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Joseph Hudson of Americus. The twins have two sisters, Lena andDana. TR, Thu 16 Feb 1989

Hudson, William Stuart Jr - Mr and Mrs William StuartHudson, of Dawson, former of Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12ounce son, Monday, November 7 at the Terrell County hospital, who has beennamed William Stuart Jr. Mrs Hudson isthe former Miss Mary Wigginton, of Birmingham and Americus and the baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Charles Hudson, of this city. TR, Tue 8 Nov 1955

Huff, Charles Neil Jr - Mr and Mrs Charles Neil Huff, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, June 20, at Prather Clinic,who has been named Charles Neil Jr. TR,Thu, 21 Jun 1951

Huff, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ralph Huff, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son, Wednesday, April 11 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed, 11 Apr 1956

Huff, Sandra Kay - Mr and Mrs R W Huff announce the birthof a 6-pound, 13-ounce daughter Tuesday, October 6, at Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named Sandra Kay.TR, Wed 7 Oct 1953

Huggins, William Carl Jr - Mr and Mrs W C Huggins announcethe birth of a son, Sunday, May 3, at the city hospital, who has been given thename William Carl Jr. TR, Mon 4 May1936

Hughes, Edgar Stanley Jr - Mr and Mrs Edgar S Hughes, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a 5 pounds, 15 ½ ounce son Wednesday, April 10at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby, who has been named Edgar Stanley Hughes Jr is the grandson ofMr and Mrs Ernest Peters of Americus and Mrs Idelle Hughes of Belton, SC. TR, Thu 11 Apr 1968

Hughes, James Brinson Jr - Commander and Mrs James BrinsonHughes, of Dublin, announce the birth of a son on Sunday, April 11 at theClaxton Hospital in Dublin. The babyweighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces and as been named James Brinson Hughes Jr. Mrs Hughes is the former Scottie Sue Hart ofEllaville. Maternal grandparents are MrsScott Hart and the late Isaac Scott of Ellaville. The paternal grandparents are James H Hughesand the late Ruth Brinson Hughes of Dublin.TR, Wed 21 Apr 1971

Hughes, Jeremy Scholl - Troy and Juliet Hughes of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Jeremy Scholl, on January 16 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 9ounces. The baby’s grandparents areSusan Ryba of Rockledge, FL, Gerald and Judy Ryba of Port St John, FL andEugene and Edna Hughes of Selma, AL.Great-grandparents are George and Rosemary Scholl of Deland, FL and JoanRyba of Port St John. TR, Thu 27 Jan1998

Hughes, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ed Hughes, of Marietta,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 3 ounce son born Saturday, July 8 at theKennestone Hospital. Mrs Hughes is theformer Pam Peters of this city. The babyis the grandson of Mr and Mrs Earnest Peters of Americus and Mrs Arthur Hughesof Atlanta. Mrs C I Kearns of this cityis the baby’s great-grandmother. TR,Tue 11 Jul 1972

Hughes, Not named - Mr and Mrs Gilbert Hughes of Richlandannounce the birth of a son at Prather Clinic on October 4. TCN, Thu 6 Oct 1949

Hullender, Betty Jo - Mr and Mrs Clifford Hullender announcethe birth of a daughter, Betty Jo, on Sep 5 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. Mrs Hullender is the formerBabe Cannon. The baby’s grandparents areMr and Mrs Roy J Cannon and Mr and Mrs Joe Hullender. TR, Thu 6 Sep 1973

Hullender, Cynthia Denise - Mr and Mrs Clifford Hullenderannounce the birth of a baby girl born Saturday, October 21 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby weighed6 pounds. She has been given the name ofCynthia Denise. Betty Jo Hullender isher older sister. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Roy J Cannon of Americus and Mrs Julia Washburn of Plant City, Fla andthe late Joe Hullender. TR, Wed 25Oct 1978

Hulse, Angelan Patrice - Mr and Mrs John Hulse announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce daughter.The baby has been given the name of Angelan Patrice. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs John Mask, ofPlains. TR, Wed 14 Nov 1956

Hulsey, Joshua Steven Kervin - Mr and Mrs Steve Hulsey ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Joshua Steven Kervin, born Sunday, August27 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Theinfant weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces at birth.He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Kervin Colbert of Americus and Mr andMrs Leon Hulsey of Dawson Springs, Ky.He is the great-grandson of Mrs Pauline C Thomas of St Charles, Ky. TR, Sat 2 Sep 1989

Humber, Gena Ann - Mr and Mrs Billy Humber, of Albany,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, Apr 22 at Phoebe Putney hospital,who has been named Gena Ann. Mr Humberis a former resident of Americus. TR,Mon 28 Apr 1947

Humber, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert Humber, of Butler,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, December 2. Mrs Humber was before her marriage Miss EliseWilliamson, of this city. TR, Fri 4Dec 1942

Humber, William Marcellus III - Mr and Mrs William MarcelusHumber Jr, of Tifton, announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, June 4 at PhoebePutney hospital, in Albany, who has been given the name William MarcellusIII. Mr Humber is a former resident ofAmericus. TR, Thu 6 Jun 1940

Humphries, Judson David - Mr and Mrs Derek Judson Humphries ofPlains announce the birth of a son, Judson David, born April 26 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 6 ounces at birth. Mrs Humphriesis the former Miss Julie Young of Plains.Maternal grandparents are Vaudine Davis and Bill Young of Plains andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Cary Humphries of Pelham. Great-grandparents are Leroy Young, Plains;Verna Lou Temples of Leesburg; Judson Humphries of Pelham; Mary Humphries ofMoultrie and Effie L Brown. TR, Wed13 May 1992

Hungate, Not named - Mr and Mrs E C Hungate, of Liverpool, NY announce the birth of a son Saturday, February 19. Mrs Hungate is the former Miss Carol Carswellof Americus and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Cliff Carswell of thiscity. TR, Mon 21 Feb 1955

Hungate, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ernest C Hungate, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a son Sunday, November 23, at Crawford W Long hospital,who weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces. MrsHungate is the former Miss Carol Carswell, of Americus, and the baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Cliff Carswell, of this city. TR, Mon 24 Nov 1952

Hungerford, Deborah Frances - Mr and Mrs DeForrest Hungerford Jrannounce the birth of a daughter Saturday, September 6 at Prather Clinic, whohas been named Deborah Frances. TR,Tue 9 Sep 1952

Hunnicut, Martha Louise - Mr and Mrs Hinton Hunnicut announcethe birth of a daughter at their home on Lamar Street, June 20, who has beengiven the name of Martha Louise. TR,Wed 21 Jun 1922

Hunnicutt, Donald Hearn - Mr and Mrs Hinton Hunnicutt, ofJacksonville, Fla, announce the birth of a son January 28, who has been given thename of Donald Hearn. Mr and MrsHunnicutt resided in Americus until last year.TR, Sat 29 Jan 1927

Hunnicutt, Donna Jane - Mr and Mrs Tommy P Hunnicutt announcethe birth of a daughter, Donna Jane, Friday, Feb 22, at city hospital. Mrs Hunnicutt was before marriage MissDorothy Patterson. TR, Mon 25 Feb1946

Hunnicutt, Not named - Mr and Mrs T R Hunnicutt, of FortValley, announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, Aaugust 8, at city hospital,who weighed 6 pounds, 10 ounces. TR,Thu 12 Aug 1948

Hunt, Bertha Lou - Mr and Mrs Waldo Hunt announce thebirth of an eight pound daughter, Tuesday, Nov 27. The baby has been named Bertha Lou. TR, Wed 28 Nov 1934

Hunt, Brandon Eugene - Mr and Mrs Greg Hunt of Cordeleannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce son born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on Sunday, October 5.The infant has been named Brandon Eugene Hunt. Mr and Mrs Paul Autwell Nobles of Pitts, Gaare the baby’s maternal grandparents and Mrs John Oxford of Americus and thelate Percy Eugene Hunt of Cordele are the paternal grandparents. TR, Tue 7 Oct 1980

Hunt, Brandye Leigh - Mr and Mrs James R Hunt Jr, ofOglethorpe, announce the birth of a daughter born Monday, December 3 at theHouston County Hospital in Warner Robins.The baby, who weighed 8 pounds, 3 ½ ounces has been given the name ofBrandye Leigh. Mrs Hunt is the formerSusan Wilbanks of Cordele. The baby’sgrandparents are Mr and Mrs James R Hunt Sr of Oglethorpe and Mrs EvelynWilbanks and the late Doyle V Eubanks of Cordele. Great-grandparents of the infant are Mr andMrs C W Dillard of Cordele and Mrs Julia Hunt of Oglethorpe. TR, Tue 4 Dec 1973

Hunt, Dina Sharon - Mr and Mrs G W Hunt, of Montezuma, arethe parents of a 6 pound, 5 ounce daughter, who has been named DinaSharon. The baby was born September 29at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 2 Oct 1961

Hunt, Haley Suzanne - Mr and Mrs Gregory Hunt of Cordeleannounce the birth of a daughter Saturday, January 27 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The infant, whoweighed 7 pounds, 5 ½ ounces has been named Haley Suzanne. Grandparents are Mrs John Oxford of Americusand the late Eugene Hunt of Cordele and Mr and Mrs Autwell Nobles ofPitts. TR, Tue 30 Jan 1979

Hunt, Laura Ellen - Mr and Mrs Melvin E Hunt Jr announcethe birth of a daughter Thursday, July 23, at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named Laura Ellen.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs C D George and Mr and MrsMelvin Hunt Sr, of Columbus. TR, Sat25 Jul 1953

Hunt, Lori Denise - Mr and Mrs George W Hunt, ofMontezuma, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter on July 9 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Lori Denise. TR, Mon 12 Jul 1965

Hunt, Melonie Carole - Mr and Mrs Robert Hunt announce thebirth of a daughter, Friday, Jan 16 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital,who has been named Melonie Carole. MrsHunt is the former Miss Nancy Kitchens. TR,Sat 17 Jan 1959

Hunt, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Hunt, of 501 AllenStreet, are the parents of a 7 pound, 2 ounce daughter, born April 30, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 1 May 1964

Hunt, Robert W Jr - Mr and Mrs Robert W Hunt, of 1501Kinney Drive, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ½ ounce son, November 17, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Robert W Hunt Jr. TR, Wed 18 Nov 1964

Hunt, Whitney Marie - Mr and Mrs Scott Hunt, of Athensannounce the birth of a daughter born Monday, April 11 at the Athens GeneralHospital. The infant weighed 9pounds. She has been given the name ofWhitney Marie. Grandparents are Dr andMrs Robert D Shiflet of Athens and Mr and Mrs John Oxford of Americus and thelate Eugene Hunt of Cordele. TR, Mon18 Apr 1977

Hunter, Abbe Wootten - Mr and Mrs Sam Hunter announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, October 9 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been named AbbeWootten Hunter. Mrs Hunter is the formerMiss Martha Anne Wooten and the baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs PaulWootten, of this city and Mr and Mrs Walter R Hunter, of Quitman. TR, Thu 10 Oct 1957

Hunter, Christopher Rountree - Mr and Mrs Samuel R Hunter Jrannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce boy at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. He has been given the name ofChristopher Rountree. The maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Crawford Dudley and the paternal grandparents areMr and Mrs Samuel R Hunter Sr of this city.TR, Wed 29 Jan 1975

Hunter, James Bennett - Rev and Mrs Gordon Hunter Jr, ofLouisville, Ky, announce the birth of an 8 ½ pound son, Friday, May 10, who hasbeen named James Bennett. Mrs Hunter wasbefore marriage Miss Mary Lou Myers. TR,Sat 11 May 1946

Hunter, Laura Angela - Mr and Mrs Sam Hunter Jr announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce daughter born Thursday, December 31 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who has been named Laura Angela is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs CrawfordDudley and Mr and Mrs Sam Hunter Sr. TR,Fri 1 Jan 1971

Hunter, Leigh Anne - Mr and Mrs Sam Hunter Jr of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter who has been named Leigh Anne Hunter. The infant, who was born Wednesday, April 6at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital weighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs SamHunter Sr, Americus and Mr and Mrs Sam Terry, Augusta and the sister of Lauraand Chris Hunter. TR, Tue 12 Apr 1983

Hunter, Lucile - Rev and Mrs Gordon Hunter, of Butler, Ga,announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, June 9, who has been named Lucilefor her paternal grandmother, Mrs Gordon Hunter, Sr, of Columbus. Mrs Hunter is the former Miss Mary Lou Myers,of Americus, and the baby is the granddaughter of Mrs J M DuPree, who livesnear Plains. TR, Mon 11 Jun 1951

Hunter, Not named - The Rev and Mrs G A Hunter Jr, ofBrunwick, announce the birth of a daughter, September 27. Mrs Hunter is the former Miss Mary Lou Myers,of Americus, and the baby is the granddaughter of Mrs J M Dupree, of nearPlains. TR, Sat 27 Sep 1958

Hunter, Paul Lewis - Mr and Mrs Sam Hunter announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce son Thursday, Jun 2, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been namedPaul Lewis for his maternal grandfather, Paul L Wooten. Mrs Hunter is the former Miss Martha AnnWooten. TR, Fri 3 Jun 1955

Hunter, Samuel Peelle - Mr and Mrs Paul Hunter of Tampa, Flaannounce the birth of a son, Samuel Peelle, born Saturday, November 16. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces atbirth. Paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Sam Hunter Sr of Americus and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs RichardPeelle of Corning, NY. TR, Wed 20 Nov1991

Hunter, Samuel Rountree Jr - Mr and Mrs Sam Hunter announcethe birth of a son Sunday, November 5, at city hospital, who weighed 7 pounds,8 ounces. The baby has been named SamuelRountree Hunter Jr. Mrs Hunter is theformer Miss Martha Anne Wootten. TR,Mon 6 Nov 1950

Hunter, Susan Elton - The Rev and Mrs Gordon Hunter Jr, ofBrunswick, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Wednesday, May29, who has been names Susan Elton. MrsHunter is the former Miss Mary Lou Myers, daughter of Mrs J M Dupree, ofAmericus. TR, Tue 4 Jun 1957

Hurst, Frances Matilda - Mr and Mrs W T Hurst announce thebirth of a daughter, Nov 13, at their home, 311 Furlow Street, who has beengiven the name of Frances Matilda Hurst.TR, Tue 18 Nov 1924

Hurst, James Freeman Jr - Mr and Mrs James F Hurst, ofGeorgetown, Md, announce the birth of a son, Nov 9, who has been given the nameof James Freeman Jr. Mrs Hurst wasformerly Miss Ruth McArthur, of Americus.TR, Sat 11 Nov 1922

Hurst, Kathryn Genora - Mr and Mrs Lawrence Hurst ofAtlanta announce the birth of a daughter, July 29, at the Georgia BaptistHospital. The baby has been named KathrynGenora. Mrs Hurst is the former FlorenceFurlow and the baby is the great-granddaughter of J T Warren of Americus. TR, Sat 30 Jul 1966

Hurst, Lillian Gertrude - Mr and Mrs W T Hurst announce thebirth of a little daughter, Sunday, September the 12th, who has beengiven the name of Lillian Gertrude. TR,Thu 26 Sep 1926

Hurst, Linda Carol - Mr and Mrs W D Hurst Jr, announce thebirth of a 7-pound, 8-ounce daughter Sunday, May 3, at Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named Linda Carol. TR, Mon 4 May 1953

Hurst, Mary Helen - Mr and Mrs W T Hurst announce the birthof a daughter at their home on Hill Street, May 2nd, who will becalled Mary Helen. TR, Mon 8 May 1922

Hurst, Not named - Mr and Mrs Bill Hurst Jr announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce son, Monday, April 10, at city hosptial. TR, Tue 11 Apr 1950

Hurst, Not named - Mr and Mrs Hugh Hurst, of Ellaville, arethe parents of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter, born March 13 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 15Mar 1965

Hurst, Not named - Mr and Mrs R F Hurst, of 326 SouthJackson Street announce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce daughter, Wednesday,March 26, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Wed 26 Mar 1958

Hurst, Not named - Mr and Mrs W D Hurst announce the birthof a son, Tuesday, February 10, at Prather clinic. TR, Thu 12 Feb 1942

Hurst, Not named - Mr and Mrs W T Hurst announce the birthof a daughter Monday, August 18 , at the city hospital. TR, Mon 18 Aug 1941

Hurst, Patricia Jean - Mr and Mrs W T Hurst Jr announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce daughter Friday, September 28 at cityhospital. The baby has been given thename Patricia Jean. Mrs Hurst is theformer Miss Julia Butler. TR, Wed 3Oct 1951

Hurst, Peggy Ann - Mr and Mrs W T Hurst, of 133 Brannenavenue, announce the birth of a 5 3/4 pound daughter May 8, who has been giventhe name Peggy Ann. TR, Tue 8 May1934

Hurst, Verna Fay - Mr and Mrs W T Hurst announce the birthof a daughter, Verna Fay, born Monday, January 16, at their home 201 ReesStreet. TR, Tue 17 Jan 1939

Hurst, William Tillman III - Mr and Mrs William Hurst Jrannounce the birth of a son, Tuesday, June 22, at city hospital, who has beennamed William Tillman Hurst III. TR,Sat 26 Jun 1948

Hurst, William Tillman Jr - Mr and Mrs W T Hurst announcethe birth of a son April 14, who has been given the name William TillmanJr. TR, Wed 18 Apr 1928

Hurt, Not named - Mr and Mrs Bob Hurt, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son Sunday, December 14 at Crawford WLong hospital. Mrs Hurt is the formerMiss Billie Morgan, of Americus and Plains.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Ed Morgan, of Americus. TR, Tue 16 Dec 1952

Hurt, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Hurt, of Galene, Md,announce the birth of a son, February 5.Mrs Hurt will be remembered as Miss Ruth McArthur before hermarriage. TR, Mon 8 Feb 1932

Hurt, Not named - Mr and Mrs R T Hurt, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son at City Hospital, Wednesday, April 11. TR Thu 12 Apr 1945

Hutchens, Bennett Michael - Mr and Mrs Lanier Hutchens, ofRoute 3, Vienna, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce son, BennettMichael, Thursday, January 5, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Tue 10 Jan 1956

Hutchens, Brenda Joyce - Mr and Mrs Maynard Hutchens announcethe birth of a daughter, Wednesday, April 26, who has been named BrendaJoyce. Mrs Hutchens was before marriageMiss Elizabeth Avery. TR, Sat 27 Apr1946

Hutchens, Kenneth Lamar II - Mr and Mrs Kenneth LamarHutchens, of Americus, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ½ ounce son bornTuesday, April 17 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby, who has been named Kenneth LamarHutchens II and will be called Ken. Hisgrandparents are Mr and Mrs O Jones of Smithville and Mr and Mrs M A Hutchensof Americus. TR, Wed 18 Apr 1973

Hutchens, Melody - Mr and Mrs Harry Hutchens Jr, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 2 ounce daughter Sunday, January30, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Melody.Mrs Hutchens is the former Carol Callaway, of Smithville. TR, Wed 2 Feb 1955

Hutchens, Not named - Mr and Mrs G L Hutchens announce thebirth of a son, Tuesday, March 25, at city hospital. TR, Wed 26 Mar 1947

Hutchens, Not named - Mr and Mrs G L Hutchens announce thebirth of a son at Prather Clinic on Monday, December 31. TCN, Thu 3 Jan 1946

Hutchens, Not named - Mr and Mrs Gene Hutchens, of 1032 FurlowStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter, Wednesday, April 1,at Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 1 Apr 1953

Hutchens, Not named - Mr and Mrs H D Hutchens, of Smithville,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce daughter, Sunday, May 4, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Sat 3 May 1958

Hutchens, Not named - Mr and Mrs M A Hutchens announce thebirth of a six pound, 13 ounce son Tuesday, January 19 at Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Wed 20 Jan 1954

Hutchens, Randell Gene - Mr and Mrs Gene Hutchens, ofAmericus, announce the birth of a son on April Fools Day. He has been named Randell Gene and weighs 7pounds, 12 ounces. TCN, Thu 3 Apr1952

Hutchings, Sara Therisa -Mr and Mrs W E Hutchings Jr announce the birth of a girl baby, March 5,at the Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital, who has been given the name SaraTherisa. Mrs Hutchings will beremembered here as Miss Alice Rooks. TR,Sat 12 Mar 1932

Hutchins, Not named - Mr and Mrs Maynard Hutchins announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, September 24, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 28 Sep 1947

Hutchinson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Edward L Hutchinson announcethe birth of a son who weighed 8 pounds, 12 ounces. The baby was born August 10, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Wed10 Aug 1955

Hutchinson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ronald Hutchinson, of 416West Glessner Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, on May 6.TR, Tue 7 May 1963

Hutchinson, Sarah Rebekah - Mr and Mrs Dennis Hutchinson ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Sarah Rebekah, born January 22 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Roy Hutchinson of Vandalia, Ill andmaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert Funk of Vandalia. The baby has a brother, Denny, ageseven. TR, Thu 30 Jan 1992

Hutto, Alton White - Mr and Mrs A C Hutto, of Fort Valley,announce the birth of a son, born February 3, who had been given the name AltonWhite. Mrs Hutto was before marriageMiss Helen White, of this city. TR,Fri 4 Feb 1938

Hutto, George Wynton Jr - Mr and Mrs George Hutto, of BuenaVista, are the parents of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son born May 7, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of George WyntonJr. TR, Thu 7 May 1964

Hutto, John Robert Jr - Mr and Mrs John Robert Hutto, of120A, Hansen Drive, are the parents of a 6 pound, 9 ounce son, born October 4,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named John Robert Jr.TR, Mon 8 Oct 1962

Hutto, Not named - Mr and Mrs J B Hutto, of 1709 CircleDrive, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce daughter, born July 5. TR, Thu 6 Jul 1961

Hutto, Sharon LaLonde - Mr and Mrs John R Hutto, of 120Hanson Drive, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ½ ounce daughter, born June10, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Sharon LaLonde. TR, Thu 11 Jun 1964

Hyde, Joseph R III - Mr and Mrs Joe Hyde Jr, announce thebirth of a son Sunday, December 27, at the Methodist Hospital in Memphis, whohas been named Joseph R Hyde III. MrsHyde is the former Miss Sue Hightower, of Americus. TR, Mon 28 Dec 1942

Hyde, Susan Sheppard - Mr and Mrs J R Hyde, of Memphis,Tenn, announce the birth of a daughter, born Sunday, December 4, who has beennamed Susan Sheppard. Mrs Hyde will beremembered as Miss Sue Hightower of this city prior to her marriage. TR, Mon 5 Dec 1938

Hyleman, Charles Hunter - Mark and Wanda Hyleman of Americusannounce the birth of their son, Charles Hunter, born August 12 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 14 ounces. Paternal grandparentsare Dawn Hyleman and the late Charles Hyleman of Americus. Maternal grandparents are Lavern Ring ofFitzgerald and the late Harold Massey of Cordele. Great-grandmother is Anne McKenzie ofVienna. The baby has a brother, JeramiWilliard of Cordele. TR, Fri 30 Aug 1996

Ibach, Brittany Leanne - Steve and Donna Ibach of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Brittany Leanne, born February 16 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 3 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Dan Rhyne of Americus and Mr and Mrs Raymond Jordan ofThomaston; Mrs Peggie Brantner of Battle Mountain, Nevada and Mr and Mrs HarryIbach III of Preston. TR, Wed 1 Mar1989

Icard, Rex Marshall - Mr and Mrs Glenn Icard, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 6 ounce son, born September 5, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Rex Marshhall. TR, Tue 8 Sep 1964

Icard, Sherry Lynn - Mr and Mrs Glenn C Icard, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 4 ounce daughter, October 6 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Sherry Lynn. TR,Fri 6 Oct 1961

Icard, Stephen Boyette - Mr and Mrs Uylus Icard, of Route4, Americus, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 12 ounce son, Stephen Boyette,July 16, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 18 Jul 1960

Imig, Richard Edwin II - Mr and Mrs Richard Imig, ofSheboygan, Mich, announce the birth of a son, Richard Edwin Imig II, Monday,March 25 at the Wise Sanitarium in Plains.Mrs Imig was before her marriage Miss Josephine Simmons ofAmericus. TR, Tue 26 Mar 1935

Immel, Not named - Mr and Mrs E J Immel, of 114 HansonDrive, are the parents of a 9 pound, 3 1/4 ounce son, March 7 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Fri 8Mar 1963

Ingle, Lily Katherine - Richard and Katrina Ingle ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Lily Katherine, Oct 15 at PhoebePutney Hospital, Albany. The infantweighed 4 pounds, 3 ounces. Hergrandparents are Robert and Lynn Ingle of Americus and Pete and Marita McCorreyof Atlanta. TR, Thu 18 Nov 1999

Ingram, Charles Garrett - Mr and Mrs Charles Ricky Ingramare the parents of a 7 pound, 4 ½ ounce son born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on Saturday, November 29.The baby has been named Charles Garrett.He has a sister, Tonya, 5 ½ years old.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Eulan Daniel of Americus and Mr and Mrs A DIngram of Woodland, Ga. TR, Mon 1 Dec1980

Ingram, Ellie Grace - Sheri and Steve Ingram of Columbusannounce the birth of a daughter, Ellie Grace, born July 2 at Doctors Hospitalin Columbus. The infant weighed 6pounds, 15 ounces. Her grandparents arePaul and Carole Mott of Americus and Richard and Phoebe Ingram of Tallahassee,FL. Great-grandparents are James andAgnes Bailey and Wilbur and Eunice Mott, all of Callahan, FL. Great-grandmother is Mrs Glynn Ingram ofOrlando, FL. She has a brother, CooperDaniel, 2. TR, Thu 15 Jul 1999

Ingram, Mary MiShon Ingram - Mr and Mrs Arthur James Ingramannounce the birth of a daughter who has been named Mary MiShon Ingram. Mary was born on Monday, January 3 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, the fifth baby of the new year and weighed8 pounds, 14 ounces. She is thegranddaughter of Mrs Mary Ingram of Americus and the late A J Ingram and MrsPearl Wade of Andersonville and the late B T Wade. Mary has a sister, Ayada and two brothers,Toddy and Kedrick. TR, Tue 25 Jan 1983

Ingram, Not named - Mr and Mrs J A Ingram, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, December 7, at city hospital. TR, Mon 9 Dec 1946

Ingram, Tonya Lynn - Mr and Mrs Charles Ricky Ingram are theparents of a daughter born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital onSunday, April 13. The baby, who weighed5 pounds, 14 ounces has been given the name of Tonya Lynn. The infant is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsEulan Daniel of this city and Mr and Mrs Adolphus Ingram of Woodland. Mrs Roy Daniel of Americus and Mrs H C Dorisof Benton, Ill are the baby’s great-grandmothers. TR, Mon 14 Apr 1975

Ingrassia, Bradley Turner - Tonya and Brad Ingrassia ofLawrenceville announce the birth of a son, Bradley Turner, born July 20. The infant weighed 7 pounds. He is the grandson of David and Mary Turnerof Americus and Ben and Barbara Ingrassia of Daytona Beach, FL. TR, Wed 25 Aug 1999

Inlow, Not named - Mr and Mrs B C Inlow, of Bainbridge,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce son, Monday, December 19 inBainbridge. Mrs Inlow is the former MissBetty English. TR, Tue 20 Dec 1949

Irby, Not named - Mr and Mrs H V Irby announce the birthof a daughter, Friday, March 24, at city hospital. TR, Fri 24 Mar 1944

Irby, Not named - Mr and Mrs Vaughn Irby, of Albany, arethe parents of a son, born Tuesday, June 7, at the Phoebe Putney Hospital inAlbany. Mrs Irby is the former GailCannon of Americus. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Frank Cannon of Albany and Mr and Mrs Vaughn Irby Sr ofMacon. TR, Wed 8 Jun 1966

Irby, William Vaughn Jr - Mr and Mrs Vaughn Irby announcethe birth of a son, Saturday, January 27, at the Phoebe Putney Hospital inAlbany, who has been named William Vaughn Jr.Mrs Irby is the former Miss Gail Cannon, daughter of Mr and Mrs FrankCannon, of Albany, formerly of Americus.TR, Mon 29 Jan 1962

Ireland, Clayton Andrew - Mr and Mrs Tom E Ireland Jrannounce the birth of a son, Clayton Andrew, born April 5. The infant weighed 9 pounds, 1 ounce atbirth. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Tom EIreland Sr of Americus and Mrs Mary Ruth Gillis of Americus and the late MrHarry Lee Wilson. The infant has abrother, Adam, age three. TR, Tue 7Apr 1988

Ireland, Tom Adam - Mr and Mrs Tom E Ireland Jr of Americusannounce the birth of a 9 pound, 6 ½ son, Tom Adam, born Saturday, August 11 atSumter Regional Hospital. Adam is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Tom E Ireland Sr and Mrs Mary Gillis and Harry L Wilson,all of Americus. TR, Thu 16 Aug 1984

Irlbeck, Denny - Mr and Mrs Dennis Irlbeck are the parents ofa 6 pound, 9 ounce son who was born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospitalon Saturday, October 18. The baby, whowill be called Denny, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Charley McLendon ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Carl Irlbeck of Genevieve, Missouri. TR, Fri 24 Oct 1980

Irvin, Elisha Jerome - Mr and Mrs Rick Irvin Jr announcethe birth of a 5 pound, 12 3/4 ounce son born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Sunday, December 19. Thebaby has been named Elisha Jerome and is to be called Eli. The infant is the grandson of Mr and MrsLeonard Fletcher of Americus and Mr and Mrs James T Irvin of Opelika, Ala. TR, Wed 22 Dec 1976

Irvin, Tinsley Hoyt - Mr and Mrs H H Irvin, of Cornelia,announce the birth of a son May 20, who has been named Tinsley Hoyt. Mrs Irvin was before her marriage Miss AnnieRuth Ray, of this city. TR, Sat 3 Jun1933

Irwin, Carl Franklin - Cpl and Mrs Frank Irwin announce thebirth of an 8 pound son, Monday, June 18, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedCarl Franklin. Mrs Irwin is making herhome with her sister, Mrs C W Davis, on the Plains road. Cpl Irwin is stationed at Warner RobinsField, Macon. TR, Sat 23 Jun 1945

Israel, Alexander Joseph - Mr and Mrs Richard Gay Israel of Greenville,NC announce the birth of an 8 pound, ½ ounce son, Alexander Joseph, bornMonday, January 7. Alex is the grandsonof Mr and Mrs Joe Davis of Shelby, NC and Mr and Mrs Alva Israel of Dawson. Great-grandparents are Quinn Roberts and MrsLamar Davis, both of Shelby; Ms Lena Driver of Ellaville and Mrs Lucye Israelof Dawson. Alex has a brother, Wes, 2½. TR, Wed 30 Jan 1985

Israel, Charles Eric - Mr and Mrs Hal Israel announce thebirth of a son, Charles Eric, born September 11 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 10 pounds,5 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs H J Israel of Smithville and Mr and Mrs H J Miller of Leslie. Paternal great-grandmother is Mrs RuthShort. Eric has a four year old sister,Kelly and a brother, age three. TR,Sat 19 Sep 1987

Israel, Charles Lee - Mr and Mrs Harold Israel announce thebirth of a son Sunday, May 22, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been given the name of CharlesLee. TR, Wed 25 May 1955

Israel, Harold James III - Hal and Dawn Israel of Smithvilleannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ½ ounce son, Harold James Israel III, bornTuesday, April 24 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. His grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold Millerand Mr and Mrs Harold Israel of Smithville.His great-grandparents are Mrs J L Kennedy of Bronwood, Mrs L J Millerof Leslie and Mrs C B Short of Americus.TR, Thu 3 May 1984

Israel, Kayla Sharon - Mr and Mrs Mark Israel of Smithvilleannounce the birth of a daughter, Kayla Sharon, born September 15 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant, who iscalled Kayla, weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces at birth. Mrs Israel is the former Miss Sharon Barholdof Bronwood. Maternal grandparents areMrs Gwen Seymour of Dawson and Bill Barhold of Vermont. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold JIsrael of Smithville. Great-grandparentsare Mrs Ruth Short of Americus and Mr and Mrs Frederick Barhold of NY. TR, Thu 22 Sep 1988

Israel, Kelly Dawn - Mr and Mrs Hal Israel announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce daughter born January 16 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. She has beennamed Kelly Dawn. The infant’sgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold J Miller of Americus and Mr and Mrs Harold JIsrael of Smithville. Hergreat-grandmothers are Mrs J L Kennedy, Bronwood; Mrs L J Miller, Leslie andMrs C B Short, Americus. TR, Fri 21Jan 1983

Israel, Kervin William - Mr and Mrs Taylor B Israel, of 303West Glessner Street, are the parents of an 8 pound, 12 ½ ounce son, bornDecember 31 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedKervin William. TR, Wed 2 Jan 1963

Israel, Mark Wendell - Mr and Mrs Harold J Israel, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a son, Mark Wendell, November 24 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who weighed 8 pounds, 1 1/4 ounce. TR, Mon 26 Nov 1962

Israel, Not named - Lt and Mrs David T Israel, Dunfries, Vaannounce the birth of a son born Thursday, June 26. The infant has one sister, Joe Ellen. He is the grandson of Jesse F Israel ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Joe Jackson of Monroe.TR, Fri 27 Jun 1975

Israel, Not named - Mr and Mrs Alva Israel, of Smithville,announce the birth of a son, Saturday, September 27, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 2 Oct 1947

Israel, Not named - Mr and Mrs J F Israel, of Dawson,announce the birth of a son, Sunday, September 12, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 16 Sep 1948

Israel, Not named - Mr and Mrs Roy Israel, of Albany,announce the birth of a 8 ½ pound son, at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital,Wednesday May 12. Mrs Israel is theformer Miss Ruth Bazemore, of this city.TR, Fri 14 May 1948

Israel, Not named - Mr and Mrs T B Israel, of 313 WestGlessner Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 14 ounce daughter, September8, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 9 Sep 1964

Israel, Peggy Marie - Mr and Mrs Harold Israel, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce daughter, Monday, January19, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Peggy Marie.TR, Tue 20 Jan 1959

Israel, Shannon Marie - Mr and Mrs Danny Israel ofCorvallis, Oregon announce the birth of a 9 pound, 7 ounce daughter onThursday, Dec 7 in Corvallis Hospital there.They have given her the name of Shannon Marie. The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs AlvaIsrael of Bronwood and Mr and Mrs Stripling of Norman Park. Great-grandparents are Mrs Lucy Israel ofBronwood and Mr and Mrs D W Driver of Ellaville. TR, Tue 14 Dec 1971

Israel, Vivilar T Annie - Mr and Mrs J F Israel, of Dawson,announce the birth of an eight pound daughter, July 15, who has been named VivilarT Annie. Mr Israel is formerly of Sumtercounty and Mrs Israel is a former resident of Albany. TR, Fri 18 Jul 1940

Itson, Grant Lane - Mr and Mrs Joe Itson of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Grant Lane, born Wednesday, March 22 at PhoebePutney Hospital, Albany. The infantweighed 10 pounds, 4 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Tony Hathco*ck of Sylvania andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs L V Itson of Cotton, Ga. The infant has a brother, Todd, agethree. TR, Wed 29 Mar 1989

Ivey, Charles Leonard Jr - Mr and Mrs C L Ivey announcethe birth of a 7 1/4 pound son, Friday, March 26, at their home on ChurchStreet, who has been given the name of Charles Leonard Jr. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. TR, Tue 30 Mar 1937

Ivey, Ellis Michael - Todd and Kasey Ivey of Richlandannounce the birth of a son, Ellis Michael, on Feb 15 at Doctors Hospital,Columbus. The baby, who weighed 7pounds, 13 ounces is the grandson of Kay Wyrick and Judy and Bobby Ivey, all ofRichland and Mike and Lynn Wyrick of Columbus.Great-grandparents are Kitty Nolan of Edison, Louise Wyrick of Columbus,Ellarine Durham of Americus and Juanita Ivey of Richland. TR, Fri 6 Mar 1998

