How do I reach the Registration landing page?
By selecting the image on the Student Services tile on the home page, the Student Services landing page will be displayed. Under the Student & Registration section, select Registration to navigate to the Registration landing page. You can also select the Registration link within the Student Services tile to navigate to the Registration landing page.
What is new in Registration?
The registration pages are now split into six main categories:
- Prepare for Registration
- Plan Ahead
- View Registration Information
- Register for Classes
- Browse Classes
- Browse Course Catalog
Tutorial: Prepare for Registration
What is Prepare for Registration?
The Prepare for Registration page shows important information to know prior to registration, such as time ticket, academic status, registration holds, and any overrides that have been granted.
What should I do to prepare to register for classes?
Clear any holds that prevent registration, note your time ticket, and obtain any needed overrides.
How do I know what holds I have?
When looking at the registration status, a green bar showing no holds means you are good to register; a red bar with the words, “You have holds which prevent registration,” means you have holds to clear.
Tutorial: Plan Ahead
What is Plan Ahead?
The Plan Ahead page allows students to plan their schedules prior to registering for courses. Students can then try to register for the courses in the plan with one-click once registration is open.
How do I create a plan?
After clicking on Plan Ahead, click Create a New Plan. Search for the classes to go on the plan and then either add the course (ex. ENGL 1101) or add the section (ex. CRN 12345). In the bottom right, click Save Plan when the plan is complete.
How many plans can I have in a semester?
There is a maximum of five plans that can be created per semester, allowing students to set up different combinations of classes.
Can I change my plan before registering? What if a class on my plan is full?
The plan should be used as a guide. At any stage before or during registration, the plan can be changed. You can register for all or select classes on the plan.
How do I register for my plan?
On the Register for Classes page, click on the Plans tab and select the plan. Click either the Add all button or the Add button by each course. In the Summary box in the lower right corner, click Submit.
Am I guaranteed a seat if I have added a class to my plan?
No, you are not guaranteed a seat in the class if it is on your plan.
Does the plan check for max hours, pre-requisites, or co-requisites?
No, registration error checking is not part of the process to add a class to a plan. Registration errors will display at the time the plan is submitted for registration.
Can my advisor make a plan for me?
Advisors are unable to make plans for students, but you can make a plan when meeting with your advisor.
Can my advisor see my plan?
Your advisor cannot see your plan.
What is View Registration Information?
The View Registration page allows for viewing past schedules as well as current registration.
I do not see any courses for the current term, but I know I added courses. What is the issue?
When registering for classes, students must add classes to the Summary tile and then submit the classes to complete the registration action. It could be that the courses were only added to the Summary tile and the Submit button was not selected to complete the process.
Tutorial: Register for Classes
What is Register for Classes?
The Register for Classes page allows a student to search for classes, add classes to their schedule, register for plans, and view their class schedule.
I am waitlisted for a class. How do I know my position on the waitlist?
On the Register for Classes page, click Schedule Details on the bottom left. The waitlist position for that class will be displayed there.
How do I select the number of hours for a variable hour class?
After registering for a class with variable hours, click on the Schedule and Options tab. All of the registered classes will display. Classes with variable hours will show the hours as a link. Click on the link to change the hours.
Sometimes when I try to select the Register for Classes page, I first come to a page that tells me to pick a Persona. What do I do?
Click the X in the upper right corner to continue on.
When I use my phone to access the Register for Classes page, the page is hard to read. What can I do?
You can move the panels around on the page by clicking the arrows.
Sometimes when I use Firefox to access Athena I am unable to select the choice I need from a dropdown menu because my saved login information displays. What should I do?
Try turning off the autofill option in Firefox. Click on the Firefox menu icon, then select Preferences. Next select Privacy & Security. In the Forms & Autofill section, uncheck Autofill Addresses. The system will automatically save your settings.
Tutorial: Browse Classes
When should I use the Browse Classes functionality?
Use Browse Classes to find the section of a class that you want to register for or add to your plan.
How can I search for an online class?
Use the Advanced Search feature. In the Campus field, input or choose “Online” from the dropdown menu. This will display all online classes.
How do I search for classes based on attributes, such as the GA History Requirement?
Use the Advanced Search feature. In the Attribute field, input or choose “GA History Requirement” from the dropdown menu. This will display all classes that satisfy this graduation requirement.
How does the Keyword search work?
Enter one or more words (partial words allowed). The search returns classes that contain the word or partial word in the subject, title, or class description.
How can I use a wildcard in searching?
In any of the search options, enter ‘%’ as a wildcard. For example, to search for any 1000 level Honors course, enter ’1%‘H in the Course Number search field.
Tutorial: Browse Course Catalog
When should I use the Browse Course Catalog functionality?
Use Browse Course Catalog to find the general class for which you are looking to obtain more information or add to your plan.
Can I view class sections for the courses returned by the course catalog search?
Yes, you can view the list of class sections for the courses that resulted from the search by clicking the ‘View Sections’ button associated with a course ID.
How do I search for courses based on attributes, such as the GA History Requirement?
Use the Advanced Search feature. In the Attribute field, input or choose “GA History Requirement” from the dropdown menu. This will display all courses that satisfy this graduation requirement.
How does the Keyword search work?
Enter one or more words (partial words allowed). The search returns courses that contain the word or partial word in the subject, title, or course description.
Student Profile
Tutorial: Student Profile
What is the Student Profile?
The Student Profile combines all of the academic information a student will need on one page, including curriculum, registered courses, prior education, test scores, and quick links such as SAGE, eLC, and Registration and Planning.
Can faculty see my Student Profile?
Yes, faculty have a limited view of your student profile. Those faculty serving as your instructors for the semester can only see your photo, email address, curriculum, current schedule, prior education, and test scores.
Can advisors see my Student Profile?
Yes, advisors have a limited view of your student profile, including your photo, email address, curriculum, current schedule, prior education, and test scores.
Who can see my photo?
Your photo displays on the Advising Student Profile, Student Profile, Class Lists, and Grade Rolls.
How do I change my photo?
Your photo in Athena is the photo obtained by the UGA OneCard Office. To change your photo, you need to contact the UGA OneCard Office and request a new card.
I requested a new UGA OneCard with a new photo. How soon will the new photo display in Athena?
It may take up to one week for new photos to display in Athena.
Why do I not see my photo in Athena?
If you do not have a UGA OneCard, there will be no photo to display in Athena. For more information, contact the UGA OneCard Office.
View Grades
Tutorial: View Grades
How do I reach the Student Grades page to view my grades?
Select the Student tile from the Athena home page. Next, select View Grades from the Student & Registration section of the Student Services landing page. The View Grades link will direct you to the Student Grades page.
How soon can I view my final grades for a semester?
Grades will display in Athena the day after grades are due for a semester per the Academic Calendar.
Can I view grades from previous semesters?
Yes, on the Student Grades page you can choose the current term or previous terms to view courses and grades.
How do I find an instructor’s name for a class taken in a previous semester?
To find the name of an instructor from a previous semester, use the View Grades page to find the class. Click the CRN of the class and a pop-up of class details will display. Click the Instructor/Meeting Times tab to find the instructor’s name for the selected CRN.
Why does information on the View Grades pages seem out of order?
If the information seems out of order, please refresh the page.