Ivey, Mary Elaine - Mr and Mrs Scott Ivey of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Mary Elaine, born Tuesday, November 15 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 9 pounds, 4 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mrs Jennie Greene of Americus and Mrs Mary Ruth Ivey ofSylvester. Great-grandparents are Mrs TA Greene of Americus and S A Tinker of Americus. The infant has a sister, Katie Ivey, age 15months. TR, Thu 17 Nov 1988

Ivey, Nancy Jean - Mr and Mrs Henry A Ivey, of Montezuma,announce the birth of a daughter, Nancy Jean, Thursday, August 24, at cityhospital. TR, Mon 28 Aug 1939

Ivey, Not named - Mr and Mrs C L Ivey, of Oglethorpe,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, April 17, at city hospital. TR, Thu 19 Apr 1951

Ivey, Not named - Mr and Mrs R K Ivey, of Smithville,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 2 ounce daughter, Monday, August 12 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 13 Aug 1957

Ivey, Pamela Marie - Mr and Mrs Sam Ivey, of Albany,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, who weighed 6 pounds,15 1/4 ounce, Monday, November 8, at Phoebe Putney hospital. The baby has been named Pamela Marie. Mrs Ivey was before marriage Miss Dot Davis,of Smithville. TR, Tue 9 Nov 1948

Ivey, Peggy Ann - Mr and Mrs C L Ivey announce the birthof a ten-pound daughter, who has been given the name Peggy Ann. Mrs Ivey was Miss Crystal Crawford, ofSmithville, before her marriage. TR,Wed 31 Jul 1935

Ivey, Robert Anthony - Mr and Mrs R K Ivey, of Smithville,announce the birth of a 2 pound, 5 ounce boy, Wednesday, November 9, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Robert Anthony. TR, Thu 10 Nov 1955

Ivey, Robert Ellis - Mr and Mrs Bobby Ivey, of Richland,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ½ ounce son Wednesday, August 9 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been given the name of Robert Ellis Ivey. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs DennisDurham of Americus and Mr and Mrs C R Ivey Sr of Richland. TR, Thu 10 Aug 1967

Ivey, Robert Luther - Mr and Mrs Luther Ivey, Jr announcethe birth of a son, who was born Sunday, May 11, at the city hospital. The baby has been named Robert Luther and isto be called Bobby. Both mother and babyare doing nicely. TR, Mon 12 May 1941

Ivey, Rodney Todd - Mr and Mrs Bobby Ivey, of Richland,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 3 ounce son born Sunday, January 17 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who has been named Rodney Todd is the grandson of Mr and Mrs C R Ivey Srof Richland and Mr and Mrs Dennis Durham of this city. TR, Mon 18 Jan 1971

Ivis, Natalie Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs L F Ivis of OrmondBeach, Fla announce the birth of a daughter, Natalie Elizabeth, born Sunday,July 22 at Hallifax Hospital. The infantweighed 5 pounds, 4 ounces at birth. MrsIvis is the former Miss Jean Myers of Americus.Maternal grandparents are J Frank Myers of Americus and Mrs Joyce Myersof Warner Robins. Maternalgreat-grandmother is Mrs Mary Dupree of Americus. TR, Wed 25 Jul 1990

Ivy, Katherine Lee - Mr and Mrs Scott Ivy of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Katherine Lee, who was born Friday, August 14at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 10 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mrs W S Ivy of Sylvester and the late Mr Ivy and MrsThomas Greene of Americus and the late Mr Greene. Great-grandparents are Mrs T A Greene andScott A Tucker, both of Americus. TR,Tue 18 Aug 1987

Jackson, Amie Scott - Mr and Mrs Morris Jackson of this cityannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce daughter born Thursday, November 6 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Amie Scott Jackson. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Gerald Jackson Jrand Mr and Mrs Warren Scott, all of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mrs Daisy Jackson of Plains Convalescent Home andEmmett Scott, Americus and Mrs Wyatt Houston of Blakely. TR, Mon 10 Nov 1980

Jackson, Audrea Michele - Mr and Mrs Sam Jackson announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 15 ounce daughter, Audrea Michele, born March 28 at TurnerCounty Hospital in Ashburn. She is thegranddaughter of Mrs Reatha Jackson and the late George Jackson of Americus andMr and Mrs Bob Johnson of Ashburn. TR,Tue 16 Apr 1985

Jackson, Betty Ruth - Mr and Mrs W C Jackson announce thebirth of a daughter on February 4th at their home on Lee Street, whohas been given the name of Betty Ruth. TRMon 7 Feb 1927

Jackson, Brianna Alexandria - Mr and Mrs Larry J Jackson ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Brianna Alexandria, born Tuesday,May 31 at Sumter Regional Hospital.Bria, as the infant is called, weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces at birth. Mrs Jackson is the former Evelyn Jones ofCordele. Maternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs Howard Jones of Cordele and paternal grandparents are Susie Jackson ofMacon and the late Catris Edwards of Americus.TR, Wed 8 Jun 1994

Jackson, Chandea Latoya - Gunnery Sgt and Mrs George JacksonJr announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter born Thursday, April 23at Northside Hospital in Atlanta. Thebaby has been named Chandea Latoya. Shehas a sister, Sheila, age 7. The infantis the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs George Jackson Jr of Americus and MrsCaroline Foster of the Vienna Road, Americus.The baby has a great-grandmother, Mrs Bell Foster, also of the ViennaRoad, Americus. TR, Tue 5 May 1981

Jackson, Charlie Boyd - Mr and Mrs Thomas Jackson announcethe birth of a son Wednesday, June 17, at Americus and Sumter County Hospital,who has been named Charlie Boyd. TR,Thu 18 Jun 1953

Jackson, Crystal Michelle - Mr and Mrs Larry Jackson announcethe birth of a daughter, Crystal Michelle Jackson who was born at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital Wednesday, April 4.The baby weighed 5 pounds, 1 ounce.Grandparents are Mrs Susie Jackson and Mrs Sara Hostin, both ofAmericus. TR, Sat 7 Apr 1979

Jackson, Daisy Camille - Mr and Mrs Morris Jackson announcethe birth of a 7 pound daughter Friday, August 9 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been namedDaisy Camille. Mrs Jackson is the formerKaren Scott of this city. The baby’sgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Gerald Jackson Jr and Mr and Mrs Warren Scott. She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs H GJackson Sr and Mr and Mrs Emmett Scott of Americus and Mrs Wyatt Houston ofBlakely. TR, Mon 12 Aug 1974

Jackson, Danielle Kaye - Mr and Mrs Tony Jackson announce thebirth of a daughter born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital Thursday,December 28 who weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces.The baby has been given the name of Danielle Kaye who has a brother,Nazareth Mark who is 2 ½. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Sidney Grinolds of Americus and Wayne Grinolds of Grants Path,Orgeon and Mrs Juanita Jackson and the late Jimmy Jackson, also ofAmericus. TR, Wed 24 Jan 1979

Jackson, Jennifer Peaco*ck - Mr and Mrs Robert Jackson, ofBaconton, announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, August 29 in Camilla, whohas been named Jennifer Peaco*ck. MrsJackson will be remembered as Miss Jane Williams. TR, Tue 2 Sep 1952

Jackson, Jeri Claire - Mr and Mrs H Gerald Jackson Jr, ofBainbridge, announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, Jan 13, who has beennamed Jeri Claire. Mr and Mrs Jacksonare former Americus residents and Mrs Jackson will be remembered as Miss LauriePollock, of this city and Leslie before her marriage. TR, Wed 26 Jan 1944

Jackson, Llewellyn - Mr and Mrs W R Jackson announce thebirth of a little daughter Sunday, June 20th, who has been given thename of Llewellyn. TR, Mon 21 Jun1926

Jackson, McKensie Hays - Nancy and Mike Jackson of Perryannounce the birth of a daughter, McKensie Hays, born May 11. The infant weighed 5 pounds, 7 ounces atbirth. Maternal grandmother is MrsOneida Perkins and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs James Jackson ofAmericus. Great-grandparents are MrsMarble Perkins and Mrs C A Jackson. TR,Sat 27 Jun 1992

Jackson, Michael Emory Jr - Mr and Mrs Michael E Jackson, of47 Briar Cliff Estates, are the parents of a 3 pound, 15 ½ ounce son bornFriday, Jun 4 at the Medical Center in Columbus. The baby has been named Michael EmoryJr. His mother is the former CharleenWright of Butler. Grandparents of theinfant are Mrs Frank L Jackson and the late Mr Jackson of LaGrange and Mr andMrs Charles J Wright of Butler. TR,Fri 18 Jun 1976

Jackson, Nazarth Mark - Mr and Mrs Tony C Jackson announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce son born Wednesday, May 19 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The infant hasbeen named Nazarth Mark. The baby’sgrandparents are Mrs Juanita Jackson, Americus and the late Jimmie Jackson ofAmericus and Wayne Grenolds of Grantspotts, Oregon. TR, Thu 20 May 1976

Jackson, Not named - Mr and Mrs A J Jackson announce thebirth of a son, Wednesday, September 24, at city hospital. TR, Fri 26 Sep1947

Jackson, Not named - Mr and Mrs D A Jackson, of Smithville,are the parents of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter, born November 21 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 21 Nov 1963

Jackson, Not named - Mr and Mrs D A Jackson, of 120 S HamptonStreet, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce son, Thursday, June 26, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Fri 26 Jun 1959

Jackson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Gerald Jackson announce the birthof a son, Friday, September 10, at city hospital, who weighed 7 pounds. They have been removed to their home on theLeslie road. TR, Thu 16 Sep 1948

Jackson, Not named - Mr and Mrs J A Jackson, of Leslie,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce son, February 1, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 2 Feb1959

Jackson, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Clyde Jackson, ofCordele, announce the birth of a son, Friday, March 3, at City Hospital. TR, Tue 7 Mar 1940

Jackson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jesse Jackson, of Smithville,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, January 25, at City Hospital. TR,Thu 26 Jan 1950

Jackson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Johnny Jackson announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce son Tuesday, December 6, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 8 Dec1955

Jackson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert Jackson, of Baconton,announce the birth of a daughter on Aug 8.Mrs Jackson will be remembered here as Miss Jane Williams before hermarriage. TR, Wed 14 Aug 1935

Jackson, Not named - Mr and Mrs T J Jackson, of Smithville,announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, October 14, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 15Oct 1956

Jackson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Thomas Jackson, of Smithville,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 3 ounce son at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, October 12. TR, Fri 13 Oct1961

Jackson, Not named - Mr and Mrs W R Jackson announce thebirth of a son June 14 at their home on 303 South Jackson Street. TR, Mon 17 Jun 1929

Jackson, Not named - Mr and Mrs W S Jackson, of 105 ValleyDrive, announce the birth of a 6 pound son, Tuesday, August 14 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Wed15 Aug 1956

Jackson, Not named - Mr and Mrs W S Jackson, of 105 ValleyDrive, are the parents of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son, born August 11, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 12 Aug 1964

Jackson, Peggy Ann - Mr and Mrs Alden James Jackson announcethe birth of a daughter, Peggy Ann, Monday, January 2, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby weighed8 pounds, 4 ounces. TR, Tue 3 Jan1956

Jackson, Richard Donald Jr - Mr and Mrs Richard D Jacksonannounce the birth of a son, Richard Donald Jr, born February 1 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 7 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Kenny Dawkins of Oglethorpe and Mrs Maude Jackson and the lateMr Roy R Jackson. Great-grandmother isMrs Allie P Benford of Oglethorpe. TR,Wed 5 Feb 1992

Jackson, Sheila Ruth - Mr and Mrs Roy R Jackson, of Columbus,announce the birth of a daughter Friday, February 20, who has been named SheilaRuth. Mrs Jackson was before marriageMiss Willie Mae Hall, of Americus. TR,Wed 25 Feb 1953

Jackson, Stephanie Lynn - Mr and Mrs Roy R Jackson Jrannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 3/4 ounce daughter born Tuesday, December 21at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Stephanie Lynn.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J D Clements and Mr and Mrs RoyJackson Sr, all of Americus. TR Wed22 Dec 1971

Jackson, Thomas Milton Jr - Mr and Mrs Thomas M Jackson, of138 Columbia Avenue, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 7 ½ ounce ounce sonSunday, May 8, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named Thomas MiltonJr. TR, Mon 9 May 1966

Jackson, Tristan Brooks - Dr and Mrs Duke Jackson announcethe birth of a son born Saturday, July 20 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The infant has been given thename of Tristan Brooks Jackson. TR,Mon 22 Jul 1974

Jackson, Twin Sons - Mr and Mrs Marion Jackson, of Leslie,announce the birth of twin sons, Saturday, March 13, at City Hospital. One baby weighed five pounds and the othersix at birth. TR, Wed 17 Mar 1937

Jackson, Vickie Diane - Mr and Mrs Roy R Jackson, of 310South Jackson Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter,Saturday, January 2, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has beengiven the name of Vickie Diane. TR,Mon 4 Jan 1960

Jackson, William Norris - Mr and Mrs Thomas M Jackson, of 138Columbia Avenue, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ½ ounce son Friday, July 7,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby, who has been named William Norris, is the grandson of Mr andMrs A W Preston of Buena Vista. TR,Sat 8 Jul 1967

Jacob, Not named - Dr and Mrs Joe S Jacob Jr, announce thebirth of a son, Thursday, August 22, at City Hospital. TR, Tue 27 Aug 1946

Jacobs, Eleanor Robitzsea - Mr and Mrs Harry Jacobs, whor*side on Church Street in the home of Mrs Joe Poole, announce the birth of a 7pound, 2 ounce baby girl at the City Hospital last night, October 11, who hasbeen named Eleanor Robitzsea. TR, Wed12 Oct 1932

Jacobs, Elmer Pruitt III - Mr and Mrs E P Jacobs Jr announcethe birth of a son Thursday, July 15, at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been named ElmerPruitt III. TR, Fri 16 Jul 1954

Jacobs, Emma Geneva - Mr and Mrs F P Jacobs III of LakeBlackshear announce the birth of a little daughter, Emma Geneva, born October25 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.She weighed 8 pounds, 5 ½ ounces.Grandparents are Mrs Gladys Bunton of Americus and Herman Bunton,Leesburg, Fla, also Mrs Geraldine Jacobs of Lake Blackshear and the late F PJacobs Jr. The great-grandmother, MrsJohnny L Crews of Lake Blackshear. TR,Mon 2 Nov 1981

Jacobs, James Walter IV - Drs Ann and Walter Jacobs announcethe birth of a son James Walter Jacobs IV who was born at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on Friday, May 16.The baby, who weighed 5 pounds, 10 ounces is the grandson of Mrs JamesWalter Jacobs Jr of West Point on his paternal side and Henry Liebert ofLouisville, Ky on the maternal side. TR,Fri 23 May 1975

Jacobs, Jeffrey Scott - Mr and Mrs Harold Jacobs, of KeyWest, Florida announce the birth of a son, Jeffrey Scott, who was born Sunday,March 12. The baby’s grandparents are Mrand Mrs David Jacobs of Vienna and Mrs Betty C Moyd and W R Moyd Sr of thiscity. TR, Mon 13 Mar 1972

Jacobs, John Gabriel - Mr and Mrs Ervin Jacobs of Plainsannounce the birth of a son, John Gabriel, who was born October 27 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Theinfant weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mrs Mildred Gilbert, Plains; Billy Gilbert of Leesburg;and Mrs Willie Mae Jacobs, Patterson and the late Alonzo Jacobs,Patterson. Great-grandparents are Mr andMrs James M Henderson of Tifton and Mr and Mrs Joe Gilbert of Sylvester. TR, Wed 4 Nov 1981

Jacobs, Kelly Elizabeth - Elmer P and Brenda Jacobs of Cobbannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter, Kelly Elizabeth, bornWednesday, February 19 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Grandparents are Gladys Bunton, GeraldineWillis and the late Elmer P Jacobs Jr, all of Lake Blackshear and Herman Buntonof Leesburg, Fla. Her great-grandfatheris Johnny Crews of Lake Blackshear. Shehas a sister, Geneva 4. TR, Tue 25Feb 1986

Jacobs, Kerri Melissa - Mr and Ervin Jacobs of Plainsannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce daughter, Kerri Melissa, born Tuesday,July 2 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Sheis the granddaughter of Mrs Mildred Luvin of Americus, Billy Gilbert ofLeesburg and Mrs Willi Mae Jacobs of Patterson.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs J M Henderson of Tifton, Mr and MrsJoe Gilbert of Sylvester and Mrs Owen Jacobs of Patterson. She has a brother, Gabriel, 3. TR, Tue 9 Jul 1985

Jacobs, Lewis Juda - Mr and Mrs L J Jacobs, of Nashville,announce the birth of a son on February 16, who has been given the name ofLewis Juda Jacobs. Mrs Jacobs was beforeher marriage Miss Florrie Jackson. TR,Mon 27 Feb 1933

Jacobs, Not named - Mr and Mrs E P Jacobs Jr, of the Maconroad, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ounce son, Wednesday, October 22 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Thu 23 Oct 1958

Jacobs, Not named - Mr and Mrs Tom Jacobs announce the birthof a 7 pound son, Sunday, January 16 at city hospital. Mrs Jacobs was the former Miss IreneFulford. TR, Tue 18 Jan 1949

Jafolis, Not named - Mr and Mrs Tom Jafolis announce thebirth of a 5 pound, 5 ounce daughter, Thursday, April 19, at cityhospital. TR, Thu 19 Apr 1951

Jafolis, Penelope - Mr and Mrs S P Jafolis announce the birthof a 10-pound, 4-ounce daughter at Americus and Sumter County Hospital Monday,May 4. The baby has been given the namePenelope. TR, Tue 5 May 1953

Jafolis, Thomas Shannon - Is the name given a son born April26 to Mr and Mrs Tommy Jafolis. He wasborn at the Medical Center in Columbus.Grandparents of the baby are Mrs Irene Jafolis of Americus and Mr andMrs Jack Campbell of Macon. The babyweighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces. TR, Wed9 May 1973

Jafolis, Twin Daughters - Twin daughters were born to Mr andMrs Tom Jafolis at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital Friday, July 9. They have been named Carolyn andMarilyn. TR, Wed 14 Jul 1954

Jambon, Carol Julee - Mr and Mrs Harold Jambon, of Columbus,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, December 27, at the ColumbusHospital, who has been named Carol Julee.Mrs Jambon is the former Miss Stella Boatright, of Americus. TR, Thu 5 Jan 1950

Jambon, Vicky Diane - Sgt and Mrs R Harold Jambon, ofTyndall Field, Panama City, Fla, announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday,November 14, at city hospital, who has been named Vicky Diane. Mrs Jambon is the former Miss StellaBoatwright, of Americus. TR, Fri 17Nov 1944

James, Amoret Cameron - Mr and Mrs John James announce thebirth of a daughter, Saturday, September 11 at city hospital, who has beennamed Amoret Cameron for her paternal grandmother, Mrs R C James. The baby’s mother is the former Miss DorothyDavenport. TR, Tue 14 Sep 1943

James, Charles Adair - Pfc and Mrs C H James announce thebirth of a son, Sunday, June 3, at Prather Clinic, who has been named CharlesAdair. Mrs James was the former MissJewell Adair, daughter of Rev and Mrs W J Adair, of Sunter County. Mr James is with the 3rd MarineDivision “Somewhere in the Pacific.” TR,Tue 5 Jun 1945

James, Donald Freeman Jr - Mr and Mrs Donald F James, of115 South Lee Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son, Saturday,January 17, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedDonald Freeman Jr. TR, Mon 19 Jan1959

James, James Leon Jr - Mr and Mrs J L James announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce son Sunday, July 11 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been named James Leon Jr.TR, Wed 14 Jul 1954

James, Jonathan David - Mr and Mrs M W James, of 401Columbia Avenue, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son, Wednesday,March 30, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedJonathan David. TR, Fri 1 Apr 1960

James, Kay Diane - Mr and Mrs Coy C James Jr announce thebirth of a daughter Sunday, June 6 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospitalwho weighed 9 pounds, 5 ½ ounces. Thebaby, who has been named Kay Diane is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Coy CJames Sr of Americus and Mr and Mrs Gilford Pace of Leslie. Her great-grandparents are Mrs J A Kennedy ofBainbridge, J C Pace of Leslie and Mrs F T Poupard of Smithville. TR, Tue 8 Jun 1971

James, Kimberly Leigh - Mr and Mrs Coy C James Jr are theparents of an 8 pound, 4 ounce daughter born Sunday, December 7 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of Kimberly Leigh.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Coy C James of Americus and Mrand Mrs R G Pace of Leslie. Hergreat-grandparents are Mrs J A Kennedy of Bainbridge, Mrs F T Poupard ofSmithville and J C Pace of Leslie. TR,Sat 13 Dec 1969

James, Linda Cheryl - Mr and Mrs Woodrow James, of Albany,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, April 20, whoweighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces. The babyhas been named Linda Cheryl. Mrs Jamesis the former Miss Linda Jordan. TR,Friday 21 Apr 1944

James, Lori Allison - Mr and Mrs W B James Jr, of LaGrange,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ounce daughter on Thursday, March 18th,whom they have named Lori Allison. MrsJames is the former Marie Johnson of Ellaville.TR, Tue 30 Mar 1965

James, Mack Carlton Jr - Mack and Linda James of Montezumaannounce the birth of a son, Mack Carlton Jr, born August 13 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,10 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs O D Wells of Dublin. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Willie CJordan and Mr and Mrs Lenmore James of Montezuma. The baby has a sister, Brittany, agefive. TR, Tu 27 Aug 1991

James, Marian Loraine - Mr and Mrs Marion James, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a daughter Sunday, January 20, at PratherClinic, who has been named Marian Loraine.Mrs James was before her marriage Miss Marian Wall, of this city. TR, Tue 22 Jan 1952

James, Mark Wesley - Cpl and Mrs J B James, of Port Royal,SC, announce the birth of a son, born January 5, who has been named MarkWesley. His grandmother is Mrs MacyJones. TR, Mon 9 Jan 1967

James, Meagan Laura - Mr and Mrs Plez James of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a daughter, Meagan Laura, born Thursday, July 20 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Tommy James of Buena Vista andmaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Hugh Flynt of Ellaville. The infant has a sister, Kassi Underwood, agefour. TR, Sat 22 Jul 1989

James, Melanie Ann - Mr and Mrs Charles James, of 208 EastFurlow Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ½ ounce daughter, Monday,September 11 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedMelanie Ann. TR, Wed 13 Sep 1961

James, Not named - Mr and Mrs C H James announce the birthof a son, Sunday, June 3, at Prather Clinic.TR, Frid 8 Jun 1945

James, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles James, of Louisville,Ky announce the birth of a daughter Wednesday, June 27. The baby weighed 8 pounds, 8 ounces. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs HarrisJames of Americus and Mr and Mrs Gene O’Hara of Jacksonville, Fla. TR, Sat 30 Jun 1973

James, Not named - Mr and Mrs Harris James announce thebirth of a daughter, Friday, January 3, at Prather Clinic. Mrs James was before marriage Miss JewelAdair. TR, Tue 7 Jan 1947

James, Not named - Mr and Mrs O W James announce the birthof a daughter, Tuesday, September 6, at city hospital. Mrs James is the former Miss EugeniaLane. TR, Tue 6 Sep 1949

James, Not named - Mr and Mrs O W James announce the birthof a daughter, Wednesday, December 24 at city hospital. Mrs James is the former Miss EugeniaLane. TR, Sat 27 Dec 1947

James, Not named - Mr and Mrs Quention F James, of Atlanta,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son Wednesday, February 20, atCrawford W Long hospital in Atlanta, who weighed 8 pounds, 13 ounces. TR, Wed 20 Feb 1952

James, Not named - Mr and Mrs Quenton F James, of Albany,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son Friday, October 21, at thePhoebe Putney Hospital, who weighs 9 pounds, 3 ounces. Mrs James is the former Miss Betty Bass, ofthis city. TR, Fri 21 Oct 1955

James, Not named - Mr and Mrs R H James, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce daughter, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, Tuesday, March 19. TR,Wed 20 Mar 1957

James, Rachel Brooks - Mr and Mrs A Frank James Jr, ofColumbus, Miss announce the birth of a daughter born January 12. The baby girl weighed 9 pounds, 2 ounces andwas given the name of Rachel Brooks. Thegrandparents are Mr and Mrs Quention James of Orlando, Fla andgreat-grandparents are Mr and Mrs B F James of Clearwater, Fla, formerlyresided in Americus. TR, Tue 18 Jan1977

James, Robin David - S Sgt and Mrs David James, of Selma,Ala, formerly of Ellaville announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce son, RobinDavid, who was born October 10 at the New Vaughn Memorial Hospital inSelma. Mrs James is the former MelbaJones of Ellaville. The baby’s grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Marion Jones and Mr and Mrs Ralph H H James, all ofEllaville. TR, Thur 28 Oct 1971

James, Sara Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Quention James announcethe birth of a daughter, Sunday, December 4, at City Hospital, who weighed 8pounds, 14 ounces. The baby has beennamed Sara Elizabeth. Mrs James wasbefore her marriage Miss Betty Bass. TR,Mon 5 Dec 1949

James, Steven Monroe - Mr and Mrs M M James announce thebirth of a seven-pound, six-ounce son at the Americus and Sumter County HospitalFriday, February 5. The baby has beennamed Steven Monroe. Mrs James is theformer Miss Marion Wall. TR, Tue 9Feb 1954

James, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs W B James Jr, ofLaGrange, announce the birth of twin daughters Sunday, Apr 30. They have been named Karen Virginia andKimberly Lynn. Mrs James was formerlyMarie Johnson of Ellaville. The baby’sgrandparents are Mr and Mrs J E Johnson of Ellaville and Mrs W B James Sr andthe late Mr James of Ideal. TR, Thu 4May 1972

Jameson, Boyette Lee - Mr and Mrs J F Jameson, of Ellaville,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce son, born July 12 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital and has been named Boyette Lee. TR, Thu 13 Jul 1961

Jamieson, Holly Kathryn - Major and Mrs Douglas Jamieson ofMillbrook, Ala, former of Ellaville announce the birth of a daughter, HollyKathryn, born March 19 in Millbrook. Theinfant weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Nelson DeVane of Ellaville. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs JamesJamieson of Ellaville. Great-grandmotheris Helen Barwick of Ellaville. Kathrynhas a brother, Ian, 3. TR, Fri 5 Apr1996

Janke, Steven Ray Edward - Michelle and Kenneth Jankeannounce the birth of a son, Steven Ray Edward, Nov 2 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 9 pounds, 9ounces. Grandparents are Anna Johnson ofPensacola, FL, Harvey Greg Mathews of Wildwood, FL, Leonard Kagey of PinellasPark, FL and Steve and Lonetta Janke of Clearwater, FL. Great-grandparents are Jack and Lois Ryder ofHamburg, Iowa, Mary Bello of Pinellas Park, FL and Phyllis Scheidt of StPerersburg, FL. TR, Thu 11 Nov 1999

Janney, Rebecca Leah - Mr and Mrs Roger Janney, of 124 WestChurch Street, announce the birth of a daughter, September 4 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Rebecca Leah. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 6 ounces. TR, Tue 7 Sep 1965

Jarrel, Talmadge DeWitt II - Mr and Mrs W W Jarrel, ofButler, announce the birth oa a son at City hospital on November 25th,who has been named Talmadge DeWitt II. TCN,Thu 30 Nov 1944

Jarrell, Eric Bruce - Mr and Mrs Jerry Jarrell announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 7 ounce son Saturday, May 17 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital who has been given the name of Eric Bruce. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs E VJarrell of Americus and Mr and Mrs C R Parris of Ellaville. TR, Tue 20 May 1969

Jarrell, James Hoyt - Mr and Mrs Frank Jarrell, of Atlanta,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce son Tuesday, March 15, at the BaptistHospital in Atlanta. The baby has beennamed James Hoyt for a paternal uncle.Mrs Jarrett is the former Miss Marion Ellis, of this city and the babyis the grandson of Mr and Mrs George Ellis and the great-grandson of Mrs G REllis Sr, of Americus. TR, Wed 16 Mar1955

Jarrell, Jerry Jerome - Mr and Mrs E V Jarrell announce thebirth, Sunday afternoon, July 28, of a baby boy weighing 9 pounds and threeounces, at Prather Clinic. The baby hasbeen named Jerry Jerome. TR, Tue 30Jul 1946.

Jarrell, Marshall Bryan - Mr and Mrs Frank Jarrell, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce son, Wednesday, November 19,at the Piedmont hospital, who has been named Marshall Bryan. Mrs Jarrell is the former Miss Marion Ellisof this city and the baby is the grandson, of Mr and Mrs George Ellis, ofAmericus. TR, Thu 20 Nov 1958

Jarrell, Not named - Mr and Mrs E V Jarrell of Americusannounce the birth of a baby girl born February 22 at Prather Clinic. TCN, Thu 1 Mar 1951

Jarrell, Not named - Mr and Mrs E V Jarrell announce thebirth of a daughter at the Prather Clinic Friday July 31. TR, Thu 22 Jul 1944

Jarrell, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Ray Jarrell, of Albany,are the parents of a 7 pound son, born April 15, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Tue 16 Apr 1963

Jarrell, Not named - Mr and Mrs W W Jarrell, of Archer, Fla,announce the birth of a son, January 9, at the city hospital. Mrs Jarrell was formerly Miss Frances Brooksof near Americus. TR, Wed 15 Jan 1941

Jarrell, Robert Lewis - Mr and Mrs Frank Jarrell, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a son, Monday, February 11, at Piedmont Hospital inAtlanta. The baby has been named RobertLewis. Mrs Jarrell is the former MissMarian Ellis of Americus and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs GeorgeEllis, of this city. TR, Wed 13 Feb1963

Jarrett, Julie Ann - Mr and Mrs C L Jarrett announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 2 ounce daughter born Monday, July 8 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Julie Ann. Her grandparentsare Mrs Nell Jarrett and Mr and Mrs Jack Dunn of Columbus. TR, Thu 18 Jul 1974

Jarrett, Karl Samuel - Mr and Mrs Carl L Jarrett announce thebirth of a 5 pound, 1 1/4 ounce son born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Tuesday, August 12. Thebaby, who has been given the name of Karl Samuel has an older sister, Julie. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Melvin Dunnof Seale, Ala and Mrs Nell Jarrett and the late Mr Jarrett of Americus. TR, Wed 27 Aug 1975

Jarrett, Not named - Mr and Mrs C L Jarrett, of Smithville,announce the birth of a son, Thursday, March 14, at city hospital. TR, Thu 14 Mar 1946

Jarrett, Robbie Kristina - Mr and Mrs C L Jarrett Jr announcethe birth of a 5 pound, 4 ounce daughter at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Thursday, December 1. Theinfant has been given the name of Robbie Kristina. Grandparents are Mrs Nell Jarrett and thelate C L Jarrett Sr and Mr and Mrs Melvin J Dunn of Seale, Ala. Mrs Jimmie McClinton is the baby’sGodmother. TR, Fri 2 Dec 1977

Jarvis, Darryl Lane - Mr and Mrs Darryl Jarvis of Concord,NC announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce son born Tuesday, February23. The infant has been given the nameof Darryl Lane Jarvis. His mother is theformer Jean Royal of Americus. Grandparentsare Mrs R T Quinnelly and the late R J Royal of this city and Mr and Mrs J BJarvis of Concord, NC. TR, Wed 10 Mr1982

Jay, Harvey Jr - Mr and Mrs Harvey Jay, of Fitzgerald,announce the birth of a son on October 13, who has been named Harvey JayJr. Mrs Jay was formerly Miss LydiaConey, of Cordele and is well known here having visited Mrs George Oliver on anumber of occasions. TR, Sat 15 Oct1932

Jeffers, Melissa - Mr and Mrs Chris Jeffers, Americus,announce the birth of a daughter born June 24 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. She has been given the nameMelissa. The infant is the granddaughterof Dr and Mrs Hubert Greene, Americus and Mr and Mrs Reavis Jeffers,Camilla. Great-grandmother is Mrs EthelGreene of Americus. She has one sister,Crystal. TR, Mon 16 Jul 1984

Jenkins, Homer Delph - Mr and Mrs Homer Jenkins, of Preston,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 4 ounce son, Saturday, May 20, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Homer Delph. TR, Tue 22 May 1956

Jenkins, Hubert W Jr - Mr and Mrs H W Jenkins announce thebirth of a son who has been given the name of Hubert W Jenkins Jr. TR, Mon 25 Apr 1921

Jenkins, James Donald Jr - Mr and Mrs Don Jenkins, of Athens,announce the birth of a 7 pound son, Wednesday, April 6, at the Athens Generalhospital, who has been named James Donald Jr.Mrs Jenkins is the former Miss Bebe Taylor, of Americus. The baby is the grandson, of Mrs Olin Rushin,of this city. TR, Thu 7 Apr 1960

Jenkins, Not named - Mr and Mrs Clifford W Jenkins, of Route1 Americus, are the parents of a 9 pound, 5 ounce daughter, born at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital on April 16. TR, Fri 16 Apr 1965

Jenkins, Soyna Elaine - Mrs David S Jenkins, of Preston,announces the birth of a 9 pound, 8 ounce daughter at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named Soyna Elaine. TR, Mon 2 Oct 1961

Jennings, Ann - Mr and Mrs Theron Jennings announce the birthof a daughter March 23, at the Prather Clinic.The little girl has been given the name Ann. TR, Thu 29 Mar 1928

Jennings, Annie Laura - Mr and Mrs P D Jennings of nearAmericus, announce the birth March 14 of a daughter Annie Laura. TR, Wed 17 Mar 1920

Jennings, Beth Ann - Mr and Mrs Thomas A Jennings Jr, ofSmithville, announce the arrival of a daughter, Beth Ann, who was born Friday,August 18 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Thomas A JenningsSr of Smithville and Mr and Mrs T J Bartlett of Richland. TR, Fri 25 Aug 1972

Jennings, Beth - Mr and Mrs John Jennings, of Gainesville,Fla, announce the birth of a daughter, born Thursday, July 10, who has beengiven the name Beth. Mr Jennings is aformer Americus resident. The baby isthe granddaughter of the late Mr and Mrs David Jennings of this city and thelate Mr and Mrs Lewis Southwick, of Louisville, Ky. TR, Sat 12 Jul 1969

Jennings, Burr Wise - Mr and Mrs P D Jennings, of the Shilohcommunity, announce the birth of a son, Monday, February 11, at their home, whohas been named Burr Wise. TR, Tue 12Feb 1935

Jennings, Courtney Leigh - Mr and Mrs Bill Jennings ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Courtney Leigh Jennings who was bornFriday, October 14 and weighed 7 pounds, ½ ounce. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Burr WiseJennings of Americus; Mrs Laura Davis, Americus and Wayne Toms of Conyers. Great-grandparents include Mrs Floyd Price,Mrs P D Jennings and Mrs Marvin Kitchens, all of Americus. TR, Fri 21 Oct 1983

Jennings, David Anderson - Mr and Mrs Jack Jennings, announcethe birth of a son, June 23, at city hospital, who has been named DavidAnderson. TR, Wed 5 Jul 1944

Jennings, David Thomas III - Mr and Mrs David T Jennings Jr,of Denver, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son, Saturday,December 10 at St Luke’s Hospital in Denver, who has been named David ThomasJennings III. The baby will be called“Timmy”. Mrs Jennings is the former MissFrances Yingling. TR, Mon 12 Dec 1949

Jennings, David Uriah - Mr and Mrs W F Jennings, of Valdosta,Ga, announce the birth of a son, David Uriah, born Jan 16, 1969. Mrs Jennings was the former Miss JenelleWalker. Maternal grandparents are MrsUriah Walker of Warner Robins and the late Uriah (Mann) Walker. Paternal grandparents are Mrs Tim Jennings ofValdosta and the late Tim Jennings.David has two brothers, Billy 13 and Tim 14 months. TR, Sat 26 Jan 1969

Jennings, Donald William - Mr and Mrs Donald Jennings, ofParis, France, announce the birth of a son, August 7, who has been given thename of Donald William. The baby is thegrandson of Mrs David Jennings, of this city.TR, Sat 8 Aug 1964

Jennings, Frances Virginia - Mr and Mrs David Jennings, Jr, ofJacksonville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter, August18. The baby is the granddaughter of Mrand Mrs David Jennings Sr, of Americus.She has been named Frances Virginia.TR, Mon 21 Aug 1961

Jennings, Gail - Mr and Mrs M M Jennings Jr, of Plains,announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, December 7, at city hospital, whohas been named Gail. Mrs Jennings wasbefore marriage Miss Nellie Phillips. TR,Thu 7 Dec 1944

Jennings, Gena Sue - Mr and Mrs Gene Jennings, 1025 AliceStreet, announce the birth of a six pound, 11 ounce girl on November 5, at thelocal hospital, who has been named Gena Sue.Mrs Jennings is the former Babs Stevenson. TR, Mon 5 Nov 1956

Jennings, Jacqueline - Mr and Mrs Jack Jennings announce thebirth of a daughter, Friday, September 4, at city hospital, who has been namedJacqueline. TR, Tue 8 Sep 1942

Jennings, James Steven - Mr and Mrs James Jennings, of 607 OakAvenue, announce the birth of a son, Sunday, April 6 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named James Steven. TR, Mon 7 April 1958

Jennings, Jarrett David - Mr and Mrs David A Jennings, ofPlains, announce the birth of a son, Jarrett David Jennings born Thursday, July5 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has one sister, Mitzi.Grandparents of the infant are Mr and Mrs Jack W Jennings of Plains andMr and Mrs T R Rodgers of Moultrie. Thebaby’s great-grandmothers are Mrs P D Jennnings of Smithville, Mrs G D Andersonof Plains, Mrs L C Rodgers and Mrs J S Herndon of Moultrie. TR, Mon 9 Jul 1973

Jennings, Jefferson Horne - Mr and Mrs Theron Jennings, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a son, who was born July 2. He has been named Jefferson Horne. TR, Wed 5 Jul 1961

Jennings, John Thomas - Trent and Audra Jennings of Smithvilleannounce the birth of a son, John Thomas, Nov 27. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces. He is the grandson of John and Jelane Battleof Guyton and Tommy and Elaine Jennings of Smithville. Great-grandparents are Ruth Battle ofEllaville and Clarice Bartlette of Richland.TR, Thu 10 Dec 1998

Jennings, Mark Tyler - Mr and Mrs Gene Jennings, of Dothan,Ala, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 3 ounce son, Saturday, August 16, who hasbeen named Mark Tyler. Mrs Jennings isthe former Miss Babs Stevenson, of this city.TR, Tue 19 Aug 1958

Jennings, Michael Patrick - Mr and Mrs Phillip L Jennings, ofRoute 2, Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son, bornThursday, April 16, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has beennamed Michael Patrick. TR, Fri 17 Apr1959

Jennings, Mitzi Gaynelle -Mr and Mrs David A Jennings, ofPlains, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 4 ounce daughter who was bornThursday, February 25. The baby has beennamed Mitzi Gaynelle. The grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Roscoe Rodgers of Moultrie and Mr and Mrs Jack Jennings ofPlains. She is the great-granddaughterof Mrs P D Jennings, Smithville, Mrs G D Anderson, Plains and Mrs J S Herndon,both of Moultrie. TR, Tue 2 Mar 1971

Jennings, Mr and Mrs B W Jennings announce the birth of a 7pound son, Saturday, January 19, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Mon 20 Jan 1958

Jennings, Not named - Mr and Mrs B W Jennings, of 203Ridgeway, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 11 ounce daughter, June 1, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thur 2 Jun 1960

Jennings, Not named - Mr and Mrs David Jennings Jr, of StPetersburg, Fla, formerly of Americus announce the birth of a daughter Friday,April 17. Mrs Jennings is the formerMiss Frances Yingling, of this city. Thebaby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs David Jennings Sr of Americus. TR, Fri 17 Apr 1953

Jennings, Not named - Mr and Mrs David Jennings Jr, ofAugusta, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, who was bornSunday morning, January 20, at University hospital. The baby weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces. Mrs Jennings is the former Miss FrancesYingling. TR, Mon 21 Jan 1952

Jennings, Not named - Mr and Mrs David T Jennings announce thebirth of a son, Monday, October the 18th, at the PlainsHospital. TR, Wed 20 Oct 1926

Jennings, Not named - Mr and Mrs F G Jennings, of Parrott,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, June 26, at Prather Clinic. TR, Fri 29 Jun 1945

Jennings, Not named - Mr and Mrs F T Jennings are receivingcongratulations upon the birth of a 7 ½ pound baby boy which arrived thismorning. Both mother and baby are doingwell, it is reported. TR, Sat 14 Oct1922

Jennings, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jack Jennings, of Plains,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter, Wednesday, August 31 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 1 Sep 1955

Jennings, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jennings, of Gainesville,Florida, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce son on Friday, January27. The baby is the grandson of Mr andMrs David T Jennings, of this city. TR,Wed 1 Feb 1961

Jennings, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Jennings, of Louisville,Ky, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce son, Wednesday, November 23. Mr Jennings is a former Americus resident andthe baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs David Jennings, of this city. TR, Wed 23 Nov 1955

Jennings, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Jennings, of Louisville,Ky, announce the birth of an 8 pound daughter Friday, August 28. Mr Jennings is a former Americus resident andthe baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs David Jennings, of this city. TR, Sat 29 Aug 1953

Jennings, Not named - Mr and Mrs Mill Jennings, of Plains,announce the birth of a daughter born this morning, October 11, at cityhospital. Mrs Jennings was beforemarriage Miss Nettie Phillips. TR,Mon 11 Oct 1937

Jennings, Not named - Mr and Mrs Thomas Jennings are theparents of a daughter born Sunday, August 4, at the City Hospital. TR, Thu 8 Aug 1946

Jennings, Not named - Mr and Mrs Thomas Jennings, of Route 1,Smithville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ½ ounce daughter, Sunday, April17, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 18 Apr 1960

Jennings, Not named - Sgt and Mrs Thomas A Jennings announcethe birth of a son, Saturday, August 26, at city hospital. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs P DJennings and Mrs J P McLeod, of this city.Sgt Jennings is serving with the armed forces somewhere in France. TR, Wed 30 Aug 1944

Jennings, Phillip David IV - Sp4 and Mrs Phillip D Jennings ofKilleen, Texas announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce son, Phillip David IV,born Thursday, Nov 14. Grandparents areMrs Emmett Arnold and the late Phillip Jennings of Americus and Mr and Mrs HanHyong Sun of Seoul, Korea. Mrs P DJennings of Smithville is the great-grandmother. TR, Wed 11 Dec 1985

Jennings, Phillip David - Mr and Mrs Phillip L Jenningsannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce son, Monday, March 4, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Phillip David. TR, Tue 5 Mar 1957

Jennings, Phyllis - Mr and Mrs Mill Jennings announce thebirth of a daughter, Tuesday, March 26 at their home in Plains, who has beennamed Phyllis. Mrs Jennings was formerlyMiss Etta Phillips. TR, Fri 29 Mar1940

Jennings, Sheron Elizabeth - Lt and Mrs Theron Jennings Jr, ofCamp LeJeune, NC announce the birth of a daughter Monday, December 16, who hasbeen named Sheron Elizabeth. MrsJennings is the former Miss Sherry Horne, of this city and the baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Sherrod Horne and Mr and Mrs Theron Jennings Sr, ofAmericus. TR, Tue 17 Dec 1957

Jennings, Theron Dow Jr - Mr and Mrs Theron Jennings announcethe birth of a nine-pound son, Sunday, August 25 at their home on Hanco*ckavenue, who has been name Theron Dow Jr.Both mother and baby are doing nicely.TR, Mon 27 Aug 1934

Jennings, Thomas Alfred Jr - Sergeant and Mrs Thomas Jenningsannounce the birth of a baby boy at City hospital on August 26th. He has been named Thomas AlfredJr. TCN, Thu, 24 Aug 1944

Jennings, Trent Jeffrey - Mr and Mrs Thomas A Jennings Jr, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce son born Thursday, April15. The baby has been named TrentJeffrey. He is the grandson of Mr andMrs Thomas A Jennings Sr of Smithville and Mr and Mrs J T Bartlett ofRichland. Mrs P D Jennings of Smithvilleis the baby’s great-grandmother. TR,Wed 21 Apr 1971

Jennings, William Conner - Mr and Mrs Burr Wise Jennings, of203 Ridgeway drive, are the parents of a 7 pound, 7 ounce son, born September14, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named William Conner.TR, Mon 16 Sep 1963

Jennings, William Franklin Jr - Mr and Mrs W F Jennings, ofRhine, announce the birth of a 7 ½ pound son Monday, July 11, who has beennamed William Franklin Jr. Mrs Jenningsis the former Miss Janelle Walker, of Rhine.The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Tim Jennings, of this city and Mrand Mrs Mann Walker, of Rhine. TR,Tue 12 Jul 1955

Jennings, Zachary Conner - Mr and Mrs Bill Jennings ofAmericus announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce son, Zachary Conner, bornSaturday, February 8 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Burr WiseJennings and Mrs Ann Davis, all of Americus and Wayne Toms of Conyers. Great-grandmothers are Mrs Floyd Price andMrs Marvin Kitchens, both of Americus and Mrs P D Jennings of Smithville. He has a sister, Courtney 2. TR, Tue 24 Feb 1986

Jerkins, Michael Brett - Mr and Mrs Heywood Brett Jerkins ofAmericus announce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce son, Michael Brett, bornMonday, June 17 at Sumter Regional Hospital.Michael is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Richard G Jones and Mr and MrsWilliam H Jerkins, all of Americus. TR,Wed 10 Jul 1985

Jernigan, Not named - Mr and Mrs Allen Jernigan, of 208Ridgeway Drive, are the parents of a 7 pound, 2 ounce son, born October 5 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Tue 5 Oct 1965

Jerrard, Dorothy - Mr and Mrs Harry H Jerrard announce thebirth of a daughter March 5th, at their home in North Carolina, whohas been named Dorothy. Mr Jerrard iswell known here, having visited relatives.TR, Fri 16 Mar 1923

Jerriel, Not named - Mr and Mrs H H Jerriel announce thebirth of a son, November 17th, at their home on East Furlow Street. TR, Sun 24 Nov 1929

Jessup, Janet Marie - Mr and Mrs T C Jessup, of Great Bend,Kansas, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce daughter, Sunday, December 6,who has been named Janet Marie. Thegrandparents are Mr and Mr C K Cheek, of Leslie, and Mrs J L Jessup, ofSmithville. TR, Thu 10 Dec 1959

Jessup, Not named - Mr and Mrs Thomas C Jessup, ofSmithville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce daughter, April 7, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 9 Apr 1957

Jessup, Not named - Mr and Mrs Tom Jessup, of Route 1, arethe parents of a 9 pound, 12 ounce son, born December 10 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Wed 11Dec 1963

Jody, Mary Jane - Mr and Mrs Jody, of Ellaville, announcethe birth of a daughter, Saturday, February 20, at city hospital, who has beengiven the name Mary Jane. TR, Mon 22Feb 1943

Johansen, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs Brent Johansen announcethe birth of twin daughters born Tuesday, August 20 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. One has been given thename of Patricia Kay and the other Rebecca Ann.They are the granddaughters of Mr and Mrs Pete Johansen of Americus andLt Col and Mrs Sam Adams of Columbus. TR,Fri 23 Aug 1974

Johns, Jennifer Ann - Mr and Mrs Gordon Johns, of Americus,announce the birth of a daughter, December 1 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who has been namedJennifer Ann, weighed 8 pounds, 8 ½ ounces.TR, Thu 3 Dec 1964

Johnson, Amber Leigh - Carolyn and Ben Johnson of Plainsannounce the birth of a daughter, Amber Leigh, on June 9 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The baby, who weighed 7pounds, 10 ounces is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Norris Stanfield ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Lee Johnson of Plains.Mr and Mrs H W Stanfield of Americus are her great-grandparents. Her sister is 3 ½ years old Ashley. TR, Fri 26 Jun 1998

Johnson, Andrew Boyette - Mr and Mrs R Harold Johnson, of1702 Circle Drive, are the parents of a 7 pound, 7 ounce son, born July 8, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named AndrewBoyette. TR, Thu 9 Jul 1964

Johnson, April Lynette - Mr and Mrs Bobby Johnson ofEllaville announce the birth of a daughter, April Lynette, born Friday,September 22 at Sumter Regional Hospital.The infant weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs James Battle andMr and Mrs Phillip Johnson, all of Ellaville. Great-grandparents are Mr and MrsGerald Bryan of Tazewell. The infant hasa sister Rebecca, age 4. TR, Wed 27Sep 1989

Johnson, Betty Ruth - Mr and Mrs Roy E Johnson, of theAmericus-Ellaville road, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, Oct 8, atthe city hospital, who has been named Betty Ruth. Mrs Johnson was Miss Tommie Gilmore, beforeher marriage. TR, 15 Oct 1942

Johnson, Bobby Bartow - Mr and Mrs W B Johnson announce thebirth of a son, March 25, who has been givent the name Bobby Bartow. TR, Sat 9 Apr 1932

Johnson, Brian James - Mr and Mrs Bobby Johnson of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a son, Brian James, born December 28 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,11 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs James Battle and Mr and Mrs Philip Johnson, all of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs GeraldBryan of Tazewell. Brian has twosisters, Rebecca, age five and April, 15 months. TR, Wed 2 Jan 1991

Johnson, Catherine Still - There’s a second daughter in theCoral Gables home of Susan and Lester Johnson Jr. She is Catherine Still Johnson, named forLester’s mother, the senior Mrs Johnson.She arrived November 6 at Jackson and weighed in at 7 ½ pounds. Her 18 month old sister is Merri Jean and hermaternal grandparents are Eleanor and Alex Balfe. Tiny Catherine is sleeping in a heirloomcradle which has been in the Balfe family for four generations. The baby is the great-granddaughter of Mrs DM Still, of Americus. TR, Wed 25 Nov1959

Johnson, Charley Roy Jr - Mr and Mrs Charley Johnson announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 7 ½ ounce son, May 5th, at the Tift CountyHospital, Tifton, Ga. He has been giventhe name Charley Roy Jr. Mrs Johnson isthe former Miss Nell McClung, of Americus.The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs James McClung and Mr and Mrs O CJohnson Sr, both of Americus. He is alsothe great-grandson of Mr and Mrs Joe W Davis of Americus Ga. TR, Mon 8 May 1961

Johnson, Cheryl Ann - Mr and Mrs R H Johnson announce thebirth of a daughter Cheryl Ann, Monday, December 12, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby weighed 7pounds, 2 ounces. TR, Thu 15 Dec 1955

Johnson, Christopher Cook - Dr and Mrs William B Johnson, ofDallas, Texas announce the arrival of a baby boy on May 11. He weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces and has beennamed Christopher Cook Johnson.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Kenneth Cook of Vega, Texas and Mr and MrsHarry Collins of Ellaville. TR, Tue13 Jun 1972

Johnson, Cindy Marie - Mr and Mrs Gus Johnson Jr, of Macon,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce baby girl, March 21, at the MaconHospital. The baby has been named CindyMarie. TR, Tue 24 Mar 1963

Johnson, Clarence Amos - Mr and Mrs Amos Johnson announce thebirth of a son, June 9, at their home in Pratt City, Ala, who will be calledClarence Amos Johnson. Mrs Johnson wasMiss Alice Fussell before her marriage. TR,Thu 12 Jun 1924

Johnson, Clyde Jr - Mr and Mrs Clyde Johnson announce thebirth of Clyde Johnson Jr, at their home on South Jackson Street Thursday,November the 18th.. TR,Sat 20 Nov 1926

Johnson, Coleman Raines - Mr and Mrs C P Johnson announce thebirth of a son Tuesday, October 26th, who has been given the name ofColeman Raines Johnson. TR, Sat 30Oct 1926

Johnson, Dale Emory - Mr and Mrs E R Johnson, of Brunswick,announce the birth of a son, August 14, who has been named Dale Emory. The baby is the grandson of George G Gibbs,of Brunswick and Mr and Mrs J E Johnson of Americus. TR, Tue 20 Aug 1963

Johnson, David Bryan - Mr and Mrs B J Johnson, of 404 VarsityDrive, announce the birth of a son, David Bryan, born Saturday, November 25 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby weighed 9 pounds, 15 ½ ounces.TR, Wed 29 Nov 1967

Johnson, David Robertson - Mr and Mrs L D Johnson announcethe birth of a son Tuesday, October 4, who has been given the name of DavidRobertson. WTR, Sat 8 Oct 1921

Johnson, David Thomas - Mr and Mrs Thomas E Johnson, of SanDiego, Calif, announce the birth of a son, Monday, July 11, at Mercy Hospitalin San Diego, who weighed 5 pounds, 3 ounces.The baby has been named David Thomas.Mrs Johnson is the former Sandra Murphy, of Ellaville. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs M LMurphy, of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs G W Johnson, of Andersonville. TR, Wed, 22 Jul 1960

Johnson, Dewey Barnes - Mr and Mrs W R Johnson announce thebirth of a son at their home on Elm Ave, April 26. He has been given the name of DeweyBarnes. TR, Fri 29 Apr 1927

Johnson, Elizabeth Ellen - Mr and Mrs William H C (Punk)Johnson announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce daughter Friday, July 21 atcity hospital. The baby has been namedElizabeth Ellen for her maternal and paternal grandmothers. Mrs Johnson is the former Miss Martha EllenMcArthur. TR, Sat 22 Jul 1950

Johnson, Farrah Slade - Mr and Mrs B T Johnson announce thebirth of a daughter, Farrah Slade, born Wednesday, July 7 at the Medical Centerin Columbus. The baby, who weighed 6pounds, 14 ounces is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Robert Knowles and Mrs GusJohnson and the late Mr Johnson, all of Americus. TR, Thu 8 Jul 1971

Johnson, Florence Annette - Mr and Mrs G W Johnson announcethe birth of a baby daughter, Florence Annette, April 26, at their home atEnglishville. Mrs Johnson will beremembered as the former Miss Julia Duke before her marriage. TR, Wed 30 Apr 1941

Johnson, Franklin Lamar - Mr and Mrs James Johnson announcethe birth of a son, Saturday, May 17, who has been named Franklin Lamar. Mrs Johnson was before her marriage MissFrances Franklin. TR, Tue 20 May 1941

Johnson, Garnett Benjamin III - Mr and Mrs G B Johnson Jr ofMarietta announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce son born Saturday, November4. The baby has been named GarnettBenjamin III. Grandparents are Mr andMrs G B Johnson Sr of Americus and Mrs Susannah Simpson of Atlanta and H BSimpson of Tallapoosa, Ga. TR, Fri 10Nov 1978

Johnson, George Randolph - Mr and Mrs Howard Johnson, ofMcMath Mill road, announce the birth of a son, October 24 who has been giventhe name or George Randolph. The baby,who weighed 6 pounds, 12 ½ ounces was born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Wed 25 Oct 1961

Johnson, Gerald Anthony - Mr and Mrs Dick Johnson announcethe birth of a son Friday, August 3, at city hospital, who weighed 8 pounds, 6ounces. The baby has been named GeraldAnthony. Mrs Johnson is the former MissJoyce Dozier. TR, Thu 16 Aug 1951

Johnson, Gregory Scott - Mr and Mrs Don M Johnson, ofMilledgeville, announce the birth of a son Wednesday, September 8. The baby has been given the name of GregoryScott. He weighed 9 pounds, 4ounces. Mrs Johnson, the former MarianneStein, made her home in Ellaville with her paternal aunt, Mrs Howard Hite, forseveral years before her marriage. Thebaby’s grandparents are Mrs Louise (Hooks) and W H Johnson, Milledgeville andthe late Mrs Kalle Mae (Sheffield) and the late Marion Platt Stein,Donalsonville. Paternalgreat-grandparents include the late Mr and Mrs Clarence Sheffield and the lateMr and Mrs Harry Stein, all of Colquitt.TR, Tue 14 Sep 1971

Johnson, Hannah Elizabeth - Matthew and Tracey Johnson ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Hannah Elizabeth, born Dec 31 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces at birth.Grandparents are William and Marie Kitchens and Paul and Betty AnnJohnson of Americus. Great-grandparentsare Dorothy Waters, Mary Helen Kitchens, Howard and Mary Frank Johnson,Elizabeth and Cecil Crutchfield. Great-great-grandmothersare Frances Southern and Mary Ann Waters of Americus. TR, Mon 17 Jan 1994

Johnson, Henry James - Mr and Mrs W J Johnson announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce son, Saturday, February 16, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Henry James. TR, Mon 18 Feb 1957

Johnson, Horace Alexander Jr - Mr and Mrs Horace Johnsonannounce the birth of a son Monday, May 5 at city hospital, who has been namedHorace Alexander Jr. Mrs Johson is theformer Miss Ruth Kenmore, of Americus. TR,Tue 13 May 1952

Johnson, Hubert Eugene - Mr and Mrs Hubert Johnson announcethe birth of a 7 and ½ pound son, Tuesday, July 4, at city hospital, who hasbeen named Hubert Eugene. TR, Wed 5Jul 1944

Johnson, Ivan Randolph - Sgt and Mrs I P Johnson, announcethe birth of a son, June 19, at City Hospital.The baby has been named Ivan Randolph.TR, Wed 21 Jun 1944

Johnson, Jack M Jr - Mr and Mrs Jack M Johnson, of MayoStreet, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ½ ounce son, Saturday, December 12,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Jack M Jr. TR, Mon 14 Dec 1959

Johnson, Jackie - Mr and Mrs Gus Johnson Jr, of Augusta,announce the birth of a 7 lb, 2 ½ ounce baby girl September 29 at theUniversity Hospital in Augusta. The babyhas been named Jackie. Mr Johnson, aformer resident is the son of Mrs Gus Johnson Sr and the late Mr Johson, ofHuntington. TR, Tue 3 Oct 1961

Johnson, Jacqueline Ivy - Mr and Mrs Ricky Johnson announcethe birth of a daugher, Jacqueline Ivy, born October 21 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant, who is called Ivy,weighed 9 pounds, 2 ounces Mrs Johnsonis the former Miss Patti Parker of Americus.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Clarence Parker and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Jesse L Johnson Sr, all of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mrs James Jordan and Mrs Una B Richards, also ofAmericus. TR, Thu 27 Oct 1988

Johnson, James Charles Jr - Mr and Mrs James Johnson, ofKansas City, Mo, announce the birth of a son, April 24, who has been namedJames Charles Johnson Jr. Mrs Johnsonwas before her marriage Miss Frances Middlebrooks, of Macon. TR, Tue 25 Apr 1933

Johnson, James David - Mr and Mrs Barry Johnson announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 13 ounce son born Tuesday, December 18 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named James David. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Dick Johnson of Americus and Mr and Mrs David Windham ofLeesburg. TR, Wed 19 Dec 1973

Johnson, James Dubberley Ray - Mr and Mrs Davis Johnson ofBrunswick announce the birth of a son, James Dubberley Ray born March 25 atSoutheast Georgia Regional Medical Center.Jim, as the infant is called, weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs James DRay of Americus and paternal grandparents are Paula Hanner of St Simons Islandand Randy Johnson of Douglasville. MrsJohnson is the former Miss Ginny Ray of Americus. TR, Tue 4 Apr 1995

Johnson, James Gleaton - Mr and Mrs J M Johnson, of 124 SouthDudley Street, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 2 ounce son, Tuesday, March 1,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named James Gleaton.TR, Wed 2 Mar 1960

Johnson, James Madison - Mr and Mrs H C Johnson, of WestPoint, announce the birth of an eight-pound son, Saturday , July 27, at PratherClinic, who has been given the name James Madison. Mrs Johnson was before her marriage Miss RubyTurner, of this city. TR, Mon 29 Jul1935

Johnson, Janet Pauline - Mr and Mrs A C Johnson announce thebirth of a daughter, Janet Pauline, at the Americus and Sumter County HospitalSaturday, October 1. The baby weighed 7pounds and 4 ounces. TR, Mon 3 Oct1955

Johnson, Janice Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Paul Howard Johnsonannounce the birth of a daughter on Thursday, March 10, at the cityhospital. The baby weighed seven lbs, 1oz, and has been named Janice Elizabeth.Mrs Johnson was the former Mary Frank Shy. TR, Thu 10 Mar 1955

Johnson, Jasmyn Renita - Mr and Mrs Kevin Johnson of Maconannounce the birth of a daughter born Monday, July 26 at Coliseum Park Hospitalin Macon. She has been given the name ofJasmyn Renita. Mrs Johnson is the formerMary Lee Jackson of Americus. The baby’sgrandparents are Mrs Lizzie S Hartage of Americus and Mrs Ross Hightower andWallace Johnson of Macon. Hergreat-grandmother is Mrs Mazie Johnson, also of Macon. TR, Fri 30 Jul 1982

Johnson, Jennifer Ellen - Major and Mrs Joe P Johnson, of3910 Cheyanne Ave, Lawton, Okla, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ouncedaughter, December 5, who has been named Jennifer Ellen. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsJoe P Johnson, Sr, of Bowen Drive, Americus.TR, Sat 21 Dec 1957

Johnson, Jennifer Kay - Mr and Mrs G B Johnson Jr, of 2251Timberly Drive, Smyrna announce the birth of a daughter born Monday, December 6at the DeKalb General Hospital. The babyhas been named Jennifer Kay. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs G B Johnson of Americus and Mrs Savannah E Simpsonof Atlanta and H P Simpson of Tallapoosa, Ga.TR Wed 8 Dec 1971

Johnson, Jennifer Leigh - Mr and Mrs John L Johnson announcethe birth of a daughter Monday, June 10 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The infant, who weighed 8pounds, 10 ½ ounces, has been given the name of Jennifer Leigh. Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs GordonStephens of Arick, Calif; Charlie Johnson of Pitts and Mr and Mrs Oscar Harbuckof Stockbridge. TR, Tue 11 Jun 1974

Johnson, Jennifer - Mr and Mrs Glenn E Johnson, of Leslie,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce daughter born December 16, 1973 whohas been given the name of Jennifer. Theinfant is the granddaughter of Mrs Virginia Johnson of Leslie and Mr and MrsFred G Clark of Hilton, Va. TR, Thu15 Jan 1974

Johnson, Jessica Christian - Mr and Mrs William C Johnson ofEllaville announce the birth of a daughter, January 3 at the Medical Center inColumbus. The baby weighed 6 pounds, 3ounces and has been named Jessica Christian.Jessica, as she will be called has a brother, Justin, who will soon bethree. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs JohnHutchinson of Plant City, Florida and Mr and Mrs Carlton Johnson ofEllaville. Great-grandparents are Mr andMrs E V Ackerman of Plant City, Florida and Mrs Lillie Johnson ofEllaville. TR, Fri 14 Jan 1983

Johnson, Jessica Leigh - Mr and Mrs Al Johnson are theparents of a 6 pound, 8 ounce daughter born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital Wednesday, May 21. The infanthas been given the name of Jessica Leigh.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Aubrey Ward of Columbus, formerly ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Horace Johnson of this city. TR, Tue 27 May 1980

Johnson, Jessica Lynn - Mr and Mrs Jesse L Johnson announcethe birth of a daughter born Dec 22 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospitalwho has been named Jessica Lynn. Lynn,as she will be called weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces. The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs C HDunmon and the late Mr Dunmon and Mr and Mrs Bill Wilson of Preston, Ga. TR, Thu 11 Jan 1978

Johnson, Joanne Lynn - Mr and Mrs Walter Johnson, of Preston,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 6 3/4 ounce daughter, August 19 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Joanne Lynn. TR, Mon 21 Aug 1961

Johnson, John Emory Jr - Mr and Mrs Jon Emory Johnson, ofBlakely, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ½ ounce son Tuesday, July 28 atthe Dawson Hospital. The youth has beennamed John Emory Johnson Jr and will be called “Jody”.. He is the grandson of Mrs J B Francis ofMontgomery and the late Mr Francis on his maternal side and his paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Dick Johnson of Americus. TR, Mon 3 Aug 1970

Johnson, John Loma - Mr and Mrs C E Johnson, of the Thaleancommunity, announce the birth of a 9 3/4 pound son, April 26, who has beengiven the name of John Loma. Both motherand baby are doing nicely. TR, Tue 28Apr 1936

Johnson, Judy - Mr and Mrs Lucius Johnson announce the birthof a daughter, Thursday, May 5, at the Patterson hospital in Cuthbert, who hasbeen named Judy. Mrs Johnson is theformer Miss Mary Trapp Harris, of Cuthbert.TR, Wed 18 May 1949

Johnson, Julie Frances - Mr and Mrs Gus Johnson Jr, of Macon,announce the birth of a daughter Wednesday, May 22, who has been named JulieFrances. The baby is the granddaughterof Mrs Gus Johnson and the late Mr Johnson, of Huntington community, and Mr andMrs J D Teague, of Milledgeville. TR,Wed 29 May 1968

Johnson, Justin Israel - Mr and Mrs Bruce Johnson are theparents of an 8 pound, 3 ½ ounce son born Tuesday, August 9 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Justin Israel. The infant isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs Harold Israel of Smithville and Mr and Mrs Luther JJohnson of Preston. TR, Sat 13 Aug1977

Johnson, Justin Jamaine - Mr and Mrs Christopher LewisJohnson of Americus announce the birth of a son, Justin Jamaine, born Saturday,May 9. The infant weighed 5 pounds, 11ounces at birth. He is the grandson ofRobert Avirett and the late Mrs Clara Avirett of Americus and Mr and MrsCharlie Johnson of Americus. He has abrother, Chris, age 9 and a sister, Christal, age two. TR, Mon 18 May 1987

Johnson, Justin Levi - Mr and Mrs William Carlton Johnson, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a son born Thursday, February 7 at the MedicalCenter in Columbus. The baby weighed 8pounds, 11 ½ ounces. He has been namedJustin Levi. The maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs John Matthew Hutchinson, of Plant City, Florida and Mr and MrsAndrew Carlton Johnson of Ellaville. TR,Mon 18 Feb 1980

Johnson, Karen Leigh - Mr and Mrs Jon Johnson announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce daughter, born Monday, October 23 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who has been named Karen Leigh is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Dick Johnsonof Americus and Mrs Dorothy Francis and the late Mr Francis ofMontgomery.. TR, Wed 25 Oct 1967

Johnson, Katrina Jane - Mr and Mrs Robert Johnson, of SanFrancisco, California announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce daughterTuesday, November 3, who has been named Katrina Jane. Mrs Johnson will be remembered here as theformer Miss Tanya Tatum. The baby is thegreat-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J W Hightower, of this city. TR, Fri 13 Nov 1953

Johnson, Kayla Nicole - Gary and Evianne Johnson of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Kayla Nicole, born November 11 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 2 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs James E Mask of Americus and paternal grandparentsare Virginia Johnson and the late Mr James F Johnson of Leslie. TR, Mon 23 Nov 1992

Johnson, Kaylee Alexis - Earnie and Tabitha Johnson ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Kaylee Alexis, born September 22 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces.Grandparents are Paul and Kathy Toms and Earnest Johnson, all ofAmericus. Great-grandparents are RussellHall, Annie Johnson and Paul and Katie Toms, all of Americus. TR, Fri 2 Oct 1998

Johnson, Kevin Ray Jr - Mr and Mrs Kevin Ray Johnson Sr ofMacon announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son, Kevin Ray Jr, born Sunday,February 16 at Coliseum Park Hospital.Grandparents are Mrs Rose Hightower and Wallace Johnson Sr, both ofMacon and Mrs Emma Lee Davenport of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mrs Mazie Johnson of Macon and Mrs Lizzie Hartageof Americus. He has a sister Jasemyn3. TR, Tue 4 Mar 1986

Johnson, Larry Scott - Mr and Mrs Larry Johnson, ofWarrenton, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce son, Larry Scott Johnson,born Saturday, September 16. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs J E Farr of Americus and G B Johnson and the late MrsErma Johnson of Warrenton, Ga. TR,Mon 18 Sep 1972

Johnson, Lillian Anita - Mr and Mrs Jerome Johnson, ofPlains, announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, July 22, at Prather Clinic,who has been named Lillian Anita. TR,Wed 24 Jul 1946

Johnson, Linda Carleen - Mr and Mrs Carl Johnson, of Albany,announce the birth of an 8-pound daughter, Linda Carleen, Thursday, September4. Mrs Johnson was formerly Miss MarthaFaust, of Amricus. TR, Wed 10 Sep1941

Johnson, Lynda Karen - Major and Mrs Joe P Johnson, ofSafforos, Japan, announce the birth of a daughter, December 23, who weighed 8pounds, 9 ounces. The baby who has beennamed Lynda Karen, is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J P Johnson Sr, of thiscity. Major Johnson has been stationedin Korea and Japan for the past 3 years.TR, Wed 14 Jan 1953

Johnson, Marijane - Mr and Mrs L J Johnson, of Preston,announce the birth of a daughter Monday, September 1, at city hospital, who hasbeen given the name of Marijane. MrsJohnson is the former Miss Lila Jane Scoggins.TR, Wed 3 Sep 1952

Johnson, Marjorie Ann - Mr and Mrs Kenneth Johnson announcethe birth of a daughter Sunday, July 8, at city hospital, who weighed 8 pounds,14 ounces. The baby has been namedMarjorie Ann. Mrs Johnson was before hermarriage Miss Marjorie Redd, of Macon. TR,Mon 9 Jul 1951

Johnson, Mark David - Mr and Mrs Jack Johnson, of Scarboro,Maine, announce the birth of a son, named Mark David, on November 13,1964. The baby is the grandson of Mr andMrs Clovis Johnson of Americus. TR,Mon 21 Dec 1964

Johnson, Mark David - Mr and Mrs Mark David Johnson ofBrunswick announce the birth of a son, Mark Davis, born September 4 at theSoutheast Regional Medical Center. Theinfant weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces.Paternal grandparents are Paula Hanner of St Simons and Mr and Mrs RandyJohnson of Douglasville. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Jimmy Ray of Americus. The baby has a brother, Jim, 18 months. Mrs Johnson is the former Miss Ginny Ray ofAmericus. TR, Tue 10 Sep 1996

Johnson, Marshall Wanita - Mr and Mrs Paul Johnson, ofPlains, announce the birth of a daughter, February 17th, who hasbeen given the name of Marshall Wanita. TR,Fri 24 Feb 1922

Johnson, Martha Louise - Cpl and Mrs Carl Johnson announcethe birth of a daughter, Monday, January 11, at Prather Clinic, who has beennamed Martha Louise. TR, Tue, 12 Jan1943

Johnson, Mary Abigail - Mr and Mrs E F Johnson announce thebirth of a daughter Sunday, August 29, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been given the name of Mary Abigail. Mrs Johnson is the former Miss MarianGunnels, of Preston. TR, Tue 31 Aug1954

Johnson, Mary Helen - Mr and Mrs Roy Johnson announce thebirth of a daughter at their home at Huntington on Sunday, October 10, who hasbeen given the name of Mary Helen. MrsJohnson is delightfully recalled by Americus friends as Miss Mary Belle Greenbefore her marriage a year ago. TR,Tue 12 Oct 1920

Johnson, Mary Kathryn - Mr and Mrs Kyle Johnson announce thebirth of a daughter May 17, at their home 129 Lamar Street, who has been giventhe name Mary Kathryn. TR, Fri 18 May1928

Johnson, Mary Lillian - Mr and Mrs Walter Johnson, ofHuntington, announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, December 17, who hasbeen given the name Mary Lillian. TR,Thu 26 Dec 1929

Johnson, Mathew Steven - Mr and Mrs Paul H Johnson Jr, ofMarietta, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son born Saturday, October28 at Kennestone Hospital in Marietta.The baby has been named Mathew Steven.His mother is the former Betty Ann Crutchfield. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs CecilCrutchfield and Mr and Mrs Howard Johnson, all of Americus. He is the great-grandson of Mrs O W Hall, Mrand Mrs Harry Shy and Mrs P H Johnson , all of this city. TR, Mon 30 Oct 1972

Johnson, Mildred Christine - Mr and Mrs Claude E Johsonannounce the birth of a daughter, January 29, at their home near Andersonville,who has been given the name Mildred Christine.TR, Wed 4 Feb 1931

Johnson, Morgan Kennedy - Michael and Kimberly Johnsonannounce the birth of a daughter, Morgan Kennedy, born April 10 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 5pounds, 14 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Eddie W Johnson of Princeton, W Va and maternalgrandparentsa are Mr and Mrs John Ayers of Bluefield, W Va. TR, Wed 14 Jun 1995

Johnson, Nina Fay - Mr and Mrs Lester R Johnson, of Miami,announce the birth of a little daughter on April 7, who has been given the nameof Nina Fay. Mrs Johnson will beremembered as Miss Ruth Still before her marriage. TR, Wed 11 Apr 1928

Johnson, Not named - A boy baby weighing 8 ½ pounds was bornThursday, Nov 16, to Mr and Mrs James Milton (Ned) Johnson, of Smithville. The babe was born at the home of MrsJohnson’s parents, Mr and Mrs Wallace, of Smithville. TR, Sat 18 Nov 1933

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs B J Johnson, of 145B CherokeeStreet, announce the birth of a 10 pound, 7 ½ ounce daughter, May 8 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 10 May 1965

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs B T Johnson announce thebirth of a 5 pound, 12 ounce daughter at the Medical Center in ColumbusThursday, December 22. Mrs Johnson isthe former Ann Knowles and the baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Robert HKnowles and Mrs Gus Johnson of Americus.TR, Thu 22 Dec 1966

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs C L Johnson, of Arabi, arethe parents of a baby boy, born Tuesday, August 12, at the city hospital. TR, Thu 14 Aug 1947

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs C Perry Johnson announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son, Tuesday, May 21 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Wed 22 May 1957

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Claude Johnson, of Plains,announce the birth of a son, Sunday, February 27, at city hospital. TR, Thu 3 Mar 1949

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Derryl Johnson, of 19B BowenDrive, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ½ ounce son, born February 4 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 5 Feb 1964

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Franklin Lamar Johnson, ofRaleigh, NC, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce daughter May 30. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsJames A Johnson of Americus and Mr and Mrs Lewis Nightingale, of Ft Fairfield,Maine. TR, Mon 5 Jun 1967

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs G W Johnson, ofAndersonville, announce the birth of a son at city hospital, Sunday , January5. TR, Mon 6 Jan 1947

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Gus Johnson Jr, of Macon,announce the birth of a daughter, November 23 at the Macon Hospital, whoweighed 6 pounds, 11 ounces. The baby isthe granddaughter of Mrs Gus Johnson Sr, of Americus. TR, Wed 25 Nov 1964

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Gus Johnson, of Huntington,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, December 31, at the city hospital. TR, Wed 1 Jan 1941

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs H F Johnson announce thebirth of a daughter, Tuesdy, October 18, at Prather Clinic, who weighed 6pounds, 11 ounces. TR, Thu 20 Oct1949

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Harvey Johnson, of Route 1,Leslie, announce the birth of a 5 lb, 8 ½ oz daughter on November 10 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 11 Nov 1960

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Howard Johnson announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce daughter at the Americus and Sumter County HospitalThursday, August 30. TR, Thu 30 Aug1956

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Howard Johnson, of Route 2,Americus, announce the birth of a 6 pound son, Wednesday, August 31, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 31 Aug 1955

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs J A Johnson announce thebirth of a daughter, Tuesday, March 9, at Prather Clinic. TR, Fri 12 Mar 1948

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs J F Johnson, of Leslie,announce the birth to a son at Prather Clinic, Tuesday, June 5. TR, Sat 9 Jun 1951

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs J L Johnson, of 913 EastFurlow Street, announce the birth of a six pound, 13 ounce daughter, August 24at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 26 Aug 1963

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs J L Johnson, of BrannonAvenue, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ounce daughter on March 3, at theAmericus and Sumter c*nty Hospital. TR,Mon 6 Mar 1961

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs J M Johnson, of Plains,announce the birth of a son, Saturday, September 18, at city hospital. TR, Wed 22 Sep 1948

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jack Johnson, of Preston,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ½ ounce son born June 22 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby is the grandsonof Mr and Mrs Luther J Johnson of Preston and Mr and Mrs John M Smith ofAmericus. TR, Fri 23 Jun 1972

Johnson, Not named -Mr and Mrs James Frank Johnson announce the birth of boy, who was bornat the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, Monday, March 22. TR, Thu 25 Mar 1954

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Johnson Jr, of Route 4,Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 and-one-half-ounce daughter,Friday morning, February 17, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Fri 17 Feb 1961

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jerome Johnson, announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, January 25, at the Prather Clinic. TR, Wed 28 Jan 1948

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jesse L Johnson, of 150Brannan Avenue, announce the birth of an 8 ½ pound son, Thursday, December 17,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Fri 18 Dec 1959

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs L B Johnson, of Plains,announce the birth of a son, Sunday, January 22, at City Hospital. TR,Thu 26 Jan 1950

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs L J Johnson, of Preston,announce the birth of a son, Monday, January13, at city hospital. TR, Thu 16 Jan 1947

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lewis Johnson, of 706Sunnydale Drive, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ½ ounce son on July 12 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 12 Jul 1965

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs M C Johnson announce thebirth of a daughter, Saturday, June 28, at city hospital. TR, Thu 3 Jul 1947

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs M C Johnson, of Buena Vista,are the parents of a baby girl born October 21 at City Hospital. TCN, Thu 21 Oct 1948

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Monroe Johnson announce thebirth of a daughter at City Hospital Tuesday, November 1. TR, Thu 3 Nov 1949

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Phillip Johnson, of BuenaVista, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ½ ounce daughter at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on July 29. TR,Mon 29 Jul 1963

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Phillip M Johnson, of 465Reese Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ½ ounce son, August 20, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 20 Aug 1964

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs R E Johnson, of Route 1,Preston, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son, January 21, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 22 Jan 1959

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs R J Johnson, of Preston,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, August 21, at City Hospital. TR, Tue 27 Aug 1946

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs R W Johnson Jr, of Boston,Mass, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a six and one-quarter pounddaughter Sunday, November 29. TR, Mon30 Nov 1942

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ralph E Johnson, of Preston,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ½ ounce daughter at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on January 18. TR,Tue 19 Jan 1965

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert H Johnson, of 1703Circle Drive, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ½ ounce daughter, June 28 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Fri 29 Jun 1962

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Roy Johnson, of nearAmericus, announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, January 25, at PratherClinic. Mrs Johnson was formerly MissTommy Gilmore. TR, Fri 28 Jan 1944

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Rufus Johnson announce thebirth of a daughter at city hospital, Tuesday, May 8. TR, Thu 10 May 1951

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs T H Johnson, Americus,announce the birth of a son October 27 at City Hospital weighing 6 pounds, 13ounces. TCN, Thu 30 Oct 1952

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Veal Johnson announce thebirth today of a 10-pound baby daughter at their home on McGarrah Street. TR, Tue 10 Sep 1929

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs W A Johnson, of 403 PineviewDrive, are the parents of a son, born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on January 17. The baby weighed8 pounds, 8 ounce. TR, Mon 18 Jan1965

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs W T Johnson announce thebirth of a son Thursday, March 15, at city hospital. TR, Thu 16 Mar 1944

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Walter C Johnson, of Preston,are the parents of a 9 pound, 8 ounce daughter, born Monday, September 27 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 27 Sep 1965

Johnson, Not named - Mr and Mrs Walter Johnson announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, August 29, at Prather Clinic. TR, Wed 1 Sep 1948

Johnson, Not named - Mrs L J Johnson, of Preston, announcethe birth of a son born yesterday at the city hospital. TR, Thu 21 Jul 1949

Johnson, Not named - The birth of a daughter is announcedtoday by Mr and Mrs J M Johnson. Thebaby was born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, Friday, March12. TR, Mon 15 Mar 1954

Johnson, Paul Howard Jr - Mr and Mrs P H Johnson announce thebirth of a son, Wednesday, March 31, at Prather Clinic, who has been named PaulHoward Jr. Mrs Johnson is the formerMiss Mary Frank Shy. TR, Thu 1 Apr1948

Johnson, Paul Wallace - Mr and Mrs James M Johnson, of Route4, Americus, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ½ ounce son, born December 26at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Paul Wallace.TR, Thu 27 Dec 1962

Johnson, Rachel - Mr and Mrs R E Johnson, of Plains, announcethe birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce daughter, Saturday, February 4 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Rachel. Mrs Johnson is theformer Miss Reba Clark, of Americus. TR,Tue 7 Feb 1956

Johnson, Rebecca Jane - Mr and Mrs Bobby Johnson of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce daughter, Rebecca Jane, born Monday,Nov 18 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Sheis the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs James Battle and Mr and Mrs Phillip Johnson,all of Ellaville. Great-grandparents areMr and Mrs Gerald Bryan of Tazewell and Morris Johnson of Ellaville. TR, Wed 20 Nov 1985

Johnson, Rebecca - Mr and Mrs R E Johnson, of Preston,announce the birth of a daughter, Rebecca, Friday, December 10, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces. Mrs Johnson is the former Miss Reba Clark, ofAmericus. TR, Mon 13 Dec 1954

Johnson, Rhonda Fay - Mr and Mrs Charles Johnson, of Tifton,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce daughter, Sunday, October 4, who hasbeen named Rhonda Fay. Mrs Johnson isthe former Nell McClung, of Americus and the baby is the granddaughter of Mrand Mrs James McClung and Mrs Otto Johnson, of this city. TR, Mon 5 Oct 1964

Johnson, Rhonda Lechelle - Mr and Mrs Jerry Johnson, ofAugusta, announce the birth of a daughter at St Joseph’s Hospital inAugusta. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 9ounces and has been named Rhonda Lechelle.The baby’s mother was the former Sheila Rabun. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs J Homer Dixon ofAvera, Ga and Rev and Mrs Lamar Rabun of Ellaville. TR, Tue 2 Mar 1971

Johnson, Ronald Arthur - Mr and Mrs William A Johnson, of 403Pineview Drive, are the parents of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son, born March 5 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Ronald Arthur. TR, Tue 6 Mar 1962

Johnson, Ryan Blake - George R and Sandra S Johnson ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Ryan Blake, born Nov 4 at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant weighed 4 pounds, 10 ounces atbirth. Paternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Howard Johnson of Americus and maternal grandparents are Mrs Robert ESlaughter of Americus and the late Mr Slaughter. Great-grandmother is Mrs S T Slaughter ofLafayette, Ala. TR, Thu 9 Dec 1993

Johnson, Sandra Denise - Mr and Mrs Lewis Johnson, of 706Sunnydale Circle, announce the birth of a daughter, Sandra Denise, May 18, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces. TR, Mon 20 May 1963

Johnson, Sharon Lynn - Lt and Mrs Ronald K Johnson announcethe birth of a daughter, Sharon Lynn on May 29 at the Medical Center,Huntsville, Ala. Mrs Johnson is theformer Marsha Deal of Columbus. LtJohnson is the grandson of Mr and Mrs N R Patterson of Ellaville, Ga. TR, Wed 17 Jun 1970

Johnson, Spencer Howard - Mr and Mrs Paul Johnson, of Maconare the parents of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son born Wednesday, January 21 at theColiseum Park Hospital in Macon. Theinfant has been given the name of Spencer Howard. His mother is the former Betty AnnCrutchfield of Americus. Grandparents ofthe baby are Mr and Mrs Howard Johnson and Mr and Mrs Cecil Crutchfield of thiscity. TR, Sat 24 Jan 1976

Johnson, Stephen Charles - Mr and Mrs Coleman Johnsonannounce the birth of a son, May 30th, at their home on SmithvilleRoad, who will be called Stephen Charles Johnson. Mrs Johnson was Miss Annie Ellison, ofColumbus, before her marriage. TR,Thu 19 Jun 1924

Johnson, Sue Ellen - Mr and Mrs E F Johnson, of 913 ElmAvenue, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce daughter, Monday, January 19,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of SueEllen. TR, Tue 20 Jan 1959

Johnson, Sylvia Kay - Mr and Mrs M B Johnson announce thebirth of a daughter, September 26, at Dr Daniel’s Sanitarium in Moultrie, whohas been named Sylvia Kay. Mrs Johnsonwill be remembered here as Miss Grace Pittman before her marriage. TR, Mon 1 Oct 1934

Johnson, Thomas Leroy - Mr and Mrs W T Johnson announce thebirth of a son, Monday, October 26, at city hospital, who has been given thename Thomas Leroy. TR, Sat 31 Oct1942

Johnson, Tracey Ann - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Johnson, of 211 John Street,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 5 ounce daughter Monday, August 29, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been given the name of Tracey Ann.TR, Wed 31 Aug 1966

Johnson, Twins - Mr and Mrs Bruce Johnson, Rte 1, Smithvilleannounce the birth of twins, who were born Wednesday, August 12 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The infant girl has been named Allison RuthJohnson. She weighed 6 pounds, 7 ouncesand the infant boy has been given the name of Allan Ryan Johnson. He weighed 6 pounds, 3 ½ ounces. The infants has an older brother, JustineJohnson, age four and their grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harold Israel ofSmithville, and Mr and Mrs Buck Johnson, Preston and a great-grandmother, MrsRuth Short of Americus. TR, Tue 18Aug 1981

Johnson, Twins - Mr and Mrs Robert H Johnson, of 726 SouthLee Street, announce the birth of twins, a boy and girl on Sunday, August 29,at Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The boy has been named Robert H Jr and the girl Debra Lynn. TR, Tue 31 Aug 1954

Johnson, Wilbur Royce - Mr and Mrs W R Johnson of Savannah,announce the birth of a son, January 30, at the home of her parents, Mr and MrsW W Hearon, on Dudley Street, in Americus, who has been given the name ofWilbur Royce Johnson. Mrs Johnson ispleasantly remembered in Americus as Miss Flora Mae Hearon. TR, Tue 5 Feb 1924

Johnson, William Arthur - Staff Sgt Ronald A Johnson (US AirForce) and Mrs Johnson (Becky) of Navarre, Fla announce the birth of a son,William Arthur, born November 17 at Eglin AFB Hospital. Grandparents are Mrs Marlene Johnson and thelate Mr William A Johnson of Americus and Jack and Sarah Smith ofAmericus. Sgt Johnson is deployed in theMiddle East. TR, Mon 10 Dec 1990

Johnson, William H Jr - Mr and Mrs William H (Punk) Johnson,of Americus, announce the birth of a son at City Hospital Friday, August15. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 4ounces. He has been given the name of WilliamH Johnson Jr. TR, Sat 16 Aug 1952

Johnson, Willie Mason III - Mr and Mrs Billy Johnson announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce son, October 11. The baby has been named Willie Mason JohnsonIII and is the grandson of Mr and Mrs T L Wilson Sr of this city and Mr and MrsW M Johnson Sr of Preston. Mrs Johnsonis the former Connie Wilson of Americus.TR, Fri 14 Oct 1966

Johnson, Willie Mason - Mr and Mrs Willie Johnson announcethe birth of an infant son on Friday, April 13th at City Hospital inAmericus, who weighed eight and three-quarter pounds and will be called “Billy”having his father’s name Willie Mason. TCN,Thu 19 Apr 1945

Johnston, Charles King - Lt and Mrs William D Johnston, ofCoronado, Calif, announce the birth of 7 pound, 5 ounce son, Tuesday, September12, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named CharlesKing. Mrs Johnston is the former MissRuth King, daughter of Mr and Mrs C B King, of Americus. TR, Wed 13 Sep 1961

Johnston, Felix Jr - Mr and Mrs Felix Johnston, of Monticello,Fla, announce the birth of a son, Felix Jr, Monday, January 13, at St Luke’shospital in Jacksonville, Fla. MrsJohnston was before her marriage Miss Alice McDonald of this city. TR, Wed 15 Jan 1941

Johnston, Janice Carla - Mr and Mrs Walter Johnston, ofPreston, are the parents of a 9 pound, 13 ounce daughter, born July 11, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Janice Carla. TR, Thu 2 Jul 1962

Johnston, Nicholas Ryan - Mr and Mrs Chris Johnston ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Nicholas Ryan, born June 29 at the PerryHospital, Perry, Ga. The infant weighed10 ½ pounds at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Charlie Wyatt of Albany and paternal grandparentsare George Johnston of Ashburn and Mrs Merle Johnston of Americus. The infant has two brothers, Clay 13, Patrick9, and a sister, Blaine age 13. TR,Tue 12 Jul 1988

Johnston, Not named - Dr and Mrs Wilbur D Johnston, of NewHaven, Conn, announce the birth of a son, Saturday, July 6 at the New Havenhospital. Mrs Johnston was formerly MissElizabeth Merritt of this city. TR,Wed 10 Jul 1940

Johnston, Not named - Mr and Mrs Clyde Johnston Jr, ofMonticello, Ga, announce the birth of a son Sunday, May 14, at the cityhospital, who weighed 7 ½ pounds. MrsJohnston is the former Miss Dorothy Willis, of Waverly Hall. Mr Johnston is a former Americus resident. TR, Mon 15 May 1950

Johnston, William Delvert Jr - Lt and Mrs William D Johnston,of 217 Taylor Street, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce son, Saturday,September 27, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named William Delvert Jr. Mrs Johnston is the former Miss Ruth King ofthis city and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Charles B King, ofAmericus. TR, Mon 29 Sep 1958

Joiner, Bryan Cobb - Mr and Mrs Lee H Joiner of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Bryan Cobb, born Thursday, Nov 14. Mrs Joiner is the former Marilyn Cobb. Grandparents are the late Mr and Mrs GeorgeHoward Joiner and Mr and Mrs W H Cobb, all of Americus. He is the great-grandson of Mrs Annie MooreByrd of Toccoa. TR, Thu 21 Nov 1985

Joiner, James Steve - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Dean Joiner, ofClarksville, Tenn, announce the birth of a 6 pound son born Tuesday, June 17 atthe Clarksville Hospital. The baby hasbeen given the name of James Steve. Heis the grandson of Mrs Evelyn Joiner of Americus and R E Joiner of Cairo and Mrand Mrs Sueper of Clarksville. TR,Fri 20 Jun 1969

Joiner, Joy Ann - Mr and Mrs Jack Joiner, of the EllavilleRoad, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ½ ounce daughte born Sunday, August27 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital who has been given the name ofJoy Ann. The baby is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs Douglas Jones of Americus and Mrs Alma Glass of Hogansville. TR, Mon 28 Aug 1972

Joiner, Karen Lee - Mr and Mrs G H Joiner Jr, of Albany,announce the birth of a daughter at the Phoebe Putney Hospital Saturday,February 11 who has been givne the name of Karen Lee. The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs EdClark of Leesburg and Mr and Mrs Howard Joiner of Americus. TR, Wed 15 Feb 1967

Joiner, Kristin Nicole - Mr and Mrs Jeff Joiner of Americusannounce the birth of a 9 pound daughter, Kristin Nicole, born Tuesday, July 15at Phoebe Putney Hospital in Albany.Nikki is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Bobby Crook of Leslie and Mrand Mrs Frank Joiner of Americus. Hergreat-grandparents are Mr and Mrs L E Crook Sr of Leslie. TR, Thu 24 Jul 1986

Joiner, Laurie Lee - Mr and Mrs Hilton Joiner, of Griffin,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce daughter Monday, June 15 at theGriffin and Spalding County Hospital.The baby, who has been named Laurie Lee is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsL H Joiner of Americus and Mr and Mrs J C Jackson of Lake Blackshear. TR, Tue 16 Jun 1970

Joiner, Mary Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Jack Joiner announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 13 ½ ounce son Wednesday, September 16 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital who has been named Mary Elizabeth. Beth, as the baby will be called is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Douglas Jones of Americus and Mrs Alma Glass ofWewahitcha, Fla. Mrs Inez Howell ofAmericus is the great-grandmother. TR,Fri 18 Sep 1970

Joiner, Not named - Mr and Mrs C O Joiner, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, May 9, at city hospital. TR, Thu 10 May 1951

Joiner, Not named - Mr and Mrs Joiner, of Montezuma,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 15 ounce son, born July 27 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 28Jul 1961

Joiner, Ronnie Jackson - Mr and Mrs Hilton Joiner, ofMontezuma, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Ronnie Jackson Joiner. His paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs L HJoiner, of Americus and his maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs J C Jackson,of Cordele. TR, Mon 23 Jul 1962

Joiner, Thomas Elie Jr - Mr and Mrs Thomas E Joiner, 411Hill Street, announce the birth of a son, Oct 23, who will be called ThomasElie Joiner Jr. TR, Fri 24 Oct 1924

Joiner, Victoria Diane - Mr and Mrs Ralph Joiner, ofOglethorpe, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce daughter at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital on Tuesday June 9.The baby has been named Victoria Diane.TR, Wed 10 Jun 1959

Joiner, Walter Franklin Jr - Mr and Mrs W Frank Joinerannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce son, Walter Franklin Joiner Jr, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital Wednesday, May 26. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs G HJoiner and Mr and Mrs D E Autry of Andersonville. TR, Fri 28 May 1971

Jolley, Joan Willene - Mr and Mrs W T Jolley, of Oglethorpe,announce the birth of a daughter Friday, March 26, at city hospital, who hasbeen named Joan Willene. TR, Tue 30Mar 1937

Jones, Amanda Kelly - Lonnie and Sarah Jones of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a daughter, Amanda Kelly, born September 19 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 10 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs William D Kelly of Ellaville and paternalgrandparents are the late Mr and Mrs Felton Jones of Ellaville. The infant has a sister Nikki, age six. TR, Fri 23 Sep 1988

Jones, Amanda Leigh - Mr and Mrs David Jones Jr of Americusannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce daughter, Amanda Leigh, born Friday,May 17 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Sheis the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs David Jones of Americus and Mr and Mrs EricFoskett of Barbatas, West Indies. TR,Thu 23 May 1985

Jones, Amber Nicole - John and Candice Jones of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Amber Nicole, on September 16 at SumterRegional Hospital. Grandparents areRoger and Vicki Bell and Richard and Diane Jones, all of Americus. Great-grandparents are Grady and ShirleyBell, Bill and June Hedden, and Robert and Agnes McCorkle. TR, Tue 7 Oct 1997

Jones, Andrew Phillip - Mr and Mrs Charles Phillip Jones ofRt 2 Weston, announce the birth of a son born Wednesday, March 9 at PattersonHospital in Cuthbert. He weighed 8pounds, 11 ounces and was given the name Andrew Phillip Jones. Andy’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs William GForrest of Preston and Mr and Mrs Charles Ross of Weston. His great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs W GWomack of Hiawassee; Mrs Elearnor C Forrest of Plains; Mrs Sibyl H Minick ofPreston and Mr and Mrs D R Jones of Weston.TR, Tue 15 Mar 1983

Jones, April Tera - Mr and Mrs Jack Jones, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce daughter born Wednesday, March 25 atthe Marion County Memorial Hospital, Buena Vista. The baby has been given the name of AprilTera. Her grandparents are Mr and MrsMarion Jones and Mr and Mrs Walter Jones Jr, all of Ellaville. TR, Thu 25 Mar 1971

Jones, Ashleigh Renee - Mr and Mrs Todd Jones announce thebirth of a daughter, Ashleigh Renee, born February 2 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 5ounces at birth. Mrs Jones is the formerMiss Christy Martin . Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Mack Martin of Americus and paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Bobby Jones of Warner Robins.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs William Lansford; Mrs Gilbert Martinand the late Mr Martin, all of Americus.Mrs Imogene Davis is great-great-grandmother. TR, Fri 9 Feb 1990

Jones, Barbara - Mr and Mrs Otis P Jones, of Dawson,announce the birth of a daughter, Barbara, Friday, April 24 at cityhospital. TR, Wed 29 Apr 1942

Jones, Betty Joe - Mr and Mrs J C Jones announce the birthof a seven-pound daughter, August 22, 1933, who has been given the name BettyJoe. TR, Tue 15 Aug 1933

Jones, Betty Sue - Mr and Mrs J E Jones announce the birthof a daughter Monday, April 14th at their home in Sumter, who hasbeen given the name Betty Sue. TR, Fri18 Apr 1930

Jones, Bonnie Nicole - Mr and Mrs John Randall Jones ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Bonnie Nicole, born Wednesday, March8 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Theinfant weighed 8 pounds, 7 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs W U Bowen of Americus and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs John Wesley Jones of Oglethorpe. Great-grandparents are Mrs Pauline Stone andMrs Ina Jones of Fitzgerald and Mr and Mrs U E Bowen of Americus. TR, Wed 15 Mar 1989

Jones, Bradley William - Mr and Mrs Wesley Jones ofKennesaw, Ga announce the birth of a son, Bradley William, born Thursday,September at Kenneston Hospital. Theinfant weighed 5 pounds, 4 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Harmon Jones of Americus andmaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Glen Robinson and Wayne Rogers ofAnniston, Ala. TR, Sat 15 Sep 1990

Jones, Brandon Lee - Danny and Kelly Jones of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Brandon Lee, born December 13 at Sumter RegionalHospital. He is the grandson of Mr andMrs Felda Jones of Thomaston and Mr and Mrs John C Kazmin of Buena Vista. TR, Tue 24 Dec 1985

Jones, Camille DeVaughn - Mr and Mrs Leon Strickland Jonesof Atlanta announce the birth of their daughter, Camille DeVaughn, born April11 at Piedmont Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Phil Jones Sr of Americus. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs JoeDeVaughn of Montezuma. Camille has twogreat-grandmothers. They are Mrs LeonStrickland Jones and Mrs Phil Jones Sr of Americus. TR, Wed 8 May 1996

Jones, Catherine Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Phillip Jones IIIof Cornelia announce the birth of a daughter, Catherine Elizabeth, born June5. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 13ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr andMrs H Phillip Jones Jr of Americus and Mr and Mrs Perry Davis ofHendersonville, NC. Great-grandmothersare Mrs Leon Strickland and Mrs Phillip Jones Sr of Americus. TR, Tue 23 Jun 1992

Jones, Charles Phillip - Mr and Mrs Charles Ross Jones, ofWeston, announce the birth of a son, Charles Phillip, who arrived at theStewart-Webster Hospital in Richland on January 7. The baby’s mother is the former Miss BettieMimick, of Preston. TR, Sat 16 Jan1960

Jones, Charles Robert Jr - Mr and Mrs Charles Robert Jones,of 427 South Lee Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 6 ounce son, Tuesday,January 10 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedCharles Robert Jr. TR, Thu 12 Jan1956

Jones, Charlotte Ann - Sgt and Mrs Harry L Jones, ofAugsburg, Germany, announce the birth of a daughter, Charlotte Ann, at the U SArmy hospital in Augsburg, Friday, Sept 14.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Edwin Gortz, ofBraunschweig, Germany, and Mrs and Mrs Lester C Jones, of Americus. The couple live in Augsburg, where Sgt Jonesis a paratrooper with the 11th Airborne Infantry Division. TR, Tue, 18 Sep 1956

Jones, Christi Leigh - Mr and Mrs Jasper Jones announce thebirth of a 10 pound, 5 ounce daughter born March 14 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been giventhe name of Christi Leigh. TR, Sat 18Mar 1972

Jones, Claire Stewart - Mr and Mrs Robert J Jones announcethe birth of a daughter, Saturday, July 8, at Emory University Hospital, whohas been named Claire Stewart. Mrs Jonesis the former Miss Luella Stewart. MrsJones and baby have been removed to their home on the South Lee Street roadfrom the hospital. TR, Tue 18 Jul1950

Jones, Craig Nathaniel - Mr and Mrs Jack Jones announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 7 ounce son, Saturday, August 8, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital who has ben given the name of Craig Nathaniel. TR, Tue 11 Aug 1959

Jones, Daniel Wesley Jr - Mr and Mrs David Wesley Jones, of130 West Church Street, are the parents of a 7 pound, 2 1/4 ounce son, bornJanuary 19 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedDaniel Wesley Jr. TR, Mon 15 Jan 1962

Jones, Danielle Jean - Mr and Mrs Gene Jones of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter Danielle Jean, bornSaturday, March 30 at Sumter Regional Hospital.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Sam Jones of Ellaville and Mr andMrs Buddy Moulton of West Palm Beach, Fla.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Oscar Wilcox of Buena Vista. She has a sister Jessica, 1. TR, Tue 2 Apr 1985

Jones, David Anthony - Mr and Mrs Jack E Jones, of 211 JohnStreet announce the birth of an 8 pound son, Tuesday, July 8 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named David Anthony. Mrs Jones is the former Miss JoanCrawford. TR, Wed 9 Jul 1958

Jones, David Clarence II - The following unique birthannouncement was received in today’s mail from Atlanta. Postal Babygram Co, Dr Stork, President; 1:50a. m. Wesley Memorial Hospital, N W, Jan 14 1926. To my friends and relatives everywhere: Justarrived, mother and I are doing fine, while daddy tells the world aboutme. I weigh 8 3/4 pounds. David Clarence Jones II. Mr and Mrs D C Jones Jr. Mr and Mrs Jones are making their home at 19Atwood Street, Atlanta, Ga. TR, Tue19 Jan 1926

Jones, David Thomas Jr - Mr and Mrs David Jones, of 905Douglas Drive, are the parents of an 8 pound, 11 ounce son, born May 15 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named David Thomas Jr. TR,Wed 16 May 1962

Jones, Davis Hemphill - Mr and Mrs W M Jones announce thebirth of a son on Saturday, May 6, who has been named Davis Hemphill. TR, Mon 15 May 1922

Jones, Dawn Leslie - Mr and Mrs William T Jones, ofPensacola, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter Saturday, January8, who has been named Dawn Leslie. Thebaby is the granddaughter of the late J T Jones, of Americus. TR, Tue 1 Feb 1955

Jones, Elizabeth Anne - Mr and Mrs J E Jones announce thebirth of a daughter Friday, July 11 at city hospital, who has been namedElizabeth Anne. Mrs Jones is the formerMiss Joan Crawford. TR, Sat 12 Jul1952

Jones, Elizabeth Diane - Mr and Mrs Charles Jones, of FtWorth, Texas, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce daughter, bornWednesday, November 27. The baby, whohas been given the name Elizabeth Diane, is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsHarris Jones of Americus and Mr and Mrs Gene O’Hara of Albany. TR, Fri 29 Nov 1968

Jones, Elizabeth Ruth - Mr and Mrs Rolin C Jones, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a daughter Saturday, February 15 at VereenMemorial Hospital in Moultrie. The baby,who has been given the name of Elizabeth Ruth is the granddaughter of Mr andMrs J L Jones of Americus and Mr and Mrs Al Hope of Moultrie. TR, Tue 18 Feb 1969

Jones, Haley Elizabeth - Tim and Leila Jones of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Haley Elizabeth, born May 1 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 11 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs James A Davis Jr of Americus and paternalgrandparents are Mrs Lucille Alexander of Lyerly and the late Mr Warner EugeneJones of Rome. Great-grandparents areMrs Clyde Bennett and Mrs Mary Davis, both of Americus. TR, Thu 7 May 1992

Jones, Heather Nicole - Mr and Mrs Lonnie Jones announcethe birth of a daughter born Tuesday, July 27 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 4pounds, 4 ounces has been given the name of Heather Nicole and will be calledNikki. She is the granddaughter of Mrand Mrs W D Kelly and Mrs Felton Jones and the late Mr Jones, all ofEllaville. Her great-grandmothers areMrs Horace Watson of Butler and Mrs Maggie Jones of Columbus. TR, Wed 4 Aug 1982

Jones, Henry Phillip III - Mr and Mrs Phil Jones Jr, of 318Pecan Drive, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce son, Sunday, May 3, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Henry Phillip Jones III. Mrs Jones is the former Miss RuthStrickland. The baby is the grandson ofMr and Mrs Leon Strickland, of Richland and Mr and Mrs Phil Jones Sr, ofAmericus. TR, Mon 4 May 1959

Jones, Henry Phillip Jr - Is the name given to the son ofMr and Mrs Phil Jones, who was born this morning at the city hospital. Both mother and baby are “doing nicely.” TR Fri 26 Jan 1934

Jones, Irene - Mr and Mrs Thad Jones, of Plains, announcethe birth of a daughter, born Wednesday, August 11, at city hospital. The baby has been named Irene for her motherwho was before marriage Miss Irene Murray.TR, Thu 12 Aug 1937

Jones, Jack Levene - Mr and Mrs Rolin Jones, of LaGrange,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 13 ounce son born Friday, November 29 at theLaGrange City Hospital. The infant hasbeen given the name of Jack Levene.“Lee” as he will be called is the grandson of Mr and Mrs J L Jones ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs W S Hudson of Ocilla.His great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs George Wright of this city and MrsR C Jones of Ellaville. TR, Fri 6 Dec1974

Jones, Jackey Boyett - Mr and Mrs S B Jones announce thebirth of a son, Wednesday, April 30, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedJackey Boyett. TR, Thu 8 May 1947

Jones, Jacob Cody - Stan and Terri Jones of Plains announcethe birth of a son, Jacob Cody, born Saturday, November 30 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 7ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Harold Spurlin of Americus and Mr and Mrs Layne Lacy of Leslieand paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Jack Jones of Smithville. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs DorothyBarge of Lake Blackshear and the late Mr William T Silver Jr and Mr and Mrs GuyLacy Jr of Leslie. TR, Wed 4 Dec 1991

Jones, James Edward Jr - Mr and Mrs James Edward (Jack)Jones announce the birth of an 8 pound son Tuesday, March 22, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named James Edward Jr. Mrs Jones is the former Miss JoanCrawford. TR, Thu 24 Mar 1955

Jones, Jane Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Douglas Jones announcethe birth of a daughter, Saturday, August 29, at Prather Clinic, who has beennamed Jane Elizabeth. Mrs Jones wasbefore her marriage Miss Elizabeth Howell.TR, Mon 31 Aug 1942

Jones, Jason Robert - Mr and Mrs Steve Jones, ofMilledgeville, former residents of Americus announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3ounce son born Monday morning, October 11 at the Baldwin County Hospital inMilledgeville. He has been named JasonRobert. Jason has a 5 ½ year oldbrother, Jeff. Grandparents of the babyare Mr and Mrs Gaynor Daniels and Mr and Mrs Ed Jones Jr of Americus. Great-grandmothers are Mrs E T Jones and MrsS M Etheridge of Americus and Mrs Oliver Daniels of Macon. TR, Wed 12 Oct 1976

Jones, Jeffrey Daniels - Mr and Mrs Steve Jones, of Maconannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 3 ounce son Sunday, January 24 at the MaconHospital. The baby, who has been namedJeffrey Daniels is the grandson of Mr and Mrs G J Daniels and Mr and Mrs EdJones Jr, all of Americus. He is thegreat-grandson of Mrs Oliver Daniels and Mrs J A Layfield of Milledgeville andMrs E T Jones of Americus and Mrs S M Etheridge of Ellaville.. Mrs Jones is the former Miss Jo Daniels ofthis city. TR, Wed 27 Jan 1971

Jones, Jeffrey William - Mr and Mrs Ernest W Jones, of 104Burke Street, announce the birth of a son, October 1 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby has been namedJeffrey William. TR, Fri 2 Oct 1964

Jones, Jennifer Alyssa - Mr and Mrs William L Jones Jr arethe parents of a 7 pound, 2 ½ ounce daughter born Wednesday, August 14, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who has been named Jennifer Alyssa is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsKenneth Decker of Horseheads, NY and Mr and Mrs W T Jones of Americus. TR, Tue 20 Aug 1974

Jones, Jennifer Ann - Mr and Mrs Rolin Jones, of LaGrange,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 3 ounce daughter Saturday, December 18 who hasbeen named Jennifer Ann. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Jack L Jones of Americus and Mrs Ruth McNabb ofMoultrie and the great-granddaughter of Mrs George W Wright and Mr Wright ofthis city. J R Wall Sr of Americus isthe baby’s great-grandfather. TR, Fri31 Dec 1971

Jones, Jennifer Lee - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Jones, of Plains,announce the birth of a 7 pound, daughter, November 22, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Jennifer Lee. TR,Fri 24 Nov 1961

Jones, Jennifer Mathews - Capt and Mrs Randolph Jones Jr,of Myrtle Beach SC, announce the birth of a daughter born Thursday, October 7who has been named Jennifer Mathews Jones.“Jenny” as she is to be called is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs L BHarvard of Thomasville and Mr and Mrs Randy Jones of Americus. Mr and Mrs Rufus Mathews of this city are thebaby’s great-grandparents. Jenny has anolder sister Stephanie. TR, Mon 11Oct 1971

Jones, Jerry Ellyn III - Jerry and Dawn Jones of Westonannounce the birth of a son, Jerry Ellyn III, born December 14 at Phoebe PutneyHospital in Albany. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Bobby Wiggins and Mr and Mrs J E Jones and Mrs Verdie Wall. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs James AWiggins, Mrs Gertrude Scott and the late Mr L J Scott and Mr and Mrs D RJones. TR, Sat 26 Dec 1992

Jones, Jesse Clabon Jr - Mr and Mrs Jesse C Jones, of the17th district, announce the birth of a son, Monday, Feb 25. The baby weighs eight and three quarterpounds, and has been named Jesse Clabon Jones Jr. TR, Thu 28 Feb 1935

Jones, Jesse Cleadon Jr - Mr and Mrs Jesse C (Jack) Jones,of Smithville, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ounce son, Saturday,February 13, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been namedJesse Cleadon Jr. Mrs Jones is theformer Loraine Stanford. TR, Mon 15Feb 1960

Jones, Jessica Lynn - Mr and Mrs Jesse C Jones Jr announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 14 ½ ounce daughter, Jessica Lynn, who was born March 6at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.Mrs Jones is the former Martha Mercedes Fort of Albemarle, NC. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Jack CJones of Smithville and the maternal grandparents are Dr and Mrs W Davis Fortof Albemarle. The maternalgreat-grandmother is Mrs T M Fort Sr of Lumpkin, Ga. TR, Wed 14 Mar 1984

Jones, Jimmie Leroy - Is the name given to the 8-pound son,of Mrs J C Jones, who was born Thursday, January 26. Mr Jones, father of the child was killed inan automobile accident last October. TR,Mon 30 Jan 1939

Jones, John Daniel - Mr and Mrs David Jones of DeSoto,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 5 ½ ounce son on July 22 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named John Daniel. The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs J ALane of Montezuma and Mrs Luther Jones of Americus. TR, Wed 26 Jul 1967

Jones, Jonathan Clyde - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Jones announce thebirth of a son born Wednesday, June 3 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital who weighed 9 pounds, 8 ounces.The baby, who has been named Jonathan Clyde has two brothers, Jimmy Lynnand Robert Lee. Grandparents are Mrs W EStorey of Plains and the late Mr Storey and Nottie Jones of Oglethorpe and thelate Mrs Jones. TR, Thu 4 Jun 1981

Jones, Justin Brian - Mr and Mrs Jerry Jones of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 4 ounce son, Justin Brian, born Wednesday,March 28 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs WilliamRooks of Americus and Mrs Felton Jones and the late Mr Jones of Ellaville. Great-grandparents are Mrs Horace Watson ofButler and Mrs Maggie Jones of Columbus.He has a sister, Leslie, who will be six years old in May. TR, Mon 2 Apr 1984

Jones, Kayli Nacole Renee - Mr and Mrs Darian Jones ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Kayli Nacole Renee, born May 8 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces at birth. MrsJones is the former Miss Jami Ricks of Americus. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs James WRicks of Lake Blackshear and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Bobby Jonesof Americus. TR, Wed 24 May 1995

Jones, Lacy Michele - Mr and Mrs Randy Jones of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Lacy Michele, born Jul 5 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 9ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs W U Bowen of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs JW Jones of Oglethorpe. Great-grandmotheris Ina Jones of Fritzgerald. The babyhas a sister, Nikki, 5. TR, Wed 13Jul 1994

Jones, Lady Margaret - Mr and Mrs Meriwether (Bubber) Jonesannounce the birth of a daughter, Friday, October 4, at Prather Clinic, who hasbeen named Lady Margaret. Mrs Jones isthe former Miss Iris Crutchfield. TR,Mon 7 Oct 1946

Jones, Lamont - Mr and Mrs W A Jones Jr, of Atlanta,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce son, August 20, at the GeorgiaBaptist Hospital, who has been named Lamont.The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs W A Jones Sr, of Americus. TR, Mon 24 Aug 1959

Jones, Larry LeVene - Mr and Mrs Jack L Jones announce thebirth of a son Sept 13, at city hospital.He weighed eight pounds, four ounces, and has been named LarryLeVene. TR, Sat 20 Sep 1952

Jones, Laura Lynn - Mr and Mrs Miles Jones, of Smithville,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Thursday, March 28 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of LauraLynn. Mrs Jones is the former Miss LynnMitchell. TR, Fri 29 Mar 1957

Jones, Lauren Tye - Mr and Mrs Larry Jones of Melrose Park,Pa announce the birth of a 10 pound, 11 ounce daughter, Lauren Tye, bornWednesday, November 14. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Lawrence Palmer of Greenbelt, Md and Mr and MrsJack Jones of Americus.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Luther Tarleton of California; Mr andMrs George Wright of Americus. TR,Wed 21 Nov 1984

Jones, Leanne Frances - Mr and Mrs Todd Jones announce thebirth of a daughter, Leanne Frances, born March 17. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces atbirth. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs MackMartin of Americus and Mr and Mrs Bobby Jones of Warner Robins. Great-grandmothers are Mrs William Lansfordand Mrs Gilbert Martin. Leanne has asister, Ashleigh, age two. TR, Sat 21Mar 1992

Jones, Leon Strickland - Mr and Mrs Phil Jones Jr, of 310pecan Drive, are the parents of a 7 pound, 1 ounce son, born February 27, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named LeonStrickland. Mrs Jones is the former RuthStrickland of Richland and the baby’s paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs PaulJones Sr, of Americus. TR, Tue 27 Feb1962

Jones, Leslie Michelle - Mr and Mrs Jerry Jones, ofEllaville announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce daughter born Wednesday,May 24 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been given the name of LeslieMichelle. Grandparents are Mr and MrsFelton Jones of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs William Rooks of Americus. The baby is the great-granddaughter of Mrs WR Rooks Sr of Americus, Mrs Horace Watson of Butler and Mrs Maggie Jones ofColumbus. TR, Sat 10 Jun 1978

Jones, Linda Denise - Mr and Mrs Gene Jones of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ounce daughter, Linda Denise, born Monday,May 19 at Sumter Regional Hospital.Linda is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Buddy Moulton and Mr and MrsSam Jones and the great-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Oscar Wilcox , all ofEllaville. She has two sisters, Jessica,3 and Danielle, 1. TR, Fri 23 May1986

Jones, Lisa Ann - Mr and Mrs Larry Jones of Melrose Park,Pa announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce daughter, Lisa Ann, born April11. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs JackJones of Americus and Mr and Mrs Lawrence Palmer of Green Belt, Md. Great-grandparents are Mrs Martha Wright ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Luther Tarleton of California, Md. She has a sister, Lauren. TR, Fri 18 Apr 1986

Jones, Lou Ann - Mr and Mrs William Jones, of 1212 SouthHampton Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 12 ounce daughter, March 10who has been named Lou Ann. TR, Mon10 Mar 1958

Jones, Lynn - Mr and Mrs Howard Jones, of Plains, announcethe birth of a 5 pound, 14 ounce daughter, April 6 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named Lynn.TR, Wed 10 Apr 1957

Jones, Martha Sue - Mr and Mrs L F Jones, of 250 EastFurlow Street, announce the birth of a daughter, Dec 28, who will be calledMartha Sue Jones. TR, Wed 31 Dec 1924

Jones, Mary Teresa - Is the name of the little daughter ofMr and Mrs Jack Jones, who was born Saturday, October 24 at Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby weighed 7pounds, 6 ounces. Mrs Jones is theformer Miss Joan Crawford. TR, Wed 28Oct 1953

Jones, Michael Bland - Mr and Mrs H O Jones announce thebirth of a son Thursday, February 3, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces.The baby has been named Michael Bland.Mrs Jones is the former Miss Marjorie Bland. TR, Sat 5 Feb 1955

Jones, Nancy Harvard - Mr and Mrs Randolph Jones Jrannounce the birth of a daughter born Thursday, October 26 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Nancy Harvard Jones. Theinfant is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs L B Harvard of Thomasville and Mr andMrs Randolph Jones of Americus. Hergreat-grandmothers are Mrs A J Harvard of Thomasville and Mrs Rufus Mathews ofthis city. TR, Wed 1 Nov 1978

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs Bobby Jones, of Shawnett,Alabama, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce daughter April 28. Mrs Jones is the former Cookie Terry of WestPoint. The baby is the granddaughter ofMr and Mrs C L Terry and Mr and Mrs Robert Jones of West Point and thegreat-granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Frank Chappell of Americus. TR, Fri 29 Apr 1966

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs C A Jones announce the birthof a daughter, Saturday, January 10, at city hospital. TR, Sat 10 Jan 1942

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs C R Jones, of Hamlet, N C,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, March 5. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs C RWeeks, of Americus. TR, Wed 6 Mar1957

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs C W Jones announce the birthof a son, Tuesday, January 26 , at city hospital. TR, Fri 29 Jan 1943

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs Carroll Jones announce thebirth of a son, Thursday, November 6, at city hospital. TR, Fri 7 Nov 1952

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs D R Jones, of Weston,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, March 10, at city hospital. TR, Thu 11 Mar 1943

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs David Jones, of 12 D ParkerStreet, announce the birth of a 9 pound daughter, Tuesday, January 22, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 23 Jan 1957

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs E L Jones, of Buena Vista,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 6 ounce daughter, March 26 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Wed 27Mar 1957

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs E M Jones announce the birthof a son, Tuesday, October 14, at city hospital. TR, Thu 16 Oct 1941

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ed Jones announce the birthof a son, Tuesday, November 27, at City Hospital. TR, Wed 28 Nov 1945

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs Edley Jones, of Vicksburg,Miss, announce the birth of a daughter Saturday, March 9. Mrs Jones is the former Miss Lucy HollisImig, of Americus and Gulfport, Miss. TR,Fri 14 Mar 1952

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs Elton Jones, of Oglethorpe,are the parents of a 6 pound, 15 ½ ounce son, born August 14 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Thu15 Aug 1963

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ernest Jones, of 714 ½Jeffereson Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 3 ounce daughter at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, on January 3. TR, Wed 4 Jan 1961

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs Felton Jones announce thebirth of a daughter Monday, May 6, at Prather Clinic. TR, Tue 7 May 1946

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs Harold Jones, of 101 BurkeStreet, are the parents of a six pound, 2 3/4 ounce daughter, born August 1 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert L Jones of Sumter, SC andMr and Mrs Wheeler McUtcheon of Columbia, SC.TR, Tue 1 Aug 1967

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs Harrold H Jones, of 101 BurkeStreet, announce the birth of a daughter weighing 7 pounds, 13 1/4 ounces,Friday, July 16. TR, Mon 19 Jul 1965

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs J F Jones, Route 3, Americus,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, June 7, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 9 Jun 1949

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs J L Jones, Americus, are theparents of a baby boy born March 16 weighing 7 pounds, 13 ounces. TCN, Thu 20 Mar 1952

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jack Jones announce the birthof a 7 pound, 10 ounce daughter Wednesday, April 1 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. TR, Wed 3 Apr 1957

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jack L Jones announce thebirth of a son, Wednesday, June 1, at city hospital. TR, Thu 2 Jun 1949

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jackie Jones announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 14 ½ ounce son, born at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, January 26. TR, Thu 27 Jan1966

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs James A Jones, of BuenaVista, are the parents of a 10 pound, 3 ½ ounce son, born February 27, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Wed 28 Feb 1962

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jasper Jones, of 731 SunsetDrive, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce daughter, August 20 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 24 Aug 1961

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jimmie T Jones, of Knoxville,Tenn, announce the birth of a daughter on Nov 6, 1922. Mrs Jones will be remembered in Americus asMiss Lucie Gilmore. TR, Thu 9 Nov1922

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs Joe W Jones, of Philadelphia,announce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, October 2 at St Agnes Hospital. Mrs Jones is the former Miss Gertrude Butler,of this city. TR, Mon 3 Oct 1949

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jones announce the birth of adaughter, Monday, Feb 3, at the Prather clinic.TR, Tue 4 Feb 1941

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs L C Jones, of 206 E ChurchStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce daughter, Tuesday, March 18,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 19 Mar 1958

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs Otis Jones, of Dawson, announcethe birth of a boy, Feb 11, at the City Hospital. TR, Thu 12 Feb 1948

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs Rex Jones, of McGarrahStreet, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 9 ½ ounce daughter at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, September 3. TR,Tue 4 Sep 1962

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert S Jones announce thebirth of a daughter, Thursday morning at 6:15 o’clock January 2 at cityhospital. Mrs Jones was before marriageMiss Mervin Dupree. TR, Thu 2 Jan1947

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs Roy Jones announce the birthof a son born Friday, November 4, at Prather Clinic. TR, Tue 8 Nov 1938

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs Royce Jones, of Tifton,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 15 ounce son born March 30 at TiftonHospital. Mrs Jones is the former BettySue Bradley of Americus. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs A A Jones of Tifton and R L Bradley and the late MrsBradley of Americus. TR Wed 22 Mar1972

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs Royce Jones, of Tifton,announce the birth of a 9 pound, 3 ounce daughter June 14, at the Tift CountyHospital. The baby is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs Lester Bradley, of Americus and Mrs and Mrs A A Jones, ofTifton. TR, Fri 17 Jun 1960

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs Royce Jones, of Tifton,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son, January 27. Mrs Jones is the former Betty Sue Bradley andthe baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Lester Bradley, of Americus. TR, Tue 29 Jan 1963

Jones, Not named - Mr and Mrs W K Jones, of Dawson,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, July 2, at City Hospital. TR, Thu 3 Jul 1947

Jones, Not named - Mrs Daniel W Jones, widow of D W Jones,who was electrocuted September 30, 1936, while working for Georgia PowerCompany, announce the birth of a son May 22.TR, Tue 25 May 1937

Jones, Randolph Bluett - Mr and Mrs H O Jones announce thebirth of a son August 15 at their home near Americus, who has been given thename of Randolph Bluett. TR, Wed 15Aug 1923

Jones, Randolph Bluette III - Mr and Mrs Randolph BluetteJones Jr, of Thomasville, announce the birth of a son born Sunday, September7. The baby has been named RandolphBluette Jones III. His grandparents areMr and Mrs L B Harvard of Thomasville and Mr and Mrs Randy Jones ofAmericus. TR, Wed 10 Sep 1975

Jones, Randolph Dennis - Mr and Mrs Herman Jones, of Route2, Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce boy on January 27 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Hehas been named Randolph Dennis. TR,Mon 30 Jan 1956

Jones, Randolph Jr - Mr and Mrs Randolph B Jones annoucethe birth of a son Saturday, November 30, at Prather Clinic, who has been namedRandolph Jr. Mrs Jones was beforemarriage Miss Matthews. TR, Mon 2 Dec1946

Jones, Rebecca Moylan - Mr and Mrs Jack Jones, of Richland,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ounce daughter,September 9, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been named Rebecca Moylan. TR, Mon 12 Sep 1960

Jones, Richard Gregory Jr - Mr and Mrs Richard G Jonesannounce the birth of a 10 pound, 9 ounce son born Thursday, May 4 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Richard Gregory Jones Jr.He is the grandson of Lawrence J Brodie of Atlanta and the late MrsSylvia M Brodie and Mrs John R Jones of Bronwood. TR, Mon 8 May 1972

Jones, Robert Adams - Mr and Mrs Ray Jones of Plainsannounce the birth of a son, Robert Adams, who was born at the Columbus MedicalCenter on July 29, weighing 6 pounds, 12 1/4 ounces. He is the grandson of Mrs Christine Horan ofPlains; Robert Horan of Cleveland, Ohio and Mr and Mrs Charles R Jones ofPlains. TR, Thu 11 Aug 1983

Jones, Robert Etheridge - Mr and Mrs Ed Jones of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Robert Etheridge, born Tuesday, July 4 at CityHospital. TCN, Thu 6 Jul 1950

Jones, Robert J Jr - Mr and Mrs Robert Jones, of Lee StreetRoad, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ounce son, Tuesday, November 8, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Robert J Jr. TR, Wed 9 Nov 1955

Jones, Robert Lance - Mr and Mrs Chuck R Jones Jr of 221Glenwood Road announce the birth of a son on August 9. The infant has been named Robert Lance andwill be called Lance. The baby weighed 7pounds, 14 ounces. The infant is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs Charles R Jones of 319 Wildwood Circle and Mr and MrsGrady Gravitt of Oglethorpe. TR, Tue21 Aug 1979

Jones, Robert Matthew - Mr and Mrs Robert E Jones, ofGainesville announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son Thursday, May 4. The baby has been given the name of RobertMatthew. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs EdJones Jr of Americus and Mr and Mrs Arthur Kaartunen of Warner Robins. Great-grandparents are Mrs E T Jones and MrsS M Etheredge of Americus. TR, Mon 8May 1978

Jones, Robert S Jr - Mr and Mrs Robert S Jones, ofTullahoma, Tennessee, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son Sunday,February 6, who has been named Robert S Jones Jr. His paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs J TJones, of Atlanta, and his maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs A J Dupree, ofAmericus. TR, Thu 8 Feb 1955

Jones, Robert Young III - Mr and Robert Y Jones Jr, ofLangsdale, Ala, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son, February 28, atthe Langsdale Hospital, who has been given the name of Robert Young III. Mrs Jones is the former Miss Cookie Terry, ofWest Point and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Frank Chappell ofAmericus. TR, Fri 28 Feb 1964

Jones, Sandra Jean - Mr and Mrs C B Jones announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, October 4, at their home, 1119 Elm Avenue, whohas been named Sandra Jean. TR, Fri 6Oct 1939

Jones, Sheila Lanelle - Mr and Mrs J M Jones, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a 7 lb, 15 oz daughter on November 26 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital who has been named Sheila Lanelle. TR, Mon 28 Nov 1960

Jones, Shelly Kathleen - Mr and Mrs Ernest L Jones, ofKansas City, Missouri, formerly of Ellaville, announce the birth of a daughteron July 7. The baby weighed 6 pounds, 4ounces and has been named Shelly Kathleen.Mrs Jones is the former Betty Jo Takacs.Grandparents of the baby are Mr and Mrs Joseph F Takacs of Lewiston, Paand Mr and Mrs Marion Jones of Ellaville.TR, Tue 9 Jul 1974

Jones, Stanford Ray - Mr and Mrs J C Jones, of Smithville,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son, March 29, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Stanford Ray. TR, Mon 30 Mar 1964

Jones, Stephanie - Lt and Mrs Randolph Jones Jr, of MyrtleBeach, SC announce the birth of a daughter Sunday, September 6 at the MyrtleAir Force Base General Hospital. Thebaby has been given the name of Stephanie.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Randy Jones of Americus and Mrand Mrs L B Harvard of Thomasville. Mrand Mrs Rufus Mathews of this city are the baby’s great-grandparents. TR, Tue 7 Sep 1970

Jones, Stephen Bradley - Mr and Mrs Bobby Jones ofGainesville, Ga announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15 ounce son born Saturday,September 6 who has been named Stephen Bradley.Brad, as he will be called, is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Ed Jones Jr ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs Art Kaartuenen of Warner Robins. His great-grandmothers are Mrs EthelEtheridge and Mrs E T Jones Sr, both of Americus. TR, Wed 17 Sep 1980

Jones, Stephen Dale - Mr and Mrs W K Jones of Dawsonannounce the birth of a son, Stephen Dale, born Monday, July 3 at City Hospital. TCN, Thu 6 Jul 1950

Jones, Thomas Arthur - Mr and Mrs Curtis Jones, ofCincinnati, Ohio, announce the birth of a son, Thursday, April 24, who has beennamed Thomas Arthur. Mr Jones is aformer resident of Americus and the baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs L CJones, of this city. TR, Mon 28 Apr1952

Jones, Thomas McKenzie - Mr and Mrs Phil Jones Jr announcethe birth of a 5 pound, 9 ounce son born Tuesday, January 18 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Thomas McKenzie Jones. He isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs Leon Strickland of Richland and Mr and Mrs PhilJones Sr of Americus. TR, Tue 18 Jan1972

Jones, Timothy Wayne - Mr and Mrs Carroll Jones announcethe birth of a 7 pound, one ounce son Thursday, July 17 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Timothy Wayne. TR, Thu 14Jul 1955

Jones, Tracy Michelle - Mr and Mrs Frank B Jones are theparents of a 5 pound, 11 ounce daughter born Saturday, May 26 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Tracy Michelle. The infant isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Charles F Walz of San Antonio and Mr and Mrs GeorgeE Ginn of Washington, Ga. TR, Mon 4Jun 1973

Jones, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs E P Jones Jr announcethe birth of twin daughters, Friday, April 24, at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. One weighed five pounds, 4ounces and the other five pounds. TR,Fri 24 Apr 1953

Jones, Walter Calhoun Jr - Mr and Mrs Walter Calhoun Jones,of St Louis, announce the birth of a son, Monday, February 3 at St Mary’sHospital, who has been named Walter Calhoun Jr.Mrs Jones is the former Miss Katron Moon, of this city. TR, Fri 7 Feb 1947

Jones, Walter J III - Mr and Mrs Walter J Jones Jr,Ellaville, announce the birth of a son, Walter J III, born September 12 atPrather Clinic weighing 7 pounds, 6 ounces.TCN, Thu 18 Sep 1952

Jones, Wilda Lee - Mr and Mrs W A Jones, of LaGrange,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter, Wilda Lee on Wednesday,July 26. TR, Fri 28 Jul 1944

Jones, Wilkinson Fort - Mr and Mrs Jess Jones of Smithvilleannounce the birth of a 9 pound, 2 ounce son, Wilkinson Fort, born Tuesday, May20 at Sumter Regional Hospital. He isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs J C Jones of Smithville and Mr and Mrs WilkinsonDavis Fort of Albemarle, NC.Great-grandmother is Mrs T M Fort Sr of Lumpkin. Will has a sister, Jessica, 2. TR, Mon 9 Jun 1986

Jones, William Albert Jr - Mr and Mrs W A Jones announcethe birth of a son, William Albert Jr, which was born Saturday, August 3 attheir home of Forsyth Street. The babyweighed 7 ½ pounds. Both mother andchild are getting along nicely. TR,Mon 5 Aug 1935

Jones, William Daniel - Mr and Mrs William David Jones, ofOglethorpe, are the parents of a son born Tuesday, July 31 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The infant, whohas been given the name of William Daniel weighed 6 pounds, 13 ½ ounces. Mrs Jones is the former Ruth Lashley ofAndersonville. The baby’s maternalgrandmother is Mrs Mary E Lashley of Andersonville and his paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs William B Jones of Oglethorpe. TR, Fri 3 Aug 1973

Jones, William Evans - Mr and Mrs Henry Osmond Jones IIIannounce the birth of a son born Tuesday, March 20 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital who weighed 7 pounds.The baby has been given the name of William Evans Jones. The infant is the grandson of Mr and MrsWilliam E Smith and Mr and Mrs H O Jones Jr , all of Americus. TR, Thu 25 Mar 1976

Jordan, Amy Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Karl Jordan Jr, ofAtlanta, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 6 ounce daughter born at theNorthside Hospital in Atlanta Friday, April 4.The baby has been given the name of Amy Elizabeth. Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs Karl JordanSr of Americus and Mr and Mrs Jack Givens of Huntsville, Ala. She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs C FGreen of Columbus. TR, Sat 5 Apr 1975

Jordan, Andrew Cullen - Mr and Mrs Louis Jordan ofNashville, Tennessee announce the birth of a son born Wednesday, March 10. The baby, who weighed 5 pounds, 3 ounces hasbeen given the name of Andrew Cullen.Grandparents are Mrs Louise Jordan and the late Howard Jordan of Americusand Mr and Mrs Richard Atwood of Melbourne, Florida. TR, 10 Mar 1982

Jordan, Betty Dee - Mr and Mrs J G Jordan announce the birthof a daughter on November the 23rd.She has been given the name of Betty Dee. TR, Wed 1 Dec 1926

Jordan, Blanford Eugene - Mr and Mrs Eugene Jordan, ofChamblee, are the parents of a 6 pound, 9 ½ ounce son, born October 1st,at the Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta. Thebaby has been named Blanford Eugene and is the grandson of Mr and Mrs WilliamJordan of Ellaville. TR, Thu 8 Oct1964

Jordan, Bradford Walker - Mr and Mrs Eugene Jordan, ofChamblee, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 14 ounce son on Tuesday, September20 at Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta. Thebaby has been named Bradford Walker Jordan.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs G T Thompson of Jesup and Mr and Mrs WilliamJordan of Ellaville. TR, Tue 27 Sep1966

Jordan, Bridgett Nichole - Mr and Mrs David T Jordan ofEllaville announce the birth of a daughter, Bridgett Nichole, born July 31 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mrs W N Dowdy and the late Mr Dowdy ofAmericus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Bridges Jordan ofEllaville. The baby has two brothers,Shane 13; Brant, 12; and three sisters, Kristi, 8; Willie Anne, 8; and Katie,age two. TR, Thu 8 Aug 1991

Jordan, Britton Peen - Mr and Mrs Eugene Jordan, ofMarietta, announce the birth of a son on Thursday, October 22 at North SpringsHospital in Sandy Springs. The babyweighed 7 pounds, 1 ounce and has been named Britton Peen Jordan. The maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs J GThompson of Jesup and the paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs William Jordanof Ellaville. TR, Tue 27 Oct 1970

Jordan, Catherine Anne - Mr and Mrs Lamar Jordan ofEllaville announce the birth of a daughter, Catherine Anne Jordan, who was bornat the Americus and Sumter County Hospital Saturday, March 3. The infant weighed 7 pound, 12 ounces. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Erwin ECrozier of Plains and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs William B Jordan ofEllaville. Little Catherine Anne has anolder sister, Natalie Jordan who is three and a half. TR, Mon 12 Mar 1979

Jordan, Chandra Dawn - Mr and Mrs Archie Jordan announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 13 ½ ounce baby girl Wednesday, June 7 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Chandra Dawn. The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs MildredGrissom and Mr and Mrs Marvin Jordan, all of Americus. TR, Mon 12 Jun 1967

Jordan, Christie Michelle - Mr and Mrs Tim Jordan announcethe birth of a daughter, Christie Michelle born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital Friday, April 18. Thebaby weighed 6 pounds, 6 3/4 ounces. Hermother is the former Marsha Lee.Grandparents of the infant are Mrs Alma S Jordan and the late Troy SJordan Sr of Columbus and Mr and Mrs W A Lee Jr of Americus. TR, Wed 23 Apr 1975

Jordan, Curtis A III - Mr and Mrs Curtis A Jordan announcethe birth of a son, Curtis A Jordan III, who was born Monday, July 22 at cityhospital. Prior to her marriage MrsJordan was Miss Lallie Murphy. TR,Tue 23 Jul 1940

Jordan, Cynthia Dianne - Mr and Mrs Thomas C Jordan ofLeesburg announce the birth of a daughter Sunday, September 16 at the PhoebePutney Hospital in Albany. The baby hasbeen named Cynthia Dianne and is to be called Cindy. She has two sisters, Angel and Mandy and abrother, Keith. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mrs Louis Jordan and the late Howard Jordan of Americus and Mrand Mrs Melvin Crawley Sr of Americus.She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs Julia Smith of Dawson Road, Americus. TR, Wed 19 Sep 1979

Jordan, David McCloud - Rev and Mrs Fred Jordan ofMillingport, NC announce the birth of a son born Monday, March 29 who has beengiven the name of David McCloud Jordan.His mother is the former Taffy Parker of Raleigh, NC. The infant is the grandson of Mr and MrsRobert Parker of Raleigh and Mr and Mrs N Fred Jordan of Salisbury, NC. He is the great-grandson of Mrs W C Flatt ofAmericus and Mrs Myrtle Wagoner of Salisbury, NC. TR, Fri 2 Apr 1976

Jordan, David Terry - Mr and Mrs Alvin E Jordan, of Route 3,announce the birth of a son at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, Oct2. The baby who weighed 8 pounds, 8ounces has been named David Terry. TR,Tue 3 Oct 1961

Jordan, David Wesley - Sgt and Mrs Karl Jordan announce thebirth of a son Friday, August 17, at city hospital, who has been named DavidWesley. Mrs Jordan was before marriageMrs Bernice Dekle, of Columbus. SgtJordan is stationed at Topeka, Kansas, at present. Mrs Jordan and baby were removed to the homeof Mr and Mrs C A Jordan today. TR,Mon 27 Aug 1945

Jordan, Derek Wesley - Mr and Mrs David W Jordan announcethe birth of a son, Derek Wesley Jordan, who was born in Encinitas, Californiaon May 31. The infant weighed 7 pounds,12 ½ ounces. Paternal grandparents areMr and Mrs Karl M Jordan of Americus and maternal grandparents are Mr and MrsDonald Bergquist of Santee, California. TR,Tue 5 Jun 1979

Jordan, Donnelle Lee - Mr and Mrs David W Jordon ofEncinitas, California announce the birth of an 8 pound daughter on November 5who has been named Donnelle Lee. She hasa brother, Derek. The baby’s paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Karl Jordon of Americus and the maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Don Berquist of Encinitas. TR, Fri 6 Nov 1981

Jordan, Dorothy Gwendolyn - Mr and Mrs Curtis Jordan Jr, ofKey West, Fla, announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, April 24, who weighed8 pounds, 4 ounces. The baby has beennamed Dorothy Gwendolyn for her mother, the former Miss Dorothy Hobby, ofColumbus. Mr Jordan who is a pettyofficer 2nd class in the U S Naval Reserve, is a former Americusresident. TR, Tue 25 Apr 1944

Jordan, Edward Terry - Mr and Mrs G W Jordan, of 235 BellStreet, announce the birth of a son, Edward Terry, Friday, November 23, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Mon 26 Nov 1956

Jordan, Frances Iona - Mr and Mrs Homer L Jordan, ofJacksonville, Fla, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter,Tuesday, December 30, who has been named Frances Iona. Mrs Jordan was formerly Miss Thelma Webb, ofSumter. TR, Sat 3 Jan 1942

Jordan, Gladys Patricia - Mr and Mrs Curtis A Jordan Jr, ofColumbus, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, February 20, who has beennamed Gladys Patricia. Mrs Jordan wasbefore marriage, Miss Dorothy Hobby, of Columbus and Mr Jordan is a formerAmericus resident. TR, Mon, 25 Feb1947

Jordan, Gregory Gerald - Mr and Mrs G M Jordan, of 922 EastForsyth Street, are the parents of an 8 pound, 1 ½ ounce son, born February 24at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named GregoryGerald. TR, Mon 26 Feb 1962

Jordan, Howard Louis - Mr and Mrs Howard Jordan, of Route 3,Americus announce the birth of a son, Howard Louis, Tuesday, July 7, atAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 7 pounds, 2 ounces at birth.TR, Thu 9 Jul 1953

Jordan, James Carlton - Mr and Mrs W C Jordan announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 5 ½ ounce son at City Hospital Monday, March 19, who hasbeen named James Carlton. TR, Tue 20Mar 1951

Jordan, James Leon Jr - Mr and Mrs J L Jordan, 1006 DouglasDrive, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce son on February 10 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Hehas been named James Leon Jr. TR, Mon13 Feb 1961

Jordan, Jency Ann - Mr and Mrs Daniel L Jordan, of EastPoint, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce daughter, Jency Ann, May30. Mrs Jordan is the former JencyCarlton. TR, Thu 7 Jun 1962

Jordan, John David - Mr and Mrs Howard Jordan announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce son, Monday, August 6, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been given the name of John David. TR, Tue 7 Aug 1956

Jordan, John Richard IV - Mr and Mrs John Richard Jordan IIIof Atlanta announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 3/4 ounce son, John RichardJordan IV, born Monday, April 23 at Northside Hospital. The infant is the grandson of Mrs William KPerdue and the late Mr Perdue of Americus and Mrs Patricia Weaver Jordan ofAshville, NC and John Richard Jordan Jr of Raleigh, NC. TR, Thu 17 May 1984

Jordan, Joshua Paul - Mr and Mrs David Jordan of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Joshua Paul, born January 25 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,12 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs A D Martin and paternal grandparents are Mr and MrsAlvin Jordan, all of Americus. TR,Thu 28 Jan 1988

Jordan, Judy Laura - Mr and Mrs Donald L Jordan, of EastPoint, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 14 ounce daughter, Judy Laura, June7. Mrs Jordan is the former JencyCarlton of Plains. TR, Fri 12 Jun1964

Jordan, Julia Amanda - Mr and Mrs Thomas C Jordan, ofMadison announce the birth of a 6 pound girl, born Wednesday, September 14 atMorgan Memorial Hospital in Madison. Thebaby, who has been named Julia Amanda has a sister, Angela, and a brother,Keith. The infant is the granddaughterof Mr and Mrs Melvin Crawley Sr and Mrs Howard Jordan and the late Mr Jordan,all of Americus. She is thegreat-granddaughter of Mrs Julia Smith and Mrs Alpha Amanda Duck, also ofAmericus. TR, Fri 16 Sep 1977

Jordan, Katherine Denice - Mr and Mrs Glenn Jordan, of 942Oglethrope Avenue announce the birth of a 6 pound, 15 ounce daughter, KatherineDenice, Tuesday, September 6, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Tue 6 Sep 1955

Jordan, Katie Sue - Mr and Mrs Clarence Jordan, of Americus,announce the birth of a daughter, born Monday, January 13th at thePrather Clinic. The infant weighed eightpounds and eight ounces at birth and has been given the name of Katie Sue. Both mother and daughter are doing nicely. TCN, Fri 17 Jan 1936

Jordan, Kimberly Jean - Mr and Mrs Rodney C Jordan, ofWichita Falls, Texas announce the birth of a daughter. The baby weighed 9 pounds, 1 ounce and hasbeen named Kimberly Jean. She was bornTuesday, May 20 at Wichita Falls General Hospital. The infant is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsKarl Jordan of Americus and Mr and Mrs A L Crain of Wichita Falls. TR, Thu 22 May 1980

Jordan, Lisa Kim - Mr and Mrs R L Jordan announce the birthof a daughter born Friday, August 29 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 8 poundshas been given the name of Lisa Kim. Sheis the granddaugher of Mrs Martha M Campbell and Russell Campbell, both of Americusand the late Mr and Mrs R L Jordan of Thomaston. Her great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs C WMcArthur and Mrs C C Ollis, also of Americus.TR, Fri 5 Sep 1975

Jordan, Loretta Carol - Mr and Mrs Alvin Jordan announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 14 ounce daughter Tuesday, October 20, at Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Loretta Carol. TR, Thu 29 Oct 1953

Jordan, Mallory Brooke - Mr and Mrs R Wayne Jordan Jr ofHuntsville, Ala announce the birth of a 6 pound, 9 ounce daughter, MalloryBrooke, born Dec 14. Mrs Jordan is theformer Mary Kaye Waldal of Albany. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs DarrellWaldal of Americus and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert Jordan Sr ofAlbany, Evelyn Waldal of Beach, ND and Ester Erickson of Carson, ND. TR, Wed 19 Jan 1994

Jordan, Mary Lynn - Mr and Mrs Robert W Jordan, of 5429Hamilton Road, Columbus, Ga, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 10 ½ ouncedaughter, April 15, who has been named Mary Lynn. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsFred Kleckley and Mr and Mrs Hubert Jordan of Americus. TR, Mon 16 Apr 1962

Jordan, Melissa Anne - Mr and Mrs Timothy Jordan announcethe birth of a daughter born Monday, January 30 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The 8 pound, 10 ouncebaby has been given the name of Melissa Anne.The infant is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs W A Lee Jr and Mrs AlmaRamey of North Huntingdon, Pa and the late Troy Veatis Jordan Sr ofEllaville. W A Lee Sr of Americus is thebaby’s great-grandfather. TR, Tue 31Jan 1978

Jordan, Michael Allen - Mr and Mrs Jimmy L Jordan, of 108Sharon Drive, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 11 ounce son Wednesday,September 14 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given thename of Michael Allen. The baby is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs W T Jordan and Mrs Ernest Jordan all of Americus. TR, Thu 15 Sep 1966

Jordan, Natalie Audrey - Mr and Mrs Lamar Jordan, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a daughter on Saturday, September 13 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby weighed 6 pounds, 15 ounces and has been named Natalie Audrey Jordan. Grandparents of the baby are Mr and Mrs ErwinE Crozier of Plains and Mr and Mrs William B Jordan of Ellaville. Natalie has two great-grandfathers, W E Hensonof Buena Vista and Mrs G W Dillard of Thomaston. TR, Tue 16 Sep 1975

Jordan, Not named - Aviation Cadet and Mrs Karl Jordanannounce the birth of a son, Saturday, October 9, in Columbus. Mrs Jordan is the former Miss Bernice Dekle,of Columbus. Mr Jordan is stationed inBiloxi. TR, Sat 9 Oct 1943

Jordan, Not named - Mr and Mrs A H Jordan, of East LamarStreet, announce the birth of a son, weighing 10 pounds, Wednesday, 7July. TR, Thu 8 Jul 1920

Jordan, Not named - Mr and Mrs C L Jordan announce the birthof a daughter, Sunday, December 22, at city hospital. TR, Tue 24 Dec 1946

Jordan, Not named - Mr and Mrs C L Jordan, Americus,announce the birth of a boy July 28 at City Hospital weighing 7 pounds, 6ounces. TCN, Thu 31 Jul 1952

Jordan, Not named - Mr and Mrs Curtis A Jordan III, ofMacon, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 11 ounce son, born August 13. The baby is the grandson, of Mr and MrsCurtis Jordan Jr, of Columbus and the great-grandson of Mr and Mrs C A Jordanof Americus. TR, Fri 17 Aug 1962

Jordan, Not named - Mr and Mrs E R Jordan, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a son at their home on Broad Street, Tuesday morning,April 25th. TR, Wed 26 Apr1922

Jordan, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ernest Jordan Jr, of 1003Douglas Circle, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son, born April 8 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Fri 9 Apr 1965

Jordan, Not named - Mr and Mrs G E Jordan announce the birthof a daughter at their home, 115 Felder Street.Mr Jordan served in the World War as a captain, and since his dischargehas made Americus his home. TR, Mon 6Jun 1921

Jordan, Not named - Mr and Mrs Gerald Jordan, of 922 E LamarStreet, are the parents of an 8 pound, 10 ounce daughter, born Friday, July 2,at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Fri 2 Jul 1965

Jordan, Not named - Mr and Mrs Glenn Jordan announce thebirth of a son Wednesday, November 4 at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. TR, Thu 5 Nov 1953

Jordan, Not named - Mr and Mrs Howard Jordan announce thebirth of a son, Tuesday, April 8, at city hospital. TR, Tue 8 Apr 1947

Jordan, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jimmy L Jordan, of 127Cherokee Street, announce the birth of a daughter at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, on February 26. The babyweighed 7 pounds, 2 ½ ounces. TR, Thu27 Feb 1964

Jordan, Not named - Mr and Mrs L R Jordan announce the birthof a son, Sunday, December 7, at city hospital.TR, Fri 12 Dec 1947

Jordan, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lucius Jordan announce thebirth of a son, June 29, at Prather Clinic.TR, Wed 10 Jul 1946

Jordan, Not named - Mr and Mrs Marvin Jordan, of nearShiloh, announce the birth of a 6 3/4 pound son, born Sunday morning, January29. Before marrige Mrs Jordan was MissIrene Cordell. TR, Mon 30 Jan 1939

Jordan, Not named - Mr and Mrs Russell Jordan announce thebirth of a son born at the Prather Clinic this morning, August 10th.. TR, Wed 10 Aug 1932

Jordan, Not named - Mr and Mrs W C Jordan, of Ellaville, announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Tuesday, August 9, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Wed10 Aug 1955

Jordan, Patricia Lou - Mr and Mrs Lowery Jordan, ofHighpoint, N C, announce the birth of a daughter Monday Aug 24th,who has been named Patricia Lou. MrJordan is the son of Sheriff and Mrs T J Jordan of Preston. TCN, Fri 18 Sep 1936

Jordan, Rodney Clay Jr - Mr and Mrs Rodney C Jordan, ofWichita Falls, Texas announce the birth of a son born Sunday, August 15 at theWichita General Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Rodney Clay Jr and is to be called Clay. He weighed 9 pounds, 7 ½ ounce. Grandparents of the baby are Mr and Mrs KarlJordan of this city and Mr and Mrs Albert L Crane of Wichita Falls. Mrs Thelma Green of Huntsville, Ala is thebaby’s great-grandmother. TR, Mon 16Aug 1976

Jordan, Ronald Everett - Mr and Mrs Alvin Jordan announcethe birth of a son, Tuesday, August 21, at city hospital, who has been namedRonald Everette. Mrs Jordan is theformer Miss Lillian Revell. TR, Thu23 Aug 1951

Jordan, Shane Phillip - Mr and Mrs Chris Jordan announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 1 ½ ounce son born Tuesday, August 27 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The infant hasbeen given the name of Shane Phillip. Heis the grandson of Mr and Mrs Ralph Speegle of Plains, Mr and Mrs RussellCampbell of Americus and Glen Jordan of Dothan, Ala. He is the great-grandson of Mrs Loyd Rodgersand Mrs Casper Speegle of Cullman, Ala and Mr and Mrs J E Cordell Sr of Americus. Mrs Leslie Cordell of this city is the baby’sgreat-grandmother. He has one brother,Brent, who is 3 years old. TR, Wed 28Aug 1974

Jordan, Sharon Kay - Mr and Mrs Ernest W Jordan Jr, of 2926Caldwell Road, Atlanta, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 14 ounce daughter,who has been named Sharon Kay. The babyis the granddaughter of Mrs Tensie Bunch and Mrs Ernest Jordan Sr, of thiscity. TR, Tue 28 Apr 1959

Jordan, Susan Marie - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Jordan announce thebirth of a 5 pound, 4 ½ ounce daughter Saturday, November 16 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been given the name of Susan Marie. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs WT Jones, of Americus and Mr and Mrs H T Temples, of Ozark, Ala and the lateErnest W Jordan, of this city. TR,Tue 26 Nov 1968

Jordan, Thomas Keith - Mr and Mrs Thomas C Jordan announcethe birth of a 9 pound, 11 ounce son born Wednesday, July 31 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who has been named Thomas Keith has one sister, Angela Michelle. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs MelvinCrawley Sr and Mrs Howard Jordan and the late Mr Jordan of Americus. His great-grandparents are Mrs Julia Smith, MrsAlpha Duck, Americus and Mrs Effie Jordan of Manchester. TR, Tue 6 Aug 1974

Jordan, Tiffany Rachel - SSGT and Mrs Keith A Jordan ofLaken Heath, England announce the birth of a a daughter, Tiffany Rachel, bornDecember 19, 1995. The infant weighed 7pounds, 5 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Karl Jordan of Americus and maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Curtis Frazier of Atlanta.TR Wed 3 Jan 1996

Jordan, Tom Wilson Jr - Mr and Mrs Tom W Jordan announce thebirth of an 8 ½ pound son, June 1, at home 417 West Church Street. The baby has been given the name Tom WilsonJr. Mrs Jordan was before her marriageMiss Fannie Patrick, of Dooling, Ga. TR,Fri 7 Jun 1935

Jordan, Twin boys - Mr and Mrs Curtis Jordan, of BarlowStreet, announce the birth of twin boys November 17. WTR, Sat 19 Nov 1921

Jordan, Whitney Erin - Mr and Mrs David Jordan of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Whitney Erin, born August 29 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 2 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs A D Martin and Mr and Mrs Alvin Jordan, all of Americus. The infant has a brother, Josh, age one and ahalf. TR, Mon 4 Sep 1989

Jordan, William Crozier - Mr and Mrs Lamar Jordan ofEllaville announce the birth of a son who has been given the name WilliamCrozier Jordan. The infant, who was bornat the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on October 3 weighed 8 pounds, 1ounce. He has two sisters, Natalie andCatherine. He is the grandson of Mr andMrs E E Crozier, Plains and Mr and Mrs William Jordan, Ellaville. TR, Fri 14 Oct 1983

Jordan, William Gordon - Mr and Mrs D J Jordan announce thebirth of a son on March 31, who has been named William Gordon. Mrs Jordan was Miss Kathleen Feagin beforeher marriage. TR, Wed 2 Apr 1924

Jordan, William Wall - Dr and Mrs W S Jordan, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a son on March 14, who has been given the name WilliamWall. TR, Sat 18 Mar 1922

Josey, Angela Shanta - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Josey of Americusannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ounce daughter who has been named AngelaShanta Josey. The infant was born onFather’s Day, June 19 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. She has one sister, Triola and hergrandmothers are Mrs Berthola Harris of Scotland, Ga and Mrs Fannie Mae Josey,Americus. TR, Fri 24 Jun 1983

Josey, Christopher Bernard - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Josey ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Christopher Bernard, born November 8 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infant weighed6 pounds, 9 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mrs Berthola Harris, Scotland, Ga; Mrs Fannie Mae Joseyof Americus; Mr and Mrs Joseph Horne of Elizabethtown, Ky. The infant has two sisters, Triola, age eightand Angela, age five. TR, Sat 19 Nov1988

Josey, Not named - Mr and Mrs Joe Josey, of Tampa, Fla,announce the birth of a son, Monday, August 4.Mrs Josey is the former Miss Alma Rooks, of the Shiloh community. TR, Wed 6 Aug 1952

Josey, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lamar Josey Jr, of Dearborn,Michigan, announce the birth of a son Christmas Day. Mrs Josey was before marriage Mary Holod, ofDetroit. Mr Josey is a former Americusresident. TR, Mon 27 Dec 1948

Jossey, Martha Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Lamar Jossey announcethe birth of a baby girl at the City Hospital Saturday, February 20, who hasbeen named Martha Elizabeth. TR, Tue23 Feb 1926

Jossey, Not named - Mr and Mrs Lamar Jossey announce thebirth of a son Tuesday, December 27, at their home on Lamar Street. TR, Mon 2 Jan 1922

Joyner, Gloria Jean - Mr and Mrs Theron Joyner, ofNormantown, formerly of Americus announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday,October 16, at the city hospital in Vadalia, who has been named GloriaJean. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 15ounces. TR, Mon 22 Oct 1946

Joyner, Joel Edward - Mr and Mrs Theron Joyner, ofNormantown, announce the birth of a son, Joel Edward, born October 3. Mrs and Mrs Joyner are former residents ofAmericus. TR, Wed 6 Oct 1937

Joyner, Marjorie Lurline - Rev and Mrs W A Joyner announcethe birth of a little daughter Thursday, September the ninth, at the CityHospital, who has been given the name of Marjorie Lurline. TR, Fri 24 Sep 1926

Joyner, Virginia Amanda - Mr and Mrs T H Joyner, ofNormantown, formerly of Americus announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday,April 1, who has been named Virginia Amanda.TR, Mon 10 Apr 1939

Judin, Douglas Frederick Jr - Mr and Mrs Douglas F Judinannounce the birth of a son, Monday, Sept 13, at Prather Clinic. The baby, who weighted 7 ½ pounds, has beengiven the name Douglas Frederick Jr. TR,Tue 28 Sep 1943

Judy, Lou Ann Marie - Mr and Mrs Luther Judy, of Monroe,NC announce the birth of a daughter, Lou Ann Marie, on July 5 at MonroeMemorial Hospital. The baby weighed 6pounds, 14 ounces. Mrs Judy is theformer Nancy Mizio. Mr and Mrs Edwin CMizio of Americus and Mr and Mrs Vernon Judy of Franklin, Ga are thegrandparents. Mrs Steve Mizio is thebaby’s great-grandparent. TR, Tue 8Jul 1975

Justice, Alene Marie - Mr and Mrs Daniel Justice announce thebirth of a 7 pound daughter on May 4.She has been given the name of Alene Marie. Her maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs FredH Adams, of Garretsville, Ohio and her paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs R RJustice of NaHunta, Ga. TR, Wed 20May 1970

Justice, Arnward Calwin - A baby boy was born to Mr and MrsHenderson Justice at Englishville, Wednesday morning Aug 10, at 8:30 o’clock,who now bears the name Arnward Calwin. TR,Wed 14 Aug 1927

Justice, Brian Brooks - Mr and Mrs Wilbur Justice, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a son at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital on Monday, January 5. The babyweighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces and has been named Brian Brooks Justice. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Luther Justice ofEllaville, Mr Roy Curtis Harris of Atlanta and the late Mrs Mattie Brown ofEllaville. Great-grandparents are MrsWilbur Souter and the late Mr Souter of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs Troy PageHarris of Stockbridge. TR, Tue 13 Jan1970

Justice, Carla Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Gene Justice ofColumbus announce the birth of a daughter born Saturday, October 3 at theMedical Center. The baby has been namedCarla Elizabeth. The infant is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs O S Bass III of Columbus and Mr and Mrs JoeCampbell of Rome. Great-grandparents areMr and Mrs O S Bass Jr and Mr and Mrs Clay Mundy of Americus. TR, Tue 6 Oct 1981

Justice, Jason Henderson - Mr and Mrs Wilbur Justice, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a son on Friday, December 28 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The babyweighed 9 pounds, 12 ounces and has been named Jason Henderson Justice. Grandparents of the baby are Mr and Mrslu*ther Justice of Ellaville and R Curtis Harris of Atlanta. Mrs Naomi Souter of Ellaville and Mr and MrsTroy Paige Harris of Stockbridge are the baby’s great-grandparents. TR, Thu 3 Jan 1974

Justice, Jeremy Allen - Mr and Mrs Allen Justice announce thebirth of a son born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Monday, July27. The baby, who has been named JeremyAllen, weighed 4 pounds, 3 ½ ounces. Theinfant is the grandson of Mr and Mrs J F Rogers of Americus and Mrs EugeneJustice of Green Cove Springs, Florida. TR,Tue 4 Aug 1981

Kaminsky, Not named - Master Sergeant and Mrs Joe Kaminsky, ofNorthampton, England announce the birth of a son Sunday, September 28 at BrizeNorton hospital. Mrs Kamisly is theformer Miss Mary Louise Lawson, of Americus and the baby is the grandson of Mrand Mrs Frank Lawson, of this city. TR,Tue 30 Sep 1952

Kaminsky, Not named - Mr and Mrs Eddie Kaminsky announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce son at city hospital, Tuesday, March 15. TR, Wed 16 Mar 1949

Karr, Anna - Mr and Mrs Irwin Karr, of Newark, N J andShelton, Washington, announce the birth of a daughter, Monday, September 3, whohas been named Anna. Mrs Karr is theformer Miss Rebekah Williams, of Plains.TR, Wed 26 Sep 1945

Kaskins, Evelyn Nan - Mr and Mrs E R Kaskins announce thebirth of a baby girl on Sept 11th at their home on Hill Street. She has been given the name Evelyn Nan. TR, Tue 17 Sep 1929

Kaufman, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jack Kaufman, of Providence,Rhode Island, announce the birth of a son, who was born Saturday, February22. Mrs Kaufman was before her marriageMiss Ethel Pearlman, of this city. TR,Tue 25 Feb 1941

Kay, Elizabeth Victoria - Mr and L D Kay announce thebirth of a daughter at their home on Lamar Street Sunday, May 10, who has beengiven the name Elizabeth Victoria. MrsKay will be remembered as Miss Clara Bell Silver before her marriage. TR, Mon 11 May 1931

Kay, Not named - Mr and Mrs L D Kay, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a ten pound son, Sunday morning, August 23. Mrs Kay was formerly Miss Clara Bell Silver,of Americus. TR, Mon 24 Aug 1936

Kaylor, Benjamin Colvin - Mr and Mrs Wesley M Kaylor Jrannounce the birth of a son Benjamin Colvin, born Thursday, December 11 at thePhoebe Putney Hospital in Albany. MrsKaylor is the former Angela Eloise Grace of Leesburg. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs W MKaylor of Leslie and Mr and Mrs C R Grace of Leesburg. He is the great-grandson of Mr and Mrs M FGrace of Oglethorpe. TR, Thu 18 Dec1969

Kaylor, Frank Jr - Mr and Mrs B F Kaylor, of Leslie,announce the birth of a son June 25, at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs J HHarvey. He will be called Frank Jr. TR, Wed 27 Jun 1928

Kaylor, Jaclyn Elaine - Mr and Mrs Wesley Kaylor announcethe birth of a daughter, Jaclyn Elaine born Sunday, April 30 at Phoebe PutneyHospital, Albany. The baby weighed 7pounds, 11 ounces. She has two olderbrothers, Wes and Benjamin. Grandparentsare Mrs Mills Kaylor and the late Mr Kaylor of Leslie and Mr and Mrs C R Graceof Leesburg. Mrs M F Grace of Oglethorpeis the infant’s great-grandmother. TR,Wed 10 May 1978

Kaylor, Sallie Belle - Mr and Mrs I P Kaylor announce thebirth of a daughter on March 27, who has been given the name of SallieBelle. TR, Thu 13 Apr 1922

Kaylor, Wesley Mills Jr - Mr and Mrs Mills Kaylor, ofLeslie, announce the birth of a son, Monday, April 16, at city hospital, whohas been named Wesley Mills Jr. MrsKaylor is the former Miss Mary Battle, of this city. TR, Mon 16 Apr 1945

Kearby, Not named - Mr and Mrs William Kearby, of Route 2,Buena Vista, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 4 ½ ounce daughter, born at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital January 20.TR, Fri 21 Jan 1966

Kearns, Johnnie - Mrs J E Kearns announces the birth of adaughter, Friday, November 27, at the Riverside Hospital in Bainbridge. The baby has been named Johnnie for herfather, the late J E Kearns, who was accidentally killed in a train wreck hereseveral weeks ago. TR, Mon 30 Nov1942

Kearns, Not named - Rev and Mrs Irvin Kearns, of Coffeen,Ill, announce the birth of a 7 ½ pound daughter Thursday, December 13. Rev Kearns is pastor of Coffeen MethodistChurch and a former Americus resident.The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs C L Kearns, of this city. TR, Fri 14 Dec 1951

Kearns, Phillip Warren - Mr and Mrs W C Kearns announce thebirth of a son, Thursday, April 4, at city hospital, who has been named PhillipWarren. TR, Fri 5 Apr 1940

Kearns, Thomas Leroy - The Rev and Mrs Irvin L Kearns, of Arcola,Illinois, announce the adoption of an 18 month old son, December 6, who hasbeen given the name of Thomas Leroy. TheRev Mr Kearns is a former resident of Americus.TR, Mon 17 Dec 1962

Kearns, William David - Mr and Mrs Cliff Kearns announce thebirth of a son, Monday, June 19, at city hospital, named William David. TR, Wed 21 Jun 1944

Keatley, Mallory Brooke - Andy and Kaye Keatley of Leslieannounce the birth of a daughter, Mallory Brooke, born March 6 at SumterRegional Hospital. Brooke, as the infantis called, weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs A D Martin of Americus. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs CharlesKeatley of Americus. Great-grandparentsare Mark Cashwell of Dawson, Mr and Mrs W T Bauguess of Bluefield, WestVirginiia and Josephine White of Princeton, West Virginia. TR, Thu 13 Mar 1997

Keene, Douglas Bryant - Mr and Mrs James Keene announce thebirth of a son, Douglas Bryant, Monday, January 23 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces. TR, Wed 25 Jan 1956

Keene, James Richard - Mr and Mrs Ricky Keene of Atlanta,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 6 ounce son, JamesRichard, born Friday, August 24 at Northside Hospital. He is the grandson of Calvin Parker ofAmericus and Mrs Annie Watlington of Abbeville.Great-grandmother is Mrs Charles C Hines of Americus. TR, Fri 5 Oct 1984

Keene, Melissa Anne - Richard and Linda Parker Keene ofAtlanta, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 10 ½ ouncedaughter, Melissa Anne, born Monday, May 19 at Northside Hospital. Grandparents are Calvin and Betty Parker ofLake Blackshear and Mrs Ava Watlington of Abbeville. Her great-grandmother is Mrs Odel Hines ofLake Blackshear. She has a brother,James, 3. TR, Fri 23 May 1986

Keene, Not named - Mr and Mrs J W Keene, of Valley Drive,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce son, September 20, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon22 Sep 1958

Keese, Harvey Jr - Mr and Mrs Harvey Keese, of DeSoto,announce the birth of a son on October 3, who has been given the name of HarveyKeese Jr. Mrs Keese was formerly MissCarolyn Foster of Leslie. TR, Thu 4Oct 1928

Keese, Louise Nanette - Mr and Mrs Harvey Keese, of DeSoto,announce the birth of a daughter on Monday, July 25 who has been given the nameLouise Nanette. TR, Fri 29 Jul 1932

Keicher, Forrest Everette - Mr and Mrs Stanley Keicher, of814 South Lee Street announce the birth of a 9 pound, 3 ounce son born Friday,November 1. The infant has been namedForrest Everette Keicher. The baby’sgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Frank Bors of Clearwater, Florida and Mr and MrsEverette Keicher of Florence, SC. TR,Wed 7 Nov 1979

Keller, Justin Allen - Polly and Bobby Keller of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Justin Allen, born Tuesday, January 1 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 8 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mrs Leola Mertin of Gainesville, Fla; Mrs Mae Walek, Lake City, Fla; andBob Keller of Denver, Colo.Great-grandfather is Frank Keller of Collins, Mo. The baby has two sisters, Angie and Christinaand a brother, Robert. TR, Wed 9 Jan1991

Keller, Ronald Edward - Lt and Mrs M E Keller, of New Yorkand Americus, announce the birth of a son, at Prather Clinic, March 17, whoweighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces. The babyhas been named Ronald Edward. Mrs Kelleris the former Miss Dollita Allmon. TR,Wed 22 Mar 1944

Kelley, Debra Kay - Mr and Mrs W G Kelley, of 705 WalterWay, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 13 ounce daughter, Friday, January 6 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Debra Kay. TR, Tue 10 Jan 1956

Kelley, Hill Stapleton Jr - Mr and Mrs Hill S Kelleyannounce the birth of a son January 25 who has been called Hill StapletonJr. TR, Sat 26 Jan 1924

Kelley, Howard Frank - Mr and Mrs Robert Kelley, ofMontezuma, announce the birth of a son, Thursday, October 18, at MontezumaHospital, who has been named Howard Frank.Mrs Kelley was before marriage Miss Lillian Countryman, ofAmericus. TR, Wed 24 Oct 1951

Kelley, Jane Powell - Mr and Mrs Hill Kelley announce thebirth of a daughter on Saturday, March 20, who will be called Jane Powell. TR, Fri 26 Mar 1926

Kelley, Johnny Douglas - Mr and Mrs Johnny Kelley, of Joe’sTrailer Park, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ½ ounce son Thursday,November 9 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given thename of Johnny Douglas. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs John Kelley of Andersonville and Mrs Ethel Marchman ofAthens. TR, Friday 10 Nov 1967

Kelley, Kevin Mitchell - Mr and Mrs David Kelley, ofDouglasville announce the birth of a 7 pound son on March 9 at PiedmontHospital in Atlanta. The baby has beengiven the name of Kevin Mitchell. MrsKelley is the former Marian Mann of Americus.The baby’s grandparents are Mrs Claude Kelley of Greenville and Mr andMrs Mitchell Mann of Americus. TR,Mon 20 Mar 1978

Kelley, Kyle David - Mr and Mrs David Kelley of Douglasvilleannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son, Kyle David, born Thursday,February 20 at Parkway Regional Hospital in Lithia Springs. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Mitchell Mann ofAmericus and Mrs Claude Kelley of Alvaton.Mrs Kelley is the former Marian Mann of Americus. Kyle has a brother, Kevin 8 and a sister,Erin 5. TR, Tue 4 Mar 1986

Kelley, Teresa Evon - Mr and Mrs W F Kelley, Americus,announce the birth of a daughter, Teresa Evon, born February 3 weighing 9pounds, 4 ounces. TCN, Thu 5 Feb 1953

Kellum, John Morgan Jr - Dr and Mrs J M Kellum, ofThomaston, announce the birth of a son, Sunday, April 2, at Piedmont hospitalin Atlanta, who has been named John Morgan Jr.Mrs Kellum was before her marriage Miss Edith Gurr, of Americus andGriffin. TR, Mon 3 Apr 1944

Kellum, Not named - Dr and Mrs J M Kellum, of Thomaston,announce the birth of a son, Monday, March 18, at Piedmont Hospital inAtlanta. Dr and Mrs Kellum are former Americusresidents and before marriage Mrs Kellum was Miss Edith Gurr. TR, Mon 18 Mar 1946

Kelly, Craig Adam - Robert Kelly Jr and Sherry Cross Kellyannounce the birth of a son, Craig Adam, born Wednesday, February 8 at PhoebePutney in Albany. The infant, whoweighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces, has a brother, Robert Kelly III. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Robert Kelly Srof Americus and Mr and Mrs Waymon Cross of Camilla. Great-grandparents are Mrs Ola Mae Purvis andthe late Mr Warren Purvis of Americus and Mrs Lillian Hays and the late Mr TomHays of Camilla. TR, Wed 15 Feb 1984

Kelly, George Ira - Mr and Mrs Ira Kelly Jr, of Dawson, arethe parents of an 8 pound, 11 ½ ounce son, born September 15 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named George Ira. TR, Mon 17 Sep 1962

Kelly, Glen Joseph - Mr and Mrs Robert Kelly Jr of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Glen Joseph, born January 19 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,15 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Waymon Glen Cross of Camilla and paternalgrandparents are Robert Kelly Sr of Americus.The infant has a brother, Robert III, age seven and Craig, agefive. TR, Tue 6 Feb 1990

Kelly, James Andrew - Mr and Mrs Ira Kelly Jr, of Dawson,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce son, December 9, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named James Andrew. TR, Tue 10 Dec 1963

Kelly, Not named - Mr and Mrs Clarence E Kelly, of Route 1Andersonville, are the parents of an 8 pound, 3 ½ ounce daughter, born February3, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 3 Feb 1964

Kelly, Not named - Mr and Mrs R M Kelly announce the birthof a nine-pound, 16 ounces daughter Sunday morning, December 31, at the cityhospital. TR, Mon 1 Jan 1934

Kelly, Not named - Mr and Mrs W D Kelly announce the birthof a daughter, Saturday, November 20, at Prather Clinic. TR, Sat 30 Nov 1946

Kelly, Not named - Mr and Mrs W D Kelly announce the birthof a daughter at Prather Clinic, June 23.TR, 23 Jun 1948

Kelly, Not named - Mr and Mrs William D Kelly announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 2 ounce daughter, Friday, September 20 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR Tue 4 Oct1955

Kelly, Randell Matthew - Mr and Mrs Randy Kelly announcethe birth of a son, Randell Matthew, who was born Tuesday, October 13 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital.Matt, as he will be called weighed 7 pounds,9 ounces. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Emory Abrams ofLeslie and Mrs Huey Senn of Albany. Heis the great-grandson of Mrs Lorene Abrams and Mrs Julia Smith of Americus andMrs l B Knight of Fort Valley. TR,Wed 14 Oct 1981

Kelly, Robert Artis III - Robert Artis Kelly Jr and SherryCross Kelly of Americus announce the birth of a son who has been named RobertArtis Kelly III. The infant was bornFriday, November 5 at Phoebe Putney Hospital, Albany and weighed 6 pounds, 13½.. He is the grandson of Robert KellyJr and Mrs Sarah Kelly of Americus and Waymon and Frances Cross, Camilla. His grandparents are Mrs Ola Mae Purvis,Americus and Mrs Caudie Cross, Bainbridge.TR, Wed 24 Nov 1982

Kelly, Robert L Jr - Mr and Mrs R L Kelly, of Oglethorpe,announce the birth of a son, Robert L Jr, born Saturday, August 9. The mother was the former Miss LillianCountryman, of near Americus. TR, Tue12 Aug 1947

Kelly, Sara Doris - Mr and Mrs William D Kelly announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 9 ounce daughter, Friday, October 18, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Sara Doris. TR, Mon 21 Oct1957

Kemp, Not named - Mr and Mrs Glen Kemp, of Boaz, Ala,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ounce son Thursday, December 7, atAlbertville Clinic. Mrs Kemp is theformer Miss Irene Milner, of Americus. TR,Thu 14 Dec 1950

Kemp, Richard Vann - Mr and Mrs Glenn Kemp announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son, born Friday, April 26, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Richard Vann. TR, Tue 30Apr 1957

Kendall, Jeffrey Scott - Mr and Mrs John R Kendall announcethe birth of a son born Saturday, August 15 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 8 poundshas been named Jeffrey Scott Kendall.Grandparents of the infant are Mr and Mrs John W May of Morristown, Tennand Mr and Mrs Raymond S Kendall of Oak Ridge, Tenn. TR, Tue 17 Aug 1976

Kendrick, Deena Elizabeth - Tommy and Janice Kendrick ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Denna Elizabeth, born December 7 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Larry Dupree of Americus and Mr and Mrs TomKendrick of Ellaville. TR, Fri 18 Dec1992

Kendrick, Not named - Mr and Mrs Truett Kendrick announce thebirth of a baby girl at the City Hospital on October 10. TCN, Thu 14 Oct 1948

Kendrick, William Murray Jr - Mr and Mrs W M Kendrick announcethe birth of an 8 ½ pound son, born September 9, who has been named WilliamMurray Jr. Mrs Kendrick was formerlyMiss Cordelia Passmore, of this city. TR,Mon 12 Sep 1938

Kendricks, Anita Carol - Mr and Mrs Luther Kendricks, of 135South Lee Street, announce the birth of a 7 ½ pound daughter, December 7, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Anita Carol. TR, Fri 9 Dec 1960

Kenmore, Bevely Jean - Mr and Mrs Charles Kenmore announcethe birth of a daughter Bevely Jean, who was born Sunday, June 16, at the cityhospital. Mrs Kenmore was before hermarriage Miss Gladys Williamson. TR,Tue 18 Jun 1940

Kenmore, Eleanor Louise - Mr and Mrs W C Kenmore Jr announcethe birth of a nine pound daughter, Monday December 7, at city hospital, whohas been named Eleanor Louise. TR,Tue 8 Dec 1942

Kenmore, Elinor Christine - Mr and Mrs W T Kenmore announcethe birth of a daughter, who has been given the name of Elinor Christine. TR, Tue 10 Aug 1920

Kenmore, Frances Jacqueline - Mr and Mrs W C Kenmore Jr announcethe birth of a 9 ½ pound daughter, Tuesday, Sept 17, at their home near Leslie,who has been named Frances Jacqueline.Both mother and baby are doing nicely.TR, Wed 18 Sep 1940

Kenmore, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Kenmore announce thebirth of a daughter, Saturday, September 19, at Prather Clinic. TR, Mon 21 Sep 1942

Kenmore, Not named - Mr and Mrs George Kenmore, of Auburn,Ala, announce the birth of a son, April 20, at the hospital in Auburn. Mrs Kenmore is the former Miss June Tookes ofDumont, N J. TR, Mon 21 Apr 1947

Kenmore, Not named - Mr and Mrs W C Kenmore announce thebirth of a son, Wednesday, November 20, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 21 Nov 1946

Kennamon, Ray Jr - Mr and Mrs Ray Kinnamon, of East Point,announce the birth of a son, Monday, November 2, at St Joseph’s Infirmary, inAtlanta, who has been named Ray Jr. Thebaby is the grandson of Mrs C M Hale, of Americus. TR, Wed 4 Nov 1964

Kennedy, April Dawn - Mr and Mrs Larry Kennedy announce thebirth of a daughter who has been given the name of April Dawn. The infant, who weighed 6 pounds, 7 ounceswas born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital on Friday, May 2. Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs Billy Butlerand Hubert Kennedy and Mrs Eunice Kennedy, all of Tifton. TR, Mon 5 May 1975

Kennedy, Brantley Malloy - Mr and Mrs Tod Malloy Kennedy ofLeesburg announce the birth of a son, Brantley Malloy, born Jul 26 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 7 ounces at birth. Mrs Kennedyis the former Andrea White of Americus.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Hollis White of Americus andpaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Lavon Kennedy of Leesburg. Great-grandmothers are Beatrice Kennedy ofQuitman, Carolyn Worthy of Leesburg and Claudia White of Sylvester. TR, Fri 19 Aug 1994

Kennedy, Daniel Sims Jr - Mr and Mrs Dan Kennedy announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 13 ½ ounce son, Daniel Sims Kennedy Jr, born Thursday,March 22. Danny, as he will be called,has an older sister, Tammie Diane, who is two years old. Their grandparents are Mr and Mrs J G Hallmanof Americus and Mrs Millard S Kennedy of Preston. Great-grandparents are Mrs Joe R Johnson ofthis city and Mrs Sallie Kennedy of Richland is thegreat-great-grandmother. TR, Tue 27Mar 1973

Kennedy, Haley Brooke - Derek and Mary Kennedy of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Haley Brooke, born Aug 13 at Phoebe PutneyHospital, Albany. The infant weighed 8pounds. She is the granddaughter ofWilson and Jane Weathersby of Ellaville and Tony and Peg Kennedy ofWeston. Great-grandparents are ErnestHaley and the late Lucile Haley of Canton, Louise Weathersby and the lateMarcus Weathersby of Brinson, Billy and Helen Rees of Macon and Johnny Kennedy. TR Wed 22 Sep 1999

Kennedy, Howard Quinton III - Mr and Mrs Howard QuintonKennedy Jr, of Parrott, Ga, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 5 ½ ounce son onSeptember 23, who has been named Howard Quinton Kennedy III. Mrs Kennedy is the former Miss Bettie JoWilson, of Americus, daughter of Mr and Mrs Doc Wilson. TR, Mon 25 Sep 1961

Kennedy, James Robert - Lt and Mrs R E Kennedy announce thebirth of a son, James Robert, Friday, August 27 at city hospital. TR, Mon 30 Aug 1943

Kennedy, Jill Patricia - Mr and Mrs Frank Kennedy, of 710South Lee Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 6 1/4 ounce daughter,November 30 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given thename of Jill Patricia. TR, Wed 4 Dec1963

Kennedy, John Edward - Lt and Mrs R E Kennedy announce thebirth of a son, Wednesday, December 20, at city hospital, who has been namedJohn Edward. Lt Kennedy, who isstationed at Greenville, Miss, was formerly at Souther Field. He is now visiting his wife and baby. TR, Sat 23 Dec 1944

Kennedy, Marthanne - Lt and Mrs James Monroe Kennedy announcethe birth of a daughter, Marthanne, Sunday, August 12, at the Macon CountyHospital in Montezuma. Mrs Kennedy wasbefore her marriage Miss Martha Jennings, of Americus. Lt Kennedy is stationed at Plattsburg, NY. TR, Tue 14 Aug 1945

Kennedy, Kristy Michelle - Mr and Mrs Dan Kennedy announcethe birth of a daughter, Kristy Michelle, born October 23 at the Medical Centerin Columbus, Ga. Kristy has an oldersister and brother, Tammie and Danny.Kristy is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs John G Hallman, Americus andMr and Mrs Millard S Kennedy of Preston.Her great-grandmother is Mrs J R Johnson and her great-great-grandmotheris Mrs D G Patterson of Richland. TR,Thu 6 Nov 1975

Kennedy, Kyna Dawn - Mr and Mrs Steve Kennedy, of Preston,announce the birth of a daughter at Patterson Hospital in Cuthbert on Sunday,July 13 who has been given the name of Kyna Dawn Kennedy. Her grandparents are Mr and Mrs JackMontgomery and Mr and Mrs Millard Kennedy of Preston. She is the great-granddaughter of Mrs W NHarper Jr of Americus and the great-great-granddaughter of Mrs D G Patterson ofRichland. TR, Tue 22 Jul 1975

Kennedy, Mary Jean - Mr and Mrs Buford Kennedy, of 1307Ridgeway Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce daughter, January31, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been named Mary Jean.TR, Mon 2 Feb 1959

Kennedy, Marylen Alexandrea - Tod and Andrea Kennedy ofLeesburg announce the birth of a daughter, Marylen Alexandrea, born February 13at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant,who is called Marylen, weighed 7 pounds, 11 ounces. Maternal grandparents are Hollis and GarlandWhite of Americus. Paternal grandparentsare Ladan and Helen Kennedy of Leesburg.Great-grandparents are Carolyn Worthy of Leesburg and Beatrice Kennedyof Quitman. Marylen has a brother,Bradley, 2 ½. TR, Thu 22 Feb 1997

Kennedy, Melody Joy - Mr and Mrs J L Kennedy, of Parrott,announce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, May 3, at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, who has been named Melody Joy.TR, Sat 3 May 1958

Kennedy, Merrell Herschel - Mr and Mrs M H Kennedy announcethe birth of a son Tuesday, February 7, at the city hospital, who has beennamed Merrell Herschel Kennedy. TR,Thu 9 Feb 1922

Kennedy, Not named - Mr and Mrs Bill Kennedy, of Parrott,announce the birth of a baby girl, Nov 3, at the city hospital. TR, Mon 3 Nov 1941

Kennedy, Not named - Mr and Mrs Bryant Kennedy announce thebirth of a son, Tuesday, September 17, at Prather Clinic. TR, Wed 18 Sep 1946

Kennedy, Not named - Mr and Mrs Buddy Kennedy, of Ashburn,announce the birth of a daughter, Tuesday, Jan 22, at city hospital. TR, Tue 22 Jan 1946

Kennedy, Not named - Mr and Mrs E T Kennedy announce thebirth of a daughter, Thursday, September 25 at city hospital. TR, Fri 26 Sep 1947

Kennedy, Not named - Mr and Mrs Frank Kennedy, of 710 SouthLee Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce son, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on Thursday, June 24.TR, Thu 24 Jun 1965

Kennedy, Not named - Mr and Mrs H E Kennedy, of Montezuma,announce the birth of a 6 pound, 11 ounce daughter, born January 8 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 9 Jan 1962

Kennedy, Not named - Mr and Mrs H J Kennedy, of Phenix City,Ala, announce the birth of a son, Saturday, September 14, at CityHospital. TR, Wed 18 Sep 1946

Kennedy, Robin Gale - Major and Mrs James Kennedy, ofWashington, D C, announce the birth of a 4 pound, 10 ounce daughter, RobinGale, Saturday, April 28, at the Bolling AF Hospital, Washington, D C. Major and Mrs Kennedy are former Americusresidents and Mrs Kennedy will be remembered as Miss Martha M Jennings. TR, Thu 17 May 1956

Kennedy, Tammie Dianne - Mr and Mrs Dan Kennedy, of Preston,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 1 ½ ounce daughter at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital Jan 13. Little TammieDianne is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs J G Hallman of Plains and Mr and MrsMillard S Kennedy of Preston. She is thegreat-granddaughter of Mrs J R Johnson of Americus and the late BillKennedy. Tammie is the great-great-granddaughterof Mrs D G Patterson of Richland. Thebaby’s mother is the former Dianne Hallman of Plains. TR, Wed 20 Jan 1971

Kenny, Andrew James - Janet Mabry Kenney and Chris Kenneyof Jekyll Island announce the birth of a son, Andrew James, born May 13 atMemorial Medical Center, Savannah. Theinfant weighed 6 pounds, 11 ½ ounces.Grandparents are Jim and Betty Mabry of Fayetteville and Rev Jim andJanis Kenney of Americus. TR, Thur 5Jun 1997

Kent, Haley Elizabeth - Shannon Kent and Vanessa Mewbournof Americus announce the birth of a daughter, Haley Elizabeth, born February 14at Sumter Regional Hospital and weighed 7 pounds, 7 ounces at birth. Paternal grandparents are Lyn and James Hoggof Americus and maternal grandmother is Joyce Mewbourn of Leslie. Haley has a brother, Radley, 4. TR, Thu 23 Feb 1995

Kent, Shannon David - Mr and Mrs David Kent, of Americus,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce baby boy born Tuesday, October 16 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been given the name of Shannon David. Grandparents of the baby are Mr and Mrs J LMelton and Mr and Mrs William Kent, all of Americus. TR, Sat 20 Oct 1973

Kenyon, Not named - Mr and Mrs W P Kenyon, of Gainesville,announce the birth of a daughter Saturday November 13. Mrs Kenyon is the former Miss TallulahWilliamson, of Leslie. TR, Tue 16 Nov1954

Kersey, Allyson Michele - Mr and Mrs Al Kersey, of DeSoto,announce the birth of a daughter, November 24 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 6pounds, 7 1/4 ounce has been named Allyson Michele. TR, Mon 25 Nov 1963

Kesler, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs Howard Kesler, of the 28thDistrict, announce the birth of twin daughters at their home Sunday, July 12th. The babies weighed six and one-half and sevenpounds. Both mother and babies are doingnicely. TCN, Fri 17 Jul 1936

Ketchum, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ralph Ketchum, of Tifton,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a daughter Tuesday, October30.. Both mother and baby are doingnicely. The infant is the granddaughterof Mrs A G Ketchum, of this city. TR,Wed 31 Oct 1934

Kiages, Charles Thomas - Mr and Mrs C F Kiages announce thebirth of a baby boy Dec 11, at City Hospital.The child has been named Charles Thomas.Mrs Kiages is the former Miss Anne Williams. TR, Mon 24 Dec 1945

Kicklighter, Carole - Mr and Mrs Ralph Kicklighter, of Tifton,announce the birth of a daughter on January 16, who has been given the nameCarole. Mrs Kicklighter is the formerMiss Betty Sue Sumerford, daughter of Mr and Mrs Harold Sumerford of DeSoto. TR, Thu 23 Feb 1950

Kicklighter, Harold Sumerford - Mr and Mrs Ralph Kicklighter, ofTifton, announce the birth of a son September 19, who has been named HaroldSumerford Kicklighter for his maternal grandfather. Mrs Kicklighter is the former Miss BettySumerford, of DeSoto. TR, Tue 20 Oct1953

Kidd, Doris - Mr and Mrs C M Kidd announce the birth of adaughter, October 24, who has been given the name of Doris. TR, Thu 27 Oct 1921

Kidd, Jeffery Lindal - First Sgt and Mrs William J Kiddannounce the birth of a son, August 4, who has been named Jeffery Lindal. The baby weighed 9 pounds. Mother and baby are doing nicely at ahospital in Opelika, Ala, according to a telegram received by Mr and Mrs W EKidd, Americus, Route 3. TR, Mon 9Aug 1943

Kidd, Not named - Mr and Mrs A L Kidd, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, February 4, at city hospital. TR, Thu 5 Feb 1948

Kidd, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jack Kidd, of Ellaville,announce the birth of a boy July 10 at Prather Clinic. TCN, Thu 10 Jul 1952

Kidd, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jack Kidd, of Pensacola, Fla,announce the birth of an 8-pound, 4-ounce son, Friday, April 30. Mrs Kidd is the former Miss Louise Boyd, ofAmericus. TR, Mon 3 May 1948

Kielbania, Michael Einer - Mr and Mrs Mitchell Kielbania, ofRockville, Conn announce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce baby boy. The baby, who was named Michael Einer wasborn October 1. Mrs Kielbania is theformer Patsy Justice of Americus. TR,Mon 6 Oct 1969

Kiker, George Edward Jr - Mr and Mrs George Kiker, ofAlbany, announce the birth of a son Sunday, October 20, at the Phoebe Putneyhospital, who has been given the name George Edward Jr. Both Mr and Mrs Kiker are former residents ofAmericus and Mrs Kiker will be remembered as Miss Elizabeth Allen, before hermarriage. TR, Mon 21 Oct 1935

Kiker, Joan Elizabeth - Major and Mrs John Ewing Kiker, ofOmaha, Nebraska, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, August 17, who hasbeen named Joan Elizabeth. Mr Kiker is aformer resident of Americus and the baby is the granddaughter of Mrs J E Kikerof this city. TR, Fri 18 Aug 1944

Kiker, Karen - Mr and Mrs Ralph N Kiker announce the birthof a 7 pound, 7 ounce daughter, Tuesday, January 26, at Prather Clinic, who hasbeen named Karen. Mrs Kiker was beforeher marriage Miss Nettie Poole. TR,Fri 29 Jan 1943

Kiker, Not named - Major and Mrs John Ewing Kiker announcethe birth of a daughter, on Christmas Day.Major Kiker is a former Americus resident and the baby is thegranddaughter of Mrs J E Kiker, of this city.TR, Fri 28 Dec 1945

Kiker, Not named - Mr and Mrs Ned J Kiker, of Oak Ridge,Tennessee, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son, Sunday, September28. Mrs Kiker was before marriage MissBarbara Larson. TR, Mon 29 Sep 1952

Kiley, Matthew Brian - Mr and Mrs Brian Kiley of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Matthew Brian, born July 20 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 3ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Marvin Smith Jr of Americus and the paternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs Jerry Kiley of Perry.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs Egbert Smith and Mrs Marvin Smith Sr,all of Americus and Mrs Evelyn Kiley of Oldsmar, Fla. Great-great-greatmother is Mrs Opal Bishop ofAmericus. TR, Tue 26 Jul 1988

Kilgore, Tabitha Lorraine - Mr and Mrs Jimmy Kilgore announcethe birth of a daughter Sunday, July 16 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who has been namedTabitha Lorraine, weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Travis Nall of Columbia, Alabamaand Mr and Mrs Thell Kilgore of Ashford, Ala.TR, Wed 19 Jul 1972

Killan, Beverly Lavonne - Mr and Mrs C M Killan announce thebirth of a daughter March 11 at their home in Atlanta who has been calledBeverly Lavonne. Mrs and Mrs Killanformerly resided here and have many friends who will be interested in theannouncement. TR, Fri 16 Mar 1923

Killebrew, James Edison - Mr and Mrs Jim Killebrew announce thebirth of a son Tuesday, July 7 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital whoweighed 8 pounds, 10 ½ ounce. The babyhas been named James Edison. He is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs E E Sharpe of Claxton and Mrs Charles Owens ofAmericus. TR, Wed 8 Jul 1970

Killebrew, John Morris - Mr and Mrs Jim Killebrew, of Lakeland,Fla announce the birth of an 8 pound, 1 ounce son born Friday, February16. The baby has been named JohnMorris. He is the grandson of Mr and MrsCharlie Owens of Americus and Mr and Mrs John Sharpe of Claxton, Ga. TR, Wed 21 Feb 1973

Killebrew, Joseph - Mr and Mrs Jim Killebrew of Hopkinsville,Ky are the parents of a son born March 9 who weighed 8 pounds, 4 ounces. The baby, who has two older brothers, Ed andJohn, has been named Joseph and will be called Joe. Mr and Mrs Killebrew are former Americusresidents. Grandparents are Mrs CharlieOwens of Americus and Mr and Mrs John Sharp of Claxton, Ga. TR, Thu 24 Mar 1977

Killebrew, Kelly - Mr and Mrs L M Killebrew announce the birthof a daughter Saturday, November 2 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospitalwho weighed 7 pounds, 8 ounces. Thebaby, who has been given the name of Kelly, is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsC H Owens of Americus and Mrs Tom Parry Jr of Lake Wales, Fla. TR, Tue 5 Nov 1968

Killian, Ed F III - Announcement is made of the birth of ason in Atlanta May 5th to Mr and Mrs Ed F Killian, Jr. Miss Killian will be remembered as Miss NinaBass, daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Bass, formerly of Leslie, now of Orlando,Fla. Mr Killian, who is a clerk in thevital statistics bureau of the Atlanta health department, combined personalwith official business by recording the birth of his son at Crawford LongHospital. The baby has been given thename Ed F Killian, III. TCN, Thu 25May 1939

Killings, Erican Elaine - Mr and Mrs William Killings announcethe birth of a baby girl, born July 4 at the Medical Center in Columbus. The baby has been named Erican Eliane Killings. She is the granddaughter of Mrs EthelKillings of Americus and Mr and Mrs Forrest Stringer of Columbus, Ga. TR, Fri 10 Jul 1970

Kimberley, Not named - Mr and Mrs C B Kimberley announce thebirth of a daughter July ? at their home on Jackson Street, who has not beennamed. TR, Mon 1 Aug 1921

Kimble, Mary Anne - Capt and Mrs Andrew Kimble, formerly ofAmericus, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, January 14, who was bornin Ellaville. The baby has been namedMary Anne. TR, Sat 16 Jan 1943

Kimble, Sandra Reese - Dr and Mrs William L Kimble are theparents of a little daughter born Wednesday, January 7 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. She has beengiven the name of Sandra Reese Kimble.Her weight was 7 pounds, 4 ½ ounces.Grandparents of the infant are Mr and Mrs Buford H Reese of Plains andDr and Mrs A C Kimble of Americus. TR,Sat 10 Jan 1976

Kimble, Stephen Owen - Mr and Mrs Edward L Kimble Jr ofKnoxville, Tenn, announce the birth of a son on August 3, who has been giventhe name of Stephen Owen. His mother isthe former Marjorie Reuter of New York City.His father was reared in Americus and is the son of Mrs Vern Cavender. TR, Thu 17 Aug 1950

Kimble, William Lawrence - Mr and Mrs Andrew Kimble, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a seven and a half pound son, born Sunday atthe home of Mrs Kimble’s parents, Mr and Mrs W T Tondee, here. The baby has been named WilliamLawrence. TR, Wed 7 Oct 1936

Kimbrel, Terry Lee - Mr and Mrs Hubert Kimbrel, of 203 BrownStreet, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce son, Terry Lee, July 16, atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Mon 18 Jul 1960

Kimbrell, Not named - Mr and Mrs Herbert Kimbrell, of BowenDrive, announce the birth of a 5-pound, 11-ounce son Tuesday, June 9, atAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Tue 9 Jun 1953

Kimbrough, Gerald Odell Jr - Mr and Mrs Gerald O Kimbrough, ofAlbany, announce the birth of a son, born February 21 at Phoebe PutneyHospital. The baby, who has been namedGerald Odell Kimbrough Jr is to be called “Dell”.. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Zeke Everettof Pinehurst on his maternal side and Mr and Mrs L E Kimbrough of Americus arehis paternal grandparents. Mr and MrsKimbrough, who are former Americus residents, have one other child, a daughterEve, who is three years old. TR, Fri1 Mar 1968

Kimbrough, Marianna Agatha - Mr and Mrs Love Kimbrough, ofRichland, announce the birth of a daughter, Marianna Agatha, Mon, June 12, atcity hospital. TR, Wed 26 Jul 1944

Kimbrough, Not named - Mr and Mrs Gerald Kimbrough, of 139B,Cherokee Street, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce daughter at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital on December 2. TR, Thu 3 Dec 1964

Kimbrough, Not named - Mr and Mrs Love Kimbrough, of Richland,announce the birth of a son, Tuesday, June 22, at Prather Clinic. TR, 23 Jun 1948

Kimmel, J G Jr - Mr and Mrs J G Kimmel announce the birth ofa son Monday, May 3, at the Americus Hospital, who will be called J G KimmelJr. TR, Wed 5 May 1920

Kimsey, Nicole - Bill and Darla Kimsey of Cobb announce thebirth of a daughter, Nicole, born January 5 at Sumter Regional Hospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce atbirth. She is the granddaughter of DorisHobbs of Cordele. The baby has twosisters, Pam and Ashleigh Mixon. TR,Thu 12 Feb 1992

Kinard, Connie Jill - Mr and Mrs W C Kinard announce thebirth of a daughter Saturday, August 27 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 8pounds, 12 ½ ounces has been named Connie Jill.She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs B E Kinard and Frank Bowen, allof Vienna. TR, Mon 29 Aug 1966

Kinard, Not named - Mr and Mrs J A Kinard, of Leslie,announce the birth of a daughter, Wednesday, April 7 at city hospital. TR, Thu 8 Apr 1943

Kinard, Twins -Mr and Mrs Barney Edward Kinard announce thebirth of a twin boy and daughter this morning September 13, at their home inthe 28th district. Bothmother and babies are doing nicely. TR,Fri 13 Sep 1935

Kincaid, Kimberly Martha - Mr and Mrs Robert Kincaid Jr ofEllaville announce the birth of a daughter.The infant, who was born Thursday, December 9, 1982 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital has been named Kimberly Martha Kincaid. She is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs HubertO Knauff, Cairo and Robert N Kincaid Sr, Statesboro. Her great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs IraKincaid of Bessemer City, NC. TR, Wed12 Jan 1983

Kindred, Kelli Jeanette - Mr and Mrs Kermit Kindred, ofGainesville, Fla, formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 15ounce daughter, September 11, who has been named Kelli Jeanette. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsJimmy Deriso of Americus. TR, Sat 19Sep 1959

King, Anthony Tyler - Lindsay and Steve King of SanAntonio, Texas announce the birth of a son, Anthony Tyler, Nov 5 2008 at StLuke’s Baptist Hospital. The infantweighed 6 lbs, 11 oz and was 19 in long.Mrs King is the former Lindsay Ivey Deriso of Leslie. Grandparents are Billy and Toni Deriso ofLeslie and Tony and Paula King of McMinville, Tenn. Great grandparents are Bill and Zaida Poupardof Leslie and Marjorie Tyler of Bath, N Y and the late Mr and Mrs BillDeriso. TR, Wed 19 Nov 2008

King, Anthony Wade - Mr and Mrs Billy King, of LeesburgRoute 1, announce the birth of a son born Monday, December 3 at Phoebe PutneyHospital in Albany. The baby weighed 7pounds 5 ½ ounces and has been given the name Anthony Wade. Mrs King is the former Billie Jo Melvin ofLeslie. The baby’s grandparents are Mrand Mrs W O Melvin of Leslie and O B King of Leesburg. Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs G G Tucker,Leslie and Mrs Callie McCook, Plains. TR,Fri 7 Dec 1973

King, Brian Keith - Mr and Mrs Kenneth King, of 702 GailStreet, are the parents of an 8 pound, 9 ounce son, August 19, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Brian Keith. TR, Tue 20 Aug 1963

King, Charles B Jr - Mr and Mrs C B King announce thebirth of a son, Monday, November 11, at Prather clinic, who has been namedCharles B King Jr. Mrs King was beforeher marriage Miss Mary Harris. TR,Tue 12 Nov 1940

King, David Brian - Mr and Mrs John King III, of Atlanta,announce the birth of an 8 pound son, born July 1 in Atlanta. The baby has been named David Brian. Mrs J A King, of Preston is the baby’sgreat-grandmother and Miss Gussie Walker is his great-great aunt. He has two other great-grandmothers. TR, Wed 6 Jul 1960

King, Deanna Gabriella - Shannon and Deanna King ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Deanna Gabriella, born Oct 24 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 4 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Pat and Deborah Turner, and Curtis and Vicki King, allof Americus. Great-grandparents areJanie Cauley of Americus, Hazel and DeVaughn Kendrick of Bainbridge, HelenWalls of Donalsonville and Mr and Mrs DeWitt King of Bainbridge. Great-great-grandmother is Florence Hart ofValdosta. TR, Wed 9 Nov 1994

King, Emma Wade - Johnna and Wade King of Albany announcethe birth of a daughter, Emma Wade, born Dec 18, 1998 at Phoebe PutneyHospital, Albany. The infant weighed 5pounds, 12 ounces. Her grandparents areRev and Mrs John Brodess of Americus, Billy Jo Cox of Cobb and Billy King ofLeesburg. Great-grandparents are JoyceMelvin and Billy Melvin, both of Leslie and Edith Swain of Waycross. Great-great-grandmother is Eunice Tucker ofLeslie. TR, Thu 7 Jan 1999

King, Eric Alan - Staff Sgt and Mrs Al King, of NewCarrollton, Md, announce the birth of a son on December 27, 1966. The baby weighed 9 pounds, 8 ounces and hasbeen named Eric Alan King. Mrs King isthe former Miss Peggy Joyce Green, of Ellaville. The grandparents are Mr and Mrs Kermit Green,of Ellaville and Mr and Mrs Alvin Hamilton King of Fair Haven, Md. TR, Wed 11 Jan 1967

King, James Jeffery - Mr and Mrs J K King, of 124 WestChurch Street announce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce son, April 18, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named James Jeffery. TR, Wed 19 Apr 1961

King, Jennifer Lockett - Mr and Mrs Charles Brewster King,of Atlanta, announce the adoption of a chosen daughter who was born Sunday,September 12. The baby, who weighed 9pounds has been given the name of Jennifer Lockett King. She is the granddaughter of Mr and MrsTimothy McBride Furlow and Mrs C B King, all of Americus. TR, Mon 13 Sep 1971

King, Katie Amanda - Roger Allen and Kathy Brown King ofAmericus announce the birth of a daughter, Katie Amanda on December 15, 1983 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The infant weighed 5 pounds, 8 ounces and is the granddaughter of DrKathryn Brown and the late Mr Ivan W Brown of Magnolia, Arkansas and Mrs BillieJo Pierce and the late Mr Gilbert Warren King of Hamburg, Arkansas. TR, Fri 6 Jan 1984

King, Kim - Mr and Mrs Casey King, of 120 Lorraine Avenue,announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce daughter, Tuesday, March 3, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Kim. TR, Wed 4 Mar 1959

King, Lana Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs C D King announce thebirth of a daughter at the city hospital, Tuesday. She has been named Lana Elizabeth. TR, Thu 12 Nov 1942

King, Leslye Joyce - Mr and Mrs William Leslie King, ofLeesburg, announce the birth of a daughter born Tuesday, September 30 at PhoebePutney Memorial Hospital in Albany. Thebaby weighed 8 pounds, 3 ounces and has been given the name of LeslyeJoyce. She has one brother, Wade. Mrs King is the former Billie Joyce Melvin ofLeslie. The baby’s grandparents are Mrand Mrs W O Melvin of Leslie and O B King of Leesburg. Great-grandmothers are Mrs G G Tucker ofLeslie and Mrs Callie McCook of Plains. TR,Fri 3 Oct 1975

King, Lois Caren - Mr and Mrs H S King, of Knoxville,Tenn, announce the birth of a daughter, who has been given the name of LoisCaren. Mrs King is the former Miss MaryDuncan of DeSoto. TR, Wed 14 Jun 1944

King, Matthew Preston - Mr and Mrs Jesse King of Americusannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 7 ounce son, Matthew Preston, born Sunday,April 7 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Heis the grandson of Mr and Mrs Clarence King of Oglethorpe and Mrs MarthaWilliams of Moultrie. Great-grandparentsare J B William Sr of Savannah and Mr and Mrs Fred Walz and Mrs Mildred Tucker,all of Valdosta. He has two brothers,Lee and Jeff. TR, Sat 13 Apr 1985

King, Meridith Lee - Mr and Mrs Robert Irwin King, ofTallahassee, Fla, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 4 ounce daughter Saturday,August 24 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby, who has been named Meridith Lee, isthe granddaughter of Mr and Mrs John Byron Folkes of Vienna. Mrs King is the former Lady Margaret Jones ofAmericus. TR, Sat 31 Aug 1968

King, Michael James - Mr and Mrs Harold King, of 214Taylor Street, are the parents of a 7 pound, 12 ounce son, born at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, on June 21.The baby has been named Michael James.TR, Mon 22 Jun 1964

King, Not named - Mr and Mrs Albert King announce thebirth of a daughter, Sunday, April 2, at Prather Clinic. TR, Wed 5 Apr 1944

King, Not named - Mr and Mrs C D King announce the birthof a daughter Thursday, January 20, at city hospital. TR, Thu 20 Jan 1944

King, Not named - Mr and Mrs Elbert King announce thebirth of a son, Thursday, March 3, at city hospital. TR, Thu 3 Mar 1949

King, Not named - Mr and Mrs Jack King, of 1309 RidgeStreet, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 2 ounce daughter, Tuesday, April 28 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Wed 29 Apr 1959

King, Not named - Mr and Mrs M J King announce the birthof a daughter at the city hospital, Monday, June 4. TR, Sat 9 Jun 1951

King, Not named - Mr and Mrs Robert F King are the parentsof a 6 pound, 2 ½ ounce daughter born Monday, December 17 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. Mrs King is theformer Susan Tillman of this city. Thebaby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs Robert W King of Lebanon, Texas and MrsT C Tillman Jr and the late Mr Tillman of Americus. TR, Wed 19 Dec 1973

King, Robert Blake - Mr and Mrs Bob King, of Chester, S Cannounce the birth of a son born Sunday, October 31 who weighed 7 pounds, 3ounces. The infant has been named RobertBlake King. He is the grandson of Mrs TC Tillman and the late Mr Tillman of Americus and Mr and Mrs Robert Walter Kingof Lebanon, Tenn. Mrs Katie Johnson ofLebanon is his great-grandmother. TR,Mon 1 Nov 1976

King, Ruth Glover - Is the name of the seven and a halfpound daughter of Mr and Mrs Charles Brewster King Jr, who was born thismorning, July 21, at the Prather Clinic.Mrs King was before her marriage Miss Mary Harris. TR, Sat 21 Jul 1934

King, Sharon Lee - Mr and Mrs M M King announce the birthof a 6 and one-half pound daughter Thursday, November 14, who has been namedSharon Lee. Mrs King was before hermarriage Miss Vivian Pilcher. TR, Fri15 Nov 1946

King, Whitney Dianne - Mr and Mrs Thomas E King are theparents of a daughter born Sunday, January 10 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby has been given thename of Whitney Dianne. Her weight atbirth was 7 pounds, 1 ounce. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Frank King of Albany and Mrs Jesse Taylor of Hornasassa Springs,Fla and the late Jesse Taylor of Plant City, Fla. TR, Fri 22 Jan 1982

King, William Shannon - Mr and Mrs Curtis King announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 10 ½ ounce son born Friday, April 30 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby,who has been named William Shannon is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Carl H Wallsof Donalsonville and Mr and Mrs DeWitt King of Bainbridge. TR, Wed 5 May 1971

Kingery, Brian Hardy - Mr and Mrs A J Kingery Jr, of Macon,announce the birth of a 5 pound, 11 ounce son, August 22, at the Macon Hospital,who has been given the name of Brian Hardy.Mrs Kingery is the former Hardie Jo Cornwell and the baby is thegrandson of Mrs J H Cornwell of Americus and Mr and Mrs A J Kingery Sr, ofCochran. TR, Sat 27 Aug 1966

Kinnamon, Ansley - Is the name given to a baby daughter bornNovember 22, to Mr and Mrs Ray L Kinnamon of East Point. Mrs Kinnamon was the former Miss Barbara Haleof Americus. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mrs C M Hale of this city.TR, Fri 25 Nov 1960

Kinnamon, Charles Hale - Mr and Mrs Lee Kinnamon of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Charles Hale, born May 4 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds,12 ounces. Paternal grandparents areBarbara Kinnamon of Atlanta and Raymond Lee Kinnamon of Cartersville. Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs CharlesWommack of Atlanta. Great-grandparentsare Ann Wommack and Frances Batchelor, both of Atlanta. TR, Wed 7 May 1997

Kinnebrew, David McNeill - Mr and Mrs Hulme Kinnebrew IIIannounce the birth of a son Monday, August 11 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. The baby, who weighed 7pounds, 3 ounces has been given the name of David McNeill Kinnebrew. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs MarvinMcNeill and Mr and Mrs E H Kinnebrew and the great-grandson of Dr and Mrs DavidPrice, Mrs R D McNeill Sr, Americus and Mr and Mrs Eric Ragan of Coleman. TR, Mon 18 Aug 1975

Kinnebrew, Easton Hulme IV - Mr and Mrs Easton Hulme KinnebrewIII announce the birth of a 7 pound, 8 ½ ounce son born Monday, May 22 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who has been named Easton Hulme Kinnebrew IV, will be called Easton. He is the grandson of Mr and Mrs MarvinMcNeill and Mr and Mrs Hulme Kinnebrew Jr, all of Americus and thegreat-grandson of Mrs R D McNeill Sr and Dr and Mrs David Price of this cityand Mr and Mrs Eric Ragan of Coleman, Ga.TR, Thu 25 May 1972

Kinnebrew, Karen Louise - Lt (jg) and Mrs Richard Kinnebrew, ofProvidence, Rhode Island, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 5 ounce daughterWednesday, February 1, at the Naval Hospital, Quonset, R I. The baby has been named Karen Louise for herpaternatl grandmother, Mrs David Price, of this city. Lt Kinnebrew is a former Americus residentand Mrs Kinnebrew was before marriage Miss Lucy Harris of Tifton. TR, Thu 2 Feb 1956

Kinnebrew, Linda Louise - Mr and Mrs Hulme Kinnebrew announcethe birth of a daughter, Linda Louise, at City Hospital, Monday, December16. Mrs Kinnebrew was before marriageMiss Nancy Duckworth. TR, Fri 20 Dec1946.

Kinnebrew, Not named - Mr and Mrs Hulme Kinnebrew announce thebirth of a daughter Monday, May 12, at city hospital. Mrs Kinnebrew is the former Miss NancyDuckworth. TR, Mon 12 May 1952

Kinnebrew, Thomas Richard Jr - Lt and Mrs Thomas R (Dick)Kinnebrew announce the birth of a son, Monday, May 16 in Honolulu, who has beennamed Thomas Richard Jr. Mrs Kinnebrewis the former Miss Lucy Harris, of Tifton.The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Charles Harris of Tifton and Drand Mrs Dave Price, of this city. TR,Tue 12 May 1959

Kinney, James Paul III - Mr and Mrs James Paul Kinney Jr, ofRome, are receiving congratuations on the arrival of a 4-month old son. The baby has been named James Paul III. TR, Thu 4 Apr 1963

Kinservik, Barry David - Mark and Fran Kinservik of Lennoxannounce the birth of a son, Barry David, born Wednesday, August 2 at Tift GeneralHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds,13 ½ ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Eva Barry and the late Edward Barry of Americus. Paternal grandparents are David and JoyceKinservik of Janesville, Wisc. TR,Mon 14 Aug 1995

Kinsey, Elizabeth Jean - Dr and Mrs Richard S Kinsey, ofGainesville, Ga announce the birth of a daughter Friday, October 18 at the HallCounty Hospital, Gainesville who has been given the name of ElizabethJean. The baby is the granddaughter ofMr and Mrs Arthur E Fulton of Marietta and Mrs Helen S Kinsey and the late MrClaude E Kinsey of Americus. TR, Mon19 Oct 1970

Kinsey, Not named - Dr and Mrs Richard S Kinsey announce thebirth of a baby boy, born on July 4th at the Army Hospital at FortPolk, La. Grandparents are Mr and MrsArthur E Fulton of Marietta, Ga and Mr and Mrs Claude Kisney of Americus. TR, Thu 5 Jul 1962

Kinsey, Susannah Fulton - Dr and Mrs Richard S Kinsey, ofGainesville, Ga, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ounce daughter May 3 at theHall County Hospital. The baby, who hasbeen named Susannah Fulton Kinsey, is the granddaughter of Mrs Claude E Kinseyof Americus. Her maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Arthur E Fulton of Marietta.TR, Sat 13 May 1967

Kinslow, Kelley Anne - Mr and Mrs Melvin T Kinslow, of 111 ½South Lee Street, announce the birth of a 5 pound, 13 ½ ounce daughter, April29, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named KelleyAnne. Mrs Kinslow is the former MissWilma Gardner, daughter of The Rev and Mrs M C Gardner. TR, Thu 2 May 1961

Kinslow, Melvin Tyner Jr - Mr and Mrs Melvin Kinslow, of 317Judy Lane, announce the birth of a son, July 25 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital. The baby, who weighed 7pounds, 1 ounce, has been named Melvin Tyner Jr. TR, Mon 27 Jul 1964

Kinslow, Tyner Banks - Mr and Mrs Melvin Tyner Kinslow Jr ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Tyner Banks, born November 22 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 6pounds, 15 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Melvin Tyner Kinslow Sr of Americus and maternalgrandparents are Sidney Lanier of Montezuma.Great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs R Louis Williams of Montezuma, Mr andMrs J C Lanier of Metter and Mrs Pauline Chestnut of Moultrie. Mrs Kinslow is the former Miss Laura Lanierof Montezuma. TR, Wed 2 Dec 1992

Kipp, Martha Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs William E Kippannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 7 ounce daughter, Martha Elizabeth, who wasborn August 22 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs TE Kipp of Cochran and Mr and Mrs Johnny Neill of Newnan. TR, Tue 26 Aug 1969

Kipp, Stephen MacLachlanon - Mr and Mrs Neil Kipp ofBlacksburg, VA announce the birth of a son, Stephen MacLachlanon, on March 1 atRoanoke, VA. The baby, who weighed 4pounds, 1 ounce is the grandson of Dr and Mrs William E Kipp of Americus and Mrand Mrs Steve Fuscher of Denver, Colorado.TR, Tue 24 Mar 1998

Kirbo, Dorothy Ellen - Mr and Mrs Tom Kirbo, of Moultrie,announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce daughter, Dorothy Ellen, born Monday,October 11 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby is the granddaughter of Mrs J CNation and the late Mr Nation of Americus and Mr and Mrs Tom L Kirbo ofCamilla. Mrs Kirbo is the former RuthNation. TR, Wed 13 Oct 1971

Kirbo, Thomas Levi IV - Capt and Mrs Thomas L Kirbo III, ofFt Leonard Wood, Mo, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 2 ounce son on Thursday,September 5, who has been named Thomas Levi Kirbo IV. The baby is the grandson of Mrs J C Nation ofAmericus and Mr and Mrs T L Kirbo Jr, of Camilla. TR, Fri 6 Sep 1968

Kirby, Betty Loraine - Mr and Mrs Charles Kirby, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a daughter on Tuesday, January 26 at theMarion Memorial Hospital in Buena Vista.The baby weighed 5 pounds, 10 ½ ounces and has been named Betty LoraineKirby. She will be called Lora. TR, Tue 9 Feb 1971

Kirby, Heather Morgan - Terry and Gina Kirby of Ellavilleannounce the birth of a daughter, Heather Morgan, on April 9 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7pounds. Maternal grandparents areFlorence Holmes of Ellaville and the late James Holmes. Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs CharlesKirby of Ellaville and Betty Swinford of Americus. Great-grandmothers are Ruth Kelley ofEllaville and Clara B Holmes of Mount Olive, NC. Morgan, as the child will be called, has asister, Maelyn Nicole, 3. TR, Wed 30Apr 1997

Kirby, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Kirby, of Route 1Ellaville, are the parents of a 6 pound, 5 ½ ounce daughter, born Thursday,June 17, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 17 Jun 1965

Kirby, Not named - Mr and Mrs James Kirby, of Ellaville,are the parents of a 6 pound, 13 ounce son, born November 13, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon16 Nov 1964

Kirk, Bobby Lee - Mr and Mrs J C Kirk announce the birthof a son, Bobby Lee, who was born Saturday, December 19, at PratherClinic. TR, Tue 22 Dec 1942

Kirk, Killian Richard - Rick and Susan Lyles Kirk ofMontgomery, Ala announce the birth of a son, Killian Richard, born August 12 atHumana East Hospital. Killian, as thebaby will be called, weighed 8 pounds, 1 ounce at birth. Grandparents are Ruth Kirk of Americus andWayne and Eula Lyles of Richland, Ga.The baby has a brother, Lyles. TR,Tue 10 Sep 1991

Kirk, Lyles Michael - Mr and Mrs Rickey Kirk of Columbus,formerly of Americus, announce the birth of a son, Lyles Michael, born February18 at Columbus Medical Center. Theinfant weighed 8 pounds, 9 ounces at birth.Grandparents are Mrs Ruth Kirk of Americus and the late J C Kirk and Mrand Mrs Wayne Lyles of Richland. TR,Tue 15 Mar 1988

Kirk, Not named - Mr and Mrs Bobby Kirk, of 411 PinecrestDrive, announce the birth of a 9 ½ pound son, September 24 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Wed 25Sep 1963

Kirk, Not named - Mr and Mrs J C Kirk, of Route 1,Americus, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 15 ounce son, June 6 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hosital. TR,Fri 7 Jun 1957

Kirkland, Betty Ann - Mr and Mrs L W Kirkland announce thebirth of a daughter May 23, at their home.She has been named Betty Ann. TR,Fri 2 Jun 1933

Kirkland, Christopher Randall - Mr and Mrs Randall Kirkland,of Smithville, formerly of Albany announce the birth of a son on Thursday,February 10 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby weighed 7 pounds, 15 ½ ounces andhas been named Christopher Randall. MrsKirkland is the former Rayne Perryman.The baby’s grandparents are Mr and Mrs E L Perryman. TR, Thu 24 Feb 1972

Kirkland, Conner Will - LaVanta and Foy Kirkland of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Conner Will, born Jan 28 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds,11 ounces at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Marion Jones of Ellaville and paternal grandparentsand paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs W O Kirkland of Douglas. Conner has two sisters, Blake and Julie. TR, Thu 17 Feb 1994

Kirkland, Cornelia - Mr and Mrs Orace Kirkland, of Vienna,announce the birth of a daughter at the Americus and Sumter county hospitalTuesday, April 28, who has been given the name Cornelia. Mrs Kirkland will be remembered here as MissCatherine Swain, formerly of Americus. TR,Tue 28 Apr 1931

Kirkland, Jack Charles Jr - Mr and Mrs Jack C Kirklandannounce the birth of a son, Jack Charles Jr, Thursday, Jul 3, at PiedmontHospital in Atlanta. TR, Mon 7 Jul1947

Kirkland, John Thomas - Mr and Mrs Travis Kirkland, of 403Lamont Street, Johnson City, Tenn, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 8 ½ ounceson, January 31, who has been named John Thomas. Mr and Mrs Kirkland are former Americusresidents. TR, Wed 10 Feb 1960

Kirkland, Juliana Lynn - Mr and Mrs James Foy Kirklandannounce the birth of a 6 pound, 13 ounce daughter born Wednesday, May 23 atthe Americus and Sumter County Hospital.The baby has been given the name of Juliana Lynn. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs W D Kirkland ofWest Green, Ga and Mr and Mrs W E Amos of Hazelhurst, Mississippi. TR, Wed 30 May 1979

Kirkland, Margaret Louise - Mr and Mrs L W Kirkland announcethe birth of a daughter, April 29, at home.The baby has been named Margaret Louise.TR Tue 7 May 1935

Kirkland, Not named - Mr and Mrs Travis Kirkland announce thebirth of a son, Thursday, June 2, at City Hospital. TR, Tue 7 Jun 1949

Kirkland, Not named - Mr and Mrs Walter Kirkland, of Cordele,announce the birth of a daughter, Friday, August 16, at City Hospital. TR, Mon 19 Aug 1946

Kirkpatrick, Tracy Christine - Mr and Mrs Charles Kirkpatrickannounce the birth of a daughter born Saturday, March 10 at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The little girl,who has been named Tracy Christine is the granddaugter of Mr and Mrs Lee Rouseof Cobb and Mr and Mrs Eugene Powell of Americus. TR, Wed 21 Mar 1973

Kirksey, Not named - Mr and Mrs C T Kirksey of Americusannounce the birth of a son on January 3 at Prather Clinic. TCN, Thu 6 Jan 1949

Kirksey, Not named - Mr and Mrs Calvin Kirksey, of Parrott,announce the birth of a son, Wednesday, January 20, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 30 Jan 1947

Kirvin, Penny Locket - Is the name of the little daughter ofMr and Mrs Clyde Kirvin, who was born Sunday, December 5, at Good Fellow Field,Saint Angelo, Texas. Mr and Mrs Kirvinare former Americus residents and Mrs Kirvin will be remembered as Miss KathrynWall prior to her marriage. TR, Mon13 Dec 1943

Kisor, Martha Rubye - Mr and Mrs Astor Kisor, of Preston,announce the birth of a 9 ½ pound girl at Prather Clinic, Americus, Wednesday,October 6, woh has been given the name Martha Rubye. Mrs Kisor was before her marriage, Miss NitaCole, of Preston. TR, Sat 16 Oct 1943

Kisor, Not named - Mr and Mrs John Kisor, of Preston, arethe parents of an 8 pound, 13 ounce daughter, born December 2 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Thu 3Dec 1964

Kitchens, Alvin Gwinnett - Mr and Mrs Clifton Kitchens Jr, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a son on Wednesday, January 19 at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. The baby weighed6 pounds, 8 ounces and has been named Alvin Gwinnett Kitchens. Alvin Gattis of Ellaville and Mrs MarieKitchens of Magnolia Manor, Americus, Mrs Lee Williams of Ellville and Mrs M DGattis of Plains are the baby’s great-grandmothers. TR, Wed 26 Jan 1972

Kitchens, Bradley - Mr and Mrs S L Kitchens announce the birthof a son September 16, to be called Bradley.Mrs Kitchens was formerly Miss Hattie Bradley. TR, Sat 23 Sep 1922

Kitchens, Brittany Lynn - Mr and Mrs Todd Kitchens of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Brittany Lynn, born May 23 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 8ounces at birth. Grandparents are Mr andMrs John Wilson of Americus and Mr and Mrs Butch Kitchens of Ellaville. TR, Fri 22 Jun 1990

Kitchens, Doris - Mr and Mrs Marvin Kitchens, of the ChamblissCommunity announce the birth of a seven and one half pound daughter who hasbeen given the name of Doris. TCN,Fri 7 Feb 1936

Kitchens, John Henry - Mr and Mrs J C Kitchens announce thebirth of a son, Monday, September 10, at city hospital. The baby has been named John Henry. TR, Thu 13 Sep 1945

Kitchens, John Thomas - Mr and Mrs J H Kitchens announce thebirth of a son, Monday, September 10, at city hospital, who has been named JohnThomas and is to be called Tommy. TR,Fri 14 Sep 1945

Kitchens, Keltri Brooks - Mr and Mrs Bradley Kitchens announcethe birth of an 8 pound, 7 ½ ounce boy born on Christmas Day, Tuesday 25. He has been given the name of KeltriBrooks. He has one brother,Shannon. His grandparents are Mr and MrsTom Ireland of Americus and Mr and Mrs R L Kitchens, Lake Blackshear. His great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs R PNorris and S L Kitchens of Americus and Mrs Elbert Reid of Cordele. TR, Tue 1 Jan 1974

Kitchens, Lacie Nicole - Todd and Terri Kitchens of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Lacie Nicole, on May 2 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant, who is calledLacie, weighed 9 pounds, 14 ounces. Grandparentsare John and Jean Wilson of Americus and Butch and Edwina Kitchens ofEllaville. Great-grandparents are VernaHighnote and Mirl Wilson, both of Americus and Florrie Gattis of Ellaville. TR, Fri 16 May 1997

Kitchens, Leon Bradley - Mr and Mrs Robert L Kitchens announcethe birth of a 9 pound son, Monday, April 2, at Prather Clinic, who has beennamed Leon Bradley. Mrs Kitchens is theformer Miss Betty Ruis, of Cordele, Ga. TR,Tue 2 Apr 1951

Kitchens, Margaret Annette - Mr and Mrs J H Kitchens announcethe birth of a daughter, Wednesday, October 8, at Prather clinic, who has beennamed Margaret Annette. Mrs Kitchens wasformerly Miss Katherine Johnson, of Dawson.TR, Mon 13 Oct 1941

Kitchens, Mary Sue - Mr and Mrs J H Kitchens announce thebirth of a daughter, Thursday, December 31, at city hospital who has been namedMary Sue. TR, Mon 4 Jan 1943

Kitchens, Nikki Marie - Mr and Mrs Todd C Kitchens announcethe birth of a daughter, Nikki Marie, born Jun 23 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds, 5ounces at birth. Maternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs John Wilson Jr of Americus.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Clifton Kitchens of Ellaville. Great-grandparents are Verna Highnote ofAmericus and Florrie Gattis of Ellaville.The baby has a sister, Brittany, 4.TR, Sat 23 Jul 1994

Kitchens, Not named - Lt and Mrs O A Kitchens Jr announce thebirth of a son, Tuesday, April 13. LtKitchens is in foreign service. TR,Wed 14 Apr 1943

Kitchens, Not named - Mr and Mrs L D Kitchens announce thebirth of a daughter, born Monday, April 25 at Prather Clinic. TR, Wed 27 Apr 1938

Kitchens, Not named - Mr and Mrs L D Kitchens announce thebirth of a daughter, Tuesday morning, June 16 at Prather clinic. Mrs Kitchens was formerly Miss ImogenePilcher. TR, Tue 18 Jun 1940

Kitchens, Not named - Mr and Mrs Roy Kitchens announce thebirth of a daughter, Wednesday, September 9, at city hospital. TR, Fri 11 Sep 1942

Kitchens, Not named - Mr and Mrs Seab Kitchens, of the 28thdistrict, announce the birth of a daughter, Thursday, October 14. TR, Fri 15 Oct 1920

Kitchens, Not named - Mr and Mrs W O Kitchens, ofAndersonville, announce the birth of a son, Monday, November 17, who weighed 8½ pounds. TR, Thu 20 Nov 1941

Kitchens, Not named - Mr and Mrs W R Kitchens, of 129 N MayoStreet, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce daughter, November 19, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 20 Nov 1959

Kitchens, Not named - Mr and Mrs W R Kitchens announce thebirth of a ten pound son, Friday, January 24 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. Mrs Kitchens is the formerMiss Joyce Walker, of Rhine. TR, Sat25 Jan 1958

Kitchens, Peggy Ann - Mr and Mrs L D Kitchens announce thebirth of a six and a half pound daughter, Saturday, January 26 at the PratherClinic, who has been named Peggy Ann. TR,Mon 28 Jan 1935

Kitchens, Robert Jerry - Mr and Mrs Curtis Kitchens, of 306Taylor Street, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce son, Saturday, January31, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named RobertJerry. Mrs Kitchens is the former MissBetty Moore. TR, Mon 2 Feb 1959

Kitchens, Roy Jr - Mr and Mrs Roy Kitchens announce the birthof a son, Tuesday, March 21, at city hospital, who has been named Roy Jr. TR, Fri 24 Mar 1944

Kitchens, Shannen Bradley - Mr and Mrs Bradley Kitchensannounce the birth of a son Friday, May 15 at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital who has been given the name of Shannen Bradley Kitchens. The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs TomIreland and Mr and Mrs Robert Kitchens.His grandparents are Sims Kitchens of Americus, Mr and Mrs Robert Norrisof Daytona Beach and Mr and Mrs Elbert Reed of Cordele. TR, Tue 19 May 1970

Kitchens, Todd Clifton - Mr and Mrs Clifton G Kitchens Jr, ofEllaville, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 1 ounce son, born September 19, whohas been given the name of Todd Clifton.The baby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Alvin Gattis, of Ellaville, and MrsMarie Kitchens of Jacksonville and the late C G Kitchens Sr. TR, Tue 24 Sep 1968

Kitchens, Tracey Gweneve - Mr and Mrs L D Kitchens Jr announcethe birth of a five pound, 15 ½ ounce daughter, Tuesday, July 19 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby, who has been named Tracey Gweneve is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs BobDavis of Americus and Mrs L D Kitchens Sr of Thomaston. TR, Wed 20 Jul 1966

Kite, Nancylee - Mr and Mrs Roland Kite announce the birthof a 9-pound daughter Monday, October 7, who has been given the nameNancylee. Mrs Kite will be remembered asMiss Ruby Lee Tallant before her marriage.TR, Wed 9 Oct 1935

Kite, Not named - Mr and Mrs E C Kite, of 23B, BowenStreet, announce the birth of a 7 pound, 11 ounce son at the Americus andSumter County Hospital on April 22. TR,Thu 23 Apr 1959

Kite, Not named - Mr and Mrs Eugene C Kite, of 703Brooklyn Terrace, are the parents of an 8 pound, one ounce son, born October19, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital.TR, Fri 19 Oct 1962

Kite, Not named - Mr and Mrs Gerald W Kite announce thebirth of a seven-pound daughter, who was born Thursday, August 27, at theirhome, 121 Hamilton Street. Mrs Kite wasbefore her marriage Miss Winneskia Wood.TR, Sat 25 Aug 1934

Kite, Robyn Lynn - Robert and Lori Kite announce the birthof a daughter Robyn Lynn, born January 19.The infant weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces at birth. Maternal grandparents are David and Sara Nelsonof Montezuma and paternal grandparents are Mrs R E Brazil (Ruth); the late Mr RE Brazil and E C Kite of Americus.Robyn, as the baby is called, has a sister, Alicia Marie. TR, Sat 9 Feb 1991

Kite, Virginia Gail - Mr and Mrs E C Kite, of 11A SumterCircle, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 5 ounce daughter, August 25, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital, who has been named Virginia Gail. TR, Fri 26 Aug 1960

Kitterman, Mary Hulet Humber - Mr and Mrs Bill Kitterman ofLouisville announce the birth of an 8 pound, 6 ounce daughter, Mary HuletHumber, born Friday, June 21 at Augusta Hospital. She was named for her great-grandmother, thelate Mrs Mary Hulet Humber Easterlin of Americus. Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Frank EasterlinJr of Louisville and Mr and Mrs Bill Kitterman of Norfolk, Va. She is the great-granddaughter of the late Mrand Mrs Frank Easterlin Sr of Americus.She has a brother, Parker and a sister Margaret. TR, Thu 27 Jun 1985

Kitts, Not named - Mr and Mrs Charles Kitts announce thebirth of a son, Friday, February 20, at Prather Clinic. TR, Wed 25 Feb 1948

Kleckley, Frederick Jeffery - Lt (jg) and Mrs Fred N KleckleyJr, of Memphis, announce the birth of a 7 ½ pound son Tuesday, June 25, who hasbeen named Frederick Jeffery. The babyis the grandson of Mr and Mrs Fred N Kleckley Sr and Mrs Armstid Chappell, allof Americus. TR, Tue 25 Jun 1968

Kleckley, Frederick Newton Jr - Mr and Mrs Fred Kleckleyannounce the birth of a son, Tuesday, Aaugust 10, at Prather Clinic, who hasbeen named Frederick Newton, Jr. TR,Wed 11 Aug 1943

Kleckley, Henry Joe Jr - Mr and Mrs H K Kleckley, of WarnerRobins, announce the birth of a 9 1/4 pound son at the Macon County Clinic, inMontezuma Tuesday, July 11, who has been named Henry Joe Jr. Mrs Kleckley was formerly Miss Mary EllenDaniels, of Sumter County. TR, Wed,12 Jul 1950

Kleckley, Mary Ann - Mr and Mrs H J Kleckley, of WarnerRobins, announce the birth of an 8 pound daughter Feb 14, at the Macon CountyClinic in Montezuma. The baby has beennamed Mary Ann. Mrs Kleckley was beforemarriage Miss Mary Ellen Daniel, of Sumter Co.TR, Tue 19 Feb 1946

Kleckley, Valeria Danette - Mr and Mrs H J Kleckley, of WarnerRobins, announce the birth of a daughter Valeria Danette, at the Macon CountyClinic, Montezuma, Wednesday, October 3.Mrs Kleckley was the former Miss Mary Ellen Daniel of SumterCounty. TR, Sat 6 Oct 1951

Kleckley, William Bradford - Mr and Mrs Fred N Kleckley Jr, ofGretna, La announce the birth of a 7 pound, 3 ounce son born Wednesday, July 26who has been named William Bradford. Thebaby is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Fred Kleckley Sr and Mrs Ruth Chappell, allof Americus. TR, Thu 27 Jul 1972

Kleckly, Mary Maxine - Mr and Mrs Fred Kleckly announce thebirth of a daughter, Mary Maxine, Wednesday afternoon, June 9, at the cityhospital. TR, Thu 10 Jun 1937

Klein, Courtney Anne - Mr and Mrs Robert S Klein namedtheir baby, who was born Christmas Day, December 25 at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital, Courtney Anne. Thebaby, who weighed 8 pounds, 11 ounces at birth, has a sister, Kelli, age2. Maternal grandparents are Mr and MrsW C Wilson of Marietta and her paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs E S Kleinof Erie, Pa. TR, Mon 28 Dec 1981

Klein, Kelli Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Robert S Klein ofAmericus are the parents of a 7 pound, 4 ½ ounce daughter born Saturday,November 10 at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby has been given the name of KelliElizabeth. The infant’s grandparents areMr and Mrs W C Wilson of Marietta and Mr and Mrs E S Klein of Erie,Pennsylvania. TR, Tue 13 Nov 1979

Kloberdanz, Dylan Lee - Mr and Mrs Stacey Scott Kloberdanz ofLeslie announce the birth of a son, Dylan Lee, born Monday, July 31 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 8pounds, 3 ounces at birth. Grandparentsare Mr and Mrs Frank Dalton of Leslie and Mr and Mrs Larry Kloberdanz ofArvada, Co. Great-grandparents are Mrs BJ Flournoy of Leary, Ga and Mrs W Lumie of Arvada, Co. The infant has a brother Micah, age 7. TR, Tue 8 Aug 1989

Kloberdanz, Micah Dalton - Mr and Mrs Steve Kloberdanz of Leslieare the parents of an 8 pound, 14 ounce son born Thursday, November 12 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Micah Dalton Kloberdanz.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Lawrence Kloberdanz of Arvada, Colorado andMr and Mrs Frank Dalton of Leslie. Thebaby is the great-grandson of Mrs W H Dalton of Leslie and Mrs Ben Flournoy ofLeary. TR, Mon 16 Nov 1981

Kluck, Claire - Mr and Mrs Freddie Kluck, of Savannah,announce the birth of a daughter, May 10, who has been named Claire for hermaternal great-grandmother, Mrs E J Shehan.Mrs Kluck was formerly Miss Ida Mae Tyson, of Savannah andAmericus. TR, Wed 13 Jun 1945

Knight, Kathryn Ann - Mr and Mrs G T Knight, of GeorgiaSouthwestern College, announce the birth of a 6 pound, 7 ½ ounce daughter,August 29, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been given thename of Kathryn Ann. TR, Fri 31 Aug1962

Knight, Not named - Mr and Mrs G T Knight, of 532 E FurlowStreet, announce the birth of a six pound, 8 ½ ounce son, October 29, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Fri 30 Oct 1964

Knight, Not named - Mr and Mrs J T Knight announce the birthof a daughter, Tuesday, July 16, at Prather Clinic. TR, Thu 18 Jul 1946

Knighton, Charlet Garrett - Jeffery and Wendy Knighton ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Charles Garrett, born October 1 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 7pounds, 11 ounces at birth. Mrs Knightonis the former Miss Wendy Kallina .Grandparents are Mrs Carruth Knighton of Blakely; Charles Knighton ofColumbia, Ala; Mr and Mrs Virgil Holte of Albany; and Mr and Mrs Henry Kallinaof Denver, Colo.Great-great-grandparents are Mr and Mrs John Gilbert of Blakely; Mr andMrs Roger Hornsby of Albany and Mrs Eunice Knighton of Hilton. The baby has a brother, Cameron, agetwo. TR, Wed 16 Oct 1991

Knott, Karey Nicole - Is the name of the infant daughter ofMr and Mrs Dan Knott who was born at the Americus and Sumter County HospitalSunday, March 4. The baby weighed 8pounds, 9 ounces. Grandparents are Mrand Mrs Ferrell D Knott of Cordele and Mr and Mrs John M Thomas of DeSoto. TR, Thu 15 Mar 1979

Knott, Not named - Mr and Mrs F D Knott, of Cordele,announce the birth of a son, Monday, October 6, at city hospital. TR, Thu 9 Oct 1947

Knotts, Not named - Mr and Mrs Edward Lee Knotts, of Miami,Fla, announce the birth of a son at their home, 62 NE 23rd Street,August 23rd. Mrs Knotts willbe pleasantly remembered here by her many friends as Miss Floye Toler, beforeher marriage 2 years ago. TR, Wed 27Aug 1924

Knowles, Andrew Phillip - Mr and Mrs Phillip G Knowles, ofMacon, announce the birth ot a 9 pound son born Thursday, February 25 at theMacon Hospital. The baby, who has beennamed Andrew Phillip is the grandson of Mr and Mrs Robert Knowles of Americusand Mr and Mrs E W Leslie of Macon. TR,Fri 12 Mar 1971

Knowles, Danielle Robin - Mr and Mrs Phillip Knowles, ofMacon, announce the birth of a daughter, Danielle Robin, Monday, April 14 atthe Macon Hospital. The baby weighed 7pounds, 5 ounces. She is thegranddaughter of Mr and Mrs Robert H Knowles of Americus and Mr and Mrs GeneLeslie, of Macon. TR, Wed 16 Apr 1969

Knowles, Lauren Olivia - Mr and Mrs Robert D Knowles ofMarietta announce the birth of a 7 pound, 10 ½ ounce daughter born Wednesday,Mary 19 at Northside Hospital, Atlanta.The infant has been named Lauren Olivia.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Bob Knowles of Americus and Mr and Mrs L AHamilton of Atlanta. TR, Thu 20 May1982

Knowles, Not named - Mr and Mrs Fred Knowles, of Leesburg,announce the birth of a six pound, 12 ounce son, January 31, at the Americusand Sumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 3Feb 1964

Knowles, Robert Jefferson - Mr and Mrs C B Knowles announcethe birth of a son March 24, at their home in Leslie, who will be called RobertJefferson Knowles. TR, Thu 27 Mar1924

Knowles, Sandra Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs Phillip Knowles, ofMarietta, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 12 ounce daughter who was bornMonday, January 22. The baby, who hasbeen given the name of Sandra Elizabeth is the granddaughter of Mr and Mrs GeneLeslie of Macon and Mr and Mrs Bob Knowles of Americus. TR, Tue 30 Jan 1973

Knowles, Taylor Davis - Mr and Mrs Robert Knowles announcethe birth of a son, Taylor Davis, born September 24 at the Medical Center ofColumbus. The infant weighed 10 pounds,10 ½ ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mrs Bob Knowles of Americus and the late Mr Knowles andmaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Roy Holley of Lake Blackshear. The baby has two sisters, Kristina, 12 andLauren, age eight. TR, Sat 6 Oct 1990

Knowlton, David Scott - Mr and Mrs John C Knowlton of 595 HillStreet, Athens announce the birth of a son, who has been given the name DavidScott Knowlton. The infant, who was bornApril 28 at the Athens General Hospital weighed 7 pounds at birth. He is the grandson of Mrs C W Rightmyer andthe late Rev C W Rightmyer. His paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs Charles Knowlton.He has one brother, John Charles Knowlton III. TR, Mon 16 May 1983

Knowlton, Flora Gale - Mr and Mrs Walter Knowlton announce thebirth of a 6 pound, 12 ounce daughter, Friday, January 17, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. The baby hasbeen named Flora Gale. Mrs Knowlton isthe former Miss Jeanette Strange. TR,Tue 21 Jan 1958

Knowlton, Hiram Walter Jr - Mr and Mrs Walter Knowltonannounce the birth of a son Tuesday, April 28, at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, who has been given the name Hiram Walter Jr. Mrs Knowlton is the former Miss JeanetteStrange, of Ellaville. TR, Wed 29 Apr1953

Knowlton, John Charles III - Mr and Mrs Johnny Knowltonproudly announce the birth of a son, John Charles Knowlton III, born July 10 atPhoebe Putney Memorial Hospital in Albany.Charles, who weighed 5 pounds, 14 ounces at birth is the grandson of MrsC W Rightmyer and Mr and Mrs Charles Knowlton of Americus, Ga andgreat-grandson of Mrs Lora Rightmyer and Mrs Vera Hagerson of Americus and MrsLloyr Greer of Valdosta, Ga. TR, Fri13 Jul 1979

Knowlton, John Charles Jr - Mr and Mrs Charles Knowltonannounce the birth of a son, April 20 at Prather Clinic. The baby, which weighed 8 pounds and 6 ouncesat birth, has been named John Charles Jr.Mrs Knowlton is the former Miss Marguerite Hagerson. TR, Mon 21 Apr 1952

Knowlton, Michael Scott - Mr and Mrs Charles Knowlton announcethe birth of a 7 pound, 9 ounce son Monday, November 8, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital, who has been named Michael Scott. Mrs Knowlton is the former Miss MargueriteHagerson. TR, Sat 13 Nov 1954

Knowlton, Not named - Mr and Mrs J C Knowlton, of 745 WheatleyStreet, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 5 ounce daughter, April 22, at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. TR,Thu 23 Apr 1959

Knowlton, Pamela Jean - Mr and Mrs Walter Knowlton announcethe birth of a daughter on August 7, at city hospital. Her name is Pamela Jean and her mother is theformer Jeanette Strange, of Ellaville. TR,Thu 10 Aug 1950

Knowlton, Victoria Brett - Scott and Elaine Knowlton announcethe birth of a daughter, Victoria Brett, born May 2 at Sumter RegionalHospital. Maternal grandparents are Mrand Mrs Ernest Smith of Cordele and the late Rev William F Childres ofAmericus. Paternal grandparents are MrsMarguerite Knowlton and the late Charles Knowlton of Americus. Great-grandmothers are Mrs Annnie L McDade ofEatonton and Mrs Vera Hagerson of Americus.TR, Mon 7 May 1990

Knox, Jennifer Lee - Mr and Mrs James R Knox announce thebirth of a daughter born Monday, October 15 at the Medical Center inColumbus. The baby, who weighed 8pounds, 1 ½ ounces has been given the name of Jennifer Lee. TR, Wed 17 Oct 1973

Knox, Kelly Faucette - Mr and Mrs James R Knox of Americusannounce the birth of an 8 pound, 11 ounce daughter Tuesday, November 20 at theAmericus and Sumter County Hospital. Thebaby has been named Kelly Faucette Knox.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Fred Faucette, great-grandparentsare Mrs W B Ellenberg and George Faucette and great-grandmother is Mrs WrightEllenbert, all of Quitman, Ga. Paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs James H Knox of Columbus, Ga, great-grandparentsare Mr and Mrs John M Lee of Talbotton and Forrest Knox of Atlanta. TR, Fri 30 Nov 1979

Kobs, Amy Marie - Mr and Mrs Carl Kobs, of Charleston, SCannounce the birth of a daughter Wednesday, September 19 who weighed 7 pounds,4 ounces. She has been given the name ofAmy Marie. The grandparents are Mr andMrs Adolf F Kobs, Americus and Mr and Mrs Wells Poole, Ellaville. TR, Thu 20 Sep 1973

Kobs, Austin Nicholas - Billy and Pam Kobs of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Austin Nicholas, born September 11 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 9pounds, 1 ounce at birth. Maternalgrandparents are Sarah Merritt of Richland and Tommy Morris of Albany andpaternal grandparents are William and Dixie Kobs of Americus. Great-grandfather is H O Morris ofAmericus. The baby has a brother, Sean,6 and a sister, Brittany, 4. TR, Wed27 Sep 1995

Kobs, Betty Joyce - Mr and Mrs A F Kobs announce the birthof an 8 pound, 8 ounce daughter Saturday, January 10, at the Americus andSumter County hospital. The baby hasbeen named Betty Joyce. TR, Mon 12Jan 1953

Kobs, Brittany Christine - Billy and Pam Kobs of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Brittany Christine, born September 4 atSumter Regional Hospital. Brittany, asthe baby will be called, weighed 7 pounds, 12 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Sarah Merritt of Richlandand Tommy Morris of Albany and Mr and Mrs William Kobs of Americus. Great-grandparents are Mary Smith and H DMorris, both of Americus and Elam Roberts of Spokane, Wash. Brittany has a brother, Shawn, age 22months. TR, Wed 11 Sep 1991

Kobs, Janice Rae - Mr and Mrs Frank Kobs announce thebirth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce daughter, Thursday, June 28, at their home inHayward, California, who has been named Janice Rae. Mrs Kobs is the former Miss Charlotte Wilson,of this city. Mr Kobs is stationed inCalifornia with the U S Navy. TR, Mon2 Jul 1945

Kobs, Kenton William - Mr and Mrs William (Billy) Kobsannounce the birth of a 7 pound, 6 ounce son born at the Americus and SumterCounty Hospital on Friday, January 19.The infant has been given the name of Kenton William. Kent, as the baby will be called is thegrandson of Mr and Mrs James O (Boy) Osborne and Mr and Mrs Adolf Kobs ofAmericus. He is the great-grandson ofMrs Maggie Stribling and Mrs Minnie Daniel, both of this city. TR, Mon 22 Jan 1979

Kobs, Leslie Anne - Mr and Mrs Billy Kobs announce thebirth of a daughter born at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital. The baby, who has been given the name ofLeslie Anne has a brother, Kent.Grandparents are Mr and Mrs Adolf Kobs and Mr and Mrs James (Boy)Osborne, all of Americus. TR, Fri 4Jun 1982

Kobs, Meta Elizabth - Mr and Mrs A F Kobs, of East ChurchStreet, announce the birth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Tuesday, February21, at the Americus and Sumter County Hospital, who has been named MetaElizabeth. TR, Thu 23 Feb 1956

Kobs, Not named - Mr and Mrs A F Kobs of Americus are the parentsof a baby girl born October 21 at City Hospital. TCN, Thu 21 Oct 1948

Kobs, Not named - Mr and Mrs Adolph Kobs announce thebirth of an 8 pound, 8 ounce daughter, Sunday, January 19, at the Americus andSumter County Hospital. TR, Mon 20Jan 1958

Kobs, Not named - Mr and Mrs Frank Kobs announce the birthof a daughter, Tuesday, October 1, at City Hospital. TR, Thu 3 Oct 1946

Kobs, Sean Andrew William - Billy and Pam Kobs of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Sean Andrew William, born Thursday, October19. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 8ounces at birth. Paternal grandparentsare Mr and Mrs William Kobs of Americus and maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Tommy Morris of Albany and Mr and Mrs Johnny Merritt of Richland. TR, Tue 24 Oct 1989

Kobs, Terry Charles - Mr and Mrs Larry Kobs announce thebirth of their son, Terry Charles, on the 30th of September. He weighed 9 pounds, 6 ½ ounce. His grandparents are Mr and Mrs William Kobsand Mrs Shirley McNeilly, all of Americus.TR, Sat 2 Oct 1976

Kobs, Thomas Bert - Mr and Mrs Larry Kobs, of Route 2Americus, announce the birth of a 9 pound, 9 ounce son born Tuesday, February29 who has been named Thomas Bert. He isthe grandson of Mr and Mrs William Kobs and Mr and Mrs Louie DeVane. His great-grandparents are Mrs Addy Bradleyand Mr and Mrs Tom DeVane, Americus and Bert Roberts of Salina, Calif. TR, Tue 7 Mar 1972

Koerper, Douglas Weber - Dr and Mrs Koerper, of Oakland,Calif, announce the birth of a son, Saturday, March 8, who has been namedDouglas Weber. Mrs Koerper is the formerMiss Ruth Walters, of Americus. TR,Mon 10 Mar 1947

Koerper, Marsha Ruth - Dr and Mrs C W Koerper, of Oakland,California, announce the birth of a six pound daughter Friday, March 19, whohas been named Marsha Ruth. Mrs Koerperis the former Miss Ruth Walters, of this city.Dr Koerper is a lieutant in the Army Air Forces and is stationed atMiami Beach. TR, Sat 20 Mar 1943

Kominsky, Mary Kathryn - T Sgt and Mrs Joseph Kominskyannounce the birth of a daughter, Saturday, July 17, at city hospital, who hasbeen named Mary Kathryn. Mrs Kominskywas before her marriage Mary Louise Lawson.TR, Tue 20 Jul 1948

Koppell, Celia - Mr and Mrs M Koppell announce the birth of adaughter April 19, at their home on Barlow Street, who will be calledCelia. TR, Sat 22 Apr 1922

Koulouris, Twin Daughters - Mr and Mrs George S Koulouris, of218 Drayton Street, Montezuma, announce the birth of twin daughters, February4, at the Americus and Sumter CountyHospital. One weighed 4 pounds, 11ounces and the other 5 pounds, 6 ½ ounces.TR, Fri 5 Feb 1965

Krenson, Edwin Neel - Mr and Mrs Bill Krenson of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Edwin Neel, born Wednesday, September 5 at SumterRegional Hospital. The infant weighed 5pounds, 13 ounces at birth. Paternalgrandparents are Mrs Joseph R Crump of Houston, Texas and the late Mr William DKrenson Sr and maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Rembert Edwin DuBose of Atlanta. The baby has s brother, Will, age 2 ½. TR, Wed 12 Sep 1990

Krenson, William DuBose - Mr and Mrs Bill Krenson of Americusannounce the arrival of a son, William DuBose, born November 13. The infant weighed 7 pounds, 5 ounces atbirth. Paternal grandparents are MrsJoseph Crump of Houston, Texas and the late Mr William Day Krenson Sr andmaternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Edwin Rembert DuBose of Atlanta. TR, Tue 1 Dec 1987

Kress, Lois Mathis - Mr and Mrs Walter C Kress, ofPensacola, Fla, announce the birth of a daughter, November 4, who has beennamed Lois Mathis. The baby is thegranddaughter of Mrs Evan Mathis of this city.TR, Thu 5 Nov 1964

Kress, Walter Jr - Mr and Mrs Walter C Kress, of Pensacola,Fla, announce the birth of a son Walter Jr, October 22. Mrs Kress is the former Miss Lois Mathis, ofAmericus and the baby is the grandson of Mrs Evan Mathis of this city. TR, Sat 22 Oct 1960

Krietemeyer, Kimberly Elizabeth - Mr and Mrs George Krietemeyerof Americus announce the birth of a daughter, Kimberly Elizabeth, born Sunday,May 8 at Sumter Regional Hospital. Theinfant weighed 8 pounds, 5 ounces at birth.Paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs James B Whitesell and the lateElmer J Krietemeyer of Ocala, Fla.Maternal grandparents are Mrs Leslie M Tootle and the late Mr Tootle ofReidsville. TR, Fri 13 May 1988

Krietemeyer, Stephen Patrick - Mr and Mrs George Krietemeyer ofAmericus announce the birth of a son, Stephen Patrick, born Tuesday, March 5 atSumter Regional Hospital. The infantweighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces at birth.Maternal grandparents are Mrs Leslie Tootle of Reidsville and the lateMr Tootle and paternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Jim Whitesell and the lateMr Elmer Krietemeyer of Ocala, Fla. Thebaby has a sister, Kimberly, age three. TR,Tue 12 Mar 1991

Krinsky, Gerald Paige - Mr and Mrs Harold Krinsky announcethe birth of a son Sunday, September 13, at Americus and Sumter CountyHospital, weighing 5 pounds and given the name Gerald Paige.. TCN, 17 Sep 1953

Kroll, Hanna Louise - Mr and Mrs Mike Kroll of Americusannounce the birth of a daughter, Hanna Louise, born Tuesday, March 17 atSumter Regional Hospital. Mrs Kroll isthe former Miss Genie Horn of Americus.Maternal grandparents are Mr and Mrs Fred Horn of Americus and paternalgrandparents are Mr and Mrs James A Kroll of Brandon, Fla. TR, Wed 25 Mar 1987

Kuball, Charles Preston - Mr and Mrs Jeff Kuball of Americusannounce the birth of a son, Charles Preston, born January 1 at Sumter RegionalHospital. The infant weighed 8 pounds,13 ounces at birth. Grandparents are Drand Mrs J P Carswell of Waycross and Mr and Mrs Charles G Kuball of Valdosta. TR, Wed 6 Jan 1988

Kumar, Courtney Kiran - Sanjeev and Donna Bailey Kumar ofNorcross announce the birth of a daughter, Courtney Kiran, born Tuesday, July21 at Northlake Medical Center, Tucker.The infant, who is called Courtney, weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces atbirth. Maternal grandparents are Mr andMrs Merrell Bailey of Ellaville and paternal grandfather is Sam Prakash ofLucknow, India. Great-grandmothers areMrs Albert Fletcher, Mrs Ernest Bailey, both of Ellaville and Mrs Laxmi NarayanGoel of Lucknow, India. TR, Fri 7 Aug1992

Births From Sumter County Newspapers 1920 -1999 A thru K (2024)


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